Progress Test On Topics Me and My Family Great Britain

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6th grades

Topics: “Introductory course”, “About myself”, “My family”,

“Home”, “ My Working Day”, “School”, “Wildlife”, “Great Britain.”
1. I’m interested …. a. in b. at c. on d. with e. about
2. I’m quite good … a. on b. at c. in d. with e. about
3. But I’m poor ……a. in b. at c. on d. with e. about
4. I’m proud ……… a. if b. of c. on d. with e. through
5. Great Britain consists of ……………..countries. a. 3 b. 5 c. 4 d. 6
6. Sasha got 56 from the test. Omar got 70. Sasha’s mark ………Omar’s mark.
a) is better than b) is the best c) is less then d) is the same as
7. Ali is……………….student in his class. He always gets 100 form the exams.
a) the better b) better c)the hardworking d)the most hardworking
8. Today is ……………………day for me. Because it’s my birthday today.
a)the happiest b)happier c)happest d)the happier
9. My English is………..than my brother’s English. I always get 100 but he gets 50.
a) good b) worse c) the best d) better
10. Mary’s English is bad but Peter’s is… a) badder b) worse c) the worst d) more bad
11. When ….. you usually brush your teeth? A. does b. do c. dids d. don’t e.are
12. M y brother ………….working now. A. is b. does c. are d. was e. do
13. My parents …. watch TV very often. A. doesn’t b. dodn’t c. don’t d. aren’t e. is
14. What does your mother look like? A. she is clever. B. she is handsome c. she is
beautiful. D. kind e. hardworking.
15. What is your father like? A. he is handsome b. he is hardworking c. he is strong
d. tall
16. She ….. like her father. A. look b. looks c. takes d. lookes e. tooks
17. Where ….. she born? A. were b. was c. will d. has e. is
18. I get up at 7 o’clock ……… the morning. a) in b) on c) at d) during
19. We have English ………. Mondays. a) in b) on c) at d) from
20. My parents ………. at half past seven every morning.
a) wakes up b) is waking up c) are waking up d) wake up
21. ………….does Andy go to school? She goes to school by bus.
a) When b) How c) Who d) Where
22. Are their relatives from London? No, they ……….
a) isn’t b) are c) aren’t d) is
23. What time ……….. you get up in the morning? At 7 o’clock.
a) do b) does c) is d) are
24. The ………… are playing with the cats.
a) mice b) mouse c) cat d) dog
25. It isn’t very cold, …………….?
a) isn’t it b) is it c) does it d) doesn’t it
26. Ellen ………….to school on foot.
a) never go b) never goes c) go never d) goes never
27. Lunch is …………. dinner. a) before b) after c) at d) on
28. It ……….. in Summer, but it ……… .
a) never rains/is raining now b) never is raining/rains now c) raining/ rain d) rains
never/now rains
29. My uncle ………….very busy because now he …………… the house.
a) are/painting b) am/are painting c) is/is painting d) is/paints
30. Harry has got …………. nice schoolbag. a) an b) the c) a d) –
31. …………… a big tree in the park.
a) there is b) there are c) there isn’t d) there aren’t
32. ……………any whales in the river.
a) there is b) there are c) there isn’t d) there aren’t
33. She doesn’t come home on time, ______ ?
a) do he b) doesn’t she c) doesn’t he d) does she
34. There are ………………bananas on the plate.
a. any b. some c. much d. a little e. little.
35. Horses and camels have …………………
a. horns b. hooves c. fins d. beaks
36. My uncle didn’t ............... smoke cigarettes, now he ............
a) used to / doesn’t smoked b) use to / does smoke c) use to / smokes d) used to / did
37. We …………. to London ............ 2008.
a) go/yesterday b) have been /for c) went/in d)went/ tomorrow
38. At the age of ten I …………. my horse but now ………………
a) could ride / couldn’t b) couldn’t ride / can c) can ride / can’t d) can’t ride / can
39. Two years ago, I ............. 10 years old. Now I ............. 12 years old.
a) am / was b) was / am c) will / is d) was / was
40. John is .............student in the class.
a) most young than b) the youngest c) most youngest d) younger than
41. …………orange juice is there in the jug? a)What b) Where c) How many d)How much
42. The function of a school is to … children. a) take after b) study c) ensure d) learn e) educate
43. My daughter is a very emotional girl. So yesterday by her … look I understood that
something … had happened.
a) sour, pleasant b) angry, pleasant c) happy, terrible d) sour, wonderful e) sad, awful
44. Complete the dialogue:
- What is Amy like?
a) She’s better today. b) She is clever and intelligent. c) She’s English. d) She is my aunt.
e) She’s a secretary.
45. He sat down … the table and waited … his coffee.
a) at, - b) between, for c) at, to d) on, to e) at, for
46. Choose the correct question to the underlined part of the sentence.
We had to stay there because it was too late to return.
