Dental Traumatology - 2016 - Antic - Impact of The Lower Third Molar and Injury Mechanism On The Risk of Mandibular Angle

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16009657, 2016, 4, Downloaded from by Cochrane Mexico, Wiley Online Library on [03/11/2022].

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Dental Traumatology 2016; 32: 286–295; doi: 10.1111/edt.12259

Impact of the lower third molar and injury

mechanism on the risk of mandibular angle
and condylar fractures

Svetlana Antic1,2, Biljana Milicic3,4, Abstract – Background: Previous studies have shown the influence of the
Drago B. Jelovac5, Marija Djuric2 mandibular third molar on mandibular angle and condylar fractures, but
Center for Radiological Diagnostics, School of have not comparatively analyzed the impact of the injury mechanism on
Dentistry, University of Belgrade; 2Laboratory these fractures. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of
for Anthropology, School of Medicine, Institute the lower third molar (M3) and injury-related factors (fracture etiology
of Anatomy, University of Belgrade; and site of impact of the traumatic force) on the risk of mandibular angle
Department of Statistics, School of Dentistry, and condylar fractures. Material and methods: The study included 615
University of Belgrade; 4Department of patients who sustained a mandibular fracture in a 13-year period (from
Anesthesiology, Clinical Center of Serbia;
January 2000 to December 2013). The independent variables were pres-
Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery, School of
Dentistry, University of Belgrade, Belgrade,
ence, position and the root number of the M3, fracture etiology, and site
of impact of the force. The outcome variables were mandibular angle and
condylar fractures. Other variables included in the study were patients’
gender and age. The data were analyzed using the chi-square test. Univari-
ate and multivariate binary logistic regression analyses were used to evalu-
Key words: fracture; lower third molar; ate the relationship between angle and condylar fractures and to show
mandible potential determinants. Results: Angle fractures were significantly influ-
enced by the M3, site of impact, and age, but the main predictors were
Correspondence to: Marija Djuric, Laboratory
the eruption status and vertical position of the M3 (classified by Pell and
for Anthropology, Institute of Anatomy,
University of Belgrade – School of Medicine Gregory) and site of impact of the force. Condylar fractures were signifi-
Dr Subotica 4/2 11000 Belgrade, Serbia cantly influenced by the M3 and site of impact of the force, but only the
Tel./Fax: +381 11 2686 172 last showed as a predictor. Conclusions: Factors related to the M3
e-mail: showed more significant influence on angle fractures than on condylar
Accepted 8 December, 2015 fractures.

The mandible is frequently injured bone of the facial related to M3 with dominating traffic accident as etio-
skeleton, along with zygomatic and nasal bones. logical factor, where fractures probably occurred after
According to the literature, mandible fractures vary transmission of high amount of energy to the site of
from 15.5% to 59% of all facial fractures (1–5). Other impact. Still, it is not clear what is the relative contri-
epidemiological data, including the cause of injury, bution of force direction and its site of impact vs fac-
fracture type, gender, and age distribution, are not tors related to M3 on the angle fractures.
quite consistent and depend on characteristics of the To prevent angle fractures, some authors even sug-
population included in the study, comprising its envi- gested removal of the M3s, especially in persons
ronment, culture, and social and economic develop- involved in contact sports (7, 8). However, other stud-
ment. However, as leading causes of mandibular ies reported that the absence of M3 was related to
fractures, assaults and traffic accidents are mostly the increased risk of condylar fractures (15, 16), the
reported (6). treatment of which is a greater challenge. The impacts
There are various studies suggesting that mandibular of M3 presence, position, and eruption status on
third molar (M3) contributes to the weakness of the angle and condylar fractures were evaluated in
angle region of the mandible and increase the risk of various studies (16–18), but the results were quite
its fracture for even two to fourfolds (7–12). Bezerra inconsistent.
et al. (13). noticed that traumatic impacts of lower As an answer to controversial epidemiological data,
intensity (such as assaults and sport injuries) resulted we created a comprehensive epidemiological study with
in energy transmission along the lesioned body and the aim to evaluate the influences of the M3 and injury
were more frequently associated with mandibular angle factors such as fracture etiology and site of impact of
fractures, especially in cases with third molar. Support- the force on the mandibular angle and condylar frac-
ing this theory, the study of Ugboko et al. (14). tures. The aim was also to reveal potential predictors
demonstrated the low prevalence of angle fractures of these fractures.

