JS 1 Home Economics 3RD Term Exams

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Instruction: Answer all questions in section A and three in section B.
SECTION A (Objective Test: Choose the option from a – d)

1. The process of dyeing clothes were paraffin wax is used as resist is called
A. Weaving B. Tie and Dye C. Batik D. Painting
2. The major chemical in tie and dye is
A. Dye solution B. caustic soda C. Common salt D. Hydrochloride
3. Which of these cosmetics is used to prevent body odour caused by perspiration
A. Cream B. Deodorant C. Pomade D. Powder
4. Home-made furniture polish can be made with all EXCEPT
A. Bee wax B. Bar soap C. Candle wax D. Turpentine
5. A dirty galvanized bucket can be cleaned with
A. Sand paper B. Pawpaw leaves C. Bleach D. Polish
6. Fine sand, Edo powder, egg shell, pawpaw leaves, finely ground charcoal are ______ cleaning agents
A. Cleaning B. Home-made C. Bleaches D. Detergent
7. The following are indigenous cosmetics EXCEPT
A. Tiro B. Shampoo C. Laali D. Oshun
8. The redwood which is dried and grounded into powder form is
A. Laali B. Tanjere C. Camwood D. Odo
9. One of the following does not belong to the group
A. Shampoo B. Oil C. Conditioner D. Brush
10. An indigenous cosmetics used by Igbos as an eyeliner is
A. Edo B. Nzu C. Tanjere D. Uhes
11. A simple hygiene for a girl who has just started menstruating is to………EXCEPT
A. Bath more than once daily B. Change her pad at least twice daily C. Dispose used pad
properly D. Wash her hair often
12. Which of the following is NOT a sexually transmitted disease?
A. AIDS B. Gonorrhoea C.HIV D. Malaria
13. The period of time a person matures and moves from childhood to adulthood is known as
A. Adolescence B. Growth C. Puberty D. Transition
14. Right to freedom of expression and the press means that
A. Citizens are free to lie to defend themselves B. Every citizen is free to fight violently C. One
can talk or discuss without restriction D. One can terrorize the community
15. Which of these is NOT an example of human resources?
A. Energy B. Knowledge C. Money D. skill
16. Which of these are used for meeting family needs?
A. Cars B. Goals C. Resources D. Standards
17. The primary needs of an individual are
A. Food, shelter and recreation B. Food, clothing and education C. Food, clothing and shelter D.
Food, shelter and car
18. Food is one of the _______ needs of the family?
A. Possible B. Primary C. Secondary D. Tertiary
19. Adolescent girls normally experience one of the following
A. Appearance of beards B. Deepening voice C. Menstrual flow D. Production of spermatozoa
20. The monthly flow of blood from the lining of the womb in every woman of childbearing age is called
A. Adolescence B. Adulthood C. Puberty D. Menstruation
21. The menstrual cycle of individual …….
A. Differs with persons B. Is the same for all C.Is abnormal D. Is impossible
22. A right is a statement showing the following except A. Natural due B. Moral claim C. Family claim
D. Legal entitlement.
23. Scopes in Home Economics include all except A. Consumer Education B. Family Planning C. Home
Management D. Clothing and Textiles.
24. According to the constitution, an individual below the age of ______ is said to be a child
A. 20 years B. 21 years C. 12 years D. 18 years
25. The following is not a carrier in clothing and textiles A. Nutrition and food technology B.
Embroidery and modelling c. Tailoring/ dress making and modelling D. Pattern illustration.
26. Which of these is a way of achieving good grooming? A. Wearing clean clothes and shoes B.
Keeping hair untidy C.Washing eating utensil after meal. D. Spending a million naira on look.
27. One of these is not an adolescent challenge A. Cultism B. Peer pressure C Cracking of voice D.
28. Home Economics has ---------major branches A.5 B. 6 C.7 D.8.
29. ---------Is an unpleasant smell that comes out of the body. A. Stale perspiration B. Smell C. Body
odour D. Odour.
