I Was Just Taking Care of My Sick Dad

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Episode 1

Someone said that even a small ax will knock down a large oak tree, and the
water drops that continuously fall over the years will make holes in the rocks.
So keep knocking, and it will open.

Ybriel repeated the sentence and knocked hard on the tightly closed door.

Sadly, however, the child’s hand was too small for the large, clunky door. No
matter how hard I tried, the noise of ‘Kongkong’ was the best.

I thought I might be able to hear it in the room only like this, so Ybriel raised
her voice even more.

“All that is within is Arra!”

Immediately, the pronunciation was muffled. Ybriel’s cheeks turned red in an

It’s shameful, but it’s unavoidable. Because Ybriel hasn’t fully adapted to ‘this
body’ yet.

‘Ah, that’s sad. Why did you come back to the days of such a little kid?’
Ybriel glared at the tall doorknob with a grudge.

‘If only I had been six years old, I would have been able to hold that doorknob
with my own hands!’

Once again, he stretched out his hand as best as he could, but the miracle of
lowering the height of the handle did not happen.

“Dad, are you listening?”

Despite the desperate call, the ‘Dad’ who was inside was still silent. In
response to the constant non-response, the strength of Ybriel’s hands and feet
fell all the time.
‘Is there a more cowardly father than this?’

It’s been a few days since the day Ybriel started coming to see my dad.

The child leaned his forehead against the door. His face was chilled by the
cool breeze.


Whispering earnestly, Ybriel struggled to swallow the words that lingered on

the tip of her tongue.

‘I’m not going to die until you get up from the hospital bed!’

Dawn was still far away.

Ebriel, who had been asleep, woke up astonished by the sound of the door
opening. The first thing he saw in his blurred vision was a lamp.

“Wake up, Princess Solgren.”

In the dim light, the appearance of the uninvited guest was vaguely revealed.
It was a face the girl was familiar with.

“Your Highness?”

Bright blonde hair and vermilion eyes that seemed to be engulfed in flames
were clear even in the dark.

The boy in front of him was the only prince of this empire, Tezeric Caswither

Tezeric approached without hesitation and lifted Ybriel up from the bed.

“Come on, wait a minute. What suddenly is this?”

“I don’t have time to explain. You have to get out of the palace right now.”
The boy wrapped a dark-colored cloak around Ybriel in her thin pajamas.
Then he hurriedly dragged the girl out of the room like a chased person.

Ybriel couldn’t find the slippers and went with Tezeric.

A misty night lay in the cool hallway. The dim window shadows on the floor
looked just like the dense bars of a prison.

Guided by Tezeric’s hand, Ybriel wondered if she was dreaming.

However, the smooth feel of the marble touching his bare feet and the body
temperature of Tezeric holding his wrist were too vivid to be considered a

Oh, maybe he’s trying to play a low-quality prank again. The Crown Prince
was always anxious to tease Ybriel.

‘Are you going to throw me in the fountain? Or are you trying to lock me in
the closet again?’

Ybriel, who was suddenly frightened, asked nervously.

“Where are you going?”

There was no answer, but Ybriel, who knew the geography of the imperial
palace, soon realized where the boy was headed.

Tezeric was on his way to the imperial chapel.

“Why the chapel…?”

“I’m only going to tell you once, so listen carefully. There is a secret passage
under the seat of the pipe organ.”

“Once you enter, go straight ahead without turning any corners. Then we will
be able to get out of the palace before dawn.”

Tezeric kept saying things he couldn’t understand. Eventually, Ybriel forced

her to stop.
“Why do I have to leave the palace?”

Then, Tezeric turned to Ybriel. There was an indescribable emotion in the

empty expression.

“Otherwise you will die.”

Ybriel hardened like a man drenched in cold water.

‘Die? I?’

Tezeric quickly added an explanation.

“Two weeks ago, the east side of the veil was torn. Duke Solgren could not
stop the pouring out of the beasts, and as a result, half of the northern half
was corroded.”

Solgren. The northernmost duchy of the Empire and the place where the girl
was born and raised.

Ybriel remembered the sky where the snow did not stop even after several

The deep blue coniferous forest that spreads unpredictably wide and the
snowy field as white as a canvas before painting.

I left on my own at the age of nine, but to the girl, the scenery there was still
clear even with her eyes closed.

‘By the way, Solgren is corroded….’

The soil begins to rot when a beast, a byproduct of the evil god ‘darkness’
takes over.

Such a phenomenon was called ‘corrosion’.

Once the land has become dark, if it misses the time to purify it, it emits

The toxins in the ground kill the plants, then the herbivores that have lost
their food, and then the carnivores.
‘In the end, even people.’

Despair crept over Ybriel’s face.

“Oh, is your father okay?”

It has been five years since I left Solgren, led by my tutor.

In Ybriel’s memory, his father’s face was blurred like a smeared watercolor.

The girl’s father was always confined to the room because of his health.

Bukbugong, who had a hard time taking care of his own body, could not
afford to take care of his own daughter, let alone the land.
‘Will such a father be safe from the beasts and toxins?’

The ominous premonition was right. Tezeric shook his head coldly.

“Contact from the Duke of Solgren has been cut off seven days ago.”

Ybriel held her breath and grabbed the hem of her pajamas.

“What about support? With only the troops stationed in the north—”

“I didn’t send it out in the first place. Because the imperial family plans to
announce that they will give up the North.”

“I can….”

“Now the Emperor will punish Solgren for failing to protect the territory. By
killing you, the only living bloodline of Solgren.”

Ybriel, who was listening, swallowed a smirk.

‘Corrosion is just an excuse. He must have used this event as an opportunity

to get rid of the thorn in his eyes.’

Ybriel’s father, Herwin, Duke of Solgren, was the half-brother of the current
Twenty years ago, when the current emperor ascended to the throne and a
major purge took place in the imperial palace, he was the only surviving
imperial family.

The reason Herwinmann avoided the Emperor’s blade was that he was a
member of the Imperial family and ‘Solgren’ at the same time.

The four Gongshin families, including the ‘veil keeper’ Solgren, swore one
thing under Shia’s name when they founded Veloyton together with the first

It’s called ‘the oath of protection’. The content was that the imperial family
could not harm the 4 Gongshin families, and the 4 families could not harm
the bloodline of the imperial family.
There was only one case where this pledge could be broken.

‘When I couldn’t fulfill my mission as a vassal.’

The Emperor will not miss this cause. Because his half-brother, who had
been bothering him the whole time, finally made a big mistake.

Ybriel bit her lip to hold back her tears.

Around that time, the entrance to the chapel in the distance began to appear
dimly. Tezeric’s steps got faster.

Ybriel looked at the back of the boy who was leading her.

I wondered if he hadn’t woken up and thought he would still be asleep

without knowing this.

“Why are you helping me?”

At those words, Tezeric stood tall. Ybriel carefully added a word.

“You hate me….”

The boy, who had been in a hurry the whole time, was silent for an unusually
long time.
It was dark outside the window because of the thick clouds. The boy
whispered quietly in the dark.

“… I never hated it.”

There was no bird to ponder over an unexpected answer. Tezeric slammed the
door of the chapel open.

A cold chill swept past his feet.

The moonlight that leaked out of the clouds again passed through the stained
glass and shattered into colors.
Under the dim light, a high ceiling that seemed to reach the sky, a huge pipe
organ, and a statue of a statue standing tall in the center were revealed.
Ybriel looked up at the statue silently.

‘Primal light, Shia.’

God had a long cloth hanging over his face, holding four stars in his hand.
Only the lips were exposed, and rumors circulated that the statue of Shia
sometimes smiled or sadly lowered the corners of her mouth inside the
Imperial Palace because of its secret and mysterious shape.

‘So, by looking at the expression of the gods, I was able to predict whether
good things would happen or bad things would happen.’
Unwittingly, Ybriel glanced up at Shia, who was hidden in darkness.

But just before the girl looked at the face of God, an unfamiliar voice flew in.
“I don’t think either of them came to pray.”

Theseric and Ybriel froze.

Just below the statue, from the darkest shadow of the chapel, a man walked
Episode 2
The moment his eyes met, Ybriel stopped breathing. It felt like my lungs were
being squeezed.
“Is it a good night?”

The man smiled with a bored expression.

The eyes of the same color as the prince’s eyes flashed fiercely under the dark
red hair that looked black at first glance.
Emperor of the Veloiton Empire, Kaizen Balaka Wilnarion.

Immediately after the death of the Emperor, the man ascended to the throne
by eliminating all his brothers except for Ybriel’s father.

Every time Ybriel encountered him, he was gripped with a strange fear.
Kaizen always had a dark and cold energy.

as death is.

“To come all the way here believing what my son said, the princesses are
always naive.”

At Kaizen’s words, Ybriel turned white and looked at Tezeric.

Maybe I was lured?

“Don’t fall for the alienation, princess.”

The answer came back as if he had read his thoughts.

Tezeric muttered, grinding his teeth.

“Who is your son?”

Ybriel saw the boy clenched his fists behind his back. Even the fact that his
fist was trembling thinly.
“Such. The prince doesn’t seem to be interested in playing with dolls
anymore, doesn’t he?”

The emperor slowly approached them with a threatening force like a wild
beast with unknown words.

Ybriel suddenly noticed something strange in his appearance.

A thick shadow was wriggling as if alive under the emperor’s feet as he
stepped forward.

“Run away!”
The moment Tezeric cried out urgently, the moving shadows spread out in
various directions.
In an instant, they bound Tezeric and Ybriel like chains.

The shadows were slippery and damp like reptilian scales. Although he
twisted his body in a creepy sensation, Ybriel could not move even a single
finger at will.

‘I can’t get out…!’

Meanwhile, Kaizen slowly got closer.

“It has been five years since you came to the Imperial Palace.”
He whispered low like a snake.

“I think it is time to return it to my brother.”

“don’t do it!”

Tezeric’s ferocious cry echoed through the chapel.

Kaizen didn’t care and drew the sword from his waist. Seeing the blue blade,
Ybriel grew tired of white.

‘You’re going to kill me.’

The girl stuttered open her mouth in fear.

“Sa, please save me….”

His whole body trembled and he bit his tongue. Nevertheless, Ybriel
continued to speak desperately.

“Your Majesty, I did nothing. please.”

Ybriel looked at the emperor with eager eyes. Kaizen, who watched the girl’s
movements, smiled.
“I won’t be lonely for long. Your father, who went first, will be waiting for
Immediately after, there was the sound of the sword tearing the air. Ybriel
couldn’t even scream.

The body crumbles to pieces.

hot I feel like my heart is on fire


Tezeric’s screams echoed in his ears. It was only after feeling the fear that
permeated the boy’s voice that Ybriel realized his death.

‘why? Why do I have to die?’

Wildfire rage swelled in Ybriel’s heart.

The last thing that Ybriel saw before she lost consciousness was the statue of

Inside the dark chapel, God was smiling at Ybriel like a lie.

‘Am I laughing at my stupidity?’

Ybriel’s expression contorted.

‘In Solgren, if at least my father had a little more strength, I wouldn’t have
suffered so vainly.’

After the fleeting regret, Ybriel closed her eyes.

One summer night when she was 14, the girl died.
thought he was dead

“What’s wrong, Eve?”

Until he opened his eyes in front of his father, Duke Solgren.


After living for only 14 years, Ybriel had not thought much about what
happened after her death.

So when I woke up in an unfamiliar room, I was quite surprised. This is

because the landscape was quite different from the afterlife that I had vaguely

‘Where are you?’

Ybriel was in a certain room.

It was a desolate space without decorations or even a single painting. Neat

furniture and tables caught my eye, but that alone didn’t tell me anything.

Ybriel quickly looked around more.

All the windows were covered with thick curtains, and the only light that
illuminated the room was the reddish flames of the fireplace.
Even though the fire wasn’t that weak, the room was somehow cool, and
Ybriel trembled a little.

‘Am I not dead?’

Then a low voice rang out again.

“Eve, are you listening?”


Ybriel let out a light moan.

The moment I met her golden eyes as clear as honey, the words I had to say
flew out of my mind.

On a bed in one side of the room, a man was sitting half-upright.

The man was as pale as blood. It looked like a piece of glass that would break
at any moment.

But at the same time, he was a handsome man who seemed to have just
walked out of a delicate masterpiece.

The soft silver hair was like a skein spun with sugar.

Long eyelashes glistened under the beautifully curved eyebrows, and the
smooth bridge of the nose and the lips below drew elegant and elegant lines
like God’s own strokes.

Thanks to her perfect appearance, even a slightly disheveled outfit looked

reverent and neat.

“Even if the door is open, you can’t just walk into Dad’s room.”

Ybriel took a deep breath, staring at the familiar, unfamiliar existence.

‘It’s Daddy….’

Herwin Solgren.

The duke who rules the northern part of the Veloyton Empire, the fault of
Willnarion, who had the imperial castle confiscated. And Ybriel’s only father.
He was now in front of the girl.

‘Is it like a vision before you die?’

Ybriel couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

“Really, are you Dad?”

Herwin smiled faintly at the questionable question.

“What have you been dreaming of, our star candy.”

Ybriel licked her lips.

star candy. It was Ybriel’s childhood nickname, which only Herwin had

Kaizen’s words he heard before suddenly dying flashed through Ybriel’s mind.

‘I won’t be lonely for long. Your father, who went first, will be waiting for

Ybriel woke up as if struck by lightning. Herwin’s presence here meant that

he, too, had lost his life.

My eyes were burning with anger and sadness.

“Lord, dead….”

Herwin blinked at the crying child. It was a bewildered look.

“Ugh ….”

Ybriel, who was glaring at Herwin with wide-eyed eyes, finally burst into

“What if I die?”


“If the lord is Lord and Jug, Solgren, how do you want to live, huh?”

Strangely, his pronunciation was muffled excessively, perhaps because he had

been crying for a long time, but the child did not have to worry about that.

Ybriel couldn’t stand it and ran to Herwin and hugged him.

“Hey, Eve?”

It smelled. The smell of a soft duvet, the subtle scent of medicinal herbs.

“I wanted to see you!”

The longing I had built up was blown away. Ybriel grabbed the hem of
Herwin’s robe and wept.

Herwin’s eyes widened as he looked down at his daughter in his arms.

But he quickly hid his disheveled expression and pushed Ybriel out of his
arms with a stern expression on his face.
“You must have come to work as a tutor again.”
After coughing once, he pulled the string by the bedside with a weak hand.

“Even so, it’s not okay. The person you need the most right now is not me,
but your tutor.”

It was only for a moment that I was surprised by the resolute words. A strong
sense of dizziness wrapped around Ybriel’s body.
‘Hey, just those words….’

Ybriel had heard the same thing before.

‘Even so, it can’t be done. The person you need the most right now is not me,
but your tutor.’
It was a long time ago, but it was a vivid memory for Ybriel. Because that’s
when the child’s life was ruined.
Episode 3
“Soon Lady Tillien will arrive at the castle. If you do this, then-”

“—Isn’t it going to be difficult to find my old teacher again?”

After intercepting Herwin’s words, Ybriel hurriedly turned her head to look
at the fireplace.
Above the fireplace hung a flag with a white stag and three flowers on it.

‘Solgren’s Snow Deer!’

Each of the four noble families of the Veloiton Empire has a crest that
symbolizes the family.
Among them, the coat of arms of the tentkeeper Solgren was a white stag and
three lilies.
Ebriel, the only daughter of Duke Solgren, could not be unaware of the

‘This is Solgren. Dad’s room in the Duke of Solgren.’

Is that all? The smell of bitter medicine in the tip of my nose, the sound of
firewood burning in the fireplace. The soft feel of a thick duvet.
‘Can the illusion be so vivid?’

Ybriel’s tears stopped at the question that filled her. A knock was suddenly

“come in.”

With Herwin’s permission, the visit opened immediately. A woman in a dark

blue dress entered cautiously.

“Excuse me, Duke. I have come to see you.”

Ybriel recognized the face and widened her eyes.
“Lee, Lily?”

“Yes, lady.”

Oh My God. It was really Lily!

Ybriel was shocked and unable to speak.

Light brown hair tied neatly and blue eyes resembling the sky. Definitively to
the point around the eyes.

The face was younger than the last time I saw him, but it must have been Lily
Belgrin, the girl’s nanny.

‘Anyway, why is Lily here?’

Lily returned to the western part of the Empire where she was born when
Ybriel was six years old. There was no way he could have been involved in
the erosion of the north.

‘This really is the afterlife…?’

But what if not in the afterlife? The conflicting logic made Ybriel perplexed.

“Take me to your room.”

Herwin glanced at Ybriel. Lily’s expression hardened.

“yes. I’m really sorry, Duke.”

Lily, who bowed her head to apologize, came closer and hugged Ybriel.


Ebriel was startled by the feeling of his body being lifted.

‘Is Lily so strong? No, before that, I was of the size that I could hold in my
arms like this?’
While Ybriel was confused, Lily quickly ran out of the room holding the

“Come on, wait a minute…!”

Herwin disappeared from Ybriel’s sight without any help.

“Oh, my God, my lady. Do you know how surprised I was that he

disappeared while I was preparing my bath water?”

Lily quickly turned the corner and started walking up the stairs.
“Even if you don’t like having your tutor come, there’s nothing you can do
about it. He must have been a hard-hired man by the Duke.”
Lily’s story was also in Ybriel’s head.

‘Are you sure. It’s something I’ve been through.’

The girl clenched and stretched her hands repeatedly. His hands were
strangely small. Just like the body has gotten smaller….

“Do not worry too much. A good teacher will surely come.”

Lily stopped in the middle of the hallway and opened the door with one hand.

The bright sunlight inside looked like a child’s room.

For a brief moment, Ybriel confirmed that the canopy of the bed was a pale
amber color, and that the carpet on the floor was ivory.

Again, Ebriel blinked at the familiar scenery.

On one side of the room was a quiet bay window. The moment I found the
bunny doll placed on it, my memories flooded in like a wave.

‘This is a present from me.’

A white rabbit doll wearing a ribbon with blue buttons attached to her eyes to
match Ybriel’s eye color.
‘I called it Snow Berry.’

It was a handcrafted gift from Lily on Ybriel’s fifth birthday.

When I left Solgren and went to the Islands, I still remembered it as
something I hadn’t picked up.
‘Here, maybe.’

Before Ybriel realized something, Lily opened the door to the bathroom
connected to the room.

The warm steam and the nice scent of flowers were coming up from the bath
water I had received in the bathtub beforehand.

“Well, first wash up and go downstairs. You have to look at the girl’s birthday
cake, which the head chef has ambitiously prepared.”

It was the moment Lily was heading to the bathtub. An unbelievable scene
appeared in Ybriel’s eyes.

“Come on, get me down. Come down.”

“Oh, I’ll drop you off, so don’t hesitate. If you fall, you’re in trouble.”

Lily, who spoke kindly, laid down Ebriel.

As soon as she got down on the floor, Ybriel hurriedly ran to somewhere.

The child stopped at a long full-length mirror on the bathroom wall.

Ebriel’s figure was reflected through the mirror, which was clean without a
single speck of dust.
Fluffy silver hair and mysterious blue eyes are the ones she knows well.

But this appearance was unexpected.

“…Is this me?”

cheeks full of breasts. Short limbs and half stature.


Absolutely sloppy pronunciation.

Ybriel turned her head in shock. Based on the words Lily had said and the
doll she received as a gift, who is she now?

“Am I supposed to be five years old?”

“Yes, it’s your birthday today!”

Lily, who knew nothing, exclaimed brightly.

“Congratulations on turning five, miss!”

“Aww, no!”


After a moment of confusion, Ybriel admitted that she had not died, but had
traveled back in time.

‘Wasn’t the memory of staying in the system a very long dream? It’s like
seeing the future.’

He thought about it for a moment, but soon realized that it wasn’t like that.

“Lady, have you ever been hurt here?”

Lily, who was getting dressed, asked in surprise.

When Ybriel checked, there was a small scar under the collarbone, near the

Ybriel lightly patted her on top.

‘It’s a place I’ve never been hurt before. This is probably….’

In the chapel, Emperor Kaizen’s sword had stabbed right here. It was clear
that it was an injury. Other than that, I couldn’t figure out any other reason.
I don’t know why the scars remain on the body I have now, having returned in
time, but thanks to this, Ybriel was able to organize her thoughts quickly.

“I was dressed every day, how could I not have known?”

Lily blamed herself with an upset expression.

“You must have been very sick.”

It hurts very, very much.

Ybriel was barely holding back the desire to rant like that at any moment.

Who would believe the story of going back in time? And that’s what a five-
year-old child said.
‘I’m glad I didn’t call the doctor.’

He couldn’t even bring up the word that he would die at the hands of the

‘Because if you do, your neck may be blown away due to blasphemy of the
imperial family.’
Ybriel pondered as Lily dried her hair. Why did this happen to you and what
should you do from now on?

‘No matter how much I think about it, I have no idea why I came back to the
past. But one thing is for sure….’

As she recalled the future, Ybriel’s body became cold as if it had been hit by
a blizzard.

As it is now, the future was clear.

‘The year I turn 14, Solgren will fall, and the Emperor will kill me.’

Recalling the sensation of being stabbed by a sword, Ybriel shrugged.

The child clearly remembered Shia’s smile she had seen just before she died.
Now that I think about it, I don’t think it was a joke.
‘This is a God-given opportunity. One chance to change the future and escape
from death.’

So, what can you do to seize that opportunity?

‘I’m only five now.’

Episode 4
Ybriel sighed heavily. There wasn’t much he could do right now with this tiny
Besides, the curtain was torn when Ybriel was only 14 years old.

At the age of fourteen, you are just about to debut in the social world. It was
too difficult to establish his own power.

‘To be honest, I’m just a child with no power.’

At this point, there was only one way that Ybriel could expect.

It is Ybriel’s father, Herwin, Duke of Solgren, to restore power.

‘In the first place, he was executed for failing to protect the territory, so Dad
can protect the territory. You just need to have enough power that the
emperor can’t take it lightly!’

If the duke regains the power he deserves as a noble family, there is no need
for Solgren to collapse and no for Ybriel to die.

‘okay. Daddy can protect me! Then you can do it….’

Ebriel’s eyes clouded as she continued to think.

‘If there is only one problem, then.’

My dad is very sick….

“Oh, lady? Why are you pulling your hair all of a sudden? Did I make a

Lily, who was brushing, panicked and grabbed Ybriel’s hand.

“Oh, no. nothing….”
Evil Ebriel swallowed a sigh.
Although the imperial castle was confiscated, Herwin Solgren was the head of
the Gongshin family.
There are a number of reasons why Solgren doesn’t have the support base he
deserves, but the main reason is still his health.
When I ask about Solgren by holding onto anyone at all, will the answer come
back to me, ‘Ah, the territory ruled by the weak Northern Prince?’

A guardian of the north who can’t walk for less than ten minutes because of
his weak lungs and suffers from small illness like eating.

‘Really a glass body.’

That was Herwin, Duke of Solgren.

Ybriel looked out the window. The northern landscape filled my vision.

A vast coniferous forest, and a snowy field so pure that it makes your eyes

Beyond that stood twelve gigantic, sharp peaks of the Chima Mountains,
arrogantly looking down upon the world.

Ybriel caught the iridescent waves swaying between the rough ridges as if
engraving them into her eyes.

Between the first and subsequent peaks of the Chima Mountains, a brilliant
polar light shone day and night.

The light that appeared like a boundary line was called ‘the curtain’ in the

Ybriel remembered the words he had heard from the Crown Prince before he

‘Two weeks ago, the east side of the veil was torn. Duke Solgren could not
stop the pouring out of the beasts, and as a result, half of the northern half
was corroded.’

The veil is not just a meteorological phenomenon.

Unimaginably strong magical beasts were lurking all over the Chima
Mountains, where darkness was sealed.

The only barrier against them was the veil.

What would happen if such a veil ceased to function one day?

‘Solgren will pay for that crime….’

A terrible sensation came to mind, and Ybriel closed her eyes for a moment.

Solgren, carrying the mission of a veil keeper, could not protect the veil.

Isn’t that too cunning?

‘Why was the veil that had been intact all of a sudden torn? Didn’t I get any
news from you in the Imperial Palace? Why did the imperial family
immediately abandon the North without sending reinforcements?’

Perhaps it was all a scheme of Emperor Kaizen. As soon as she thought of

that, Ybriel felt a goose bump on the nape of her neck.

‘You can’t just be helpless.’

In order to restore the duke’s authority for the future, Herwin Solgren must
somehow get rid of his illness.

For now, that was the only way for Ybriel to live.

‘Then my top priority goal from now on is….’

Ybriel clasped her little hand tightly.

‘It’s Dad’s health recovery!’

Lily led Ybriel to the dining room, which had been redecorated.
“Come on, sit over here.”

A light breakfast and birthday cake were served on the long table. After
scanning the table, Ybriel had one impression.

‘You’re short-sighted….’
It was nicely packaged and simple, and to put it bluntly, it was a table so
shabby that it was hard to see it as a table for an aristocratic family.

‘At first glance, it seems that the thin soup, dry meat with no gravy, and the
salad withering may be due to the use of old vegetables. Plates and cutlery are
all inferior.’

The shortcomings of Ybriel, who had been living in the Imperial Palace
before returning, came to mind.

The best thing about it was the cake in the center. He seemed to be paying
attention to his birthday.

Ybriel looked at the top of the empty table.

Originally, Herwin was supposed to be sitting there, but he wasn’t feeling

well, so instead of going down to the restaurant, he was making all the meals
in his room.

‘Is your father eating such a poor meal too?’

Whether her weakness was due to lack of nutrition or not, Ybriel was

“Wealth, it’s not enough, but I did my best to prepare.”

The castle’s head chef, Alex, had an expressionless expression. With a gloomy
look, Ybriel hid her concern and smiled.

“It’s not enough, isn’t the cake so wonderful? Thanks, Alex. the best.”

Ybriel raised her thumb, paying attention to her pronunciation.

“Hehehe, girl….”
Reliable Alex sighed and wiped the tears from his apron. It was funny, but
also sad at the same time.

It’s not because the chef’s skills aren’t good enough. not. It was the material

‘It must be that the financial condition of the Gongseongseong is the worst
enough to have to reduce the budget for food materials.’

On the way to the dining room, Ybriel found none of the decorations in the
castle’s hallways.

The walls were flat, with no tapestry or at least a painting hanging on them,
and the windows were covered in frost and dust.

‘It’s really messed up, our Youngji….’

Ybriel blew out the candles on the cake with a complicated heart. Lily and
Alex clapped.

“Happy birthday, miss!”

“Happy birthday!”

After a simple birthday celebration, breakfast began.

It’s a pity for Alex, who cooks so hard, but Ybriel was so deep in thought that
he didn’t know the taste of the food.

There were still nine years left before Solgren was corroded by darkness and
Ybriel died.

But that didn’t mean it was easy.

“My birthday is October 27th, so today is October 27th, Ravankel 147.”

I remember clearly what happened around this time, even without trying to
recall it.

‘Dad did it. Lady Tillien will arrive at the castle soon.’
Tillien of Count Seymour was Ybriel’s first tutor.

‘Tilien Seymour cannot be brought into this castle.’

Before returning, Ybriel had to go to the Imperial Palace because of her


It was the worst choice in Ybriel’s short life to follow Lady Tillien to the
Islands and enter the palace.

Ybriel measured the timing.

‘Lady Tillien will come in five days from now.’

There was never much time. In order to cure Herwin, Ybriel had to stay in

‘The person you need the most right now is not me, but your tutor.’

As she recalled Herwin’s words, Ybriel had a gloomy expression on her face.

‘Dad is an idiot. I don’t know anything. The person I needed was always my
To Ybriel, Herwin Solgren was clearly a sweet and gentle father.

But if you ask if he was a close father, Ybriel will shake her head.

There was always an invisible boundary between Herwin and Ybriel.

Herwin Solgren was often ill due to a long illness, and Ybriel was a quick-
witted child compared to her peers.

Little Ybriel realized that the sickly Herwin had distanced himself from him
and would always back off first to avoid further tiring him.

‘But now it has to change.’

Ybriel put down her spoon and jumped up from her chair.

“Lily, is Lily my nanny?”

Lily, who was standing there, answered Ybriel’s question in a friendly manner
while tilting her head.

“Yes, I am her nanny.”

“Are you by my side no matter what?”

“Of course I’m on the girl’s side.”

“Then will you do whatever I ask?”

“Please. Say anything.”

Then Ybriel rolled her eyes and smiled. Innocent Lily.

“Anything, right?”
Episode 5
Even though the dawn was washed away by the morning sun and the whole
area was bright white, the inside of the Duke of Solgren was full of silence.
Herwin Solgren was always at the center of that cool silence.

His room was dark even when the sun was in the middle of the sky because
of the dark curtains. It was because the peacock, who had been dealing with
illness for a long time, was reluctant to even bask in the light.
In order not to provoke the peacock, who was always sinking, the users
walked around the hallway holding their breath.
Because of this, Herwin’s world was dark and quiet like deep water, and it
was also lonely.
There were only two things that could interrupt his rest.

Documents required to be signed by the Duke, and treatment by a doctor

residing in the castle.
But neither of them woke Herwin up today.


Herwin, lying on the bed, groaned lowly.

The fever he had developed all night was still bugging him.

‘I need to call the doctor….’

Herwin moved his heavy arms to find the string. Then something cold fell on
his forehead.

“Collock, what….”
When I opened my eyes in surprise, I saw a white figure with blurred vision.
He was strangely small for a doctor or a servant.

“Good morning, Dad!”

The bashful smile on his face was exactly like his daughter’s. No, it wasn’t a
resemblance, it was really a daughter.
Herwin couldn’t hide his embarrassment.

‘Is it a dream?’

He inquired inwardly and affirmed alone.

“It’s a dream….”

I’ve been heartbroken ever since Ybriel left his room crying yesterday. As a
result, Ybriel must have appeared in her dream.

It was the moment he was about to close his eyes. At the end of her gaze,
Ybriel smiled wildly.

“Um, is it a dream?”
Realizing that the roaring voice could be heard very clearly, Herwin
reflexively got up.


At the same time, something fell from the top of his head. Herwin lifted it
with a large hand.

A small handkerchief fell from the top of his head. A handkerchief that drips
water because it is not tightly wrung out.


“I think I have a fever!”

Herwin was speechless and shut his mouth.

‘When and how did you get here?’

No matter how bad his body was, he didn’t feel any signs at all. As Herwin
looked around, he noticed a buzzard hovering outside the room.

“Is it Lily outside?”

After a moment of silence, the answer came.


“Come in for a second.”

“Good morning, Duke.”

Lily, who came in as if she had been waiting, greeted her with an awkward
smile. Herwin saw the face and immediately intuited that the nanny was an

“Did you open the door?”

“no! I haven’t touched….”


“… I hugged her so she could open it.”

Lily couldn’t help it either. Because Ybriel was very desperate.

‘please! Must go in! You promised me, Lily!’


‘Hey, if I don’t see my dad today, I might lose my appetite and not want to

‘Hey, you say such terrible things!’

In response to repeated earnest demands (actually close to intimidation), Lily
took advantage of the absence of the servant in the bedroom to help Ybriel.
Herwin sighed softly.
“Just take me out. Take away this towel.”

Then Ybriel jumped.

“Ah, I have a fever! You can’t throw it away!”

“Eve, thank you very much, but I want to see you.”

Herwin looked like a wet mouse. His hair, his face, everything was damp
with water.

Knowing that he was wrong, Ybriel had a pierced expression on his face.

“But it’s so difficult to weave a wet towel…?”

The child’s eyes looking up at him had a desperate corner somewhere.

“Eve, just yesterday, Dad said. Even if the door is open.”

“You can’t just come in….”

The child knows his mistake, so there is no reason to say any more.

“You can’t do this again. Understand?”

Herwin stroked Ybriel softly and then blinked at Lily.


Ybriel wept and went out into Lily’s arms.

‘I wasn’t a child who looked like that.’

The child’s whining sounded a bit awkward. Herwin swallowed a cough and
waved his hand.

Although she acted unexpectedly, Ybriel, whom Herwin knew, was a good
daughter who obeyed him well for her age.

Having said it twice, he thought Ybriel would have understood what he

Until the child comes back that afternoon….

“Good afternoon, Dad!”

It was a roaring voice that woke Herwin from his brief nap.

The child dragged a chair to the side of the bed and sat down like a person
who had come with determination.

Perhaps he had completely forgotten what happened in the morning, and he

even waved his legs with a smile on his face.

‘You didn’t answer….’

When Herwin asked if she could do this again, okay? Ybriel didn’t say

‘Did you mean this?’

Herwin let out a short sigh, and lifted his heavy body from the ailment.

“Eve, obviously….”
Herwin, who had been speaking with a stern expression on his face, was

“What is this?”

“My doll!”

Herwin looked at the white rabbit doll in his arms with a look of disbelief.

“My name is Snow Berry. It was made by Lily, but I brought it because my
dad’s room was too small. It is packed full of prayers for good health, so
make sure you sleep with it next to you!”

Ybriel chattered non-stop. Herwin called for Lily with the most calm
expression possible.

This time, Lily, who was waiting outside, rushed in.

“Hmm, I called you, Duke.”

Although thin from the disease, the duke was about six feet tall.

‘A doll in the arms of an elongated adult.’

Lily had to try desperately not to laugh at the peacock.

Herwin, who had a neat expression on his face, but had good eyesight, quickly
recognized a smile.

He rubbed his forehead in embarrassment.

“Can you take the star candy and the snow berries, both of them?”

“Ah, wait a minute! I have something I want to talk to you about!”

“If it’s a tutor’s story, let’s do it next time. And did I say you shouldn’t come

“Well, but if you don’t do this, you won’t have a chance to meet Dad…!”

Ybriel, who was trying to hold on to the bed post, was finally dragged out
with a crying sound such as ‘Hey’.


“I’m sorry, but….”

Ybriel, who had buried her face in the cushion of the sofa and mumbled,
slurring her pronunciation, raised her head.

“Daddy is so adamant!”

“Don’t be upset, miss.”

Lily, who was standing by her side, comforted her.

“I thought it was because I was worried about my dad!”

At first, I had come here with the intention of bringing up the story of the

However, Ybriel, who had traveled back in time, was able to see Herwin’s
condition with a more objective eye. In my last life, I was so young that I
didn’t realize it.

When he sneaked into the Duke’s room early in the morning, Ybriel had no
choice but to stop doing nothing for a few seconds.

‘I was scared.’

Herwin, lying on the bed, looked close enough to disappear at any moment in
Ybriel’s eyes.

‘You must have been like that all the time in a bleak room that doesn’t get
much light.’

Ybriel felt the long-standing loneliness in her father’s room. That’s why I put a
wet towel on my forehead, even with my clumsy skills. I’ve never really cared
for anyone, so I don’t think it helped.

‘It’s sad when no one is by your side when you’re sick.’

Ybriel knew it because she had experienced it while living in the Islands.

‘That’s why I tried to stay close to you so that there are no lonely birds!’
Herwin was a tougher person than Ybriel had expected.

‘I can’t. We need another operation.’

Instead of going to the room blindly, I had to move more deliberately.

‘If you want to take full care of your father, you should first find out about his
illness, right?’
Ybriel’s eyes lit up.

“Lily! This is where I should go! Right Now!”

“yes? Where?”

Ybriel grabbed Lily’s hem and started walking busily.

“Pharmacy room!”

It was in this castle that the man who knew Herwin’s disease best was there.
Episode 6
Due to Duke Solgren’s seizures at least once a month, the castle had a good
It was his responsibility to see Herwin every time he was sick, and to prepare
medicine for every hour. In other words, it is the doctor who understands
Herwin’s condition better than anyone else.

However, this doctor had some flaws.

“No, miss. Why did you come to the pharmacy?”

The castle’s young doctor, Evan Chrysler, stood up surprised by the visit of
the young princess.

“Where are you sick?”

“No, it’s not like that….”

Evan rolled his eyes and smiled as Ybriel muttered.

“Aha, then you came because I wanted to see you.”

No, it’s the devil! Ybriel forced a wrinkled expression on her face.

‘It’s like a quack with a smirk.’

Strictly speaking, he was not a quack because he had a medical license, but
before his return, and even now, Ybriel considered him a quack.

‘If your skills are at a level that you know, what do you do? There are dozens
of users who have fallen for Evan’s work and left the castle crying over the
wounds of the broken heart.’

It was almost unforgivable that it had not been cut and remained in the castle.

Because of the lascivious behavior he had seen so far and the sharpness of his
luscious face, Ybriel didn’t like Evan at all.
“Does Lily have any pain?”
“Yes, I am fine.”

“Come to me right away if you are sick. I’ll take responsibility and take care-”

“Evan! Can I take a look at the pharmacy?”

Ybriel interrupted Evan in a hurry.

‘As much as Lily, dirt can’t get into my eyes!’

Ybriel could do anything to protect her precious nanny.

“Are you here?”

“Yeah, let’s take a look!”

Evan nodded, puzzled, but meekly.

“Of course. But there won’t be many things of interest to you.”


Ybriel feigned an excited face and approached Evan’s desk. It must have been
that they were just making medicine, and there were herbs, books, and paper
scattered all over the place.

“Are these ingredients to make Daddy’s medicine?”

“Yeah, we’re making it for three days.”

“I see.”

For a very brief moment, Ybriel’s eyes scanned them sharply, but no one

The child soon moved away from the desk as if he had lost interest.

“How is it. Isn’t it fun like I said?”

“Yeah, it’s full of difficult words. The pool smells strange.”

Ybriel turned around. Her braided hair fluttered behind her back.

“Yeah, Evan. What disease does your father have?”

“Yes, yes?”

Evan, who was ambushed, stuttered. He cleared his confused expression and
looked at Ybriel.
“Why are you suddenly curious about that?”

“I want to know. Maybe I can find a cure for my dad’s disease!”

Evan looked down at the innocent face of the child.

Not much was known about Herwin’s ‘pathology’. Only the doctor Evan
himself and the duke’s aide knew the truth about the duke’s illness.

‘No one else knows. Even a person from this castle.’

Evan’s eyes glared at Lily. He quickly regained his usual relaxed look.

“Your Majesty is suffering from a disease that gradually weakens the lungs.
That’s why he can’t walk for a long time, and the average person is a little sick
and suffers greatly from horse sickness.”

Ybriel tilted her head.

“Then what should Dad do to be healthy?”

“Usually, you just need to eat well, sleep well, and then gradually exercise to
build up your stamina, but in the current state of your Majesty….”

Evan flinched as he tried to speak pessimistically.

“Can I eat well, sleep well, and exercise? Will Daddy be healthy then?”

Ybriel was looking up at him with clear eyes. Evan hesitated for a moment.

‘Because I can’t make the girl cry.’

He decided to lie in good faith.
“sure. Your Majesty’s concern will gradually improve your condition. When
the weather gets nicer, it would be nice to go out for a walk together.”

Ybriel’s face brightened like morning.

“really? Would it be okay?”

“Sure. There are many cases of patients dying due to sincere care. Her
sincerity will definitely work.”

Evan hid his cynical expression with a foxy smile.

He was a person who believed that all stories such as sincerity and sincerity
were only illusions.

Life and death are clear.

‘Those who die die, those who live live.’

His job is to save lives. If Herwin Solgren was the only one to live, he would
have survived sooner.

Painkillers and sleeping pills only relieved the pain, but the current state of
the duke was not within his control.

‘I have no choice but to hope that the young lady endures well.’

Fortunately, the lie seemed to make him feel better, so Ybriel rushed to Evan
and hugged him.

“Thank you, Evan!”

Lily, who was watching from behind, was relieved inwardly at the excitement
of the child. I was worried that Ybriel might be upset by the work of the

‘I’m glad you’re feeling better.’

Lily gave Evan a thumbs up.

‘Evan, good job!’

Evan laughed silently and raised his thumb in the same way.

Not knowing that Ybriel in her arms was smiling strangely.


It is said that the duke was ill, but little was known about the disease.

‘Sometimes seizures, and the respiratory system is weak enough to not be able
to walk for long.’

That was all that Ybriel knew.

So, first of all, Ybriel tried to figure out exactly what Herwin’s disease was.
‘Before the regression, I was too young to even think of recognizing it.’

But now it was different.

While in the Islands, Ybriel had studied herbal medicine to help Herwin.

‘Yeah, it was about memorizing the books of the Imperial Library.’

At that time, thanks to memorizing the herbal encyclopedia, I could easily

recognize what the herbs on the desk of the pharmacy were used to make.

‘Evan is making sleeping pills and painkillers.’

Based on the explanations Evan had heard and the medicine he was making,
Ybriel quickly deduced what Herwin’s name was.

‘Scenic disease.’

Scenic disease was an incurable disease of unknown cause, in which

cardiopulmonary function gradually deteriorated.

It was a little difficult to breathe at first, but as time passed, it became difficult
to move, and it was a disease that eventually led to death after frequent
The only drugs that could be prescribed to the patient were pain relievers and
sleeping pills to reduce pain.

However, there was another reason why Ybriel was surprised.

‘Scenic disease doesn’t get worse as long as it gets enough sunlight!’

Ybriel pulled her hair straight.

When Ybriel was thirteen, a method was announced in the Islands to slow the
progression of schizophrenia.

Everyone agreed that it was absurd that the disease could be prevented from
progressing just by increasing the amount of sunlight.

But the announcement was true. Based on the results, a treatment was
developed the following year.

‘If it had been known earlier, such a tragedy would not have happened.’

The depressed mood was brief.

‘I can still cure my father!’

Ybriel saw hope there.

‘We can either slow the progression of the disease until a cure is released, or
we can speed up the release of the drug.’

Reflecting on what Evan had to say, in the end:

‘Eat well, sleep well, exercise.’

If you think about it backwards, it meant that the current Herwin wasn’t
eating or sleeping properly.

“…Me, girl.”

Then Lily opened her mouth in a cautious voice.

“Are you very worried about the Duke?”

Ybriel thought for a moment and then nodded.

“Yeah, I hope Dad doesn’t get sick. Then can you play with me or go out for a
walk together…?”

Ybriel tried to use a childish tone of voice.

You’ve just turned five, and suddenly it’s going to look weird if you rush
through advanced vocabulary.

‘Isn’t it awkward?’

Ybriel looked up at Lily slightly. Fortunately, Lily was more focused on her
expression than on Ybriel’s tone.

“Don’t worry, miss. The Duke will surely get well someday.”
Lily took Ybriel’s little hand tightly.

Originally, Ybriel was rather slow in language acquisition compared to her

In fact, it was for this reason that the Duke was stubborn in hiring a tutor.

‘It is impossible for a child who can’t speak a single word to be Solgren’s

If the vassals continue to stumble over the quality of the successor, it will be
Ebriel who will be injured in the end.
‘If the Duke is in good health, the burden on the young lady will be
Lily was worried that Ybriel would get hurt.

Interestingly, at that moment, Ybriel was making a blatant plan.

‘Since you’re lying down without getting any sun, your body keeps getting
weaker. What do you do with that raccoon-like room?’

Recalling Herwin’s drab room, Ybriel looked at Lily with a sudden thought.

“Yes, lady.”
Lily answered with a bright face and lost her smile the next moment.

“I heard somewhere that forgiveness is easier than permission.”

Because I saw the face of a little tomboy from the lady she served….
Episode 7
Late the next morning, Herwin was awakened by a small noise and intense
light rushing over his eyelids.
Of course, when the day is bright, sunlight pours into the room, but
considering the two thick curtains hanging from the window of his room, it
was quite strange.

‘Who pulled the curtains?’

Swallowing a moan, he lifted his eyelids laboriously, revealing a clear window
in his sight.
Herwin doubted his eyes.

‘No curtains?’
The curtains on the window closest to the bed disappeared. Without
reasoning, the culprit was nearby.

“Oh, good morning, Dad!”

Ybriel walked towards him from the bright window.

Is it because of the sun shining through the window? Herwin frowned slightly.
It seemed to be shining from Ybriel.

“It is said that getting sunlight is very important for a person to be healthy.
But Dad’s room is always dark.”
“So you pulled the curtains off?”

“Hehe, if you just leave it on, I think it will close again when I’m not there.”

Ybriel crossed her arms on the bed and wrinkled her nose playfully.

“It’s only been like this for one day. Just one day! The weather is really nice
today, so happiness will come from outside the window!”
He couldn’t say anything in front of the smiling child because he thought
happiness would come.

Ybriel resembles him in many ways.

They resemble snow-white hair, dense facial features, a round head, and a
point where the ring finger is longer than the index finger, but there is only
one thing.

‘As much as those eyes, Leah, it resembles you.’

Am I getting weaker like this?

Herwin felt dizzy and closed his eyes.


At the low call, Ybriel was nervous.

Herwin always referred to Ybriel as ‘Eve’ or ‘star candy’.

Calling everyone by name was a bad sign.

“Yesterday, yesterday, and until today.”

Herwin was silent for a moment to choose a horse. I needed a word that
would make the child withdraw, but not too painfully.

“You need a tutor to avoid such rude behavior.”

Ybriel froze stiffly.

Herwin couldn’t see Ybriel’s expression, so he grabbed the blanket tightly.

“Lily, take the kid and put the curtains back on.”

“Yes, Duke.”

After reading the heavy atmosphere, Lily immediately grabbed Ybriel and
left the room at the duke’s words. As the door closed, a familiar silence
Herwin was alone in the quiet bedroom, engulfed in doubt. If it was just for
one day yesterday, I wouldn’t know, it’s a trip like this for three days in a row.

‘I wasn’t that kind of kid.’

My daughter has become weird.

Not so long ago, Ybriel obeyed everything Herwin said.

There were no swarms or troubles in the height of their foolishness. Even
though he was young, he knew he was sick.
But what about now?

‘You’re going in and out of my bedroom at will.’

Herwin thought quietly, and his eyes lit up at a clue that came to mind.

that day. It’s Ybriel’s birthday morning.

Suddenly, he came to his room, and from the day he fell into his arms and
started to cry, the child seemed to have changed.

Herwin guessed it was because of the tutor.

I knew that the child was shy, but I didn’t expect that the tutor would be so

‘Should I continue to force it?’

Herwin thought for a moment, and suddenly became afraid. My heart was
about to weaken again.

‘not good.’

very, not good Herwin had to somehow distance himself from Ybriel.

‘Symptoms are getting worse. As long as you’re by my side….’

At that moment, the accident ended abruptly.

Herwin bent over as he felt his stomach churn.
Cough, low cough, and red blood dripping onto the sheets. It was an
unexpected seizure.

He clasped his hands tightly to contain the excruciating pain. It felt like the
blood vessels in my body were twisting.

‘You can’t get any closer to Eve, I….’

Herwin hurriedly pulled the string. Pain came over him again.


Lily watched Ybriel’s eyes all the way back to the room.

“Lady, are you okay?”


Actually it wasn’t okay.

‘Are you so sick that it’s hard to see me?’

It was as if I was standing with my broken leg in between.

‘Oh, no. Thinking about it again makes me depressed Let’s not get

Ybriel giggled a little and shook her head. There was no time to be caught up
in weak emotions.

“It was my fault for being reckless. The standard for forgiveness was higher
than I expected.”

“You’ve grown up, ma’am.”

“So next time, can I just do enough to be forgiven?”

“yes… yes?”

‘Aren’t you quitting?’ said Lily with a look on her face.

‘If I was going to quit, I didn’t even start. No matter what happens, never give

Bad tutors drive out, dads keep. Ybriel’s will was on fire.

But things in the world are not always solved by will.


The next day, Ybriel rolled over the bed and cried.

‘I took care of you so hard!’

I couldn’t even enter Herwin’s room today. Why?

“Lock the door!”

Since Ybriel was short, she had to get Lily’s help to open the gates in the
duke’s castle. In the midst of that, I even fell asleep, so the sadness grew even

“Because you knew I was coming! bad! I hate you! Excuse me!”
Ybriel roamed around and shouted for a while, but soon lost her energy and
stopped rolling.

After calming down to a certain extent, a strange shame creeped in.

‘I think I just acted like a child again.’

Lately, Ybriel has been feeling some abnormalities appearing on her body.

‘There are a lot of times when I get emotional, and if I don’t concentrate, my
pronunciation is slurred. The words are just confusing.’

Just yesterday, didn’t I mistakenly say sunlight is happiness in front of


Maybe it’s because I haven’t grown enough, or maybe it’s because I haven’t
gotten used to this body yet, or because I’ve gone back in time.
It was not known which of the three reasons, but Ybriel was having a lot of
trouble with it.

‘I think I’ll react more like a child when I’m with my dad or when he’s

Maybe you are just now pampering yourself that you haven’t even thought of

It would be nice to have time to adapt, but now Lady Tillien will arrive at the
castle tomorrow.

‘I couldn’t even read the story of the tutor.’

Locked the door and locked herself in the room, Herwin never came out.

Because you never know when a seizure might occur, locking the door from
inside makes it difficult for doctors to act quickly.

Therefore, the visit of the Duke was to be kept open in all cases without

‘Shouldn’t have touched the curtains? No, that gloomy room was too much.’

For Ybriel, who doesn’t like the dark, Herwin’s room was the worst.

‘It wasn’t because you were angry with me. I don’t know if my father scolded
me, but he never got angry. So are you bothered? Not even that.’

Ebriel, who had guessed the reason, was suddenly seized by an ominous

‘no way.’

My heart was pounding with anxiety.

Ybriel got up from the bed. Looks like I’ll have to check it out too.
Herwin was only nineteen when the imperial castle was confiscated and sent
to the north.

The vassals did not welcome the lords who were born and raised in the islands
and did not know the circumstances of the north, and Solgren’s collateral
families took advantage of the looseness and looked at the duke.

That’s how the battle for power took place.

Episode 8
Poisons, assassins, political slurs and gossips sent to young heads of state.

In the midst of numerous threats, the duke’s health had no choice but to be

As a result, Herwin’s body was in good shape, but his condition suddenly

‘You may be sick.’

After visiting the Duke’s room with Lily, Ybriel took a short breath in front
of the door.
beans, beans.

It was a bit of a slow knock.

Time passed, but there was no answer from beyond the door.

“Dad, are you there?”

I hope you didn’t hear, Ybriel knocked on the door again.

But this time it was quiet. Lilly, unable to see her, knocked again to announce
her visit, but nothing changed.

“Um, miss. It seems that the duke is resting.”

Lily sat down on her knees in front of Ybriel.

“Once I go back to my room, I have a sweet snack with milk. Oh, there’s a
new children’s book in the library, and that too….”
Ybriel’s expression contorted. If it had been Ybriel from the past, she would
have returned to her room right away. I was afraid that my father would get
sick more because of me, so he acted quietly.
But the child suffered one death, and he no longer wanted to go back, leaving
his father alone at the door.

“No, I want to be here.”


“I’m not interested in snacks or storybooks. Dad is the most important thing
to me!”

Just then, the door swung open.

The person who came out was a very tall man.

The well-groomed gray hair made her somewhat lined face look softer.

The eyes behind the glasses were hazel, a subtle mixture of green and brown.
“Good afternoon, Mrs. and Bellgreen.”

Recognizing him, Ybriel widened her eyes.


“Yes, lady.”

Kian Lasher. He was a man who overthrew the Mayer family, who had served
the Duke of Solgren from generation to generation, and took the seat of the
Duke’s aide.

‘I mean, the assistant.’

He was in charge of the overall work of the estate on behalf of the duke, who
was sick and could not do his job.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Solgren’s real power lies with him.

“…It’s been a long time.”

“Long time no see? I went to inspect the territory on behalf of His Majesty,
but it must not have been that long.”
Kian smiled slightly and bent his back.

He often took care of young Ybriel and made eye contact in this way.
However, the present Ybriel was in a state of shrunken body overnight. Ebriel
reflexively flinched at the large size that was approaching.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

Noticing that the child was startled, Qian bit her body again.

Ybriel realized the mistake and looked up at Kian.

He didn’t show any signs.

“You must have come to see Your Majesty, but unfortunately you just fell

“Are you sick?”

To Ybriel who asked with an anxious face, Qian firmly shook his head.

“no. You seem to have been getting a little sleep lately, so I locked the door
for you to rest.”

“I, really?”

Are you not getting enough sleep even though you are only in your room
every day?

Ybriel tried to peer into the room through Qian’s bridge. But Qian took a step
forward and closed the door completely.

“You are sleeping.”

It was an euphemistic request to leave. There was nothing for Ybriel to do.

‘Is the feeling of insecurity just an illusion?’

The child looked up at the assistant with a glimmer of hope.

“Can I see you in the evening?”
“Neither do I.”

Kian smiled indefinitely.

“Then excuse me.”


Qian stepped inside and closed the door.

Ybriel looked at the closed door, and then moved forward.

‘Tomorrow, Lady Tillien will arrive at the castle. If you come here and talk
about the tutor, it won’t make any sense.’

I can’t ask for Herwin’s help anymore. Tillien Seymour, who will come
tomorrow, had to somehow solve it on her own.

‘There is no way.’
In case he couldn’t convince Herwin, Ybriel had another move in place.

It would have been much cleaner to say no on the Herwin line, but since this
has been the case, I have no choice but to do it.

“By the way, lady, you’ve been talking to Kian for quite some time today.”

At Lily’s words, Ybriel got out of her thoughts.

“yes? Did you?”


Obviously, before the return, Ybriel was also afraid of Qian. I think there
were times when I cried a few times.

‘Because Qian is a heterogeneous race.’

It has a human form, but the blood of a wolf runs through its body. His gray
hair was the most characteristic feature of wolves.
Ordinary people used to feel a sense of alienation and weak fear when they
encountered a different race. It was a natural reaction that the prey felt in
front of the predator.

However, seeing Kian again did not feel so intimidating.

Ybriel found the reason from the Emperor Kaizen whom he had met just
before he died.

Kian’s presence was nothing compared to the creepy feeling he felt.

‘I’m just starting to get interested in things.’

He was simply surprised by his height, but Kian would not have taken it that
way. He might come to think that Ybriel hates him.

He was a man who took over the duties of Youngji on behalf of his sick

‘When we meet again, we have to smile.’


Seeing that Ybriel and Lily were moving away from each other, Qian turned
and walked towards the bed.

“Your Majesty, the lady has gone.”

“… know.”

As soon as the answer came back from beyond the canopy that was hung,
Qian sank inside.

The peacock’s voice was very quiet.

Herwin, who had been suffering from “illness” since yesterday, was able to
speak only a few hours ago. It was a miracle that he was still alive with such a

“I didn’t tell the lady as you ordered. Will you see me in the evening?”
Qian asked formally.

“No, if you come, return it. and….”

Herwin was silent for a brief moment.

“Don’t tell me about the child for the time being.”

In just a few days, Ybriel had caused too much stir in him.
You’ve been too harsh on the child all this time.

After this seizure, I was determined to distance myself from Ybriel.

‘The tutor will arrive soon.’

Herwin intended to entrust all of Ybriel’s work to the tutor.

Fearing the cracks in the still world, Herwin covered his ears.

“I will.”

After Qian’s words, silence came into the room. It was a familiar stillness.


In the end, it was the day that Lady Tillien arrived.

From early on, Ybriel stood by the window and watched a carriage running
from afar.

Eventually, the wheels stopped in front of the castle, and a woman with a soft
impression got off the carriage.

He looked younger than Ybriel remembered, but it was clearly Tillien


‘The person who took me to the island and brought it up to the empress.’
Ybriel shrugged slightly.
The nobility of Belloyton used to hire a resident tutor to teach their children
basic manners and necessary culture before they could even start.

However, the case of Ybriel was different from other nobles.

Even though the job postings were posted several times, no one applied.

‘There’s no reason for a reputable tutor to build a kite in Solgren.’

In the islands, despite the fact that they were a public god, Solgren, who had a
weak and powerless head, was treated as an almost ruined family.

The harsh climate of the north must have played a significant part in the
reason for the reluctance.

When Ybriel was unable to hire a tutor by the time she was four years old, for
one reason or another, concerns began to arise among the vassals about the
princess’s education.

Meanwhile, the person who appeared was Lady Tillien.

‘It is a great honor to meet you, Princess Solgren.’

Perfect manners, graceful speech, gorgeous dresses and sociable smiles.

To the extent that the time of refusal was insignificant, Ybriel was fascinated
by Lady Tillien, an institutional nobleman.
‘It’s something I can’t see in my sick dad, so I came to admire it.’
As time went on, Herwin became ill more often, and Ybriel became so
Tillien delved into the loneliness of such a child.
Episode 9
After the nanny Lily returned to the West, Lady Tillien was Ybriel’s only
Ybriel gradually became more dependent on Tilien.

And when Ybriel was nine years old, Lady Tillien suddenly offered to go to
the archipelago.

‘Why don’t you go to the island with me?’

It was a pretext that in order to enter the social world, education should be
conducted in earnest in a better environment.
‘There are many competent doctors in the system. Maybe even the duke’s
disease can be cured.’
It was those words that shook Ybriel, who was hesitating.

‘… I’m going to the Islands.’

Ybriel recalled the day she and Lady Tillien went to ask Herwin for

She couldn’t speak because of Tilien’s strong attitude, but Ybriel was afraid to
leave the castle she had been living in and go to an unfamiliar place.

So, if Herwin told him not to go, he was willing to stay.

‘Do it, Eve. That would be better for you too.’

But Herwin calmly appeased Ebriel and sent him to a tutor. As if someone
expected or expected it to happen.

Ybriel felt sad and embarrassed at the same time.

‘I must have lacked a lot in my father’s eyes.’

It was very sad that they would be parting for a while, but Ybriel felt that he
had to leave the castle for his father’s sake.

‘I have to grow up and come back to Solgren. I’ll find a way to cure my
father’s illness.’

Lady Tillien, experienced at Solgren, was a good tutor. The class was always
kind, and even though Ybriel was slow to understand, she always understood.

So it would be okay, Ybriel decided hastily.

But it was all an illusion.

After arriving at the Islands, Tilien’s attitude completely changed.

Tillien manipulates Ebriel with her position as a tutor and cunning speech,
and begins to teach Ebriel harshly.

‘If you don’t come to the island and learn this level, your Majesty the Duke
will be disappointed.’

Little Ybriel only knew that all the words were true. So, I tried to somehow
learn everything Tilien taught.

Elegant greetings, tea etiquette, musical instruments and poetry, history,

politics, economics, philosophy, foreign languages and ancient languages.

‘It was so hard that I cried every night, but I persevered. Because I thought it
would all help me and Dad.’

It was too late when I realized that Lady Tillien’s excessive passion had other

When she was ten years old, her tutor brought her before the empress. As if
gifting a well-packaged doll.

‘It is not known externally, but the Empress lost her daughters and was
suffering from madness.’
The Empress, who had gone mad after losing the princesses, gradually
became more attached to Ybriel, and eventually began to treat the child like a
real princess.

‘He called me by the names of the dead princesses alternately.’

Looking back, it’s a terrible memory.

As she was immersed in that thought, Lady Tillien entered the castle to
escape the cold weather. Ybriel also turned towards the stairs.

When Ybriel stood at the landing, Lady Tillien was walking into the main
entrance, wiping the snow from her lapels.

“Hello, miss!”

When the users who discovered Ybriel greeted them, Lady Tillien raised her

Their eyes met with the tutor, and there was silence for a moment.

“It is a great honor to meet you, Princess Solgren.”

Lady Tillien greeted the same as before the return.

“I am Tillien of Count Seymour, who will be in charge of the young lady’s

education from today.”

The hand holding the hem of the dress and the knee bent lightly could be said
to be a textbook of etiquette.

Ybriel smiled and greeted each other. Just like Lady Tillien, holding the hem
of her dress and bending her knees.
“Thank you for coming this far, Lady Tillien. It is an honor to learn from
such a wonderful person.”
It was also a perfect example. Tillien was a bit perplexed.

‘I thought he would be like a foal who didn’t learn ….’

There was not a single flaw in Ybriel’s greetings now. Even though he’s only
five years old.

Ybriel, who had guessed Tilien’s inner feelings, smiled coldly.

‘I can’t even imagine that it was the etiquette you taught yourself.’
Tillien will be caught up in his pre-return today.

“Are classes starting right away?”

Ybriel asked with an excited face.


“Yes, if possible, now!”

Tillien Seymour, who had accumulated excess poison, hesitated to answer. It

was reluctant to have to start class right away without taking a break.
“Do you not like it?”

In the prolonged silence, Ybriel looked down at Tilien coldly.

In fact, if you think about it deeply, it was a strange thing.

Even if it wasn’t for Ybriel, Tillien would have been able to find a noble child
who met the conditions in the system.

‘Did Lady Tillien, an archipelago noble, dare to choose me in the far north?’

When I was young, I didn’t know anything, but when I was growing up, I
knew why.

‘The title is the empress’s companion. But in reality, it was a hostage to keep
Solgren in check.’

According to the oath of protection made under Shia’s name, Solgren cannot
harm the imperial family Wilnarion, and Wilnarion cannot harm the public
servant Solgren.
But what if the emperor had Ybriel with him?

‘He must have thought of slitting my head the moment he was talking
nonsense in the North. It actually happened that way. It wasn’t treason, but
the curtain was torn.’

So Tilien must have been sent by the Emperor.

Ybriel’s thoughts were right.

Although he had a calm face on the outside, Tillien Seymour was very

‘What does a little mouse like this know?’

Lady Tillien was originally the Empress’s maidservant and was living in the
palace. The problem arose when the empress’s madness intensified.

‘You took my child!’

The empress, who lost the two princesses, said day by day and replaced the
maids while looking for their daughters.

Tillien was also one of the maids thrown out in the commotion.

It was sad that his fame and personal connections were lost, but he believed
that, with the countess’ prestige, he would be able to go out in the social world
as proudly as before.

But bad luck struck. There was a severe famine in the Earl of Seymour.

Fearing that the family would fall like this, Tilien wandered in search of
someone who could help.

Then a nobleman came to me and gave me advice.

‘Why don’t you present a girl to the Empress?’

‘A child, to the Empress?’

‘When you see a little girl, you think you’re a princess and you can’t get your
mind off of it…. If you think about it, the empress’s madness started after she
lost the two princesses. If so, I wondered if it would be enough to find a
perfect replacement.’

The empress’s madness stemmed from the deaths of the princesses, so there
was some truth to his words.

‘Then who should I take?’

As a noble person who can enter the main palace, it shouldn’t be a problem to
bring it in front of the mad empress.

As if grasping such concerns, the nobleman added.

‘At the same time, Duke Solgren is looking for a tutor for the princess. We
treat the child in moderation, and when the time is right, we take him to the
system. In the meantime, I will help the Seymours.’

Ybriel Solgren.

The only daughter of the sickly Duke of Solgren. A girl who lost her family’s
surname, but her bloodline is certain.

It was already widely known that the Duke of Solgren was the Emperor’s half

‘Is it really necessary to push that daughter into the Imperial Palace? Aren’t
you trying to please the Empress, and you’re going against the will of your
Majesty’s Majesty?’
‘No, he wants it.’

The emperor wants it, la.

Tilien, who had been pondering what the nobleman had said, suddenly
Episode 10
‘It’s not just about finding a companion for the Empress. It’s like putting a
leash on Solgren!’
He is trying to take Ybriel hostage by taking advantage of the blind spot in
the oath of protection.
The emperor wanted a half-brother’s daughter that he could not kill.

I wondered if he was entangled in something too big, but if he succeeded,

Tilien could end the family’s financial difficulties and regain the honor and
connections he had lost.
With that fact alone, Tilien came to this far northern part of the country.
Even considering all the hard work, I had to get Ybriel.
“No, let’s go right away. I am very happy to teach a princess who is full of

Ybriel frowned and led Tillien to the small study on the second floor of the
Until then, Tillien was confident.

‘I’ve never learned anything, so I’ll just tell you the basics.’

But less than an hour into the first class, Tilien realized something was wrong.
“I can do all of this.”

“Did you learn how to write and basic etiquette?”


“Beginner arithmetic….”
“I know it all.”
Thillien, who was about to finish the class in a hurry, went through the
textbooks he had brought without hesitation.
‘What happened? Obviously they never hired a tutor….’

At that moment, Ybriel yawned slightly, as if bored.

“When does class start? I expected a lot.”

Those words sounded like disappointment, so Tilien grew a little angry.

“good. Then I have to teach you more advanced things.”

Tillien pulled out another textbook with a stiff face.

He planned to make the child get bored and give up the class by arranging a
lot of knowledge that could not be understood at Ybriel’s level now.

Obviously it was.

“Do you know the difference between the Shia calendar and the Ravankel

“The Shia Calendar is calculated based on the discoloration period of Muka

Castle, and the Ravankel Calendar is calculated based on the solution.”

“Yeah… Joe.”

How do you know this?

In front of the bewildered Tilien, Ybriel smiled innocently and hit her feet.

“Well, can you explain today’s date using the Shia calendar?”

“Shia 1825, the first month of the yellow star, the day of the knot.”

Tillien calculated that the day Ybriel said was the correct answer.
“answer… Is it?”
why correct? Tillien had no way of knowing.

“Well, the matter is too easy, sir.”

“Well then, something else….”

Belatedly, I tried to change the subject, but to no avail.

“In Ravankel 89, interracial slavery was abolished. The trigger was-”

“Oh, I know that! Shia It is a charter of peace issued by the Church in 1767.”

Tillien couldn’t keep her mouth shut.

“How the hell do you….”

Ybriel was enjoying the knowledge she would only encounter in a higher
education course, just like the storybook she read yesterday.

“This is fun! I’m going to ask the teacher too!”


“What will the Guardian Cross look like when the Promera meteor cluster is

Tilien, who had been vigilant, could not answer right away.

“Come on, wait a minute. What was your question-”

“Timeout! The answer is a regular cross.”

A five-year-old who has never been formally educated by anyone knows as

much, perhaps more, than he does.
“Wow, that’s weird. If your teacher doesn’t know better than me, you
Ybriel blinked her clear eyes.

[Is that right? I’m a teacher.]

The last words were in the friendly Rötgel language.

It was then that Tilien realized that she was being treated as a toy by a five-
year-old child.

Tillien’s face turned red in an instant.

“Princess, what kind of joke is this?”

Ybriel tilted her head with a natural expression on her face.

“How dare I play a prank? You are a difficult ‘teacher’.”

“Obviously I was told there was no tutor. It is an insult to deceive me with the
knowledge I have learned because it is not enough to hide the facts!”

Tilien, who made eye contact with Ybriel, was startled.

“… insult?”
The child, who was only five years old, was staring at Tilien with eyes that
seemed to be looking inside.

“This is not an insult, sir.”

Ybriel placed an arm on the desk and rested her chin on it.

“It’s just that I’m smarter than you.”

Tillien was horrified and couldn’t say anything. That’s five years old?

“I’m going to keep doing this from today until you hear ‘I have nothing to
teach you’.”

Nowhere in his eyes, tone, or posture could he find a young T.

“The class has started, so my father will ask me. What was the content and is
it worth learning?”

Ybriel looked a bit like a seasoned negotiator, or a flamboyant socialite.

“Then I will answer like this. There was nothing to learn.”

Or it was the referee who came to decide the end of the game.

“So, choose. Will you continue your pointless lessons with me here, or will
you go back to the system and find another way to rescue your poor family.”

At Ybriel’s continuous words, Tillien stepped back with a pale face.

“Uh, how….”

Ybriel wrinkled her nose cutely and closed the book with a smile as if it was

“Why do you think I never had a tutor?”

It was a statement that was open to interpretation. Tilien shrugged her

shoulders as she turned white.

‘This kid must have been used by an evil spirit!’

The princess knew from the beginning why she had come here!
Ybriel said as if putting a period.

“The aide will be in the Oval Office.”


Adviser Kian Lasher did not understand the situation at all.

“So, you mean that Miss Ybrielle was rude to Lady Tillien in class?”

“Yeah, yes.”

“He knew writing, etiquette, and arithmetic, as well as calendars, Veloiton

history issues, and foreign languages.”

“That’s right!”

does this make sense

Qian wasn’t close with Ybriel, but he knew what level of princess she was.

‘Can you know that someone who is not good at speaking has never learned

The words that followed were even more speculative.

“And he even threatened me.”

“A threat?”

That little princess? Slowly, Qian began to doubt the tutor’s mental state.

“How specifically did the lady threaten you?”


Tillien hesitated and shut her mouth. If you tell the truth, even the intentions
of coming here will be exposed.

No, you probably already know everything. Don’t you know that what a
princess knows is a duke?

“I, I will go back.”

“Are you saying you want to go back to the system?”

“okay. I’ll be back. as soon as possible!”

Lady Tillien expressed her resignation with a blank expression after only an
hour of coming to the castle.

Kian felt beyond absurdity to doubt. what the hell happened

In principle, it should be reported to the Duke immediately, but a recent

order was issued not to report anything related to the Duke.

“All right. Are you talking about your troubles?”

He finished the calculations in his head.

‘This tutor is useless.’

Even if Ybriel did indeed threaten him, Tillien was not to be swayed by it.

‘It is incompetent to be afraid of a child to be taught.’

Kian smiled formally.

“I will prepare a carriage for you to return to.”

That day, Lady Tillien left Solgren Castle, afraid to reload the wagon. It was
indeed the speed of light.
Episode 11
Upon hearing the news of Tilien’s departure, Ybriel stood by the window on
the second floor of the castle and waved a small hand toward the wagon that
was moving away.

Ybriel exclaimed inwardly. It was surprising that the main character who
twisted his fate had moved away so easily.
‘I think it was effective to use an adult-like tone on purpose.’

The reason Ybriel was used by Tillien Seymour before her return was because
she was an easy child to handle.

If that’s the case, then shouldn’t it be okay if you don’t look comfy?
Being aware of Tilien’s weakness also served as a huge advantage.

‘You just have to do it now. If you make the most of the future you know, you
can turn the tables.’
In that he knew the future clearly, Ybriel had an advantage over anyone else.

Satisfied with that fact, the child smiled bashfully to himself.


The problem occurred the next day.

“Your Majesty, you must not send Lady Tillien back like this!”

Ybriel stared intently at the man shouting in front of the Duke’s room.
‘I knew it was coming, but it was sooner than I thought.’

As life repeats itself once more, Ybriel has the opportunity to watch her life
from a distance like a spectator.
‘I didn’t know then, but now I know it’s weird.’
It was Solgren’s vassals who strongly insisted on Ybriel’s need for a tutor in
her past life.
‘I thought it was simply because of the problem of qualifications as a
But now that I think about it, it was a contradiction.

‘The only successor, me, was taken away by the Empress, and there was no
In the past, it was judged that it was simply watching the emperor, but maybe
it was ‘not’ deliberately dealt with.
If they had decided to oust the helpless Duke, it would be better for them to
have no successor, Ybriel.
‘There may be potential traitors among the vassals. No, you have to think
about the possibility that it’s all a hoax.’

With that in mind, Ybriel organized her thoughts.

The largest factions currently serving Solgren are Meyer, Brontez, and

And now the middle-aged man shouting in front of the door was Hoville, the
head of Brontez.

‘Brontez is also a branch of Solgren.’

This meant that if all of Solgren’s direct descendants died, the successor to
Solgren would be the Brontez.

“Mr Brontez.”

Just then, the door opened from the inside and Qian appeared.
It is rare for a duke who is sick to go to the office. Kian, his assistant, was
working alone, going back and forth between the office and the duke’s room.
Qian spoke to Hoville without stepping out of the door.

Ybriel quickly found out that he was refusing Hobill’s solo session.
Holding his breath, he quietly moved forward, and as he approached, the
conversation between the two began to be heard by Ybriel as well.

“What the hell is the reason?”

“As I said, your health has not been good lately.”

“It will be a moment. Since the tutor is back in one day, we should discuss

Hoville looked a bit impatient even to Ybriel’s eyes. There was a sense of
exaggeration to simply be concerned about the education of Solgren’s

‘If he’s colluding with Lady Tillien, that can explain why he’s so restless.’
But I can’t say for sure, so I had to check it out. Just then, Hobill Brontez
found Ybriel suddenly appearing.

Kian looked at Ybriel together.


Ybriel cried out inwardly, smiling and waving his eyes to Kian. The aide
looked slightly perplexed at the harmless surprise.

“Good morning, miss. Have you come to see your Majesty?”


Ybriel naturally passed Qian and tried to sneak into the slightly opened door.
But Kian was quicker.

“Excuse me.”
He grabbed the handle to keep the door from opening and slid lightly
between Ybriel and the door.

‘Ah, sneaking in operation failed.’

Ybriel looked up at Kian with a slightly sad look.

“Isn’t it today?”

“Yes, sorry.”


Hovil, who had been pushed back, suddenly intervened.

“I have a question for you, are you okay for a moment?”

For Ybriel, there was no reason to refuse. Rather, it was a good opportunity
to think about Hoville.

Kian had a sign of dissatisfaction, but when Ybriel agreed that he liked it, he
could not stop him.

Ebriel was conscious of Qian and deliberately settled into a small drawing
room far away from the office.
This was because, if he wanted to, he could overhear the conversation
between the two of them with his good hearing.

It was Hovil who spoke first.

“The last time I saw you was a year ago. You have grown a lot.”

“Yes, yes.”

Even though he replied cheerfully, Ybriel was not in a good mood. It was
because I remembered what had happened at this time a year ago.
Last year, there was a ceremony to officially introduce four-year-old Ybriel to
his vassals.

Young Ybriel appeared in front of the vassals without learning the etiquette,
leaving a disastrous first impression in the end.

‘I showed an unsightly appearance in front of the vassals.’

I’ve heard all sorts of stories. It’s like ‘Solgren is short,’ and the future of the
North is bleak.

While Ybriel swallowed a bitter laugh, the maid served tea and milk.


Ybriel tilted her head as she saw her cup being filled with warm milk, and
soon understood why.

Five years old was still young to know the taste of tea.

“Oh, you don’t have to add sugar.”

“Yes, lady.”

how expensive is sugar

Perhaps with her father, Herwin, it was a luxury to eat while spending time
with Hoville.
“I heard you didn’t catch Lady Tillien.”

As soon as the maid left, Hobill brought out the main topic.


He rebuked Ybriel, revealing his emotional face.

There were only two people in the living room.

It’s because Hoville bit someone around him because he wanted to talk alone.
It was the intention of arbitrarily kneading a child in a place without a nanny.
‘If you say a few scary words, you’re probably thinking that I’ll change my

Although this fact was very unpleasant, Ybriel did not express it.

“Lady Tillien didn’t really want to teach me.”

Etiquette and facial expression management were the most rigorous training
before entering the social world.

Even if her parents’ enemies were right in front of her, if necessary, Ybriel
could smile as if she had met her lover.

“If the princess had been a little more gentle, the story might have been

Those words sounded like the words, ‘If you had been docile, this wouldn’t
have happened’ in Ybriel’s ears.

“Think again, Princess. It will be difficult to find a teacher with that


Ybriel had lost some strength. Sure enough, Hobill Brontez a little….

‘That’s funny.’

He has shallow thoughts, inexperienced facial expression management, and

absurd logic.

It was a cute level compared to the power struggles Ybriel had seen in the
Imperial Palace and the battles she had experienced in the spring social circle.

“You may not know the Lady, but Lady Tillien is a very prestigious person in
the Islands. Having him as your tutor is not something anyone can do.”

Ybriel snorted inwardly.

‘What is the reputation? I survived by selling me right before the family

Hovil, ignorant of such feelings, tried to convince Ybriel, who was quietly
listening to the story.

“It’s not too late. I left yesterday afternoon by carriage, so if you follow me
now, you will be able to catch Lady Tillien.”


“You must be taught and become a great successor to Solgren as soon as

possible. Otherwise, Your Majesty will be disappointed.”

Ybriel paused. Hoville continued speaking without noticing.

“As you know, Your Majesty’s health is not good. Only when the young lady
is virtuous, the High Majesty will be relieved too.”
Well packaged, but that’s what it means in the end.

‘You never know when the sickly Northern Prince will die, so you, your
successor, should do your best.’
The story of Tilien’s biting and drooping like a habit, Hoville was also
repeating it here.
‘I thought it was strange.’

Tillien Seymour, having no ties to the North, would not have decided to come
to Solgren alone.
There must have been someone’s help.

As if a match was lit, certainty grew in Ybriel’s mind.


The emperor’s limb, who had conspired with Tillien Seymour to push Ybriel
into the mud was right in front of him.
Ybriel chewed on the inside of her lip, feeling like she was going to go out of
her way.
‘This is really….’

Heat rushed up the nape of my neck.

‘I’m angry.’

So the child decided to put down the innocent mask for a while.
Episode 12
For the past few days, Hoville Brontez has been in a bad mood.

‘Damn it, I bought Tillien Seymour at most!’

In order to cleanly dispose of the sole heir of the Duke of Solgren, he took
the risk and damage and took it in.
After receiving the notification that Lady Tillien had arrived safely at the
castle, I only knew that everything would be resolved easily.
However, things fell apart for an unexpected reason.

‘I, I can’t. The princess knew why I came and what my family was like!’
After saying that the princess knew everything, Tillien Seymour left the
North as if to run away.
At first, he was nervous about saying ‘I know’.

But Hoville quickly changed his mind.

‘If the Duke of Solgren had known, he would have canceled Lady Tillien’s
employment earlier. They were afraid of playing with children and ran away.’

What does the duke, who is confined to his room in the first place, know?

He left the jurisdiction before sunrise and found Solgren Castle.

Unfortunately, he could not see the duke, but instead met the duke.
Hoville thought it was rather good.

‘There’s nothing wrong with coercing a kid. What would a five-year-old kid

It would have been ….

Now Hoville realized that his thinking was wrong.

“Brontez. Are you friends with Lady Tillien?”
Cold, childish eyes stared straight at him. The mysterious blue-violet eyes
fluttered like blue flames.
“Otherwise, why are you doing this?”

Ybriel slowly picked up the mug of milk. An indescribable elegance was

revealed in the slow motion.

“yes? You ask.”

Hoville swallowed dry saliva.

‘Are you close to Lady Tillien?’

There was a thorn in the question of a kid who didn’t know anything.
‘Did the Duke really notice?’

Feeling his blood getting colder, Hoville hurriedly made excuses.

“Sir, is there any way to do that with a personal relationship? I am only

concerned about the future of Solgren and the safety of the princess.”

“My comfort?”

If the tone of the question sounded arrogant, would it be a mistake? The

princess smiled softly, as if she were worried about me over your subject.

“Yes, yes! sure. The Princess is the only bloodline of Solgren who will inherit
the veil keeper’s mission. I was just worried that the education period would
be delayed compared to other families—”

“You really think so?”

As if waiting for Ybriel, he stopped talking.

With the puzzled Hovil in front of him, Ybriel pushed the empty teacup
aside. It was the Veloyton socialite language he used when he wanted to end a

Suddenly, Hoville realized that Ybriel had never been slurred, nor had he
acted out of manners throughout the conversation.

The child was sitting upright in an impeccable position. It’s like a textbook on

“The vassals are coming to Solgren soon, so I’ll show them all when they all
gather at the castle.”

How the Princess Solgren, who had just turned five, was so good at social
etiquette, Hovil had no way of knowing.

“Why I don’t have to have a tutor.”

Only that creepy foreboding that something was firmly wrong was clear.


The five senses of different races are twice that of humans. Kian looked up at
the document he was looking at.

The footsteps of a child and the footsteps of an adult woman are getting
closer. It was Princess Solgren and her nanny without having to go out and

After Qian blocked Ybriel, who visited the Duke’s room every day, several
times, Ybriel suddenly changed his route and came to find Qian.

The dragon was one.

‘I want to see Daddy!’

Even the head of Brontez had personally witnessed his visit being refused, so
I thought he wouldn’t come for a while….

‘Even if you know that Your Majesty is avoiding it.’

The wolf, who had a pack but did not have a family, found it difficult to
understand Ybriel.

‘Isn’t that what children are all about?’

Ybriel had been afraid of him not so long ago. Then, after experiencing a
change of heart, I started approaching him with a smile, but it was not
difficult at all.

He let go of clutter and mechanically thought of the action to be taken soon.

‘I politely decline the visit and send it back.’

After that, it was the responsibility of the nanny.

But right after stepping out of the door, he found himself in an unexpected


The assistant looked blankly at Princess Solgren.

Ybriel smiled broadly and hugged his legs without hesitation. Kian was too
embarrassed to step back.

“Good ah-”

As a result, Ybriel lost her focus.


At the same time Lily shouted, Qian, realizing his mistake, reflexively
reached out and grabbed Ybriel as he was about to fall.
“—It’s saliva!”

Ybriel quickly forgot that she was about to get hurt and smiled.

“It is dangerous to run suddenly.”

He removed his hand as soon as Ybriel took hold. I reflexively grabbed it, but
I think he would have been more surprised when he approached me.

At that moment, Ybriel smiled wildly.

“it’s okay. I’m not surprised this time. Thanks for catching me.”

Kian was a little surprised by that.

He remembered Ybriel’s abrupt retreat when he approached him not long


‘Were you aware of that?’

I had it in my heart, so I added the word ‘this time’. Qian looked down at the
little princess.

The eyes staring at him felt awkward. How long has it been since you had
such a long gaze with a ‘person’?

“What about your father?”

That’s why I was a little late in answering the question.

“You must be resting in your room.”


Ybriel’s expression turned slightly pale. It’s a peacock taking a break, but
Kian somehow felt that he had done something wrong.

However, Ybriel smiled softly as if she felt better soon, and met his eyes.

“Then what was Kian doing?”

“We were reviewing reports from jurisdictions. It will soon be ‘midwinter’.”

midwinter. At that, Ybriel blinked.

There are basically four seasons every year in Veloyton, but one more season
comes to the northernmost part of the Empire, including Solgren.
‘It’s a murderous cold season that lasts for the month of December, when the
day is the shortest of the year.’

In the north, that period has been expressed as ‘midwinter’.

Every November, Solgren held a winter meeting to pass the midwinter period

‘That’s right now.’

At this time, all of Solgren’s vassals, including Warbane, Mayer, and Brontez,
would stay in the castle for about a week, discussing issues such as
distribution of winter supplies and countermeasures against demonic beasts.

“Yeah, Lily told me you have a really long meeting.”

As the vassals were busy, November was also the busiest time for the duke.

‘Starting from reviewing the flood of reports, I have to deal with arrogant
things, such as material distribution method, forecasting the size of winter
damage, and countermeasures against demonic beasts.’

The problem is that the body of the duke who has to do the job is not mature.
Ybriel looked closely at Qian.

‘Kian, I don’t think you look very good.’

Ybriel was a little concerned that the dark under her eyes might have caused
her to collapse from overwork.

“You must have come to see His Majesty again today, but it is difficult now.”

“Okay, Kian. But there is.”


“I didn’t come here because of my father.”

Kian tilted his head slightly.

If Duke Solgren had no business, why did he come here?

After reading the question, Ybriel continued.

“I’m here today because I have something to do with Kian.”

Episode 13
“Is that what you mean?”

Kian glanced at the nanny standing behind Ebriel. She looked for an
explanation with her eyes, but Lily just shrugged her shoulders as if she didn’t
The assistant, unable to find an answer, looked at Doro Ebriel.

“What did you find me for?”

Then Ybriel covered the side of her lips with one palm. It looked like he was
going to whisper in his ear, so Kian meekly bowed his back and sat down.
“It’s a room with a treasure in our castle, isn’t that in Qian’s management?”

Ybriel asked in a whisper.

“Are you talking about the report?”

Solgren’s report. Literally, it refers to a room where heirlooms are kept.

“That’s right.”
“Does Kian have the key too?”

“It was originally the job of the butler, but I manage it.”
Then, as if expected by Ybriel, she smiled.

“Then if I ask you to open the report, will you be able to open Qian?”

Kian didn’t answer right away. The child had what he wanted.

“May I ask why you are asking about the report all of a sudden?”
Then Ybriel exclaimed with a face full of excitement.

“I want to take a look!”

“yes! I’ve never been inside yet. I wonder what it looks like, and I wonder
what’s inside….”
Watching the child brightly folding his fingers and listing the reasons, Kian
somehow relaxed.
After all, what important thing does the young princess have to do with it?

Perhaps he thought he was hesitating when Qian’s reply was late, so Ybriel
quickly added the condition.
“If you open the door to the report, I won’t interfere with Kian’s work for the
time being!”

“Please, huh?”

Glitter. Round eyes stared at Kian eagerly.

before the winter meeting.

After all, there is always a nanny by her side. There will be nothing

Even this brief time to send the child back is a waste of time, so if Ybriel
stops for a while….

Kian’s competent head quickly finished the calculation.

“When can I open it?”


Every family with a long history has at least one treasure trove deep inside the

“Are you really okay, miss? Even without asking the Duke’s permission
Immediately after Qian opened the report and disappeared, Lily asked with a
worried face.

“I have an important meeting. Kian also said he was very busy.”

In fact, it shouldn’t have been allowed. At least in Solgren Castle, there was
no place that Princess Ybriel could not go to.

‘Of course, what I’m going to do from now on takes a little bit of heart,

Ybriel shook her head to shake off all her thoughts.

“Anyway! It will be fine.”

Ybriel shouted brightly and stepped inside.

First of all, it’s called Bogo, but all there are inside are old books.

‘I must have sold all the things that could make money. There must be quite a
bit of debt in the estate, but we will try to settle it gradually….’

Smelling the musty book, Ybriel continued walking inside.

Although all the expensive treasures were sold, this did not mean that there
were no valuables in this report.

“Girl, aren’t you cold?”

Lily, who was following Ybriel, shrugged slightly.

“Is Lily cold?”

“Yes, a little.”

There was no outside breeze, but the inside was getting colder. Lily’s face was
ignorant, but Ybriel already knew the cause of this strange cold.

“I should have prepared a thicker coat for the lady.”

“okay? I think I’m fine…, eh, eh!”

Ybriel, who was talking, suddenly sneeze. Lily, who knew the bitterness of
the northern cold, turned white.

After examining Lily’s reaction, Ybriel coughed and sniffled in succession.

“I can’t. I’ll get you a blanket soon, so wait here!”

After Lily rushed out of the report, Ybriel wiped her nose with her finger.

‘You probably didn’t know that I wore a thin coat on purpose.’

The reason Ybriel chose to wear light clothes was to make time to be alone.

A corner of Ybriel’s heart pierced at the thought of the kind Lily running

‘So we must succeed before Lily comes back…!’

Ybriel quickly ran inside. Not long after, another door appeared from the
depths of the room.

It was a thick stone gate with unique patterns engraved on the surface. The
cold air that freezes the air was flowing from there.


Without hesitation, Ybriel raised her hand over it. The door was startlingly
cold, but Ybriel didn’t let go.

After a while, a faint blue light leaked out of the pattern, and the stone gate
began to move with a sound.

It was a magic device that only responded to Solgren’s direct lineage. The
stone door opened slowly inside. From the crack in the open door, mana that
was cold enough to sting my skin came out.

When I went inside, my breath was fuzzy. Ybriel shrugged and looked around
the room.
There was only one thing stored in this closed room, with the ceiling, walls,
and floor all made of stone.

‘The only holy relic remaining in the treasury.’

Ybriel’s gaze turned to the center of the back room.

On the empty floor, a pure white staff was stuck obliquely.

The upper part was split like a stag’s antler or a branch, but the lower part was
thickly frozen together with the bottom, so it seemed unlikely that it would be
pulled out.

“… long time no see. Watching ‘Winter Branches’.”

The cause of lowering the temperature inside the treasury, Solgren’s heirloom
and a holy relic passed down from generation to generation.

This object, called Winter Branch, was a staff made as a part of the ancient
spirit ‘Winter’.

‘I’m not going to keep it like this, but my dad should have it.’

This winter branch, passed down only to Solgren’s direct line from generation
to generation, should have belonged to Duke Herwin.

But now Duke Herwin couldn’t even try.

It was because Herwin’s body was too weak to withstand the ice-type mana
that Winter Branch holds.

Ybriel looked at the winter branches with a bitter feeling.

‘If Dad had been able to use Winter Branch, would he have been able to
protect Solgren?’

Now it’s just a meaningless thought.

Ybriel shook her head slightly and moved closer to the altar. Then a cold
wind blew like a child.
‘What can I do? The country should do it too.’

Winter Branch belongs only to Solgren’s bloodline, so Ybriel was also fully

‘The problem is that before I returned, I never gave in to that winter branch.’

When I was young, I wanted to get more attention from my father, so I tried
to belong to winter branches.

The result was often a failure. Winter Branch pushed Ybriel away.

‘You must do it this time. I need to be able to handle the winter branches
before the winter meeting.’

Ybriel planned to prove herself to the vassals with this winter branch.

With a short sigh, Ybriel reached out to the winter branch.

‘I need you to protect Dad and Solgren.’

So please help

At the same time as the desperate whisper, the child’s hand touched the white

Immediately after, a strong light burst out and colored the space white.


A few days later, the first day of the winter meeting was bright.

Entering the conference hall, Hoville Brontez found two people who had
come before him and pretended to know them.

“Birk-sama and Isis-sama. How are you both?”

“Brontez, long time no see.”

The first person to greet me was an elderly man. It was the vassal family of
Solgren, and Birk, the head of Warbane.
On the other hand, the woman of the same age as Warbane did not say
anything after she shook her head.

Another vassal family of Solgren, Isis Mayer, who led Mayer.

Episode 14
After Hoville was seated, many northern Californians filled the meeting hall.

Hoville gave some of them a secret glance.

As the second hand of the clock hung on the wall rotated once and it was
time for the meeting, the door opened as if waiting.
Herwin Solgren, the head of the northern veil keeper, Solgren, slowly walked
into the conference hall, leaning on his staff.
“Awe to the tent keepers.”

Isis, Birk, and some of the chieftains rose up and set their sights. It was only

When the Bond Duke appeared, all of the vassals had to stand up and show

However, about half of the people in the conference hall were completely
ignoring the operation. It was an unspoken rejection not to be recognized as
the head of Solgren.

‘If you hand over all your territorial duties to an aide of a different ethnic
group from unknown origin, you will obey unconditionally even if the
imperial family gives you an unreasonable order….’
The powerless dukes who were preserving their place in the northern states
were nothing like none.
Herwin wasn’t unaware of that fact. Knowing it, but acknowledging it.

Hoville watched the peacock, young and beautiful, but pale with a long

When the Duke, who had been deprived of his imperial castle, returned to
Solgren, everyone expected him to die soon.
It was from then on that greed settled in Hoville’s heart.
‘When the duke dies, I become the new ruler of the North.’

But Herwin Solgren survived horribly. Didn’t he survive and even make a

‘It’s a damn name line.’

Hoville wasn’t too young to just wait for the duke’s death. Maybe he will die

‘Would you like to spend the rest of your life thinking about lagging behind
that weak guy?’

Hoville grinded it out.

‘I’m Solgren too! If it wasn’t for a collateral birth, that position would have
been mine!’

He had recruited some of Solgren’s vassals from an early age. If you join
forces with them, it will not be difficult to drive out an incompetent duke.

‘If there is no princess who is the successor….’

Hoville looked at Herwin at the top of the conference hall, imagining himself
sitting there. It looked pretty cool.
“Let’s start the meeting.”

While presumptuous delusions continued in one corner, aide Kian declared

the opening of the meeting.

The winter meeting was held briefly for a short period of time.

The meeting would have been much longer if it had been originally, but the
atmosphere was no different from that of a gambling board as the cheerful
headman was sitting at the top of the table.
“… So, until just before midwinter, we will maintain all guard posts at three
“I recently found a decent sword. Come see me later.”

“A sword? where?”
“You said you started raising snow deer in the estate this year?”

“Yeah, what. But I’m not expecting it. It’s a very sensitive paper.”

Even while Kian was reporting, behind the meeting room, openly talking
unrelated to the agenda was coming and going.

“Please be quiet.”

Even with Herwin’s restraint, the noise did not subside easily. Eventually,
Herwin put down the papers he was holding. Qian, who looked at him from
the side, also closed his eyes with a light sigh.

“I will end here today. You seem to have trouble concentrating.”

At Kian’s words, the aides who were busy recording the contents of the
meeting stopped their pens all at once.

“Is the Duke’s body ill again?”

Someone suddenly asked from between the seats.

“We have to understand. Lord Solgren is so weak.”

Loud laughter erupted from the corner at someone else’s words.

“Be careful! Your Majesty isn’t here yet.”

The turmoil at Birk’s affair soon disappeared, but the atmosphere of

contempt for Duke Solgren did not disappear.

Most of the northerners were born with a majestic body and a good physique.
Even the vassals gathered in the hall right now were mostly giants.

Herwin was also of northern descent, so he had a good natural skeleton, but
no one noticed that because he was skinny from a long illness.
“The budget will be discussed at the next meeting. Please come back at this
time tomorrow.”

It was just as Qian was about to finish the meeting.

“Wait a minute.”
Hobill, who had been watching the situation, stood up. All eyes in the hall
were focused on him.

“Before the meeting ends, I would like to discuss the Princess’s tutor.”

The vassals who did not know the news murmured.

“What do you mean? If you were a tutor, didn’t you already save it?”

“Laity Tillien returned the day she arrived at the castle. It looks like
something bad happened.”

After their last meeting with Ybriel, Hobill realized that Lady Tillien was no
longer an unusable hand.

Hobill, contemplating on it, decided to get rid of Ybriel in another way.

‘If it is known that the tutor is gone after one day, the princess’s reputation
among the vassals will decrease.’

Many of these will be remembered.

About this time last year, after the winter meeting, I was introduced to the

‘Ah, ah, hello….’

All of Solgren’s vassals lamented at the trembling princess who didn’t know
how to properly greet her by the age of four.

The duke is getting sicker day by day, the only successor is far short, and the
tutor to teach does not appear at all.
‘The only chance is when all the families in the north gather together. I have
to make more headmen on my side.’

After the winter meeting, it takes another year for them to reunite.

Hobill’s purpose was to clearly imprint on the spot that there was a problem
with the weak duke’s sole heir.

“Is it unfortunate? What on earth is it that the tutor is back in one day?”


It was just as Hoville was about to continue his explanation. The conference
room door swung open.

‘Who is it?’

I wondered if it wasn’t only Hoville, all the people in the meeting room
looked towards the door. Soon their eyes widened one by one.

“for a moment!”

“Oh, Princess?”

The person who entered was none other than Ybriel.

“Please wait a moment!”

The child trotted across the conference hall. Hoville felt an unknown anxiety
as he saw Ybriel approaching.

‘The vassals are coming to Solgren soon, so I’ll show them all when they
gather at the castle. Why I don’t need a tutor.’

Hobill tried to ignore the ominous squeezing on the nape of his neck.

‘I want to show you how great it is.’

In the midst of all this, Ybriel continued to walk steadily and finally arrived in
front of Herwin.
Herwin looked at Ybriel with trembling eyes.

He did not know why Ybriel had appeared here. However, the face of the
daughter I had not seen in a long time was brighter than before, so I was
relieved a little.

“Awe to the tent keepers.”

Ybriel bowed first to Herwin and turned around. When the princess greeted
her fine, no, perfectly, the vassals looked surprised.

“There is something I want to show the Duke here.”

Herwin wiggled his fingers.


However, Ybriel could not read the minute air current.

“And I want all the heads of state gathered here to look at it.”

“What are you trying to do, Princess?”

Hoville couldn’t stand it and intervened. It was an aggressive tone, but Ybriel
smiled confidently.

“Now you will find out.”

While speaking, Ybriel stretched out her right hand. A white light slowly
emanated from the back of his hand.


Someone made a low startled voice.

A branch-shaped pattern was drawn on the thin skin, and a pure white light
gathered in the air in an instant.

As the light faded, a white staff appeared in the spot.

Ybriel exclaimed with an excited expression. A look of dismay spread across
the servants’ faces.

“That …!”

It was something that the vassals who had served Solgren for a long time
could not know.

‘It’s winter!’

Hobill’s accident came to a complete halt.

Episode 15
‘You said that little girl inherited the holy things? Is it difficult for heirs to do
it even after the coming-of-age ceremony?’
That’s absurd.

“I want to learn to handle these winter branches before taking lessons from
my tutor!”

Either way, Ybriel showed off her winter branches with a proud face.
“I read it in a book in the treasury. If you use it properly, you can spend the
midwinter much more comfortably than it is now.”
What Ybriel said was true. It was possible to replace the winter branches with
mana by absorbing the severe cold brought by midwinter. Hoville knew that,

‘Damn it, damn it! After removing that little boy, I was going to get the
winter branches!’
A young Solgren who can handle the winter branches. There was no such
variable in the future Hoville had been dreaming of.
“Princess, you are playing pranks on such an important occasion!”

Instead of accepting the reality in front of him, his head arbitrarily decided
that Ybriel was lying.

“I’ve never heard of winter branches being inherited before coming-of-age!”

“Wow, so am I the first?”

Unlike Hovil, who was excited, Ybriel responded naturally.

“It must be some kind of trickery!”

“It’s not cheating! This is a real winter branch. because!”

Ybriel looked at Herwin with a proud expression.
“Because the Duke gave it to me!”

There was a great turmoil among the vassals.

It could literally mean that the winter branches were handed over, but….

‘Does this mean that the sickly duke helped the princess inherit the winter

It was hard to believe, but I don’t think the princess who didn’t even have a
coming-of-age ceremony would have obtained the winter branches by herself.
Obviously, the helper would have helped.

But is that a sickly peacock?

“Eve, what….”

Herwin’s bewildered voice was swallowed by the growing commotion. Hoville

clenched his fists in the midst of the agitated crowd.

‘I can’t. Isn’t the peacock unable to move properly due to an illness? no

Ybriel swallowed a laugh quietly.

‘I wonder if the duke’s condition is improving… You must be thinking.’

Before entering the conference hall, Ybriel had been listening to what was
going on inside the door through the cracks in the door.

It means that he knew all about how Herwin was being treated.

So, Ybriel decided to establish Herwin’s authority by presenting the winter

branches and artfully telling the truth.

‘Kian opened the door to see, and Qian is his father’s assistant, so that’s it.’

Ybriel lifted the winter branches to make them more visible.


However, the weight of the staff was not formidable. Ebriel lost her center
and stumbled. The moment the child was about to fall, Herwin moved.


Herwin, who reached out and grabbed the top of the winter branch, looked
down at Ybriel.

Ybriel laughed softly without speed.

“I, my lord. Are the things the princess has real winter branches?”

Birk asked with a trembling voice.

At the vassal’s question, Herwin looked at his own hand holding the winter
branch. I could feel the cold mana flowing through my palms vividly.

What was he thinking while he turned away, so that this little child
dangerously grabbed the winter branch?

What kind of heart….

“Winter branches are right.”

It is a fact that the duke declared with his mouth. There was a great
commotion in the hall.

When the large vassals stood up at once, Ybriel was a little surprised.

“Oh my God, it’s winter!”

The person I was most moved by was Birk.

“You are truly amazing, Princess!”

It was a well-known fact that Herwin Solgren was unable to hold winter
The next 15 years until the only successor, Princess, becomes an adult. It was
dark at the thought of going through the middle of winter without winter
branches for that long time.

But today, a princess who couldn’t say goodbye properly appeared to the
conference hall with a winter branch.
The old vassal, Birk, saw Solgren’s future from Ybriel.

‘I thought I had to watch Solgren’s decline until the end of my life…!’

He even showed tears.

Isis Mayer also couldn’t hide her surprise. He glanced alternately at Winter
Branch and Ybriel with trembling eyes.

“Well, did you see it?”

Ybriel smiled at Hoville like a stuffed cat.

‘I did. I’ll show you.’

Hoville looked at the young Solgren with a bewildered look on his face.

“Let me no longer talk about the tutor who left on my own feet.”

Herwin raised a hand to stop Hoville’s protest.

“And Ybriel.”

Ybriel, who was fiddling with the winter branches with an excited face,
suddenly felt cool.


The moment she raised her head in the strange chill, Ybriel was startled.


Herwin just smiled.

“Follow me.”


‘I’m pissed. This is an unconditional stingy atmosphere. No, I knew I was

going to get scolded!’

Ybriel followed Herwin, rolling her eyes back and forth.

Surprisingly, the Winter Branch completely belongs to Ybriel. If anything

changed from before the return, it was Ybriel’s attitude.

‘The moment I thought of protecting Solgren, it felt like something was going
on with Winter Branch.’

Ybriel caresses the back of her hand. The pattern appeared and disappeared
faintly as if in response.

Herwin glanced at Ybriel like that and looked away.

“great. Let’s go ahead and compliment, Eve. I never thought I would be able
to do something like this at your age. All the previous Solgren chiefs have
inherited the winter branch with their coming-of-age ceremony.”

Ybriel’s expression brightened in an instant.


“Don’t like it too much. I’m going to scold you now. Didn’t Qian warn you
about the winter branches?”

Ybriel blinked with a stabbed face. I remembered the day Kian opened the
door to the report.

‘Beyond the stone gate in the innermost part of the treasury, Solgren’s
heirloom is kept. It can be dangerous, so you should never touch it.’

Ybriel slowly averted her eyes.

“You have to answer.”

“… I did, I did.”

“okay. But you broke that word. Leaving Lily aside.”

“That …!”

Ybriel swallowed the horse.

‘It’s all for Dad and Solgren!’

However, I could not bring up the story of the future that did not come here.

“Besides, he even lied in front of the vassals.”


Ybriel followed Herwin with a sullen face.

“Still, the winter branches allowed me. Can I handle it?”

“No, never use winter branches until you are an adult.”


What’s an adult! Ybriel pounded her chest in frustration.

‘If this continues, I will die at the age of 14, and Solgren will perish!’

Ybriel held onto the hem of Herwin’s pants while walking.


It was as insignificant as a chick, but Herwin stopped as if caught in a tight


“I have to deal with winter branches. For sure, for sure!”

Ybriel didn’t just get the winter branches to press down on Brontez’s nose.

‘If Hoville is rebellious, he must be drawing other headmen from the bottom
of the water to my side.’
I thought that it would not be possible to think nonsense if I had to clearly
show how to handle winter branches.

‘And you don’t know, but….’

This winter, it was supposed to snow more than last year.

‘That’s why there was an avalanche.’

Episode 16
It was so long ago that he barely remembered an avalanche in the year he was
five and that it caused a lot of damage.
“Please allow it. Yeah? I can do it.”

“Attribution and dealing with it are two different things. It’s dangerous to use
winter branches with your body right now. Absorbing the severe cold of
midwinter is even more so.”
“It is more dangerous to leave the cold as it is!”

Ybriel raised her voice. However, Herwin’s intentions did not change.
“Without the winter branches, we’ve already been through the middle of
winter for years without problems, Eve.”
Herwin let out a shallow sigh as he struggled to speak any more. I was out of
the room for too long.

Ybriel looked up at Herwin with a desperate expression. Herwin’s eyebrows
twitched slightly when he saw that.

“…I can’t. You are too young.”

He was silent as if tolerating something, and then decisively declared. With a

cold attitude, Ybriel bit her lip.
Another line is drawn

‘Dad doesn’t believe me?’

The question rose to the tip of his chin and seemed to tighten his neck. I was
so sad that I felt like crying.

“It’s not like that, kid.”

Suddenly, something whispered to Ybriel.
‘If not. So what?’

“Look again. His expression, his eyes….”

Ybriel slowly raised her head. Herwin’s face appeared. Her swaying eyes, her
expression full of complicated thoughts.

“Don’t you look anxious?”

Ybriel paused for a moment.

‘Oh, I see.’
The moment she realized it, Ybriel opened her lips as if possessed.

“Are you talking to me because I’m worried?”

“Yeah, of course…!”

Herwin turned his head like a man on fire, trying to answer reflexively. Ybriel
could not see at all what the Duke’s expression was.


“… It’s late.”

His eyes were looking out the window where the sunset was spreading.

“Go back to your room, Eve.”

He went ahead, leaving Ybriel behind. Ebriel, who had been staring blankly
at the back figure that was moving away in an instant, came to his senses.
‘You didn’t get permission for winter branches!’

He tried to call Herwin again, but he had already turned the corner and
“Aww, I’m an idiot….”
It will be difficult to speak with Herwin until the winter meeting is over.
Ybriel ruffled her hair in frustration.

It was only then that I realized something was strange.

‘By the way, who did I just talk to?’

He looked around, but he was the only person in the hallway.

‘I must have been mistaken.’

Feeling strange for nothing, Ybriel moved as she fiddled with her ear.

The low in the northern part of the middle of winter was regrettably short.
When the night falls on the white snow, it is time to sleep.

“Isn’t it cold?”

Lily asked, covering Ybriel’s neck with a thick blanket.

“yes I’m fine.”

Ever since obtaining the Winter Branch, Ybriel often shivered with chills. It
was because of the cold mana of winter branches.

“I should have served you better….”

Lily, who was absent when Ybriel returned Winter Branch, could not erase
the guilt.

“Nope! Lily did nothing wrong!”

Ybriel shook her head hastily.

“I was wrong….”

Whatever the reason, Lily, who had joined the report, could be held
responsible. Lily smiled reluctantly as Ybriel crouched and apologized.

“From now on, you have to be honest with me about anything.”

“Yes, I promise.”
Ybriel held out her little finger first. Lily put her fingers together.

“I promised. Sleep, miss.”

“Lily too.”

Lily, who took care of the bed, left a kiss on Ybriel’s forehead and left the
room. Ybriel looked up at the ceiling and blinked slowly.


Was it because I was too nervous to show off winter branches in front of the
vassals? Shortly after Lily left, Ybriel fell asleep.

And it was almost midnight. Solgren’s night is the deepest.

“wake up.”

Something interrupted Ybriel’s sleep.

“Wake up, kid.”

Ybriel felt that voice was somehow familiar. where did you hear that Ybriel,
who was worried, suddenly realized.

‘That’s the voice I heard when I was with my dad.’

As Ybriel slowly woke up, the voice warned him once more.


At the same time as thinking about what, Ybriel opened her eyes.


Instinctively, he rolled his body to the side, and then someone’s arm hit the
place where the child was lying.


It was late at night, but the light in the Duke’s room was still on.
“No face.”

“No, because I was the one who told you not to report it. I was also busy with
winter meetings.”

“But I should have checked again. sorry.”

Kian apologized in a subdued voice. For him, this was a rather embarrassing

The Ybriel he had known thus far was a quiet and timid girl. He didn’t even
make eye contact with him, and he didn’t come first.

In retrospect, it was a very strange spectacle.

‘Did you get the key from me for the purpose of winter branches from the
beginning? So that there are no more stories about the tutor.’

Qian felt a strange goose bump.

‘I expected Brontez to bring up the tutoring issue at the winter meeting, and
it’s winter he chose to deal with it….’

Now I really had to admit it.

‘The young lady has changed.’

It was not thought that the return of Lady Tillien and the attribution of the
Winter Branch were a coincidence.

When he thought that Lady Tillien’s words, which he had dismissed as

nonsense, might be true, a thin shudder struck the nape of his neck.

‘I’ll have to find out.’

But you cannot act arbitrarily without direction.

Kian glanced at Herwin.

The duke was barely breathing with a sloppy gossip. I was too busy to attend
the winter meeting today, but last year it wasn’t so serious.
The duke’s recent stay away from the princess meant that his condition was
not serious.

Not knowing when the peacock’s illness might come back again, Qian was
nervous as if he was standing on thin ice.

“Could you have told me that you were worried?”

“Did you hear it?”

“I heard it.”

The hearing of this race is several times better than that of humans. Enough
to hear all the conversations Herwin and Ybriel had while walking down the

So Kian knew what Ybriel and Herwin had been talking about in the hallway.

“I’m worried.”

Herwin laughed lightly.

“okay. If I had been a good father, I would have.”

In the northern part of the mid-winter, night comes early. The blackened,
frosted glass panes reflected Herwin opaquely.

“But no.”

As midwinter approached, he had more frequent seizures, and the severity

became worse.
Death hovered around him, mouth open like a hungry lion.

The child would be very surprised.

You act indifferent and then worry, and then you are kind and then suddenly
push them away.

You know how strange it might seem. He was also confused.

But he must not forget.

In the corner of the night table beside Herwin’s bed was an hourglass. He
looked at it from time to time, reminding himself of the remaining time.

“To him, I just need to be a nightmare dad. When I wake up, I can say, “It
was a bad dream,” and erase it.”

Silence piles up like snow. As the candle flickered, the shadow shook.

Suddenly, Qian raised his head like an animal that caught a very small sound.


At the same time, the windows shattered and masked men broke into the
“It’s an attack!”

The wind blew through the broken window and the candles died all at once.
Episode 17
Ebriel fled to the edge of the bed, and in the shadows, he saw who had
attacked him.

What was revealed in the dim moonlight was Hovil Brontez’s face.
“It would have been better for you to stay asleep, Princess.”

Ybriel turned white. I didn’t think Hoville was going to back off.
‘But I didn’t know you were going to kill me today!’

I mean, he was pretty impatient.

Indeed, Hobill was half insane.

‘You have to deal with the princess!’

It was for the next winter meeting to be held when Hovil returned to the Duke
of Solgren.

During that year, if the princess became adept at handling winter branches,
all her plans were in vain.

‘If only the duke’s condition improved….’

The Emperor’s blade will be directed towards Hovil.

So he decided to kill the two Solgren this time.

There was a belief that if the rebellion were successful, the emperor’s wrath
could be tempered.

‘By now, the duke’s room must have been attacked.’

Hobill was planning to take down Ybriel at this time.

‘This man is completely blind.’
Ybriel stepped back and checked Hovil to see if he had a weapon.

Fortunately, there were no sharp objects such as knives in sight.


He only had a small glass bottle in his hand. A suspicious liquid glistened in
it. It will not be water or juice.

Feeling Ybriel’s gaze, Hovil shook the bottle.

“It’s nothing. It’s just an antipyretic.”

“fever remedy?”

For a brief moment, Ybriel noticed what Hoville Brontez was planning.

“Are you trying to pretend I’m dead because I can’t control the winter

Hoville was agitated.

“How do you do that?”

If there was one thing he overlooked, it was that Ybriel had herbal

‘Most of the antipyretics used in the north are actually poisonous. A

poisonous herb that gradually lowers body temperature when eaten.’

Although it is used after dilution by using its property of lowering body

temperature, it could die from hypothermia if consumed as it is.

“If you find the princess’s body as cold as ice in the morning, everyone will
think so.”

Ybriel took a breath.

Adjacent to this room is Nanny Lily’s room. Scream and Lily will summon

But just before Ybriel spoke up, the door opened.

“Oh, lady….”

Through the open door, a man with a grim face dragged in Lily in pajamas.

A sharp dagger was pointed at Lily’s neck. It was about to sting.

“If you drink this gently, I will let that woman go.”

Hoville waved the bottle in his hand.

“You can’t eat it…!”

Lily whispered with a blue face.

Even Ybriel knew that Hoville was lying. There is no way to keep the witness

‘I’ll try to deal with Lily as soon as I make sure I’m done drinking.’


Ybriel muttered and wiped the back of her hand. Soon the winter branches
appeared with a white light.

Hobill, nervous, burst into laughter.

“Are you trying to attack me with that? You don’t even know how to handle

As Hoville said, Ybriel still didn’t know how to use winter branches.
‘But I can give Lily a break!’

Ybriel was about to throw a winter branch at the man holding Lily.
It was the moment when Ybriel, who was nervous while aiming for a break,
gripped the winter branches tightly.

“Are you worried?”

‘It’ asked.
Ybriel pricked up her ears in surprise. It was like a man’s high voice, or a
woman’s low voice.

What was certain was that this voice had awakened Ybriel and saved her from

‘What do you mean?’

When Ybriel questioned her voice, the answer came back as if she had read
her thoughts.

“Oh, it’s always fun to ask questions. But now is not the time.”

As I said, Hobill Brontez was getting closer and closer.

“I don’t have time, so let me just tell you. You must be a wizard to use the
winter branch made of mana.”

At the explanation of the voice, Ybriel was perplexed.

‘Ha, but I’m not a wizard, am I?’

“It’s not exactly ‘yet’.”

Hoville took a step closer. Ybriel backed away as he got closer.

‘How do I become a wizard?’

“It’s as simple as a blink of an eye. Just open the ‘door’.”


Hovil drew closer. Ybriel tried to step back and was blocked by a wall.

‘Help me! I’m going to die like this!’

“It sure looks like that.”

Ybriel felt that her voice seemed to be smiling. Just as if this was funny.

“Don’t help me. Instead, don’t be too surprised.”

‘Aren’t you surprised?’

It was the moment Ybriel asked himself.


How can I put that feeling into words?

Ybriel took a deep breath.

‘This, what is this?’

Literally, open. Then it pours inside. I could feel something coming and going
from the other side to this side. That alone made the world look so different.

“Can you feel it? That’s Mana It is a trace of Shia flowing through the world.”

The voice sounded kindly, but Ybriel didn’t listen.

‘Aww, that’s weird!’

It was as if there was one more sense besides the five senses. Ybriel couldn’t
stand the strange feeling and struggled.

“Hey, calm down.”

‘I want to do that too, but my eyes, nose and mouth and limbs seem to have

“If you continue to panic like that….”

In an instant, cold mana gushed out of the winter branch in his hand.

“What, what?”
Immediately after Hobill, who sensed an abnormality, stopped, a fierce
blizzard erupted from the winter branches.

The chilly wind hit Hoville and his men directly.


The two men screamed and fell backwards in the harsh wind.

All the windows in the room were shattered, and small furniture and
ornaments fell and shattered.

Lily screamed and fell to the floor in an instant.

Ybriel couldn’t help but be astonished as she alternated between the snow-
covered room and winter branches.

“Did you tell me? Don’t be surprised.”

The winter branches faded away with the light. Ybriel felt something closing
inside. Then my senses returned to normal.

Ybriel sat down on the floor.

‘Just, what the hell happened….’

It rotated slowly as if the accident had frozen.

Fortunately, Hoville seemed to have lost consciousness from the shock.

‘I have to call someone. That’s right, I need to make sure Lily is okay….’

Even though Ybriel knew she had to go outside, she didn’t move at all. The
weak legs hardly listened.

Suddenly, feeling something flowing under her chin, Ybriel touched her face.


Coffee was flowing. Ybriel quickly covered her nose with the sleeve of her
pajamas. The hem of the sleeves quickly became damp.
‘I guess that’s why my dad said it was dangerous….’

Maybe it was because he was bleeding, and somehow his head felt dizzy.
Ybriel leaned slowly against the wall. My vision was spinning and I felt like

The visit took place unexpectedly. Ebriel, who was breathing heavily, raised
her head in surprise. Did Hoville’s minions still remain?


Fortunately, however, it was Qian with a desperate face that appeared from
beyond the door. Facing him, Ybriel was relieved and took a deep breath.

‘I lived.’
The moment I let go of my heart, a tsunami-like sleep came over me. Ybriel
closed her eyes without resistance.

It was as if Herwin’s voice could be heard faintly from afar. Ybriel smiled
slightly. It was unbelievable.
‘Dad doesn’t come out of the room unless it’s something important like a
winter meeting.’

At the last thought, Ybriel’s consciousness was cut off.

Episode 18
Ybriel shivered from hypothermia all day.

In her hazy consciousness, she saw Lily’s face a few times and Evan’s a few

‘Lily shouldn’t blame herself again….’

It would have been nice if I could just get up and say it’s okay, but Ybriel’s
body didn’t move as she wanted.
‘Does this look like your father? I don’t want to look like a sick person.’

Still, the situation was better than when I was struggling alone in the system.
‘I suffered from high fever for several days in a dark room where no one
How much I missed my father, who was in Solgren at that time. I couldn’t
stand it, so I sent a message saying I would go back to Solgren, but there was
no reply.
‘If the Empress hadn’t found me at the right time, I might have been left alone
and died.’

Ybriel closed her eyes and trembled slightly.

‘Maybe I’m still in that room of the Imperial Palace, and I’m dreaming
because I miss Solgren.’
My mind wandered and my thoughts ran wild.

Suddenly, Ybriel opened her eyes and wanted to check her surroundings. He
needed assurance that he was now in Solgren.
As I struggled to open my eyelids, the ceiling of an unfamiliar room caught
my eye.

Ybriel was nervous for a moment, then sighed softly. It seems that the
original room had been put in another room because it had been messed up
by a blizzard.


There is someone next to you. As she turned her head and saw her hair
shining white in the moonlight, Ybriel doubted her eyes.

“…Ah, Dad?”

I saw Herwin standing by the bed. Ybriel became serious alone.

‘Is your fever high enough to hallucinate, am I?’

At that moment, Herwin’s figure faded into the shadows.

‘Oh, don’t go!’

Even though it was a hallucination, the fact that he had his father by his side
was comforting to Ybriel.
“Don’t go….”

I wanted to catch Herwin, but I kept getting sleepy. Ybriel closed her eyes
and muttered.

“I don’t want to be alone….”

A lukewarm tear flowed down the corner of the child’s eyes. In the end,
Ybriel could not overcome the drowsiness and fell back to sleep.

Immediately after the child’s breathing became even, the door opened and
closed quietly.

“Hovil Brontez has been detained underground after investigation.”

Qian, who was waiting in front of the door, reported in a low voice.
Herwin took a step back. It was the dungeon.

The duke’s body was in danger as if it would collapse at any moment. Kian
followed him with a firm expression on his face.

“You can’t do it now.”

“There will be more savvy ones. It’s dangerous if you don’t dig it out.”

“I tried to kill Ybriel.”

“I know. After the interrogation is over, I will sort it out by accident.”

Despite Kian’s perseverance, Herwin’s steps toward the dungeon were


What he encountered last night in Ybriel’s room was a great horror.

In the corner of the frozen white room, his little daughter was sitting. I was
drenched in blood and trembling, as if I was about to run out of breath.

He couldn’t think of anything. Only the fact that the body of the child he was
holding was so cold was clear in his memory.

‘Save Eve for me.’

Herwin’s accident slowly engulfed in flames. The crimson flames engulfed his
reason one by one, one by one.

As it was a long time ago, so that only white ashes remain empty….

“… Ha, my lord!”

Herwin was awakened by Kian’s urgent voice. The surroundings were as

black as in a deep swamp.

Herwin and Kian had already entered the dungeon.

He realized a step later that he was grabbing someone’s neck.


The man holding his hand was Hovil Brontez, who was about to pass out.
‘Dude, since when did your condition improve to this extent?’

Hobill had no idea how the duke could come down to the damp and chilly
dungeon and mash him to pieces, only sitting in the meeting room with a sick

“Stand, please….”

Hoville tried to spit out the assumptions that came to his mind, but he could
not speak and fainted.

Herwin threw the stunned Hovil into the corner of the prison. I have no
memory of entering the prison, nor of making Hobill come to that point.

“Did I lose my mind again?”

Qian didn’t answer, but Herwin read an affirmation in the silence.

Herwin covered his face with trembling hands. I felt the expression on the tip
of my finger.

He was smiling. As if this was funny.


Herwin shook his head. The sound of dripping water echoed through the
prison from time to time.

Qian swallowed dry saliva in tension. The fear that Duke Solgren was
swallowing up was clear in the darkness.

Herwin was slowly breaking down like rusty cogs. body and soul.

“When Ybriel wakes up, don’t ever come near me.”

“According to the laws of the Beloiton Empire and the unwritten rules of the
North, Brontez is brought to trial, and the Gasols are ordered to be deported.”

“I will implement it.”

Qian bowed his head and retreated into the darkness. Herwin added lowly.

“Of course, don’t let the trial take place.”

With that said, Hobill Brontez will die in an ‘accident’ before the trial.


As soon as Ybriel came to her senses, the only thing she saw was Lily, who
was about to cry.

“Lady, are you okay? Where are you uncomfortable?”

Next to Lily was the doctor Evan. There were no tears, but he was also in
“Uh, okay, okay.”

Ybriel asked, remembering that Lily had been taken hostage a step later.

“Is Lily hurt?”

“Oh, Shia. thank you I’m fine. You saved me….”

“Are you really okay?”

While Evan didn’t believe and looked around, Ybriel looked at Lily.

“It’s really okay. The person who attacked me more than that—”

Lily hugged Ybriel, who was about to explain the situation. Lily’s body was
trembling softly.

“You don’t have to say anything. It’s all settled.”

Evan nodded and added.

“Brontez is no longer a vassal of Solgren. They will never set foot again in the


Ybriel licked her lips. Lily’s arms were so warm that tears welled up.

‘thank god. It’s been resolved.’

He wanted to cry, but Ybriel was desperately holding back. I didn’t want to
worry Evan and Lily.

Tears were hanging down, and the tip of his nose was red, so he tried not to
show anything, but he couldn’t stop his chin from being distorted like a

Evan laughed like a picky sigh at Ybriel’s sniff.

“That look is so funny, miss. Just cry.”

At those words, the suppressed tears flowed.

“Hmm, I hate Evan….”

In the end, Ybriel ended up crying.

“Girl, I don’t know if I can say this, but I think your eyes are prone to

By the time the tears stopped, Ybriel was swollen.

“Evan, be quiet.”

“Haha, sorry. Don’t hate me too much. I said this because I wanted her to cry

Lily wiped Ybriel’s face with a wet towel and handed him water.
As soon as Ybriel received it, she emptied the cup without a break. The water
was sweet like sugar.

“The winter meeting is over. He hates to speak, awaiting trial in the dungeon.
Just take a nap and rest.”

Ybriel, who was handed over the empty glass, realized later that it was

“Is the winter meeting over? already?”

It wouldn’t be finished in one day. As Ybriel tilted, Lily’s and Evan’s

expressions became strange at the same time.
Episode 19

Evan stepped forward to replace Lily, who was unable to speak.

“The young lady woke up after three days. The winter meeting ended in a
hurry yesterday.”

Ybriel fumbled in embarrassment.

‘three days? It’s been three days? It feels like I closed my eyes for a while….’

Somehow the water is sweet! The good news is that Hoville Brontez has been

Ybriel, who was sweeping her chest, suddenly turned pale at the thought of
passing by.

‘Is Daddy okay?’

The traitor would not have wanted to kill only Ebriel. This reckless move
probably meant both Solgren….

When Ybriel, who was lying down, suddenly tried to get up, Evan and Lily
grabbed her at the same time.

“Girl, you can’t move now!”

“I want to go see Daddy!”

Ybriel pushed the two away and ran outside.



Whoops, bang! Ybriel thought that thunder had come from somewhere.
“Why, why?”
“You are resting.”

Kian blocked the door and smiled bureaucratically.

“Sometimes you were overworked with the winter meeting, and you were
very surprised by the girl’s work.”

oh That’s right, the glass body. Ybriel tapped her forehead with her small

‘I thought I saw my father in my sleep.’

It may be a hallucination I saw because of a fever, or it may be a dream I had

while drunk. But Ybriel somehow got the feeling that Herwin was really

“Can’t you wait a minute? Even in 5 minutes! There is something I want to

ask you.”

“no. For the time being, you have commanded no one to take it in.”

A firm answer. Ybriel looked up at Kian with a desperate expression.


It might be rude, but Princess Solgren looked cute even in the eyes of Kian,
who was insensitive to cute things.

If a soft baby rabbit could become a human, it must have felt like this.

“Then three?”

“It’s difficult.”

Ybriel, who had been paying attention to the successive rejections, hesitated
and opened her mouth.

“One minute?”
Kian shook his head resolutely.

Ybriel blinked for a moment, then asked one last time.

“…30 seconds?”

Kian bent his knees and sat down in front of Ybriel.

“I’m so sorry I couldn’t open the door, miss. But since I am your aide, your
orders have priority.”

“too bad!”

My daughter, who had been lying down for three days, woke up and couldn’t
show her face!

Ybriel couldn’t stand it and rolled her feet. I thought it was an uncultured act
a step late, but the sad feeling did not go away.

Kian, who was watching that, smiled as if coughing.

“Oh, sorry.”

Ybriel was a little surprised.

‘You are a person who can make such an expression.’

Kian is loyal to Herwin as an assistant, but ironically, he doesn’t seem to like

people very much.

There was a reason that Ybriel had not been very close to him in the past life.

Ybriel was a quick-witted kid, and he quickly realized that Kian wasn’t
interested in him.

But the current Kian was a little different.

He seemed to be watching Ybriel carefully. Even small actions or words.

‘Is it an illusion?’
It is different from worrying or worrying. It was more of an observation with
the feeling of trying to figure out something.

Ybriel looked at Qian carefully and suddenly found something foreign.

“Oh, Kian. I have a scar on my chin.”


He was embarrassed for the first time, who had no expression on his face
other than a formal smile from time to time.

“I was holding a paper knife and it got scratched.”

“Hey, that must be painful.”

“It’s cute compared to what the young lady was sick with.”

Even people like Kian make mistakes. For some reason, Ybriel thought that
the word mistake was not appropriate for him.

“I’m glad you woke up safely, miss. But it looks like you still need to

When Qian blinked, Lily, who was standing behind him, grabbed Ybriel in an

“You have to eat first, miss. You haven’t eaten anything for three days.”

“Oh, come on, wait a minute!”

Lily skillfully grabbed the child and headed to the dining room.

Unable to meet Herwin in the end, Ybriel buried her face in Lily’s shoulder
with a gloomy face.

‘I thought it was because I wasn’t good enough.’

However, the situation did not change even now that the winter branches have
been inherited. After desperately pondering why, Ybriel came to a different

‘You must have been sick and couldn’t afford to take care of me.’

then…. Ebriel, who had been quietly embraced, struggled.

“Lily, give me a minute! I’m just going to say one word to my dad!”


Herwin slowly opened his eyes as he became more distant. A light shade fell
under the long lashes.

His room was still a mess from the raid a few days ago.

The wallpaper was torn in a mess, as if showing the traces of a knife, and
bloodstains that could not be erased remained intact on the tattered canopy.

To prevent drafts, only the windows were repaired urgently first, but the
frame did not match, so it rattled a little.

Herwin could easily guess how surprised he would have been if Ybriel had

“The trial will take place in the Supreme Court after escorting the criminal to
Albion (Belloyton Islands).”


Anyway, it was a very meaningless schedule report. Hovil Brontez will die
before then.

“Is the injured area okay?”

“This is not even an injury.”

Kian carelessly stroked his scratched chin.

I explained to Ybriel that it had been scratched by a paper knife, but in reality
it wasn’t.

Kian’s official title is Assistant to the Duke of Solgren. His job was, to the
last, an agent for the duke’s business.

However, Qian had another title unknown to the outside world.

“Let’s recruit knights who can escort Ybriel from Yeongrangdae. Trustworthy

“I will.”

Kian Lasher was the alpha of the Duke Solgren’s secret bodyguard,

No one could have imagined that an aide with a neat and tidy impression
would have enough force to escort the duke alone.

“Then I will leave work early for ‘business trip’.”

Kian left a cool smile and went outside.

Herwin’s room was engulfed in the usual familiar silence. A low sigh flew into
the air.

‘This should be it.’

He had to be alone until he ran out of breath. It was the truth.

‘It should be like this, I.’

Herwin looked at the hourglass on the side table.

Silver-white grains of sand were slowly piling up on the glass in the hourglass,
which flips automatically every time.

Still, he was becoming a monster. One day you will become a total monster.

If you’re going to just go crazy without distinguishing Pia, I’d rather….

Herwin sighed and closed his eyes again. Suma came crashing down like a

Then, suddenly, the sound of rapid footsteps approached from outside.

Herwin opened his eyes.


And suddenly, the roaring voice of a child poured in like sunlight through the
crack in the door.

“I, no, I am fine! Evan and Lily took good care of me.”

“Then don’t be sick, Dad. I need him so much.”

Outside, Ybriel paused for a moment as if hesitating.

“… I hope that Dad will be healthy and stay with me for a long time. For
sure, for sure.”
Even though it sounded like a whisper, it penetrated clearly into his ear. Even
after walking away, he was frozen and unable to do anything.
The door was locked, and the only thing that came in was a voice.

He had no idea why everything was falling apart.

Episode 20
‘Did you hear me?’

I rushed out and shouted through the door, but Ybriel wasn’t sure.
‘If you didn’t hear it, you can say it again next time, well!’

For the princess who had been sleeping for three days, Chef Alex prepared a
hot soup. Thanks to this, Ybriel was able to finish the meal without any
The incident occurred after a meal.

“Oh, lady, are you awake?”

Ebriel, who was returning to the room with Lily, stopped as if it had broken
‘What, what, those people?’

In the hallway, vassals of the north were crowded together.

“Are you okay?”

Ybriel, who was sleeping, did not know, but a great misunderstanding had
spread among the vassals over the past two days.

The winter meeting was concluded early, but the vassals remained in the
castle on the grounds that they had to find those involved in the rebellion.

In the process, it became known that Hovil Brontez attempted a rebellion and
that he had taken Solgren’s budget metallurgically with the pretext of running
the business.

And one more thing.

‘Did the princess subdue Hovil Brontez with winter branches?’

Words spread.
‘Yeah, the whole room was covered in snow? Even if dozens of people had
come, they would have wiped it out in one room.’
‘What? You said you wiped out dozens of people in one room?’

‘Did the princess wipe out dozens of assassins alone?’

As the rumors spread like a snowball the farther away, it was eventually
confirmed that Ybriel had killed many assassins alone.

“… So, is it known that I defeated all the bad guys with winter branches?”


oh my god what is this all about Ybriel couldn’t keep her mouth shut.
‘Is that a coincidence?’

To be precise, it was luck. If it wasn’t for the unfamiliar voice that day, Ybriel
would have died.

‘What do we do? If you go on like this, you’ll be stuck….’

While contemplating where to start to resolve the misunderstanding, Ybriel

suddenly realized that there was no need for that.

‘Isn’t it better? You’ve proven that I can handle winter branches.’

Although she was helped by an unknown entity, it was clear that Ybriel had
used winter branches.

“I, Princess. May I ask for a brief audience?”

Ybriel’s eyes glanced over the vassals’ faces. Among them, there are probably
only a few who have come to Ybriel because they are really worried.

‘I’ve come to check it out. Are the rumors true? How useful is a princess.’

Ybriel laughed inwardly.

‘Because I attribute the winter branches, now?’

Among the crowd were those who openly disregarded Ybriel before
returning, and those who had clouded the atmosphere by ignoring the
powerless duke in the conference hall.

Ybriel thought there was no need to be patient.

“What is the purpose of a princess who can’t speak properly?”

So I threw it away. Some of the vassals were frozen like ice.

“Hey, what do you mean, Princess!”

“You did it to me. It’s called ‘Solgren without a hat’.”

Ybriel remembered exactly the face of the vassal who said that. When he
found it and looked directly at him, he lowered his gaze in bewilderment.

“Everything, everything I did for Solgren….”

“If it was for Solgren, he should have supported my father well.”

Heh, where do you sell drugs? The people who turned the conference hall
into a marketplace.

“Do you want to meet me? Then go ahead and apologize to my father before

Ybriel smiled softly with only her mouth. The eyes were not smiling at all.

The vassals who could not even find the main temple had no choice but to
leave without saying anything.

Now, only Warbane and Mayer and a few other heads of state remain in the

They did not look down on Herwin nor insult Ybriel, so they were the proud
ones left behind.

“Then, shall we go to the drawing room?”

Ybriel smiled brightly and took the lead.

As large adults rushed into the small parlor, little Ybriel felt like she was in a
dense forest.

“I’m glad you woke up safely, Princess. Are you all right?”
With Biruk at the forefront, the heads of state asked for their regards one by

“Ugh, not bad.”

Ybriel looked into their faces and memorized them all.

‘You have to remember these people.’

They are the cornerstones that will shape the future of Solgren.

Meanwhile, the users started putting some boxes in one side of the drawing
room. Inside were cute trinkets and children’s toys.

Ybriel, who was staring blankly, came to his senses with inhalation.

“What are all those things?”

“Ah, this is a gift I prepared for the princess in hopes of her recovery.”


Ybriel rolled her eyes in embarrassment. Unfortunately, no one here knew the
real age of Ybriel.

‘Lily, what do you do…!’

Ybriel signaled Lily to dry it with her eyes.

Lily blinked, ah, picked up a cute doll from among the presents and smiled.

‘Can I give you this?’

Then, in the place where Lily had picked up the doll, a suspicious object
appeared. It was hidden so I couldn’t see it.

Ybriel narrowed her eyes.

“Does that toy look like a wine bottle?”

“Hahaha, such a sad thing to say that it’s a toy! Store it well and eat it when
you become an adult. Until then, stay healthy!”

Ybriel wanted to grab her hair.

‘Are you really drinking? Am I five years old?’

Lily was startled by the same thought and removed the bottle.

“Oh my God, I’ll keep this one.”

It was not difficult for Ybriel to guess that Lily would secretly pour the drink
behind the castle.

Near the end of the short gift procession, Birk Warbein stepped out from

“I’ll give you this, Princess.”

Ybriel accepted it with a surprised face.

‘It’s a dagger.’

Warbane’s coat of arms was engraved on the handle.

Offering a weapon engraved with the family crest signifies loyalty.

“Use it for self-defense, but it’s dangerous right now, so it’s better to keep it
until you learn swordsmanship.”

Birk smiled without saying a word, thinking that Ybriel wouldn’t even know
what he meant.

“… thank you.”
Ybriel held the dagger carefully.

“Okay, we’re going to go away. The princess should rest too.”

Before the vassals left the parlor, Ybriel made eye contact with Isis Mayer,
who was standing in the corner.


Ybriel looked down in surprise.

Isis was like a well-organized bookshelf. The clothes were not disturbed, and
the eyes and expressions were strict.

Ybriel was a little nervous.

Because Isis was still looking at Ybriel. The sharp eyes made me feel like my
skin was stinging.

Isis’ eyes were the same subtle blue-purple color as Ybriel’s.

It was not surprising that Ybriel’s mother, Liatrice Solgren’s maiden name
was Mayer.
Liatrice was the daughter of Isis Mayer.

‘Well, I mean, she’s a grandmother to me.’

Pretending it wasn’t Ybriel, I glared at Isis.

Before the return, and throughout this lifetime, Ybriel and Isis had never
spoken to each other for a moment.

Ybriel was afraid of Isis, who always had a hard expression on her face, and
Isis did not approach her.

Ybriel thought that Isis didn’t like her lackluster granddaughter very much.

And decisively.

‘Because my mother left me like that….’

Ybriel’s expression darkened a lot.

“Then I hope you have a peaceful day under the protection of the tent,

One by one, the vassals started disappearing out of the door.

Ybriel became impatient when she saw that Isis was also heading out.

‘In my last life, I couldn’t have the courage to be scared, but this time….’
Isis’s eyes were sharp, but there was definitely warmth beyond her gaze
towards Ybriel.

After hesitating, Ybriel ran and grabbed Isis’ hem slightly.

If I met my grandmother, there was something I wanted to ask about her. But
as soon as we met, my mind went blank.
‘What do we do. How to tell a story….’
While Ybriel hesitated, Isis slowly bent her knees.
“I’m glad you’re safe, Princess.”

It was a soft voice, full of love that could not be hidden.

“I was very happy to see you like this.”
Isis gently wrapped her wrinkled hand around Ybriel’s little one. Ybriel
gained courage from the warmth and managed to open her mouth.
“I am happy too!”

As Isis heard the child’s words, there was a little bit of water in Isis’ eyes. It
was like looking at a nostalgic landscape.

“… You look a lot alike.”

Ybriel stood still at those words. The resemblance was obviously referring to
his mother, Liatrice.
When Ybriel stared at her, Isis realized her mistake and shook her head.

“It’s an old man’s self-talk. Excuse me.”

Isis turned her head patiently and moved forward.

It was a sad expression.


The next day, news of the accidental death of Hovil Brontez, who was on his
way to the Islands for a trial, spread throughout the North.

Because it was a bad thing, all the users were quiet, but Ybriel wandered
around and overheard the story little by little.

“It was a wagon accident. They fell down a deep canyon and couldn’t even
find a body….”
“Did the driver and the guards bravely survived? Hell, it seems like only the
bad guys were picked and punished.”

Ybriel was not particularly sorry for Hoville’s death. What I was more
concerned about was who dealt with Hovil.

‘If the emperor had killed him for silence, he would have killed the driver and
the guards as well. Maybe it was an accident, or there was another grudge, or
maybe Shia punished him himself.’

He was the one who wanted to kill Ybriel and Herwin out of my greed. There
was no room for sympathy.

Herwin was much more concerned than that.

“Can’t we meet today?”

“I’m sorry, but yes.”

A week has already passed since Ybriel woke up. Until now, Ybriel had never
met Herwin.

‘As if you were avoiding me.’

The child was somewhat anxious. The duke’s room had been visited dozens
of times, but the door seemed bigger and thicker today.

“Yeah, though!”

Lily, who had been quiet all along, suddenly interrupted.

“We haven’t seen each other since the lady woke up. Shouldn’t we see your
face at least once?”
Ybriel looked up at Lily with excited eyes.

‘Lily, you said Kian was scary, but you want to help me….’

In gratitude, Ybriel held Lily’s hand tightly. Then, Lily looked directly at Kian
as if gaining strength.
“I beg you, Mr. Lasher. Help the lady to see the Duke.”

“Until Miss Belgreen….”

Kian sighed.

Looking at the innocent eyes of the child and the trembling nanny, it seemed
that he had become a rogue like no other in the world.
“Then I will do this.”

Eventually he came up with a trick.

“I will not say anything if the maiden asks for a private study, and if your
majesty responds.”


Just as Ybriel’s face was about to brighten, Kian added.

“But you only have three chances. If you knock three times and your Majesty
doesn’t say anything, it’s supposed to die.”

It was kind of a bet. And Kian was confident he would win this bet.

‘Now, His Majesty will never want to meet you.’

Unaware of that fact, Ybriel hesitated and nodded.


As Qian stepped out of the door, Ybriel stepped up and stood in front of him.
And he knocked on the door carefully. smart.

“Dad, can I come in?”

no response.
Ybriel knocked on the door again. Harder than before, Kongkong.

But even with the second request, there was only silence beyond the door.

“One time left.”

Qian muttered in a low voice. As soon as she heard those words, Ybriel felt
something thump inside her.
‘Kian knew from the beginning that his father wouldn’t open the door.’

Ybriel was not at all sure that he would ever meet the Duke in the future.

‘Oh my God, do you still not know why the ex-duchess left the estate?’

The words of someone I never wanted to admit flashed and cluttered my


At the island, Lady Tillien kindly told how the child’s mother, Liatrice, had
left the castle in order to handle Ybriel with ease.

‘The former Duchess has betrayed His Majesty the Duke of Solgren. He took
a man and ran away at night. Also by stealing Solgren’s old heirloom
‘Frostflower’! How shocked the social world was….’

Ybriel didn’t believe it.

But every time Herwin drew a line and backed away, doubts arose out of

That might be the truth, I guess.

‘You look a lot alike.’

Just yesterday, Isis’ words flashed through Ybriel’s mind.

‘What if everything Tilien said was true? What if my father avoids me
because it reminds me of my mother?’

Now there was only one chance to knock on the door.

As a last resort, Ybriel decided to bring up the story of the Duchess.

As soon as I made up my mind, the area around my heart felt like it was
burning. Ybriel rolled up the hem of her robe to hide her trembling hands.

“I actually know.”

Just as she was about to open her mouth with difficulty, Ybriel felt something
rubbing under her feet. It wasn’t the hem.


Ybriel lowered her gaze involuntarily. In an instant, the fur all over his body
stood up.

mouse. The white-haired mouse raised its red eyes and looked up at Ybriel.


Ybriel screamed in shock.

“Why, why do you do that, girl!”

“What are you doing?”

“Bar, feet….”

There’s a mouse under your feet! It was when Ybriel was about to shout.

The visit was hastily opened.

Rumble! Surprised by the noise, Ybriel and Lily were frozen in place.


Ybriel forgot that she was startled by the rat and let out a light moan. It was
Herwin who appeared out of the room. Herwin Solgren also had a very
bewildered expression on his face.

Ybriel looked up at Herwin, who was thinner than the last time he saw him.

An indescribable silence filled the hallway. Kian, who had lost the bet he was
sure of winning, closed his eyes.
‘Damn it.’

However, Herwin was looking down at Ybriel the whole time, as if he had not
noticed the aide’s plight at all.

He scans Ybriel’s head from head to toe busily, trying to find something.

“What is going on, my lord?”

The busy silence was broken only after Qian opened his mouth. Herwin
finally came to his senses.