286 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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Impact of lower third molar on the mandibular fractures 287

Materials and methods part of the crown is covered by the anterior border
of the ascending mandibular ramus, with discontinu-
Study design, sample, and variables ation of the external oblique line.
4 M3 completely impacted: M3 is completely occupied
This study followed the Declaration of Helsinki on by the surrounding bone and without discontinua-
medical protocol and ethics, and the regional Ethical tion of the external oblique line.
Committee on human research of the School of Den- In the analysis of the position of M3, Pell and Gre-
tistry, University of Belgrade approved the study. gory Classification (19) was used to define the vertical
A cohort study comprised 615 patients who pre- position (Class A, Class B, Class C) and horizontal
sented to the management of mandibular fracture to position (Class I, Class II, Class III) (Fig. 1).
the Clinique of Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Den- Angulation of M3 was defined by the angle of inter-
tistry, University of Belgrade, in the period from Jan- section between the long axis of the tooth and the
uary 1, 2000, to December 31, 2013. Patients under the mandibular occlusal plane (10) (Fig. 2) and was classi-
age of 15 years, with the fractures caused by gunshot fied according to Ma’aita & Alwrikat (20) as follows:
wounds, and with pathological fractures were excluded 1 Distoangular: more than 100°;
from the study. The collected data included patients’ 2 vertical: 80–100°;
gender, age, fracture type and pattern, and mechanism 3 mesioangular: 20–80°;
of injury. Patients were classified into three age groups: 4 horizontal: <20°.
15–25, 26–55, and over 55 years. The position of the M3 in relation to the inferior
The primary independent variables were the proper- border of the mandible was determined by comparing
ties of the M3 including the presence an eruption state, the shortest distance between the M3 and the inferior
vertical and horizontal positions – classified by Pell border to that of the adjacent second molar (Fig. 3).
and Gregory (19), angulation, relation to the inferior Two classes were defined as follows (21):
border of the mandible, and the number of roots, and 1 Class a – The shortest distance between the M3 and
the injury factors including fracture etiology and site of the inferior border is equal or longer than that of
impact of the traumatic force. The main outcome vari- the second molar,
ables were the frequencies of the mandibular angle and 2 Class b – The shortest distance between the M3 and
condylar fractures. the inferior border is shorter than that of the second
Data collection – M3 properties The number of visible dental roots was determined
Properties of the M3 were evaluated using panoramic on the panoramic radiographs and categorized as fol-
radiographs. lows:
Eruption status of the M3 was defined as follows: 1 tooth germ without formed roots,
1 M3 absent, 2 single (conical) root,
2 M3 completely erupted: The occlusal surface of M3 3 two or more roots.
is reaching the mandibular occlusal plane, and the
posterior part of the crown is not covered by the Data collection – mechanism of injury
anterior border of the ascending mandibular ramus.
3 M3 partially impacted: The occlusal surface of M3 is The data regarding mechanism of injury were obtained
below the mandibular occlusal plane or the posterior from medical history based on anamnesis and clinical



Fig. 1. Schematic presentation of the classification system given by Pell and Gregory. (a) Vertical position of the M3: Class A –
occlusal plane of the M3 is at the same level like occlusal plane of the adjacent second molar, Class B – occlusal plane of the M3
is between the occlusal plane of the second molar and its cement–enamel junction, Class C – occlusal plane of the M3 is below
the cement–enamel junction of the second molar. (b) Horizontal position of the M3: Class I – adequate space available for the
M3, between the anterior border of the ramus and the second molar, Class II– inadequate space available, Class III– M3 located
all or mostly within the ascending ramus.

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288 Antic et al.

6 and iatrogenic injury.

