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1. Tmj and muscles of mastication x6

2. Trochlear nerve x2
3. Carotid sheath
4. Third ventricle x2
5. Infranuclear pathway of facial paralysis and pathway of
facial nerve x2
6. Arterial supply of medulla oblongata and note on medullary
syndrome x2
7. Abducent nerve x3
8. Structures within parotid gland x3
9. Fourth ventricle x4
10. Dangerous area of face and cavernous sinus x4
11. Circle of willis x3
12. Location and morphology of tympanic membrane
13. Tentorium cerebella
14. T.s. of midbrain at superior colliculi
15. Hemorrhages all (case)
16. Optic pathway and injury at different levels
17. Sagittal section of eyeball x2
18. External jugular vein
19. Lateral ventricle
20. Deep cervical fascia x2
21. Lateral wall of nasal cavity
22. Internal capsule and its arterial supply x2
23. Scalp x2
24. Infrahyoid muscles
25. Occulomotor nerve
26. Thyroid (case)
27. Extra ocular muscles
28. Corticospinal tract
29. Circulation of csf & its clinical significance
30. Facial artery
31. Sternocleidomastoid (MMIMP)
32. Posterior Triangle (whole and if na thaay toh atleast
difference between occipital and subclavian triangle)
33. Anterior triangle, Digastric triangle (m.imp)
34. Carotid triangle (MMIMP)
35. Common carotid artery (carotid sinus and body functions -
36. Branches of external carotid artery
37. Name of branches of first part of subclavian artery
38. Middle meningeal artery
39. extra ocular muscles with actions
40. hard and soft palate (imp)
41. waldeyers rings (whole with clinical)
42. Maxillary sinus (MIMP)
43. Movements of Vocal chords (mimp)

1. Brachial plexus
2. Median nerve x3
3. Deltoid muscle x2
4. Winging of scapula (case) x3
5. Ulnar nerve x2
6. Rotator cuff x2
7. Cubital fossa x2
8. Lumbricals and interossei of palms
9. Mammary glands
10. Axillary lymph nodes and its applied
11. Boundaries and contents of axilla
12. Radial nerve (case) x2
13. Mammary gland aakhu (sometimes separate ques on
nerve/blood supple and lymphatics)
14. Clavipectoral fascia is pierced by (2m) (MiMP)
15. Serratus Anterior
16. Brachial plexus with diagram and clinical.
17. Axillary nerve (scapular region ma che)
18. Quad and Triangular spaces (its v.imp but aaj tak
question nai aayo)
19. Musculocutaneous Nerve
20. Radial Nerve, Ulnar Nerve and Median Nerve (ALL
with Clinical esp. median and ulnar!!)
21. Wrist drop nerve involved (2m)
22. Flexor Retinaculum (MMIMP)
23. Dupuytrens contracture (clinical 2m)
24. Elbow Joint
25. RadioUlnar joint (sometimes only supination and
pronation is asked )
26. Movements at shoulder girdle and shoulder joint (more
imp.for viva)
27. Axillary artery and it's branches (time hoy toh ajj karje)
28. Triangle of auscultation / Lumbar triangle of Petit (2m )
(time hoy toh karje)

1. Femoral triangle x3
2. Femoral hernia with its anatomical basis
3. Abductors of hip joint
4. Varicose veins x2
5. Ankle joint
6. Injury of femoral nerve in thigh (case) x2
7. Knee joint x2
8. Sciatic nerve x2
9. Common peroneal nerve x2
10. Hip joint
11. Great saphenous
12. Popliteal fossa
13. Femoral sheath and applied
14. iliotibial tract (2m (MIMP)
15. adductor canal (imp)
16. obturator nerve
17. guy ropes (2m)
18. Muscles of gluteal region (mainly action and nerve supply
with clinical-Lurching and waddling gait) (MIMP)
19. structure under gluteus maximus (if time permits)
20. Structures passing through greater and lesser sciatic
foramen (MMIMP!!!)
21. Characteristics of hamstrings
22. Hamstring muscles
23. Tarsal Tunnel syndrome (2m)
24. Structures under extensor and flexor retinaculum in proper
order (MIMP)
25. Movements of knee joint (separately as 5m)
26. Sciatic Nerve with clinical
27. superiors and inferior extensor retinaculum (if time
28. Invertor and Evertors of foot (2m) (MIMP) (also asked in
29. Arches of foot (mainly medial long) and also factors
affecting it (MMIMP)