He frowned slightly and opened his mouth slowly.

“… keen.”
At the low voice, Ybriel pricked her ears.

“Scream, scream….”

Herwin continued his gibberish with trembling eyes.

“I knew what happened….”

As he explained, he realized that he had misunderstood and immediately

turned around. Ybriel realized that Herwin was about to re-enter the room.


The action was quicker than expected.

“Do not go!”

Ybriel ran and hugged Herwin’s leg tightly. Herwin stood tall like a lie.
Emotions rushed like a riot.

‘I feel like crying.’

Ybriel desperately suppressed the sadness.

‘How many things to say, if I cry now. Ah really.’

As I got older, something definitely went wrong. Ybriel couldn’t help but
burst into tears.

“Huh, uh, how long have I waited….”

Eventually, Herwin turned around. He slowly bent his knees and sat down in
front of the child.
Episode 21
While Ybriel hesitated, Isis slowly bent her knees.

“I’m glad you’re safe, Princess.”

It was a soft voice, full of love that could not be hidden.

“I was very happy to see you like this.”

Isis gently wrapped her wrinkled hand around Ybriel’s little one. Ybriel
gained courage from the warmth and managed to open her mouth.
“I am happy too!”

As Isis heard the child’s words, there was a little bit of water in Isis’ eyes. It
was like looking at a nostalgic landscape.

“… You look a lot alike.”

Ybriel stood still at those words. The resemblance was obviously referring to
his mother, Liatrice.

When Ybriel stared at her, Isis realized her mistake and shook her head.
“It’s an old man’s self-talk. Excuse me.”

Isis turned her head patiently and moved forward.

It was a sad expression.


The next day, news of the accidental death of Hovil Brontez, who was on his
way to the Islands for a trial, spread throughout the North.

Because it was a bad thing, all the users were quiet, but Ybriel wandered
around and overheard the story little by little.
“It was a wagon accident. They fell down a deep canyon and couldn’t even
find a body….”

“Did the driver and the guards bravely survived? Hell, it seems like only the
bad guys were picked and punished.”

Ybriel was not particularly sorry for Hoville’s death. What I was more
concerned about was who dealt with Hovil.

‘If the emperor had killed him for silence, he would have killed the driver and
the guards as well. Maybe it was an accident, or there was another grudge, or
maybe Shia punished him himself.’

He was the one who wanted to kill Ybriel and Herwin out of my greed. There
was no room for sympathy.

Herwin was much more concerned than that.

“Can’t we meet today?”

“I’m sorry, but yes.”

A week has already passed since Ybriel woke up. Until now, Ybriel had never
met Herwin.

‘As if you were avoiding me.’

The child was somewhat anxious. The duke’s room had been visited dozens
of times, but the door seemed bigger and thicker today.

“Yeah, though!”

Lily, who had been quiet all along, suddenly interrupted.

“We haven’t seen each other since the lady woke up. Shouldn’t we see your
face at least once?”

Ybriel looked up at Lily with excited eyes.

‘Lily, you said Kian was scary, but you want to help me….’
In gratitude, Ybriel held Lily’s hand tightly. Then, Lily looked directly at Kian
as if gaining strength.

“I beg you, Mr. Lasher. Help the lady to see the Duke.”

“Until Miss Belgreen….”

Kian sighed.
Looking at the innocent eyes of the child and the trembling nanny, it seemed
that he had become a rogue like no other in the world.
“Then I will do this.”

Eventually he came up with a trick.

“I will not say anything if the maiden asks for a private study, and if your
majesty responds.”


Just as Ybriel’s face was about to brighten, Kian added.

“But you only have three chances. If you knock three times and your Majesty
doesn’t say anything, it’s supposed to die.”

It was kind of a bet. And Kian was confident he would win this bet.

‘Now, His Majesty will never want to meet you.’

Unaware of that fact, Ybriel hesitated and nodded.


As Qian stepped out of the door, Ybriel stepped up and stood in front of him.
And he knocked on the door carefully. smart.

“Dad, can I come in?”

no response.
Ybriel knocked on the door again. Harder than before, Kongkong.

But even with the second request, there was only silence beyond the door.
“One time left.”

Qian muttered in a low voice. As soon as she heard those words, Ybriel felt
something thump inside her.

‘Kian knew from the beginning that his father wouldn’t open the door.’

Ybriel was not at all sure that he would ever meet the Duke in the future.

‘Oh my God, do you still not know why the ex-duchess left the estate?’

The words of someone I never wanted to admit flashed and cluttered my


At the island, Lady Tillien kindly told how the child’s mother, Liatrice, had
left the castle in order to handle Ybriel with ease.

‘The former Duchess has betrayed His Majesty the Duke of Solgren. He took
a man and ran away at night. Also by stealing Solgren’s old heirloom
‘Frostflower’! How shocked the social world was….’

Ybriel didn’t believe it.

But every time Herwin drew a line and backed away, doubts arose out of

That might be the truth, I guess.

‘You look a lot alike.’

Just yesterday, Isis’ words flashed through Ybriel’s mind.

‘What if everything Tilien said was true? What if my father avoids me

because it reminds me of my mother?’

Now there was only one chance to knock on the door.

As a last resort, Ybriel decided to bring up the story of the Duchess.

As soon as I made up my mind, the area around my heart felt like it was
burning. Ybriel rolled up the hem of her robe to hide her trembling hands.

“I actually know.”

Just as she was about to open her mouth with difficulty, Ybriel felt something
rubbing under her feet. It wasn’t the hem.


Ybriel lowered her gaze involuntarily. In an instant, the fur all over his body
stood up.

mouse. The white-haired mouse raised its red eyes and looked up at Ybriel.


Ybriel screamed in shock.

“Why, why do you do that, girl!”

“What are you doing?”

“Bar, feet….”

There’s a mouse under your feet! It was when Ybriel was about to shout.

The visit was hastily opened.

Rumble! Surprised by the noise, Ybriel and Lily were frozen in place.


Ybriel forgot that she was startled by the rat and let out a light moan. It was
Herwin who appeared out of the room. Herwin Solgren also had a very
bewildered expression on his face.

Ybriel looked up at Herwin, who was thinner than the last time he saw him.
An indescribable silence filled the hallway. Kian, who had lost the bet he was
sure of winning, closed his eyes.

‘Damn it.’

However, Herwin was looking down at Ybriel the whole time, as if he had not
noticed the aide’s plight at all.

He scans Ybriel’s head from head to toe busily, trying to find something.

“What is going on, my lord?”

The busy silence was broken only after Qian opened his mouth. Herwin
finally came to his senses.

He frowned slightly and opened his mouth slowly.

“… keen.”

At the low voice, Ybriel pricked her ears.

“Scream, scream….”

Herwin continued his gibberish with trembling eyes.

“I knew what happened….”

As he explained, he realized that he had misunderstood and immediately

turned around. Ybriel realized that Herwin was about to re-enter the room.


The action was quicker than expected.

“Do not go!”

Ybriel ran and hugged Herwin’s leg tightly. Herwin stood tall like a lie.
Emotions rushed like a riot.

‘I feel like crying.’

Ybriel desperately suppressed the sadness.

‘How many things to say, if I cry now. Ah really.’

As I got older, something definitely went wrong. Ybriel couldn’t help but
burst into tears.

“Huh, uh, how long have I waited….”

Eventually, Herwin turned around. He slowly bent his knees and sat down in
front of the child.
Episode 22
Ybriel tried to look straight into his face.

But because of the tears, it was impossible to tell what kind of expression
Herwin was making.

‘No, don’t look at it. It doesn’t matter.’

Ybriel erased her thoughts and moved according to her instincts. He reached
out and hugged his neck.
‘It’s cold.’

Herwin’s body was cold. Fearing the faint warmth, Ybriel hugged him tighter.
“It’s really bad….”

Herwin didn’t push Ybriel out. Being so happy that it happened, Ybriel wept


“You are asleep.”

“You must have been very tired from crying all the time.”

The assistant and the nanny looked at the sleeping child and talked quietly.
After weeping, Ybriel was exhausted and fell asleep.

“Where is the best place for a father who lacks like this?”

It was Herwin who was holding the sleeping child. He patted the child’s
colorful breathing on the back with stiff hand movements.

Lily, who was watching the scene, cautiously opened her mouth.

“Hey, Duke. I’m not going to miss her.”

A five-year-old is never easy. Knowing this, Lily was concerned about the
duke’s health.

“I would love to do that. I think it would be better to lay him down in the
room than to keep him cuddled to sleep.”

It wasn’t for the same reason as Lily, but Kian also helped. When Herwin was
involved with the child, it became difficult in many ways.

Outside the window, the night was quietly approaching.

Herwin looked down at Ybriel, who was holding her, and slowly pulled it out
of her arms. Like a person who regrets. As if regret remained.

As the warmth faded away, Ybriel whined a little. Herwin handed the child
over to Lily with a more cautious move.
Lily, holding the little girl in her arms, looked at Herwin’s expression at first
glance and felt that something was wrong.

It was as if he had stolen the child from the duke….

“It’s all.”

Lily’s mouth opened.

“Where would you like to be, you asked. The lady loves the duke very much.
Just like the duke loves the lady. That’s quite normal. Parents love their
children and children love their parents.”

Numerous emotions surged in Herwin’s eyes. Lily gently stroked Ybriel’s


“Please spend more time with Mrs. I beg you.”

In the silence, Herwin didn’t say anything for a long time.

“… It would be great if I could.”
Herwin’s small voice did not reach Lily’s ears. The soft moonlight shattered
like glass over Herwin’s hair.

“I wish I could. really.”

A faint sadness and concern spread over his unusually pale face.

“Sleep well.”
After a quiet command, the door closed.


‘Haha, it’s ruined.’

That’s what Ybriel had in mind when she woke up in the morning.

Ybriel laughed in disappointment over and over again. Yesterday’s self was a
little crazy. Yes, it is. It’s clear.

However, the work that the self-help people had done did not go away.

“Oh, really, ah!”

Ybriel rolled over on the blanket in embarrassment. Even though I knew it

was ignorant, I couldn’t stand it.

“You damn five-year-old self!”

It wasn’t enough to swear that it was bad, so I just cried like an idiot! I can’t
even say anything I want to say!

Ybriel, who had been rolling for a while, somehow lost all his strength and

‘No, it might have been better. Because I can see you again under the pretext
of apologizing for the rudeness.’

It’s not that I didn’t gain anything from yesterday.

Up until now, Ybriel has been looking for the reason for Herwin’s change in
herself. But that was only Ybriel’s idea.

‘It’s not that there’s a problem with me, it’s that there’s something I can’t tell
my dad.’

I wonder how surprised he was that he didn’t come out very often, that he ran
out in a month as soon as he screamed. It also meant that he was worried
about Ybriel.

As she recalled the day before, Ybriel pouted her lips.

“Dad is an idiot. If that’s the case, then why haven’t you met him yet?”

After saying that, Ybriel was silent for a while, and then suddenly she burst
into tears.

“Huh, no, I’m the fool….”

Ybriel buried her face in the pillow and wept in frustration.

“Even if I didn’t leave my dad and go to Albion, Bub, I’m an idiot….”

A funny face shape was stamped on the pillowcase. Ybriel pressed down her
swollen eyelids to organize her thoughts.

‘In the end, health is the most important thing. I mean, you have to make him
get up from the bed himself.’

In the end, it was entirely up to Herwin to get out of the room.

After shedding tears, Ybriel approached the table in one side of the room.

‘If you cry like last time, you won’t be able to say anything, so let’s write it

Immediately, he took a piece of paper and a pen from the drawer and wrote it

“Daddy must do it”

heck, I made a mistake. Ybriel stopped moving her hand and drew a line on

“What Daddy Must Do “

It has no shape, but paper is precious.

“Um, something is wrong.”

The letters were crooked because I was not yet used to writing with small

The nib scraped the paper squarely.

<Things Dad Must Do >

When I added two stars for emphasis, it started to look a little more

“Okay, don’t lock the door for now. If something happens inside, it’s going to
be a big deal.”

It’s never that I can’t go in. yes.

Ybriel numbered them down, writing down what Herwin had to do one by

“Make sure to see the sun for 30 minutes a day. Walked twice. No, you
shouldn’t overdo it.”

He was writing only the things that must be observed for Herwin’s health, but
from a certain moment, selfishness mixed little by little.

“Read a book with me, have breakfast together, give me an arm pillow….”

There was no blockage in her hand writing down what she wanted to do with
Herwin. It’s something I’ve really wanted since I was little.

‘Is there anything I’ve missed?’

Ybriel pondered and wrote one more line. Unlike the previous ones, I tried to
write again and again.

But when I actually wrote it, I felt sad.

“Let’s just delete this.”

Ybriel crossed out the last sentence and erased it. It was then painted black so
that the contents could not be seen at all. Then, after folding the paper neatly,
he slid down from the chair.

“Miss, good morning…?”

Lily, who was about to enter Ybriel’s room, suddenly saw Ybriel running out
and greeted her.

“Uh, where are you going?”

“To Dad!”

The child went round the corner and disappeared without Lily to dry it.

‘My little girl, she’s so cute today too….’

Lily, who had been thinking blankly, suddenly realized and shouted.

“You have to do your breakfast and go, miss!”

How do I meet Herwin Solgren, who is locked up in my room?

It was the biggest challenge for five-year-old Ybriel.

There was only one answer that Ybriel chose to answer that question.

will keep knocking. until it opens.

“You are here today as well as yesterday.”


“You will come tomorrow.”

“Of course.”

“Will you come the day after tomorrow?”

The little girl nodded her head sternly.

“There is no door that cannot be opened.”


Qian began to wonder whether this little girl’s tenacity would win, or the
reason of the duke, who was lying in his bedroom, breathlessly.

“Even if Your Majesty is angry, I don’t know.”

“yes I’m fine.”

Ybriel clenched her fist with a determined expression on her face. And
politely knocked on the door.
Episode 23

But unfortunately today, the door was firmly closed and did not open.
Ybriel looked at the doorknob and pondered.

‘Shall we scream again?’

I remembered Herwin, who ran out immediately upon hearing the scream,
but Ybriel shook her head immediately.
‘I don’t think it’s a good idea to make a fuss anyway.’

Herwin, who is not well, may have an adverse effect.

‘Let’s find another way. What would be good?’

While Ybriel’s mind was busy running, Qian looked at Ybriel and asked Lily,
recalling the rat appearance the day before.
“By the way, there are mice roaming around the castle, so the management
seems to have been negligent.”
Lily shook her head with a look of helplessness.

“Because there is an absurd shortage of manpower….”

“The hiring budget is not something I can do anything about, so I will bring a
cat soon.”
“I will instruct you to pay more attention to cleaning, too.”

Ebriel’s expression, who had been quietly listening to their conversation,

suddenly darkened.

Before returning, Ybriel received countless insults at the Imperial Palace.

Among them, the thing that upset Ybriel the most was the words ‘I’d rather
crawl into Wintervis with my feet than go to Solgren and buy it’.

Even thinking about it now gives me goosebumps.

‘How can you say such harsh words?’

Wintervis is the name of the infamous prison in the middle of the North Ice
Sea. That meant that Solgren’s situation was the worst.

But apart from his anger, Ybriel could not deny that statement at once.

As with most of the northern provinces, Solgren’s financial difficulties were a

particularly chronic and serious problem.

‘Besides, outside the eyes of the emperor, my half brother is ruling.’

He was afraid of getting close to Herwin Solgren and seeing blood for
nothing. As a result, Solgren had little or no interaction except for a few
territories adjacent to its jurisdiction.

‘The traffic is bad, and there is no way to farm in this climate. Most of the
mines that exist are owned by the imperial family.’

Especially in this period, ahead of ‘midwinter’, criminals would sneak into the
territory to avoid being pursued by the guards.

It is a mess in many ways.

‘For such a thing, the security is surprisingly good.’

Ybriel looked at Kian with a new feeling.

To put it bluntly, there’s nothing a sickly duke who can’t take care of himself
does. In other words, it means that the assistant is doing all the work.

‘Kian, you were a bigger person than I thought.’

Suddenly, Ybriel realized that she didn’t have much time left.

Born and raised in Solgren, Ybriel was well aware of the fear of midwinter.
‘I need to learn how to handle winter branches as soon as possible.’

As the temperature drops sharply, the water supply facilities freeze without
fail, and snow storms occur indefinitely.

The weak roof of the building collapsed because it could not withstand the
weight of the accumulated snow, or the windows were often blown off by
strong winds.

Also, the severe cold was fair to the beasts with no exceptions. Because of
this, the beasts went south to escape the middle of winter, corroding the
territory, or harming people frequently.

‘The worst case is an avalanche.’

It causes the greatest loss of life, and if the road is cut off, it is completely cut
off from the outside until spring arrives.

The fact that Solgren was relatively open to other races also had an effect.

They were more cold-resistant and in better physical condition than humans.
Because of this, a considerable number of heterogeneous tribes belonged to
the Northern Guard and Knights Templar.

“Are you going to leave today, miss?”

Lily’s words crept into her thoughts. Ybriel handed the paper he had brought
with him urgently to Kian.

“Well then, give me this too!”

“What is this?”

“Oh, you can’t read Kian! I’m giving it to you!”

Kian raised his glasses slightly.

“All right. I’ll give you a letter.”

“Do I really have to tell him to read it?”

“Yes, I will pass it on.”

Ybriel took a step back with a face full of regrets.

When you open the door, you can immediately see your face. It’s a letter.
There is no skit
All the way back to the room, Ybriel was in trouble.

‘It would be nice to have news that surprises you enough to get your dad out.’

If possible, instead of doing the bad things, the good things.

While thinking about a way, Ybriel came up with a plan.

‘What if I solve Solgren’s financial troubles?’

It was a good idea the more I thought about it.

‘I can’t wait for my dad to move himself. Maybe it’s because you’ve got too
many things to worry about, right?’

Moreover, in order to face the emperor, the overall force of the territory must
be strengthened. To do that, money was needed.

‘Okay, let’s make money first. Solgren Castle needs to be repaired, and Evan
is not enough to take care of his father.’
Ybriel’s eyes twinkled with vitality.

‘To do that, we need to first check how much debt the estate has.’

However, all of the financial data will be in the archives in the duke’s office.

Ybriel was only five years old to go and show her proudly.

‘I’ll have to look at the opportunity.’


To his surprise, the very next day, an opportunity came to Ybriel.

“I have come to advance the repayment date.”

It was because the creditor visited without notice.

Qian, who took Herwin’s place in the parlor, gazed quietly at the man sitting
proudly on the sofa opposite him.

“You came without a message, so this is a sudden notice, Mr. Ross. May I ask

Rickson Ross, the northern branch manager of the Ross Company, one of the
four empires of the Empire, and the eldest son of a generalist, showed a
displeased expression.

‘You are stubbornly obsessed with the subject of an aide in the ruined estate.’

I didn’t like it when I saw him taking pride in a plate that was not enough
even if he crouched.

“I heard the obituary of Brontez.”

In fact, the fact that the Ross company would send someone was something
that Kian was also expecting.

After Hovil Brontez’s death, several of Solgren’s businesses he had in his

hands were lost and shaken.

In particular, Ross had invested a large amount in the sugar beet growing
business led by Brontez.

I couldn’t stand looking at this situation.

‘However, I did not know that the repayment date would be earlier by coming
to visit.’

Kian responded calmly.

“As you may know, growing sugar beets is only possible in the spring. What
you need to think about right now is ….”
“The Brontez family has agreed to sell the sugar beets by August next year
and use the profits to pay back our investment.”

Rickson cut off the conversation with a cold attitude.

“Check it out.”

Kian’s expression hardened as he checked the contract he held out.

“I have a special treat.”

If Hobill Brontez fails to continue his business, Rickson can advance the
repayment date at will.

“Roth has invested a lot of money in this business. At least not lose.”
Rickson, who thought he had given the cheeky aide a shot, caressed the ring
on his finger with a remorseful expression.

“I will come back in March of the following year. I hope it gets sorted out.”

And Ybriel was overhearing their conversation through the fireplace in the
room next to the drawing room.
‘What does all this mean?’

Feeling that the outside was cluttered from the afternoon, Ybriel took
advantage of Lily’s absence and wandered around the castle for a while.

Unsurprisingly, I saw Kian and a strange man who appeared to be a guest

heading towards the drawing room together.
‘I’m glad we didn’t repair the fireplace on time.’

The fireplace in the drawing room and this room are attached to each other
with a wall in between to share heat, so if you take out a single brick, you can
easily hear the sound of the other room.
‘I thought something was wrong, so I gently lifted up the brick.’

Heard this conversation.

‘The Hobill Brontez borrowed money from the sale of sugar beets as
collateral, and you’re saying it has to be paid back by March?’

No matter how much I thought about it, it was unreasonable.

‘The beets won’t be planted until May, no matter how early. Besides….’

The memories before the return flashed through Ybriel’s head.

‘I’ve heard it. The sugar beet business in the north was a major failure due to
soft blight.’

Therefore, even if the sugar beet business was carried out, it was obvious that
it would only incur losses and would not be able to settle the debt.

Ybriel stopped eavesdropping and slowly retreated with cat steps.

The office will be empty as Qian is now serving guests.

‘Now is the time!’

Episode 24
It was good at times like this that there were not many users in the castle.

On the way, Ybriel went to the Duke’s office and stole financial data. And in
the end, I had to see with my own eyes the miserable conditions of the land.

“Nonsense. What kind of debt is 4 million Belkham…?!”

At first I thought my eyes were wrong because it was such an absurd amount.

‘The annual income of the Solgren Territory is barely 1 million Belkham.

That means I owe about four times the annual income of the estate.’

Fortunately, the amount that had to be paid back to the Ross company by
March was 500,000 Belkham.

Ybriel calmed down.

‘it’s okay. If it’s about 500,000 Belkham, I can prepare it.’

Ybriel turned her head and looked at the wardrobe on one side of the room.
A small deer-shaped statue was placed among the small props.
Ybriel smiled faintly.

“That would be it.”


Campa, west of Veloiton, was originally a dominion consisting of several very

small towns.

From one day on, poor wandering artisans began to gather there.
This was because they realized that tax collection was loose in the Dominion.

Over the years, Kampa has become a gateway city for artisans and artists
However, not all artists based in the artisan city of Kampa are renowned.
The Ramstone Atelier was a prime example of this.

This shabby studio with only one apprentice in a dilapidated building was
soon to be destroyed.

That was until one winter morning, a letter and a small parcel arrived.

“Are you the painter Seldia Sunfield?”

Lambstone’s apprentice, Seldia Sunfield, stared at the postman who had come
since morning.

“If it’s Seldia Sunfield…, that’s my name.”

“Ah, then you came to the right place.”

The postman handed the letter and parcel he was holding to Seldia. Seldia
suddenly accepted them. The letter was sealed with a nice stag seal.
“But I am not a painter…. Because I’m still an apprentice.”

When Seldia, who answered slowly, looked up again, the postman was already
walking away into the opposite alley.

Seldia, who looked at the postman’s back, slowly turned over the parcel and

It certainly had his name written on it.

‘I think the rich … sent it.’

The quality of the paper on which the envelopes and parcels were wrapped
was quite luxurious.

Seldia opened the letter out of curiosity. The content was brief.

[In front of the painter Seldia Sunfield.

My master wants you to commission a painting. A small gift is enclosed to
add life to the canvas. If you do, please write ‘Princess Solgren, Ebriel-sama’
in the address field as soon as possible and send a reply.

At Solgren Castle, Lily Belgrin.]

It was a really cool letter.

The handwriting looked like a clumsy child, but the vocabulary seemed to
have been written by a person of noble status.

‘Who is Lily?’

Seldia tilted her head and opened the package.


Seldia checked the contents and opened her mouth. What was in the bottle
was a beautiful blue pigment.
‘Oh My God.’

Pigments, which were used as materials for paints, had different values
depending on their colors.

Among them, blue pigments were extremely rare and therefore very

‘I’ve never seen anything like this while working as a studio assistant.’

Seldia, who had never run unless there was a fire, immediately ran after the

“Wait a minute, wait a minute…!”

The postman, who was suddenly caught, looked at Seldia with a surprised

“Where did this… come from?”

“Yes Yes?”
“Where do I go to meet the person who sent this …?”

Something similar to madness flashed in the apprentice’s eyes, which looked

like dead fish until before.

“Boo, from Solgren in the North.”

The postman, who was overwhelmed by the momentum, answered with a
bewildered expression.

“Solgren, Solgren….”

Seldia pondered the word as if trying to engrave it in her memory. Seeing that
the taste had completely gone, the postman slowly moved away.


A few days later, rumors spread that Ramstone’s sluggish assistant had left the
atelier and left Campa.

No one knew why.


There is a mineral called ‘ghoststone’ that can only be found in Solgren.

The dull gray color of the ghost stone was not very valuable as it was crude to
be crafted as a jewel.

‘But after a few years the price will go up.’

A poor painter who happened to obtain a ghost stone was grinding it to make
I thought it would be gray if I tried, so I tried it as a joke, but the result was

‘Who would have known that such a mysterious blue light would come out of
a crude ghost stone.’
The whitish mineral powder turned into a beautiful blue color when heated
after being filtered once in water.

It was the discovery of ‘Phantom Blue’, which marked the history of Veloiton

‘This time I made it a little faster.’

It was fortunate that there was a sculpture made of ghost stones in Ybriel’s

Ebriel, wrapped in a blanket, looked out the white window.

‘Is the parcel still on the way?’

Midwinter was just around the corner. It took longer than expected to prepare
without Lily’s knowledge.

The finished pigment was sent along with the letter by the fastest postal
wagon, but in the end, it seemed that they would face the middle of winter
without receiving a reply.

Ybriel calmed her impatient mind.

‘If you’re a painter, you won’t stand still looking at the pigment.’

In particular, if it is Seldia Sunfield, the painter to whom Ybriel sent a letter, I

will definitely contact her.

‘Because he was the painter who discovered Phantom Blue in his last life.’

Ybriel remembered the deeds of Seldia Sunfield before her return.

Seldia, who discovered the Phantom Blue, could have made enough money,
but she did not.

Instead, he devoted himself to his painting activities with those paints.

‘The passion for painting was great.’

Even Ybriel had seen Seldia’s paintings once, following the empress, who was
well versed in art.

‘Is it the name of <Dawn of Kampa>?’

It was a masterpiece that made Seldia Sunfield a famous painter at once,

depicting the scenery of Campa dyed with a mysterious blue dawn.

But the luck was short-lived.

Seldia lost the ‘Phantom Blue’ made from ghost stones to her teacher

The painter, who was deprived of the pigments and paints he had found,
became pessimistic about his life and eventually killed himself.

Therefore, <Dawn of Campa> became Seldia’s masterpiece and posthumous


‘This time, we’re going to save the unfortunate genius.’

Ybriel thought so, but at the same time felt a strange regret.

‘It was a really cool picture, will I ever see it again?’

Since Ybriel discovered Phantom Blue, it is unknown whether Celdia will

paint the same picture again.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door. Lily, who was reading a book by the
fireplace, raised her head.

“Who are you?”

No guests will come to Ybriel, who hasn’t been out in the social world yet.

If anyone other than Lily comes to visit….

‘I got a call from Kampa, or my dad looked at the to-do list and replied to
Either way, that was good news. Ybriel ran faster than Lily with a face full of
excitement and opened the door.


And he faced the sturdy knights standing in the front of the door.

“Ah, Princess, nice to meet you—”

When a large figure suddenly approached, Ybriel was startled and closed the

“Lee, Lily, there are people you’ve never seen outside.”

“Oh, I see.”
Lily clapped her hands as if she had just remembered.
“I heard that knights will come to escort you at the order of the Duke. It must
be them.”
Ybriel opened her mouth. Come to think of it, the clothes they were

‘It was a white uniform with blue decorations.’

Then it was clear that the White Tiger Knights were under Solgren.
Episode 25
‘Are you still calling my escort from the poor knights?’

Compared to regular guards, knights should be paid more. Therefore, there

were not many articles in Solgren, which has been in financial trouble for
several years.
‘If the escort runs out of manpower, the knights’ power would be insufficient?’

Just when Ybriel was worried, a polite knock rang through the room.
“I, Princess. If it’s okay with you, can I say hi?”

They were outside knights.

“Would you like to see me?”

“… yes.”

As Ybriel nodded with a frown on her face, Lily approached and opened the

When the three drivers came in, it felt full even though it was a spacious

While Ybriel was busy examining her face, a female knight with short hair
approached first and bent one knee.

“Nice to meet you, Miss Ybriel. I am Laura Claw, the leader of the White
Tiger Knights.”


Ybriel tilted her head as if she had heard it somewhere. It was a rare castle. It
must have sounded familiar, but I could hardly remember it.

“This is, in turn, Sir Alon Elhenz, then Sir Zed.”

Alon was a tall man, approaching 6.5 feet.
On the other hand, Zed had a slender build and a face that seemed to have
just turned twenty when he was older.
“Ugh, nice to meet you all.”

Ybriel put her thoughts on ‘Claw’ for a while and greeted the knights.

“From now on, these two will take turns protecting you. They are all talented
people, so you can rest assured.”

“Yeah, thanks….”

Thank you, how strange

‘It feels like surveillance, not escort.’

Now that midwinter is about to begin, there was no way for Ybriel to go out.
A blizzard so strong that it is difficult to get around outside will not happen,
and there will be no intrusion of anyone from the outside.

‘By the way, two articles are attached.’

It was very dubious.

As Ybriel rolled her round eyes, one of the knights suddenly burst into

Alon was the first Laura introduced.

“Haha, ‘that’ Kian-sama was carefully recruiting people for some reason, so I
guess that’s why.”

“It’s surprising. Because it looks like you don’t like cute things.”

Zed nodded as if he knew something. Only Ybriel fell into doubt. I couldn’t
understand what he was talking about.

“Are young humans always this small? I think it will break if I hit it.”
“I’m rude to you, Zed.”

Laura pointed out like a knife.

“Today, Zed will escort you. He’s just joined, so he’s still lacking a lot. If you
are being rude, please let me know immediately.”

“Ah, the captain too. You don’t trust me too much, do you?”
“… Yes, Kian-sama must have thought of everything.”

Laura shook her head with a short sigh in response to Zed’s clever answer.
Yvriel thought that it must have been that ‘Zed’ was a formidable person.

“Then we’ll excuse you, ma’am. May you have a peaceful day under the
protection of the tent.”

Laura and Alon saluted politely and then disappeared outside.

Left alone, Zed smiled.

“I wish you all the best in the future, Miss.”

Ybriel looked at Zed like that.

I can’t believe this subtle sign I’ve been feeling since before.

“Lord Zed, are you of a different race?”

“Oh, how did you know?”

“It just feels….”

Zed scratched his cheek.

“You are sharp. Among all mixed races, I’m a quarter, so I’m on the weak
side. Most people don’t even notice.”
In fact, even if I wasn’t very sensitive, I couldn’t help but know.

‘Because the Knights of White Rang are mostly composed of different races.’
Alon also had a similar foundation, so it was highly likely that he was a
heterogeneous race.

It was only natural that heterogeneous races, whose physical abilities were
superior to humans, had excellent results in the Knights Templar Admission
Based on their inherent superiority, they can easily do things that are difficult
for ordinary people to do.

‘Heterogeneous, Knights….’

Ybriel blinked her eyes. I think something will come to mind.

“Come on then, girl.”

Zed squatted down in front of Ybriel, who was deep in thought. He had a face
full of playfulness.

“What kind of animal blood is running through my body?”

“Hey, do you have to?”


Ybriel couldn’t hide her embarrassment.

“why me?”

“It’s fun.”


“I am!”

A strong sense of foreboding ran through Ybriel’s head.

This guy has a weird personality! It doesn’t fit me!

“Hey, Sir Zed. I want you to step back so that she won’t be surprised.”

“Oh, why? I mean, I’m bored. Please play, girl.”

Ybriel hated it and hid behind Lily.

‘Aww, Sir Laura, come back! Take this bastard away!’

Unfortunately, Ybriel’s heart was not touched at all.


It soon became clear that the purpose of the knights was to protect and

“Let’s pick it up, lady.”

Ybriel stared intently at the two cards in Zed’s hand.

He tried to read Zed’s expression by moving his fingers, but the knight only
smiled and hardly revealed his true feelings.


Ybriel eventually drew the left card with a persimmon. The selected card had
a picture of a smiling clown. Ybriel grabbed her hair.

“Oh, you lost again!”

“Also, my girl. He has a good sense of humor, so he chooses clowns very


“Profit, don’t make fun of me!”

“Since I won, why aren’t you going to the Duke’s room today?”

“There is something wrong with this!”

Ybriel nodded and put the card down. Lily, who was sitting on one side and
was knitting, shook her head as if she couldn’t stop it.

“You should have paid more attention to Gambit.”

Zed grinned and put the cards together. Ybriel was absurd.
“This is not chess!”

For several days, Ybriel didn’t even go near Herwin’s room. It was all because
of Zed and Alon.

Alon stopped immediately if Ybriel wanted to head to Herwin’s room.

‘Can’t we go?’

‘That’s the Duke’s order.’

Alon reacted with embarrassment and decisiveness to Ybriel, a child who was
not suitable for his large size.

Ybriel tried to sneak up on him, but it was impossible to outrun a highly

trained knight (even a sensible heterogeneous race!).

Zed, on the other hand, bet against Ybriel.

‘If you beat me even once with a card game, I will take you to the Duke’s

‘What if I lose?’
‘You have to give up meeting the Duke neatly.’

‘great. Don’t regret losing!’

Although Ybriel did not know, Zed was a person known as the God of Cards
within the Knights Templar.

The result, of course, was Ybriel’s defeat. Ybriel was desperate.

‘I don’t have much to say because I have a history of touching winter

branches, but this is too much!’

I wanted to get a reply to the note I sent, but there was no news from Herwin
so far. At this point, I endured a lot with the patience of a fourteen-year-old
rather than a five-year-old.

“I’m going to get to Sir Laura!”

Ebriel, who had reached the limit, glared at Zed with sullen eyes.

“Oh my gosh, you must be busy right now because you are on a tour of the
post office.”

“Come back later!”

“You won’t be able to come for another month? How busy are the drivers in
the middle of winter?”

After groaning for a while, Zed took off his uniform outerwear to see if it
was getting warmer.
Ybriel, who was timid, looked at the clothes involuntarily. The droopy sleeves
somehow drew attention.
‘Have you seen it somewhere?’

It is strangely eye-catching. The feeling of disorientation I felt when I first

met the knights was revived.
Knight, gray hair, empty sleeves, empty eyes….

‘I’ll wait.’
and one-sided promises.

Ybriel blinked at the sudden memory.

“Zed, are there any apprentice knights in the White Tiger Knights?”
Episode 26
“Of course it is. I also started as an apprentice knight.”

“Then, maybe one of them….”

Ybriel hesitated for a moment.

“Are there any apprentice knights without a left arm?”

“You mean your left arm?”

Zed narrowed his eyes as if thinking about it.

“No, there is no such thing.”

“If I had only one arm, I wouldn’t be able to hold the sword properly. I don’t
know if it’s a seed. Oh, of course, I haven’t heard anything special about the
Ybriel thought it was strange.

‘Obviously he must have belonged to the Knights Templar around this


As the princess’s expression darkened, Zed tilted her head.

“Are you looking for anyone in the Knights Templar?”

Instead of answering, Ybriel looked out the window.


A strange sound could be heard riding in the wind from among the coniferous
forests in the distance.

It was like the cry of a great wolf, or the melody of a very gigantic whale.
It was the sound of the ‘howling lake’ freezing and crashing rapidly in the
severe cold of midwinter.

“Lily, what day is it today?”

“It’s 30 days, miss. Tomorrow is the beginning of winter….”

Ybriel didn’t listen and ran to the window in a hurry.

The sky was dark and the wind was strong. Ybriel turned pale.

‘It was this day.’

midwinter estuary. A colorless boy came to this castle.

Losing her left arm and her younger sister to a group of demonic beasts who
went south.
‘It was today that Asiligo came to Solgren!’

Ybriel immediately ran to the dressing room and pulled out a thick fur cape
and shawl, fur gloves and cold boots.

“Lady, would you like to go out?”

Zed and Lily, who followed without knowing the word, looked at Ybriel with
bewildered faces.




Lily and Zed were both startled and stopped at the same time.

“Soon there will be a snow storm. In the northern storm, not even a man the
size of Sir Alon can wander around! A human as small as a girl flies like a
piece of paper!”
“Why are you leaving all of a sudden? I’d rather go instead. Please tell me

Ybriel grabbed the hem of her robe.

“Hurry up, we have to go get them.”

“He’s in danger!”

“Is that the kid? Who are you talking about?”

The moment Zed asked again with an incomprehensible expression, Ybriel

realized his mistake.

‘I don’t know about Jed or Lily.’

Only Ybriel, who had traveled back in time, knew the boy and the tragedy
that would befall him.

“victim! The weather was so bad that there might have been people in

Ybriel made up words for a moment. It was a natural reaction, but Zed and
Lily quickly relaxed their expressions and smiled, judging the child’s sudden

“Oh my God, are you trying to go out to rescue the shipwreck yourself? You
are braver than me, my lady.”

Lily smiled softly at Zed’s joke and took the cape from Ybriel’s hand.

“Take care, lady. Right before midwinter, movement is restricted at all

checkpoints. The Northern Guard is searching for any survivors, and the level
of vigilance is much higher.”
no. it’s not that.

Ybriel shook her head in her mind. The area searched by the Northern Guard
was only around the outposts and the polished overland roads.
‘That mourning is of a different race like Qian or Zed.’

Since it was located far from human roads, it is known that the discovery and
rescue were delayed even before the return.

“Well, then, tell the guards to search more closely.”

“Um, why?”

“I’m just worried about something…. You can’t hurt anyone.”

Zed slowly rolled his eyes and read Ybriel’s expression.

‘Tense, worry, nervousness, fear….’

Zed’s eyes shone sharply at the sight of a child he had never seen while beside

Although his dignity as a knight was a little lacking, Zed did not listen to the
orders of those he served. It was the same even as a child.

“All right. I don’t know if the owl will be able to fly in this weather, but let’s
make sure that it can be delivered to the guards through Kian-sama.”

Zed hurriedly left the room. Ybriel looked out the window again. The
window swayed precariously.

‘I should have figured out a way to deal with the winter branches.’

In order to prevent an avalanche and other damage, Ybriel tried to use it

while searching for several books by herself.

However, because it was not an emergency like that day, winter branches
remained silent. As time passed, the day finally came.

‘It’s definitely reckless to go out in this weather. I might pay a bigger four

Suppressing the anxiety that chilled the nape of his neck, Ybriel prayed that
the guards would find them safely.
In the afternoon the blizzard turned into a storm, as everyone had said. Even
the castle’s belongings were damaged, so the users were busily roaming the

Ybriel turned her back on the distant commotion and looked out the window.

Zed hasn’t heard from him since he left.

I heard from Lily that the beast had crossed the fence on the village side and
rushed to the aid.

‘If you’re going to catch a beast instead of escorting, it’s true that there is a
shortage of manpower.’

Ybriel was nervous.

In such inclement weather, it was questionable whether the search would

work properly in a situation where dangerous beasts frequently appear.

‘Do you have any memories of something helpful?’

For example, when was Asiligo discovered and how did he come to this

‘Late at night near the lake, dying, the knights returning to find it.’

When I managed to get a clue, the memories flooded in like a dam burst.

‘right. So I came to the castle. There were too many patients at the Youngji
Medical Center, so Evan treated him.’

Then it wouldn’t be too far.

I couldn’t wait to watch the harsh weather.

Ybriel made up her mind and gently stroked the back of her hand. A white
light shone, revealing the winter branches.


Ybriel painstakingly erected the winter branches. It was always a heavy staff.
‘There is no such thing as a function to reduce the size.’

Ybriel closed her eyes, leaving her regret behind. Let’s focus on bringing back

“It’s as simple as a blink of an eye. Just open the ‘door’.”

That day, the voice said that if you open the door, you can use the winter
branches. If that’s the case, if only Ybriel opened that ‘door’.

‘Winter branches can be used to calm the cold.’

The feeling I felt that day. It feels like something has been opened in the
vicinity of the heart.

The sun, wind, and waves seem to pour in all at once.


Ybriel took a short breath.

aperture. A gap opens. I could be sure even though no one told me. That it
was the door that the voice said.
‘This is it!’

Ybriel concentrated on the sensation, forgetting to breathe.

And at some point.

The winter branches radiated bright light and changed their appearance.

What surprised me the most was Ybriel.


The winter branches were shortened to fit Ybriel’s body.

Ybriel turned around the winter branch, which became easier to lift. The staff
was literally as light as a feather. It’s like it’s become a real Ybriel’s thing
The surprise wasn’t the only one.

‘This feeling….’

Ybriel realized that something was swirling around her heart. It felt like a
swarm of very small fish swimming, that was mana.

“You opened the door yourself.”

At the sudden sound of a voice ringing in her ears, Ybriel let out a short

“It’s already our third conversation, and we’re still very surprised.”
Ybriel looked around with a surprised face.
‘You’re the voice that helped me back then!’

However, no matter how much he looked around the room, he could not find
the real voice of the voice. Ybriel felt curiosity and fear at the same time.

“Who are you? How are you talking directly into my head?”
When Ybriel asked with a sullen expression, her voice smiled low.

“Look at what you have in your hand.”

Ybriel looked at the winter branches. Then I started hearing this voice….

“I am ‘winter’. Winter branches are a part of me.”

Ybriel was confused. I knew winter branches were part of winter.

But I didn’t know you could talk like this.
Episode 27
I read all the related records in the report to deal with the winter branches,
but there was not a single line of this.
“There may be records. You were the first person I spoke to.”

Ybriel blinked blankly.

The power that Shia imparted to humans permeated the earth and gave birth
to mysterious beings.
Those beings called ‘spirits’ fought against the beasts of darkness to protect
the land of Shia, and sometimes made a contract with humans to help.
However, making a contract with the spirit was not so easy.

‘Why did you talk to me?’

“Well. Is it because it’s interesting? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen

The more he talked with Winter, the more he fell into the labyrinth.

Clearly, as long as winter branches were attributed, it was the fact that we had
to continue to face the existence of the unknown in the future.

“Well, can I call it winter?”

Then the wind blew once. The objects in the room vibrated slightly along the

「The word for me is ‘winter’, but it would be better not to call it that way. A
name contains quite a lot of power.”

“If you call me ‘winter’, I have the power to live up to that name.”
Winter laughed when Ybriel was embarrassed by the difficult words.

“Don’t try to understand, kid. What is the most fragile creature you know?”

At that, Ybriel thought for a moment before answering.

“… Butterfly.”
“Butterfly. That’s a good name.”

Immediately afterward, the sentence on the back of the hand began to glow
brightly. Ybriel closed her eyes tightly.
How long did the cold wind blow? The surroundings became quiet.

“Look at this. It feels good to be in a pretty good shape with the new name.”

Upon hearing those words, Ybriel opened her eyes and witnessed a very
beautiful sight.


Dozens of glittering butterflies covered the ceiling, twinkling.

It was like a snowy scene.

“You are so pretty, Winter!”

At that moment, the wind swayed again and the butterflies began to flap their
wings in unison.

“You have to be careful. did you notice I’d rather call you a butterfly.”
“Ah, okay, Butterfly-sama.”

In answer, Ybriel shrugged her shoulders slightly. The air seemed to be colder
than before. Maybe your body is cold.

“There is a limit at which your body can withstand my materialization.

Unfortunately, it’s not that long.”

“Well, then I’m cold and cold right now….”

As the chill grew stronger, her teeth kept bumping, and Ybriel stuttered.
“It’s my fault.”

“That, that, that’s right.”

Ybriel suddenly realized that time was running out.

“I, Nabi-sama, I have a favor.”

“Please. Tell me.”

“Snow, stop the storm, I want to dance.”


Winter asked Ybriel as if he knew he had another request.

“Oh, there is someone I want to save.”


“Uh, is it difficult?”

Winter was silent for a moment. Ybriel thought, somehow, that Winter
seemed to be smiling quietly.

“Are you still going?”

“… Right.”

“Do what you want.”

Ybriel smiled brightly.


The boy knew at some point that my sister had stopped talking.
“Kanya, you can’t sleep.”

The harsh wind swallowed the cracked voice. A blizzard sharply scraped his
bright red cheeks.

“You just have to go a little further.”

I felt my sister’s body on her back getting colder.

The hidden is still attached. I just don’t have time.

The boy forced his feet to move as if suspended by a pendulum. The thickly
piled up snow makes a popping sound and is trampled on.

There was only one reason why the brothers and sisters, who had run away
from the illegal slave traders, decided to go to the North.

‘A manor that does not exclude different races.’

It will be easy to settle in a place where people who flow with animal blood
like them live and establish their foundations.

But the bitter cold held her ankles. Had it not been for the clothes that the
hunters had thrown away, the brothers and sisters might have died side by
side long ago.

The boy raised his senses and moved forward. In a heavy blizzard, it is easy
to lose direction.

To forget the skin-ripping cold, the boy had only one goal in mind.

‘Protect Kanya.’

Those were the words his mother left to the boy just before he died.

‘Take care of your brother.’

He had to protect Kanya. Even if it means losing your own life.


The boy suddenly felt a presence and looked back. On the other side of the
blizzard, a reddish glow gleamed in his eyes.


It was a bunch of hungry lore. A dark energy spread under the sharp claws,
staining the white eyes.

The boy held his sister tight.

‘Can I run?’

Even breathing is difficult. Climbing the snowy mountain, the boy was already

‘Somehow only Kanya….’

The swarm gave the boy no more time to think.

A shrill cry roared in my ears. The boy curled up, wrapping Kanya in his
arms, expecting his teeth to rip through his skin.

But the world was silent. There was no strong wind, no cries of beasts,
nothing but the sound of snow piled up.
The boy, Asiligo, slowly raised his head.

Soon an unbelievable spectacle unfolded before his eyes.

Soon the storm stopped and the sun came out.

As the gentle wind caressed the snowy field, the weightless ice cubes sparkled
like diamonds and soared into the air.

There was no trace of even the blizzard that had just been raging wildly
before, or even the demonic beasts that were running with a fierce force.
Asiligo couldn’t even breathe at the wondrous sight.

In this northern land where a flower has not bloomed, ahead of a season
without a god.


Hundreds of transparent butterflies flew into the sky like a blizzard of flowers.
giving off a soft blue light.

‘Is it dead?’

Seeing with his own eyes what could not happen in reality, that was the most
rational decision the boy could make.

Asiligo hugged Kanya tightly into her arms. I don’t know if this is a paradise
led by God or the abyss of sinners.

All that mattered to the boy was the fact that he had his only family by his

Asiligo quickly turned his head at the sudden appearance of popularity.

‘A two-legged beast. Person. But I’m not an adult. There is no sense of weight
in the steps.’

As I watched the direction the sound was coming from, vigilantly vigilant, a
butterfly narrowly skimmed right in front of the boy’s face.

I closed my eyes and saw it the moment I woke up.

In the distance a little girl was walking towards them across the snow.

Asiligo was speechless.

Isn’t it usually a Shinigami who guides the dead? However, the girl
approaching from the other side looked more like a fairy than a reaper.
Around that time, the girl also found him. The girl’s face brightened, and her
steps gradually accelerated.
“Ah, I found it! it’s okay? Are there any injuries?”

The girl was about the same age as his sister, Kanya. Seeing the cheeks
reddened by the cold and the white of the breath, Asiligo thought that even
the fairy had a pretty human figure.

The girl took a long breath, as if letting go of her heart, carefully examining
whether the children were safe.

“I’m really, really glad that it’s not too late….”

At the end of those words, the girl collapsed. The bewildered boy
immediately leaned over and hugged the girl. The girl’s body was like ice.

A sense of reality came to Asiligo like a flash of light. This girl is neither a
Shinigami nor a fairy. they didn’t die
Asiligo hurriedly took the unfamiliar girl and her sister into her arms to
distribute her body temperature.
‘Can I take them both?’

The nine-year-old boy has already consumed a lot of stamina to get here. To
be honest, I couldn’t move any more.
‘At least find a place to make a fire….’

Then a murmur from a distance grew closer and closer.

“we are here! Everyone this way!”

It seemed that people came to find this girl. Asiligo’s ears caught the word
‘handmaiden’ sharply.
‘Is it a noble status?’
The girl in her arms just closed her eyes without explanation.

“Bring all the blankets left! There are more children!”

Asiligo didn’t even think to guard against them. I just wanted to sleep deeply.

As soon as I closed my eyes, everything became distant. Only his senses filled
his consciousness.

Whoa. Whoa. My heart was beating fast in the midst of the uneven breathing.
As if trying to prove that he survived.
Episode 28
The cost of using winter branches excessively was terrifying.

‘You, you, it’s so cold….’

Uncontrolled cold mana roamed around her body, stealing Ybriel’s body
‘I thought there would be no more pain than then!’

It seemed to be four times more difficult than the aftermath of the

confrontation with Hoville.

After reading his heart, Winter clicked his tongue slightly.

“It’s my first time leaning on a human body this young, so I don’t even know
what to do.”
‘I’m fine, I’m fine. Thanks to The, who used winter branches, they saved them

Winter, which wiped out the severe cold in an instant, turned into a butterfly
and informed Ybriel of the locations of Asiligo and Kanya.

‘It was fine until then.’

The problem was that they had used too much energy to deal with the lore
that attacked them.
‘They’re all right, aren’t they?’

“It will be less serious than your current condition.”

‘thank god….’

Ybriel grinned as he clenched his teeth. Something like the sigh of winter
tickled my ears.
“Your guardian should take good care of you.”
‘Dad, you must be sick too.’

“It is not a disease. You can’t break the shell on your own. Foolishly.”

Feeling strange at the end of winter, Ybriel asked straight away.

‘What does that mean? Do you know about your father’s illness?’
“Let’s talk after taking care of your body first.”

After saying those words, Winter fell asleep on her own to protect the young
Ybriel crouched as much as possible to raise her body temperature. Still, the
chilly chill never went away.
Ybriel wanted to set a fire around her if she could just warm herself.

Then someone hugged Ybriel tightly. Turns out, it was a bed. The back was
soft and the duvet was soft.

“Put the brazier closer to the bed.”

Ybriel raised her ears.

‘It’s Daddy’s voice.’

It was harder and sharper than usual, but it was definitely Herwin’s voice.

There was a faint smell of medicinal herbs from the blanket that covered his

Ybriel realized that Herwin was hugging her to share her body temperature.

Ybriel screamed inwardly.

‘You said not to use winter branches….’

He had no choice but to save Asiligo, but when he woke up, he thought that
Herwin would severely scold him.
‘It’s not enough to cause such trouble to a sick father.’

Ybriel wanted to shout an apology right away. But his tongue was as hard as
frozen, and he could not open his mouth at all.

In the end, instead of saying sorry, he grabbed Herwin’s hem.

Herwin felt Ybriel’s slight movement.

“Eve, it’s okay. I’ve collected all the thermal stones in the castle in this room.
It will warm up soon.”

He explained in a soft voice so as not to startle the child although it was


In the midst of the cold, like before, Dad was so sweet that Ybriel burst into
“Are you still cold?”

Ybriel grabbed the hem of his robe once more in that sense. Herwin turned
his head.

“Can we put more firewood in the stove?”

“Yes, I keep putting it in.”

“Don’t spare. Lily, bring me some hot water. I need to feed you little by

Soon, someone scooped up lukewarm water with a teaspoon and poured it

down Ybriel’s teeth.

However, despite the constant effort, Ybriel’s body grew colder and colder.

“Please be safe, please.”

Herwin’s earnest voice caught Ybriel’s consciousness as she moved away.

Ybriel was also feeling the chill that spread out of control.

‘I’m going to freeze to death at this rate! Let’s imagine something.’

Shivering, Ybriel began to think of warm things at random.

‘Freshly brewed tea, warm milk and bread fresh from the oven, simmered
stew, boiled potatoes, midday summer sun, fireplace stuffed with dry wood,
fresh fire, flames….’

Then it was as if the flames were really flickering in front of me.

Ybriel imagined grabbing the light and pulling it into her arms.

‘Be warm. Warm up, a little!’

The light was getting closer as I desperately wanted it.

Soon, warmth erupted from Ybriel’s heart like ink smeared. As the body
temperature rose gradually, breathing gradually became easier.

‘It’s okay now.’

It was as if I heard someone whispering in my ear. Ybriel fell asleep


“… Your body temperature is rising a bit now.”

Evan, who continued to check Ybriel’s condition, finally sighed.

Herwin was relieved at that moment and closed his eyes. The child groaned in
his arms.

“I want to hear an explanation of what happened.”

Lily, who had stood pale at Herwin’s words, took a step forward.

“In the morning, the lady suddenly said she was going out. There may be
survivors from the snow storm, so we have to go rescue them.”

“I said that the bad weather could cause a big problem. She understood too.”

Lily was still gripped by the shock of the past.

“But after Sir Zed was gone in the afternoon….”

Lily turned her head toward the window, and looked out the window, as
Herwin and Evan had promised.

“… That’s how it happened.”

It was a sunny and calm winter day. The severe cold and the bitter storm
disappeared as if they were all lies.

Everyone was stunned by the sight that was nothing short of a miracle.

“When the weather got better, she said she wanted to go out again. In a
strange rush, I hurried to follow and found them near a lake in the forest.”

Lily, who even told the story of Ybriel’s collapse immediately after, cried a

Evan furrowed his eyebrows as if he couldn’t believe my eyes.

“Are winter branches the crazy thing that could change the weather in an

Herwin, who was contemplating the situation, also had a complicated


Winter branches were a kind of storage box to replace the cold with mana.

Therefore, in order to use Winter Branch, you must be able to handle mana,
and to handle mana, you must open the ‘door’, which is basically the first step
to becoming a wizard.

‘It is surprising that he opened the door on his own at that age, but that he
used that level of power with only one door.’

It was absolutely unbelievable.

Since Qian had never received a report that there was anything unusual about
Ybriel’s growth, it was even more difficult for Herwin to understand the

“It was my fault that I did not take care of the young lady well. Whatever
punishment you give me, I will accept it sweetly.”

At Lily’s words, Herwin shook his head. The nanny did her best. It was his
mistake that this happened.

‘If only my body was fine.’

There would have been no need for Ybriel to havetily obtain a winter branch
or to use it as forcefully as it is today.

Herwin sinks into a deep sense of defeat and helplessness.

While he was imprisoned helplessly, like a bird in a cage, the little boy was
about to shoulder his share.

‘I’m sorry. It’s pathetic.’

Herwin sighed deeply and covered his eyes with his palms. Pain leaked
through the dry bones.

“… What happened to the children Ybriel saved?”

“The condition is a mess, but for now, both are well. If I had been a little late,
I would have sold the land this winter.”

Evan shook his head nervously.

“The treatment is over. They are brothers and sisters of different races, but
there is something special, so if you wake up, Kian-sama will investigate.”


Evan rubbed his nose with his thumb.

“It looks like pure blood.”

Episode 29
blood. Those who have human form but have the strongest blood of beasts.
As the heterogeneous races began to blend into human society, they were now
extremely rare.

Herwin’s gaze stayed long on the sleeping child’s face.

“Did Ybriel know beforehand that they needed help?”

“Um, no. Perhaps you were drawn away by the sound of the lake freezing?”
is it. But there was something absurd about it for a coincidence. As soon as
Kian returns, there are more things to check.
“It’s good to see you.”

At Herwin’s instructions, Lily and Evan left the room quietly.

As the room became quiet, the sound of burning wood and Ybriel’s breathing
became clearer.

Herwin looked at the sleeping child’s face and pulled a piece of paper out of
his pocket. It was Ybriel’s letter from Qian a few days ago.

Herwin has been procrastinating and delaying reading. I thought that my

heart would be weak if I just looked at it.

But now I had to check it out. Maybe you can figure out why the kid did this.
Herwin slowly opened the folded paper.

During the time he did not read the letter, he had vaguely imagined the
contents inside.

I thought that it was about asking to meet him, or feeling upset about why he
didn’t meet him, or maybe he just wrote down his grudges against him.

However, the contents inside were far from his expectations.

<Things Dad Must Do >
What was written in crooked letters was what Herwin had to do for his
1. Never, never, never, ever lock the door! (★Very important!★)

2. Be sure to open the curtains and get sunlight for 30 minutes a day! (★This
is also very important!★)

twice a week ! (★Really important!★)

Even if it’s cold, ventilate the room thoroughly, don’t skip meals, go to bed
early and get up early….

Then, at some point, things changed a bit.

12. Please read the book!

13. Have breakfast together!

14. Please give me an arm pillow!

Perhaps he was excited as he wrote it down, the more and more his strokes
became clearer.

It was cute to sneak in content that had nothing to do with health, but it was
heartbreaking at the same time.

‘I didn’t say it was important.’

It just felt like his health was more important than being loved.

Herwin read the letters to his heart, and suddenly stopped breathing at the last

30. ■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■■

Unlike the others, the sentence was squished with black lines, but he could
easily deduce what the sentence was from the strokes he saw at first glance.
‘As before….’

Say you love me like you used to.

Herwin covered his mouth with his hand and was silent for a while.


Qian, who had been in the room since he read the paper, bowed his head.

“Maybe I should be fine.”

Herwin handed over the sleeping Ybriel’s hair with trembling hands.

“I can’t stay by the side of this kid….”

In order not to be noticed by the emperor, he lived for several years holding
his breath. He believed that keeping away from himself and Solgren was the
only way to keep Ybriel safe.

But there was so much that was missed.

When was the last time you said you loved me? Have you ever given her a
hug before she cried and hung up, telling her not to leave it to her tutor?

I couldn’t remember anything. The moment I realized it, my heart was

shattered like glass.

How scared the child was. It would have been better if I had played the hated
and naughty father from the beginning.

Qian reflexively tensed at the unstable appearance.


“it’s okay. Because Evan left the sedative.”

At those words, Qian, who had little expression change, frowned clearly.

The sedatives he was talking about were a little different from what is
commonly known.
If ordinary drugs relieved the patient’s seizure symptoms, the drugs used for
Herwin purposely harmed the body, almost eliminating all the energy to have
a seizure.

Even Herwin is reluctant to do it unless it’s serious.

It was purely for Ybriel’s sake.

“Shall we take the girl to the room?”

Herwin, who was about to nod, realized that Ybriel had not let go of the hem
of his robe.

Even when he tried to lift his hand slightly, there was no sign of his clenched
fist loosening. I could have pulled it off by force, but I didn’t want to apply
force to the sleepy child.

Herwin eventually pulled the blanket over Ybriel’s body.

“Today I sleep in my room.”

Just for today, just for today. Because Ybriel is sick. Because he took a
sedative, his pathetic body could endure for a day or so.

Herwin repeated dozens of reasons to himself, carefully covering Ybriel with

a blanket to keep him from getting cold.

The silent Qian left the room without a sound.

The midwinter miraculously ended, and now, though this room must have
been the warmest place in the castle, Herwin felt a chill in his chest, like a
hole he couldn’t fill.

Greedy, he held the child in his arms.

I saw the soft fluff of his cheeks, his white hair that resembled him, and his
fingers that were too small to hold on to.

Ybriel was small and soft enough to be in her arms. Suddenly, I was afraid
that this child would be left alone.
“You can’t get sick, Eve.”

Closing his eyes, his father made a cowardly wish.


Ybriel lifted her heavy eyelids slowly, and closed her eyes tightly again in the
terrible muscle pain.


His whole body throbbed as if he had rolled down the stairs.

‘I was giving my body a lot of strength because it was cold, so this kind of
accident happened!’

Ybriel screamed inwardly, realizing that someone was there, and stopped.

The hem of the white shirt in front of us, let’s lift our head slightly….


Ybriel covered her mouth with both hands.


Within reach of her hand, Herwin lay there in a mou, sleeping soundly. A
light shadow fell under the long eyelashes.

‘It’s a real daddy!’

After a moment of surprise, Ybriel looked at Herwin who was asleep with
twinkling eyes.

Ybriel glanced around.

‘Is this Daddy’s room?’

It seems that the smell of medicinal herbs he smelled as his consciousness

shifted was not an illusion. Ybriel was now in Herwin’s bedroom.

‘Did you wake up in one day this time?’

There was no way he could have stayed in Herwin’s room for several days, so
that was the case.

‘I must have used more power than last time.’

It was questionable that he recovered much faster.

I thought about the reason, but there was nothing to point out right away, so
Ybriel postponed the thought.

Herwin showed no sign of waking up yet.

‘Should I wake you up? Or should I go out quietly? If I pull the seolreong
cord, won’t anyone come?’

Ybriel, who had been rolling her eyes, suddenly changed her mind.

‘The last thing I saw was the day I screamed in front of the door.’

You don’t know how long it has been since I’ve seen your face so close. I
thought that this opportunity would never come again.

Ybriel moved slowly. Herwin, who had been sleeping deeply, did not wake up
to the sound of Ebriel’s rustling.

Ybriel, who dug into Herwin’s arms, put her ears on Herwin’s arm with a
happy face.

‘Arm pillow!’
I’ll enjoy it to my heart’s content until Dad wakes up!

Ybriel’s cheeks were dyed with the color of a fresh apple. When I was a kid, I
always thought it would be nice if I could lie down like this and read to my
dad a fairy tale book.
‘Still, one wish came true.’

Ybriel laughed bashfully.

‘I can hear Daddy’s heartbeat.’

thump, thump. It was nice to hear the sound of running at a constant beat.

The room was warm enough to feel slightly warm thanks to the heated stone
fireplace and the blazing fireplace. Her body got tired quickly after being held
by Herwin.

‘I just want to sleep like this.’

But just before Ybriel fell asleep again, Herwin slowly opened her eyes.

As their eyes met in a shimmering consciousness, Ybriel was startled and

started hiccups.

“Hib, Eup.”
“… Eve?”

“Hey, are you?”

Herwin saw Ybriel, who had her eyes wide open, and got up quickly.
Episode 30
Naturally, Ybriel, who was cutting his arm, got up and sat down at the same
Herwin put his palm on Ybriel’s forehead at first, then touched her cheek and
clasped her little hand as if covering it.
Ybriel looked at the bustling Herwin and opened her mouth with a hiccup.

“I’m fine, I’m fine.”


Herwin let out a deep sigh of relief.

“Because Evan might have a fever all night.”

“Aha, that’s right.”

A moment of silence passed.

Herwin was relieved that Ybriel was in better condition than expected, but at
the same time sad and angry.
He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to filter out his emotions.


But Ybriel was faster.

“I am everything! sorry! You said not to use it….”

Ybriel poured out words as if memorized.

“Now I fully understand why you said not to use it. I’ll never be rude again.
Of course, there may be times when you need it, but…. No, I don’t mean to
write that! When I’m older, when I’m not in danger.”
At Herwin’s silence, Ybriel squeezed her eyes shut. The voice gradually

“I’m sorry for worrying you….”

A silence that seemed like it would never end fell on Ybriel’s shoulders.

Herwin lost his words for a moment as he looked at Ybriel. What’s wrong
with this little boy?

Herwin explained in a soft voice.

“I didn’t mean to offend.”


“You stopped midwinter and found the children in distress. Thanks to you,
two children were saved.”

Asiligo and his sister! Ybriel remembered them belatedly and blinked.
“Are those kids alive?”

“okay. Evan healed him.”

At Herwin’s answer, Ybriel’s face brightened.

“I am so glad!”

The excited voice was clear.

Herwin looked at Ybriel with a look that could not be guessed what he was

Then suddenly.

“I think you need a magic teacher to teach you.”

A strange answer came out of Ybriel’s mouth at the sudden suggestion. Not
joking, Herwin had a serious face.

“I thought it wouldn’t hurt to have the strength to protect your body. If you’re
going to deal with it anyway, you’d better get used to it early.”

“that is….”

Why? In Ybriel’s ears, those words sounded as if there might be a situation

where she had to protect herself.

“You don’t like it?”

“Huh, no! Gam, thank you!”

It meant that I would allow the winter branches, so Ybriel exclaimed urgently.

“Of course, it’s not just the awards. You are only five years old, Eve. If I had
known that there were survivors, I should have been honest with those around
me and asked for help.”

“I am banned from going out for the next week. Please don’t rush around and
take time to take care of yourself. Do you have any objections?”
“Uh, no.”

“Come on then.”

Herwin laughed lightly.

“Now, go back to your room.”

The look on Ybriel’s expression froze and cracked. The warm atmosphere
just before was cut off in an instant.

Herwin pulled the string. He wants to send Ybriel back to his room.

‘Huh, no! I haven’t seen you in a long time!’

In a hurry, Ybriel caught Herwin.

“I, I am still sick! It’s okay to lie!”

“okay. I must go to Evan quickly.”

“Ah, suddenly there is a mouse in my leg! I can’t walk!”

“Call Lily.”

“Lee, I get motion sickness when I hug Lily!”

“You’ve been hugging me well so far.”

“Uh, I think Dad’s bed is better than mine! Wow, if you rest here, you will
get well soon!”

Just as Ybriel was performing a nonsensical performance, a neat knock

suddenly resounded through the room.
“Sir, did you cough?”

The couple looked at the door at the same time. It was the voice of aide Kian.

Herwin and Ybriel were puzzled because it had not been long since they had
pulled the string.

“A man came from Western Kampa.”

“In Kampa?”

While Herwin was ignorant of the question, Ybriel rose from the bed.

There is only one person coming from Kampa.


After receiving Ybriel’s letter, it seemed that the apprentice at Lambstone

Atelier had finally arrived in Solgren.

Lambstone’s apprentice, Seldia Sunfield, who nearly couldn’t even pass
through the gates due to her tattered appearance, was only able to enter the
castle after showing the letter she had received to the guards.

What appeared in front of Seldia, who was standing in front of the castle
porch, was a gray-haired man who felt somewhat frightening.

He checked the seal of the letter with a nonchalant look and led Seldia to the
drawing room.

‘Wait a minute.’

After a while, he hadn’t come back for 30 minutes.

If the maid hadn’t served tea and tea food, Seldia might have fallen asleep on
the comfy sofa.

The sender of the letter appeared when Seldia had emptied her tea plate.

“Oh, have you been waiting for a long time?”

The door swung open and a girl entered the drawing room.

Seldia, who was drinking tea, rolled her eyes and looked at the main character
of the voice.

“I thought I’d send you a reply, but I’m sure you’ll come to me in person.
Wasn’t it difficult to get there?”

Celdia did not immediately answer the question. All I had to do was put the
expensive teacup on the table slowly so as not to drop it.

‘Oh, Masterpiece….’

Is there any other girl like this in the world?

A face still fluffy, peach-red cheeks, and perfectly shaped features!

In particular, the mysterious blue-purple eyes drew attention as if it contained

magical power.
Seldia felt the art spirit that had been sleeping ignited. It was also a very, very
intense flame.

“Please give me an example. You are Princess Solgren.”

Lily, who was present, woke Seldia, who was standing blankly.

‘Oh, Princess?’

Seldia, whose eyes became the size of a fire, hurriedly bowed her back.

“Come on, the veil… May you be at peace under your protection. This is
Seldia Sunfield, Princess….”

As the aide hadtily told me to do what my aide had told me before I came, a
bright laughter broke out over my head.

“It’s okay to raise your head. Nice to meet you, Seldia.”

Ybriel jumped on the sofa in the living room and sat down. I was still short
and couldn’t get on the sofa at once.

‘How could this little girl… You knew me and found me.’
As if conscious of Celdia’s curiosity, Ybriel opened her mouth.

“I think you must have been surprised by the sudden offer. But there was
something I really wanted to entrust to you.”

Seldia was startled. When entrusted with the work, the princess seemed to
think of herself as a real painter.
“Well, before that….”

Seldia explained in a slow tone that she was still an apprentice and had never
received a request from a noble.

“You mean the master of the studio never allowed you to work?”

“Yeah, because my skills aren’t good enough….”

“I can’t.”

Ybriel spit out unconsciously.

‘Seldia Sunfield was a talented artist who gained fame with just one painting.
It’s true that the Phantom Blue has raised Seldia’s attention, but if it wasn’t
for her skills, it wouldn’t have become a hot topic.’

Ybriel knew how bad the teacher was, but pretended not to know.

“Who is Seldia’s teacher?”


Seldia couldn’t explain it right away and wriggled her fingers.

“alcohol… He enjoys it, and he likes all kinds of games.”

I said it back, but it was an addict and a gambler. Even though he was a
painter, there was not a single word from his student that he was good at

roughly what you need to know Ybriel’s eyes grew cold.

‘If I had been a decent person, Seldia wouldn’t have died like that in my last
life. Seldia now wouldn’t have come to the north as if she was running away.
After consulting with the master, he must have sent me a careful reply.’
Ybriel wanted to entrust the quest even more. I hoped this would be an
opportunity for Seldia as well.
Episode 31
“Then, what do you think when you think of debuting right now?”

Seeing Seldia in surprise, Ybriel smiled brightly.

“However… Are you okay with me?”

“yes! I really want Seldia to do this.”

Ybriel leaned towards Seldia. The painter tilted his head with a serious face.

“I have only one request. Draw Solgren, the landscape of Solgren. Using the
blue pigment I sent.”
Seldia’s eyes began to twinkle at those words. Can I use that high-grade

The proposal that followed was even more shocking.

“I’ll get you everything you need, and I’ll give you the price you want. I’m
going to start a pigment business soon. I want to promote the pigment through
Seldia’s paintings.”

Although Ybriel explained with a confident expression, she was anxious

inside. I wondered if Seldia would turn down the offer.

“Sure…! Just leave it to me.”

However, despite her concerns, Seldia accepted the request with a bright face.

Seldia was in a state where her mind was blown away just by being able to do
her own painting activities.

Ybriel was happy and prepared the contract right away.

“Then let’s sign the contract right away.”
It had been arranged in advance, so all I had to do was sign it. After Ybriel
signed it first, he handed the contract to Seldia.

Seldia took a pen and tried to write her name down, but she paused.
“what’s the matter?”

“Can I add one more condition?”


As Ybriel tilted, Seldia’s eyes flashed mad for a moment.

“The lady… I want to paint a portrait.”

“yes? me?”

“Draw… Please. Surely.”

Ybriel tilted his head at the sudden suggestion.

The portrait had been painted several times before in the Imperial Palace.

It would often take time to draw because I had to draw it several times, but it
wasn’t impossible.

Moreover, it is the request of Seldia Sunfield, who will become a famous

painter in the future. There was nothing wrong with accepting it.

“okay. If you draw all my commissioned works, I will be happy.”

“Go, thank you!”

Celdia quickly signed her name as soon as the clause was added.
At the neatly concluded deal, the painter and the princess who faced each
other smiled with satisfaction.

After sending Seldia out of the parlor, Ybriel did not leave her seat and stayed
there for a while.
‘Ugh, I’ve met my dad at most!’

The painting commission went well, but it was a pity that I had to leave the
room to meet Seldia Sunfield.

‘I should have asked if I had a letter from Kian and if I was keeping the
contents of the paper well!’

Ybriel couldn’t stand it and ripped her hair out.

Lily looked at Ybriel with strange eyes from behind.


Obviously, young ladies these days are very strange. It’s so strange that I can’t
pretend I don’t know anymore!

“… Lady, when did you practice your handwriting?”

Lily couldn’t stand it anymore and asked.


“When did you send the pigment again? that angry…. No, how do you know
the apprentice?”

“Uh, by chance…?”

There was no clear answer to anything. Lily looked at Ybriel with suspicion.

Ybriel turned her head awkwardly like a rusty wagon wheel.

“Lady, can I come in?”

At that moment, Kian’s voice was heard from outside the drawing room.

“Yeah, what’s going on, Kian?”

The assistant who entered the room quietly closed the door.

“Can you spare a moment? I have something to tell you.”

First of all, Ybriel nodded her head to avoid Lily’s questioning.

When permission was granted, the aide sat down where Seldia had been
before. Then he looked at Lily.
“Would you mind staying away for a moment?”


Lily looked at Kian with a look of embarrassment. But Qian only quietly
pointed to the door with a wink.

Ybriel felt something unusual and looked at Kian. After letting Lily go, what
do we have to say alone?

“It’s okay, will you wait outside, Lily?”

After receiving Ybriel’s permission, Lily was forced to step outside.

The door closes, and two people remain.

Ybriel stared at Qian, who did not know what he was thinking.

It was the first time in her past and this lifetime that Qian had asked for a
conversation first.
‘Is it a good thing or a bad thing?’

You have to face it to know which one it is.

“What do you mean?”

Then Kian immediately brought up the main topic.

“I recently found out that the office documents were messed up. The day I
went to the Ross Chamber.”

The atmosphere in the living room was quite different. A little bit heavier and
‘I avoided Lily, but Kian….’

Ybriel was agitated, but made up a serious face without showing it.

“Did a thief break into the castle office?”

“She is not a thief.”

Ybriel looked up at Kian with an expression of incomprehension.

‘Do you know I’m in?’

No way. That day, Ybriel checked the documents and returned them to their
original shape.
‘I’m floating.’

I had expected that he would have been caught overhearing a conversation

with a man from the Ross Chamber that day. Because Kian’s senses are
superior to humans.

‘But only heart attack!’

If you just take it off, Kian won’t be able to help either.

“Um, I don’t know what you mean.”

Ybriel hit her feet on the sofa with an innocent face. But Kian took the
handkerchief out of his arms as if he knew it would.

“If you found something like this in the gaps in the paperwork, would you
deny it?”

Kian unfolded the handkerchief. What came out of it was thin silver hair.

“The ill Highness could not have been in the office.”

Did I get baldness from scratching the bottom?

Ebriel’s calmness cracked when the evidence that could not be ignored was in
front of him.
‘It was not a mistake to feel that he was observing me these days.’

Kian Lasher was definitely watching Ybriel. even at this moment.

‘I told you a few card game rules, and they learned it very quickly. He said he
wasn’t that clever until he was four years old, my girl.’

As he spoke with Ybriel, he recalled what Zed had reported.

‘You know the word gambit right away, have you ever played chess before?’

‘no. There is no chess among the items in the lady’s room.’

‘okay? It’s full of weird things. After that, he suddenly looked out the window
and suddenly said that he had to go rescue the survivors. As if he knew they
were in danger.’

Zed’s words were absurd, but surprisingly, they made sense. Unless you knew
that something like that would happen, you couldn’t act so boldly.

“I don’t think it’s a coincidence that you said to broaden the scope of the
security forces’ search.”


“I would like to hear an explanation. The tutor, the winter branch, the reason
why you checked the estate’s financial condition, how you knew that there
were children by the lake, and how you summoned the apprentice who
suddenly visited today.”

Qian was asking with certainty, not guessing. Ybriel’s accident spun around.

‘Actually, I have returned here, and when I was 14 years old, the veil tore and
the emperor’s sword cut my throat, what would Qian answer?’

The aftereffect of hypothermia the day before, I could have thought that my
head was wrong.

Ybriel envisioned Evan rushing in, Lily, who couldn’t help it, and Herwin,
who was frustrated by the fact that her daughter had gone mad.
In particular, if Herwin found out, he could be shocked and hurt.

‘Like a child, I may be overcome with tears, but….’

When Seldia arrived at the castle, it was too much for her to start a pigment
business by herself. Moreover, the person in charge of overall affairs of the
castle was Qian, so his cooperation was essential for the development of
Solgren’s estate.

‘Let’s get some help now.’

Ybriel smiled slightly.

It was a grown-up smile that was completely different from before, when she
just looked innocent.
“I’m going to ask you a question, Kian.”

“Please ask.”
“Where did you spend your prepaid salary?”
Qian, who had been expressionless throughout the conversation, was
disturbed for the first time.
Episode 32
It was a very subtle change to the extent that her eyes trembled a little, but
Ybriel, who had been looking at Qian the whole time, noticed the shaking at

“Then I found the employee’s paycheck by accident in the office.”

In the ledger I came across while looking for financial data, it was written in
detail how much salaries were paid to the castle users each month.
Among them was the payment history of his aide, Qian.

“He was paid in advance quite often.”

“Are you acknowledging my visit to the office?”

Ybriel gladly shrugged.

If the intensity of Kian’s work is high, the payoff will be on the high side. As
a result of checking in reality, he was given a considerable amount of salary.

It is certainly not difficult to see the clothes or the usual appearance.

Still, what do you need to get paid in advance?

“… I am curious as to why you are suddenly asking where I am using my


“Shall I guess?”

Ybriel got some clues from the previous conversation.

“When General Laura, Sir Alon, and Sir Zed first came to me, all three of
them called Kian ‘sir’. Isn’t it strange? Qian has no titles.”

Knights give Kian an honorific title. Even Laura, the leader of the White
Knights, did the same.
He even talked about it as saying that Kian was directly recruited from the
Knights Templar.

“At that time, when I was telling the story to the Knights, Zed also said that it
would be delivered through Qian.”

If so, it meant that Qian had a pretty big influence on the Knights.
“Since Sir Zed and Sir Alon are both of different races, I was just

A bell rang announcing the hour from the clock on one side of the drawing

“Kian, are you buying a different race?”

The loud bell rang exactly ten times and disappeared. As the sound stopped,
Qian let out a long sigh.
Ybriel’s reasoning was correct to some extent. It was fortunate that he did not
even know that he was the alpha of Yeongrangdae.

“You have changed so much, miss.”


“Yes, I am helping my people to live as free people by buying them illegally

traded on the black market. Zed was one of the children I saved.”

It was for this reason that the salary received in advance, and the gracious
attitude of the White Knights were.

‘It’s real.’
Ybriel, who had never imagined that Kian would be helping others by
spending even his own salary, was slightly moved.

“I have answered. Now I want to hear from you.”

Ybriel straightened her back. From now on, that was the point.
“Before that, I have a suggestion for Kian.”

“What is your suggestion?”

“Money, don’t you want to earn more?”

Ybriel leaned towards Qian and asked subtly.

“The debt I owe to the Ross company, I have to pay it off by March. I can fix

Ybriel laughed as she swayed her feet that could not even reach under the

The smart aide got the gist at once.

“Do you need my help?”


“You must have a condition.”

“Don’t ask me anything, and keep it a secret from my dad that I intervene.”

Kian sighed inwardly. I couldn’t believe this ingenuity was for a five-year-old.

“I am the direct assistant to the Duke of Solgren.”

“I think there is another job as a secret assistant to the princess. As long as

you don’t do this, you can do anything else.”

Even as Ybriel spoke, she wondered what to do if Kian refused.

‘Please come over, please.’

Could it be through sincerity? Kian nodded his head without thinking for a
long time.
“good. I will accept your proposal.”

“I, really?”
Of course, Kian also had other intentions.

‘It would be better to watch what the young lady is doing.’

What happens to Ybriel affects Herwin’s condition, for better or for worse.

Ybriel had to move within the range he could foresee so he could prepare
ahead of time whatever might happen.

‘I wonder what he’s thinking with that little head.’

Kian looked down at Ybriel and smiled slightly involuntarily.

“Instead, if your Majesty asks me a question, I have no choice but to answer

anything. If you understand that—”

“yes I’m fine!”

Qian added briefly as Ybriel shook her feet in excitement.

“It would be good to have something to explain to Miss Belgrin.”

“Ah, yes, indeed.”

Ybriel patted his chin at Kian’s words and began to ponder.

“What would you do if I turned down the offer?”


“I could have gone and reported to your lord right now.”

Then, Ybriel awkwardly pulled the corners of her lips together.

“Uh, maybe, you threatened me?”


Is the threat worthy of that face? Kian couldn’t help but laugh out loud. When
Ybriel saw Kian laughing out loud, she panicked again.

“Why, why are you laughing?”


He quickly smiled and stood up.

“Then I’ll go out first, miss.”

Kian, who was about to leave the office, stopped as if he had suddenly

“Oh yeah.”


Ybriel turned her head. Qian held up the handkerchief that had wrapped his
white hair.

“Actually, there was no hair. It’s just a fishing line.”


Kian smiled and walked out of the drawing room. Ybriel looked at the closed
door and licked her lips.



Fishing was really tough, but Kian’s advice was definitely helpful.

If you want to proceed with several businesses in the future, you should not
use vague excuses. Ybriel felt the need for a good reason to explain her

“You said you would be honest with me about anything.”

“As for what happened.”

With a wide smile on her face, Ybriel held out the back of her hand in front
of Lily’s.
“Winter branches told me!”

Butterfly, I’m sorry. I’ll sell you a name!

Ybriel apologized deeply and continued explaining.

“Winter Branch is actually a part of the ancient spirit called Winter, and that
Winter suddenly spoke to me, and I was surprised. Winter asked me to name
it, so I decided to name it Nabi-sama. So I became Nabi-nim, and since then,
just tell me this and that and that! Isn’t that cool?”

Lily had a puzzled expression on her face.

“I’m sorry, miss, can you explain it again? I didn’t understand right away
because I was lacking.”

That’s right. Because I just said something so you don’t understand….

Ybriel swallowed the truth.

“To sum up, the work I have done so far has not been done by me, but the
advice given to me by Winter Branch.”

It was a silly setting, but some of it was true. I got help from Winter Branch.

Fortunately, Lily seemed to have understood Ybriel’s explanation roughly at

that time.

“Can I speak to the spirit named Butterfly?”

It was difficult for Ybriel to be certain as she had never been seen in public.

Come to think of it, I have a story I need to hear from Winter.

‘He was aware of his father’s illness.’

Ybriel tapped the back of her right hand just in case.

‘Butterfly, are you there?’

Ybriel hadn’t heard Winter’s voice since that day. It was frustrating for
Ybriel, who wanted to know more about Herwin’s illness.

‘If I focus hard, won’t it show up?’

Ybriel closed her eyes and cleared her mind.

‘Are you there?’

But only the sound of sparks from the fireplace was deafening. Ybriel did not
give up and called again.


that play. that play.

Then, suddenly, an unfamiliar noise was heard from the door.
Episode 33

Ybriel, who had a stabbed corner, flinched.

that play. that play.

As the scratching continued, Lily crept up and opened the door.


Then I just ran into Alon, who was opening the door from the outside.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Miss Belgreen.”

“it’s okay. I hear something scratching the door.”
“This guy is doing it.”

Lily, who confirmed that Alon was reaching out, exclaimed a little.

“Why, Lily?”
As Ybriel was puzzled, Alon, who was standing in the doorway, held up a
small tuft of fur.

Due to the knight’s gigantic size, it felt so small that it was a whining white
kitten. Ybriel’s eyes lit up.
“Wow, cute!”

When the kitten made eye contact with Ybriel, she jumped out of Alon’s
grasp without fear.
And I walked around Ybriel’s room like my own house. Alon confirmed that
it was safe and quietly closed the road door and left.
“It seems that the hallway is cold and you are trying to come in. Be smart

“Who is raising them?”

“Last time, Mr. Rasher said he would bring the cats because of the rats. I
think that’s why.”
Oh yes, yes.

At the flashing memory, Ybriel frowned involuntarily.

It was all because of the prince that Ybriel was afraid of mice.

‘It was around ten years old.’

The Crown Prince once locked up Ybriel in a small closet. with the carcass of
a dead rat.

The feeling of touching a body that was moving in the dark was indescribably

‘Open, please! Get it out of here, please…!’

I cried and scratched the locked closet door with my nails all night, but no
one came.

It wasn’t until the next day that the maid opened the closet, and from that day
on, Ybriel became afraid of mice and dark, cramped spaces.

‘I only found out when I was growing up. He had his own reasons for hating

After Ybriel entered the palace as a doll to replace the dead princesses, all the
attention of the Empress turned to Ybriel.

Since then, the Crown Prince has been shunned by his mother.

‘Even if the real son would have been the Crown Prince.’
Because of this, he was jealous of even the empress’s twisted favourite. It
must have been for that reason that bothered Ybriel.

At one time, Ybriel had thought that the appearance of the two resembled her
and Herwin’s relationship to some extent.

‘Because we were lonely together.’

Ybriel turned to the boy, his eyes that were like flames.

His eyes, deprived of affection, always harbored hatred for Ybriel.

No, only once. The face I saw before I died….

“I think she liked it.”

Lily’s voice surprised Ybriel.

“It’s a cat.”

After that, I looked down at my feet and saw a cat approaching me and
looking up at Ybriel.

His red eyes twinkled like a publicity stone. Ybriel reached out to the cat as if


Fortunately, the cat grunted as if in a good mood and rubbed her face against
Ybriel’s palm.

“I think this kid is very gentle.”

“It’s a good cat. A cat this young would not be good at hunting. I’ll bring you
something to eat from the kitchen.”

While Lily was away from the room, Ybriel carefully took the cat into her

The little cat was warm and soft as if it was sliding out of his hand. A soft
warmth spreads as I gently hugged her in my arms.
“I’m Ybriel, what’s your name?”

Just in case, Ybriel looked at the cat’s neck. There was nothing that looked
like a name tag.

“I don’t think there is, can I build one for you?”


The brief cry felt like permission, and Ybriel opened her lips in

“Because your eyes are red, how about Ruby?”

Then the cat’s eyes seemed to shine even brighter.


Ybriel called out the name she had just given her. The miracle happened at
that moment.


Lily, returning from warming milk for the cat, ran into Qian by chance in the

He had several papers in his hand to see if there was anything new to report.
“Hello, Mr. Lasher.”

“Good afternoon, Miss Belgrin.”

Qian greeted with a neat gesture and looked at the bottle of milk in Lily’s

“Is the lady eating it?”

“no. I will give this to the cat.”

Kian tilted his head at the unexpected answer.

“yes. This is the cat that Mr. Rasher brought to catch mice.”

Lily of course thought so, but somehow Kian’s expression was strange as he
was listening.

“I haven’t brought the cat yet.”


Lily was taken aback by the unexpected words.

‘Then what was that cat?’

Ybriel thought, calming her startled heart.

‘Since when did cats become fire-breathing creatures?’

As soon as the name was chosen and called, the whole body of the cat, Ruby,
caught fire.

Embarrassed by the sudden situation, Ybriel lost sight of the cat.

There was a thick carpet on the floor, but Ybriel hurriedly looked down,
wondering if there was any injury.


But the cat was not there. Clearly, not a single hair could be seen where the
cat should have been.

‘Did you run away in surprise…?’

It was time for Ybriel to look under the sofa.

“My dear.”

Ybriel shook her head at the sudden cry. My mouth opened without even
realizing it.

‘A cat is flying…?’
A ‘cat’ ruby was ‘floating’ in the air in front of him.

“Uh, how?”

Ruby flew around excitedly, unaware of Ybriel’s confusion. It was no ordinary


Ybriel realized that one more strange sensation had grown in her body.

‘I think I have a connection with him.’

It was as if an invisible bond had formed between Ruby and himself. It was a
similar feeling to when the winter branches were inherited.

“… Are you a spirit too?”

Then, as the cat responded, it wags its tail. Ybriel was astonished.

‘Spirit system, how can’t a contract be this simple?’

As his thoughts got tangled, Ybriel grabbed her hair.

About that time, Lily returned to her room.

“Lady, I met Rasher when I was coming….”

Before the nanny could deliver what she had heard to Qian, she found Ebriel
in confusion and a cat flying in front of him.

“Oh, my God.”

It was immediately after that he dropped the milk bottle he had been

“…So, when you call him ‘Ruby’, the light suddenly explodes, and after that,
the child flew?”

“Yeah, I guess it’s a spirit….”

“A spirit?”

Lily looked at Ybriel in surprise.

“Well, as you said last time, you said that you already have a spirit called

“Yeah, so that’s it.”

The nanny and child looked at the cat rolling on the sofa with confused faces.

“I’ll have to find out more about the spirits first.”

It’s frustrating just that winter doesn’t appear, but I have to deal with a certain
cat spirit that suddenly appeared.

Ybriel wanted to understand the existence of spirits and their ecology in more

“Oh, how about going to the winter library?”

Lily, who was by her side, suggested an appropriate option.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Ybriel buried her front foot in the cushion and left the room holding the ruby
she was holding tight.

“Where are you going?”

Alon, who was standing in front of the door, looked at the two men leaving
the room and asked.
Episode 34
“Oh, I’m going to the library.”

“I will accompany you.”

So the three of them walked side by side towards the winter library. As he
climbed the stairs, Alon carefully opened his mouth.
“I, miss. Sir Zed did not do that on purpose.”

“That day, I was away because I was going to kill the beast. There was
nothing we could do about it because the Knights manpower alone was not

At Alon’s words, Ybriel recalled that Zed had been put on probation.
“I understand too. So I told Laura it was okay, but she said discipline is

“Of course, discipline is discipline. I’m just saying this just in case you’ll feel
bad for Zed.”

Ybriel laughed out loud.

“It’s true that I quarrel with Zed, but I don’t hate it.”

Alon then smiled.

“I will tell you that.”

As we talked, the library quickly got closer.

There are two libraries in the Duke of Solgren, a summer library and a winter
library. In Solgren, where more than half of the year is winter, the winter
library was of course mainly used.
“Is this your first time going to the winter library?”
Lily asked, as if thinking about it.

“No, not what it used to be. Yes, this is the first time!”

Ybriel, who was shaking her head, quickly changed her words. I would have
made a mistake by the way.

If it wasn’t before the return, Ybriel at her age had never been to the winter

“This is the winter library.”

Lily, unaware of such thoughts, held the library handle and pushed it with a
bright face.

The heavy door opened silently, and the warmth inside leaked out through the
gap in the door. The ruby she was holding wrinkled her nose.

Ybriel entered the room, fiddling with her melting cheeks.

The winter library, built on two floors of the castle, had a very high floor.

A few movable ladders were hung on a huge bookshelf whose end was only
visible when the head was raised high.

It was dark blue velvet curtains covering the long windows. Several thermal
insulation tables installed between the bookshelves caught my eye.

‘It’s been a long time here too.’

The Winter Library was where Ybriel spent most of her childhood.

Ybriel was very fond of this winter library.

When I turned the bookshelves by the warm fireplace and looked at the
quietly falling snow through the window in the distance, I felt as if I had
created a world of my own.

Lily looked around and looked for the librarian.

“There must be a librarian, but I can’t seem to hear it. I’ll be here, so can you
take a look around here?”

“Yes, I will.”
Lilly, leaving Alon and Ybriel behind, walked through the bookshelf.

Ybriel decided to look around the library carefully until Lily returned.

“Is this your first time here, Ruby?”


In fact, there was one more reason why Ybriel liked the winter library. It is
said that this place used to be the favorite place of Liatrice, the former
Duchess of Solgren.

‘My mother especially liked to sit by the window. The winter library faces
south so it gets a lot of sun.’

After hearing this from Lily, Ybriel often imagined where her mother would
have spent her time and what books she would have read whenever she came

Recalling that memory, Ybriel, who was looking around, moved without
realizing it. Following my memory, I passed a few bookshelves and saw an
ivory sofa just below the window.

‘That’s right, I lay there and sometimes fell asleep.’

Ybriel, who was approaching the sofa, soaked in memories, suddenly stopped.

There was already someone on the sofa. It was a strange girl who seemed to
be the age of Ybriel.

As if he fell asleep while reading a book, a children’s book was laid out at his
The boy’s dark gray hair caught his attention.

‘Is that the kid? Asiligo’s brother?’

A small whimper touched Ybriel’s ears. The child who sat and slept vaguely
seemed to have an uncomfortable posture. Ybriel went over there to lay the
child upright.

It was the moment when Ybriel’s hand was about to touch the child’s

“who are you.”

Someone suddenly appeared and stopped Ybriel firmly. Alon intervened

reflexively. Ruby was startled by the sudden movement and jumped out of her


The first thing I saw was snow.

Gray-blue eyes close to silver were clearly etched in his mind.

eight or nine years old. Her body was dry, and small wounds and scars on her
body were visible through the gaps in her shirt. The clothes he was wearing
were also rather thin for winter, and the fabric was not good.

An inexplicable emptiness entered the boy’s eyes. Like a vast desert formed
by the accumulation of sand worn out over many years.

The unique innocence of a child could not be found in the boy.

But nonetheless, the boy was beautiful. If he grows up, he will surely become
a rare handsome man.

It was younger than I remembered, but it was definitely Asiligo.

“Oh, I didn’t mean to hurt you, I….”

When I went to rescue this boy, I was not in a good mood, and as soon as I
met him, he collapsed, so I couldn’t see his face properly.
Even after waking up, I couldn’t think of looking for it, but Ybriel felt a little
strange because she looked younger than she remembered.

“Have an example. You are a princess.”

Alon made a terrifying voice, but Asiligo seemed unwilling to back down.
Ybriel tried to take a step back first, then froze at the thought that came to

‘eight! Is your arm okay?’

At the same time as he thought, Ybriel reached out to Asiligo’s left arm at

His long sleeves revealed his dry hands. Ybriel grabbed his palm.

“What… now.”

The body temperature of his soft fingers gripped Asiligo. He was stunned and
froze. Only his left hand was caught, but his whole body seemed to be caught.

Without knowing anything, Ybriel checked Asiligo’s warm palm over and
over again. was stuck fine.

“I’m really, really happy!”

Ybriel smiled brightly in relief and looked up at Asiligo. and realized

‘Second, you messed up too much on the first page!’

Shaky eyes, a tense face, and the right hand, which was tightly curled up as if
to endure something, quickly caught my eye one after another.

“Oh, don’t get me wrong. Now this is …!”

But before Ybriel could explain, Lily reappeared from among the


Lily was surprised to find the boy with Ybriel.

“Ah, Sir Alon! let it go Those are the kids. The lady saved me!”

“Ah, that’s right?”

Alon was startled and quickly released Asiligo’s shoulder.

“You were resting here, you know.”

“Hello, Belgreen-sama.”
“You can just call me Lily.”

It was then that the sleeping child woke up. The child’s eyes were the same
gray-blue as that of Asiligo.


Asiligo raised her sister, rubbing her eyes and yawning, upright.

The child later realized that there were strangers and clung to Asiligo’s back.

“Kanya was there too. hi.”

Lily greeted her in a soft voice and turned to Ybriel.

“Lady, do you remember? My brother knows, and my sister is Kanya.”

My sister’s name is Kanya. Ybriel memorized the name ‘Kanya’ over and over
again. It was a name I hadn’t heard in my last life, so it was somehow
Episode 35
“I decided to stay in the castle until I found a place. Now I am living in the
dormitory of the user.”
Ybriel expected this to happen. Even before his return, Asiligo had become
an apprentice knight of the White Tiger Knights and lived in the castle.
Suddenly, something from a long time ago hit my head.

‘When are you coming back to Solgren?’

that day. The day I left Solgren with my tutor, the boy in front of me asked
Ybriel with a more grown-up face than now.
It was the first and last conversation I had with him before returning.

‘What did I say then?’

If I make my debut in the social world, maybe I will come back. I think he
said so.

‘I couldn’t keep those words.’

Ybriel swallowed a bitter laugh and escaped from the brief recollection. Lily
was introducing Ybriel.
“This is Miss Ybriel. You are the only princess of Solgren. He is also the one
who saved you that day.”
Kanya took a deep breath in surprise. Asiligo immediately bowed her head.

“I have made a mistake.”

“no. I’m sorry for approaching you carelessly.”

Ybriel politely apologized. For children who have just come to the castle after
going through the brink of death, anything can inevitably be an object of
At that time, Kanya, who had been silent all along, suddenly took a deep
breath. He had found Ruby sitting on the floor and licking his fur.

“Kanya, excuse me.”

Immediately afterward, he shut his mouth at the firm call of his brother, but
the child could not hide his excitement.

Ybriel gently hugged Ruby.

“Would you like to touch it?”

Kanya’s cheeks became so red that they couldn’t hide it.


Kanya cautiously approached and rubbed Ruby’s small chin with her finger.
Ruby groaned as if she liked it. Kanya stopped her hand in surprise.

“Uh, I think he’s sick …! It just sounds.”

“That’s the sound you make when you’re in a good mood.”

“Huh, right?”

As Kanya scratched Ruby’s chin even harder, Lily laughed as if she couldn’t
stop it. Ybriel also smiled at Kanya who was excited.

“Looks like the librarian is in the summer library. There are so many books
that it would be difficult for me to find them, so I will select only books
related to spirits and send them to the lady’s room.”

“Yeah, that would be good.”

Ybriel gave Asiligo and Kanya a brief glance. Asiligo lowered her head
expressionlessly, but Kanya hid herself shyly and smiled cautiously.
‘Kanya, it’s really cute.’

Ybriel couldn’t even imagine the feelings of Asiligo, who must have lost such
a pretty little brother in her last life.

Now that we can depend on each other, at least we won’t be lonely.

Although the body suffered due to overwork, the fact that they were able to
protect the two became a great joy for Ybriel.

Ebriel smiled secretly and turned around.


Then, a calm voice caught my foot. Turning around, Asiligo was looking at

“Thank you for saving me.”

It was a rather dry tone to say thanks.

“…Yeah, I’m glad you’re safe.”

As Ybriel knew, he didn’t like people very much.

Asiligo, who remained in his short memory, always stood there as if he was
vigilant about his surroundings, and he was a person who did not have anyone
by his side.

So it was still difficult for Ybriel to understand.

‘When are you coming back to Solgren?’

A sudden question.

‘I think it’s probably after I finished my socialite debut.’

A bewildered reply spit out casually. And I could never understand.

‘…I will wait.’

that last word.
Ybriel glanced back at Asiligo. The boy was still looking at Ybriel.

‘Why did you say that to Asiligo then?’

When I went back in time, I never knew.


As soon as Ybriel left, Kanya hugged Asiligo with excitement.

“Princess Solgren is pretty! Just like a doll!”

White, soft cheeks, wavy hair like silver thread, and mysterious purple eyes
kept glimmering in front of Kanya’s eyes.

“And he looked right at me. I like the girl….”

As Kanya murmured like a possessed man, Asiligo gently grabbed Kanya’s

“You shouldn’t like people carelessly, Kanya. I don’t know what it’s like.”

At her brother’s resolute warning, Kanya pouted her lips.

“Chi, okay.”

“Yeah, that’s nice.”

Asiligo smiled slightly at that moment and stroked Kanya’s head. Even though
he said so, Asiligo’s heart was trembling little by little.

‘I’m sorry for approaching you recklessly.’

The aristocracy that Asiligo had suffered thus far was arrogant, cruel, and
hated them as a foreign race.

But that noble girl….

“You still think my brother is pretty, don’t you?”

Kanya asked abruptly. Asiligo remembered the first time he had seen Ybriel.
It looked like a little fairy walking on the snow. When I found myself, the
bright joy in my youthful eyes.

“…All people are the same after all.”

Asiligo wiped his left hand against the hem of his shirt. As if trying to erase
the warmth of the past.


It was only a few days later that Ybriel received the book about the spirits.

After reading only a few books, I could understand why I suddenly signed a
contract with Ruby.

“A contract with a spirit is usually premised on three conditions….”

Humans must earnestly ‘desire’ to make a contract with the spirit.

The spirits must have enough ‘affection’ for humans.

Finally, humans should ‘name’ the spirit.

Ybriel suddenly remembered the day she used winter branches and was
shivering in the cold.

“It was so cold that day that I thought I wanted to set the room on fire.”

When I imagined warm things, my body temperature really rose, so I thought

it was a strange thing, but it seems that it was the power of the spirits.

At that time, the spirit answered the wish, the cat followed Ybriel well from
the beginning, and Ybriel named the cat Ruby, so all three conditions were

‘Somehow, I said the recovery was quick.’

It seemed that the chill of winter had been offset by the power of Ruby.

“You’ve already met two spirits at the age of five, so this must be a huge
“Are you okay?”

“Do not worry too much. It was clear that the spirits liked the young lady.”

Lily looked proud.

“Oh, how about talking to the Duke?”

At those words, Ybriel shook her head.


“You will definitely like it.”

Ybriel’s expression, who had tilted her head, brightened in an instant.

“Are you going to tell Dad?”


Ybriel immediately grabbed Ruby.

“Let’s go now!”

Arriving in front of Herwin’s room, Ybriel knocked on the door with


“Dad, are you there?”

Of course it must be because he didn’t come out of the room, but Ybriel
asked that first.

“That spirit has appeared! A very, very cute cat!”

But no answer came. Ybriel and Lily, who were full of anticipation, became
pale in an instant.

“Lily, I don’t think the spirits are great news….”

Ruby cried helplessly as if she understood the words.
“Hey, that’s weird. I thought you would come out by surprise….”

Ybriel felt a bit resentful.

‘If you can’t move Daddy’s heart with good news….’

Ebriel took a deep breath and shouted.

“I’m going to be crooked now. I don’t eat carrots and broccoli. I will live with
only dessert in my mouth every day! I will ride the slide two hundred times
on the stair railing!”

“Huh, lady. No! Then you get hurt!”

Despite all the escapades and swearing, there was silence in the room. Ybriel
hugged Ruby tightly, feeling empty.
‘If you don’t come out even after I’ve said this, then you’re sleeping, right?’

I wanted to believe so.

In the end, I was on my way back to my room, disappointed.

“Hey, Seldia?”
Ybriel ran into Celdia in the hallway.

“Ah, under the protection of the veil….”

“It’s okay to just say hello. What’s going on?”

Seldia looked haggard as if she had spent several nights.

“The picture… It’s finished….”

Ybriel doubted her ears. It’s only been two weeks since I signed the contract,
so what’s done?

“Is the painting already finished?”

“yes. OK once… I brought it … because I wanted you to do it.”

Seldia was a slow person in every way, including words, but in one picture,
she boasted a terrifying speed.

Ybriel turned and hurriedly headed to the gallery where Seldia had placed a
Episode 36
Due to financial difficulties, all the paintings were sold out, and the gallery of
Gonggukseong was sluggish. There was nothing but an easel on one side.
A canvas was placed on the easel, but the painting was not visible because it
was covered with a cloth.
Ybriel calmed her pounding heart and stood in front of it.

Seldia pulled the fabric with a nervous expression. Soon the picture slowly
appeared under the light.
“How… Are you?”

Seldia scratched her head shyly, adding that she would draw a new one on top
if she didn’t like it.

“The name of the work… It was called ‘Dawn of Solgren’.”

Ybriel couldn’t keep her mouth shut.

The curtain of light flowing along the mountain range, the pure white castle
with the mysterious green of the dawn, the delicately painted coniferous
forest and the sparkling snow fields….

When I first saw ‘Dawn of Campa’, I felt an even more emotional rush.
this will be It was a picture that would undoubtedly be a jackpot!

“the best.”

“I really…?”

Ybriel clasped Seldia’s watery hand.

“Really, Seldia. This painting is sure to be a masterpiece of the century!”
The first stepping stone to start the pigment business was safely prepared in
this way.

“Lily! Please tell Kian that I have a business for you.”

Now it was the turn of the board in earnest.


Billy Lambstone, the artist of the Lambstone Atelier, could not get out of bed
despite the bright new year. It was because of drinking too much the day
“Hey, Billy! Are you inside?”

If it wasn’t for someone who was knocking roughly on the firebox door, I
would have staggered out in the late evening.

“Is there a fire somewhere?”

He staggered away, smelling a lot of alcohol. The person who came to visit
was a fellow artist whom we drank with yesterday.

“Seldia’s picture is caught on Rivera!”

“Who was Seldia?”

“You idiot! Seldia Sunfield, your apprentice!”

Billy felt like he was running out of sleep.

“That damn slugger?”

In Campa, there is a gallery called ‘Rivera’ where any artist can hang a picture
at will.

It is said that his apprentice, who suddenly disappeared one day, exhibited a
painting there.

Dare without his master’s permission!

Angry Billy Ramston ran towards Rivera that way.

As if the rumors had already spread, the front of Rivera was teeming with

‘What kind of picture is it?’

Billy hurriedly pushed through the crowd and entered.

“This girl, as long as she gets caught….”

As he looked around, he saw a painting hanging on one of the walls and

slowly stopped.

The first thing that caught my eye was a mysterious blue light. Depending on
the angle, there was a purple color at first glance, and there was a mixture of
very clear sky light.

It was surprising that expensive blue paint was used so generously, but the
quality was also not that great.

‘What kind of paint did you use?’

Then the painting itself caught my eye.

The five-colored light waves that cross the rugged snowy mountains, the
snow-covered coniferous forest, and the pure white castle standing tall in
It was a terrifying attraction that instantly faded even the colors of other
paintings hung on Rivera.

Even Billy, who had no talent as a painter, knew.

That this painting will become a masterpiece that will go down in history.

‘Where is that place?’

Unknowingly, he checked the writing under the canvas.

[Seldia Sunfield, <Dawn of Solgren>, RW 148, Veloiton.]

It was the brilliant debut of the painter Seldia Sunfield.

“How are you?”

Ybriel asked Qian with a very nervous face. Kian carefully read the letter
from Campa and raised his glasses once.

I’m nervous because I can’t guess if it’s good news or bad news, but Qian
smiled as he folded the letter.

“As expected, inquiries about pigments and paints are pouring in.”


Ybriel exclaimed with a happy face.

“Awesome, Celdia!”
‘Dawn of Solgren’ caused a huge wave of shock when exhibited at Campa.

Who is the artist, what kind of paint did he use, and where is the place in the

Ybriel’s heart pounded at the words that each one became a topic of
discussion and the entire West was shaking.
“It’s all … thanks to you….”

Seldia also couldn’t hide her joy. A life that seemed to remain as an
apprentice forever turned into a single picture. Ybriel meant more than a
client to Seldia.
“Now we just need to sell it.”

At Kian’s words, Ybriel clapped her hands.

“I think I need to decide on a name for the paint before that.”

Just like the name before the return was ‘Phantom Blue’, I wanted something
to symbolize this paint this time as well. It stayed in people’s memory longer
and was easier to differentiate.

“Hey, will Celdia decide the name of this paint?”

Seldia’s eyes widened at Ybriel’s words.

“I, me…? Is that okay…?”

“yes! Sure. If it wasn’t for Celdia’s painting, I wouldn’t have been able to
publicize this paint. I wish Seldia would build it for me.”

“Well then….”

Celdia did not decline. Being able to choose a name for the paints was an
attractive proposal that an artist could not refuse.

Ybriel predicted that Celdia would name the paint ‘Phantom Blue’ as before
the return.

“Um ….”

After thinking for a while, Seldia looked at Ybriel.

“… Fairy Blue. I will do it in Fairy Blue.”

Fairy blue. Contrary to Ybriel’s expectations, Seldia said so. Ybriel was a
little startled, but then smiled brightly. It was because I thought that a fairy
would be better than a ghost.

“That’s a cool name. Does Kian think so too?”

“yes. It’s a good name strategically.”

“Then now I have to choose a store ….”

I don’t have enough budget to open my own shop. Ybriel, who was struggling,
suddenly looked at Lily.

“By the way, Lily, weren’t you from the West?”

Lily’s eyes widened.

“How did you know?”

“You told me last time!”

In fact, it never happened, but Lily didn’t bother asking if she thought it was.

“Where is your home in the West?”

Lily laughed awkwardly at Ybriel’s question.

“Um, that’s it. Campa.”


This time, Ybriel’s eyes widened.

“My parents have a small art room there.”

“Why, why didn’t you tell me yet!”

You have the perfect location right next to you! Ybriel’s eyes began to

“I was afraid that would get in the way of her choosing….”

“Where is that!”

Either way, it was a matter of being able to sell it.

‘It would be good if it would be beneficial to Lily.’

After deciding where to enter the store, things started to work out.

A new wave was rising in the frozen Solgren.


It is said that children are like balls, and they do not know where they will
Ebriel, who had been stamping attendance in front of Herwin’s visit every
day, abruptly changed his attitude as the sun went down and stopped walking.

Kian, who knew the reason, looked at the bed covered with the canopy with a
complicated mind.

‘When the lady comes, it’s a matter of what you come, and when she doesn’t
come, it’s a matter of how you don’t come.’

There, Herwin was sitting with an utterly dark face, looking out the window.
Kian sighed and tried to focus on his work.


Herwin broke the silence and opened his mouth.

Kian put down the papers he was looking at and looked at the peacock. As I
waited for the next words, the silence grew longer and longer.

“Do you have any instructions?”

Episode 37
At Kian’s question, Herwin shook his head lightly.

But the astute assistant noticed what he was trying to say.

“Are you worried about the lady?”

After a brief silence, Herwin wiped his face with his dry palms.

“You came to me patiently, but these days it’s strangely quiet. Where are you

“As reported by the knights, they say that they are mostly staying in their
rooms. Oh, I heard you recently visited the winter library.”

Qian kept the secret as promised with Ybriel.

“Who was the last outsider? He said he came from Kampa.”

“I am staying at an inn in the village, but there have been no suspicious
activities. I was painting all day.”
“If that’s the case, I’m glad….”

Herwin’s expression darkened.

As the severe cold of midwinter weakened without warning, the entire
northern part was engulfed in chaos.
It was just a pile of letters from the jurisdiction. Each of them was a request
to clarify the reason why midwinter suddenly weakened.
Using Byeong-hwan as a shield, he was delaying the reply, but he would not
be able to hide it forever.
Ybriel and Winter Branch will get more and more attention as time goes on.
Herwin’s concern grew when he knew about it.

After the midwinter became shorter and the days warmed, the number of
foreigners entering Solgren increased. Wherever there are people, there are
always words.

‘The Emperor must already know.’

Kaizen Willnarion. He’ll always be watching Solgren.

Herwin, who remembered him, suddenly began to shake his hands.


Kian sensed something and stood up. At the same time, a strong cough
erupted from Herwin’s mouth. Blood so thick that it looked black splattered
onto the sheet.
“Oh ….”

Qian ran over and held out a towel.

“It would be better not to use sedatives.”

Herwin wiped his lips without answering. Thousands of needles seemed to
pierce my lungs and throat.
Kian pulled the string to call someone.

While waiting for the doctor to come to the room, Herwin thought. How to
protect the only daughter.

Herwin looked at Kian.

“I need … rumors. Rumors that my life is in danger.”

Words cover words. He decided to focus public attention on himself.

So that Ybriel’s presence is not highlighted.

For the Emperor to regard him as a helpless being, not even worthy of dealing
with him.

“You have to spread it out as quickly as possible. It’s not a word at all.”

Kian bowed his head at Herwin’s self-helpful words.

“I will direct Zed.”

After Qian had been ordered to leave the room, Herwin turned his head and
looked out the window he had been watching the whole time.
As the child wished to see at least a little bit of sunlight, he occasionally
opened the untouched curtains.
Even though he knew that doing this wouldn’t make his body better, he would
look outside as usual.

It was February, and the snow was melting earlier than usual due to the
dissipation of midwinter.

Time passes that cannot be caught. Every time he felt the seasons change, he
suddenly felt distressed.

After grabbing the towel and spitting several times, Herwin turned his head
away from the window.

Locked in his room, he had no way of knowing.

The fact that a different wind is blowing in Solgren.


Rickson Ross came to Solgren Castle as soon as the promised March came.

“Welcome, Mr. Ross. I was waiting.”

Surprisingly, Kian welcomed him warmly. Rickson saw it as a kind of

‘You’re trying to win the favor of someone somehow. It seems that you
haven’t been able to get your money back.’

For merchants, information is life.

I heard that the momentum of midwinter has softened with the performance
of the princess.

But at the same time, the news that Duke Solgren’s life was in critical
condition also reached his ears.

‘The duke’s ability is surprising, but perhaps the sickly duke will die before he
is fully grown.’

After the duke dies, the vassals under him will fight fiercely for food, and in
the process, it will be difficult for the princess to survive.

‘Is the Hovil Brontez the only ones who want to fill my teeth anyway?’

He calculated the value of Solgren back and forth. What to look forward to in
the steadily declining estates were minerals, but even that, most of them were
in a state in which the imperial family had mining rights.

‘If you step on Solgren, you might get the emperor’s attention.’

Recently, the Ross Chamber of Commerce has been putting a lot of effort
into making a deal with the Veloiton imperial family.

Rickson even has a plan in place today to close the deal if Solgren fails to pay
his debts and bring it to a central court.

However, he encountered an unexpected situation in the drawing room.

“Half a million Belkham plus interest. Let’s check it out.”

Inside the box the aide brought out was neatly packed with a bundle of cash
issued by the Central Bank of Veloyton.

“Gee, wait.”

I hurriedly checked it, and it was the correct amount.

‘How did you get this much money so quickly?’

Rickson could not even imagine that this was the place where the material for
‘Fairy Blue’, a paint that has been gaining popularity in the West, was
produced here.

‘Damn, I thought I’d take a mortgage on Solgren’s sickness. Where did you
get some decent money?’

He skillfully concealed his secrets and signed the receipt he brought. Kian
accepted it.

“I’m glad it worked out. I will be happy to be able to continue my relationship

with Solgren.”

“I hope you return safely.”

“Really, is the Duke in good health? Because he’s such a weak person, he’s
worried about me.”

I heard that Duke Solgren’s condition was getting worse, but seeing this
money raised raised suspicions that the rumors might not be true.

“You cannot speak of the safety of the person you serve. sorry.”

However, Kian drew the line with an attitude as if he would not give any

Rickson didn’t get the answer he was looking for, and his brow twitched

“I wish you all the best.”

Instead of answering, Kian laughed silently.

After Rickson had finished his business and left the castle, Kian headed to
Ybriel’s room.

“Oh, it’s Kian.”

Ybriel was painting a portrait to keep the promise she made with Seldia.
Ruby was asleep on her lap while sitting quietly.

“Did you do well with Ross’s business?”

Ybriel asked, who only turned her head from the sitting position.

“Yes, I paid interest and paid it off neatly.”


“He was greedy and calculating. It would be better to keep a distance.”

At those words, Ybriel pondered for a moment.

In the past life, Ross Sanghoe became a fisherman and delivered goods to the
imperial palace.

‘The liver is too big. You dare to deceive the imperial family.’

As the top executives died one after another, the places where they traded
with the Ross Company were greatly affected.

Solgren also suffered considerable damage due to delays in the delivery of

winter food materials and late delivery of winter goods.

“How about Euroon, other than Ross?”

Ybriel asked lightly.

It was Euroon Sanghoe who came in to fill Ross’s collapsing vacancy.

Although the scale is still small now, Ybriel knew that he was going to grow
in size very quickly due to the excellent resourcefulness of Hoiju.

“Euron. Let’s see.”

Qian grabbed a small notebook and quickly wrote “Euron Sangho”.

Around that time, Lily also came to the room with a letter. He had an
unusually bright face.
“Lady, your parents in Kampa have sent you a letter.”
Episode 38
“Huh, what do you say?”

“Thanks to Fairy Blue, the business is booming. Thank you, miss.”

Lily seemed very happy, whether the joy of her parents was conveyed
through the letter.
At the good news, Ybriel also smiled.

At that moment, Seldia’s hand movements while sketching the figure of

Ybriel accelerated as if on fire.

‘You can’t miss that smile……!’

A girl’s face was drawn on the canvas in an instant. Ybriel turned her head
back to Qian, completely unaware of that fact.
“How is the hiring of new employers going?”

“We are still reviewing your resume and cover letter.”

When Fairy Blue’s box office raised more money than expected, Ybriel
decided to hire more users. The castle was large, but there was not enough
“Evan will be busy by summer.”

“Why Evan?”

“There is something worthwhile.”

Ybriel tilted her head.

‘Are you saying that Evan will be busy meeting new users?’

But it wasn’t a mocking tone….

Ybriel took it to mean that as the number of users increases, there will be
more patients.

“Oh, and I’m thinking of starting another business soon.”

“What kind of business are you planning?”

Qian asked calmly if he wasn’t surprised anymore. Ybriel’s smile widened.

There are clear limits to the pigment business. The ‘artists’ who draw pictures
are limited, and it is difficult to get a bigger profit than this because it is a
business that only targets them.
So, what Ybriel thought of was farming.

“I want to grow something.”

Since midwinter ended early, spring will come sooner. I couldn’t miss this

“I don’t think you want to continue the sugar beet business.”

“What I want to grow is a herb called ‘Lumenta’.”

Lumenta is one of the plants that Ybriel learned while studying herbal
medicine before returning.

“It’s a name I’ve never heard of.”

“I will. It’s like a weed now.”

But sooner or later, Lumenta will become as rare and expensive as the blue

‘Because Linterdel is going to buy Lumenta at random.’

A little further west from Campa in the west is the Duchy of Linterdel.

Another member of Belloyton’s family, the Morning Star Linterdel, was

enjoying great wealth and fame under the name of their widowed Vesperium,
commonly known as the Twilight Tower.
They don’t seem to be afraid of anything, but they also had weaknesses.

‘Confucius Linterdel.’
Unlike the Duke of Linterdel, who is called the Black Lion of the Empire, I
heard that his son, Confucius, was so weak that even small ailments could be

For some reason, Ybriel had a strange feeling.

‘The important thing is that for the weak Confucius of Linterdel, research on
healing potions will be conducted soon in the Twilight Tower.’

Lumenta was the main ingredient for the healing potion.

“The efficacy and quality of Lumenta are better when grown in cold
conditions. If you raise them in Solgren, you can definitely make a big profit.”

If the deal with Linterdel is successful, the healing potion can be traded again
and given to Herwin.

Suddenly, Ybriel made eye contact with Lily, who couldn’t keep her mouth

“…,” Winter Branch told me!”

At Lily’s expression, Ybriel was surprised at the same time and added words.
It was then that Lily began to breathe. Kian couldn’t help but smiled a little.
“All right. Let’s find out with Evan.”

Qian answered neatly and left the room. Ybriel only caressed her right hand
with an embarrassed face. Sometimes this problem arises when you forget
that you are five years old.

‘By the way, Nabi-nim doesn’t appear all the time.’

After signing with Ruby, Winter never spoke to Ybriel again. Ybriel got a
little nervous.
‘Aren’t you coming forever? then no I should have asked him about his

Then Zed slammed the door open and rushed in.

“Girl, I’m back!”

Ruby, who had been sleeping on her lap, was startled by the loud sound and
raised her hair upright.

Zed, who was originally scheduled to return around February, suddenly said
that he had another mission and left the whole time. Guessing, it seemed that
he had been to a different area rather than Solgren’s estate.

‘Look what else Kian did.’

Ebriel grinned, thinking that she should try poking her next time.

“Come on.”

“what. There’s a cat you’ve never seen before?”

“Call me Ruby. It looks like a cat, but it’s a spirit.”


Zed couldn’t overcome his curiosity and came closer. Seldia, who was
disturbed by the painting, rolled her eyes, but he ignored it.

“It’s very small. Can’t even take a bite?”

“Don’t ignore our ruby. Even if it looks like this, it’s a wonderful cat that
saved me.”

It was the moment when Zed was about to touch Ruby with questionable

At that moment, Ruby, who was quietly held in her arms, jumped out of her
arms. Then, in an instant, he changed his appearance.
“Uh, huh?”

The ruby that landed on the ground had changed into the form of a white

While everyone stopped at the amazing sight, Ruby rushed forward. To Zed,
who is standing still.



The stabbed Zed screamed. Ruby rushed to him again, who was careless.

“I, this, what is this? Ouch, go away!”

“Lou, Ruby? What is it? do not do that!”

But the angry hedgehog did not stop. Ybriel, Lily, and even Celdia floundered
with their arms in embarrassment.

Then, at some point, laughter erupted. It’s because he knew it was ridiculous
to see a knight struggling with a little hedgehog.

“Don’t laugh, help! Evil, it stings!”

Ybriel deliberately held Ruby after a while.


By the time Ybriel’s portrait was completed, the Lumenta seeds were ready.

In order to confirm the land suitable for cultivation, Ybriel hurried to prepare
for an outing under the guise of a picnic.

“It’s strange.”

Lily tilted her head as she put on Ybriel in a bright yellow dress.

“A little captain, ah!”

Lily, who was tying the ribbon of her dress, realized something and

“what’s the matter?”

“Lady, the clothes are getting smaller!”

“really? Am I tall?”

Ybriel looked up at Lily with twinkling eyes.

“Yes, I think so.”

Ybriel turned around in front of the mirror. The hem of the dress swelled up
like tulip buds.
‘Certainly the sleeves seem a little shorter?’

If he grew up here a little longer, it seemed that he could open Herwin’s door
on his own.

‘What is the humiliation of not reaching the handle.’

There were so many things that a small body could not do. Ybriel wanted to
grow up as quickly as possible.

‘By the way, I haven’t been able to visit my dad often because I’ve been busy
with Fairy Blue.’

Just check the land to plant the Lumenta seeds and run right away. Ybriel
secretly made a decision.
“I’ll have to tell Kian so that by the summer I can make new clothes.”

Although it was spring at the time, the air in Solgren was still cold. Lily
wrapped the forsythia cape over Ybriel’s shoulder.

Lily, who was touching her clothes, smiled.

“You look just like a chick, lady.”

“It’s because Lily dresses her up pretty.”

“Aww, how can you be so cute?”

The words that he was tall and Lily’s compliments combined made Ybriel

During the winter, I was crouched in the castle and was excited to go out.

“Today Sir Alon and Sir Zed will all accompany. Of course, I will follow.”
Lily did not bring up disturbing stories such as ‘dangerous’ to the excited

In recent years, the number of foreigners visiting the North has increased
significantly. It was the aftermath of Seldia’s ‘Dawn of Solgren’, which
became widely known.
Episode 39
For Ybriel’s safety, Lily was going to be very nervous today.

Then I heard the sound of horseshoes from afar outside the window. Lily
grabbed her cape and reticule.

“I think the carriage is ready.”

“Then let’s go down!”

Ybriel walked out with a light gait.

“Good morning, miss.”

Alon and Zed, who were standing outside, greeted Ybriel. To be precise, only
Alon said hello first, and Zed had a fat face.

“Girl, are you sure you’re taking ‘it’ too?”

“That’s it! He has a pretty name, Ruby!”

Inside the bag that Ybriel was carrying, Ruby was tucked away in the form of
a cat.
As soon as Zed and his eyes met, Ruby revealed it.
“Is this a real spirit, miss? No matter how you look at it, it looks like a
Ruby continued to get angry at Zed’s provocation, and it was engulfed in
flames and transformed into a hedgehog.

“You want to do it, now?”

Ruby raised a thorn fiercely as if to attack.
“Hey, don’t stop me. Today we will defeat this cunning and evil spirit.”

“Please don’t make a fuss, Sir Zed.”

Lily stopped Zed with a tired expression.

In the meantime, Ybriel learned a few things about Ruby while going back
and forth between her room and the library.

First, ruby did not have a fixed entity. He seemed to be able to change his
appearance as desired.

‘It seems to change depending on the mood.’

Ybriel was unsure and decided to watch more.

Second, Ruby didn’t seem to have mastered human language.

If talking to Winter felt like dealing with a very old man, Ruby felt like
interacting with a very young baby.

And finally ….


Ruby hates Zed. And it seemed that he had no intention of liking him in the


Zed raised his prickly hand high. Lily shook her head as if she couldn’t stop

“Sir Zed, stop giving up.”

“A knight never gives up!”

“I think it’s time to know when to give up after 20 attempts and 20 losses,
“Even Alon-sama…!”

With a look as if he had been betrayed, Zed fell pitifully to one side of the

“No one loves me. Alas, Zed is sad….”

It was like a scene from a new wave drama. Ybriel ignored the scene quite

“Let’s leave our Zed alone. Run fast, run fast!”

“Evil, lady!”

Ebriel turned his back on Zed’s scream and ran down the stairs with a grin.

Would it be a problem if running too fast with a small body was a problem?

At some point, Ybriel lost her focus and stumbled.


The moment I closed my eyes tightly knowing how to roll the stairs, someone
grabbed Ybriel’s waist and hugged her tightly.

My body was pulled up strongly, and I stood up straight on the stairs. When I
opened my eyes in surprise, Asiligo was right in front of me.

“Are you okay?”

As far as the eye can see. very close.

“Yes! thank you!”

It’s a surprise. Ybriel calmed her startled mind and leaned back.

Asiligo lowered her eyes to the floor. He didn’t seem too surprised to see
Ybriel popping out. It seemed that he was the only one reacting violently, and
Ybriel became a little shy.

“Ah, hello….”
Someone timidly greeted me next to me. When I turned around, it was
Kanya, Asiligo’s younger brother.

“Kanya was there too. hi!”

Then Kanya smiled wildly. With a harmless smile, Ybriel grabbed her heart.
‘so cute!’

Short hair fluttering below the ears, clear blue-gray eyes, and, definitively,
soft-looking cheeks!

She wanted to touch it, but Ybriel held it in for fear that Kanya would be

“Where were you going?”

“I was on my way to the library.”

Asiligo answered with her gaze fixed on her toes.

Ybriel suddenly realized that the place where she had met her last time was
also in the winter library.

“What are you doing in the library?”

“I am learning to write with Kanya.”

At that moment, Lily, Alon, and Zed came down from the top at once with a
surprised look. Asiligo bowed down to them with a dry face.

“Lady, are you okay?”

“Yes, Asiligo caught him.”

At the name of Asiligo, Zed’s eyes lit up.

‘Are these kids? blood?’

Seeing Alon nod his head at the silent question, Zed glanced at the two
children slowly.
‘The younger sister is still too young, and the boy’s ….’

Then Asiligo raised his head to face Zed. He immediately recognized his gaze
on me.


A sense of agility, superior skeletal and body balance, the agility that grabbed
Ybriel, the flexibility at first glance in her movements, and the point of being

‘It’s a talent.’

‘In my eyes, yes.’

Excellent physical condition is an important talent for a knight. In Zed’s eyes,

if he became a knight, he would be able to fully display his qualities.

However, he was not sure whether he wanted it, and recommending an

apprentice knight was something that Zed could not do with his authority.

‘I’ll have to secretly tell the manager later.’

Jed thought so and smiled.

“It is dangerous to run on the stairs.”

“Ugh, I’ll be careful….”

Ybriel answered Lily’s resolute words sullenly. It’s not my first time going out
to town, but I’m so excited about going out.

“Where is the lady going?”

“yes? I am in town.”


Kanya’s eyes began to twinkle.

Asiligo and Kanya had never left the castle since they had been living in a
temporary residence, a residence for use.

“If it’s okay, would you like to go with me?”

Ebriel, who noticed that feeling in Kanya’s eyes, suddenly invited him.

“Is that okay, Lily?”

“Yes, there is nothing wrong with it. The carriage is wide anyway.”

“Let’s go, brother! let’s go!”


Asiligo’s expression became perplexed for the first time.

“It won’t take long. If I come back and go to the library, will I still have
enough time to study?”

Even Ybriel came forward and persuaded him, but Asiligo could not refuse
any further.

“Then excuse me.”


Selecting arable land was a matter of checking only a few places that Kian
had selected as candidates.

Ybriel decided on a place where it was easy to get out of the castle and easy
to check at the same time as it was close to the lake, so the water was
comfortable and sunny.

After selecting the cultivated land, there was only one task left.

“Then let’s go to the village now!”

At Ybriel’s cry, the carriage turned.

Actually, the town was not very new.

‘Before the return, I went out a few times.’

However, the scene unfolding in front of Ybriel was very unfamiliar.

“A lot of people!”

Ybriel and Kanya cling to the window of the carriage and glanced around the
outside. The crowd in the plaza grew much more than they had expected. It
was so crowded with Solgren, my eyes couldn’t believe it.

“The fact that Solgren is becoming famous thanks to Seldia’s paintings seems
to be true.”
Lily was surprised too. Ybriel smiled happily as she looked at the stalls in the
lively market.
‘Yes, I was aiming for this.’

One of the problems that Ybriel had to solve for Solgren’s revival was the
‘A land sealed in darkness, a territory ruled by a sickly lord, a truly fantastic
combination of the worst weather on the continent and an endless deficit….’
Powerful means were needed to wash away all that stigma in a short period of

‘It is better to show once than to say a hundred times.’

Ybriel was right. As Seldia’s paintings became famous, Solgren’s name also
spread widely.
‘Is Seldia doing well in Campa?’

Seldia Sunfield returned to Campa to complete the portrait of Ybriel. He said

he could not stay longer in the North because of the exhibition preparations
and the influx of various requests.

‘Be sure to visit Campa……!’

Before parting, Seldia left those words several times. Ybriel promised to do
so. Kampa, the city of artisans. To go to a place where romance and art
breathe, it was a happy thing just imagining it.
‘I want to grow up quickly and move around.’

Ybriel stayed with the mad empress and could hardly go outside.
Even though the empress reduced her external activities to a minimum, it was
Ybriel’s job to calm the empress’s seizures.
Ybriel used to sit like a doll in the empty room of the Empress’s Palace,
waiting all day to respond to any seizures.

Is it because of the time I spent in the Imperial Palace?

Ybriel wanted to see more and to know more.
Episode 40
The wagon passed the square and stopped on a quiet roadside. As soon as
Alon opened the door, Lily, who got off, grabbed Ybriel and Kanya in turn
and dropped them off.

Asiligo got down on his own without help.

“Where shall we go?”

At Lily’s question, Ybriel paused for a moment and looked back. Asiligo and
Kanya stood side by side.

Ybriel crept closer to the siblings. And asked with a smile.

“Kanya, if it’s okay with you, would you like to go with me?”

Kanya’s eyes widened like chestnuts.

“I might get lost because I’m a guinea pig. I hope Kanya can help.”
In fact, Ybriel wasn’t even a guildmaster, she was accompanied by a nanny
and two knights, and the residents of Youngji were supposed to recognize
Princess Solgren and open the way by themselves.

Still, there was only one reason for saying that to Kanya.

‘Because there are a lot of people, you have to take good care of it.’

Unlike Ybriel, Kanya was a real child. It would have been a big deal if I lost it
by any chance.

“Is that okay?”

“Yeah, of course not!”
“Hurry up.”
Fortunately, Kanya was not welcome and looked happy. Rather, it was Asiligo
whose expression became more bizarre.
The boy stood a step away, watching Ybriel and Kanya carefully holding
hands. His non-blinking appearance seemed to monitor whether he was trying
to cheat on his younger brother.

“Are you limiting yourself?”

After thinking for a while, Ybriel reached out to Asiligo with her other,
empty hand.

“Are you going to catch me too?”

Although older than Kanya, he is still a child. Ybriel felt responsible for the
siblings she brought with her. Even though his body is only five years old….
Anyway, I had the courage to say it, but Asiligo just stared at Ybriel’s hand
for a long time, but there was no answer.

‘Um, I didn’t like it either.’

It was the moment when Ybriel was about to withdraw her hand. Asiligo
stretched out his hand. And it comes carefully. His rough, hot palms touched
him, unsuitable for his young age.

Ybriel smiled brightly.

“Okay, let’s go!”

Behind his back, Zed said, ‘Hey, my girl, it’s full of power!’ He said nonsense,
but he ignored it.

The hands of the brothers and sisters holding each other were unusually
warm. Even though the weather was chilly, my hands were sweating a little.

When asked why, the answer was that they both have higher body
temperatures than normal people.
“That’s the character of wolves. High body temperature, group habit,

Zed, who was walking alongside Lily earlier, explained some of the
characteristics of the wolf. Ybriel, who was listening quietly, looked at Zed’s

“Is Zed a wolf too?”

At that, Zed turned around and walked backwards, smiling roundly.

“Are you curious about me now?”

“It’s wonderful to know.”

“I’m sorry, but that’s the wrong answer, miss. Let’s think more about it.”

Shit, it’ll be better if you just let me know. Ybriel pouted her lips secretly.

As Ybriel and the party entered the alley, the buzzing market atmosphere
subsided for an instant. She recognized Princess Solgren.

It became noisy again as if it was like that, but I could feel the eyes of the
nearby merchants secretly turning to this direction.

Ybriel, who had been attracted to all kinds of social events and treated as
ornamental plants in her past life, was not particularly nervous.

Rather, I started to get excited.

‘Because today is the day to spend the money you’ve saved up!’

Even after paying off urgent estate debts, investing in a lumenta cultivation
business, and even giving Qian a special allowance, it remained thick.

uh huh Ybriel let out a thin laugh.

‘This is not overconsumption, it is contributing to the economic revitalization

of Solgren.’
After completing the rationalization neatly, Ybriel rushed to the furniture
store that caught her eye.

“Hey, girl…!”

Even so, the owner of the store, who was paying attention to the news that the
princess was coming, was so nervous that he couldn’t breathe as the party
entered his store.


Ybriel looked around the interior at the same time as he said hello. Old-
fashioned new furniture was gleaming and waiting for its owner.

‘I always liked that my dad’s room was so flat.’

Today I was going to buy a bunch of stuff to fill the room.

“Show only the products you are most proud of here!”

For the first time in Ybriel’s life, the dreadful shopping began.


The knight, the nanny, and none of the three children were tired.

Alon and Zed, of course, had good physical stamina, and Lily had a body
with various muscles while taking care of Ybriel.

And children, by nature, do not get tired.

“Let’s go over there next time!”

Each time Ybriel took a step, the eyes of the merchants flashed.

After hearing about how much money the princess spends at each store she
visits, they do not hesitate to solicit.

“I have a pretty doll! Cute toys too!”

“We sell cool children’s clothes!”

“Snack! I have a light snack!”

Then you can ignore it in moderation, but Ybriel didn’t pass by any store in

‘I’m not old enough to play with toys, but Kanya will love it!’

As a result, more and more things were being bought for Kanya.

After a while, when he came to his senses and looked back, Kanya was
already holding a bunch of sweets and snacks in one hand.

The big cheeks look just like a squirrel, and Ybriel laughed.

Asiligo couldn’t understand that smile.

Ybriel Solgren was really weird.

‘What is the intention?’

He knew right away that the words he had said when he first held Kanya’s
hand were a lie.
Asiligo glanced down at Ybriel, who was walking bravely while holding her

Even though he knew that many people were paying attention to him, and
even though he could feel the many gazes, Ybriel seemed to be indifferent.
It was also surprising that he was calmly holding hands with himself, a pure
blooded person.

The princess acted as if she had no idea about her body temperature higher
than normal people or the threatening aura that came from her bloodline.

‘Aren’t we reluctant?’
Asiligo looked at Alon following from behind and Zed leading ahead. I
wondered if she had become accustomed to the carefree attitude of the
princess as she frequently encountered different races around her.
Even so, Asiligo was on the unusual side.

Suddenly, a memory from the past popped up like an awl.

‘My eyes are scary.’

There was a day when people threw stones and my forehead was torn. The
younger sister cried, and the mother hugged him tightly.

‘It’s because we’re different. People are just afraid. Let’s be careful not to be

Asiligo followed his mother’s instructions, lowering his eyes, crouching down,
and hiding his teeth and claws.

Perhaps the submissiveness that was ingrained in his body broke Ybriel’s

If you want to know if Princess Solgren is really okay, or if she’s just acting a
hypocrite, Asiligo has a very simple method.

It is to release the stored energy and make eye contact. tenaciously.

Then Ybriel turned to Asiligo.

“Asiligo, how many clothes does Kanya have?”

Startled, he turned his face away without realizing it.

“I have enough clothes to wear.”

I was puzzled while answering. Why did I avoid it? There was no reason to
avoid it, and although the boy knew it, he could not look at Ybriel again.

“okay? So what do you need? You have to buy it.”


Why? Why is it so difficult? All you have to do is turn your head.

Asiligo thought fiercely.

This wouldn’t be a cute emotion like shyness.

Asiligo went through every word he knew to define how he felt.

And finally found it.

‘I’m afraid.’
Episode 41
Asiligo, unable to comprehend his own thoughts, tilted his head slightly.

‘What are you afraid of?’

Ybriel Solgren was about the same size as Kanya, and had never done
anything that could threaten him.
Even if the girl tried to harm me, Asiligo would have been able to subdue that
little body.
But what are you afraid of?

Then, somehow uncomfortable, Ybriel held Asiligo’s hand.


It was very brief. The moment the body temperature dropped, Asiligo

‘I’m afraid I’ll shake my hand.’

That’s scary.
Asiligo was so startled by the realization he had attained that he froze.

When the boy stopped, both Ybriel and Kanya stopped walking one after

“what’s the matter? What do you want to see?”

“No, no.”

Asiligo shook her head a few times in embarrassment.

‘Are you tired?’

Ybriel noticed Asiligo’s embarrassment and looked up at the sky.

I thought that the time had passed, but it seemed that the sunset was going to
happen soon.

‘ah! I promised to return it early….’

Ybriel then remembered that Asiligo and Kanya had decided to study at the
library today.
I had to go inside, but I couldn’t tell the princess what to do and what to do,
and it must have been very embarrassing.

“It looks like the sun is going to set soon, so let’s stop now.”
“Then I will go and get the carriage.”

As Ybriel hurried, Zed moved away from the crowd with a swift movement.


All the way back in the carriage, Asiligo seemed to be putting up with
something. Ybriel looked at her for nothing, and looked at Kanya, who was
dozing next to her.

I didn’t know it when I was walking around happily, but when I sat in the
carriage, it seemed that I was tired.

When it was finally time to get off, Kanya couldn’t get up. It was only when
he was on Asiligo’s back that he barely opened his eyes.

“Goodbye, lady.”
Kanya waved her hand with a hazy face.

“Hello, Kanya. you know. Today was fun!”

After saying hello, Ybriel turned around and started walking.

Asiligo’s gaze focused on Ybriel and the two knights following him.

The boy moved only after they disappeared from view.

The shadows grew longer behind my back.

Meanwhile, Ybriel rushed into the castle.

‘I need to go see my dad quickly.’

For Herwin, who is only in the room every day, I was going to tell you
everything I saw outside today.
‘Imagining a lively market might make you want to go outside, don’t you
Ybriel has chosen and chosen the words to convey today’s events in a fun
However, as I got closer to Herwin’s room, I noticed that the atmosphere of
the castle was somehow chaotic.

Ybriel saw Kian and Evan running from the other side of the hallway.
‘What could cause a doctor and aide to act so urgently?’

The moment I realized him, time passed very slowly.


The sun was setting.


was careless

As Qian hurriedly crossed the hallway, he couldn’t shake the thought.

‘Even though I knew when the seizures would start again.’

Lately, Herwin has been basking in the sun or moving his body a little, so he’s
overly optimistic about his condition.

It was also due to the fact that he was distracted by the duties of the lord and
the princess’s assistant.

Upon hearing the news, Evan ran out of the pharmacy, holding a large
visiting bag and a few vials in his hand.

At Kian’s glance, he threw the visit bag. Qian, who took it lightly, increased
his speed again.

“Damn it, I’m running out of drugs now.”

Evan followed with an annoyed face.

“How long do you think it will last?”

“At the most, half a year.”

The ‘sedative’ that Herwin was using now had developed a tolerance and was
getting weaker day by day.

If you use a new drug, you will have to use something more poisonous than it
is now.

“Now, I wonder if there are any drugs left that can be used by Your Majesty.”

Neither the doctor who said that nor the aide who listened was agitated.

Herwin Solgren’s death was a long foreseen future. It was only unclear when
that was.

“Are users allowed in?”

“I blocked it.”

“Good job. Where are you, lady?”

“In the village….”

Just as he was about to answer, Qian found Ybriel standing on the other side
of the hallway. His face was pale as if he had sensed something bad.

“I thought … would be there, but now you have arrived. Evan.”

Kian sent Evan away first and turned around. Ybriel ran right away.

“Did you get home safely, Miss?”

“Dad, are you sick?”

Failed to turn. Kian pondered briefly what to do, then just told the truth. If
you’re quick, you’d know everything just by looking at it.


In response, the princess gave a look as if ice water was pouring over her

“I, I want to go too!”

Ybriel’s expression was desperate.

I thought I’d often seen him look like an adult, not like a child, but at this
time, he was five years old.



Qian explained firmly with a refined face.

“There is nothing she can do right now. Please go back to your room.”

At that, Ybriel shut her mouth. He realized that Kian was right.

Kian blinked at the nanny standing behind him. Lily quickly hugged Ybriel.

“Wait ….”

Ybriel struggled as if she had something to say later, but Qian did not listen
to everything and stepped out.

As he got closer to the peacock’s bedroom, his skin stinged. The five senses
were on the verge of a menacing air current.
Evan, who had been sent earlier, was standing at the door and waiting for

Inside the door there was the sound of something breaking, cracking, and
tearing. It was as if a huge beast had been released without a leash.

“It will not be easy.”

“It always has been.”

Kian and Evan took a deep breath at the same time.

“Now then, let’s subdue the dog.”