A) Why did we have to stay there?
B) What had we stay there for?
C) Why did we had to stay there?
D) Why had we to stay there?
E) Why did we stay there?
47. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
How often do you feed the children?
A) How often the children are fed?
B) How often are you fed by the children?
C) How often are the children fed?
D) How often are the children feed?
E) How often do the children feed?
48. What time is it? 07:15
A) It is a quarter past seven
B) It is seven o’clock
C) It is a quarter to seven
D) It is half past seven
49. She took the test ……………..she felt tired.
a) although b) despite c) but d) however
50. What __________ you doing this evening?
a) will b) shall c) did d) are
Write plurals of the following words, word combinations or sentences:
51. That nice puppy…………………………………………………………
52. This grey mouse…………………………………………………………
53. That white sheep………………………………………………………..
54. A red fish……………………………………………………………..
55. That woman is my aunt……………………………………………………………………
56. This tooth is white…………………………………………………………………………
57. They …………school yesterday. a. have visited b. visited c. visiting d. were visiting.
58. We ......... now. a. is swimming b. are swimming c. are swimming d. have been swimming
59. She’s far too fond ………….. chocolates. a) by b) with c) of d) to
60. My exam results, ………..didn't match up to my efforts.
a) but b) however c) although d) moreover
Write the following sentences in Passive form:
61. People destroy the animals’ habitats……………………………………………………………
62. That man feed his tiger every 3 hours…………………………………………………………..
63. They buy salmon every day……………………………………………………………………
64. The porches hunt the rhinos for their noses…………………………………………………….
65. My dog am/are/is /has my best companion.
66. When I am sad my hamster listen/listens/is listening/ has listened to my problems.
67. We have /has/has had/ are a special bond.
68. My alligator frighten/frightens/is frightening /have frightened people away. Nobody
wants to come/comes to my home.
69. His pet always supporting/support/supports him.
70. If my dog tears my book, I……………………………………………………………………...
71. If my parrot breaks my mom’s vase, she……………………………………………………..
72. If my spider bites me…………………………………………………………………………...
73. If my cat steals the sausage from the fridge, my father………………………………………...
74. If my hamster makes the room dirty, I…………………………………………………………
75. The fire broke out because the children played with the matches.
Why did……………………………………………………………………………………………?
Did the children……………………………………………………………………………………?
76.She slipped when the floor was wet and broke her arm.
What did…………………………………………………………………………………….……..?
She slipped when the floor was wet, ……………………………………………………………...?
Did she slip or……………………………………………………………………………………..?
77. His mother forgot to close the door and the burglar broke in and took away a lot of things.
78. Adults must put sharp and dangerous things in the safe places
What kind of things……………………………………………………………………………….?
Write the 3 forms of the verbs and make up 3 sentences in PAST Simple:
79. Go……………………………………………………………………………………………..
80. Travel………………………………………………………………………………………….
81. See…………………………………………………………………………………………….
82. Eat……………………………………………………………………………………………..
83. Drink…………………………………………………………………………………………
84. Watch…………………………………………………………………………………………
85. Make……………………………………………………………………………………………
86. Buy……………………………………………………………………………………………..
87. Read……………………………………………………………………………………………
88. Great Britain and Europe are separated by ………………………………………………….
a. the England channel b. British channel c. English channel d. Irish channel
89. 10 Downing Street is the official residence and office of the
a. Prime Minister b. Queen Elizabeth c. Bagpiper d. Beefeater
90. England shares land borders with………………… to the north.
a. Wales b. Scotland c. Northern Ireland
91. Be good…………… something (drawing, singing)-
92. Be keen ………………something
93.To have a good ear for music
94. Be at the top ………. the class
95. Be ………..the bottom of the class
Open the brackets:
96. Jane and Molly ………………………… (ride) their bikes now. (present continuous)
97. This time last year my brother ………………….. (work) in a travel agency.(past simple)
98. I …………………(phone) you yesterday afternoon but you ……… (be) out. (past simple)
99. ………………………. (you/ever/fly) by plane? (present perfect)
100. We ………………… (buy) you a new bike if you are a good boy.(future simple)

100%- EXCELLENT! YOU GET________% YOUR MARK_________

Answer the following questions:

o What have you learnt this year? Were the lessons interesting?

o What are your expectations for the next year? What would you like to suggest?

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