Site of the impact/direction of the traumatic force
was defined as follows:
1 A blow to the region of the symphysis – frontal
2 A blow to the lateral body or to the lateral angle
region of the mandible – lateral trauma (ipsilateral
and contralateral, depending on the site of fracture).
Fracture pattern was categorized as follows:
1 mono-fracture,
2 unilateral bi-fracture,
3 bilateral bi-fracture,
4 and multifracture.
Mandible angle and condylar fractures were deter-
mined in accordance with the definition given by Kelly
and Harrigan (22). Angle fracture was defined as a
fracture located posterior to the second molar that
extends from any point of the curve formed by the
junction of the body and ramus in the retromolar
region to any point of the curve formed by the inferior
Fig. 2. Angulation of the M3: defined by the angle of border of the body and posterior border of the ramus
intersection between the longitudinal axis of the tooth and of the mandible. Condylar fracture was defined as any
the mandibular occlusal plane, and classified as follows – fracture that runs from the sigmoid notch to the poste-
distoangular more than 100; vertical: 80–100; mesioangular: rior border of the ramus of the mandible.
20–80; horizontal: <20.

Data analysis

Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software

version 18.0 (Chicago, IL, USA). Descriptive data
were expressed as mean  SD for continuous mea-
sures, or percentage of a group for discrete measures.
The Kruskal–Wallis test was used to assess differences
in age (continuous data) between different fracture
etiologies. Categorical data were analyzed using the
chi-square test. Univariate and multivariate binary
logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate the
relationship between angle and condylar fracture and
potential determinants. Results are expressed as the
odds ratios (ORs) and their 95% confidence intervals
(CI). A P value <0.05 was required to reject the null

The study cohort of 615 patients obtained 1035
mandibular fractures and consisted of 527 (85.7%)
males and 88 (14.3%) females. Mean age of the
Fig. 3. Relation of the M3 to the inferior border of the patients at the time of injury was 33.67  14.94 years,
mandible: determined by comparing the shortest distance ranging from 15 to 85 years. Statistical post hoc analy-
between the lowest point of the M3 and the inferior border of sis showed that the most frequent etiology of fracture
the mandible (d’), compared to those of the adjacent 2nd was assault (339, 55.1%), while others showed the fol-
molar (d). lowing order: fall (145, 23.6%), traffic accident (85,
13.8%), sport accident (24, 3.9%), injury at work –
caused by a blow from working machine or tool (16,
examination. The fracture etiology was classified into 2.6%), and iatrogenic injury (6, 1.0%). Among males,
six categories: the most frequent fracture etiology was assault, and
1 assault, among females, it was fall (P < 0.01), Table 1. Average
2 fall, age of patients injured in the assault was
3 traffic accident, 31.53  13.05, in fall 37.67  17.31, in a traffic acci-
4 sport accident, dent 33.46  14.85, in sport accident 25.54  7.69, at
5 injury at work – caused by a blow from a working work 48.25  12.43, and with iatrogenic injury
machine or tool, 55.33  22.18.

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Impact of lower third molar on the mandibular fractures 289

Table 1. Frequencies of the angle and condylar fractures in males and females
Angle fracture
Patient gender Absent, N = 339 (%) Present, N = 276 (%) Risk Relative risk 95% confidence interval
Male 286 (54.3) 241 (45.7) 1.150 1
(N = 527)
Female 53 (60.2) 35 (39.8) 0.869 0.756 0.575–0.993
(N = 88)

Condylar fracture
Absent Present
N = 378 (%) N = 237 (%)

Male 325 (61.7) 202 (38.3) 0.964 1

(N = 527)
Female 53 (60.2) 35 (39.8) 1.037 1.076 0.756–1.322
(N = 88)

The most frequent type of fracture was bilateral bi- comparison with the other two groups. The relative
fracture (43.6%), followed by mono-fracture (41.5%). risk for sustaining an angle fracture is estimated to be
Multifractures (8.1%) and unilateral bi-fractures approximately 1.7 folds higher in the age group 15–
(6.8%) were less frequent, Table 2. Mono-fractures 25 years than in the other two groups (Table 2).
were the most frequently obtained in the assault and Of total 276 patients with angle fracture, 115 had
multifractures in the fall. The distribution of fractures isolated angle fracture, while 161 patients had an angle
by site, presented on Fig. 4, shows that the most fre- fracture associated with a fracture/fractures of other
quently fractured mandibular regions in the present mandibular region(s) – concomitant angle fractures.
study were the angle (27.7%) and the condyle (27.1%). Frequency of concomitant angle fractures showed the
highest association with the assault (28.6%), but with-
out significant difference when compared with other
Angle fractures
fracture etiologies. In all fracture etiologies, concomi-
A total of 276 patients sustained an angle fracture. The tant angle fractures were more frequent than isolated
frequency of angle fractures was higher in male angle fractures, with the exception of iatrogenic frac-
patients, but without statistical significance (Table 1). tures. Iatrogenic fractures were least represented (five
Statistical post hoc analysis showed that the frequency cases) and only as isolated fractures (Table 3).
of angle fractures was significantly more frequent in Of total 276 patients with diagnosed angle fracture,
the patient group aged between 15 and 25 years, in 11 had bilateral angle fracture, so total number of