Immediately after, Evan slowly opened the door.


Lily thought Ybriel might cry when she returned to the room.

‘I’ll have to ask you to prepare honey mixed with milk and a sweet snack.’

After returning from an outing, it was a good way to warm up in the warm
bath water.

‘After that, let’s go to bed quickly, then read a storybook until you fall asleep.’

Lily made up her mind and set Ybriel down under the bed in the room. Ruby
sneaked out of the bag.

Lily then looked into Ybriel’s face. Surprisingly, the child had a calm face.

‘Are you okay…?’

Lily felt more anxious about the calm Ybriel again.


Lily’s shoulders trembled slightly as her name was called without notice.

“Huh, yes!”
“I want cream tea.”

Saying that, Ybriel didn’t seem to care at all about what had just happened.

It even made me smile!

Lily stood dazed for a moment at the unknown shock, then stood up as if on

“Are you in the market? Probably because I’ve been walking for a long time.
He, I’ll be ready soon!”

After Lily, who had been given a role, hurriedly left the room, Ybriel lowered
the corners of her mouth and let out a long sigh.

‘When I was sick, my dad took great care of me….’

There was nothing Ebriel could do now. Ruby tapped Ybriel’s leg with her
“Are you worried?”

Ybriel gently scratched the cat’s chin.

An inexplicable sense of incongruity rose from the corner of my heart.

‘Is Dad’s Seizures Caused by Scenic Disease?’

Episode 42
He wasn’t on the right side, but Evan knew that Evan was the best doctor in
He explained that Herwin did not have a special disease, but that it was a
matter of a weak constitution.
‘But the words Nabi-nim said still haunt me.’

That day, on a shivering day because it was so cold, Winter told Herwin that
he was not ill, but ‘not able to break the shell’.

Ybriel continued to deduce the meaning of the word, but the parable of the
old spirit was difficult.

“It would be nice if I could talk to Butterfly again….”

The moment she muttered, Ruby straightened her hair on her back and

“Ruby? what’s the matter?”

Ybriel stiffened as she tried to reach out to Ruby. Something cold fell on the
back of his hand.


Light snowflakes began to fall from the air. There were no windows open, and
above all it was indoors. Yet it snowed.
“It’s been a while, kid.”

At the same time, a familiar voice rang in my ears.

“Butterfly? Where have you been all this time?”

The scattered snowflakes gradually changed into the shape of a butterfly.

“Your little friend hates me. Being young can’t be boring Thanks to you, I had
a hard time.”

Ybriel looked at Ruby, who was very nervous.

“It’s not that it hasn’t appeared before, but it’s that Ruby has prevented her
from coming?”
“That’s right.”

‘Why, why?’

“Because I hurt you.”

Winter answered clearly. Ruby pounded the flying butterflies with a small fist
as if it was uncomfortable to plant.

After watching the scene quietly, Ybriel suddenly came to her senses.

“I have a question for you!”

“About your father’s body.”

Winter asked as if he knew.

“Now, let me explain.”


Ybriel was running now. By moving your slender legs vigorously.

“You know that a wizard needs to open a door to use mana.”

While passing the hallway, no one was seen. It seemed that Kian intentionally
bit people. It also meant that there was no one to stop Ybriel.

“Mana goes in and out of that door without you even realizing it. It’s like

Faster than ever, Ybriel arrived in front of Herwin’s room.

After taking a deep breath, Ybriel hung the ribbon she had brought with her
on the doorknob. It was a method I came up with because I was short and
couldn’t hold the handle myself.

“But think of it as closing the door.”

‘How is it?’

“Mana is accumulating in the body. Things like that start to rot. If it decays as
it decays someday, the body will not be able to bear it and will burst.”

As I pulled the ribbon as hard as I could, the heavy door slowly opened.

“So, closing the door of the wizard means death. It means you won’t breathe.”

“Your father is like that now.”

Ybriel stepped into the open door.

“I told you not to let anyone in!”

As soon as they entered, the fierce shouts poured out, and Ybriel froze.

‘Who’s voice did you just hear?’

It was an aggressive tone he had never heard of Herwin.

“Oh, Dad…?”

Ybriel mustered up the courage and took one more step inside.

The first thing that caught my eye was the half-lowered bed canopy.
Whether the pillow had burst or feathers flew through the air like snow feet.

An hourglass was shattered on the side table.

Ybriel turned to the bed. There, Herwin was tied to a bed. It was Kian and
Evan’s actions.
“Kian! Kian Lasher! Evan!”

Herwin’s writhing voice was filled with pain.

“It’s just before the explosion. pitifully.”

Winter murmured lowly. Ybriel felt the blood draining from her body.

‘You can’t delay.’

Ybriel lightly stroked the back of her right hand. The pattern shone white,
and the winter branches were revealed.

‘If the accumulated mana is a problem, you can take the mana out of your


‘It might be possible to use winter branches!’

Solgren’s new item that converts cold temperatures into mana and stores
them. Ybriel gripped the winter branches tightly.

‘I’m bringing my father’s mana, just like I softened the momentum of

midwinter last time.’

However, it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be when I got my dad right in

front of me.

His skin tingled like a shallow puncture by thousands of needles.

‘Mana ….’

Vicious mana engulfed Herwin like a storm. The closer you get, the more it
breaks. Only that thought was clear in my mind.

“Make a gap.”

Then winter calmly advised.

“It’s about lowering your vigilance and breaking down the walls of your heart.
So that the roots of winter branches can penetrate more easily.”

Now, the condition has become so serious that you can feel the air trembling.

‘Boundaries, how do you solve the boundaries?’

There was no time to think deeply. Ybriel closed her eyes and ran towards the
bed where Herwin was lying.

And he recklessly hugged Herwin tightly.

“Dad, it’s me! Ybriel!”

Herwin, who had been struggling with that word, stood tall.


There were several symptoms of stagnant mana flowing back into the body.

In addition to severe tinnitus, ripping pains and high fever, Herwin

temporarily lost sight.
When Herwin had a seizure, Kian and Evan tied him to the bed altogether.

Otherwise, he could run out of the room and harm the people he saw.

Herwin struggled in pain in the darkness, where he couldn’t see an inch


Each time, he suffered from hallucinations and hallucinations.

‘Herwin, my son.’

I heard my mother’s voice that I couldn’t hear. It was a mirage of the past.

He was sitting at someone’s feet in the form of a boy about ten years old.

I leaned my face against the leg in front of me, and a soft hand stroked my

My eyes stinged. If only I could sleep like this….

‘Why did you want to kill me?’

Little Herwin raised his head in surprise. The place where the mother’s face
should have been was filled with black ashes.

‘I loved you very much….’

The woman’s body scatters in the air like burnt paper. Herwin reached out to
grab them, but nothing caught on.

“Ah ….”

Herwin Solgren was born of the marriage of the imperial family Wilnarion
and the veil keeper Solgren.

Thanks to his superior bloodline, the boy was able to wield vast magical
powers, and opened five doors at the age of only ten.

His powerful power was a means to check Kaizen, who was the first prince at
the time, but at the same time, it was a double-edged sword that was difficult
to control even by himself.

The scene changed without notice.

Now Herwin stood before the burning palace. it was his

The pungent smell of ashes, the smoke that pierces the eyes, screams and
moans were entangled in a dizzying mix.

‘No. I, what I did….’

Really not?

Herwin didn’t remember.

Only the hundreds of eyes looking at him, and the fear that dwells within
them, was clear.
The palace where Herwin and his mother were staying was burned down that
His mother suffered severe burns, and he was deprived of his imperial

“I can’t ….”

Herwin murmured.

At that moment, the sound of the door opening rang like thunder in my ears.

“I told you not to let anyone in!”

Herwin exclaimed nervously. I felt the visitors falter. His vision was still dark,
and his tinnitus seemed to tear his eardrums.

“Kian! Kian Lasher! Evan!”

He twisted his body heavily to release the restraints.
I’m going to kill anyone who comes to me now. It seemed that only strength
and blood would be the only way to end this pain.
It was an illogical idea, but Herwin had no reason to judge.

The visitors came closer to him as if he was not afraid.

Episode 43
come closer more.

His head was hot as if he had poured molten iron. As the struggle continued,
the restraints gradually loosened.

That was the moment when I was about to cut it off completely.
“Dad, it’s me! Ybriel!”

A small warmth hugged his neck with all his might.


Eve. my child. The most precious thing left to me. which should never be

As soon as I thought about it, my tinnitus and pain slowly subsided. I could
feel the mana that had been filling up my chest slowly slowly draining away
like an ebb.

In the blinking consciousness, Herwin heard a distant song.

‘The stars will protect you….’

It was an old lullaby.


‘you can do it. you can do it.’

Ybriel hugged Herwin and closed her eyes.

I remember the sensation in my heart when I opened the first door.

‘So Daddy’s door will be near the heart.’

As I concentrated to recall the senses, the external sound gradually faded

Suddenly, even though she had not opened her eyes, she felt her vision

It was a strange sensation, as if being sucked into a dream.

At one point, Ybriel was standing on top of the night sky.


A distant swarm of stars shone as if trembling, and the purple nebula and the
deep blue Milky Way flowed in a colorful mixture.

Ybriel saw a huge door in the phantasmagoric space.

It was a white stone gate without a pattern.

“It is your father’s gate. You look just like me.”

At the end of winter, Ybriel was startled.

‘Is that Daddy’s door?’

“Malkut. This is the first door.”

Ybriel did not fully understand the words of Winter.

‘Anyway, are you saying that your door is right?’


Without hesitation, Ybriel ran towards the white door.

Then he grabbed the winter branch he was holding and thrust it strongly
through the gap in the closed door.

That moment boom! A huge roar shook the space. It was as if the winter
branches that had slipped through the cracks in the door trembled.
“Good job, kid. Now think of it as taking root and plundering the mana
beyond it. Let the branches spread out, the leaves open, and the flowers and
fruits ripen.”

Ybriel took a short breath and placed her hand on the door. As I recalled it as
Winter said, to my surprise, what I imagined happened right before my eyes.


As the branch grew, it produced ice-transparent leaves. Then a pale flower

bloomed and faded. The roots of the trees, which had grown in an instant,
slowly opened the cracks in the door.

A strong wind blew from the inside of the open door and ripped the petals
apart. Pale spring rained down.

“It was nice to have you by my side.”

He laughed as if winter was fun.

Even while watching the beautiful scene, Ybriel felt like crying.
‘Now I understand why Dad avoided me.’

What sent Ybriel to the island, and what he never found, was all because he
was afraid of losing his temper and harming his daughter.

‘Now I’m going to protect my dad. Never, never get sick.’

At that moment, Ybriel was dragged into reality with pain as if it were
crushing her chest.


Absorbing a vast amount of mana at once, an abnormality appeared in

Ybriel’s body.

‘Oh, again.’

I could feel my body cooling down gradually. Thinking about the future
suffering from hypothermia, Ybriel was already perplexed.

After waking up, Ybriel faced Qian and Evan with surprised faces.

Qian wrinkled his eyebrows, then stretched out his arms and hugged Ybriel.
Because it was the first time Ybriel had seen Kian like that, he realized later
that he was angry.
“Excuse me.”

“Ah, Kian, wait a minute!”

He left Herwin’s bedroom with startling speed.

“I thought you were in your room.”

The assistant turned and asked why he had come. Ybriel struggled as she
hugged her.

“Wait, Kian, stop!”

“Do you know just how dangerous she was? You almost died.”

Ybriel suddenly realized in an urgent tone. Oh, I’m afraid I’ll get hurt, so I’m

“I’m sorry for worrying you, Kian. But listen to me!”

Ybriel grabbed Kian’s cheek and turned it towards him. Then he stopped.

“My, I think I can heal your body!”

“What… that is.”

Kian made a face that made no sense, then suddenly looked back.

‘Why did you suddenly feel stable?’

Evan, who was still in Herwin’s bedroom, murmured in disbelief in his

sensitive ears.

“…What else did you do this time?”

Even though she was trembling because of the winter branches, Ybriel

“I’ll explain, so drop it off.”

By the time Ybriel returned to her room, Lily had just set out to find her.

“Oh my gosh, girl! My body is like this again…!”

Lily was startled to see Ybriel’s pale white complexion.

While Qian laid the child on the bed, Lily shoved the firewood into the
fireplace and put two thick blankets on Ybriel. Ruby, who had been circling
the room, jumped and slipped into it.

“I can’t. I’ll tell Evan and come.”

Lily looked at Ybriel’s condition and left with a worried face. He won’t be
able to come right away because he’s going to Herwin anyway, but it was a
good thing for Ybriel because he had to talk to Kian.

“Then tell me now.”

As soon as Lily left the room, Qian grabbed a chair and sat down.

As if in a large sack, Ybriel explained to Qian how to calm Herwin down step
by step.

However, the more he talked, the more the aide’s complexion darkened.

“It was said that the Duke’s mana was forcibly cycled using the winter


“And you’re going to do the same thing over and over again.”

Are you crazy?

Qian grabbed the last string of reason and swallowed the harsh words that
were about to jump out rudely.

“I know it’s crazy!”

But the princess’ eyes were quicker.

“But it certainly worked. Dad, are you okay now?”

When I went back to the room to check it, as Ybriel had said, Herwin was in
an extremely stable state. All the riots felt like a dream.

“That’s what I mean, it will continue like this from now on—”

“No, the Duke will never allow it.”

Kian cut his words firmly.

“Winter branches are allowed! So, you can decide how you want to write it!”

Ybriel squirmed in the blanket as if protesting.

“Kian needs to help. So I can spend more time with my dad.”

“Are you still trembling?”

“This, this, is temporary. You’ll be fine soon.”

He touched his forehead. A duke or a princess is stubborn no matter what.

“Please don’t overdo it. She is only five years old now.”

I wonder what five-year-old in the world would act like that.

In the midst of seriousness, Ybriel slowly hid her face under the blanket.

“Uh, okay.”

are you laughing now? Kian looked at Ybriel with an absurd feeling. There
wouldn’t have been anything funny about what I said now.

“Why are you laughing?”

Eyes sticking out of the blanket rolled around. He seemed to be
contemplating whether to answer or not.

“Well, it’s funny that Kian is worried about me.”

Qian was at a loss for words at the end of the child’s hesitation. He swallowed
dry saliva and straightened his posture.

“It sounds like you thought I didn’t care about her.”

Then Ybriel’s eyes widened.

‘That’s what you were thinking.’

Kian sighed.
Ybriel Solgren seemed to trust him on the job, but did not expect human
warmth at all. It was a bit of a shock.

‘It’s not quite wrong.’

Actually, he had no interest in Ybriel before. But now it wasn’t.

“I am now also her aide.”


“The well-being of the Duke as well as the young lady is under my

jurisdiction. I want you to know that.”
Ybriel laughed once more at that.

‘You’re very clumsy in saying to take care of yourself, Kian-eun.’

The fire in the fireplace spread warmly.

“Thank you, Kian.”

Episode 44
Herwin woke up late the next morning.

He looked up at the ceiling, blinked, and slowly raised his hand.

Everything was clearly visible as his eyesight had returned to normal.

“Are you awake?”

Evan was by his side. Evan, who had been watching him all night, couldn’t
hide his surprise to see Herwin get up to his feet.
‘Because the young lady did some kind of magic yesterday.’

Ybriel is alleviating Herwin’s ailment. What he once thought half-jokingly

had become a reality.

“What drug did you take? My body is lighter than before.”

Herwin, who had come to his senses, was equally astonished.

When I woke up after the seizure, all my energy was exhausted, but not
“Um, is that so…?”

Evan flipped over with an awkward laugh.

Because the only action he took was forcibly administering the same sedative
as before.
Herwin caressed her swept, red wrist, and suddenly recalled the memory of
the day before.

It was as if he had heard Ybriel’s voice while his reason was half gone.

‘no way.’
I remember getting a report that I had gone out to see the village the day

So it won’t be. it shouldn’t have been

‘Because hallucinations and hallucinations are common.’

Hoping it wasn’t ugly, Herwin asked Evan just in case.

“Did Ebriel come into this room yesterday?”

Evan, who was organizing the visit bag, flinched.

He remembered a conversation he had with Ybriel late yesterday.

‘It’s an absolute secret that I was in, Evan. You lied to me, so can you protect

Ybriel asked confidently as if she was looking for the things she had entrusted
to her.

‘No, I couldn’t help it! Hamgu orders have been issued, so what should I do?’

‘Anyway, you cheated on an innocent five-year-old. That’s hope torture.

Doesn’t Evan have any sense of responsibility as a doctor or guilt for making
fun of a child?’

To be an innocent five-year-old, his vocabulary is too … clever…?

However, it was true that the slightest bit of conscience that remained had
stabbed her in the chest.

“No, the princess left the village and came in late.”

In the end, Evan lied this time too. Herwin, unaware of the doctor’s
complicated circumstances, put his heart at his words.

“I’m glad.”
Had I been outside, I wouldn’t have known what had happened in the castle.

Evan’s expression as he looked at him became serious for an instant.

“As you can see, it takes at most half a year for the sedatives you are using
now to be effective.”

“What else?”
“From then on, it is literally poison. I would not recommend it.”

half a year. Herwin rubbed his stiff eyes. Evan fiddled with his fingers with a
confused face.

“Have you tried …? An attempt to reopen the door.”

At Evan’s question, Herwin nodded heavily.

“I tried hundreds of times, thousands of times.”

The duvet crumpled into his withered hands.

“But I still can’t do it, I….”

Herwin feared that the catastrophe of more than a decade ago would happen

The moment he was careless, his power seemed to hurt someone again. And I
was afraid that someone would become Ybriel, so I couldn’t breathe.

“Still, you must not stop. Now….”

Evan with his bag headed towards the door.

“Because I really don’t have time.”

It was the moment he gently opened the door. Something white rushed inside.

Herwin raised his head at Evan’s scream.

“Dad, good morning!”

It was none other than Ybriel who suddenly appeared. He seemed to be

aiming for the door to open from this side.

“No, miss? If you come in now—”

“Goodbye Evan!”

Ybriel rushed in and drove Evan away before he could finish speaking and
shut the door. There were shouts of protest from outside, but Ybriel turned
around as if it didn’t matter at all.

Herwin was so flustered that he didn’t even bother to tell him to leave.

did you hear did you hear

“Eve, since when have you been outside?”

Meanwhile, Ybriel quickly ran to the front of the bed.

“I just arrived and the door just opened, so I came in.”

Herwin glanced around the room. It was good to have the broken things put
away beforehand.

It was for this reason that there was not much furniture in his room. If it was
something that would break anyway, it would have been better not to put it in
in the first place.

“Why am I here today?”

Ybriel picked up something from behind her back with a cheerful voice. It
was a stack of papers that looked like dozens.

“What else… is that?”

“I went to the village yesterday and did a lot of interesting sight-seeing! It

would have been nice if my dad went there too, but it was a pity, so I drew
pictures of the places I went to.”
A visit to the village of Solgren Estate!

Ybriel turned over the picture with an ambitious face.

A picture emerged of a boy and a girl with gray hair and silver eyes.

“Before I left, I met Asiligo and Kanya. Those kids I saved!”


“Asiligo is the older brother and Kanya is the younger sister, but they are of a
different race of wolves.”

Herwin later realized that he had missed the time to let Ybriel go.
‘Something, hasn’t your position changed now?’

It was not Ybriel, but her father, Herwin, who had to turn the pictures and tell
the story.

‘After the doll, it’s a storytelling story….’

His father’s dignity was on the verge of being worn out and disappearing.
Herwin closed his eyes at the rush of helplessness and vertigo.

“The first place I went to was a furniture store….”

Still, it was nice to hear the child’s roaring voice.

Sensations that were as sensitive as being washed by sand were calm as if they
had sunk to the depths of the water.

At some point he started to fall asleep little by little.

Because of the hard work the previous day, my body got tired easily.
Drowsiness came more easily because of the sleeping pills Evan had
prescribed before leaving.

Herwin finally raised his hand and stopped speaking to Ybriel.

“Eve, I’m sorry. Dad must be a little tired today….”


Ybriel put down the painting with her round eyes and stood up.

“Then I’ll come next time! good night!”

For some reason, he had a naive attitude, unlike usual.

By then Herwin’s eyes were completely closed. I didn’t even say that I
couldn’t come back.

The staggering footsteps moved away toward the door.

Herwin thought that Ybriel had left, and fell into a deep sleep.

“… Are you asleep?”

After walking to the front door and remaining in the room, Ybriel crept back
to the bed and looked at Herwin.

A small sigh was heard.


You fell asleep!

Ybriel’s eyes began to twinkle.

Ybriel immediately took the chair as a footstool and climbed back onto
Herwin’s bed.

“You are always trying to do something secretly.”

Winter, who was holding his breath, laughed lowly.

‘I mean, if you know, you won’t be able to do it.’

Ybriel shrugged and pulled out a winter branch.

Herwin’s complexion was clearly better than the day before. It must have
been that his condition had improved because he had drained the mana that
had been accumulating over the door yesterday.
‘I can cure my father’s illness. It can prevent a terrible future to come!’

Ybriel couldn’t hide her joy. I felt like running down the hallway and singing
a song right now.

‘Wow, calm down. Just do it like you did yesterday.’

Ybriel, who had revived her memory, grabbed Herwin’s hand while he was

Close your eyes and focus your senses….


Ybriel closed her eyes and tilted her head.

“…Why not?”
Episode 45
“Why not?”


Lily began to be very concerned about Ybriel’s condition.

After going to the Duke’s room the previous morning, Ybriel’s condition
became strange.
The face of the child who stood idly and sighed or ripped off his head was
full of water.
depth of water! What an inappropriate word for a five-year-old girl.

As Ybriel’s mood had subsided, Zed, who had come to escort him, took a
sneak peek.

“What are you doing, lady?”

“I want to know too….”

Whispering could be heard, but Ybriel continued to stare out the window.

‘I wonder if the Duke was sick and upset, my lady….’

Lily cried a little.

“Sir Zed, I think you need a change of mood.”

“Can’t I just play a card game?”

Lilly shook her head with a smile, remembering Zed who was taking Ybriel
while playing a card game.

“I don’t think that’s a very good idea.”

“It’s not easy to be kind and cool ….”
After that, the knight and the nanny put their heads together and devised a
way to relieve Ybriel’s mood.

It was Lily who thought of the grave.

“Why don’t we bring Asiligo and Kanya and let them play for a while?
Probably because I don’t have any brothers and sisters, and I don’t have any
friends my age.”

If there was one thing the two of them didn’t know, it was the fact that Ybriel
was not upset, but angry.

‘Why, why not!’

Yesterday, Ybriel was never able to access Herwin’s door.

‘At the best, I’ve found a way to get better, but I can’t do anything.’
Winter explained that accessing Herwin’s gates required breaking down

‘Yesterday I couldn’t see Dad’s door, which means he’s building that much

It broke Ybriel’s heart that he was wary of something even at the moment
when people were most defenseless.

‘The first time I was able to access the door was because my father was very
ill. Because he was in a weakened state.’


Recognizing the gloomy feeling, Ruby approached and rubbed Ybriel’s legs.

Ybriel smiled weakly and gently scratched Ruby’s cheek.

‘Am I supposed to aim for when you’re awake? If so, how do I make it

The door opened slightly without the thoughtful Ybriel noticing it.

Ruby, who was making noises, raised her tail and walked towards it, but
Ybriel didn’t notice because she was rolling her head.

“Oh, lady, hello!”

Ybriel turned her head in surprise at the sudden loud voice.

“Can you?”

Suddenly, Kanya and Asiligo entered the room. Asiligo nodded from behind.

‘Why are they here?’

Although Ybriel was very upset, first of all, he greeted the children with

“Hello, Kanya. Good morning. When did you come?”

“I thought it would be nice to have a companion, so I just brought her.”

At Lily’s words, Ybriel blinked.

‘I’ve been dazed all morning, so I’m exhausted.’

Although Ybriel was grateful to Lily, she felt sorry for Asiligo and Kanya,
who were suddenly summoned.

“Yesterday, I came in late because I was going to the village, isn’t it taking
away my time to study today?”

“You are the benefactor who saved the lives of me and my sister.”

Asiligo answered politely, without expression.

‘Is it that I came willingly out of gratitude, or did I have to come to repay the
It was not known which side it was, but one thing was certain: Kanya was


Kanya gently touched Ruby’s hind feet as she was picking her hair, and then
rolled her feet in excitement.

Ybriel watched the scene and suggested a way.

“You know, I’m also practicing my handwriting these days. Would you like to
join Kanya? If Kanya helps me, I think it will be fine.”


That is why the three children gathered to read a book.

At first, even Ybriel read a few lines of sentences.

But soon, thoughts of Herwin and his door, a sick body, and winter branches
came rushing in and filling Ybriel’s head.

Naturally, her complexion darkened, and she became discouraged when she
realized that her conversion plan had failed.

By then, Kanya, who was excited, and Asiligo, who was watching quietly,
realized that Ebriel was not feeling well today.

In particular, although Kanya was still young, she was able to read people’s
expressions with agility. Sadly, it happened often, if not quite often, that this
little boy had to keep an eye on him.

‘Girl, I’m sad now. I have a lot of trouble She made me very happy.’

Kanya received so much from Ybriel that she wanted to give it back.

With that in mind, Kanya put her pen down and gently squeezed Ybriel’s
hand. When Ybriel raised her head in bewilderment, Kanya smiled broadly
and drew a circle on her palm.

“Gone Worries, Worries Gone, Worries Gone”

One circle for one spell, three circles in total, and Kanya released her hand.

“what’s this?”

“This is a wish-fulfilling spell! I said that if you do this, you will be able to do

Kanya laughed softly.

“You stretch out your hand, draw a circle, and say the wish you want to come
true three times.”

Asiligo added in a low voice.

“Kanya truly believes in that spell. Before I came to the castle, I chanted to
arrive safely.”


Ybriel looked at Kanya. As if expecting, the twinkling eyes finally appeared.

Ybriel smiled and clasped Kanya’s hand.

“Thank you so much, Kanya! I think all my worries are gone.”

Surprisingly, after speaking out like that, my heart seemed to have become

‘You just have to find a way. Only the way!’

A spark lit up in Ybriel’s eyes.


Herwin leaned his back against the headboard and looked at Qian, who was
standing in the doorway.

Then he turned his gaze to Ybriel, who was standing next to him.

Obviously he had instructed Qian to lock the door, so the presence of Ybriel
here meant that those instructions were not followed.
“Did you open the door?”



“I forgot to close.”

Herwin was at a loss for words at the absurd excuse.

Yeongrangdae is a collection of the most outstanding members of the White

Rang Knights.

Among them, Qian Lasher, an ‘alpha’ who excels in all aspects such as
combat power and intelligence? what are you blinking?

Kian himself knew it was nonsense, but he smiled shamelessly.

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty. I’ve been busy with work lately and I’ve been

Even if it was an unbelievable excuse, if he knew by now, he should have let

the child go, but Kian showed no signs of doing so.

Rather, he said that he had to deal with the official documents and that he
would rush to the office and disappeared.


As a result, only Ybriel, who was smiling, was left. Herwin rubbed his

‘It’s gone.’

I don’t know how Ybriel was roasted, but Kian Lasher seemed to be
determined to side with the princess now.

Herwin took a breath to tell Ybriel to get out.

“for a moment! Please listen first!”

But Ybriel raised her hand first.

“I’m here today because I have something important to tell you.”

Saying that, Ybriel had a very serious and serious expression on her face.
Episode 46
“It’s really, really important. You’ll regret it if you don’t listen.”

Herwin licked his lips, finally raising his hands.

“So what did you come here for?”

Then Ybriel sprinted to the bedside and placed her hand close to her mouth
as if whispering to Herwin.

“What is it?….”
Herwin unknowingly bowed to Ybriel.

‘Now is the time!’

Ybriel, who was looking for a chance, grabbed Herwin’s neck and hugged
him. Herwin stiffened like a piece of wood at the unannounced approach.

Ybriel spent the whole day contemplating and contemplating how to distract

Stunning was not an attempt to harm the glassy body, and startling was
dangerous because it could cause seizures.

So, in the end, this was the method I chose.


Ybriel closed her eyes and pressed her lips to Herwin’s cheek.
‘Confused! Watch out, please!’

At that moment, time began to flow slowly, as if it had been split into very
fine fragments.

It was a familiar feeling. There was no illusion of seeing the door in front of
me like last time, but I could vividly feel the winter branches swallowing
Ybriel’s operation was successful. Mana was passing through the gap he was

Ybriel opened her eyes with indescribable joy.

And he faced Herwin, who looked at him with an expression of what he had

“Uh, um.”

Now it was time to explain this journey….

“Now, what….”
Herwin was showing a puzzled expression on his face. Ybriel did her best and
smiled broadly.
“This is my job!”


“Then I will go. Bye!”

The quicker the escape, the better.

Ybriel disappeared from Herwin’s room with swift steps like a squirrel.

“Important, important words….”

Herwin was so startled that he was speechless. He didn’t even notice the fact
that his body had become lighter in the meantime.

“Ah ….”

After a while, he hugged the pillow, feeling like crying.

“What should I do, Leah?”
my daughter is so cute

“I wish I could see you too….”

Words that could not be reached were scattered helplessly in the air.


It was around summer when the sown Lumenta started to sprout.

As good news as the relatively warm weather was delivered.

Seldia Sunfield officially became a painter and opened a solo exhibition in

Albion Islands.

“It’s already a solo exhibition, so it’s very popular.”

Ybriel smiled pleasantly, fiddling with the end of the letter.

In fact, Seldia’s fame was also being felt here in Solgren.

‘The number of visitors to Solgren is increasing day by day.’

More people were coming than when Ybriel had visited the village.

‘If Seldia had exhibited in a gallery for the aristocracy from the beginning,
this effect would not have been achieved. Displaying it in a space where
anyone can see it will have such a big effect.’

Ybriel expanded the existing paint business for tourists visiting Solgren.

‘I need a souvenir shop.’

I thought it would be nice to have something to commemorate the people

visiting Solgren’s visit to this estate.

Ybriel got to work right away, and created a nice Solgren souvenir.
“Woah, lucky fairy necklace!”

“Wow, did you make it?”

“I put the pigment of ‘Fairy Blue’ in the glass pendant. What do you think?”

Lily was purely in admiration.

“It’s so pretty!”

“Is not it? Will it sell well?”


Ybriel hung the pendant around Lily’s neck and smiled.

Perhaps because of the small size and the pretty color of the fairy blue, the
necklace made a lot of money as soon as it was released.

‘Now that some capital has been gathered, we need to strengthen Solgren in

The first problem to be solved was the food shortage.

Even so, the land was difficult to farm and transportation was also
inconvenient due to the accumulating snow. This meant that the cost of
transporting food materials was insignificant.

Ybriel wanted to be able to produce her own food in Solgren.

“Let’s build a greenhouse and plant potatoes.”

Among the many options, I chose potatoes for one reason.

“Have you contacted the Euroon company I talked about last time?”

“Yes, I said I wanted to make a deal, and I got a reply right away. It was very

Before the return, the name Yuron Sanghoe became known little by little. It
was thanks to the improved potatoes.

It is said that the breed was improved through various magic experiments to
withstand the cold, but honestly, it was hard to believe.
‘Everyone thought it was nonsense that potatoes grow well even in cold

In fact, until the successful potato cultivation in the north, Euron Sanghoe was
being treated as a half-fraud.

People rushed down to get seed potatoes only after it was verified that potato
cultivation was real.

‘This time I’m investing first.’

Determined, Ybriel invited the owner of the Euron Chamber to the castle
through Qian.

The owner of Euroon came to the castle less than a week after they contacted
him as if he had been waiting.


“This is Timonel Euron.”

“Nice to meet you. This is Kian Lasher, deputy lord of the lord and aide to
His Majesty the Duke of Solgren.”

Afraid to exchange a simple greeting, Kian offered Timonel a contract.

Timonel was delighted, but there was a sign that he couldn’t easily believe it.

“Are you really trading seed potatoes with us?”

“yes. Because it grows well in the north.”

“Any more questions? If you want to check the breed….”

“Yeah, that’s fine.”

Timonel was rather frightened by his attitude of not asking even trivial

“Do you really have nothing more to check?”

“Do you mind? Actually, improved potatoes are actually a lie….”

“no! Absolutely not!”

Timonel jumped in denial. Kian smiled brightly.

“The person I serve told me not to ask anything, just invest. I just trust his
words and his eyes.”

Timonel was deeply moved by those words.

‘No one believed me…!’

I found a potato of a really good variety and ran hard to sell it, but the public
only returned a lot of swearing as a scammer.
The merchant, who is looking at his forties, shed tears at the trust he received
for the first time.

“Thank you for your trust. I will definitely answer you. Business is trust.”

Ebriel, who was overhearing their conversation through the fireplace in the
room next to the drawing room, laughed softly.
Timonnell sent 30 sacks of seed potatoes and 5 more sacks after that.

After the greenhouse was completed and planted, the food problem could be

Ybriel proceeded with the next business at a frightening pace.

“I’m going to raise a white-haired musk ox.”

Ybriel was planning to get Qiviut from the hair of a musk ox.

“It must be difficult because the pasture is small. We need a barn to stay in in
the middle of winter, and above all, the musk ox is a difficult beast to tame.”

“The ingredients of Lumenta are concentrated in the root. Stems and leaves
are not used. The same goes for potatoes.”
“They say you want to dry it and store it and use it as hay. All right.”

“You don’t have to worry about taming. Unlike regular musk oxen, white-
haired musk oxen are very gentle.”

It was at the Imperial Palace while in the Islands that Ybriel learned that the
white-haired musk ox has a gentle personality.

Ybriel remembered the two white-haired musk oxen that had been presented
to the Empress as a gift.

‘I couldn’t live long because the climate and constitution of the system did not
match ….’

Ybriel had the opportunity to touch the cows a few times while staying with
the Empress.
The white-haired musk ox didn’t flinch when a stranger touched it, and just
twitched its big eyes.
I wondered if it was because they were tamed, so I found out that the white-
haired musk ox is naturally a gentle species, so it often loses competition in
the wild.
“White-haired musk ox. Let’s see.”

“yes. And….”
After that, Ybriel took out a map of the North and spread it out on the desk.
As Qian was puzzled, Ybriel pinpointed a location on the map.

“Dig here and here and here.”

Episode 47
“What is in the place you mentioned?”

“Magical Stone.”
“… Yes?”

Ybriel had never seen Kian so shaken.

“Did you say magic stone now?”


Qian couldn’t hide his surprise.

So far, no magic concentrate has been found in the northern part of the

Because of the strong energy emanating from the tent, accurate exploration
was difficult.
However, Ybriel found out the exact location of the Magic Concentrate.

“Hey, Solgren had a magic ore….”

Even Ybriel knew how much the Magic Stone was worth.

The magic crystal that holds mana was the best mineral that could be used

Insulation stone that replaces brazier, cold stone used in food storage, and
even luminous stone that replaces candles and oil.

If only mining, it would be possible to sweep away a terrifying wealth.

“I will start mining right now.”

“Yeah, you have to keep it secret.”

“of course. Even the magic ore cannot be taken away from the imperial

Ybriel looked at Qian writing something in his notebook with combative

eyes, and a few transparent butterflies flying behind his back.

“If you have any other questions, feel free to ask any questions. I’ve been here
for a very long time, so there’s nothing I don’t know.”

It was winter, none other than that, that revealed the location where the
Magic Stone was buried.

‘I’ve received so much grace, I don’t know how to repay it.’

Butterflies smoothly circulated through the air.

“No matter what you give, it won’t mean much to me. Think of it as a gift to
my young contractor, whom I haven’t seen in a long time.”
Ybriel gently raised her thumb so that Qian could not see it.

‘Thank you, Butterfly!’

In addition, Ybriel cared for Solgren by generously using all the knowledge
she had.

Thanks to this, in the first half of that year, Solgren’s finances recorded an
unprecedented surplus.

Solgren Castle continued to be renovated day by day, and rumors that an

enormous wealth was being concentrated in Solgren soon spread around the


Herwin had been feeling the abnormalities that appeared around him

No, can I say it’s perfect?

Herwin tilted his head as he looked down at the breakfast delivered to his

“Yes, my lord.”

“The food is weird.”

“Where are you talking?”

Qian, who was busy processing the paperwork by his side, asked as if he was
genuinely not sure.
“Look at this.”

On a silver tray, a savory mushroom soup, soft white bread, apple jam, boiled
potatoes with bacon and cheese and a salad of fresh eggs were laid out.

“It’s okay food.”

“Since when has Alex been a wizard?”

“Alex is an ordinary chef.”

“Otherwise, you are dressed in an inexplicable way. How do you get these
ingredients in Solgren?”

Well, it was only natural that Ybriel had instructed her not to spare any
budget for Herwin’s breakfast.

“The same goes for the interior.”

Herwin looked around the room full of antique chests of drawers, elegant
sofas, bright off-white curtains, and bright picture frames hanging on the

It wasn’t until a few months ago that Herwin’s bedroom, which had always
been dark, began to light up.

‘I’d like to bring in a sofa.’

Qian, who had no interest in the interior, suddenly brought in the sofa.
The funny thing is that it was Qian who suggested that we remove all the
furniture in the first place.

‘Why all of a sudden?’

When Herwin was puzzled, the assistant smiled and calmly explained.
‘The lady saved up her pocket money and bought it. The last time you went
out to town.’

Herwin, who is not involved in practical work, had no way of knowing how
much Ebriel’s pocket money was.

‘I must have bought it once to commemorate going to the village.’

So what I thought was the end was a patchwork.

Taking one, the second was easier.

Soon the curtains were changed and the painting was hung.

And three, four, five….

The ornaments gradually increased. A colorful vase was placed on the table,
and a statue of graceful lines was placed on the side table.

When he woke up at one point, he saw exactly fifty-five pieces of furniture

and ornaments in his room. It was a change that seemed to permeate.

‘I’m missing something.’

He wanted to know the cause of all these changes.

“Solgren financial data, can I see it now?”

It’s coming. Kian tamed his glasses to hide his embarrassment.

“I will bring it to you.”

It took less than half a day for Herwin to check all the paperwork.

“If there is a problem with the material, please tell me right away.”
At Kian’s words, Herwin swallowed a smirk.


There were many. The problem was that there were too many.

Unbeknownst to him, Solgren had a terrifying level of wealth.

“It shouldn’t be like this.”

Great wealth can change the game of power. The Emperor will not stand still
for these changes.

There was no way that Kian was unaware of that fact.

“Kian Lasher, if you have something to hide, tell me right now.”

At Herwin’s question, Kian denied it with an unwavering expression.

“There is not.”

But Herwin, who had been watching Kian for a long time, knew immediately
that he was lying.

Herwin began to guess why Qian had suddenly changed as he went through
his memories.

Obviously there must have been an event that sparked something.

He suddenly remembered that Kian had brought Ybriel into this room
without permission.

‘After that, I suddenly became close with Ybriel.’

The thought crossed my mind that maybe this nonsense had something to do
with Ybriel.

“Maybe anything related to Ybriel….”

Herwin was skeptical and opened the door.

Something flew by between Herwin and Kian, where there was a lot of

pass? what?

Their gazes naturally followed the floating object.

What appeared out of the blue was soap bubbles that were glistening in five
colors. It wasn’t just one or two.

“…Where did this come from?”

Herwin, who was muttering, suddenly realized something strange and looked
at the door.

The source of the soap bubble was a crack in the slightly open door.

Kian approached Herwin’s glance and opened the door wide.


Ybriel, who was standing outside, patted in surprise.

“Eve, what are you doing?”

“Bar, drop by drop….”

Ybriel smiled awkwardly and squinted her eyes as a bell popped in front of
her nose.

At the child’s quirky and cute appearance, Herwin almost forgot the situation
and laughed.

‘Why did you think it would have something to do with the surplus of
Yeongji? Eve is only five years old now.’

The reason I got closer to Kian is probably because I have been to this room

“Lady, in the Duke’s room again…!”

Lily could be heard running from a distance.

Ybriel looked around the hallway with a bitter expression.

“Gee, I’m going now! I’ll come to play again, Dad!”

Before leaving, Ybriel squinted one eye at Kian.

‘Thank you?’

Kian, who understood the meaning, suppressed his laughter.

‘I knew you were eavesdropping.’

I didn’t expect it to break the conversation by blowing bubbles. Qian was able
to avoid being questioned thanks to Ybriel’s proper intervention.
The Duke and his assistant did not say anything for a while, and looked at the
door where Ybriel had disappeared.

“…We should give Ybriel a teacher as soon as possible.”

Herwin murmured.

“So you won’t be able to come to this room often?”

“Because I can’t be by your side forever.”

At those words, Kian quietly looked at his feet and opened his mouth

“How are you today?”

Herwin looked back at his memories of the past few months at the question.

“Have your seizures not decreased?”

At Kian’s question, Herwin nodded heavily.
“So anxious.”
Like the calm before the storm, the improved body felt like a harbinger of
terrible pain.
“There is no good luck without a cause.”

After a moment of silence, Herwin turned his gaze to the side table.
Episode 48
“There is a letter on the side table. Send it to me.”

At those words, Kian’s eyes turned to the side table where his gaze met.
Above it lay a letter sealed with a white seal.

He doubted his eyes.

‘A white seal?’

Kian swallowed a sigh as he quickly checked the name written on the

recipient’s column. I could guess what the Duke was thinking about sending
this letter.
“Will he come?”

The last soap bubble left by Ybriel, which had been persistently holding on,

“If you send it, you will know.”

There are a total of four horse towers in Ard, the northern continent, and two
of them existed within the Veloiton Empire.
In the west, the Twilight Tower was under the Duke of Linterdel, while in the
north there was the Yangya Tower ( 良夜塔 , Noxium), which was organized
around the Wizards’ Association.
The top of the Yangya Pagoda was a space only for Ma Tap Ju.

The room, like a glasshouse in the South, filled with an incredible number of
tropical plants for an unbelievable North, was quiet except for the occasional
sound of running water.

“Old man! Old man!”

The drowsy peace was broken in an instant by the urgent voice.
Under the shade of the palm trees, an old man with white hair, lying on a
sunbed, stood up in his arrogance.
“This frivolous bastard! What’s the fuss?”

“So, a letter from Solgren!”

“What kind of unfortunate thing are you reporting? Go out and burn it.”

“That’s the white seal.”

The white seal is only used for obituary or to inform the sender that he is on
the verge of death.
Matthew Sigmund abruptly got up and snatched the letter from the aide.

On the outside was clearly written ‘Herwin, Duke of Solgren’. Sigmund’s

expression wrinkled.

“Like this sickly nerd.”

“Are you going to go see it?”

“Teeing, of course you should go!”

Sigmund changed clothes with a single clap.

“Hey, are you really going, old man? When you sleep in Solgren’s direction,
you don’t even lay your head down.”

“Do you think I’m going to mourn that damn bastard now?”

Sigmund tore up the letter relentlessly.

“I’m going to get you out of the coffin!”

Sigmund cried out fiercely and clapped again.
match! Immediately after the sound, his figure was nowhere to be seen.

“You are gone….”

Only the aide remained alone and muttered in confusion.


At that time, Ybriel also heard the news from Kian.

“Your magic teacher will be here soon.”


Ybriel made an openly displeased expression.

I didn’t notice when I said I was going to save the magic teacher, but now that
I think about it, I think I know what Herwin was thinking.

“Your intentions are so transparent that you don’t have time to come. I have
to take care of Daddy!”

“So, it’s rather good. If the young lady becomes proficient in the winter
branches, wouldn’t the recovery of His Majesty be quicker?”

Ybriel, who was about to run to protest at Kian’s answer, stopped standing

Thinking about it, that was correct.

As you become more proficient in Winter Branch, you will be able to store
more mana, so as a result, you will be able to recover Herwin faster.

“That is … that is ….”

When Ybriel reluctantly agreed, Kian laughed.

“Actually, I don’t know yet if you will accept the offer.”

As she listened, Ybriel suddenly became curious. Who will be the magic
“Who did you contact?”

“To Sigmund.”
Ybriel pondered the name she had heard.

If it’s Sigmund, then….


It was the moment when the astonished Ybriel was about to ask the question
again. Zed, who was escorting outside, found Kian with a quick knock.

“Kian-sama, out now….”

“Kian Lasher!”

But before Zed could finish speaking, someone slammed the door open and
“It’s your fault, you swindler! Dare to deceive me? Lee … with only fine hair
without this braided hair.”

Ybriel looked at the white-haired old man who suddenly broke in with wide-
eyed eyes. The old man with a ferocious impression walked in with the
momentum to hit anyone at any moment and then stopped.

The eyes of the old man who found Ybriel shook wildly as if he had met a

“Uh, ah, hello?”

Ebriel, who witnessed the unknown agitation, greeted with an awkward voice.
Then the old man coughed heavily and turned his head.

The wacky old man’s name is Sigmund Mayer.

He was the husband of Isis Mayer, the father of Liatrice, and thus the
maternal grandfather to Ybriel.

‘Damn it!’
Sigmund didn’t know what to do in front of the granddaughter he had met for
the first time and only swallowed swear words.

I ruined my first impression by running without covering the front and back.
have you been scolded? Seeing the child’s bewildered face, he seemed to have
heard it.

Ma Thap-ju pretended to be a gentle expression for the belated fix.

“Hey, do you know me?”


“You know?”

Ybriel nodded vigorously.

“Who am I?”

We had never met before the return, but we knew the name.

There was no way he could not have known about his maternal grandfather,
Sigmund Meyer, who was the owner of Yangya Tower and the president of
the Wizards’ Association.

‘By the way, should I call you Master Matap or should I call you Grandpa?’

After hesitating, Ybriel chose the latter.

“Hey, Grandpa?”

At that moment, the old man’s expression hardened. Surprised, Ybriel quickly
changed her words.

“Ah, I’m sorry, my lord.”

“No, no, call the girl in front.”

Ybriel blinked and checked the expression on the old man’s face.

There was no sign of dislike. I guess you mean to call me grandpa.

“Yes, Grandpa!”

At his permission, Ybriel exclaimed brightly.

Sigmund looked into the child’s eyes and ruffled his hair with one wrinkled

It was a strange expression of a mixture of anger and sadness.

“That’s why I didn’t want to come.”


“Meet your father and come back.”

The reason Matapju remembers the location of the duke’s room was because
he had a history of visiting his daughter’s wedding day and swearing at him.

“You rot.”

“long time no see.”

There was a clear ailment on his white and bleary face, but he didn’t look like
he was going to die any time soon.

“I don’t want to see you, so put your face in the pillow.”

“Then I can’t breathe.”

“It’s just that!”

Sigmund groaned. Herwin did not erase a faint smile from the evil words.

“A man of no speed. What’s so good about a dying subject?”

“Have you met Ybriel?”

Sigmund remembered the face of the young granddaughter he had just met.
The hair and appearance seemed to resemble Herwin at first glance, but the
eyes were absolutely identical to my daughter’s.

“I saw. Damn, how you look so much like Leah.”

Sigmund rested his forehead on his forehead.

“Eve has already opened the first door.”


Even Sigmund, who had gone through everything before and after childbirth,
could not help but be surprised at the words.

“Are you five years old, no, a child who is about to turn six?”
“You have talent. I want Sigmund-sama to pick it up.”


Sigmund frowned.
“Don’t you know that the master can’t interfere with the world?”

“I know that you are not bound by those rules.”

“You only lived with your mouth.”

Herwin bowed his head at the fierce criticism.

“There is no face. But Ybriel is Sigmund’s only granddaughter.”

For a brief moment of silence, Sigmund scanned Herwin’s room.

Even the furniture, decorations, paintings, and curtains were all in bright
tones, which did not match the man sitting in the center of the bed.

Sigmund’s gaze now turned to the paintings on one side of the wall in the

The shape was crooked as if drawn by a child, but it was placed in a frame as
precious as an expensive painting.
‘Probably the grandchildren.’

Sigmund was bitter. Having seen the granddaughter’s room earlier, I could
guess how much the poor father must have put his heart into it.
“…You know what I mean?”

Taking me to Yangya Tower meant that I would not be able to meet Ybriel in
the future.

“I understand.”
Herwin nodded knowingly.

“Okay, don’t regret it.”

However, neither of them expected that Sigmund would be the one to regret
Episode 49
Sigmund returned to Ybriel’s room and looked around while sitting on the
He knew to a certain extent that Solgren had suffered a permanent deficit.

However, on the way home, looking at the castle, Solgren was not as bad as
Sigmund had expected.

The granddaughter’s room was also nothing special.

There is no draft, there are cute dolls, and the cleaning is well done.

‘Are you feeling a little better?’

Sigmund, unaware that Ybriel was making a lot of money even at this
moment, had no choice but to think so.
“As you may know, my name is Sigmund Lorten Mayer.”

In Veloyton, when you get married, you use the surname of the higher status
regardless of gender.
This was the reason why Sigmund’s last name became Mayer.

“This is Ybriel Solgren. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Grandpa.”

Sigmund silently observed the appearance of Ybriel greeting him.

A well-knotted dress, a neat face, and neatly tied hair caught my eyes.
His hands are clean and his cheeks are chubby, so he doesn’t look like he
can’t eat.
“Do you have a nanny?”

“Yeah, I’m staying in the next room and helping me.”

“Duke Solgren doesn’t treat you badly? For example, hitting.”

Ybriel looked up at Sigmund, panicked at the unexpected words.
Sigmund’s eyes gleamed like hawks when the child’s reply was delayed.

“Have you ever been like that?”

“No, no!”

I don’t know why, but Ibriel hurriedly waved his hand, thinking that
something was going to happen to Herwin.

“Hey, I’ve hit him before….”

He expected the criticism to be rude, but Sigmund stroked his beard with a
strangely satisfied face.

“Good job. Of course it should be. That stuffy bastard has to be right.”
Rather, praise returned.

Ybriel didn’t know what kind of expression to make, so she just smiled


A ruby was walking from a distance and tried to tear off the hem of
Sigmund’s robe.

Terrified, Ybriel quickly grabbed Ruby.

‘Oh, Ruby! no! You’re important!’

In fact, while Sigmund was away, Ybriel had just heard about him from Qian.

‘He was very opposed to the marriage between His Majesty and his wife.
Because of that, he and Isis-sama broke up, and perhaps that’s why he still
dislikes His Majesty.’

A granddaughter born of an opposing marriage.

So Sigmund’s presence would not be very pleasing to Ybriel.

‘Still, I have to stay close to my grandfather.’

Ybriel had an ambitious goal of becoming adept at winter branches and

curing Herwin’s disease as soon as possible.

“It’s not an ordinary cat.”

Sigmund, who had a glimpse of Ruby, snorted.

“Yes, it is a spirit. My name is Ruby.”

Ybriel answered nervously.

“Hmm, let me check a few things.”

Sigmund reached out to Ybriel, who was holding the ruby.

I thought he was obviously empty-handed, but suddenly he found a cane in his


“Keep your eyes closed.”

Yibriel closed her eyes and lightly placed the tip of Sigmund’s staff on her

Ybriel was startled by the warm aura that spread lightly, but she did not open
her eyes.

After a while, the staff fell from his forehead.

“Yeah, you said you inherited the winter branches?”


“Don’t you feel like there’s a hole in your heart?”

“Ah, are you talking about ‘door’?”

Ybriel answered again and again.

“It looks like a gap. It feels like the wind is blowing.”

Sigmund rubbed his chin.

‘I was hoping for a fucking bullshit.’

I couldn’t believe it even after checking it with a stick, so I asked, and his
granddaughter was definitely the one who opened the first door.
It is never common for ordinary people to open the door on their own.

The qualities of an outstanding wizard were revealed.

‘Opening the first door on your own at the age of five. If I had taken him, I
could have awakened that talent sooner!’

Sigmund regretted the past himself, leaving his granddaughter behind in the

‘No. Even now, I don’t know where.’

Since you have talent, if you take him to the tower even now and teach him in
earnest, he will definitely shine.

Sigmund laughed happily.

If the researchers at Yangya Tower had seen it, they would have been
terrified. Matthew Sigmund was famous for his filthy temperament and cold-
blooded cold-blooded selves.

“How long will it take to pack?”

“Are you packing? why?”

“Yeah, I have to go to the tower.”

Sigmund’s words seemed natural, and Ybriel was perplexed.

“Am I going to the tower?”

“Didn’t Herwin say anything?”

“What are you talking about?”

It was then that Sigmund felt something strange.

“Studying magic from the Master of Magic means that you want to belong to
the Master.”

Ybriel tried to understand what she had just heard.

In order to learn magic from the master, you have to enter the tower, and that


You’re talking about leaving the castle!

Sigmund looked away shyly in front of the startled Ybriel.

‘Boy, that’s good.’

He misunderstood the reaction of Ybriel, who couldn’t keep her mouth shut
in surprise.

In fact, it was only natural for anyone to be surprised and rejoicing when they
were told to become a direct disciple of Matthew. It was an opportunity that
would never happen again in life, even the wizards in the tower were envied.

The problem is that Ybriel doesn’t like it at all.

“Everyone knows that your sickly father doesn’t take good care of you. Now,
you just have to trust this extravagant.”

Great reputation as the head of Yangya Tower. A huge fortune hidden in the
personal safe of the master mato.

Sigmund thought that Ybriel would follow him of course.

But Ybriel did not answer for a long time. In the prolonged silence, Sigmund
looked down at Ybriel.

‘Heh heh.’
Matapju, who had been through everything before and after childbirth, fully
understood what it felt like to be ‘surprised enough to lose my heart’ that day.

“Daddy ….”

The granddaughter was crying with a look of loss of the whole world.

“Ah, will Daddy abandon me?”


With her swollen eyes, Ybriel snorted and hugged Snow Berry tightly.

It was a way to relieve emotions, following Lily’s advice to hug the doll
instead of plucking her hair.
The soft feeling wasn’t bad, but it didn’t subside to that extent.

“Lady, are you okay?”

Ebriel shook her head at Lily who asked carefully.

“Upset. Daddy is too much I even kissed her on the cheek every day!”

“Right. This is what the Duke really did. Of course you should have asked

Ybriel released her anger by pulling her pitiful rabbit doll’s ears. Ruby came
over and rubbed her face against her cheek as if to comfort her.

Meanwhile, Matapju was standing in front of the princess’s door with her face
turned to earth.

“Eight, so why didn’t he even discuss it with our grandchildren!”

The heart of the grandfather who cried for the granddaughter he met for the
first time today was not at all comfortable.

Sigmund feared that Ybriel would hate him. It was also regrettable that I
poured out all kinds of nasty things when I first entered the room.
‘What if you think I’m a kidnapper or a thug?’

The imaginary Ybriel ran away screaming, ‘I don’t want to see Grandpa!’

“Aww, I was wrong, sweetheart!”

Sigmund ruffled his hair and screamed. Alon, who stood guarding the door,
desperately pretended not to see the scene.

Sigmund, who had been muttering to himself, suddenly opened his eyes and
looked at Alon.


“Yes, yes!”
Alon was nervous at the gloomy voice. Sigmund grabbed Alon’s shoulder with
a grim expression.

“You know what my granddaughter likes?”

Episode 50
“Well, well, I don’t know.”

“Then do you know what kids like?”

Alon chose the answer, thinking of his young son at home.

“Maybe you like toys?”

“toy. It’s a toy….”

Sigmund, who was repeating the knight’s words, hurriedly ran to the other
side of the hallway as if he had suddenly remembered something. Alon, who
was left, sighed and wiped his chest.

At Yangya Tower, who was waiting for Sigmund’s call, the assistant chief of
Matap saw the light coming on in the video seat and jumped up.

“Old man!”

- Uh, it’s me. how are you?

“Yes! It takes about five more bodies to deal with the twenty senior
researchers who visit the elderly, to review fifteen published experimental
reports, and to manage the three hundred species of plants that the elderly
person grows. well! there is!”
Sigmund wrinkled his face over the video seat.

- This child. Are you, man, disappearing every day?

“I must have learned from the elders….”

The aide whispered to Sigmund inaudible.

- I think I will be away for a long time. Plants activate the self-care magic.
Are you stupidly managing it all by hand?

“Huh, is there something like that? Why didn’t you tell me?”
The assistant wanted to cry. Not knowing the speed, Sigmund picked up his
ears from beyond the video stone. It’s just that he’s just been selected, so it’s a
bit daunting.

- Alright, make something and send it here.

“I am busy.”
- I’ll give you a vacation. 2 weeks and 3 more days. with pay.

Sigmund Mayer was a eccentric, hot-tempered, and often throwing beast, but
once uttered a word, he had a disposition to keep it no matter what.

“What can I make, old man?”

The assistant squatted down.

- toy.
“Did you not hear well?”

- Man, I’m old enough, so why are you deaf? Let’s make toys! toy!

“Is that what the kids play with?”

- Yes, you rice bowl! Don’t waste your money, make it cool and send it to
me! A very special magic toy that does not exist in the world! One week from

While the assistant was dazed, Sigmund cut off the connection according to
his nature.

‘A special magic toy, a week…. No, a week?’

Oh Shia.
The aide who was confirmed to work overtime shed tears once again.

Exactly a week after that day, ‘strange toys’ arrived at Solgren Castle.

“Well, how are you?”

Sigmund, who had come with a pile of boxes since morning, took out the
contents of the boxes one by one and showed them to Ybriel.

“What is this all about?”

“It’s a toy.”

Sigmund started explaining things with an excited face.

“This is a puppy doll that dances alone when you press its nose. Also, this is a
teddy bear with voice recording. When you open this jewelry box, a song
comes out. This is a snowball that glows when you touch it, and when you
imagine a color you want, the light of that color comes out. Now, how are
Ybriel looked at Sigmund, who was looking forward to something, and the
toys piled up on the table in turn.
“Um, thank you.”

It’s a very special toy, but it didn’t really interest Ybriel, who had a grown-up
14-year-old soul.

Lily, who was watching from behind, beckoned urgently.

‘Why why?’

Lily groaned and spoke silently.

“Hal… Father, are you the best?”

Oh, that’s it!

After reading along the shape of her lips, Ybriel realized it too late and
turned to Sigmund. And he played a happy face as if he had everything in the

“Grandpa, you are the best! I have never seen such a toy!”

“Hey, do you like it?”

“yes! So cute!”

As Ybriel showed a welcome, Sigmund’s face slowly loosened.

“Uh-huh, because it was made with magic stones.”

“Are you a magic stone?”

“okay. It’s a precious thing, but I’m the master of mato, so I can get

The calculation started quickly in Ybriel’s head.

‘If the magic gemstone mine is developed, how about opening a toy store with
the magic gemstone? The sale price will be quite expensive, but if you get a
shopping street from the system other than here, it is for nobles….’

After all, the more money, the better.

Ybriel decided to add a toy store to her business plan.

“You don’t like this spare money, do you?”

“yes! Grandpa really likes it!”

At Ybriel’s affirmation, Sigmund forgot his dignity and smiled mischievously.

I haven’t met my granddaughter recently, but I don’t know how lovely she is.

‘That’s why bloodlines are so scary.’

For years, he had believed that his only daughter, Liatrice, had made the
wrong choice.
‘Will you not come to see my child even when it is born?’

‘Are you coming to see what’s pretty?’

If I hadn’t gone coldly at that time, if I had said one more warm word, would
something have changed?

Sigmund patted Ybriel’s head, soothing his bitterness.

He’s such a pretty kid, but I wondered why he was so obsessive in the past.

“By the way, Grandpa.”

Ybriel, who had been silent, smiled softly.

“I think it would be best if you could do just one more.”

“What? What else would you like me to do?”

“Will you do anything for me?”

“then! Of course we can do anything our granddaughter wants. Now, tell me

what you want.”

Sigmund was ready to offer up the tower if Ybriel wanted it.

Ybriel didn’t miss a chance.

“I am. If Grandpa reconciles with my dad, I think it will be the best thing in
the world.”

“… What, what?”

Sigmund looked down at Ybriel with a puzzled expression at the unexpected

child’s wind.

“Ah, I wish I had a good grandfather with my dad.”

After muttering to herself as if making a wish, Ybriel naturally tilted her

head. Only then did Sigmund realize his mistake.

‘Damn, make up with him!’

I can’t even die soon. don’t do it!

“Grandpa, won’t you grant me my wish?”

At that moment, Ybriel grabbed Sigmund’s hem with a crying expression.

Sigmund closed his eyes tightly at the weight of the hem of his clothes



not… do.

do ….
“Don’t listen to me….”

Matapju was gladly defeated in a fight with a five-year-old child.

The sound of the door opening as if it was about to break made Herwin half
way out of bed.

“… Sigmund?”

It was Sigmund who appeared with a roar. He gritted his teeth with an
expression that he didn’t like something very much, and then turned his head.

“What did you come here for?”

“I really hate you.”

Herwin wasn’t surprised by the bad news that came in the first place.

“I know you hate it.”

Sigmund flinched at the unwavering expression and neat answer.

“That, though.”

“I don’t hate it every day.”

After saying that, Sigmund suddenly grew fed up with himself, then turned
and shouted.

“Teeing, I want something like this from an old man. Are you okay?”

Then, Ybriel popped out from behind Sigmund.

“yes! Grandpa, you are the best! i love you!”

Ybriel, who hugged Sigmund wide with a reddish face, winked at Herwin.

It was then that Herwin realized that it was because of Ybriel that Sigmund
had come to visit.
‘That blunt man is smiling.’
Herwin was relieved by the sight, but at the same time felt a loneliness that
was difficult to explain.
‘If Ybriel sticks to Sigmund like this, ….’

You could really go to the tower. Herwin bowed his head in self-help.
‘Better than a father like me.’

Herwin rewrote the words he had repeated over and over again.
Until your mind is worn out.

Ybriel was blasphemously annoyed with his grandfather.

“You really don’t?”

“really? yes?”

The conversation had already stopped for 30 minutes.

“Why don’t you want to be a disciple?”

Sigmund stayed in the castle and gently seduced Ybriel.

However, despite all kinds of luxurious conditions, Ybriel’s attitude was
“You have to leave the castle. I have a lot of work to do here.”

We have to check whether the potatoes are growing well, we have to deliver
medicinal herbs to the Twilight Tower soon, and we also have to see if the
white-haired musk oxen is well built….

“I have to even cure my father’s illness.”

Episode 51
“Cure him?”

Ybriel covered her mouth with her hand. It seemed that he had just said his
thoughts as he answered without hesitation.
“How are you going to fix it?”

“Oh, that’s it….”

“Tell me more.”

“It’s a secret from Dad….”

Bringing Herwin’s mana puts a considerable burden on Ybriel’s body as well.
Had Herwin known about this, it would have prevented him from doing so.

“Hey, tell me, I’ll keep it a secret. How do you cure a disease?”
Hesitantly, at Sigmund’s urging, Ybriel explained what Herwin’s illness was
through the winter and how to cure it.
“Wow, have you seen the door?”

I swear, I didn’t expect Matap Master to be so terribly surprised.

“yes. When my dad was sick, I used winter branches to get the mana out the
Sigmund’s eyes widened as if they were about to pop out. Rather, it was
Ybriel who was surprised by the intense reaction.
“Well, shouldn’t it?”

“No, it’s not impossible!”

usually can’t
The concept of ‘gate’ was just an abstract means brought by wizards, and did
not exist in the world.

Even Sigmund, who opened the nine gates, had never seen the reality of the
gates with his own two eyes.

‘Because what the hell is in that tiny body….’

Sigmund looked down at his young granddaughter. My research instinct as a
wizard began to awaken.

“I don’t want to go to the tower, right?”


“I get it.”

He sent a letter to Yangya Pagoda along the way.

It was the resignation letter of the governor.

Sigmund, who boldly resigned from Matapju, was completely attached to
Solgren Castle from that day on.
No one could have predicted that he had resigned from the post of matop, so
a wrong perception arose in Ybriel that ‘it’s okay to be absent without
permission if you’re the master of mate.’
There was no longer an interest in maternal grandfather’s negligence.

“Now, how many gates exist in the world?”

“The column overview.”

“Which door can a human open?”

“Up to nine outlines.”

“Why can’t you open the tenth door?”

“Because there is Shia beyond that.”

“great. The theory has been well memorized. Then let’s get right into


Sigmund lived in the castle’s high tower and taught Ebriel magic from time to

It progressed as fast as lightning flashes, but Ybriel was not burdened and
digested Sigmund’s teachings.

As he gradually became proficient in magic, the chill of winter branches that

sometimes enveloped his body gradually eased.

But he couldn’t stay focused on magic for long.

Finally, the news that Linterdel was getting Lumenta came. Ybriel sent a
letter to the Twilight Tower faster than anyone else.

As the size of the business grew, Ybriel became busier.

Lilly, who watched Ybriel overdoing it, wasn’t the only one worried.
‘What if it hurts like that…?’

And Lily’s ominous premonition soon became a reality.

The incident started one morning.

Ybriel, who got up with a dreadful dream, wiped his damp lips with his

‘Hey, why is the saliva red?’

Around that time, a knock was heard from the door.

“Lady, wash your face….”

Lily, who came over from the room next door to help the manager in the
morning, was startled to see Ybriel and ran to her.

“Blood, blood from the nose!”

It was then that Ybriel found out that the blood she had wiped was terrified.


Lily wet the towel with water and wiped Ybriel’s face.
“What time did you go to bed last night?”

“Ten o’clock, ubb.”

Ybriel’s answer was wiped away on the towel.

“Did you really go to bed at ten o’clock?”


“Really? You mean you didn’t go to bed past twelve o’clock?”

At Lily’s tenacious gaze, Ybriel slowly averted her eyes. In fact, it was one in
the morning when Ybriel went to bed yesterday.

“Lee, Lily, change my clothes.”

“Are you talking, now? Have you slept past twelve o’clock again?”


Ybriel hid her face in the hem of her robe. That didn’t mean it was hidden.
Lily laughed as if the wind had fallen for the child’s innocence. Even Ybriel
couldn’t help it.

‘Dad needs to be treated as soon as possible.’

Recently, Ybriel has been reading various herbal medicine books to find
herbs that will help Herwin’s body.
In addition, it was daunting to follow the progress of Sigmund’s magic class.

‘A five-year-old body is so fragile….’

Ybriel was somewhat sad.

Sadly, so was Lily. How can this little girl be locked up in her room and
reading a book because it’s not enough to run around all day?

“It can’t be like this. You must learn to play like a child!”

“Like a child…?”

Lily has decided to take special measures to keep Ybriel sleeping.

“If you have fun playing with your peers, you will sleep better.”

Ybriel felt ominous at those words.

“I, I don’t have any friends my age?”

The nanny is always kind and kind, but in some ways very stubborn and
determined. Now was that moment.

“Don’t worry, miss. You will soon make good friends.”


Lily’s words soon became reality.

Ybriel looked at the three girls who had come to the room and made a
troubled expression.

“Ah, hello, Princess!”

“Nice to meet you all….”

These were all Ybriel’s playmates.

One was Hildeth Warbane, the granddaughter of vassal Birk Warbane, and
the other was Nelly Mons from Baron Mons, close to Solgren.

And the last one was a child Ybriel knew well.

“Girl, hello….”

Kanya waved her hand shyly.

‘You mean you have to meet twice a month with these guys?’

Ybriel kept a smile on her face, contemplating how to solve this difficult

‘Ugh, the shell is five years old, but the kernel is fourteen….’
Still, it was a different experience.

In her past life, Ybriel had never had a playmate. At this time, I was busy
studying with my tutor, but there was actually another reason.

‘Because in the first place, a playmate is a means of exchange between a

family and a family.’
To be honest, it was. In the end, what matters is the status of the family. how

Ybriel’s eyes glanced at Nelly Mons.

‘If you see that he has come from another territory, does that mean that
Solgren’s position has improved?’
Thinking about it that way, it wasn’t too bad.

“Nice to meet you, Miss Warbane and Miss Gordon.”

Soon snacks and drinks for the children were set.


Kanya, who likes desserts, exclaimed.

“I, miss. Maybe that doll….”

The child who spoke cautiously was Hildet.


Ebriel shifted her gaze and found a moving puppy doll.

“Oh, isn’t it amazing?”

“Maybe it moves with a magic stone…?”

Hildet’s eyes began to twinkle at those words.

Ybriel later realized that the children gathered now were really children.
‘Because I have a lot of toys in my room anyway. I don’t even play with it.’

Determined, Ybriel has been collecting dolls from various places.

“Come on, you can play with it to your heart’s content.”

“I, really?”
“Yeah, of course not.”

Hildet got excited and rolled her feet. Ybriel also reached out to Nelly, who
was hesitating from a distance.

“If it’s okay, would you like to play with me?”

Nellie flinched at the words and then slowly approached.

“… I’ll take a look.”

After a while, Hildette and Nelly started playing together.

But Kanya was sitting next to Ybriel.

“Let’s play together, why?”

“I want to be with you.”

Looking at it now, Kanya looked a little scared.

‘Are you on the shy side?’

Ybriel let Kanya go.

After taking a break after a long time, Ybriel became a little drowsy.
‘I must have had a lack of sleep.’

My eyes kept getting blurry.

While Ybriel could not overcome the rushing Suma and fell asleep, Kanya
moved cautiously.
Episode 52
The news that Princess Solgren is looking for a playmate spread secretly
throughout the North.
Solgren’s vassals were the only ones who contacted me for the first time, but
no matter where the words came from, letters began to come from other
territories as well.

It was a natural step since a huge amount of wealth was flowing into Solgren.
The northern nobles wanted to make sure the rumors were true, and if true,
they wanted to form a ties with Solgren.
Baron Mons’ youngest daughter, Nelly Mons, who has just turned seven,
entered Solgren Castle with the ambitions of her parents.
‘The only daughter who grew up without a tutor under the frail Northern

It was an obvious story.

‘It must be a boy who has nothing to see.’

So, when Nellie first encountered Ybriel Solgren, she was struck by a tidal

“Nice to meet you, Miss Warbane and Miss Gordon.”

The five-year-old Princess Solgren was overwhelming in every way.

Appearance, intelligence, culture…!

Nellie was jealous of Ybriel and at the same time jealous.

The dress you’re wearing, the spacious room and the luxurious bed.
It was something that Nellie didn’t have.
However, Ybriel Solgren didn’t seem interested in those good things. Maybe
it was boring or he even fell asleep without education.

Nellie frowned involuntarily.

‘Well then. That’s why you shouldn’t hang out with people who lack learning.’

Suddenly, Nelly picked up one of the dolls lying around.

‘There are so many dolls, wouldn’t it be wise to bring one?’

I’ve never had such a nice doll. Nelly glanced around and slyly hid the little
doll in her arms.

Then Kanya jumped up from her seat.

“That’s bad.”
“What, what?”

“Bad friends shouldn’t come next to you. Thieves are not friends.”

At Kanya’s words, Nelly’s face turned red in an instant.

“Do you dare teach me?”

Nellie suddenly grabbed Kanya’s hair.


Ybriel, who had been sleeping, was awakened by a sharp scream echoing
through the room.

I looked around and saw Nellie and Kanya pulling each other’s hair.
“What, what are you doing?”

Surprised, Ybriel ran right away and separated Nelly and Kanya.

“That lowly kid tried to steal her toy first!”

It was Nelly who hit the player. Nellie blamed Kanya for what she was about
to do.

“no! no!”

Kanya waved her hand in embarrassment.

The memories of the past suddenly became clear at Nelly’s taunts.

When things ran out in the village where they used to live, everyone blamed
Kanya and Asiligo. It was very resentful to be pointed at for stealing
something that had never been stolen.

Recalling that memory, Kanya began to cry.

“Gee, it’s not really….”

Then, Ybriel hugged Kanya tightly.

“right. Kanya is not like that.”

Last time, Ybriel had already bought Kanya a bunch of toys once. If he
wanted something in the room, he would come and tell him frankly.

Ybriel exhaled Kanya’s smirk and looked straight at Nelly.

“Miss Mons, can you see what’s hidden in your sleeve?”

“Gee, do you think of me as a thief now? I was just holding a doll!”

“Then you should have said that from the beginning. Why did you make
Kanya a thief?”

Ybriel continued speaking with a calm expression.

“I’m young, so I can make mistakes. But never again frame anyone else.”


“You don’t need to come to Solgren any more, Miss Mons.”

Nelly trembled with a reddish-blue face, and then ran out of the room with an
angry step.

Hildet, who had been frozen in surprise, approached him just then.

“Wait, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, but I’m worried about Kanya.”

Ybriel trimmed Kanya’s hair and checked for any scars. Hildet’s eyes
twinkled at the friendly look.

‘At first, I thought my grandfather would make me do a troublesome job


Princess Solgren is happy to give away the doll, and if her friend is wronged,
she will do it for her.

In Hildet’s eyes, Ybriel looked very cool.

“I have decided.”

Six-year-old Hildette clenched her fists.

“I decided to be friends with the girl for life!”

Ybriel looked at Hildet with a puzzled expression. Kanya was equally
embarrassed by the sudden declaration of a lifelong friend.

I don’t know the word ‘lifetime’, but it seemed that Ybriel and Hildet were
only trying to be friends.
“me too! No, I will!”

“Why, why?”

Among the children who burn their will, only Ybriel did not know why.

On the other hand, Nelly, who returned to Mon’s estate, wept bitterly while
talking about what happened to her father.

“Yeah, you mean that rich?”

Baron Mons, who heard the whole story, inevitably grinded his teeth.

He has made a profit by selling food at a high price in Solgren’s estate.

However, recently Solgren’s food purchases have drastically decreased. Baron

Mons suffered huge losses from unsold food.

‘Damn, it looks like we’re going to throw away all the leftovers, but Solgren is
doing just fine?’

Baron Mons quickly wrote a letter, then dispatched someone to send it


‘Leave it. I’ll make you need food.’


The commotion occurred in the middle of the night.


Everyone in the castle woke up to the loud sound of the bell from the village
bell tower.
A thick smoke was rising from the village in the distance. It was a group of
thieves who came to loot the territory.

Sigmund, who was standing by the window, frowned. The cause of the
commotion was easy to guess.

‘Those who came here knowing that the duke was dead.’
The rumor that Herwin had intentionally spread, ‘the duke’s health was
deteriorating’, and the ‘Letter of the White Seal’ sent to Master Ma Thap
seemed to be the cause.
The northern part of the midwinter was so barbaric.

Sigmund clicked his tongue and pulled out his wand.

If that swarm of thieves has overlooked, now in Solgren, there is a horseman

who can easily destroy a small city.

“Isn’t it the ones who came looking for the place?”

As Sigmund tapped his wand on the floor, a round magic circle spread out
under his feet, and then wrapped around the entire castle.

The magician who spread the defensive magic circle disappeared in an


At the same time, Ybriel, who had also woken up from sleep, leaned close to
the window and looked outside. Smoke was rising from the village, along with
a swaying red halo.

“What happened?”

Ebriel, who had become contemplative, hastily woke up winter.

‘Navi-nim, I want to check the situation on the village side, is it possible?’

“You must be dizzy, are you okay?”

‘it’s okay!’

Then the butterfly flew through the window with a glow toward the village.


Without any notice, Ybriel’s eyes went round and round.

Ybriel held back her nausea and held onto the wall to keep her focus.

Through the butterfly, the scenery of the village began to be shared in

Ybriel’s sight.

“Give up everything you have!”

“Save people!”

I saw hordes of bad-looking men tearing down houses, stealing wealth, and
throwing torches and oil here and there.

The number of thieves was too large to count. Ybriel turned white as snow.

Ybriel also knew that there was a stronghold of bandits near Solgren. Supplies
coming to Solgren were often looted.

However, it was difficult to accept this situation in which they directly invaded
the territory.
‘This has never happened before!’

If there had been such a large-scale raid before the return, it would have been
remembered. However, in Ybriel’s memory, no bandits had ever invaded

“The more you have, the more people you want to covet.”
In winter’s explanation, Ybriel recalled the businesses that were being carried
out in Solgren these days.
‘Solgren is richer than before, so that’s why it’s changed!’
Episode 53

The ruby in her arms looked out the window, angry because she didn’t like
the faint commotion from afar.

「The village side is probably to attract attention. The thieves will come here
soon too. It would be better to strengthen the defense of the resistance.”

Just before Winter finished speaking, Lily and Zed ran into the room

“Lady, come here!”

Without a moment to run, Zed grabbed Ybriel.

“I will go down to the basement of the castle. Hold my neck tight.”

Zed took Ybriel in one arm and ran out the door. Lily followed behind.

Ybriel, who was holding Zed’s neck tightly, lifted her head at a flashing
“Oh, Dad?”

“It’s okay that Kian-nim and Evan-sama went there.”

At those words, Ybriel felt a cooling sensation throughout her body.

“Kian is an assistant, Evan is a doctor!”

Zed did not tell Ybriel that Qian was the alpha of Youngrang University, or
that Doctor Evan was actually a member of Youngrang University.
“They are both grown men, miss. What is the level of thieves?”

“It’s still dangerous!”

“The most dangerous person here is the young lady. Go quietly.”

Then something caught Ybriel’s eyes.
out the window. A small shadow … between the thick darkness.


Zed stopped walking at the sharp scream. After confirming the direction of
the sound, Ybriel’s expression turned cold.


Asiligo’s sister Kanya was being taken away by thieves.

Without thinking any further, Ybriel wiped the back of her hand.
“Girl, wait…!”

Zed tried to convince him to say something, but Ybriel couldn’t hear it.


“Don’t help me.”

Just after winter whispered, ice in the shape of lightning fell into the middle
of the castle.


It was an earth-shaking shock.

Asiligo woke up Kanya as soon as he heard the chime of the emergency bell
and left the dormitory.
“Brother, ooh, where are we going now?”

Kanya followed Asiligo outside and shrugged in the cold night air.

Instead of answering Kanya’s words, Asiligo hid behind the pillars of the
In the distance, the sound of metal clashing and harsh swearing could be

The protection range of the magic circle that Sigmund activated was up to

Asiligo turned in the opposite direction.

‘Are they thieves looking for food?’

There was a fire in the village, so it was not a good decision to run out of the

‘I’d rather help here….’

ask for help? It’s not even funny.

Asiligo clenched his fists as if to crush my fingers.

No one will guarantee the safety of unaccompanied children of different


“Kanya, do you remember hide and seek?”

Kanya’s complexion turned pale at the word of hide and seek.


Asiligo asked again, Kanya shrugged.

“I hate hide and seek. I’m scared….”

“Hold on a little bit. It will be over soon.”

Asiligo started running, carrying the whining Kanya on his back.

When the boy came to the castle, he had grasped the surrounding geography
and the structure of the building. It was just in case something happened that
had to run away.
Asiligo, who had escaped the commotion along the escape route he had
remembered in advance, put Kanya down in the grass in the corner of the
garden where there were no people for a long time.

“I’m hiding here waiting for you.”

Asiligo didn’t have anything to use as a weapon because he was bringing

Kanya. It would be a big deal if they stood out in a defenseless state.

“I’ll be right back.”

Asiligo, who hid Kanya, ran through the shadows.

Left alone, Kanya closed her eyes and curled up under the grass.

‘It was like that back then.’

After my mother passed away, strangers came to my sister’s house.

‘It’s hide and seek, Kanya. You can’t get caught.’

Holding his breath and not moving, he endured a hellish time in a narrow

But in the end, Kanya was caught.

She was dragged out of the box and taken with Asiligo to the illegal slave


Recalling the memories of that day, Kanya began to tremble. It felt as if

someone grabbed the nape of the neck from behind and closed his mouth at
any moment.

The wind blew gently against the leaves of the trees.


Kanya couldn’t stand it and started running in the direction Asiligo had
disappeared. But after a while, Kanya had to stop walking.
“Hey, do you think this is a different race?”

It was due to encountering thieves.

The thieves divided the group into two and attacked the village and the castle
in turn.

If you make a commotion on the side of the village first, the troops will
escape from the castle, so it was a Yangdong operation to hit the castle in the

But there were variables.

Because of the defensive magic that protects the resistance, he did not steal
anything that could be used as money.

Kanya was the one who appeared in front of them as they returned empty-

On the black market, different races are traded at high prices.

The group of thieves who remembered that fact reached out to Kanya,
regardless of who they were.


A thin scream echoed sharply through the air.

The moment Kanya was caught in their hands, a blue pillar fell from the sky.


The ice pillar that appeared with a roar was huge and sharp.


The chill that was spreading down the floor began to slowly freeze the
intruders’ feet.

Asiligo, who heard the scream, ran and hugged Kanya in her arms. Kanya
burst into tears.

“Huh, brother….”

“Are you hurt anywhere?”

“It’s not ….”

Ybriel, who was watching from the window, breathed a sigh of relief. One
step later, my body started to get chilly.

“Let’s go down, Zed. You have to protect them too.”

Zed looked at the ice pillar and Ybriel, who had a lot to say, alternately.
“I won’t be rude from now on, miss.”


“It’s not a big deal.”

Ybriel tilted her head, not understanding.

As I passed the front door and went outside, I could feel the power of winter
branches more clearly. Frost was thick like a mist on the icy floor.

“You know! Kanya!”

Ybriel got off Zed’s arms and ran towards the children.

“it’s okay?”

Asiligo, who had been vigilant and vigilant around, saw Ebriel approaching
and began to catch her breath little by little.

“Oh, lady?”

Kanya, who was crying, widened her eyes.

“Let’s go inside the castle together. It’s still dangerous here.”

As if trying to prove Ybriel’s words, the ice pillars were cracked.

At the same time, the cold that bound the thieves’ feet began to weaken.


It was Zed who moved first.

Kaang! At the sharp sound of the eardrums, Ybriel quickly turned around.


Looking back, he saw a fierce thief and Zed facing each other with swords.
Zed maintained a standoff for a while.

‘Damn it, you can’t kill it.’

Realizing that Ybriel and Kanya were watching, it was not easy to deal with
as usual. Zed did not cut the gang of thieves who attacked them, but knocked
them down one by one to stun them.
Meanwhile, Lily ran and hugged Ybriel and Kanya.

But just before the nanny entered the castle, one of the bandits woke up
earlier than Zed had expected.
He checked the surroundings and caught Ybriel in Lily’s arms. Just by
looking at her clothes, Princess Solgren must have been noble.
The plan to rob the castle had already failed.

‘Then, even that little girl…!’

After completing the calculation, the thief quickly ran and took Ybriel from
Lily’s arms.

“Ah, miss!”
“Haha, you idiot!”
He laughed at Zed, who had neglected the escort, and took a bottle from his
pocket. Zed’s expression hardened when he recognized what it was.
Episode 54

Upon realizing it, the thief threw the bottle to the floor. Soon, the magic
circle unfolded, and the two of them disappeared in an instant.

The remaining Lily and Zed became pale and tired. Now, she had lost her in
front of her eyes.

Kanya, who realized the situation late, exclaimed.

“Oppa, you know, you went with me too!”

The space changed with mild vertigo.

The unknown thief took Ybriel’s arms around him and walked away.

“Damn, I didn’t know there was a wizard!”

He muttered all kinds of swear words and tried to move. Unless someone put
a sharp object in his leg.

At the time of using the Artifact, Asiligo, who had jumped into the magic
circle without hesitation, had a sharp awl in her hand.

“This bastard!”
The boy was kicked aimlessly.


Ybriel was very surprised, but pretended to faint and closed her eyes.

The thief dragged him to Asiligo, who had fallen with an angry face.
The place they arrived was their home base. Ybriel and Asiligo were locked
in a dark place presumed to be a warehouse.

Ebriel approached Asiligo as soon as he lost his popularity.

“You know, are you okay?”

Asiligo slowly opened his eyes instead of answering.

“I thought you passed out.”

“If you resist for nothing, you will get hurt.”

Ruby in her arms wept sadly. It seems that the cat was so small that he didn’t
even know it existed.
Asiligo got up and grabbed her stomach. It was a place where I was kicked by
a man’s foot earlier. Seeing the boy grimacing, Ybriel burst into tears.
“Why did you follow me?”

Asiligo did not immediately answer Ybriel’s question.

“I do not know.”

In fact, even the boy couldn’t figure out why he jumped in. I just felt like it
had to be, and I acted before I even made a decision.

“thank you.”

Ybriel held Asiligo’s hand tightly. Asiligo stiffened like a piece of wood.

“I will definitely protect you.”

Whispering, Ybriel smiled softly.

‘How do you laugh?’

Asiligo was surprised that Ybriel, as young as Kanya, did not cry in such a
That must have been the reason. I couldn’t take my eyes off Ybriel’s smile.

“I mean, it’s weird. Even though they attacked the village, seeing the inside of
the castle made it seem like they knew the rescue.”

Meanwhile, Ybriel muttered without feeling the boy’s gaze.

Surely, the thieves skillfully broke in, as if someone had told them that the
interior of Solgren Castle looked like this.

‘I hired a new user….’

It seemed that the inside information had been leaked. It may be the same
reason that the gates open easily.
Ybriel swallowed a sigh.

‘As soon as I get back, I have to gather the users and interrogate them.’

Ybriel looked around the confined space. It smelled musty.

‘I’ll have to wait patiently for rescue, but….’

Having been captured like this, I thought that it would not be a bad idea to
apply the magic I learned from Sigmund to practice.

Asiligo flinched when she saw Ybriel smiling dimly.

“You know, can you cover your ears for a moment?”

Ybriel was going to make the thieves pay the price for daring to touch


“Ahhh! save people! Dad! grandfather! Zed!”

Ybriel started screaming at the whale whale as soon as Asiligo covered her

‘Oh, my throat hurts.’

But I couldn’t stop. Not long after the world screamed out, I heard someone
running outside the door.

“Why is this little boy so noisy!”

He wasn’t the one who brought Ybriel, but he was a man with a clear affair.
At that moment, Ybriel stopped screaming and looked at the man with a grim

“Hey, miss. If you stay calm, I’ll take your money and release you. okay?”

Ybriel wept and looked at the man with fear.

“Everyone, who are you? Why are you doing this?”

He groaned, thinking that Ybriel was terrified.

“Your father should have shared some food. That’s why you’re hating people
around you like this.”

“Around you, do you hate it?”

The man thought that he was a child at all costs, so he talked about it

“I was commissioned. I want you to plunder all of Solgren’s food.”

Ybriel’s eyes narrowed coldly.

“Aha, there must have been someone behind you who ordered them to target

After obtaining the necessary information, Ybriel did not cry or tremble any

“Did you see it here?”

“Uh, yes.”
The man who somehow answered him suddenly realized something strange
and looked at Ybriel.

Unlike a while ago, the girl was smiling.

“Then, if we destroy this place, will you all be destroyed?”

Immediately after the man was startled by the eerie words, a swarm of pure
white butterflies flew in like a blizzard.

Ybriel literally buried the thieves’ stronghold in the snow.

In particular, the man who kicked Asiligo hit him three times with a block of

“Oh, it’s cold.”

As her body temperature dropped, Ybriel’s body became more strained, but
she felt refreshed.

I found a letter in a large room in the center of the building. It was a request
sent to the thieves.

‘Someone said, ‘It was a request from Baron Mons. Now that I have found a
letter with the contents of the request, all I have to do is go back and file a

The two children left the bandit’s stronghold and found a small cave nearby.

Ybriel handed one of the two blankets she had brought to Asiligo and
wrapped herself in the rest.

“Let’s hide here because there might be a gang left around. Anyone will come
to our rescue.”

“You will have to tell them this location so they can come to you.”

At Asiligo’s words, Ybriel pondered for a moment, then cautiously called for

‘Butterfly, could you tell us where we are in Solgren?’

“Well. I don’t know if you can stand it.”

Since it had already used a lot of power, Ybriel’s body temperature had
dropped considerably.

Just then, Ruby, who was in her arms, raised her head.

The cat jumped out and brushed itself away, then changed its shape with a
blaze of light.


Soon, what appeared was an eagle owl with nice white feathers.

Although small in size, the ruby fluttered as if it could fly at any time, and
picked its feathers with its small beak.

“Ruby, do you remember the grandfather you saw last time? Can you come to


Ruby slammed the ground in an instant with positive crying and flew out of
the burrow.

“cool. right?”


Asiligo did not answer. It was only natural that I had only been watching
Ybriel for a long time.
The image of the little girl shivering in a small way continued to be trampled
on by her eyes. When we first met, I suddenly remembered that Ybriel’s body
was as cold as ice.

‘When butterflies appear, does the body temperature drop?’

The boy carefully opened his lips as he pondered over and over again.

“I ….”

“May I give you a hug?”


Ybriel looked at Aciligo. Asiligo averted his gaze as usual.

Ybriel noticed that Assiligo’s cheeks turned redder than usual. I thought it
was because it was so cold.
“Are you cold, you know?”

“No, it’s just that my body temperature is high, so I thought it would be

helpful to you….”
Come to think of it, I remember hearing from Zed the other day that wolves
have a high body temperature.

So, is it because your body is hot and your face is red?

“Is that okay?”

In fact, Ybriel was skeptical of Asiligo’s proposal.

‘Don’t you hate people?’

But that was before the return. The current Asiligo did not lose neither her
sister nor her arm.
“If only the girl is okay with it.”

“Um, then I’ll ask.”

Without hesitation, Ybriel dug into Asiligo’s blanket.
Episode 55
In the first place, Ybriel was not in a position to hide.

‘The stone floor is so cold …!’

Previously, I was able to survive because I was holding the ruby, but since the
ruby flew away, only Asiligo was able to share the body temperature.
Ybriel sat down on the floor with the blanket she had just covered before.

“Come on the blanket, Asiligodo. The floor is cold.”

Asiligo was rather surprised by Ybriel, who approached without hesitation.

“Aren’t you offended by …Girl?”

The boy hesitated and asked. Ybriel was startled.

“Not at all! Why do you think so?”

At the denial without delay, Asiligo was at a loss for words.

‘Because everyone did.’

Because no one liked the boy.

However, Ybriel vehemently denied Asiligo’s thoughts.

“If you ask which one, I like Asiligo. You are a kind brother to Kanya.”
Ybriel was filled with clear conviction. Asiligo forgot to look away and looked
at Ybriel.

“I don’t hate good people for no reason. So don’t think that way.
Blue-violet eyes shone as clear as a lake.

A wave broke out in the boy’s heart.

“…Yes, lady.”
The ruby suddenly flew away and looked like a dot.

After watching the back of the owl gradually disappearing, Ybriel fell asleep.

The entire time Ybriel slept, Asiligo did not move at all.

Meanwhile, the situation at Solgren Castle, when it was announced that
Ybriel had been kidnapped, was getting worse.

“My granddaughter, kidnapped?”

Sigmund returned from dealing with the fire in the village, and the road ran
wild like a man with his head on fire.
“What the hell did you do with your eyes open!”

Zed and Lily had ten mouths to say nothing.

“sorry. It is my negligence.”

Of course, it was not without Sigmund’s mistakes.

‘At first, the range of defense magic was too narrow.’

Sigmund’s failure to protect the entire castle was complicated.

Yangyatap is a private organization based on the Wizards’ Association, and

the imperial family always keeps an eye on Yangyatap and its leader,

All the magic Sigmund used outside the tower could be seen as an act of
threatening the imperial family.

‘Especially because it was Solgren.’

Sigmund had put only a minimal amount of magic on it so that it would not
become a problem in the future.
‘I shouldn’t have done that.’

Sigmund swallowed his drool, and suddenly turned his head to look at the top
of the castle.

“But where is this guy?”

“If it’s your Highness Duke, go to your room….”

Immediately, flames lit up in the eyes of the mato tower. are you in the room?
You don’t even know what happened to your daughter now?
He strode up the stairs without drying it.

Herwin ordered Zed and Lily to evacuate Ybriel underground.

It was a space where you could get out through a secret passage if you had a

Shortly after they left, I thought that the sudden falling of ice from outside
was the work of the Master Ma Thap.

Fortunately, the bandits did not enter the castle.

Nevertheless, with a heart-warming uneasiness, Herwin ordered Kian to be

sent to check Ybriel’s well-being.

While waiting for the answer, the door suddenly and wildly opened.

“Herwin Solgren!”

It wasn’t Qian who appeared, but Sigmund. Herwin sensed an ominous look
on his pale, grim expression.

“You idiot, useless, worse than a rolling stone!”

Herwin grabbed the blanket, turning white.

He saw Sigmund’s face mixed with anger and concern, followed by Qian’s
pale expression, and realized what had happened to Ybriel.
“One of the guys who attacked the castle had a coordinate shift artifact.”

“Eve is….”
“He disappeared with Ybriel.”

Herwin held his breath. It felt like the blood all over my body was frozen.

“You idiot. You don’t even know how hard your daughter works for you.”

Herwin was shaken by Sigmund’s angry words.

“Have you ever wondered why your seizures are less than before?”

Before asking the meaning of the question, Sigmund said that Ybriel had
been draining the mana from Herwin’s body little by little.

At that moment, all of Herwin’s doubts were resolved.

A strangely light body. reduced seizures.

His luck had a reason.

“If my granddaughter dies, it’s you, not the thieves.”

Sigmund lashed out at Herwin, who couldn’t even speak properly.

“Your incompetence and weakness are the killer.”

Herwin, who grew white at Sigmund’s sharp words, stopped breathing.

In that moment of terrible silence, a white owl tapped the glass outside the

Sigmund recognized at a glance that the owl was the spirit that Ybriel was


As Sigmund approached to open the window, an owl flew away. And it

started flying somewhere.
Sigmund instinctively realized he had to follow the owl.

“Hey! Get your horse ready right now!”

Sigmund, who hastily ordered, ran out of the room.

Herwin, who was frozen, bowed his head in pain.

Matthew’s words were right.

He couldn’t keep anything.

Even the most precious child….

Herwin covered his eyes with a trembling hand. It felt like a piece of boat
drifting through a storm without a lighthouse.

“Follow Sigmund-sama, Kian. Go get Ebriel.”

Then Herwin let out a harsh cough, accompanied by a ripping pain in his
lungs. As Kian was about to approach, Herwin raised his hand to block it.


At the sharp cry, Kian stepped back.

“I’ll call Evan.”

The assistant pulled the string instead of Herwin and quickly exited the room.


Ybriel woke up from a brief sleep to the soft and fluffy touch.


Surprisingly, Ybriel was in her own room.

‘You don’t remember coming to the castle?’

Just when I wondered if I had passed out for a few more days, I started
pretending to be popular next to him.
“Are you awake?”

Sitting at the bedside was Sigmund, who looked ten years older. Ybriel’s face
opened wide.

“grandfather! You saved me!”

“I found you thanks to this child.”

Ruby was lying on Sigmund’s lap. Sigmund stroked the cat’s back with a
wrinkled hand.

He smiled as he recalled the time when he found Ybriel and Asiligo sleeping
in a small den.

“How ridiculous it was to be asleep.”

Ybriel laughed awkwardly. Assiligo is so warm, stop it….

“ah! You know? You were with me!”

Ybriel thought of Asiligo and got up hurriedly.

“I went back to the dorm with my sister. Catch all the guys who broke into
the castle and put them in the basement.

“That’s right….”

Ybriel lay back on the bed with a sigh of relief. It wasn’t something he looked
like in front of Grandpa, but he was very tired and the bed was too soft.

‘However, fortunately, it seems that they did not enter the castle.’

If that was the case, Dad would be in danger….

“Heh heh.”

Ebriel, who remembered Herwin, got up again like a dwarf.

“Oh, what about your father?”

As soon as that name was mentioned, Sigmund’s face was wrinkled violently.
“Don’t even talk about him.”

Despite Sigmund’s callous reaction, Ybriel got up hastily.

“Uh, where are you going?”

Sigmund asked Ybriel with a puzzled face.

“I’m going to my dad!”


Sigmund tried to stop him, but Ybriel was too quick.

Wearing a children’s shawl, Ybriel quickly ran out of the room.

The duke’s room was a road that he had traveled dozens of times, so he could
come even with his eyes closed.

Ybriel quickly walked to the front of the room.

It was still dark outside.

Ybriel knocked lightly. smart.

‘Are you sleeping?’

As soon as I thought of that, there was a chuckle of popularity from the

Then the door slowly opened.
Episode 56
Herwin walked out of the dark room as if floating above the black swamp.
This was the first time the door had been opened immediately with a single

Ybriel opened her mouth with joy, but her lips twitched and she closed her
mouth again.

‘Dad, your expression is dark.’

Herwin looked like he was about to cry. He smiled precariously at Ybriel,
who was anxious.
“For coming back safely….”

Herwin, who was unlucky, paused for a moment. It was a brief moment, but
there was a heavy silence.

“Thank you so much, Eve.”

He sat down on his knees and made eye contact with Ybriel.
“But now I need to sleep more. It is still dawn.”

Ybriel looked at Herwin and the dark room behind Herwin’s back. For some
reason, he didn’t want to leave Herwin alone.

‘I think I should be by your side.’

However, Herwin seemed to want to send Ybriel back at any moment.

‘I can’t help it. It’s a special move I’ve left for use when it’s important ….’

Ybriel made up her mind and pinched her thigh slightly. As tears flowed,
Ybriel grabbed the hem of Herwin’s pajamas with a weeping expression on
her face.

“Dad, I can’t sleep alone because I’m scared….”

Herwin was speechless.
Considering what this little child has been through, it was natural to be afraid
to sleep.
From the moment Ybriel said it was scary in the first place, the outcome had
already been decided.
In front of his weeping daughter, he opened the door as if possessed, and
Ybriel climbed onto his bed proudly.

“Come on, Daddy, lie down too!”

Ybriel slammed the bed with her small hand. He looked as lively as a child
who had been crying before.
Herwin couldn’t beat the momentum and sat down.

This was the second time I slept with a child. Herwin lay awkwardly, staring
at the ceiling.

He was still confused.

It has been thought for a long time that the only answer to avoid the emperor
Kaizen’s check is to live.

Most of all, he stayed away from children for fear of repeating the mistakes
of the past.

But it was all wrong.

‘Your incompetence and weakness killed it.’

Perhaps Ybriel could have died today. If Ybriel had neither spirits nor spirits,
it would have been the case. He had already lost a daughter once.

I was lucky this time and came back safely, but what next?

Is there any guarantee that the child’s life will not be in such a risk again as it
is today?
Even then, he wouldn’t be able to do anything, hiding in his room, helplessly.

Herwin’s neck grew cold.

One night’s nightmare came back to life.

Pajamas dyed dark red, cold blood, and the face of a child with eyes closed as
if asleep….
My heart was pounding like it was beating right next to my ear.

no. Never do that. You can’t make a mistake ‘again’.


Ybriel’s clear voice flew into her black and burning head. Herwin escaped
from his terrible fantasy and returned to reality.

Ebriel, who was lying close to him, reached out his hand to him.

Herwin reluctantly gave the child whatever he wanted.

Then Ybriel grinned and clasped his palms and drew a circle over them.

“Be healthy. Be healthy.”

The child’s voice sounded like a song. Herwin gradually calmed down.

Why did you think ‘again’?

Ybriel, his daughter, was still alive.

“Be healthy….”

Ebriel, who drew beautifully up to the last circle, groaned.

“This is what Kanya told me. It’s a wish-fulfilling spell.”

Herwin choked up and swallowed dry saliva.

“… Does Eve want her father to be healthy?”


Without any hesitation, Ybriel answered.

‘That way, Solgren’s destruction will be prevented and I won’t die!’

Herwin looked down at the hand that Ybriel had held.

Ebriel’s hand placed on it was too small.

A faint light rose from beyond Herwin’s eyes.

‘If you can’t save Eve by humbled me….’

Now I had to make another choice.

Early in the morning, Qian, who had come to wake Herwin, smiled faintly as
he saw the sleeping woman holding her tight.

“… Kian.”

“Oh, are you awake?”

Herwin put a finger to the corner of his mouth with a sharp look. Kian
naturally hid his presence. The aide, oddly enough, felt something different
about Herwin’s face today.

The peacock’s eyes had an unexplainable determination.

“Selecting only the elite from the White Tiger Knights and the Northern

At those words, Kian realized the identity of the sense of incongruity he felt
in Herwin.

“Send letters to Baron Mons through them.”

There was a man as hard as hardened iron.

“I will prepare right away.”

The aide quietly stepped back and closed the door smoothly.

Baron Mons couldn’t sleep well after hearing the news that the bandits had
been cleared out.

‘Are they sure they handled my letter properly?’

would have dealt with That’s the way it was.

‘Yeah, even if I did, would you know what that Duke of Hogu would do? If
you say you didn’t, you’ll stop.’

Baron Mons, who had suppressed his anxiety, barely closed his eyes until
early in the morning. It was the moment he barely fell asleep.

A loud bell rang from the village bell tower.

“What, what!”

He ran out in the wind in his pajamas to find his assistant.

“What happened!”

“So, Solgren, Solgren has sent a letter through the Knights!”


Coming to another territory with armed forces was like a declaration of war.
For a moment he thought he was dreaming.

“What is the content?”

“In order to instigate the raid on Solgren to a thief, and to bury the guilt….”

Mons couldn’t keep his mouth shut.

“Is that Duke Hogu going to kill me now?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

Embarrassed, Mons sat down on the floor without dignity.

The time to come up with a solution was already lost. It was the words of a
fool who took Solgren lightly. Baron Mons was caught on the way, and he
received the punishment he deserved.

And after this, the way I looked at Solgren started to change little by little.



“Come on, Kanya.”

Kanya, who had been visiting Ebriel since early morning, fell into Ybriel’s
arms. Ybriel’s expression melted softly.

‘Ah, it is healed.’

Kanya has already owed her life to Ybriel twice. In addition, Ybriel even
rescued her brother Asiligo from the last thief attack.

As a result, Kanya’s favorable feelings toward Ybriel peaked. No matter what

anyone in the world said, it was clear that Kanya would follow Ebriel.

“The lady is cozy.”

As we got closer, I learned that Kanya really liked skinship.

It is basic to hold them in their arms once they meet, so Ybriel knew that
Kanya was originally like that for a while.
Until I hear that from Asiligo….

‘Lord Alon once tried to stroke Kanya’s head and bit him. You’re only being
extraordinarily courteous to the young lady.’

Ybriel couldn’t believe Asiligo at all.

‘Can you bite a person with this angelic face?’

However, I found out the day I met Sigmund that Asiligo was true.

“This kid is Kanya.”

“Who is that grandfather?”

Seeing Sigmund who had come to the room, Kanya was very nervous.

“It’s Ma Thap-ju’s grandfather.”

At Ybriel’s explanation, Kanya suddenly turned pale.

“Ma-beast installments…?”
I’m not familiar with the word ‘Matapju’, so I understood it as a ‘beast beast’
that was roughly similar.
Episode 57
That’s a bad impression! Bubbly eyes!

Kanya ran backwards and stopped between Ybriel and Sigmund.

“You have to protect the girl!”

“What? No, I am a bad person…!”

Kanya literally growled as Sigmund approached. Frightened by his ferocious
appearance, Sigmund took a step back.
At the confrontation between the two, Ybriel couldn’t stand it and smiled.

“Girl, what are we going to do today?”

“Ugh. Shall we go for a walk? Or the library?”

“A walk!”

The sun was just right. Ybriel took Ruby in her arms and started walking
through the garden without a parasol.

The gardens at Solgren Castle have recently been newly built with a budget. It
was a decision made solely for Herwin.

‘Because you have to see something to enjoy a walk.’

They planted selected flowers that are strong against the cold and bloomed in
winter, so they were as splendid and elegant as the warm southern gardens.
Unfortunately, Herwin wasn’t ready to go out yet.

Ybriel looked up at the place where Herwin’s room was, and found Qian and
Asiligo standing by the window on the second floor of the castle.

The expressionless Asiligo seemed to be talking to Qian and Moorra.

‘You know, my expression is much softer than when I first came here.’
It was kind of pitiful to see a nine-year-old boy wearing a lonely atmosphere
every time as if he had lived the rest of the world.

But these days, Asiligo has shown a variety of faces.

Ybriel was pleased with the positive change.

‘By the way, I’m guessing you’ve decided on a destination for Asiligo.’

Asiligo came in with Kanya staying in the castle, but had not yet decided
where to belong.

‘Before the return, I had joined the Knights Templar.’

But now, Asiligo showed no signs of doing this.

I thought he would do what he wanted when the time came, so Ybriel didn’t
bother to talk about the knight.

“Kanya, there’s my brother over there.”


At Ybriel’s words, Kanya narrowed her eyes and found Asiligo and waved her
hand. Ybriel smiled and waved her hand together.

The boy shook his head in embarrassment.


Asiligo was standing by the window on the second floor of the castle.

The garden looked out from under the window.

As I looked outside, I saw two girls walking in the garden. Asiligo’s gaze was
fixed on the white hair.

At one point, the girl turned around.

The moment their eyes met, the boy was startled like a child caught in a bad
thing. I saw him waving his hand this way.
“So, have you decided?”

Asiligo turned his head and looked to the side. Qian looked down at the boy
with a dry face.

“If you want to stay in this castle, you have to decide what to do. That way, I
will be able to become independent after leaving the territory.”


Asiligo was silent, and then he turned his gaze back to the window.
The wind swayed the princess’s silver hair as if playing a prank.

Asiligo wanted to repay Ebriel for saving him and Kanya over and over again.

But Asiligo had nothing.

Ybriel had a status where she could have anything she wanted. No matter
what Asiligo brought, there would be no way to repay the kindness that owed
his life.

So the boy thought.

Let’s use it for the life she saved, or for her in the future.

“If I were to become a knight, would I be able to accompany you?”

Kian Lasher scanned Asiligo’s expression sharply at that moment. The boy
with dry gray eyes showed no special emotions.

Not yet.

“Are you interested in escort knights?”

“It seems so.”

“He is an elite among the knights. It would be difficult.”

“I’ll do it.”
Kian recalled Zed’s report.
‘Did you say you have the qualities?’

Even in Kian’s eyes, Asiligo was a talented person.

It was not common sense to break through all the northern border posts at the
age of only 9 and enter the vicinity of Solgren.
“Start with the apprentice knight. From tomorrow to the training ground. I’ll
tell the Knight Commander Laura Claw and I’ll go find him.”

“thank you.”

At that time, apparently they were having an interesting conversation, the

clear laughter of Ybriel and Kanya could be heard from the garden.

Asiligo smiled faintly and left the seat first with his back to the window.


A few days before her 6th birthday, Ybriel was in serious trouble.

‘Um, not enough troops.’

The raid by the bandits reminded me of the importance of the military, which
had been overlooked for a while. Later, if the curtain is torn, then you will
have to deal with the hordes of demonic beasts.

The damage the demons inflict is beyond imagination. If you can’t stop it, you
will have to abandon the corroded estate and run away. After that, even
Ybriel knew the ending.

‘If you don’t want to give the emperor an excuse, you have to prepare in

In order to do that, there was a person that Ybriel had to recruit.

The problem was that there was no reply after several calls.

“Yes, Kian.”

“Yes, lady.”
“I have to go to Pexen.”

“Ah, that’s Pexsen.”

As Ybriel spoke cheerfully as if she was about to go for a walk, Qian

thoughtlessly nodded and paused. did i hear it wrong

“Did you say Pexen now?”

“yes. I’m going to meet the mercenary king!”

Just as Kampa was a self-governing province, Pexen in the north adjacent to

Solgren was also a city without a lord.

However, it was the opposite of Campa.

In the Pexen Dominion, those who had good skills but could not become
knights because of their low background were engaged in mercenary

As the sword-handling people gathered and gathered, the ordinary people

naturally left, and the poor quality gradually mixed in.

‘It was a place that received all kinds of criminal requests, such as
kidnapping, contract murder, and assassination. Once upon a time.’

A few decades ago, a woman appeared in the first place and destroyed all the
resident gangs and criminal gangs.

And he called himself the mercenary king and established the rules of the
city. It was only in the lawless zone that the system began to be established.

“The mercenary king is a scary person.”

Kian rubbed his forehead. You should know that this little princess doesn’t
know what terrible things she’s going to face.

“Thanks to him, the hotbeds of various evil deeds have been cleaned up, but
the emperor cannot stand by anyone who dares to challenge authority.”

Ybriel was slightly perplexed that Qian called the emperor without a title.
Kian noticed a look of surprise and raised his hands.

“I would say that I lied.”

“Uh huh, that sounds like a lie.”

“If you keep my secret, my head will not be cut off for blasphemy.”

Ybriel admired Kian’s audacity. I can’t tell you.

“Without Kian, Solgren is doomed….”

When Qian, who is virtually the same as the lord, disappears, all the work
falls to Herwin.
Even for the duke, Kian was a must-have.

“Anyway, the emperor put a bounty on him to catch him. The last amount I
remember was half a million Belkham, but it’s probably higher now. Do you
know what happened to the nobles who were aiming for the bounty back

As Ybriel shook her head, Qian kindly explained how the nobles who were
seeking honor and bounty were destroyed.

“Lord Bertel hung upside down from the gates, naked. Gordon’s lord next to
him was not enough to have his head shaved, so he lost his beloved steed.
There are other more horrifying cases, but I will omit them because they are
not good for a young lady.”

In fact, what Kian said was something that Ybriel knew at least.

The anecdote that all nobles who touched the mercenary king for a bounty
were subjected to harsh conditions often became a topic of discussion even
before returning to the system.

What were their words….

“For that reason, the mercenary king is taking off his crane when it comes to
nobles. In particular, the young lady needs to be more careful.”

Because you are the one who flows with the blood of the imperial family,
Ybriel noticed at once that the back words were omitted.

“Do you still want to go by yourself? I have a way to go.”

“I have to talk face-to-face. You know Kian.”

Kian was well aware that he had not received a single reply to Ybriel’s calls.

“It would be dangerous.”

“So I’m going to go with Laura.”

Knight Commander Laura Claw. From the first time I heard the name, I
wondered why I felt nauseous.

“No matter how terrifying the mercenary king is, he wouldn’t throw his
daughter away, would he?”
The mercenary king’s name is Oris Claw. Laura, the leader of the Knights of
White Rang, was her daughter.
Episode 58
“… I can’t help it.”

After reading the unbreakable will on the child’s resolute face, Qian let out a
short sigh.

“Instead, there is one condition.”

As Kian almost came over, Ybriel laughed.

“Take Asiligo to Pexen with me.”

Ybriel’s eyes widened at the unexpected words.

“What? no! Dangerous! You’re too young for Asiligo!”

At that, Kian smiled as if he had waited.

“It’s the same with the lady.”

At the resolute rebuttal, Ybriel shut her mouth in bewilderment. As Kian said,
Ybriel was young. Even four years older than Asiligo.
In the end, it was he who refuted his own words.

‘For this purpose…!’

Kian looked at Ybriel with a relaxed expression on his face. Ybriel pouted her
lips with a dissatisfied expression.

“Are you willing to accept it?”

“If you line up the whole world in a stubborn order, the young lady will be in
the front.”
“Heh, if you line up people all over the world in an evil order, Qian would be
number one.”

Thanks to the rush from dawn, it was early in the morning when we entered

Ybriel looked at Asiligo, who was sitting opposite the chariot, with a
complicated expression.

‘I didn’t want to bring you to such a dangerous place.’

However, the deal with the Mercenary King today was important enough to
take the risk.

“Don’t worry too much about …Kanya. Lily will take good care of you.”
“thank you.”

After saying those words, Asiligo became quiet.

Ybriel wanted to talk more with Asiligo, but the wagon was now with Qian
and Sir Laura.

‘If you divide the carriage into two carriages, the lady’s outing will be
revealed, and it will be difficult to escort.’

It was Kian’s opinion that we should move in one wagon.

‘okay. It’ll be a big deal if Dad finds out.’

Even if it doesn’t, it’s a weak body, so it wouldn’t be good to surprise you.

Ybriel glanced back toward Solgren.

‘You won’t know because you’ll only be in the room. Let’s finish it quickly
and go back.’

After making that decision, Ybriel carefully looked at the realm of the
mercenary king, this time through the window.

The scenery outside was brutal.

‘I put iron thorns on the railing. There was no water in the pond around the
castle, but instead of sticking a spear.’

The moment you stumble, there is a hole ….

Ybriel swallowed dry saliva. I remember too easily what it felt like to have
been stabbed once by a knife.

There were already five watchtowers in sight.

‘If an arrow flies from there, it will become a hedgehog in an instant. Ruby
won’t be lonely if I become a hedgehog.’

The cat in the bag wriggled as if reading the thought. I followed Ybriel and
brought her back, but it seemed to be frustrating.

Alon, driving the carriage, knocked on the wall twice, signaling the imminent
arrival. Laura, who had been sitting with a pale face all the way to Pexen,
opened her mouth with difficulty.

“Again, I am not my mother’s biological daughter, but I am already a man and

a woman when I left home. You can’t expect me to be a big help.”

Ybriel didn’t know, but Laura Claw was an adopted child with only a

The mercenary king Oris said that he would bring talented orphans and train
them, and when they became adults, they would give them his surname and
send them out from Pexen.

“Don’t worry too much, Laura. Just being able to get in like this is a huge

At Ybriel’s words, Laura sighed deeply.

“I’m worried that the young lady will pass out when she meets my mother….”

Upon closer inspection, Laura was trembling very weakly.

‘Laura, who looks so strong, is the person she is afraid of.’

The carriage arrived at the front door before curiosity and fear could

When Alon, who was sitting on the driver’s seat, took out a letter from his
arms and showed it to him, the doorkeeper blew the whistle on his neck with
an expression of no-no.
Clamping— The heavy wooden door slowly creaked upward with a creaking


Ybriel and his companions were guided to the castle in the center of the

The eyes full of vigilance poured sharply as the carriage crossed the village.

In an atmosphere as if a stone would fly away at any moment, Ybriel opened

the curtain.

“I’ve been here for work, but it’s been a long time since I’ve been here.”

Laura, with her eyes full of memories, explained that this castle was an
extension of what had been used as a fortress.

As we got off the carriage, an old man with a well-groomed appearance

appeared and guided Ybriel and the party to the drawing room.

“If you are waiting, I will bring Oris-sama.”

Entering the drawing room, Ybriel was startled by the bloody interior.

The stuffed heads of all kinds of demonic beasts were densely displayed on
the wall.

“What is all this?”

“They are all magical beasts caught by my mother.”

Ybriel looked at the hunting trophies one by one, enough to fill the wide wall.
Oddly enough, none of them were in shape. The horns are falling off, the hair
is tanned, and half of the teeth are missing.

“How come you don’t look … pretty?”

At Ybriel’s question, Laura subtly averted her eyes.

“That’s, um, hand-slap.”

At those words, Ybriel was stunned.

‘How the hell can a person catch a demon with his bare hands?’

Just as I was about to ask, the door opened. There was a creepy squeaking
sound from the hinges.

“Who is this crazy bastard who said he came to see me?”

The one who entered was a middle-aged woman with jagged brown hair and
bright yellow eyes.

Surprisingly, he wasn’t very big, but his momentum was atrocious because of
the large scar that ran from his left cheek to under his chin.

‘Dad has the same golden eyes, but it’s a completely different feeling.’

Herwin’s eyes were always soft and warm. It seemed to collect only the
softest part of the sunlight.
But Oris was the exact opposite.

It was the first time Ybriel knew today that golden eyes could look so cold.

Around that time, Oris also found Ybriel.

Oris looked down at Ybriel for a moment, then shifted his gaze to Asiligo,
who was standing next to him.

“What else are these mousedrops? Did you have a picnic?”

“This is Princess Ybriel of Solgren, Mother….”

Despite Laura’s explanation, Oris didn’t even show a sign of perplexity.

“What is your mother? If you go out, you are left.”

Oris took a seat and opened the bottle on the seat. It had a strong strong odor
of alcohol.

The mercenary king took the bottle and looked at Ybriel, Asiligo, and Qian in

‘There’s something in the noble girl’s bag, she’s pure blood, and she’s.’

Soon, his gaze stayed on Kian Lasher for a long time. He is hiding in a neat
outfit, but he is not an ordinary opponent.

‘He’s a funny guy.’

Oris got a little intrigued.

“What is the dragon?”

Then Ybriel caught Oris’s attention with a short, empty cough.

Oris raised his left eyebrow crookedly.

‘What did you say? Princess Solgren?’

Hearing Laura’s words, I remembered that I had received several letters from
Solgren about the alliance.

‘I thought they were digging traps for a bounty, but seeing that they came this
way, it doesn’t sound like they’re missing.’

Oris turned his gaze back to Qian, hoping to hear it.

“I want to form a military alliance with Pexen.”


However, it was Ybriel, not Kian, who opened the door.

Episode 59
Oris was absurd.

“Did you say that?”

The little boy who nodded in front of Oris looked like he was about five or six
years old when he looked back.
What does the term ‘military alliance’ mean when singing a nursery rhyme is
not enough? You must have heard it wrong.
“If you do, I will send you fifty bags of potatoes and twenty musk oxen each.
And I will support 500,000 Belkham every year for Pexen.”
But what followed was even more surprising.

“Am I dreaming?”
Oris pinched my cheek and glanced at Laura. But Laura’s wide eyes didn’t
seem to help much.

Only the small Ybriel had a calm face.

“What are you going to do?”

Dominion was just a fancy word.

‘Actually, the useless land was thrown away.’

The northern part would be the same, but Pexen was a particularly barren

It was difficult to produce food on its own, and the terrain was also rugged.
‘It is difficult to procure food from outside.’

Ybriel knew this and put up potatoes and musk oxen.

The girl’s proposal certainly seemed to have succeeded in winning Oris’s

“Are you authorized, kid?”

“For now, I am the deputy lord, but please think that the real power belongs
to the young lady.”
With Qian’s added explanation, Oris felt that the situation was getting more
and more interesting.

“I want to raise 30 cows each.”

As a test, raising the terms and singing, Ybriel nodded her head.

“Instead, it’s difficult to send thirty birds at once. I’ll give it some time.”

Seeing that the decision was made without consulting with the lieutenant
colonel, it seemed that the child had the right to make the decision.

“What are those conditions?”

“Protect Solgren. The details are written in the agreement.”

Oris smirked.

‘I should have known that little thing from the moment I came here proudly.’

He was an unusual kid.

“Are all nobles like this?”

“You must be a little bit special.”

Oris gulped the drink, then put the bottle down loudly.

“great. Instead, let’s add one more condition.”

Oris’ gaze turned to Ybriel’s back.

“Sell him to me. Then I’ll make a deal.”
Oris pointed his finger at Achillo. Asiligo’s eyes, who were suddenly pointed
out, fluttered.

“Seeing them wearing them, they seem to think of them as pets, wouldn’t it
be too pitiful?”

Oris continued speaking in a tone that disregarded the young noble lady.

“You pay generously. I am confident that you will grow well. I’m going to
hand over the last name of ‘Claw’. Would that be any better for him?”

Oris, who finished speaking without hesitation, looked at Ybriel’s expression.

‘Let’s see how it turns out, noble lady.’

While listening to the story, Ybriel was looking at Oris with a frozen face.

Asiligo was standing behind him, so he couldn’t see what Ebriel was making.

However, the feelings the girl felt were conveyed with certainty. Ybriel was
very angry right now.

“People are not the means.”

Ybriel looked straight at Oris.

“It’s like selling or a price….”

Sparks rose from the blue-purple eyes.

“Don’t talk about Asiligo like a thing.”

Oris shuddered at those words.

It was expected that Ybriel would be angry. Because that’s what I said.

At the same time, Oris, of course, felt that Ybriel would be angry with the
insult he had received.

But it wasn’t. Ybriel was furious for the boy of the heterogeneous race.
‘This is a really… thing.’
Oris couldn’t stand it and burst out laughing.

Oris ruffled Ybriel’s hair with a large hand.

“I like it, kid!”

“Oh, mother!”

Laura was startled, but Oris didn’t stop.

“If this girl is the next Duke of Solgren, it’s worth a walk. Bring me the

Then, as if waiting for Kian, he took out the documents. Oris signed in
indecipherable writing without reading the contents carefully and emptied the
remaining liquor from the bottle.

“I’m sorry. Pure blood is hard to find these days.”

When Oris, who had eaten, looked at Aciligo, Ybriel was very wary and hid
Assiligo behind her back.

Yes, he was short and didn’t hide it at all.

Asiligo, who was hiding behind Ybriel, did not know what to do and bowed
her face. Only Oris saw the tip of the boy’s ears dyed bright red.

ahahahahahahahahahak ever since Cute, cute!”

The mercenary king laughed for a while more at the fresh sight he had seen in
a while.


The first thing Ybriel did when he returned to the castle after making a
military alliance with Pexen was to visit Herwin.

Ybriel ran to the bed and hugged Herwin.

“Have you been to the village?”


Of course, I went to Pexen with Kian, but I can’t tell the truth!

“Did you have fun?”


“I see. Then go to your room….”

Ybriel raised her hand before Herwin said the next thing.

“I will go! I’m going before that!”

“…Yes, I got it.”

Herwin smiled softly as if he had realized Ybriel’s intentions, and bowed his
head. Ybriel looked at Herwin with thrilled eyes.

‘Dad is finally here!’

First of all, they gave me permission to do the cheeks!

In the meantime, Ybriel was absorbing stagnant mana whenever she met

‘A kiss on the cheek is a way to open a hole in your heart.’

It was embarrassing at first, but it wasn’t difficult once it became a habit. It

was even easier for Ybriel, who had a brazen temperament.

While in the archipelago, Ybriel was envious of seeing the children hugging
their parents and kissing them without hesitation.

It was nice to be able to use the excuse of getting Herwin’s body healed now
to play with the foolishness that I had endured as a child.
Herwin was bewildered, and sometimes even showed a hint of dodge, but
raised his hands in Ybriel’s persistence.

Now, if I want to send Ybriel to the room quickly, I’ve learned that it’s better
to accept it once, so I bowed my head first.

At that time, Ybriel felt as if she had succeeded in taming a very vigilant


Ybriel smiled bashfully and kissed Herwin lightly on the cheek.

As soon as their lips touched the mana that rushed in like a wave, Ybriel

‘My heart aches.’

It was only relatively recently that this started to become difficult.

In fact, just continuing to accept the mana meant that the burden on Ybriel
was getting bigger.

But even knowing that, Ybriel could not give up. Because this was the only
way to cure Herwin’s disease.

“I’ll be back tomorrow, Dad!”

Ybriel ran back and forth to hide her trembling body.

Herwin looked at Ybriel, who had just disappeared, with a sad expression on
her face, and then bowed her head.


Immediately after Ybriel left the room, Qian entered the bedroom. The
atmosphere changed drastically.
“You’ve made an alliance with Pexen?”

Herwin’s voice was low and cold. It was the gap between ‘father’ and ‘duke’.
“yes. It is very risky to increase the power of the White Tiger Knights

When Solgren’s force becomes stronger, the imperial check will begin.

“We gradually fill in the personnel from the guard side. Because you can
create a cause.”

Kian nodded his head. After Ybriel left, Herwin’s complexion definitely
improved. The number of seizures was significantly reduced, and the
symptoms were milder than before.

It was because Ybriel was steadily absorbing his mana.

“I will continue to be sickly in the future.”

Episode 60
But Herwin asserted. Qian immediately understood the meaning of the
“Because that side is safe.”

Herwin nodded and stood up.

As the quality of the meals served improved, he naturally gained weight.

Herwin’s physique, standing upright, could never be described as dwarf. On

the contrary, I felt a little pressured.

“You shouldn’t even know Ybriel.”

Kian suddenly realized that the situation was very interesting. A woman with
many secrets from each other.
“By the way, it’s your birthday soon. How about a gift?”

“… I’m thinking of giving you clothes and toys.”

Kian thought for a moment.

The last time Ma Thapju brought in a lot of toys, dresses and clothes are

Herwin didn’t know, but Ebriel was the richest person in the castle right now.

Ybriel spends a lot, so if there is something she wants, she tends to buy it
right away.

A contemplating adviser suggested.

“How about anything else?”


Qian smiled at the duke expressing his doubts.

Ybriel’s sixth birthday was so glamorous that it could not be compared with
last year.
“Lady, happy birthday!”

First, the number of people increased.

In the dining room, Lily and Qian, Sigmund, Asiligo, and Kanya were

“Well, how are you?”

It’s Ybriel’s birthday, and Sigmund has been getting a bunch of toys from

“Grandpa, thank you very much, I am six years old now. The age of playing
with toys is over.”

“Wow, does a six-year-old not play with toys?”

In fact, even at the age of eight years old to play with, but Ybriel said so in
order not to receive any more toys.

“Lady, Chuka? congratulation?”

Kanya struggled with difficult pronunciation. Asiligo was right next to him.

“Congratulations, miss.”

“Congratulations, miss!”

The door to the dining room opened while Qian and Lily spoke one word at a

Upon seeing Chef Alex coming in, Ybriel opened her mouth.

Alex was coming in with a huge cake.

“What is that?”

“It’s a girl’s birthday cake!”

what …

Chef Alex started the explanation with a triumphant face.

“Whoa, this is a six-tiered cake that I made with all my heart! On each floor,
there are sugar dolls modeled after a lady and a snow berry. Unfortunately,
the mysterious color of the girl’s eyes could not be realized, but uh-huh….”
As Alex spoke, he wiped away his tears. By the way, the little kid couldn’t
even see what was garnished on the cake.
“Thank you so much. I’ll have a good meal, Alex.”

Still, the 6-tier cake was too much….

“It is an honor, my lady! Each layer has a different flavor, which one would
you like to try first? Strawberries, blueberries, chocolate, whatever!”

Ever since the food budget was drastically increased, Alex looked as happy as
a man with the whole world.

“I like it all! But I can’t eat it all by myself. Can I give it to the people of the

“Oh, of course. That’s a very good idea. Then I prepare the plate.”

The chef quickly cut the cake and was ready to go.

Ybriel and Lily went around the castle and distributed the cake to several

“Mary, eat this!”

“Anna, would you like some cake for Anna too?”

“Ben, thank you as always!”

The users who received the cake all grumbled with their faces relaxed.

‘If I work in this castle for the rest of my life, will I still be able to see her?’
The little girl was stealing the hearts of dozens of people without realizing it.


The recently hired castle butler, Kevin Dawson, was also delighted.

“Are you giving it to me, lady?”

“Yeah, eat the butler.”

The little girl held out the plate with a rabbit-like hand. On top of it was a
beautifully cut piece of cake and a fork.

The butler cherished the cake.

“Thank you very much, miss. What if I don’t have anything to give you in

“it’s okay. Kevin always takes good care of the castle. So this is my reward to

How can you be so cute

In fact, Kevin was just doing what he was supposed to be doing.

You could get a paycheck, but there was no reason to be audited.

‘The good man….’

Kevin, who was looking at Ybriel with wide-eyed eyes, opened the mailbox
when a fact suddenly came to mind.

“Really, I have two letters addressed to you.”


Ybriel received the letters from Kevin.

One of them was from Linterdel.

‘Ah, Lumenta!’

It seems that a reply came to the sending of herbal samples.

When I checked with a trembling heart, it was said that the deal was to be
accepted positively.


Although it is not confirmed, the fact that there was a positive reply was
highly likely to result in a contract.

‘Healing potion is right in front of you.’

Obtaining Linterdel’s potion would definitely be of great help in restoring

Herwin’s health.

Ybriel happily checked the following letter.

“Ah, Celdia!”
This time it was a call from the painter Seldia Sunfield. Lily pretended to

“Did you get a letter from Seldia?”

“yes! I said last time I was going to hold a solo exhibition, but I guess that’s
the story.”

Ybriel, who was slowly reading the letter with an anticipatory face, abruptly
hardened her face. The paper had something unbelievable written on it.

“Why are you doing this, lady?”

Lily asked, noticing that her complexion had changed.

Ybriel managed to open her mouth.

“It is said that Her Majesty the Empress… and His Majesty the Crown Prince
visited the gallery.”


On the first day of Seldia Sunfield’s solo exhibition in the Islands, there were
only two visitors to the gallery.

“What a beautiful picture.”

Empress Miretta blinked in front of <Dawn of Solgren>.

“Your talent is truly amazing.”

However, unlike the mouth of praise, there was no life in the empress’s green
eyes. Seldia shook her head with a puzzled expression.

“It’s a really beautiful picture.”

“Hwang Song… do.”

While the empress parroted, praising the painter with the same words over
and over, the blonde boy standing next to him checked the writing beneath
the painting.

[Seldia Sunfield, <Dawn of Solgren I>, RW 148, Veloiton.]

The ‘I’ next to the title of the picture meant that there was also ‘II’

The boy left the Empress and the painter behind and quietly began to look
around the gallery.

The shiny blue drawings were beautiful enough, but they did not impress the
boy very much.

From a very long time ago, the only color a boy’s eyes could recognize was
blue. Everything else was gray.

For a boy who lives in a world of blue and color, the blue-colored paintings in
the exhibition hall were quite boring.
It was an exhibition that I would not have come to without my mother in the
first place.

‘You didn’t laugh.’

I came to this place hoping for a smile, but I didn’t even get that.

‘It was in vain.’

The boy thought so and found a small painting at the end of the gallery.
The moment I checked the canvas, it stopped as if my feet were caught.

Hanging on the wall was a portrait of a noble girl.

With mysterious blue eyes, a pure white smile, and a face full of joy, the girl
was breathing in the canvas.
Episode 61
It was strange. The same artist must have used the same paints, but strangely,
I couldn’t take my eyes off this painting.
The boy was overwhelmed by the small canvas.

[Seldia Sunfield, <Dawn of Solgren II>, RW 148, Veloiton.]

The boy rolled his eyes to check the title and looked at the picture again.

‘dawn. Dawn of Solgren.’

I heard that Duke Solgren has a daughter.

If so, this kid is ….

“Sir, where are you? majesty!”

At the sound of a voice echoing through the hallway from afar, Prince Tezeric
turned around. The attendants were looking for the boy.
The boy struggled to walk without falling.

“Sir, where have you been?”

“Wait over there.”

“Your Majesty the Empress wants you to visit. You say you’re dizzy….”

Tezeric walked swiftly as if being chased by the attendant.

The eyes of the girl I met in a picture a while ago were hard to forget.


Ybriel returned to the room in a confused mood.

‘It’s not that I didn’t know.’
If Seldia held an exhibition in the islands, it was expected that news would
inevitably reach the imperial family.
The only exception was that Campa was a city of artists, but in fact,
exhibitions were a culture enjoyed by the aristocrats.
‘I didn’t expect the Empress to come in person.’

Ybriel looked back at her memories before her return.

Empress Miretta, the eldest daughter of the Duke of Caswither, was

betrothed during her reign as a prince before the current emperor ascended to
the throne.
If Solgren was in the north and Linterdel was in the west, Caswither was a
noble family that ruled the southern part of the empire.
As befitting the nickname ‘keeper of the fields’, Caswither, who holds the
huge granary in the south, was a family of scholars with a long history to the
point of being called ‘wise Caswither’ along with their great wealth.

‘Who would have known that the empress from such a family would suffer
from madness?’

After losing the two princesses, Miretta, who was beautiful and wise, turned
into a completely different person.

Ybriel had seen the empress’s madness right next to her, so she knew how
serious it was.

‘Holding a doll in the shape of a child all day long or humming a lullaby….’

It was on the quiet side.

She suddenly beat the maids to give up the child, or sometimes hugged Ybriel
and cried and laughed repeatedly.
Naturally, the fact that the empress is crazy spread secretly among the
institutional aristocrats going to and from the Imperial Palace.

However, no one was talking about that fact. It was fatal to the reputation of
the imperial family and Caswither. The nobles kept their mouths shut,
knowing the empress’s madness, so as not to turn the imperial family into an

The fact that such an empress came out of the palace with the crown prince
meant that permission was granted from the emperor.

‘Is it just a coincidence, or is it the Emperor’s warning?’

Ybriel got a little nervous.

The future is changing every moment.

‘There is no guarantee that the events I know will happen at the point in time
I know. Even if the veil is torn, it could be advanced enough.’

If the emperor was watching this, he had to prepare even more.

Ybriel took out a piece of paper, looked back on the future she had been
through, and organized the major events that would happen in the future.

‘What is certain is an immutable event, and what cannot be guaranteed is a

variable event….’

From natural disasters, the situation in other countries, and various large-
scale crimes, to the trend of the system and scandals in the social circles, it
was quickly arranged in the form of a chronological table.

After writing for a while, Ybriel stopped the pen.

Now, there was only one last case left. Ybriel moved her hand slowly.

[Ravankel, August 156, Princess Solgren died.]

Somehow, I felt a chill in the back of my back.

“By the way, isn’t this a never-ending prophecy?”
It was the future until Ybriel died, but it wasn’t wrong.

“If I become known to the world, I may be arrested in the Kingdom of God
for being a cultist with evil spirits….”

While muttering a silly joke, someone knocked on the door.

Surprised by the sudden knock, Ybriel hurriedly hid the paper.

“Lady, are you in?”

“Kian? come in.”

When permission was granted, the assistant opened the door and entered.

“Your Majesty is looking for you.”


When Ybriel was puzzled, Kian laughed softly.

“Because it’s your birthday.”

Ybriel’s complexion brightened at once. Kian laughed softly.

“The grace of the soap bubble is repaid with this.”


There are cases where Yibriel unilaterally visited Herwin, but it was rare for
Herwin to call her first.


Herwin sat, leaning against the headboard of the bed as usual.

Qian quietly left the room in order to protect the time just for the women.

“You should come closer.”

Normally, I would have run to him with excitement, but today, Ybriel
hesitated a bit.
‘When I was told not to come, I wanted to approach him somehow, but when
he told me to come closer, he became more careful.’

The human mind is so interesting.

As Ebriel crept closer, Herwin rolled up the blanket and made a place for him
to come up and sit down.

As soon as the child sat down on the bed, Herwin put the blanket back on
him. It was warm.

“You didn’t take care of my birthday last year. I didn’t want to miss this

“Huh, yes!”

“Is there a present you would like to receive?”

Herwin thought about the gift for Ybriel the whole time, and in the end
decided to ask him directly.

“I want to receive ….”

Ebriel, who had been thinking carefully about his father’s words, suddenly
raised his head.

“Well then, grant me your wish.”

“wish? What wish?”

Ybriel cried out to Herwin with a very nervous expression on her face.

“Please don’t send me to the tower!”

Ybriel was still unaware of the fact that Sigmund had resigned as head of the
Every time he saw Sigmund remaining in the castle, Ybriel wondered if he
was there to take him to the tower.

“It’s not that I don’t like my grandfather. I just!”

Ybriel clenched her fists.

“I want to be with you!”

Herwin’s eyes widened at the stern expression.

“Really… is that enough?”

He asked again in a shaky voice. Ybriel affirmed more strongly.

“yes! I’m staying in Solgren, with my dad. Whatever happens!”

That way, Daddy’s illness won’t go away, Solgren won’t die, and I won’t die!

Words that could not be uttered out loud echoed in Ybriel’s mouth.

Herwin remained silent for a while, trying to control his flurry of emotions.

“That … I don’t think it’s going to be your birthday present. I have already
finished talking with Sigmund-sama.”


Ybriel’s expression crumbled.

‘Looks like you’ve already decided to send me to the tower!’

Ybriel was unable to speak with the growing sense of betrayal and sadness,
and only her small fingers twitched.

But just as tears were about to burst, Herwin continued to explain.

“I beg you not to take you to the tower.”

“… Yes?”

Herwin smiled softly and stroked Ybriel’s hair softly.

“Stay here, Star Candy. By your side, as long as you want.”

Saying that, Herwin’s face looked more relaxed than ever.

Tears streamed down Ybriel’s cheeks at the nickname “star candy” that I had
not heard in a long time.


Embarrassed, Herwin hurriedly wiped the boy’s cheek with the tip of his
sleeve. Even Ybriel was embarrassed and waved her hand.

“He, he, I’m so relieved….”

The overflowing tears quickly wet the hem of his clothes.

Herwin contorted his face as if crying at the same time as the child was
silently crying. How anxious were you?

“… Eve, will you forgive me?”

Episode 62
Neither the child nor the child’s heart could be protected. As a father, he was
a human being who was completely lacking.
“I’m fine!”

But Ybriel forgave him too easily.

“Dad is sick. I know.”

I know how many things he gave up before he got to say that.

Herwin hugged Ybriel, feeling like she was falling apart.

“No, Eve. Don’t forgive me.”

He should not be forgiven so easily. At least after fixing everything.

‘Dad must be sad.’

With her crying face at the same time, Ybriel hugged Herwin tightly.
Herwin’s illness was not an easy one. How frightened was the life of living
with an incurable disease?
‘It doesn’t matter if I’m in a crowd.’

Ybriel was determined to cure Herwin’s illness as quickly as possible.

If there is a risk that the emperor’s plan will be hastened, the slow recovery
like now is a daunting task.

Meanwhile, Herwin had the same thoughts as Ybriel.

‘With a body like this, it is difficult to rule over the territory or change the
flow of power.’

If he couldn’t open the door forever, he was determined to fix himself in

some other way.
‘I have to protect Eve.’
‘I have to protect my father.’

The women’s thoughts were mixed.


That year, the winter meeting was quite different from last year.
“Awe to the tent keepers.”

When Herwin entered, all the vassals got up and took the rite.

“Let’s start the meeting.”

Herwin declared the opening with a calm face. A suffocating commotion

spread among the vassals.

‘Did your Highness just say that?’

‘Then the aide next to you did ventriloquism?’

‘It’s because you didn’t say a word with a face like you were going to die
every time! If you’re like me, would you believe me?’

Either way, the meeting went on.

“I have one important thing to discuss.”

After completing the various reports, Qian pulled out a large map from the
paperwork and pasted it on the blackboard in front of him.

On the map he attached, several places were highlighted with red circles.
“What is that, aide?”

“A fragment of a magic crystal has been found in a cave near Warbane’s

“What, what!”
Warbane Birk unknowingly kicked his seat and stood up.

“No, no, it’s a magic light!”

Even after sending expeditions to various parts of the North for the past
several years, no traces of the Magic Stone were found.

However, the vassals began to murmur when they heard the news that
Magical Light actually existed near Warbane’s jurisdiction.

“Is this reliable information?”

At Isis’ calm question, Qian nodded.

“We have already sent expeditions to check it out.”

When it became clear that it was true, the commotion grew even louder. But
it didn’t last long.

‘It would be taken away by the imperial family anyway.’

All of Solgren’s vassals were thinking the same thing. In the meantime, if
valuable mines were discovered, Herwin had conceded mining rights to the
imperial family.

In particular, if it was a magic concentrate, the imperial family was likely to

request mining rights first.

‘It might be better to pretend you don’t know….’

As everyone was about to resign, Herwin opened his mouth.

“I plan to report that place to the imperial family as a coal mine.”

Then the hall became as quiet as cold water poured out.

Since there are many large coal mines already owned by the imperial family
in the West, the mines found in the North were given discretion to Solgren.

Isn’t that a false report? Everyone thought.

Herwin, who made the important remarks, tilted his head calmly.
“Do you want to lose your Magical Light to the Imperial Family?”

“No, it’s not….”

“Then you should keep it.”

Is the person sitting at the top the sickly duke?

Where did the hogu, who did everything the imperial family asked for, go?

The vassals suspected that the duke in front of them was someone else
wearing Herwin’s shell.

The peacock’s presence, which had always been blurred, was as huge as
Taesan today.
“They have been working hard so far. Now I try to do my part.”

Herwin smiled faintly.

“As Duke of Solgren.”

The vassals began to roar as the Duke Solgren’s appearance had changed

Huge changes were coming slowly.


Time passed quickly.

‘I’m already nine years old.’

Ybriel looked at her reflection in the mirror.

Now, I could easily open the duke’s door with my own hands. Pronunciation
and writing are clear
‘Yeah, I’m still a kid in front of my dad.’

It has been three years since I started my business in earnest.

The changes that have taken place in Solgren have been like a miracle.

First, they started producing yarn from the hairs obtained from white-haired
musk oxen.

Unlike general musk oxen, white-haired musk oxen, as the name suggests,
have a white color, so it was easy to dye.

Ybriel started selling the finished yarn through Euron Trading to West

‘And it was a hit.’

Artisan city weavers made colorful carpets and tapestries from musk oxen
yarn. That’s when it started to become fashionable again in the system.

Naturally, the price of musk ox hair, the raw material, had to rise.

Is that all? Ybriel solved the chronic food shortage in the north with potatoes
that were successfully grown in winter.

‘Thanks to you, Euron Trading has established itself properly.’

Business owner Timonel supported Solgren almost like a benefactor.

