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This LAND CONTRACT, made on the _____day of _________, 2022 between Fr - son (a Michigan Limited
Liability Co.) hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”, whose address is [Category] and [Company] (
[Company Address]
) whose address is [Company E-mail] , hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer(s)”


No oral or e-mail promises exist regarding this agreement. Only what is in writing and is signed with a correct hand
written signature is valid part of this agreement.

1. SELLER Agrees as Follows:

To sell and convey to Buyer land in the city of Detroit, Wayne County, State of Michigan, described as:

Legal Description: [Status]

Commonly Known As: [Abstract]
Parcel ID: [Subject]

Hereinafter referred to as "the land", together with all tenements, hereditaments, improvements, and
appurtenances, including any lighting or plumbing fixtures, shades, Venetian blinds, curtain rods, storm
windows, storm doors, screens, awnings, now on the land, subject to any applicable building and use
restrictions and to any easements affecting the land.

2. Attachments:
Attachment A1 (Payments Contact Data) is a part of this agreement.
Attachment A2 (Terms of Payment) is a part of this agreement.
Attachment B is a part of this agreement.

In Witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this contract in duplicate the day and year first above

Fr - son(Seller)
Manager - [Manager]

[Company] (Buyer)
[Company E-mail]

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