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Chandrayaan-3 Quiz for School Students

Welcome to the Chandrayaan-3 quiz! Test your knowledge about India's lunar
exploration mission, Chandrayaan-3.

Question 1: What is Chandrayaan-3?

a) India's first satellite b) India's first lunar orbiter c) India's third lunar
exploration mission d) India's first Mars rover

Question 2: Which organization is responsible for Chandrayaan-3?

a) ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) b) NASA (National

Aeronautics and Space Administration) c) ESA (European Space Agency)
d) CNSA (China National Space Administration)

Question 3: What is the main objective of Chandrayaan-3?

a) Study the surface of Mars b) Study the atmosphere of Venus c) Study

the surface of the Moon d) Study the outer planets of our solar system

Question 4: In which year is Chandrayaan-3 expected to launch?

a) 2020 b) 2023 c) 2025 d) 2028

Question 5: Which two components will Chandrayaan-3 consist of?

a) Orbiter and Lander b) Rover and Orbiter c) Lander and Rover d)

Spacecraft and Satellite

Question 6: What role does the "Rover" play in the Chandrayaan-3 mission?
a) It orbits the Moon and studies its surface b) It lands on the Moon and
explores the surface c) It communicates with Earth from the lunar orbit
d) It studies the atmosphere of the Moon

Question 7: Why is the Chandrayaan-3 mission important?

a) To search for signs of life on the Moon b) To establish a human colony

on the Moon c) To study the formation of asteroids d) To study the
effects of solar flares on the Moon

Question 8: Which previous Indian missions to the Moon laid the groundwork
for Chandrayaan-3?

a) Chandrayaan-1 b) Chandrayaan-2 c) Mangalyaan d) Aditya-L1

Question 9: What is the name of the lander that Chandrayaan-2 attempted to

deploy on the Moon's surface?

a) Vikram b) Pragyan c) Mangalyaan d) Agni

Question 10: What lesson did ISRO learn from the Chandrayaan-2 mission
that is being applied to Chandrayaan-3?

a) Not to attempt lunar missions again b) Not to use indigenous

technology c) The importance of international collaboration d) The
importance of redundancy and backup systems


1. c) India's third lunar exploration mission

2. a) ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation)
3. c) Study the surface of the Moon
4. b) 2023
5. c) Lander and Rover
6. b) It lands on the Moon and explores the surface
7. a) To search for signs of life on the Moon
8. a) Chandrayaan-1
9. a) Vikram
10.d) The importance of redundancy and backup systems


Of course! Here are 10 more multiple-choice questions about Chandrayaan-3:

Question 11: What is the primary method used by Chandrayaan-3 to

communicate with Earth?

a) Radio signals b) Morse code c) Optical lasers d) Smoke signals

Question 12: Which type of rocket is likely to be used to launch Chandrayaan-


a) PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) b) Falcon 9 c) Atlas V d) Soyuz

Question 13: What is the proposed landing site for the Chandrayaan-3

a) Sea of Tranquility b) Mount Everest c) Valles Marineris d) Moon's

south polar region

Question 14: What is the purpose of the "orbiter" component in


a) To search for water on the Moon b) To perform experiments on the

Moon's surface c) To transport the rover to the Moon d) To orbit the
Moon and provide communication link

Question 15: Which country became the fourth to achieve a soft landing on
the Moon with its lander Vikram of Chandrayaan-2?

a) China b) Russia c) United States d) India

Question 16: What is the estimated cost of the Chandrayaan-3 mission?

a) $100 million b) $500 million c) $1 billion d) $10 billion

Question 17: What is the primary energy source used by the rover on the

a) Solar panels b) Nuclear reactor c) Wind turbines d) Geothermal heat

Question 18: Which scientific instrument on Chandrayaan-3 is designed to

analyze the composition of the Moon's surface?

a) Lunar Telescope b) Moon Spectrometer c) X-Ray Analyzer d) Alpha

Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS)

Question 19: How long does it take for Chandrayaan-3 to transmit a signal
from the Moon to Earth?

a) Instantaneous transmission b) 1 second c) 4 minutes and 6 seconds d)

13 hours and 47 minutes

Question 20: What was the main objective of the Chandrayaan-2 mission?

a) To orbit Mars b) To land on Venus c) To study the Sun's corona d) To

study the Moon's south polar region

Answers: 11. a) Radio signals

12.a) PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle)

13.d) Moon's south polar region
14.d) To orbit the Moon and provide communication link
15.d) India
16.a) $100 million
17.a) Solar panels
18.d) Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS)
19.c) 4 minutes and 6 seconds
20.d) To study the Moon's south polar region

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