And, crucially, Linterdel’s healing potion business was a huge success.

‘Thanks to the quality lumenta, the effect has been greatly increased.’

Healing potions, which help restore energy, were sold out in terrible
quantities as soon as they were released. As a result, the price of lumenta, a
raw material, also rose naturally.
Ybriel stretched languidly like a full-fledged cat.

‘Isn’t this enough to qualify me for business?’

Ybriel, who was thinking to herself, grinned and shook her head.

It was creepy, but in fact, it was all possible because he knew the future.

‘How much have you collected so far?’

Ybriel kept the money she had earned in the bank.

As the business was busy and the confirmation was delayed, even Ybriel did
not know exactly how much profit was generated.

As Qian was due to go to the northern branch of the Central Bank of the
Empire, Ybriel decided to follow him.

The northern branch of the Imperial Central Bank was within the Solgren

Ebriel, who had brought Alon as an escort, stopped at the entrance of the
bank, feeling an unknown clutter.

“Clean the dust here! Take out the trash there! Huh, there are stains left on
the curtains? Take this away!”

Ybriel tilted her head in the commotion.

“What’s inside?”

Unlike Ybriel, who was puzzled, Kian had an understandable expression.

“I told you about the lady’s visit.”


“Come in.”

Qian naturally escorted Ybriel. The moment she entered, an unbelievable

sight unfolded before her eyes.

“Thank you for visiting the Central Bank North Branch, Princess!”
The staff who lined up greeted Ybriel politely. While embarrassed Ybriel
licked her lips, a man walked by from afar.

“This is Branch Manager Forge. I will see you.”

“Uh oh ….”

“Then go with Alon. I’ll get things done at the window over there.”

Qian left, and Ybriel followed the branch manager to the second floor of the

Upon arrival, the words ‘Visitor Room’ were written in elegant handwriting. It
was just a place to meet special customers.

‘I, I just wanted to know how much is in my safe…!’

A cold sweat broke out at the great treatment.

But Ybriel didn’t know. Why did the branch manager greet him with such
“How much is my fortune?”

“This is 182.17 million Belkam, Princess.”


“Yes? Ah, 180 million….”


“100 million….”
Ybriel covered her mouth with both hands as she was about to scream.

‘100 million Belkham!’

Solgren’s budget and other things were subtracted, and only the money in
Ybriel’s hand was 100 million.
It meant that the actual money earned was more than that.
‘There’s a reason the branch manager greeted me directly!’

My heart was pounding with excitement and fear. I had never held such a
large sum of money in all of my pre-return.
Episode 63
“Do you have any more questions?”

Ybriel shook her head.

“Thank you for using our Central Bank. If you need any help, feel free to visit
this forge.”

Ybriel walked out of the waiting room with a squeaky look at the branch

Qian, who was waiting after finishing his work first, looked strangely at
Ybriel, who was walking like a rusty mechanical device.

“What happened inside?”

Ybriel murmured like a possessed man.

“Kian, I’m rich.”

“What are you surprised about?”

Kian, the lord’s agent, was in charge of Solgren’s management, so he knew
the financial situation better than anyone else.

“You will be surprised when you find out this year’s estate income.”

“Uh, how much is it?”

Then Qian whispered briefly in Ybriel’s ear. Ybriel couldn’t keep her mouth
“My money was the blood of new feet….”

“The North is no longer a barren land. Thanks to her.”

Ybriel was happy, but at the same time worried.

‘How should I roll this money?’
All the way back in the carriage, Ybriel thought about ways.

No matter how wealthy Solgren became, it was not comparable to the wealth
of the imperial family and Caswither.

‘It would be nice if we could expand our business further.’

Then the wagon came to a standstill. Kian opened the carriage window

“What’s going on?”

“I am clearing snow from the road. You may have to wait a bit.”

At Alon’s words, Qian closed the window.

It was something that Ybriel often experienced when she came to town. If the
snow is not removed in time, it becomes ice. The land is covered with snow
for about half of the year, so it was not easy for horses or wagons to move

At that moment, a thought ran through Ybriel’s head.

“Oh, that’s right!”

“Why all of a sudden?”

“Let’s raise snow deer in the estate!”

“A snow deer?”

“Yeah, now we can build a new barn next to the white-haired musk ox barn.”

“It’s a tricky species to tame, so why is it a snow deer?”

Snow deer inhabiting the northern part were characterized by their white hair
and transparent horns like icicles. It was very beautiful to look at, but it was
so demanding and difficult to handle.
“To try to overhaul the carriage.”

“In what way?”

Ybriel briefly explained the idea that came to his mind to Qian. Qian, who
roughly heard the details, nodded in affirmation.

“Not a bad idea. We will discuss the materials with the Euroon Chamber, and
submit a request to Campa for the rough design.”

Ybriel wanted Solgren to grow into a place as livable as the Islands.

‘I will never compare it to the worst prison in the empire again.’

Ybriel’s will to start a new business was burning.


Shortly after Ebriel announced that he would tame the snow deer, Timonel,
the owner of Euron, visited Solgren Castle.

“Long time no see, Timonel.”

“Peace be with you under the protection of the tabernacle. How have you
been, Princess?”

Timonel had recently been to a primeval forest in the southwest. He laid out a
box with a tanned face.

“This is a box made of the Mantus wood you mentioned. It’s lightweight, yet
sturdy and strong.”

Ybriel touched the box he had brought. The white box was durable, as
Timonel said.

“But what are you going to make out of this tree?”

“To remodel the carriage and supply it.”

The northern wagons had thick outer walls to prevent the cold and had chains
wrapped around the wheels to prevent slipping in the snow.

This inevitably caused the carriage to weigh a lot.

Besides, the horse was also weak against the cold, so he had to put on some

“The North is not a good environment for horses or wheels.”

So, Ybriel was supposed to tame a snow deer that was strong in the cold to
pull the chariot.

“That’s a good idea. However, it is not a tree that can be grown here, so I
think we will have to buy it in bulk.”

“How much does it cost when imported?”

“Probably 50,000 Belkham per tree.”

“Ugh, that’s expensive.”

“The price of the tree itself is not that expensive, but the transportation from
the South to here is not that expensive.”

“I’ll think about it a little more. Thanks for the sample, Timonel.”

“You’re welcome. Please visit again anytime, Princess.”

Ybriel returned to the room with new concerns from her interview with

In order to make the carriage that Ybriel was planning, he needed wood that
was light and strong against the cold.

‘Mantus is just right.’

At least three trees are required for each wagon, so 150,000 Belkham. The
total of all the wagons used only in Solgren was 528. If you expand all over
the northern part, it’s about 1200 units….
“Solgren costs 79.2 million Belkam, and the entire North costs 180 million

Ybriel suddenly came to her senses and raised her head.

“Kanya, when did you come?”

“Just now!”

Kanya, who turned eight this year, has become a lively and energetic girl.
Kanya fluttered her skirt and sat on the sofa opposite Ybriel. Ruby said,
“Nya-nyan,” as if it’s nice to meet you, and approached Kanya, crying.

“It’s mentally fast. Who did you learn from?”

“Hehehe, from my mother before. Our clan has its own calculation method.”

“I see.”

According to Kanya’s words, it was true that it cost a lot to reorganize the

“It would be nice if we could just cut the cost of transporting the trees.”

Ybriel fiddled with the Mantus box with a worried face.

Then Sigmund opened the door and entered.

“Oh, Grandpa!”

Sigmund, who came in knowing that only Ebriel was inside, was startled
when he saw Kanya. Kanya’s expression contorted.

“A biting kid?”

“Grandfather the Beast?”

Ybriel gave an embarrassed expression.

Undoubtedly, the two of them were close friends.

“What are you doing?”

“Do I have to explain why my grandmother is coming to see her


“Is it my time? Do not disturb!”

Sigmund was furious at the provocation of the eight-year-old boy.

“Ik, my granddaughter prefers me!”

“no? Lady loves me more!”

“Do you have any evidence? I have?”


The two of them shut their mouths at Ybriel’s cry.

“Grandpa, Kanya is eight years old. And Kanya, your grandfather is seventy.”


“I know….”

Ybriel looked at the two with a stern look on their faces.

“Come on, apologize to each other.”


The atmosphere was just settled by a clean apple. Sigmund whispered while
Ybriel was not looking.

‘Actually, I’m not sorry.’

‘Wow, me too!’

Sigmund and Kanya’s eyes met fiercely.

Then, suddenly, Sigmund found an object in Ybriel’s hand.

“Ugh? Isn’t this Mantus?”

“Do you know the manthus tree, Grandpa?”

“then. Of course you know!”

Unbeknownst to Ybriel, Sigmund’s hobby was collecting tropical plants.

Among them was Mantus.
“Maybe there are a few in my greenhouse.”

“A greenhouse?”

“okay. I expanded the subspace and grew several tropical plants in it. Even
though it was temporarily put up in my room while I was smashing it.”
Sigmund clapped.

“Would you like to take a look?”

Curious, Ybriel nodded her head.

Now Sigmund was living in the spire to the west of Solgren Castle.
Ybriel, who was worried about going up to the spire, was relieved to see that
the space had changed with one clapping of Sigmund’s hands.
“Some plants are poisonous, so don’t touch anything.”

Sigmund warns firmly in front of the old door at the top of the tower and
pulls the handle.
A gust of wind blew through the crack in the door.

Soon after, at the scene unfolding before her eyes, Ybriel couldn’t even cry.
The interior was decorated with a large glass greenhouse that could not be
seen at a glance.
Episode 64
It must have been indoors, but the sun was shining through the greenhouse. A
colorful parrot flew across the air from afar.
When Kanya and Ibriel couldn’t take their eyes off Sigmund’s gloomy look.

“Isn’t it cool? It is high-dimensional space application magic.”

However, there was something else that Ybriel was paying attention to.

“Grandpa, is there any land left here?”

“Yes? There must be….”

Ybriel’s eyes lit up.

“If you have one, lend me some!”


Soon after, a new wagon was introduced to Solgren. It was called a snow
carriage, and instead of wheels, it was designed with a blade of a long leg
attached to the bottom of the carriage.
It drew attention in that it had a snow deer pulling a carriage instead of a
horse, but what stood out above all was the speed.

“It’s a carriage that can go without having to remove all the snow!”

The attention of the northern part was focused on the emergence of a means
of transport that was faster than a horse and wheeled carriage.

“Where can I use that wagon?”

Timonel, who was in charge of the pilot operation, kindly responded to
inquiries that came in.
“It is being operated temporarily by the Duke of Solgren. A rental service
that can be used by any Youngji-min will soon be implemented through
Euroon Sanghoe, so please pay a lot of attention!”

Then, the eyes of the young people turned to the white castle towering over
the coniferous forest.

‘Duke Solgren for us…!’

A dimly lit butterfly passed before them.

“Timonel is promoting it well.”

Meanwhile, Ybriel, who was looking at the village scenery through a
butterfly, smiled satisfactorily.
“Did you see everything?”

‘yes. Thank you, Butterfly.’

My vision was blurry, and I returned to normal. Ybriel jumped down from
the window.

‘If the seedlings planted in my grandfather’s greenhouse grow like this, we

will be able to distribute snow wagons throughout the northern part of the

Ybriel found a relatively inexpensive Manthus seedling and planted it in

Sigmund’s greenhouse.

Sigmund expanded the greenhouse for his one and only granddaughter’s
business. When there was ample space to plant hundreds of trees, Ybriel went
straight to work.

Sigmund’s greenhouse was enchanted with several magics, including rapid

growth magic.

‘I’ll be all grown in 3 weeks at the latest.’

Thanks to Sigmund’s cutting-edge magic, the Manthus tree grew and fell in
large numbers.

When the seedlings were fully grown, they were to be processed right here.

When the means of transportation change, goods will move at a different

speed than before.

‘It would be good as a tourist product. If not Solgren, when would I ever ride
a carriage like that again?’

“Hey, it’s time.”

At the end of that winter, Ybriel checked her watch and held Ruby.
It was time to meet Herwin.


“Come on, Eve.”

Herwin greeted Ybriel on the bed.

Ever since Ybriel’s 6th birthday, the couple set up a time to eat together once
a day.

Today was lunch.

Potato cream stew with well-cooked veal, golden buns with cheddar cheese,
fresh strawberries and soft lamb’s wool.

Ybriel looked at Herwin who was sitting opposite him.

‘Dad, are you a little taller?’

Somehow, I felt uncomfortable.

Because of the large shirt, it was difficult for Herwin to guess his physique.

Ybriel dismissed it as an illusion and picked up the tableware.

“Kian recently said that he would change the carriage. Have you seen it?”
“Collock, you….”

It was known that all of Ybriel’s business was led by Qian.

“The snow deer look very pretty. The wagons are frighteningly fast and
Please, numb Ybriel babbled like a child and added an explanation.

“You must have had fun.”

“yes! It was really exciting. Dad….”

I wish I could have gone with you.

Ybriel managed to put up with the conversation.

Herwin’s health had not improved significantly for three years. It was still
because of his health that he insisted on eating only in the room without going

When he asked Winter why Herwin was not getting better, the ancient spirit
replied, “You can’t scoop up the sea with a spoon.”

‘Still, it didn’t get worse.’

Ybriel comforted the point and comforted herself.

“Thank you as always, Dad.”


Ybriel smiled broadly at Herwin tilting her head in front of her.

‘If I hadn’t been able to shake off the tutor that day, I would have been in the
system by now.’

Just being in Solgren with Herwin at this moment, Ybriel was very happy.

So I hoped that this happiness would not be broken.

‘I have to constantly check that there is nothing wrong with the veil.’
Herwin, puzzled, smiled at Ybriel’s expression of happiness.

“… I am always grateful to you, Eve.”


It was that night.

The shadow silently walked through the castle halls. The maid, who had been
walking without a candle, stopped in front of a door.

It was Duke Herwin’s room.

The maid gently grabbed the handle and opened the door.
“Is that room supposed to be empty?”

The maid reflexively fired the dagger in her hand at the voice that flew in from
the darkness.

Evan lowered himself to avoid the attack.

“It’s extreme, isn’t it?”

The maid started running as soon as she could hear the sound of being
pierced into the wall.

But it soon had to stop.

At the end of the hallway, they found the aide’s glasses glowing in the

Realizing that there was nowhere to escape, the maid raised her sword and
stabbed herself in the neck.

Seeing the maid falling down, Kian sighed.

“Evan, can’t you end it on your line?”

“I can’t even date five people at once, can I?”

“Are there four more?”

“Yes, as far as I know.”

“But why is there only one here?”

“… Oh, damn it.”

The two of them started running to Ybriel’s room without anyone saying

But when we got to the front of the room, it was already in order.



Herwin shook his sword without expression. The blood dripping from the
blade belonged to the assassins strewn in the hallways. His blood was nowhere
to be found.

Zed, who was on the night shift as a sentry, was unable to come forward.
Because it all ended on the Herwin line….

“Luckily, it seems that the young lady is still asleep.”

At Kian’s words, Herwin looked at the slightly opened door.

In the room, Ybriel was asleep, trembling.

The leaking moonlight poured over Herwin. The lines of his body were
visible through the inside of his white shirt. Tight muscles were exposed. It
was the result of training the body to death over the past three years.
“I don’t know why they always send out just that level of assassins.”

“I would have thought this was enough.”

As Kian said, Herwin was ‘known’ to the world as sickly.

A sickly northern prince who is so weak that he can’t even get out of bed, let
alone a room.
Everyone laughed at him for being pathetic, but only his closest confidant,
Kian, knew.

Contrary to external rumors, Herwin Solgren was strong.

Overwhelmingly, even when dealing with multiple assassins alone, one breath
is not disturbed.

“Clean up without fuss. lest the child wake up.”

Kian quietly bowed his head.

Cleaning was done quietly as Herwin had commanded, and Ybriel never
woke up until dawn that day.

Ybriel, unaware of what happened last night, greeted the morning with a
fresh face.
Today was the day I decided to meet Asiligo after a long time because I had
no other plans.

“Come on, you know!”

“Hello, miss.”

Asiligo, who was a lot taller, had a fairly clear face line. It was very strange
for Ybriel to see that the level of their eyes changed each time they met.
Maybe someone is watering my hair every night.
Episode 65
“Brother, here!”

Kanya waved her hand excitedly. The three of them sat around the tea table
and started talking.

“How is life in the Knights Templar?”

“It’s fun.”

“If I talk like that, you think she’s not happy, right?”
Asiligo blinked at Kanya’s words. Ybriel knew well now that that was the
expression on her face when she was bewildered.
“…It is not.”


Asiligo, who turned 13 this year, became the youngest knight and was
devoting himself to training.

‘If there was no interest in the sword, such an outcome would not have come

Most of all, Asiligo’s expression changed.

‘When I first saw it, it looked like a wild beast that had just been caught….’

Even though he was expressionless now, he could see a sense of comfort in

him. Ybriel was pleased with the change.

“Hey. You don’t have to stay in Solgren.”

So Ybriel wanted Kanya and Asiligo to be happier.

“You are free. I can go anywhere. Don’t be bound by Solgren, you can leave
whenever you want to go.”
If you feel indebted to the work that saved your life, you should not do it.
But Asiligo and Kanya hardened their faces side by side.

“I do not like it!”

The first to shout was Kanya.

“I want to be friends with you for the rest of your life.”


“I too will remain in the White Rang, Miss.”

Asiligo asserted. Ybriel was perplexed by the strong denial.

“Uh, do you like Solgren that much?”

I’m of a heterogeneous race, so is the northern part more comfortable? As I

was thinking about it, the answer came back.

“I like Solgren, but….”

Asiligo spoke softly and avoided his gaze.

“We want to be by your side.”

Kanya took Ybriel’s hand tightly.

“Don’t leave us, miss!”

“You throw it away, it’s not like that! I just do it because I want you to be

At Ybriel’s words, Asiligo turned her head. Eyes met him. Ybriel saw a faint
blue energy through the boy’s achromatic eyes.

“We are happy to be here.”

As Asiligo said, over and over again.

“Yeah, I’m glad….”

They said they were satisfied, but there was nothing more to say.
In fact, Ybriel also wanted Asiligo and Kanya not to leave Solgren.

‘Now that I am so close, I think it would be sad if I broke up with the two of
Ybriel smiled happily when she saw the brothers and sisters beside them.


Since the improvement of the wagon, the amount of money flowing into
Solgren has increased exponentially as the movement of goods has

“Perfect so far.”

But Ybriel now had one final task left.

“I want to try to build a floating port.”

To the west of Solgren, Mayer’s jurisdiction was bordered by the sea.

“It’s a floating port. It’s like a dream.”

At Kian’s words, Ybriel nodded her head.

“So far it has been.”

In the past several decades, the North Ice Sea has frozen all over the winter
with no exceptions, so the port could not be used unless the temperature was
warmer in summer.

“But now I can handle the winter branches.”

As the midwinter’s momentum has softened, the climate of Solgren has also
undergone many changes.
As a result, they found that the southern shores of the Mayer Islands did not
freeze even once during the year.

“By breaking through the waterway, faster and more direct communication
with the West is possible. The problem is….”

Such an attempt will very certainly provoke the emperor.

Qian was also guessing what Ybriel had not said.

“Even if I have the authority to represent the permanent resident, the

immovable port is too big a matter.”

Qian was silent for a moment, then opened his mouth.

“Lady, Solgren is rich enough now.”

“It is not.”

Ybriel nodded in agreement. It is true that he is much better than Solgren in

his past life.

The standard of living of the people of Yeongji has also been raised, and the
power of the territory itself is not comparable to what it used to be.

But Ybriel was not satisfied with this.

‘The emperor holds the wealthy southern part of the empire in his hands with
the islands. I don’t want to assume the worst, but if a civil war breaks out,
Solgren will have no choice but to lose.’

So I didn’t want to concede anything.

“Kian, I want Solgren to become a stronghold that can withstand whatever


Qian, who understood the meaning of the words, looked down at Ybriel.

“Will the Duke allow it?”

After a brief thought, Ybriel opened her mouth.

“If you are against it, try to convince me like this.”

After that, Kian’s expression became more and more interesting as he heard
Ybriel’s plans.

“How about …?”

“Let me tell you.”

Kian went to the Duke’s room on the way.

As expected, Herwin was skeptical.

“Are you going to build a port in the Mayer Islands?”

“yes. From my calculations, it takes less than five days to get to the Grand
West Canal from here with good current and wind conditions.”

Herwin shook his head.

“no. This is so….”

“It’s a serious attack. I know.”

Kian persuaded with a determined face.

“But many assassins have already been sent. There were five people the day
before, and we will send more in the future.”

As he said, Herwin was constantly threatened with life.

“Is this late?”

Herwin ruffled his hair nervously.

“Why don’t you take advantage of this opportunity instead?”


Kian carefully selected his words.

“Once construction of the port begins, assassination attempts will become
more persistent and frequent. Up until now, you’ve been hiding the assassin’s
attack for your sake, but this time, you’re escalating the case.”

“Are you telling me that the imperial family is trying to kill me? Otherwise, it
could be argued that this is actually a treason.”

“no. I don’t mean to touch the Emperor.”


Kian recalled what Ybriel had said.

‘If the emperor touches this, let’s decorate it with what the cultists did.’

He desperately suppressed the laughter that was about to escape. Even

thinking about it again, I got goosebumps. The nine-year-old princess’s
scheme was terrifying.

“I intend to disguise myself as a cultist.”

Herwin’s expression hardened.

“Are you talking about getting the Shia Church to intervene?”

“yes. If it becomes known that a cultist was involved in an incident, the Order
will surely dispatch the Knights of Creation.”

Creation Knights. The missions of the Holy God, created to capture the
cultists from each continent, were the authority itself.

Herwin’s eyes changed.

“As long as the knights stay in the north….”

“Even the emperor cannot be reckless.”

“In the meantime, the construction of the port will proceed without

Kian nodded his head. Silence piled up like snow.

“Think about it.”

After a while, Herwin answered, pressing his flabby forehead and letting Kian

And a few days later, the duke’s seal was put on the port construction

was approved.


From the time the port construction was approved, Ybriel strengthened the
border around the tabernacle above all else.

“Double, no, triple the number of patrols. Especially east!”

“All right.”

Kian no longer had any doubts. Because there was a reason for everything
Ybriel told him to do.
“This is the statistic about the appearance of monsters you asked for.”

Qian set the thick paper wad down on the desk.

“thank you.”

Ybriel quickly turned the paper over and checked the numbers.
The veil was to prevent the darkness from corroding the ground, but it could
not be controlled until the demonic beasts came over.
While flipping through the statistical report, Ybriel’s expression suddenly
changed terribly.

“Did the number suddenly increase recently? Do you know why?”

“Ah, maybe that’s because the cold weather has eased.”
Qian slowly explained to Ybriel, who was puzzled, the reason why the
number of beasts had decreased in the past.
“Midwinter is harsh for both demons and humans. As the young lady softened
the cold, naturally the beasts also benefited from it.”

However, Ybriel was not convinced by that.

“Even so, the number of demons increased too rapidly.”

Ybriel was rummaging through the paper and suddenly looked out the
window. The shimmering light of the veil was reflected in Ybriel’s eyes.

‘What’s going on inside?’

Episode 66
Beyond the veil was an unknown land that no human had ever crossed. A
cursed land where ancient evil spirits are sealed.
‘The veil is torn is a weakness.’

And Ybriel knew one being who knew anything about the North.
‘Butterfly, are you there?’

“I am always by your side.”

The cold voice of winter lingered in my ears.

‘I want to know about the tabernacle.’

“It’s a curtain.”

If winter had a human form, it would have been stroking his chin by now.

“Should I call it a fragment of the primordial light?”

If it was the primordial light, it meant Shia.

‘If there was a weakness in the veil, what would it be?’

“A scratch on something holy means that something unclean has touched it.”

“Unclean thing….”
After a brief hesitation, Ybriel stood up.

“I’ll probably see the veil in person.”

It seemed to be able to find areas that could be weak points. For the past few
years, Ybriel has not been allowed to go directly to the veil because of her
young age.

‘Because it is a place where a lot of magical beasts appear.’

Because of the danger, everyone stopped them, and since there had never
been any reports of any abnormalities from the guards near the tent, Ybriel
did not rush to visit them either.

But now, Solgren has steadily increased his troops, and has also been
subjugating the beasts regularly.

Although the number of reported beasts has increased, it will not be

dangerous since the guards and knights dealt with it.


Ybriel swallowed a laugh. There were now five gaps felt near the heart.

‘If you open the fifth door, you will be able to deal with any number of beasts

Even while busy, Ybriel has been steadily taking magic lessons from

Just as dry land sucks up water, Ybriel absorbed Sigmund’s teachings.

‘Are you sure you have no intention of entering the tower?’

‘Not at all!’

Sigmund regretted the talent of his granddaughter, but Ybriel valued Solgren
and his father more than that.

“I want to see it with my own eyes. Is it safe or not?”

Seeing Ybriel’s determination, Kian finally nodded.


The next morning, Ybriel headed to the post near the tabernacle.

Lily, the nanny, was also accompanied, and both Zed and Alon followed as
It didn’t take long to reach the tent using the snow carriage. The guards at the
post, who had been contacted in advance, came out and greeted Ybriel and
the two knights.

“Welcome, Princess.”


Ybriel looked around the post with greetings. There were not many people
because it was a space only for surveillance and vigilance.

The guards stared at Zed and Alon as they watched Ybriel stick her head out
and walk around.

Even though Yibriel did not know, there were more knights than expected to
become Yibriel’s escort.

There weren’t many places where Ybriel moved around, so she had a part-
time job, and she was able to see the little princess up close.

‘We stand guard all day in this cold place….’

‘They’re next to the cute girl….’

Alon and Zed, who received the jealous gaze, naturally avoided their gaze.
“Hey, how many people are there in the post?”

Then Ybriel asked abruptly. The guards smiled as kindly as possible.

“About ten guards at each post take turns hourly to make sure there is no
suspicious movement nearby.”

So it meant that there were always ten people resident.

“Is there anything strange these days?”

“Although the number of demons has increased, there were no problems

when looking around the tent.”

Ybriel put an hour down at those words.

‘thank god. Guess I’m still okay.’

Due to the last raid by thieves, the guard guarding the veil asked Kian to
select him as someone he could trust.

“Hey, I’ve always had a hard time in the cold, so I brought some presents.”
“A gift?”

Ybriel blinked at Lily.

Lily approached the guards looking around with bewildered expressions and
began handing out something.

“Isn’t this a blanket?”


Musk ox hair had good warmth. Ybriel also gave each of the guards a snack
along with a thick blanket.

“Oh, lady, can I take this?”

“Of course. You keep our Solgren safe.”

“Okay, I’ll eat it sparingly.”

Ybriel handed the gifts to the guards in turn. I got ten of them, but there are
two left.

“Where are the other two?”

“Oh, it’s in the upper watchtower. I will pass it on.”

Ybriel’s eyes lit up at the word watchtower.

“No, I want to go up too.”


It was a good opportunity to overlook Solgren Castle.

Ybriel got excited and started going up the stairs.

The wind blew hard at the top of the watchtower. Lily wrapped Ybriel tightly
with the blanket she had brought.

“Wow, that’s really high!”

Solgren Castle in the distance looked just like a toy.

“Oh, are you a princess?”

Two guards from the watchtower approached Ybriel.

“Hello, Princess.”

Ybriel, who was about to say hello, looked at the face of one of the crew and

‘That person….’

It was a face in memory for bad reasons.

‘Looks like Waynes the Apostate.’

In the last life, when Ybriel was thirteen, an incident occurred in the
Kingdom of Shia.

In the case of the explosion of the cathedral, the sanctuary of Shia, the culprit
was a man named Waynes, who was a priest at the time.

‘okay. Along with the montage, I was wanted on a massive scale.’

Ybriel had also seen wanted flyers. The burn scar on the cheek was easily
remembered because of its unusual shape.

Ybriel looked at the person’s face over and over again, wondering if he had
seen something wrong. But no matter how you look at it, it seemed right.

Ybriel needed certainty.

“What are the names of those two?”

When I asked the question, the answer came back.

“I am Duke, this is Waynes.”

Ybriel felt her heart beating faster and faster.

‘That person is right.’

But why are you here? Have you been a priest yet?

Recognizing that Ybriel’s complexion was not good, Lily bowed her head.

“Lady, are you okay?”

“I think it’s too cold here, Lily. Let’s go down.”

Ybriel suppressed the ominous feeling and returned to the castle first.

As soon as I got back, the person I found was Kian.

“Kian, the man named Waynes at Post 6, was there anything strange?”

At Ybriel’s question, Kian tilted his head.


“It’s just that I have a scar, so I remember it.”

Kian also easily recalled who the man named Waynes was when he heard the
word scar.
“He looks a little rough, but he’s not a problem yet. I have no criminal


Even though she nodded her head, Ybriel was not convinced.

‘I’m a person who commits such a big crime in the future, can I just leave it
It was somehow ominous.

“There you are, Kian. Don’t ask why, can you watch that Waynes? Or move it
to another post other than near the tent.”

Qian was silent for a moment, then nodded.

“If you have a will, that’s what you’re saying. We will change the place of
work and put a person on it.”

At his words, Ybriel finally laughed.

“Yes, thank you!”

It’s been a week since Waynes moved.
Ybriel had heard from Kian that Waynes had not shown any abnormal
‘Was it something to worry about?’

But sometimes intuition comes close to the answer.

Ybriel decided to go directly to the vicinity of the tabernacle for a final check.

Closer than last time.

Episode 67
I rode the snow carriage like the last time, and this time I passed the guard
post and entered the deep forest.
Coniferous forests usually get darker the deeper you go, but strangely, now
the outside the window is getting brighter the further you go.
Soon the carriage stopped. It was the light of the veil that illuminated the
“Don’t come too close, miss.”

Zed, who followed as an escort, warned.


Ybriel stood in front of the veil and looked up at the majestic veil of light.
The curtain swaying in the wind seemed to have no substance like light, but
when I raised my hand, it felt cool and hard, like a glass wall.

“I think I’m blind.”

“I wish I hadn’t seen you for a long time. It’s definitely a strong light.”

Ybriel turned her head, following Winter’s advice, and began walking along
the perimeter of the veil. Zed followed closely.

‘I haven’t seen anything special yet.’

At that moment, Ybriel’s eyes saw the 6th post she had visited last time.

‘If Waynes was going to cheat, maybe he’d put something in his sight?’

Ybriel looked around, checking the 6th post and the tabernacle alternately.

“Lady, you must not go too deep.”

Zed walked after Ybriel.
Ybriel was walking as if he couldn’t hear Zed’s voice, but suddenly found
something and stopped.

On the snow, there were footprints. Zed’s expression changed in an instant.

“Jed, this….”

“It is not a sign of the guards. In principle, the search is conducted in pairs of
two. These are the footprints of one person.”

Ybriel’s spine cooled.

“You must go back first, miss. If someone has done a trick, go and report it
and ask for support….”

But Zed couldn’t speak any more.

The feet vibrate slightly. shit. There was a sound like a crack in the huge ice.
It was ominous.


Suddenly, Ybriel saw a man running from beyond the forest and shouted. At
first glance, there was a scar on his face.

Leaving Ybriel alone, Zed, unable to pursue him, clenched his teeth and
pulled something out of his pocket.

It was the size of a fist.

The knight lit the wick with a heating stone for one blink of an eye, and threw
it into the sky with all his might.

Piyuu, boom! Red powder colored the sky with the sound.

“Girl, excuse me.”

Immediately after, Zed hugged Ybriel without notice.

Ybriel was hugged with a pale face, and suddenly sensed an abnormality.

‘What is that?’
About seven feet above the floor, the veil crumpled as if wrinkled.

Ybriel tugged at Zed’s uniform epaulettes while holding him.

“Jed, can you see that?”

“What do you mean?”

“Isn’t the light a bit strange over there?”

It was Winter that gave the puzzled Ybriel the answer.

“Magic has blinded your eyes.”

A transparent butterfly flew and sat on it. Then the magic was broken, and the
reality was revealed to Zed and Ybriel.

Thick, black plants, like barnacles, were clinging to the veil.

“That …!”

Zed recognized it at a glance.

“It’s a Creeper!”

The parasitic beast creeper grows by using the energy of the parasitic target
as its own food. The blood drained from Ybriel’s face.

“Damn, when did you grow up so much…!”

Zed hurried to the place where he had tied up the wagon.

“Wait, wait!”

Ybriel struggled, and Zed lost his balance and sat down on the floor.

“If you leave it like that, the curtain will tear! You have to stop it somehow!”
“What can I do alone!”

“Not Zed, but me!”

Ybriel swept the back of her right hand to wake up the winter branch, and at
the same time took out the ruby from the bag.
“Ruby! Go to the castle and find your grandfather.”

Then, Ruby’s figure burned and turned into an owl. Ruby wept briefly as if
answering and soared into the sky.

After confirming that the ruby was leaving safely, Ybriel grabbed the winter
branch and turned her head.

It was then that I finally saw beyond the light.

From the other side, the beasts were shining their eyes.

‘Zed alone can’t last long.’

At once, you have to cover a very large area.

Ybriel drew all the mana from the Winter Branch. Then Winter advised.

“If you use excessive power that does not match your abilities, you will have
to pay a price.”
‘I’ll play. If only I could protect Solgren and Dad.’

Ybriel closed her eyes to erase the cries of the ferocious beasts and the sound
of the curtains breaking.

And I imagined a very large and solid wall. A wall so strong that you can’t see
the end of it.

‘Is it possible?’

After opening the fifth door, I thought that I had become quite good at
handling winter branches.
However, the magic he was trying to do now was far from Ebriel’s ability. In
order to prevent the rift in the veil, it seemed possible to open at least the
sixth door.

Immediately after opening the fifth door, growth was seldom slow.

‘It’s great to open a fifth door at your age, baby. It will take longer to open the
sixth door.’

Sigmund’s words he heard one day flashed through Ybriel’s head.

‘But I have to.’

I couldn’t help but watch Solgren’s destruction sooner than expected, for the
same reason as his last life.

“I want my child to live a long life….”

Shortly after winter’s lament dissipated, Ybriel’s sixth door was forcibly


More sensations came rushing in than when I first opened the fifth door. The
body temperature is robbed without help.

At the same time, an ice wall began to rise from the bottom.

It was large enough to cover the entire veil.


The sound of something cracking echoed through the sky. Herwin, who
thought it was the sound of a howling lake, suddenly looked out the window.

The light of the veil was unusual. It flickers and vibrates as if it’s about to turn

“What the hell is that?”

He quickly found Kian. Without needing to call, Kian had already run to his

“Your Majesty, the lady has gone to the tent. Right now…!”

Qian couldn’t continue to speak and shut his mouth.

Herwin was staring out the window, frozen. Kian had also discovered the
same thing.

Kugugugu— The vibration shook the ground bluntly.

A huge ice fortress covered the veil.

Ybriel poured out all her strength and sat down on the snowy field.

Zed, noticing Ybriel’s ideal, slashed the last surviving beast and ran to him.

“Lady, are you okay?”

“Uh, yes….”

Since Ruby was sent to inform the news, Ybriel’s body was as cold as ice.

Zed hastily wrapped Ybriel around with his coat.

He took Ebriel back and hurried to the place where the carriage had been


Zed confirmed that all the snow deer had cut their leash and escaped. He
chose to warm up first rather than take Ybriel through the cold.

With Ybriel sitting in the spacious carriage, Zed pulled out a few more
blankets from under the carriage.

“Wait a minute, we will start a fire soon.”

But the real problem lies elsewhere.

“Zed, da, da, your legs are weird.”


“Oh, I don’t feel anything….”

Ybriel’s legs didn’t move as if they were frozen. It didn’t feel like anything at

‘Is this the price you have to pay?’

Fear rushed in like a tidal wave.
Episode 68
‘What if I can’t walk again? If I can’t move, how will you protect me?’

As Ybriel trembled, Zed hastily gathered twigs to make a fire.

“It will be fine soon. Keep your head up and keep your eyes open, my lady.”

“Joe, you’re sleepy….”

“Be patient.”

My eyelids became heavy like a rock. Zed just started saying anything to
catch Ybriel’s consciousness.

“Did I say I was a fox?”

Ybriel opened her eyes at those words.

“Hey, I’ll tell you now.”

“It’s a secret, but I’m going to tell you something special.”

Zed adjusted the temperature of the heating stone and placed it in Ybriel’s
arms. Ybriel crouched in anticipation of that little warmth.
“Lady, do you know what secret Evan-sama has?”

“Eh, Evan?”

“He made five lovers at the same time this time.”

If that’s the case, I’ve seen Ybriel go on a date several times before.

The face of the person next to me seemed to change every time, but again, I
was not mistaken.
“The wind, the two, the two ….”

Jed laughed hard.

“Yes? But it’s all for a reason.”
Ybriel listened. Hearing Zed’s story seemed to make it easier to defeat sleep.

“It’s just to catch the three kings hiding in the castle.”


Ybriel’s eyes widened as if they were about to pop out.

“Hey, don’t lie. In that way, I am really obscured…?”

“Am I going to lie to you under these circumstances?”

At the very serious Zed’s words, Ybriel’s doubts were finally resolved.

“Why, why haven’t you been cut yet?”

“I’m going to die of stomach ache. If only I had a more handsome face, I
would have done it.”

Ybriel forgot the situation and smiled.

“Can I tell you something more interesting?”

Zed brought up another story when Ybriel seemed to fall asleep again.

“I don’t know if you’ve heard, but in fact there is a Duke’s Secret Guard in

Ybriel opened her half-closed eyes again.

“Secret, Chi, SS?”

“yes. It is an organization called ‘Youngrangdae’, which was formed by

selecting only a small number of elites from the Knights of the Baekrang.”

“The reason Zed knows that….”

Zed laughed. He had already lit a bonfire. It was a slight warmth, but Ybriel
could feel her body melting little by little.
“you’re right. I also belong to Youngrang University. The same goes for Evan-
sama, whom I mentioned earlier.”

Ybriel was engulfed in shock.

‘That’s why Zed told him not to worry about his father when a group of
thieves attacked the castle.’

I felt denied my whole life.

“There is something more shocking.”

Are you still surprised? Ybriel was now afraid of what was going to happen.

“The Youngrangdae selects the best members in every aspect and gives them
the position of ‘Alpha’ to lead the unit. Who is that alpha?”

At that moment, a magic circle was drawn in the air outside the carriage, and
Sigmund and Herwin appeared at the same time.

Until Sigmund, Ybriel had sent Ruby, so it was understandable, but Herwin
was an unexpected appearance.

“Ah, Dad, stomach, dangerously….”

Ybriel stuttered with a pale face.

‘What if I leave the room? I mean, this place is full of demons!’

Those words only roared in his mouth. Herwin found Ebriel and ran to the
snowy field and held Ebriel in his arms.

Herwin had a precarious expression on his face, as if he was about to burst

into tears. Seeing that he was about to collapse at any moment, Ybriel hugged
Herwin tightly.

“You did well, you did well.”

Sigmund’s clap of hands was heard in the distance. At one point, Ybriel was
back in her room. Lily heating the water in a hurry and Evan running with a
whole vial caught my eye.

You can sleep now. At the sound of someone whispering, Ybriel was sucked
into a deep sleep helplessly.

At dawn, Herwin quietly left the room.

“Where are you going to leave your child?”

Sigmund appeared from the shadows.

“It’s good to see your face.”

Herwin did not respond to Sigmund’s sarcastic sarcasm.

“Now you must have realized something. The Emperor will do anything to
get rid of you.”

Sigmund touched the bones of his wrinkled hands.

‘I didn’t know you could even touch the veil.’

Sigmund imagined what would have happened if Ybriel had not stopped the

When the veil is broken, the ground erodes. If the defense line was built in
time, it was dangerous enough to blow up the entire empire.

‘It would be nice if my half-brother died, and even if I was lucky enough to
survive, I would have been held accountable and executed. Because they
couldn’t protect the emperor’s land. Even the emperor is insane.’

Still, thanks to that, it seemed that the poor man’s chest had been properly set
on fire.

“…Yes, I got it.”


“You can’t hold your breath any longer.”

His eyes shone like knives.

“Now it’s time to take a look.”

“I’ll be there for a while.”


Sigmund assured Herwin that he would soon be able to reopen the door.

Even though I was relieved in my heart, my stomach suddenly swelled up and

I couldn’t stand it.

“Ugh, I thought I was going to explode. Is it okay if I go there earlier?”

Sigmund kicked nervously and looked out the window.

The ridge was blue, so it looked like morning would come soon.


It was two days later when Ybriel woke up again.

When I woke up, everything was surprisingly neatly organized.

The rift in the veil was intentionally created by Guard Waynes, and that the
princess was endangered.

And even the fact that all of this was an act of a cultist spread quickly through

‘I didn’t know that a real cultist would appear….’

Because Zed warned of the danger ahead of time, Waynes was arrested
before passing through the checkpoint.

The Knights Templar sent by the Church to ascertain the truth of the incident
will arrive in Solgren in as little as a month, Kian said.
“It went as planned.”

“yes. Thanks to this, the port is being completed without any problems. The
completion ceremony will be held soon.”

“I see. Then I am now….”

“No, no.”

Kian refused, as if he had guessed what Ybriel was going to say.

“why? i’m fine now I’m fine.”

After waking up, Ybriel never left the room. It was because of the
overprotection of the surroundings.
“no. I don’t know if there is any problem. You haven’t been able to walk for a

Lily, who was standing by her side, went straight ahead.

Fortunately, the problem with Ybriel’s leg was only temporary.

When I woke up, it was working fine again.

However, everyone knew that Ybriel’s legs were temporarily paralyzed

because Zed explained Ybriel’s condition to Evan.

“You can never go out. You have to be at peace.”

Lily stopped Ybriel from going out with the most determined expression in
the world.

Not only Qian and Lily, but doctors Evan, Sigmund, two escort knights, and
even Kanya opposed Ybriel’s outing.

Everyone seemed to think that if Ybriel left the door, she would die.

“Kanya, can’t you go and tell me that I’m really okay now?”

Kanya came every day so that Ybriel in the room would not be bored.
Ybriel couldn’t have known that it was a plan to bind her feet so she couldn’t
go outside.

“I, I don’t know anything.”

“Please, I think I’m going to die from stuffiness because I’m only in my

Kanya’s eyes fluttered at the earnest appeal. Ybriel did not miss a break and
started acting.

“Ah, I am so tired in this small room. At this rate, it may wither like a flower
in a pot that has not been watered. It will be left in the shade with dry

Ybriel lowered her eyes, trembling pitifully.

It was a great performance that even an actor would cry.

‘But why is there no response?’

When Ybriel gently raised her head, Lily, who didn’t know when she had
come in, was covering Kanya’s ears.
“The trickster girl is lovely, but you must never let it go, Kanya.”

I’ll turn! Ybriel reached out to the rabbit doll as she was about to pluck her
hair as usual.

Transparent butterflies fluttered and flew around.

“You said you had to pay the price.”
Episode 69
‘I didn’t know I would be imprisoned!’

this profit. Ybriel pulled the rabbit ears straight. Kanya took a breath in
astonishment at the sight.

“Heh, it seems that the lady’s condition has gotten worse again.”

Ybriel patted the bunny doll on the side of the bed and squatted on her back.
Butterflies flew from above like a mobile.

“Are you sorry?”

At that, Ybriel shook her head.

‘It’s not like that. Once you have protected Solgren, you also opened the sixth
Ybriel could now feel six fissures near her heart. It was always a strange
feeling as if the wind was leaking.
“It was forcibly ripped off rather than opened.”

Winter was harshly evaluated.

“It’s dangerous if you keep doing this, kid. This time, my legs stopped
moving for a while, but I don’t know what to do next time.”
‘I know.’

Ybriel, who had died of grass, was only fiddling with the tip of the pillow. It
brushed past the pale child’s cheek like a butterfly stroking it.

「But, from now on, you will be able to use stronger magic than before.
Please treat me only to the extent of your abilities.”
With those words, Winter disappeared, saying that it would be asleep for a

As winter disappeared, Ruby came over and tapped Ybriel’s finger with her

“Are you comforting me?”

Ybriel hugged Ruby tightly in her arms.

“Huh, someone please break me out….”

A lot of things happened while Ybriel was locked up in that room.

First of all, the Knights of Creation, dispatched from the Kingdom, arrived in

They rented the castle’s dungeon to interrogate Waynes, and, after a thorough
investigation, brought him back to the kingdom. For this, Solgren even
received a letter of appreciation from the church.

It was not on time, but the port was completed around that time.

The name was Ruport Port, and although it was not large, it was an important
place that would open a new way to the north.

Ybriel was able to get out of the room only after the port of Luport had a
brief completion ceremony.

“Aww, I’m free!”

The first thing Ybriel did after the restrictions were lifted was to find Herwin.


Ybriel jumped into the room and stopped when she saw Herwin.

‘Dad, somehow the atmosphere seems to have changed a little…?’

However, it was a very subtle change to explain in words, so it was difficult

for Ybriel to pinpoint what to say.
“Eve, are you out already?”

“Not already!”
How frustrating it was! Then Herwin laughed.


Ybriel suddenly recognized the identity of the sense of incongruity she felt in

The peacock I had not seen in a long time had a good complexion that didn’t
look like a sick person. Is there a remission of the disease?

He was not only worried about not being able to absorb Herwin’s mana while
locked in the room. But rather, it seems to be in better condition.

‘It must be an illusion.’

Ybriel turned away from her intuition and ran to Herwin and kissed him on
the cheek.

“I’m fine, Dad.”

“I think it’s because I see you running around.”

Herwin, who was talking then, spit out a saliva. Ybriel was slightly
disappointed. I thought that my health had recovered a bit because of her
good looks, but it seems it wasn’t.

‘I have to work harder.’

Ybriel kissed Herwin’s cheek once more. Herwin opened his eyes and looked
at Ybriel.

“Why two today?”

“I just wanted to.”

Herwin laughed uncontrollably and hugged Ybriel tightly.

“To move on to aegyo, this scoundrel.”

“Aww, surrender!”
As they hugged her to the point of suffocating her, Ybriel shivered.

“… From now on, I won’t let you carry it on your back, Eve.”

Herwin whispered low in her daughter’s ear. His eyes were sharp towards the


When the night falls, the peacock opens his eyes.

Kian followed behind Herwin, who silently left the room.

The two left the castle without saying a word.

Even in the night wind that seemed to bite his flesh, his steps did not stop.

The place they reached was a forest far from the castle.

The beasts who smelled humans began to utter eerie cries.

“You mustn’t overdo it.”

Kian opened his mouth for the first time. Instead of answering, Herwin was
handed the sword he held out.

A few lore walked towards this side, gazing at them.

Since the veil cracked, the number of demonic beasts approaching the castle
has increased significantly. But no one knew that.

It was because all the beasts were being handled by one person.

Herwin cut through the swarms of lore in one blow. Black blood splattered
over the snowfield.

At the sight, Qian barely contained the laughter that was about to burst out.
What kind of patient in the world slaughters demons in the middle of the

But now, this is the Herwin Solgren that Kian originally knew.

A magician who opened all nine doors at the age of thirteen. A monster
whose body couldn’t handle the vast amount of mana, and even acquired
Aurors to balance its power.

At one time, he was strong enough to threaten the position of the Crown
Prince, and even now known for his weakness, the emperor is the one who
keeps him in check more than anyone else.

Under the moonlight, the wind-like mana was flowing in and out of Herwin’s
heart as he wielded his sword.

through the wide open door.


Ybriel and Herwin steadily developed their strength in a place they did not
know each other.

As it went through several seasons, Solgren became stronger.

Ybriel’s business gave Solgren a wealth of wealth, and the fame he had built
up one after another began to shine.

No one in the North considered Solgren poor anymore.

And when Ybriel was fourteen years old.

The emperor came to visit from the imperial family.

“Tell Solgren. As the Gongsin family who has inherited the holy mission,
please be willing to attend the divine beast naming ceremony of His Majesty
Prince Tezeric, the owner of the sun and the descendant of the field keepers!”

It was about attending the crown prince’s divine beast naming ceremony to be
held in the system.
‘Ravankel 156.’

Ybriel checked the chronological table she had put together. It was the year
he turned fourteen and the year he met his death.

Ybriel wrote particularly in detail about the events of this year.

Among them, there was a naming ceremony for the crown prince’s divine

Shia, the primordial light and god, drove away the dark darkness that ruled
the earth, and split his power into four and divided it into four for humans.

Among them, the Divine Beast of Fire is transmitted to the Willnarion

Imperial Family.

‘The proof is in the sun.’

That is why Veloiton without a Principality is called an Empire.

‘The timing of the divine beast naming ceremony has not changed.’

At the time, it was also classified as an immutable event.

The divine beast naming ceremony was literally a ceremony in which a divine
beast was summoned and given a name.

The process is similar to the contract of the spirits, but the naming ceremony
for the divine beast is different in that any qualified imperial family must
succeed in signing a contract with the divine beast.

‘The imperial family who did not have a solar eye could never express the
crest of a divine beast at a naming ceremony. Because the crest of the divine
beast appears only to one person in each generation, and also to those who
have the sun’s eyes.’

Before returning, Ybriel did not participate in the divine beast naming
ceremony, so it was not known what kind of divine beast the Crown Prince
had summoned.
What we know for sure is that the Crown Prince clearly held a naming
ceremony, and in the end succeeded in assigning the divine beast to him.

Even if it was not a naming ceremony, Ybriel had to head to the system to
make her social debut. Fear and excitement coexisted in Ybriel’s heart.

‘You must prepare thoroughly.’

At that moment, Zed, who was escorting outside, knocked on the door.

“Lady, a guest has arrived.”


Instead of speaking, Zed stepped out of the door. The person behind the
knight was none other than Asiligo.
“Can I come in for a moment?”
Episode 70
Asiligo, who looked like he had something to say, sat awkwardly and looked
down at the floor.
Ybriel looked at Asiligo with a new look.

‘By the way, Asiligo is already eighteen.’

There were times when I was unfamiliar with the body that had grown so
much and the face that had removed the youthful blemishes.
‘I must have grown up like this while I wasn’t in Solgren.’

Around that time, Asiligo broke the silence and opened his mouth.
“I have heard the story. You are going to the system.”

“Ah, yes.”

The visit of the imperial magistrate seemed to have been rumored. It’s
strange that I don’t

“I am now fourteen years old. Ladies are the age to debut in the social world.”
“Is that so.”

Asiligo blinked.
‘Oh, I was embarrassed.’

Why are you upset? Ybriel stared at him.

“Is there anything you want to say?”

Ybriel was intrigued by Asiligo, who had a look of embarrassment.

“When are you coming back to Solgren?”

Ybriel suddenly felt dazed at the question.

‘This is ….’
It was a question I was asked when Ybriel left Solgren at the age of nine
before returning. At that time, Ybriel had replied that she would return after
her social debut.

But now I couldn’t return the same answer.

“…I feel like I want to come back after the social season is over, but I have
work to do.”

Ybriel lightly pressed her hand over her heart. After being stabbed to death
by the emperor’s sword, it was the very spot left with scars.

‘The shadow that the emperor used to catch me that day was not a proper

It was a very ominous and eerie force. Recalling the sensation of a shadow
crawling around her body like a snake, Ybriel grabbed the hem of her dress.

Even the cool and delicate aura from the emperor and the magic beast used
when the curtain was destroyed this time….

Ybriel sensed that something huge was lurking behind the Emperor.

‘You have to check the reality of the power the emperor uses.’

As long as the Emperor lives, Solgren will continue to live under threat.
Ybriel didn’t want that.

“It might take a little while to get back.”

At Ybriel’s words, Asiligo slowly raised her head.

I knew the breakup was scheduled, but it seemed that the time was longer
than I expected.

Asiligo looked at the face of the girl sitting opposite him.

Fourteen years old. The girl grew up leaning on time and became more and
more beautiful.
A face with a soft and clear line, giving off a neat atmosphere at first glance,
but instantly sheds a childish smile like a mischievous person.

Ybriel Solgren has grown up to be a wonderful girl that catches everyone’s

attention. Perhaps if she grew up, it was clear that she would become a
famous beauty in the Empire.

Even though I knew I shouldn’t raise my eyes recklessly, I couldn’t control it.

“Please wait.”


Asiligo looked at Ybriel.

“I will follow her as a great knight who can protect her no matter who

At that moment, Ybriel looked at Asiligo with a strange feeling.

It was because he remembered what this young knight had said before his
‘I’ll wait.’

If there is something different from last time, did you ask me to wait instead
of waiting? At the same time, I had a question. Why, then and now, is Asiligo
so dedicated?
“Why are you doing that?”

Ybriel couldn’t contain her curiosity. Asiligo stood still at the straight-forward
“Rescuing you and Kanya wasn’t something I asked for in return. You don’t
have to work so hard to pay it back.”
The two eyes met across the table. It was Asiligo who avoided his gaze first.

“It’s not just for the lady.”


“It is my desire.”
Asiligo wanted to be by Ybriel’s side. Only that thought was clear.

“If I defeat both Sir Zed and Sir Alon, would you consider me as your direct

With a firm attitude, Ybriel suddenly nodded her head. Then Asiligo smiled
softly. The boy’s expressionless smile looked like a flower blooming.

“Thank you for your permission.”

“Oh no! It’s nothing!”

Ybriel felt a bit embarrassed and hurriedly waved her hand.

‘That’s why it’s so popular, you know.’

Occasionally, when Asiligo came to the castle, he would see the little maids
receiving cookies or handkerchiefs. Ybriel seemed to know a little of their


In order to arrive at the islands in time for the start of the spring socializing
season in March, all preparations had to be made in Solgren by early
February at the latest.

“We are going to get off at Lima Port in the western part of the Empire by
ferry from Luport Port, and then we will go overland from there.”

At the report of Qian’s movement plan, Ybriel looked at Herwin.

“Is Daddy okay?”

The thing that Ybriel was most concerned about was Herwin.

‘I can’t even get out of my room, will you be able to withstand the month-long
Ybriel was afraid that Herwin’s body might go wrong while moving.

“Eve, you must have never been on a boat or carriage in a long time.”

“I’m fine!”

When I followed Lady Tillien to the islands, I only traveled by land. I’ve never
been on a boat, but if the weather is good, it’s only five days from Luport Port
to the west, so I wasn’t too concerned.

Herwin, unaware of this fact, looked at Ybriel with a worried face.

“It would be nice if there was a way to move quickly and safely….”

As soon as he uttered those words, a thought ran through Ybriel’s head.

“What about the … gate?”

At Ybriel’s words, Kian and Herwin looked at Ybriel at the same time.

“If it’s a gate, are you talking about the coordinate movement device being
researched in the Twilight Tower?”
Ybriel nodded her head.

“Certainly, if you use the gate, you can get to the island in a week, but the
safety has not been verified yet.”

“It will be fine.”

Ybriel knew that the gate would be officially opened soon. Also, that Twilight
Tower makes a lot of money from that.

Herwin tilted his head towards Ybriel, who was sure he was going to be fine.

“How are you so sure of that?”

“Why, somehow it seemed like that.”

Fierce Ybriel looked into the distance.

“Then I will contact Linterdel.”

Shortly after Qian sent the letter, a quick reply came from Linterdel.
Enclosed was a permit for use at any time.


Island Albion is crowded with a large floating population, but the roads are
well maintained and traffic is good.

There was a cafeteria favored by aristocrats in the plaza where shops were
concentrated. Families who went out in social circles but were not strong
enough to host parties, or nobles who had no reason to hold a gathering after
the season had passed, gathered in the cafeteria and exchanged various

Among them, the hottest topic these days was the story of a huge townhouse
newly built in the inner city.

“My servant said it was ‘Whitewood’.”

“Whitewood? It doesn’t seem like a family name.”

“So! It must be the name of the mansion.”

Having a name on a mansion means that it is worth it.

“Which family does it belong to?”

With the social season approaching, the nobles were tired of wanting to know
who the owner of the splendid mansion was.

“Oh my goodness.”

Then someone at the table made a small noise. Following the woman’s gaze,
the other ladies also looked at her.

A pure white carriage crossing the square caught the attention of the
surrounding people at a glance.

It was a luxurious carriage that could be ridden by any noble status. As the
wagon drew closer, more and more things began to appear. Four white horses
with shiny fur, a colorfully embossed carriage exterior, and even the family
crest engraved on the door.

‘That sentence is ….’

The nobility of the cafeteria recognized the sentence at a glance.

A stag and three lilies.

‘It’s Solgren!’
The sickly Northern Duke had set foot on the island’s land for the first time in
several years. A certain nobleman involuntarily murmured while checking the
direction the carriage was heading.

“Over there, in the direction of Whitewood…?”

At that moment, everyone understood. The fact that the owner of the veiled
mansion was the Duke of Solgren.
Episode 71
In fact, it was Ybriel’s insistence that he gave a lot of strength to the
appearance of the carriage.
‘The moment you enter the system, rumors spread.’

I knew that, so I didn’t want to look conceited.

‘The townhouse must have been in the spotlight from the moment it was
completed, and the coat of arms of the wagon we rode in would also be

It will be a good story to tell when the season starts.

Ybriel, who had already had one experience in social circles, knew that the
most important thing to talk about was to expand her power.
“Wow, Kian has a really nice house!”

Ebriel, who entered the central lobby, admired it skillfully.

Herwin only knew that Qian had saved this house. I couldn’t even imagine
that Ybriel’s opinion would have been reflected from the drawings before

“I know. He seemed to be paying attention because he couldn’t come with


Herwin smiled faintly. Qian remained in Solgren as the lord’s deputy. Evan, a
doctor, accompanied me this way.

Ybriel looked up at the white decorative staircase and the chandelier emitting
a soft light.

‘It’s all magic, etc.’

It was said to be very expensive.

In fact, all the lights in Whitewood are magical lights.
The current Solgren had a lot of wealth, and it wasn’t like this since he first
got the Magic Concentrate.
“Go right up and rest. I’ll take a closer look at the mansion!”

Ybriel led Herwin, who looked exhausted, towards the stairs.

In Whitewood, the Duke’s room was placed on a sunny south side.

Starting with the warming stone and air conditioner, five layers of defensive
magic and intrusion warning devices were installed, and all windows were
made of specially treated tempered glass.

Even the secret passage through which you can get out if you have a car is
fully prepared.

‘The system is in the palm of the emperor’s hand.’

You never know what will happen when or where.

Ybriel decided to contact the Twilight Tower and ask them to install
additional defensive magic outside the mansion.
‘I protect my father.’

Ybriel clenched her fists with a sad face.

“Before you tour the mansion, go to your room, Eve.”


Herwin smiled brightly.

“I ordered Kian to take care of your room. I have prepared a present for you,
so please take it easy.”

At Herwin’s words, Ybriel felt strange. It was because Ybriel had made the
same request.
‘Kian must have had fun alone.’

Ybriel answered brightly without showing any expression.

“Thank you, Dad!”

Still, he was so concerned with Herwin’s that he couldn’t pay attention to his
own. I asked him to fill it up on his own, but it must have been Herwin’s

Ybriel went that way to her room.

“Girl, this is it!”

“Oh, Lily!”

Ybriel walked quickly in front of Lily. It was nice to see your face after a long

“I am glad you arrived safely. Isn’t it hard?”

“Yeah, I’m fine!”

Lily and other users arrived a week early to take care of the mansion.

It was for security reasons that the system brought in the castle’s manpower
rather than recruiting new people. It would be a big deal if the emperor’s
person hid inside the mansion.

“Is this my room?”

Ybriel looked at the door where Lily was standing.

The door embossed with Solgren’s crest had an antler-shaped handle.

‘How did you decorate it?’

Ybriel grabbed the handle with excitement.

The door opened lightly with a click. After checking the interior, Ybriel was
“…Is this the Imperial Palace?”

“Um, no.”
“Did I spend all my Whitewood budget on my room?”

“Uh… maybe not?”

Ybriel had never seen such a luxurious room even in the Imperial Palace.

The space, decorated in white tones and soft purple, looked exactly like
Ybriel. Soft carpets, loose double-layered lace curtains, delicately crafted
magic lights, lighting and various artworks….

On one side of the wall hung a painting that Seldia had sent as a gift a few
years ago.

‘That’s probably worth calling.’

Just below the painting was a huge pile of boxes, which contained a dress
catalog and various jewelry, shoes, hats and parasols.

‘All high-end and trendy!’

Ybriel smiled brightly and looked up in the direction of Herwin’s room.

‘Daddy is the best!’


I was planning to rest at the mansion until the spring social gathering started,
but Ybriel suddenly changed plans and prepared to go out.

‘We have to check the location of the toy store, and we need to collect

Since the development of magic concentrate, Ybriel has been devising a

business based on the toys Sigmund gave her.

Of course, the idea that became the basis was that of the horse tower, so he
paid a sufficient price.
‘Now all that remains is to make it happen.’

By purchasing the townhouse site in Solgren early, Ybriel had also looked
into several shopping streets with good necks.

But if you go out as it is, your attention will be focused.

So Ybriel decided to disguise herself as a maid.

“I knew this, so I bought a wig and clothes.”

Ybriel made a secret passage not only in Herwin’s room but also in her own

It was also necessary to evacuate in case of emergency, but it was also

necessary to sneak out of the mansion for various reasons.

Ybriel walked over to the fireplace in the room and tapped some bricks in a
peculiar rhythm.

Then the fireplace was pushed aside without a sound. A dark passage slowly
revealed itself.

Immediately after Ybriel entered, the fireplace slowly returned to its original
position as if nothing had happened.

Albion was a splendid city full of people like an archipelago.

Ybriel looked around the shopping street carefully, being careful not to be
swept away by the crowds.

The island’s shopping districts were divided into Shetton Street and Wegerton
Street based on the Hillbone Bridge. Ybriel saw the vacant store in the heart
of Shetten and turned right away.

We had to go to Wizardton before evening.

‘Wizerton is densely packed with guild buildings.’

Ybriel went out into the streets and watched the wagons moving around.
There were two institutions running the carriage business in the Islands. One
was led by Caswither, and the other was under the Martha Guild.

Two different types of carriages could be distinguished by color. Caswither’s

was green and Martha’s Guild was black.

‘That’s it.’

Ybriel summoned a black wagon among them. A small carriage came running
after seeing Ybriel’s hand gestures from afar.

“Where can I take you?”

“I’m going to Wizardton Street. Avoid Rose Park and Hillbone Bridge.”

“It’s a bit difficult to drive like that.”

“I’ll double the cost.”

“All right.”

As if to confirm, the coachman who was watching Ybriel carefully touched

his hat twice. When Ybriel nodded her head slightly, the coachman nodded as
if to say “Tara”.

The Martha Guild seemed like a frivolous transport company on the surface,
but Ybriel knew the truth.

‘Behind the Martha Guild is the Information Guild.’

The conversation I just had with the coachman was the password to access
the information guild.

There was no way to get to Wizardton Street, avoiding the Rose Park and
Hillbone Bridge in the first place.

Again, the driver took Ybriel to her destination quickly.

“The ‘pale beer’ in the pub in front of me is delicious.”

“Thanks for the recommendation.”

It was the sound of ordering ‘Pale Beer’ if you were going to make a request.
After getting off the carriage, Ybriel hurried her steps.

On the Wegerton side, the atmosphere was definitely different.

The streets were not organized, and people’s eyes were strangely sharp.

The atmosphere inside the tavern was colder. In an interior full of black men,
Ybriel’s presence was indistinguishable.

“This is not the place for a little girl to come.”

A man with a grim look, who was wiping his glasses from the other side of
the bar, spoke like a warning.

“I got a recommendation that the pale beer here is delicious.”

Episode 72
“If it’s that drink, you have to bring it from the cellar. Will you follow me?”

There was a fight to leave even now, but Ybriel nodded without hesitation.
The owner left the bar with a sigh.

“Let’s go.”
Ybriel followed behind him, fiddling with the back of his right hand.

As I walked down the stairs, I came to a place that looked like a real liquor

The owner lifted the oak barrel and moved it. Then a door hidden behind it
was revealed.

“Go in.”

Without hesitation, Ybriel stepped into the door.

The inside of the door was decorated like an office, not suited to the
Ybriel looked at the back of the heavy wooden table in the center and the
plush leather chairs. The figure of a person sitting in a chair spinning round
and round was revealed.

“How did a young customer come to this shabby place?”

The woman with short short hair had the impression of an elegant cat.

Even Ybriel had only heard of the existence of that person, but it was the first
time in her past and present life that she had actually seen it.

‘Shadow King Nero, who holds all the information of Wizardton.’

It was at the Imperial Palace that Ybriel first learned about this information

At that time, Ybriel became interested in herbal medicine and became close
with a doctor from the Imperial Medical Center.

It was the master who gave Ybriel a lot of information about the system along
with herbal medicine. The way to find Nero was also heard from that person.

‘If nothing has changed, you must be in the palace by now.’

It’s a relationship before the return, so they probably won’t remember Ybriel,
but I wanted to meet him at least once.

The thought was there.

Ybriel cleared her face and stood opposite Nero.

“I’m here to buy information.”


For a moment, I felt as if the temperature of the space had dropped.

“Would that be very expensive?”

Usually, the price of information is determined in two ways. rarity and risk.

“Lady, do you have a lot of money?”

“What do you think?”

Ybriel pulled the corners of her lips together and smiled. Nero gnawed at the
handle of the chair with his fingernail.

“I heard that the North is a little more affordable, so it seems true.”

Nero already knew the identity of Ybriel. Ybriel was not very surprised by
the reaction. It was something he had been prepared for from the moment he
mentioned the emperor.

“But what? I hate getting involved in power struggles.”

Nero just cut it off. It was a natural reaction.

‘If the royal family of Solgren and the Willnarion fight in earnest, they will
surely see blood.’
But Ybriel had a good card.

“No one would care about this fight.”

Ybriel recalled that the emperor had swept the place with fire at the
beginning of the social season.

“The Emperor will be cleaning Ditchpole soon. It caused a big fire.”

This was information that could be known because Ybriel was in the Imperial
Palace. Ditchpole, adjacent to Wizardton, was the slum of the Islands.


As expected, Nero responded.

“It’s up to you to believe it or ignore it. But know. If Ditchpole catches fire—”

“Is it going to be transferred to Wizardton?”

Ybriel nodded her head.

In fact, the Ditchpole fire spread widely and was later recorded as the
Wizardton Great Fire.

Nero looked at Ybriel with a worried look.

“I will find out and write to Whitewood.”

“I will be waiting.”

Nero quickly smiled and got up from his seat. And he hurriedly approached
Ybriel’s face while he was careless.
And he stared at Ybriel for a long time, like a person contemplating whether
to buy the product or not.

“By the way, lady, you are so pretty.”

“want to have.”

Yeah? Ybriel looked at Nero in bewilderment.

Nero grinned. I thought it was a joke when I saw him smiling, but somehow it
didn’t seem like a joke.

“Uh, um, I’ll go see ….”

Feeling an inexplicable chill, Ybriel left the room as it was.

“You will see all sorts of strange people.”

After getting out, Ybriel moved a little faster. Nero’s eyes lit up.

‘It felt like I was looking at an object, not a person.’

Come to think of it, was the Shadow King’s other nickname ‘collector’…?

It was kind of eerie. It was then that the silent winter opened its mouth.

“There are people behind you.”

Ybriel glanced back. As Winter said, a suspicious gaze was felt. They didn’t
seem to be the emperor’s people, and they were probably vagrants who came
to steal Ybriel’s money.

“Would you like to get rid of it?”

Winter’s voice was somehow cold. Ybriel shook her head.

‘I want to go back quietly without any fuss.’

Ybriel tried to run, aiming for the moment when the alley broke.
It was a moment around the corner of the building. Someone grabbed
Ybriel’s arm.


Then, at once, he started running in the opposite direction to what Ybriel


Ybriel hurriedly tried to check the face of the person who was dragging her
away. However, he was wearing a robe, so it was hard to recognize him.

“Hey, let this go!”

Ybriel struggled as she was led. Then, an unknown person scrambled for the
rest of his arm.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Not a bad person! You look so dangerous!”

The voice of a young boy came out from the opponent wearing the robe.

‘Are you young?’

Ybriel had a lot to ask, but she couldn’t open her mouth because she was out
of breath.

The boy was really, really quick on his feet. As I was led by him, I quickly
escaped Wizardton to the Hillborne Bridge.

“Heh, huh, uh, you ….”

Ybriel let out a rough breath. We ran together, but there was no sign of

“It’s a big deal. I’m going to get mad.”

The boy, who was wearing the hood of the robe, looked troubled. The sound
of the flowing river crashing and the bells of the clock tower in the plaza were
mixed and heard in the distance.

“Wizerton, don’t come alone. If you put on a tee that goes around ignorantly,
you’ll be a target soon.”
The boy hesitated over the exhausted Ybriel, and then began to back away
little by little.

“Come on, wait a minute….”

Ybriel stretched out her arms to catch the unknown boy. But the boy
continued to spread the distance.

He hesitated as if he had no regrets, and finally turned his back.

“Go carefully, Ybriel.”

At first glance under the hood, it was like seeing silver hair.

That day, even after returning to the mansion, Ybriel could not hide her

‘What is he really like?’

At the end, he clearly called out Ybriel’s name.

‘Is this the person Nero put in? He didn’t seem friendly enough to see the
Not knowing the identity only raised doubts.

And exactly a week after that strange day, a letter arrived in front of Ybriel.

[let’s play together.]

Nero’s request was accepted.


Nero threw his dagger up the ceiling and giggled as he caught it.

“You are a strange girl. How would we know what we didn’t know?”

In particular, those mysterious blue-purple eyes remained in my memory. It

was a mysterious color that could not be seen in any jewels. Nero looked up
into the air with hazy eyes.
“Ah, I want to have it….”


At the sudden sound of a voice, Nero realized that he was serving customers

A good-looking man sitting across from him showed an uncomfortable look

with a short cough.

“Oh, sorry, sorry.”

Nero put his dagger on the desk and straightened his posture.

“So, what information are you here for, Doctor?”

At Nero’s question, Evan lowered his voice, clasping hands.
“I want to find out the whereabouts of Liatrice Mayer Solgren, Duchess of

What is this again? There was an interesting look in Nero’s eyes.

“Maybe the forbidden love of a doctor and a duchess?”

Evan’s face wrinkled at once.

“Are you crazy?”

Nero groaned.
“Hey, that’s a joke! Maybe they don’t know that it is the Duke of Solgren who
is looking for the Duchess of Solgren.”
Episode 73
It is said that the princess investigates the emperor, and the duke inquires
about the woman who has left….
“Okay, you guys are really fun.”

Evan was confused by the unfamiliar sound of laughter.

‘I don’t think I’m crazy, can I leave it to you?’

Whether he was stunned or not, Nero grinned for a while longer.


In March, the spring social church began.

The young ladies, who have just turned 14, first greet the Empress and
officially appear at the ball. As this is the first time it was introduced to the
social world, the young ladies visited the Imperial Palace with the utmost

“What do you think?”

Ybriel turned around lightly in front of the mirror. The pale sky-blue dress
fluttered softly and swelled up.
“It’s like an angel, girl!”

Lily’s heartfelt compliments made Ybriel’s cheeks blush.

“It’s not like that….”

“no! You are beautiful enough. You will surely become the most shining lady
in the debut Tangte!”

Lily opened her eyes and began to rummage through accessories to match her
“pearl? No, I think sapphire would look good too, ah! There were even

“Calm down, Lily….”

Ybriel scratched her cheek with a look of embarrassment. Ruby rolled around
in a pile of fluffy dresses piled to one side.
Lily got up from her seat after decorating Ebriel until the very end.

Herwin was already waiting in the central lobby. When he saw his father for
the first time, Ybriel immediately lost his gaze.

Herwin did not appear in social circles for a long time because of his ailing
body. Herwin, whom Ybriel had seen, had always worn a white or black shirt.

But today was different.

“You’re beautiful, Eve.”

“Dad is really cool too!”

No lie, Herwin was really cool today. A white formal dress, neatly combed
hair, a perfect face!

There was a reason it was nicknamed ‘Lily of Willnarion’ in the past.

‘Except for the glass body….’

Ybriel quickly walked up to Herwin’s side and stood up.

“If you are having a hard time at the banquet hall, lean on me, and if you feel
something is wrong with your body, please let me know right away. If people
bother you too much, you can use my excuses to get out and never, never,
never overdo it.”

“Okay, calm down, Eve.”

This was the first time Herwin had officially gone out, so Ybriel was not the
only one who was worried.

“I am more worried about you. If there are some strange guys today ….”

Herwin’s eyes suddenly became cold.

“Bring it to me. I will get you out somehow.”

Ybriel thought it was a joke and chuckled.

‘I can’t rely on my sick dad.’

Ybriel shook her head alone and walked outside.

But in fact, Herwin was more sincere than anyone else.

A courtship letter masquerading as an exchange between the families had

already flown in front of Ybriel several times.

Herwin burned all the trash before it was delivered to Ybriel, leaving no
traces behind.

He thought that in order to approach Ybriel, he had to at least be stronger

than himself. Of course, it was hard to find anyone stronger than the present

‘Bad guys don’t even know the subject….’

Not knowing whether his sickly father was thinking like that, Ybriel left the
mansion with a relieved face.

The gorgeous carriage he rode when he entered the Islands was waiting in
front of him.

Herwin stood by the carriage and reached out to Ybriel.

“Shall we go then, Lady?”

“Mom, thank you. A wonderful gentleman.”

As the father and daughter got on the wagon, joking around, the footman
quickly closed the door.

With the sound of a whip, the carriage departed for the Imperial Palace.

In order to strengthen the foundation of the Crown Prince, the Imperial
Family invited the children of the Jiji faction to the Crown Prince’s Palace
and held regular meetings.

Stellar Club.

It was a gathering where only the vassals of the out-of-town Caswither family
and the sons of influential people in the center, among them, were not lacking
in any aspect, such as ancestry, appearance, and culture.

The title was a reading discussion, but the Stelle Club was ultimately a small
social hall built for the Crown Prince.

Gathering was mostly entertainment such as chess and cards, not reading.

They were going to build bonds by horseback riding and croquettes in

summer, and hunting pheasants and foxes in autumn and winter.

However, Tezeric, the focal point of this meeting, was not interested in

The boy picked up a random book from the bookshelf and looked out the
window irresponsibly.

‘You didn’t say a word today.’

‘It’s better not to touch it.’

When the Stellé Club was first established, some ambitious children spoke to
the Crown Prince first.

But after seeing them never come back to the club, no one tried to talk to
In the end, the Stellé Club became a chaotic social gathering that only wastes

The noble children struggled to ignore the presence of Tezeric and brought up
their own topic of discussion.

“By the way, this time, Princess Solgren appeared for the first time.”

“Ah, that sickly Northern Justice….”

The story they shared in one side of the room hung like thorns in Tezeric’s

“I heard that His Majesty Himself sent an edict.”

“Then the Northern Territory is also coming along?”

“Well. It seems unreasonable to come to the island with that body.”

A moment of laughter passed. Then came the vile jokes.

“I heard that the tutor who came to visit was also kicked out. I’m not
educated and I’d be vulgar. Had it not been for His Majesty the Emperor, we
would not have ever set foot on Albion.”

“why? I’m looking forward to it. You will be able to see a talking monkey in
this debut ball.”

There was a louder laugh than before. It was around that time that Tezeric
closed the book he had opened. He walked to the noisy crowd with a book.

Tezeric was expressionless, as if someone had wiped it once. The boy,

wrapped in a ferocious atmosphere, looked at them with gloomy eyes that
didn’t look like a 14-year-old.

Feeling an unusual atmosphere, the room became quiet in an instant.

“Your Majesty?”

One of the crowd asked fearfully.

“What’s going on…?”

Instead of answering, Tezeric threw the book. The table went over with a

“What … is this …!”


Flame-like eyes blazed fiercely.

The next thing in Tezeric’s hand was a vase. The children began to run, pale
and tired. The room emptied in an instant, and only Tezeric remained.

Then the boy let go of the vase without a hitch.

Clink! The vase was shattered with a loud noise. A sharp shard of air
engulfed the boy.

“It’s noisy.”


As if heralding the start of the social season, the Imperial Palace opened its
doors wide.

There were many gatherings such as fancy luncheons, concerts, horseback

riding, and boating, but the finale was a ball held after dinner.

It was around nine o’clock when Ybriel and Herwin arrived at the imperial
The carriage stopped under the lights of the colorful banquet hall. At the
same time as the waiting footman opened the door, another footman
approached and confirmed the invitation as a courtesy.

Ybriel stepped under the carriage and looked up at the majestic Gracia

‘It looks like he’s back.’

This is where he stayed for about four years before he died. It felt familiar yet
unfamiliar. Ybriel lightly grabbed the hem of her dress to hide her slightly
trembling hands.


Then Herwin reached out to Ybriel.

“Everything will be fine.”

Surprisingly, the trembling gradually subsided at the words. Ybriel finally

smiled and took Herwin’s outstretched hand.
“Everything will be fine.”

Ybriel walked away with a firm smile on her face.

Episode 74
In the main hall of the Gracia Palace, the band played softly.

The sound of glass clinking, the sound of shoes hitting the floor of the hall,
the voices of conversation and the sound of fans unfolding were mixed like
one music.
“Is the Whitewood Manor really owned by the Dukes of Solgren?”

The Wicked Duke and the Princess, who was set to debut without a tutor,
were the mainstay of gossip even before the season began.

“It is said that the business was successful every day and accumulated
enormous wealth. A nobleman is a business, isn’t it very elegant?”

“Maybe it’s all nonsense.”

They wanted to see the protagonists of the rumors with their own eyes. You
have to see it with your own eyes to see that it’s not true.

“His Majesty the Duke of Solgren and his daughter, Lady Ybriel Solgren, are

Just then, the prey appeared. Countless eyes turned to the door at once.

‘Oh my gosh.’

Everyone thought so.

The two Solgren as they entered were like finished works of art.

Despite the passage of time and long illness, Herwin shined brighter than
anyone else in the banquet hall. Indeed, he was once compared to a flower.

‘No, but you say you’re sick?’

Herwin Solgren was neither dwarf nor limp. To be honest, the physique was
the best axis in this venue.

Even more surprising was the princess.

‘There is no flaw.’

Her gait, expression, look, and gesture had an elegance that only aristocrats
could wear. It was like seeing someone who had been living in the Imperial
Palace for a long time.

‘It must be amazing.’

Ybriel smiled inwardly and looked around the hall proudly.

The discerning aristocrats would know. That Solgren is no longer the Solgren
of the past.

‘How was it in the past?’

“Go over there. Let me introduce you to my friends.”

Ybriel nodded and looked at Herwin. Herwin blinked as if to go.

Leaving Herwin alone was a bit intimidating, but it was good to build a
network early in order to be active in the social world.

“I’ll be here soon.”

“Speak slowly and come.”

Herwin smiled leisurely and parted with Ybriel for a while.


“So, if you come to Solgren, you can ride a special carriage.”

“Are snow deer antlers really transparent?”

“Yeah, just like an icicle.”

“I am really looking forward to it.”

“I hope I can show you guys that Solgren is a beautiful land.”

Ybriel continued to keep an eye on Herwin while conversing with the other

‘Dad, are you okay?’

Herwin was also surrounded by a number of nobles. Ybriel was planning to

go there if it was possible.

But it didn’t work out as intended.

“Isn’t it very cold and barren in the North? I hate cold weather.”

Ybriel stared at the girl who was shooting at me. It seemed as if his face was
familiar to his eyes.

“Lady Loen, you’ve never been to the North.”

Oh, Roen. When Ybriel heard the name, she remembered who the girl was.

Loen Charlody. She was the eldest daughter of Charlotte, Caswither’s vassal

Before returning, that Charlotte captured the debutant ball.

‘Because he was a strong candidate for the Crown Princess.’

At the same time, Ybriel thought of the Crown Prince Tezeric. The emperor’s
family has not yet appeared in the president.

“Sometimes there are things that you can know without experiencing them.”

Charlody was displeased that Ybriel had been the center of attention the
whole time.

“Shalody is in the warm South. If you are used to the weather there, you
might be.”

Ybriel didn’t really care and returned the topic to Loen.

‘Now, while talking about the southern weather, will they naturally talk to
each other?’

Then you will have time to visit Herwin. It was the moment when Ybriel
thought so. Loen made a mistake.

“Right. Charlotte is a warm place. I’ll send you an invitation when the season
is over. Because my mother enjoys the party. I’m sure you’ll be very welcome.
unlike anywhere else.”

A cool silence came.

Loen Charlotte’s mention of ‘mother’ was quite plausible.

However, the word ‘different from anywhere’ that followed was clearly an
attack on Ybriel.

There was no nobleman unaware of the scandal that the former Duchess of
Solgren abandoned the duke and ran away with an outsider at night.

Loen was insulting by referring to the vacant Duchess of Solgren’s seat.

“Lady Loen, you’re talking too much.”

Hildette stepped forward and criticized Loen. But Roen tilted her head,
pretending not to know.

“Oh my, why? Even if it’s something I don’t know….”

Loen couldn’t finish speaking.

At the end of her gaze, Ybriel was smiling coldly.

“Lady Loen, by the way, I heard an interesting story about the Marquis


“You say your wife is very good at card games?”

At those words, Loen’s face turned to earthy color in an instant.

It was towards the end of the socializing season that the Marquis of Charlody
became known to be a gambler.

Loen was also a strong candidate for the Crown Princess, and it wasn’t a big
deal at the end of the season, but Ybriel remembered the story.

“I am weak at card games. If you invite me, I would like to learn from you.”

At Ybriel’s laugh, Loen didn’t respond as if there was food in her mouth.

It was around that time that the band stopped playing.

Ybriel shook her head.

From the top of the central staircase in the hall, the emperor was slowly
walking down.

‘Emperor Kaizen.’

Without even blinking, Ybriel watched the emperor approaching.

Kaizen dressed in black formal dress was like a reaper with an inevitable

Suddenly, Ybriel felt a sharp pain in her chest and closed her eyes tightly.

The emperor just walked right in front of Ybriel, and it seemed like it would
pierce his heart just like in the chapel that night.
“Breathe, baby.”

At the end of winter, Ybriel exhaled the breath she had been holding back.

Again inhale and exhale. The pulse slowly slowed down.

‘I used to have no power.’

He was just young and weak. There was no resistance in the face of the
unknown power of the emperor.

‘But not now.’

The music started again.

Ybriel watched the Emperor’s movements, and saw him heading towards
Herwin and moved without hesitation.


Herwin stood like a still life and met Kaizen’s gaze. His strange red eyes
looked like flames.

“Herwin, my brother.”

Kaizen smiled at Herwin as if he was genuinely happy.

“May the sun-like brilliance be endless. Herwin of Solgren sees His Majesty
the Emperor.”

“I didn’t really call you Oh, but it seems the North was very boring. I’m
thinking of going back to Albion.”

At the cool warning, the air sharpened like shards of glass.

However, to the nobles watching from a distance, the relationship between the
two seemed very close.

‘Rose and lilies.’

Long ago, the two most prominent brothers in the imperial family were given
such nicknames by the nobles.

If Herwin was as neat as a lily, Kaizen was as gorgeous and sensual as a rose.
“It was hard because I had to endure the cold weather with a sick body.”

“You are still good at lying. It hurts, it’s hard, I didn’t do it….”

Herwin froze.

‘It’s not my fault!’

These were the words Herwin had shouted over and over again when the
Empress Palace was on fire.

A dark whisper leaked out from the cracks of reason that had loosened.

‘Let’s kill it. If you kill me, you will feel at ease.’

Herwin clenched his fists and shoved his nails into his flesh to suppress the
urge. The moment they broke the oath of protection, he and Ybriel were
summarily executed.

‘There must be a justification for breaking the oath. Just like the emperor
tried to destroy Solgren by destroying the veil.’
Episode 75
It was the only way to keep Ybriel safe.

“Is my mother okay?”

The expression on Kaizen’s face was erased. Kaizen laughed strangely.

“There must be something else you need to worry about.”

Kaizen’s gaze slowly moved behind Herwin’s.

Ybriel stood there with a faint smile.

“May the sun-like brilliance be endless. Ybriel of Solgren sees His Majesty
the Emperor.”
Ybriel bowed lightly and took the bow.

“I still vividly remember receiving a letter saying that a princess was born, but
it’s already a debut ball. I am afraid of time.”
A damp, cool sensation seemed to climb up like a snake and entangle his
‘It’s creepy.’

However, contrary to what I thought, Ybriel’s expression was very bright. It

was as if I had met the person I had been wanting to see for a long time.

“I will see the Empress tomorrow.”

“Honestly, yes.”

It was customary for the ladies who played the debut ball to attend an
audience with the Empress the next day.

“I hope you have a good time. Oh, you probably haven’t said goodbye to
Tezeric yet.”
Ybriel paused. Tezeric couldn’t see if he was talking somewhere else.
“If you are the only child of the same age, you will be able to communicate
Well. how about

Ybriel recalled her memories with the boy. I couldn’t say it was a good
memory. Ybriel always thought that Tezeric hated him.

‘I never hated ….’

Were those words sincere?

“Eve, are you okay?”

Then Herwin turned Ybriel back. Herwin was full of worry.

“What about your father?”

“I am….”

Herwin was speechless.

“Are you here because you are worried about me?”

“Absolutely! Is it me or who’s protecting you here?”

Ybriel lowered her voice and whispered. Herwin couldn’t help but laugh a

“Thank you for coming.”

The moment he recognized Ybriel’s existence, his dizzy mind became clear
as if a fog had lifted. Herwin took Ybriel’s hand and headed to the floor.

“Is it okay if I dance?”

“You can’t leave your precious daughter standing against a wall.”

As soon as she finished her dance with Herwin, Ybriel was faced with a
terribly embarrassing situation.
“Lady Ybriel. Will you allow me to dance?”

“I will wait for the next turn.”

“Then I’ll do it next time…!”

What? What is this? Ybriel blinked in embarrassment.

From the moment she first entered the ballroom, Ybriel firmly captured the
attention of young gentlemen. Among them were the boys who spoke badly
about Ybriel at the Stelle Club.
‘You’re so pretty, aren’t you?’

‘Who said monkey?’

The children wanted to chat with Ybriel as if they had ever done it.

Ybriel, who had never received such a passionate dance request before and
now, took a step backwards involuntarily.

‘Where’s Daddy?’

Ybriel hurriedly looked for Herwin with her eyes.

Herwin was having a conversation on one side of the banquet hall, and he,
too, had been conscious of Ybriel’s side for a long time.

When Ybriel looked troubled, he immediately stopped talking and tried to


“Excuse me for a moment.”

But at every step people greeted and blocked the way. They were trying to
make a kite with Solgren.

“Hello, Duke Solgren. I recently bought a shawl made of musk ox hair. It was
really good quality.”

“Oh, I see.”
Ybriel, who was watching this, gave up on Herwin’s help. It took half a day to
get here.

“Hey, I’m a little dizzy!”

So he made excuses and ran away. Fortunately, no rude person stopped Lady
from heading to the break room.

‘Oh, but the break room is a bit far from the banquet hall.’

Herwin was still in the banquet hall, so he didn’t want to go far. In any case, it
would be difficult if Herwin was overworked and collapsed.

After hesitating, Ybriel decided to rest for a while on a nearby terrace.

The dance was in full swing, so Ybriel was the only one who found the

After leaving, Ybriel shook her shoulders slightly in the chilly night
temperature. It was March, but as the sun went down, the air was cooler than
expected. As the surroundings became quiet, Winter spoke.

“Is that the emperor?”



Winter seemed unfamiliar.


“That human man, I feel bad.”

‘That’s me too.’

Whenever I saw the emperor, I still felt an instinctive rejection.

“I feel very bad about this space.”

‘Is it the Imperial Palace?’

At the end of winter, Ybriel took in the view of the Imperial Palace. Lights
such as twinkling magic power were far away like stars.

“That emperor, there is something.”

Ybriel thought that the ominous feeling of winter might have something to do
with the shadow of the black snake she saw the day she died.

‘We’ll have to wait for the intelligence officer to find out something.’

Just then, I heard the door open behind me.

Ybriel, leaning against the railing of the terrace, reflexively looked back.


Ybriel was momentarily speechless.

Since I had come to the Imperial Palace, I knew that we would meet, but I
didn’t expect it to happen now.

At the boy who appeared from behind, Ybriel looked at her without even
blinking her eyes.

A bewildered expression and slightly distorted eyebrows appeared first.

The scarlet eyes twinkling under the dark eyebrows were like precious jewels,
and the slightly raised eyes resembled a cat.
Tezeric Caswither Willnarion. After betraying the emperor and trying to save
Yibriel, Yibriel finally faced the prince.

The Caswither’s gorgeous blonde hair and brightly blazing sun made him look
like a flame.

A flame that can shine in any darkness….

‘Run away!’

Suddenly, from the distant memory, the desperate voice of a boy jumped out.
Before the silence became longer, Ybriel managed to come to her senses.

“May the sun-like brilliance be endless. This is Ybriel of Solgren.”

Tezeric was silent for a long time.

“…Nice to meet you. Princess Solgren.”

The night wind blew past my cheeks.

“I wanted to meet you.”

Surprisingly, it sounded quite sincere. Ybriel didn’t know what expression to


‘The person who hated me to death, but tried to save me.’

This was the case before the return. So, what does Tezeric think of Ybriel

Ybriel suddenly noticed something strange on Tezeric’s face.

“Are you hurt?”


Tezeric patted the side of his lips with his finger. I couldn’t recognize it right
away because it was dark, but it was definitely a wound.

‘But who dares to hurt the Crown Prince?’

While Ybriel was puzzled, Tezeric turned around. It was not a gentleman’s
virtue to enter the terrace where the lady was resting.

“I will yield to the passengers.”

“Oh, you don’t have to. It was cold outside and I was just about to go in.”

Ybriel moved quickly. Tezeric held the door without a word. Ybriel bowed
lightly to greet him.

You are such a kind Tezeric.

He looked like a completely different person with the same face. Ybriel found
this very strange, and left her place like a man on the run.


The ball was not over until the clock tower announced midnight.

Tezeric sat on the window sill of the Crown Prince’s Palace and closed his
eyes as he watched the colorful lights of Gracia Palace go out one by one.

“He was said to be the genius painter of the century.”

What if the picture doesn’t even match half of the real thing?
The sound of rough footsteps came closer. Tezeric was afraid to lock the door
and quit. Not long after, the unlocked door swung open.

It was a blonde man who came in.

Episode 76
Tezeric cast an indifferent gaze at the visitor who came in without knocking.

“What are you doing, Duke Caswither?”

“You idiot. Do you think you’ve become a real prince?”

Duke Caswither threw a picture frame from the wall with a terrifying look.
Vases, candlesticks and stools were thrown violently.

“It wasn’t enough to put a book on the head of the son of Marquis Charlotte
at the Stelle Club, so now you can’t even follow the most basic manners in the
Duke Caswither roamed the room with spirits. After a while, he lowered his
voice, recalling the dignity of the nobility.
“Know the subject. If it wasn’t for that friendly face, you’d be Ditchpole’s
illegitimate child.”

Tezeric turned his head and looked out the window.

“You learn. It’s a fake that plays the real thing. Never forget that your essence
is, after all, of low blood.”


Ybriel complained of motion sickness all the way to the palace in the

“Are you okay?”

Lily, who was sitting next to her, gently wiped Ybriel’s back.

“Why are you suddenly doing motion sickness that you have never done
Lily was skeptical, but Ybriel knew why.
‘I couldn’t sleep.’

I couldn’t sleep at all because I was in a bad mood when I met Tezeric the day

I lay down with my eyes wide open until dawn and started preparing for the
entrance hall, so I almost didn’t have time to sleep properly.

“You must not vomit in front of His Majesty the Empress.”

“I know ….”

I know but I feel like throwing up! Ybriel squeezed her temples, trying to
forget the throbbing.

Where and what was in the Empress’s Palace, Ybriel knew all too well.

‘Because it’s where I’ve been for four years.’

Ybriel also recognized the face of the maid who was walking in front of her.

‘Lusa Janet.’

She was one of the few who stayed while the Empress changed her maids
over and over again.

“I will guide you this way.”

Following Lusa’s guidance as she walked down the hallway, Ybriel looked
around the Empress’s Palace carefully.

The Empress’s Palace had hardly changed from her memories. I was feeling a
bit down.

It was natural that it was a place with few good memories.

In front of the audience, which stopped soon after, a red dragon symbolizing
the imperial family was drawn with elegant lines.
Lusa opened the door.

There were many girls who had already made their debut in the audience

Ybriel almost distorted her expression when she saw the woman standing
behind the empress.

‘Tilien Seymour?’

The tutor who had been kicked out a long time ago stood by the Empress.
And the moment I saw the girl next to me, my mind went blank.

“May the sun-like brilliance be endless. Ybriel of Solgren sees Her Majesty.”

Ybriel managed to spit out a greeting.

“Nice to meet you, Princess Solgren.”

Perhaps noticing that his gaze was directed, Miretta looked back once and
smiled faintly.

“Ah, this is my companion Miss Elthea Hale.”

The past swept over Ybriel like a tidal wave.

‘This is Princess Ybriel Solgren, my friend.’

So, Miss Elthea Hale standing over there.

‘Like I did, it’s a replacement for the dead princesses.’

Elthea was also the name of the second princess who died. Ybriel chewed the
inside of her lips.

To hide the empress’s madness, the audience ended quickly after only formal

Ybriel escaped from the empress’s palace.

‘I feel bad.’
I couldn’t tell if it was because I got motion sick from the carriage in the
morning, or if it was because I saw a child named Eltea.

Ybriel sprinted across the hallway and bumped into someone.

It was someone’s hand that grabbed Ybriel, who almost fell backwards.

“Princess Solgren?”

“Me, my lord?”

It was Tezeric who bumped into Ybriel. How come you are in a situation like

Ybriel hurried back and bowed her head.

“Where is it bad?”

Tezeric looked at Ybriel’s pale face and frowned faintly.

Ybriel looked at that expression and froze.

‘You should act like your mother’s dog. On the subject of the imperial castle

It seemed that at any moment, Tezeric would shoot at him with contemptuous
words and drive Ybriel down.

“Princess, if you are not feeling well….”

Tezeric reached out his arm to support him. Ybriel took a step back, startled
by the action. Tezeric’s hand stopped in mid-air.

‘I made a mistake.’

Ybriel bit her lip. Anyone can see that Ybriel had just avoided Tezeric. what
would you think A cheeky princess who doesn’t even know the subject? Lady
who dares to ignore the favor?

While Ybriel was nervous, Tezeric slowly withdrew his hand. In fact, the boy
was in a slightly shocked state.

Ybriel apparently avoided him. In Tezeric’s memory, he never did anything

that would make Ybriel look bad.

Then there was one reason.

‘Because I am the Crown Prince.’

They are reluctant because the relationship between the Emperor and Duke
Solgren is not good.

Tezeric suppressed the emotions that were churning inside him. Otherwise,
the words seemed to come out of nowhere.

“… Don’t you usually laugh?”


“You look like you’re going to have a good laugh.”

shit. Tezeric frowned even more. I didn’t mean to say this.

Since seeing the girl yesterday, the boy has been thinking of just one portrait.
I really wanted to see the blue smile that I saw in the picture when I was

“Sorry to catch you. go see He doesn’t seem to be in good shape.”

Ybriel was unfamiliar with Tezeric, who made a sound that could not be

The Jeric that Ybriel knew was a ruthless, selfish boy who never learned the
virtues of a chivalrous or gentleman.

He suddenly wondered if the boy in front of him was the same person as the
prince he knew.
“Thank you for your consideration.”

Ybriel hid her insides full of question marks.

Then, as if Tezeric had been waiting, he strode to the other side of the
hallway and disappeared. It was as if he was going to meet the Empress who
was in the audience.

Ybriel looked at the hallway where Tezeric had disappeared for a while with a
complicated and subtle face, then turned around.


As the socializing season progressed, the system heated up with the

enthusiasm of young people and the heat of youth.

However, Ybriel did not host the party, nor did she accept invitations to the

Because she was a young princess who had just entered the social world, she
could have been ridiculed for hosting a clumsy party.

Also, Ybriel didn’t have time to throw a party.

He had to open a toy store, find out what the emperor was hiding, and take
care of Herwin’s health.

“Keep inhaling. Keep going!”

Herwin took the medicine Ybriel had brought and drank it with a painful
expression on his face.

It was a newly improved healing potion, and it was a perfect product except
that the medicinal effect and taste were inversely proportional.

“How are you?”

“I really want to meet the person who made this. I’ll have to ask if the
intention of making the drug was assassination.”

Herwin frowned faintly and set the empty bottle aside.

Ebriel, who thought it was a joke, smirked. Herwin was sincere.

“If you want to go boating later, you better bring it.”

Ybriel did not want to watch the warm spring of the Islands alone in the
mansion. You have to enjoy this nice weather outside.

“Wait a minute, are you boating?”

Herwin was bewildered by the unannounced schedule announcement. Ybriel

skillfully raised her eyes.

“You agreed to go boating with me, didn’t you?”

So when? Herwin went through his recent memories, but couldn’t remember
when he said that.
‘It seems like a lie….’

But in the end, Herwin couldn’t beat her daughter.

“i get it.”
Episode 77
The wagon passed the plaza and stopped at Hillborne Bridge.

As an escort, Zed escorted Ybriel, followed by Herwin disembarking.

The women’s silver hair is like an identification card, and the people along the
river quickly recognized that they were the Duke of Solgren and the Princess.
The couple rented a boat to get along. Zed, who normally would have been
shy for a long time, acted while paying attention to the fact that he was in
front of the peacock.

The boat moved and the wind swayed Ybriel’s bonnet.

“Why didn’t I think of boating in the howling lake?”

“It is frozen half of the year. The weather is also cold, so if you go boating,
you will catch a cold.”

“I see. too bad.”

Ybriel imagined boating on the howling lake.

It must be cold, but it wouldn’t be bad to enjoy the pure white snow of
Solgren by boat.

Actually, there was a different reason why Ybriel made this place today.

When the summer heats up, Herwin and Ybriel have to return to their
original estate.

‘Then it will be difficult to investigate the emperor.’

So Ybriel decided to stay in the townhouse. The problem was that I needed
Herwin’s permission.
“I, Dad.”
Ybriel opened her mouth carefully.

“When are you going back to Solgren?”

Then Herwin looked at Ybriel as if trying to gauge the meaning behind her
daughter’s question.

“Do you want more?”

“Well, if only Dad is okay…?”

“Then let’s do it.”

Ybriel, who had been very nervous, stumbled.

“Really? Are you sure there will be more?”

“Yeah, I thought so from the beginning. Going back to Solgren and coming
back in the fall would be difficult in many ways. Since Kian has been doing
Youngji’s work from the beginning, there shouldn’t be any major problems.”

Herwin made sense.

‘Yeah, Dad is weak, so it’s better to minimize long-distance travel. It would

be good for me too.’

There has been no message from the informant yet. But if you stay in the
islands until the winter, you will surely get a clue.

‘I’m glad that Dad readily allowed it.’

A single wind blew, rippling along the river’s surface.

Herwin looked at the twinkling Yoon Seul above the surface of the water and

‘Because I haven’t found Leah’s whereabouts yet.’

I had asked the intelligence officer to find the whereabouts of the former
Duchess of Solgren, but there was no special contact. But before the winter is
over this year, we may be able to get a clue somehow.

‘I’m glad Ybriel wants to stay on the island.’

It was just a good reason. Herwin looked at Ybriel and smiled.

Ybriel also smiled as she stared at Herwin for what made him so happy.

The boat carrying women who did not know each other’s true intentions
flowed peacefully.

About a month had passed since the information office contacted me.

Ybriel opened the letter disguised as a socialite invitation. After deciphering

the simple password, only one sentence came out.
[The two princesses may have been killed by the emperor.]

Ybriel read the letter over and over again. I checked over and over whether I
had misinterpreted it, but there were no mistakes.

“It is known that the princesses died of disease.”

If true, this would be very dangerous information. Ybriel handed Ruby a

letter on the spot.


Ruby picked up the letter and the letter burned to ashes in an instant. Ybriel
thought as she looked at the remains of the charred paper.

‘why? Was there any reason to kill the princess? What was the reason?’

If you dig into this, you might be able to catch the emperor’s weakness.

Ybriel hesitated, then decided. There was only one way to investigate this in

It was to approach the mad empress.

Ybriel checked the calendar. early April.

Until the weather warms up, various parties will be popular, but among them,
there were only a few gatherings hosted by the Empress. This is because in
order to hide the madness, we must refrain from external activities.

‘Still, I didn’t hold a party at all.’

If they cut off social activities, they would be on the verge of gossip again.

Soon, Ybriel remembered that the Empress had a small tea party around this

‘By the way, will I get an invitation?’

I remembered Lady Thillien, who was with the Empress.

If nothing had changed from before the return, Tillien would prepare a
meeting on behalf of the empress who is often insane.

‘If I were on the list, they would try to leave me out….’

However, the letter arrived in Whitewood, mocking the expectation.

It was an invitation to the Empress’s tea party.


The Empress’s tea party was held in the eastern garden of the palace.

Roses just before blooming, fresh crocuses, and yellow tulips in full bloom
greeted the invited ladies as they waved in the wind like greetings.

Empress Miretta sat elegantly in a spacious gazebo with Lady Tillien and
Elthea Hale. Caswither’s sparkling blonde hair and distinctive clear turquoise
eyes were like emeralds crafted with care.
There were so many desserts that it was hard to count the number of desserts
laid out on the white table.

“It is an honor to receive such an invitation, Your Majesty.”

“I’m glad you’re willing to come, too.”

Four people were invited. Ybriel’s eyes lit up when she saw Loen Charlotte
among them.

‘It seems that Lady Loen was chosen as the Crown Prince without any

The other two girls came from powerful aristocratic families in the East and
West respectively.

Ybriel seemed to understand why the invitation had come to her as well.

Although it was the Empress’s tea party, it must have been a place reserved
for Loen Charlotte, who would soon become the ruler of the institutional

Knowing that, Roen also had a triumphant face.

The atmosphere was not bad.

The Empress seemed stable because Elthea was beside her, and the four
invited girls knew well how to continue a conversation in such a place.

“The princess’ eyes are just like the color of a crocus. I think a blue gem
would look good on it.”

“thank you.”

Even as she smiled brightly, Ybriel had a feeling of being upset for some

‘That’s what the Empress often said to me.’

Naturally, his gaze turned to Eltea, who was sitting next to him.
‘Is Miss Hale okay?’

Ybriel looked up at Eltea, holding up her cup pretending to be drinking tea.

‘Dark blonde hair and green eyes….’

It looked like a child who resembled the Empress as much as possible was
taken with him. He seemed to be at least a couple of years older than Ybriel.

Ybriel looked at Tilien, who was standing behind Elthea, with a cold gaze.

Tillien averted his gaze like a thief with numb feet.

‘It really hasn’t changed.’

It was very distasteful to have a child sit in this terrible place to satisfy self-

“By the way, the crown prince’s naming ceremony is not far away.”

Meanwhile, Loen changed the topic to Crown Prince.

“Your Majesty’s divine beast must have a wonderful appearance. Maybe it

will appear in the form of a dragon.”

A formless divine beast is given a name and its appearance is determined.

The appearance of the divine beast recorded in the imperial history books
was sometimes in the form of a lion, an eagle, or a bear, and sometimes in the
form of a cat or a dove that looked rather insignificant.

However, there has not been a single member of the Imperial Family that has
summoned a divine beast with the appearance of a dragon.

“It’s a naming ceremony….”

Mireta’s expression, which had been smiling softly, gradually changed.

“By the way, why didn’t Arsha hold the naming ceremony?”

Everyone who sat around the Empress’s question stiffened.

“yes? Arsha, that child is also a princess….”

Arsha was the name of the first princess who died. Ybriel looked at Miretta

“Elthea, answer me. Why didn’t your sister have a naming ceremony?”

At the Empress’s call, Elthea’s complexion turned pale. Ybriel found Elthea’s
hand shaking under the table.
Episode 78
In a strange atmosphere, no one was willing to tell the Empress, ‘Princess
Arsha is dead.’
“Oh, you must be feeling dizzy.”

Tillien came to his senses and set out to rectify it.

At Tilien’s beckoning, the maid, Lusa, who had been waiting from afar,
They clasped their arms as if supporting the Empress and quickly left the
When the Empress suddenly disappeared, the remaining girls could not hide
their bewildered expressions.
Ybriel took the opportunity and approached Elthea.

“Miss Hale, how about a walk in the garden together?”

Elthea, who was shocked and trembling at the situation just before, dared not
refuse Princess Solgren’s request.

After the Empress was gone, all the girls strolled through the garden.

Ybriel and Eltea took the lead side by side, and Loen and two girls were
walking behind them, chattering.

At times, his voice was low, as if he was telling a story he shouldn’t have

Elthea and Ybriel were walking along the promenade, thinking it was like a

Although Ybriel did not know it, Eltea also attended the last debutant ball.
And it was there that he saw Ybriel for the first time.
From the moment the young Princess Solgren appeared, she caught all eyes in
the hall and did not let go.
‘You’re a real girl. Unlike me.’

Elthea felt Ybriel’s presence far away. He couldn’t believe he was by his side.

“How is it to be a companion to the Empress?”

“Yes Yes?”

Elthea was startled by the sudden question. The princess smiled slightly and
lightly placed her hand on Elthea’s arm.

“Oh, Princess?”
Elthea was so startled that she stuttered. What did you ask?

“It’s a very, very honorable and happy thing.”

Contrary to the content, Elthea’s expression as she gave the fixed answer was
not so bright.

Ybriel knew all too well why Elthea reacted that way.

Ybriel took Elthea’s hand lightly.

“I want to be friends with Miss Hale. Don’t take me too hard.”


“Hey, have you heard of the newly opened Warp Gate in the Twilight

At that point, Ybriel changed the subject.

‘If you suddenly approach me, you will be surprised.’

It was planned to slowly become close and obtain information about the
imperial family.
It was near the end of the garden walkway. Ybriel stopped walking when she
saw the boy walking by from afar.

Tezeric in a shirt was approaching this way.

‘Why now?’

Ybriel looked at Elthea and Tezeric alternately with anxious eyes.

The reason why Tezeric from his previous life hated Ybriel was because he
had been deprived of the empress’s affection.
If that’s the case, I’m sure you won’t get along well with Elthea.

Because Elthea is playing the role of a doll that Ybriel did.

“Um, my legs seem to be starting to hurt. Shall we go back to the table now?”

However, before Ybriel could have escaped, Tezeric arrived.

From the moment he recognized Ybriel, Tezeric was already in a hurry.


Ybriel, who was about to turn around, closed her eyes tightly. I’ll go my way,
so why are you holding on to me!

“See you, Your Majesty.”

In the end, Ybriel took an abbreviated example.

Tezeric looked at Ybriel and Elthea next to him in turn.

“Were you on a walk?”

“yes. Your Majesty….”

“It was coming from the gym.”

Even Ybriel knew that there was a gym in the direction he came from. It was
a fine day, so it seemed like he was wielding a sword.
Around that time, Loen Charlodie, who was walking far away, also found

Loen blushed.

The girl has been holding the Crown Prince in her heart for a long time.
Who wouldn’t love her gold-like hair, vivid scarlet eyes, and a beautiful
appearance as if she had been carefully crafted?

“See you, Your Majesty.”

Loen Charlotte and the two girls shyly approached and greeted them.

Tezeric didn’t know their names, so he only looked at them.

The only color the boy could discern with his two eyes was blue, so he
sometimes had trouble remembering people.

After all, the boy’s eyes could only see Ybriel’s blue-purple eyes.

Either way, Ybriel just wanted to run away from this place with Elthea right

Before returning to time, Ybriel was busy with fear whenever the Crown
Prince appeared.

‘I played mischievous pranks countless times.’

Tezeric’s atrocities didn’t stop at just being mean. Every time we met, he was
sarcastic and persistently bullied me, not caring whoever looked at me.

‘Miss Hale, are you okay?’

It was then that Ybriel noticed something strange.

At first glance, Elthea’s expression was supremely calm. There seemed to be

no emotion in Tezeric.

Tezeric was no different. He also seemed to have no interest in Elthea.

‘Are you sure you didn’t bother Miss Hale?’

Did you mean to be so mean to me?

It wasn’t that Elthea wanted to suffer either, but Ybriel couldn’t shake the
feeling of injustice.

“If you want to keep visiting the garden, I will guide you.”


Tezeric looked at Ybriel and asked, but it was Loen who answered.

Ybriel did not miss the opportunity.

“Then have a good time with Lady Loen. I’m going back with Miss Hale.”

Ybriel poured out hard words and put her arms around Elthea.

“Come on, let’s go!”

Ybriel quickly returned to the trail she had come from.

It happened so quickly that no one stopped it.

Watching her back to flee quickly, Tezeric tilted his head, not understanding
the English language.

‘Why are you angry?’

I had no way of knowing.


Ybriel returned to Whitewood and plucked Snowberry’s ear after a long time.

“While you were tormenting me like that, what? Have you ever hated it?”
When I checked on the way home, it seemed that Tezeric had never treated
Elthea in any way. Ebriel’s eyes returned to Elthea’s words.
Ruby clings to the corner of the room and trembles while poor Snow Berry

Meanwhile, Lily looked at Ybriel through her visit.

‘The lady is running out of control….’

Presumably, there was a problem at the tea party of the Empress who
attended today.

Lily devised a way to make Ybriel feel better, found a desk mirror on the
console and clapped her hands.

“Lady, today is the day to contact Solgren!”

Lily ran into the room and pointed to the mirror on the desk, and Ybriel
raised her head.

“You should try the kaleidoscope!”

It was then that reason had found its place.

“Has that already happened?”

Ybriel put down Snow Berry with a puzzled face and walked towards the

It looks like an ordinary desk mirror, but the name of that mirror was

It is a remote communication method developed by Ybriel with Sigmund, and

it was a product that supplemented the existing video ball.

The kaleidoscope in Ybriel’s room now was a prototype sent with a request to
check its performance at Campa’s workshop, which was commissioned to
produce it.

Ybriel quickly picked up the kaleidoscope to shake off Tezeric’s thoughts.

The ruby, who had been squatting in one corner, was curious and slowly
approached me.
Soon after, when Ybriel pressed the magic stone attached to the top center of
the mirror, the colorful geometric patterns in the mirror rotated.

My head was dizzy as I continued to stare.

“Um, isn’t Solgren too far away?”

The moment he said that, the patterns scattered and a clear image was

“Oh, Grandpa!”

Sigmund waved his hand from the mirror.

- I’m sorry I didn’t get it right away. These days, this spare time is busy.
“no. I just got in touch.”
Sigmund did not come with him to the islands, but remained at Solgren
Ybriel thought it was simply because he hated the hustle and bustle of the
system, but in fact, it was to protect the territory.

Once the veil, once broken, weakens again, there is no way to use it. So these
days, Sigmund was working hard to repair the area near the tent.

- How are you doing in the system?

“yes! What about your grandfather?”

- It’s me….
- miss!

Then, suddenly, Sigmund’s face disappeared. It was Kanya who suddenly


- miss! I’m going to the island too! Uh huh, I miss you lady.
“I miss Kanya too.”

Then Sigmund’s face appeared again.

- Does this little boy just want to push the old man?

- Oh, I want to talk to you too!

- what?

Beyond the kaleidoscope, it was noisy for a while. Ybriel and Lily waited for
the commotion to subside with their still faces.
- Anyway, you, little boy!

- That’s the grandfather!

Ybriel asked, taking advantage of the moment when her voice had shrunk a
“How are you doing with Asiligo?”

At that question, Sigmund and Kanya’s expressions changed strangely at the

same time.
- That guy is….

- My brother is….
Kanya and Sigmund, who were busy growling at each other, gave the same
answer to their surprise the next moment.
- I’m crazy about training.
Episode 79
Thanks to the inherent superiority of being pure-blood and hard work,
Asiligo grew explosively in a short period of time.
Now, within the White Rang Knights, the only one who could face him was
the leader, Laura.
But that was until today.

“Are you looking after me?”

After finishing the battle, Laura Claw asked, cleaning up her sword. Asiligo
“Boy, it’s embarrassing.”

“It’s nothing to be sorry about. The fact that I’ve become this strong is
because the battles I’ve had with you so far have been meaningful.”

Laura looked at Asiligo, who was standing still.

There was not even the slightest disturbance in Asiligo’s breathing, which had
been wielding the sword until recently. Laura shook her head unconsciously.
If you have the ability to defeat Laura, you will be able to win battles with
Zed or Alon.
‘He’s a guy I can’t handle here.’

Asiligo needed a stronger opponent and a better teacher.

“Sir Asiligo. Do you want to be stronger?”

At those words, Asiligo nodded without hesitation. Laura laughed as if she

knew it would.
“I’ll write you a letter soon, so go to Pexen and meet your mother, no, the
mercenary king.”

Mercenary King Oris Claw would be able to sharpen that monstrous knight.
“All right.”

Asiligo nodded his head without saying a word.

He defeated the White Rang Knights one after another, but Qian had not yet
approved him to go to the Isles where Ybriel was. It meant that it was still not
enough as an escort.
Asiligo’s exhalation faded in white.

‘Before the next winter comes….’

He will become the strongest knight in this empire.

The boy’s vow shone like a star.


“So you went to Pexen? To the mercenary king?”

- yes!

Ybriel thought of Oris Claw.

“Oh no!”

That person told me to sell Asiligo!

Not knowing what to do, Ybriel grabbed the kaleidoscope.

“Kanya, Asiligo might be sold!”

- yes?

“You must protect Asiligo!”

- Al, I see!
Kanya nodded her head without knowing English. Sigmund was stunned.
Sigmund had also seen that ‘Asiligo’, Kanya’s older brother.

- He’s not big enough to be sold …?

However, Ybriel grabbed the kaleidoscope as if she couldn’t hear it and asked
several times.

“Be sure to know it and protect it! Understand?”

Ahead of the crown prince’s new beast naming ceremony, Ybriel’s toy store
opened for the first time in the island shopping district.
Ybriel looked at the dancing dolls displayed through the glass case.

“It was made by me and my grandfather, but it is really strange. It’s like a
fairy tale!”
“Iknow, right. I’m so excited! It looks a little scary at night.”

Ugh. A doll that moves by itself in the dark night. Ybriel realized something
she hadn’t thought of before and fell into trouble.

‘Would it be okay if I made the doll a little cuter and smaller?’

Contemplating a point of improvement, Ybriel walked into the toy store.


The clerk hired by the store greeted Ybriel with a bright smile.

‘The customer service is perfect.’

The interior and cleanliness were also good. Ybriel finished the inspection
with a happy heart. Now you just need to sell well.

“Would you like to wander around for a bit?”

“Is that so?”

The social season has begun, and the shopping street has been revitalized.

Ybriel looked around and admired.

‘I felt it last time, but compared to the system, Solgren is the size of a pea.’

It was sad, but I had to admit it.

‘It would be better if transportation was easier.’

They improved the wagons and built a port, but they needed a more
convenient means. Ybriel remembered the gate of the Twilight Tower that he
used to come to the Islands.

‘Can you install it with money?’

If Solgren’s wealth is now, he will be able to pay whatever it takes. Ybriel

moved forward, thinking that she should contact Twilight Tower soon.

At that moment, someone blocked Ybriel’s path. I thought it was because the
road was narrow because there were so many people, so I moved to the side,
and that side also moved along.

‘Who is it?’

He was wearing a hooded sweatshirt on this warm spring day.


Ybriel recognized the boy standing in front of him. The corners of the lips
seen under the hood turned upwards in a pretty line.

“Long time no see?”

Lily, who was standing behind, looked at the boy and Ybriel in turn.

“Lady, do you know?”

“Ah, that’s it.”

I couldn’t say that it was the person I met when I went out secretly.
“Nice to meet you. This is Robin Sunfield.”

“Mom, are you Seldia’s younger brother?”

lie. That was a lie. Ybriel thought to himself and looked at the boy quietly.

When painting the portrait with Celdia, Ybriel had a lot of conversations with
the painter. Seldia said she was born as an only daughter, like Ybriel, and that
both her parents died early.

“Can I talk to you for a moment? I have something to tell you about your

Ybriel wondered what the boy was up to.

“great. Where?”

“I will see you.”

The boy led Ybriel and Lily to a nearby secluded cafeteria.

The boy who entered the room slowly took off his hood.
At first glance, the boy’s hair, which he thought was silver, was black.

‘I must have looked at it wrong that day, or dyed it in the meantime.’

After the hair, his right eye caught my eye.

It was clear gold. The other eye was covered with a black eye patch.

The boy, noticing that Ybriel’s gaze stayed long on the eye patch, shrugged
and smiled.

“There are circumstances. He wasn’t hurt.”

“I see.”

The boy gently pulled out a chair for Ybriel to sit on. Lily sat down at the next
table and waited for the two of them to finish their conversation.

“…So, why did you lie so boldly?”

Ybriel asked, lowering her voice so as not to touch Lily’s ears. The boy
smiled brightly.

“Is that the only thing you ask me?”

“Who are you? how do you know me Why did you leave me on the bridge
that day?”

The boy smiled broadly at the pouring questions.

“Slowly, ask one by one.”

“Your name.”

Then the boy tilted his head with a very innocent face.
“Did you tell me earlier? My name is Robin Sunfield.”

“Seldia doesn’t have a younger brother. I’m really asking for your name.”

Ybriel looked straight at the boy.

The boy put his hands on the table and began to tap the surface like a piano.

The boy had a longer ring finger than his index finger.



“My name is Aiden.”

At that moment, Ybriel felt that the boy was somehow unfamiliar. I felt like I
had met him somewhere.

Ybriel continued to ask questions, feeling an inexplicable dizziness.

“Age is?”
“fourteen. Ravankel was born in 147. Can you tell me your birthday?”

“That’s it.”
“You will regret it if you don’t listen.”

“How do you know me? what do you want?”

“It’s hard not to know Princess Solgren. What you want is, well….”

Aiden extended his words playfully.

“Are you going to be friends?”

Ybriel felt a desire to pinch the boy in front of her.

‘He’s a really weird kid.’

Tea was served just in time.

Ybriel looked at Aiden, who raised the glass with a complicated heart.
‘It’s not strange. I don’t know anything about him, and it doesn’t feel
On the contrary, I had a strange conviction that I wasn’t a bad person.

“How are you, Duke? I heard you were sick.”

However, as soon as Herwin’s name came out of Aiden’s mouth, Ybriel
straightened her back.

“Why are you asking about Daddy?”

Aiden was stunned.

“Are you being wary of talking about the Duke now? Haven’t you done it

“Whatever your purpose is, don’t touch Daddy.”

Episode 80

Aiden had a lot to say, but his face seemed to endure. He looked at the clock
on the wall with a half view and drank the tea.

“Listen. Do you think the Crown Prince will hold a divine beast naming
ceremony soon?”

“Is this the new beast naming ceremony again?”

“Whatever comes up when the Crown Prince calls his name, it must be a fake
divine beast.”

“do not forget. The Crown Prince’s divine beast is fake.”

“How do you …?”

“I had a good cup of tea.”

The next moment, Aiden walked over to the cafeteria window and pressed the
hood back on.


With a handshake, he sprinted out the window.

Surprised Ybriel and Lily looked out the window, and Aiden, who had landed
safely, waved her hand.

“See you later!”

Aiden disappeared from the crowd. Ybriel recalled the words the boy had left
‘Anything that turns out to be fake?’
It was an assertion, not a guess. Ybriel was confused.
There was only one way to know if that statement was true.

‘You have to attend the naming ceremony and watch it with your own eyes.’


The crown prince’s naming ceremony was held in the chapel.

Ybriel walked closer to Herwin’s side, obsessively looking around the room.

‘This hallway.’

It was the road leading to the chapel that Ybriel had walked with Tezeric
before she died.

It was a bright day, and my feet were strangely cold even when I was walking
in shoes.

“Eve, are you okay?”


Herwin raised Ybriel’s hand with a worried look on his face.

It was then that Ybriel realized that she was trembling.

“Actually, it’s a little cold….”

It is May, when the roses are in full bloom. There was no way it was cold, but
Ybriel looked around like that.

Herwin unbuttoned his coat before he could answer. Ybriel groaned and took
Herwin’s hand.

“Huh, no. What are you going to do if you catch a cold?”

It was Herwin who suffered from a mild cold like a fatal disease.
Ybriel pressed Herwin’s button back ferociously.

“Eve, did you just say it was cold? What if you catch a cold?”
Ybriel looked stunned and looked at Herwin. God, who cares about whom

“It’s a naming ceremony. You have to dress modestly.”

The emperor will also attend the naming ceremony, but if you are unlucky,
you may be harmed because of your disrespectful attire.
Ybriel stopped Herwin from taking off her coat again.

“I’m fine, so Daddy is wearing it!”


The end of the hallway was visible while the women and girls were arguing.

In the end, Ybriel’s persistence won.

The door to the chapel opened slowly like a monster’s mouth.

The bright sunlight passed through the stained glass and shattered brilliantly.

Under the bright light, the ceiling was far away, and a majestic melody flowed
from the pipe organ.

The statue of Shia in the center seemed to smile at Ybriel.

Ybriel felt a slight goose rise on the back of her neck.

It was the bishops and priests dispatched from the Church of Shia who
presided over the naming ceremony today.

‘I’m not going to make up any nonsense in the place where the Kyo-guk

Just in case you didn’t know, Ybriel looked around like a furry cat.
Crossing the middle of the chapel, Thejeric appeared.
Ybriel thought that his eyes met for a moment with the boy who was getting

The ceremony began solemnly when the head of the naming ceremony

Tezeric accepted the scepter and orb from the bishop.

As the priests began to recite the Holy Prophecy, a white jinn floated on the
wide floor in front of the statue. The four stars were intricately intertwined.


Eventually, when Tezeric called his name, a divine beast in the form of a
black eagle appeared. Applause poured out for the newly born god of the

Ybriel looked closely at Theseric and the Emperor.

‘do not forget. The crown prince’s divine beast is fake.’

The moment he remembered Aiden’s words, Ybriel saw the Emperor’s

shadow wriggling like a snake. At the same time, I felt a burning pain just
above my heart.

‘Is it trauma?’

He died in the chapel, so he may feel pain in the same place.

Ybriel took a deep breath, waiting for the chest pain to subside.

But as time went on, the fever got worse.

“I’ll be out for a while.”

Ybriel eventually retreated to the back of the chapel in a cold sweat.


Herwin immediately recognized Ybriel’s ideal. Herwin, recognizing that

Ybriel’s gaze was on the emperor, turned towards it.
nothing was visible.

“Eve, what’s going on?”

Herwin found Ybriel again.

But the place where Ybriel should have been was empty.

After leaving the chapel, Ybriel hurriedly crossed the hallway to find an
empty room in the palace. I felt so frustrated that I wanted to grab my clothes
and rip them off.

Ybriel confirmed that the room was empty, and loosened the ribbon at the
front of the dress. I was going to raise the front hem a little to let the wind in.

Then something strange appeared in Ybriel’s eyes.


When I was a child, a spot near my chin, which I thought was a scar, was

Soon the spots began to change. It widened as if it was burning, and finally
stopped in the form of a small flame.

It felt similar to the pattern of the winter branch on the back of the right


Winter, which had been silent all along, sighed.

“Hey, would you like to call your little spirit?”

“… Ruby?”

Then there was a fire in the air. A cat jumped out of the flame while
surprised Ybriel stepped back.

“I asked how a very young guy stopped me, and now I understand why.”
The cat’s appearance changed several times in an instant. As a little mouse, as
a hedgehog, as an owl….

And the last one appeared was the little dragon.

“It was because it was a divine beast.”

Ybriel was astonished. dragon? The first divine beast in the legend?

A holy beast, endowed with divine power, flew to Ybriel.

Ybriel gently hugged Ruby. Smooth scales wrapped around the skin.

“Ruby, are you a god?”


As if affirming the young dragon, he cried for a long time. Ybriel was

‘How is this possible?’

Ybriel had no sun eyes. Even looking at all the cases recorded in the history
books, only the imperial family with a solar eye could subordinate the divine

It was not even possible for a divine beast to appear to two people at the same
time. Because the crest of a divine beast inevitably appears only to one person
per generation.

Therefore, the master of the divine beast had to be a Tezeric with a sun-eye.
‘Does it have anything to do with my turning back in time?’

pierced heart. spots on it. and divine.

Ybriel suddenly remembered what he had overlooked.

“Then what was the Crown Prince carrying in the banquet hall? That black
Aiden’s words struck his mind again.

‘Fake God Beast.’

Suddenly, a word crossed my mind.

‘Who is your son?’

The night he died at the hands of the emperor, Tezeric clearly said so.

If it wasn’t just out of rebellion.

‘Really the Crown Prince may not be the real son of the Emperor.’
Evidence intertwined in a strangely soft way. The Empress’s lukewarm
attitude toward Tezeric was also understandable.
Ybriel hurriedly turned around. It felt like someone was watching.

bang bang! Ybriel was startled by the sudden knock and let out a small
“Eve, are you in?”

It was Herwin’s voice. Ybriel quickly hid the ruby under her sleeve and
opened the door. Herwin walked in with a pale face.

“Suddenly disappeared…. Are you okay?”

“I’m sorry. I was dizzy for a while.”

Ybriel hurriedly cleared her face and smiled.

“Is the naming ceremony over?”

Herwin had a lot to say, but first he persevered and nodded.

“Then go back home. to Whitewood.”
Ybriel moved quickly. Herwin looked worriedly at the back of Ybriel, who
was dangerously ahead.
Episode 81
‘The two murdered princesses. Prince in the fake sun. An emperor with
mysterious powers.’
Ybriel tapped the table top with her finger.

In order to find out the secrets hidden in the imperial family, they had to
somehow access the inside of the imperial palace.

‘You have to get close to both the Empress and the Crown Prince.’
You can’t rely on the Shadow King of Wizardton for everything. Ybriel
immediately wrote a letter to Elthea.
At the tea party that day, he said that he really enjoyed it and wanted to meet
him once more.
The reply came back as quickly as it had been prepared in advance. To my
surprise, an invitation was enclosed with the letter.

[I also really enjoyed the time I spent with Lady Ebriel. I am happy to send
you an invitation saying that I would like to meet you again. If you come, it
will be my great joy.]
Ybriel replied that she was willing to go.


“How are you, Miss Hale?”

“just…. I had a good time.”

Contrary to what he said, Elthea seemed leaner than the last time he had seen
It was not difficult for Ybriel to guess that the cause was the Empress.

Around this time, Ybriel also remembered that she suffered a lot.
‘The princess stopped eating because she said she shouldn’t gain weight. It
was hard to change heavy jewelry and dresses several times a day.’

That’s exactly what Elthea looked like now.

A heavy and stuffy dress with a pair of earrings, a necklace that is heavy
enough to pull one’s ears, and a necklace that looks like it’s going to break
your neck.

It was truly a puppet game.

“Aren’t … clothes uncomfortable?”

After hesitating for a while, Ybriel only spoke those words. Elthea smiled as
if nothing had happened.
“We should be grateful for giving away such precious clothes and jewelry.”

Ybriel bit her lip.

At one time, even Ybriel thought so.

Because I am receiving a lot of rare things, I am enjoying a luxury that I

cannot enjoy in Solgren, so I have to adapt to anything.
But it wasn’t.

“You can’t think that way. Even if it’s someone’s good will, if it makes Miss
Hale unhappy, something’s wrong.”

Elthea had a face that she had never even thought of.

Ybriel carefully grabbed Elthea’s hand, who was wandering on the table.

At first, I approached it with the intention of digging up about the Empress,

but now that I know what Elthea is in, I am willing to help.

“If you have any difficulties, please come and talk to me at any time. I’ll
always help Miss Hale.”

“Princess ….”
Elthea’s eyes lit up red.

As if sold to pay off family debt, no one had ever said this in the entire
Imperial Palace.

Elthea repeated it over and over again whenever she felt distressed.

‘I was able to pay off my debt because I came here. Here, you can eat
whatever you want and sleep on a soft bed.’

Except for the fear of the empress’s madness, and the occasional need to act
like a real princess, the Imperial Palace was definitely a happy place.

‘So I thought I was wrong.’

Ybriel corrected that thought.

Finally, Elthea looked into her true heart.

In fact, the girl always wanted to escape from this colorful cage.

Even though he was poor, he wanted to return to the arms of a happy family.

“If I….”

It was the moment when Eltea had difficulty opening her mouth. Tillien
jumped open the door and entered.

“What are you doing here!”

Tilien found Eltea, who had turned white, and Ybriel with her.

Ybriel’s expression turned cold in an instant.

“What’s going on, Lady Tillien?”

“That, that’s….”
Tillien couldn’t look straight at Ybriel.

‘Damn, why is this girl here?’

An event at Solgren a long time ago once again engulfed my mind.

When facing the childish, deep, still eyes, Tilien was involuntarily withdrawn.
“I asked what was going on. There must be a reason why you rushed in while
receiving guests without showing any manners.”
“That, that’s….”

At that moment, Lusa Janet, the Empress’s handmaiden, appeared from

behind Tilien.

The maid was polite to Ybriel with a calm face.

“Excuse me, Princess. Your Majesty the Empress is looking for Miss Elthea.”

The corners of Ybriel’s eyes twitched slightly. I could see Elthea’s complexion
darkening all at once.

He wanted to get Elthea out of his heart, but there was no way for Ybriel
right now.

“The story should end here.”

Ybriel gently pushed the teacup aside.

“I really enjoyed the conversation, Miss Hale. Please send me a letter at any

Because Eltea had left early, Ybriel had plenty of time left for permission to
enter the Imperial Palace.

Ebriel, who was worried, called the maid who followed her as a guide for a


“Yes, Princess.”

“Suddenly my head hurts. Can I visit the medical center for a while?”
The maid changed the destination as if that was not a problem.

The Imperial Palace Medical Center had a separate building outside the
Gracia Palace.

It was reserved exclusively for the royal family and the distinguished guests
staying at the imperial palace.

Ybriel met a familiar face there.

“Do you have dizziness?”

An old man wearing thick magnifying glasses asked, rummaging through a

pile of medicinal herbs.

Ybriel looked at her back and smiled faintly.

“It’s fine now.”


The old man who had been rummaging through the shelves turned to those

“You are a fool.”

“It’s been a while, Grendal.”

Grendal Boledo.

He was a doctor at a medical center, a teacher who taught herbal medicine to

Ybriel before he returned, and a person who showed how to get to the
information center of the Shadow King.

“Have you met me?”

“You helped me.”

“Hmm, if I had saved this beautiful girl, I would have remembered it even if I
had been beaten in the head.”
Ybriel couldn’t help but smiled.

As always, he was a straightforward and pleasant doctor.

“I’m glad you’re not sick. Take a break and come back when you feel

Grendal gave Ybriel a cup of hot tea.

“It’s peppermint.”

“It’s good for headaches.”

Ybriel took a sip of the hot tea.

‘I miss the taste.’

Even while he was at the Imperial Palace, Grendal often made tea for Ebriel.

Ybriel slowly tilted her teacup and recalled the past.

I drank this tea the day I came out of being locked in the closet due to the
bullying of the Crown Prince.

‘Why does the Crown Prince hate me so much?’

Grendal’s answer that he had heard then came to mind.

‘Maybe it’s the other way around.’

Ybriel put down the teacup with a frown on her face. Now that I think about
it, it sounded odd.

‘The opposite is the Crown Prince….’

Then the door to the treatment room swung open.

“Mr. Boledo, you must come to the palace right now. The Southern

Grendal’s expression hardened at those words.

“Go right away. Excuse me.”

Left alone for a moment, Ybriel looked anxiously at the place where Grendal
had disappeared.

‘Finding a doctor means that the Crown Prince is sick.’

Come to think of it, when we first met at the banquet hall, there was a scar on
the corner of his mouth.

Ybriel recalled that there was an offensive word in the words she had just
‘The Southern Prince, said.’

Under the circumstances, it sounded like the Prince of South Korea had
visited the Crown Prince’s Palace.

Ybriel turned her head in the direction of the womb. Intuition has warned me.
“What is going on?”
Ybriel’s troubles didn’t last long.


A transparent butterfly flew out the window like a mist.

It didn’t take long to get to the Crown Prince’s Palace when we flew in the
Episode 82
The first thing that caught Ybriel’s eyes was the messy scene inside the room.

- Are you okay?

Grendal was pulling herbs and bandages from his bag. My vision shifted once
‘Oh my gosh.’

Ybriel was shocked to see Tezeric’s sleeves dyed red. it was blood
Grendal clicked and checked Tezeric’s arm.

- What happened?
- The South African threw a glass, so I blocked it.

Grendal’s expression distorted. In fact, Tezeric had a dull look.

- We need to get rid of the fragments.

Grendal took out a pair of tongs and a clean cloth from his bag.

Then a black eagle woke up from a gold perch in one side of the room.

It was Yerga, the divine beast of the Crown Prince.

Ybriel felt that the eagle was somehow staring at him.

‘Can you see this?’

At that moment, the eagle flapped and flew into the air.

In an instant, the sharp beak drew closer, and his vision was dyed black as if
it were cut off.

Ybriel jumped up from her seat.
‘Butterfly, are you okay?’

“It’s okay.”

Ybriel shivered slightly from the chill, but was relieved that winter had not
been eaten.

“I am not small enough to be eaten by such a creature.”

‘I’m sorry. I do not know….’

The black eagle Yerga looked twice as large as the regular eagle.
The bright red eyes were beaked, and the beak was as sharp as a sword.

If the curse had a form, it would have been like that.

“Hey, you’re as ominous as you think. Interfering with my power is

something that normal beasts cannot do.”

He knew that Yerga was not a divine beast. The real divine beast belongs to
Ybriel right now.

So what is the Crown Prince’s eagle?

The teacup that had been put down no longer steamed.


Herwin Solgren was standing by the window of the Whitewood Mansion.

From the large window, the towering Gracia Palace could be seen at a glance.
To the north of the castle is a tall tower.

The outline of the tower pierced into Herwin’s eyes.

“You will be there.”

Evan shifted his gaze to follow Herwin.

“If the Empress Dowager is likely to be there, the North Tower is the most
likely place.”

Herwin’s mother and former Empress, Azerian Solgren Wilnarion, had not
seen Herwin since the fire at the Empress’s Palace that day.

There was a lot of talk about not coming out of the room because of the
extreme fear of his son. Then, as Herwin was stripped of the imperial castle
and driven away to Solgren, the opportunity to hear the news was lost forever.

Herwin read the letter in his hand again.

[Southern Caswither.]

Herwin commissioned the intelligence officer to find the whereabouts of

Liatrice, the former Duchess of Solgren.


He brought the letter to the candlestick and burned it. Ashes fluttered and fell,
polluting the floor.

Herwin took a deep breath.

Leah. Liatrice. The name melted and rolled around in your mouth as sweet as

Sadly, it was only now that he decided to go find his beloved wife.

“I am sending Yeongrangdae to Caswither’s estate. We need to find out where

Liatrice is.”
Evan bowed his head.

“We will only send people who are good at tracking down.”


Even after that, Ybriel kept in touch with Elthea frequently.

I called to ask if I could visit the Imperial Palace again, but I didn’t receive an
invitation because Tilien was blocking it.

Meanwhile, the weather was getting hotter.

“It’s really summer now.”

“My dear.”

Ybriel stroked Ruby’s furry fur.

Ruby was living in the form of a cat again, as if she was a dragon.

It was good for Ybriel as well.

‘If it turns out that Ruby is a divine beast, the emperor will surely strike us.’

An all-out war with the emperor in the system, I wanted to avoid such a
terrible thing.
Ebriel, oddly enough, gently scratched Ruby’s chin, which was well

The soft touch made the cat happy.

“In July, it gets hot enough to sweat. It would be nice to have a thinner and
lighter summer dress ready before hunting season arrives.”

Ybriel, not particularly interested in hunting, answered Lily’s words hazy.

‘By the way, there was a hunting competition hosted by the Imperial Family.’

A hunting contest was held every year in the wide forest east of Hwangseong.

It was like giving a reward to the person who caught the most prey.

‘Wait a minute….’

In the hunting contest, the Crown Prince Tezeric will also definitely
participate. It was a natural approach.
Ybriel’s eyes suddenly lit up with enthusiasm.

“Lily, can I see the dress catalog?”

“Yes, I will prepare right away!”

Ybriel, who instructed Lily to bring the catalog, went that way to the Duke’s
room. It was to get permission to observe the hunting festival.

“Dad, I want to see that hunting festival!”

“Hunting? why?”

Herwin tilted his head at Ybriel’s sudden declaration.

“Eve, you don’t really like hunting.”


Ybriel didn’t like it that animals that had only been living in the forest died
just for the enjoyment of people.

“But you can’t stop the hunting festival held in the Imperial Household. I want
to go and pray for the dead animals.”

Herwin laughed at that. Was it such a cute reason?

“Will you allow me?”

“Yeah, let’s do that.”

Ybriel smiled broadly at the willing permission.


In retrospect, Herwin didn’t say, ‘Do it.’

‘I should have known when I said that.’

Ybriel looked at Herwin with a look of concern.

I knew that I would only allow Ybriel to observe and guard the room, but,
contrary to expectations, Herwin went to the hunting festival with Ybriel.

At the appearance of the Solgren women, I could feel the nobles roaring.

‘okay. It would be embarrassing for the Northern Prince, who said you were
also sick, to come out and sit here.’

Only Herwin was alone.

“Dad, are you really okay?”

“then. You’re not slaughtering animals yourself, you’re just sitting there.”

“It is, but….”

My head was filled with only thoughts of what to do if a magic bullet flew by
pretending to be a mistake.

Ybriel looked at Kaizen, who was sitting at the top of the hunting ground.

The emperor took a small bite of the fruit next to him and seemed not
interested in anything.
About this time, remembering the fact that he was stabbed by Kaizen’s sword,
Ybriel felt a strange chill and turned her head.

‘Let’s not look. It might just provoke me.’

Meanwhile, the hunting festival started with a loud gunshot.

Ybriel squinted her eyes as she saw the twinkling blonde hair in the distance.

Tezeric was checking the condition of the horse and was carrying
ammunition needed for hunting in the saddle.

‘Should I give you a handkerchief and talk to me in a secret way? Oh, but I
think Lady Loen has already prepared it….’

In the past, I would have tried to avoid meeting the Crown Prince somehow,
but now I have to create an excuse that doesn’t exist and attach the word.
Ybriel was somewhat confused because of the situational disparity.

Then, without notice, Tezeric turned his head.

As her face turned towards her, Ybriel, who was numb in her feet, covered
her face with the parasol she was hastily holding.

‘Mo, haven’t you seen it?’

Moments later, when Ybriel lifted the parasol slightly again, Tezeric was
looking elsewhere.

Ybriel looked only at the sky to erase the golden afterimage flickering before
her eyes.

“It’s me, Lady Ybriel.”

A cautious voice approached. Ybriel looked at her face for a moment, then
remembered who the girl was.
“Lady Eileen. Good morning.”
Eileen was one of the two girls who attended the Empress’s last tea party, and
was four years older than Ebriel.
Episode 83
“It’s a really pretty parasol. Is this a campa race?”

Eileen praised Ybriel’s mass production.

“Lady Eileen has a really good eye. That’s right, it was made in Campa.”

It was a virtue to give back when praised.

“Lady Eileen looks really good in yellow. It’s like a fresh spring flower.”

“Oh, thank you.”

And the conversation between the two was cut off.

Eileen kept glancing around to see where she was looking from before.

Ybriel was terrified to see where Eileen’s gaze continued to go.

‘My father?’
It was then that Eileen’s shy face caught my eye.

‘Stand, maybe….’
Ybriel thought it might be a mistake, so she looked carefully at the ladies
around the hunting grounds.
However, there were quite a few eyes glancing at me pretending not to be.

To be precise, it was towards Herwin. Enlightenment poured down like a


‘Dad is so handsome that he was once nicknamed the Lily of Willnarion.

Solgren became very wealthy, removing the stigma of being a more territorial
land than Wintervis. And now the Duchess of Solgren’s seat is vacant….’
The rushing propositions pointed in one direction.
‘Oh, Shia.’

