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B.Voc(Software Development)

Group - Kritank ,Naman , Harsh

Roll -no- 21,28,18
Sensor A sensor is a device, module,
machine, or subsystem whose
purpose is to detect events or
changes in its environment and
send the information to other
electronics, frequently a computer
processor. A sensor is always used
with other electronics.
Sensor obeys the It is sensitive to the measured
following rules It is insensitive to any other
property likely to be encountered
in its application

it does not influence the measured

How it works A sensor is a device 1that
responds to some type of the
input from the environment such
as heat, light, motion,
temperature, pressure and
moisture. Sensors are used to
switch currents and voltages.
Gyro sensors, also known as angular
rate sensors or angular velocity
sensors, are devices that sense
Gyroscope angular velocity. Angular velocity. In
simple terms, angular velocity is the
change in rotational angle per unit of
time. Angular velocity is generally
Accelerometer expressed in deg/s (degrees per

Accelerometer sensor is the

electromechanical device used to
measure the proper acceleration of
the object.
Gyroscope & Accelerometer
The main difference between the two devices is
simple: one can sense rotation, whereas the other
cannot. Using the key principles of angular
momentum, the gyroscope helps indicate
orientation. In comparison, the accelerometer
measures linear acceleration based on vibration,
Gyroscope sensors

Gyroscope sensors can also measure the

motion of the object. For more robust and
accurate motion sensing, in consumer
electronics Gyroscope sensors are combined
with Accelerometer sensors.

Depending on the direction there are three Julia

types of angular rate measurements. Yaw- the
horizontal rotation on a flat surface when
seen the object from above, Pitch- Vertical
rotation as seen the object from front, Roll-
the horizontal rotation when seen the object
from front.

An accelerometer is a tool
that measures proper
acceleration. Proper
acceleration is the
acceleration of a body in its
own instantaneous rest
frame; this is different from
coordinate acceleration,
which is acceleration in a
fixed coordinate system.
Gyroscope Sensor App
Gyroscope Sensor app helps to detect the tilt and orientation of the mobile
phone. Gyroscope Sensor app is useful for old smartphones which don’t have
a Gyroscope sensor.

An app such as GyroEmu an Xposed module makes use of accelerometer and

magnetometer present on the phone to simulate a Gyroscope Sensor.
Gyroscope Sensor is mostly used on the smartphone for playing high
technology AR games.
Application -Gyroscope

Gyroscope Sensors are used for versatile applications. Ring laser Gyros are used
in Aircraft and Source shuttles whereas Fiber optic Gyros are used in racecars and

Vibration Gyroscope sensors are used in the car navigation systems, Electronic
stability control systems of vehicles, motion sensing for mobile games,
camera-shake detection systems in digital cameras, radio-controlled helicopters,
Robotic systems, etc,

The main functions of the Gyroscope Sensor for all the applications are Angular
velocity sensing, angle sensing, and control mechanisms. Image blurring in
cameras can be compensated by using Gyroscope Sensor-based optical image
stabilization system.
Application- Accelerometer

➔ For inertial navigation systems, highly sensitive accelerometers are used.

➔ To display images in an upright position on screens of digital cameras.
➔ To detect and monitor vibrations in rotating machinery.
➔ To display images in an upright position on screens of digital cameras.
➔ For flight stabilization in drones.
➔ Accelerometers are used to sense orientation, coordinate acceleration,
vibration, shock.
➔ Used to detect the position of the device in laptops and mobiles.
➔ High-frequency recording of biaxial and triaxial acceleration in biological
applications for discrimination of behavioral patterns of animals.
➔ Machinery health monitoring.
➔ To detect faults in rotator machines.

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