Dragon Dream

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Intro 1-5

A long time ago there was this big cave full of treasure and glittering gold, magic weapons and
powerfull artefacts. In the middle there were bear fur and sheep skins piled up, and upon that there
was lieing a big salamander like dragon, but with eight pairs of leathery rainbow wings.
The cave was big and luxurious. One should think that dragons don't need comfort. But she did. She
rested on a big pile of horse furs and sheep skins and did what most dragons do. Sleeping and
dreaming of glorious days when dragons ruled the world and men where not much more than apes,
worshipping her kind. And of course, she counted her treasures. Not like other dragons she worked
and got paid in cattle for her service of protecting the city and conversing with the magicians once
in a while. Even with her reptilian like mind she came to actually like the humans a bit, despite
them being quite short lived and she seldom met one of them twice in his live.
This morning the sunlight poured down into her cave, spring again, she must have slept through the
winter and the light tickled her nose and woke her up. She stretched her 20 meters of muscle and
iron scales and sharpened her claws at the stony ground, yawning a huff of fire. Time to look at the
humans again. So she crept upwards towards the sunlight, what a joy to stretch her wings again.
It was at the top of a mountain next to the city, which hat grown up the mountainside in the last
years and the smoke of many fires could be seen everywhere. Humans needed more warmth than
she did. Humans were so cute sometimes, she thought with a warm feeling in her heart and
stretched the leathery, rainbow colored 8 pairs of wings as far as she could.
Wind pulled at her at the same Momend and she just let go and lost ground below her feet, got
carried away like a piece of paper until she ceased controll and took a few rounds to see where the
next meal would be. There it was, Cattle, yummy. Four of them. Without a sound she let rain fire
down on them and then came down to eat. It was best when the prey never knew it was dieing,
because it made the meat very tender and enjoyable.
The farmer appeared and was upset for a bit. She knew he would be compensated so she invited
him over to take a bite or too and talk to her, which calmed him down a bit.
„I'm very sorry if I killed your dearest cattle. I truly am. But tell me, these taste very nice, what's
your secret?“ This was not really a spell although it felt like one. Complimenting him and telling
him nice things about the thing he just lost and asking him questions seemed to calm him down in
an instant. Not only that it made him blush in this wonderful way where his cheeks bekame a nice
very light pink and red.
Evening fell while they were still talking. The moon and stars came up and lit the meadow and the
few houses nearby, which she asumed where his'.
What was that? She sniffed a bit... he was hot! She giggled and bowed her massive snout in his
direction. He blushed more when her snout pointed at his pants and her heart warmed, so adorable!
Then she went on: „You are into dragons, hu? Not many of us around these days.“ She said, smiling
her dragon smile, showing some of her teeth. A bit shy he put his Hand on her face, touching the
smaller scales around her mouth as well as the bigger ones between her eyes. „They feel warm“ he
remarked surprised.
„My kind is warm blooded, dear. What was your name again?“
„I didn't know that.“ he muttered, touching her under the chin where she instantly felt like relaxing
and lieing down, but she didn't follow that impuls, instead she let him going on, salivating, since the
touch to the chin had triggered some of the glands.
His cool hands ran over her long neck, the wings of the first pair and her spiked spine. Her wings
shuddered since they were sensitive to touch, but she liked it and so she let him continue until he
stood where her hind legs were.
This was no business for open world sex, so she rolled herself around him. „get on my back, I'll
show you the city“ And so he did and she spread her wings, feeling the wind pull at her, only that
she didn't get blown away this time, but started in a manner that she wouldn't loose him.
Over the city around it and at the end to a nice little spot at the top of the mountain, where none of
the humans would hear or see her with her little affair for this night.
They rode on the wind and spiraled up until they reached a small cave at the top of her mountain,
where she landed soft on her padded feet and let the little scared man sliding down her side. She
still salivated like dragons of her kind do when there's something delicious near. She liked human
flesh, but this was not the time, nor the right human to eat. This one was an opportunity. The
humans called her Rainbow because of her thousandcolored scales which resembled the full
sprectre of the colors that men could see, and some more they couldn't.
The young man calmed down and nervously stuck to her side. She laid down and waited. They were
mostly the same. Once they calmed down completely they'd become daring and looked for
closeness, which she was happy to give if she could get some affection for it.
„What's your name, by the way?“ She asked, stretching her short legs a bit and getting comfortable.
Not really interested, but her luck that humans were bad at reading dragons' body language or facial
emotions. As usual he responded with his name. She'd recall it for a few days only to forget it again.
He'd most likely be an old man or dead when they met again in the future.
That's a nice name, shortly for sure.
„what's yours?“ Ouw, a smart one. „I know they call you rainbow, but I don't think a graceful
creature like you would call yourself that simple?“ True true...
„Kescadariscarissanthi, it means something like 'the unsatiable flame of Scaris' which was a sea of
fire a while ago. It devoured the mountains of my birthplace and dragons couldn't find any prey for
decades to follow.“


What They do
How it feels
What they think
What they feel internally
Add contrast!

Too quick
Bored she drew her snout in his direction and like a pet he petted her, which made her salivate again
and she growled low bowing back her head so he could pet her below the chin. Which he instantly
did. No other dragon would ever do that for her, never, ever! Shortly after he was using both his
hands and scratching her neck and breast scales and she rolled back, giggling, opening up to him.
If she should die one day it would surely be by the hand of a seductive dragon hunter who then
would pierce her heart while scratching her belly.
She started getting itchy and gave all sorts of growls and yelps. He got more interested in the part
between her hind legs and she got excited, this was the best part, watching him explore her body
while feeling the touch to the sensitive regions down there.
Fascinated and very slowly, his fingers slipped between the scales while watching her reaction
carefully. And she watched back, excited and feeling her head spinning a bit. Nothing better then
sex right after waking up. She enrolled her black, long, splitted tonge, while saliva dropped out
between her fangs, returned his looks, while he started slipping his Fingers back and forth. This was
so great, the right thing she wanted just now.
She bowed her long neck into his direction, touching his Hands with her snout so he had no choice
but to also scratch her below the chin, which made her growl and salivate again. Bowing down her
head she started, nibbling at his trousers, making him take them off and started licking him with her
long black blueish tongue. Up and down she went, huging him tightly with it and tasting salty.
His face showed pure admiration. How she liked humans doing her! When she pulled back her
Tonge he looked puzzled and gently started climbing onto her yellow scaly belly.
It tickled a bit when it delved into her opening and she giggled, humans were so cute! In earlier
times when she was much more powerful and ruled by force she had a lot of slaves to do these
things for her, these days she had to rely on the small part of humankind that was into dragons, and
she enjoyed these rare occasions a lot.
The human startet to move back and forth in a rythmic manner and she laid back and watched the
world upside down, smiling her dragon smile, and salivating a lot.

For the next Motivational spike:

Aftersex cuddling

Main part 6-10

Another dragon, in her territory! She hated him instantly and came in from below. The other Dragon
spiraled upwards around the central mage tower

When she heard the scream of the male, she rushed out of the temple and jumped into the air with
as much strength and power she could master.
The other dragon circeled around the citadell breathing fire down onto the city without hurting
anybody yet, a threat! He wanted food and most likely gold as much as possible. Furious she
screamed herself, denying his power and rulership about the city and the lands around it. He
answered with another scream and pulled in his wings tumbeling towards her.

Outro 11-15

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