Table 2. Frequency of mandibular angle and condylar fractures in different age periods
Angle fracture
Absent Present
Patients’ age N = 339 (%) N = 276 (%) Risk Relative risk 95% confidence interval
15–25 years 118 (46.6) 135 (53.4)* 1.370 1 1.152–1.629
(N = 253)
26–55 years 176 (60.1) 117 (39.9) 0.809 0.590 0.493–0.705
(N = 293)
Over 55 years 45 (65.2) 24 (34.8) 0.754 0.550 0.393–0.769
(N = 69)

Condylar fracture
Absent Present
N = 378 (%) N = 237 (%)

15–25 years 162 (64.0) 91 (36.0) 0.892 1

(N = 253)
26–55 years 173 (59.0) 120 (41.0) 1.127 1.263 1.034–1.542
(N = 293)
Over 55 years 43 (62.3) 26 (37.7) 0.975 1.093 0.793–1.507
(N = 69)
*P = 0.001 (Pearson chi-square).

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290 Antic et al.

Fig. 4. The distribution of mandibular

fractures by site.

angle fractures was 287 (106 angle mono-fractures and mandibular halves with M3. Groups of mandibular
181 angle fractures as a part of bi- and multifractures). halves with half-impacted and totally impacted M3
Table 4 presents the distribution of angle fractures in showed significantly higher frequency of angle fractures
relation to the site of impact of the traumatic force. than the group with erupted M3. However, the differ-
Angle mono-fractures showed the highest association ence between groups with half-impacted and totally
with the ipsilateral blow, and angle fractures in double impacted M3 was not significant. The highest risk of
and multifractures with the frontal blow directed to the sustaining an angle fracture is recorded in the group
symphyseal region. with partially impacted M3 (Table 5).
To evaluate the influence of the M3 properties on Comparing the groups with M3, significantly higher
the angle and condylar fractures, we analyzed 1230 frequency of angle fractures was recorded in the classes
mandibular halves of the total 615 patients (403 B (38.8%) and C (32.8%) of the vertical position than
mandibular halves without M3 and 827 with M3). in the Class A (22.6%), while the difference between
Frequency of mandibular angle fractures was signifi- Class B and Class C was not significant. In the classes
cantly lower in mandibular halves without M3 than in II and III of the horizontal position of the M3, the

Table 3. Frequency of the angle and condylar fractures in patients with different fracture etiology
Angle fracture Condylar fracture
Present as isolated fracture Present as concomitant fracture Present as isolated fracture Present as concomitant fracture
Facture etiology N = 115 (18.7%) N = 161 (26.8%) N = 56 (9.1%) N = 181 (29.4%)
Assault 73 (21.5) 97 (28.6) 25 (7.4) 97 (28.6)
Fall 18 (12.4) 37 (25.5) 21 (14.5)* 55 (37.9)*
Traffic accident 11 (12.9) 17 (20.0) 9 (10.6) 22 (25.9)
Sport accident 4 (16.7) 6 (25.0) 1 (4.2) 3 (12.5)
Iatrogenic injury 5 (83.3) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Work injury 4 (25.0) 4 (25.0) 0 (0) 4 (25.0)
*P < 0.05 (Pearson chi-square).

