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-along YeARN design

B. ALICE – BIG AND small

'I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, sir' said Alice, 'because I'm not
myself, you see.' ABBREVIATIONS
'I don't see,' said the Caterpillar. k knit
'I'm afraid I can't put it more clearly,' Alice replied very politely, p purl
'for I can't understand it myself to begin with; and being so ssk slip slip knit
many different sizes in a day is very confusing.' k2tog knit two together
M1 make one
❅ PM place marker
Big and small SM slip marker
but not confusing at all R round
are the buttons on Alice's mitts. RS right side
WS wrong side
2 yarn balls of Lana Grossa Superbingo | 55 m/ball | 50
g/ball | 100% superfine Merino HOW TO START THE THUMBHOLE - Left Mitt {Right Mitt}
• Look at the first two stitches on your left needle
GAUGE (beginning of the next round).
14 st. | 23 rows (10cm/4in) in stockinette stitch, unblocked. • Look from the inside {outside} of your mitt at the
stitches' back {front} side. You see purl bumps. Great!
Pick up a purl bump below the first stitch with your
ADDITIONAL MATERIAL right needle tip and knit into it. Do the same below the
Tapestry needle | circular needle(s) or dpns 6,0mm/US 10 or second stitch. You have increased two stitches!
size needed to achieve gauge | six buttons varying in size • These increased stitches are directly behind {before}
and color the first two stitches of the round, they overlap each
COLOR IT!-along YeARN design


Cast on 28 stitches with a long-tail cast-on. Start knitting in Cast on 28 stitches with a long-tail cast-on. Start knitting in
the round. the round.

Roman stripe variation border: Roman stripe variation border:

R1 + R2: *k, p. Repeat from * to end of round. R1 + R2: *k, p. Repeat from * to end of round.
R3 + R4: k all stitches. R3 + R4: k all stitches.
R5 + R6: *p, k. Repeat from * to end of round. R5 + R6: *p, k. Repeat from * to end of round.
R7-17: k all stitches.
R7-18: k all stitches. R18: p2, k26.

Stop after R18. It is time to include the thumb hole! So you Stop after R18. It is time to include the thumb hole! So you
will be knitting some rows instead of rounds. Do not turn. will be knitting some rows instead of rounds. Do not turn.
Follow the instructions for starting the thumbhole (above). Follow the instructions for starting the thumbhole (above).

Row 19 (WS): k2, p26, k2. Row 19 (WS): k2, p26, k2.
Row 20(RS): k all stitches. Row 20 (RS): k all stitches.
Row 21 (WS): k2, p26, k2. Row 21 (WS): k2, p26, k2.
Row 22 (RS): k2, M1, k24, k2tog, k2. Row 22 (RS): k2, ssk, k24, M1, k2.

Repeat Row 19 – Row 22 two times. Repeat Row 19 – Row 22 two times.

Row 31 (WS): k1, p28, k1. Row 31 (WS): k1, p28, k1.
Row 32 (RS): k all stitches. Row 32 (RS): k all stitches.

Start knitting in the round again. Start knitting in the round again.

R33-37: k all stitches. R33-37: k all stitches.

R38: k13, k2tog, k13, k2tog. R38: ssk, k13, ssk, k13.

Repeat the Roman Stripe variation border. Repeat the Roman Stripe variation border.

Bind off: *k2tog, slip this stitch back. Repeat from *. Bind off: *k2tog, slip this stitch back. Repeat from *.

Sew the buttons on the top randomly using the knitting yarn (unply and
use three threads). Split the ends and let them dangle.

© Kati Mohr 2014

These patterns are inspired by Alice in Wonderland and colors in general.

All cast-on and bind-off methods are taken from „Cast-on, Bind-off“ by
Leslie Ann Bestor.

The entire pattern is subject to German copyright law. The reproduction,

modification, distribution and any kind of exploitation outside the limits of
copyright require the written consent of the respective author or creator.
Downloads and copies of these pages are only for private, non-commercial
use. Please contact the author if you want to sell any items produced using
the directions in this pattern.

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