30. The following are sources of energy giving food except A. Palm oil B. Groundnut oil C. Vegetable
and fruits D. Potatoes
31. Do not talk with food in your mouth shows ________
A. Confidence in service B. Traditional manner C. Food habit D. Table manners.
32. Which of the following promotes growth in young children
A. Calcium and roughages B. Carbohydrates and fats C. Minerals and fats D. Proteins
33. Which of these is NOT true of roughages? It
A. Helps in bowel movement B. Helps to prevent constipation C.Is digestible D. Increases bulk
of food.
34. Simple chemical substances contained in the food we eat are called
A. Food Nutrients B. Food particles C. Balanced Diet D. Nutrition
35. Which of the following is NOT a body builder?
A. Milk B. Egg C. Meat D. Cassava.
36. Which of the following is NOT a nutrient?
A. Carbohydrate B. Vitamins C. Protein D. All of the above.
37. Which of the following supplies the body with heat and energy?
A. Carbohydrates and calcium B. Carbohydrates and fats C. Minerals and fats D. Protein and
38. The field of study that deals with the food we eat and how it nourishes the body is
A. Nutrition B. Food technology C. Nutrients D. Food science
39. Surplus carbohydrate in the body is stored as body
A. Fat B. Protein C. Glucose . D. Starch
40. One of the following helps digestion and bowel movement
A. Minerals B. Roughages C. Protein D. Vitamins
41. Foods that build up the body tissues and repair worn out tissues are ______ foods
A. Protective B. Carbohydrates C. Energy-giving D. Body building
42. Drugs that improves the health of a person are called
A. Ideal drugs B. Illegal drugs C. Hard drugs D. Legal drugs
43. Food contaminants might result from ……..EXCEPT
A. Environmental pollution B. Air pollution C. Environmental sanitation D. Poor hygiene
44. Insomnia, diarrhoea and vomiting are effects of _______
A. Constipation B. Dizziness C .Insufficient sleep D. Drug abuse
45. The following are illegal drugs EXCEPT
A. Cocaine B. Tobacco C. Indian hemp D. Panadol
46. The effects of drug abuse in the body is
A. He is happy B. He is loyal C. leads to poor academic performance D. He is submissive
47. Which of these is not a food contaminant? A. Bacteria B. Parasite C. Fungi D.Spirits
48. The following are examples of harmful substances
A. Banned additives B. Spoilt fruits C. Under cooked food D. All of the above
49. Using food items to improve the flavour, taste and appearance of food are said to be
A. Food addictions B. Food determinants C. Food appetizer D. Food additives
50. The following are food contaminants EXCEPT
A. Micro-organisms B. Pests C. Dust D. Soft drinks
51. The following are types of food additives EXCEPT
A. Natural additives B. Artificial or man made additives C. Nicotine D. Local herbs and species
52. ______ are substances deliberately added to food to improve the appearance, colour, texture and taste
and also preserve the food
A. Thyme B. Spices C. Food additives D. Condiments
53. The following are uses of food additives
A. For garnishing B. As preservatives C. As emulsifier D. All of the above
54. Kwashiorkor,obesity,diabetes and indigestion are effects of A. Healthy eating habits B. Unhealthy
feeding practices C. Unhealthy eating habit D. Healthy feeding practices.
55. Which of these cannot be described as a substance being abused? A. Cocaine B. Kola nut C. Water D.
56. Substances that are used to improve health or damage it are called _______
A. Contaminants B. Cocaine C. Drugs D. Marijuana
57. Which of the following is a good table manner?
A. Chewing food with the mouth closed B. Talking often while eating C. Too much food in your
plate D. Wiping face with table napkin
58. The major nutrient found in yam is
A. Carbohydrate B. Fats and oil C. Protein D. Vitamin
59. All of these are energy-giving food EXCEPT
A. Yam B. Bread C. Carrot D. Cassava
60. The proper behaviour while eating at the table is known as _________
A. Table manner B. Correct manner C. Rules D. Kitchen manner