Herwin Solgren was thrown on the stage of the so-called marriage market.

‘Oh, you have to protect Dad!’

In order to shake off Eileen, who seemed to want an introduction, Ybriel

hurriedly started acting.

“Ah, it’s a hot day, so I’m dizzy….”

“Oh, are you okay?”

“It will be okay if you rest for a while….”

Eileen had to step back, unfortunately, because she couldn’t talk to the person
who wasn’t in good condition.

“Eve, are you okay? If you’re not feeling well, I’ll take you to the hospital.”

“Shh, I’m acting right now, so please cooperate.”

Ebriel frowned playfully at Herwin, who was full of concern.

Herwin, who had just let go of his heart, lowered the parasol and gently
covered Ybriel’s face.

It really bothered me that noble boys who did not participate in the hunting
festival saw this place from a while ago.

Herwin remembered all the faces of the boys looking at their precious

‘Just close your eyes….’

A dark, unfamiliar thought ran through Herwin’s head.

The hunters had a short break around 1 o’clock when the sun was hot.

As a result of the interim collection, it was Tezeric who caught the most prey.
He had a rifle in one hand and a dead fox in the other.

Ybriel watched it from a distance. In order to catch prey, you have to load a
long gun with magic bullets, and then aim and shoot.

‘Is the arm that was injured last time all healed? It looked like it was severely

He watched closely, but Tezeric showed no sign of pain otherwise.

Suddenly, Ybriel found Loen Charlotte walking towards Tezeric with a


The two seemed to be talking a few words, but at some point, Loen’s
expression turned pale.

It seemed that Tezeric did not receive the handkerchief that Loen had handed

It was an unexpected sight for Ybriel, who remembers that the two of them
had an engagement ceremony without incident.

At that moment, someone blocked Ybriel’s view.

“Hello, Lady Ebriel.”

Ybriel blinked for a moment before realizing that the person she was talking
to was Liam of Charlotte.
‘He’s the older brother of Lohen Charlotte, maybe?’

I don’t know what it was for, but Liam Charlody, who came right in front of
me, reached out to Ybriel.
What does this mean? handshake? look at my palm

“Can I borrow a handkerchief?”


Liam waited for Ybriel’s answer with a reddened face.

Ybriel hesitated. If you give the handkerchief here now, the excuse to talk to
the Crown Prince disappears.

Ybriel, who was conflicted, looked at Tezeric in the back and Liam in front.

‘But why does it seem like the Crown Prince is coming here more and

Ybriel’s thoughts were not mistaken. Tezeric was definitely walking this way.

‘what? What? Did you notice what I was looking at?’

Ybriel grabbed the parasol’s handle and held her breath.

Just then, Tezeric approached and threw a dead fox between Ybriel and Liam


Ybriel screamed and closed her eyes at the suddenly thrown corpse of the
prey. Herwin, who was watching the situation, hurriedly approached and
pulled Ybriel behind her back.

The young prince and the elegant duke were in a sharp confrontation.

“The prey is gathering over there.”

“I know, Duke Solgren.”

Tezeric’s gaze sharply stabbed Ybriel behind her back.

“Today is a present for the princess who is the first hunting agent.”

Ybriel was absurd.

Who in the world throws presents?

For some reason, the judges seemed to be twisted, but Ybriel could hardly
understand the English language.

Then I suddenly realized.

Liam Charlody, who was terrified of the fox’s corpse, suddenly disappeared
from view.

‘It may not be, but it must be my mistake….’

Did you come forward and stop it? Tezeric, who was holding the answer, was
far away.

While Herwin called the waiting attendant to take the dead fox away, Ybriel
looked at Tezeric’s back for a little longer.

“His Majesty the Empress!”

Ebriel shuddered at the shout from the other side.

Miretta was walking into the tent of the hunting ground with her younger
brother, the Southern Prince.

“It was a nice day, so I came to take a look.”

The place of the Empress was prepared in an instant.

Ybriel looked at the faces of the Empress and the Prince of South in turn.
The brothers and sisters had subtly different impressions.

If the empress’s eyes were on the soft side, the Southern Gong was on the
sharp side.

Suddenly, Ybriel noticed that Tezeric’s face resembled the Confederate more
than the Empress.

‘Is it normal because it’s a bloodline?’

Emperor Kaizen didn’t even laugh at Miretta’s appearance, just nodded his
head once.

Behind the empress was Lusa and Tillien, who followed her like a shadow.

‘Oh, there it is.’

Ybriel found Elthea behind them and smiled brightly.

Elthea also waved a small hand as if she had seen Ybriel.

“Eve, who are you talking to?”

“There’s Miss Hale over there.”

Herwin was reflexively nervous when he saw the Emperor and the couple in
Ybriel’s direction. I don’t know since when, but Kaizen was staring at me.

Kaizen laughed ominously.

“Herwin, my brother.”

Ybriel’s expression hardened.

“At best, the hunting festival has begun, and sitting alone will be boring.”

Kaizen got up from his chair and raised his voice.

“I want to add another prize for my brother.”

As the unforeseen product was added, the heat of the hunting festival surged.

“I just released a snow deer in this forest. I will grant one wish to the one who
catches it.”

Ybriel realized the emperor’s intentions and was furious.

‘You can’t know that Solgren’s family crest is a deer.’

Even the snow deer, which only inhabits in the north, were taken as prey.

This was a warning to Solgren.

“Are you going to participate too?”

Kaizen looked straight at Herwin. Herwin’s expression distorted very slightly.

‘I’m trying to think about the state of my body.’

Herwin had the urge to put all the smoke away and ruin the place.
Just as he was about to take a step forward, Ybriel grabbed Herwin’s hem and
pulled him tighter.

“No. Daddy’s not feeling well. Don’t overdo it and rest.”

Herwin woke up to Ybriel’s whispering voice.

‘If you leave now, something could happen to Ybriel.’

A little while ago, didn’t a child come near?

Herwin, who remembered the previous situation, bit his teeth firmly.

As Ybriel had said, if she accepted the offer here, she would have been
Even Ybriel knew that.
‘But granting one wish is rather attractive.’

Ybriel pondered for a moment, then made a decision.

“Your Majesty, I would like to participate instead of my father.”
Episode 84

Herwin turned white. A murmur spread among the nobles.

“A princess hunting?”

Unsurprisingly, Ybriel was only a 14-year-old girl. There is no law against

taking part in the hunt, but he was still young. Kaizen smiled curiously.

“Have you ever dealt with a gun?”

“I can handle a little.”

To be precise, I had briefly learned to shoot before returning.

Of course, it was not at the level to hit a prey that moved quickly while riding
a horse.

‘It doesn’t matter anyway. I’m not going to use a gun.’

From the moment Ybriel learned that her prey was a snow deer, she planned
what to do with it.

In the end, Kaizen’s permission was granted. Herwin held Ybriel’s arm with a
pale face.

“Ebriel, no. Dangerous.”

“No, it will be fine.”

If it was a trap digging for Solgren, it was better for Ybriel to move.

At least, there was a certainty that there would be no great danger to Herwin
in this place where nobles were gathered.
Besides, Ybriel didn’t want to see the other nobles dragging the dead snow

‘Butterfly, please protect Dad.’

Transparent butterflies flew around Herwin.

“I will come back safely. Even if it looks like this, am I still a disciple of the
matap master?”

Ybriel smiled confidently.

Although he never told anyone, Ebriel had already opened eight out of ten
doors before turning fourteen.


After finishing the change in pants that are comfortable for hunting, Ybriel
checked the rifle with a serious expression.

Elthea was watching it from afar.

The princess with her hair tied up high easily tolerated the gazes around her.
“Did I say Princess Solgren?”

The Empress, who was watching the scene, asked as if muttering.

“Is that Lady over there, Princess Solgren?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“I see. Duke Solgren has a wonderful daughter.”

At those words, Elthea became slightly anxious.

What if the Empress is no longer interested in her?

If you find a new doll, won’t your old doll be thrown away?
Ebriel filled Elthea’s anxious eyes.
‘There is nothing wrong with the horse and the saddle. There is no sign of
tampering with the gun either.’

On the other hand, Ybriel was checking the hunting items, pretending not to
notice the gaze that touched her.

After confirming firmly, Ybriel got on the saddle.

“Until the time goes down. Everyone do your best.”

After the emperor’s words were finished, gunshots rang out in the forest to
announce the afternoon hunt.

Ybriel waved her hand at the restless Herwin and pulled the reins.
Feeling the wind tickling her cheeks, Ybriel quickly passed through the trees.

In the forest of Calvira on the eastern side of the archipelago, there were
many plants as well as animals.
And Ybriel knew several kinds of herbs that could lure the snow deer.

‘Besides, Solgren is raising snow deer.’

In other words, he knows the nature of the snow deer better than anyone.

Ybriel was confident that she would win this hunting event.

Then from afar, the sound of horseshoes drew closer. Ybriel checked her
golden hair and hardened.

“My Majesty.”

It was Tezeric who came this way. Tezeric looked at Ybriel and wrinkled his
eyebrows at first.

“Isn’t the princess fearless?”


“Go back to the barracks now. Because it’s not too late.”
Ybriel was absurd. Why don’t you just pop out of nowhere and go back
without even asking the doctor?

“Why do I have to do that?”

“Yeah, of course…!”
because it’s dangerous

Tezeric hesitated for a word.

I felt like a fool myself. The thing that Ybriel was wary of right now was
nothing else, but herself, the Crown Prince.

“done. Do whatever you feel like.”

Tezeric ruffled my hair with a distorted expression and turned the horse’s

Up until then, Ybriel had not thought that he would run into Tezeric again.

“… See you again.”

Ybriel counted the number of times Tezeric appeared in front of her.

It was already the fifth or sixth encounter.

The first few times I thought that the roads overlapped by chance, but as it
kept repeating itself, I could no longer dismiss it as a coincidence.

“Why do you keep following me?”

“I didn’t follow you.”

“Aha, that’s right….”

Ybriel didn’t believe any of Tezeric’s words.

Tezeric also turned his head, realizing that he didn’t even make sense.

At first, he too was going to leave Ybriel alone. But I kept worrying about it.
If you get lost in the woods alone. Even if you get bitten by a wild beast. If
the emperor, who was watching Solgren, ordered the assassination.

All sorts of ominous assumptions turned my head into a mess.

Tezeric turned towards Ybriel as if drawn by gravity.

All was well for Ybriel, who was trying to find out Tezeric’s secret.

“I think it would be better to move together when we continue to see each

other like this.”

Tezeric didn’t answer, but pulled the reins in the direction Ybriel was moving.

Thanks to Ybriel’s slight advance, Tezeric was able to watch Ybriel’s back.

Surprisingly, Princess Solgren had no tension for a person who came to hunt.

I was just looking around as if looking for something, but it didn’t seem like a
snow deer.

“What are you looking for?”


Ebriel immediately answered Tezeric’s question.


“It’s a medicinal herb. Have you ever seen grass with red tips and thorns?”

Tezeric paused at the question.

“I didn’t look carefully.”

Even if he looked closely, Tezeric would not have known which grass was
Pippinmel and brushed it. The only color he could distinguish was blue.

“Where is that ‘Pippin Mel’ used?”

“I usually use it as a natural deodorant, but I use it to get rid of my odor.”

“Can you get rid of the smell?”

“Snow deer are very vigilant. If you smell a human, you will run away.”

Just then, Ybriel noticed a red leaf among the nearby bushes and jumped off
the horse.


Ybriel tore off the pipinmel leaf, wrapped it in a handkerchief, and began to
press it tightly. Soon, red juice oozes out of the fabric.

Ybriel pressed down on her clothes and the nape of her neck with a
handkerchief. It left a bloody stain.

“Your clothes are stained.”

“I can not help it.”

Ybriel dipped as much red pipinmel juice as possible and applied it. And he
held out the handkerchief to Tezeric.

“Should I do it too?”
“You can’t miss the snow deer.”

Tezeric hesitated and took the handkerchief. I felt strangely ashamed of the
soft texture of the fabric.

“Doesn’t it look like you’re bleeding?”


“It’s the color of Pippinmel.”

Tezeric tilted his head as if he didn’t understand. Ybriel felt uncomfortable

with the reaction for a moment and looked at Tezeric.

However, it was such a fleeting intuition that Ybriel did not think deeply
about it.

Ebriel, who had wiped out the odor with Pippinmello, found a raspberry in a
thicket not far away.

Tezeric, who was behind him, thought that Ybriel, who was looking for
things, was just like a squirrel living in the forest.

“done. The preparations are now complete.”

Ybriel put the hunting gun on the saddle casually.

“I’m going to catch a snow deer without a gun.”

Before Tezeric asked, Ybriel answered first.


“You will find out soon.”


The snow deer with white fur was sure to stand out in the deep green forest.
However, even as the sun was setting, there was no news from the hunting

Herwin looked at the darkening forest, and finally got up from his seat.
One by one, while they gave up hunting and returned to the barracks, the only
ones who had not returned were the Crown Prince and Ybriel.
‘I’m going to go find it.’

He was just about to instruct the servant to bring the horse.

Episode 85

At the sound of someone’s call, people all looked at one place.

A prince appeared on horseback among the lush trees.

And after that, Ybriel was approaching riding a pure white snow deer.

As soon as Ybriel saw Herwin, she jumped off the snow deer’s back.

Herwin ran over with a pale face and grabbed Ybriel’s face.
“Are you all hurt?”
“Oh, no. no! This is Pippin Mel juice.”

Ybriel smiled as she wiped the dark red dried pipinmel juice from her cheeks
and nape of her neck.
‘Snow deer are sensitive to human body odor, but in fact they are not picky
animals. Because he has high intelligence, he knows how to communicate
with people.’

After removing the smell, Ybriel went up and fed the snow deer a raspberry.
The snow deer, who was surprised by being caught in an unfamiliar place,
gladly carried the young human who came kindly on its back.

Ybriel turned to face Kaizen, who was sitting in the barracks.

“You told me to catch the deer. I thought there was no need to kill him if he
could bring him back alive.”

Kaizen laughed as if he had seen an interesting spectacle.

If Ybriel killed the snow deer here and brought its carcass, I would have
harmed the family symbol with my own hands.

Knowing the meaning, Ybriel could not harm the snow deer.
“okay. The princess won.”

He slowly got up from his chair.

“I will keep my promise. Do you have any wishes, princess?”

Ybriel stopped breathing for a moment.

I pondered the whole time about what wish I would say if I caught a snow

After much deliberation, Ybriel made a decision.

“I would like to attend the festival held in Kyoguk in January of the following

The surroundings became quiet. Tezeric also looked at Ybriel in amazement.

“Are you going to go to a place where only the royal family is allowed,

“That’s right.”

Kaizen’s eyes glared at Ebriel as if it were piercing through him. Ybriel felt a
tingling sensation near her heart again. But he didn’t step back.

After silence, Kaizen opened her mouth.

“Not allowed.”


“I hope you will not regret your choice.”

Shortly after returning to Whitewood, Ybriel had a long conversation with

“Why did you make such a wish?”

“Oh, I wanted to go to Kyoguk!”

“I know very well that you are not the kind of kid who behaves like this for
trivial reasons. Ybriel, you should know what the real reason is.”

Ybriel hid her embarrassment.

‘How can you say that Tezeric is not the emperor’s father?’

The Consecration Festival was a sacred and holy event held in the Kingdom
of Shia once every ten years when the Promera meteor shower returned.

At this time, it was customary for the heirs of the four empires to share the
power of the divine beast to return to the Pope and receive holy baptism.
Originally, only Tezeric had to go, but Ybriel asked to accompany him on the
When Ybriel hesitated to answer, Herwin let out a deep sigh.

“Is it difficult to answer?”


If Ybriel was wrong, it would be a felony just to say this out loud. Until it
became clear, Ybriel had no intention of speaking to Herwin.

“I’ll tell you later, for sure.”

Ybriel looked at Herwin with straight eyes. Herwin’s eyes suddenly reminded
him of Liatrice.

There was no message from Yeongrangdae, which was sent to the south. He
may have to move on his own.
“I believe in you, Ybriel. But in any case, promise me that your safety is of
the utmost importance.”

“I promise.”

Herwin decided to let Ybriel go, and at the same time, he also decided to go
down south.


- So, I guess I won’t be able to go back to Solgren this winter.

Through the kaleidoscope, Ybriel announced that she was participating in the
festival. Kanya and Sigmund both showed disappointment.

“Then when will you come?”

- I think it will be February at the latest.

Kanya thought of Asiligo at those words.

He also knew that Ybriel was coming to Solgren, so he seemed to be very


- Kanya tells Asiligo well.

Ybriel knew that too, so he asked Kanya in advance.

“Yes, lady!”

After the conversation, Kanya covered the kaleidoscope and wrote a letter to
Asiligo, who was in Pexen right away. It was about Ybriel leaving for the
And two days later, Asiligo, who received the letter, returned to Solgren.

“Oh, brother?”

Kanya, unaware of any news, was startled by the sudden appearance of

Asiligo in the castle.
“Where are you going?”

“In the office.”

After giving a short answer, Asiligo walked towards Qian with a leaping pace.

Qian wasn’t too surprised to see the sudden appearance of Asiligo.

‘That kid….’

I don’t know how the mercenary king rolled it, but his energy changed in a
short period of time. Qian now realizes that it’s hard to tell whether he wins
or loses when he’s faced off against Asiligo.

‘I’ve been training really badly.’

Kian smiled faintly. It was because I thought I would understand why Asiligo
came today.

“A dragon?”

“I heard that the young lady is attending the Church Festival.”


“I will go too.”

“Are you confident in your skills?”

“That’s right.”

Kian put the papers down for a moment.

“You should have left last week if you wanted to get to the islands before the
lady left for Kyoko.”

“You can arrive.”

Kian read the unbreakable will in the knight’s eyes. He’s been training all the
time, so at this point, it seemed like it was time to experience the real battle.

In the end, Qian gave Asiligo a travel allowance and pass.

“thank you.”

Asiligo immediately began preparing to go to the Islands.


Ybriel made early preparations for departure to arrive at the Kingdom in time
for the upcoming festival period.

“Go carefully, Eve.”

“Yes I will. Daddy, always take care of your health!”

The winter in the islands was warmer than in the north, but it was not easy.

Ybriel was worried about Herwin leaving the door, so she hurriedly closed
the window.

The carriage, which had been running through the forest for a while after
leaving the main road, abruptly stopped at some point.

Waiting to leave again, Lily, who was looking out the window, exclaimed.

“Oh, my God.”

“what’s the matter?”

“Lady, look over there!”

After that, Ybriel looked out the window.

Then, his eyes met the gray-haired young man who was outside.


“You know?”
Asiligo saw Ebriel and stood tall.

“Oh my God, how did you get here?”

Realizing that the Ebriel in front of him was not a fantasy, Asiligo walked to
the front of Ebriel at a faster pace than before.


Ybriel flinched. Asiligo, seen up close, was larger than expected. It looked
like it had grown by a span in the blink of an eye.

“I got permission from Kian-sama. I am going to accompany you to Kyokyo

as an escort of the young lady.”

While Ybriel was bewildered by the sudden story, Asiligo laughed.

It was a boy-like clean smile.


Shia Kingdom was a small country made up of two islands, located in the
center of the four continents.
In the past, they used to travel by sea, but as the gate built by the Western
Twilight Tower was recently activated, it was no longer necessary to travel by
boat for a long time.

Ybriel and Tezeric ran into each other in front of the gate leading to the
“I will see you, Your Majesty.”

Tezeric looked at Ybriel once, and Asiligo standing behind Ybriel once, with
a look on his face as if he didn’t like something.

“I brought the first article I saw.”

“Yes, I am Sir Asiligo from the realm this time.”
Tezeric looked at Asiligo slowly.
It was an achromatic impression that was nothing special, but the presence
that appeared at first glance was uncommonly intimidating.
‘This is the race.’

Tezeric also knew that a considerable number of heterogeneous tribes in the

north were living and established.
They are beings with greater power than ordinary humans. If you wish, you
can easily subdue one person with your strength.
‘What do you believe?’

Ybriel, who knew nothing, had a pleasant expression on the face of what he
was talking about with the knight standing next to him.
good laugh

It was a comfortable face that he had never shown before in front of Tezeric.
Suddenly, I felt a sense of displeasure.

But Tezeric couldn’t figure out why he was feeling bad.

He erased Ybriel and Asiligo from view so as not to think about it any
Episode 86
The distance that would have taken more than a month by sea route was
reduced to less than a few seconds by the gate.

After leaving the gate, Ybriel confirmed that the air had changed.
The salty smell of the sea was drenched in the wind.

To welcome the distinguished guests from distant countries, Kyokyo

presented a star primrose flower that blooms only on this island.

After being informed of the accommodation and schedule to stay during the
festival, the afternoon was empty.

Ybriel went out to the village with Asiligo.

Even though it was winter, the temperature was similar to that of the island’s

It was unbelievably cool weather when I remembered the midwinter of


“Try wearing such light clothes after a long time.”

The clothes that Ybriel was wearing now were neat priestly clothes. Wearing
a priest’s uniform was one of the rules to follow when visiting the church.
‘Leave your luxury aside and come before God.’

As the country started to exchange with its neighbors by holding a celebration

festival, the imperial family and royalty from each country visited the country
with a lot of fashion to show off their country’s wealth.
As it gradually overheated, the denomination banned plain clothes altogether
and stipulated that only those provided by the denomination should be worn.
Thanks to this, Ybriel didn’t have to carry a lot of luggage.
Lily must have struggled quite a bit to bring a bunch of flimsy dresses.

“Where are you going?”

“First to the town!”

I came to Kyoto not only to make time to be with Tezeric, but also to see
special herbs that can only be found in Kyoto.

Food and songs overflowed in the village for the approaching festival.

Ybriel visited several herbalists and bought some herbs little by little.
With the rest of the money, I bought drinks on the street. Ybriel, who was
thirsty from walking around, emptied her glass at once. it was shiny
“This is amazing. It tastes tangy.”

The two immediately turned to return to the dormitory. However, after a

while, Ybriel sat down, not walking on the road.


“Let’s have another drink of this.”

“Shall we go back to that store?”

“No, no. just go home No, it’s a dorm, really.”

Asiligo felt something was wrong with the gibberish. He took the empty cup
Ybriel was holding and sniffed it.


“This is alcohol, ma’am.”

Ybriel was astonished.
In the system, drinking was allowed for nobles who made their debut in the
social world.

Even so, Ybriel did not enjoy drinking very much. I’ve had it a few times,
because it’s never tasted good.

“weird. Why was it delicious?”

Somehow, my head felt dizzy.

“I will support you.”

“I was deceived by the shopkeeper. Who would have thought that alcohol was
sold on the streets of Kyoguk?”
“It’s the first festival in ten years.”

“But still….”

Ybriel squeezed her temples.

There were many places to see, such as the Pontifical Chapel, Fountain
Square, and the sunrise from Hal Shia, but Ybriel had to return home early
because of that drink.

‘Seeing you say that you drank a glass of that, I’m weak to alcohol.’

Ybriel lay in bed and vowed never to drink again.

That day, Ybriel fell asleep before the sun went down.


It was still dark dawn when Ybriel woke up, perhaps thanks to an early sleep.

‘I’m dizzy….’

Ybriel found the water bottle on the side table and got up. And it was the
moment when I was just pouring water into a glass.

Ybriel stopped.
‘What did you just say?’

Ybriel put down the water bottle and held her breath, focusing all her hearing
on the sound outside.

But the only thing that could be heard in Ybriel’s ears was the weeping of the


Suddenly, Asiligo’s voice came from outside the door.

Ybriel ran and opened the door. As if hearing the same sound, Asiligo’s
expression was serious.

“Did you just hear it?”

“Yeah, screaming from upstairs….”

Asiligo turned away without speaking. Why?


Ybriel was now in her pajamas. Upon realizing him, his face turned bright red
in an instant. Ybriel quickly closed the door.

“Did you not see anything?”

When asked through the closed door, after a subtle silence, Asiligo answered.


“Thank you for the words….”

Ybriel swallowed her tears, changed her clothes, and opened the door again.

“Do you know where the sound is coming from?”

“It’s just upstairs from the lady’s room.”

At Asiligo’s words, Ybriel’s expression turned strange.

“There, it’s the prince’s room.”

There may be something wrong with Tezeric.

Unknowingly, Ybriel turned towards the stairs.

Asiligo followed.

Upstairs was dark and quiet. Ybriel arrived in front of Tezeric’s room with
her back in her hand. An escort stood guarding the door.

“What are you doing at this late hour, Princess?”

“I heard a strange noise. It must be this room.”

“You seem to have misunderstood.”

The escort driver answered with a hard face. The escort said so, but Ybriel
couldn’t ask further.

“… okay.”

Ybriel retreated first. As she was afraid to go downstairs, Asiligo shook her

“It’s a lie.”

“What? Why is the escort lying about the prince’s condition?”

It was difficult for Ybriel to understand the behavior.

Asiligo, who had excellent hearing, looked upwards as if he could still hear
the annoying sound in his ears, and then turned his gaze to Ybriel.

“I wish I could sleep first today.”

“… Okay.”

At Asiligo’s words, Ybriel hesitated, and eventually returned to her room.

I lay in bed, but strangely, I couldn’t sleep.


The next day there was a brief social gathering with the successors from each
country gathered in the church.

Ybriel left the room early, accompanied by Aciligo, and met Tezeric at the

Recalling last night’s small commotion, Ybriel looked at Tezeric’s complexion

first of all. It wasn’t a painful complexion, but it looked strangely sharp.

After a moment’s hesitation, Ybriel moved closer to Tezeric.

“Good morning, Your Majesty.”

“Good morning, princess.”

Contrary to the expression on his face that looked like he would be annoyed
at any moment, Tezeric accepted him politely. Ybriel had a little more
courage there.

“Hey, were you unwell the day before?”

It wasn’t a big question, but Tezeric froze.

“Why are you asking that?”

After a while, a sharp answer came back.

“I heard it sounding sick upstairs yesterday.”


Tezeric looked into the distance without saying a word. At that moment,
Ybriel felt that Tezeric’s eyes, which always lit up colorfully, were empty.

“You heard it wrong.”

Tezeric left those words alone and left.

But that night, the same thing happened again.

Ybriel got dressed and opened the door. Asiligo stood in front of the door as
if it was natural.

“I’m probably anxious. I think we should check it out.”

Then Asiligo blinked and pointed to Ybriel’s room.

“There is an escort at the door, so I’ll go up through the window first.”

“Huh, are you okay? It’s dangerous.”

At that, Asiligo looked down at Ybriel with a curious expression.

Climbing up one floor on the outer wall of the building was no work for him.
Asiligo once climbed a cliff for half a day under the leadership of the
mercenary king.
Ybriel was just worried because he didn’t know exactly how powerful Asiligo
“If you just allow me to enter the lady’s quarters, there will be no problem.”
“It’s okay to come in.”

At Asiligo’s words, Ybriel nodded too easily.

“Excuse me.”

Asiligo did not look into the room, but steadfastly gazed straight ahead
towards the window.

When the window was opened, a breeze with the smell of the sea rushed into
the room.
Ybriel saw Asiligo slipping off the terrace railing and disappearing upstairs
with a few simple movements.

It happened so quickly that I had no idea how it was done.

After a while, Asiligo came down again from upstairs. It was a quick and
quiet movement, as when climbing.
“There was an escort guarding the window, and he passed out.”

is that okay? Ybriel didn’t know.
Episode 87
“I think I’ll have to catch her to go up this way.”

Asiligo’s words meant that he would now go up there again, holding Ybriel in
one arm on this terrace.
“Are you really okay?”

“I am okay. If it’s okay with you.”

Ybriel was a little worried that Asiligo might fall, but seeing the swift
movement she had just made, she seemed to be able to believe it.

Ybriel spread her arms very naturally.

Asiligo felt a strange feeling for Ybriel, who showed no awareness.

The joy of being trusted and the desire to destroy that trust were subtly
Asiligo held Ybriel tightly in her arms and flew upstairs.

Ybriel closed her eyes tightly in the strong gravity.

The feeling of being lifted up in my body was instantaneous.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself on the terrace upstairs with

Ybriel carefully stepped into the window.

The structure of Tezeric’s dormitory was exactly the same as that of Ybriel’s
room downstairs.
Thanks to this, Ybriel was able to quickly find Thezeric moaning on the bed.
“Sir, are you okay?”

Ybriel was embarrassed to see that she couldn’t even express her pain

‘If there had been an escort guarding the window in the room, of course he
would have known that the Crown Prince was ill, so why didn’t anyone call
the doctor?’

Ybriel first wet the towel in the room with water and placed it on Tezeric’s

There wasn’t one or two strange things.

‘No matter who you are, you treat the Crown Prince rudely.’

The Tezeric that Ybriel remembers was the perfect prince. They were an
imperial family who lacked nothing in swordsmanship, academics, various
royal etiquettes and foreign languages.

Ybriel was now almost certain of the hypothesis that Theseeric might not
have been the Emperor’s real son.

‘It doesn’t make sense to treat the one and only prince like this.’

Ybriel began to rummage around Tezeric’s room as if possessed by

something. Inside the closet in the adjoining dressing room was the priest’s
uniform given to Tezeric.

As she was taking her clothes out and looking at them, she found something
that had fallen out of the pocket of her priest’s uniform.

It was a small leather notebook. While trying to pick up the notebook, Ybriel
unintentionally checked the contents.

you know. Dark gray, silver gray.

As soon as I looked at the letters, I knew what each word meant.

‘It’s the color of your hair and the color of your eyes.’

When I turned the front page, it was all the same content. It was like writing a
person’s name and writing down the hair and eye color next to it.

‘The face that resembles the Southern Prince more than the Empress, fake
Shinsu and Taeyangan….’

The day dawned dimly outside.

Asiligo called Ebriel as if he had to go back. Ybriel carefully put the
notebook back in place and ran out onto the terrace.
Fortunately, Tezeric did not wake up.


It was a nightmare that recurred when I was sick. The boy was on his way out
of the palace with someone.

Even though it was a dream he had often, the boy was always afraid. It was
something that really happened, or it seemed like it happened.

‘Why are you helping me?’

A voice as clear as a bell from behind asks.

The moonlight fell on the girl’s face. The moment he saw the blue-purple
eyes, Tezeric realized that the person he had brought out of a room was

‘You hate me….’

I hate you? He laughed.

‘… I never hated you.’

Truly it was.
He said that he felt pity for you, who was dying day by day, playing the role
of a puppet for the mad empress in the imperial palace like a prison.

He said that if I bothered him so much that he couldn’t even breathe, he

would run away on his own feet.

I’d rather run away in fear and never come back to this terrible place forever.
Because I thought so.

Swallowing all the words, the boy moved again.

You have to get out of the castle before dawn to save it.

However, where they arrived, there was a darkness deeper than the abyss.

Every moment felt like it was stabbing my lungs. The dark shadows, the sharp
blade, and the floor that was getting cold….

Tezeric took a deep breath and woke up.


My heart ached as if rolling through thorns. The boy got out of bed and
slammed the door. The place downstairs was where the escort shook off the
grabbing hand and ran.


After returning to the room, Ybriel, who had just fallen asleep, woke up in

“Princess, are you in?”

Ybriel quickly put on her shawl and ran to the door. Could it be that he was
caught sneaking into the room?

Outside the door, Tezeric, who was about to enter, and Asiligo, who was
about to stop, were facing each other.

“What are you doing?”

The two looked at Ybriel at the same time.

Tezeric confirmed Ybriel’s appearance with his eyes.

No blood, no pale face without blood.

is breathing Ybriel was obviously alive.

It was then that the boy realized how foolish he had been. You’re just running
down from a nightmare and screaming.

Ybriel waited nervously for Tezeric’s words.

The boy licked his dry lips, then turned his head.
“I must have misunderstood.”


“Excuse me from the beginning.”

Tezeric fled as if running away.


The next day, Tezeric behaved normally, as if it had ever happened.

However, Ybriel noticed that Tezeric was subtly distanced from him.

If they ran into each other, they turned around, and if they wanted to see
them, they avoided their seats.

‘Did you ever find out about entering the room?’

“I guess not because I got out before I woke up.”

Ybriel looked up at Asiligo with a blank expression on her face.

“Did I just say it out loud?”

“No, I thought I knew what you were thinking.”

Ybriel touched her face with one hand. did you get teased like that

Ybriel pretended to be serious and hardened her expression.

Asiligo looked at it and smiled faintly.

“I’ll take you to the dinner room.”

Heirs to the throne from different countries to participate in the baptism

ceremony arrived at different times. Therefore, during the month of
December, luncheons and dinners continued to exchange with each other.

The day before, the Crown Prince had arrived from Rötgel, an ally of
Veloiton, but Ybriel had not yet seen his face.

There were already many people in the dining room.

His eyes focused on Ybriel as he entered the room. I felt my eyes linger for a
long time.

‘You’re looking at me strangely again.’

After attending several luncheons and dinners, Ybriel felt strangely people
were watching her.

So, I raised my head proudly.

Since he was deprived of the royal family’s castle, it is true that he was not
the heir, but Ybriel had a divine beast.

Ybriel didn’t know until she sat down. The real reason why people gathered in
the dining room stare at themselves.

[It’s beautiful.]

Across the table, someone mumbled in a foreign language.


Ybriel noticed that the person sitting across from him was the Crown Prince
of Rötgel, who had just arrived.
When his eyes met Ybriel, he rolled his eyes and smiled. He had a very
handsome face.

[Your eyes are so beautiful, sweetheart.]

The interpreter standing next to him looked embarrassed. It was a face that I
wanted to convey or not.

But there was no need for such worries. It was because Ybriel knew how to
speak Rötgel.

Ybriel’s face lit up. Uh, so, are you talking to me now?
[compliment… thank you.]

When Ybriel hesitated and answered in Rötgel, the Crown Prince looked

[Can you speak our language?]

[I learned a little.]
The prince’s complexion brightened at once. It felt good to have someone to
talk to.
[I heard your story as soon as I arrived. Everyone was talking about a great
beauty from Veloyton.]
Ybriel’s eyes widened at the story she heard for the first time.
[I wanted to talk to Prince Belloyton, but he refused to meet me. So it was
very sad.]

Tezeric did that? It was a moment that was puzzled by Ybriel.

Clink! Suddenly, the sound of a glass breaking was heard. Everyone,
including Ybriel and the Crown Prince, looked in the direction of the
“sorry. Stop by mistake.”

It was none other than Tezeric who broke the glass. The boy had a dry
expression on his face, but Ybriel, who knew Thezeric well, realized that the
boy’s judgment had been firmly twisted.
Episode 88
Tezeric immediately stood up to change clothes that had been splattered with
wine. Ybriel suddenly noticed that the liquid dripping from the boy’s hand
wasn’t just alcohol.

[Excuse me for a moment.]

Ybriel got up quickly and followed Tezeric.

Tezeric walked very fast.

Even though Ybriel followed almost immediately, she was already far ahead.

Ybriel screamed to stop Tezeric, but the boy ran out of the building like an
unheard man.
The boy stopped in front of a fountain in the garden.

“Why did the princess come to Kyoto?”

They usually attend meetings held before the baptismal ceremony in their
home country for the purpose of friendship and exchange, but sometimes
there were those who wanted to escape from the struggle for power in their
own country and seek asylum in other countries.
The easiest way was marriage.

So Tezerik was in a bad mood when Ybriel talked to Crown Prince Rötgel.
He also learned a foreign language through the royal education, so it was not
difficult to understand the meaning.
The moment I saw Ybriel talking from afar, I thought that the girl was about
to leave. To a place out of his reach forever.
“why? For what?”
Ybriel only blinked at Tezeric’s questioning words.

‘Why did you come?’

I couldn’t understand the meaning of the sudden question.

Ybriel turned a little pale as she remembered sneaking into Tezeric’s room.
‘Did you find out too?’

But seeing that he didn’t mention the notebook, it didn’t seem like it was
because of that.
Suddenly, Ybriel was conscious of Tezeric’s hand. Tuk, tuk, it was blood that
fell to the ground. Blood was oozing from the wound he broke the glass.
Having discovered this, Ybriel carefully reached out and took Tezeric’s hand.
As soon as Ybriel’s body temperature touched Tezeric, he felt a sense of
uneasiness that seemed to fly away in an instant.

“Because of you.”

“I’m here because of Your Majesty.”

Ybriel found a handkerchief from her bosom and pulled it out. And with that,
he carefully wrapped Tezeric’s hand.

“Go and get treatment.”

The handkerchief was very soft.


Asiligo had followed Ybriel silently from the moment he left the dining room.

Even if he stood far away, the conversation between the prince and Ybriel
could all be heard in his ears.
“Because of you.”

The moment he heard those words, Asiligo frowned.


Not annoying.

Immediately after, he stopped breathing, startled by his own thoughts.

From afar, Ybriel was coming back.

“You know, I’ve been waiting for you.”


“Let’s go to the room.”

As always, he walked behind Ebriel and looked at the back of Ebriel who was

Seeing his waving white hair, he resisted an unknown impulse.

It was a strange night.

As the baptism ceremony approached, the atmosphere of the Church became
very busy. It was a ceremony for the successor of your empire to be reborn as
the true master of the divine beast, so it was natural to be nervous and

Ybriel grew anxious.

‘I don’t know about other empires, but those belonging to Tezeric aren’t real
divine beasts.’

Problems may arise.

‘The baptismal ceremony takes place in Hal Shia.’

Among the two islands that make up the country, the smaller one was called
‘Hal Shia’.

This was a sacred realm that only priests who were called by God could enter.
The heirs of the empire to be baptized were neither armed nor escorted.

Ybriel looked in the direction of Hal Shia with anxious eyes. I also can’t

“You know.”

“Yes, lady.”

“It is a felony for an unauthorized person to break into Hal Shia.”

“Is that so.”

“If I become a felon, can you protect me?”

At that, Asiligo looked at Ybriel. Ybriel had a determined expression on her

face. Asiligo bowed his head.

“I will protect you no matter what.”

Ybriel, who was nervous that it might stop, finally smiled.

“thank you.”

For the christening, four Imperial heirs boarded the ship.

He crossed over to the sacred island and was granted holiness with the power
that Shia had granted him.

Tezeric walked into Hal Shia’s Cathedral.

It was simple. Summoning divine beasts in front of the Pope, reading prayers,
and receiving summary baptism over the head.

That was the end.

“Tezeric Caswither Willnarion, come before God.”

When it was his turn, the boy took a step towards the podium where the pope
was with the summoned divine beast.

The thing happened then. The eagle Yerga suddenly began to inflate its


Sensing an abnormality, Tezeric stepped back. The eagle wasn’t just making
it look bigger, it was really getting bigger.

Inside the cathedral were only the heirs of the empire, the pope, and the
bishops helping to preside.

Since it was a space where even weapons could not be brought in, the Knights
of Creation, the only army in the kingdom, did not exist.


In the meantime, the eagle, who was a ‘divine beast’, exuded an ominous
black energy and gradually grew in size.

It was then that Tezeric realized. That was a witch.

“Do, run away!”

The boy cried out urgently, but the eagle had already completely changed like
a beast.

It was the moment when the toxin was about to burst.

Time passed slowly as if someone was holding it.

A lightning bolt-like sword passed the eagle’s neck. It was a death without
even an end.

Shortly thereafter, Tezeric saw the marble floors of the cathedral froze white.

In the blink of an eye, something happened. A rapidly rising column of ice

completely trapped the eagle’s carcass.
bang! There was a sound of something exploding from within, and soon the
pillar was stained with a thick black toxin.

Tezeric instinctively looked to where the door of the cathedral was.

“Sir, are you okay?”

Ybriel was standing there. with their loyal knights.


In order to ascertain the authenticity of the sudden incident, the church had
summoned Tezeric and Ybriel several times.

First of all, Ybriel’s trespassing on Hal Shia was fortunately suppressed.

Because he saved the pope and four heirs who were there, and also received a
letter of appreciation for capturing a cultist once in the past.

However, the problem of Tezeric’s divine beast became more complicated

than expected.

They couldn’t have guessed that the Crown Prince with the sun’s eyes had a
fake divine beast.

Instead, a hypothesis circulated that Prince Veloyton’s divine beast had been
corrupted. The Order dispatched the Knights Templar to the North to
investigate the movement of darkness.

Meanwhile, Tezeric and Ybriel stayed at the dormitory, but their outings were
temporarily restricted.

It was after all investigations were over that the two were able to come out.

Ybriel went up the road to find Tezeric.

“…I have something I want to ask you.”

Tezeric contorted his face. Because he knew what Ybriel was trying to ask.

“Can you explain why you brought a fake divine beast?”

He thought he had any excuses.

Even the church understood that the divine beast had been corrupted. So if
you look around, you’ll understand.

Lying is easy. ‘Cause that’s what I’ve always done


Suddenly, Tezeric came to his senses. Ybriel looked at him worriedly.

Tezeric’s expression, which had been staring at the girl’s face, slowly

I couldn’t make the same mistake ‘this time’.

The boy closed his eyes tightly, not feeling anything strange in his thoughts.
“… The place where I was born is not the Imperial Palace.”

When the decision was made, the story flowed more bluntly than expected.
“It’s a ghetto Ditchpole.”

‘From now on, you will become Tezeric Caswither Wilnarion.’

The lie began when Tezeric was very young.

A boy sleeping in Ditchpole’s garbage heap and drinking water from the
sewer was suddenly brought to a splendid mansion.
Duke Caswither washed and decorated Tezeric to make him look like a
plausible aristocratic child.

Duke Caswither, knowing that Tezeric’s appearance was worthwhile, declared

that he would make him the ‘Prince’ at once.

At the time, Tezeric didn’t even know how to use the word ‘Prince’.
However, food that immediately enters the mouth and a warm bed to avoid
the cold were rare.
‘You wouldn’t want to go back to Ditchpole’s garbage burrow. Then become
the perfect Willnarion.’
Episode 89
Everything that made up the thesis was a lie. His name, his identity, and even
the face of the sun, the symbol of the imperial family, were all fake.
‘I’m going to plant a highly psychedelic magic in my eyes.’

It was painful to fake the inside of the sun.

In exchange for becoming Willnarion, Tezeric had to endure the pain of
constant hallucinogenic magic, and as a result, the world lost its color.
Except for one thing, blue….

As Tezeric’s brief story ended, Ybriel let out the breath he had been holding

‘The prediction was correct.’

Tezeric is not the emperor’s father.

As Aiden said, Shinsoo was also a fake.

Ybriel was horrified.

‘If all four heirs of the Empire in Hal Shia died.’

It is undoubtedly a cause for war. Was it a continent-level war that the

emperor wanted?

Tezeric, who had revealed the truth, looked straight at Ybriel.

“Now tell me what to do. It’s chess that I can throw away. The Emperor will
not even be scratched.”
There was nothing wrong with his words.

‘Even if it is known to the world that Tezeric is not the real son of the
Emperor, Kaizen will hold Caswither all the blame.’
Ybriel put down Tezeric’s notebook from her hand.
“Like you said, your majesty’s identity is not enough to cause the emperor to
be overthrown.”
So Ybriel was even more concerned.

“The question is ‘why’.”

There must be a reason for murdering the two princesses and arguing to take
the Caswither’s illegitimate child as his heir.

And that would be the Emperor’s fatal weakness.

“When I return to Veloyton, I will start investigating the Empress. Until then,
I will keep this a secret.”

Tezeric raised his head in surprise.

“You, too, are victims.”

Ybriel remembered Tezeric, who was being treated by Grendal on his arm.

“Please help me. Then I will help you too.”

Tezeric was silent for a long time.

I thought the day was strangely long.

Ybriel blinked as she watched the twilight seeping into the horizon.

Today is the last day of December, and the day the Promera meteor shower
returns after 10 years.

In a small town in the distance, the lights were turned off one by one to
welcome the meteor shower.

Ybriel stared blankly at the village, which fell into darkness to see the
starlight. How can it be so inconsistent?

Suddenly someone knocked on the door.

“Is it okay for a while?”

It was Tezeric’s voice. For a moment, Ybriel hesitated to answer, not knowing
how to look at Tezeric.

“Come on in.”

He walked out onto the terrace where Ebriel was.

“The village is black.”

“It is said that it is for good observation of the Promera and the Crucifixion.”

“Isn’t that contradictory?”

Interestingly, Tezeric’s question was what Ybriel had been thinking about
until recently.

Ybriel smiled faintly.

As the island became completely dark, the stars in the night sky became clear
as if they were approaching. The faint sound of the waves coming from the
sea was like a whisper of starlight.

Ybriel could confirm that the four guardian castles were perfectly in the shape
of a regular cross.

“I did it before. The only color he could see was blue.”

Tezeric leaned on the terrace and looked at Ybriel. In the portrait, the
youthful figure and the present face overlap.

“I guess that’s why it was so special.”


You are special, Ybriel. The boy swallowed the words he couldn’t get out.

“I’ll help you.”

“So you help me too.”

My heart poured out like countless stars.

A splendid and beautiful fall has begun.


By the time Ybriel left for the Church, Herwin sought a vacation home in the
South for recuperation.

According to the report of Yeongrangdae and the information given by the

Shadow King, Liatris would have been hiding nearby.

Herwin considered why Liatris had settled in the South rather than the

Not sure, but Caswither’s wide and fertile plains add to the power of the
Emperor. Liatrice’s coming here might have something to do with him.

He also leaked information that Duke Solgren had come down here, so if he
understood the signal, he would definitely come to meet him.

Herwin waited quietly without leaving the cottage for a while.

Herwin’s movements were always being watched by the emperor, so he was

careful to act willingly.

There was no news for the first week or so.

He must have decided that it was not time to move yet.

As he waited for the news, he recalled the old memories.

The day when ‘children’ were born, when all these things began.

‘I don’t want to lose you or my children.’

On the central steps of the villa, the grandfather clock roared to announce
At some point, Herwin realized that the surroundings were strangely quiet.

What appeared in front of him were men in masks. Herwin sighed. It was
clear that Kaizen sent them.

“You’re chasing me all the way here.”

It wasn’t a vacation, but that didn’t mean he wanted an assassin.

Herwin quickly decapitated and cut one person at the same time.

A battle ensued in the shadows.

Herwin dealt with the enemy step by step.

It took less than an hour for everything to be sorted out.

Herwin looked around the quiet room and slowly lowered his sword. Then I
felt popular and turned back. Someone slowly walked out of the darkest
corner of the room.

Herwin drew his sword without checking his opponent.

Kang! A sharp squeal broke the silence.

Herwin suddenly realized something strange and froze with his swords facing
each other.

The opponent only took Herwin’s sword and did not counterattack.

The silhouette of the person he thought was an assassin was familiar


‘no way.’

Herwin threw his sword on the spot and removed the assassin’s mask.

Light blonde hair poured down. Blue-violet eyes shone clearly even in the
darkened room.

A fresh smile, soft eyes, and a dot around the right eye came into view.
“Isn’t it too late to find out?”

He was a person who could not be known without knowing. No matter how
much time passed, my heart and memory did not fade.

Herwin hugged him tightly without saying a word.

“I missed you, Herwin.”

Liatris hugged Herwin face to face. The beating of their hearts could be
clearly heard in each other.

Herwin couldn’t believe it as he held it in his arms.

“Lea, are you really you?”

“What do you really think if it’s not me?”

“Looks like you’re dreaming….”

However, the couple did not enjoy the joy of the breakup for long.

Liatris lifted her head from Herwin’s arms. His expression was quite dark.

“Listen to me, Herwin. I have something to tell you about the Emperor.”

I cried all night outside.

“I think the Emperor made a contract with ‘Darkness’.”


The long-felt consecration festival has finally come to an end.

The Kingdom kept the incident in Hal Shia a secret, whether the Crown
Prince’s divine beast issue was considered a sensitive matter.

Thanks to this, Tezeric and Ybriel were able to return to Veloiton quietly and
without any fuss.

The first thing Ybriel did after returning was to approach Elthea again.
‘We have to find out why they killed the princesses.’

Although it was not a socializing season, Ybriel stayed in Whitewood and

continued to communicate with Elthea through letters.

Ybriel learned a lot from her letter with Eltea.

Information about the Empress, Tilien’s work, and Lusa Janet were mixed

‘Lusa Janet and Tillien are not going to get along very well.’

In the past, Rusa Janet was a close aide to the Empress, but after Tillien
brought Ybriel, she was gradually pushed down to the next rank.

‘As Tilien brought Elthea this time, Rusa’s position must have weakened.’
Ybriel decided to take advantage of that point and immediately placed a
request to visit the Imperial Palace.
“It’s so nice to see you again, Lady Ebriel. Did you have a good trip to

Elthea, whom I haven’t seen in a long time, seems to have gotten a lot more
“Miss Hale, are you having a hard time these days?”
“I can’t say no.”

Ybriel felt an unknown sense of indebtedness along with pity from that figure.
Was it because it was where he was originally?

“… How about going somewhere other than the Imperial Palace?”

Episode 90
Ybriel cautiously suggested. But Elthea shook her head.

“Where am I going?”
Elthea owed a lot to the Seymour family. It was difficult to leave the Imperial
Palace before solving him.
“If debt bothers you, I can fix it.”

Ybriel said firmly. He didn’t want to see Elthea suffering in the Empress’s

“Lady Ebriel, that’s….”

“Now call me Eve. I’ll call you El.”

At the warm words, Elthea’s nose became cold.

“Tell me honestly. What do you want to do?”

“I, I….”

Elthea finally started crying.

“Hey, I want to leave the palace….”

Ybriel walked over and patted Elthea on the shoulder. Contrary to the
friendly touch, Ybriel’s eyes were burning with anger towards Tilien.

‘I need to hit it quickly.’

Ybriel wiped Elthea’s tears with a handkerchief and stood up.

“L, could you please let Lusa Janet and I meet?”


“I have a story to tell.”

Elthea was puzzled, but then nodded her head.
“Yes, we will talk.”

Lusa Janet was a maid who had served the Empress for a long time, and she
was also in the palace when the two princesses were born.

So, they must have remembered what happened on the day the princesses
were born.

Elthea soon set up a place to talk to Lusa Janet.

The empress’s handmaiden was curious as to why Ybriel had found her.

Ybriel said bluntly.

“Rusa, I’m going to get Miss Hale back to Solgren’s estate sooner or later.”
At the sudden remark, Lusa put on a bewildered expression.

“yes? what is that….”

“Your Majesty’s madness is only getting worse because of Miss Hale.”

At Ybriel’s assertion, Lusa was silent.

What made Ybriel so confident was her experience.

‘It was the same when I entered the Empress’s Palace as a horseman. At first,
she seemed to find stability by treating me as a substitute for her daughter, but
then I realized that I wasn’t her real daughter, and every time I recognized the
difference, I went crazy.’

Elthea wished to escape the imperial palace if possible. Ybriel was going to
help with that.

“If you give me a good answer, I will take Miss Hale to the North.”

At Ybriel’s words of taking Elthea, Lusa was conflicted. As Ebriel had

guessed, Lusa was thinking that Elthea should be separated from the
‘Eltea Hale is a hindrance to Her Majesty’s Majesty.’

I don’t know if it would be helpful, but even with Eltea by her side, the
empress’s madness was getting worse rather than better.

Tillien Seymour should have stopped the unknown child from the time he
brought him into the palace.

Lusa wanted to correct this wrongdoing even now.

“What do you want me to know?”

Ybriel’s eyes lit up.

“How did the two princesses die?”

At the unexpected question, Lusa Janet’s eyes began to shake as if she had
met a storm.

“Can you answer me?”

“No, no! I can’t talk about that.”

It was expected, but it seemed that a command was given to the affairs of the

‘If cleaning up Eltea Hale isn’t enough….’

Ybriel placed a pocket on the table.

It was full of jewels.

‘Lusa Janet touched the Empress’s jewelry box before her return. He is a
person who has a strong lust for water than loyalty.’

Lusa rolled her eyes as if hesitating for a moment, then reached out to her
pocket. It was quiet for a while. The maid looked around the room as if
someone was listening, then lowered her voice and opened her mouth.

“I was not born that day as a princess.”

Fear spread in Lusa’s eyes.

“It was a monster….”

Ybriel left the castle with a blank expression on her face.

Asiligo, who was waiting outside because the permit was not issued, saw
Ybriel’s expression and became serious at the same time.



Only subconsciously answered, Ybriel was reflecting on Lusa’s words.

‘Neither of the two princesses that Her Majesty gave birth to were in human
form. It was like, like a beast.’

The wandering spring is engaged.

The ominous power possessed by the emperor.

Two princesses born in the shape of a beast.

Why did he choose Casswither’s illegitimate son as the Crown Prince?

“The Emperor made a contract with Darkness.”

If an evil spirit that takes away all living things dwelled in the emperor’s body,
it was entirely possible to explain why the princesses were born without a
human form.

‘I have to tell my father about this.’

Ybriel hurriedly called for the carriage.

If the contract with the darkness turns out to be true, Emperor Kaizen will no
longer be protected by the oath of protection.

At the top of the high tower of the Imperial Palace, there was nothing like a
small paradise.

The sound of a small fountain mixed between the delicious food, the garden
with an artificial waterway, and the soft sound of the music box.

The owner of the room was a middle-aged woman whose face was half
covered with burns.


A boy with dark red hair, who suddenly ran into the room, was embraced by
a woman with a bright face.

“Mother, I heard a very interesting story today.”

The woman trembled in surprise. The boy’s eyes were scarlet mixed with

“It seems my younger brother wants to get out of the North.”


“What should I do with the beast that jumps over the stomach without
knowing the subject?”

Then the woman hugged the boy. It was an urgent gesture.

“Can not be done. don’t hurt Don’t do that, please….”

“Then will you only love me?”

“Okay. I will, Kai.”

Empress Dowager Azerian Solgren Wilnarion held the boy in her arms,
suppressing her tears.
Kaizen closed his eyes with a satisfied face.

Thousands of snakes squirmed in the shadow of the boy hanging back.


After returning to Whitewood, Ybriel wrote a letter first. It was to be sent to

Herwin while he was recuperating in the South.

“We need to deliver this to the southern cottage as quickly as possible.”

“Okay, miss!”

The information was too dangerous to pass on to an unknown person, so

Ybriel sent Lily directly south.

Even after letting Lily go, Ybriel had a lot of work to do.

‘We must find clear evidence that the Emperor made a contract with the

The two princesses are already dead, and the empress is crazy.

Ybriel needed to find out more about ‘Darkness’.

“Let’s go, you know. I need to visit the Imperial Library.”

Asiligo followed Ybriel without asking why.

The imperial library was open to any nobles if they requested a visit in

As soon as Ybriel arrived at the library, she scoured all the books on Shia and
the darkness.

The amount of books related to Shia was so vast that it was impossible to
read them all, but strangely, there were hardly any books about darkness.

[Shia gave humans ten doors to light, but darkness has ten doors to darkness.]

That was all the meaningful information Ybriel had found.

“Ten Gates to Darkness….”

Ybriel recalled what she had heard in class with Sigmund.

‘Opening a door comes with qualifications and a price. The more doors you
open, the more mana fills your body. That’s why the lifespan of the wizards
has increased dramatically.’

Instead of gaining great strength and long life, wizards lose their humanity
little by little in return. This is because the closer you open the door to God,
the further away you are from human nature.

It was for that reason that many of the high-ranking wizards were eccentric.

‘Then what happens to the person who opened the door of darkness?’

Ybriel’s thoughts deepened.

I remembered the cool chill I felt every time from the emperor. If the fear
that made my neck shiver every time we met was from the darkness….

Ybriel trembled at the sudden voice. Asiligo was with him.

“Are you okay?”

“Uh, uh….”
“You have a bad complexion.”

Ybriel nodded blankly. Asiligo looked at Ybriel’s condition with a worried

“… Shall we walk for a moment?”

Eventually, Ybriel closed the book and got up.

After leaving the library, Ybriel headed to the palace garden.

The wind in January was still chilly, but the sun was warm enough to walk.
Ybriel walked along the promenade and looked up at the sky.

‘What if darkness reappears in the world through the Emperor?’

The whole land will be filled with corrosion and toxins, and over it, demon
beasts will wander in search of food. The empire will be destroyed that day.
Suddenly, the words crossed my mind.

‘Beyond the tenth door is Shia.’

If humans could not fight the darkness, they needed a god who drove away
darkness in the beginning.

“I am listening.”

‘Can humans open the tenth door?’

In response to Ybriel’s question, Winter was silent for a moment, and on the
contrary asked.

“How do you feel?”

Ybriel blinked slowly.

‘…I don’t think there is a door that cannot be opened.’

“Then follow your beliefs.”

Winter laughed lowly.

That day, as soon as Ebriel returned to Whitewood, she sat down in front of
the kaleidoscope.
And he immediately contacted the strongest wizard he knew.
Episode 91
Sigmund saw the light coming into the kaleidoscope after a long time, and ran
away with rejoicing. He said he was participating in the festival, but now he
came back and it seemed like he had time to contact him.

“What’s wrong with our granddaughter!”

Beyond the kaleidoscope, Ybriel grinned. The granddaughter who resembles
someone has a pretty smile.
‘Of course he must resemble me.’

- How are you, Grandpa?

“Cancer, of course you’re doing well.”

- There’s nothing wrong with the castle.

“Of course, nothing special.”

- I want to open that tenth door, is it possible?

“Of course it is possible….”

huh? Sigmund whimpered, wondering what he had just heard.

“It’s because I’m old, so I hear hallucinations.”

- You said you wanted to open the tenth door.

“Ah, is that so?”

Sigmund was instantly convinced because Ybriel explained it so casually.

“What is it?”
After a while, Sigmund was belatedly startled and jumped to his feet, missing
the kaleidoscope and breaking it.
“Oh, no!”
The shattered pieces of the mirror were reattached by magic, but once the
kaleidoscope was broken, it could not be repaired.
“Wow, the tenth door….”

Sigmund felt his heart beating fast. It was not an arrhythmia. It was pure
excitement as a scholar.

‘The tenth door.’

An unknown realm that no wizard has ever touched.

Sigmund turned on the lights in his eyes and hurriedly started packing. It
seemed like I had to go see my granddaughter in person.


“Hey, why are you doing this?”

Ybriel tapped the kaleidoscope that suddenly turned off.

‘Isn’t that a defect?’

Kaleidoscope was about to be released soon. The kaleidoscope, which

produces a clearer image than the video ball, was sure to change the system’s
communication method market.

Ybriel tried to contact Sigmund several more times, but gave up. It looks like
it’s broken over there, but I thought I’d contact you when the time is right.

After organizing the kaleidoscope, Ybriel took out a small piece of paper
from the drawer. At the end of that piece of paper, which I have seen so
often, now that the corners are ragged, it was written:

[Ravankel 156, Princess Solgren died.]

Ybriel shrugged weakly. It has been 157 years since I went to church.

‘The year of death has passed.’

Ybriel threw the now useless paper into the fireplace and burned it.

You don’t know what happened after you died.

‘So we have to gather more information carefully.’

Suddenly, Ybriel remembered a boy who was wearing an eye patch. A boy
who felt strangely friendly.
‘At that time, Aiden was definitely convinced that Tezeric’s divine beast was
That was information that could not even be obtained from the Shadow King
Maybe Aiden knows more than that.

Ybriel went straight to Asiligo.

“You know, I need to go out for a while.”

Asiligo, who appeared in a comfortable shirt, looked at Ybriel and tilted his

Now, Ybriel was wearing plain clothes just like an ordinary islander. He
quickly realized why.

“Are you trying to sneak out of the mansion?”

“Well, it’s a bit like going as a young lady.”

Where is the alternative destination? Asiligo was a little anxious.

On the way, Ybriel visited Wizardton’s tavern after a long time.

Asiligo looked around and furrowed his eyebrows faintly.

“Did you come here often?”

“No, today is the second time.”

“Then the last time you came, Sir Zed or Sir Alon must have accompanied

Ybriel shut her mouth. Asiligo looked at Ybriel, who had become quiet,

“… Did you come alone?”

“Uh, let’s go in.”

Asiligo, who was watching Ybriel rushing ahead, swallowed a sigh.

“Today, ask for ‘cream ale’.”

Ebriel approached the bar and spoke the password that had been changed in
the meantime. The owner nodded as if he understood.

“Get ready right away. By the way….”

The owner glanced at Asiligo, who had come with Ybriel, and then slowly
averted his eyes.

“In the meantime, there has been a terrifying escort.”


Ybriel looked up at Asiligo in bewilderment. Although he was large, Asiligo’s

impression was on the gentle side.

‘Isn’t that far from being terrifying?’

I wonder if it was because of the unique energy of this race, Ybriel walked to
the basement and asked Asiligo.
“You know, do people usually think of Asiligo as scary?”

“Usually yes.”

Asiligo answered without hesitation. Ybriel grew a little sad. What if no one
is willing to approach Asiligo?
“I don’t think Asiligo is scary. know?”

Ybriel turned and comforted Asiligo.

At that, Asiligo looked down at Ebriel silently. eyes met.

In fact, Asiligo didn’t care whether anyone else avoided him or not. Except
for one person.

“… I know, lady.”

He knows that Ybriel doesn’t feel any pity about him.

It was a problem I knew all too well.

I’m not afraid, so I think I can stay by your side.

I think it would be fine if I got closer.

Such vain thoughts kept running through my head.

Meanwhile, the oak barrel was removed and the secret door opened.

“Oh, long time no see?”

The owner of the room, Nero, the king of shadows, was lying on the sofa in
his parlor. Nero got up and sat up straight, then smiled.

“Are you the one who brought you with you?”

Asiligo reflexively tensed.

“Thanks to you, the fire was avoided. How did you get to know information
that this side didn’t know, and I was curious about why I couldn’t sleep.”

“I’m glad there were no casualties.”

After hearing Ybriel’s words, Nero laughed as if interested.

“You think the poor of Ditchpole are people, miss.”

“I want to have it too….”

Ebriel was startled by the muffled murmur. Asiligo instinctively placed her
hand on the handle of the sword.

“Ah, joking, joking. calm down.”

Nero raised his arms upwards, proving it was harmless.

“Anyway, seeing you come back to me, it seems like you have something you
want to know, so let’s do this.”

For the informants, knowing a lot was power.

“Tell me one thing she knows, and I’ll tell you what I know.”
It was about exchanging information one-on-one. As Ybriel nodded, Nero
smiled contentedly.

“Okay, what information do you want?”

“I want to meet a boy named Aiden. He’s the same age as me, and his hair
color isn’t certain, but his eyes are gold. He must be wearing an eye patch on
his left eye.”

Ybriel described Aiden’s appearance as she knew it. Then Nero’s expression

“… Can I just find you?”

“I know. I will look for it.”

Having provided the conditions Ybriel wanted, now it was Nero’s turn.

“Tell me what happened in Kyoto.”

“The work of the Church?”

“It is a place where heirs from all over the world gathered. Gossip and
scandal! This is going to be pretty expensive.”

It wasn’t difficult. There were dozens of stories Ybriel heard during the

“If you find Aiden over there, then I’ll tell you what I know.”

“good. I will contact you right away.”

Nero, who made the deal, smiled contentedly and rubbed his hands.


Ybriel and Asiligo returned to the room through the fireplace.

“Thank you for coming with me today.”
“It has to be done.”

Ybriel smiled and took off the robe she was wearing.

Asiligo thought as she saw Ybriel’s back as she walked into the dressing

“Who is that ‘Aiden’?”


Ybriel turned to Asiligo. Asiligo blinked. It meant upset.

He hesitated and looked at the floor, then slowly raised his head.

“… Is the lady important enough to go all the way to such a place and find it

It was then that Ybriel realized that he had not explained anything to Asiligo.
He doesn’t know who Aiden is or what happened to him.

“That’s it.”
It was the moment when Ybriel was just about to start explaining.

Outside, the maid knocked politely on the door and made a voice.
“Lady, I received an invitation from the Imperial Palace….”

“Wait a moment.”
Ybriel apologized to Asiligo and walked towards the door.

Since it’s a letter from the ‘Imperial Palace’, of course, it must have been
from Tezeric, Elthea, or the Empress, Ybriel thought.
However, as soon as she opened the door and checked the envelope, Ybriel
realized that all her expectations were wrong.
“The Emperor sent it.”

For a moment, I felt like I was out of breath.

Episode 92
It was a good invitation, it was Hwang Myung.

Asiligo called Ebriel with a stiff face. Ybriel shook her head slightly.

“I have to go.”
“It’s dangerous.”

“I know. Still, there is no way.”

You never know what will happen if you refuse. Ybriel clutched the letter
until it was crumpled. It was true that when Herwin left for the South, he was
unwilling to be called by this.

‘But if you think about it the other way around, it’s an opportunity to be alone
with the emperor.’

Ybriel thought quietly.

‘Butterfly, if I meet the emperor….’

“Are you asking me to check if there are any traces of darkness?”

Winter read ahead and answered Ybriel’s thoughts.

“Don’t do that.”


The things I wanted to avoid came too soon.

In front of the ornate door, Ybriel clenched her palms wet with cold sweat.
I have visited the palace several times, but I have never been as nervous as I
was that day.
“Your Majesty, this is Princess Solgren.”
“Put it in.”

When permission was given from the inside, the waitress opened the door to
the audience. Ybriel took a breath and went inside.

The emperor’s audience was an unknown space that Ybriel had never entered
in her last life.

Ybriel looked at the huge dragon carved on the wall in front of him, the gold
bars on each column, and the red carpet on the white shimmering marble
floor in turn.

The emperor, the owner of the room, sat on the throne.

Kaizen, with her blood-stained hair loosely tied, looked like a young man
under thirty with the naked eye.
The moment they met the eyes looking down on this side, Ybriel was tensed
at the feeling of being swept over her back.

‘I think it suddenly got cold.’

There were only two people in the audience room, Ybriel and Emperor
Kaizen. But strangely, Ybriel felt different gazes.

It felt as if thousands of snakes were watching.

Overwhelmed by the awkward feeling, Ybriel was silent for a moment. The
silence seemed to scratch his skin.

“… May the sun-like brilliance be endless. Ybriel of Solgren sees His

Majesty the Emperor.”

Moments later, Ybriel opened her dry lips to pay tribute to the Emperor.
Kaizen looked at Ybriel like that.

“Welcome, Princess Solgren.”

“thank you for the invitation.”

I don’t thank you at all, but that’s what I said once. Kaizen laughed as if he
knew everything.

“Okay, how was the celebration?”

Ybriel didn’t answer right away. It wasn’t a light question.

‘It’s because the emperor was trying to blow up Hal Shia using the Tezeric.’
Those words were aimed at Ybriel, who was blocking it. Ybriel looked at
Kaizen with a calm smile.
“It has been a very enjoyable experience. I think it would have been very
disappointing if His Majesty had not given us permission to visit our

Kaizen’s flame-like eyes looked at Ebriel as if it were on fire. He rubbed the

armrests of the chair with his fingertips as if thinking about something, then

I had a bad feeling.

“The reason I called the princess like this today is because there is someone I
want to introduce.”

Following the emperor’s beckoning, the valet from behind opened the door
once again. Ybriel looked back involuntarily.

A woman came in through the open door.

A burn on her face caught my eye before her graceful gait or shiny silver hair.

“Welcome, mother.”
Only after hearing the emperor’s words did Ybriel recognize the woman’s
true identity.
‘His Majesty, Empress Seon!’

She was Herwin’s mother and to Ybriel’s paternal grandmother.

“You’ve never seen a granddaughter before, so I was going to introduce
myself this way.”

It was also the first time I saw Ybriel.

Azerian Solgren had never been seen before his return.

As far as I know, there was a fire in the palace of the Empress in the past, and
after that, he lived deep inside the palace and did not come out.

‘But here you are.’

In the midst of confusion, Azerian approached and embraced Ybriel with

trembling hands. Ybriel was held rigidly in Azerian’s arms.

“You are Ebriel. I was very curious.”

Azerian hugged Ybriel and whispered softly in her ear.


At the soft whisper, Ybriel trembled with her fingertips.

“You seem very surprised. Everyone is like that when they see their mother
for the first time.”

Kaizen whispered cunningly behind his back.

“Would you like to know? The fact that it was my brother who made my
mother’s face that way.”

After a while, Azerian slowly let Ebriel go. Ybriel turned around and looked
up at Kaizen.
“It was your father who set fire to the Empress’s Palace a long time ago. It
was a big fire. It was a miracle that my mother was still alive.”

He added that that was the reason Herwin had the imperial castle confiscated.
Ybriel couldn’t understand the situation now.

“… Why are you telling me that?”

Then the expression disappeared from the emperor’s face. It was as if the
window had become dark for a moment.

“I don’t want him to be loved.”

Kaizen whispered softly with a non-human face. Ybriel froze and endured the
terrible words.

Soon Kaizen laughed again.

“If you have time, come to the Imperial Palace and be your mother’s
companion. It seems like you are being hostile.”

Azerian’s expression had hardened. Ybriel wondered if there was Azerian’s

doctor in this place prepared today.

Soon, the door to the audience opened at the Emperor’s gesture. In the end,
Ybriel had no choice but to take a step.

Even after leaving the audience, the emperor’s words lingered in his mind.

‘Is your father the main culprit in the fire at the Empress Palace?’

No, my dad couldn’t have done that. Ybriel vehemently denied it.

The words that Azerian whispered while holding Ybriel in her arms were still
clear in her ear.

‘Don’t believe the Emperor’s words.’

The emperor was a man who was good at cheating and lying.

‘It’s everyone’s name. Dad never did anything like that.’

As she pondered her thoughts, Ybriel felt like she was about to cry. How
lonely and sad it must have been.
Ybriel shook her head. A transparent butterfly was fluttering in the air.

‘Butterfly, was there anything special?’

“No, not now.”

At the disappointing answer, Ybriel was disappointed. We’ll have to find

evidence that the Emperor has something to do with darkness….

“It’s not that strange.”


At the end of winter, Ybriel blinked.

“I can’t feel anything from a human being called the Emperor, child. Even the
vitality that a human should have.”

Ybriel escaped out of the Gracia Palace. Sunlight filled my vision. In the
strong light, Ybriel reflexively wrinkled her eyes and raised her hand shade.

The words of winter never left my mind.

‘Does the fact that people don’t even have the vitality they deserve means that
the emperor is no longer human?’
Even though I was standing under the sun, I felt a bit chilly.


Ebriel was startled by the sudden shout. It was a familiar voice.

Turning his head, he saw Tezeric approaching at a fast pace.

“Your Majesty?”

Tezeric ran in a hurry, so his outfit was light. Clothes are clothes, but Ybriel’s
eyes turned to his face first.

“Why are you like that? What are you doing?”

“I heard that you went to an audience with His Majesty the Emperor….”
Tezeric was as pale as someone who had heard the news. It was like waking
up from a nightmare.

While Yibriel tilted her head, he grabbed her arms.

And I looked around Ybriel’s body. It looked like he was trying to make sure
there were no injuries.

“Princess, is anything wrong? really?”

“Yes, yes, because it’s okay….”

Ybriel was speechless. It was because he was conscious of the distance he

was getting closer as his arms were clasped.

“… Joe, could you please step back a little?”

Tezeric was surprised by his actions one step late and put his hand away.

As soon as he heard that Ybriel was having an audience with the emperor, he
was about to run. The reason was unknown, but it seemed that something
ominous was about to happen to Ybriel.

That’s why I ran without a hitch. I’m afraid I’ll lose Ybriel ‘again’ with no time
to spare. As in his recurring nightmare.

“… sorry. The princess must have been surprised.”

“it’s okay.”
Tezeric looked at Ybriel’s face. Ybriel was fine. There was no blood
anywhere, and there was no cold body.
“So this is it.”

Belatedly, Tezeric became ashamed. I’m not even a child, and I’m swept away
by the nightmares I sometimes have.
“I just have bad dreams sometimes. I have a feeling it must come, so I,
Tezeric ruffled his hair roughly with his hands. The more he talked, the more
he looked like an idiot.
In the end, he gave up all other words and left only the sincerity.

“I was worried. I wonder what will happen to the princess.”

At those words, Ybriel looked at Tezeric’s face with a strange feeling.

‘Worried? me?’
There was a faint red color on the boy’s cheek.
Maybe it’s because I ran all the way here from the palace.

Then a low voice rang from behind. All of a sudden, Asiligo came.

“The carriage is waiting.”


Ybriel nodded to Asiligo and looked back at Tezeric. For a brief moment, the
gazes of Tezeric and Asiligo collided in mid-air.

“Thank you for your concern, my lord. I’m fine, so I’ll just go back today.”
“… okay.”

At Ybriel’s greeting, Tezeric moved his gaze slowly. At the same time,
Asiligo lowered his gaze to the floor.
There are things you can learn without saying anything.

The mind is like water, and when it starts leaning to one side, it flows out of

At that moment, Tezeric and Asiligo guessed that their hearts were flowing
towards the same person.
“Go carefully, Princess.”
Ybriel headed towards the carriage, thinking that Tezeric’s voice had become
lower than before.
Episode 93
Before Herwin returned to the Isles, Ybriel had some work to do.

‘We have to take out Elthea.’

Elthea cannot be left alone with the maddening empress. Moreover, it was
dangerous to stay in the Imperial Palace as long as the emperor was involved
in darkness.

Ybriel immediately began gathering information about Tilien Seymour and

Elthea Hale.

It wasn’t too difficult because it was a job that I had to ask the Shadow King.
Ybriel took the letter that had arrived just a few days after contacting her and
read it silently. A few letters detail the trends of Count Seymour.
Among them, there was only one piece of information that caught Ybriel’s

“The Seymour family is going to start a video game business?”

The corners of Ybriel’s lips rose softly.

‘This might be easier than you think.’

Ybriel immediately contacted Timonel of Euron Corporation, ordering them
to advance the release date of the Kaleidoscope.
The results were immediate.


The advent of the communication magic tool ‘kaleidoscope’ caused a big stir
in the system.

The means of communication with distant counterparts have existed since

before, including the video ball, but there was no such design as a
“Besides, it is easy to operate, and the image is much cleaner. The sound
quality is also excellent. I’m selling stuff like that at a cheap price….”
Count Seymour hurled the newspaper in his hand.

“I am ruined!”

With the release of the kaleidoscope, Earl Seymour quickly withdrew his
moving image business.

There are better products on the market, and no fool buys something less
functional than that.

It was only natural that the kaleidoscope caused a huge debt to the countess.

“Damn, where the hell did you get in!”

Since Ybriel had released the Kaleidoscope through Euron Trading, Earl
Seymour had no information about its competitors.

In the end, he couldn’t contain his anger and overturned his desk.

Tillien Seymour moved downstairs to avoid his father’s nervous shouts.

Earl Seymour was initially insensitive and self-motivated, so he was not fit for

‘But I thought that even I would succeed in this video game.’

So the shock of failure was greater. Now, all that was left of the Seymour
family was severe damage.

Tillien was frustrated as he recalled the nightmare of the past.

This time, the fear that the family might really fall came over.
Then a maid walked by from the end of the hallway. There was a letter in his

“Lady, I have a letter from the Duke of Solgren.”

Tillien doubted her ears. Where? Duke of Solgren?

“Hey, give it to me.”

Tillien took the letter as if snatching it from the maid’s hand. A stag seal was
clearly engraved on the outside of the letter. The sender was Princess Ybriel
of Solgren.

Tillien, who hastily checked the contents, frowned.

“I have something to say about Elthea…?”

I wanted to say no, but I was concerned because it was related to Eltea Hale.

In the end, Tillien went to meet Ybriel at the time and date written in the

The place where Ybriel and Tillien faced each other was the cafeteria in
Island Square.

Ybriel was sitting by the window where the light was pouring in. The sunlight
warmed the girl’s silver hair.

Tilien was walking towards it, but suddenly saw a knight standing behind him
and stopped.

The gray haired knight was unarmed and dressed in a neat shirt. There were a
lot of people who looked down on him because he had a good appearance.
However, Tilien felt threatened by the harmless appearance. It was because
he felt confident that he could face any enemy without a weapon.
“Long time no see, Lady Tillien.”

“… Long time no see, princess.”

Tilien sat down with a hardened face.

‘It’s a lady who continues her social activities, but it’s only because she can’t
manage her expression like that.’

Ybriel hid her feelings and smiled brightly.

“How have you been?”

At Ybriel’s question, Tilien bit her lip.

It was the worst day, far from being good. Because the Count’s business
failed, the atmosphere of the house was not so good. However, Tilien was
unable to reveal such a situation, so he responded appropriately.

“I am doing very well. Is the princess doing well too?”

“Sure. One of the businesses we’re running these days has been really good.”

Ybriel’s smile widened.

Tilien was very upset by the seemingly happy face. It was obvious that he was
aware of this situation and that he was doing it on purpose.

‘What kind of business does that little princess do?’

In fact, I even thought that Elthea might have been an excuse and a place to
deliberately scratch her insides.

“What can you say about Elthea?”

Tillien wanted to get away quickly, so he rushed to the main topic.

Recognizing Tilien’s impatience, Ybriel took a sip of the tea as if there was
no rush.

The teacup slowly descended onto the table.

“I want to take Miss Hale north.”

“… Yes?”
“I told you I wanted to take Miss Hale to Solgren North.”

Tilien was at a loss for a moment as she pondered what she had heard.

Taking Elthea Hale, who is the Empress’s companion, meant that Tilien’s last
bastion would eventually disappear.

“Wow, are you going to take the child who is the Queen’s companion?”

Tilien, realizing that, hurriedly protested. Ybriel tilted her head.

“Is there anything wrong with it? Miss Hale, no, El told me that the Imperial
Palace was difficult. So right now, I’m going to support L.”

Tillien barely resisted the urge to scream.

How much effort have you made in the past to save a child who resembles the
Empress even a little? In addition, there was a rigorous education to get up to
that position.

“I will pay the debt Miss Hale owes the Earl Seymour. I told you before.
Business is going well.”

Meanwhile, Ybriel smiled and took the teacup again.

“I heard that Count Seymour is difficult these days, isn’t that a helpful deal?”

As the saying goes, if Ybriel pays off Elthea’s debt, the money will be able to
make up for the Count’s loss a little.

Tillien had to choose. Abandoning the family, or severing ties to the empress.

The worries didn’t last long.

If the family collapsed, not only would the relationship with the empress be
meaningless, and the existence of Elthea was becoming meaningless as the
madness was only getting worse these days.

Finally realizing that he had no choice but to accept this deal, Tilien distorted
his face.
“What on earth is that business that is going well?”

In response to the aggressive question, Ybriel clapped her hands as if she had
finally thought of it.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you.”

Ybriel looked at Tilien with a bright face.

“A kaleidoscope, have you ever heard of it?”

“Hey, kaleidoscope?”

The item ruined Count Seymour’s business, and Tillien couldn’t figure it out.

“Yes, I was the one who invented the kaleidoscope.”

Even though she told the huge truth, Ybriel had a calm face. It was then that
Tilien realized that all this was planned by the princess.

Tilien trembled weakly, feeling as if the events of ten years ago were
repeating themselves.

“Hey, I’m going to do this from the beginning….”

Ybriel didn’t listen any further and pushed the teacup aside. The eyes looking
at Tilien were only cold.

“Then I will be waiting for El’s departure.”


Elthea Hale suddenly heard Tilien’s instructions to pack her suitcase and
grabbed the suitcase without knowing the English language.

When I took it out of the palace, a carriage was standing in front of me and a
girl with a familiar face was waving in front of it.


It was Ybriel Solgren. Elthea walked towards it with a puzzled face.

“Eve, what’s going on here?”

Then Ybriel smiled brightly.

“You said it last time. I want to leave the palace.”

Elthea blinked her eyes. Suddenly, I was told to pack up and come out, and
there was a carriage in front of me.

“Stand, please….”
“Don’t worry about debt. Go to Solgren like this, and if you like it, settle
there. L’s family was the first to leave because they were afraid of being

In the sudden situation, Eltea asked Ybriel over and over again.

“Now? Am I going to Solgren now?”

“yes. It’s now. You don’t have to be with your Majesty the Empress anymore.”

After taking the time to understand the situation, Eltea finally burst into tears.
It was a shame that I had once had a moment of jealousy over Ybriel.

“Thank you very much. I will never forget this grace, Eve.”
Ybriel gently stroked the back of Elthea, who was crying.

“… Be happy.”
That was what Ybriel was saying to Elthea, but it was also what she wanted to
say to her past self.

Elthea got into the carriage with a face wet with tears. Ybriel handed the
handkerchief to Elthea.
As the door closed, the carriage set off in a cheerful way toward the north.

Ybriel, who had been looking at the carriage moving away, suddenly turned
her head to the other side.

‘By the way, why hasn’t there been any news from Lily, who has gone to the
There was hardly any contact, so Ybriel became somewhat uneasy.
Episode 94
It was early in the morning when Lily arrived in South Caswither.

It wasn’t too difficult to find the address of the southern villa.

“anybody home?”

However, when he knocked on the door of the villa, the manager gave an
unexpected answer.

“Your Majesty has been away for a few days.”


Lily turned around, bewildered. The vast plains of Caswither were slowly
tinged by the morning sun.

“Where is the person who is not feeling well in another country….”

Lily was skeptical of this, but once, following the guidance of the caretaker,
she entered the villa. Ybriel’s request came to mind.

‘This is an important letter. Do not show the contents to anyone, and give it to
Dad directly.’

With that said, Lily had to stay here before delivering this letter.

“When will the Duke return?”

At Lily’s question, the villa manager shrugged as if he didn’t know.

A quick return to the system seemed far-fetched.


It was late afternoon when Ybriel returned to Whitewood.

Someone called Ybriel, who had just entered the mansion. Ebriel’s eyes
widened as she confirmed the voice’s protagonist.

“miss! brother!”

Even Kanya was by her side.

Ybriel was surprised to see Kanya.

Kanya was a span taller than Ybriel had seen before leaving for the Isles. It
was even bigger than Ebriel, and now he was looking down at him.

‘When did that soft-spoken baby become like this….’

It was a bit of a shock to Ybriel, who remembered the four-year-old Kanya.

“What happened? How else did Kanya follow you?”

“I thought it would be quicker for me to come this way than to send them
west to fix the kaleidoscope. Rather….”

Sigmund lowered his voice and whispered.

“What about the tenth door?”

Ybriel felt he needed a lot of time for conversation, so he ordered the kitchen
to prepare lunch for the four of us.

It was for that reason that Ybriel and Sigmund, Asiligo and Kanya had lunch

“First, I will ask.”

It was Ybriel who spoke first at the table.

“Grandpa, did you come to the island with Kanya?”

“Oh, yes.”

Ybriel couldn’t believe it. It was impossible to convince me that two people
fighting even by making eye contact came from the north side by side to the

Sigmund noticed the question in Ybriel’s expression and sighed.

“Don’t talk. I thought I was going to die.”

“Huh, I didn’t really want to come with my grandfather, did I? I was going to
the lady, so I was patient and followed!”

Ebriel, who was looking at Kanya’s spirited spirit, suddenly imagined Kanya
who would have been left alone in the castle.

He seemed to think that he would be bored alone if he left the castle even to

“Now answer me. Why are you suddenly interested in the tenth door?”

Ybriel told Sigmund everything that had happened.

Even the truth about the magical beast incident that took place in the
Kingdom of God, the false divine beast and Taeyang-an of the Crown Prince,
and the death of the two princesses.

“Grandpa, maybe the darkness will return someday through the Emperor.
Maybe he’s already back.”

A heavy silence fell on the table.

“If that’s the case, then there must also be strength to fight against it.”

At Ybriel’s resolute words, Sigmund finally nodded.

In the past, the curtain almost ripped apart, so I wasn’t sure if the darkness
was really quietly sealed.
“But the tenth door is a door that no human can ever open. I, and many
wizards in the world, stopped at the ninth gate.”
“I know.”
Ybriel also looked up various literatures, and sought advice from the old spirit

However, there has not been a single human who opened the tenth door since
the beginning of the world.

“… But isn’t that the return of darkness means that eventually the light will
also return?”

Still, Ybriel did not disappoint.

Sigmund watched it and thought that maybe Ybriel could really open the
tenth door.

‘That kid can see the door himself….’

Sigmund suddenly looked down at his hand.

The old man’s hand was trembling faintly.

“Does the peacock know about this?”

“I sent a letter to the South through Lily, but I haven’t heard from him yet.
You said you would come back until the spring social church starts….”

Sigmund was guessing that Herwin wasn’t recuperating in the South. Because
he knew that Herwin’s body was no longer sickly.

He slowly shook his head. A blue sky was seen from the long window of the
dining room. The old man looked at the blue sky in his eyes and fiddled with
his beard.

“Let’s wait first.”


At that time, Herwin was traveling somewhere in a wagon with Liatrice.

Inside the swaying wagon, Herwin traced back memories of a very long time
‘You can keep it. me and you.’

The voice that Liatrice had vowed to vividly appeared in her ears.

A sense of guilt filled my chest. He was a father who broke his promises and
was infinitely lacking.

‘I should have kept Ybriel firmly.’

I regretted not being able to open the door at once, so I gave up on precious
time with my child.

Above all else, in front of Liatris, who sacrificed the most, he could not raise
his head.

Liatris stared at Herwin, whose complexion had darkened.

“it’s okay?”

It was a health question. Herwin nodded heavily. He saw in Liatrice’s face the
figure of his daughter on the Isles.

“Lea, Ybriel….”

Then there was a faint, sad light on Liatrice’s face. It was a longing for a
daughter I hadn’t seen in a long time.

“There are words I want to hear and things I want to say, but the time is not

The wagon stopped in an alley in a small town in the south.

Herwin followed after Liatris, who relentlessly entered the narrow


The road became narrower and more complicated. It seemed that I would not
be able to find it unless I was determined and memorized.

Before long, Liatris arrived at an old warehouse. There was nothing in the
dusty space.
Liatris walked in past the stopped Herwin and lifted a plank from the floor on
one side of the warehouse.

Herwin doubted his eyes. There were stairs under the planks. Herwin found
this and looked at Liatris.

“… What were you doing while you were in the South?”

“Go down and you will find out.”

At Liatrice’s beckoning, Herwin began to slowly walk down the stairs.

He opened his mouth in amazement at the scene unfolding before his eyes.
Under the planks, it was the weaponry that filled the secret underground

A sharp sword and a hard shield gave off a sharp light even in a dark room.

“What is this….”


In front of the bewildered Herwin, Liatris declared resolutely.

“I plan to occupy the south here.”

At the same time, people appeared from all over the warehouse. They were
all Liatrice people.

“Are you trying to revolt?”

“It’s a revolution. The Emperor must not be there.”

“Oh, Leah….”

Herwin rubbed his forehead. While away, Liatrice, the former Duchess of
Solgren, was head of the Southern Revolutionary Corps.

“Let’s go back to the islands, Herwin. You have to convince the nobles and
the Gongsin family slowly.”
At Liatrice’s request, Herwin nodded.

“We have not yet gathered enough troops to take over the South at once. It
will take some time, but please wait by the children’s side. Because in the
system where Ybriel is, she will be there too.”

that kid Herwin’s eyes narrowed. Liatris grabbed Herwin’s hand tightly.

“And give it to Ybriel. Mom says I’ll go see you soon….”

Herwin looked at the whispering Liathris.

Blue-violet eyes were like blue flames.

Now it was time for him to move.

Lily, who had been sleeping in the guest room of the southern villa, was
awakened by the noise that cut through the deep night.
‘Sound of turret?’

I got up and looked out the window and saw a small carriage standing in front
of the villa.
‘You must be the Duke!’

Knowing it was late, Lily hurriedly changed her clothes and ran out of the

‘I have to deliver the letter quickly.’

Lily, who had just come down to the front door on the first floor, met Herwin,
who had just taken off his coat.

Herwin wonders why Lily is here, who should be on the Isles, and quickly
turns pale.
“I wonder what happened to Ybriel….”

“No, no.”
Lily delivered the letter she had brought straight away. Herwin’s expression
hardened as he immediately checked the contents of the letter.

“I have to go back to the system.”

Lily’s expression brightened when she finally finished her job.

“I’ll get you ready for an early departure tomorrow morning.”

But Herwin shook his head.

“No, we are leaving now.”

He put back on the coat Herwin had taken off. Confused, Lily asked again.

“Gee, now?”
If you leave at such a late hour, it would be hard on your body!

Lily, who was trying to stop Herwin, stopped involuntarily.

‘Duke, were you that big in the first place?’

Perhaps because of the dark surroundings, in Lily’s eyes, Herwin Solgren

looked bigger today. He seemed to have recovered while recuperating in the

“I’ll go first, so you can leave in the morning.”


Herwin left the villa without hearing Lily’s answer.

It was so fast that it was hard to believe that he was a person who was always
in pain and locked up in his room.
Episode 95
While awaiting news from Herwin, Ybriel greeted February.

As Sigmund and Kanya stayed, the Whitewood Mansion became quite noisy.
“This little boy! Aren’t you standing there?”

“You don’t like it? Don’t you like it?”

The archmage and the girl were fighting every day for frivolous reasons.

Ybriel looked at Kanya, who was running away flutteringly, and Sigmund,
who was following closely, with an abandoned face.

‘I don’t even think about drying it anymore….’

Thinking not to look at it because it would only make my heart complicated,
Ybriel looked out the window in the distance.

Ruby sneaked up and rubbed her nose with Ybriel’s finger.

‘By the way, Zed and Ruby didn’t get along very well either.’

Now, Boni Zed looked at the divine beast of the Empire and said ‘a
mouthful’. Ybriel said, scratching Ruby’s chin gently.

“Zed is cocky, but he’s not a bad knight. So don’t take revenge later.

Ruby, who would normally answer with a small cry, was strangely quiet.
Ybriel narrowed her eyes and looked down at the cat.
“Ruby, why no answer?”

“… An.”
His mouth twitched as if he didn’t like Ruby. Ybriel pulled Ruby’s cheek

Shinsoo’s face suddenly turned funny.

“Zed, I will punish you, so be patient. Understand?”

The broken cat looked at Ybriel with three square eyes as if resentful.


Then, from behind, Asiligo called Ebriel low. As Ebriel turned her head,
Asiligo bowed her head.

“It’s time to depart.”

Ybriel checked her watch. one o’clock in the afternoon.

“let’s go.”

It was time to go to the palace.

Whether it was true that Azerian needed a companion, the emperor really
invited Ybriel to the palace.

“Ebriel of Solgren sees His Majesty Empress Seon.”

Ybriel looked at Azerian across the table with an awkward expression.

Azerian smiled softly at the stiff Ybriel. It was such an elegant smile that the
burn scars on his face were barely noticeable.

“Ebriel, that’s a good name.”

“thank you.”

“Can I call you Eve?”

At the sound of a lullaby-like voice, Ybriel unconsciously nodded her head.
“Yes, Eve.”

Azerian looked at Ybriel’s face delicately like a painter. A glimpse of his son
could be seen from his hair and eyes.

‘Herwin, you are a daughter who resembles you a lot.’

Azerian’s eyes, thinking of his son, were wet with longing.

How many years have passed since I haven’t seen my son? The memory wore
out and faded with each groping. When she heard that a granddaughter had
been born, Azerian could not even send a congratulatory letter. It was because
he did not know when Kaizen would turn around and harm them.

Meanwhile, Ybriel also faced Azerian with a strange feeling.

‘I can see my father’s face.’

Herwin’s figure was revealed at first glance on the face of the intact side
without burns. In particular, the golden eyes look alike, and I suddenly felt as
if I was sitting opposite Herwin.

‘I’m sure I’ll meet my grandma like this.’

Ybriel felt unfathomable affection in Azerian’s gaze towards her.

“I am very happy to have met you, Eve. But it is dangerous to come to the
Imperial Palace like this.”
Azerian gently squeezed Ybriel’s hand with a firm expression.

There must be a reason why Kaizen, who had cut off all contact with Herwin,
suddenly arranges a meeting with Ybriel.
Ybriel nodded his head heavily, not knowing about it either.

‘But Empress Sun may be aware of the emperor’s weaknesses and secrets.’

Until now, the people closest to Kaizen were the Empress and Empress Seon.
It was unlikely that an insane Empress would provide any plausible clues, so
Empress Dowager Azerian was the only hope for Ybriel.

“I have something I want to ask you.”

It was a known fact that the emperor had something to do with darkness.
Ybriel now had to capture the evidence.



Azerian, pale and tired, stopped Ybriel from speaking.

Azerian spread out Ybriel’s palm, which he was holding, and began to write
with his finger on it.

‘Don’t raise your voice. You can’t bring up the story of the emperor.’

Ybriel, who barely understood the writing, answered with a mouth.


‘… You’ll be listening.’

Fearful, Azerian lowered his gaze to the floor.

Ybriel realized that Azerian was staring at her own shadow faintly on the


The moment I thought of that, something wobbled slightly in Azerian’s

shadow. Ybriel stopped breathing. The pulse rapidly accelerated.

Azerian grabbed Ybriel’s hand tightly. And then I pressed it again and wrote
the letter. Ybriel concentrated on the tip of her finger, nervously trying to
understand what Azerian was trying to say.

‘Give up the Spring Social Church and return to the estate. If you stay in the
islands, the emperor will keep calling you to the Imperial Palace.’
I know it’s a trap. However, Ybriel could not turn away from Azerian’s white

“… I will go back today.”

Ybriel got up and took the rite. And he smiled brightly as if he was not afraid
of anything.

“I look forward to meeting you next time, Your Majesty.”


Ybriel left the tower where Empress Seon was staying. I felt it from the
moment I entered, but it was a very closed space. Seeing the locks hung
everywhere or the guards standing at every door, the word “closed” was more
appropriate than the word “staying”.

Asiligo, who was waiting outside, followed quietly.

Heading to the carriage with Asiligo, Ybriel was busy organizing her

‘After all, Empress Seon knows everything.’

The Azerian, who knew that the Emperor was involved in the dark, was living

‘The testimony of Her Majesty Empress Seon is reliable enough. Enough to

overthrow the emperor.’

Ybriel stopped walking.

“… You know, I need to go somewhere else for a while before I leave the

The direction of Ybriel’s gaze was towards the womb where Theseric was.

Even without making a special request, permission was immediately granted

as soon as I informed the Crown Prince of my intention to visit.

“Come on, princess.”

Tezeric greeted Ybriel with a strangely relaxed face as if something good had
happened. Then, when he saw Asiligo coming after him, his face hardened.

“… Are you the only escort knight who accompanies the outing?”

“No, there are two more….”

Although Zed and Alon are present, Asiligo usually follows them when they
go out.

I wondered if it would be difficult to follow along each time, so I asked Ybriel

several times if he would take a shift, but Asiligo shook his head.

‘Going out is dangerous, so it is right for me to follow.’

Those words somehow sounded like he was the strongest among the knights.

Ybriel didn’t know how accurate Asiligo’s strength was, so those words didn’t
make sense to him.


From the last time, Tezeric had been dissatisfied with Asiligo. Ybriel tilted
her head at the unexplained hostility.

There was no fear because of the unique aura of this race. If that is the case,
it means that there is another reason, but there was hardly any place to guess
what it was.

Although it was an unplanned visit, there were plenty of tea, fruit, and finger
food in the Crown Prince’s drawing room.

“What do you want to say?”

Tezeric, who sat down, asked, holding a teacup.

“That’s why you said I’d see you.”

The words that followed were mixed with strange self-help. If I don’t have a
business, you won’t find me, and I felt like I was rebuking Ybriel.
Ybriel looked around before speaking.

In Tezeric’s space, there were no suspicious shadows found in Empress Seon,

and there were no reluctant gazes in front of the emperor.

Still, just in case, Ybriel came to winter.

‘Butterfly, is there something hiding here too?’

After a moment of silence, the answer came.

“It seems to be fine now.”

After confirming that it was safe with Winter’s answer, Ybriel spoke up
without hesitation.
“I want to get Her Majesty Empress Seon out of the palace.”
At the point that came out right away, Tezeric almost spit on the car.

Tezeric, who hastily put down the teacup, looked at Ybriel’s face. It was a
calm expression that did not match the words that were being said.
“I don’t think it’s crazy.”

“I’m crazy.”
“It’s even more shocking that he said that out of his mind.”

At that, Ybriel laughed a little.

Tezeric paused for a moment. The smile seemed to pierce his eyes. He turned
his head as if to run away.

“… As you can see from your visit, the place where Her Majesty the Empress
Dowager resides is the North Tower. The guards are not strict.”

“So I need information. When and how the knights take turns. What is the
surrounding structure, and….”
Ybriel looked at Tezeric’s face.

‘I’ll say it only once, so listen carefully. There’s a secret passage under the seat
of the pipe organ.’

That day, in the chapel, Tezeric clearly knew the ‘secret passage’.
“… The location of the secret passage of the Imperial Palace.”

Even if the Crown Prince was falsely presented, only Tezeric could help with
Episode 96
“All I know is one secret passage under the chapel pipe organ chair. I’m sure
it’s not the only secret passage in the Imperial Palace, and your Highness
knows most of the location of the secret passage.”

When Ybriel explained the location of the secret passage without obstruction,
Tezeric couldn’t hide his surprise.

“How do you….”
A sense of dizziness came suddenly.

‘There is a secret passage under the seat of the pipe organ.’

Have you ever told me that?

Immediately after questioning, Tezeric shook his head in a sudden headache.


The pain was so strong that I could moan. A feeling of pressure came over
me as if someone was stacking huge boulders above my head.
Seeing the sudden paleness of Tezeric, Ybriel got up from her seat in

However, Tezeric raised his hand and prevented Ybriel from approaching.

“… It’s not a big deal, every now and then.”

He did not reveal to Ybriel that he felt pain due to the magic of his eyes. The
boy quietly closed his eyes and waited for the painful sensation to subside.

As the headache subsided, Tezeric opened his mouth heavily.

“Even if you try to outrun the guards and use the secret passage to get out, it
won’t mean much. You don’t know to what extent the Emperor is obsessed
with His Majesty, Empress Sun.”

Ybriel couldn’t deny it.

As Tezeric said, an unknown entity was attached to Azerian’s shadow.

With every move being monitored, it was almost impossible to get Azerian
out of the tower, which was guarded by strict security.

I suddenly had a question.

“Why? His Majesty after Empress Seon….”

She’s a stepmother.

Ybriel had a confused look on her face and blurted out the end of her words.
Tezeric guessed what Ybriel didn’t say and twisted his eyebrows slightly.

there is something The boy and the girl thought so at the same time.

Ybriel stared at her own face reflected in the teacup. It was a face full of
‘These are facts I didn’t know when I was with the Empress in the past.’

He did not know that darkness lurked in the imperial family, and that
Empress Seon was living as if imprisoned by the emperor.

‘To understand the exact context of why the emperor joined hands with the
darkness, we need to know what has happened since the time of the previous
The fastest way would be to ask Herwin, who was the prince, directly, but
there was only one way for Ybriel to find out about the imperial past while he
had not yet returned to the island.

“Are there any records in the Imperial Library?”

Ybriel looked at Tezeric with determined eyes. Tezeric was also staring at
Ybriel as if he had thought of the same thing.

“Only the immediate imperial family can read it.”

“Could you please check the records of the previous emperors there?”

Fortunately, Tezeric nodded immediately.

“I’ll find out.”

“I beg you.”

After speaking, Ybriel turned to look at the clock on the wall. It seems like
you haven’t been to the palace for a while, but a lot of time has passed.

It was late winter and the days were still short.

Ybriel came out of the palace while watching the sunset slowly coloring the


Two days later, Tezeric’s invitation arrived at Whitewood’s mansion.

A letter from the Imperial Palace could have fallen into the hands of the
emperor, so Tezeric wrote only a request for Ybriel’s visit without any further

After visiting the palace immediately, Ybriel heard a shocking story from

“You don’t have any records?”

Tezeric nodded his head darkly.

“Exactly, only the records of the previous emperors were torn out, so there
was nothing that could be checked.”

“How could that be….”

Only officers and the imperial family have access to the records. There’s no
way a sergeant will erase the history of the Veloiton imperial family, so….

“… The emperor erased it.”

Ybriel’s voice calmed down. Tezeric was also frightened by checking the

“So I looked for other institutions that might have records.”

As soon as he confirmed that the records had been damaged, he tried to find
any traces of the Emperor’s Emperor in a different direction.

“Still, I couldn’t find anything. Even the medical center.”

The silence that poured over my head was heavy.

“It’s not strange. The reason why Emperor Seon passed away was because of
an illness, how could there be no record of it?”

Ybriel grabbed the hem of her dress. Tezeric looked straight at Ybriel.

“If you can’t hear the story of Empress Seon, only the princess’s father, Duke
Solgren, can explain this to you.”

As Tezeric said, at this point, only Herwin Solgren was the key to all

Realizing that, Ybriel jumped up from her seat immediately.

“Thank you so much for noticing me, my lord. I’ll ask my father and check
the rest.”

“… Are you going?”

Tezeric asked where he was with a sad face. However, Ybriel nodded without
noticing such a sign.

Tezeric laughed weakly.

‘If you knew, what did you expect?’

The reason Ybriel came to Tezeric was strictly for work.

Tezeric took that into account. To him, Ybriel is special, but not to Ybriel.

“Go carefully.”

The boy swallowed many horses and saw Ybriel off. Ybriel stood up.

“I’ll see you later, my lord.”

Ybriel broke up with Tezeric and hurriedly left the palace. My steps were as
fast as my heart rushed.

Asiligo, who had been waiting outside the whole time, had heard the sound of
Ebriel approaching from a long time ago.

“Okay, let’s go back to the mansion. ASAP!”

Acilligo, noticing that Ybriel was rushing, quickly called for the carriage.

The wagon quickly increased its speed as soon as it started.

‘I have to send another call to the South.’

Frustrated, Ybriel decided to ask Herwin to come back soon, and also to ask
about Lily’s news, who had gone to deliver the letter.

‘I hope nothing bad happened.’

It was around the time that the Whitewood Mansion slowly began to appear
in Ybriel’s sight. Suddenly the carriage stopped.

‘You haven’t arrived at the mansion yet?’

Ybriel looked out the window with a puzzled expression.

It was a group of knights blocking the front of the carriage. A uniform with a
red dragon pattern on it caught Ybriel’s eyes.

‘That’s the Imperial Knights.’

Ybriel continued to look outside in an ominous mood. Asiligo, who was
sitting on the driver’s seat, also sensed something, let go of the reins and
descended to the ground.

“We are a knighthood that obeys the Emperor’s orders. Treat him

A man who appeared to be the captain of the knights group came forward.
But knowing what confidence he was, he did not budge. he asked on the

“Why are you blocking my way?”

“There is no reason to explain to a lowly beast.”

At the contempt for Asiligo, Ybriel couldn’t hide her anger.

“What now….”

It was the moment when Ybriel was about to open the door. Asiligo touched
the carriage door with his hand.

“I hope you don’t get off, miss.”

Asiligo asked lowly. Ybriel tried to open it by force, but the door did not slide
as if a huge rock had been set in front of it.

‘What power…!’

With only one arm’s strength, Asiligo had stopped Ebriel.

“You know!”

Ybriel knocked on the window from the inside, but Asiligo was only staring at
the Knights Templar.

“Declare your business.”

Ybriel in the wagon looked at him from the side.
His hard chin and faintly furrowed eyebrows made it clear that he was angry.
The face was so unfamiliar that Ybriel was at a loss for words.

As time passed, Assiligo did not show good manners, the atmosphere became
even more brutal.

“Lady Ybriel has been designated as a suspect in the attempted poisoning of

Empress Sun.”

At the words of the knight, Ybriel froze as if she had been hit with cold
water. Attempt to poison? I?

“Sir, what happened to your Majesty Empress Seon?”

There was no reply from the knights. Ybriel thought, and soon realized.
‘It’s a trap.’

The emperor is trying to frame Ybriel. Give me a cause to attack Solgren.

‘That’s why I met Empress Seon!’
It was probably true that Azerian was poisoned.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to move the knights like this or block
the way of Ybriel, who was a princess.

‘Using Empress Seon’s Majesty….’

Ybriel clenched her fists. He still remembered the feeling of writing on the
palm of his hand when we met a while ago, and the soft gaze in his eyes.

Anger filled his mind.

“Can you really prove that you are the Imperial Knights?”

Meanwhile, Asiligo asked the knights.

For the Imperial Knights, the uniform is a means of proving their identity.
Asiligo’s words were therefore an outright insult. Because it meant they didn’t
look like the Imperial Knights.
“This cheeky bastard!”

Eventually, one knight drew his sword.

Kaang! Ybriel heard the sound first and then noticed that the Imperial
Knight’s sword had been broken.

Asiligo, who was standing in front of the carriage, was suddenly holding a
sword in his hand.
All the knights drew their swords with a cool sound. At the sudden situation,
Ybriel’s face turned pale.

It was crazy to deal with multiple elite Imperial Knights alone!

“You know, stop!”

After being freed at last, Ybriel opened the carriage door and jumped out.
At the same time, he borrowed the power of winter and built a sharp wall of
ice between the Knights Templar and Asiligo.

While the knights retreated in bewilderment, Ybriel ran to Asiligo. Asiligo
looked at the opened carriage door and Ebriel alternately.
“You must not collide head-on with the Emperor’s Knights. You and I are at

“But they are going to take you.”

Asiligos were apparently human-like, but their essence was a heterogeneous
He sensed with his animalistic senses that this was not a good thing. I had a
feeling that if I send Ybriel over to them like this, I would never come back.
Asiligo gripped the sword handle with a determined face.

“We can handle it all.”

“… What?”

“If you give me an order, I will do it.”

Because Asiligo spoke so casually, Ybriel realized the real meaning of it
belatedly. Now, Asiligo was saying that he would kill all the knights in front
of him.
“Hey, don’t do that!”

Ybriel hurriedly grabbed Asiligo’s arm.

If you kill all the knights at the Emperor’s order, you will be guilty of a felony
even if you are not aware of it.

“Put the sword in now, Asiligo.”


“Right Now.”
Asiligo looked down at Ybriel’s arms with trembling eyes. obey orders The
long-learned principles of the Knights Templar cooled his head.
“Lady Ebriel! If you don’t take down this wall, you’ll have no choice but to
force it!”

At the cry of the Knights Templar, Ybriel reached out to him. The ice melted
in an instant and the wall blocking them disappeared.

“I’ll go.”
Ybriel, who looked at the approaching knights, released Asiligo’s arm.
“… I’m staying in the mansion until I get back, Sir Asiligo.”
Ybriel’s voice was cold and firm. Asiligo’s heart sank.

‘You were angry.’

Why didn’t you open the wagon door? Not obeying orders quickly? The
young knight fell into doubt.

Meanwhile, Ybriel went forward without hesitation in front of the knights.

“I am only a suspect. The lords should remember that.”

It meant not to be treated the same as criminals.

The little girl’s voice was like a blizzard. With an unknown spirit, the knights’
actions became more cautious.
“I’ll be careful.”

Ybriel moved with a sigh.

It was the moment he was just about to get on the carriage that the knights
had prepared.

“What kind of fuss is this?”

A familiar voice caught Ybriel’s steps. Ybriel quickly turned her head.

And where he looked, Herwin was standing.


For a moment, Ybriel thought only that the sword was in Herwin’s hand. He
had that much aggressive momentum wrapped around his body.

His always gentle expression and eyes were nowhere to be found. It was as if
a completely different person appeared, only in appearance.
“I asked what the fuss was.”

With a frighteningly cold face, he asked again.

Episode 97
Ybriel resisted the urge to run to Herwin right away.

Herwin had just returned to Whitewood’s mansion and had disembarked

from the wagon in the commotion in front of the mansion.

Before he could comprehend the situation, he strode over and grabbed

Ybriel’s arm and pulled him behind him.

In an instant, Ybriel’s body was covered by Herwin.

Herwin stared at the Knights, hiding Ybriel behind him. Ybriel had no idea
what expression Herwin was making in front of her.

“Please explain.”
Only that cool voice was clearly lodged in my ears.

As she blocked the way to Asiligo, who was approaching afterward, Ybriel
could only see the backs of the two men.
“Lady Ebriel was pointed out as a suspect in the attempted poisoning of
Empress Seon, so I was about to take her for an investigation.”
“… Attempted poisoning?”

Herwin frowned.

Until she saw Ybriel in front of the mansion, Herwin was very happy. The
fatigue that had been running through the night by hastening the schedule
seemed to have washed away.

However, the moment he found the knights in line in front of him, he felt like
his blood had cooled in an instant.
Only the coach knew that he had jumped out of the carriage that had not yet

“Are you saying that there is something wrong with your mother?”
“That’s right. Had tea the other day….”

“I’m not with you either.”

At those words, Ybriel shook her head. Herwin’s back looked a little too big.
No, actually, Herwin looked bigger than before.

‘Did you grow taller while recuperating in the South?’

After a while, I thought it was absurd. I’m not even a growing child.

“It’s my mother’s business, shouldn’t I know?”

“That’s ….”

The knights had no idea how to deal with the unexpected situation.

“If my daughter was involved, I would also be the subject of investigation.”

The knights were perplexed in their hearts.

The duke, who had left for recuperation in the South because he was not
feeling well, stood in the way as if he would never step aside as if in front of
the princess.

The Duke of Solgren, whom the knights had heard of, was an infirm noble.
Because of this, they vaguely imagined a small and skinny physique.

However, the man in front of him could not be said to be dwarf even with a
lie. In fact, it was better than any other article.

‘Just because you’re big doesn’t mean you’re strong.’

‘Only Houdae is fine, in reality it will be weak.’

The knights made such a prediction when they saw Herwin’s curvy face.
But why? Even though they were outnumbered, it seemed they could not get
Duke Solgren to step down. It was really strange.

“… Please accompany Lady Ebriel, Your Majesty.”

With those words, Herwin finally relaxed his body. Embarrassed, Ybriel
quickly grabbed the hem of his robe.

“Dad, I am fine. It won’t be a big deal. I’ll just go and do some research and
come back, so first of all, rest in the mansion….”

“I’m fine, Eve.”

But Herwin was stubborn. Ybriel realized she couldn’t stop Herwin any

Eventually, the wagon departed with both Solgren on board.

The remaining Asiligo looked at the carriage moving away.

‘I’ll wait.’

I feel like I said that a long time ago.


The investigation was conducted in the Imperial Palace.

While Ybriel was being interrogated, Herwin visited the audience.

It had been a long time since he had come to this place, who had been cast
out as a prince. But there was no room for nostalgia for Herwin. Because of
the owner of this space.

“Did you enjoy your time in the South?”

Kaizen, who was sitting in the center of the audience, asked indifferently.
Sending an assassin and asking casually was annoying.

“It wasn’t bad.”

“I hoped it would be worse.”

Herwin hardened his expression. He took one breath and opened his mouth.
“Let me see my mother, Your Majesty.”

Kaizen’s expression slowly disappeared as Herwin mentioned Azerian.

“Why should I do that?”

“I want to check the condition.”

Then Kaizen laughed.

“I don’t want to hear from you who set fire to the Empress’s palace.”

“Don’t think you don’t know. Your Majesty is the one who poisoned your
mother and used it.”


In an instant, the surrounding temperature became cold with a terrible

silence. Herwin looked around, watching the white breath spread.

The shadows of all the objects in the audience grew strangely.

The emperor was emotionally agitated.

“… You better not be cocky, ouch. Because if I want, I can get your poor
daughter out of this world.”

The emperor’s voice sounded over and over as if several people were saying
the same thing at once.

While Herwin concentrated on the strange sound, the audience slowly

regained its original shape. Even the dark shadows began to fade little by

Kaizen took a deep breath.

“I was going to call you even if you didn’t come, but since you came to me
like this, I’ll tell you right now.”

“What do you mean?”

“I plan to retake the eastern Berak region soon.”

At the Emperor’s words, Herwin furrowed his eyebrows.

Eastern Berak was a land that had been completely corroded by darkness due
to the invasion of the past beasts.

Veloiton abandoned the land of Berak and built a high barrier around the
eroded area to prevent further erosion.

That was over 60 years ago.

Now, it was self-evident that the Barak beyond the barrier must have been a
living hell, infested with toxins and demonic beasts.

‘But you’re going to come back and bring that land back?’

It was an absurd plan. Herwin looked at Kaizen’s mouth. Ominous words

seemed to be pouring out.

“Every war needs a vanguard.”

And Herwin’s prediction was not wrong.

“I wish it were you, bro.”

Kaizen smiled darkly. Herwin watched him silently.

“… What if I say no?”

“The culprit will be your daughter. It’s not just a case of poisoning.”

Even if he was acquitted in this attempted poisoning case, the emperor could
always frame Ybriel with another frame.
In the end, it was said that if you want to protect Ybriel, you should jump into

“Now, what are you going to do?”

The emperor asked cruelly. Now it was Herwin’s turn to answer.


Meanwhile, Ybriel was left alone in the room after completing the

It is impossible to interrogate a princess in the basement as if she were a real

criminal, so the place where Ebriel was now was an empty room in the
Imperial Palace.

Ybriel looked at the ceiling of the room with a worried face. At first glance,
Ebriel was reflected in the sparkling glass of the chandelier.

‘Is your Majesty all right after Empress Seon?’


Attempt to be poisoned.

From the time she first visited Azerian, Ybriel deliberately didn’t give
anything as a gift.

‘I didn’t expect that he would come up with such a stupid thing.’

Ybriel’s head was spinning busily. After a few investigations, Ybriel’s charges
will be cleared. Still, why is it so complicated?

‘Clearly there must be something to decorate with this.’

That was then. A bookcase on one side of the room vibrated slightly and
made a noise.
Ybriel got up and looked at her nervously. At first I thought it was an illusion,
but soon the bookshelf shook violently.

Ybriel jumped up from the sofa and pulled out a winter branch, nervously.

“Hey, who is there?”

Then, suddenly, the bookshelf was pushed aside. Ybriel was so startled that
she couldn’t even make a sound.

“Collock, Colok!”

At first glance, bright blonde hair could be seen through the thick dust.

It was none other than Tezeric who appeared from the other side of the

“Isn’t nobody cleaning the secret passage? Well, if someone cleans it, it won’t
be a secret.”
The boy grunted as he wiped his dusty cheek with his sleeve. Ybriel looked at
Tezeric with a fishy-eyed expression on her face.
Feeling the gaze, Tezeric turned his head. I used the secret passage to get
here, but that didn’t make sense.
The boy was somewhat embarrassed.
“The princess suddenly wanted to assassinate Empress Seon.”

“Did you believe that?”

“Do you believe you came here?”

“If anything happens….”

I was thinking of taking him out of the palace.

Tezeric didn’t say that. The mouth never fell off.

Although his status is only a fake, the boy was officially the Crown Prince.
There was no hesitation in what the boy had been doing. If there was
something I wanted, I had it, and I did what I wanted to say without adding or
But in front of Ybriel, nothing went as planned. It’s like being an idiot who
can’t do anything.

“Oh hey.”
He murmured as if he had noticed something interesting about winter.

Only Ybriel stood there, not knowing the English language.

Episode 98
“Ah, I heard you were being investigated anyway.”

Tezeric turned around hurriedly.

“So, did you come all the way here from the Crown Prince?”

Ybriel looked at the open bookshelf and Tezeric alternately with a curious
“Is there a secret passage like this in every room?”

“It’s not like that. I’m sure there’s at least one in each palace, though.”
Tezeric answered, wiping the dust off his clothes. Ybriel glanced at the door.

Probably because they didn’t make a loud noise inside, the guards outside
were silent without any reaction.
“If the investigators had remained, they would have been caught.”

“I can feel the presence of one or two people on the other side of the

oh Ybriel nodded at the sudden memory.

Unsurprisingly, the Crown Prince received the highest level of education
received from the imperial family and was brought up.
‘Especially, his swordsmanship skills were excellent.’

Before going back in time, Ybriel had seen Tezeric training from afar.

For Ybriel, who had never dealt with a sword, Tezeric, who was holding a
heavy sword and moving lightly, was simply amazing.

“What did the investigator ask the princess?”

At Tezeric’s question, Ybriel woke up from the past.
“Ah, I asked about the tea and food I drank with Empress Seon.”

Although similar questions were repeated whether it was a formal

investigation, Ybriel answered all of them faithfully.

“I didn’t even prepare a present for fear that it might become a problem, and I
just talked and answered that I came out.”

“Wasn’t there a maid who looked after you by your side? If there was
evidence, there would have been no need to come here.”
“Yes, it was just me and His Majesty in the room. It’s because Her Majesty’s
Majesty has ordered that the surrounding area be bitten.”
Ybriel thought that Empress Seon had just left the area to talk quietly, but
looking back, it seemed like she was trying to reduce her gaze as much as

‘The maids are also guards.’

In the first place, Ybriel had no reason or way to try something like
poisoning. In the shadow of Empress Sun, there was an ear attached to the

This incident was deliberately done by the emperor.

Falling apart with Herwin, who had come with him to the Imperial Palace,
Ybriel did not know where Herwin was now.

‘I think something will happen to Dad.’

Tezeric immediately noticed that Ybriel’s expression darkened.

“it’s okay?”

Ybriel opened her mouth to inform Tezeric of the danger.
“Your Majesty, there is one thing I learned from the last conversation I had
with Empress Seon.”

Immediately, Ybriel explained the awkward energy she had seen in the
shadow of Empress Sun. As Tezeric heard the story, his expression became
even paler.

“… Hopefully I don’t have something like that attached to me right now.”

The silent winter was in denial.

“I don’t feel anything from that human child either then or now.”

“Your Majesty I don’t feel anything.”

Ybriel conveyed the words of winter as they were. Tezeric was relieved but

“How can the princess know that?”

After a moment’s hesitation, Ybriel explained the existence of the Winter
“Can you see the sentence in my hand?”


Ybriel extended her right hand to Tezeric. At first glance, only the white,
smooth back of his hand could be seen, so Tezeric’s face turned slightly red.

However, the next moment, a transparent light began to leak out from under
Ybriel’s skin, and the shape of the branch was completed soon.

Tezeric’s eyes widened.

“It’s a winter branch.”

Ybriel added an explanation.

Tezeric also knew about the veil keeper’s sickness. I never thought I’d be able
to see it like this.
“With the ability of Winter Branch, I can detect bad energy around me. At
that time, when I was in the palace of Empress Seon, there was something
strange that I could see with the naked eye.”

To be precise, it is with the help of ‘Winter’, but Ybriel briefly shortened the
explanation. Tezeric had a curious look.
“Is it because it’s a new thing?”

Tezeric, who was looking at the back of Ybriel’s hand, suddenly tilted his
head as if strangely.

“But what did it look like? As far as I know, there must have been a flower in
the middle.”

“A flower?”

“No, I must be remembering it wrong.”

Tezeric shook his head. But Ybriel didn’t let it go.

“Are you familiar with Solgren?”

At Ybriel’s words, Tezeric was once again perplexed.


If you don’t explain right here, you may think that you’ve done a background
check and be offended. No, actually, the background check is correct.

Unsure of what to do, Tezeric, who was stunned, bowed his head like a flower
in the rain.

“… I saw a painting called <Dawn of Solgren> when I was a kid.”

Ybriel paused. Long ago, when Seldia was holding an exhibition in the
archipelago, I received a letter saying that he and the Empress had visited.
That was the story back then.

Tezeric was also recalling the memories of that day.

“It was so beautiful, I wanted to know the model for the painting.”

Tezeric’s eyes, staring at the floor, fluttered like flames.

Ybriel was unaware that his portrait had been exhibited, so he understood
what Tezeric was talking about as simply a story about a landscape painting.

“It was. Seldia’s painting of Solgren was definitely beautiful.”

“No, I wasn’t talking about the landscape….”

The boy did not finish his speech and kept his mouth shut. The voice that had
always cried in my heart resounded in my eardrums.

‘About the subject of a lowly illegitimate child, do you think you’ve become a
real prince?’

The lowest being who sat in the most luxurious seat. That was the essence of
the thesis.

So the boy did not dare look straight at Ybriel Solgren.

If it wasn’t for the Southerners, he would still be stuck among the piles of
planks in Ditchpole.


Knowing this, Tezeric swallowed his words, his emotions, and his heart. so as
not to jump out.

It was then that I felt the popularity outside. Ebriel, who thought he was an
investigator, floundered in embarrassment.

“Papa, hide quickly!”

Ybriel quickly grabbed the hem of Tezeric’s robe. Tezeric was taken
helplessly and set foot again in the secret passage beyond the bookshelf.

“Princess, I….”

“You must be quiet!”

Ybriel closed the bookshelf and put her index finger to her lips. Tezeric
looked at him with round eyes.

‘Looks like a confused rabbit.’

While thinking like that, Ybriel hurriedly greeted her.

“See you next time, my lord!”

The bookshelf slammed shut. The boy giggled a little in the dark passage.

In the meantime, Ybriel straightened out her clothes that were messed up due
to the hasty movement. As soon as I stopped breathing, my mind calmed

“come in.”

“Excuse me, Lady Ebriel.”

When the permission was granted, it was the chief attendant, not the
inspector, who entered the room. While Ybriel was puzzled, Herwin appeared
from behind the chieftain.


he smiled faintly.

“Let’s go back, Eve.”


It was late at night outside.

In the carriage returning to the mansion, Ybriel looked into Herwin’s eyes.

‘Dad, you seem to be thinking a lot.’

Herwin, who was looking out the window with a complicated expression, felt
his gaze and turned to Ybriel. Ybriel spoke first.

“I didn’t do anything to Empress Seon and His Majesty. Really.”

Then Herwin looked at Ybriel with a puzzled expression.

“Of course you do, Eve. Why would you do that?”

Ybriel was relieved to hear that. I was worried that the emperor might have
mistreated him while he was being investigated.

Even though they met after a long time, they were not in a good mood and
could not have a proper conversation. Ybriel immediately asked what she was
curious about.

“I sent you a letter through Lily, have you met?”

Herwin nodded. It was then that Ybriel made up her mind.

Lily is okay.
At the same time, questions arose.

“So where is Lily now?”

“I left as soon as I got the letter. Lily decided to come after the sun came up.”

While listening to Herwin silently, Ybriel noticed something strange in those

“‘After the dawn of the day,’ did you really start at night?”

Herwin was visibly perplexed. Ybriel couldn’t help but be amazed.

“If you’re not feeling well, you shouldn’t push yourself like that! Besides, the

Then Herwin raised his hand and signaled Ybriel to stop. Ybriel reflexively
shut her mouth.
The carriage he is currently riding in belonged to the imperial family. Ybriel
looked at the front of the carriage. Through a small window, the driver’s back
could be seen.
‘It could be the emperor’s ear.’

Ybriel quickly turned around without panicking.

“Your Majesty’s Majesty was also concerned about his father.”

Herwin nodded quietly, as if well done.

“I’ll be more careful next time.”

“How was the South? Was the weather really warmer than the islands?”
Herwin frowned at those words.

‘Please tell Ybriel. Mom said I’m going to see her soon….’
The sad face of his wife was clear in his mind. He looked at Ybriel with calm
eyes without showing any sadness.

“Eve, did you really have a good time in Gyoguk?”

At that, Ybriel smiled vaguely. Herwin’s eyes deepened with a smile that had
many meanings.
“… When I get back to the mansion, I have a lot to talk about.”

At that moment, there was a slight rattling as the carriage had crossed its
chin. Through the window, the front door of the Whitewood Mansion began
to appear.

Asiligo heard the sound of a carriage entering the mansion before anyone

“brother! Miss! The lady is here!”

Kanya, who was similarly sensitive, was excited and rolled her feet. Sigmund
also noticed that Ebriel was returning to Kanya’s commotion.
“My granddaughter is here?”

What happened in front of the mansion had already been communicated by


‘Are you taking my granddaughter?’

‘Did you take my girl?’
When the two learned that Ybriel had headed for the Imperial Palace under
the guidance of the Knights Templar, the road ran wild.
‘I’m going to the Imperial Palace right now!’

‘I’m going too!’

Two people who fight at least once a day get along very well at times like this.

Asiligo struggled for a while to dry up the Archmage and his sister, who were
eager to visit the imperial palace at any moment.
While dissuading the two of them, he also wanted to run away. Every
moment was anxious about what might happen to Ybriel.
However, the orders left by Ybriel caught hold of her feet.

‘… I’m staying in the mansion until I get back, Sir Asiligo.’

In the end, Asiligo couldn’t sleep until late, feeling like his wick was on fire.
Kanya and Sigmund were the same.

And only now did Ybriel return.

The three of them ran into the lobby without anyone else.
Episode 99

Eve, who was walking inside with Herwin, stopped when she saw Kanya
running towards her.

“Can you?”
“I’ve been waiting for you!”

While Kanya smiled brightly and ran away, Asiligo stood there like a nail in
the ground.

can you come closer Aren’t you mad

The article did not know.

“What happened? Are you all right?”

Sigmund, passing by the stopped Asiligo, looked at Ybriel with a worried

face. Ybriel laughed to reassure Sigmund.

“It was okay, Grandpa. I’m fine.”

“It’s okay, what’s okay? Doing the duke and princess together side by side, is
this the case?”

Sigmund couldn’t stand it, and he rebelled.

“Twitter, I should have seen you….”

However, even if Sigmund had stepped forward, there would have been no
significant action.
The Imperial Knights Templar is an organization that carries out the
emperor’s orders, and it would be an act of violating the oath of protection
for Solgren, a family of public servants, to disobey its will.
While Ybriel smiled awkwardly, Sigmund looked at Herwin’s expression

Contrary to the granddaughter’s words that it was okay, he had a dark face as
if he had grown strong.

“What happened?”
“… Can I tell you a little later?”

Herwin, who was begging for forgiveness, looked at Ybriel. Sigmund’s gaze
followed him.
“Now I have something to talk to Eve first.”

As soon as he spoke in a low, subdued voice, Sigmund stopped. Because he

knew what Herwin was trying to reveal.

“… I get it.”

Sigmund took a step back for the woman to have a conversation.

Ybriel noticed an unspoken conversation between Herwin and Sigmund. At

this point, I couldn’t help but wonder.
‘What the hell is Dad trying to say?’

Ybriel followed Herwin upstairs with curiosity.

Herwin’s room was the most spacious and splendid in the mansion. There
were paintings and various ornaments that Ybriel had chosen herself.

The imperial palace and pagoda could be seen in the distance outside the
large window for light. The moment she saw the tower, Ybriel suddenly
remembered Empress Seon. The reluctant shadow attached to it too.

“I have something to tell you first.”

Ybriel explained the Emperor and the Darkness based on what happened in
the Church. It would have been difficult to fully understand the situation with
just what was written in the letter.
“At the christening ceremony, the Crown Prince’s divine beast turned into a
magical beast.”

“Is a demonic beast appearing in Hal Shia?”

“yes. Fortunately, Asiligo and I managed to do it.”

“Did you even fight?”

As Ybriel’s story continued, Herwin’s expression hardened more and more.

Herwin’s complexion was darkened as if he had been burnt when he talked

about the fact that the Crown Prince’s sun eyes were fake and that the
mysterious shadow he had seen from the side of Empress Seon.
However, Yibriel, who was concentrating on the story, did not notice such a

“… So the bottom line is that it is certain that the Emperor has something to
do with darkness.”

Ybriel finished her speech with an innocent face.

Herwin’s eyes widened at the lack of a sense of crisis.

Would this little boy know the dangers of what he was saying? He might have
been very angry. Even today, he was almost taken away by the Imperial
Herwin took a deep breath, relieved that Ybriel was alive before his eyes.

“… Danger lurked everywhere in you, Eve. I hope the Emperor will do

something like that even in the Kingdom of God.”
what. About that time, Ybriel sensed that something was wrong.

‘Dad, I think you’re a little angry….’

As Ybriel felt, Herwin was in a state of anger. But his anger was directed at
himself, not against Ybriel or anyone else. He suppressed his emotions
inwardly and pleaded with Ybriel.
“I hope you don’t go to the Imperial Palace for a while.”

It was a difficult task for Ybriel, who had been constantly visiting the palace
to see Tezeric and Empress Seon.
“Did you tell Kyo-guk about this?”

“Not yet.”

“Since there is a problem with the Crown Prince’s divine beast, you must
know that there are also problems in Kyoko. Let’s wait until the Kingdom
dispatches the Knights Templar.”

No matter how suspicious Kaizen’s deeds were, he was the emperor of a

country. It would have taken quite some time before the government formally
requested an investigation.

Ybriel knew that too, so her heart was pounding.

‘Because I can’t tell you to depose the emperor at once.’

It was better to wait for the kingdom to respond than to demand the
emperor’s abdication from the sickly Herwin.

Meanwhile, Herwin thought of Liatrice.

Liatrice, who would continue to be in the South, also knew that the Emperor
had made a pact with the Darkness.

‘Then it must have been a separate informant in the system.’

Herwin had some idea who it was.

Soon Herwin looked straight at Ybriel. He had a tense face as if he was trying
to reveal a huge secret.

“Eve, can I speak now?”

His golden eyes lit up with magical lights were as clear as ever.
Ybriel nodded involuntarily. Herwin opened his mouth heavily.

“You never asked me about my mother’s existence.”

Ybriel’s eyes widened.

Ebriel must also know about Liatrice’s scandal that has spread throughout the
social world.

“I can’t explain all the things of the past now, but trust me for this one thing.
Your mother, Liatrice, has never done anything unclean.”

Ybriel lost his mind at Herwin’s words and only blinked. It was such a sudden
topic that I didn’t know how to react.

Soon Herwin walked to the chest of drawers on one side of the room. He
pulled out a small pendant from the deep inside of the lowest drawer.

“I did not go to the South for medical treatment. It was to meet Leah.”

Ybriel blinked quietly. now. What did you hear?

Then he held out the pendant he had brought to Ybriel.

“Open it.”

Ybriel randomly took the pendant.

When the button on the side was pressed lightly, the pendant opened sideways
with a click sound.

Inside was a small portrait of a woman.

The woman had light blonde hair and colorful blue-purple eyes. Ybriel
immediately recognized the protagonist of the portrait.


It was a face he had never seen before, but Ybriel was so sure. The hand
holding the pendant trembled slightly.
“Lea will come back to us. It may take some time, but it will surely come one

It was then that Ybriel let out the breath she had been holding back. My heart
was pounding. Did I hear it wrong?

“Tell me again.”

Unbelievable, Ybriel asked again.

Herwin’s expression was strangely distorted. It was a face that seemed to

endure sorrow.

“Your mother is back, Eve.”


Ybriel, as expected, was so startled that she didn’t say anything. It seemed
daunting to digest the facts that I had just heard to explain everything.

Herwin watched Ybriel’s swaying eyes.

“… Why?”
Ybriel asked suddenly.

“Why did you leave me and Daddy while enduring such an insult? I….”

Ybriel’s voice was mixed with faint resentment and sadness. Herwin’s
expression distorted. It was all because of his incompetent past.


But before Herwin could admit his mistake, Ybriel shook her head first.

“no. Don’t tell me.”

Ybriel returned the pendant she was holding back to Herwin. It was a hard

“When Mom comes back, then I’ll listen to all the stories.”
Herwin couldn’t say anything more at Ybriel’s decisive attitude. He carefully
gripped the pendant in his hand.

“Yeah, today….”

only up to here. That kid must have been very surprised.

Suddenly, Herwin’s eyes turned to the wall clock on the wall. Both Herwin
and Ybriel knew it was too late.

“Well, it’s been a while. Come on, go to your room.”

Even though he knew he wouldn’t be able to fall asleep easily, Herwin said so.
Ybriel smiled faintly as she thought the same thing.

“… Yes, good night.”

Immediately after Ybriel left the room, Herwin looked back at the pendant he
had returned.
A pretty face and a soft smile. Liatris in the portrait was as elegant as a noble

He seemed like a completely different person from the Liatris I met in the

At that moment, someone slammed Herwin’s door open. Only one person
could enter the Duke’s room without knocking.
“Are you surprised?”

Sigmund asked, closing the door behind his back.

“A lot.”

“Are you mad?”

“It was tolerable.”

Herwin was self-help. Later, it was hard to know how to ask for forgiveness
from Ybriel.
stupid guy. Sigmund muttered and clicked his tongue.

“So, what deal did you do with the emperor?”

Sigmund was suspicious that Herwin and Ybriel, who had been taken to the
Imperial Palace, returned to the mansion in less than half a day. Clearly, there
must have been a price to be paid.
Herwin’s eyes darkened.

“It will be announced soon, but the Emperor wants to retake Eastern Berak.”
“Are you going to retake Verak?”

Sigmund’s face quickly turned red with anger.

“That crazy…!”

Sigmund also knew what the eastern Berak was like.

“You are ready to risk your life for sin!”

Sigmund, who had been wheezing with swear words, suddenly sensed
something ominous. The fact that Herwin’s mouth talked about the eastern
recapture battle that had not yet been announced….

“Did you tell me to go to war?”

Herwin didn’t answer, but Sigmund knew right away that it was an
affirmation. Sigmund rubbed his forehead.

“You didn’t say you would do it already, did you?”

This time, Herwin remained silent. It was the moment when Sigmund, who
was anxiously waiting for an answer, could not bear it and was about to swear.
“I met Leah in the South.”

Sigmund couldn’t keep his mouth shut at Herwin’s words.
“Our Lili is in the South? Yes you bastard, what did you do without bringing
my daughter right away!”
“Leah is gathering troops from the South.”

Sigmund froze at those words.

“What… Gather?”

“Unless Caswither and the imperial bond are broken, Solgren cannot
overthrow Veloiton.”
Sigmund, who was listening, became as white as his beard.

“You mean you’re going to start treason after all!”

“It’s a revolution. The emperor must not be there.”

Herwin, repeating what Liatris had said, had a determined expression on his

“Lea works so hard, and I can’t stand still.”

Sigmund then looked closely at Herwin.

‘Look at this guy.’

I could feel the refined fighting spirit on the face I thought was only fine.
Sigmund looked at his son-in-law, who was always lacking, as if he were a
Today’s Herwin looked so strong that it was hard to imagine that he was the
weak person in his memory.

“In order to attract the Central Nobles to Solgren’s power, it would be a good
idea to have an overwhelming advantage in any way.”

“Your boy, maybe….”

Herwin looked out the window with sharp eyes.
The place where his eyes touched was the tower of the imperial palace where
Empress Seon was staying.
“I will participate in the recapture war and retake Berak.”
this crazy guy Sigmund smiled sadly.

If other people had said this, I would have dissuaded him hundreds of times
not to be nonsense, but only Sigmund knew.

That Herwin had finally decided to reveal his true self.

Episode 100

Of course, Ybriel couldn’t sleep.

As I stayed up all night with my eyes open, I could see a dimly bright light
outside the window.
‘Did Grandpa even hear the story?’

You probably talked to Herwin after Ybriel came out. Ybriel looked up at the
ceiling of the room with a curious expression.

‘Mom is coming back.’

As a child, Ybriel had never talked about her mother, except for what she was
going to mention to open Herwin’s visit.
Even looking back before and now, I wrote down only a handful of things I
heard about Liatrice.

Everyone was in a relaxed atmosphere, so there were some things that I

couldn’t ask right away, because in the meantime, Ybriel was so busy with
healing Herwin’s disease and solving the chronic problems of the land.

But now it comes and suddenly appears.

Ybriel was confused. There were so many emotions that were so complicated
that it was impossible to define them.
‘Sometimes I’m angry, I’m sad, I’m happy, but I’m lonely….’

Ybriel buried her face in the pillow.

“Aww, I don’t know!”

The Duchess of Solgren, who stole the heirloom ‘Frostflower’ and ran away at
night. But Herwin asserted that the rumors were not true.
‘I should have asked why.’
He could have asked Herwin the full story of the incident on the spot, but
Ybriel did not.
I was afraid to ask questions right away, and when I thought about the past, it
seemed that it would be difficult to focus on the future.
‘My mother’s face still shimmers.’

After looking at the portrait, despite the fact that the time I had been living
without counting, I became curious about many things.
How about your voice? After spending a lot of time in the library, do you still
like books? What kind of conversations did you have with your father?
… did you miss me

A rush of questions cluttered my mind.

Ruby slowly approached the upset Ybriel. Seeing the cat approaching, Ybriel

Maybe it was because he was a divine beast, Ruby would come to comfort
Ybriel like this whenever she felt bad or complicated.

“What a cute bunch of fur.”

Ybriel giggled and took Ruby into her arms. The cat in his hand was
somehow heavy.
“Uh, have you grown up a bit?”

“My dear.”

Looking at it again, it seemed that the size was a little bigger than before.
Ybriel fiddled with Ruby as if curiously.

“No existence remains young forever.”

said as winter smiles. Suddenly, a transparent glowing butterfly was flying
around the room.

Ruby, interrupted by time with Ybriel, kicked at the fluttering butterfly.

Suddenly, the window was completely lit up. Ybriel jumped out of bed.

‘Calm down. Now, the emperor’s side comes first.’

There is no way for the emperor to move before the state can determine the
To prevent the resurrection of darkness beyond the veil, the tenth door had to
be opened as soon as possible.
Ybriel focused on the sensation of the open doors near her heart.

“Now we must open the seventh door.”

Ybriel had stopped in the past with the sixth door open.

To be more precise, it was growing very slowly, but for Ybriel, who had to
reach the tenth door as quickly as possible, she had no choice but to be

“It’s not enough just the seventh door. To get to the tenth door, you have to
grow faster than you are now.”

After opening the seventh door, he is classified as a high-ranking wizard.

Since magicians with such talents are rare, the number of high-ranking
wizards was remarkably small.

“It’s better not to overdo it.”

Winter warned low.

“Opening the door means accepting more mana soon. To get closer to God
means to move away from humans that much at the same time.”

Even Ybriel knew this from Sigmund.

“If you spend too much mana through the door, you gradually lose your
humanity. I know.”

So, I heard that the more wizards open the door, the more they have a
sabbatical that does not use mana.

‘So my grandfather said he was in hibernation until two weeks before coming
to Solgren.’

Sigmund was the archmage who opened the nine gates and the former lord of
Yangya, so it was only natural.

There were fewer than fifty wizards who opened the ninth gate like Sigmund
throughout the North Continent. He was an individual with the power of a
small army, capable of destroying a city alone.

‘I’ve only seen him quarreling with Kanya every day.’

Ybriel recognized the greatness of Sigmund once again.

“There is always a cost to using great power. You have to be careful.”

Ybriel, who had been paralyzed for a short time after opening the sixth door
in the past, did not heed the warning.

“Yeah, I’ll be careful not to do that.”

Ybriel clenched her fist. Winter let out a short sigh.

“It would be nice if it was something to be careful about.”

Just then, an unfamiliar noise was heard outside the window.

When Ybriel reflexively turned her head, a crow sat there. Ruby looked at
him and waved his tail.


As Ybriel approached and opened the window slightly, the crow came in
naturally as if it had come home.
A small barrel was tied to the crow’s ankle.

“I think Nero sent it.”

Ybriel approached and immediately untied the laces. Inside the box was a
short letter.

[I’m sorry. It seems that the person you are looking for is not in the system
right now.]

It was the news of Aiden, whom I had asked for a while ago.

“Aren’t you a system person?”

Ybriel, a little disappointed, threw the confirmed letter into the fireplace. The
paper burned quickly.

After finishing the chores, the crow picked its feathers a couple of times and
then flew out the window.


Nero provided enough snacks for the crows who returned from the mission.

Nero sat on the sofa, grabbed the whole apple, and chewed it while the crow
sat up happily.

Meanwhile, someone entered Nero’s room.

“Oh, are you here?”

As he lay down, Nero waved his hand. Inside was a boy with dark hair. The
hood was removed, revealing the eyepatch that covered one eye.

“Can you stop waking up? Every time I see you, I feel like I’m lying down.”

When the boy calmed down lightly, Nero turned around with a tired
expression on his face.

“Whether I lie on the couch or not.”

“I must have forgotten, but I am the owner of this room. You are my

“Heh, leave all the troublesome work to me and don’t be shy.”

At Nero’s words, the boy smiled briefly and then loosened the necklace that
was hanging around his neck. In an instant, his black hair turned white.

Nero, who was watching him, suddenly asked.

“Do you really need to talk?”


“That girl. I’m looking for you, can I not go?”

At Nero’s question, Aiden shook his head with a look of helplessness.

“not now.”

“Yeah, what. It’s a family thing.”

Nero giggled and threw the apple he was eating. The moment the sliced apple
floated in the air, a thin knife flew and pierced the apple.

