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IINTRODUCTION The shift from a rural, agrarian economy to an urban, industrial economy is integral to the process of economic development

(Kaldor, 1966, 1967). Although policymakers in the least developed countries (LDCs) have, at various times, attempted to make agriculture the primary engine of economic growth and employment generation, this approach has not worked, not least because of the contributions of the Green Revolution, which has had the dual effect of increasing agricultural productivity in the LDCs and displacing the rural labour force at the same time. Led by the example of the East Asian economies, most LDCs now accept the need for greater industrialization as the fastest path to economic growth. In particular, countries such as Japan, Taiwan and South Korea have demonstrated that anexportoriented industrial strategy can not only raise per capita income and living standards in a relatively short time; it can also play a vital role in modernizing the economy and integrating it with the global economic system. Bangladesh, one of the archetypal LDCs, has also been following the same route for the last 25 years. Once derided as a basket-case by Henry Kissinger (The Economist, 1996), the country stumbled across an economic opportunity in the late 1970s. New rules had come to govern the international trade in textiles and apparel, allowing low-cost suppliers to gain a foothold in American and European markets. Assisted by foreign partners, and largely unaided by the government, entrepreneurs seized the opportunity and exploited it to the fullest. Over a period of 25 years, the garments export sector has grown into a $6 billion industry that employs over a million people. In the process, it has boosted the overall economic growth of the country and raised the viability of other export-oriented sectors. This essay analyzes the processes by which global trading rules came to help out a poor country like Bangladesh. It demonstrates the impact of the rule changes on the garments sector, and the response of the sector to multiple challenges and obstacles. It also discusses what steps Bangladesh should take in order to deal with the full liberalization of the international garments trade, which occurred in January 2005 and which could potentially threaten the countrys growth prospects. Finally, it details some of the recent developments that have occurred since liberalization took effect. 1.1 Objective To visit lots of garments to find out their present situation. A main objective of apparel industry is to create customer value. Apparel industry has an impact on the firm, its suppliers, its customers, and others affected by the firms choices. To check is this strategy is satisfactory based on buyer requirements. Apparel industry frequently involves enduring relationships between buyers, sellers, and other parties. If not find out the best policy which satisfy the buyer.

At the end, to apply that policy in the garments by our near future. Processes involved include creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings. Good Quality. Discuss the relationship of Manufacturing management to sourcing finished goods, materials and production To role of apparel industry in export sector in Bangladesh. Collecting information about Manufacturing Management job & their responsibilities. To develop relation between quality of apparel industry Finding the problem what actually faced the apparel industry at work.

1.2 Methodology Discussion with officials of the Q-Point Fashion LTD Observations of the officials. Experts opinion and comments. Face to face conversations with the apparel industry employee Company profile. Relevant books, Newspaper, Journals etc. Office circular and other published papers. Websites. Operating apparel industry as an integrated system including customers, operations, quality, demand managements management, logistics & suppliers. Initiative approach taken in apparel industry process & external suppliers in the earliest stage of new product development. Implies Identity, verify, track & control saving. Implement strategic sourcing at the starting. Document & obtain verification of saving. Indicate supplier relationships which have the potential of progressing to supply alliance status. Implementation of network strategy & communication collaboration.

1.3 Scope Besides Q-Point Fashion LTD. it may be required to go other garment industry and buying houses. I will talk with in-house department, like finance department, commercial department, marketing department and all the group of industries to get right information for my report.

This report must deals with factory observation of a garments industry and communication with merchandisers then I will work in a factory suggest. My factory is Q-Point Fashion LTD Control over the flow of raw materials and trim items as well as production schedules and deliveries. Quality standards are more easily established and monitored in companyowned facilities. 1.4 Limitation I think these are the limitation of the marketing The main limitations of the study are as follows: The apparel industry of the company are always busy, so they could not provide the information timely. There is no special training department for study Sufficient records, facts and figures are not available. These constraints narrowed the scope of the real analysis. We could not collect data from garments freely because maximum are not interested to show their lacking also. Garments Industry when we visit we faced some problem like Garments Industry Authority not allow more people to visit Because of If more people visit then They feel operator concentration breakdown thats why Productivity not achieved.


Apparel manufacturing remains one of the most in-demand businesses today. According to the

American Apparel and Footwear Association), apparel sales for 2000 reached $315 billion, representing a 90% growth from its 1990 levels. Starting a clothing business is just like any other business: you need to have the resources to jumpstart your vision, skills and know-how in managing the business, and marketing savvy to promote the business. You must also have a business plan that will serve as your detailed guide that will walk you through your first couple of years in business. Having gone through the process of thinking through a plan for your business will enable you to always know what steps to take next. Despite these problems, a number of small businesses are able to overcome these difficulties, and even grow to become powerhouses in their segments. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you successfully start and run a clothing business.

2.1 Idea about internship report

Junior clothing factory production internship report, and university life only a year on the blink of an eye. In fact, this year can count it? See past the seniors, it seems, a senior at the University of life can no longer call it living. The remaining few days of professional courses only sent it, busy all day that something was looking for work, internships, research, stay in school seems so little time. order to increase the practical experience, I went to a clothing factory practice, in a short period of half a month, so I went through a lot, grown a lot. In this month's internship in a very formal professional experience training, very formal and people to work on-site, (my status was assistant), the first mission (identity becomes an expert, the teacher), the first cases receive a salary, although less than 1000 yuan garment factory Description: The plant primarily by the order to demand the production of clothing styles from the professional designers, clothing multifaceted. Factory mainly composed of local people and migrant workers. The total number of workers in the factory about 200 people. Engaged in garment production accounts for about half of the total, the remaining persons were engaged in: the procurement, design, inspection, storage, marketing, accounting and other departments. Factory focused on next quarter's clothing production. Mainly in the Mainland market, sometimes involving foreign orders. Before the border can not be optimistic now, the factory, there are many hidden dangers outside. 2.2 Necessity internship report of garments Today, necessity of a Bank as a financial institution is undeniable. A country is financially rice when it has modern financial institutions of its own. These institutions play a vital role in the field of financial stability of a country. Banking sector is on of the stable financial institution of a country. Due to globalization and technological changes, the give effective real time service to their customers. For giving friendly service to the customers they need experienced and will-educated working force. The overall approach of the report is a descriptive one as it goes into the depth of service quality of National Credit and Commerce Bank Ltd. Here both primary and secondary information were used. Interview was the basic techniques comply to collect primary data from any people within the organization. Information about the varieties of activities within the correspondent banking department was collected trough interviewed. Among the secondary sources

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