INSTRUCTION: Answer three questions in all; choose one question from 1
or 2 and the two other questions.

1a. Define the term Menstruation
b. List 3 body changes each that occurs in boys and girls during puberty
c. Mention 2 types of family goals

2a. What are household crafts

b. Mention 4 types of household crafts

c. List 4 methods used in tie and dye

SECTION B ( 3 to 5)

3a. Define the term Nutrition

b. State 4 functions of food

c. Outline 2 food groups with one source of food each

4a. What is healthy feeding habit.

b. Enumerate 2 effects of unhealthy feeding habits

c. Identify 4 uses of food additives

5a. Define drug abuse and self medication.
b. Enumerate five substances that are abused.
c. State three effects of drug abuse.
1. C 11. D 21.A 31.D 41. D 51. C

2. A 12. D 22.C 32. D 42. D 52. C

3. B 13. A 23.B 33. C 43. C 53. D

4. A 14. C 24.D 34. A 44. D 54. D

5. B 15. C 25A 35. D 45. D 55. C

6. B 16.C 26.A 36. D 46. C 56. C

7. B 17. C 27.C 37. B 47. D 57. A

8. C 18.B 28.C 38. A 48. D 58. A

9. D 19.C 29.C 39. C 49. D 59. C

10. C 20.D 30.C 40. B 50. D 60. A.

(Any 1 @ ½ mark each = 30 marks)

1a. Menstruation is the monthly flow of blood from the womb through the vagina which occurs in every
woman of child bearing age (2 marks)
1. Voice breaks and become deeper
2. Experience wet dreams
3. Shoulder and chest grow bigger
4. Development of pimples
5. Rapid growth in height and size
6. Sex organs develop
7. Body muscles develop
(Any 3 @ 1 mark each = 3 marks)
1. Breast develops and nipples grow larger
2. Menstruation starts
3. Rapid growth in height and size
4. Reproductive system begins to grow and develop
5. Hair begins to grow in the private parts, armpits and other parts of the body
(Any 3 @ 1 mark each = 3 marks)


1. Long term goals
2. Short term or intermediate goals
3. Means –end or instrumental goals
(Any 2 @ 1 mark each = 2 marks)
2a. Household crafts are crafts that are produced for personal use, home or even for sale (2 marks)
1. Oven gloves or mitten,Table mat, Shopping bag, Needlework bag , Apron , Scarf ,Handkerchief,
Cap ,Headrest, Armrest, Puffs, Bibs, Head tie, Napkin
(Any 4 @ 1 mark each = 4 marks)
Pebble method, Twisting method, Cowrie’s method, Bunching method, Knotting method, Folding
method, Circle method, Rope method, Marbling method, Rolling method, Stitching method, Pleating
method, splashing method (Any 4 @ 1 mark each = 4 marks)
SECTION C (Essay Question)
3a. Nutrition is the scientific study of the food we eat and how it nourishes the body.(2marks)
1. Provides the body with heat and energy
2. Helps in the growth and repair of body tissues
3. It is necessary for good health and vitality
4. Protects the body from diseases
5. Roughages in food helps in bowel movement and prevents constipation
6. For proper development of bones and teeth formation
(Any 4 @ 1 mark each = 4 marks)
c. Outline 2 food groups with one source of food each
1. Body building food – Meat, Milk, Egg, Beans, Soya beans
2. Energy-giving food- Cassava, Bread, Yam, Potato, Maize, Palm oil
3. Protective food- Carrot, Mango, Pineapple, Spinach, Pumpkin, Orange, Water melon
(Any 2 groups@ 1 mark each = 2 marks, any example @ 1 mark each = 2 marks)
4a. Healthy feeding habits results from choosing nutritious food in a conscious way (2 marks)
1. Stomach ache
2. Stunted growth
3. Irregular eating practice
4. Occurrence of some disorders in the body
(Any 2 @ 2 marks each = 4 marks)
1. To improve the flavour of the food
2. To improve the appearance and colour of the food
3. To improve the taste of the food
4. To excite appetite
5. Act as tenderizer
6. For garnishing
7. As preservatives
8. As emulsifier
5a. Define drug abuse and self medication.
Drug abuse can be defined as the misuse or improper use of drug.
Self medication is a process where a person prescribes drug for self, or gets someone else other than a
qualified professional to do so when he/she is sick.
b. Enumerate five substances that are abused.
i. Caffeine from coffee,tea,kolanut,etc.
ii. Tabacco
iii. Marijuana
iv. Alcohol
v. Heroin
vi. Cocaine
c. State three of drug abuse
i. The user cannot voluntarily stop the use.
ii. He craves the drug
iii. His body demands it.
iv. He becomes violently ill when he cannot lay hands on the drug.
v. Without the drug, he begins to sweat excessively.
vi. His eyes and nose run incessantly
vii. The pupils of his eyes dilate
v. He suffers

(Any 4 @ 1 mark each = 4 marks).




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