The blown knife was nailed to the wall along with the apple.


Nero, who was taken away from the apple in an instant, stared blankly at it.
Aiden who threw the knife chuckled.

“Don’t play with your food.”

“You’re kidding me now!”

Aiden shrugged and removed the cloth hanging from the wall. Beyond the
cloth was a drawing of a certain building. Nero’s expression turned serious.

“Are you really going to do it?”

“Then, would you have brought the royal palace blueprints just to appreciate

Attached to the wall was none other than the architectural blueprint of the
Imperial Palace. Aiden glanced over the several secret passages marked

“Well then….”

Aiden’s gaze stopped on the red mark of the Crown Prince.

“Which route is most effective to steal the fake prince?”


Early in the morning, Asiligo was hesitating for a long time in front of
Ybriel’s visit.

Two thoughts clashed fiercely in my head.

To knock or not?
He had been standing there for thirty minutes.

Then the door opened first.

“You know?”

Ybriel, who had just opened the door, stopped in surprise when she saw
Asiligo standing right in front of the door.

“What are you doing here?”

Asiligo averted his gaze. Ybriel tilted her head. Asiligo was somehow uneasy.

Ybriel suddenly knew and walked forward.

Asiligo was so startled that he froze. Bright blue-violet eyes were right in
front of them.

“Is there anything you want to say?”

Asiligo, unable to avoid his gaze any longer, blinked quickly.

“… Please tell me what I did wrong and I will fix it.”

Ybriel rolled her eyes. Asiligo further elaborated the explanation.

“I thought I had made a mistake because I ordered you to stay safe in front of
the mansion the day before.”

Ybriel sighed briefly. He had been investigated at the Imperial Palace and had
completely forgotten that it had happened because of the shocking
conversation he had with Herwin that followed.
Ybriel put her hand on her waist with a serious expression on her face.
“Yeah, I’m mad at Asiligo.”

Asiligo’s eyes fluttered wildly. Also, he made a mistake.

He focused all his attention on Ybriel’s voice.

But after a while, the words that came out of Ybriel’s mouth were completely
Episode 101
“You were reckless.”

Asiligo stopped all movements and looked at Ybriel. The girl had a worried

“It was the Imperial Knights. They are the elite among the knights. You could
have really died if you were alone.”

Even a slight apprehension was mixed in Ybriel’s voice. Asiligo, stunned,

bowed his head slightly to Ybriel.

“Are you worried about me?”

“Of course! What if I get hurt?”

The reason Ybriel told Asiligo to sober in the mansion was to protect him.
‘If you go out and get retaliation….’

Ybriel shuddered at the thought of Asiligo from the past when she lost her
arm. Selling to a knight is like life.
It would be a lie if the knights were not afraid to draw their swords. But it
was more terrifying to see Asiligo hurt than that.
Ybriel knew it better because she had already experienced it once. That a
knife can kill a person very easily.
“You can’t get hurt, you know….”

Meanwhile, Asiligo couldn’t help but laugh. In Ybriel’s eyes, did she seem
that weak?

The knight, who rarely showed his emotions, hardened his expression in front
of Ybriel for the first time.
Only Ybriel doesn’t know, but Asiligo has never done anything reckless. He
was really able to kill all the knights.

If only Ybriel had ordered it.

“You must not think that way.”

He explained firmly in a low voice.

“I am her escort. It is my job to save her first, even at the cost of my life, if


Ybriel paused. Asiligo’s blind words felt a little terrifying.

“Why, why are you talking like you can get hurt?”
“It’s okay. It’s an escort.”

It wasn’t that Ybriel didn’t know the meaning of ‘escort’.

In hindsight, Asiligo was right. For Ybriel’s safety, Asiligo had to sacrifice
whatever it took. That’s why escort knights exist.

It’s only now that I can feel that fact.

“… I hate that.”

Ybriel said it, even though she knew it would sound like a compulsion.

“You know, don’t get hurt.”

Asiligo’s eyes widened.

“Promise me, now. yes?”

The face that asked that question was firm. He knew that Ybriel would not
back down easily.
“… I promise.”
He barely answered after a while. Most opponents won’t be able to get a
single scratch on his body anyway, but as long as Ybriel is relieved by this.

In response to Asiligo’s answer, Ybriel then smiled brightly with peace of


“Yeah, it’s a promise!”

At that moment, Asiligo felt that time had slowed considerably.

Is it because he remembers the wonder of the first moment he saw him?

Otherwise, ….

Asiligo furrowed his eyebrows faintly.

Why is my mood fluctuating, and why do I have to lose my gaze so helplessly.

Doubts arose


Lily arrived at the Islands two days after Herwin arrived. Ebriel ran down the
stairs in fear of seeing the carriage entering the mansion.

“Girl, I’m here!”

“Lily! great job.”

Ybriel, who ran vigorously, gave Lily a hug. Lily hugged Ybriel with a bright

“Did nothing happen while I was away?”

A lot had happened, but Ybriel was obsolete and did not reveal it.

“I was a little lonely without Lily.”

“Oh my goodness.”

Lily smiled shyly at Ybriel’s words. Ybriel, who was looking at Lily like that,
became somewhat confused.
‘If you arrived two days earlier than Lily, how on earth was Dad in such a

Ybriel was determined to once again tell Herwin to take care of himself.

After meeting Lily, Ybriel tried to find Herwin’s room on the way.
“Hey, Grandpa?”

But before he could climb the stairs, Sigmund appeared out of nowhere.

“Eve! Where are you going?”

“I was going to see you for a while.”

Sigmund raised one eyebrow at those words. Ybriel laughed awkwardly.

Sigmund still didn’t seem to like Herwin very much.

“Is it urgent?”
“It’s not like that….”

“Then let me borrow your four hours first.”


The moment Sigmund snapped his fingers and made a sound, the space
around him began to change as if it were distorted.

Feeling light dizziness, Ybriel closed her eyes tightly.

And when he opened his eyes again, Ybriel was in the living room of the


Ybriel couldn’t hide her exasperation. Sigmund’s space-moving magic was a

strange thing to experience at any time.

‘Can I learn this magic if I open the ninth door?’

However, Sigmund, who showed off his great magic, patted his beard with a
slightly nervous look and sat down.

“I’m sorry to see you all of a sudden.”

“Oh, no. I like talking to my grandfather.”

Ybriel said quickly as she sat down on the sofa across from her.

“Is that so?”

At Ybriel’s words, Sigmund forgot his face and groaned. Then, as if he had
come to his senses late, he straightened his expression.

“Great, I have a story to tell this spare time.”


Sigmund did not hesitate any longer and immediately brought up the story.

“You said before. I want to open the ‘tenth door’.”

Ybriel straightened her back. It seemed that Sigmund had a clue about the
tenth door.

“Are you open to the sixth door now?”

Ybriel nodded her head vigorously in affirmation.

Long ago, when the veil was torn, Ybriel forcibly opened the sixth door and
used all the mana in the winter branches, so it was possible to build a huge ice

However, in fact, the wizards who opened the sixth door had an obvious limit
to their available mana.

‘It depends on the scale, but I’m afraid I can use high-ranking magic three or
four times in a row.’

However, if more doors are opened in the future, it will be able to use greater
power than it is now.
Early afternoon sunlight poured into the drawing room. Sigmund covered his
mouth with a clenched hand.

The old man briefly recalled the events of the previous night.

‘I don’t want Ybriel to know that I’m leaving before recapture.’

Herwin, who declared his participation in the war, asked Ybriel not to say
anything about the recapture war.

‘Are you trying to deceive the child with another lie?’

‘He’s a worried kid. I made it that way.’

‘So you’re going secretly? Rather, cover the sky with your palm.’
‘There is no way out.’

Sigmund was reluctant, but he could not directly refute Herwin’s words.
Sigmund knew how reckless Ybriel could be for Herwin.

‘If you hear the news before recapture, you’ll probably follow me.’

No matter how great Ebriel’s magical talents were, he couldn’t let him go into
such a dangerous den of magical beasts.

‘… Do you have any tombstones in mind?’

Finally, Sigmund raised his hands. Then Herwin came up with a trick as

‘It’s not that difficult. You can take Ybriel to a very secret place where news
from the world cannot be reached at all unless it is important communication,
away from the islands where the news circulates quickly and Eastern Berak,
where the recapture battle will take place.’

‘Heh, is there such a place?’

Sigmund, who was snoring as if he had heard bullshit, suddenly realized.

have. such a place.

Sigmund woke up from the flashback and looked straight at Ybriel. The old
man let out a short sigh and opened his mouth.

“… How about going to the tower this time?”


Ybriel, who had been concentrating on Sigmund, asked in bewilderment. At

that sign, Sigmund was even more desperate.

“It’s about becoming his, my, and my disciple, but the context is different
from the past!”
It was Sigmund who once recommended the tower to such an extent that
Ybriel was bothered by it.
The old man continued to speak in a cold sweat that didn’t suit him.

“It means that if you want to open more doors than you do now, the
environment in the tower will be better than here.”

Ybriel could not deny Sigmund’s words.

A place where wizards hone their talents to the limit. If you enter the Magic
Tower, the repository of all magical knowledge, you will be able to grow
much faster than you are now.
‘It’s better than trying on my own.’

Moreover, since it was a place where many talented wizards were gathered,
they were able to respond quickly if there was a problem. As winter has
warned over and over again, the process of opening the remaining doors will
never be smooth.
Ybriel was in serious trouble.

“But your body….”

There were fewer seizures than before, and although Ybriel was draining
mana steadily, Herwin in Ybriel’s eyes was still glass.
“You know I can’t get away from you.”

“It’s unreasonable to go to the tower, Grandpa.”

At Ybriel’s words, Sigmund’s expression turned strange.

“Did you not hear anything?”

Indeed, Ybriel seemed to know nothing. Sigmund sighed and tapped his

‘Our granddaughter is being deceived.’

That clever guy is now opening and closing the door at will….

Herwin was ‘deliberately’ allowing mana to accumulate in his body so as to

keep his externally ill appearance but not actually hurt his body.
That’s why Ybriel didn’t know anything.

Sigmund looked at Ybriel with blurred eyes.

Doesn’t the granddaughter come to see an intangible door with her own eyes,
and the son-in-law doesn’t open and close the door at will….
Sigmund, the former owner of the tower and the current Archmage, thought
that he was humble today.

“… Then, if that problem is solved, then can we go to the tower?”

At Sigmund’s question, Ybriel clasped her hands tightly.

‘Can I go to the horse tower once my dad’s problem is solved?’

After pondering for a while, Ybriel decided on an answer and looked at
Episode 102
“If you’re okay with Daddy….”

To be honest, Ybriel also wanted to go to the tower.

Opportunities to study at the tower were not given to anyone. If you don’t
have talent in the first place, you can’t even cross that threshold.
As long as Sigmund, the former owner of the tower, continued to encourage
him like this, Ybriel had sufficient qualifications.
Sigmund’s eyes lit up as he watched Ybriel’s words of concern.

“If he’s okay, then you’re okay too, right?”

In response to Sigmund’s question, Ybriel nodded awkwardly. Sigmund, who
seized the opportunity, smiled coolly.
“I see. great.”

what? What?

At the words without meaning, Ybriel tilted her head with a bewildered


It was around the beginning of the Spring Social Church that Ybriel realized
the reason for that smile.

As the colors began to bloom in the garden overlooking the window, Sigmund
came to visit Ebriel.


Sigmund held out something in his hand to Ybriel. The long one was just like
a stick, but it was wrapped in cloth, so it was hard to guess.
“Take it out.”
With Sigmund’s permission, Ybriel pulled the string that was holding the
fabric and loosened it. The cloth fell to the floor, revealing the identity of the
object. Ybriel’s eyes widened.

The object that appeared in the fabric was a staff that looked like a winter

Ybriel looked up at Sigmund with a bewildered expression. Sigmund

immediately started explaining with a questionable gaze.

“It is an imitation of winter branches.”

“You mimic a part of me so crudely.”

Winter, who had been silent the whole time, muttered as if deplorable, but
Sigmund, unable to hear the spirits, continued.

“This is a test piece made by mimicking the principle that winter branches
absorb mana. Of course, the efficiency is much lower, but it definitely works.”


Ybriel asked surprised.

The winter branch was a part of the spirit and was a sacred thing. To be able
to imitate some of the principles of such a thing was more than a shock, it
was absurd.

‘How is this possible?’

If there was something that Ybriel overlooked here, it was the fact that
Sigmund was once the lord of the mage and is still the great wizard of the
ninth gate.

Ybriel looked around the fake winter branches. Judging from the
completeness and performance, it doesn’t seem like it could have been made

‘You seem to have worked hard for quite a while, right?’

Ybriel looked at Sigmund with a strange smile.

“Grandpa, you always say you hate your dad.”

Behind him, he seemed to be constantly trying to fix his body.

“Big, uh, huh.”

As expected, Sigmund’s face turned red.

To him, Herwin Solgren’s existence was a thief who took away his precious
daughter, who was not sick even if he saw it, an incompetent man with only a
face, and a coward who trembled in fear of his half-brother, but still, he was a
man that his precious daughter loved.

At the same time, he was the father of one granddaughter.

Since becoming the master of mage, he has been researching ways to solve
the mana stagnant in Herwin’s body.

Judging has been twisted and untouched since Liatrice left Solgren, but for
Ybriel there was nothing he couldn’t do.

‘In the first place, he doesn’t even need this now.’

Information about Herwin’s condition was kept confidential until the start of
the battle to retake Verak. He plans to succeed only if he doesn’t notice even
the slightest hint from the emperor’s side. This was the only way to reassure
Ybriel, who was unaware of that fact.
“Ah, anyway! If you go to Yangya Tower, you will be able to spur the
development of this product. If you allow me to study the winter branches.”
At those words, Ybriel realized an important fact and clapped her hands.

“You’re going to mass-produce this!”


If there are multiple imitations that have the same effect as Winter Branch, it
may be possible to draw a lot more mana than Ebriel could do alone.

If it was invented safely, then it would not be just a means to save Herwin,
but it would be a means to save people dying from the same symptoms as

Ybriel’s eyes twinkled with hope.

“Of course, if you leave right now, it will probably be a burden to him.
Sheesh, please bear with it for a while—”

Just as Sigmund was about to speak bluntly, Ybriel ran to Sigmund without

Sigmund looked surprised and embraced Ybriel with her arms wide open.
Ybriel dug deep into Sigmund’s arms.

“… Thank you, Grandpa.”

Ybriel’s mumbled voice was moist. Sigmund stroked Ybriel’s round head with
his big hand.

“Don’t overdo it by yourself anymore. What a burden for this little child….”

Sigmund laughed bitterly.

“Go and tell your father and come. I will go to the tower.”

There was determination in Ybriel’s expression.

Ybriel left her room on the way and went to find Herwin.

“Dad, are you there?”

“Come in.”

The scenery inside the room entered Ybriel’s eyes when he opened the door.
Herwin was sitting by the sunny window, reading a book. Ybriel was moved
to see Herwin under the bright sunlight.

‘My father, you’ve been so dark.’

When I think of the room that was black as if mold had grown on the
wallpaper of the past, it was a great development. Herwin smiled as he closed
the book he was reading.

“What’s happen?”

“I have something to tell you.”

Herwin knew what was going to come out of Ybriel’s mouth. It was a part
that had already been talked about with Sigmund.

“I am going to enter the tower as my grandfather suggested.”

Ybriel said cautiously.

Although it was a topic that was expected, a clear disappointment appeared

on Herwin’s face at the fact that he had to be separated from Ybriel for a

“Yeah, that’s how it came to be in the end.”

Ybriel also knew that her parting with Herwin wouldn’t be short.

How long will it take to open all the remaining doors in the future? For some
reason, Ybriel felt that the corners of her eyes had warmed up a little.

At that moment, Herwin stood up. It wasn’t until he held out the handkerchief
that Ybriel realized she was crying.

“Cheong, thank you.”

Ybriel sighed and took the handkerchief. Herwin smiled faintly.

“I am very sad too, Eve.”

I want to be by your side forever, but staying in the tower was the best option
for Ybriel to be safe. He now has a goal.

It was to lead the war of recapture to victory, revealing his original strength,
and using him as a stepping stone to raise his family.

‘You have to persuade the nobles and the Gongsin family slowly.’

Liatrice’s request lingered in her mind.

Except for the nobility in the center and Caswither, he needed strong power
and a clear cause to attract the Gongsin family to his side.

‘I finish everything until Eve comes back.’

While Ybriel wiped her tears with a handkerchief, Herwin made a

determination with bitter eyes.

Soon after, Ybriel raised her head again, and Herwin wiped the sharp
expression off her face in an instant and smiled softly.

He still hugged his childish daughter tightly. Because her arms were as warm
as the sun, Ybriel shed more tears. As Ybriel began to sniff again, Herwin
whispered affectionately.

“Don’t be sad, and look forward to the day we meet again.”

His words sounded like a prophecy that must come true.

“It’s going to be a lot different.”

What those words meant, the present Ybriel still did not know.

Ybriel simply nodded and made up her mind.

‘I will surely reach the tenth door. So that no darkness can swallow Solgren.’

The will of the two Solgren stretched out like the roots of a tree.

When Ybriel’s departure was decided, the news quickly spread through the
social circles. Some were known earlier because it was just before the Spring
Social Church.

Also, there was no way that the whole social circle knew about the imperial
palace. Rumors of Ybriel circulated around the palace, too.

“Princess Solgren is going to the tower?”

“How does a well-grown lady wear a horse tower? Boy, isn’t that just a

“no. You are for sure.”

The maids of the Crown Prince chattered while cleaning the wardrobe.
“Why, cultists have attacked the veil before.”

“Ah, that thing.”

It was a case of an attempt by a cultist to terrorize, and even a visit to the
Knights Templar. It was a story that had been talked about for a while in the
“It seems that it was Princess Solgren, not the Lord Matap, who prevented
corrosion with magic at that time.”

“Oh my God, what about that beautiful princess? You would have been
younger then….”

“I mean. Entering the tower is a deal because you are so talented.”

It was those words that held the footsteps of Tezeric as he was returning from
the dance hall. Obviously, ‘Princess Solgren’ was mentioned. Tezeric asked
the maids who were cleaning.
“What do you mean?”

The maids’ shoulders trembled at the sudden voice. He didn’t think he was
trying to rebuke him for talking while he was working.
“Sorry, sorry for the fuss….”

“No, that’s fine, so answer the question.”

Tezeric asked again. It’s because I heard a name I know.

“Who is going to the tower?”

In response to the prince’s question, the maids told the rumors in detail.

When Tezeric heard the news, his face turned pale.

“A princess?”

He also knew what it meant to enter the tower. It was said that they could not
meet or hear from the world for at least a year or more.
My heart was pounding out of control.

Impatient, Tezeric went straight back to his room and sent a letter to the
Whitewood mansion.

It was said that Princess Solgren had an urgent story to tell.

Episode 103
At that time, Ybriel was in serious trouble.

It was good to decide to enter the tower, but something I hadn’t thought of
before caught my ankle.

“Business is a problem.”
Currently, the general manager of each project in Solgren and the Islands was
If you go to the tower, it will be difficult to communicate with the outside for
at least a year, then you have to delegate business authority to someone and

‘I can’t leave the drafting work to Kian, who is struggling in the estate.’
Ybriel’s anguish deepened. Who is the right person around you to trust and
entrust your work to?

Lily, who was cleaning out the dressing room, caught Ybriel’s sight.
“Lily, are you interested in business?”

Lily closed the closet door and looked back at Ybriel with a puzzled face.

“Business, well. It’s something I’ve never thought about. I’m not sure if I’m

The fact that I never thought about it, I could tell that it wasn’t interesting at


Just when Ybriel’s troubles deepened, the door swung open and Kanya
“miss! Good morning!”
“Kanya, you need to knock.”

Lily gave a light advice. Kanya went out on the road, but this time knocked
and came back.

“miss! Good morning!”

Lily smiled vaguely.

“… Good job, but if you knock, you have to wait for permission to come

“Huh, that’s right.”

“Just come in, Kanya.”

Ebriel stopped Kanya from going out again.

“Are you here to play?”

At Ybriel’s question, Kanya shook her head. then? When Ybriel asked with
her eyes, Kanya suddenly held out what was in her hand.

“Look at this!”

What Kanya brought with her was a broken mirror. Ybriel recognized
immediately that it was a kaleidoscope.

“It’s broken.”

Ybriel smiled as she saw multiple faces appearing on the cracked

kaleidoscope surface. It seems that Kanya came to ask for forgiveness after
eating this.

“it’s okay. I will give you a new one.”

“Ah, that too.”

But Kanya’s business was elsewhere. Kanya pointed her fingers at several
Ybriel in the mirror.

“I think it would be nice to be able to see so many people at once!”


After those words, Ybriel, who had been pondering for a moment, realized
something and looked in the mirror again.

“I see. Now Kaleidoscope can only communicate with one person at a time.”
But what if the number increases? What if I could face three or four people
Just imagining it was thrilling. Ybriel hugged Kanya, who was standing still,

“What a great idea, Kanya!”

“Yeah, right?”

When Ebriel was happy, Kanya rejoiced without knowing how to do it.

“The idea provider is Kanya, so if the production is successful, we will share

the profits with Kanya as well.”

“Oh oh.”

Ybriel thought for a moment as she looked at Kanya, who was shaking with

‘It’s a good idea, and it turns out that counting numbers is fast.’

I’m a little young, but if I teach well….

“Kanya, are you interested in business?”

After thinking about it, Ybriel asked with a soft voice. Kanya tilted her head
and her eyes lit up.
“Is that what the lady is doing?”


In fact, Kanya was very interested in everything that Ybriel was doing, but
Ybriel took it simply to mean that she was interested in business.


Ybriel’s smile widened even more.

“Then would you like to try it?”

Innocent Kanya nodded her head brightly, not knowing anything about the
invitation of the lady she loved.

“Yes, let’s do it!”

With Kanya’s consent, Ybriel immediately contacted Timonel of the Euron

Timonnell visited Whitewood’s mansion one month after receiving the

benefactor’s call.

“Did you call me, lady?”

It was when Timonel started the kaleidoscope business when he knew the
truth that the young princess in front of him was behind the business.

Timonel, who knew that Duke Solgren and his aide were the ones running the
business, was a little perplexed, but soon saw Ybriel’s cleverness and
understood everything.

One way or another, he was also a merchant by nature, so it was enough for
him to make good money on anything.

And today, Ybriel was with a girl by her side.

His gray hair was brittle, and his gray eyes were strangely sharp.
‘Did you say that she was the princess’ playmate?’

I remember seeing it at first glance while going to and from Solgren Castle.

Timonel, who traveled a lot in other countries to broaden his knowledge,

immediately finished figuring out that the girl was of a different race, even a

“What are you doing?”

“This kid came up with an idea for a kaleidoscope business.”

“Oh, what is it?”

Soon Kanya, very nervous, repeated what she had said to Ybriel with a
broken kaleidoscope.

“… So, I think it would be better to talk with several people.”

When Kanya finished talking, Timonel nodded.

“If that feature is added, we won’t have to rush our faces into a kaleidoscope
when multiple people are talking. It’s a great idea.”

Timonel pulled out a small notebook and summarized the conversation he

had just had. Meanwhile, Ybriel pushed the broken kaleidoscope aside.

“And I have one more request.”


Timonel raised his head without writing down. Ybriel pointed to Kanya who
was sitting next to her.

“I want this boy to be accepted as a member of the company. If possible, it

would be better to be close to you, the owner of the business.”

Timonel took turns looking at the girls sitting next to each other. It didn’t
seem like he was joking.
“I want to develop a business sense.”

“It’s a business sense….”

Timonel’s eyes narrowed. Kanya was just a naive impression. But it didn’t
look dull. I don’t know if it’s rather clever.

“All right. You have a great eye, so this must be meaningful.”

Timonel made a decision quickly. At first, the answer was decided.

“At the same time, my aide was complaining about overwork. If you call
someone to help you, you’ll love it.”

Ebriel smiled brightly at the cheerful attitude of the merchant.

It was then that the servant entered the drawing room.

“Lady, there is a letter from the Imperial Palace.”


Reflexively nervous at the word of the Imperial Palace, Ybriel accepted the

The sender was Tezeric.

When I opened the envelope and read it, it was written to come as soon as I
checked the letter. He seemed to have something to say.

‘Is it about the secret passage of the Imperial Palace?’

Ybriel’s complexion darkened slightly.

The plan to seize Empress Sun Azerian had been put on hold for a while due
to the previous attempted poisoning.

Since Ybriel decided to enter the tower, it was planned to be put on hold as a
longer-term goal.

“I’m going to the Imperial Palace.”

Ybriel felt the need to talk to Tezeric and stood up.


Even though it was the beginning of the socializing season, the atmosphere in
the palace was strangely subdued.

Ybriel passed the quiet hallway and headed for the drawing room. It seemed
that the only person who visited was Ebriel, as the surroundings were quiet.

After the guide, the attendant opened the drawing room door and stepped
back. Ybriel stopped as she went inside.
Tezeric was already in the drawing room.

“Come on.”
It seemed oddly bad for a greeting. What’s going on? Ybriel put the question
aside and set an example first.
“May the sun-like brilliance be endless. Ybriel of Solgren sees His Majesty
the Crown Prince.”

Ybriel lightly bent her knees. The corners of Tezeric’s eyes were slightly
distorted. The boy let out a short empty sigh and looked out the window.

“Don’t set up such a formality in the future. Even the princess knows that I
am not the real prince.”
Ybriel looked around, startled by the words. What if someone is listening!

“There’s no one around, kid.”

Only after winter confirmed that Ybriel was relieved. A sense of relief and
worry came rushing in at the same time.
“You have to be careful. If anyone hears….”
Tezeric called Ybriel low. Ybriel expected him to tell a story about a secret
passage in the Imperial Palace.
But what followed was unexpected.

“I heard you are going to the tower.”

“Oh, you heard.”

“Is it true?”
Ybriel nodded her head. It was positive.
Princess Solgren enters the tower.

That is to put aside the power, status, and ties you had in the world for a while
and become a member of the tower as a single wizard.

Tezeric’s fingertips trembled slightly.

“… how much?”

Ybriel blinked and thought, not noticing his agitation.

“It depends on how good I am, but I think I will stay for at least a year.”

one year. It is the time when the seasons go around once. It will never be
short. Tezeric’s face darkened a little.
“Should I go?”

Ybriel raised her gaze at those words. Tezeric was staring at Ybriel again.
They were eyes with a sad corner.

“yes. There is something I must do when I go to the tower.”

Ybriel somehow felt like an excuse and explained.

Tezeric’s face was now contorted so that it could not be hidden. At that
ferocious expression, Ybriel was greatly perplexed.
It was a sight I had seen many times before. So, before the return….
Ybriel shuddered. It was because he remembered Tezeric, who had
tormented him in the past.
“… Why are you doing this, my lord?”

Ybriel’s voice trembled faintly as she asked the question.

Tezeric recognized Ybriel’s fear and immediately released his expression.

“Sorry for embarrassment. I just….”

I hate breaking up I hope you don’t go away

As if the words he wanted to say were about to come out of his mouth,
Tezeric kept his mouth shut.
Ybriel looked at Tezeric, who was silent, with confused eyes. You feel
pathetic, get angry, and then suddenly apologize.
Why are you doing that…?

“You won’t be able to see the princess for at least a year from now.”
Tezeric muttered lonelyly and shifted his gaze.

The sky through the window was pure blue without a single cloud.
He remembered the sky he had seen this morning.

Just before dawn, the pale purple and clear blue sky made me think of
someone’s eyes.
No one would understand, but the transition from night to dawn and from
dawn to morning was the most wonderful moment for Tezeric.
It is because the blue light is young for the first time in a world that was dead
in achromatic colors.

So, for the first time, Tezeric was resentful in my eyes.

If I had been able to see all the colors like before, Ybriel wouldn’t have felt so
special and colorful.

Then he would have kept his heart in place and kept it to the end. so as not to
be shaken or swept away.
“… At that time, you promised to help me.”

But now it is too late. Unable to turn back, he decided to just let go of
something he was holding on to.

“So come back soon.”

At those words, Ybriel stopped. A mysterious golden light fluttered like a
butterfly dancing in the scarlet eyes.

Tezeric smiled faintly as his eyes met.

“Because I will be waiting for the day when the princess returns.”

As if a curtain was opened, something inside Tezeric was peeled off.

Spring was coming. Unstoppable spring.
Episode 104

All the way back to the mansion in the carriage, Tezeric’s words were not
erased from his mind.

‘Then, you promised to help me.’

Ybriel pondered the expression on Tezeric’s face as he spoke those words.

At first I thought it was just a bad mood. Then it looked a little sad.
‘Come back on time.’

Looking back only now, the emotion that Tezeric showed was ‘sadness’. After
realizing that, a new question came to Ybriel.


What was he and why was he sad?

‘Because I’ll be waiting for the princess to come back.’

At the same time, the chair rattled as if the wheel of the wagon had gone too

Feeling the air getting muggy, Ybriel slightly opened the window and stuck
her head out.

“Girl, why are you like this?”

Suddenly the window opened, and Zed, who was chasing after the carriage on
horseback, asked.
Asiligo would normally have followed Ybriel’s outings, but by now he should
be talking with Timonel about Kanya’s whereabouts in the mansion.
Ybriel explained enough that if Kanya didn’t want to go to the store, she
could say no.

There was no intention of forcing Kanya to do something she did not want to

“It’s dangerous to pull your face out.”

“Ugh, it’s a little hot.”

The sound of the wheels rolling was noisy, but the knights of this race quickly
understood Ybriel’s words.
“Is that so?”

Zed tilted his head as if it was difficult to understand. Although it was spring,
the temperature was not yet hot enough to say that it was hot.

Ybriel closed her eyes, feeling the strong wind on her cheek.

The thesis of the past and the thesis of the present seemed to overlap.

From the boy who bullied Yibriel to the boy who rescued her.
From the boy who told Ybriel the truth….

‘Because I’ll be waiting.’

what. weird.

Ybriel felt a strange sensation and stiffened.

My chest throbbed strangely. Did an insect get into the dress? It’s a little
different from itchy skin.


While Ybriel was seriously contemplating, Zed frowned weakly and gave
attention. That meant don’t keep sticking your head out the window.

He has tended to overprotect Ybriel since the Veil incident.

“okay. You can close it.”

Ybriel turned pale and closed the window.

Because the road was rough, the wagon continued to shake until it reached
the mansion.

That night, Ybriel suffered from motion sickness after a long absence.
I had a headache all night.


After talking with Timonel and Asiligo, Kanya decided to learn the business
of the company.

“I’ll try, lady. I think it will be fun!”

Ybriel, who was worried that it would be a burden on Kanya, was relieved at
last. Asiligo also gave permission, and silently nodded his head once from

There is no way that the rumors that have already spread throughout the
system are known as siblings. Asiligo and Kanya knew that Ybriel was going
into the tower.
As there was a strange silence in the space, Ybriel chuckled.

“Why are you two so sunken?”


Kanya cried and hugged her wide. Ybriel hugged Kanya and patted her.

“It won’t take long. I will come soon.”

Soon, Ybriel’s gaze shifted to Asiligo.

Asiligo was going to accompany him to the north to escort him. After that, an
equally long farewell awaited.
When Ybriel met his eyes, he bowed his head. Because of that, Ybriel
couldn’t see Asiligo’s face.

Now Asiligo was acutely feeling the word loss.

I felt like a child who had lost the candy he was holding.
Ybriel always walks farther than he thinks.

Asiligo suddenly felt the coolness of winter.

It was the morning three days after Ybriel left for the north.

There were a total of five people in the group. Ybriel, Lily, Sigmund, and the
escort knights Asiligo and Zed were all there. Among them, only Sigmund
and Ybriel were going to head towards the Yangya Tower.

Ybriel looked at Herwin, who had been sent off to the front of the mansion,
with anxious eyes.

“You have to be healthy and not get sick.”

“I’m more worried about you.”

There was one thing that Herwin couldn’t let go of. Ybriel, who always
thought she was a child in her arms, will grow up like this and enter the

At her father’s concern for being called a ‘glass body’, Ybriel made an absurd
expression on her face. Who cares who now….

“Are my worries twice as big?”

At that, Herwin smiled faintly. Sigmund’s expression distorted at the faint

smile. it’s bad value

‘It’s like sending with my own hands, but pretending to be vague.’

Han was unable to cry out the truth right now.

“You have to be careful.”

Meanwhile, Herwin raised a hand and tucked Ybriel’s hair behind her ear.
Ebriel smiled awkwardly, embarrassed by the hand that seemed to be
handling a child.

“Dad, I’m at an age when I don’t have to take care of you like this….”

“then. You know.”

Even with that said, Herwin did not stop tidying up. In the end, Herwin did
not let go of his hands until after tidying up Ybriel’s hair.

“Thank you.”

It was embarrassing, but it wasn’t that he didn’t like it, so Ybriel laughed.
Then Sigmund looked at Herwin with scorching eyes.

‘I’ll do it for you!’

Herwin was startled by the sudden chill. The father-in-law was staring at him
with eyes that seemed to kill him. He naturally averted his gaze.

“I will have to leave soon.”

Zed, who was checking the schedule, urged him. It was to match the
departure time of the ship heading to Luport Port.

Ybriel and the party got into their respective wagons, leaving behind the
regret of parting. Ybriel pulled herself out of the window and shouted.

“I’ll be back as soon as possible!”

“… okay.”

Herwin thought so too.

Out the window, a white hand swayed like a flower and moved away.
Herwin held his gaze until the carriage left the mansion and blended into the
busy roadside.
And it was only when Ybriel’s carriage could no longer be seen that Herwin
turned around.

Kanya, who had been left standing, flinched.

‘Duke, the first expression I see.’

With a cold and sober face, Herwin walked into the mansion. It was a solid
gait that didn’t falter at all.

And a week after Ybriel left the island.

The war to retake Berak was officially declared.

Tezeric was writing a letter in haste. It was because of the recapture of Barak.

He did not know about it until the day the war was declared. It was because
the emperor intentionally hid it.

‘Having Duke Solgren at the vanguard.’

Even sending an army made up of only strong sword masters, it was too much
to reclaim the land of Berak. To send Solgren, the sickly sickly, to such a

‘The peacock must die. No, I’m going to send them to die in the first place.’

Tezeric’s face turned pale. Ybriel’s resentment for leaving seemed to be heard
in his ears.
‘Is all I can do to write a letter like this?’

A sense of uneasiness flooded in like a tidal wave. Waiting for the ink on the
letter to dry seemed like an eternity.

Tezeric quickly folded the thin letter and put it inside the envelope.

A wind blew from somewhere and shook the paper. The shadows of objects
trembled, and even for a brief moment, the light such as magic power faded.
Tezeric reached out with a paper knife rather than a letter. Immediately after,
the fires such as magic power went out all at once.

“Who are you?”

In the dark room, Tezeric asked sharply. intruder. It was too late to find out
because there was no life.

“It feels good.”

boy? youth? It was difficult to determine the age by the voice alone. Soon, a
faint human figure appeared between the shadows of the curtain.
“You came in alone. without fear.”

Right now, the number of escorts in the palace alone is hundreds.

Tezeric reached under the table to signal the danger. It was to activate the
defensive magic used in an emergency.
But before Tezeric’s hand could reach, the moonlight softly penetrated
through the gaps in the curtains.

Tezeric’s eyes were so round that he couldn’t get bigger. The person who
appeared in the dark was a boy about the same age as him.

But Tezeric was surprised not because the assassin was young.
‘Like it.’
The assassin had a face that looked exactly like Duke Solgren. He couldn’t tell
the color, but his hair seemed to be blonde or silver.
“Duke Solgren…?”

Tezeric unwittingly put the question out of his mouth. Then the boy’s
expression darkened.
The boy looked closely at Tezeric.
Indeed, it was a sophisticated enough vision to deceive all the nobles of
Veloiton and pretend to be the Crown Prince.
‘It must be like high-level fantasy magic.’

If he had been wearing that kind of magic since he was a child, there must
have been side effects. then….
He pondered for a moment, then let out a small sigh as if he had found the
“This eye, what color do you see?”

The boy asked, pointing a finger at his left eye.

Tezeric was startled. At that moment, the boy made an understandable

“You can’t see color.”

It wasn’t a question, it was a conviction.

Although it was dark everywhere, it wouldn’t be difficult to identify the color

thanks to the moonlight.
“Otherwise, looking into these eyes would not have reacted like that.”

The boy walked away without a sound. As if showing mercy, he returned the
light to one of the small magical lights.

As the light source came on, more could be seen.

In the left eye of the approaching boy, a strange color was fluttering. It was
the same shape he saw in his own eyes when he looked in the mirror.

‘In the sun?’

Tezeric shuddered. The boy, Aiden, grinned.

“Hello, fake?”
Episode 105
Tezeric stiffened as if struck by water.

Judging by the conviction that his Taeyang Eyes are fake, it was clear that the
author had real Taeyang Eyes.

I don’t know why it’s only in one eye.

‘A face resembling the Duke of Solgren. in the sun.’

Hypotheses were built and broken over and over again in Tezeric’s head.
Finally, the story of the Duchess of Solgren, who had abandoned the Duke of
Solgren a long time ago and ran away with a man, came to mind.
‘What if that was a rumor spread to cover up the facts and left to hide the
child with the sun’s eyes?’
When you think of it that way, all the pieces fit together seamlessly. Tezeric
smiled sadly.

Aiden, who expected to be questioned or angry, furrowed his eyebrows. The

Crown Prince also knew that he was not the real imperial family.

“How did you get here?”

“So, you should have made a little secret passage way. There were a lot of
them, and they were full of gaps because they couldn’t be managed.”
Tezeric was nervous.

Knowing the existence of the imperial palace’s secret passage, and seeing that
he entered his room in the deepest part of the palace without being noticed
by anyone, his intelligence or skills would not have been normal.
“Are you here to kill me?”
Tezeric thought he had returned to regain his rightful place. However, Aiden
smiled with an unknown meaning.

“It may or may not be.”

Tezeric thought that it was taking his time, but in fact, Aiden was really
worried when he saw the fake prince in front of him.
‘If you can use a card from this side, save it, if you can’t use the card, you
have to kill it.’

I wish I could write it if possible. Aiden’s eyes lit up.

“Does Princess Solgren know of your existence?”

“I never met you. I haven’t revealed my identity yet.”

“is it.”

Immediately after, Tezeric put down the paper knife he was holding.
Aiden was perplexed by the complete disarmament. It wasn’t a move with
some other target. Indeed, Tezeric seemed unwilling to attack Aiden.
“Why did you put the sword?”

“It’s the princess’s family.”

Tezeric answered meekly.

“I will be sad if I hurt you.”

Aiden’s eyes widened. It was clearly an attitude that he did not want to be
hated by Ybriel.

No, no matter how defenseless in front of a suspicious intruder who entered

the room?

While Aiden was still in doubt, Tezeric asked.

“You said you could kill me or you could save me.”

“uh? uh….”

“Then tell me how to live.”

Tezeric’s eyes shone like sparks from the darkness.

“I came all the way here because I wanted something. right? If you get it, you
won’t have to kill me.”

On the contrary, it was Aiden who was embarrassed by that attitude. How do
you understand it so quickly?

Tezeric was still waiting for an answer.

Aiden slowly regained his first relaxed smile, showing a somewhat anxious

“great. tell me the conditions First, give me Caswither’s insider information.”

“I don’t think there is one thing to ask for. What does inside information

“Well, the structure of the castle, the number of guards, the location of the
Confederate bedroom.”

It was the information needed to attack the castle.


However, Tezeric accepted the request without any objection. Caswither was
a place that meant nothing to him anyway. A gleam flickered in Aiden’s eyes.

“Second, become the head of our organization.”


At those words, Tezeric couldn’t help but be surprised.

“It’s about taking the Caswither and taking the lead in overthrowing the


“Because a revolution needs a just cause.”

The Crown Prince, who has been used by Caswither and the imperial family
all his life, realizes his true identity, condemns it, and attempts reform. It was
a plausible story line.

“I need you to bring down the citizens of the Empire and even the emperor
who deceived the country. Tezeric Caswither.”

At the same time as those words, Aiden’s eyes darkened. A breeze blew
through the slightly open window. The curtain fluttered softly.

Feeling the wind on his cheek, Tezeric thought quietly. The first thing that
came to mind was Ybriel.

The emperor is behind everything from the past veil damage, fake divine
beasts, and relatively recent attempted poisoning. So if the Emperor falls,
Ybriel will no longer be threatened. That was a very straightforward

Until recently, all he could do was write a letter. But now he has something to
do with Ybriel. For that fact alone, Tezeric did not need to worry any more.

“… Where can I send the information I found out?”

Aiden smiled contentedly, realizing that Tezeric had accepted both

“I’ll send someone from this side first.”

In the dark night, a secret alliance was formed.

The temperature of Solgren, who returned after a long time, was several
times cooler than Ybriel remembered. It seemed that he had been
acclimatized to the warm weather in the central part of the island while
staying in the island.

Even though Sigmund had put thermal insulation magic on the carriage, a
subtle cold air leaked through the window.

‘Is it a little chilly?’

Ybriel trembled involuntarily. Then Sigmund and Lily went pale at the same


“Aww, baby!”

Sigmund cast a stronger warming spell. The carriage began to get hot like

Meanwhile, Lily pulled out three thick fur blankets from under the carriage
seat. Then he rolled up Ebriel like a wrapper.

Ebriel blinked, bewildered by what had happened in an instant.

“What, what?”

Ybriel, who looked like a snowman, asked. Lily and Sigmund still looked

“He said it was cold. Are you okay now?”

“Yeah, just say it anytime. It might make you warmer.”

“My dear.”

Ruby surrounded by blankets with Ybriel cried as if it was understandable.

They were extremely sensitive to Ybriel’s cold. It was one of the side effects
of Ybriel borrowing the power of winter.
“Again, I stopped, kid.”

Winter confessed his innocence.

‘Okay, I have to bear it, hahaha….’

Ybriel laughed bitterly.

By the time they reached the castle after passing through several checkpoints,
Ybriel was sweating profusely with a reddish face. It was due to multiple
layers of blankets and excessive thermal insulation magic.

As soon as the carriage door opened, Ybriel kicked the blanket and ran
outside. Asiligo and Zed stared at Ybriel, who suddenly appeared out of

“I thought I was going to die from the heat!”

“It’s better than being cold.”

Zed responded as if it was natural. Even Asiligo, who was standing next to
her, nodded her head, and Ybriel felt somewhat unfair.

It was only for a moment to relieve the heat. As the sweat cooled, Ybriel felt a
chill again. The cold air smelled like Solgren’s wind.

Lily put a blanket over Ybriel’s shoulder.

‘You really came back to Solgren. came back safely Unlike before.’

Ybriel looked around slowly at the surrounding landscape.

Solgren, who arrived at the age of fifteen to escape the death of fourteen, was
very cold, but on the other hand, it was beautiful enough that I forgot to
breathe for a while.

Ybriel engraved in her eyes the light of the dense coniferous forest that could
not be measured, the mountain peaks that seemed to pierce the sky, and the
light of the veil that fluttered without fail.
The town overlooking the distance was teeming with people just by looking at
it. It was really very lively.

Seeing that there were also a few large buildings that I had never seen before,
it seemed that a lot of new shops were created.

The wagon that quickly roamed the streets between the buildings was the
snow wagon supplied by Ybriel. Looking at Solgren, who has changed, an
overwhelming emotion that cannot be expressed in words came over me.

‘Dad would have been happy if he saw it.’

It would have been nice if Herwin could also come along, but it was already
after the archipelago’s social season had begun. When he thought of Herwin
alone in the Whitewood mansion, Ybriel felt a little depressed.
Then a man walked out from the entrance of the castle in the distance.
Familiar gray hair and glasses caught my sight. Ybriel’s face, which had been
somewhat gloomy, brightened as if morning had come.
“Wasn’t the road going to be inconvenient?”

Qian looked at Ybriel and smiled faintly.

“Long time no see, miss.”

Ybriel walked over to him, showing a happy look.

“It’s been a while, Kian! how have you been doing?”

At that, Kian smiled brightly. It was a smile with a somewhat lonely corner.

“Very well.”
For a moment, Ybriel stopped walking towards her. Contrary to how he said
he was doing well, Kian looked very tired.
‘Of course I’m tired. I must have been in charge of all the business I had left
behind in the business of the estate.’
Ybriel pondered how abominable his question must have been.

Well, I’m very sorry.

“I’ll take care of the extra pay….”

At that moment, Kian’s complexion brightened a little.

“It’s getting cold, so let’s go inside.”
Ybriel followed Qian and quickly went inside.

Solgren Castle has not changed much except for a few ornaments. Curtains,
tapestries, and even paintings were as they were before they left.

As Ybriel looked around with a puzzled face, Kian opened his mouth as if
reading his head.
“I haven’t really touched anything other than a few repairs. Because the
housekeeper is in charge of the housekeeping in the castle.”
Ebriel paused at Kian’s explanation. The word hostess lingered in my ears as
if caught.

‘Your mother is back, Eve’

Did you hear that from Herwin?

Ybriel heard Qian’s words as if they were leaving a room for Liatress to

However, Qian led Ybriel into the room without further ado.
“First of all, you must have accumulated excess poison, so please rest, miss.
We will make a separate document for the ongoing project and report it.”

After Ybriel went up to the room, Qian met Asiligo and Zed separately in the

The two knights faced Yeongrangdae Alpha with a hard face.

“Were there any raids on the way?”
Episode 106
“There were three attempts after the ship departed from the West, and a
couple of attempts while getting off the port of Luport to get here.”
Even though Ybriel was unaware, there were several threats on the way to
here. It was Asiligo and Zed who quietly handled it behind the scenes.
Winter and Ruby, who can feel more than humans, stayed still because they
killed all the assassins on their own.
“What level?”

“The further back we went, the more the number grew and the power of each
individual grew stronger.”

“You’re trying to gauge the skills of these escorts.”

Qian muttered in a cold voice and looked out the window.

The scenery of Solgren’s new landscape was contained in the window like a
“You must have heard that Your Majesty would participate in the war to
retake Berak. Meanwhile, the assassins who want to kill you will keep

Asiligo clenched his fists invisibly at Kian’s words.

Only Sigmund, the three men, and his doctor, Evan, knew that Herwin was
going to retake. Sooner or later, when it is announced by the Imperial Family,
the whole world will know.

They didn’t feel the slightest bit of anxiety that Herwin was in charge of the
recapture war. He also knew that Herwin’s body had recovered.

The problem was Ybriel. The fact that there had already been five raids
during their arrival, and that the raids were getting more intense, was clearly
an ominous sign.
“It would be better for you to go to the tower as soon as possible for the
safety of the young lady.”
“The two of you are also in charge of escorting to Yangya Tower. Add Sir
Alon and two Youngrangdae to the party.”

After a low reply echoed through the space, silence subsided for a moment.

In silence, Asiligo thought and pondered over and over again.

In a few days, Ybriel really leaves for the tower. How is he going to be during
his time without Ebriel? After one round of probation, he realized that he had
no aptitude for waiting.

Even from afar, I wanted to do something to help Ybriel. My body was

itching and I couldn’t stand it.

So the conclusion I came to was this.

“I also want to participate in the recapture war.”

Asiligo declared in a steady voice.

As Kian and Zed had promised, they kept their mouths shut. Kian’s brow
furrowed slightly.

“While the young lady is in the tower, I will check on the Duke during the
recapture battle. Please allow me to join the front line.”


It was Zed who sighed.

“Why are you thinking of falling from your side? So I thought I was going to
enter the tower.”

Most of the knights knew that Asiligo was blindly loyal to Ybriel.
“Isn’t it impossible for non-mages to enter?”

Asiligo answered with a silent expression.

As the saying goes, ordinary people who were not magicians could not set
foot inside the tower. This is because the tower itself is an extremely closed

‘No, does that make sense to go to war?’

Anyway, he’s a guy who doesn’t see anything other than Ybriel. Zed shook his
head unconsciously.

“East Berak is not even drawn on the map. It is impossible for a person to set
foot on it, so it is a land that does not exist.”

Qian made Asiligo aware of the dangers of participating in the recapture war.
However, Asiligo nodded without the slightest change in expression.

“I know.”

Even though I knew it already, I meant to go. Kian pressed his forehead
firmly with his thumb. A lot of calculations took place in a short time.

“… If it were you, it would definitely be of help to the power. But fighting a

demon is completely different from fighting a human.”

The movements of the demonic beasts are anomalous, unlike humans. In

battle, more calculations and judgments had to be made.

Kian concluded.

“After the young lady enters the tower, go to Pexen. If the mercenary king
learns how to deal with beasts and how to fight toxins, then he will allow him
to participate.”

Asiligo’s gray eyes gleamed blue from below. To him, it was nothing more
than a confirmation that he could participate in the war.

“thank you.”
Asiligo bowed her head modestly.

The dark shadows of the night overshadowed their conversation.


The morning at Solgren was a bit chilly.

Ybriel pulled Ruby, who had been sleeping close to her cheek on the pillow,
into her arms.

The cat, with a small cry, was dragged away and attached to Ybriel’s body. it
was hot

Ruby has grown quite a bit in the meantime, and now it is quite full in
Ybriel’s arms.

Ybriel buried her face in her soft fur.

‘I really don’t want to get up….’

Ybriel let out a soft sigh.

It felt like waking up after a long sleep.

‘When I was in the island, I was always nervous, but coming to Solgren must
have relieved my heart.’

But I couldn’t stay in bed all day.

Ybriel shook off the soft blanket and the soft cat, and jumped up.

Today was the day Ebriel left for the tower.

In my mind, I wanted to stay a little longer in Solgren, which I had returned

after a long time, but I had no choice but to work because Qian and Sigmund
were strangely busy.

“Good morning, miss!”

Lily, who came to help with the preparations with a strong voice from the
morning, cried a little while combing Ybriel’s hair.

After seeing Lily’s face in the mirror, Ybriel was perplexed.

“Lee, Lily? why are you crying?”

“I’m worried because you’re going into the tower by yourself.”

Strictly speaking, Sigmund also went with him, so it was difficult to say that
he was alone. Of course, you can’t count on Sigmund’s help.

Growth within the tower was solely the responsibility of Ybriel.

“What if someone bullies you?”

Still, Lily was not alone in her worries. It was something he had never thought
about before, so Ybriel only tilted her head.

“Why are you tormenting me?”

“Bad people are everywhere. If you are jealous of our lovely little girl and be
mean to you….”

Lily’s bright eyes suddenly became cold.

“Never hold back then.”


“You must take revenge, miss. Guys who look bluntly have to give up their
minds to come to their senses!”

I think the conclusion is a bit strange….

However, as Lily smiled kindly again, Ybriel was unable to speak.

After finishing preparations, Ybriel took Ruby in her arms and went outside.

Sigmund had been awake since dawn. The thought of taking my

granddaughter to Yangya Pagoda was like sleeping and drowning.

Sigmund saw Ybriel coming down the stairs and smiled brightly.

Today, Ybriel was wearing a long robe and pants, not her usual dress. It was
the appearance of an unstoppable apprentice wizard. Her hair was also tied
high and looked more youthful than usual.

Ybriel fiddled with the sleeves of her robe as if awkwardly.

“Hey, aren’t my clothes weird?”

“Not at all! It suits you very well. I would believe it even if it was a high-
ranking wizard, not an apprentice wizard.”

“is that so?”

Ybriel thought it wasn’t that great, but she thought it was Grandpa’s affection,
so she went round and round.

The hem of the dark blue robe spread like petals.

Asiligo, who was standing in the distance, watched the scene without
blinking. My eyes continued to look different than usual.

Suddenly our eyes met. Asiligo, bewildered, stiffened as it was.

“You know, am I weird?”

He couldn’t even open his mouth. So many words came rushing in at the
same time, and it seemed that my mouth was blocked.
“… No, you get along well.”

He barely gave the answer after a while.

“okay? thank god.”

It’s not strange to say that it even goes well with Asiligo. Ybriel was relieved.
The only thing I had packed in advance the day before was a few clothes.
Ybriel got into the carriage and looked around Solgren Castle.

Asiligo and Zed, Alon and two other knights were seated around the carriage.
Qian and Lily waved to Ybriel in the carriage.

Ybriel also greeted them with a hand. Thinking of the faces I haven’t seen in
a while, my eyes lit up a little.

“I will be back!”

“Have a safe trip!”

The carriage carrying Sigmund and Ybriel slowly passed through Solgren
And that afternoon, an express service arrived at Solgren Castle. It was sent
to Ybriel by Tezeric, who was on the island.

In case of any important news from his absence, Ybriel ordered Qian to
check all communications he received.

Accordingly, Kian checked the contents of the letter Tezeric had sent.
Inside, the news of Duke Solgren was written in urgent font. It was the
content that the duke had to participate in the eastern recapture war and had
to stop it.
‘I’m glad I arrived after the lady left.’

If not, Ybriel would have known about the recapture war.

Qian looked down at the letter quietly with cool eyes, then folded it again and
put it in an envelope and hid it deep in the drawer.

‘It was unexpected that the Crown Prince wanted to deliver this news.’
Is this even the emperor’s scheme, or the prince’s arbitrariness….

Qian, unaware of the relationship between Tezeric and Ybriel, only deepened
his doubts.

A little further south from Luport Port, there is a small island called Melden.
Yangya Pagoda was located right there.

It was originally a place that had to be reached by boat, but Ybriel was able to
reach the island at once with Sigmund’s magic.

Having arrived at Melden Island without having to suffer from seasickness,

Ybriel looked around for a while.
The frozen rocky island had no vegetation, so it was just barren. Only the
sound of the waves filled my ears.
The cool sea breeze scratched her cheek fiercely. Even so, the rocks were
slippery and the wind blew so hard that I felt like I was going to fall over at
any moment. Ybriel grabbed Sigmund’s hand, standing next to him.
The only reason that Melden could not be disparaged as a place of
insignificance was because of Yangya Tower.

Ybriel was at a loss for a moment, overwhelmed by the appearance of the

tower, which had no end in sight, with a blackened outer wall.

“Big, that’s Yangya Pagoda.”

It was the center of the northern wizards and the place where Ybriel would
stay in the future.

Sigmund glanced over at Ybriel.

“How are you?”

“Very cool!”
Sigmund, who had his own pride in the two towers, even though he had
beaten the mage tower, laughed satisfactorily at Ybriel’s admiration.
“Come on, let’s go.”
Sigmund took Ybriel and walked away.
Recognizing the visitor, the tower’s door slowly opened. Sigmund exclaimed

“I’m here, you bastards!”

Episode 107
“Oh, old man!”

As soon as Ybriel and Sigmund entered the tower, a person quickly ran out
from the inside.

“How are you, rice bowl?”

“It’s not a rice cooker, it’s a Baltic!”

Sigmund’s former aide, Balt, grabbed his glasses, which had fallen from
running in a hurry, and lifted them up.

“I was waiting. That, this one, that….”

Balt looked at Ybriel who was standing next to Sigmund, and his words were
blurred. Sigmund nodded his head.
“Yes, my granddaughter, Ybriel.”


Balt suddenly grabbed her heart. A few years ago, memories of struggling all
night making children’s toys stimulated him.

I worked hard in anticipation of a full paid vacation, but what came back was
the sudden resignation of my boss.

Although he was paid generously for the amount of work he had done, the
sad memories that had evaporated as he took the leave as he took the place of
the suddenly disappeared Ma Thap-ju’s job came back to life.


Seeing Balt writhing suddenly, Ybriel panicked and hid behind Sigmund.

‘He’s a strange person….’

Balt took a breath and suppressed the pain of the past.
“It’s painful, but if this lovely person was happy, that’s it.”

Baltic, who was making a sound that was completely incomprehensible,

pointed to the inside of the tower.

“I will take you inside. Everyone is waiting.”


Sigmund nodded and started walking in stride. Ybriel trotted after him.

‘What do you mean everyone is waiting?’

As soon as I entered the tower, I knew the meaning of those words.

“Come here, old man!”

“Welcome, old man!”

Thunderous voices echoed through the space. Ybriel couldn’t believe the
scene unfolding before her eyes, so she stood there with her eyes wide open.

Wearing dark blue robes with the same design as Ybriel, dozens of wizards
lined up in a row.

They greeted by folding their waists as Sigmund passed. Ybriel was pushed
by the momentum and faltered. Ruby, who was in her arms, seemed to be
surprised, so her hair stood up stiffly.

Yangya Pagoda, which had been vaguely imagined, was a space for scholars.
It was a place where only meek wizards who read books and studied quietly
were gathered.

Ebriel, who had expected such a quiet atmosphere, was engulfed in huge
shock. Looking at the atmosphere alone, it was not like a horse tower, but
rather like a knight with a strong discipline.
“How have you been?”
What was even more surprising was that Sigmund raised his hand to say


Ybriel looked at Sigmund like a stranger. Sigmund reflected in Ybriel’s eyes

right now is like….

‘You’re like a dark boss!’

Ybriel couldn’t laugh or cry.

‘What if someone bullies you?’

Lily’s words she heard before departure crossed her mind.

‘I don’t think anyone will bother me, Lily….’

Ybriel, who had lost all his energy, took a shaky step.

Wald led the two to the top floor of Yangya Tower.

Normally, this was the place where the new matap master’s room should have
been, but since Sigmund left Yangya Pagoda, it has been empty.

Sigmund frowned when he saw that the objects and furniture he had used
were still there.

“What did you do when you didn’t hire a new mate?”

“Is that a snap issue?”

Balt asked with a weak grudge.

Originally, the master of the tower is a position in which all members of the
tower are to be in command.

Although somewhat wild and selfish, Sigmund was one of the few Archmage
who opened the ninth door.

It was difficult to invite someone with enough years and talents.

However, despite Baltic’s complaint, Sigmund was deaf to it or not.

“Did you just do it?”

“I am? I absolutely hate it!”

Balt jumped.

He is a high-ranking wizard who has just opened the eighth door, and he is
now 35 years old.

There were still not many things to sit in the seat of Ma Thap-ju.

Bald glanced at Sigmund as if regretfully.

“It would be nice if the old man could come back.”

“Yeah, you better kill me. Where are you going to pamper an old man?”

Meanwhile, Ybriel was contemplating the two of them.

‘Are you going to get a new horse? Would you like to come back?’

Something was wrong with the flow of the conversation. Ybriel listened
quietly, then cautiously intervened.

“Your grandfather gave you the maternity tower, so who do you choose?”


While Bald didn’t understand Ybriel’s question, Sigmund clapped.

“Oh. I didn’t tell you.”

Sigmund spit it out as if explaining yesterday’s lunch menu.

“I beat the mage.”


Ybriel’s eyes became round enough that they couldn’t get bigger. Did you quit
your mage?
“Damn, when….”

“Don’t worry about it, it’s old.”

How can you not care! Ybriel wanted to shout.

‘Somehow I said it was strange.’

Instead of going back to the horse tower, didn’t they sit down at the castle and
even set up a greenhouse? I thought I was commuting to work, but now that I
see it, I just quit and I have plenty of time.

Ybriel seemed to understand why Sigmund had left the matap master.

‘It’s because of me.’

Otherwise, there was no reason to stay at Solgren Castle if you didn’t like
Herwin very much.

“Grandpa, maybe….”

“It’s not because of you.”

But Sigmund cut it off with a single knife before Ybriel could even speak.

“As I got older, the work became more difficult, so I put it down. I have
nothing to worry about.”

Sigmund’s voice was blunt, as if nothing had happened. However, it would

not have been as easy as it sounds to leave Yangya Pagoda behind.

Ybriel looked up at Sigmund with moist eyes. Sigmund smiled faintly and
stroked Ybriel’s hair.

“Boy, don’t make that face.”

Wald, who was watching the scene, was on the verge of fainting.

‘Is the lord of the tower smiling?’

He even comforted me with a friendly voice.

Considering the Sigmund that Baltic had seen so far, it was an unbelievable
sight. Shia….

‘Isn’t the tower going to collapse tomorrow?’

Wald began to worry seriously.

At that moment, Sigmund stared at Balt with his eyes sharp like a hawk. Bald
groaned and clasped himself behind the backrest.

“Why, why do you see it that way?”

“It was a stupid expression, as if he was just thinking about something


“Yeah, it could be.”

It was still an intuition as sharp as a beast. Wald turned quickly to live.

“You want to know more about the tenth door?”

Ybriel came to his senses at those words and nodded his head. The purpose
of coming to the tower must not be forgotten.
“Yes, I thought I could find the answer if I came to Yangya Pagoda.”

After hearing the rough story from Sigmund, Balt rubbed his chin with a
serious expression.

“Yangya Pagoda is the closest magic tower to Chima, where darkness is

sealed. Thanks to that, we have a vast amount of research data on darkness.
Those resources will definitely help you if you want to get to the tenth door.”

As Baltic said, Shia, the light, and darkness, the opposite, have coexisted
inseparably for countless years.

Ybriel’s eyes deepened like the deep sea.

“It will take a long time, but the tower always welcomes the sorcerer who
delves in depth. I hope you get all the knowledge you want and return home.”
“thank you. No, thank you.”

Ybriel was hospitable as usual, and then changed her words. As long as he
entered the tower, he was not a nobleman or anything, he was just an
apprentice magician.

Bald was a little surprised that he noticed that.

When I first heard that Sigmund’s granddaughter was coming, I was terrified
just knowing that little Sigmund was coming.

However, in reality, Ybriel Solgren did not have a little angel.

‘You’re such a polite apprentice wizard.’

How I wish you were my disciple….

Balt smiled mischievously, then received Sigmund’s sharp gaze and smirked
in a hurry. I’ve felt it before, but it’s still like a beast.
“Did you say that you have already opened the sixth door?”

“The talented apprentice wizard has arrived and the researchers from Yangya
Tower are also very welcome. Now, let me introduce you to the inside of the
tower, so please stand up.”
Wald clapped his hands lightly and got up.

Asiligo stared at the spiky black tower that could be seen in the distance
beyond the sea fog. There was Ebriel in there.

“Let’s go.”
At Zed’s words, he managed to pull the reins.

Since Ybriel went his own way, Asiligo must also walk his way.
Asiligo, who had a hard time turning his back on Yangya Pagoda, rode his
horse without stopping. Pass Solgren until you reach Pexen.
The mercenary king Oris was not too surprised to see the sudden arrival of
Asiligo at sunset.

“What’s going on?”

Episode 108
“The Emperor is trying to retake Eastern Berak.”

Oris was drooping on the chair, only twitching his fingertips languidly. It was
a sign of discomfort.
“Ha, the madman is trying to roll up the empire.”

Oris, who casually cursed the emperor, sighed.

Asiligo glanced at the bottles of wine lying on the table. Rolling on his back
seemed to testify to Oris’s complicated brain.
“Are you going?”


At Asiligo’s quiet reply, Oris looked up at the ceiling as if contemplating

something. Asiligo remained silent for a brief period of time.

“… Well, I guess that’s why I came back here. Because the only thing I taught
you was swordsmanship and man-to-man combat.”

Oris turned to Assiligo.

“How much do you know about Berak?”

“I have only heard of the Dead Lands of the East.”

It was before Asiligo was even born that Verak was completely swallowed up
by darkness. For Asiligo, all he had heard was the story.
“Are you familiar with Berak?”

“You know?”

Oris laughed at the question. can’t forget

Oris remembered it vividly. The day he ran away from his hometown, Berak.
“I don’t want to talk about the past.”

Oris ruffled his hair once. Her eyes were blurry, as if she was looking a little
further away.

“The East was not as fertile as the South, but it was livable. The problem was
the beast.”

From the beginning of the founding of the North, it was permitted to hold
troops under the pretext that darkness was sealed beyond the veil, but the East
was not.

This was to prevent central power from being dispersed.

Without military power, the eastern part was naturally vulnerable to attacks
by demons. In Berak, where small villages are sparsely located, the damage
caused by beasts was especially great.

Then eventually it happened.

“The group of beasts competed among themselves for food and gradually
came down to private houses. By the time the imperial family found out
about the problem, it was already too late.”

The knights were dispatched from the center late, but the beasts who grew up
by expanding their territory could not be defeated with their normal skills.

“As a result, the two hundred imperial knights and fifty wizards sent for
subjugation were annihilated. Those who left the village earlier lived, and
those who remained foolish died.”


“The Dead Lands of the East? No, Berak is the land the imperial family

Asiligo watched silently as Oris’s expression contorted.

Oris slowly got up. His bright yellow eyes shone like a wild beast in the
middle of the night.

“If you want to come back alive from Berak, you need to know how to deal
with strong beasts. After the wall was erected, beyond that, the beast must
have lived by eating the beast.”

The world of strict weak meat eating has continued for several decades.

The beasts surviving in Berak right now will be particularly strong among
strong individuals.

“It’s different from humans. There are those who use poison, those who
cannot be seen, and those that cannot be cut with a sword alone.”

Oris roughly picked up the sword he always had by his side.

“come out.”

At these words, Asiligo thought that the mercenary king was about to start a

The fact that Oris was now drunk wasn’t much of a problem. It was because
he was not capable of being shaken by drunkenness.

It was the moment when Asiligo was about to go to the dungeon.

“I’ll give you an hour, get ready. Depart for Eastern Berak.”
For the first time, Asiligo, who was not shaken by anything related to Ybriel,
was puzzled for the first time.

“Now, did you say Berak?”

I wondered if I heard it wrong, but Oris was sincere.

“You have to go and learn how to defeat the Demon Beast, man. Where else
is there a practice that only works?”

It’s not wrong. It’s not wrong….

Asiligo rolled his eyes. Oris looked at her face and smiled wildly.

“Why are you scared?”

“It’s not like that.”

Asiligo quickly adjusted her expression.

It was embarrassing to say that I was leaving for Berak today, but I had hoped
for it.

All he could do for Ybriel was to protect Duke Solgren.

‘If the Duke goes wrong, the young lady will be sad.’

It was better to join the East Coast as quickly as possible and protect the
Duke’s side.

“thank you.”
Oris scratched the back of the head at Asiligo’s greeting.

“Thank you. I’m going because I’m bored. I’m stuck in the fortress, so I have
to get a little itchy. maybe not? Will the crazy emperor take my wanted
orders for this?”

Oris giggled as if it was funny even when he said it himself, and tapped
Asiligo on the shoulder.

“Let’s go, you foolish disciple.”

The mercenary king walked out of the drawing room ahead of him. It was an
unshakable face. Asiligo looked at her firm back, and followed immediately

‘You know, don’t get hurt.’

Ybriel’s voice seemed to revolve around her.

There was strength in my feet.

He promised not to get hurt, so he will keep his promise.


While Oris and Asiligo were moving, the news of Berak could be heard every

[The commander is Duke Herwin Solgren of the North. In the Eastern and
Western Gongshin families, the Duke of Artensia and Prince Linterdel
participated in the war, respectively. Caswither provides military supplies.]

On the surface, it seems that all the four public servants were planning a
plausible subjugation operation, but Oris grasped the reality at once.

“The Duke of Artensia is too old to go to war, and Prince Linterdel is a feeble
blood. It’s like having two people on the battlefield who wouldn’t be surprised
if they died tomorrow.”

They are from the same public family, but just looking at Caswither’s back, it
was clear that there was no expectation for recapture.

The size of the subjugation squad was also not large. The Emperor’s purpose
was not to restore Verak.

“Are you trying to break even the Eastern and Western powers?”

“You are right to think so.”

The two switched horses and ran day and night.

Thanks to their non-stop scheduling, they reached Eastern Berak in less than
a month.

Barak’s wall, built of thick stone, had a total of three layers, and the military
camp of the subjugation group was located between the first and second walls.

As Oris and Asiligo approached the gates of the first wall, the sentries aimed
their spears directly.

“Identify you!”
“I am Laura, the leader of the White Row Knights, and this is the White
Rang Knight, Asiligo. I have come to see His Majesty the Duke of Solgren.”

Oris pretended to be his stepdaughter with a nonchalant face.

The sentry, noticing that Oris and Asiligo were of different races, lowered
their spears. It was a widely known story that most of the knights that made
up the Northern White Rang were of a heterogeneous race.

The sentry looked at Asiligo and Oris in turn. For some reason, his gaze
stayed on Oris for a little longer.

“Somehow this looks familiar….”

Wanted flyers were circulating, so it was enough.

“I hear a lot about it being common.”

Oris responded naturally, and the sentry scratched his head and cleared the

“You may come in.”

The heavy iron door opened upwards with a loud noise. Oris and Asiligo
stepped slowly into the wall.

The military camp was stagnant without fighting spirit or blood.

‘Did you guess that the recapture would fail?’

The last check of the war situation of Berak was still in the stage of forming a
reconnaissance team. Even though the battle didn’t start properly, I couldn’t
figure out why the atmosphere had subsided so far.

First of all, Asiligo caught a knight passing by to find Duke Solgren’s


The captured knight looked at Asiligo and cast a wary gaze.

“It’s a face I haven’t seen.”

“I came from the North to join in the recapture of Verak. Where is Duke


At Asiligo’s question, the knight’s face darkened. Asiligo, who sensed an

ominous sign, looked at him with a hard face.

The knight delivered the news of the duke with a short sigh.

“The commander crossed the third barrier with the scout the day before. And
he hasn’t come back yet.”

It was Oris who responded. The knight turned his head and looked at Oris

“I think I saw you somewhere….”

“It’s so common that I ate it! What about the peacock more than that?”
The article repeated the explanation I had just given. Oris, who was listening
to the story, frowned.
“The commander is missing, haven’t you sent a search party yet?”

“There was a command not to form a search party until three days had
Asiligo looked around again.

That was the cause of the deep sense of defeat that dominated the military
camp. As the life or death of the commander is unclear, the morale of the
soldiers naturally decreased.
Asiligo was afraid to realize that fact and moved. Oris left the knight behind
and caught up with Asiligo.

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to save your sire.”

“You are alone.”

They passed the second barrier in an instant.

From the second wall onward, the ground was corroded and turned black.
Oris, seeing the ink-stained ground, stopped Asiligo, who was ahead, and
handed him a towel.
“Cover your nose and mouth.”
It was used to prevent toxins from entering the lungs as much as possible.
Asiligo took the towel without saying a word.
The last barrier that followed had no gates. The iron gate was relatively weak
compared to the wall, so it was not planned from the beginning of
So the only way to get over the third barrier was to climb up and down the
ladder over the wall.
Oris and Asiligo identified themselves to the guards of the third wall and
began to climb the stairs in the wall.

And when they finally reached the top of the wall, they both froze at the same

It was only when he climbed on top that he could see the true form of Berak.
‘It’s black.’
Under the wall, it was all black ground like night.

In the devastated land where neither animals nor plants could be found, the
son-in-law was silent as if even the wind had stopped as if dead.

Only the dark-purple toxin like a thick mist lay silently on the ground.
Oris’s eyes fluttered slightly.
It was once home. I couldn’t believe it had turned into such a terrible form.
‘The duke came in here yesterday and said there is still no news.’

Oris’s eyes rolled quickly.

Judging from the concentration of the toxin, the lungs would have already
hardened and died by now. The mercenary king calmly finished his
Even so, there is no way that Duke Solgren, who is said to be sickly, has ever
survived in such a land.

Oris turned to Asiligo.

“I think the peacock should give up….”

At that moment, Asiligo’s eyes moved. Oris felt the presence and turned
The toxin was disturbed by the gusts of wind, and the ground was clearly
visible. In the dark land, the man’s silver hair looked like a star.

Oris smirked involuntarily.

Far from the dead land, Herwin was approaching the third wall with a scout.

While towing the huge head of the beast that had been cut off.
“So, His Majesty the Duke of Solgren has returned!”

The sentry shouted down the wall. I could hear the direction of the military
camp getting noisy with my sensitive ears.
“Are my eyes wrong?”

Oris asked Asiligo.

Herwin’s appearance now was a pity to be called a ‘weak’ duke. Armed with
silver armor, Herwin looked like a god of battle.
Episode 109

Asiligo denied it.

Oris was even more puzzled. Oris knew the rumors surrounding Herwin
‘You say you can’t walk for less than ten minutes because your lungs are
weak? You say you are suffering from small sickness just like eating rice?’
Where are you looking?

Herwin was getting closer from afar, and he could feel a well-trained fighting
spirit. The spirit was strong enough to make Oris forget the purpose of
coming here and fight the sword.
Oris smiled sadly.

“Isn’t that a very fox?”

The sound of the horn, announcing the return, echoed in the sky belatedly.
A new wind began to blow over the dead land.


The time of the tower went by arbitrarily. Sometimes it was as fast as a

rushing current, and at other times it was as slow as a broken spring.

Ybriel endured training there very busy, sometimes boring, and suddenly

Not being able to hear from the outside made Ybriel’s heart very uneasy, but
Sigmund was able to calm her heart by gently conveying Herwin’s regards.

So the seasons went round two times.

Usually, the age of entering the tower is around the age of eight or ten, when
the talent for opening doors begins to show.

The young apprentice wizards who had just entered Yangya Pagoda looked
around the inside of the tower with bright eyes.


The children were drawn to the magical artifacts and magic books in the
A voice full of excitement resounded, and the quiet Yangya Pagoda slowly
revived. The high-ranking wizards also ignored the commotion.
“Now, let me introduce you to the library.”

Balt, who took the lead, guided the apprentice wizards throughout the Yangya

The apprentice wizards who followed Baltic’s fluttering robes, saw two people
walking from the other side of the hallway and stood there.

White hair combed over, a lush beard, and a face as if it were about to
become violent at any moment!

‘It’s Sigmund…!’

The apprentice wizards who visited this place couldn’t possibly not recognize
the former lord of Yangya and the great wizard of the ninth gate.

“Hello, old man.”


Sigmund nodded at Baltic’s greeting and looked at the apprentice wizards.

The children flinched at the sharp gaze.
“Are these apprentice wizards?”
“yes. I was guiding Yangya Pagoda.”

“These little bastards. Don’t play around and pay attention. There are a lot of
dangerous things in the tower.”


The children’s twinkling eyes turned to Sigmund, then moved to the person
next to him.

‘But who is that?’

Standing next to Sigmund was a woman who looked like a doll.

Shining hair like a thin silver thread, and colorful eyes like jewels drew
attention at once.

One of the children suddenly realized and whispered.

“It must be Princess Solgren.”

Then the other child’s eyes widened.

“The genius who opened the ninth door this time?”

His voice suddenly grew louder, and his eyes turned to the boy. Among them
were the eyes of Ybriel. The apprentice wizard’s face turned bright red when
he caught the attention.

Ybriel turned her head, pretending not to hear, so as not to offend the

“If it’s Princess Solgren, maybe ‘that’ Duke Solgren…?”

“I think that’s right…!”


At that time, Herwin was mentioned in the children’s mouths.

huh? When Herwin was mentioned suddenly, Ybriel looked back. Sigmund’s
expression turned white.

“Well then, let me guide you! Let’s not go!”

“Huh, yes. See you later, old man.”

Sigmund took Ybriel and hurriedly took a step. Fortunately, Ybriel did not
feel anything strange.

‘The genius who opened the ninth door.’

Hmmm. Ybriel lightly stroked her hair to hide her burning cheeks.

It’s been two years since I entered the tower. The achievements so far have
been remarkable.

Under Yang Yatap’s active support, Ybriel has grown remarkably.

Ybriel opened the seventh and eighth doors a year after entering the school,
and recently opened the ninth door, surprising Yangya Tower.

Of course, it was never easy.

Every day, as soon as I woke up, I went into the training room and didn’t
come out until I fell asleep. Other apprentice wizards even spoke out that they
were poisonous.

The existence of Elemental Winter was also of great help.

Winter helped Ybriel open the door with the knowledge she had accumulated
over the years. It was also intended to prevent Ybriel from forcibly opening
the door as before.

As a result, although Ybriel entered the tower late, he grew faster than anyone
else and reached the ninth gate.

No one knew that the aide Wald, who was still at the eighth door, felt a
relative sense of deprivation.

“Looks like your rumors are everywhere.”

“I think so.”

Sigmund was also very happy to hear the stories of the apprentice wizards.

“then. Don’t be a genius. Whose granddaughter!”

“Ha, Grandpa, who would listen….”

“This is something you should be proud of here and there.”

Sigmund was proud of Ybriel’s achievements as if it were his own work.

Ybriel grew even more shy.

‘But I haven’t reached the tenth door yet.’

He knew that it was an amazing growth, but the goal he wanted to achieve
was still a long way off.

‘Until now, I have practiced with the feeling of feeling the gap in the body
and opening it. But the tenth door doesn’t feel even the slightest gap.’

Is it really something that humans cannot reach? That thought kept popping


Sigmund noticed that Ybriel had become a little depressed.

He pulled something out of his pocket. It was a letter sealed with a stag seal.

“Come on, it’s from Herwin.”


Ybriel received the letter with a bright face as if it had been dark.

Throughout his stay in the tower, Ybriel received Herwin’s letter once a

It was the only allowed contact from outside. Of course, Ybriel couldn’t reply.

“Boy, are you that good?”

“yes. Thank you so much, Grandpa!”

Sigmund averted Ybriel’s eyes. Knowing that everything written in there was
a lie, my heart was always pierced.

“Okay, go to your room and read.”

Not knowing this, Ybriel went straight to her room and opened Herwin’s
letter. And I began to read carefully.

[To my dear Eve.

I’m always worried about how you’re doing, Eve. I’m spending time on the
East Coast right now.

Unlike the West, the sea is very beautiful turquoise. I think you’d like it if you
saw it too.

I don’t have to worry about my body. To the extent that Evan says he can run
around now… ]

At that point, Ybriel sighed in relief. Herwin’s health has always been a
concern for Ybriel.

Every time a letter came once a month, I was excited to hear from Herwin,
but I was worried that I might have been ill somewhere.

‘If Evan said that, it would be really good.’

Ybriel concentrated on the letter again.

[…] … The sound of the waves is so peaceful here that I can sleep
comfortably. I wish you were too.

If you get sick or something happens, please contact Sigmund. always love

On Eastern Eastern Beaches, Herwin.]

It was love that was written in neat handwriting. Ybriel smiled faintly.
“Dad, too.”

East Eastern.

Ybriel imagined grains of white sand and turquoise waves, and Herwin
spending time there.


At that moment, Ruby, who had been sleeping on Ybriel’s bed, woke up.
“Ruby, are you awake?”

When Ybriel called her name, Ruby jumped down gently and clung to
Ybriel’s side.
The ruby I brought with me because I couldn’t leave the Shinsu alone in
Solgren, and it has grown tremendously over the past two years.

It was difficult for Ybriel to hold her with one arm.

“That little ball of dust could grow this much in an instant.”

“It is because you opened the ninth door. Because young spirits grow with the
contractor’s mana.”
A pure white butterfly shimmered and settled like a decoration on Ybriel’s
“Butterfly-sama is still a butterfly. Ruby no longer looks like a cat, but a little

Ruby tilted her head.

“It’s a message from your father.”

Meanwhile, another butterfly gently landed on Herwin’s letter.

“Yes, you are in the East East.”
Ybriel suddenly remembered the conversations of the apprentice wizards she
had encountered in the hallway.
‘If it’s Princess Solgren, maybe that’ Duke Solgren…?’

The word ‘that’, Duke Solgren, somehow caught my heart.

‘Is your dad that famous?’

Only Ybriel’s doubts about what was going on outside grew bigger.
Meanwhile, the world outside the tower was in full swing.

The eastern lands that had been neglected for decades were reclaimed by the
sick Northern Prince, a truly miraculous event.

“Are all the beasts of Verak sorted out? Is that real?”

Duke Caswither asked over and over again, unable to believe the victories
sent from Barak.

“Are you kidding me now? How the hell does that sickly bastard subdue the

“Hey, that’s not a lie!”

At the aide’s words, Duke Caswither snatched the report he was holding in his
hand. Only after reading it with his own eyes did he believe it.

Looking back, it was the news that Duke Solgren had successfully recaptured
Berak. In addition, the fact that Oris, the mercenary king of Pexen, had
joined was also briefly written.
“Mercenary King? Why is that wanted man helping the duke?”

“Well, rumor has it that the mercenary king is from Berak.”

Duke Caswither couldn’t contain his anger and crumpled the report.
Even with the help of the mercenary king, it was no luck that the ‘weak’ duke
survived the poison and the den of demons.

‘It was all acting. I pretended to be sick and waited for a chance.’
In the meantime, Barak was like a shameful scumbag that the Empire had
been defeated by darkness. But Herwin Solgren has brought him back.
‘Solgren will make a name for the whole empire.’
The two dukes from the East and the West also joined the front line, so it was
only a matter of time before their forces were united.
Duke Caswither’s face turned pale.

“I must enter the palace right now. Get ready!”

“Yes Yes!”

At the duke’s instructions, the aide rushed out.

Episode 110
But it was Duke Caswither’s mistake.

The emperor was already aware of the matter. And it made me very, very

“Did the Duke come here to announce that he is proud of it?”


The emperor, who sat on the throne in the audience, did not laugh at all.
Relentless Taeyangan stared at Duke Caswither.

Duke Caswither, startled, hastily lowered his gaze to the floor. It felt like a
huge palm pressing down from the ceiling.

“South Africa, your sister is enough for the madman.”

The mention of the mad empress made Duke Caswither more contemplative.

“Sorry, I’m sorry, Your Majesty.”

Immediately afterward, the shadow of the audience darkened little by little. It

seemed to stretch like a snake.

As darkness swallowed the air, breathing began to become difficult. Duke

Caswither forced himself to hold back the cough that was about to burst.

“Yes, my brother is back. I know.”

Kaizen’s voice was damp as if submerged in a swamp.

“To bring back the imperial territories, you are truly loyal. right?”
Duke Caswither said nothing. It was an atmosphere like if you opened your
mouth carelessly, your neck would fly away.
It was a good choice for him to remain silent.
Kaizen scratched the armrest of the throne and scratched it until it made a
sound. It was normal to have a broken nail, but instead, it was an armrest
decorated with gold.

It was a power that was not human.

“… As soon as the subjugation team returns, there will be an improvement


“Yes, yes.”

“You should be welcome. People are looking at you, but you can’t hit your
neck, right?”

Kaizen, who had been muttering cruel words in a gloomy voice, suddenly
closed her eyes.

In the moment when Duke Caswither blinked, the shadow that was wriggling
as if alive disappeared in an instant.

Kaizen slowly got up from the throne. Duke Caswither hurriedly shook his

“Prepare the triumph. It has to be perfect, without a single mistake.”

Leaving a short command, he exited the audience and headed somewhere.

It was in the direction of the northern tower, Empress Azerian.

Meanwhile, the fact that the Duke Caswither and the Emperor were single
was also transmitted to Thejeric’s ears in the Imperial Palace.
“Did the Southern Duke have an audience with the emperor?”

Over the past two years, Tezeric has grown so much that he can no longer use
the word boy.
Her tall, solid body, and a beautiful face with clear contours have left many of
the ladies swaying their hearts.
“Is that so?”

If there was an exception, it was the maid in front of me.

The short-haired woman who looked like a cat was casually arguing with the
Crown Prince in a maid’s robe.

But Tezeric didn’t point that out.

“Did you hear what we were talking about?”

“I haven’t heard of it, but I can predict.”

Externally, he was the shadow king’s stand-up, and Nero, who is currently
attached to the Crown Prince, was confident and confident.

“I must have told you about the Duke of Solgren.”

When Herwin was mentioned, Tezeric’s expression became subtle.

“Yeah, it would have been. Because we have reclaimed the eastern lands.”

Rumors had already spread throughout the imperial palace that the
subjugation team had successfully recaptured Berak. It was a surprise that I
went backwards.

When the war for recapture was declared, Tezeric expected Duke Solgren to
die sooner or later.

‘So I was in a hurry to contact the princess.’

Herwin is not dead. I came back alive, doing what I believed was impossible.

Tezeric laughed involuntarily.

‘On the outside, it was disguised as a sickly figure. Even the princess knew
that fact, so she must have entered the tower without any worries.’

There was a slight misunderstanding, but no one knew.

“As long as this happens, the emperor will not be able to touch the duke

Nero explained in a confident voice. Tezeric also nodded.

“Now that he is not sickly, he will achieve great achievements and focus the
attention of all the people of the Empire.”

A long silence passed between the handmaiden and the prince.

“Right now, fake.”

Nero, who had completely erased his playfulness, said.

It is at this time that Herwin, the only member of the royal family other than
the Emperor, returns with an achievement that will go down in history.

“I announce the fact that I am neither the royal family nor the owner of the
divine beast, and I will dismiss the emperor….”

When Tezeric’s whisper-like words ended, the room became quiet. Only the
ticking of the clock’s second hand was muffled.

Tezerik was thinking. will it be okay like this

“Even if they successfully occupy the South, the emperor still has a
formidable force.”

“Are we there?”

“There is no significant difference. It won’t last long.”

“That’s why we want to quickly capture the Imperial Palace before that.”
Nero said as if dissatisfied.

Tezeric has been in touch with Aiden in the past to figure out all the secret
passages in the Imperial Palace and make a map.

Since Ybriel asked about the secret passage in advance, I was able to
complete it quickly.
It was good until he found out the intrusion route, but now Tezeric was a bit

“Do you think you will be able to buy some time before you come to invade
the imperial palace with an army from the south?”

“We will have to check the return of Duke Solgren, so we won’t be able to
withdraw a lot of troops.”

“No, I overlooked something.”

Tezeric pointed out firmly. Nero frowned at the continued negative attitude.

“What the hell is that?”

“The power of the emperor.”

Tezeric’s eyes looked out the window. The Gracia Palace, where the emperor
resides, was caught at the end of his gaze. Even though the sun was still
rising, the Palace of Gracia gave off a strangely dark atmosphere.

“We don’t know how strong his power is. If he could borrow the power of

It will never be an easy, long battle.

“So we need a weakness to hold the Emperor.”

Tezeric slowly turned his head. The northern tower caught my eye. What
Ybriel was going to do flashed through her mind.

Noticing what the prince was looking at, Nero opened his mouth.

“Would you?”

“When Duke Solgren returns, there will be a triumphal ceremony in the

islands. It’s a time of confusion.”

Tezeric’s red eyes lit up.

“Let’s leave the palace with Empress Seon and His Majesty. Then even the
emperor can’t move around recklessly.”

There is no way the Emperor could harm the Empress Seon, who was locked
up in the tower and protected under strict supervision.

“So, are you going to take Her Majesty’s Majesty hostage?”

“Don’t be rude. She is the mother of His Majesty the Duke of Solgren. we are
protecting The emperor would think he was taken hostage.”


Nero, who had been dazed, suddenly burst into laughter. Nero giggled for a
while, then managed to calm down and wipe away the tears.

“I like that.”

Immediately afterward, Nero’s expression became serious in an instant. It was

as if another hidden personality had popped out.

“Tell me what it takes to get the Empress Dowager away.”

“Sacred water. And give me a bunch of wagons and horses that look exactly
the same.”

Tezeric answered immediately. With those words alone, Nero, knowing

roughly the plan, nodded.

“I will prepare.”

Nero suddenly thought that Tezeric was like a moth rushing into the fire.
Reckless and blind, but the path ahead is clearer than anyone else.

“I wish you all the best, moth.”

Tezeric, who suddenly turned into a moth, was slapped on the shoulder by
Nero without even knowing what to say.
assault in half. It was an act that would have been punishable by death if
anyone had seen it, but no one found out whether it was unfortunate or


Ybriel was standing in the sun-drenched garden.

‘Where am I?’

The sound of water falling from the fountain was refreshing. The flowers in
full bloom had a sweet scent.
Ybriel suddenly realized that this was the Imperial Palace’s garden.

‘right. I used to come here often when I was having a hard time.’
I spent time here when I wanted to return to Solgren and to Herwin’s side.
The flowers in full bloom, which could not be seen in Solgren, seemed to
capture my heart.
Now that I think about it, it was stupid.

‘I’m going to talk. I don’t want to. I want to go back.’

Ybriel laughed bitterly. At that moment, an unfamiliar voice rang out from
In the place where he turned, a familiar blond boy stood. At most, I must
have been around eleven years old. The twinkling sun eyes stared sharply at

The boy hurriedly approached.

“Doesn’t the princess seem to have very free feet?”
Ybriel was taken aback by the aggressive tone.

“Wow, His Majesty the Crown Prince.”

In the meantime, Tezeric kept coming. Ybriel faltered and stepped back,
stumbling against the lower jaw of the fountain.

The body lost its balance in an instant and fell into the fountain.
I woke up quickly, but the water in my nose didn’t stop my coughing.

“Collock, Colok!”
Ybriel wiped the water off her face and looked at Tezeric.

Ybriel was stunned.

‘Why do you look like that when you’re just pushing yourself?’

Tezeric’s eyes fluttered slightly. It was like he knew he had done something

Then he turned his head.

“You have to act like your mother’s dog. On the subject of the imperial castle

Tezeric left only sharp words and avoided steps as if running away. It was the
moment when Ybriel was hurriedly trying to catch the boy.

“Wait, my lord…!”
The moment she took a step out of the fountain, Ybriel opened her eyes.

The unpatterned black stone ceiling and indigo blue canopy caught my eye.

This was Ybriel’s room in Yangya Tower. It was a dream.

Unknowingly, Ybriel fumbled across the bed and unknowingly pressed
Ruby’s tail.
“Huh, I’m sorry!”

Ruby wiggled her tail, then fell asleep again. But Ybriel could hardly go back
to sleep because of something in her dream.
The sad expression on the young Tezeric’s face kept flashing.

‘Come back on time.’

When the memories of before entering the tower were added to that, the
confusion became more and more severe.

Ybriel grabbed the pillow.

“Hey, what do you know! He tortured me and I can’t even remember….”

That was then. Suddenly, all the magic lights in the room turned on. At the
same time, someone’s voice resounded through the mana loudspeaker
throughout Yangya Tower.

“A demon has appeared!”

Episode 111
Melden Island, where Yangya Tower is located, is not far from the tabernacle,
so from time to time, a beast would swim down to the nearby area.
It was thanks to the magic barrier around the island that that fact had not
been a very serious matter until now.
At the same time as notifying the invasion of the beast, the barrier also
poured attack magic on the beast itself. By that magic, the beasts turned and
disappeared, or sometimes they died as they were.
‘However, waking up the entire tower at dawn this morning.’
It means that the matter is serious.

Ybriel hurriedly put on her robe and ran out into the hallway.

Due to the commotion a while ago, many wizards had already appeared in the
hallway. Ybriel immediately found Sigmund.

Sigmund was also aware of the situation as soon as he woke up.

“What happened?”

“That’s right, the barrier is partially broken.”

Adviser Wald put on his crooked glasses straight and answered quickly.

Sigmund’s brow twitched.

The barrier of Yangya Tower existed from the time when the tower was first
built, and it was a high-ranking magic that the first Yang Yatap master
directly put.
The fact that it was broken means that strong demons have appeared.
“What kind of guy are you?”
“They are adult serpents, but at least ten of them seem to have entered.”

“Damn it. Have you built up the outer wall defense magic?”

“Yes! However, those who break through the island barrier will easily break
the outer wall defense magic as well.”

Sigmund sighed and pulled out his staff and grabbed it.

“Ugh, all the old people are going to run away this morning.”

It was around that time that Ybriel discovered Sigmund.



Ybriel, who came to the place where Sigmund was within a month, asked
with a suffocating breath.

“What the hell is going on?”

“It seems that several serpents that have broken through the island barrier
have come inside.”

At those words, Ybriel’s lips hardened.

‘If this serpent is….’

Ybriel had seen this serpent in the Beast Beast Encyclopedia.

It was a snake-shaped beast with long, sharp bones like thorns protruding
from its back. They were known to be difficult to deal with because of their
hard scales and the venom of their teeth.

“Summon all the wizards of the seventh gate and above. Tell them to watch
the rest and learn from inside.”
At Sigmund’s instructions, Wald delivered the contents immediately. Ybriel
quickly grabbed Sigmund’s side.

“I’ll help you, Grandpa.”

Sigmund looked down at Ybriel.

It was reluctant to have her one and only granddaughter face the beast, but
she could not hide Ybriel, the wizard of the ninth door.

“Be careful not to get hurt.”

“Grandpa too.”

Meanwhile, a dozen wizards gathered behind Sigmund. They were the ones
who opened the seventh gate or more, but there were not many of them
because it was difficult to climb.

Sigmund confirmed that all the wizards had gathered and snapped his finger.
The scenery changed in an instant, and before I knew it, Ybriel was standing
on the shore.

Before sunrise, the sea looked more black than blue. The crashing waves were
somehow ferocious.

Sigmund, who was watching the waves, opened his mouth without taking his
eyes off him.

“The attack is me, Ybriel, and Baltic. The rest will defend the tower and us.”

“Yes, old man!”

As soon as Sigmund’s command was finished, there was a loud, bumpy

scratching sound from the bottom of the sea.

“It’s coming. Be careful, kid.”

Shortly after Winter, who had been awake together, warned them, without
warning, several large shadows rose above the surface.
It was at least fifteen bone serpents.

It caught my eye with terrifyingly sharp teeth and scales that looked harder
than steel.

Ybriel quickly wiped the back of her right hand and pulled out the winter
branch. The palms holding the winter branches were sticky because I was

‘This is my first time using magic on a beast.’

Ybriel has been concentrating on the training of opening the door inside the
tower. It was the first time he had used the vast amount of mana circling in
his body in practice.

‘Let’s calm down. First, catch your breath….’

Ybriel exhaled and opened the nine doors one by one.

A gust of mana swirled around the heart. Feeling a raging sensation in her
chest, Ybriel picked up the winter branches.

‘This is how you stretch out the mana in your body. as I wish.’

Sigmund, who was sensitive to mana, was the first to notice the anomaly.


The mana floating in the air was trembling slightly.

‘What happened?’

He forgot even the beasts in front of him and looked around. And soon I
opened my eyes. The main culprit shaking mana was none other than his

“Hey, Eve?”

It was just then that Sigmund put his hand on Ybriel’s shoulder in
bewilderment. Ybriel stretched out her winter branches forward.
The Bone Serpents instinctively sensed the threat and rushed to Ybriel, but it
was already too late.

The pure white mana that came out of the winter branches hit the rippling sea


Boom, boom! The sea froze in an instant. The waves stopped in the same
shape they had hit, and the temperature dropped like a lie.

Sigmund watched the breath coming out of his mouth scatter in white as if


In the blink of an eye, the chill of winter branches completely froze the sea
around Melden Island.

Even the Bone Serpent, who was rushing in, was trapped in the ice and
became a block of ice together.

The roar of the demonic beast dispersed helplessly.

Sigmund and other wizards could not close their mouths as if their jaws were

Interestingly, the person who was most bewildered here was Ybriel.


Ybriel, who had been hardened as it was with the winter branches stretched
out awkwardly, blinked, not knowing what to do.

“Hey, I didn’t mean to do this….”

Meanwhile, the wizards standing blankly behind them came to their senses
and shouted cheers.

“It’s winter! I saw it for the first time!”

Ybriel’s cheeks slowly heated up with embarrassment. I wanted to hide in a

mouse hole.

“You are also Duke Solgren’s daughter!”

At that time, among the admiring wizards, Baltic exclaimed.

While Ybriel tilted her head at the unfamiliar words, Sigmund took a stand.

“Yeah! Can’t you be quiet?”

“Ugh. Sorry, old man! I lied!”

“Don’t say nonsense and get things sorted out quickly!”

“Yes, yes!”

Sigmund looked at Ybriel’s eyes with a gentle glance. Ybriel was looking at
the frozen sea with a puzzled expression.

‘You don’t think you heard?’

Sigmund stroked his chest without anyone knowing.

This serpent was organized quickly and neatly due to the unexpected
performance of Ybriel.

But I couldn’t be relieved that the immediate problem was solved. Knowing
this, Sigmund, Ybriel, and Balt gathered in the room on the top floor with
serious faces.

“Certainly, the frequency of invading beasts is increasing. It’s getting stronger

and stronger.”

Baltic’s voice was quiet.

The increasing number of demon beasts, and the fact that they are getting
stronger as the years go by, was proof that something unusual was happening
beyond the veil.

“This is the first time the island barrier has been broken since Yangya Pagoda
was built. If stronger demons keep coming in this way….”

At some point, the magicians of Yangya Tower may not be able to solve it.

Even the complexion of Ybriel was dark.

‘The fact that the demonic beasts that crossed the veil became stronger may
have something to do with the darkness.’

While Ybriel was training in Yangya Tower, the emperor would have become
closer to the darkness. If the Beasts had started to run rampant due to that
effect, he couldn’t stand still.

Ybriel opened her mouth carefully.

“I think I will have to go to Yangya Tower.”

Bald and Sigmund opened their eyes and looked at Ybriel.

“Beasts are things that are created by darkness. I keep getting stronger
because I keep getting stronger all of a sudden. I want to go to the system and
see what the situation is.”

Solgren’s safety and Herwin’s well-being were also of concern.

Seeing the beasts descending to Yangya Tower, there must have been
considerable damage to Solgren.

‘Dad said he was in the East.’

In the eastern part, there is a place that is as famous as a mage as it is a
tabernacle. It was Barak’s wall.
Of course, Easton and Berak where Herwin is staying are quite far from each
other, but if the same thing that happened at Yangya Tower today happened
there, it was difficult to be relieved.

“Oh no!”
Sigmund cried out unconsciously. Ybriel looked at Sigmund with a puzzled

“Uh, uh, that’s it.”

Sigmund was greatly perplexed. I felt a cold sweat running down my back.
‘If you go outside the tower now, you will be caught!’

Rumors of the Duke of Solgren who led the recapture to victory were
buzzing throughout the Empire.

‘I don’t know whether he gets insulted or resented, but I’m also an

He wanted to avoid letting Ybriel know about the recapture before Herwin
spoke first. Sigmund did not want to be hated by his beloved granddaughter.
“You haven’t opened the tenth door yet!”

That was the word that came out of it.

Ybriel was still stuck at the ninth door without opening the tenth door he had
been aiming for.

“That’s right, but….”

He couldn’t stay still until he knew that the signs outside were not serious.

After contemplating, Ybriel made a decision.

“I will do this. The first thing to do is to go to the system and make sure that
nothing is wrong. If it’s okay, I’ll come back to the tower again.”
Bald, who was caught between the two, rolled his eyes. Bald also knew what
Sigmund was hiding from Ybriel, so he couldn’t rush forward.
Realizing that he could no longer stop Ybriel, Sigmund closed his eyes tightly.
If you keep going like this, you’re bound to get caught.

“then! Do not accompany me!”

Sigmund exclaimed loudly. I’ll just have to stop hearing rumors as much as
possible by my side! At Sigmund’s remarks, the Baltic sitting next to him
became contemplative.
“No, old man! If the old man goes, what about me?”

“What are you?”

At Sigmund’s insignificant tone, Balt felt frustrated and pounded his chest
with his hand.
“If the elderly are not present, the Yangya Tower will not roll properly!”

“I’m proud of you, bastard!”

Sigmund, who entered Yangya Tower with Ybriel, was unable to resist
Baltic’s strong invitation and was slowly working on Yangya Tower’s work.

‘I tried to reinstate the old man as if drenched in the drizzle!’

But Sigmund left again.

“No, old man! If you want to go, step on me!”

“What? You did a good job once, rice bowl. I’m going to step out very hard.”

“Calm! calm down!”

Sigmund, who was about to step on the real Baltic, was barely ripped off by
Ybriel. Bald sighed and wiped his glasses with the hem of his robe.
“Uh-huh, the future of this Yangya Tower is darker than beyond the veil…!”
“If you bark any more, I will step on you until it becomes flat.”

“Shut up, old man….”

So Ybriel and Sigmund left the Yangya Tower for a while.

Without knowing what news awaits him outside.

Episode 112


Ybriel first sent a letter to Solgren and Easton to inform them that they were
going to the Islands.
It would be good to know the situation of the estate, but I was thinking of
going to the system right away because it was urgent to check the situation.

After receiving a call from Ybriel, Qian sent the escorts straight away in line
with the departure schedule. It was Zed and Alon.
“Zed, Alon! how have you been doing?”

Ebriel, who appeared at the dock with Sigmund’s ability, greeted the two
knights he had not seen in a long time.

Although it was their first reunion in two years, the appearance of the two did
not change much. Ybriel grinned at the sight as it was in her memory.

Meanwhile, Zed and Alon were thinking the exact opposite of Ybriel.

“… miss?”
The two knights looked at Ybriel and blinked in disbelief. Who is this lady?
Where did the little princess I knew go?

“Oh, you’ve grown up a lot, haven’t you?”

Zed managed to open his mouth.

“It’s not that I’ve grown up, but what is it that I grew up?”
Ybriel made an embarrassed expression. Alon smiled awkwardly.
“Your lady will never understand how we feel….”

Even so, 17-year-old Ybriel Solgren, who smiles lightly, has grown up to be a
beauty that exudes admiration.

It was like facing a lady standing in a banquet hall even though she was
wearing a modest robe rather than a fancy dress.

Zed and Alon had seen Ybriel since they were very young, so it was like
seeing a grown-up daughter.
At the same time, the person I most wanted to see crossed my mind.

‘Be strong, Asiligo.’

Zed mentally handed Asiligo cheers to him. I don’t know, but one competitor
will be huge.

Alon muttered the same thought.

“You know, he should have come.”

“That’s it….”

After that, Ybriel looked around. Asiligo, who I thought would come of
course, was nowhere to be seen.

“Is Asiligo not here?”

Then Zed and Alon flinched side by side.


Ybriel asked innocently. Alon averted his gaze, and Zed laughed slyly.

“Ah, the mercenary king took me to a great place because he said I needed
special training.”

The eyes of Sigmund, who stood quietly next to them, became bitter.
‘This guy?’

Who’s wearing a flag and hiding it right now, but are you making fun of your

“Great place? Where is that?”

Ybriel tilted her head, not seeing Sigmund’s terrifying face. Zed quickly
rolled his eyes and smiled.

“That’s a secret.”

Ybriel couldn’t keep her mouth shut in embarrassment. Zed smiled and
opened the door of the carriage he had been dragging.

“Come in, shall we?”

“What? Why couldn’t you come?”

Ybriel kept asking, but Zed didn’t answer.

In the end, Ybriel departed for the islands without knowing the whereabouts
of Asiligo.


At that time, discussions were in full swing in Berak about the timing of his

“I have to go back now.”

Mercenary King Oris cut it off and said.

“You don’t know how fast it is? If you drag it, the emperor will take
measures. Then, as soon as you enter, your neck will fly off.”
“The battle has just ended. If you push the schedule too far, you may be left
behind or seriously injured.”

Oris’s brow wrinkled slightly when someone objected.

It wasn’t wrong. The glory of victory should be enjoyed by all warriors. If I

went back, there would be a triumphal ceremony, but I couldn’t leave the
wounded and stragglers behind.

“Then let’s put our hands here and wait patiently until an order from the
imperial family comes?”

“We’re going to wait and see. To be honest, I’m concerned that if I rush to the
center, I’ll get into trouble.”

“Huh, really.”

Oris, unable to find my side, stared at the gray-haired young man sitting at the
side of the table.

“What do you think?”

Then Asiligo raised his head.

A young man with a strange atmosphere. Everyone in the barracks thought.

The cool gray eyes have sunk extremely rationally, but the well-trained body
has a raw, violent energy.

The recapture battles over the past two years have sharpened his ferocity.

However, it was not the only difference between his static face and sharp
atmosphere that drew attention.

Asiligo was a handsome man who stood out even in the dark barracks.


A low voice scattered across the table. Asiligo turned his eyes to the center of
the table.
“I want to hear from the commander-in-chief.”

After that, everyone looked at the same place.

the center of the table. A silver-haired man shining like starlight was sitting

In fact, their discussion was meaningless. Because the decision maker of

everything is that man, Herwin Solgren.

Herwin knew the time. It is now the end of January. The fastest, most
appropriate time to overdo this work.

“… I will go to Albion in March.”

Herwin confirmed. It was a comeback period that was neither too fast nor too

At the beginning of the social season, the system is filled with an

incomprehensible crowd.

It was what Herwin had hoped for.

“I have to show them.”

Herwin’s cool gaze turned to the barracks door.

Through the cracks in the fabric fluttering slightly in the wind, the skulls of
huge beasts could be seen. It was collected to take to the system.


The barracks were quiet. Herwin smiled faintly.

“Then let’s make it to March.”

He never dreamed that his daughter had come out of the tower and even sent
a letter to Easton, who falsely said that he was staying.

On the way to the Isles, a very strange rumor began to ring in Ybriel’s ears.

“Oh my God, you recaptured that Berak?”

The first time I heard it was on a ship heading west.

“Is that so?”

“Is that so?”

After being out of the cabin for a while due to motion sickness, Ybriel
pricked her ears.

‘I think I just called him Berak.’

I was concerned because it was close to Easton where Herwin was.

I wanted to hear more, but the sound of the waves and the raucous creaking
of the boat’s wooden floor made my voice difficult to hear.


It was the moment Ybriel was about to call the crew.

“Oh, my lady! Why is motion sickness so severe? Have some water here.”


Zed appeared out of nowhere and brought a glass of water to Ybriel’s lips.
Ybriel was perplexed, but first drank all the water he was handed over.
“Colok, why all of a sudden?”

“I think I’m thirsty!”

Ybriel handed the emptied cup to Doro Zed and looked around. Until now,
the sailors who were talking nearby had disappeared.
“Oh, I missed it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Sailors. What about Barack earlier…?”

Zed’s back became cold at that point.

‘Do you not want to keep your mouth intact when you see them fluttering
He had been given a hard warning by Sigmund. Ybriel must not know this
before Herwin explains it first.

To keep his mouth, Zed had to prevent Eastern news from entering Ybriel’s
“Ohh. I’ll look into that. The lady is resting in the cabin.”

Ebriel rolled her eyes at Zed’s somewhat suspicious appearance, but Zed only
smiled slyly as usual.
“… Then find out and tell me later.”

“Yes, lady!”
It was dubious, but after that, Zed kept his promise. He had come to report to
“It’s okay, miss.”

“yes. It was about wall repairs.”

Ebriel, who was listening to Zed, frowned.

“Did the crew of the western ship talk about repairing the eastern wall?”

How is it different from a chef unfolding a sheet music? It was difficult for
Ybriel to understand, but Zed had an attitude as if something was strange.
“It sounds like you are thinking of relocating. The pay seems to be more
generous than here.”
At Zed’s carefree explanation, Ybriel gradually raised his doubts.

‘Yeah, there’s no way Zed would lie to me about this.’

Ybriel let Zed go without further questioning.

Little did he know that Zed, who came out of the cabin, swept his chest
Throughout the journey, Zed, Alon and Sigmund had complete control of
Ybriel’s surroundings. There was nothing difficult with the escort as the title.
It was around the time that Ybriel came to know the truth.
“Oh my gosh.”

Ebriel looked out of the carriage and was shocked.

Ruby, who was in Ybriel’s arms, also looked outside and straightened her
“Were there this many people during the original socializing season?”

“That’s right.”
Even before entering the island, carriages were lined up. The number of
people was also huge.

“Can I enter the Whitewood Mansion within today?”

“Oh, don’t worry, miss. The nobles are sure of their identity, so it won’t take
As Alon said, when they confirmed that the carriage had Solgren’s emblem,
people began to clear the way.

It’s kind of like cheering.
“It’s loud, it’s noisy.”

While Ybriel was puzzled, Sigmund magically blocked the sound from
outside. But even he couldn’t do anything about the flowers flying from

Ybriel questioned that.

“Why do people throw flowers?”
“It seems that the theme of this social season is flowers.”

At Zed’s simple explanation, Ybriel nodded slowly.

Although it was the nobles who enjoyed social culture, he said that even
among the imperial people, there were often gatherings and parties that
imitated him. It made sense when I thought it was part of it.
In the meantime, Solgren’s carriage on which Ybriel was riding slowly
entered the island. However, the more people went inside, the more people
came to the point of being unable to move.

“I can’t do this.”
Sigmund sighed.
“Let’s leave the wagon and go into the mansion together first.”

The moment he snapped his fingers, the landscape changed in an instant.

Ybriel was standing inside the front door of the mansion.

“Oh oh.”
Zed and Alon, who are experiencing coordinate movement for the first time,
could not hide their surprise. Sigmund cleaned up the crumpled hem of his
robe with a sullen expression.
That was then.
A huge shout came from the other side.
Even Ybriel, the two knights, and Sigmund had no choice but to look there.

The scenery in front of Whitewood was strange.

The road was quiet with no wagons, and India was crowded with people.
People shouted and waved flowers and flags.

Ybriel watched the scene through Whitewood’s high fence.

The faces of the people seemed to welcome someone.

Ybriel’s gaze turned to the end of the road.

A group of knights were walking there. They were dragging a large cart
behind them, and the cart was loaded with the skull of a beast the size of a
wagon. Ybriel was startled by the terrifying size.

It seemed that all the people on the street had gathered to welcome them.
“What are these people?”

Ybriel asked, but Sigmund, Alon, and even Zed were silent. Unable to hear
the answer, Ybriel looked back again.

Suddenly, Ybriel realized that the appearance of the knight approaching from
the front was somehow familiar.
‘It’s silver hair. He somehow resembles my father.’

Ybriel thought so and laughed to herself.

Because Herwin, who is recuperating in the Eastern East, cannot suddenly
appear here.
But something was strange. The knight’s face coming closer and closer, as
“ah… bar?”
Episode 113

The unbelievable sight completely stopped Ybriel’s thought circuit.

‘Why is Daddy here…??’

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t understand it. In a short
amount of time, many hypotheses ran through Ybriel’s head.
‘Anyone who resembles your father?’

But even after washing his eyes, it was Herwin who came closer from the
other side.

No matter how far away he may be, he cannot recognize his father, and a
handsome man as handsome as Herwin was by no means uncommon.

I’m not a very similar person.

‘Birth secret?’

Ybriel shook her head, imagining twins that looked exactly like Herwin in her
head. Had Herwin been a twin brother, the imperial family would have
figured it out sooner.

Then they’re not twins.

‘Someone impersonating Daddy?’

This one was far more reliable than the previous two assumptions. Ybriel’s
expression grew serious.
“Grandpa, that person….”

“Hey, wasn’t it hard to come to the system? You’ll be tired, so let’s go inside!”
Meanwhile, Sigmund, who found Herwin, like Ebriel, exclaimed in an
exaggerated voice like an actor. Of course, he was pouring out arrogant swear
words on the inside.

‘Somehow, there were a lot of people, so there was a ceremony for


Herwin’s letter, which Sigmund delivered to Ybriel each time, was actually
written by Herwin before heading to Berak. This was possible because Ybriel
could not reply.

Therefore, there was no communication between Herwin, who was on the

battlefield, and Sigmund, who was staying at the tower. To be more precise,
it’s true that we couldn’t contact each other because we were busy with our

‘Damn, you don’t have to tell me you’re coming!’

If I had known that we would meet like this, I would have departed from the
tower later!

“There’s someone over there who looks just like your dad!”
Meanwhile, Ybriel exclaimed.

Sigmund’s eyes widened. It was after Ybriel had already recognized Herwin
to dispel the illusion.

“Oh, it can be! He must be in the East by now!”

Sigmund denies desperately and quickly turns Ybriel back.

“I was tired, so I guess I made a mistake. Come on in?”

At that moment, Ybriel pushed Sigmund away from behind and ran to the
front door of the mansion.

Ignoring Zed and Alon chasing from behind, Ybriel hurried out of

Then he made his way through the dense crowd and made his way closer to
the road.

Meanwhile, the improvement procession was getting closer and closer.

The first to notice Ybriel’s presence in the procession was Asiligo, who has a
keen sense of humor.

Even in the midst of deafening cheers and tens of thousands of scents, only
one person could be felt so clearly.


Assiligo suddenly looked around, and Oris asked. Asiligo scoured the crowd
with clear eyes, and answered slowly.

“The lady….”

“You seem to have a lady.”

Oris’s eyes grew as big as chestnuts.

“The little acorn the size of the acorn that came to me then? Is she here?”

Oris also began to watch the welcome crowd.

As the two men behind them were looking around, Herwin, who was leading
the way, also noticed the abnormality and raised his senses.

‘I did not live.’

But you can’t be reassured. It was a time when Herwin was vigilant in all

Why did the small voice sound like thunder?

Herwin reflexively pulled the reins and set up the procession.

Among the multitudes of people in India, clear silver hair caught my eye.

Their eyes met exactly.

Herwin stiffened.

Did I see it wrong? Why is my daughter here, who should be in the northern

Ybriel realized at the sight of Herwin’s expression that shook without mercy.

‘That’s Dad. It must be my father.’

Even Asiligo and Mercenary King Oris were standing behind him.

‘The king of mercenaries said that he had to do special training, and in a great

‘It was about wall repairs.’

The strange attitude that Sigmund and the knights had in the meantime. The
people who threw flowers into Solgren’s wagon. Eastern Berak. Asiligo and
the Mercenary King. The skulls of beasts lined up behind the procession….

As the puzzles were put together one by one, the air around Ybriel grew

‘Trick me?’

It wasn’t just a matter of the atmosphere, the temperature was really

dropping. Flesh ice began to form under Ybriel’s feet.

“Hey, calm down.”

Winter, who sensed that Mana was running wild, calmly stopped him.
Around that time, Herwin witnessed Ybriel’s expression chilling in real time.
It felt like blood was draining out.

He didn’t even think to move again, and he just stood there and looked at

As the triumphal procession stopped, the flower-throwers turned their heads

to follow Herwin’s gaze.

Soon after, he realized that the person he was looking at was a silver-haired
woman just like him, and began to applaud them to congratulate them on
their reunion.

“Thank you, Duke!”

“I’m glad you came back safely!”

Against the background of the noisy voices, people started offering flowers to
Ybriel as well.

As a sign of thanks, Ybriel pulled the corner of her lips together and smiled.
The eyes were not smiling at all.

Herwin wanted to jump off the horse at any moment and run to Ybriel. Now
was the only time to apologize and explain the situation.

But there were too many people watching.

It seemed that if he suddenly moved in the middle of this procession, the

multitude of people would push each other and hurt Ebriel.

While Herwin was helpless and bewildered, the two knights who came late
through the crowd protected Ybriel.

“Lady, are you okay?”

Instead of answering, Ybriel turned around. Herwin, who was sitting on the
horse, visibly flinched.

It was the perfect exterior.

“Oh, lady?”

Ybriel left them and walked away.

Zed and Alon shut their mouths when they saw that the place where Ybriel
had stood was completely frozen.

Because they were also involved in this lie.


While the two knights were stunned, Ybriel went back the way it had come.

“Eve, are you okay?”

Sigmund, who was waiting impatiently in front of the front door, asked a
question, but Ybriel did not answer even that, and quickly walked towards the


Ruby, who was waiting by Sigmund’s side, quickly followed after him.
Sigmund was unable to move from the shock.
‘Wow, our Eve…!’

The Archmage forgot about the body and hurriedly ran after him.

Now was the time to pay the price for the old lie.


Arriving at the Imperial Palace after passing the Whitewood Mansion,

Herwin only thought of Ybriel while Kaizen congratulated him.

“I’m so glad you came back safely, bro.”

“thank you.”
Emperor Kaizen gently hugged Herwin and whispered at the same time.

“You really deceived me.”

“Your Majesty taught me. Don’t reveal everything.”

Veins twitched on Kaizen’s forehead.

From a young age, Herwin used to easily accomplish what Kaizen had been
struggling with.
Don’t reveal everything you have.

I used to say that in the sense that I didn’t want to look good, so I was
squashed. I didn’t know it would come back like this.
I thought that if I twisted that neck right away, I would feel more
comfortable, but the pledge of protection caught my ankle.

He still needed the seat of the emperor. Not yet.

“You don’t think that you will be able to recruit the Central Nobles through

“You never know.”

Of course, he stubbornly resisted harsh words.

Kaizen smiled faintly, and Herwin also had a gentle smile, so no one noticed
the tension between the two.

“Berak has been restored, my brother!”

Contrary to what he was saying, Kaizen raised Herwin’s arm while
exclaiming with great joy.

The quiet applause of the nobles reverberated through the space.

After the emperor’s reign, a welcome banquet was prepared for the returned
But Herwin gave up everything and ran to the mansion. Because something
more important than a few bites of banquet food was waiting.
When he had just arrived at the mansion and reached the hallway where
Ybriel’s room was, he witnessed a very strange sight.

“Lady, lady?”
“Eve, can I talk to you for a moment? I was all wrong!”

Sigmund, Zed, Alon, and even Asiligo were clinging to the door like lost

Herwin swallowed dry saliva. He couldn’t even imagine the extent of Ybriel’s
Sigmund, who found him just in time, ran to him quickly.

“Hey, why aren’t you calling me? If there was an important event like the
triumphal ceremony, wouldn’t we have to say it!”

“sorry. I was busy returning home on schedule.”

“Hey, go quickly. Eve didn’t eat a single meal today. Come on, heal me!”
You haven’t eaten a single meal? Herwin’s complexion turned pale in an
Herwin approached the door and knocked carefully.

“Hey, Eve, it’s Dad.”


“Can I come in for a moment?”

Then, not Ybriel, but Lily’s small voice came back.

“He says no.”

Herwin’s eyes fluttered and trembled. He doesn’t even want to talk directly.
“Five minutes?”
“You say you don’t like it.”

“Three minutes?”
“He says he doesn’t like it either.”
Herwin’s face grew darker.

“Well, one minute?”

Then, in the room, Ybriel let out a deep sigh. Hearing-developed knights of
different races flinched at the same time.

“Yes, lady.”
Ybriel’s voice was so cold that everyone standing in the hallway flinched.

“It’s very noisy outside. Make sure no one comes near my room in the
Saying that, Ybriel swung the blanket around her.

‘Heh, where can I get a ride.’

It was the beginning of timid revenge.
Episode 114


Ybriel heard all the truth from Lily, who had been on the island all along.

‘The Duke suddenly became the commander of the recapture war, so I was
very worried. But the Duke said that he had recaptured Berak. Because I was
surprised too.’

Lily, who didn’t know anything, also seemed to feel betrayed.

Listening to Lily’s story, Ybriel recalled the day when Empress Seon was
taken to the Imperial Palace for an attempted poisoning case a long time ago.

‘At that time, the emperor didn’t just let me go.’

It was clear that he had let Ybriel go on condition that he was at the forefront
of the recapture fight. Somehow, I thought it would be easy to let go, but I
guess that kind of transaction happened behind the scenes.

Knowing the story, Ybriel understood Herwin’s feelings a little.

If you think that you are going out before recapture because of yourself, you
must have felt a lot of guilt.
Yes, I understand….

‘Anyway, you can still talk!’

Can not be done! I don’t understand!

The resentment of Ybriel, who had been deceived for a long time, was very
deep and deep.

Ybriel had been contemplating a way to avenge this revenge, and this was the
conclusion she came to.

“Eve, would you like to go for a walk together?”

“Eve, would you like to go for a walk together?”

A faint, timid knock was heard, but Ybriel didn’t move at all on the bed.

Ruby put her nose to the door and sniffed as if interested, but that was only
for a moment.

Herwin, who stood outside the door with a glimmer of hope, bowed his head
at the answer that never came back.

“Okay, let’s do it next time….”

Herwin’s weak voice could be heard, but Ybriel wrapped the blanket tighter.

It has been two days since Herwin returned. Meanwhile, Ybriel didn’t take a
step out of the room as if she didn’t want to see anyone.
The revenge of Ybriel’s choice was chipmunk. It was like giving back what
Herwin had never met before.
The hallway became silent again. But the silence did not last long.

“Eve, our granddaughter. Are you resting?”

Next came Sigmund.

“Hmm, this grandmother bought the most delicious dessert on the island, but
there is no one to eat with.”

Sigmund spoke in a gentle voice that did not suit his harsh impression.


Sigmund, realizing that he had no intention of eating with Ybriel, stuttered

back like a puppy in the rain.

Next came Zed and Alon.

“Girl, aren’t you bored when you’re just in your room? I’ve come across a
very cool card game.”

As soon as the story of the card game came out, Ybriel threw the pillow at
the door. Startled by the sound of puck, Zed curled his tail and backed away.

“Sin, sorry!”
“So, let’s not talk about cards…!”

Alon’s squeak could be heard faintly through the crack in the door, and then
went away.
And silence came again. Ybriel threw the pillow and sharpened her teeth.

“These liars….”

Was it all in one go?

It’s disgusting. It’s very detestable!

Ybriel picked up a snowberry after a long time.

It would be a mistake to think that Snowberry was terrified.

“Hey, why are you hiding it!”

A white butterfly sat on the forehead of Ybriel, who was running wild as she
ripped off the doll. A cool sensation spread, and the heat on the right side

As her head grew cold, Ybriel felt slightly embarrassed that she was angry
with herself.
“Hmm, thank you.”

It flew lightly like a butterfly greeting. Ruby twitched his beard, not liking that
“So how long are you going to stay in the room?”

At Winter’s question, Ybriel blinked.

“… I do not know.”

In fact, Ybriel’s feelings were closer to sadness towards Herwin than to anger.

Why the hell did you get better, why didn’t you tell me, why did you choose
to go out in a dangerous recapture battle without revealing your name….

“I feel like I’m suddenly angry again.”


Winter, who was trying to ease Ybriel’s mood, sighed when he realized that
his attempt had failed.

Butterflies fluttered around Ybriel.

“But baby, if it’s a secret, you have it too.”

At the end of winter, Ybriel was quiet for a moment.

Obviously, Ybriel had many things hidden from Herwin. Whether it’s a
regression, or a business behind the scenes….

Ebriel’s eyes fluttered when she realized that she wasn’t proud.

“Damn, well, it was all for Dad and Solgren!”

“right. But if you look at it that way, your father must have felt the same

At Winter’s gentle persuasion, Ybriel’s expression darkened.

They hide from each other with the same heart. After realizing that, I felt a
little relieved.

Then someone knocked on the door neatly. A sharp edge stood in Ybriel’s
eyes. Who else is this time?


The main character of the low voice was Asiligo.

Ybriel was a little shaky, but then quickly turned her head.

In order to appease Ybriel, many people in the mansion unraveled the truth
that had not been asked until now through the cracks in the door. Among
them was the news of Asiligo.

It was reported that Asiligo was active in the recapture battle with the
Mercenary King while he was at the horse tower.

In the end, it meant that Asiligo also knew the truth about Herwin’s body.

‘Only I didn’t know, only me!’

Ybriel only ripped open the quilt.

While Ybriel remained silent, Asiligo, who was standing outside the door, let
out a soft voice.

“I kept my promise.”

As if that was all he had to say, Asiligo’s voice could no longer be heard.

Ybriel understood what he meant.

‘I told you not to get hurt before.’

Suddenly, the skulls of the giant beasts I saw in the procession came to mind.
Since his skull was bigger than most wagons, it must have been a much bigger
beast than the serpent he had seen in the sea off Yangyatap.
It suddenly felt like a miracle that I came back alive after dealing with such
things. It was even more so when I thought of Herwin, who had died between
a demon and a toxin before returning to time.

Suddenly, my eyes got hot.

sniff In the end, Ybriel could not bear it and cried a little.

Meanwhile, Asiligo, who stood quietly outside the door without leaving,
promptly caught the sound of Ybriel weeping.

Asiligo blinked quickly. I didn’t hear it wrong.

“Why, why?”

Ybriel didn’t know it, but beside the door, Herwin and Sigmund, as well as
Asiligo, were standing outside.

Sigmund, who was trying to relieve Ybriel’s mood with Aciligo, was
bewildered when he saw the stiff Asiligo.

“… The lady is crying.”

The archmage’s expression collapsed like a sand castle.

“We, our granddaughter, cry…?”

Sigmund looked back in panic.

Herwin, pale-faced, stiffened as if he had become a stone statue. Sigmund ran

and slapped Herwin in the back.
“Hey boy, what are you going to do?”

Herwin put his hand on the doorknob with a look of helplessness.

“Eve, can I come in for a moment?”

Permission did not fall, but Herwin simply turned the knob. There was a lock
on the door, but when Herwin applied a little more force, it broke with a
Herwin entered cautiously through the helplessly open door.

Despite knowing that he had come in, Ybriel didn’t get up with a blanket over


Herwin was a little relieved that the words to get out didn’t come back, and he
quietly sat down on Ybriel’s bed.

“I’m sorry for lying. I thought you’d be concerned if you knew. As you know,
my body wasn’t in good shape. It used to be.”

Ybriel concentrated on Herwin’s calm voice under the blanket. To say it

wasn’t good ‘in the past’ means it’s fine now.

With a growing sense of betrayal, Ybriel got up and kicked the blanket.
Herwin looked at Ybriel in surprise.
“Do you know what it feels like to be deceived by the whole world?”

“Mi, I’m sorry.”

Herwin reflexively apologized. Ybriel glared at Herwin with wide-eyed eyes.

“Since when?”
The question was, when did your health improve?

“Since the curtain almost tore….”

It was much earlier than Ybriel had expected.

As the daughter’s expression grew worse and worse, Herwin averted her eyes
little by little.
‘I wasn’t so scared when I was dealing with a group of beasts in Berak….’

Herwin gently rubbed his sweaty palms on his knees.

“I thought it would be advantageous to gather forces if we got Verak back. I
was sure of that.”

“look. You came back safely.”

Herwin raised his arms as if he was fine.

From the time she returned to time, Ybriel’s foremost goal was to prevent
Herwin’s death.
And now, Herwin was in a state of good health enough to bring back the land
of Berak full of demons.
Ybriel’s expression gradually softened.
“… Don’t ever lie to me again.”

“Of course.”
“You can’t even cheat.”

“I will never do that.”

After that, Ybriel had told her not to deceive her five more times, and Herwin
had to swear she would never do it.
Sigmund, Asiligo, and the other two escort knights, who were watching, also
sneaked in and offered a word of apology.

After being relieved by Herwin’s repeated apologies, Ybriel decided to take

care of everyone once in a while.

After reconciliation, Ybriel finally saw Herwin’s face properly.

Not much has changed for Herwin in these years.

‘No, it looks like your face is a little off.’

He said he had returned safely, but it would not have been an easy life.
Herwin was also looking at Ybriel.
Liatris looked hazy on Ybriel’s face, who had turned seventeen.

Seeing her grown daughter, he realized how much time he had lost.
“… You’ve grown a lot in my absence, Eve.”
Episode 115

Herwin’s eyes deepened.

He couldn’t delay any longer. It was time to reclaim what was stolen from the

Honor, status, and even his mother.

“Ebriel, I want to make you full of good things, but….”

Ybriel looked at Herwin. He looked very sorry.

“For the time being, dangerous things may happen to you and me.”

As I said back, the truth is, obviously, bad things were going to happen.
“Is it dangerous?”

At the sudden remark, Ybriel was nervous. Herwin squeezed the knuckle of
his other hand with his thumb.

“I’m going to ask for a lottery ticket in return for reclaiming the eastern
lottery ticket. Ybriel pondered the word for a moment, then opened her
mouth slightly.

Herwin Solgren lost the castle of the former imperial family. So, to regain

“The next time I enter the palace, I plan to ask the Emperor to return the
castle of Willnarion.”
Ybriel took a deep breath. The return of the imperial castle had many

From the Duke of Solgren to Wilnarion again, he intends to return to the

status of Prince of Veloiton.

“I’ve brought back that hellish land, but it’s not enough to stop the attempted
poisoning of Empress Seon.”

Ybriel looked at Herwin and Sigmund in surprise.

It had already been talked about between the two of them, so Sigmund didn’t
show any signs of surprise.

Herwin smiled faintly, as if trying to relieve the heavy atmosphere.

“don’t worry. No matter what happens, I will protect you.”

But Ybriel couldn’t laugh.

‘There will be a political battle in earnest.’

It was a future planned for Herwin and foreseen for Ybriel.

Crown Prince Tezeric’s Taeyang eyes and divine beasts are both fake.

And that the Emperor has something to do with darkness, and that the
Empress Seon is tied up in the northern tower as if imprisoned.

‘If Dad wants to find Willnarion’s castle again, it’s advantageous to tell him all
the facts.’

If the imperial injustice and the Crown Prince’s legitimacy were revealed to
be false, it would be easier to win the support of the nobles.

And that was certainly provoking the emperor. There will be an assassination
threat that cannot be compared to before.

‘Daddy, even if you say you are well, would you be okay?’
As Ybriel’s face darkened, Herwin thought her daughter was anxious and
explained again.

“I’ll make sure you’re not in danger, Eve.”

He swore to himself and to his daughter here.

There was no need to suppress the power he had any longer. Now Herwin
could do anything to protect Ybriel.

At that moment, Ybriel bit her lip and shook her head.
“… Wrong.”

While Herwin was puzzled, Ybriel opened her lips with a determined face.

“That’s not what you have to tell me.”

After Herwin was silent for a moment, Ybriel added.

“Follow me. I won’t hurt you.”

“… Won’t you get hurt?”

Herwin followed Ybriel’s words with a bewildered look. Ybriel spoke again.

“I promise you will come back safely.”

It was then that Herwin realized that he was the one Ybriel was worried

He felt like he was about to cry.

It must be a kind of inertia for Ybriel to be so concerned about his well-

being. It was his mistake of sitting helplessly on the sickbed for a long time.

“… I promise you will come back safely, our star candy.”

Then, Ybriel smiled with moist eyes.

“When was the enemy’s nickname, that?”

“But it still suits you.”

Herwin smiled and hugged Ybriel.

hello. Sigmund, who had been watching quietly, turned his head for nothing.
No one knew that the archmage’s eyes had turned red for a moment.
In Herwin’s arms, Ybriel suddenly made eye contact with Ruby, who was
sitting in one of the rooms.

The white-haired cat was gently waving its tail. As I watched it, a thought
crossed my mind.

‘If my father regains Willnarion’s castle and it is known that I am the one who
possesses the real divine beast….’

What about the Crown Prince, Tezeric?

When he remembered the boy’s eyes he had seen for the last time, Ybriel felt
a bit far away from his feet.


It was the next day that Herwin returned to the Imperial Palace.

Ybriel couldn’t hide her uneasy look all morning. Ebriel was wandering
around the room, Asiligo followed quietly with her eyes.

Ybriel stopped abruptly and looked out the window.

“I think it’s going to rain.”

The sky outside the window was all gray.

The bad weather seemed like a bad omen, so Ybriel couldn’t let go of her

The commotion happened suddenly.


“Can you?”

It was Kanya who suddenly came into Ybriel’s room.

Kanya rushed to Ybriel without stopping. Asiligo, who had already known
that it was Kanya by way of a sign, did not block the approach.

“Girl, when did you come? I really, really miss you! You don’t know how
much I’ve missed you You are very welcome. Haha, you’re not going back,
are you? That can’t be!”

Kanya poured out the pushed horses like a waterfall while she was in Ybriel’s

“Okay, okay, can you speak a little slower?”

Kanya, who turned 16 this year, still kept her short hair.

The only difference was the size. Kanya was a span taller than the last time
Ybriel saw her. Considering your age, you will continue to grow taller in the

“how have you been?”

“Have a great time! How are you?”

I know it’s a rude thought, but Kanya was like a puppy waiting for its owner
to return.

“You had a great time.”

Ybriel unconsciously tapped Kanya’s head. Kanya laughed softly.

“Well, it’s a business word.”


Come to think of it, I remembered asking Timonel for Kanya before entering
the tower.
“Have you ever worked for Euroon? how was it?”

When Ybriel asked, Kanya’s expression became mysterious.

“Um, that’s it.”

As Kanya, who was reckless, couldn’t speak at once as usual, the smile
gradually faded from Ybriel’s face.

“Did you happen to have an accident?”

“yes? No, no!”

Kanya hastily denied it.

“It’s not that the business is so….”


Kanya closed her eyes tightly as if embarrassed.

“It’s so good!”

Yes? Ybriel was taken aback by the unexpected words.

“Come on, tell me more.”

Kanya’s story that followed was surprising.

“Doubled sales above Euro?”

“Hehe, I just happened to be.”

In just two years, at the age of 16, how can you make your business double
your sales?

Ybriel couldn’t believe it.

“We still have a lot to learn, but we can do better in the future!”

Ebriel looked at Kanya, who was shouting bravely, with an unfamiliar face.
‘Your business is right for you. thank god.’

It is Ebriel who benefited from the knowledge before the return, but Kanya
was the result of working solely with her own strength from the beginning.

Kanya, who had grown up to be a full-fledged person, was very proud of her,
so Ybriel stroked Kanya’s head again.


“Good job, Kanya. the best.”

Kanya’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

Asiligo, who had remained silent until then, stared intently at the two of them
without realizing it.
Ybriel’s soft hand ruffled Kanya’s hair gently. Asiligo’s eyes captured the
scene very slowly.
The sound of the rustling of his hair touched his sensitive ears.
Feeling the tenacious gaze, Ybriel turned her head toward him.

“You know, what do you have to say?”


Instead of opening her mouth immediately, Asiligo blinked once. It didn’t

look like he was panicking, but it looked like he was hesitating about

“what’s the matter?”

When Ybriel asked again, he hesitated and opened his mouth.

“… It is.”
The voice was so low that Ybriel couldn’t hear it properly.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.”

“I kept it.”

But the next words were missing something. Ybriel, who still did not
understand, tilted her head, and Asiligo tilted her head slightly and looked to
the side.

“… I kept my promise.”
The knight’s ears were red when he said that.

‘So now.’
Are you asking me to praise you for keeping your promise?

Ybriel desperately straightened her expression so as not to laugh. In any case,

when you look at it like this, you look like siblings.
“Come on.”

At Ybriel’s words, Asiligo approached as if waiting, and bowed his head. It

looked like a very large dog was lowering its body to the child.

Ybriel, who didn’t know that the compliment he was hoping for was stroking
her hair just like Kanya, finally burst out laughing.

Ybriel playfully ruffled the hair of the two siblings. Kanya let out a light
scream. Meanwhile, the anxiety gradually subsided.

‘Yeah, it’ll be fine.’

Ybriel struggled to read her heart.


The air cooler than Solgren’s midwinter lingered in the audience room. The
sky outside the window was dark as if it was going to rain at any moment.
“… I want you to return ‘Wilnarion’.”
At Herwin’s request, Kaizen did not hide his discomfort.

“I think it’s the most reasonable price for getting Verak back.”
Herwin felt a vast amount of magical power that he could not have imagined.
It was hard to believe that he had been hiding such a power until now.

“Are you going to try it?”

“What is wrong must be corrected.”

All the shadows in the space wriggled. However, Herwin did not give in to the
life that was strangled by the neck.
“I heard what happened in the church.”

It is referring to the fact that the Crown Prince’s divine beast was found to be
fake. Kaizen grabbed the handle of the throne as if to break it.

“Isn’t it full of spirituality for saving your daughter’s life?”

“You must know better than anyone else that you are framed.”

He did not know that Kaizen was the leading cause of the incident. Herwin’s
cold eyes looked straight at him.
“I will give you one last chance, Your Majesty. Admit all the facts and step
Kaizen felt an unbearable humiliation.

Why is that better than me? I am the emperor The greatest of all is me. But
why? Even though I got ‘that power’!
Like a flaming fuse, a narrow air current swept through his feet. It felt like
something was about to explode.
Herwin tightened his muscles. The emperor’s sun eyes were strangely bright.
A certain sense of crisis burned down the back of my head that maybe I
could have a bad month here.

The hour hand of the clock was slowly approaching four o’clock. Time
seemed to go by very slowly.
And it was the moment when the second hand counted the last of three
bang! A roar rang out.

Kaizen and Herwin turned their heads at the same time.

A huge flame was seen rising from the northern tower of the Imperial Palace.
Herwin’s complexion turned white.
The northern pagoda was the residence of Empress Seon.
Episode 116

“What else did you do to your mother!”

Herwin, pale-faced, shouted fiercely.

The emperor, who faced him, shut his mouth with a hardened face. That
explosion wasn’t what he did.
Who dares? The sun, immersed in thought, burned coolly.

Kaizen suddenly realized that he could not feel the shadow he had planted on
Empress Seon.
When I checked again, the spell had been released. Kaizen’s expression slowly

You can’t break the spell with just that explosion. Someone had cut off his
alcohol with holy water or holy water containing Shia’s power. Kaizen’s eyes
fluttered slightly.

While Kaizen was lost in thought, Herwin’s patience came to an end.

Without asking Kaizen’s permission to retreat, he ran out of the audience and
ran towards the north tower.

Kaizen neither stopped him nor stopped him.

‘Someone stole my mother.’

It seemed as if his eyes were turning dark red. Anger engulfed his entire
body. Black scales began to sprout from beneath his skin, which was unable
to control his power.

‘Find those who took my mother.’

With a single command, all the shadows in the space swayed like waves on
the surface of the water.


The sound of the tower collapsing could be heard all the way to the
Whitewood mansion.

It was enough to hear not only Kanya and Asiligo, who have sensitive senses,
but also Ybriel.

Asiligo reflexively blocked in front of Ybriel and listened. direction to the

palace. The sound of something breaking and burning.

“It was just….”

“It’s an explosion. I heard it from the Imperial Palace side.”


At Asiligo’s words, Ybriel’s complexion turned pale at once.

I hurriedly looked out the window and saw smoke as black as dark clouds
rising from the imperial palace in the distance.

After confirming that the explosion was in the northern tower, Ybriel grew
tired of pale.

That’s Empress Seon, His Majesty’s residence!

Besides, there is Herwin in the Imperial Palace now.

‘What if Dad got involved in that explosion? No, what if the explosion was
aimed at Dad in the first place?’

The thought stopped at that point.

When he came to his senses, Ybriel had already run out of the room and was
running. Asiligo followed closely behind.

Sigmund, who came out after confirming the same disturbance in the room,
found Ybriel and called her name.
Ybriel looked at Sigmund with a pale face.

“Grandpa, there is an explosion in the Imperial Palace…!”

“I heard the sound. Are you going to the Imperial Palace?”

“Yes, right now!”

Sigmund looked at Asiligo standing behind Ybriel. It was a trend to follow.

“I’ll find your father, so don’t do anything dangerous.”

Sigmund snapped his fingers right after that, and the three of them
disappeared in an instant in the mansion.

When they opened their eyes again, Ybriel, Sigmund, and Asiligo were
standing in the middle of the palace garden.

In principle, you can’t use magic in the palace, but Sigmund lightly ignored
the principle.

In the first place, in such a chaotic situation, no one would have the mind to
Ybriel looked around, coughing at the ashes flying all the way to the garden.

As seen from afar, the location of the explosion was the North Tower. I could
see the guards and knights running around screaming and running.
The tower was miserable. All the walls were torn off, and there were sparks
from every window. Sigmund wrinkled his brow without mercy.

“If he had confirmed the explosion, he would have gone to the North Tower.
I’ll go over there, Eve, you stay here for a while.”

“Hey, I’m going too!”

“no! Strictly speaking, we entered the Imperial Palace without permission.

There is nothing good about drawing attention.”

Ybriel paused. Just as they were framed for attempted poisoning in the past,
this explosion may be the emperor’s trap.

“Stay here. Don’t come back soon.”

When Sigmund spoke clearly, Ybriel could not go any further.

Sigmund blinked at Asiligo as if to keep him safe. Seeing Asiligo nodding his
head, Sigmund began to run busily.

“Huh, Heo Eok, should I run at this age…?!”

The scenery in front of the northern tower that arrived with complaints was

Debris of buildings destroyed by the explosion were scattered everywhere,

and the flames soared uncontrollably.

The imperial wizards poured water on the blazing fire with magic, but the
situation did not improve.

Sigmund frowned at the rude response.

“These rice bowls, there is a fire, are you bringing water with a spoon?”

It was said that evolution was not so bad.

He pulled out the staff with a frustrated face and pounded the floor once.

Then, water started gushing out from the spot Sigmund took down.

“Go, thank you!”

The wizards who expressed their gratitude drew and used his water source.
Sigmund clicked his tongue once and found the person.

At the same time, maids presumed to be serving Empress Seon were gathered

“Has your Majesty, Empress Seon, evacuated?”

“That’s ….”

The complexions of the maids became as white as a piece of paper. That look
alone was enough of an answer.
Sigmund sighed.


