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Security#: 123456


Notice to Agent is notice to Principal. Notice to Principal is notice to Agent.
I, John-Doe, by and through our Creator God, utilizing the HRS§526-6 Disclaimer of interest in property on behalf of
the JOHN HENRY DOE [name on the birth certificate] Estate, hereby disclaim any interest in the Entity and/or property of
JOHN HENRY DOE /5153-58 [name and # exactly on birth certificate], John H Doe/123456 [exact name and case # on
charging instrument/summons/order/etc] in custody, located at 64-1067 Mamalahoa Hwy. Kamuela, HI 96743 [court address],
with Prosecutor name as Usufructuary1,2 and further assign any interest in reversion to United States Treasury, to and for the
account of UNITED STATES. This Entity and all its property were created by means of a contractual agreement under duress
of involuntary servitude that i hereby terminate, cancel, rescind and repudiate for lack of full disclosure of all the terms of this
agreement, including, but not limited to, that i would forfeit my sovereignty and enumerated Rights, immunities and protections
under the Constitution for the State of Missouri (1820) [birth state and year enacted] and the Constitution for The United States
of America (1789).
By this Declaration, i no longer have an interest in the Entity nor its property and that i, henceforth, shall be
relinquished of all rights or claims that i have had or may have had, either by consent or assumpsit in these regards.
Furthermore, these rights relinquished shall not include God given rights nor the rights by hospitality and benefaction with
respect to State of Missouri, for my having entered into a society does not oblige me to follow its fate when it dissolves itself in
order to submit to a foreign dominion. I submitted to the society as it then was, to live in that society as the member of a
sovereign state, and not in another. I am bound to obey it while it remains a political society, but when it divests itself of that
quality in order to receive its laws from another State, it breaks the bond of union between its members and releases them from
their obligations. Since inception, i rescind all powers of attorney and signatures, unexpressed or expressed, compelled under
threat, duress, coercion, fraud and bankruptcy.
I thank you for your attention in this matter, as well as this gift of repentance. May peace be had.
Asseveration of truth - the above statements are made before God as my only authority and witness.
1 For illustration purposes only: “Brigadier General George B. Davis, Working Memoranda (Confidential for the United States Delegates): The Second Peace Conference
(Paragraph 2 of Programme), The Rules of War on Land, 43 (1907) (‘In the meaning which has been assigned to the term ‘usufruct’ in both the common and civil
law, the usufructuary [see infra note 2] is entitled to the enjoyment of the revenue so long as he preserves the substance or capital of which he appropriates and uses the
usufruct [infra]. In its application to the commanding general of occupied territory this means that, so long as he maintains the properties thus unimpaired, he may apply
the usufructuary revenue to the necessary expenses of the military occupation.’).”
U.S. Dep’t of Defense, Law of War Manual (June 2015 Updated Dec. 2016), § n. 326 (underscore added); “The term usufruct means literally ‘to use the
fruit.’ The Occupying Power may use and enjoy the benefits of public real (immovable) property belonging to an enemy State, but does not have the right of sale or
unqualified use of such property.” Id. 2d para.
2 For illustration purposes only: “One who has the right and enjoyment of an usufruct [ infra].” Usufructuary, civil law, Bouvier’s Law Dictionary (6th rev. ed. 1856); “The
right of enjoying a thing, the property of which is vested in another, and to draw from the same all the profit, utility and advantage which it may produce, provided it be
without altering the substance of the thing.” Usufruct, civil law, id.
Date: By:_[sign in blue ink]
John-Doe, authorized representative agent, A.R.R.
State of Hawaii )
County of Hawaii )ss.

On this ______ day of September, 2023, before me, ________________________________, John-Doe appears in
person and proves to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was
____________________________, to be the wo/man whose name is subscribed to the preceding or attached
document, and acknowledges to me that he autographs it voluntarily for its stated purpose.

Signature of notarial officer: ______________________________

My commission expires: __________

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