Table 4. Distribution of angle and condylar fractures, in relation to the site of impact of the traumatic force
Angle fractures Condylar fractures
Angle mono-fractures Concomitant angle fractures Condylar mono-fractures Concomitant condylar fractures
Site of impact of the traumatic force N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%)
Symphyseal region 14 (13.2) 67 (37.0) 16 (35.6) 130 (55.3)
Ipsilateral body/angle region 30 (28.3) 15 (8.3) 5 (11.1) 7 (3.0)
Contralateral body/angle ragion 7 (6.6) 38 (21.0) 2 (4.4) 40 (17.0)
Low reliability of the impact site 55 (51.9) 61 (33.7) 22 (48.9) 58 (24.7)
Total 106 (100) 181 (100) 45 (100) 235 (100)

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Impact of lower third molar on the mandibular fractures 291

frequency of angle fractures was equal (38.1%) and sig- Considering the position of the M3 relative to the
nificantly higher than in the Class I. Class B and Class inferior border of the mandible, significantly higher fre-
II showed the highest risks of sustaining an angle frac- quency of angle fractures was recorded in the Class b
ture (Table 6). than in the Class a. Relative risk of angle fracture is
According to the results of the statistical post hoc estimated to be approximately 2.6 folds higher in the
analysis, the frequency of angle fractures was signifi- Class b than in the Class a (Table 8).
cantly higher in cases with mesially angulated M3 than Statistical post hoc analysis showed significantly
in cases with other M3 positions (Table 7). higher frequency of angle fractures in the group with

Table 5. Frequency of the angle and condylar fractures in relation to the M3 presence and eruption status
Angle fracture
Absent Present
M3 Presence and eruption status N (%) N (%) Risk Relative risk 95% confidence interval
Absent, N = 403 344 (85.4) 59 (14.6) 0.531 1
Present, N = 827 599 (72.4) 228 (27.6)* 1.883 3.546 2.73–4.594
Erupted, N = 447 360 (80.5) 87 (19.5) 0.762 1.435 1.146–1.794
Partially impacted, N = 249 156 (62.7) 93 (37.3)* 1.889 3.557 2.889–4.362
Impacted, N = 131 83 (63.4) 48 (36.6)* 1.685 3.173 2.467–4.081

Condylar fracture
Absent Present
N (%) N (%)

Absent, N = 403 294 (73.0) 109 (27.0)† 1.308 1

Present, N = 827 656 (79.3) 171 (20.7) 0.764 0.584 0.474–0.719
Erupted, N = 447 338 (75.6) 109 (24.4)† 1.117 0.854 0.691–1.053
Partially impacted, N = 249 208 (83.5) 41 (16.5) 0.676 0.516 0.382–0.697
Impacted, N = 131 110 (84.0) 21 (16.0) 0.680 0.519 0.346–0.780
*P < 0.001 (Pearson chi-square).

P < 0.05 (Pearson chi-square).

Table 6. Frequency of angle and condylar fractures in relation to the vertical position and horizontal position of the M3
(classified by Pell and Gregory)
Angle fracture
Absent Present
N (%) N (%) Risk Relative risk 95% confidence interval
M3 vertical position
Class A 407 (77.4) 119 (22.6) 0.625 1
Class B 104 (61.2) 66 (38.8)* 1.575 2.52 1.998–3.174
Class C 88 (67.2) 43 (32.8)* 1.235 1.976 1.502–2.60
M3 horizontal position
Class I 393 (79.6) 101 (20.4) 0.536 1
Class II 180 (61.9) 111 (38.1)* 1.747 3.259 2.624–4.049
Class III 26 (61.9) 16 (38.1)* 1.411 2.632 1.759–3.934
Condylar fracture
Absent Present
N (%) N (%) Risk Relative risk 95% confidence interval

M3 vertical position
Class A 403 (76.6) 123 (23.4)† 1.466 1
Class B 144 (84.7) 26 (15.3) 0.693 0.473 0.323–0.692
Class C 109 (83.2) 22 (16.8) 0.784 0.534 0.356–0.803
M3 horizontal position
Class I 377 (76.3) 117 (23.7)† 1.543 1
Class II 243 (83.5) 48 (16.5) 0.719 0.465 0.345–0.629
Class III 36 (85.7) 6 (14.3) 0.680 0.441 0.207–0.936
*P < 0.001 (Pearson chi-square).

P < 0.05 Class A vs Class B; Class I vs Class II (Pearson chi-square).