At that moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind me.


It was Herwin with a surprised expression on his face.

Sigmund quickly looked at him. Other than that there was soot on his cheek,
he didn’t look bad.

Herwin frowned faintly as if thinking about something, then looked around


“Is Eve also here?”

“Yeah, I brought it.”

Herwin was speechless. To bring Ybriel to this dangerous place.

Even though Ybriel had mastered magic, she was still a young daughter in his
eyes. In particular, I did not want to come to this palace where the emperor

Because every time I feel like I shouldn’t be here….

“Where are you now?”

When Herwin asked urgently, Sigmund waved his hand.

“There is no need to worry because the knight is by your side.”

“Are you Asiligo?”

Sigmund nodded, and Herwin calmed down a bit. Sigmund was surprised by
the reassuring response.

“He looks pretty strong.”

Herwin did not deny it. If I had to pick the people who contributed the most
to the last battle of the recapture of Berak, except for him, it was the
mercenary kings Oris and Asiligo.

Herwin knew the extent of Asiligo’s inaction by seeing it firsthand. Any

enemy will not even be an opponent.

“What happened?”
Sigmund asked, gesturing to the burning tower. Flames shone in Herwin’s
golden eyes.

“While talking to the Emperor, suddenly an explosion occurred in the North

“Is that what he did?”

Herwin didn’t respond right away.

For the emperor’s work, the face he had seen in the audience caught his mind.
Kaizen shook as if something really ‘unexpected’ had happened.

“It doesn’t seem like it.”

“No? Then who would do this….”

That was something Herwin was curious about. Who made the imperial
palace and the residence of the Empress Seon like this?

Suddenly, Sigmund felt strange and looked at Herwin. His mother might be in
the flames, but Herwin didn’t seem too impatient.
“… Did his Majesty the Empress Dowager evacuate safely?”

“that is.”
As if to confirm, Herwin’s eyes turned to the top of the burning tower. He
lowered his voice and whispered.
“You are gone.”

“I went inside and the room was empty, so I thought you would be outside,
but I can’t find it anywhere.”

Sigmund looked back at the soot on Herwin’s cheek. When I asked where he
was buried, it seemed that he had already overturned the flames once.
Herwin’s face looking up at the tower looked complicated.

If there were no bodies, and no one had ever seen anyone come out, there was
only one case that could be conjectured.

“I think someone took my mother out of the tower.”

That was then. When everyone in the Imperial Palace is focused on the North

A second explosion occurred.


Kwagwang! As soon as the roar was heard, Asiligo protected Ebriel as if
hugging him.

“Are you okay?”

“Is that just the northern tower?”

At Ybriel’s words, Asiligo’s eyes moved busily. It wasn’t the North Tower.
After confirming where his gaze was headed, Ybriel stopped her mouth. The
place where Asiligo’s eyes pointed was none other than the Crown Prince’s
‘Your Majesty’s Majesty!’

A thick plume of smoke rose from the place where Tezeric was, mixing black
with the dark clouds. Ybriel gripped the hem of Asiligo’s robe.

As the building continued to collapse, loud and small noises echoed in my

For this to happen twice in the Imperial Palace, Ybriel couldn’t figure out
what the hell it was.
‘Think about it later. Now tell me….’

Ybriel ran out of the garden and quickly ran towards the palace. Sigmund’s
words to wait for him came to mind, but he did not stop walking.

‘help me.’
As he said that, Tezeric’s face lit up. My heart was beating as fast as it ran.
All the imperial wizards that could currently evolve were concentrated in the
northern tower. The building is also collapsing, so if you run like this, you
will be late.
‘Is there no way? way….’

Ybriel looked up at the sky.

‘If it even rains….’
The fire might be extinguished a little. It was the moment Ybriel thought to
“Would you like to try it?”

Winter, which had been quiet all along, has awakened.


“You said you wanted it to rain.”

The pattern of winter branches shone on the back of his hand. He said it as
clearly as winter convinces him.

“You have to take control of the weather. As if the cold had stopped.”
Several times in the past, Ybriel has changed the weather in Solgren as she
has stopped the cold.
However, it was only possible with the help of winter branches. The ice mana
that forms the winter branch cannot handle rain. Therefore, raining here now
had to be done entirely with Ybriel’s power.
‘Except when the cold weather has come, I’ve never touched the weather.’

Ybriel could not yet believe in her own power.

“Hey, you could do it. You are the wizard of the ninth door.”
Thanks to the encouragement of winter, Ybriel took out the winter branches.
Mana circled around the heart like a whirlwind.

‘okay. I’ve even tried freezing the sea, but what can’t you do?’
Ybriel grabbed the winter branch tightly.
“Try to make the clouds heavier and heavier. No more floating in the sky.”

Winter abstractly explained. But Ybriel seemed to know how to put those
words into practice.

Ybriel stopped walking and closed her eyes. All of my senses were focused
on the sky.
Asiligo watched Ebriel, who stopped suddenly and took out a winter branch,
And after a while, the knight’s senses came to a standstill. It felt like
something was rubbing against my skin. It wasn’t the wind.
It was a strange feeling, as if the sun was shining on it or the waves seemed to
come in.

It was around the time that Asiligo could vaguely guess the reality.

Something cold touched his forehead.

Asiligo lifted her head and looked up at the sky.

Raindrops were falling one by one. The thin raindrops got thicker and
stronger, and then the skin became so strong that it stinged.

“Okay, really good!”

Ybriel cheered.
It was then that Asiligo realized that the rain was the work of Ybriel.
Ybriel started running again. The knight erased his bewilderment and
followed him.
Episode 117


The rain that began to fall suddenly reached Sigmund and Herwin as well.
Herwin looked up at the sky with a curious expression. Sigmund was also
noticing that the falling raindrops were somehow strange.
“It doesn’t come naturally.”

“no way….”
Intervening in the great nature of the weather is only possible with the wizard
who opened the ninth door.

And the ninth wizard Sigmund was well acquainted with was now in this
imperial palace.

“Papa, I’ll have to find Eve quickly.”

Sigmund busily teased his feet.

There was no one in the Imperial Palace garden that I first visited. Sigmund
had no difficulty guessing why Ybriel had suddenly disappeared.

“There was a second explosion in the direction of the fetus. He seems to have
gone there.”

Herwin immediately turned around. If he went to the place where the

explosion occurred, Ybriel could be in danger.
Sigmund and Herwin, who rushed to the palace in a hurry, found Ybriel
standing in the rain.

Ybriel was looking at the womb without even knowing that her body was wet.
In the pouring rain, only the corners of Ybriel’s eyes were red. Herwin ran
straight away, seeing something in danger.

Herwin’s voice was heard from behind, but Ybriel didn’t look back. There
was no sound in my ears.

The force of the flame was suppressed by summoning rain, but from the
moment it exploded, the palace was completely collapsed.

As soon as Ybriel arrived, she borrowed the power of winter to check every
corner of the burning area. However, no matter how many times I looked, I
could not feel the existence of a living person.

My eardrums sounded like my heart was beating right next to my ears.

Did the emperor throw him away because of a fake divine beast?

‘no. If you were going to deal with it, you should have seen the end two years
ago when you returned from the Kingdom.’

The emperor covered the events that took place in the kingdom. It means that
the existence of the Crown Prince was still necessary.

But to put it another way, it meant that the prince could be killed at any time
when his use was exhausted.

In contemplation, Ybriel looked at the dark remnants of the burnt-down

Crown Prince’s palace. My body, which had become cold from the rain,
began to tremble.

‘Really, are you dead?’

Asiligo, who was standing by, took off his robe and put it on Ybriel’s
shoulder. Herwin, who ran, pulled Ybriel, who was trembling, into her arms
and hugged him.


“I get it.”

Despite calling his name, Sigmund knew what Herwin wanted.

Immediately after, magic was activated from Sigmund’s fingertips. Your

figure disappeared like being washed in the rain.


I don’t know if it was because of the change in the weather, the shock of a
series of explosions, or whether it was raining for a long time, but Ybriel fell
ill with a low fever upon returning to the mansion.

It had been a full day before Ybriel woke up from a deep sleep to recover.

In that short time, great chaos came to the empire.

The serial bombings at the Imperial Palace in Veloyton were unprecedented.

Various newspapers and gossips of the Empire were flooded with reports of
content that stimulated anxiety every day. As the culprit who caused the
explosion could not be identified, the fear of the people of the Empire grew
without knowing the end.

After waking up, Ybriel went through dozens of newspapers every day to
make sure there was no news. They were nothing much different.

“Lily, any other news?”

Lily, who brought the newspaper, looked at Ybriel with worried eyes. Lately,
Ybriel has been unable to sleep.
“It’s all the same story.”

“The North Tower and the Crown Prince’s Palace collapsed, does it make
sense that we still don’t know who the culprit is?”

“There are rumors that it was the work of a cultist, but….”

Even that is not certain. He said that he would send a person to investigate,
but it would take quite some time to get to the Empire.

“Girl, it will be fine.”


While Ybriel was rummaging through the papers with meaningless answers,
Lily arranged the letters that had come to her on the table.

‘I can think of two cases that the body was not found.’

The power of the explosion was so strong that no remains were left, or it was
still alive somewhere.

‘The Crown Prince knows the secret passage well, so he may have sneaked
out of the palace.’

But if that’s the case, shouldn’t it be that you’re still alive? Why doesn’t it
show up?

Too many thoughts made my head dizzy.

Lily, who had finished cleaning up around that time, quietly closed the door
and left. Ybriel looked at the stack of letters neatly laid out on the table.

After the recapture of Berak, Solgren’s status has risen remarkably, and
naturally, more and more people are trying to connect with Princess Ybriel of

‘I’ve been getting so many greetings that I’ve been sick with a little fever.’

He didn’t look pretty because his nerves were sharp.

Ybriel opened the letters one by one on the spot, and threw everything she
didn’t like into the fireplace.

“What has come so much?”

Then, all of a sudden, Ybriel found a letter that stood out among the piles of

It was exceptionally white paper, bound with red yarn to make it stand out.

The sender was not written on it, but seeing that the letter had a different
weight to it, it seemed that there was something other than paper inside.

Ybriel immediately untied the thread and opened the envelope.


Inside, a necklace came out along with a few letters. It was a necklace set
with a small emerald in the shape of a water droplet.

Seeing the shiny object, Ruby approached with her eyes shining. Ybriel began
to read the letter, clutching it tightly to keep Ruby from biting the necklace.

[I don’t know when the princess will read this letter, but I hope she wasn’t too
surprised by my news.]

Ybriel’s eyes widened. We exchanged letters frequently, so I definitely

remembered them.

This was Tezeric’s handwriting.

Ybriel hurriedly read the text below.

[Explosives are too radical a means, but it was the only way to get Empress
Seon’s majesty outside. If the palace is completely destroyed, the chase will
be delayed as we fix it.]

A shocking sentence followed.

‘Is the explosion caused by Your Majesty yourself?’

It felt like being hit in the back of the head.

‘Yeah, I thought the security of the imperial palace was breached too easily.’

Installing an explosive enough to blow up an entire palace requires a lot of

money and requires considerable manpower and time.

If the Crown Prince himself had organized this work, it would have been
possible. Ybriel quickly began to scan the lower row with her eyes.


“It’s cloudy.”

Tezeric, who looked out the window, muttered.

“Ugh, that damn skirt.”

Whether the prince did it or not, Nero nervously kicked the hem of his maid’s

“Doesn’t the firepower weaken when it rains?”

“Worry. Even if it rains, it will explode.”

Tezeric looked around his room. The smell of oil sprinkled on the floor stung
my nostrils.

In a box piled up in one corner, there were layers of explosives that were
greatly enhanced by magic.
The moment the oil caught fire, the room would disappear without a trace.

“The entrance of Duke Solgren has been confirmed.”

At Nero’s words, Tezeric’s eyes softened.

The moment the Emperor faced the Duke of Solgren was the right time to

Tezeric moved without hesitation.

Over the past two years, the plan has been meticulously revised over and over

He neutralized all the personnel guarding the tower, and it was not
uncommon for him to reach Azerian’s room.

Azerian, who was sitting in the room, was not surprised to see Thezeric
suddenly intruded. Because the two have already been in contact.
“Excuse me, Your Majesty.”

Shortly thereafter, Tezeric poured holy water over Azerian’s shadow.

Then, in the shadows, something like a beast howled. It was wriggling and
trying to jump out, but in the end, it couldn’t hold it any longer and was
scattered in the air as black ashes.

“… It is so simple.”
Azerian watched the disappearance of the shadow that had been watching
him with a blank face.

“Time is running out to get out of the palace.”

“I can leave right now.”

Azerian was already dressed in comfortable running clothes. Tezeric nodded

and sent Azerian out of the room first.
The moment after Nero, who was standing outside, disappeared down the
stairs with Azerian, Tezeric threw the oil lamp hanging in the hallway into the
room where Azerian was staying.
The fire spread quickly, followed by an explosion.


[I plan to go to the south with Empress Seon and Her Majesty. And I’ll make
everything right there.]

Ybriel reached the last paragraph of the letter.

[The necklace sent with the letter is enchanted. If the jewel on that necklace
breaks, it means something has happened to me, so don’t ever come south.]
Although he didn’t explain what kind of magic it was, Ybriel vaguely realized
that the jewel on the necklace had something to do with Tezeric’s life.

[Then I hope you are safe until we meet again.]

After reading the letter to the end, Ybriel paused for a moment. It seems that
Tezeric thought Ybriel was in the tower and sent this letter to the Isles
Ybriel took a deep breath.

“… was alive.”
A feeling of relief came rushing in like a wave, and Ybriel floundered in her
seat. The startled Ruby backed away, ran back to her and snuggled up next to
“Oh, my God. was alive! Ruby!”

Ybriel suddenly hugged Ruby tightly. Ruby’s eyes widened in a hug.

Ybriel read the letter again with a look like she was about to cry.

‘Southern. You said you were going south.’

A specific location is not mentioned, but it is possible that the situation went
to Caswither, the empress’s family.
‘I don’t have a good relationship with South Korea, so I have to think about
other possibilities.’
There was only one person he could turn to for help to ascertain exactly
where Tezeric had taken Empress Sun.

“I’m going to Wizardton Street, but avoid Rose Park and Hillbone Bridge.”
The best information merchant in the Empire, it was Nero, the King of
Episode 118


Ybriel, who had been in the room in a depressed state for several days,
suddenly declared to go out.

“Do you remember the tavern we went to last time?”

“Yes, I remember.”

“I will go there. Asiligo and me. quietly.”

Asiligo frowned slightly. Just the two of us going out ‘quietly’.

“Why do you have to sneak out?”

Instead of explaining it to Asiligo, Ybriel showed him Tezeric’s letter.

After confirming all the contents, Asiligo was silent for a moment. Again, the
Crown Prince, with him.

“You have to find your sire. If you only think about the southern part, the
scope is too wide. We will be able to meet only if we borrow Nero’s power.”

Asiligo’s gaze passed over Ybriel’s neck.

It was the first necklace I had ever seen. It seemed to be the necklace
described in the letter.

Asiligo felt a bit strange. I didn’t know why, but it seemed oddly unpleasant.
Suddenly, he questioned his own thoughts.
Displeased, the knight dares to tell the owner?
When Asiligo was lost in thought and did not answer, Ybriel hurriedly added.

“I will go to my father and grandfather and explain. You know what it’s like
outside right now.”

Now that it is unclear which force installed the explosives in the palace, there
was also Solgren’s name amidst speculation.

After the Empress Seon was evacuated, the tower was destroyed, followed by
the removal of the Crown Prince with the sun’s eyes.
The fact that Herwin had asked for the return of Willnarion’s last name also
spread implicitly in social circles, spurring rumors.
Solgren’s movements were being watched.

For this reason, Ybriel was planning to tell the truth after confirming the
whereabouts of Tezeric.

Asiligo looked down at Ybriel with a desperate expression on her face.

“… I will follow you.”

Asiligo had no choice from the beginning.

On the way, the two of them secretly escaped out of the mansion through the
fireplace late at night.

“I’m going to Wizardton Street, but avoid Rose Park and Hillbone Bridge.”

However, the moment she arrived in front of the tavern, Ybriel was faced
with an unexpected situation.

“A break?”

A ‘Closed’ sign hung on the door of the store. I tried turning the handle a few
times, but it was still locked.

“What happened?”
“There seems to be no one there.”

Confusion spread across Ybriel’s face. I looked inside the store through the
window, but I couldn’t see anyone.

“Isn’t it strange? The shop is closed, so why did the carriage bring us here?”

When Ybriel was in doubt, the answer came out from behind without

“Because I told you to bring it.”

At the sudden voice, Asiligo and Ybriel turned around at the same time.

From the shadow of the alley, a man with a deep hood was walking out.
Asiligo reflexively placed his hand on the sword.

‘I did not feel a presence.’

He erased his presence so much that he couldn’t even feel it for him, who was
of a different race. It means that you are never going to be taken lightly.

While Asiligo was vigilant, Ybriel narrowed her eyes. It was a voice I had
heard somewhere, and the impression was familiar.

“… Aiden?”

Ybriel asked in doubt. Asiligo flinched when he heard the familiar name. it’s
him The person Ybriel had been looking for.

“I thought you would come here.”

Aiden smiled white and took off his hood. The moonlight glistened and
flowed down her clear silver hair.

“Long time no see, Eve.”

His left eye was still covered with an eye patch. Aiden approached in stride.
Ybriel stared at his hair with a sullen face.

“It wasn’t dark hair.”

“I needed some camouflage.”

Aiden ruffled his hair.

Is it because clean silver hair isn’t common?

All of a sudden, Ybriel thought that Aiden’s face as he approached looked a

bit like Herwin’s.

“Where did you come from now?”

It was fortunate that a person I had asked Nero to but could not find is now
appearing on my own feet, but at the same time, I was suspicious.

“You, you told me the last time that the Crown Prince’s Shinsoo was fake.
How did you know?”

Aiden smiled meaningfully at Ybriel’s words.

“Of course I should, I.”

“… What does that mean?”

Every time I talk to Aiden, my doubts build up. When Ybriel was frustrated,
Aiden laughed.

“Take me to Whitewood.”

“I need to see Duke Solgren. That way I can explain everything that

As he mentioned Herwin, a look of caution immediately appeared on Ybriel’s

face. At that reaction, Aiden was stunned once again.

“Are you like this again?”

“How do I know you’re the one trying to hurt Daddy?”

Then Aiden raised his hand with a light sigh.

“I can’t help it.”

He untied his eyepatch strap with one hand. The straps were loosened and the
hidden left eye was slowly revealed.

The moment he checked his eyes, which were hidden in the eyepatch, Ybriel
was speechless. Aiden’s left eye was a blaze of scarlet.

“In the sun….”

Ybriel murmured like a possessed man. All accidents stopped for a moment.

‘Why does he have a solar eye?’

I did not understand the situation in front of me. Only Aiden had a relaxed

“Think about it. I gave you quite a clue.”

Ybriel looked back and recalled all the conversations she had with Aiden.

‘fourteen. Ravankel was born in 147. Can you tell me your birthday?’

‘That’s it.’

‘If you don’t listen, you’ll regret it.’

Friendly attitude from the first meeting. A boy born in the same year as
The empty pieces begin to fit one by one.

Ybriel covered her mouth involuntarily at the thought that ran through her

Aiden politely extended his hand to the astonished Ybriel.

“It’s a very late greeting, but I have to do it now.”

He smiled sadly.

“Nice to meet you, my brother.”


It was late, but Herwin was still awake. A weak light such as magical power
dimmed the space.

He kept thinking about the whereabouts of Empress Seon.

‘The North Tower and the Crown Prince’s Palace were attacked at the same
time, and the mother and the Crown Prince were both missing.’

And yet, neither the body nor the culprit who caused the explosion has been

‘It is almost impossible for an outside force to install an explosive enough to

completely destroy a single palace. It was the people inside the imperial
family who did it.’

And Herwin speculated, with a high probability, that it would be Crown

Prince Tezeric. It was because they were the only people who disappeared
from the Imperial Palace after the incident.

‘But I don’t know why.’

According to the circumstances, Tezeric was not moved by the Emperor’s

orders. Why do you want to do this?

Then someone knocked on the door from outside. It was well past midnight.

“It’s me.”


Herwin walked quickly and opened the door.

Through the gap in the open door, somewhere in the distance, Ebriel with a
pale face could be seen. Herwin put a hand on Ybriel’s forehead, wondering if
he might have a fever again.

Fortunately, there was no fever.

“What’s going on? I will not sleep until this hour.”

“… Dad.”

Ybriel called Herwin. It was a faintly trembling voice.


“I have someone I need to meet.”

As Ybriel spoke, she stepped out of the doorway.
And behind Ybriel’s back, someone slowly appeared in the dark hallway.

Herwin stopped like a man who had forgotten how to move. He recognized at
a glance who the man appeared in the darkness.

The silver-haired man blinked his eyes awkwardly.

A familiar face seemed unfamiliar. Both of his eyes were of different colors,
the same gold on the right, but the distinctive scarlet color on the other side,
shimmering like flames.
But Herwin would have clearly recognized interest, even if it wasn’t just that.

“Nice to meet you, Dad.”

“iced coffee….”

Herwin let out a deep sigh.

Aiden Solgren. It was his son, whom he had lost a long time ago.

October 27th. Liatrice, Duchess of Solgren, gave birth to healthy twins after
long labor.
“The boy is called Aiden, and the girl is called Ybriel.”
The birth of children was not just a joy.

After the two princesses passed away one after another, there was still no
child born to the royal family to inherit Taeyang-an.

The two children haven’t opened their eyes yet. Herwin suffered from anxiety
as much as he was happy.
‘If one of these children was born with a solar eye….’

The Emperor will push Solgren away without hesitation.

The person who supported Herwin’s heart was Liatrice.

“It will be fine.”

“But Leah, if among the children….”

Liatris looked at the perilous Herwin with clear eyes.

“You can keep it. me and you.”

we can do it, we
Liatrice whispered resolutely.

And the next day, the two children woke up as promised.

When Herwin heard the news and entered the room, Liatrice was looking
down with Aiden in her arms.

Herwin struggled to shake the choking anxiety, slowly approaching his son
and wife. and sighed.

The son’s two eyes were bright scarlet. Herwin’s heart plummeted to the floor.
Now the emperor will come to kill them.

I will lose everything like before. Just as I couldn’t protect my mother, this
time I….

Liatress called out his name, as if he had expected this situation.

“I don’t want to lose you or the children.”

Liatrice whispered with a pale face.

“Ebriel’s eyes are fortunately similar to mine, so it’ll be fine. Only Aiden, you
just have to hide Aiden somehow.”

Liathrice held her breath for a moment, then exhaled deeply.

“I will leave Solgren.”
Episode 119

Herwin stopped Liatrice.

“It is already late. If you suddenly disappear after having a child, I’m sure
you’ll be suspicious. So….”
“So I have to come up with a reason to disappear.”
Liatris thought the whole time.

What kind of rumors are most appropriate and effective to suddenly

disappear from Solgren?
There was only one method that Liatris, who had been thinking about it,
came up with it.
“For example, having another man.”

Herwin turned white at the shocking words.


It’s an unbelievably humiliating scandal. It will remain as a stigma as a

dishonor, and will forever be reduced to the ridicule of social circles.

“No way, Leah!”

Herwin tried to dissuade Liatrice several times, but Liatrice’s determination
was firm.
“It has to be that kind of gossip. So that if I disappear from Solgren, there
will be no suspicion.”
There wasn’t much time. Already, it was widely known that the Duchess of
Solgren had a child. The eyes and ears of the emperor will also face this way.

“Herwin, you can’t leave Aiden alone.”

Liatrice persuaded Herwin over and over again. But Herwin wasn’t easy
In the end, Liatris decided to leave Solgren with Aiden without notifying

“It’s my choice, Herwin. I’ll be back someday. With you and our children.”
On the night she left, the Duchess said goodbye to her sleeping husband.
Then he found his daughter, whom he had not seen for a long time, held him
in his arms and sang a lullaby one last time.

“The stars will protect you….”

Liathrice kissed Ybriel softly on the cheek. The child wiggled his hand as if

Liatrice never cried. Instead of tears, I vowed over and over again.

In order to protect her husband and children, she said that one day she would
overthrow the emperor. I promise to turn the world upside down so that
children can live comfortably.

“I love you, my daughter. We wish you good health until we meet again.”

And Liathrice disappeared from Solgren with Aiden in her arms.

With all the disgrace and stigma covered.

The next day, realizing that Liatris had disappeared with Aiden, Herwin
collapsed completely.

There was only one letter left in Liatrice’s room.

[Please protect Eve for me.]
Rumors had already spread in the castle that the Duchess had escaped by
night with another man.

‘I decided I couldn’t protect the two of them.’

Herwin couldn’t stand the loathing of his helplessness, but he had to admit
that this was the only opportunity Liatris had given him.

While officially announcing that Ybriel was his only child, he desperately
thought of a way to protect her.

The method he chose was to humble himself so as not to offend the emperor,
and to publicize the fact that he was too weak to die soon.

And in Solgren, they lived as if they had been erased. If he makes a mistake
and stands out in the eyes of the emperor, he and his young and weak
daughter next to him will be targets.

He obeyed all unreasonable orders from the center, and did not rebel in the
slightest. The emperor was satisfied with the fact and left him alone.

Herwin believed that this would keep Ybriel safe.

But there are variables. it was his body.

Herwin’s mana reflux deteriorated faster than expected and dangerously.

Herwin, who had once believed that he had even put his mother in danger
with his own power, was terrified.

Ybriel was too small and too young. It seemed that if he made a small
mistake, he would be seriously injured or even worse.

“I often had nightmares.”

Herwin, who had confided the truth of the past, closed his eyes and muttered
in a heavy voice.

“Eve, it was a dream in which you were hurt.”

Ybriel listened to his voice without saying a word.
“Liatrice asked me to protect you and left. I had to keep you from me, Eve.”

He made many other excuses to push his young daughter away.

It’s a precarious body that you never know when it’s going to explode.

If you don’t give him affection in the first place, even after he dies, Ybriel
won’t be sad.

I feel like the emperor will use his hand if he shows that he cares for his

“But it was all stupid. I didn’t mean to push you away….”

Herwin blamed himself. If I could, I wanted to go back in time.

“I can’t tell you to come and forgive me now, Eve. I have done so many
wrongs to you, to you.”

Ybriel silently listened to Herwin. Herwin finally bowed his head.

“I went out before recapture to put back what I had given up too easily.
Because I believed you wouldn’t be in danger any more if I found my place.”

A heavy silence passed. Ybriel looked at Herwin and Aiden alternately with
confused eyes.

It was difficult for me to define anything myself, as my emotions were

complexly intertwined. But one thing was clear.

“… You don’t have to try to protect me anymore.”

The young and weak Ybriel is no longer there.

Ybriel grew up as the ninth wizard under the protection of spirits and divine
beasts. Rather than being protected by someone, he was in a position to
protect someone.

“I am strong enough, Dad. So.”

Ybriel took a breath. I felt like I was about to cry, knowing how painful
Herwin’s past was.

“Don’t be bound by me, do whatever you want, as you please.”

Herwin laughed at those words.

To be comforted even at a moment like this, he was, after all, an insufficient



A cautious voice intervened. It was Aiden.

“Now that the story of the past has been sorted out, may I tell you why I

Herwin watched Aiden beg for forgiveness.

Aiden couldn’t hide his awkward expression when his eyes met Herwin. He
said he was a father, but he hadn’t seen each other for less than an hour.

But Herwin was different. He, along with Liatrice, missed his son very much.

My heart was filled with sadness that I couldn’t see the child starting to walk,
talking and growing little by little.

It was even more painful for Liatrice to think that he would also face Ybriel
with this kind of heart.

Herwin managed to capture his emotions and speak.

“Aiden, your eyes….”

When Herwin was born, as Herwin remembers, Aiden had both eyes in the
sun. However, in the present Aiden, only the left eye was in the sun.
“What happened?”

Aiden then shrugged.

“It suddenly disappeared on my fifth birthday. I don’t know exactly why.”

At that, Ybriel raised her head in amazement.

‘Fifth birthday?’

Is it a coincidence? It was also that day that Ybriel had gone back in time.

“Because my eyes have changed like this, I haven’t met Shinsu yet. If I had a
divine beast, I would be able to put pressure on the emperor more clearly.”

what. Ybriel opened her mouth.

‘If it’s a divine beast, it’s Ruby.’

Ybriel realized that now was the time to reveal the truth. Ybriel cautiously
opened the door.

“That divine beast, I have it.”


Herwin and Aiden turned their heads to Ybriel in surprise. The expressions of
the two were so similar that Ybriel was surprised.

‘The more you look at it, the more you look the same.’

It was strange that he didn’t immediately recognize that they were rich.

“Are you a god?”

Ybriel brought Ruby straight from her room. The ruby pulled out of her sleep
was slightly swollen.

Herwin and Aiden looked down at Ruby, who couldn’t even open her eyes
properly, with a look of disbelief.

“this… Are you saying it’s divine?”

Even Ybriel was a little embarrassed.

“It may be hard to believe, but you are right. On the day of the divine beast
naming ceremony, this kid turned into a dragon.”

Ybriel held the limp ruby in her arms.

“I don’t know why I have a Shinsoo, but I thought it would be dangerous if it

became known that I had a Shinsoo, so I hid it for a while.”

At that, Herwin took a deep breath. Indeed, if this had been known, Ybriel
would have been greatly upset.

“It would be even better if there was a Shinsu.”

Aiden patted Ruby’s forehead with a welcoming expression.

“I asked where you were, and you were here.”

Ruby, who was intoxicated with sleep, opened her eyes when Aiden touched
her, and jumped out of Ybriel’s arms to Aiden.
Then he climbed onto Aiden’s shoulder and rubbed his face against his cheek.
It’s like meeting someone you miss a lot.
Ybriel was a little surprised, as he had never seen an opponent that Ruby
showed such fondness for.
“… Aiden, what should I do?”
Herwin, who was waiting, asked. Aiden’s expression, which had separated the
ruby, became serious in an instant.
“Before that, let me ask you one thing.”

“My Majesty, Duke Solgren, how ready are you?”

Ybriel tilted her head, but Herwin immediately understood what Aiden meant
by ‘preparation’.
‘I have to persuade the nobles and the Gongsin family slowly.’

Liatris had urged the institutional aristocrats to join the revolution.

Because of this, in the last recapture, he fought alongside the Duke of
Artensia in the East and Prince Linterdel in the West to forge a relationship.

The three noble families of the empire came to agree. Southern Caswither
was excluded as it was in the Emperor’s grasp.
Aiden’s expression softened slightly at Herwin’s confirmation.

“All preparations have been made for the South as well.”

“What does all this mean?”

Ybriel, who did not know English, asked. It was Aiden who answered him.
“Don’t be surprised, listen. Soon there will be a revolution in the South.”
Episode 120

Ybriel’s eyes became round enough that they couldn’t get bigger.
“revolution? Are you saying there’s going to be a civil war?”

“right. The Revolutionary Army will occupy Caswither.”

Nonsense. Ybriel thought.

“Not enough reasons…!”

oh At that moment, the contents of the letter from Tezeric came to mind like
an arrow passing through Ybriel’s head.

‘I plan to go to the south with Empress Sun’s Majesty. And I’ll make
everything right there.’

The cause of the most perfect revolution Ybriel knew was now heading south.
“It was you.”

Realizing that it was Aiden who took the Crown Prince and Empress Seon
out of the palace, Ybriel laughed.

“It was Tezeric who exploded the palace and made Empress Seon’s majesty
escape. I was only helping a little.”

Herwin flinched at that.

Empress Dowager Azerian. When his mother finally escaped the prison-like
imperial palace, he was happy, but his heart throbbed.
“Soon the atrocities of the Imperial Family and Caswither will be known to
the world. If you use the fact that the Empress Dowager is in the South as an
excuse, even the Emperor will not be able to move around recklessly. When
that time comes, please contact the East and West.”

“i get it.”

The deep night was flowing quietly outside the window. Aiden suddenly stood
up from his seat.

“Then I’ll just go.”


As Aiden was about to leave, Herwin followed her up with regret. Ybriel had
a lot of questions to ask, so she felt the same way.

Aiden looked at Herwin and Ebriel, who were crying, and waved his hand as
if indifferent.

“Why do you both look like that? I hope to see you again soon. My mother is
with me.”

mother. Herwin and Ybriel were agitated at those words. Aiden smiled sadly.

There was a deep time gap between them. Will we be able to live like a
family when we get together again? he didn’t know

“Be safe until then.”

Having delivered everything, Aiden left the two of them and left the mansion
without any regrets.

Herwin and Ybriel remained silent for a while after Aiden had disappeared.

At dawn, three days after that, letters flew in from various newspapers in the
If it had been just that, it would not have been an article, but the content was
quite shocking.

It was because the author of the letter was the missing Crown Prince Tezeric.

[I was not the Crown Prince.]

Starting with that one line, the two letters were written in detail about the
deceitful acts of the imperial family and Caswither.

[Duke Caswither faked the inside of the sun to put me on the throne as an
illegitimate child, and the emperor presented a fake divine beast.]

Caswither’s evil deeds, the Emperor’s concealment. At the center of it all was

[I confess this sin before the people of the Empire, and I will punish the
Emperor and Duke Caswither who have corrupted Shia’s name.]

Newspapers featured the contents of the letter on the front page, and the
system fell into great chaos as the day dawned.

And on the same day that the two letters appeared in all the newspapers of
the Empire, the Revolutionary Army launched a pre-emptive strike in
southern Caswither.

When Tezeric’s ‘who was the prince’ was published to the world through the
Imperial newspapers, the mood of the system changed drastically.

The social nobles held their breath and paid all their attention to the
dominance of power, and the imperial people were afraid that blood and wind
would blow here when they heard the news of the civil war in the South.
Among them, the atmosphere of the imperial family was indescribably the

Duke Caswither, who had been summoned to the Imperial Palace since early
morning, was running to the audience with contemplation. It was because of
the letter from Tezeric.

‘Damn, that damn illegitimate child is finally here!’

Besides, an emergency message flew from the territory last night.

The story was that Tezeric, who he thought was dead, was alive and stormed
the lord’s castle.

I don’t know when the Crown Prince who left the Imperial Palace went to
Caswitheryeong, but the war situation was definitely inferior.

The Duke did not understand that.

How did the Crown Prince, who had never been to Caswitheryeong since he
entered the palace, raise such a large number of troops?

How the heck did he prepare for so long that he was able to threaten the
lord’s castle in such a short time?

The garrisoned troops locked the doors and fought the battle, but as long as
food was scarce, without reinforcements, they would not be able to survive
for long.

But there was something more terrifying than all these problems.

He went into the audience room, trembling so shabby that it was hard to
believe that he was the head of the Gongsin family.
Inside the audience, the curtains were not opened and not a single light was
lit, so it was all dark. The light coming from the hallway was the only light

“Duke Caswither.”

The Emperor’s voice came from the deepest corner of the darkness.

“Your illegitimate child smashed my palace and took my mother too. They
even revolted in your estate.”

Duke Caswither immediately threw his face and knelt on the floor.

“Sorry, sorry. Even ten mouths would say, ah, ah!”

Unable to speak, he screamed and fell to the floor. Because something

tightened his neck.

“Then you should shut up. It’s noisy.”

Dark snake-like darkness strangled Duke Caswither’s neck. The emperor’s

cool eyes gleamed like blades in the shadows.

“It wouldn’t be too bad if I killed you here and blamed Duke Solgren for

The duke couldn’t even ask for help.

Now it was clear that whatever words he said would go against the Emperor’s

Instead, he struggled to escape from the mysterious magic of his neck.

“No matter how much you calculate, your death seems more valuable to me.
Is there any reason I should keep you alive, Duke?”

“Me, South! Kolok, I’ll bring the South back! His Majesty, Empress Seon,
must also be great.”

“In what way?”

The pressure in the neck grew stronger and stronger.

“To church! I will ask the Church for assistance!”

“Aha, I’ll try to make the rebellion the work of a cultist….”

The emperor, who had tapped the handle of the throne with his finger as if
contemplating, raised his hand and grabbed the air. Then the darkness that
had been holding Duke Caswither’s neck disappeared in an instant.

The released Duke Caswither coughed violently.

“The heir to the throne is dead. And the cultists revolted from Caswither on
your estate.”

Crying, Duke Caswither forgot his cough and stared blankly at the place
where the Emperor was sitting.

‘What is that?’

Eyes adapted to darkness recognized the emperor’s appearance, at least

vaguely. It could not be said that it was in the form of a human at all.

Arms and legs full of reptilian scales, a deformed face, and an unpleasant
smell like the toxin of a demonic beast….

A chilling shiver ran up my spine.

What is ‘that’?

As he was thinking, he suddenly realized that he had not yet answered the
emperor’s words, and was stunned.

“Yes, yes! We must put to death those wicked hordes who harmed the life of
the Crown Prince!”

tt Kaizen clicked his tongue at the belated reply.

“Ah, my heart is so dizzy that the fortunes of the empire are at stake at the
hands of heretics who worship darkness.”
“Right now, I will inform the church and put down the rebellion.”

Hearing the duke’s answer, Kaizen leaned languidly on the splendid gold back
of the throne and closed his eyes.

I couldn’t suppress the spirit of murder as I kept seeing ‘human’ in my sight.

“This is the last chance I give you. I don’t want to live without a head, so do
your best.”

“No, of course, Your Majesty!”

Without a head, he could not live in the first place, but Duke Caswither did
not realize him and ran out of the audience, just relieved that his life was still
attached to him.


Meanwhile, Ybriel was anxiously awaiting the movement of the imperial

‘Are you okay?’

Tezeric, who could no longer be called the Crown Prince, now turned the
Emperor and Duke Caswither into perfect enemies.
Ybriel clutched the emerald necklace in her hand, which she had not
unwrapped from her neck since receiving it.
At some point, I was afraid that this jewel might break. Because it means
something happened to Tezeric.

‘It is fatal for the imperial family and the southern duke to present a fake
prince. They will try to dispel the rumors in some way.’

In order to do that, he will try to eliminate the Crown Prince who exposed the
truth, Herwin, and Ybriel, who are only obstructed by his existence.
Ybriel couldn’t sleep, worried that something bad might happen to Tezeric
and that Herwin would be in danger again.
Interestingly, Herwin, like Ebriel, was spending each day in a very tense state.

He was not at all afraid that the emperor would attack him, but he stayed
vigilant all night for fear that Ybriel might go wrong. Even though Asiligo and
the three knights were awake, the journey continued.

In the midst of all that, there was only one person in this mansion who wasn’t
“Why didn’t you wake me up!”

It was Sigmund.
“How I missed my grandchildren!”

When Sigmund heard that Aiden had been to the mansion late at night, he hit
the floor and was sad.

It made sense that a grandchild I had never seen before went secretly.
It was a problem if both Ybriel and Herwin had not been able to think about
that part because they were both out of business.

“Now this old man doesn’t know, right? Is it like that?”

Episode 121

Sigmund focused solely on Aiden leaving without seeing him, without even
mentioning the explosion of the Imperial Palace or the news of Tezeric’s
rebellion, which immediately caused a stir.

Ybriel couldn’t hide her embarrassment.

“Grandpa, it’s not like that. I wanted to tell you, but I’m really out of my
Ybriel tried to free Sigmund’s heart, which was tightly wounded.

After learning what had happened in the past, Ybriel came to understand a bit
why Sigmund hated Herwin so much.

‘My mother used bad rumors to protect my father, so of course my

grandfather didn’t like it.’

Feeling like she had lost so much again, Ybriel became depressed.

When Ybriel’s expression suddenly became sad, Sigmund, who was grunting,
was taken aback.

“Oh no, I’m not talking to you! I’m mad at your father that guy!”

“Yes. I know.”
Sigmund wiped his face one after another with his rough hands, then
exhausted himself and sat down on the sofa.
In fact, he didn’t even want to quarrel over something like this.
‘The granddaughter and that guy are so sensitive that there is nothing to do, so
I thought I’d loosen up the atmosphere a bit.’

It seemed to have failed miserably.

Sigmund and Ybriel remained silent for a while.

After a while, it was Sigmund who spoke first.

“… I’m sorry for you, Eve.”


Ybriel was startled by the sudden apology and turned to Sigmund. Sigmund
continued speaking in a calm voice, like a different person than before.

“I hated Solgren for taking my daughter.”

Sigmund brought out an old story he had been holding for a long time.

“Lily was a very proud child. When I saw a puddle of water, I preferred to
step on it and hit the water instead of walking away from it.”

Ybriel listened. Now Sigmund was talking about Liatrice.

“The only daughter I cared for so much was passed on to some bastard! Even
if it wasn’t for that shiny face….”

Here, the ‘smooth bastard’ was a reference to Herwin.

“He had a weak body, and just looking at him, he looked like he couldn’t live
long. They came as if they had been driven to the north, but there was hope
in their eyes and there was nothing in sight.”

Sigmund looked back on the first time he saw Herwin Solgren.

At that time, he was an empty human, as if his soul had been shattered. No
matter who approached me, they just stared at me and didn’t open my mouth.

“When I asked where he liked such a blind bastard, he said something like
that. One day, I fell in front of him.”
The more he talked about Liatris, the more remorse spread across Sigmund’s

“Of course I thought it would pass without me knowing, but they said that
they reached out and helped me get up. He also wanders around with a face
that he will soon die.”

The voice of Liatrice that I had heard that day seemed to be heard again.

‘Isn’t that kind? It’s like being kicked out by people like that. Even though
you’ve come all the way to the north, you’re reaching out to people again.’

Sigmund said that he was just a gentleman in his body, but Liatrice didn’t

Sigmund, who was continuing the conversation, suddenly burst into laughter
as if he couldn’t stop him.

“No matter how much you think about it, it fell on your face.”


Ybriel couldn’t deny it at once. Herwin was once a handsome man with such a
beautiful appearance that he was nicknamed the lily, and it is still the same

“No matter how much Lili liked you, your father was weak. Besides, it was a
thorn in the eyes of the emperor. It was a very dangerous opponent. I was
vehemently against marriage.”

Sigmund’s sighs settled heavily on the floor.

“I don’t know why I was so stubborn when I knew it was a vaginal fight after

Liatris eventually chose to marry Herwin.

On the day of the wedding, Sigmund quelled her anger by swearing at

“I was a little angry, but….”

No, it was actually quite a lot, but I was willing to accept it because it was
Liatris’ choice.

The marriage was not as unhappy as he had feared. Liatrice loved and cared
for Herwin, and Herwin truly loved and cared for Liatress.

The two seemed to be happy forever.

That was until a child with sun eyes was born.

‘I’m leaving Solgren with my kids.’

Liatris said that she would leave Solgren with Aiden with the sun’s eyes.
Going on a trip with a body that just gave birth to a child!

Sigmund dried it over and over again.

“But to no avail. In the end, the boy disappeared from Solgren without
hesitation in scandal. As if he did not avoid the puddle in front of him as a

Sigmund was very angry with Liatrice, who made such a decision at will, and
also at Herwin who brought Liatress into such a situation.

So, along the way, he cut ties with the Mayer family and entered Yangya

Sigmund finished talking and exhaled deeply as if he was struggling with


“I hid the truth, and as a result, I lied to you too. I’m sorry, Eve.”

Ybriel looked at Sigmund with wide-eyed eyes. Sigmund averted his gaze
with a look of embarrassment.

“Hey, the story is too long. You’re constantly anxious, so you can’t even sleep
properly. rest.”

It was when Sigmund was about to leave in a hurry.

From the door, an urgent populace drew closer.

The door opened at the same time as Ybriel and Sigmund turned their heads.

“Ah, miss!”

It was none other than Lily who came in without knocking. Gree Lily, who
usually told Kanya not to forget to knock.

“what’s the matter? What’s going on?”

Instinctively feeling the ominous feeling, Ybriel got up from her seat.
“The imperial magistrate came out to the plaza to announce about the
Southern Rebellion.”


Lily ran over and held out the paper she was holding in her hand.

It was a note written by the imperial magistrate what he said at the square

[The atrocities of the cults have gone too far.]

Ybriel quickly checked the contents with Sigmund.

It was a complete lie from start to finish.

“It was the work of a cult that defiled the divine beast, the current prince is
dead, and someone impersonated the dead prince in the South?”

At the nonsensical content, Ybriel didn’t even laugh.

[It is not enough to defile the dignity of His Majesty the Crown Prince,
who departed from Shia’s arms, and we cannot forgive the abduction
of the majestic Empress Seon and use it to revolt. So ….]

Ybriel read aloud what followed.

“I will seek cooperation from the Kingdom of Shia and set the will of God

It wasn’t hard to figure out what it meant. Ybriel furrowed her eyebrows

“They are trying to use the denomination to disbelieve the writings.”

“You are playing a stupid trick.”

Sigmund laughed openly. However, with the power of the emperor, it may be
possible to manipulate the lie into the truth.

‘You have to move faster from this side.’

On the way, Ybriel delivered the paper she had received from Lily to Herwin.

Herwin, who took the paper, was surprisingly dignified.

“Are you also bringing the Kingdom of God?”

“Yeah, that’s pretty good.”

Ybriel made eye contact with Herwin and smiled.

“Because we have a divine beast.”

Emperor Kaizen missed two things.

The first was that the divine beast was in Ybriel’s hands, and the second was
Aiden’s existence with a true sun inside.

“It’s a good opportunity. If Aiden and I go out, we will be able to prove to the
Knights of the Kingdom of God that the Emperor has put forward a fake
divine beast and a sun eye.”

Excited, Ybriel quickly explained. Herwin put the paper down and looked at
Sigmund. Sigmund nodded as if he agreed with Ybriel.

“Since the Kyo-guk believes it is the work of a cultist, it is likely to be

regarded as a dispute over time. The Knights Templar will go directly to the
South without going through the system.”
“If we arrive in the South before them, we can prove the true divine beast and
the sun.”

After Herwin finished speaking, Ybriel followed.

“… Then you can borrow the power of the Knights Templar and attack the
system as it is.”

A heavy silence descended. The fact that an all-out war with the emperor
would finally begin seemed to weigh heavily on his shoulders.

“If you hesitate, the Knights may arrive first and face off against the forces of
the South.”
Herwin, who muttered in a low voice, soon made a conclusion.

“I will tell the East and West the truth, and I will leave for the South

Herwin’s eyes dimmed as if looking into a distant place.

“… Everyone will be waiting.”

At those words, Ybriel thought of Tezeric, Empress Dowager Azerian, and

Liatris, who had never seen the real thing, in turn.

The presence of the necklace hanging from the neck came closer.
‘It should be fine until we arrive.’

But Ybriel didn’t know.

It’s the Islands, not the South, where the odds are happening.


It was that night.

Ebriel, who was unable to sleep at the thought of leaving for the South,
suddenly heard a strange noise.

swoosh. sush.
The sound of a thin cloth being rubbed against the floor, or a thin snake
crawling on the floor, echoed in my ears.
“Hey, it’s dangerous.”

Winter and Ruby warned at the same time.

Ybriel instinctively reached out and turned on the magic light. But strangely, I
turned on the light, but the room did not light up. As if light such as magic
power is eaten away….

For a moment, the back of his back became cold as if the north wind was
‘It’s not just a shadow. these are…!’
What filled Ybriel’s room was ‘darkness’.

A terrifyingly eerie voice scratched the eardrums.
Episode 122

Ruby furiously exposed her teeth and raised her hair. For some reason, it felt
like I was in the water.

“I wanted to meet you.”

‘You wanted to meet me? why?’

The moment she had doubts, even though the wind didn’t blow, Ybriel’s hair
moved. As if someone invisible reached out and fiddled with it.

Ybriel stiffened.

‘It’s the same thing that popped out of the Emperor’s shadow the night I

Smooth and moist feel. A cool darkness like the scales of a reptile passed
over my skin.

The illusion that the shadow was about to choke at any moment dominated
Ybriel’s head. I was getting more and more short of breath.

“Stand back.”

Just then, a swarm of bright white butterflies appeared and began to circle
around Ebriel as if protecting her.
Then, the darkness, which had not been turned away even by magic, etc., was
swayed by the faint light of the butterfly.
“Ah, you damn servant of light. When I asked him where he went, he was
right next to Obate.”
The darkness, which retreated from the light, muttered with a tone of

Obate. Ybriel pondered the word that somehow sounded familiar a few times
before recalling the last time she heard it.

“I haven’t seen ‘Obate’ in a very long time.”

It was something I heard once in winter.

‘That’s what Nabi-sama did when I first attributed the winter branches. I
spoke to him because I was Obate.’
What does obate mean?

While raising doubts, Winter whispered to Ybriel.

“Hey, calm down and take care of your breathing.”

Astonished by the warning of winter, Ybriel covered her nose and mouth with
both hands.

I didn’t notice it because it was dark, but there was a black mist in Ybriel’s
room. It was the toxin emanating from the darkness.

While Ybriel held her breath, winter tightly wrapped around him.

“It would be better not to touch my child.”

It was the first time that winter, which was always calm like a long-lived sage,
made such a violent voice.

At the sound of the spirit’s power, Ybriel reflexively covered her ears.
However, the darkness increased even more as if winter was plastic.

“Is there any reason I should obey you?”

Jigsaw. Jigsaw. One by one, the fluttering butterflies were eaten by the
darkness and disappeared. The darkness crept in menacingly, as if trying to
squeeze through the cracks of light.

Ruby, who was very vigilant, stopped in front of Ybriel. But compared to the
huge mass of darkness, the ruby was only a handful.

“Come on, Ruby!”

Ybriel quickly reached out and hid the cat in her arms.

Then the darkness spoke.

“That bastard, is it really Veloyton’s new beast?”

If darkness had eyes, his gaze would now be on Ruby.

Embarrassed, Ybriel remained silent. The fact that he had a divine beast had
not yet been known to the emperor.

“Are you a god?”

Ybriel asked, pretending not to know.

“You’re the right Gero.”

But the darkness had already been noticed.

“Seeing Obate like that, it’s good to know the story. Well, thanks to that, the
emperor hasn’t been able to find out yet.」
The darkness muttered words that he couldn’t understand. Butterflies flapped
their wings more vigorously.

“Are you here to chat?”

The darkness, which had swallowed the butterflies, laughed lowly at the end
of winter. Ybriel shrugged her shoulders in the vicious atmosphere and
concentrated on the next word of darkness.

“No, I’m here to give you a chance.”

“ A … chance?”

It was a car I had been anxious about for a long time. It was not only himself,
but everyone in Whitewood, in danger that darkness entered the mansion.

‘Dad, Grandpa, Asiligo, Kanya, Lily, Zed, Alon….’

Ybriel stared at the darkness everywhere with a pale face. Darkness
enveloped the bed with a cool air.

“The Emperor will kill everyone around you.”

At the falling declaration, Ybriel was at a loss for words.

“I’m going to kill them all, leaving nothing behind. you can’t save anyone All
you can do is hold onto the corpse and cry.”

Horrible words poured out. Ybriel’s hands began to tremble.

“Now that Empress Seon is gone, there is nothing that can control the
Emperor. In the system, the massacre will begin. It will be filled with only
blood, ashes and weeping.”

“Don’t listen. It’s all bullshit.”

Even with winter’s resolute words, the cruel landscape that was once
associated with it was not easily erased from Ybriel’s mind.

As Ybriel’s trembling continued, the darkness overflowed with satisfaction.

“Are you afraid?”

the darkness asked. Ybriel bit her lower lip. The darkness, who had been
looking at her frightened face, spoke in a soft voice.

“There is only one way, you can save everyone.”

Sweet words behind the cursed curse. Ybriel’s eyes fluttered.

“what is that?”
caught Darkness did not miss an opportunity.

“Give me your body. Then I will abandon the emperor and come to you.”


Ybriel was silent. pass your body

“If you give me your body, I will no longer lend power to the emperor. Then
the people you love will not die.”

It’s sophistry, and it’s contradictory. But it was enough words to sway the
weak human heart.

As the darkness thought, Ybriel bowed her head.

But the darkness didn’t know. What and how much I learned from the
conversation Ybriel had now.

“… Now I know.”

In the past, Ybriel was killed by the sword of the ‘Emperor’.

The shadows of darkness merely acted as a binding force on Ybriel.

Even now, the darkness had not harmed Ybriel ‘directly’. It was just touching
my hair.

And, crucially, the darkness said:

Not yourself, the ‘Emperor’ will kill everyone around you.

“You can’t kill anything by yourself, can you?”

Ybriel smiled faintly and shook her head.

“That’s why I’m sticking with the emperor. Because there is nothing I can do

“… you.”
With Ybriel’s shout, the shadows in the dark room began to shake like a

“You hey!”


In the sudden gust of wind, Ybriel woke up from ‘sleep’ screaming.

“Ugh, uh….”

I was short of breath, as if running on full power. Ybriel quickly turned on

the magic light and looked around.

His room, which had not been dyed by darkness, was drenched in ordinary
moonlight and entered his eyes.

It was then that Ybriel realized that everything that had just happened had
happened in a dream.

‘When did I fall asleep?’

“The darkness forced you to sleep and came to your unconscious. You
wouldn’t even know you were asleep.”

I got goosebumps at the explanation of winter.

‘That’s how strong the power of darkness. Enough to get into my head at will.’

Thump thump! Then, suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Even if not,
Ybriel, who was still in a state of shock, screamed weakly at the sudden noise.
“Who are you?”

“Girl, I’m going.”

Asiligo’s urgent voice was heard. It looked like it was running away from the
wind screaming from within.

“You know….”
It was the moment when Ybriel was about to breathe.

“Excuse me.”


And before Ybriel could even ask the reason for ‘Excuse me’, the thick
wooden door leaf was torn off like a cloth.

Ybriel opened her mouth wide, forgetting her culture at the unbelievable sight
that was unfolding before her eyes.

‘That’s, that’s Ganghwamok, right?’

He spared no money for the materials in the Whitewood Mansion in case of

any possible attack. It was a piece of wood that was said to hold up twice
even if an elephant ran into it. But now it was torn by Asiligo’s hands.

While Ybriel was stunned, Asiligo came up to her and put her robe over her
Ybriel realized a little later that the sword was in Asiligo’s hand, and that the
sword was stained with thick black blood.
“It looks like we have to move up our schedule and head south now.”

The reason was soon discovered, even though Asiligo did not answer.
Fit geek. A horrifying noise came from outside the door, from the hallway. It
was the sound of the very sharp claws of a beast scratching the marble.
Asiligo fixed the sword and grabbed it.

“The demons have entered the mansion.”

what? Why and how on earth there are magical beasts in the system, Ybriel
was surprised and couldn’t even ask.

But the words of darkness came vividly in my ears again.

“The Emperor will kill everyone around you.”

that was today Realizing that, Ybriel’s expression distorted.

“Why didn’t the mansion’s defense magic work?”

“It worked. They are all breaking in.”

Asiligo answered immediately. Ybriel’s complexion darkened even more.

The fact that the defense magic that was commissioned and installed by the
Twilight Tower was so easily broken was also proof that the power of
darkness had become stronger.

Then there was a loud noise outside the mansion. Ybriel turned her head
reflexively. I saw lightning strike the garden.
“You will be Sigmund-sama and the Duke. We agreed to meet at the back
door of the mansion in 10 minutes.”
Ybriel was relieved once again by those words. you’re safe

“What about Lily and Kanya? What about other users?”

“Sir Alon and Sir Zed have all evacuated.”

Knowing that no one was hurt yet, Ybriel let out a sigh of deep relief.
“You mean we can get out safely?”

It wasn’t difficult. I made secret passages all over the mansion just in case
something like this happens.
Ybriel immediately ran and opened the fireplace.

And I started running down the dark passage with Asiligo. until you see the
light outside.
Episode 123


A by-product of darkness, the beast has no intelligence or reason.

All they had inside was a destructive impulse, and all they knew how to do
was blindly rush to life.

However, the beasts that attacked the Whitewood Mansion were different
from the usual cases.

“ !”
Sigmund picked up the staff and struck down a wolf-type beast that was
rushing at them. A small floating light dimly lit the garden.

The eyes of the beasts gleamed red like coal in a furnace. They circled around
as if surrounded, and did not attack in haste.

It was as if he was waiting for Sigmund to be vigilant.

Sigmund could not hide his doubts as he looked at the beasts that surrounded
him. Isn’t it too planned to be without intelligence?

The beasts who broke the barrier and entered in groups moved in harmony as
if they had been trained.

“Ttt, the whole garden is going to be ruined.”

As Sigmund swung his staff, a flash of lightning struck the swarm of beasts.
The flowers, the grass, and the beast burned together and died.

Nevertheless, the number of remaining beasts was considerable.

‘How the hell did you spend it!’

Sigmund groaned inwardly.

“These bastards come in swarms and bully old people!”

It was a time when Sigmund was preparing for a more powerful high-level


With a shout, the blade gleamed in a flash. The sword that flew like an arrow
cut through the beasts in an instant. It was neat work.

Herwin cleaned up the surroundings in one blow and ran to Sigmund.

“Are you okay?”

“Are you asking me now?”

Herwin laughed awkwardly, wondering if his own question was funny.

Worrying about the safety of the Archmage was as foolish as worrying about
whether the sea water would be bland.

“Anyway, you idiot.”

Sigmund looked at the corpses of the dead beasts quietly. The corpse still had
black toxins.

For normal witches, the toxin should also disappear the moment they die, but
this was not the case. There were even objects that fluttered even after they
had stopped breathing.

“Did you notice?”

Herwin’s expression darkened at Sigmund’s question.

“Yes, I did.”

Sigmund sighed at Herwin’s confirmation.

The demons definitely got stronger. Much more than the ones we faced off
the coast of Yangyatap last time.

“I have faced intelligent beasts across the barrier a few times. But it’s the first
time I’ve ever seen such a small object know how to use its head.”

“There must be a reason why you suddenly became stronger.”

They both knew why, even if they didn’t say anything. It’s because the power
of darkness has grown stronger.
“The Emperor seems to have lost sight of him.”

It was clear that Empress Seon’s absence had completely blown away his
Herwin looked at the dead beasts with a complicated face, and was awakened
by the cries of the beasts from afar.
“Asiligo and Eve will be waiting at the back door.”

At Herwin’s words, Sigmund stood up.

“Go right away.”

Sigmund replaced the long movement with a single flick of his finger.

In the blink of an eye, they had already reached the back door of the

The back gate of the Whitewood Mansion, like the front gate, had a dense
iron fence.

However, the size of the door was not as large as the front door, but it was
large enough for a wagon to pass through.

“The door is still closed.”

“It looks like you haven’t completely left the mansion. Or you are still in the

Herwin and Sigmund immediately looked around to find Ybriel. There was no
need to wander long.

bang! Quang!

A destructive noise rumbled the ground. It sounded like someone was fighting
a fierce battle. Herwin turned pale.


Sigmund, thinking the same thing, started running to the source of the gasp.

There was another small garden behind the mansion.

While the front garden was used to receive guests, the rear garden was a
private space only visited by the Solgren family.

Perhaps Asiligo had dealt with it, there were quite a few dead beasts on the
way to the garden.

The deeper you went into the garden, the more deadly beast corpses

‘There are a lot more than we faced at the front door.’

Suddenly, from the beginning, I thought that the target of the beast might not
have been Ybriel. My heart was pounding.


Herwin woke up to Sigmund’s call.

The moonlight poured down through the manicured landscaping trees. In the
light, her silver hair fluttered in the wind.


For a moment, Herwin thought he was dreaming.

Ybriel Solgren, whom he had known so far, was just a daughter who was still
too young and precious. Even though she knew she had the power to learn
magic and protect herself, Herwin was always worried about Ebriel.

But at this moment, he realized that he was seriously mistaken.

“Huh, you’re bothering me, really.”

Dozens of magical beasts were frozen and dead around Ybriel who was

It was like a decorative statue from the original garden. Herwin, who watched
the scene as if possessed, cautiously approached Ybriel.


Ybriel was quite angry.

He designed the secret passages, including defensive magic, and put great
effort into Herwin’s room, and also has his own room, which his father
himself decorated.

A mage in such a place. Masurai!

“How much money did you spend on this mansion?”

Based on extremely realistic calculations, Ybriel was angry with the beast.
The moment they swung their winter branches, the magical beasts froze on
the spot as if time had stopped.

“At bedtime! You’re talking nonsense to come and give yourself up!”

Asiligo, who was about to step out, realized that he had no share, took the
ruby, and slid back.

‘The lady is angry.’

The knight guilty of ripping the door off chose silence. You seem to feel
better after defeating the beast, so let’s just leave it alone… was his idea.

“go away!”

Ybriel did not get tired at all and froze all the attacking beasts. It didn’t take
long for everything to be sorted out.

It was a huge number, but when I actually faced it, it wasn’t a big deal.

“Huh, you’re bothering me, really.”

Ybriel shook her head and took a deep breath. Somehow, I felt refreshed.

At that moment, without notice, someone placed a hand on Ybriel’s shoulder.


Surprised, Ybriel turned and screamed.

“Eve, it’s me!”

Herwin, confused at the same time, called out urgently. Ybriel put down the
winter branch she had lifted reflexively.

“Oh, Dad?”

“Are you okay?”

Herwin quickly rolled his eyes to make sure Ybriel wasn’t hurt. Fortunately,
Ybriel was fine. He wasn’t fine, so he was running like a kid with a blast just

“Are you okay, Dad? I didn’t know that all the defense magic would break

“When did you….”

Herwin couldn’t finish his speech. I felt like I had lost something precious.
Where did my little little star candy go…?
When Herwin did not speak any more, Ybriel tilted her head.

Around that time, Sigmund followed Herwin.

He saw the frozen dead Beasts, Ybriel, and the stupid Herwin, and
immediately understood the situation.

Sigmund approached Herwin and whispered.

“Let’s do this straight. Not because it’s your daughter, but because it’s my
granddaughter, so she’s a genius.”

Even at that, Herwin did not laugh. Sigmund turned his head away from the
dazed Herwin.

“Come on, there is no time to delay. We have to head south.”

At Sigmund’s urging, Ybriel’s expression hardened.

He could have gone straight out of the mansion and waited for Herwin and
Sigmund, but there was one reason he didn’t.
“But I can’t go like this. If the beasts in the mansion attack the Islanders,
there will be a great commotion.”
If you leave the beasts circling in the Whitewood Mansion alive as it is, they
will surely escape.
“I have to go and kill all the beasts.”
Around that time, Herwin, who had regained consciousness, began to focus
on the story.
“I think the same.”

The growl of the beasts could be heard from afar. They were all approaching
this way.
“It seems that Ebriel is what the beasts are aiming for.”

“If you look at the number of beasts flocking to this side rather than the main
gate, there is a high probability of that.”
Sigmund frowned. Come to think of it, some instances even tried to go
towards the mansion during the battle.

‘The beasts are after me.’

Ybriel also decided that the speculation was true. Because darkness has
already asked for a ‘body’ once.
“Do you want to know how many more crowds will come and take care of

Sigmund said in a skeptical voice. Then, Ybriel’s eyes lit up. If what you’re
aiming for is me.

“I have a plan.”
“What plans?”

At Sigmund’s question, Ybriel smiled faintly.

“If you’re looking for me anyway, wouldn’t it be possible to gather them all in
one place?”

Lilly and the two knights, who suddenly escaped out of the mansion late at
night, were gathered in the island square with the servants.

“Are you going to be okay?”

“You don’t have to worry about it because there is a wonder.”
Even with Zed’s words, Lily could not easily let go of her heart.

“Oh, over there!”

Suddenly, someone from the crowd shouted.

Lily looked back reflexively. A fire was rising from the place the user was
‘That’s the direction of Whitewood!’
Lily’s complexion turned white.
Episode 124

“Je, Sir Zed!”


Zed, who was standing nearby, answered immediately.

“I think we should go to the mansion. Smoke now…!”

Zed, who was listening to Lily’s words, slightly twisted his forehead. He was
aware of the fire in the direction of the mansion before Lily shouted.

Yet it didn’t move.

“You can’t go back to the mansion.”


Lily, who had the momentum to run at any moment, stiffened at those words.
“Uh, why?”

As if in his heart, Zed wanted to run right away. But before leaving the
mansion, Herwin had already given orders.

‘If you leave the mansion, no matter what happens, don’t come back. The
lords have one mission. Keeping Whitewood’s users safe.’

There was one thing that the young lady was worried about, but with Herwin
and Sigmund’s strength, most of the beasts wouldn’t be on the dangerous axis.

Zed turned his head from the direction of the mansion.

“This is your command. I was told not to return to the mansion.”

peacock’s name. Lily had no choice but to say that.
“… Are you okay?”

Lily looked at the growing flames with anxious eyes.

‘Please be safe….’

All I could do here was wish everyone’s safety.


Fortunately, Ybriel was unharmed. Herwin, Sigmund, and Asiligo were also

If there was any pain, it was the heart.

‘It’s a good ride….’

Ybriel swallowed tears inwardly as she watched the burning Whitewood
Mansion over the carriage.
Although it is a townhouse where you only stay when you come to the islands,
it was a place with precious memories. I couldn’t be more comfortable with
such a place burning.

However, it was necessary to deal with the beasts.

‘I’ll go back to the mansion and lure the demons. When all the beasts enter
the mansion, Grandpa, please take me out. Then the whole house….’

As expected, a large number of magical beasts ran into the mansion to find

Ybriel and Sigmund, who were waiting for the time, escaped the mansion,
and immediately Herwin, who was waiting outside, set fire to the mansion
with magic.
Asiligo dealt with the beasts who did not enter the mansion. It was a neat

‘Yeah, it was a ruined mansion anyway. If people weren’t hurt, that’s it. The
mansion can be built with a better one later.’

Ybriel sighed and turned her head away from the burning mansion.

Herwin, Sigmund, and Ruby were in the carriage. Asiligo was driving a
wagon from the driver’s seat.

Ybriel made eye contact with Herwin, who had been staring at him ever since
he got into the carriage. His expression was odd.

“uh…. Do you have anything to say?”

“I heard you opened the ninth door.”

Herwin heard from Sigmund how much Ebriel had grown over the years. It
wasn’t enough to open the ninth door, so he said he had become so good at
handling winter branches that he could freeze the sea.

“That’s it, yes.”

Ybriel nodded slightly shyly.

In response to Ybriel’s affirmation, Herwin confirmed that Sigmund’s words
were true. Oh my gosh.
‘I sent him to the horse tower, but I’m sure he’ll grow this much….’

Of course, Herwin knew that Ybriel had extraordinary magical talents. The
thing that made the Winter Branch belong, and the thing that prevented the
destruction of the veil.

What normal children would not have been able to do, Ybriel did. However, I
never thought that I would open the ninth door in two years.

While he was at the wall, his daughter had grown up to be a full-fledged

“… I see.”

Herwin nodded with a shocked expression on his face.

“Okay, again, it’s because it’s my granddaughter. At the same time, he is my
Sigmund was excited about it or not. Ybriel laughed awkwardly. Sigmund’s
unarmed temperament still felt exaggerated.

“Congratulations, Eve. To become such a great wizard at such a young age.”

Herwin woke up belatedly and waved goodbye.

It was happy yet heartbreaking. He couldn’t even imagine how harsh his
daughter must have undergone training in the tower.

“… thank you.”

It was the same with Ybriel who couldn’t just rejoice at Herwin’s praise.

‘It’s good to reach the ninth door, but the problem is next.’

Faced with darkness, reality suddenly came closer.

tenth door. Ybriel hasn’t reached that level yet.

‘This is the only way to fight the darkness now.’

I knew it when I met him in person.

Darkness can’t kill people ‘directly’ to the last, but anyone can harm anyone
they want by using magical beasts and toxins.

‘For now, we’ve only just attacked Whitewood’s mansion, but what if
darkness threatens the Islands, and the Empire beyond him, plus the

How long can you withstand the influx of beasts and toxins? Ybriel was
‘It will be dangerous from Caswither, who is in a civil war right now.’

Ybriel was terrified and grabbed her neck with her hands. The necklace that
Tezeric sent was touched.

‘If it is difficult to find the tenth door, you have to find the weak point of

But before that, I have to ask you something. Ybriel closed her eyes and
quietly called out to her spirit.


“I am listening.”

The rumbling of the wagon became distant, as it gradually moved away from
my ears.

‘The darkness spoke, and the butterfly-sama said it before. I say ‘Obate’. What
does that mean?’

A moment of silence followed.

“It is a word that is not in any human record. It’s something only people like
us know.”

Winter explained low. Ybriel listened more to the spirit’s voice coming from

“The one who has crossed the gates of time. They call them Obate.”

At that, Ybriel opened her eyes. Just what?

Not being able to understand immediately what she heard, Ybriel asked.

‘So what did Obate mean, a person who turned back time?’

At the affirmation of winter, Ybriel was so surprised that she could not even
shut her mouth.
Even winter and darkness knew of their return!


Unable to bear the confusion, Ybriel spoke out. Herwin and Sigmund looked
at Ybriel, who spoke out of nowhere at the same time.

“If you know….”

If darkness knew that it had returned to time…. A look of wonder spread

across Ybriel’s face.

‘Why didn’t you tell the Emperor? If I change the future at will, I’m sure I’ll
be at a disadvantage.’

It was winter that answered that question.

“All we can recognize is the fact that you are Obate. We don’t even know
what your previous life was like.”

In short, it meant that the time before Ybriel’s return only remembered
Yvriel, and neither winter nor darkness could be known.


At that moment, Ybriel understood and nodded.

Herwin and Sigmund, who had been watching Ebriel, turned pale.

He suddenly asked a question without meaning, muttered to himself, and now

he was nodding again as if he had understood something.
Ybriel realized that misunderstood eyes were pouring towards her a step later,
and quickly waved her hand.

“No, this is because I’m talking to Nabi-sama right now…!”

“You mean winter?”

At Sigmund’s words, Ybriel nodded eagerly. The dubious eyes of the two
disappeared just then.
Ybriel concentrated on her conversation with Winter again.

‘I understand what it means. Then, the reason winter was targeting me was
because I was Obate?’


An ambiguous answer came back.

“Whatever the reason, there must have been enough gains to come to you by
abandoning the emperor.”

Ybriel nodded silently. If so, you must never lose this body.

‘Is the darkness a weakness?’

“Okay. Is it just that darkness cannot intervene in this world without a

There was only one thing I could think of at this point. Emperor Kaizen. It
was clear that he was the medium of darkness.

If you kill the emperor, the medium of darkness disappears as it is. If the
tenth door could not be opened, the Emperor would have to die before the
darkness regained its full power.
Ybriel looked out the window with a serious expression.

Through the dark night, the wagon busily ran toward the south. The
moonlight lit up behind him.


It didn’t take long to reach South Caswither.

Sigmund’s movement magic and stagecoach were used alternately, so it was
Of course, there were side effects.

Ybriel pinned her body to a tree to calm her rumbling inside. Behind him,
Sigmund and Herwin floundered, trying to figure out what to do.

“Are you okay? Would you like some water?”

“I think it’s because I use movement magic too often.”

Sigmund patted Ybriel on the back.

Ybriel barely stood upright, pressing her dizzy head down.

“Whoa, go, go.”

Now Caswither was right in front of him. I just couldn’t stop because of
motion sickness.

There were two things Caswither heard while traveling.

The first was the news that the revolutionary army had occupied the castle,
and the second was the news that the Knights of Creation had arrived in the
castle occupied by the revolutionary army.
This meant that soon there would be a battle between the Revolutionary
Army and the Knights of Creation.
Episode 125

‘The Revolutionary Army has already consumed a lot of power to capture

Caswither Castle. If you deal with the Knights Templar in such a state….’

There was a high probability that he would be succumbed to helplessness.

The Church will never tolerate cultists.
‘it’s okay. Kyo-guk is not going to launch an attack right away to check the
Ybriel made up her mind as she touched the necklace.

At that time, Asiligo, who was standing in the distance, quietly approached
and held out his hand to Ybriel.

“Ah, thank you.”

Ybriel, who was still dizzy, put the necklace on and grabbed his hand. Having
someone to hold you from the side made it easier to walk.

The place where Ebriel and his party are now is in the dense forest north of

Right now, you can’t see anything because of the dense trees, but if you leave
the forest right now, you’ll see the vast plains of Caswitheryeong.

“You can see the end of the forest.”

At Asiligo’s soft words, Ybriel hurried her steps. The forest was getting closer
and closer.

‘Now the plains of Caswither…!’

As soon as she came out of the shade of the thick tree, Ybriel had no choice
but to stand still.

The beautiful plains of Caswither were all in ashes. The rich land that was the
pride of the empire had disappeared, and only desolation remained.
Herwin, who had been here before, was also speechless.

“It is a sign of war.”

Sigmund muttered as if sighing. Ybriel turned her eyes away and found
Caswither Castle.


A huge castle was visible in the distance. A red flag hung on the wall and
fluttered in the wind.

“The Spear Knights are there too!”

Ybriel also found the flag of the Church a little further away from Caswither
Herwin and Sigmund’s eyes lit up at the same time. You can’t enter the castle,
so you have to go there first.
By the way….

“It looks like they are trying to attack the castle right now.”

The movement of the knights lining up in front of the camp was unusual.
Ybriel froze. The movement of the Knights of Peace was faster than

Sigmund turned his head and asked Ybriel.

“Eve, can you hold out one more time?”

After realizing what he meant, Ybriel nodded.


Immediately after Ybriel’s reply came, Sigmund snapped his finger. Then
your figure disappeared in an instant.


The Knights of Creation, dispatched from the Kingdom of God, established a

position in the immediate sight of Caswither Castle.

It’s been three days since we replaced it like that. In the meantime, several
letters were exchanged between the castle and the camp.

The castle sent them a statement stating that they were not cults, and the
church demanded that they come out of the castle and prove that they were
not cults.

However, from the perspective of the revolutionary army, there was no way to
ascertain whether these words were really meant to prove the truth or whether
they were a trap to bring them out.

As a result, the confrontation continued without progress.

Walter, the commander of the Creation Knights, was slowly running out of

“When are you going to get my castle back?”

Not for any other reason, but because of Duke Caswither.

When the Knights Templar had just completed their camp, Duke Caswither
came to him and started whining, asking for his castle back.

Walter was absurd that a nobleman of an empire, even the head of the
Gongsin family, was acting so uneducated.

“Wait. Evidence of being a cult is still unclear, so we can’t take it lightly.”

“The Emperor himself called them cultists, what other evidence do we need!”

Walter grinned at the sight of Duke Caswither.

“The Emperor’s words will be absolute for the people of the Empire.”

The knights standing next to him also seemed unable to hold back their
laughter. These were clearly knights belonging to the Kingdom of God who
had been ‘requested’ by the emperor.

There was no reason for the knights who served the gods to be absolutely
loyal to the emperor’s words.

In addition, it was Duke Caswither’s fault for not suppressing the civil war in
his own estate in a timely manner.

So it was definitely Duke Caswither who had to bow his head.

“The subject of borrowing the power of the Kingdom must have a degree of

Duke Caswither’s face flushed red at the words protruding from among the

“Hey, what a rude person!”

“The Kingdom of Shia is also suspicious of the fake divine beast of Crown
Prince Tezeric of Veloiton. Please bear in mind that neither the Empress nor
Caswither can escape the investigation.”

At Walter’s warning words, Duke Caswither kept his mouth shut.

‘Damn, there are so many unnecessary doubts!’

Fortunately for the Duke, they still do not know the details of the contents of
the Prince’s letter that was revealed in the system. This is because the
emperor strictly cracked down on rumors circulating in the system.

Thanks to this, no news from the islands reached the south.

If the Knights had known such a fact, they would have gone straight to the
Islands, not the South.

‘They shouldn’t know the contents of the letter. never!’

Duke Caswither swallowed a screaming cry.

They must slay the damned bastards and rebels in the South to quell the
Emperor’s wrath.

He changed his strategy and decided to convince the knights commander.

“Well, how long can we not be able to face each other like this!”


“If this is the case, His Majesty the Emperor will send troops directly. Then
the chance to catch the cult in the hands of the Church will be blown away.”

Walter furrowed his eyebrows at those words.

It would be a disgrace if they came to the front of the castle to punish the
cultists, and the emperor actually captured that castle.

‘What did the Knights of Invention do?’

In addition, the emperor directly requested the dispatch of the Knights

Templar. If that was the case, they would have been convinced that they were

‘Could the emperor be a cultist?’

not so big

The emperor participated in the festivities decades ago and was baptized in
his divine beast and Hal Shia. It must have been because it was the material
left in the church’s archives.

‘Can such a person fall into a social circle?’

Walter’s troubles were over.

“All right. First, open the gates and pull out their leader, so this confrontation
can be ended.”

After the commander made the decision, the preparations were made in an

The knights maintained their weapons and lined up.

Walter, riding on his horse, looked in the direction of Caswither Castle with a
serious expression.

‘If I open the gate and capture their leader, will we be able to talk?’

Although determined to attack, he was somewhat skeptical.

They will, of course, feel attacked and resist. In the process, there would have
been quite a few casualties.

At the point of bloodshed, Walter knew that peaceful conversation was


‘Nevertheless, if it is a cult, it is right to hit it.’

When Walter, who had gathered his heart, raised his sword high, the fierce
knights shouted.

“All troops, advance—”


Just then, a clear voice flew in from somewhere.

Both Walter and the knights standing looked at the woman who suddenly
appeared in front of them with eyes in disbelief.

Because it was literally ‘suddenly’.

A woman appeared like a mirage in the middle of a road where there was
nothing. She was a beautiful woman with silver hair that glistened in the
afternoon sun and blue-purple eyes as clear as a lake.
Walter pointed his sword straight at the stranger.

“Who are you?”

At that moment, the sword in his hand suddenly turned into a flower. Walter
looked at the flowers he was holding with wide eyes.

‘What happened?’

Curious, Walter found a few more people standing behind the woman.
One of the old men grinned. He was wearing a robe holding the staff in his

Walter looked at them nervously.
It was all four people who stood in the way of the Spear Knights.

The old man with a somewhat dirty temperament, the handsome silver-haired
man with bright eyes, the younger handsome man of a different race, and the
beautiful woman from before were the end.

While Walter was bewildered by the unknown combination, one of the

knights recognized the opponent’s face.

“Cow, Your Majesty the Duke of Solgren?”

At the time of the tabernacle incident in the past, he was a knight who came
to Solgren’s estate to investigate the cult. He recognized Herwin.

“Stop the attack now!”

Then the silver-haired woman resolutely shouted again.

“Now the church is being deceived. There are other true cultists!”
“A real cultist?”
Walter frowned as if he didn’t understand. It sounded like they were not
necessarily cultists who took over this castle.
He knew instinctively that he had to listen to them.

“Could you please elaborate?”


Ybriel caught her breath.

I felt like I was going to vomit at any moment because of the movement
magic, but I couldn’t stop.

“Yes, please check this first.”

Ybriel immediately held out the newspaper she had brought from the system.
It was a newspaper with Tezeric’s letter.

“It’s a letter from the former Crown Prince Tezeric that was revealed in the

At that moment, the man who was presumed to be the commander of the
knights dismounted from the horse. In his hand was a sword that had turned
into a flower.

As he drew closer, Asiligo reflexively blocked Ybriel’s front.

“I am Walter, the commander of the Changmyeong Knights. I swear before
God that I will not harm the Lady.”

Belatedly, Ybriel realized that he had never spoken to him.

“The introduction is late. I am Ybriel of the Duke of Solgren.”

“It’s not a good place, but it’s an honor to meet you. That newspaper, can I
read it?”
Ybriel nodded and handed the newspaper he had brought straight to Walter as
he approached. He scanned the written text quickly.
As I read the content, my eyes gradually became distorted.

“Everything written in the letter is true.”

Ybriel added in a low voice.

“Because the real divine beast belongs to me.”

In a word, there was a huge uproar.
Episode 126

The knights, who had been standing with a stiff expression before, were
clearly beginning to shake.

“Did you say that the divine water belongs to the princess?”
Walter asked again, and Ybriel nodded.
With those words, Walter first checked Ybriel’s eyes again. The clearest proof
that you have a divine beast is in the sun.

However, no matter how you looked at Ybriel’s eyes, they were just blue-

‘It’s a rare color, but not in the sun.’

Walter did not let go of his doubts towards Ybriel and opened his mouth.

“You must know that the proof of possessing a divine beast is in the sun. It’s
difficult to see the sun’s eyes from Princess Solgren right now.”

Ybriel nodded her head meekly again this time. Because that was also true.

It was still difficult to guess why Ruby came to him, who had no sun eyes.

‘Maybe it’s because I’m Obate.’

It is an uncertain hypothesis, and from the beginning, it was said that the
concept of Obatera was applicable only to spirits such as winter.
Therefore, there was no way for Ybriel to properly explain the existence of
Ruby now.
‘Will the other side believe that I have a divine beast without the sun?’
It was after one fake Shinsoo incident had already passed. Aiden, who had
real sun eyes, had only one eye.
‘It would be difficult to prove it with anything.’

Ybriel gently stretched out her hand. Ruby, who was sitting on the floor
picking her hair, noticed the small gesture, and jumped off the ground at

A slender white cat quickly climbed onto Ybriel’s shoulder. Walter’s eyes
widened at the unexpected appearance.

“It may be hard to believe, but this cat is the new Beast of Veloyton.”
Walter looked at the cat and Ybriel alternately.

‘The holy god of the empire is a cat.’

To be honest, it was difficult to see him as a god by his appearance alone.

Maybe he was just lying with a cat he had just picked up from somewhere.

But to dismiss it as a lie, Ybriel’s expression was too serious.

“Can you prove that?”

Ybriel paused.

It was clear that ruby had the power of fire.

There was a time when Ybriel was spared with its warmth just before she
died, and above all, there was a time when she was transformed into a dragon
at the crown prince’s divine beast naming ceremony.

So, if only I could show you how to transform into a dragon….


Ybriel lightly stroked the cheek of the cat sitting on her shoulder. And
whispered softly in Ruby’s ear.
“Can you show them the coolest thing you can do?”

“My dear.”
The cat wept briefly as if in response to Ybriel’s question, then jumped up on
Ybriel’s shoulder once more.

The cat, who had thought it would land on the ground as it was, flew off

And it was immediately engulfed in flames and gradually grew in shape.

The Knights of the Church of Heaven, Asiligo, Herwin and Sigmund also
watched the scene with amazement.
The person who marveled more than anyone else was Ybriel.

‘Is it that big?’

The empty fields of Caswither were colored with brilliant gold under the
flames of the holy divine water.

There was a huge shadow in the eyes of everyone who looked up.

It was at this time that Ybriel faced the body of the divine beast for the first


A spotless, pure white dragon flew across the sky.

The white dragon crossing the blue sky was like a whale swimming freely in
the clear water.

“Oh my God, Shia….”

Walter, the commander of the Knights of Creation, couldn’t take his eyes off
the marvelous sight. Among the knights, some sat down.
The dragon is the first form of the divine beast. No fantasy magic dares to
embody such perfection.

Herwin and Sigmund’s situation was no different. It was their first time seeing
the body of the divine beast.


Sigmund sighed briefly. He was sure that this moment would go down in

The inevitable fate will lead Ybriel to the throne.


Herwin looked at Ybriel’s back with worried eyes.

The master of the divine beast is the master of the next throne. Now that the
fact has been exposed so extensively, the Emperor will target Ybriel.

“From this moment on, you must never lower your vigilance.”

Sigmund also warned in a low voice that he was thinking the same thing.

Hearing those words, not only Herwin, but Asiligo also grabbed the handle of
the sword in her hand. Because he was a knight of Ybriel.

Ybriel smiled a little as she looked around at the people who were all making
stupid expressions.

And Walter, who woke up belatedly, turned his head to Ybriel. Ybriel’s silver
hair fluttered in the wind caused by the dragon.

Was it because he found out he was the owner of the divine beast? Even such
an ordinary scene seemed very mysterious.

Ybriel closed her eyes and smiled.

“Can you trust me now?”

I couldn’t believe it when I saw this sight. Walter formally bowed before the
master of the true divine beast.

“Forgive me for having just recognized the true master of the divine beast.”

When the knight leader knelt down first, the knights lowered their bodies in
the same way.

Meanwhile, Duke Caswither, looking outside from a distant barracks, saw all
the sights with a pale face.

‘Damn it, damn it!’

He roughly grasped the situation with the silver hair he could see at a glance,
the dragon floating in the sky, and the atmosphere that flowed immediately
after that.

‘It’s Solgren. Solgren is here.’

If they had come from the Islands, they would surely have delivered the letter
of the illegitimate child as well.

‘Certainly, that giant dragon is a real divine beast.’

He was a servant of the holy Shia who could not be imitated.

Duke Caswither felt the blood draining from his body. He staggered back and
started to run away from the barracks.

‘If you go back like this, you will die at the hands of the emperor, and if you
stay here you will be captured by them.’

The answer is exile! The way he quickly ran away from the back was

Unaware of this fact, Ybriel turned her body toward Caswither Castle,
trimming her fluttering hair.

At first glance, it seemed that golden hair could be seen from above the wall.

It was only four days ago that Tezeric arrived at Caswither after leaving the
islands with Azerian.

When they first reached the castle, the revolutionary army looked into his sun
and recognized that he was a fake prince. The revolutionary army, who
considered him to be in tune with the emperor, immediately imprisoned him
in the basement of the castle.

It was Nero who later resolved the misunderstanding.

‘No, did she come to save Empress Sun’s Majesty? You’re on our side!’

Azerian also actively defended Tezeric.

‘The child was just being taken advantage of by Duke Caswither. It has a
different meaning from the emperor.’

After securing his identity to Aiden, who later arrived, Tezeric was finally
released from prison.

While he was imprisoned, the castle was in a state of confrontation with the
Knights Templar. From the position of attacking the castle, it was now a
position where they had to protect the castle.

After confirming the situation only today, Tezeric tried to convey the contents
of his letter to the Knights of Creation.

But before he could even write the letter, the Knights of Creation moved.

“The knights are forming their ranks in the camp on the side of the church!”

When the movement of the knights was not serious, the people of the castle
were on a tighter alert. Tezeric also jumped up the wall.

It seemed that the form of forming a rank would come in advance at any
moment. Tezeric even thought of running out and stopping them.
However, the knights, who were shouting as if they were going forward, did
not show any movement even as time passed.


Standing on top of the wall, Tezeric narrowed his eyes and looked at the
direction outside.

Now that I see, there were those who stopped the knights from advancing.

His eyes were still unable to discern color, so it was difficult to identify him
from his back. but….
Tezeric’s gaze rested on his long hair.

He remembered that rippling light. Even though he grew up leaning on time,

he was sure.

the kid has come My heart was beating faster and faster.
He couldn’t take his eyes off Ybriel’s back.

Ybriel seemed to be having a conversation with the Knights Templar. The

soldiers on the wall watched the scene with great tension.

And at some point, something white appeared from above Ybriel’s shoulder.
He watched as the form engulfed in flames, grew bigger and bigger, and
finally turned into a dragon in the sky.

The soldiers on the fortress wall exclaimed at the appearance of the dragon
that was finally revealed.
The giant shadow of the dragon was contained in Tezeric’s red eyes. He
stared blankly at the softly flying dragon for a while.

‘The real divine beast was also with you.’

He had been guessing from the moment he found out that Aiden, who had
only half the sun, had no divine powers.
While everyone was staring at the dragon, Tezeric turned and stared at Ybriel.

Ybriel was too far away. like an unreachable star.

He was no longer the Crown Prince, nor the master of the sun and the divine
beast. The name Tezeric was also given to him when he was enrolled in the
family, so he didn’t even have a name left.
He smiled dimly like a mist.

‘This is right.’
Everything found its right place.
He has returned to his original status as an illegitimate child, and Ybriel has
finally regained the rightful position he should have.
‘From the beginning there was none of mine.’

At that moment, like a lie, Ybriel looked back. It was as if the dim blue eyes
had captured him at first glance.
Tezeric turned around and ran down the wall.

It was time to go back downstairs.

Episode 127


After the flight, Ruby returned to the form of a cat and fell into Ybriel’s arms.
The cool breeze smelled of the wind.
Ybriel smiled and rubbed Ruby’s back.

“Good job, Ruby.”


Ruby wrinkled her nose triumphantly. Walter stared at Ruby and Ybriel with
a surprised expression.

“… It was really a godsend.”

He couldn’t believe he had captured this moment with his own two eyes.
“Now do you know which side is telling the truth?”

Ybriel asked Walter.

Since the fact that Ruby was a real divine beast was proved, of course,
Tezeric’s writings also came closer to the truth.

“I believe that the princess’s divine beast is real.”

Walter also nodded willingly to acknowledge that.

“But as for the letter, we need confirmation.”
“If it’s OK….”
Ybriel made eye contact with Walter.

“You should meet Tezeric Caswither in person.”

Tezeric Caswither.

His name, which Wilnarion did not follow, was awkward, so Ybriel remained
silent and blinked.

‘It wasn’t his intention, but it is a felony to endanger the country with a fake
divine beast.’

Even taking into account the fact that the truth was revealed in a letter,
responsibility cannot be avoided. After all, Tezeric knew everything and did

The thought that he might be taken to the church and tried for trial made
Ybriel nervous.

About that time, Herwin stepped forward in place of Ybriel, who was lost in
thought and did not open her mouth.

“To do that, the first step is to enter Caswither Castle. Can you tell me that
you don’t want to fight with your troops?”

“Yes, it is not difficult.”

At Herwin’s words, Walter took immediate action.

Without hesitation, he retreated the knights and raised a high white flag in
front of the camp to signify surrender.
If you check on Caswither Castle, they will respond in some way.

The reaction of the ensuing revolutionary army was quicker than expected.

At Caswither Castle, he saw the white flag and picked up the weapon on the
wall to see if he understood his intention to surrender.
And after a while, the heavy gates began to move slowly. The gates opened
wide enough to feel defenseless.

Ybriel’s party and Walter immediately approached the open gate. Ybriel
checked to see if there was a blonde man among those who came out.

Should I say happy? The person Ybriel was looking for was nowhere to be

Instead, she saw familiar silver hair.


As Ybriel shouted, a silver-haired man resembling Herwin from the other

side smiled and waved his hand.

“Long time no see.”

The ruby she was holding wiggled its tail in delight. As Ybriel put it down,
Ruby walked towards Aiden.

“It’s okay.”
Herwin also greeted Aiden with a soft smile.

“Yes, thanks.”

Aiden greeted Herwin with a more relaxed expression than the last time.
Sigmund, who had been quietly listening to the conversation since he
appeared, opened his mouth.

“Eh, Aiden?”

The grandson, who had always wondered when he would see him, was now in
front of him. The Archmage forgot his face and hurriedly ran in front of him.

“Mmm, stop!”

The men standing behind Aiden drew their swords toward Sigmund’s sudden
approach, but they all turned into flowers at once with Sigmund’s gestures.
Meanwhile, Sigmund approached and immediately grabbed Aiden’s shoulder.

“You are Aiden!”

“Nice to meet you, Grandpa.”

Sigmund blushed and pulled Aiden into his arms. And patted his back with a
large hand.

“Dude, you said you can’t cheat on blood, so you’re handsome just like me!”


Aiden looked so much like him that anyone would think he was Herwin’s son.

‘You seem to have a little bit of an eye.’

Aiden laughed awkwardly.

While the grandchildren shared the joy of reunion, Knight Commander

Walter raised his hands toward the Revolutionary Army and showed that he
was unarmed. Some of his men came and searched his body.

They backed off only after they confirmed that Walter had no weapons.

“Follow me.”

With those words, everyone followed Aiden, who took the lead, into the

Traces of the battle remained intact inside the castle.

Broken walls and columns, ashes and bloodstains proved how fierce the
fighting was here.

Walking along the damaged hallway, Aiden briefly shared the news.

“Everyone in the family at Caswither Castle was locked up in a dungeon. I

don’t know if Caswither even has cult links, but you can interrogate him if
you wish.”
The commander of the Changmyeong Knights nodded at those words.

He couldn’t take his eyes off Aiden’s left eye. Aiden, who felt his gaze,
guessed what was going on and answered first.

“You are right.”

“… It’s really the sun.”

I had guessed it by seeing the shimmering scarlet light, but it was the first
time that the sun’s eyes appeared only in one eye.

‘How did it happen?’

Walter, twisted in his thoughts, looked at Herwin, Aiden, and Ybriel in turn.
A complicated family history was revealed.

“And unfortunately, my mother is not in the castle right now.”

As Liatrice’s story came out of Aiden’s mouth, everyone listened.

“After capturing the castle, we split our forces in two. One side will guard the
castle and the other will hide outside.”

At that, Walter raised an eyebrow.

“You were trying to raid this place.”

Aiden smiled faintly instead of answering. Walter sighed at his undeniable


If the siege had started as it is, this side would have suffered great damage.

“I sent you the news, so I think you will be back in the evening or at night.”

“I see.”

Herwin nodded. I was overjoyed at the thought of seeing Liatris again, and
finally being able to introduce my daughter to her mother.
In fact, Ybriel was busy looking around. Thejeric, who I expected to be here,
was nowhere to be seen.

Ybriel fiddled with her fingers. I would like to say hello to Tezeric, but if I
bring it up here now, Walter will listen.

“Is Tezeric Caswither here too?”

At that time, Walter spoke about the topic that Ybriel had been avoiding.
Ybriel looked at Walter and Aiden with great tension.



When Yibriel suddenly intervened, everyone’s eyes focused on her. Ybriel,

who grabbed attention at once, asked a question.

“Isn’t His Majesty the Empress Dowager here?”

Herwin’s expression changed completely when Empress Sun-Azerian became

a hot topic.

“Oh, right.”

“Then, after Empress Seon, visit His Majesty first. He will testify of the
emperor’s atrocities.”

my mother is here Just thinking about it made Herwin’s heart grow heavy.

Just thinking about it brought tears to my eyes. The joy that we finally met,
the guilt of not being able to save us until this day came, and the remorse
towards ourselves for not knowing how to control our past powers were

Herwin bowed his head darkly.

Seeing Herwin’s expression, Sigmund helped out.

“That would be good.”

As Walter hesitated, Ybriel called out quickly.

“Then, my Majesty, no, I will look for Tezeric and come back.”

Aiden was perplexed.

“Wait, I don’t even know where you are….”

“it’s okay. I can find it. Let’s go, Asiligo!”

Ybriel left the place in an instant, not listening to Aiden’s words that he was
trying to stop him.

Asiligo, who had been following silently the whole time, followed behind
Aiden’s eyes narrowed at the sight of them moving away so quickly.
‘no way?’

But after a moment’s doubt, he soon withdrew his thoughts and headed back
to the Azerian’s lodging.

“Let’s go to His Majesty after Empress Seon.”


Ybriel called for winter as she turned the corner. On the back of his hand, the
pattern of winter branches shone faintly.
“I am listening.”

‘I’m trying to find Tezeric. Please lend me your strength.’

Transparently shining butterflies appeared in front of Ybriel, who was busy
However, when winter appeared, he asked questions instead of help.

“I wonder why you want to help him.”

At the sudden question, Ybriel was perplexed. There was no way that Winter,
who was always by Ybriel’s side, didn’t know the answer.
‘Yeah, because I said I’d help.’

In addition to the promises made in the church, there was one more thing that
others didn’t know about Ybriel.
Before turning back in time, Tezeric tried to save Ybriel. albeit failed.

‘I will not forget the fact that you have tormented me.’
But in this lifetime, Tezeric helped Ybriel and saved Azerian. So, it was about
paying off debt.
“Is that really all?”
Winter asked again. Ybriel bit her lip.

Is that really all? But if not for that reason, what else is left?
The necklace hanging from his neck seemed to suddenly become heavy.

Asiligo’s voice suddenly flew in, Ebriel was awakened.

“That is not the way.”


Ybriel looked up in front of her belatedly. A thick thorn bush appeared in

front of him. If Asiligo hadn’t stopped, he would have crossed over.

“Yes. I must have been too hasty.”

Asiligo, who was looking at Ybriel who was muttering blankly, faintly
furrowed his eyebrows.

“Are you okay?”

At that time, the butterfly shone brightly.

At the voice of winter, Ybriel raised her head. He seemed to have figured out
where Tezeric was.
“Follow me.”

Butterflies fluttered and began to fly away. Ybriel went as the butterfly led like
a bewitched man.
The place where they stopped was behind the castle.

There was less damage than the front of the castle we saw earlier. There was
no one in the crowd and the surroundings were quiet.

Ybriel’s feet stopped for a moment.

In front of the small well, Tezeric, who he had been looking for so much,
stood like a still life.

Ybriel exclaimed without time to think.
Episode 128

The man turned his head at the shout.

The eyes of Ybriel, who finally met his face, trembled slightly.

While staying at the tower, Ybriel had forgotten the time outside and vaguely
imagined the boy of that time. The appearance of Tezeric that Ybriel
remembers stopped at the age of fifteen.
Because of this, Ybriel had no choice but to be shaken when she saw Tezeric

‘Who is that person?’

He has a shabby physique and a ferocious corner, but has a gorgeous and
decent appearance.
Tezeric had grown up to be a man who had just escaped. Ybriel was so
unfamiliar with him that he could not find anything to say, and his lips

Tezeric’s face was soaked with water as if he had just washed his face with
well water. Drops of water dripped from her golden hair. It was a strange
sight that caught my attention.
“… Princess?”

Tezeric was equally perplexed.

A little while ago, I heard the door open. Naturally, Ybriel and her
companions who were outside must have been brought into the city.
‘Shinsu takes the form of a dragon and flies in the sky, how can you not open
the door?’

Tezeric gradually retreated to avoid the commotion.

In the end, it was a kind of escape for him to come to the back of the castle,
to this little well where no one came.
He missed Ybriel all the time, but contradictedly was reluctant to meet her.

Tezeric was no longer the Crown Prince. I couldn’t even call it Caswither.
There was nothing more he could do to meet Ybriel.
His shabby figure suddenly felt funny.

‘I didn’t mean to say that I was going to wait.’

I showed my mind as if it was anything, and like a fool I forgot the subject.
how stupid is this

Even if I splashed water on my face to wash away my complicated head, I

didn’t feel any better.

It was until he met Ybriel who suddenly appeared from behind.

Tezeric looked at Ybriel’s figure and couldn’t even blink.

I vaguely imagined that I would grow up like this. But when he actually met
him, he couldn’t say anything.

His height, his body with soft lines, and his youthful face faded into his eyes
one after another. Her hair was brittle as if she had run in a hurry, but her
beauty was flawless.
My heart was pounding like a beast.

The low mood, as if it had just been drowning in mud, has improved as if it
had risen to a warm sunny day.
‘It could be this simple.’
While helping himself, Tezeric suddenly found a gray knight standing behind

you know. Heterogeneous Knight. He stayed by Ybriel’s side at all times.

Jealousy rose like a flame. If he had been a knight, he could have stayed so

Emotions changed from pole to pole in an instant.

‘Because of that one kid.’

Tezeric’s eyes turned to Ybriel helplessly.

I suddenly felt defeated. The thought crossed my mind that I could never win.

It was Ybriel who broke the silence and spoke first among the two.

“Long time no see. Are you hurt anywhere?”

Tezeric wiped his face dry with a cloth, delaying his reply. In the meantime,
Ybriel quickly scans Tezeric’s body. No visible trauma was seen.

“Surprisingly, Shia hasn’t abandoned me yet.”

As Tezeric answered, he put the drenched cloth on the side of the well.

Ybriel smiled faintly. It was the sound of God protecting him and saying he
was fine. Seeing that he could afford to joke, his condition didn’t seem too

Ebriel, who had been smiling reassuredly, suddenly realized that there was no
time and hardened her face.

“This is not the time here. Now, the Commander of the Creation Knights is
looking for His Majesty.”

Ybriel looked around. There were still no people. But you never know when
someone will come this way.
“If this goes on, I might be caught and sent back to Kyoko. First,
pack your horses and luggage and sneak out of the castle. I will buy
the time ….”

Ybriel murmured quickly and took one step closer to Tezeric. Then, just that
much, Tezeric stepped back.
He averted his gaze with a stiff face. Ebriel looked up at him with a
questioning attitude as if he was being wary.


“ … Please keep your words low, Princess.”

Ybriel paused as if she had heard something unbelievable. what now?

“I am no longer the Crown Prince.”

“yes? No, yes?”

Whether Ybriel was confused or not, Tezeric continued.

“The name is also wrong. I am not a member of the royal family—”

“Hey, stop!”

Then Ybriel covered her ears with both hands. Ybriel cried out with a
disgusted expression on her face.

“Please, please, please don’t be rude. I’ll change the name!”

Tezeric, who did not know that Ybriel would react to such a degree of
rejection, made a puzzled expression on his face.

Undoubtedly, Ybriel had only heard half-talks of Tezeric in her past and this

‘It really doesn’t suit you!’

Hearing Tezeric, who has always been considered the Crown Prince, now
come and speaks respectful words to himself, it tickles in his ears.
“What’s the matter? I am an illegitimate child, and you are a princess.”

“Okay, then I’ll allow it. Please be kind. Please.”

Tezeric frowned as if he couldn’t understand. What kind of request is that?

“… Do it if you want.”

At that moment, Ybriel exhaled comfortably. The respectful Tezeric was as

strange as the sun rising in the west. Ybriel managed to straighten her
expression and explained it again.

“I don’t have much time. We need to clear up the misunderstanding of the

commander of the Changmyeong Knights, but for now….”


Tezeric tilted his head with a puzzled expression.

“Since I made a mistake, it is natural to ask for guilt. Even I almost blew up
Hal Shia in the past.”

Tezeric’s voice was relaxed, not knowing that he was being interrogated soon.

“The situation is dangerous. The commander of the Changmyeong Knights is

me, no, um.”

Ybriel pondered for a while to find an appropriate title other than ‘Your
Highness’. Noticing the hesitation, Tezeric’s eyes lit up. A boyish playfulness
could be seen from the faint smile.

“Theseric. Or Tez. You can call it whatever you want, but I prefer the latter if

Tezeric was his first name and Tez was his nickname. Ybriel stared blankly at
Tezeric, who was grinning.

“Well, um, I’ll do it with a Tezeric.”

“okay? I’m sorry.”

Ybriel sighed inwardly. Where did you learn to smile like that?

When I met Tezeric again, he had changed somewhat in a hopeful way.

Ybriel shook her head slightly to calm herself.

“Anyway, you are in danger now.”


“Prove your innocence to the Commander of the Creation Knights, or if you

can’t do that, you have to run away.”

Despite Ybriel’s warning, Tezeric just stared at the floor as if contemplating


Silence lingered between them for a moment. He suddenly shook his head.
and asked.

“… Are you worried about me?”

At first glance, it looked innocent. Ybriel felt her face heat up for some reason
and turned her head.


I don’t know why, but I was a little angry. Compared to what Ybriel was
worried about, Tezeric was fine and calm.

“Yes, I am worried! You send me a letter with that kind of content and give
me a necklace, so of course I’m worried!”

The anxiety that had been piled up in the past came out as if a dam had burst.
Ybriel’s eyebrows faintly contorted.

“I was so worried that the jewel on the necklace would break….”

Tezeric’s eyes widened. Now I see the necklace he sent hanging around
Ybriel’s neck.

That emerald was connected with his heart by magic. When Tezeric loses his
breath, that gem also breaks.
Ybriel probably couldn’t even imagine.

Conversely, when that gem breaks, Tezeric’s heart stops.

So Ybriel was holding his heart.

Tezeric was not happy with that fact and laughed.


Asiligo looked at Ybriel and Tezeric from five steps away.

He was watching their conversation from behind Ebriel, so there was no way
to ascertain what Ebriel was making.

But I had to know.

An excited voice, a fast-beating heart, a body facing Tezeric….
There was plenty of evidence to be found. Asiligo looked down at his hand. It
was full of calluses and small scars.
‘Yes, I’m worried!’

Why do you feel so bad?

He clenched his fists as if to hold back his emotions. The only duty a knight
should offer to his master is loyalty.

If so, then he was clearly the wrong article somewhere. These feelings are
obviously far from loyalty.

Suddenly, Asiligo felt a quick chuckle approaching from behind and lifted his
Ybriel then looked back. As his blue eyes turned to him, Asiligo said, feeling
an unknown relief.
“People are coming this way.”

Anxiety spread across Ybriel’s face. Without a moment to run away, the
infamous came closer to the well.

“Ah, here you are!”

It was the people who had come looking for Tezeric. They were terrified of
finding Tezeric.
Then, he found Ybriel belatedly and set his standards. Ybriel closed her eyes
tightly. late.

“I, Princess. The Knights Commander of the Kingdom is looking for


At the expression ‘interest’, Ybriel shrugged her shoulders. It was because of

the realization that Tezeric was no longer the Crown Prince.
In fact, Tezeric’s complexion was so calm.

“Then I will go.”

Ybriel nodded heavily because it was difficult to answer.

I just hoped that the Knights Commander of the Kingdom of God had the
generosity to understand this.


Tezeric’s interrogation, which he thought would be over soon, continued until

late at night.
Ybriel impatiently waited for his interrogation to end, raising concerns around
“Eve, you need to rest.”

Herwin looked at Ybriel, who was sitting on the sofa, with a worried voice.
“Wait a little longer.”

“You didn’t get enough sleep while you were here. If you fall like this, many
people will be in trouble.”
Herwin was right.

All of the legislators in the castle are taking care of the wounded. If Ybriel
had problems, a more serious person could not receive adequate treatment.

“… I know.”
In the end, Ybriel took a step back. Herwin then smiled and opened the
drawing room door.

Returning to the assigned room, Ybriel lay on the bed and closed her eyes.
There was a strange smell of blankets.

The fatigue accumulated from the arduous journey came over me once.
Ybriel fell asleep without resisting.
And suddenly, in my sleep, I heard a small song.

“The stars will protect you.”

It was a soft and sweet voice, but somehow sad.

Many things were vivid to dismiss as a dream. The sound of his breath and
his popularity seemed to be felt right from a distance.

Ybriel shook off the heavy sleepiness and slowly raised her eyelids.
The moonlight was shining brightly into the room as if it had spilled. Ybriel
was the first to see her pale gold hair waving in a blurry vision.
“Did I wake you up?”
Episode 129

Ybriel jumped up at the voice.

It was a very familiar face. A small portrait that Herwin showed me. The
woman in front of her was the main character.

Above all, the eyes were the same. Like Ybriel’s, it was a blue-violet with a
subtle pulsation.

Liatrice. The lost Duchess of Solgren.

As soon as I saw it, I realized it, but Ybriel’s lips did not fall apart. I didn’t
know what to say.

Liatris hurriedly adjusted her outfit with a look of helplessness when Ybriel
stared at her. Somehow it seemed like he didn’t want to ruin his first

Then, realizing that he was too busy, he straightened his road posture.

Confused, Ybriel remained silent for a while, holding her breath.

It was Liatress who could not overcome the silence.

“Sorry for disturbing your sleep. After hearing that you were there, I couldn’t

Liatris, who received a call from Aiden, returned to the castle and found her
from here without announcing her return. It was because he did not want to
delay seeing Ybriel even for a moment.
“Ah, that’s okay….”
It was then that Ybriel spoke up for the first time. Liatrice’s eyes fluttered
“like this… You speak in a voice like this.”


“I missed you a lot and I was curious.”

It was a question that had been piled up over the years.

what kind of face Who would you like more?

What kind of expression do you make and what kind of voice do you make?
What do you like and dislike? Is there any pain….
And now we know the answer.

Liatrice blinked to hold back her tears. I couldn’t bear to see the face of the
daughter I had barely met, even for a moment.

Liatrice, who had struggled to erase her sad expression, sat down carefully at
the end of the bed. One side of the bed turned slightly off, and the sheets

“I’m sorry I couldn’t be by your side, so I’m late.”

Liatrice’s voice was wet as if crying. Ybriel gently grabbed the blanket.

Liatris had been apologizing since the moment she came in like a criminal.

I didn’t expect this moment to come. Because I had already heard from
Herwin that Liatrice would be back.

‘Even though I knew I couldn’t help it….’

I couldn’t say at once that I was okay and that I understood everything.
The emotions were very complex. It was lonely, sad, angry, but also

In the end, instead of opening her mouth, Ybriel cautiously reached out. And
without a word, he took Liatrice’s hand.

It was a cold hand soaked in the night air. Ybriel squeezed Liatrice’s hand
completely, as if trying to share her body temperature.

The body temperature that came from that hand was so warm that Liatrice
ended up in tears.

Not a short time has passed.

While waiting for Liatrice to calm down, Ybriel picked up the towel on the
bedside with her remaining hand and handed it over.

“… thank you.”

Barely true Liatrice took the towel and wiped her face lightly. Liatris, who
cleaned up her expression as if she had cried, put down the towel and looked
at Ybriel with serious eyes.

“I have something to give you. Originally, I was going to give it to you when I
woke up tomorrow.”

Liatris, who was muttering, looked inside her arms and pulled out something.


Seeing this, Ybriel’s eyes widened.


At that time, Herwin was walking down a dark hallway.

The place he was heading to was none other than the room where Azerian
was staying. In the afternoon, I couldn’t talk much because I was with the
commander of the Changmyeong Knights.

It was only after sending Ybriel, who was standing around late into the night,
into the room, the time came.
Herwin, who had finally reached the doorstep, lowered his gaze and looked
into the crack in the door. A faint light was seeping through the closed door.

Seeing this, Herwin knocked on the door without delay.

“Come in.”

The answer came back as I had waited. Again, Azerian was awake.

Hearing Azerian’s voice, Herwin closed his eyes for a moment to calm his
flurry of emotions.

‘It is the same as the voice in memory.’

Despite the long hiatus, I felt as if I had returned to the past for this moment.

Herwin took a deep breath and slowly opened the door.

Azerian sat upright on the chair in front of the window. Herwin stood still
and watched his mother for a moment.

His white hair and age-laden face were engraved into his eyes.

Suddenly, old memories came to mind.

‘It’s stuffy inside the palace, but he liked to look out the window because he
said he couldn’t go out at will.’

At times like this, young Herwin would also sit on Azerian’s lap and look
outside. Azerian whispered to Herwin, as if telling a very important secret.
‘If we go back to Solgren together someday, shall we make a house out of
snow? It will be very pretty because it is white.’

As he grinned as he pondered on the memories, a burn mark spread across

Azerian’s face in his eyes.

Herwin’s face contorted badly.

After the fire at the Empress Palace, he had never looked directly at Azerian.

It was hard to bear that he had left a terrible scar on his mother through his
own fault, but above all, he was afraid that his mother would look at him with
resentful eyes.

“Mother, I….”

“You look like that again.”

Azerian, too, knew that Herwin scolded him whenever he saw him.

‘A good and foolish child.’

For decades, he would have believed that he had harmed many people
because he had lost control of his powers.

“You don’t have to.”

Azerian exclaimed lowly and resolutely. A question spread across Herwin’s


“It wasn’t just that I was locked up in the Imperial Palace for such a long


“It’s not your fault that the fire in my palace happened.”

Herwin was so startled that he forgot to breathe and looked at Azerian.

Azerian brought up a story from a long time ago in front of such a son.
“You must know that the Emperor’s children were not alone.”

Countries under the influence of the Church are to have only one ‘official’
wife according to holy doctrine.

But if you think about it a little differently, it means that you can’t control
how many lovers you have informally.

The Emperor Seon knew this and, even after leaving the Empress, he met
several lovers and continued his debauched life.

“And among them was one of the palace maids.”

Azerian’s face darkened.

“Who would have known? Taeyang-an will appear from the handmaiden’s

“no way….”

Herwin, who had guessed something, furrowed his eyebrows. Azerian


“That is the Emperor Kaizen Wilnarion now.”

Herwin shut his mouth.

“There was only one way for the maid, who had no backbone, to survive.
Either run away, or become strong so that nothing threatens anything.”

Surprisingly, the maid’s choice was the latter. Staying in the palace and
jumping into the dark battle for power.

Kaizen Wilnarion was brought up harshly from birth. For him and his mother
to survive, Kaizen had to be a useful child.

“You know it too. What happens to a wizard who opens too many doors.”
“I’m starting to lose my human heart.”

Herwin knew it, too, because he had been cautioned several times.
“But Kaizen, that kid didn’t have time. Because if I wanted to get rid of my
own stillness as soon as possible, I had to become as strong as I could.”

Therefore, Kaizen focused only on opening the ‘door’. Sometimes, they were
forced to open the door by borrowing the power of secretly hired wizards.

It was an ignorant method, but to some extent it was successful.

When Kaizen, who was born with the sun’s eyes, excelled in magical
achievements, the emperor was very satisfied, and he gladly elevated him to
the throne.

Until then, there were no major problems.

“But you were born.”

However, with the appearance of Herwin, who is called the genius of reviving
the empress, Kaizen’s position began to shake rapidly.

A prince with a vast amount of mana that is difficult to control if you don’t
make an effort. A ‘real’ aristocrat who inherited the precious blood of the
noble family, Solgren.

‘I think His Majesty Kaizen has no heart. You’re so insensitive.’

‘right! You killed the hawk that you had bred for nothing last time. a little
scared That’s not what Herwin said.’
‘Shh, be careful. Still, the owner of the divine beast tells Kaizen.’

Azerian quietly gazed at the night outside the window. Even though the moon
was so bright, darkness was everywhere.
“The more you grow, the more you compare yourself to Kaizen. Taeyangan
and Shinsu were all in that child.”

Azerian’s voice was watered down.

“So I gave him more heart, but I don’t know what made him so anxious….”

Kaizen eventually set the Empress Palace on fire, driving Herwin out of the

“On that day you would think you had a runaway, but I know. It wasn’t that
you couldn’t control your power, it was Kaizen who got your hands on it from

Herwin became pale and tired of Azerian’s words.

“Is that for real?”

“Have you seen Kaizen’s Divine Beast?”

Azerian answered Herwin’s question with a question.
Herwin looked back at his memories and thought of Kaizen’s divine beast.
Perhaps it was the shape of a giant lion….
“I haven’t seen it since I saw it at the naming ceremony, so I don’t remember
it very well.”
A cold smile appeared on Azerian’s lips.
“I will. Because it was the divine beast that caused the fire in my palace.”

Herwin felt like cold water was pouring over his head.
It wasn’t long before Azerian learned the full story of the incident. Each time
he met Kaizen, he asked about past events a little bit, and the stories he had
gathered up like that were put together to complete the truth.
‘It wasn’t my fault. It really wasn’t….’

It felt like the huge piece of iron that had always remained in the corner of
my heart was finally disappearing.

Herwin’s deep sighs scattered across the floor.

Azerian, who had been staring out the window all the time, turned and looked
straight at Herwin.
“Even if I knew all these facts, there would be no turning back now.”

“So don’t back down, son. If you want to make things right in the future, you
must not lose.”
Herwin’s eyes, who raised their heads again, were as bright as they were

“… I will keep that in mind.”

Episode 130


Despite the fatigue that had accumulated, Ybriel stayed up almost all night
with open eyes. It was because of the item Liatrice had handed over.

In Ybriel’s hand was a blue jewel the size of a thumb.

Although it was called a blue gem, it was different in color from things like
sapphires, aquamarines, and blue diamonds.

This jewel glowed faintly, as if alive. The blue light attracted attention as if
there was a strange attraction.

‘It is a frost flower. I brought it with me when I left Solgren’

Ybriel recalled Liatrice’s explanation.

I remember hearing it from a tutor once. The Duchess of Solgren stole the
Frostflower and ran away.

‘Strictly speaking, it wasn’t stolen. Because the original frost flower is an item
passed down from generation to generation to the hostess of Solgren.’

Ybriel vaguely understood why Liatrice had disappeared with the frost flower.
Liatris must have been reminded several times that she was the Duchess of
Solgren as she looked at the Frostflower. And he must have waited for the day
when he would come back to Solgren with this one day.

‘But why are you giving this to me?’


Ybriel rolled the frost flower in the palm of her hand and smiled absurdly.

“I heard that the frost flower was originally a pair with the winter branch.”
The words that Liatris left behind came to mind again.

‘The winter branch and the frost flower were originally one. Its power was so
vast that it was stored separately. You’re dealing with winter twigs now, so
you’ll understand.’

As the saying goes, when the first winter branch was attributed, Ybriel used
to tremble in the cold. The same is true when using force excessively.

‘It may be hard on your body. But now we can’t avoid an all-out war with the
emperor. When a dangerous moment comes, you’ll need a frost flower.’

Liatrice’s worried eyes flashed through her mind.

Ybriel grabbed the frost flower with a cool touch in her hand. Coincidentally,
it was his right hand engraved with the coat of arms of Winter Branch.

The pattern of the winter branch gave off a faint light as if recognizing its
own fragments.
‘Maybe the frost flower could be a clue to the tenth door.’

The worries didn’t last long. Ybriel stretched out her right hand and took out
a winter branch.

“Hey, isn’t it too urgent?”

When Ybriel seemed to merge the frost flowers into the winter branches at
any moment, Winter seemed a little perplexed.

“There is no time.”
“I haven’t slept all night. It’d be nice to get some rest.”

“Then I’ll finish this and go to sleep.”

Ybriel’s attitude was stubborn. Ruby circled around Ybriel as if anxiously.

Ybriel took a short breath, and slowly brought the frost flower to the end of
the winter branch.

Then, a stronger light began to leak out of the frost flower.


It was the dawn of the next morning that Tezeric was released.

Back in the room, Tezeric sat down on the bed and buried his face in his

The Commander of the Creation Knights asked Tezeric a lot of things. From
birth to now.

And Tezeric admitted everything with his own mouth. It used to be like
digging up my wounds and teeth, but now it’s all good.

He suddenly lifted his head and looked around the room he was in.

Tezeric smirked. Learning is so scary.

The most cornered hallway of Caswither Castle, the smallest room.

This was the room where I stayed long ago when I was receiving ‘education’.
To learn the qualities of a nobleman and the virtues that an imperial family
should possess.

… And to make the perfect sun eye.

‘I never wanted to come back.’

When he returned to Caswither Castle, he instinctively came to the place he

had been staying.

Tezeric frowned at the sudden pain in his eyes. He grabbed his bouncing head
and ran out of the room.

As he was walking aimlessly down the hallway, he suddenly found a knight

standing guard at the door.

‘The Princess’s escort knight.’

It was that heterogeneous knight that bothered me every time I saw it.

There’s no way he’s going to keep an empty room, so I’ve got a crazy idea
that Ybriel must be there.

Tezeric moved as if possessed.

Asiligo, too, was feeling the pretense of being close to him from an early age.
As he gazed into the hallway, his gleaming golden hair entered his vision, and
his mood suddenly subsided.

Tezeric reached out to knock on the door without looking at Asiligo. In front
of such Tezeric, Asiligo blocked him.

“You are resting.”

Tezeric tilted his eyebrows. For the first time today, something peeped out of
the knight’s face, who had always stood with an expressionless face.

It was a deep borderline.

Tezeric slowly wrinkled his eyebrows.

“Is this what you do now as an escort knight?”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“I’m asking your master if he has any selfishness.”

Asiligo shut her mouth. It was not that he was hesitant to answer, but that he
would not do it.

After reading the affirmation in that cheeky silence, Tezeric’s eyes became


Then, suddenly, there was a loud noise of something falling from inside the
room. Tezeric and Asiligo turned their heads at the same time.


Asiligo called low, but there was no answer. Tezeric immediately opened the
The two people who checked the room froze at the same time.


Ybriel was sitting on the floor. Asiligo and Tezeric ran to Ybriel, whoever
came first.

Ruby, who had been hovering around Ybriel, was surprised by the
momentum of the two of them and backed away.

“Uh, te….”
Ybriel, who was sitting there, recognized Tezeric and quickly grabbed his

Tezeric was startled by Ybriel’s ice-cold hand. In the mild South, only Ybriel
seemed to be in the North.

“It’s okay, are you okay? Ki, what did the knight commander say?”

Tezeric looked at Ybriel with a look of exasperation.

“Is that important now?”

Tezeric hurriedly took Ybriel and headed for the bed. He pulled the blanket
from the bed and wrapped it around Ybriel.

In the meantime, Asiligo pulled the brazier lying in the corner of the room
and lit it. Slowly, smoke began to circulate in the room.

After the urgent treatment was over, Tezeric sighed.

“What the hell did you do?”

“Come on, frost flowers….”

Ybriel explained with a pale face.

The moment the frost flower was placed on the winter branch, the power
suddenly surged and the body temperature dropped.

“I, I am fine.”

On the back of Ybriel’s hand, who was muttering like that, the pattern of
winter branches was shining white.

It looked quite different from what Tezeric had seen before. In the past, it was
just a shape of tangled branches, but now the branches are in the form of
wrapping a single flower in a circle.
“So, is it because of the winter branches that tremble like this?”
“Yeah, sometimes like this. I haven’t been like that lately, but now I have a

Ybriel was a little shy. I thought I could handle the frost, but it collapsed in
the cold.

“Sometimes, it’s not just once or twice that this happens.”

“After some time, it will get better soon….”

Tezeric was uneasy about planting and ruffled my hair at random. Then, at the
end of his gaze, a white cat caught on. it was ruby
“You are a god of fire. do something.”

Then Ruby looked up at Tezeric with a puzzled expression. It was as if you
were asking me if you were ordering me on your subject.
Ybriel forgot about the cold and smiled for a moment.
“Ruby did a bunch yesterday.”

It was the day before that he showed the appearance of a dragon to the
knights. Tezeric looked at Ruby with an openly pitiful look.

“What is Shinsoo?”

At that, Ruby raised her hair and ran to Tezeric and punched him. It was a
cat’s paw, so there was no major damage.
“It might hurt a little if you turn into a hedgehog.”

Recalling Zed, who had been brutally beaten by Ruby in the past, Ybriel
warned Tezeric not to dodge. Tezeric picked up the cat and pushed it over
there and asked Ybriel.

“How did you deal with this? When it’s cold.”

“Ah, um….”

Ybriel was worried. It would be nice to have an insulated stone, but it would
be difficult to find in the southern city of Caswither Castle.

“A warm water bag—”

“I gave you a hug.”

Then, without warning, Asiligo opened her mouth. Tezeric stared fiercely at
the knight.
The knight had an unfamiliar expression on his face. The faintly wrinkled
forehead and tightly clenched fists looked as if they were angry or prepared
for something.
“… What did you say now?”

Thezeric’s tone was sharp as he asked.

“I shared my body temperature.”

Asiligo’s voice in answer seemed colder than usual.

uh, what Ybriel’s eyes rolled with excitement.

The air current flowing between Tezeric and Asiligo was unusual. It was as if
there was going to be a fight.
‘I think I’ve been like this before…?’
Episode 131

Ybriel watched their conversation with an unknown tension.

“You have to keep the good.”

I know the subject, Tezeric added.

“It’s not just about me.”

What are you doing differently, Asiligo counterattacked.

Meanwhile, Ybriel was confused.

‘what. What. put me in too….’

Ybriel, who had been staring at the two with blurred eyes, suddenly got tired
of the cold and sneeze a little.

“Eh, etch.”
I tried to reduce the sound, but Tezeric and Asiligo turned their heads at the
same time. It was a surprisingly agile move.

“Are you cold?”

“Oh, no. no.”

Ybriel denied it, but Asiligo silently put more wood into the furnace. Tezeric
also picked up the shawl hanging from the sofa and wrapped it around
Ybriel’s shoulder.
Ybriel’s expression darkened. It was as if the two dried ones had become a
pile of duvets. what’s this….

Meanwhile, the atmosphere went into a state of lull for a while. It was Tezeric
who broke the awkward silence.

“How long will this condition last?”

At his question, Ybriel flinched with a look of uncertainty.

“That is, well. I don’t know either.”

I guess this will continue until my body has fully adapted to the mana of the
Frostflower, but Ybriel didn’t know when that would be.

‘I hope it doesn’t last long.’

At Ybriel’s uncertain answer, Tezeric’s complexion also darkened.

‘If that state continues, it puts a considerable strain on the body.’

It was clearly an abnormal condition, from feeling a tooth-crushing chill in
this warm South.
From that point on, my stomach was twisted, but what bothered me even
more was Ybriel’s attitude.

‘You look familiar.’

A seemingly insignificant expression, as if it had always happened, ruffled

Tezeric’s reason.

“It’s not as bad as it looks.”

Where? Speaking with a pale face without blood, Ybriel did not have the
slightest convincing power.

As Tezeric looked at him as if he wasn’t sure, Ybriel added hastily.

“It doesn’t look like I’m in good shape, but it’s still a lot better than it used to
be. There were times when my legs couldn’t even move in severe cases.”
“… What?”

But perhaps it wasn’t the right word, Tezeric’s expression became more
terrifying than before.

“So it’s okay, I’m fine, what are you talking about?”

Ybriel, suppressed by the momentum, quietly shut her mouth. I remember the
terrifying face of Tezeric before his return, often like that.

After confirming that Ybriel was afraid, Tezeric sighed and put a hand on his
forehead. The night before, he was more nervous than usual because he had a
conversation with a person called the Knights Commander of the Kingdom of

He calmed himself down for a moment and spoke again.

“that… Are winter branches important?”

It was like hearing the word ‘Damn’ in front of the winter branch.

“It’s Solgren’s new stuff, but of course it’s important. But why are you asking
that all of a sudden?”

“… I’d rather break it.”

Tezeric murmured lowly.


“That’s it.”

The place where Tezeric’s eyes turned to was none other than the back of
Ybriel’s hand. The snow looking down on the coat of arms of winter branches
was so cold.

“What kind of sickness is it to destroy a person’s body? is not it?”

Ybriel was terrified and hid her right hand.

“How do you break the gods…!”

Before discussing whether or not it can be broken, the winter branch was
something that should not be broken. It’s the symbol of Solgren and the Veil

“It could be done.”

Tezeric’s voice was surprisingly serious. Ybriel’s eyes fluttered. What

nonsense is this?

Ybriel looked at Asiligo, hoping for relief. However, Asiligo’s expression was
not too different from Tezeric’s.

‘I don’t think Asiligo thinks the same thing. Probably not.’

However, contrary to Ybriel’s wish, Asiligo was clenching his fists so much
that the backs of his hands turned white. It looked like he was ready to use
his power at any time.

Ebriel was stunned at the thought of Asiligo who was tearing the door open.
It was because I thought I could really smash it if it was Asiligo.

‘Everyone has a grudge against the winter branches!’

“Oh, mere humans will try to destroy a part of me.”

Winter, who had been quietly listening at that time, murmured as if it were a

“You’re arrogant without fear. Should I give my soul?”

“Oh no!”

At the whispers of the ancient spirits, like frost, Ybriel cried out

Tezeric and Asiligo looked at Ybriel with bewildered eyes.

“You’re breaking it, don’t say anything like that!”

Butterflies, calm down too! The latter exclaimed inwardly.

“Hmm, I got it.”

Winter answered with a sad tone in my heart.

“… It was a joke.”

Tezeric also bit the spit. It seems that the atmosphere was quite serious for a
joke, but for once, Ybriel swept her heart.

“Ah, anyway, I answered. Now it’s my turn to listen.”

Ybriel fixed her frayed shawl and looked at Tezeric.

“What did the Commander of the Creation Knights say?”

At Ybriel’s words, Tezeric kept his mouth shut. He seemed hesitant to speak.

‘Did I hear anything bad?’

Ybriel, who had been observing her expression, became serious at the same
time. I had an ominous feeling that Tezeric would be captured by the
Tezeric stopped breathing for a moment as if hesitating, then opened his
mouth heavily.

“… First of all, the princess’s prediction was correct. They told me that I
should go to the Kingdom of God and be tried.”
At the calm declaration, Ybriel was at a loss for words. Tezeric is also a
victim, so what responsibility are you asking?

Ybriel bit her lower lip to suppress her emotions. It was then that Tezeric
smiled faintly.

“Why do you have that face? Listen to the end.”

He murmured and walked towards the window.

As the curtains were removed, a bright morning poured into the room. The
warm light hit the air and warmed it slightly.
“The commander of the knights said that even if I go to trial, there is a good
chance that I will be pardoned.”


It means to forgive even if you have sinned. Ybriel’s face brightened in an


“The reason is that he contributed to the safety of the kingdom by uncovering

the sins of the Emperor and Caswither, even though he knew he too could not
escape judgment.”

Ybriel finally took a deep breath. It was a sigh of relief.

“I’m glad, really. really.”

After the problem that bothered me the most was solved, the tension was
relieved later. For some reason, Ybriel just wanted to fall asleep right away.

But there is still one thing to check.

“… What are you going to do next?”

After that, all that remains is an all-out war with the emperor.

Ybriel has already received a lot of help from Tezeric. I couldn’t even ask you
to join us in the war here.

As the possibility of receiving a pardon increased, I thought that it would be

better to go to the country for the sake of my own safety.

“I know.”

Tezeric lowered his gaze to the floor.

Perhaps he, too, would have decided that it was better to go to church.

‘Then I must say goodbye here.’

Ybriel touched only the hem of the quilt in an unknown sadness.

At that moment, Tezeric, who was organizing his thoughts, blinked a couple
of times and slowly raised his head. The scarlet eyes filled Ybriel.

“For now, I want to be by your side.”

With words that didn’t make any sense, Ybriel grabbed the blanket.

“Why, why? Wouldn’t it be better to go to the Kingdom of God?”

“Because I want to.”

so why?

Ybriel’s beating heart pounded Asiligo’s ears.

Somehow, the judgement was twisted again, and Asiligo impulsively

intervened between Ybriel and Tezeric. The large size quickly hid Ybriel.
Disturbed Tezeric stared at Asiligo with sharp eyes. Either way, Asiligo
warned indifferently.
“Do not deceive the lady with strange words.”

“What? Strange words?”

When there were signs that the quarrel was about to start again, Ybriel tried
to stop it.

“Hey, stop….”
However, the atmosphere that was already flowing between Asiligo and
Tezeric had become irreversibly cold.
In the suffocating air, Ybriel looked at the door with earnest eyes.

‘Who’s out there? Dad! grandfather! Aiden! Anyone come in!’

Unfortunately, there was no answer to the silent cry.

Meanwhile, as the day dawned, the news of Liatrice’s return reached Herwin
and Sigmund’s ears. They quarreled and went to Liatris.
Without going far, Liatris was in the castle. The problem was that Liatris was
a rather gloomy place to share the joy of reunion.

“Herwin! father!”
Liatris stood in the dark darkness of the castle’s dungeon, relying on a dim
light of magical power.
Herwin and Sigmund’s expressions changed at the same time when they
found Liatris.

“Hey, Lily!”

Sigmund looked up and ran towards Liathris. The Archmage hugged her
daughter, whom she had not seen in a very long time, with all her might.
Liatrice smiled embarrassedly.

“How have you been, Dad?”

“How are you?”

Sigmund’s eyebrows wrinkled.

“Would you have been fine if it were you? huh? How have you been?”

Sigmund traced Liatrice’s face with a wrinkled hand. It was definitely his
daughter. Tears streamed down Sigmund’s rough cheeks.

“I see you now. Now….”

Liatrice also had tears in her eyes. Herwin was silent for a moment for his
wife’s time.
After a while, Liatrice raised her head. Liatris looked around like someone
looking for someone, and asked Herwin silently.

Liatris was interrogating the whereabouts of Mayer’s chieftain and her

mother, Isis.

He expressed that he had not come by shaking his head lightly. Liatrice’s
expression hardened when she saw him.
“Are you still not reconciled to your mother?”

“Hey, why are you talking about that now? I haven’t seen you in a long

“Your father was wrong.”

Sigmund, who had committed a crime, kept his mouth shut.

He had a big fight with Isis over Liatrice’s marriage in the past.
Isis was in favor of marrying Herwin, and Sigmund was against it.

“Hey, at that time this guy was the worst husband in the empire except for his
face! I couldn’t see my daughter ruining her life!”

The ‘Imperial Worst Husband’ I was listening to couldn’t help but laugh.
Liatris widened her eyes fiercely.
“What do you say to my husband now?”

“Yeah, I mean I used to think that way! No, not now!”

Sigmund, who did not want to win the hatred of his daughter whom he had
met again, quickly lowered his tail.
“No, why are you coming down to this place?”
Sigmund changed the subject before Liatrice could go further. Then,
Liatrice’s face became even colder.

“It’s no different, I caught a mouse around here.”

At those words, Herwin and Sigmund’s eyes turned to the inside of the cage.
In the dark shadows, her blonde hair gleamed.

Herwin’s eyes, recognizing the prisoner, darkened.

Episode 132

“Duke Caswither.”
The original owner of this castle was locked up at the bottom of the castle.

“I ran away without thinking. It must be the place where me and the soldiers
are ambush.”
“Ttt, it looks like you were trying to asylum.”
Sigmund clicked his tongue as if pathetic.

“What did you find out?”

Liatris shook her head at Sigmund’s question.

Liatrice tried to talk to Duke Caswither several times in the morning to open
his mouth, but he never uttered a word.
“It seems like an intense interrogation is necessary….”

“I will.”
Herwin stepped out in response to Liatrice’s muttering to herself.


Liatris looked up at Herwin with questionable eyes. Herwin grinned. It was a

smile that was as clean and harmless as a lily. Yes, but….

“As the head of the revolutionary army, there are many things to take care of.
Please allow me to do this.”
Liatris tilted her head slightly at the strangely twisted expression on her face. I
must be mistaken.

Sigmund, who was listening, nodded his head as if it was reasonable.

“Yeah, let’s leave it to this guy and we’ll go up. This place is absolutely filthy.”

Liatris felt somewhat uneasy about Herwin, who was still smiling.

‘Even though everything has been restored….’

Liatris placed a hand lightly on Herwin’s cheek with a worried look on her

“Don’t overdo it. okay?”

Herwin then naturally rested her cheek against Liatrice’s palm. He slowly
closed his eyes as if trying to remember the touch.

“As intended.”
Soon after, Sigmund took Liatris out of the prison. The remaining Herwin
looked over the grate.
It was as cold as a northern blizzard.

Liatris looked back anxiously while leaving the prison with Sigmund.

“It won’t put any strain on your body, will it?”

what is the burden Sigmund snorted inwardly. It would have been nice if I
didn’t get excited and run wild.

“If I had been a weakling, I would have returned as a corpse from the
subjugation battle in the first place.”

“That’s right.”

“Forget it if it is because of old memories. He’s all right now.”

Liatris, who was stabbed in the corner, smiled briefly.

In Liatrice’s memory, Herwin was a man who always harbored a deep sense
of fear and helplessness. He was so afraid of using magic that he closed the
door on his own.

Knowing that he was healed and seeing a healthy appearance with both eyes,
the reason why he was anxious is probably because he keeps coming back to
the way he was at that time.

‘Worried too much.’

As if to shake off the past, Liatrice shook her head lightly and moved

“But where are you going?”

Sigmund, who was walking along without thinking, suddenly asked.

“Of course I have to go see my daughter.”

“Ah, so be it! You haven’t seen Ybriel yet! Come on.”

Sigmund sighed and hurried his steps. Liatris smiled faintly with a subdued

“… Actually, we met yesterday.”


“I went into the room a little to see your face at night, but I woke up.”

Liatrice looked down at her feet with sad eyes.

As I watched my daughter grow up, I thought a lot.

What must have been the first words of this child, and how pretty the first
steps must have been.

The more I thought about it, the more I regretted the time I had missed.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could turn back time?

“Are you still unfamiliar with me?”

At Liatrice’s question, Sigmund was silent.

The eccentric Archmage had no talent for warm things such as comfort or
encouragement. But what is clear is….

“The Ybriel I have seen is a loving child. I’m sure I’ll open my heart to you

Liatrice laughed weakly.

“That would be nice.”

Sigmund silently wrapped his arms around Liatrice’s shoulder. Liatrice’s

expression softened slightly due to her clumsy reading.

“Since I gave you a frost flower, I would have bought some favoritism.”

“Well then, then. Don’t worry too much….”

Sigmund, who had been sympathetic, suddenly realized that he was


“Wait, you gave me frost flowers?”

“yes. Why?”

“Oh, hey.”
Sigmund sighed at Liatris, who knew nothing.

He was a sorcerer who had seen all of Ybriel’s training in Yangya Tower. It
was the sound that Ybriel knew how cruel she was to herself.

‘I’ve been frantically clinging to magic for two years to open the tenth

But what if Ybriel, who was so persistent at the tenth door, had received a
frost flower?

‘You must have tried to attribute it to me!’

As Sigmund rushed to his feet with a bewildered look, Liatris, who noticed
an ominous sign, hurriedly followed.

They quickly entered the hallway where Ybriel’s room was. The two who
arrived in front of the door knocked and opened the door without waiting for
an answer.


As Sigmund had expected, Ybriel sat on the bed, trembling and tightly
wrapped in a blanket.

“… and what are those?”

However, the knight and the former prince standing next to him were


An urgent knock saved Ybriel.


It was Sigmund and Liatrice who jumped inside before answering. Ybriel felt
deeply grateful.

“Hey, Grandpa!”

Tezeric and Asiligo, who had been sharpening their blades, finally regained
their sanity.

“… and what are those?”

Meanwhile, Liathrice ran to Ybriel.

“Eve, my God.”
Liatris put her hand on Ybriel’s cheek, astonished. My body felt like ice. First
of all, Sigmund cast thermal insulation on the entire room.

“In this warm South…. Maybe it’s because of the frost flower?”

At Liatrice’s question, Ybriel smiled awkwardly. It was positive.

Liatris then understood why Sigmund had run so recklessly.

‘This corner resembles me.’

Going straight without looking back seemed to overlap with the way he had
left Solgren in the past.

Liatris let out a sigh like a laugh, and lightly held Ybriel in her arms.
“Would you two stay away for a moment?”

After receiving Liatrice’s gaze, Tezeric and Asiligo shrugged.

‘It is very similar to the young lady.’

‘I took it out and put it on.’

In fact, Asiligo had seen Liatris the night before while guarding Ebriel’s door
the night before.

But seeing them in such a bright place, the feeling was quite different. The
blue-purple eyes looked exactly like Ybriel.

Tezeric was equally surprised.

He was convinced that the stranger was Ybriel’s mother, even though he had
never heard of it beforehand.

The impression was so similar.

“Are you Duchess of Solgren?”

When Tezeric asked for confirmation, Liatrice smiled brightly.

“Thank you for calling me that.”

It wasn’t a definite answer, but it was a clear affirmation.

The long-lost Duchess of Solgren has returned.

Tezeric looked at the mother and daughter with a subtle feeling.

A mother, who was not yet her mother, who was still in the system, flashed
through my mind.

Then Sigmund coughed heavily. The intention to leave was plentiful. Tezeric
and Asiligo couldn’t stay any longer and walked out of the room.

“Excuse me.”
As the two of them left the room, Ybriel sighed in relief. I was really glad
that I had a hard time figuring out how to dry it.

“Hey, I just touched it. Well done, very well done, you bastard!”
I’m glad you’re right…?

“Haha, I know you’ll be fine….”

Ybriel smiled shyly at Sigmund, who gave her upset eyes.

“Hey, come get me some hot water.”

Sigmund could not scold his only granddaughter any more and quietly went

Liatris sneaked into Ybriel’s blanket in order to share her body temperature.
Ruby, who was beside him, took advantage of the gap and entered the bed
with him.

In an instant, the body temperature of one person and one divine beast filled.
“Even if it’s uncomfortable, be patient.”

“Ah yes…!”
Ybriel wiggled her fingers with an awkward but not disgusting expression.

Liatris, who was looking at Ybriel happily, suddenly smiled mischievously.

“So, who are you?”

At the sudden question, Ybriel raised her head with a questionable face.
Liatrice was smiling like a naughty girl.

“It’s your boyfriend. Which of those two are you?”

“… eh?”
Ybriel almost kicked the blanket.

“I am not my boyfriend! I have nothing to do with those two.”

“Hmm, okay?”

They both seemed to have a heart….

However, Liatris refrained from speaking because she was afraid that Ybriel
would feel uncomfortable for nothing.
“Aiden had never seen anyone before. So I just did it.”

Ybriel pulled her hair back to hide her blushing cheeks.

‘Oh my goodness?’

Liatris did not miss the appearance. It may just be a shame, but….
‘Maybe you’re interested in one of them?’
Before Liatrice could even ask, the door swung open. Liatris and Ybriel’s eyes
widened like balls.
“I went!”

