Assessment 4.2 (Pred 153)

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Obera,Lesly Mae H.

Assessment no. 4.2

A. Create a poster slogan emphasizing the importance of inclusive education in the


B. Discuss the following questions comprehensively.

1. As a future teacher, how will you influence the class interactions considering
the students’ individual differences in terms of disabilities and giftedness?

We know that handling a class with individual differences (giftedness &

disabilities) is not an easy task. That is why, to get the attention of the students
to interact to the class is the most important thing a teacher can do. So, as a
future teacher, I will influence the class interactions considering the students’
individual differences in terms of disabilities and giftedness through
creating/employing varied interactive activities that require active participation of
students. From that, I can give my students equal opportunities to actively
participate in the class. Another way is by manifesting or demonstrating fairly
values in the classroom. As a future teacher, I will not exhibit/show biases based
on students’ performance. Also, I will not discourage/punish them whenever they
respond a wrong/incorrect answer. With these, we can interact and achieve a
harmonious relationship with one another.

2. What strategies will you use to maximize the benefits of diversity in the
There are several strategies that I could use to maximize the benefits of
diversity in the classroom. However, the strategies that I think suitable to handle
such learners are cooperative learning strategy and project-based learning
strategy. According to research, students learn more successfully when they
cooperate or when they are working together. That is why, I will use cooperative
learning strategy so that students can determine how they differ from one
another in a group. As a result, students understand why they differ from one
another and embrace their differences. Moreover, through this strategy, students
that are gifted can assist students who are struggling to learn. Another strategy
is projectbased learning strategy. This strategy encourages students to learn by
applying knowledge and skills through an engaging experience. Students are
involved in recognizing a real-world issue and engaging in hands-on learning to
find a certain solution. Furthermore, this strategy allows each student to learn in
a way that is relevant to their interests, abilities, and needs. As a result, project-
based learning strategy is an appropriate strategy for students of any race,
ethnicity, or religion. And lastly, this strategy is for any student who wants to
learn more about people and how to interact with them in meaningful ways.

3. What dispositions and traits will you need as a future teacher to meet the
needs of the learners?

As a future teacher, you need to have certain dispositions and traits in

order to meet the needs of the students. The following are some of the
dispositions and traits that I need to meet the needs of the students. First is, I
have to be patient. Working with students who have different personalities
and abilities can be difficult hence, I must be patient. A teacher's patience is
essential in assisting students overcome their difficulties. Second is, I have to
be dedicated. As a future teacher, I have to be dedicated to the profession I
have. Or I must have the passion to teach my students despite of their
differences. And I must give the best learning experience they deserve. Next
is, I have to be fair. As a future teacher, it is my job to treat my students
equally and fairly. Also, it is my role to strictly avoid favoritism in the
classroom. Another is, I have to be adaptable. Great teachers can
adjust/modify the teaching methods that are suitable to the students. As a
future teacher, I must have the willingness to always evaluate what is working
for my students, and adjust when needed. Hence, this trait is essential for
teachers who wish to help individual succeed in learning. And lastly, I have to
be flexible. Flexible in a way that, I can employ variety of teaching strategies
and methods that are useful in sustaining the needs of the students. Thus, a
teacher must possess a variety of good dispositions and traits in teaching
students with individual differences. This is to ensure that they will meet their
aims/goals and objectives.


Keep up the good work. Bravo!

Please share your memorable experience this week.

This week I have observed that teaching students with individual

differences is difficult as it requires patience, hardwork, and determination.
Also, I observed that it is more appropriate if the teacher employs a variety of
strategies to meet the needs of the students and to make the learning more
fun, engaging, and meaningful to students. Furthermore, this week I have
faced a lot of challenges, but I believe in myself, and I believe with my
capabilities to surpass these challenges. And I know that these challenges
are simply a test on how strong I am. Hence, I have to step up for my goals,
dreams and desires in life, because I believe that struggle is not a hindrance
to stop but a sign to keep going. That is why no matter what happen, I will
strive for my own success.

Paste a screenshot photo of evidence from your class observation

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