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292 Antic et al.

one/fusioned-conical root M3 than in the other two ence in the condylar fracture frequency between males
groups (Table 9). and females (Table 1).
Univariate logistic regression revealed that the pres- Further analysis showed that the frequency of
ence, eruption status, vertical and horizontal position, condylar fractures was the highest in the group of
angulation, and number of roots of the M3 had a sig- patients aged between 26 and 55 years (41.0%), but
nificant influence on angle fractures, as well as patient without significant difference, when compared with the
age and site of impact of the traumatic force (all the other two groups (Table 2).
factors listed in Table 10). Fracture etiology did not Of total 237 patients with diagnosed condylar frac-
show a significant influence on angle fractures. ture, 56 had isolated condylar fracture and 181 patients
In multivariate regression model, only factors that had condylar fracture associated with a fracture/frac-
segregated as possible predictors of an angle fracture tures of other mandibular region(s) – concomitant
were M3 eruption status, M3 vertical position (Pell and condylar fractures. The frequencies of both isolated and
Gregory), and site of impact of the traumatic force concomitant condylar fractures were significantly higher
(Table 10). in the patient group injured by fall when compared with
groups with other fracture etiologies (Table 3).
Of total 237 patients with condylar fracture, 43
Condylar fractures
had bilateral condylar fracture, so the total number
Condylar fracture was diagnosed in 237 patients, 202 of condylar fractures was 280 (45 condylar mono-
males and 35 females. There was no significant differ- fractures and 235 condylar fractures as a part of

Table 7. Frequency of angle and condylar fractures in relation to the angulation of the M3
Angle fracture
Absent Present
M3 angulation N (%) N (%) Risk Relative risk 95% confidence interval
Vertical 398 (78.2) 111 (21.8) 0.593 1
Mesioangular 168 (61.8) 104 (38.2)* 1.711 2.885 0.637–3.583
Distoangular 7 (70.0) 3 (30.0) 1.089 1.836 0.708–4.764
Horizontal 26 (72.2) 10 (27.8) 1.008 1.670 0.991–2.911

Condylar fracture
Absent Present
N (%) N (%)

Vertical 393 (77.2) 116 (22.8) 1.318 1

Mesioangular 225 (82.7) 47 (17.3) 0.773 0.556 0.433–0.794
Distoangular 9 (90.0) 1 (10.0) 0.481 0.365 0.056–2.352
Horizontal 29 (80.6) 7 (19.4) 0.938 0.712 0.361–1.403
*P < 0.001 (Pearson chi-square).

Table 8. Frequency of angle and condylar fractures depending on the M3 position relative to the inferior border of the mandible
Angle fracture
Absent Present
M3 position relative to the inferior border of the mandible N (%) N (%) Risk Relative risk 95% confidence interval
Class a 521 (75.1) 173 (24.9) 0.621 1
Class b 73 (59.8) 49 (40.2)* 1.611 2.594 2.016–3.338
Could not be classified 349 (84.3) 65 (15.7)

Condylar fracture
Absent Present
N (%) N (%)

Class a 538 (77.5) 156 (22.5)† 1.959 1

Class b 108 (88.5) 14 (11.5) 0.511 0.260 0.156–0.434
Could not be classified 304 (73.4) 110 (26.6)
*P < 0.001 (Pearson chi-square).

P = 0.006 (Pearson chi-square).

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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Impact of lower third molar on the mandibular fractures 293

Table 9. Frequency of the angle and condylar fractures in relation to the root number of the M3
Angle fracture
Absent Present
M3 position M3-number of the roots N (%) N (%) Risk Relative risk 95% confidence interval
One/fusioned 97 (66.5) 51 (34.5)* 1.322 1
Two or more 489 (74.0) 172 (26.0) 0.771 0.583 0.454–0.748
Germ 13 (72.2) 5 (27.8) 1.008 0.762 0.358–1.618

Condylar fracture
Absent Present
N (%) N (%)

One/fusioned 119 (80.4) 29 (19.6) 0.937 1

Two or more 524 (79.3) 137 (20.7) 1.012 1.080 0.773–1.509
Germ 13 (72.2) 5 (27.8) 1.634 1.744 0.895–3.399
*P = 0.038 (Pearson chi-square).