Dozens of water bags were floating behind Sigmund who opened the door and
“What is all that?”
“What is it, a water bag?”

Liatris sighed in response to the dignified answer.

“You don’t need that much.”
“Is that so?”

“Absolutely! My father is always overdressed.”

“No, that’s….”

Ybriel, who was looking at Sigmund’s embarrassment, couldn’t help but


A small sound of laughter echoed through the room.


Meanwhile, in the prison, Herwin’s interrogation was almost finished.

“Oh, I’ll tell you! Say it!”

Duke Caswither trembled and screamed.

As Herwin’s dry eyes met, Duke Caswither reflexively shrugged.

“Did you feel like answering?”

Shortly after the Duchess and the Archmage left, the Duke of Solgren
changed his face like flipping the palm of his hand.

The man who had been smiling softly until now was nowhere to be found.
‘That’s not a person! A monster, a monster child….’
Duke Caswither opened his mouth in fear.
“… I cut off the news, so the Emperor will soon attack the South.”
Episode 133

Herwin showed no sign of agitation, let alone startled. It meant that he was
somewhat anticipating what was going to come out of his mouth.

Duke Caswither determined that the cause of his leisurelyness was that he
was holding him hostage.
“It’s useless if you intend to use me as a hostage. Your Majesty’s will can’t be
stopped with my life alone….”
“I know you’re not worth that much.”

Duke Caswither was furious at the cold words.

“If your Majesty moves, the South is over! You, your wife, and your daughter
are all…!”
Then Herwin violently kicked the prison bars.


Duke Caswither was startled by the roar and bowed his head. Herwin’s mana
fluctuated threateningly.
“Seeing you say useless words, it seems that you still have some energy.

At Herwin’s warning, Duke Caswither turned blue.

Until recently, he was seeing all sorts of terrible things with Herwin’s
hallucinogenic magic.
Dozens of snakes climbed on his body, and he was bitten by terrifying insects
that were hard to describe in words.

If I ever see that horrifying vision again, I’m sure I’ll go crazy.
“Poetry, poetry, I made a mistake…!”

Duke Caswither reversed his attitude and immediately apologized.

He was no longer a nobleman who ruled the South, but just a hostage.

“I just, yes! I was just trying to say that there is no chance!”

“Why do you predict that there is no chance of winning?”

Herwin blinked slowly.

“Kyoguk already knows the emperor’s sins. I got in touch with the East and
West and confirmed that they would agree with me.”


“There are enough reasons and evidence. No matter how strong the Imperial
Army is, we will win.”

At that, Duke Caswither kept his mouth shut.

There was a certainty that the emperor could be removed from his seat in his
dull tone.

‘Is this really the sickly Duke of Solgren?’

The thought that Herwin Solgren had waited for that long, breathless time
just filled his body with goosebumps.

‘Yeah, it’s over now.’

Duke Caswither swallowed dry saliva.

“You know why His Majesty has been watching everything all this time? It’s
because Empress Seon, His Majesty, was by his side.”
Herwin’s eyes fluttered slightly.

“If your Majesty the Empress Dowager does not want it, your Majesty will
never do it. But now that his Majesty the Empress Dowager is absent from the
system, His Majesty the Emperor has no objection.”

The only leash that controlled the emperor was broken. No one knows what
the demon will do now, losing his humanity and obsessing only with power.

Now no one can stop

Herwin’s eyebrows contorted.

“Ask again. Did you know that the Emperor and the Darkness made a

The Duke hesitated at Herwin’s question, and then gently nodded. Herwin’s
expression twisted violently.

‘Knowing everything, I made my sister sit as the empress, and that wasn’t
enough, so I pretended to be an illegitimate child as an imperial family.’

The murderous intent rose sharply, but he endured it first. There was still
more to find out.

Herwin recalled Kaizen’s past, which he had heard from Azerian.

One day, a true prince with legitimacy appeared in front of the prince who
had to be strong to survive.

‘He thought that his position would become unstable, and in the end he used
the power granted to the divine beast illegally to drive me out, and as a result,
he lost the divine beast.’

Therefore, it must have been around that time that he colluded with darkness.
It would have needed strength to fill the vacancy of the lost divine beast.

The timing doesn’t matter. The question is ‘how’.

Herwin sat down with his knees bent slowly. When they met, Duke Caswither
looked terrified and averted his eyes.

“Do you even know how the Emperor made a contract with the Darkness?”

“That, that….”
“It must have paid off. What is the cost?”

Duke Caswither’s eyes fluttered in the dim light. Herwin watched the
stuttering peacock with a terrifying expression.

Duke Caswither began to tremble as if he had been thrown naked into the
snow. It wasn’t because of the cold.

He was afraid.

bang! Herwin lost his patience and slammed the grate with his fist. It must
have been that he was wearing mana, not his fist, but the grate was curved.

“Speak quickly.”

Duke Caswither stuttered at the ferocious prompt.

“You, you know that you are a wizard too. Just as there are ten doors to light,
there are ten doors to darkness….”

It was common sense for Herwin, who opened the ninth door.

Herwin’s magic, returning from dealing with the beasts for two years, became
more sophisticated and cruel.

Just looking at the hallucination magic shown against Duke Caswither, and
the mana operation he showed when he broke the bar a while ago, Herwin’s
magic skills were at the highest level.

If he wanted to, he could change the weather like Ebriel or skip the space
freely like Sigmund.

“I don’t know of people born as geniuses like you, but the ten doors to the
light are very tricky. Along with rigorous training, you have to support your
natural talent.”

Duke Caswither hid a trembling hand into his arms.

“By comparison, it’s surprisingly simple to open ten doors to darkness.”

Knock. Knock. There was a sound of dripping water from the depths of the
prison. The sound of water breaking through the brief silence sounded like

“It’s just a sacrifice.”

At the next words, Herwin’s expression hardened like a stone statue.


Herwin rushed out of the dungeon.

‘Because the darkness thirsts for the blood of a person who is a creature of
Shia. To satisfy your desires by borrowing your Majesty’s hand. In return,
darkness lends more power.’

Duke Caswither’s repulsive voice clung to his mind.

‘The more you kill, the stronger you become.’

If so, what is happening in the system where the emperor is now?

My thoughts went in the wrong direction. Herwin shuddered at the cool

sensation that tightened his heart.

Without delay, he immediately called a meeting.

At an urgent call, Liatris and Aiden, the leaders of the Revolutionary Army,
Walter, Commander of the Creation Knights, and Sigmund gathered in a
large drawing room.
“There is no time. Before the emperor leads his troops to the south, we must
strike the system as soon as possible.”

Herwin took the plunge and brought it up to the point.

“What did you hear from Duke Caswither?”

In response to Liatrice’s question, Herwin briefly conveyed what he had

learned from the Duke.

Everyone was astonished when they learned that darkness covets people’s

What surprised me in particular was Liatrice.

“There have been many cases of people disappearing in the South.”

With a blank expression like a piece of paper, Liatrice touched her forehead.
It looked like a huge shock.

“Most of the people who disappeared are vagabonds, people of different

races, and people from slums, so….”

I mean, it wasn’t a big deal because they weren’t important people.

Herwin frowned.

The fact that people disappeared from ‘Southern’ really bothered me.

“How many people are missing?”

“… Thousands of people have been identified.”

Caswither was a land that grew on the basis of fertile fields. There were as
many people as there were goods coming and going, and it was that crowded.

Even if that were the case, wouldn’t they be unaware that three hundred
people would disappear?

“Duke Caswither joined in.”

He even brought a sacrifice to the emperor.

‘I should have killed him too.’

Herwin swallowed the sharp horse.

It made sense now that he had deliberately caused trouble in the Kingdom of
God. There is no stage where people can be killed as easily as war.

“It’s a sacrifice!”
Walter, a knight of the Kingdom of God, was so angry that his face burned

“How dare someone who was once endowed with divine beasts could do such
a cruel thing!”
“We need help from the Church.”

“The creation is a servant of the holy light. We must fight evil. I will be happy
to help.”
Herwin thanked him in silence.

“We will move the White Tiger Knights from the East, West, and North to
besiege the islands. as soon as possible.”

He busily placed his finger on the map spread out on the wide table.
“The fastest way to the islands right now is through this canyon. How many
people from the Revolutionary Army and the Knights of Creation can
advance tomorrow?”

Liatris and Aiden began to estimate their troops. Herwin turned his head to
Sigmund as if the time was too short.
“We also want to seek cooperation from Yangya Tower.”

“Don’t call me right away.”

“Please join the White Tiger Knights from the North so that they can come to
the island.”
Since then, numerous discussions have continued without a break. Anxiety
and uneasiness crept on everyone’s faces at the thought that the emperor
might sacrifice a person.
“It’s too tight.”

Liatrice opened her mouth carefully. At once, attention was focused on

“The Revolutionary Army has just finished the battle, and the Knights of
Creation have come all the way to Caswither from Kyoto without rest. Under
these circumstances, we can’t force a march to the system again.”
No one could refute that statement. It was right, so it was natural.

“You have to buy time.”

“What number do you mean?”

Walter asked. Liatris shook her head with a blank expression on her face.
“You have to think about it from now on.”

A stiff silence enveloped them.

“… They use Duke Caswither.”

The tomb came out of Aiden’s mouth.

“How about spreading false information through him?”

Aiden looked at Walter.

“The Knights of Creation have cleared out all the rebels and rescued Empress
Seon safely. After Empress Seon, I will accompany my Majesty to return to
the system. That’s it. Oh, of course, I’m not actually going to take her Majesty
Empress Seon to the island.”
A moment of silence passed. Herwin, pondering Aiden’s words, realized the
not-so-bad responsibilities and nodded.
“Hopefully, it will be possible to enter the Imperial Palace without a battle.”

Herwin’s eyes gleamed fiercely. Now the plan is made.

“Send someone to bring Duke Caswither from the basement. Lia and the
Commander of the Changmyeong Knights check the number of people who
can participate and let me know.”
His eyes were sharp as sharpened knives, scanning the map of the Empire on
the table.
“We will move as soon as we are ready.”


At that time, Ybriel was looking at the raging sunset through the window.
The hallway was a bit cluttered, but now it’s all good.

There was a strange attraction in the reddish sky.

Ybriel looked out the window as if she was falling in love, then slowly got up
and started walking. Even though the blanket and shawl were falling from my
shoulders, I didn’t feel the cold.
At that moment, Ybriel realized. that the mana of the Frostflower has been
fully assimilated with the Winter Branch.
Ebriel approached the window and carefully opened the window. The wind
blew in through the open crack. She rubs her cheek and shakes her hair.

“What does this feel like, Ruby.”

dong, dong. heart is beating He wasn’t running as usual, but it felt like his
whole body was vibrating.
Episode 134

A faint light was shining from Ybriel’s body.

Asiligo closed his eyes tightly and opened again at the sight that was not at all

Ybriel, who met him again, was the same as usual.

‘Is it an illusion?’
The reason I thought the light was shining was probably because I was
wrongly looking at the sunset light behind my back.

“What’s up?”
After hearing Ybriel’s question, Asiligo came to his senses and opened his
“It looks like your Majesty the Duke will depart for the island early in the
morning tomorrow.”
“What? So fast?”

Ybriel’s complexion darkened.

Asiligo conveyed all the stories he had heard to the bewildered Ybriel.
Eventually, when she learned the story, Ybriel was shocked.

“It’s a sacrifice….”

Ybriel could immediately understand why Herwin was in such a hurry.

‘It’s because of the fear that people in the system will be killed by sacrifice.’
An innocent life dies, and the darkness grows stronger using that life as a
stepping stone. Whatever it was, it had to be stopped.

Ybriel’s face turned white when he suddenly realized something.

“Kanya. Kanya and Lily are in the Islands!”

A screaming cry echoed through the space. Zed, Alon, Evan…. Each user’s
face passed in front of his eyes.

Immediately after, Ybriel took out her luggage and hurriedly rummaged
through it.
It was a kaleidoscope that he pulled out of the depths of his bag. The
kaleidoscope glowed a mysterious light when the mirror surface was lightly

‘Take it. Please accept it.’

But there was no response from the mirror. Eventually, as the light of the
disconnected kaleidoscope faded, Ybriel’s expression shattered.

“ … What happened?”

What if someone is wrong? What if injured or dead?

Ybriel’s breathing was getting harder and harder.

Then Asiligo spoke calmly and firmly.

“Sir Zed, Sir Alon, and Evan are from Youngrang University. Any number of
beasts can be dealt with enough.”

Asiligo calmly continued his explanation. The low and slow tone somehow
calmed my heart.

“Kanya is also stronger than the average person. I also know how to do basic
self-defense techniques. I’m worried about Lily-sama, who doesn’t know how
to use swordsmanship, but I’m sure he’ll be fine as there are three northern
elites around.”

Ebriel, who had been listening to Asiligo’s words, calmed her breathing little
by little. There was nothing wrong with his words.

‘Yeah, you’ll be fine.’

Not yet. still unharmed But if you delay, you never know what will happen to
the system.

Ebriel, who had come to his senses, looked at Asiligo with clear eyes.

“Where is Daddy now?”

“You are in the main drawing room of the castle.”

Ybriel left the room without thinking any further. The place I found on the
way was the drawing room.
When I opened the door, I saw Herwin and Walter discussing something with
several maps spread out.

Upon entering, Herwin saw Ybriel, put down the map he was looking at, and
approached. He immediately placed a hand on Ybriel’s cheek.

“Are you okay? I heard you’re not feeling well.”

It was talking about the frost flower.

“It’s fine now. I’ve heard more about it than that. Are you leaving tomorrow?”

“I think so.”

Ybriel’s eyes shone brightly.

“I will go with you.”

Herwin was momentarily speechless and looked down at Ybriel.

“While I was in the tower, I opened the ninth door. I have enough to protect
my body, not only me, but also two or three people.”


“Allow me, please.”

Herwin read the determined determination in Ybriel’s face. There was no way
to hide the embarrassment.

“Which father would want to take his daughter to war?”

“What kind of daughter is watching her father go to war alone.”

Herwin rubbed his forehead with a complicated look. Words could not defeat
this little daughter.

“Ebriel, you have to be realistic. You’ve already used up a lot of stamina to

get here, and you’ve been shivering in the cold because of frost all day today.”

“It’s okay now.”

“The troops leaving tomorrow must move as quickly as possible. The journey
must be so arduous, can you bear it?”

Herwin listed only the facts in a sober tone.

“If you get sick on the go, it’s difficult to treat.”

Ybriel, who was listening, was startled at the words.

When a patient occurs, movement speed is inevitably slowed down. It was

something Ybriel didn’t want to hold her ankles like that.
Seeing Ybriel’s eyes fluttering, Herwin nailed it.

“If you want to help, leave the system to me, and Eve, protect Leah from
here. Sigmund-sama will also remain here with you. If the Emperor sends
troops to the South, we need men to defend it.”

Herwin smiled softly and grabbed Ybriel’s hand.

“Please don’t.”

At Herwin’s sincere words, Ybriel had no choice but to back down.

“… Never get hurt, and please check the whereabouts of the people who use
the mansion.”

“Of course it will.”

At the warm body temperature from Herwin’s big hand, Ybriel somehow
burst into tears.

‘I hope I can feel this warmth again.’

It was an earnest wish like a prayer.


Herwin, who had commanded the subjugation war for the past two years,
displayed the qualities of a competent commander here as well.

The preparations for the launch, which seemed impossible, were really
completed in one day.

Liatris, Ibriel, Asiligo, Tezeric and Sigmund remained in Caswither Castle,

while Herwin, Walter, and Aiden were going to lead the Knights of Creation
and the Revolutionary Army to the Islands.

Ybriel stood on the wall and looked down at the Allied Forces forming their
ranks. Herwin, who was at the forefront, caught my eye.

“Isn’t it cold?”

Without warning, something slammed onto his shoulder. Turning around,

Tezeric was standing there. What he wore over Ybriel’s shoulder was a thick
blanket that he didn’t know where he got it.
“You trembled badly yesterday.”

There was a clear concern in Tezeric’s eyes. Ybriel smiled softly.

“It’s fine now. I haven’t gotten used to it yet.”


Ybriel’s eyes met the flowing clouds. It seems that the expression is visible in
the clouds.

Because of this ‘strange sensation’ that had arisen since yesterday, Ybriel has
been in a turmoil since morning.

“It’s hard to explain, but….”

After choosing an appropriate word, Ybriel slowly opened her mouth.

“I think it’s a connection. Wild flowers, flying birds, beasts, even sunlight.”

Tezeric looked at Ybriel with a look that he couldn’t understand at all.

Again, there are limits to what can be expressed in words. Ybriel looked
around and spotted a couple of white doves flying across the sky.

“I’ll show you.”

Ybriel didn’t say anything right after that. He just waited with his hands
outstretched in the air.

But something amazing happened.

Pigeons flying freely were flying towards Ybriel.

A dove perched on Ybriel’s finger. The other, who had missed the seat, sat on
Ybriel’s shoulder.

“It’s like this. Are you curious?”

“… what?”

Tezeric looked at Ybriel and Dove alternately with a blank expression.

“Are you tamed children?”


“Is it just because you looked at me?”

What is it….

Tezeric’s expression turned strange.

The bewildered face still looked like he had no idea, and Ybriel shook his
head and smiled.

Then the sitting doves were startled and flew away.

Tezeric stopped breathing for a moment. He loses his gaze without any help.
The smile of Ybriel that could be seen through the white feathers was very
Episode 135

Tezeric raised his hand to cover his mouth and turned his head. It was
obvious that he was making a stupid face.

At that moment, the trumpet blew a long time. He hurriedly looked down the
wall to hide his reddened face.
Ybriel followed him and moved his gaze.
There was a sense of tension between the allied forces, which were lined up
without being disturbed. It is ready to depart.

Ybriel looked at Herwin with a hard face and whispered quietly.


As if getting ready, a white butterfly appeared.

As the butterfly fluttered towards Herwin, it became increasingly transparent.

By the time it reached Herwin, the butterfly, completely invisible, settled like
a seep into the nape of his neck.

Ybriel smiled secretly.

‘I said I wouldn’t follow the system, I didn’t say I’d stay in the castle!’

After absorbing the mana of the frost flower, handling the winter branches
became much easier. Naturally, we were able to share more power with the
spirit winter.

He was also planning to try opening the tenth door sooner or later.
‘I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep up with the system, but I’m sure I’ll be
able to protect my father to some extent.’

Then Herwin suddenly raised a hand and caressed the nape of his neck.
Ybriel flinched. did you hear

But Herwin straightened his hair and lowered his hands again. Ybriel sighed
in relief.

Then the trumpet sounded again in the air. Herwin looked at the Allied
Forces as if to check for the last time, then turned his head.


With Herwin’s firm shout, the soldiers began to slowly advance toward the

A loud shout rang out from under the wall.

“… Can you catch the emperor?”

“I will. He even gave me the map of the Imperial Palace and the location of
the secret passage.”

Tezeric passed on all the information he knew about the Imperial Palace to
the Allies last night. Occupying the Imperial Palace will be easy as long as
you safely enter the island.

Ybriel and Tezeric stayed on the wall for a while, watching the Allied
advance. Leaving behind the ambiguous dust, he walks away.

Only when the soldiers were out of sight did they step down.


Many problems remained in the South.

Healing the wounded and repairing the collapsed walls were the main tasks.

It was none other than Liatrice who explained these things to Ybriel.
“Is the fortress wall to be rebuilt to prepare for intrusion?”

“Yeah, you’re smart.”

At Liatrice’s praise, Ybriel blushed. What I just said was a guess anyone
could come up with. It was embarrassing to receive excessive compliments on
a question that was not particularly special.
“It doesn’t matter.”

“Still, great.”

Ybriel was enveloped in an unknown feeling of lethargy as she looked at

Liatris who was smiling.

‘How is it similar to my grandfather?’

Sigmund, who praised Liatris even if she only breathed, seemed to overlap.

After being left in the castle, the time spent with Liatrice increased
significantly. To be precise, it was correct to say that Liatris was deliberately
giving time to Ybriel.

Liatris did not leave Ybriel’s side like a person trying to make up for the time
she had been away from Ebriel.

Interestingly, Ybriel did not feel burdened by it.

Rather, it felt good.

‘It’s true that blood is connected….’

It was very strange and strange for Ybriel to know that her heart was moving
like this even though she had not seen it in a while.

At the same time, Liatrice was worried.

“ … Aren’t you busy?”

Even Ybriel knew that the leader of the revolutionary group was Liatris. It
must be a lot of work, but is it okay to spend time like this?

As Ybriel looked at Liatris with concern, Liatris’s eyes widened.

“why? Am I taking too much time?”

“Oh, no! Not that!”

As Ybriel quickly denied it, Liatris laughed playfully. Liatris had guessed
what Ybriel was thinking of asking such a question.

‘It must be because I’m worried.’

Liatris suddenly remembered Sigmund’s words.

‘I am a loving child. I’m sure I’ll open my heart to you soon.’

The Archmage was right. Ybriel was the sweetest child.

Whenever she saw her daughter who had grown up safely, Liatris seemed to
cry and burst into laughter.

Liatris reassured Ybriel by suppressing her overwhelming emotions.

“You don’t have to worry too much. It is true that I am the backbone of this
revolutionary group, but that does not mean that there are no people who can
replace me. I’ll probably come to report soon….”

As soon as the words fell, someone knocked on the door. The eyes of Ybriel
and Liatrice turned to the door at the same time.

The door opened first before permission was granted.

It was a woman with short bobbed hair and a cat-like impression that
appeared through the opening.

“Oh, have you met your daughter? congratulations.”

Ybriel was so startled that she jumped up from her seat.


The informant in the back alley called the Shadow King, Nero calmly waved
his hand to Ybriel and greeted him.

“hi. Do you remember me?”

You can’t know! How many times have I visited to order?

“How did this happen, what the hell….”

Ybriel was speechless and continued to make meaningless gestures towards


“Why is this person here?”

In the end, Ybriel changed the subject of the question and asked Liatrice.

“Um, do you agree with us?”

Liatris pondered for a moment and answered vaguely.

“Is the Shadow King a member of the Revolutionary Squad?”

When Ybriel asked with round eyes, Liatrice ran her hair through with a
puzzled expression. Where should I start explaining this?

“First of all, this person is not the real Shadow King.”


To the puzzled Ybriel, Liatris slowly began to explain everything.

“I settled in the South, but to succeed in the revolution, I had to collect

information about the system. But I was already known for my social

When the man and the runaway Duchess of Solgren were spotted on the
island, the center of the social world, all their plans would be in vain.
“But not Aiden.”

When Aiden was five years old, one of his eyes suddenly disappeared. Liatris
once feared that her son might be at fault due to this unprecedented incident.

However, as Aiden grew up, Liatris realized that it was fortunate.

There is a limit to concealing yourself with drugs or magic, but if you hide
well in one side of the sun, the risk of your identity being revealed will be

“But I couldn’t be relieved because I didn’t know when the Emperor would
find him.”

Liatris trained Aiden strongly. To protect yourself no matter what.

“And when Aiden was ten years old, he explained everything. In fact, you are
the son of the Duke of Solgren, and you are living away from the estate so
you don’t get caught. Then you don’t know what he said?”

Ybriel predicted what Aiden would have to say.

Would he resent his helpless father?

Or would he thank his mother for running away with him?

Then Liatris’ mouth opened again. Words that were different from Ybriel’s
expectations came out.

“Then he asked what he could do next.”


“What should I do to be able to see my father and my brother again?”

Liatris looked into the distance, thinking of Aiden who was heading to the
“So I entrusted him with drafting. Of course, it was just a simple errand at
first, but when I woke up, I realized that the Martha Association was also in
Ybriel lost some strength and sat back down on the sofa slowly.

“The real Shadow King was Aiden….”

Aiden and Ybriel are the same age. So, at the age of only fourteen….

Shocking. Mouth didn’t close.

Ybriel looked down at Nero.

‘Then that person was a substitute.’

Ebriel, who was staring at him, and Nero, who made eye contact, ate his

“Hey, what about this? I love that daughter so much.”

“no. Be patient. There are many competitors besides you.”

Liatris cut it coldly and whispered to Ybriel.

“He has a little collection wall. He’s a kid who only revealed jewelry, but I
don’t know why he’s doing this to you.”

“Yes, that’s right….”

I don’t think it’s a little. Ybriel took a step back, avoiding Nero’s intense gaze.

“So, why did you come?”


When Liatrice asked a hint, Nero blinked as if he remembered it too late.

“A noble horse in the basement of the castle. Should I keep him alive?”

“Duke Caswither?”
The word ‘Duke Caswither’ fell into Ybriel’s ear, who was shocked by the
story she had just heard.

‘That’s right, South Africa!’

I heard it together when I heard about the participation from Asiligo, but I
forgot about it because I wasn’t in a good mood.
Then, Tezeric’s face flashed through his mind.

‘Are you aware of this?’

Ybriel’s eyes turned to the door that Nero had not closed.

I didn’t know if I should reveal it or hide it.

“Yeah, don’t kill me. Because he is the one who will prove the emperor’s sins

While Ybriel was contemplating, Liatris gave simple instructions. Nero

nodded lightly.
“I see.”

Ybriel, who had been sitting quietly listening to their conversation, jumped
“I’ll be there for a while!”

And left the room without any explanation. It was walking so fast that there
was no bird to catch it.

The remaining Liatris and Nero looked at the place where Ybriel had
disappeared with bewildered expressions.

“So where…?”

He knew in advance where Tezeric was staying. Because of this, there was no
hindrance in Ybriel’s gait as she walked through the castle corridor.
‘I said the room at the end of this floor.’

After walking around for a while, Ybriel came to a stop at the end of the

The floor that Tezeric said was correct. By the way….

“Is this the door?”
The door I found was too small and shabby. Not like a noble’s room.

Ybriel frowned slightly.

Episode 136

Ybriel stood tall for a while, holding her breath, then knocking carefully on
the door.

“come in.”

Tezeric’s voice came through the crack in the door.

As soon as he gave permission without asking who it was, he seemed to
already know that the visitor was Ybriel.

“I’ll go in.”

Ybriel opened the door cautiously, and was immediately speechless.

The interior of the room, seen through the old door, was speechless. There
was literally nothing but a small bed on one side.
It was an unbelievable shabby space for a room in the southern lord’s castle.
Without the bed, I would have believed it was an unused warehouse.
And Tezeric was sitting on the old bed.

He smiled a little when he saw the startled Ybriel.

“Not a good room to receive guests.”

Ybriel, who had been habitually calling her ‘Sir’, stopped talking. I decided to
change the name.
Seeing Ybriel hesitating, Tezeric added lowly.
“You told me then. Tezeric, or Tez.”
“Ah, it doesn’t stick well in my mouth yet….”

Ybriel scratched her cheek with a smirk.

Tezeric shook his head as if he had no choice but to stand up.

“Let’s go. There will be chairs in the parlor or another room.”

He escorted Ybriel out of the room as if it didn’t matter.

“I didn’t wear him today.”

Tezeric’s gaze turned to Ybriel’s back. The escort knight, who was always
attached to it, was nowhere to be seen.

“Ah yes. I told Asiligo to help repair the walls. He has great strength, so he
can do the share of five men.”

Ybriel remembered Asiligo, who was lifting a large boulder like a light box.

It doesn’t look like anything dangerous will happen to Ybriel right now, but
there was no such thing as a threatening opponent for Ybriel, who even
absorbed the mana of the frost flower.

So instead of escorting, he was instructed to help the castle.


The corners of Tezeric’s lips, who were listening to Ybriel’s words, drew an
arc with satisfaction.

“Then it’s time for you and me.”

Is that so? Ybriel blinked her round eyes, then suddenly blushed slightly. The
fact that I was alone with Tezeric was a bit of a shock to me.

Ybriel continued to be conscious of that fact, and hastily changed the topic
before her face turned red.
“Well, are you staying in that room? There could be many better rooms….”

True to its name as a wealthy Southern family, Caswither Castle was huge
and splendid.

Even if the revolutionary army took over the castle, there would have been
plenty of rooms to stay in, except for the damaged parts.

However, it was hard to understand that the room I had chosen was the most
cornered and old-fashioned room.

To Ybriel’s question, Tezeric answered without any hesitation.

“It’s the room I used when I was younger.”

“When I was young ….”

While pondering Tezeric’s words, Ybriel suddenly realized and hardened.

The ‘childhood’ that Tezeric refers to was the time when he was educated to
become a prince.

Ybriel’s eyes grew cold.

‘Duke Caswither raised his hand in the imperial palace.’

He was a person who acted without hesitation even in the Imperial Palace.
Even if I didn’t see how wild the road was in my castle, it was good in my

Ybriel looked down at Tezeric’s face. It is a face that cannot read emotions.

Rewinding the memory, Ybriel recalled the young Tezeric. And I imagined
Thezeric, who looked younger than when I first saw him.

He must have been sitting alone in an empty room with only a worn-out
wooden bed.

Suddenly, as if his heart was pounding, Ybriel pressed her chest against her
chest with both hands.
‘How painful it must have been.’

He couldn’t even imagine what Tezeric was feeling when he entered the room
and sat there.

Ybriel controlled his emotions and looked at his complexion. Would it be a

good idea to talk about Duke Caswither now?

But Tezeric took the lead.

“Why did you find me? you ran It seemed urgent.”

“Ah, that.”

Ybriel, who was about to answer, realized that something was strange and
tilted her head.

“But how did you know you were running?”

“I heard a noise coming from the hallway.”

Tezeric answered as if it was natural. Ybriel shut her mouth. Looking at

Tezeric’s eyes, he seemed to have known that he was Ybriel from then on.

‘That’s why you didn’t check who the visitor was.’

Is it possible to identify a person just by the sound of footsteps? Suddenly,

Ybriel wondered about Tezeric’s failure.

He heard the sound of running down the hallway from the farthest room, and
even identified who the target was.

‘I’m pretty good at using Aurors….’

During these two years of not meeting each other, it seemed as if he had
invested time in his own swordsmanship training.

In Ybriel’s eyes, Tezeric was never a weak person. He alone saved Azerian
and revealed the truth at the cost of his own disgrace.

‘So you’ll be fine.’

Ybriel hardened her heart and opened her mouth as calmly as possible.

“Duke Caswither is now in the castle’s dungeon.”

Then, Tezeric’s expression hardened visibly.

“Has the Duke been in the South? Isn’t that a system?”

“Yes, I just heard the story. I think I should let you know.”

To Ybriel’s words, Tezeric didn’t answer for a while and just repeated
inhaling and exhaling quietly.

“… He is in the basement of this castle.”

Tezeric thought of Duke Caswither.

‘The rules are messed up. Go hungry for dinner.’

‘You still can’t write one letter properly? What a pity!’

The Duke was always in a position to look down on Tezeric.

He always looked down on the young Tezeric and pointed his finger at things,
urged him to become the perfect prince, and also despised the fact that he
was an illegitimate child.

‘I don’t know how to blame my indulgence.’

The duke who tormented Tezeric just by being there.

The arrogant nobleman, who seemed unlikely to even look down upon the
lowlands, was in the dungeon of the lowest castle.

Tezeric smiled faintly. It was a distorted smile.

“Thank you for letting me know.”

“ Are you going to see …?”

At Ybriel’s question, Tezeric shook his head without hesitation.

Duke Caswither’s life was already over. He’ll pay the price anyway. There was
no reason to look into a face that didn’t look good.

“I don’t want to cause any misunderstanding. After all, half of that person’s
blood is running through my body.”

Ybriel realized what Tezeric was worried about at those words.

If Tezeric met Duke Caswither now, someone in the castle might think he
was trying to steal his father.

“I think so. I hope you don’t see me.”

Ybriel nodded with a serious face. It could be bad for the trial to be held in
the church, so for now it was better to be as careful as possible.

In response, Tezeric looked at Ybriel with a more relaxed face. The knight
was also absent, but he did not want to spend this precious time on such a

“Did you run to me to tell you that?”

As Ybriel nodded, Tezeric smiled brightly. With a very happy face, Ybriel
looked at him with puzzled eyes.

‘I didn’t bring you welcome news, so why do you have such a nice

The answer to the question came soon after.

“You must have been thinking about me while I was here.”

At the sound of a hooked word, Ybriel hardened as it was. Did I hear it

wrong? Or did I say it wrong?

While Ybriel stood blankly, Tezeric measured the time.

“I will show you something good in return. If I go now, I think it would be a

good idea.”

Tezeric’s eyes turned upward for a moment.

“Sometimes there is a place where the peacock hides. I want to show you

At those words, Ybriel was curious.

“… Is there such a place?”

Instead of answering, Tezeric smiled and then guided Ybriel somewhere.

Although the castle is wide and complex, Tezeric found his way without ever
getting lost.

It was at the tower of Caswither Castle that he led Ebriel to. It wasn’t difficult
to get inside as the doors were falling off.

The spiral staircase leading up was somewhat damaged, but Tezeric used it as
an excuse.

“Watch out for the stairs.”

As Tezeric said so, he took Ybriel’s hand lightly.
oh Ybriel was ashamed of her flushed cheeks without a moment to hide.

‘It’s not the first time I’ve been escorted.’

It didn’t take long for me to reach the top of the tower as I quickly stepped
out of embarrassment.

At the end of the stairs, Ybriel and Tezeric faced a small door. It was a small
door through which both of them had to bow down to enter.
As if familiar with Tezeric, he opened the door and stooped inside. Ybriel
followed him carefully and stepped inside.
The room at the top of the tower was dark and smelled of musty dust.

In the dark space, Ybriel found a small table, a few books, and cute dolls. It
looked like a child’s room.
“It’s the playroom Lady Caswither used to use when she was young. I thought
there was something good about going up this high place….”
Tezeric put Ebriel on one side and started walking somewhere.

He unlocked the door and opened the window on the top floor of the tower.
The deep scarlet sun and the wind blew in.
“There was such a treasure.”

Unknowingly, Ybriel took a step forward.

What Tezeric showed me was Caswither’s expansive land.

A vast golden field incomparable to that seen from the top of the fortress
walls filled the field of vision.
The setting sun drifted on the ground with the wind. The grass swaying like a
thin cloth was as flexible as a dance, and birds of unknown species took flight
from the dense forest.

Every life that his eyes touched could be felt clearly to Ybriel. It was such an
overwhelming sight that my fingertips tingled.
“Isn’t that bad?”

Tezeric turned to Ybriel and smiled triumphantly. He had a face as clean as a


At Tezeric’s smile, Ybriel didn’t say anything.

‘He was a person who could make such an expression.’
Somehow, my heart was pounding.

What if Tezeric had lived as an ordinary person, not as a fake prince? I would
have been happier than I am now.

Without realizing it, a hand reached up on the necklace he was wearing.

Ybriel held the green jewel carefully.
My heart started to sink. Gradually, but out of control.


Duke Caswither was sheltering from the cold, curled up in the shadows of the
depths of the prison.
No matter how warm it was in the south, the cold air coming from the stone
floor could not be ignored. It would have been better if the body was as thin
as possible.
But at some point, an unbearable chill came from behind. It was cold enough
to make the surrounding air feel like it was freezing.

The shadows inside the prison gradually darkened and swallowed the light.
Gradually darkness crept in.

A black hand suddenly grabbed the peacock’s neck.

“Uh-huh, uh-huh.”

The suffocating peacock twisted his body heavily. He remembered the cool,
sticky feeling on his neck.

“You betrayed me. right?”

A dark voice whispered.
Episode 137

Duke Caswither’s body began to tremble like an aspen.

It was clearly the Emperor’s voice.

‘Lungs, Your Majesty….’

Duke Caswither immediately began to shout. But darkness shut his mouth.
He twisted his whole body like a seizure at the terrifying touch on his face.

“Oh, don’t worry. I won’t kill you. It’s still useful.”

Kaizen’s voice whispered softly again.

A ray of darkness passed through the cracks in the stone floor and
approached through the bars of the prison.

The shadow, which looked like a slender snake, climbed up the round iron
grate, and then penetrated into the lock of the door.

Not long after, there was the sound of a strong bending of the iron from
within. Fit geek. Chunkyung!

The heavy iron door began to slowly open with an unpleasant sound.
Soon after, the chains tying Duke Caswither’s hands and feet were released in
the same way. When all restraints were released, the darkness freed Duke
Caswither’s neck.

The duke took a deep breath like a rescued man just before he drowned. In
front of such a peacock, the shadow floated like a liquid.
“My mother must be here.”
Duke Caswither stared at the shimmering shadow with his bloody eyes.

“If you want to live, go and find my mother. That’s your last use, Caswither.”

At the end of the one-sided command, the darkness was absorbed into the
floor and disappeared. The terrible chill slowly dissipated.

It was shortly thereafter that Duke Caswither ran out of the prison.


The first person to notice the anomaly was Ybriel.


Ybriel bent over and took a deep breath. The startled Tezeric came over and
grabbed Ybriel’s shoulder.

“What’s up? Is it because of that winter branch again?”

Without a word, Ybriel barely shook her head.

Tezeric looked anxiously at Ybriel, who had turned pale in an instant. If it’s
not because of the winter branches, why are you doing this all of a sudden?

“Can you move? If it’s hard, I’ll bring the doctor here.”



As Ybriel continued not answering, Tezeric’s expression contorted. The

condition was not serious.

“Wait a minute. I will go.”

He became impatient and moved to call a doctor. Just then, Ybriel grabbed
Thejeric’s hem.


Tezeric listened to the faint voice.

After acquiring the Frostflower, Ybriel’s senses became more sensitive in a

strange way.

How the earth breathes, where the wind blows and where it goes, when the
beasts sleep and wake….

It was like being in touch with nature.

Even so, Ybriel felt everything vividly.

“Doctor, please tell my mother, not the doctor.”

Water and land are decaying.

Something terrible to even describe in words was approaching Caswither


“I want you to strengthen the walls of the city walls to the highest level right

The moment Ybriel shouted, Tezeric turned his head at the noise coming
from the window.

It sounded like dozens or hundreds of animals running in herds.

I could see a black shadow floating on the horizon in the distance. As he

watched them with his eyes narrowed, he froze at some point.

“What is that….”

Tezeric’s face turned white.

The things he thought were shadows were a group of demons. There were so
many demonic beasts coming this way that it looked like a tsunami.
After checking the situation outside, Ybriel also grew tired of it.

The group of beasts that looked like dots quickly approached. At that speed,
we would have reached the castle within the next hour.

“I need to tell you soon!”

At Ybriel’s scream-like shout, Tezeric’s eyes fluttered wildly.

“You want me to leave you here?”

Standing with a bloodless face, Ybriel looked very precarious in Tezeric’s

eyes. If anything happens while he’s away….

“I’m fine, please!”

However, Ybriel desperately pushed Tezeric away. Tezeric clenched his teeth
hard. There was no time to delay.

He looked at Ybriel’s face for a moment as if he remembered it, then turned

his head away.

“… I will come back.”

After leaving a few words, Tezeric left the room. The sound of running down
the stairs disappeared in an instant.

As Tezeric disappeared, the noise outside grew louder.

The roar of an eerie beast, the sound of hoofs rolling on the ground, and the
trampling of flowers and grass disturbed the eardrums.

Ybriel closed her eyes tightly and covered her ears with both palms.
Fortunately, shortly thereafter, a long trumpet sounded in the sky.

Ybriel listened to the sound.

woo woo woo. woo woo woo.

‘Two long times. It’s a warning sign.’

It seemed that Tezeric, who went down the tower, delivered the news safely.

At that moment, after taking a deep breath, Ybriel calmly cleared her breath
as she heard the trumpet ringing in her ear.

The creepy sensation was still clinging to his back. But Ybriel didn’t care and
stood up straight.

‘I don’t have time for this. I have to go and help.’

The southern part is the land farthest from the veil sealed with darkness. It
was not very common for a demon to be found.

Such a beast suddenly appeared in a swarm. There was only one case I could
think of.

‘The emperor.’

They are trying to attack Caswither Castle, which has lost its military power
after sending the Allied Forces.

Then I heard footsteps approaching quickly from below the tower. I thought
Tezeric had returned, but it was Asiligo who showed up inside.


“Oh, you know?”

Ybriel looked at Asiligo with a surprised look. Asiligo, who doesn’t have a lot
of expression, approached me with an urgent look.

“Are you okay?”

Ybriel nodded her head. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with
Ybriel, he quickly explained.

“Beasts appeared from the north of the territory.”

He felt the earth corroding in the darkness every moment, so Ybriel was not
shaken much.
“How is the wall?”

“It won’t last long.”

Asiligo answered without hesitation. Even if they did repair work, they had
already had one siege, so the wall would collapse if the demonic beast hit it
with their body.

“What is our power?”

“Only me, Sigmund-sama, and the young lady and the former Crown Prince
are capable of dealing with the Demon Beast.”

Ybriel bit her lip.

As Asiligo said, most of the people remaining in the castle now were
wounded, and even if they were in good health, it was difficult to deal with
the beasts.


Suddenly, there was a roar outside the window. Ybriel looked outward.

From the sky overcast with dark clouds, thunderbolts fell one after another. It
was Sigmund’s magic.

The fact that he had already started attacking meant that the beasts were
approaching quickly.

As soon as the beasts enter the wall, everything is over.

“Where is Grandpa now?”

“You seem to be on top of the northern wall.”

“let’s go. I need help.”

Ybriel immediately moved on. The destination was on top of the wall where
Sigmund was.

Sigmund, who was standing on the wall, stared straight ahead with a hard
It was the first time that even an archmage who had lived for a long time had
witnessed such a large number of magical beasts.

‘It’s terrible.’

A horde of beasts that suddenly appeared from the north began to approach
Caswither Castle at once, as if they had received an order.
It was obvious who made the hand.

‘Is the emperor already in possession of such power?’

It was seen that the ground on which the beast was stepping had turned black
and died. The fields of the rich empire were being eroded by darkness.
Sigmund watched the scene with a sad heart.
Kurung. The dark clouds wept fiercely.

Although lightning has already been struck dozens of times, the number of
beasts rushing in shows no sign of diminishing.
It felt like it was replenished as much as it had been struck by lightning.

‘If this is the case, the village will suffer.’

Sigmund looked at the village in front of the rushing beast with a serious
expression. He saw people screaming and running away.

Then someone called him from behind.

“Someone who is not very welcome is here.”
Sigmund responded without looking back. The person standing behind his
back was Tezeric.
The reason Sigmund noticed without looking at him was because of the
magic traces he felt in the fake sun.

Previously, it seemed to have been well hidden by other means, but now that
he has left the Imperial Palace, it seems that he cannot hide it.

“Why did you come all the way here to see something?”
Tezeric took a step closer to the archmage, who clearly showed hostility.

He brought it up without hesitation.

“Can you move me between those beasts?”
Sigmund looked back at those words.

“Are you crazy? Do you wish to die?”

However, the expression on Tezeric’s face that was finally met was calm. He
even had a sword in his hand.
“Someone has to be the bait to evacuate the villagers.”

“Are you going to do that?”

At Sigmund’s question, Tezeric nodded without hesitation. It was a calm
attitude, not arrogant or fearful.

“When the beast comes to the castle, it’s all over.”

“Huh, really.”

Sigmund shook his head in exasperation.

Two more lightning strikes followed.

Sigmund scratched his head with the tip of his wand as if contemplating, then
gestured dryly to Tezeric.
It meant coming closer to the front of the wall. Tezeric moved and stood next
to Sigmund.
“I’m not that nice. I don’t even want to stop a guy who wants to die.”

A spark of lightning flashed in the old wizard’s eyes.

“You say you are confident with your mouth, so give it a try.”

“thank you.”
“I’m not going to cover you.”

As soon as he finished answering, Sigmund snapped his finger.

Feeling the space being distorted, Tezeric closed his eyes for a moment.
And the moment he opened his closed eyes, Tezeric was standing right in
front of the beasts that were running towards him.

The beasts who discovered the sudden appearance of humans rushed in
violently with ferocious cries. Exactly what Tezeric wanted.
Tezeric drew his sword and threw the scabbard on the ground.

The wolf-like beast jumped over Tezeric’s head and rushed at him.
Immediately, bang!

It wasn’t even a thunderbolt, but a roar rang out.

Episode 138

Ybriel shrugged her shoulders.


“I just heard….”
It was a little more dull and rough for thunder. It didn’t seem like the sound
came from Sigmund’s magic.

‘Have the beasts already started attacking the wall?’

Ebriel got scared and ran at an even faster pace.

The entire castle was in chaos due to the sudden appearance of a magical
“Is the beast really coming here?”

“That’s right!”
“Everyone who can move there, block the doors and windows!”

The loud shouts of the people echoed the hallways dizzyingly.

Ybriel and Asiligo quickly got out before the door was blocked. And he began
to climb up the wall where Sigmund would be.

Meanwhile, several lightning bolts fell to the ground.

Bang, quagga! The roar from outside made a more pronounced difference.
‘It’s not an illusion.’
There was a sound other than thunder mixed in. Ybriel immediately asked
“You know, do you know what that just means?”

At Ybriel’s question, Asiligo focused on the sound he heard. It wasn’t long

before he figured out the situation.

“When the auror hits the ground, it just makes the same sound.”


“It seems that someone has directly faced the beast.”

Is there anyone left in the castle who can use Aurors?

‘no way….’

Ybriel took a shaky breath and continued to climb the stairs leading up to the

Sigmund was standing in the distance until he reached the end.


Despite Ybriel’s cry, Sigmund did not turn his head. He just fixed his gaze
under the wall as if possessed by something.

It was the moment when Ybriel, knowing only what had happened, was about
to run towards Sigmund.

thud! The ground shook slightly with a loud sound.

Surprised, Ybriel stopped on the spot and looked in the direction of the
sound. A thick layer of dust rose from the side the beast was running from.

I saw someone moving between the rushing beasts. Ybriel narrowed her eyes
to take a closer look at her opponent.

The demonic beast was swept away in an instant by the aura that was

Everything was so fast that it was hard for my eyes to follow. The only thing
that Ybriel could see was blonde hair that was glistening in the dust.

Then, Ybriel was startled.


It was Tezeric who was fighting the beasts alone. Ybriel couldn’t keep her
mouth shut.

‘You must be crazy!’

Jumping into that beast’s den alone was an act of suicide. Ybriel ran to
Sigmund with a pale face.

“… Eve?”

Only then, Sigmund, realizing that Yibriel existed, looked at Yibriel with a
surprised face.

“Uh, what happened? Why are you there alone…!”

Without saying any more, Ybriel pointed her finger at Tezeric in battle.
Sigmund sighed and explained.

“The villagers went down to buy time to evacuate.”

Town! At that word, Ybriel stopped like a cold water person. I overlooked the
village while thinking about defending the castle. Considering the village, the
remaining time was even tighter.

“I can’t stop all those beasts by myself!”

“Look, Eve.”

Sigmund glanced at Tezeric with a wink.

It was then that Ybriel began to see Tezeric’s inaction.

Even though Sigmund didn’t really help, Tezeric was blocking the beast pretty

The aura wrapped around the sword flew through the air like a beam of light,
killing the lives of the beasts.

‘I knew you were good with swords, but….’

I didn’t know it would be that much. Ybriel forgot the situation and looked at

“Ttt, it seems it wasn’t a bluff.”

Sigmund murmured and drew a finger in the air. Then a thunderbolt fell
between the beasts.

“We’re looking for people who can help, so we’ll just have to wait a little

At those words, Ybriel’s complexion darkened.

It was after hearing from Asiligo that there were not many people who could
deal with the beast.

Asiligo, who had been quiet at that time, took a step forward. Ybriel and
Sigmund looked at him at the same time.

“I will go down too.”

And without drying up, Asiligo climbed up the wall.

Why are you going up there? While Ybriel questioned the incomprehensible
behavior, he threw himself down without thinking.

he falls aimlessly Ybriel was so startled that she couldn’t even scream.

Sigmund, who was concentrating on magic, shouted in shock.

The two of them hurriedly checked under the fortress wall, no matter who
came first.

Fortunately, Asiligo landed safely on the floor unharmed. Seeing the knight
waving normally, Ybriel wiped her chest.

‘right. He was of a different race….’

If you’re not conscious of it, you sometimes forget about it. Although he
looked nothing like a human, Asiligo was a being that far surpassed human
physical abilities.

No, it’s true, jumping from this dizzying height.

“Is that guy crazy?”

Sigmund muttered in a muffled voice, apparently thinking the same thing.

‘Why are all the guys around Eve like that?’

He looked genuinely concerned that his granddaughter might develop a

strange habit.

“I want to help too.”

Ybriel wiped the back of her hand to join before it was too late. A faint light
leaked over the skin, revealing the winter branches.

Only two people can’t stop those beasts.

“Don’t overdo it.”

Sigmund did not stop Ybriel from coming forward. It was because he was
also aware of the seriousness of the situation.

Ybriel held up a winter branch and stared forward.

After absorbing the frost flowers, the shape of the winter branches has
changed. In the past, it was just a staff in the shape of a long branch, but now
it looks like a branch wrapped around a frost flower.

Ybriel took a deep breath of air, then exhaled deeply. I could feel the cold
mana flowing through my palms clearly.

As Ybriel moved his mana, Sigmund, who was mercilessly pouring magic
onto the beast, flinched and paused for a moment.

‘The air becomes cold.’

The ambient temperature was dropping rapidly.

The stone floor on which Ybriel was standing was slowly frosted. The breath
he exhaled was white.

“It would be better to call on the divine beast.”

Winter whispered softly. Ybriel did not heed the spirit’s advice.

‘Ruby, come here. help me.’

Ybriel summoned the divine beast in her heart. Immediately, I felt a warm
warmth from the depths of my heart.

‘Ruby will help you not to burden your body.’

Ybriel fixed the winter branches and assessed the positions of the Beasts,
Tezeric, and Asiligo.

‘In order for people to have time to evacuate and to reduce the burden on the
two of us, we need to hold on to as many demons as possible.’

The calculations were not difficult. Mana, like a torrent, ran through the body
through the nine doors.

‘… now.’

The moment Ybriel swung her staff, a huge magic was embodied on the

It had been a while before Tezeric noticed the presence of Asiligo. It was
because he had cut the beast that was aiming for Tezeric’s back.

“I saved him once.”

“Thank you so much, I’m about to cry. left.”

In a no-than-thankful voice, Tezeric blinked to Asiligo’s left. Without seeing

Asiligo, he cut down the beast that rushed from there.

“A princess?”
“You are with Sigmund-sama.”

With those words, Tezeric’s gaze turned to the top of the wall. Silver hair
fluttering in the wind caught my eye.

Meanwhile, the wolf-blooded knight, who had just jumped into the
battlefield, literally ran wild like a beast.
From the experience of subjugation, he knew well how to deal with the
beasts. Three beasts were killed with a single sword.
Indifferent gray eyes turned to Tezeric, who was next to him. Tezeric was also
cutting down the beasts with ease.

‘You must have never faced a beast.’

Even so, he was fighting the battle as skillfully as Asiligo.

It meant that the senses and senses were excellent.

The story that humans using Aurors could have physical abilities similar to
those of other races crossed Asiligo’s mind.
‘Perhaps the former Crown Prince is like that.’
I was vaguely expecting it to be strong, but it was more than I expected.

The number of demons dwindled so quickly that it was hard to believe that
only two people were doing it.

However, the two could not continue to bear all the beasts.
Tezeric stared at the beasts fleeing behind their backs with a disappointed
expression. The beast that was missed now could harm the villagers or even
destroy the walls.
‘Is it inadequate?’

The miracle happened at the moment I thought so.

Asiligo and Tezeric felt the temperature drop in an instant.
Then there was a crackling, dingy, cracking sound from the ground. It was a
creepy and cold sound.
At some point, the two stopped swinging their swords. Because there was no
need to wield it.
The bitter cold that ran down the ground engulfed the beasts. Then, one by
one, the movement slowed down.
and freezes

The beasts that creaked like rusted scrap metal soon stopped moving
The world became quiet when all the monsters that were rushing in were
frozen in an instant.
as if time stopped.

Tezeric and Asiligo looked up at the top of the wall as promised.

There stood Ybriel clutching a winter branch.
Tezeric smirked.
‘Exactly except for me and that knight, all the beasts were frozen?’

The destructive power and precision are terrifying.

The existence of Ybriel Solgren felt even more marvelous when I thought
about it the other day when I thought about calling out birds at will.

Sigmund, who watched Ybriel’s magic right next to him, had similar thoughts.
He stared at the miracle or disaster that his granddaughter had done with a
look of disbelief.

Sigmund was also an archmage who freely used high-ranking magic.

‘But there is a limit to mana dealing with humans.’

If you overdo it, you may lose your humanity.

But now, Ybriel showed no signs of hardship at all. It meant that there was
still mana left to use.
Sigmund looked at Ybriel with a complicated look.

‘Where is the end of this child?’

No matter what the people around him were thinking, Ybriel was immersed
in other thoughts.

‘Why did the emperor aim here?’

Now, it was not so important to retake the southern castle. There were two
things I could think of.
‘They did not know that the Allied Forces were advancing, or the Allied
Forces were being attacked.’

Suddenly, a cold feeling passed through the back of my neck.

Ybriel hurriedly found the butterfly that had been attached to Herwin.
Eventually, the butterfly’s vision began to appear even in Ybriel’s eyes.
Episode 139

‘The dirt road. horseshoes. Armor.’

Like a candle lit one by one in a dark place, my eyes gradually became
brighter. Eventually, Ybriel looked around clearly through the eyes of a
Surprisingly, there were no problems on the Allied side.
The sun was setting, but the soldiers were still moving forward. I had to move
to the estate as soon as possible, so it seemed that the preparations for the
camp would start late.
After checking Herwin’s exhausted face, Ybriel frowned slightly.

‘I thought the Imperial Army would try to stop the advance, even if it wasn’t a
beast. Haven’t you been able to grasp the movement of the Allied Forces on
the Emperor’s side yet?’
Contrary to Caswither Castle, the Allies were strangely peaceful. It was
fortunate, but somehow suspicious.
Ybriel opened her eyes, feeling as if she had missed something.

In front of Ybriel, who returned to reality, frozen beasts were spread out like
statues in a wide field. It was like an abandoned ruins.


Sigmund, who was beside him, murmured as he looked down at the beasts
that Ybriel had frozen. Behind the dead beasts, new demons appeared.

Ybriel’s expression became even more serious.

Then, smooth hair brushed against Ybriel’s feet and flew around. A red-eyed
cat was sitting where I looked down.


As if reading Ybriel’s mind, the cat jumped and climbed onto the railing.
Then, in an instant, it was engulfed in flames and changed its form.

It was a huge dragon that emerged through the great soaring flames.

Sigmund, who was beside him, as well as Asiligo and Tezeric, who were
watching the top of the wall from below, were overwhelmed as soon as they
saw the white dragon.
‘It’s divine.’

The dragon flapped its cloth-like wings and then flew lightly into the air
outside the castle.

And it sank as if it had fallen. Tezeric and Asiligo looked at Ruby in surprise.

The dragon started flapping its wings just before it hit the ground. It was a
very low and fast flight.

The ruby barely flew over the heads of Tezeric and Asiligo.
The dragon attacked the beasts that were approaching with its wings and
claws. The frozen beasts fell over at the impact, and the sound of crashing
echoed over and over again.

It was right thereafter that Asiligo fixed the sword. The battle was not over.
“People haven’t escaped yet.”


Tezeric nodded briefly at the knight’s words and looked ahead.

Sigmund’s thunderbolt fell again. A dragon wandering in the air and lightning
like a natural disaster seemed to lead the world to the end.

The two went forward together without saying a word. There was someone
behind him to protect.

Meanwhile, on the wall, Ybriel calmly cooled her head and thought calmly.

Does the emperor simply want the annihilation of the South?

‘No, there must be a reason to attack the South with this much power. what
the emperor wants. If there is only one thing the Emperor wants….’

At that moment, there was a person who flashed through Ybriel’s brain like an
arrow. Ybriel stiffened as it was.

“His Majesty after Empress Seon…!”


Sigmund, who could not hear well, raised his voice and asked. The roar of
thunder mixed with the mystical dragon’s cry made my ears dizzy.

“Empress Seon, Your Majesty is in danger!”

Ebriel screamed and immediately ran down the wall. Sigmund looked at
Ybriel with a bewildered expression on her face.

The Archmage’s cry echoed behind his back, but Ybriel didn’t stop.

‘That large number of monsters will eventually be used to attract attention.

The real target is His Majesty Empress Seon!’
As if jumping down the stairs, Ybriel traced the way she had come and began
to return to the castle.
The people in the city saw Ybriel rushing in and opened the door hurriedly.
Among them was Liatris.


Liatris, who was in charge of the situation inside, was in a state of great shock
when she saw Ybriel running out with contemplation.

“What happened? There was a loud noise outside—”

“Where is the Empress Dowager now?”

Ybriel asked Liatris, who was watching her, urgently. Recognizing the
ominousness contained in that question, Liatrice’s complexion darkened.

“My Majesty, Empress Dowager, will be in the room on the 4th floor of the
castle. What’s happen?”

“The beasts outside….”

It was then that Ybriel was trying to explain.

The sound of urgent footsteps quickly drew closer in the direction of Ybriel
and Liatrice. Soon after, two revolutionary troops under Liatrice appeared.

“It’s a big deal! Duke Caswither from prison is gone!”

Upon hearing the report, Liatrice was shocked.

“what? how?”

“All the prison doors were open. I’m currently searching the castle, but in
case you don’t know, gathering people in one place….”
There was no time to listen any more.

Ybriel left her seat and quickly ran towards the stairs. Liatris shouted from
behind, but no bird heard it.

1st, 2nd and 3rd floor. Her feet were sore from running all the time, but
Ybriel didn’t stop.
And finally the 4th floor.


Ybriel noticed something strange at the end of the stairs leading to the fourth
floor. A liquid like black tar was dripping on the floor.

The strange thing was that it was moving little by little. Just looking at it
made me feel bad.

Ybriel checked where the black liquid was headed.

It was one room that the end of his gaze reached.

The moment she saw that the door was half open, Ybriel had a gut feeling
that it was Empress Seon’s room.

Ybriel ran towards the room without hesitation.

“your majesty!”

After opening the door wide and going inside, Ybriel found Empress Sun and
Duke Caswither, who had disappeared from prison.


Empress Dowager Azerian looked at Ybriel with a pale face.

“Get away! Authors are dangerous!”

However, without moving, Ybriel fixed her gaze on Duke Caswither.

“Rain, get out! Do not disturb!”

The peacock was dripping with tears. That was the identity of the liquid that
had fallen on the floor. The physiological reluctance was intense.

Ybriel placed the winter branch on the floor and swung it loudly. Then,
following the trajectory of the staff, a sharp wall of ice rose from the floor.
In an instant, the relationship between Azerian and Duke Caswither was
clearly broken.

“You must not touch His Majesty!”

When Ebriel stopped him, Duke Caswither wrinkled his face fiercely. He
knew there was no way to defeat Ybriel.

“Damn it, damn it! Why is this only happening to me? i’m a peacock The
honorable fieldkeeper Caswither! What’s wrong with Gongsin obeying the
Emperor’s orders? I did nothing wrong. No. I, I, I….”

Duke Caswither, who had been murmuring as fast as a maniac, suddenly

stopped moving like a puppet whose thread had been cut.

Ybriel and Azerian held their breath and looked at Duke Caswither.

“Is that person dead?”

Shh. Ybriel put her index finger to her lips in response to Azerian’s question.

Duke Caswither, who had been quiet as if he had died, suddenly took a deep
breath. And he lifted his head and smiled.


Ybriel clenched the winter branches nervously.

“Ah, this garbage can’t be saved even if given a chance.”

Ybriel trembled at the creepy voice.

Duke Caswither, who was smiling, shook his head crookedly with an
expressionless face, as if his emotions had been completely erased. There was
no sign of nervousness that had just been shown before.

It was as if a completely different person had entered.

Duke Caswither tapped the floor with his toe.
Black tears ran down his chin and fell. He twisted his head strangely and
looked at Azerian beyond the ice wall.

“I ordered you to bring your mother. It has to be said that it’s strange that
you’ve come this far.”

At that moment, Ybriel and Azerian realized.


Although he has the form of Duke Caswither, the one who is speaking now is
Emperor Kaizen.
“Hey, what the hell is this! It is not enough that the rulers of the Empire have
coveted the evil powers of darkness, and now they want to slaughter even the
innocent people of the Empire!”
Azerian’s expression distorted terribly. His son, without blood, was like a
“Your soul will sink to the bottom of the abyss. stupid thing.”

Despite his clear contempt, the emperor whispered softly.

“Sometimes you speak as if my soul was in paradise.”

He giggled as if the words were genuinely funny, then changed his expression
in an instant.
“Now, come back to your mother’s place.”

Ybriel, who was listening to the conversation, stiffened her body with an eerie

‘I want to do something!’
Just as he thought, a dark shadow stretched out from Duke Caswither’s body.
And he went straight to Azerian.

Without even thinking about it, Ybriel jumped in front of him.

Immediately after pushing Azerian to the other side, a tidal wave of darkness
fell over Ybriel’s body.


Herwin suddenly turned and looked back. His gaze was directed to the south.

Walter, the commander of the Changmyeong Knights, who was riding a horse
right next to him, asked. Herwin frowned for a moment and wiped the cool
nape of his neck with his palm.

I had a bad feeling.

“Didn’t there be any news from the South?”

At Herwin’s question, the commander of the Creation Knights pulled out a

small mirror from the pocket of the saddle. It was a kaleidoscope.

After checking the still mirror surface, Walter inserted the road kaleidoscope.
“Yes, yet.”
At that, Herwin looked forward again.

“You will see the system soon.”

As the captain of the knights said, if you run half a day like this, you will
enter the system.
I guess it’s because I’m nervous. But….

Herwin took a breath and gripped the reins.

“We need to speed up.”
“It doesn’t feel good.”
Episode 140

Herwin stared at the sky toward the islands.

Dark dark clouds were wriggling and mothing the sky. The sky looked like it
was going to rain at any moment.

“We haven’t had a single fight since we got here. The march was surprisingly
Although the Allied Forces moved secretly, it made no sense to say that the
system was so poorly defended in the context of a civil war.

“Please select ten fast-moving knights. We will have to check the situation

Herwin said so and blinked at Aiden, who was following a little behind.
Aiden drove the horse closer.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m going to go ahead with the reconnaissance team and check the trend.
Can you follow me?”

Herwin was very close to Aiden.

There were times when we didn’t meet for a long time and it was awkward for
a while, but it was thanks to the fact that we talked occasionally and narrowed
the distance all the way to the island.


Aiden answered Herwin’s words without difficulty.

Walter shook his head involuntarily, looking at the rich man who had been on
the move without a break and showed no sign of weary.

Does Solgren even have extraordinary blood?


Walter or not, Herwin muttered lowly and stopped the march completely.

He planned to return after checking the island side while the Allies were
preparing to camp here.

It was then that Herwin got off his horse for a moment.

“But is ten enough?”

Walter asked.
“The movement will be faster, but isn’t the number of people too small? If
anything happens….”
Even including Herwin and Aiden, there were only twelve. The number of the
Beloiton Empire’s forces now exceeds three times that of the Allied Forces.
Among them were several even high-ranking wizards.
No matter how talented Herwin was, the life and death of the reconnaissance
corps could not be guaranteed if they faced the mighty imperial army.
But there was no fear in Herwin’s face.

“I came back alive from beyond the walls of Berak. It will be easier this

Herwin, who had unloaded the load so that the horse could move lightly, sat
back on the saddle. Walter had no choice but to agree with his confident

As a person who came back from dealing with beasts beyond human
imagination, I thought that it might be easier for him to deal with people.
Shortly thereafter, Walter selected ten elite men and assigned them to
Herwin. Herwin prepared for departure as soon as the men had gathered.

“I hope Shia will be with you.”

“thank you. May Shia be with you as well.”

Herwin gave Walter a brief salute and smacked the horse’s stomach with a
stirrup. Soon, dozens of horses slammed the ground and ran forward.

Walter closed his eyes for a moment and prayed to God until the scouts were
so far away that he couldn’t see them.

Only after they disappeared from view did Walter open his eyes. And
belatedly realized that light was leaking out of his saddle pocket.


He sighed and hurriedly pulled out a kaleidoscope from his pocket. As I

swept the surface, an image formed through the mirror.

“The Duchess of Solgren?”

After a while, the face that became clearer was none other than Liatrice.
Liatrice looked at Walter with a pale, tired face. Walter asked with an unusual

“What are you doing?”

Liatris looked out the window with anxious eyes.

“The southern part has been attacked by a beast.”

Walter’s face hardened at those words.

“Are you saying that the devil appeared in the South?”

Walter was engulfed in great shock just by appearing in a place where there
could not be a beast.
He then realized that the majority of those who now remain at Caswither
Castle are wounded.

“Are you okay? If I were to go back right now—”

“No, the beasts are outside….”

Then I heard the sound of thunder coming through the mirror.

“… I am dealing with I don’t think it’s necessary to turn the troops around.”

At that, Walter sighed in relief. Belatedly, I remembered that there was an

archmage over there.

Meanwhile, Liatrice looked at Walter with anxious eyes.

“Is Herwin by your side?”

Walter answered the question out of nowhere, puzzled, but meekly.

“No, Your Majesty has just departed for reconnaissance.”

Then Liatrice closed her eyes tightly. Walter was desperate for an unusual

“What are you doing? You have to tell me so I can help.”

At Walter’s urging, Liatrice slowly opened her eyes. The tears were red.
Liatrice tried to calm her trembling body and opened her lips.

“… Ybriel, my daughter is gone.”


When the owner of the divine beast had disappeared, Walter’s expression
froze. Liatris beyond the mirror added with a sad face.

“I think the emperor took him.”


Ybriel got up with a strong cough.

“Coloch, choke ….”

Water mixed with the exploding breath. It felt as if I had fallen deeply into
the sea and had barely been rescued.
Ebriel slowly opened her eyes as she picked her breath. All four sides were
dark. His whole body was uncomfortably wet, and the stone floor was
unbearably cold.

Ybriel stood up, squeezing the moisture out of her hair. The memory was cut
off immediately after the black shadow was put on. He seemed to have lost
consciousness for a moment.

“your majesty!”

Ybriel raised her voice and looked for Empress Seon. I thought it was
somewhere not far away, but there was no answer.

Anxiety grew even greater.

‘What happened while I was unconscious?’

One thing was fortunate, though, was the fact that this was inside Caswither
Castle. Those who notice the commotion will soon come to help.

But something was strange. The space was too large for the room where the
Empress Seon stayed.

‘Where am I?’

It was dark all around and there was nothing to see.

Using light magic would be quick, but I was careful because I couldn’t
understand the surroundings right now.
Instead of magic, Ybriel adapted her vision to the darkness by closing and
opening her eyes for a moment. Before long, objects nearby began to be
identified little by little.

I looked around to see a very faint light pouring through the large window.
Ybriel saw the light split into different colors. It was colored glass.

The cracked, colorful lights hit a certain huge stone statue. It was the image
of a holy god with a veil covering his eyes and holding four stars in his hand.


Gorgeous windows, an organ that overwhelms people, and the solemn and
sacred statue of Shia.

Ybriel swallowed a sigh inwardly.

‘It’s the imperial chapel ….’

It was the place where 14-year-old Ybriel met her death. Unknowingly,
Ybriel faltered and stepped back.

“Is it a good night?”

The sudden sound of the voice was terrifying. was the emperor The emperor
was here. Just like the night before I die.

Ybriel raised her hand and grabbed the winter branch.

“Well. I think it was the worst night for me.”

At the end of the winter branch, from the frost flower, shining butterflies
began to bloom. Lights slowly lit up the dark chapel.

“I was going to bring my mother, but I didn’t know you would jump in.
Should I say that I am not afraid?”

When the pure white butterflies opened their eyes, the emperor’s figure was
It looked more like a demon than a human.

Blackened eyes and wavy hair like a living snake caught my eye. Ybriel
frowned with instinctive disgust.

“I’m glad I came. After Empress Seon, Her Majesty must have passed out in
shock when she saw it.”

At that moment, something flew beside Ybriel with the sound of a strong

bang! Ebriel stiffened at the roar. I looked back and saw that the bench in the
chapel had been completely smashed.

It was thrown by Emperor Kaizen. so fast that you don’t even notice it.
“You better watch your mouth. I have no patience, so I have to keep you alive
for the time being.”

He muttered with an emotionless face. Ybriel frowned at the

incomprehensible words.

“You want me to live?”

The answer to that question came soon after.

“My brother will be here soon.”

Ybriel froze. The Emperor knew that Herwin and the Allies were coming
towards the Isles. But why didn’t you stop it?

That was then. Kaizen smiled in the dark. surreung. The thin metal sound
sounded like thunder in my sensitive ears.

Ybriel watched Kaizen as he drew out his sword, hardened.

‘Sa, please save me ….’

Memories intersect at once. Ybriel clenched the winter branches as if to

break them. Kaizen let out a pleasant laugh.
“I will stick this sword into your heart right in front of her.”

A damp silence passed.

In the dark threat of death, Ybriel’s head became rather cold.

‘Do you think I opened the ninth door to die here just like then?’
I had no intention of being dealt with like this.

Ybriel accidentally smashed the winter branches on the floor. thud! With the
sound, a cold breeze spread from the winter branches, freezing the floor.
“Do something bothersome.”

Kaizen waved his hand like it was annoying. A snake-like darkness tried to
swallow the cold.

The chill seemed to be pushed by the darkness for a moment.

But it was very brief. The darkness crawling on the floor began to freeze
together with the cold.

For the first time, a crack appeared in Kaizen’s expression.

With a faint smile, Ybriel hit the floor with the tip of the staff once more.
White butterflies flew through the air as fast as a blizzard.

Suddenly, the floor of the chapel collapsed with the sound of cracks and
It was really an instant thing.
Episode 141

With a roar, all the floors fell to the floor except where Ybriel was.
The emperor standing on it was no exception.

Kaizen also fell into darkness along with the wreckage. Ybriel’s gaze moved
busily through the thick dust, looking for Kaizen’s form.
‘The Emperor sent me to the imperial palace because it wasn’t enough to send
the beasts to the south. It must have consumed a lot of energy.’

So the chance is now. Ybriel intended to neutralize Kaizen before Herwin

reached the Isles. The winter branch resonated with Ybriel’s fighting spirit
and radiated a beautiful light.

“Stupid. If I had stayed still, I could have lived a little longer.”

Just then, a hoarse voice crawled up from below. Ybriel looked down
nervously. The gleaming scarlet sun was strangely clear even in the abyss-like

“My mercy is over, Ybriel Solgren. Even if you don’t kill me in front of me,
I’ll just show you your body.”

Ybriel witnessed Kaizen’s form disappearing in the dim light as if melting

into darkness.

‘Where have you gone?’

That was when I thought I felt a creepy sensation running down the nape of
my neck.

A serpent-like darkness split into dozens and rushed towards Ybriel, who
turned instinctively.


Tezeric swallowed a rough breath and swung his sword.

I didn’t know how much time had passed. They simply cut and killed the
beasts at random.

However, even after killing for a while, the beasts rushing in like a tidal wave
showed no sign of diminishing.

‘How much longer can you last?’

There are clearly limits to human stamina. He turned his eyes to see the
direction Asiligo was headed.

The knight, like Tezeric, was dealing with a beast not far away. It looks fine at
first glance, but….

‘It’s definitely slower than the first time.’

Even he, who was of a heterogeneous race, was proof that his stamina had

Tezeric frowned. With the help of the Divine Beast and the Archmage, they
had survived until now, but this ideal was the limit for both of them.

‘Is the support still there?’

The moment I thought of that, Tezeric’s sword came to an end first.

Kaang! With a sharp sound, the sword caught in the beast’s teeth split in two.
After swallowing the harsh words, Tezeric stepped back.

Recognizing that the enemy had weakened, the beasts targeted Tezeric at
once. The beast’s claws and teeth dripping with poison approached Tezeric.

Asiligo, who realized the situation late, moved quickly, but the claws of the
demonic beast were faster than that.

Sensing the pain to come, Tezeric closed his eyes tightly.

‘… what?’

However, even after quite a long time passed, I did not feel the pain of
tearing my skin.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw an unbelievable scene unfolding

before his eyes.


One by one, the beasts began to melt black. The by-products of darkness
melted away in an instant, as if they had exhausted all their power. A black
liquid remained like a trace on the ground.

‘What happened?’

Tezeric looked around at the disappearing beasts with bewildered eyes.

It was the same with Asiligo who was bewildered by the sudden situation. The
knight quickly approached Tezeric without a weapon without lowering his
vigilance towards the beast.

Just then, the dragon cried a long way above his head. Tezeric and Asiligo
looked up at the sky at the same time.

The white dragon circling through the gloomy gray sky quickly descended
and approached Tezeric and Asiligo.

Eventually, the ruby landed on the ground. It was a feather-soft landing

compared to its huge body.
They could hardly take their eyes off of the marvelous figure of the divine

A thin labial membrane covered the red eyes once and then opened. The pure
white scales had a beautiful five-color luster, and the hard projections that
started at the back of the neck passed through the back and continued to the
end of the tail.


Ruby, who let out a thin cry, lowered her neck and pressed it close to the
ground. Even though I didn’t speak the language, I was able to understand
enough. meant to get on.

“Put it in.”

Ruby wept sadly and scratched the ground with her claws as if anxiously. The
two’s eyes hardened when they saw it.
If there was one thing Ruby could be so anxious about, it was the owner’s
comfort. There was a problem with Ybriel.

The two turned their heads to check the top of the wall. Only Sigmund was
standing there, but Ybriel could not be found.

Tezeric climbed onto Ruby with a low swear word. Asiligo, pale-faced,
followed behind him and climbed onto the dragon’s back.

As the two men grabbed the stone and took a seat, the dragon flew off the
ground as if waiting.
And immediately started flying towards the islands.

At that time, a scout, led by Herwin, had reached near the gates leading to the

They did not receive a single threat throughout their journey. It was bizarre,
not bizarre.

The chilly feeling of foreboding became a reality only after checking the door
to the outside of the system.

‘There is no one to defend.’

The front of the gate was empty, with no ordinary sentinel in sight. It didn’t
feel even the slightest bit of popularity, it was like an abandoned city.

Herwin understood the emperor’s intentions without difficulty. If you come,

come and see. It was an arrogant confidence that you were not even a threat.

‘It feels like being invited into a trap.’

Herwin spurred his horse as he gazed at the Imperial Palace, which had
begun to be seen in the distance.

No one stopped them from entering the system. A strange sense of

discomfort caught my breath.

The street, which was always crowded with people and carriages, was as quiet
as a mouse. The presence of a living person was not felt at all. The whole
system seemed to be dead.

‘Where did all those people disappear to?’

Herwin recalled again the saying that darkness is made stronger at the cost of
human life.

‘Maybe everything….’

Was it swallowed up by darkness? Is it already late?

It was the noise from a distant place that cut off his ominous imagination.

Kurung. The sound of a building collapsing echoed in my ears.

“This is the direction of the Imperial Palace!”

At Aiden’s urgent cry, Herwin looked towards the Imperial Palace. As he

said, a cloud of dust was rising.

After a short interval, the crashing sound was heard again. Herwin
immediately recognized that it was the aftermath of the battle.

There wasn’t much I could think of.

‘The Emperor is fighting with someone. Which one?’

They called for assistance from the East and the West, but they had never

The possibility that the Knights of Solgren had arrived was also low. Because
the north is the furthest from the islands.

That was when the doubts deepened. A roar of a different dimension than
before hit my ears. Herwin hastily calmed the horse, startled by the loud

Then I suddenly found it.

A huge ice barrier breaks down the majestic Imperial Palace and grows.

“… Oh My God.”

A startled exclamation leaked out from among the knights who followed the
reconnaissance team.

Herwin and Aiden’s reactions weren’t too different either.

“Is that what the emperor did?”

Aiden asked in a trembling voice.

“I don’t know. However….”

I remember seeing something similar. It was a miraculous magic that his

daughter performed when the veil was broken long ago.
Herwin’s complexion turned white.

‘I can’t. Eve must be in the South now.’

Even though Herwin knew it was nonsense, he reminded himself that there
are not many wizards who can handle freezing magic like that.

‘It won’t be. I’m not sure.’

Herwin clenched his teeth. I needed to be sure it wasn’t Ybriel.

“I am going straight to the Imperial Palace! Aiden!”

At Herwin’s call, Aiden, who was looking at the ice wall, stepped forward.

“I will guide you!”

The reconnaissance team, which had stopped for a while, started moving

They ran towards the imperial palace without stopping. As I got closer to the
palace, I could feel the coldness of the ice wall thickening through my skin.

And at some point, a vision unfolded before Herwin’s eyes. It was a sight of
dozens of butterflies shining bright white, flapping their wings and moving to
one place at once.

‘Are you going to follow me?’

Herwin got off his horse as the butterfly led him and ran into the palace.

Aiden looked at Herwin’s back as he moved forward.

He was greatly astonished to find the shape of a translucent butterfly on the

back of Herwin’s neck as he moved away. It was a butterfly that Ybriel had
attached to protect Herwin when he went out.

Aiden, who had been staring blankly, immediately came to his senses and
followed Herwin into the building.
Herwin ran as if possessed by the vision in front of him. The surrounding
temperature gradually decreased. A certainty that he couldn’t even explain
himself engulfed his mind.
‘Eve is here.’

Before long they arrived at the Palace of Gracia, where the ceiling had been
completely blown away. The Imperial Palace, like the history of Veloyton,
was shattered in a mess as if to prove the fierceness of the battle.

Herwin saw her long silver hair fluttering in the gusts of white frost in the

The fact that his half-brother is standing right in front of him in black
Without time to think, Herwin drew his sword.

and swung towards his old foe.


At that moment, all he saw was a single flash of light.

‘I think I just heard Daddy’s voice?’

Quang! However, before Ybriel could confirm it, a thick dust rose with a
powerful shock.

“Collock, Collock…!”
In response to the attack that did not know where it came from, Ybriel
covered her nose and mouth and slowly retreated back.
Just then, someone grabbed Ybriel’s waist and lifted him up from behind.
Ybriel struggled with amazement.

“Eve, it’s me!”

A familiar voice calmed Ybriel. Only then did Ybriel look back at the person
holding him.
“Oh, Dad?”
I didn’t hear it wrong. Herwin was really standing behind his back. Also with
a very sad face.
“You must have been in the South!”
Episode 142

How the heck could he have come to the island, and even to the Imperial
Palace, sooner than that?

Herwin felt faint when he remembered that Ybriel had been confronting the
Emperor the whole time.
“Daddy, how did you get here already?”
Ybriel was equally perplexed. Herwin wasn’t expecting to get to the islands so

While the women looked at each other with expressions that they couldn’t
understand each other, an urgent voice intervened from behind.

“We’ll both talk later!”


Ybriel noticed Aiden’s existence belatedly. He seemed to have come to the

palace with Herwin.

Aiden grabbed Ybriel’s arm with an urgent hand. Fearing that Ybriel was
being dragged back, Herwin blocked the front of the two children as if to
protect them.

Emperor Kaizen is not yet dead.

“I see you at last, my brother.”

Kaizen muttered slowly and got up.

Surrounded by fog-like darkness, Kaizen was literally bizarre.

The darkened sclera, the skin with red veins, and sharp nails that looked more
like a beast than a human. It was a menacing appearance.

“… You’ve changed a lot since I haven’t seen you.”

Herwin looked around quickly.

Traces of the war remained intact in the space.

The ice wall that rose after crushing half of the palace, the floor that had
collapsed in half, and fragments of broken and broken chairs caught my eye
one after another.
‘I think it was a chapel.’

He only recognized the fact when he saw the destroyed Shia statue. Although
there was such a fierce battle, it was fortunate that Ybriel was not seriously
Just as Herwin was watching Kaizen, Kaizen was also watching Herwin.

My half-sister arrived too sooner than expected. If I had come a little later, I
could have shown my dead daughter. He licked his lips in disappointment,
and abruptly fixed his gaze on the stranger standing behind him.

The man, who appeared to be less than twenty years old, had a striking
resemblance to Herwin. Silver hair or golden eyes….

“In the sun…? 」

At that time, Kaizen discovered Aiden’s solar eye.

He wrinkled his brows faintly, then groaned in a curious twist on his lips.
He, too, was familiar with the scandal of the Duchess of Solgren, who
disappeared after giving birth to a child.

“Yeah, it’s like that. He spread a scandal to hide the child in the sun and
deliberately hid.”
Aiden clenched the sword in his hand with a stiff face. The emperor who
made him and Liatrice live as fugitives was right in front of him.

The moment I recognized his existence, I felt the urge to run. With the life of
the emperor, he wanted to be rewarded for the time his family had been split
in half.

But Herwin was faster.

“Aiden, take Eve and get out of the Imperial Palace first.”


At Herwin’s sudden words, Ybriel raised her head in bewilderment. Aiden

also stared at Herwin’s back with a look of surprise.

“I am okay.”

“I can fight too, Dad. There were no serious injuries—”


Herwin cut Ybriel’s words in a soft voice.

“But this is something I have to finish.”

It should have been like this from the beginning. He ran away too long, and
he placed the burden on the children.

“Give me a chance.”

Ybriel shut her mouth at Herwin’s earnest voice. There was no way to
convince him.

It was Aiden who moved first. He grabbed Ybriel’s wrist with the opposite
hand, not holding the sword.

“I will wait until you return.”

He dragged Ybriel back and started running towards the door. Ybriel looked
back with a worried face.

Kaizen suddenly moved.

It was the moment when the darkness he ruled was trying to stop Ybriel and
Aiden. Herwin’s sword cut through the wriggling darkness in an instant
without any clear substance.

Flames fluttered at the tip of his sword. It was a layer of magic superimposed
on the blade.

Aiden and Ybriel escaped the chapel safely while Herwin had time to spare.

Herwin opened his mouth only after the two children moved away.

“I have already informed the church of the whole situation. The East and
West Princes and my knights are coming to the Islands now. Only to destroy

「 ….」
“It’s over, Kaizen Balaka Wilnarion.”

A firm voice declared.

“End? I?”

Kaizen laughed as if it was funny. Herwin’s expression hardened. There was

one thing that came to mind.

“You stupid and pitiful brother. You must have seen it on the way here.”

The foreshadowing did not go wrong. An eerie joy flashed across Kaizen’s

“Where have all the people of the system gone? Aren’t you curious?”

Herwin’s expression contorted without mercy. He pointed his sharp sword at


“… If I cut you, you will know.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Herwin’s sword rushed towards Kaizen.


Aiden led Ybriel and joined the knights who had come with the
reconnaissance team. When Ybriel, who should be in the South, appeared
inside the Imperial Palace, the knights looked as if they had seen a ghost.

“How the hell are you here, Princess?”

“It’s too long to explain.”

I went to save Empress Seon’s Majesty after dealing with the demonic beasts
that appeared in the south, but I lost consciousness for a while and when I
woke up, I didn’t want to repeat the word that it was a system.

Meanwhile, Aiden was busy looking for her horse with Ybriel. He grabbed
Ybriel and put her on the saddle. And the knights turned around and

“We need to get out of the palace as much as possible. Soon your father will
start fighting in earnest.”


While the knights asked questions, Aiden also jumped up on the saddle.

“The whole imperial palace will be involved, so you should avoid it!”

It didn’t take long for Aiden to understand what he was saying.

dabble. The ground began to shake.

Ybriel felt a huge amount of mana moving through the air. It was such an
overwhelming force that it gave me goosebumps. A great magic was being
“Hurry up, get on the horse!”

At the cry of Ybriel, the knights finally moved.

They quickly rode out of the palace.

Immediately after they left the main gate of the Imperial Palace, cracks began
to form in the ice wall that Ybriel had built with a roar that could not be
compared with before. Not long after, the ice wall collapsed, and a piece of
blue ice fell into the Imperial Palace.

As she watched the scenery over Aiden’s shoulder, Ybriel struggled to

swallow her scream.

‘Even if it falls under me…!’

You won’t find any bones, let alone bodies. Ybriel grabbed Aiden’s hem

“Don’t worry too much!”

Aiden exclaimed as if he had read his mind.

“Your father is not as weak as you think!”

His voice pierced through the fast wind. Ybriel closed her eyes tightly to calm
her anxious mind.

‘Yes, Daddy is no longer sickly.’

The reason he let Ybriel and Aiden out is probably because he has the
confidence to face the Emperor.

Ybriel decided to trust her father.

As I turned my gaze away from the Imperial Palace, the surrounding

landscape quickly passed my view. Ybriel, who had been keeping her mouth
shut to avoid chewing her tongue, suddenly felt strange and turned her head.

‘Why is nobody there?’

There was such a commotion in the imperial palace, and there was no one on
the street to open the window.

That was the time when I was embarrassed.

Aiden pulled the reins hard without warning. Ebriel moaned briefly at the
sudden braking.


Aiden murmured lowly and drew his sword. Ebriel also looked straight ahead
at the sullen sound.
A black liquid was gushing out of the road in front of him. It was the same
kind seen in Duke Caswither.

To the knights who did not know the situation, Ybriel hurriedly shouted.
Aiden hurriedly turned the horse’s head, but black things were coming up
from the road they had been running.

Recognizing that this was a bad omen, the knights grabbed their swords one
by one. Ybriel quickly surrounded the surroundings with defensive magic.
The water black as ink wobbled like a living creature and stuck together.
Ybriel narrowed her eyes as she looked at the grotesque sight.
‘What’s inside.’

A hazy figure appeared in the bloated liquid.

Then something slowly crawled out of the black puddle. Ybriel’s complexion
turned pale.

it was a person
“What, what!”

The knights were also greatly shaken by the terrible appearance.

A street without people flashed through my mind. Ybriel covered her mouth
‘I sacrificed all the people of the island to the darkness….’

I heard this name. I felt like I was going to get nauseous.

In the midst of the chaos, only one thought was clear.

‘You have to open the tenth door.’

Episode 143

However, despite having acquired the Frostflower, Ybriel was still stuck at the
ninth door.

Ybriel looked around with trembling eyes. Liquid black like ink overflowed
wherever his eyes met.
From there, people appeared one by one and filled the street in an instant.
‘That’s why the emperor had so much leeway.’

It was supplemented with people’s lives as much as they used their strength.
Ybriel’s expression contorted.
Lily and Kanya, the two knights and doctor Evan, who were in the Islands,
may have been mixed among them. As I thought about it, I felt the blood all
over my body get cold.

Ybriel looked at the people one by one with rigid eyes.

It is unknown how strong the darkness that engulfed them has become. What
was clear was that it had to be stopped somehow.

Otherwise, Herwin, who is now confronting the Emperor, would be in great


At that moment, Ybriel felt a faint energy like a fine thread. It was a very
weak vitality.

Ybriel looked at the people in the liquid. Life force was flowing from them.

‘Isn’t he supposed to be dead?’

At that moment, an important fact flashed through my mind. Darkness could
not directly kill a person.

Meanwhile, people began to ferociously beat Ybriel’s magic barrier. It was

clearly an aggressive move.

Aiden raised his sword with a painful face. Ybriel took hold of his hand as if
he was about to cut.

“You can’t cut it!”

“never! Never cut!”

Ebriel, who had also warned the knights around him, took Aiden and backed
away first. Aiden had an expression of incomprehension.


“These people are still alive.”

Aiden’s expression hardened at those words. I didn’t know if I should be

happy to be alive or despair at not being able to use a weapon.
“Then what do you do?”

“You should avoid it as much as possible.”

“Where? I can’t stay here.”

Instead of answering, Ybriel picked up a winter branch and slammed it on the

floor. Then, a blue magic circle was created centered on Ybriel. It was large
enough to wrap around Ybriel, Aiden, and even the knights.

Aiden immediately noticed what Ybriel was thinking.

“Hold on tight!”

At the same time as he shouted at the knights, the ice soared from the floor
with a strong cold.

When the floor suddenly shook, the knights lost their balance and staggered.
Aiden, who was already nervous, lowered his body to focus.

In the meantime, the ice grew like a plant, pushing Ybriel and his companions

Soon, a huge pillar of ice appeared in the middle of the islands. The knights
looked down with bewildered faces. A safe zone was created in an instant.

“I can hold out for a while.”

Ybriel looked down and said.

The black drippers moved bizarrely, trying to cling to the ice pillars. Ybriel
turned her gaze upward, suppressing the anger that was rising at the terrible

Looking back, the only way out of this terrible situation was to open the tenth

Ybriel thought about the tenth door with a heavy heart.

‘I couldn’t open it after all.’

Is the tenth door really beyond the reach of humans? When that question
came to mind, it felt like my eyes went dark.
Knowing the only way of salvation, but not being able to do anything, drove
Ybriel into despair. Ybriel closed her eyes.

As my vision was blocked, my other senses became clearer. Thousands of

souls trapped in the darkness could be heard screaming.

“Isn’t it beautiful?”
Ebriel was startled by the voice that rang in his ear for a moment. A white
butterfly hovered around as if protecting Ebriel.
“Be careful, kid. Darkness is nearby.”
At the warning of winter, Ybriel was nervous and vigilant everywhere. It was
pointless. Because darkness is already overflowing all over the system.

Even on the border of winter, he spoke without regard to the darkness.

“Be pitiful. You are afraid.”

The dark voice was mixed with laughter.

“How about handing over your body to me even now? You’ll be comfortable
soon. I will spare your father too. do you want that?”

“Don’t try! My dad is not weak!”

You mention Herwin and covet your body even at times like this. Ybriel
frowned in displeasure.

‘think. You have to come up with it.’

The world must be in balance. If darkness appeared like this, then the light
will also return.

“It’s no use. God has forsaken this world.”

‘Shut up.’

Ybriel groaned at the darkness whispering like a snake.

Maybe there was a problem with the method. A thought suddenly came to

Ybriel has yet to find the tenth door from within. It was only natural that the
other nine doors were all in his body.
‘But if the premise was wrong….’

Ybriel slowly opened her eyes. A mysterious blue flame flashed beyond his

‘I said there is a god beyond the tenth door.’

Then where is God?

Ybriel lifted her head and looked up at the sky. There was not a single ray of
light in the sky full of eerie dark clouds.

Even so, Ybriel’s eyes sparkled as if they contained stars. It seemed to light
up on its own.

“It’s a stupid idea.”

As Ybriel continued to look at the sky, the voice of darkness, which had been
relaxed the whole time, became a little impatient.

“If you don’t give me your body, I will kill your father right now.”

At those words, Ybriel had more doubt than anger or fear. He wondered why
the darkness covets him so much, even with his wonderful host, the emperor.

‘Just to get a new body?’

But now there was no such greed in the darkness. Rather….


The darkness was afraid of something.

Ebriel began to gauge when the voice of darkness had changed, and realized
that it was after she looked up at the sky.
‘I’m afraid I’m going to open the tenth door, so are you trying to block it in

The more I pondered, the more certain I became of that reasoning. Other
than that, he could not think of any other reason why he was aiming for
Ybriel with an emperor who was still in darkness.

Then there was a clear possibility for Ybriel. The possibility of opening the
last door.

Then, my heart, which had been shaking little by little, gradually eased.
Ybriel caught her breath.
someone did It is said that even a small ax will knock down a large oak tree,
and the water drops that continuously fall over the years will make holes in
the rocks.

So keep knocking Then it will open.

“Because there is no door that cannot be opened….”


Aiden, who sensed an unusual energy, called for Ebriel.

‘Are your eyes wrong?’

He rubbed his eyes once and looked at Ybriel again.

I didn’t see it wrong. A faint light was shining from Ybriel’s body.

Aiden looked at Ybriel with trembling eyes. Ybriel was unfamiliar, as if she
had become a completely different person than she had just been.

Even though it was right in front of me, it felt so far away for some reason.

As if it would disappear suddenly if left alone….

It was the moment when Aiden, who was suddenly frightened, was just about
to grab his shoulder. Ybriel whispered softly.


And history began.


Herwin Solgren was both a wizard of the ninth door and a swordsman
capable of using Aurors.
He had no regrets about the palace, so he did not show any hesitation in
beating him.

So, contrary to Ybriel’s concerns, Herwin was fighting on an equal footing

with Kaizen.

No, it was rather superior.

The emperor, who had already been stabbed in the fifth heart, let out a small
“Are you in pain?”

Herwin was in a state of disrepair even after a fierce battle, but Kaizen was
tattered as if he had waged a war alone. But Herwin did not have a clear
chance of winning.

“No way.”
Kaizen laughed slyly. Herwin hardened his mouth as he watched Kaizen’s
wounds slowly heal.
‘No matter how much you stab, you won’t die.’

Not only the heart but also the head was cut off, and Kaizen did not die, even
though he attacked with magic that had no choice but to kill him instantly. It
was beyond a human being, and it had more recovery power than a magical

“Outside now, your daughter is dealing with the darkness.”

Kaizen opened her mouth to shake Herwin’s heart.

“I told you to hand over your body if you want to save your father. Do I have
to say that it is good to see the affection of family, or should I just say that it
is foolish to be tied down with family things?”

“is it.”
Herwin replied silently. Kaizen’s heart twisted at his unexpectedly blunt
“You don’t seem to be too concerned, do you?”

Herwin laughed at that. Can’t you be worried? But at the same time he
“My daughter is not that weak.”

Ybriel was a stronger child than him. Herwin was sure he wouldn’t fall for the

He gripped the sword again.

“If you don’t die, I will cut you down until you die.”

Kaizen blatantly laughed at Herwin like that.

“Yeah, you fight endlessly and you die of exhaustion.”

That was the moment. A roar echoed above their heads, as if a huge rock had
been split in half.

Herwin and Kaizen looked up at the same time. They were speechless, no
matter who they were.
The sky, full of dark clouds, was split in half. An enchanting and mysterious
sunlight poured through the gap.
The light fell evenly. For Herwin and for Kaizen.

“Ugh, ah ah ah ah ah!”
And the moment the light hit her body, Kaizen started screaming.

Flying through the sky was surprisingly fast.

Shinsoo never got tired all the way. Ruby swiftly crossed the sky with a long
Still, Tezeric’s face was full of dissatisfaction.

The strong wind was tolerable. It can withstand the cold from high altitude.
But there was only one thing I didn’t like.
“… Sit a little further away.”

It was Ybriel’s escort knight who sat close behind him.

Episode 144

“It’s not that I like to sit next to each other.”

Asiligo replied bluntly. Although he did not express his feelings, he was
equally dissatisfied with this situation.

With the two of them on board, Ruby flew very quickly. Even though he was
holding onto the protrusions on his back, he would not be able to pick up the
bones no matter how strong he was if he accidentally fell.
For this reason, Tezeric and Asiligo were forced to sit close together to
prevent each other’s unfortunate fall.
Knowing this as well as Tezeric, he frowned and sighed.

“Can’t we go any faster?”

At Tezeric’s whisper, the dragon scratched his neck. He seemed to be saying
it couldn’t be faster than this.

Asiligo also helped behind his back.

“If we go any faster than we are now, we will be unable to bear it and we will
fall. There is not much left until the system, so be patient.”

Tezeric closed his eyes at the words that hit him. There was no way to do this
or that, so all I had to do was endure.

‘If the princess had seen it, she would have burst into laughter.’
Tezeric’s expression, reflexively thinking of Ybriel, darkened.
The sudden movement of Shinsu was probably because something happened
to Ybriel’s life. Anxiety ran through the corner of my chest.

will it be okay should be unharmed Otherwise….

‘I have to go back again….’

Thinking, Tezeric opened his eyes.

back, where are you?

It was a moment when I questioned a strange thought. Ruby suddenly

stiffened and began to descend rapidly.


As the flight suddenly became unstable, Tezeric and Asiligo held onto the
dragon’s protrusion tightly to prevent it from falling. I could see the dragon’s
white scales rising one by one.

“Cheer up.”

Shinsu’s long cry was something unusual.

A strong wind ruffled their hair at random. Tezeric lowered his head, and
Asiligo closed his eyes tightly.

It was a short time later that the noisy flight of the Shinsu regained stability.

Asiligo, who woke up before Tezeric, witnessed the wonderful sight.

“… ah.”

Tezeric, who opened his eyes to the knight’s sigh, lost his words and only

The dark sky was split in two. Neat lines were engraved as if a very large
sword had been drawn and passed.

Soon, the warm and dazzling sunlight poured down like a waterfall through
the cracks. The white scales of the ruby glistened like luster under the sun.
Theseric and Asiligo could only stare at the scene. In what words can I
express that overwhelming feeling?

After that, the dark world is colored like the sun is blessing. The expansive
nature seen from the distant feet shook as if in response to the light.

All living creatures that breathe, including Tezeric and Asiligo, realized like

that there is a god out there.


It felt like sunlight, waves, and wind rushing into my lungs with one breath.

With her eyes closed, Ybriel accepted the sensation that was rushing in her. A
gust of wind brushed her cheek and disappeared.

Can you really explain this feeling? Ybriel didn’t know at all.


A voice was heard from afar. It sounded as rich as tens of thousands of

choirs. Even though it was a melody rather than a language, Ybriel was
convinced that it was the voice of God.

The light erased the darkness. The black masses of darkness that had been
stuck like mold disappeared one by one.


The desperate screams of darkness dispersed in the distance. The most evil
beings in the world clearly felt the shadows that formed them crumble.

“Damn Obate! You finally opened the door!”

The sky was still open. The darkness had nowhere to escape because the light
had reached everywhere.


The darkness burns darker And it soon became quiet. A faint relief spread
across Ybriel’s face.

‘It looks like he’s finally dead.’

The great danger that was about to devour the empire was stopped.

However, it wasn’t as overwhelming or thrilling as I thought it would be. It

felt as if my emotions had been erased.

Aiden looked down with a look of disbelief.


The black liquid that held the islanders evaporated with a squeaky sound as
soon as the sun hit it.

The unpleasant liquids that I couldn’t help but disappear, leaving people in
their place. He was unconscious, but, as Ybriel had said, he was still alive.

Aiden felt a chilling shiver when he saw that.

‘In one moment, like this.’

Truly a divine miracle. It was right to put it into words.

“Eve, really….”

Aiden approached Ybriel with a bright smile and stood still.

His twin sister was staring into the distance with unfocused eyes. It didn’t
seem like he was simply staring at something.

Wrapped in a bizarre atmosphere, Ybriel seemed to have become something

other than a person.


When there was no answer, Aiden’s face turned pale.

It was said that if a wizard accepts too much mana through the door, he loses
his humanity. Maybe Ybriel was like that too. Aiden got a little nervous.

‘Why am I doing this?’

The embarrassment was the same for Ybriel. no expression was made. He
couldn’t speak well, and his body was stiff as if he had stiffened.

It was like being a plant.

It was winter that answered Ybriel’s question.

“You warned me a long time ago. Great power comes with a price. I knocked
on the door to wake up the sleeping god, but of course something goes


Winter continued with a sigh.

“The tenth door is a door that cannot be opened by humans. Since you took
in too much mana through your door, you will lose that much humanity.”
At the end of winter, Ybriel stopped breathing. I felt like my heart was
getting slower and slower.

Ybriel looked down with empty eyes.

I didn’t feel any excitement. There was neither the joy of winning nor the
pride of defending the system.
‘Am I going to continue living like this? Like something that doesn’t feel any

It was a terrifying thing, but the present Ybriel did not feel any fear at all.
I just wanted to rest a bit.

“Think of the most human emotion.”

As Ybriel’s eyes fluttered as if they were about to close, Winter hurriedly


“If there was only one piece that made you human, what would it be?”

Ybriel stood there like an old tree and fell into anguish.

At first, he reflected on the unfortunate past of being imprisoned in the

imperial palace. If I recalled the agony of that time again, I thought that at
least feelings like anger or sadness would come to mind.

But Ybriel felt neither anger nor sorrow.

So, I thought of the future.

Ybriel dreamed of spending the winter together in Solgren, including Herwin,

Liatrice, and Aiden.

It must have been a happy time, but nonetheless, nothing felt in my heart.
It seemed that it had become a very vast desert. No matter how much water
you pour, it doesn’t come back to life….

That was then.



Aiden raised his head at the sound of a distant voice.

A white dragon was approaching from the south, flapping its wings. It wasn’t
difficult to recognize that it was Ybriel’s divine beast, Ruby.


Tezeric called Ybriel again.

Ybriel was confused. I couldn’t understand why Tezeric’s voice, which should
be in the South, was being heard here now.

‘I want to look back.’

But the legs did not move as if they had taken root in the place they stood. I
felt the weight of the necklace hanging from my neck.

‘I want to look back.’

I wanted to turn around and check with my own eyes that Tezeric and Asiligo
were all right. At the same time as that thought, Ybriel’s expressionless face
slowly cracked.

“Eve, are you okay?”

“Are you okay, miss?”

When Ybriel did not move, Tezeric and Asiligo shouted at the same time.
At that moment, Ybriel realized something different from usual. Tezeric has
always called Ybriel the ‘Princess’. I felt strange when suddenly called by a
friendly nickname.
Boom, boom, boom, boom! Right next to my ear, my heart was beating fast.

A strong attraction pulled Ybriel violently. It felt as if I was being pulled over
the surface of the water in very deep water.
Fingertips, eyelids, lips and toes twitched. The open sky slowly closed, and
Ybriel’s body began to move little by little.
A sense of reality was gradually returning.

‘More, a little more.’

And at some point, with a feeling as if the thread was breaking, Ybriel
regained her freedom.

Yebriel shouted and turned back.

And I found a giant dragon flying over and two people riding on it.
“Tezeric! You know!”

Ybriel, who was calling the two of them with emotion, suddenly realized that
the dragon was approaching this way too quickly.

After understanding the situation, Ybriel hurriedly waved her hand.

“Lou, Ruby! You have to stop!”
However, after confirming the safety of the owner, Shinsoo could not control
his joy and missed the opportunity to slow down.
Tezeric, who was sitting on his back, tried to calm Ruby down with Aciligo,
but even that was unsuccessful.

A huge shadow approached uncontrollably.

As Ybriel grabs her hair, bang!

Ruby banged her head on a pillar of ice.


The emperor and Kaizen finally knelt down.

The body injured by the sword and magic did not recover any more. The
darkness that had given him power must have completely disappeared.

“Ha ha ….”
Herwin was so mad at him that he did not strike the sword. Kaizen’s body
was already broken. It was the price of using wrong power.
The two hazy eyes of the emperor captured Herwin. With his back to the
light, his half-brother looked like a messenger from God. If he has Taeyangan
that proves the lineage of the royal family, why is the author more suited to
the throne?

Even in this dying moment, a deep-rooted sense of inferiority gripped

“I hate you.”

The bloodline he doesn’t have, the talent he doesn’t have, and the kind mother
he doesn’t have. Herwin had it all.

Every time Kaizen saw Herwin, it felt like something had been robbed.
“I’m going crazy because I hate you, Herwin Solgren.”

Despite Kaizen’s swearing, Herwin didn’t show any change of emotion. He

merely blinked his static eyes and waited for Kaizen’s end.
After a moment, Herwin laughed. It was an obvious laugh.

“Even in the face of death, you cannot escape from the hell you have

Herwin’s fears of the Emperor were futile. Why was such a lowly and humble
person so scared in the past?
“Yeah, you were right. You should have hated me and killed me. Because you
didn’t, I ended up beating your head like this.”
The conversation was over there.

Herwin raised his sword and lightly struck Kaizen’s neck. Instead of bleeding,
Kaizen’s body was scattered like dust in the air.
He had no feelings for his death. Fall from hell or abyss.
“ … children.”

The safety of Ybriel and Aiden was more important than that. Herwin
escaped the ruins of the imperial palace to find a place for the two of them.

Fortunately, it didn’t seem that difficult to find Ybriel. It was because he could
see a white dragon flying from afar.
He thought that if he went to the place that the divine beast was headed, he
would also be able to meet Ybriel.

“ … huh?”

… until that dragon slams into some ice pillar .

Episode 145

Herwin’s complexion turned pale in an instant. How the beasts of the holy
gods fall like that!

‘I wonder what happened to Ybriel….’

Uneasy, he immediately started running in the direction the dragon had fallen.

The streets were full of people who had just been released from darkness and
regained consciousness. They looked around to understand the situation and
were astonished to see the imperial palace completely collapsed.

“Wow, the Imperial Palace has collapsed!”

Someone’s screams reached Herwin’s ears. At the time of the Emperor’s

death, it was Herwin’s responsibility to organize and direct the chaos of the
people of the Empire.
But right now, the safety of the children was paramount to him. Because of
this, Herwin did not stop walking.
The divine beast began to appear in his eyes right after he had crossed the
Island Square. The dragon shrugged its long neck with a sullen look like a
child who had been scolded.

“Ruby, you have to think about your size. It could have been dangerous.”
Aiden, who was standing right in front of him, heard a muffled voice. Herwin
was relieved for a moment at the sight. Aiden was unharmed.
Then maybe Ybriel….
Herwin, who looked around, stiffened. Ebriel was leaning against the wall of a
building not far away with her eyes closed.

Beside them were former Crown Prince Tezeric and escort knight Asiligo.
“Oh my God, Eve!”

Herwin ran towards it with a white face.

Tezeric, who had been supporting Ybriel to keep him from falling, stepped
back slightly as Herwin approached.

“Eve, Dad. Open your eyes.”

Herwin hurriedly grabbed Ybriel’s shoulder and shook it. His body was light,
shaking without a pulse. He just froze.

‘No, no….’

My brain became white. As he was about to wake Ybriel again with

trembling hands, Aiden grabbed him from behind.

“Calm down, Dad. I just fell asleep.”

With those words, Herwin finally came to his senses. His reason flew away
and he couldn’t properly grasp the situation, but Ybriel was breathing
Then Herwin was relieved and sat casually on the floor. As the tension was
relieved, the aftermath of the accumulated battle flooded in.
He looked at his tired but relaxed face as if he couldn’t stop his sleeping
“I should let you sleep. It must have been difficult.”

Everyone silently affirmed Herwin’s words. It was because he knew how

much time Ybriel had suffered.
Herwin took off his cloak and put it over the sleeping Ybriel. As if the body
temperature left on his clothes was warm, Ybriel smiled even in his sleep.
The night is setting and the sun is rising.

Feeling the sunlight hitting her skin, Herwin closed his eyes. It felt like I was
finally out of a very long, dark cave.

It was a bright new morning.


I had a long dream.

In the dream, Ybriel was walking through a wheat field sprinkled with gold. A
gentle breeze shook the ripe wheat grains.

It was nice to hear the sound of the grass crashing.

There were no shoes on the feet that stepped on the ground. The soil that
touched my bare feet was as soft as the feathers of a young bird, and every
time I stepped on it, a rich scent rose.

How could such a perfect place exist?

With that thought in mind, Ybriel continued walking.

Then, suddenly, I saw a stranger from afar. With his back to the sun, his face
was invisible.
All he could confirm was that he was holding four flowers in his hand.

Ybriel stared at the person who was looking at her without saying a word.

Who are you and where are you?

There were many things I wanted to ask, but for some reason my mouth did
not fall.

The stranger looked at Ybriel for a while and suddenly smiled brightly. Even
though he couldn’t see his face properly, he could clearly recognize that smile.
It was a strange thing.

He smiled like the sun and slowly opened his mouth and whispered.
─ Thank you, kid.

It was a melodic voice.

Only after hearing the voice did Ybriel realize. The existence in front of you
is not a person.

A strange and beautiful space and a very mysterious existence. Suddenly,

Ybriel was convinced that he was a god.


However, the other side did not answer Ybriel’s question and turned around
again. It looked like it was going to leave at any moment, so Ybriel became


Fortunately, he stopped.

When she first died, the smile of the god she had seen in the chapel, the time
she had returned to herself, and the miraculous time she had now, she thought
that all of this was God’s arrangement.

So I asked.

“Why me?”

The wind blew once.

“Why did you give me this chance?”

God still hadn’t looked at Ybriel.

Can’t you hear the answer? It was at the moment when Ybriel was about to
ask again.
- It wasn’t me.

The answer was carried in the wind.

─ I wasn’t the one who gave you a chance.

Doubt spread in Ybriel’s eyes. If not God, who else could have done this

Then he started walking again. He was clearly walking, but in an instant he

was far away.

“for a moment…!”

Ybriel tried to run after him, but something stumbled and fell.

Ybriel, who opened his eyes, hurriedly raised his upper body.


Ruby, who had been curled up next to the pillow at the urgent cry, was
startled and got up at the same time. Shinsoo, who returned to the familiar cat
appearance, looked around and raised a lot of fur.

Ybriel looked around with vigilant eyes just like Ruby did. At first glance, the
wallpaper or structure was unfamiliar.

‘Where am I?’

The Whitewood Mansion was blown away while dealing with the beasts, and
seeing that it didn’t snow, it wasn’t Solgren.

“It’s still a system. At first glance, it sounds like it’s called a ‘townhouse in the

It was winter that answered the question I asked inside.

If it was a townhouse in the South, it was the residence of the Duke
Caswither. Ybriel looked at the butterflies flying over the bed with confused

It was Ybriel’s last memory that Ruby rushed in and broke the ice pillar.
After that, nothing came to mind as if someone had cut it off.

“Is everything okay? Dad, Aiden, and….”

I heard the voices of Tezeric and Asiligo. Ybriel’s expression darkened.

Looking back, I think the two of them were sitting comfortably on Ruby’s

‘Is it a dream from there?’

As usual, Ybriel dismissed the unbelievable reality as a dream.

“Oh, of course.”

Then winter answered. It was a very happy voice.

“The darkness is gone, and all of you are safe. One is still coming.”

are you coming While Ybriel tilted her head to the unknown words, the door
opened quietly with a brief knock.

“Excuse me.”

The person who entered was none other than Lily.

Naturally, Lily came in knowing that Ebriel was asleep, and when she got up
and saw Ybriel sitting there, she stiffened.

Ybriel smiled brightly as soon as she saw Lily.

“Lily, you’re safe!”

Tears suddenly welled up in Lily’s eyes as she stared blankly at Ybriel. Ybriel
was bewildered by the unexpected tears.

“Why, why cry….”

“Oh, my lady!”

Lily ran straight ahead and hugged Ybriel tightly. Ybriel went helplessly
behind the bed. Lily held Ybriel in her arms and started crying.

“Ugh, no, I’m so glad you’re safe!”

“Wow, Lily, I’m out of breath!”

Ybriel struggled and ripped off the blanket. He pretended to be in pain, but
his face was full of smiles.
Noticing that Ybriel’s voice was mixed with laughter, Lily got up again.

“Oh, you woke up in five days! I’m really afraid you won’t wake up forever!”
At Lily’s words, Ybriel was startled.

“Five days?”
“Yes, five days!”

Lily’s cheeks were all wet with tears. you slept so long Ybriel caresses her
cheek with an awkward look.
‘I think it was because I used too much power to open the tenth door.’

Lily would have been terrified if she had known, but Ybriel thought five days
was not a bad price.

“This is not the time. Let everyone know soon…!”

Lily couldn’t finish her words and ran out of Ybriel’s room. And after a while,
the hallway became unspeakably noisy.

“Eve is awake!”
“Girl, lady!”

“Eight, get out of the way, you cheeky kid! I will go first!”
“Oh, I mean I haven’t seen her since she left the island!”

“whatever! Eve is my granddaughter!”

The quarreling voices from the hallway belonged to Sigmund and Kanya.
Soon, the two men rushed into the open door at the same time.
“miss! Are you okay?”
Kanya, who was relatively quick, quickly approached the bedside. Ybriel
greeted Kanya with a bright face.
“It’s okay, Kanya!”

“Absolutely! Who am I!”

“Are you and Alon okay? Evan? How are the users?”

Instead of Lily, who disappeared without a hitch, Ybriel asked Kanya all her
questions. Kanya answered without difficulty.
“Everyone is fine. All the housekeepers were out of the system before it
This allowed him to survive when darkness completely engulfed the island,
Kanya said. Finally relieved, Ybriel let out a long sigh.

“Oh, I’m so glad….”

“Eve, are you okay?”

After the conversation with Kanya was over, Sigmund stepped out.
“Yeah, it’s okay, Grandpa.”

Ybriel smiled to reassure her worried grandfather. Then he took Ybriel’s hand
and bowed his head.
“Yeah, it looks fine….”
The shoulders of the always stubborn Archmage were trembling thinly.

It was the moment Ybriel, who knew only that he was crying, was about to
stroke Sigmund’s shoulder.

“I didn’t see….”
Sigmund muttered a little.

“… yes?”
When Ybriel, who had not heard, asked again, Sigmund jumped up. Kanya
and Ybriel’s eyes widened.

“Only me, I was the only one who didn’t see that historic moment….”
Sigmund was furious.

“Our granddaughter, huh? For the first time in human history! uh? I opened
the very ‘tenth door’ that no one had ever opened! only me! I didn’t see you!”

The wizard, who devoted his life to magic research, sincerely complained.
Episode 146

Ybriel was taken aback and said nothing.

“Well, let me open it again…?”


Then Sigmund ran further.

“You mean the kid who slept for five days with the door open now is going to
open it again!”

He didn’t want to see his granddaughter in bed again. Ybriel’s well-being was
more important to Sigmund than his aspirations as a wizard.
“Uh-huh, I won’t do that. Yes, I don’t.”

Tired of the scorching eyes, Ybriel recalled the words he had spit out in a

“Never say that again! Never think of opening the door!”

Sigmund gritted his teeth and asked Ybriel several times. Ybriel nodded as if
to appease the angry beast.

Around that time, the hallway became noisy again, pretending to be popular.
Eventually, Doctor Evan and two knights appeared.


“Evan! Zed and Alondo!”

Ybriel welcomed the three who appeared. Like Kanya, it was a face everyone
had not seen in a long time.
The two knights stopped in front of the door in bewilderment when they saw
Ybriel in comfortable pajamas. Maybe when she was young, now that Ybriel
has become a full-fledged lady, she couldn’t get in as easily as before.

But it wasn’t Evan. He ran straight to the bed, carrying a visit bag the size of
Ybriel’s torso.

“Evan, how are you?”

“I will tell you later.”

He opened the bag with an urgent face and took out a stethoscope and various
medical tools from inside.

“Are you okay? Are you sick anywhere? Whether you have a fever, or,
conversely, chills, or something uncomfortable in your body!”

“Ji, calm down!”

Ybriel stepped back a little, avoiding the doctor who was asking questions
like a runaway.

But Evan wasn’t happy.

Starting with Ybriel’s body temperature, he checked this and that, and only
after it became clear that there was nothing wrong with his body did he calm

“It’s not too bad for waking up after five days of sleep.”

“You said Because I’m fine….”

With her lips puckered, Ybriel found the knights standing in the doorway

“Zed and Alon come in too.”

As Ybriel said so and put on the shawl, the knights entered the room just

“Excuse me, miss.”

As the two knights entered, the room felt a lot cramped. Jed, who was
walking with a rather serious face, smiled with a smirk as soon as he sat down
in the spare chair.

“Hey, it’s an honor to meet the first wizard who opened the tenth door for

“Wow, what are you talking about? Quiet.”

Ybriel rolled her eyes at Zed, who was always playful.

“No, I didn’t say anything wrong…. I’ll be quiet. Yes.”

Zed, who was about to add another word, saw the Ruby sitting next to him
showing his teeth wildly and quietly shut his mouth.

After learning that the little beast was a divine beast, he was on his own.

‘Maybe it’s blasphemy.’

It’s annoying, but it’s unavoidable. Ruby snorted as if sneering.

Woodduck. Suddenly, the noise coming from the door made everyone look at
it all at once.

‘What is the sound of breaking…?’

While Ybriel thought, the door slowly opened. Standing outside was none
other than Asiligo.

“sorry. Power control….”

Asiligo looked at the crumpled doorknob and Ebriel with a bewildered

expression, and then sneaked inside.

The door did not close due to a broken handle.

“Are you okay, lady?”

His breathing was a bit rough as he ran from a distance. Kanya shook her
head as she looked at Asiligo with an understandable expression. That’s
serious enough.

Ybriel quickly examined Asiligo’s condition with her eyes.

“You know, are you okay? Are there any injuries?”

Asiligo blinked at Ybriel’s words. He had a look of dismay.

“… That seems like a question I have to ask.”

As the saying goes, the one lying sick right now was Ebriel. Sigmund, who
had been silent, could not stand it and shouted.

“This guy, how good it would be to take care of yours as much as you take
care of others!”

Ybriel closed her eyes tightly at the bitter scream.

Just as Sigmund was about to say something, he suddenly heard footsteps
coming from the hallway.


At the familiar voice, Ybriel looked at the door. It was Herwin who ran
through the open door.
As soon as he saw Ybriel awake, his complexion brightened.

“You really woke up!”

And people appeared one after another. It was Liatris and Aiden.

‘Our Lily is very fast on her feet ….’

Suddenly, I had an ominous feeling that all the people staying in the mansion
would gather here.

Meanwhile, Herwin walked in. He sat down in front of Ybriel with a crying
expression on his face.
“Eve, your body—”

“Aww, I’m healthy! No problem! Evan just went to the doctor, and he says
he’s fine!”

As soon as people came in and asked if she was okay, Ybriel was getting tired
of it.

When Ybriel quickly hit the player and shut her mouth, the people all opened
their eyes and burst into laughter all at once.

“Yeah, I just woke up and we were so annoying.”

Liatris murmured in a sultry voice. Looking at him, Aiden had a relaxed face
as if he was relieved.

Ybriel looked at her family with an unfamiliar feeling.

‘Come to think of it, this is the first time a family has officially gathered

We reunited in the South, but we didn’t have time to meet face-to-face

because we were so busy with various things. As I looked at Herwin, Liatris,
and Aiden one after another, inexplicable emotions surged like waves.

Then Herwin hugged Ybriel tightly.

“Thanks for waking up safely, Eve.”

The whispering voice was damp. Ybriel looked around the room over his
shoulder, holding Herwin in his arms.

Everyone gathered here was worried about Ybriel. Ybriel suddenly realized
that and smiled softly.

“ … Thank you for your concern, everyone.”

It felt like everything was finally in place.

The meeting didn’t last long.
Doctor Evan drove most of the people out, leaving only Sigmund and the
Solgren family. It was for Ybriel’s stability.

As the people left, Herwin told Ybriel what had happened.

During the five days that Ybriel was asleep, quite a lot of things had happened
in the Empire.
“Empress Seon, your Majesty’s regent?”

“Yes, you are leading a chaotic empire.”

Convinced, Ybriel nodded her head. In the absence of the emperor, the only
adult in the imperial family was Empress Seon Azerian.

Since most of the imperial palace had collapsed, it seemed that the temple of
the Church of Shia was used as a temporary residence. It was a quick
recovery for what had happened.

But I still couldn’t be reassured.

“The emperor is dead, but the remnants of the cult who followed him will still
be hiding somewhere. There is a risk of civil war, so we have to be careful for
the time being.”

“Yeah, do you know? Will there ever be another person like me?”

Liatris, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, laughed mischievously. Aiden

shook his head with a face that he couldn’t stop.
“Oh, Duke Caswither. They are currently imprisoned in the South.”

Liatris announced it as if it had suddenly come to mind. Ybriel opened her


“Is that person alive?”

Of course I thought he was dead!

Liatris, who had the same thoughts as Ybriel, seemed to be trembling.

“Well, if you think about it, it’s better to live and pay for your sins. If he had
died comfortably, he would have hated it.”

Aiden said in a calm tone. It was the story of Tezeric. Ybriel brought out the
question she had been holding on to for a long time.

“Hey, where is Tezeric?”

There was no Tezeric among the people who came into the room. Have you
already gone to church?

“Well? After all, I didn’t see you today.”

Aiden muttered strangely.

“He was the one who brought people to this mansion. It looks like you’ve
been away for a while, but it’s dinner time and I’ll be back.”
“ That’s right ….”

Ybriel nodded her head slightly. Aiden’s eyes narrowed as he looked at


“Then why are you looking for him? What do you two have?”
Even Herwin looked at Ybriel with a surprised face. Embarrassed by that
gaze, Ybriel waved her hand.

“Hey, it’s not like that! I have something to give back, so yes …!”

“Anything to return?”
In response to Aiden’s question, Ybriel unwittingly fiddled with the necklace
hanging from her neck.
Aiden wasn’t going to miss it. When I think of it over the look of Ybriel, who
was too embarrassed, it was quite suspicious.
“You must be ….”

It was the moment Aiden was about to say.

match! Liatrice applauded. As the three people’s eyes focused on that, Liatris
raised the corners of her mouth.

“Eve will be tired, so it would be better to end the story here.”

Then he put his arms around Aiden and Herwin’s arms and left the room
without a second thought.
“yes? So suddenly?”
“Leah, wait…!”

“Come on, let’s go, gentlemen!”

Ybriel looked at the back of the rich man who was being dragged away.
Liatris left the door and winked at Ybriel without the two of them knowing.
“Then sleep well, my daughter!”

The remaining Ybriel looked blankly at the door where Liatrice had
disappeared, and buried her face in the soft blanket.

I was very shy ….


Tezeric was standing on the ruins of the ruined imperial palace.

The way that such a splendid palace turned to dust overnight seemed to
resemble him somehow.
He looked away from the wreckage and looked at the woman standing in the
Gorgeous golden hair swayed gently in the wind.

Miretta, who was once the Empress and his mother, is now just Lady

Tezeric opened his mouth, clenching his fists as if hesitatingly.

“Why are you still here?”
Episode 147

Even though the recruits were guided toward the Knights of Spear, the
Empress still could not understand the English language there.

‘No one cares.’

If you think about it, there was nothing strange about it.
The denomination was busy finding out the hidden cultists, and the imperial
family had to check the nobility who were close to the abolitionist to prevent
a civil war in the empire.

They had no room or reason to take care of the empress, who had just been

Instead of answering, Miretta gathered her fluttering hair with her hands.
There was no maid to help with the dress, so Miretta’s face was humble.

At the tattered dress and untidy hair, Tezeric looked at him strangely.

Miretta, who had to look like a perfect empress externally, was more splendid
to hide her madness.

Even with his eyes that could not distinguish colors, he looked very splendid.
So, there was a time when Tezeric wished that this person was really his

As a child, he was lonely and in danger.

The world was all gray except for the blue color, and the enchanted eyes felt
terrible pain every day. When he was unable to fulfill his role as the Crown
Prince, he suffered from the torch of Duke Caswither and had nightmares at
The boy was desperate enough to cling to the maddening empress.
‘But now….’

I know how futile it was.

Even looking at the Empress now, I felt like a distant stranger. All that was
left was a shallow sympathy.

Tezeric stared at Miretta’s dwarf-looking back and thought about what would
happen next.

I have heard from the Duchess of Solgren that Duke Caswither is being held
in the South. The Empress will be handed over to the Knights of Creation,
and will be tried in Kyoto together with the Southern Prince.
‘Because of the disease, the punishment will be weak.’

With that in mind, Tezeric opened his mouth again.

“It is dangerous to stay here.”

The people’s anger towards the Emperor Kaizen, now abolished emperor, was
It was not enough that he had dared to betray God and join hands with the
darkness, because it was revealed that he had taken all the lives of the
Islanders hostage.

‘If anyone ever sees the Empress Dowager standing here….’

Tezeric clicked his tongue slightly. I didn’t want to think about what
happened after that.
He didn’t know how Miretta was still standing there. He has madness, so
maybe he didn’t understand what he was saying.

“Go back before the sun goes down.”

With that said, Tezeric turned around to find someone to take her majesty
It was then that Miretta opened her mouth.

“… Where?”
The wind blew once. Dust flew from the crevices of the rubble. Tezeric
stopped walking and looked back at Miretta.

He was still staring into the distance with his back to him.
“Where should I go?”

Miretta muttered in a low voice. Rather than asking Tezeric, it was more of a
whisper to himself.

Interestingly, the Empress’s question was the same as the one that Tezeric had
been asking.

Like Miretta, Tezeric had no place to return.

Looking back, his life was like a bird in a cage. A bird that has lived in
captivity for too long and cannot fly even if the cage door is opened.

“Where to go is up to you.”

So, Tezeric spoke with a clear voice. It was a word to Miretta and a promise
to repeat to herself.

“Be free, Lady Caswither.”

Now there was nothing to suppress him. Only that fact was clear.


It was late at night when Tezeric returned to the townhouse in the South.

He did not enter the mansion immediately, but walked outside for a while.
The Southern Prince put as much effort into the townhouse as the castle on
his estate. Thanks to this, even though darkness swept through the system
once, there was no significant damage.

It was full of magnificent and ornate façades, colorful gardens with seasonal
flowers and evergreens, as well as beautiful fountains and stone sculptures.
There was also a glass greenhouse called the end of luxury at the back of the

The glass greenhouse full of mysteriously shaped exotic flowers was expensive
to maintain, so even aristocratic families could not afford to decorate it.

For this reason, the Southern Republic used to only open this place when a
very important distinguished guest visited.

In any case, since he is no longer there, Tezeric quietly stepped into the
The moonlight passed through the transparent glass, dimly illuminating the
inside of the greenhouse. Even the uniquely colored flowers lost their color
under the veil of night.

On one side of the greenhouse, on the table chair prepared for tea time,
Tezeric sat down as if torn apart.

His body was as heavy as mud. He could have gone right into the mansion
and rested, but the reason he didn’t was because of his troubled mind.

He leaned back on his back and let out a long sigh.

Then there was the sound of the greenhouse door opening.

‘Who is this time?’

Tezeric straightened his back and stared in the direction of the entrance.
Then an unbelievable face appeared in the shadows. Tezeric’s vigilance
softened in an instant.

“… Princess?”
Is it a dream of yourself sleeping exhausted? Is it a strange illusion created by
the moonlight? Tezeric looked at Ybriel approaching with a possessed face.

Ybriel, with her fine-grained silver hair tied into one, looked surprised to see


He regained a sense of reality the moment he heard Ybriel’s soft voice. It was
neither a dream nor a fantasy.

The man who opened the door to his cage was now in front of him. Above all
else, it was a feeling of relief.

“You are awake.”

“This afternoon.”

Recognizing that it was Tezeric, Ybriel smiled softly. It was not a bad
complexion for a person who had been asleep for a long time.

“Why are you here at this hour? You are not coming in.”

“Just ….”

Suddenly, Tezeric realized that it was Ybriel who had not entered the

During the five days that Ybriel was asleep, he couldn’t even get a good
night’s sleep.

Anyway, even if I entered the mansion, I would have nightmares or have

trouble sleeping at night, so I walked to the greenhouse.

“Why did the princess like that come out at this hour?”

Also dressed like that.

Tezeric’s forehead wrinkled faintly when he saw that Ybriel was wearing a
thin indoor dress. No matter how much she wore a shawl, her clothes were
too light.

“I can feel it coming in.”

“who. me?”

Ybriel nodded slightly.

The sensations I felt after absorbing the mana of the frost flower were still

Ybriel was drawn out by the sound of the flowers in the garden whispering.
Next, I followed the flickering fireflies, and when I came to my senses, I had
arrived in front of the greenhouse.

And there, I met Tezeric.

“I just had something to offer you.”

Saying so, Ybriel loosened the necklace that was hanging around her neck.

Tezeric’s eyes turned to the necklace. A small emerald shimmered in the

moonlight. It was something he had given to Ybriel before.
“I’ll give you this back.”

A white hand reached out.

Tezeric was silent for a moment, neither answering nor accepting the
necklace Ybriel was offering.

“… Just take it. You don’t have to give it back.”


“It’s something I wanted to give you from the beginning.”

At Tezeric’s words, Ybriel’s eyes fluttered.

At first, I thought that this necklace, as written in the letter, was simply made
by Tezeric to announce his life and death.
However, when they reached the tenth door, Ybriel became fully aware of
how and what kind of magic was entangled in the necklace she had been

‘Life imprinting magic.’

When Tezeric’s breath was cut, the jewel broke, and when the jewel broke,
Tezeric’s breath was cut off, and so on.

So, this necklace was the heart of Tezeric.

Ybriel pondered for a moment in bewilderment, then concluded that Tezeric

had no idea how important this necklace was.

“Do you not know what the magic is on this necklace?”

Of course, I just knew that the word I didn’t know would come back.
However, Tezeric’s answer was not what he expected.

At the resolute words, Ybriel’s expression became even more strange. I know
you give it?
“Then you can’t give it to me anymore.”

“I wish you had.”

Ybriel fell deeper into the swamp of mystery. At the same time, I felt a little
strange when I saw Tezeric who was willing to give up his heart. It felt like a
confession somehow.
‘A confession.’

Ybriel thought to herself and smiled inwardly. Then I suddenly realized.

Tezeric’s eyes twinkled even under the dark night.
I could feel the scent of the flowers trapped in the greenhouse and the faint
starlight pouring through the clean glass window very clearly.
The air around him was murky like a cloud. Like a moment in a dream.

“… Why?”
Ybriel asked cautiously. Then his eyes fluttered once. He hesitated, hesitating,
but it was only for a moment.
Tezeric then looked straight at Ybriel. Putting Ybriel in her eyes so deep, she
finally said.

“Because I like you.”




“Ebriel Solgren.”

Aiden looked suspiciously at Ybriel, who answered after a while.

From morning on, his twin brother was suspicious. He was staggering while
walking, caught on a stone beak, answered after a while as if he hadn’t heard
the call like he is now, or suddenly ripped his hair out of his head, whatever
he was thinking.
Even now, he answered, but there was a sign that he could not concentrate at
“Aren’t you going to keep listening to me?”
Eventually, Aiden paid attention.

“Oh, sorry. Now I’m going to really focus.”

Ybriel woke up late and looked at Aiden. Aiden looked at Ybriel with her
eyes narrowed.

“You know how strange your expression is today?”


“You have a stupid face.”


Ybriel rubbed her cheek once in vain.

Despite this openly teasing, Ybriel did not show any signs of anger or
displeasure. There is no time to even think about that. It was obvious what
was the cause.
‘Yesterday, Tezeric returned to the mansion.’

It looks like the two of you were talking about something. Aiden, who was
quick-witted to resemble Liatris, guessed roughly what it was about.
‘When did this foxy guy kill my sister….’

Aiden’s eyes lit up quietly. I’ll have to go and have a little ‘conversation’.
Aside from that thought, there was something else to say to Ybriel. Aiden
cleared his voice. The two eyes of different colors suddenly became serious.
“According to the doctrine and national law, you are the next emperor.”

Then Ybriel flinched as if she had heard something she couldn’t hear.
“You are the master of the divine water. He was also the first wizard to open
the tenth door.”

“But in the sun ….”

“What does my half-solar eye mean? The divine beast is with you, so the
legitimacy is with you.”
Ybriel forgot to shut her mouth and stared blankly at Aiden. It was such a
sudden story.
Aiden asked with a heavy face.

“Can you stand it?”

Episode 148 (Last Chapter)

Ybriel shut her mouth.

I didn’t expect this to happen. It was a fact that he had to rise to the throne as
long as he had the divine beast of the imperial family.

‘I knew.’
When it came to reality, it didn’t feel so real.
“I do not know….”

Ybriel answered in a muffled voice.

Aiden, who was looking at Ybriel with a confused expression, sighed lightly.
“You will have to prepare from now on.”

Ybriel nodded slowly. It was not possible to rise to the throne simply by
possessing a divine beast. There were many things to learn, such as monarchy
and diplomacy.

“First, get help from Tezeric. After all, he was the Crown Prince, so he must
know something.”

Aiden looked out the window with an unwilling expression.

Tezeric. The moment he heard the name, the events of the previous day
flashed through Ybriel’s mind.

‘Because I like you.’

In an instant, Ybriel’s face heated up.
“Uh, uh….”


Before Aiden could say anything, Ybriel got up from her seat. It was a sign of
embarrassment to anyone who could see that his neck had turned bright red.

“I, I will go for a walk!”

Then he ran out of the room surprisingly quickly. Aiden, who was left alone,
shook his head with a puzzled face.

“… Make tea like that. You’d be better off spreading rumors.”

It was a word that Ybriel, who had already gone away, could not hear.

Ybriel walked randomly until she reached the garden outside the building.
I walked fast and ran out of breath. Taking a breath, Ybriel closed her eyes
tightly. Whenever I was emptying my thoughts, Tezeric’s calm voice rang in
my ears.

‘What should I really do?’

Ybriel did not respond to Tezeric’s words the day before. Instead, he chose to
run away.

‘It’s the worst. Hearing your confession, you run away without a word.’

Ybriel staggered, leaning back on a bench in the side of the garden, and
bowing her head. I got sick of my own cowardice….

And Asiligo, who was following him, looked at Ybriel’s back.

He noticed Ybriel leaving the room the night before and followed him.
Now that we don’t know where and how many cult remnants are hiding, we
don’t know when dangerous things will happen. No matter how strong Ybriel
was, he was her escort knight.

And it was not difficult for him to understand the conversation in the
greenhouse, with good hearing.


Withered petals flew at the knight’s feet. Asiligo’s gaze followed the flower
petals that were rolling without a trace.

It was clear where Ybriel’s heart was going. His heart was beating so fast that
he could hear it in his ears.

He quietly clenched his fists and turned his gaze back to Ybriel. back view is

‘This is my position.’

He was the one who had to protect his master from behind. You won’t be able
to stand next to him.

“Oh, you know? When did you follow me?”

Around that time, Ybriel noticed Asiligo’s presence.

“From the moment you leave the room.”

“Hey, maybe I said something out loud…?”

Ybriel was worried that she had unconsciously put out what she was thinking
inside her mouth.
Seeing Ybriel’s swaying eyes, Asiligo smiled faintly.

Even if she didn’t have to say it, Ybriel was the kind of person who could see
all her thoughts on her face, but she knew she shouldn’t be talking about it
“There is not.”
In response to his answer, Ybriel smiled slightly with a hint of relief.

Suddenly he felt his heart pounding. My heart is still burning like wildfire.
Perhaps this is often the case, and maybe it will last a very long time.

But like flowers wither, this too will fade away someday.
‘Time will continue to pass….’

In the future, there will be a period in this painful and splendid heart, Asiligo
decided to believe.


It took only one month to rebuild the imperial palace, capture all remnants of
the cult, and quell chaos both inside and outside the country.

Herwin’s close ties with the East and West were credited to speeding things

As the country gradually stabilized, Azerian suggested preparing for Ybriel’s


The horse was a coronation ceremony, which meant that he had to take
various classes so that he would not be inferior to ascending to the throne.

Because of this, Ybriel had as many as ten teachers. Busy days continued as I
had to learn a lot.

Even in the midst of being so frantic, Tezeric suddenly came to mind.

In the past month, Ybriel hasn’t seen Tezerik once. It was the story of having
never had a proper conversation after running away from the greenhouse.
‘I can’t wait any longer.’

Ybriel was nervous. It was his fault to end the story that way. I had to go and
apologize and put the ending right.

So Ybriel made up her mind and went to Tezeric. There were many excuses.
When he said that he would seek advice from the former Crown Prince,
people were willing to do so.

Ybriel waited for him in the greenhouse that day.

It was a bright day. The fresh scent of grass and flowers and the warm
sunlight adhered to the skin.

Looking at the silence, it seemed that Tezeric had not yet arrived. Ybriel
sighed. The desire to meet and the desire to avoid collided.

‘I couldn’t decide how to deal with it.’


With a complicated mind, Ybriel took another deep breath.



At that moment, at the sudden low voice, Ybriel sat down, startled. Tezeric
appeared from behind and sat down in front of Ybriel with her knees bent.

“Why are you so surprised?”

“Me, my lord?”

Ybriel was so embarrassed that she even made the mistake of calling Tezeric
“When did you come in?”

“just now.”
“Why, why?”

At Ybriel’s question, Tezeric put on an absurd expression on his face.

“You told me to come.”

It was. It was Ybriel who called him. Ybriel closed her eyes at her own stupid

“Do you like the floor? You’re going to be sitting all day.”

At Tezeric’s teasing words, Ybriel raised her eyes. Who was the first to

“Is it going to happen?”

However, it was not easy because of the hem of the dress. While Ybriel was
struggling, Tezeric moved. He grabbed Ybriel’s waist and made him stand up
as if he was picking up a cotton doll.

“Stand up straight. Are you not hurt?”

Ybriel grabbed her fluttering heart. I could feel my face getting hotter.
I couldn’t deny it any longer.

‘I love this person….’

you like it

I can’t change this heart

The moment I woke up, my heart started beating faster.

‘Why are you okay? Why am I the only one …!’

As if she could see her shaking, Ybriel bowed her head to the ground.
Tezeric’s light laughter echoed above his head.

There was silence between the two for a while.

“… I apologize.”


“You ran away that day.”

Then, with a sad expression on his face, Tezeric grabbed the area near his
heart. Ybriel’s eyes widened.

“It was a really big wound.”


“I confessed for the first time in my life, but I didn’t know it would be so
At his words, Ybriel’s eyes began to tremble as if they had met a storm.
He talked like a joke, but he also had a very disturbing day for the past
month. There was also anxiety that I might not be able to see Ybriel forever
by saying something hasty.
However, the impact was not great. Because he took Ybriel’s rejection for
He was now Caswither’s illegitimate child. It was not suitable for Ybriel, who
will soon ascend to the throne.
“… It’s not cold.”
Then Ybriel said. Tezeric stiffened.

“I didn’t say anything that day. Rejection or acceptance….”

At the end of her gaze, Ybriel’s cheeks turned red. He was so startled that he
just froze on the spot and blinked. He couldn’t believe the words he heard.
Ybriel licked her lips, barely speaking.

“… I hope you haven’t changed your mind in the past month.”

It was not difficult to understand the meaning of those words. Tezeric’s face
slowly began to turn red.
“Well, that’s why I….”

He couldn’t finish his words and covered his mouth with his big hand. The tip
of her ears dyed bright red caught Ybriel’s eyes.
Ybriel looked at him and grabbed the hem of her dress with her damp hands.
Since Tezeric had the courage to come first, it was Ybriel’s turn.
Ybriel took a step closer to Tezeric. The distance between the two of them,
who were already close, narrowed in an instant.

While Tezeric was frozen in embarrassment, Ybriel lightly pressed his lips to
Tezeric’s hand that was covering his mouth.
Tezeric flinched at the soft touch.

Even the color of Ybriel’s face, who stood back, was not much different from
that of Tezeric. I did it impulsively, but it was much more embarrassing than I

“I answered, for sure….”

A long silence followed. Tezeric didn’t even blink and looked at Ybriel. I
wondered if it was just a stone statue.

“Then, I’m busy, so I’ll see you soon!”

Unable to withstand the longer and longer silence, Ybriel turned back and
turned around.
going like this? His actions were faster than Tezeric thought.

He grabbed Ybriel and pulled her into her arms.

The brief elasticity disappeared between her softly touched lips.
Ybriel flinched and grabbed Tezeric’s hem. It felt like someone was pouring
melted sugar into my head.

Ybriel’s hand, which was holding the hem of his robe, clasped Tezeric’s
shoulder. I could feel Tezeric’s smile with their lips touching.

Unable to bear the shame, Ybriel lightly slapped his arm. Still, Tezeric did
not let Ybriel go.
If there was one thing these young lovers didn’t know, it was that they were
now in a transparent glass greenhouse that could be seen from the outside.
“That bastard!”

It was Liatris who stopped Sigmund from running away.

“Are you going to object again?”
“But that guy!”

“Leave it. If Ibriel had been such a ignorant child, I would have stopped him.”
Liatris said so and turned her head.

“You think so too, don’t you?”

Herwin, who was standing next to him, nodded towards Liatrice.

“Hey, yes. Not on my side, not on my side….”

Sigmund lamented seeing the couple fit together well. Herwin smiled faintly.

“I understand your concerns. The opposition will be extreme.”

A false prince who deceived the empire into the false sun. The bloodline of
Caswither who helped resurrect the darkness. Besides, he’s an illegitimate
Opposition from the nobility would be formidable.
“I will still protect you.”
As much as the joy Ebriel had brought back to Herwin, Herwin wanted her to
be happy.
“… It’s my dad.”
Herwin raised his eyes and looked up at the sky.

It was a clear blue sky without a single cloud. The warm scent of the sun and
the fresh scent of wild grass were carried in the wind and drifted here and
It was a wonderful weather that will never happen again.

<I Was Just Taking Care of My Sick Father>


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