1. Formation of rectus sheath along with its contents x3
2. Portal vein x3
3. Relations of right and left kidney x3
4. External oblique and its modifications
5. Supports of uterus x3
6. Superior mesenteric artery x3
7. Duodenum (case) with relations of 3 part and internal

structure of 2 part x3

8. Inguinal hernia x2 and mechanisms of inguinal canal which

prevents hernia x2
9. Blood and nerve supply of anterior abdominal wall
10. Interior of anal canal x2
11. Porto-caval anastomoses x3
12. Spermatic cord x3
13. Descent of testis
14. Blood supply of stomach x2
15. Morphology of prostrate
16. Head of pancreas
17. Celiac trunk
18. Ischio-rectal fossa
19. Anterior abdominal wall
20. Deep perineal pouch
21. Greater Omentum
22. Mesentry (imp)
23. Epiploic foramen (2m) (Imp)
24. Lesser sac (MMIMP)
25. Duodenum - 1st and 2nd part (MMMIMP)
26. Meckels diverticulum (2m) (MMIMP)
27. Diff between small and large intestine (if time permits)
28. Appendix with clinical! (MIMP) (mc burney point asked
in viva)
29. Capsules/Covering of kidney (MIMP)
30. Constrictions of Ureter
31. Diaphragm (whole MIMP- thorax)
32. Abdominal aorta (if time permits)
33. Deep(more imp.) and Superficial perineal space(table)
34. Male urethra- Prostatic part (MMIMP)
35. Prostrate
36. Branches of int iliac artery (flowchart 34.1)
37. Pelvic diaphragm( write about levator ani and
coccygeous) (MImp)

1. Coronary blood vessels x3
2. Bronchopulmonary segments x2
3. Typical intercostals space
4. Phrenic nerve and its applied
5. Parietal pleura x2
6. Pericardium and its applied
7. Boundaries and contents of superior mediastinum x2
8. Pleural effusion (case) ----- 8 intercostal space in mid-

axillary line
9. Typical intercostal space
10. Pericardial effusion ---- left 5 or 6 intercostal space
th th

xiphicostal angle
11. Inter costal muscles (sometimes separately asked)
12. Aakhu inter costal space with artery and nerve
13. Azygous/Hemiazygous/Accessory system (MMIMP)
14. Pleura (both) (nerve supply/blood supply) (APPLIED)
15. Inferior mediastinum (whole) (MMIMP)
17. Right atrium (whole)
18. Aorta (if time na hoy then just do the diagrams)
19. Constrictions of esophagus!!!!
1. Pharyngeal pouch x2 OR lipx2
2. Somites x2 OR yolk sac
3. Duodenum
4. Describe changes in fetal circulation after birth
5. Development of first pharyngeal arch x3 OR tongue x4
6. Fertilization x3 OR stages of menstrual cycle
7. Development of ovary x2 OR pancreas x2
8. Development of medulla oblongata OR palate x2
9. Implantation OR structure of placenta
10. Development of liver OR right atrium x4
11. Thyroid gland x3
12. Development of neural tube and applied
13. Umbilical cord OR ovulation
14. Development of lung x3 OR inter atrial septum x2
15. Development of spinal cord x3
16. Intraembryonic mesoderm OR formation and functions of
17. Rotation of midgut x2
18. Development of uterus
19. Development of testis x4
20. Chorionic villi x3
21. Neural crest cells
22. Development of face
23. Paraxial mesoderm
24. Neurulation
25. Paramesonephric duct
26. spermatogenesis

1. Trachea x5 OR thyroid gland x3
2. Elastic cartilage x2 OR muscular artery x3
3. pancreas
4. Cornea x3
5. submandibular salivary gland x3
6. Pseudostratified epithelium x2 OR loose connective
tissue x3
7. Ureter x2 OR hepatic lobule x4
8. Retina
9. Adipose tissue x2 OR cortex of lymph node x2
10. Esophagus x3 OR endometrium in secretary phase
11. Tongue x2
12. stratified squamous keratinized epithelium
13. fundus of stomach
14. transitional epithelium x2
15. uterine tube
16. parotid x3
17. hyaline cartilage
18. duodenum
19. cortex of cerebellum x2
20. compact bone
21. kidney OR spleen
22. sublingual gland
23. cardiac muscle
24. testis

1. Blood supply of long bones x3 OR cartilaginous joints x2
2. Formation and distribution of spinal nerve OR classify
joints giving example of each x3
3. Neuroglia x2 OR modifications of deep fascia
4. Describe important features of synovial joint OR classify
capillaries and describe structure and function of each type
5. Nerve supply of skeletal muscle x2 OR multipolar neuron
6. Classification of neurons
7. Classification of synovial joint

1. Inactivation of X- chromosome OR amniocentesis x2
2. Describe autosomal dominant inheritance along with
punnet square and pedigree x3 OR enumerate numerical
disorders of chromosomes and describe anyone x2
3. Genetic basis of trisomy OR non-disjunction and its effects
4. Monosomy and genetical aspects OR X-linked recessive
5. Genetical aspects of down syndrome OR human karyotype
6. Barr body
7. Autosomal recessive dominance
8. Genetic counseling
9. Structural abnormalities in chromosomes

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