Table 10. Risk factors in the angle and condylar fractures – between classes B and C. The highest risk of condylar
univariate and multivariate logistic regression fractures was recorded in the Class A.
Risk factors Angle fracture Condylar fracture The highest frequency of condylar fractures was
recorded in the Class I of the horizontal position (Pell
Patient age 0.755 – and Gregory). Statistical analysis showed that the fre-
Site of impact of the 0.0311 0.0201 quency of condylar fractures in the Class I was signifi-
traumatic force cantly higher than in the Class II, but without
M3 presence 0.731 0.524 significance when compared with the Class III. Also,
M3 eruption status 0.0041 0.364
M3 vertical position 0.0361 0.669 there was no significant difference between classes II
(Pell-Gregory) and III. The highest risk of condylar fractures was
M3 horizontal position 0.210 0.674 recorded in the Class I (Table 6).
(Pell-Gregory) Furthermore, the frequency of condylar fractures
M3 angulation 0.245 0.707 was the highest in the group with the vertical position
M3 position relative to the inferior 0.737 0.269 and the lowest in the group with the distoangular posi-
border of the mandible tion of M3. However, statistical post hoc analysis
M3 number of roots 0.117 0.765
showed no significant difference among groups with
Predictors – Multivariate logistic regression (P < 0.05).
1 different M3 angulation.
The highest risk of condylar fractures was associated
with the vertical position of M3 (Table 7).
double and multifractures). Table 4 shows the distri- Regarding the M3 position related to the inferior
bution of condylar fractures in relation to the site of border of the mandible, significantly higher frequency
impact of the traumatic force. Both types of condylar of condylar fractures was recorded in the Class a than
fractures (mono-fractures and condylar fractures in in the Class b. The risk of condylar fractures is esti-
double and multifractures) showed the highest associ- mated to be approximately fourfolds higher in the
ation with the frontal blow directed to the region of Class a than in the Class b (Table 8).
the symphysis. Regarding the number of roots, the group with
The frequency of condylar fractures was significantly tooth germ was associated with the highest frequency
higher in the group of mandibular halves without M3 of condylar fractures, but without significance when
than in the group with M3. Among mandibular halves compared with other groups (Table 9).
with M3, the group with erupted M3 showed signifi- Univariate logistic regression revealed a significant
cantly higher frequency of condylar fractures than the influence of the site of impact of the traumatic force
groups with partially and totally impacted M3. There and M3 properties (presence, eruption status, vertical
was no significant difference between the groups with and horizontal positions, angulation, and number of
partially an totally impacted M3. The highest risk of roots) on the condylar fractures (all the risk factors
condylar fractures was recorded in the group of numbered in Table 10). However, in a multivariate
mandibular halves without M3 (Table 5). regression model, only the site of impact of the trau-
Among mandibular halves with M3, the highest fre- matic force segregated as a possible predictor of condy-
quency of condylar fractures was recorded in the Class lar fractures (Table 10).
A of the vertical position (Pell and Gregory). Statistical
analysis showed that the frequency of condylar frac-
tures in the Class A was significantly higher than in the
Class B, but without significance when compared with The presence of the M3 is considered as a factor that
the Class C. Also, there was no significant difference increases the risk of fracture of the mandibular angle

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
16009657, 2016, 4, Downloaded from by Cochrane Mexico, Wiley Online Library on [03/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
294 Antic et al.

region (23). Furthermore, clinical data suggest that Univariate logistic regression revealed significant
eruption state and position of M3 also influence the association of the presence, eruption status, position
risk of angle fractures. An experimental study con- and number of roots of the M3, and the site of impact
ducted on monkey mandibles revealed that mandibles of the force with angle fractures. However, only site of
containing unerupted third molars fractured at about impact of the force, the eruption status, and vertical
60% of the force required to fracture mandibles with position of the M3 were segregated as predictors in a
erupted third molars (24). The theory postulated in the multivariate regression model. Thus, only these factors
mentioned study suggested that the bone space occu- could be directly liable for the angle fracture. The frac-
pied by tooth (M3) makes the angle region weaker and ture etiology did not show a significant impact on
prone to fracture, so deeper localization of the M3 angle fractures.
would increase the risk for angle fracture. In the stud- Previous studies have demonstrated that the presence
ies of Fuselier et al. (25). and Ma’aita & Alwrikat (20), of the M3 reduced the risk of condylar fractures (15–
deeply impacted M3 was suggested as the main factor 18, 21, 28), which is confirmed by the present study.
responsible for higher the risk of angle fractures. In We found the highest frequency of condylar fractures
contrast, Lee and Dodson (11) noted that completely when the M3 was absent, followed by the group with
impacted M3s did not increase the relative risk of angle the vertical position Class IA, which is contrary to the
fractures, compared to fully erupted M3s. Halmos study of Thangavelu et al. (16) but in agreement with
et al. (26). agreed but added that partially impacted the studies of Patil (18) and Naghipur et al. (28) In our
M3s might be the main contributors to angle fractures. study, the risk of sustaining a condylar fracture is esti-
Thangavelu et al. (16). also observed an association mated to be approximately 1.7 folds higher in cases
between higher incidence of angle fractures and par- without M3 than in cases with M3 and 4 folds higher
tially impacted M3s, specifically Class IIB and in the Class a than in the Class b.
mesioangular position. Recently, Naghipur et al. (27). Regarding the number of roots, the highest fre-
found the highest relative risk of angle fractures in the quency of condylar fractures was recorded in the cases
Class IIB, but statistical significance was not reached. with M3 tooth germs, without formed roots. The rea-
In addition, biomechanical study conducted by Mei- son is probably that more of the stress was conveyed
sami et al. (28). suggested that the continuity of the to the condylar region predisposing it to fracture, in
external oblique ridge was the main factor of resistance contrast to the increased risk of angle fractures in cases
of the angle region. This means that partially impacted with single conical roots.
M3 with disrupted integrity of oblique ridge, will con- Fracture of the condyle was mostly associated with
tribute to the increased angle fragility. fractures of other mandibular regions, within double and
In the present study, the greatest incidence of angle multifractures, and frontal blow directed to the symphy-
fractures was recorded in cases with partially impacted seal region. This could be expected, as the condylar frac-
M3 and Class B, with statistical significance, that sup- tures are usually caused by indirect trauma that affects
ports studies conducted by Thangavelu et al. (16). and other regions of the mandible, and the fracture often
Meisami et al. (28). Regarding the horizontal position, occurs at the point of impact, too. Direct condylar
we found the highest frequency of angle fractures in trauma is rare, because the condyle is usually protected
the Class II, followed by the Class III. However, by the zygomatic arch, muscles, and the structures of
according to our results of significantly higher angle temporomandibular joint. Factors related to the M3
fracture frequency in Class b, the shortened distance showed a significant influence on condylar fractures, but
between the M3 and inferior border of the mandible did not segregated as predictors, in contrast to the site of
also contributes to the angle fragility. The single coni- impact of the traumatic force. It seems that the injury
cal root of the M3 also showed significant association mechanism plays a more important role in condylar frac-
with angle fractures. The reason is probably in concen- ture development. In addition, condylar fractures mostly
trated stress around the single root apex that over- occur as a part of bi- and multifractures, and their devel-
comes the bone strength. Mono-fractures of the angle opment is characterized with a great complexity.
were highly associated with iatrogenic injury, followed
by assault and with a lateral blow directed to the ipsi-
lateral body or angle region, which suggests that they
are mostly caused by direct trauma. In contrast, angle The results of the present study demonstrated that M3
fractures as a part of bi- and multifractures were presence, position, eruption status, and root number
mostly caused by indirect trauma. influence the risk of mandibular angle and condylar
Age differences related to the bone quality might fractures. This influence is more pronounced on the
affect angle and condylar fractures, with an expectation risk of angle than on the risk of condylar fractures.
of greater frequency of these fractures in the older The main predictors of angle fractures were showed
patient groups. In the present study, the highest fre- to be lower third molar eruption status and vertical
quency of angular fractures found in the age group of position (Pell and Gregory), and the site of impact of
15–25 years could be explained by greater frequency of the traumatic force.
unerupted or partially erupted third molars in these The main predictor of condylar fractures were
patients. In addition, the lowest frequency of condylar showed to be the site of impact of the traumatic force.
fractures found in this age group is in agreement with Although factors related to the lower third molar
this assumption. showed an influence on the risk of condylar fractures,

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
16009657, 2016, 4, Downloaded from by Cochrane Mexico, Wiley Online Library on [03/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Impact of lower third molar on the mandibular fractures 295

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decrease the risk of condylar fracture? Int J Oral Maxillofac
sations that inappropriately influence (bias) his or her Surg 2008;37:25.
actions. There are no conflicts based on personal relation- 16. Thangavelu A, Yoganandha R, Vaidhyanathan A. Impact of
ships, academic competition, or intellectual passion. impacted mandibular third molars in mandibular angle and
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