English Project Full Class 12

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TAMLUK HAMILTON HIGH SCHOOL NAME - PIUS BHATTACHARJEE SUBJECT : ENGLISH PROJECT WORK - FICTITIOUS INTERVIEW OF AN EMINENT PERSONALITY CLASS - XII STREAM - SCIENCE ROLL: 01 REG. NO. - 3221105466 SESSION - 2023-2024 CERTIFICATE Ths, ts bo comity HA Prag Bhattachooyce Bx whded of clogs XI of Tomduk How ten High Schok. Hts glk no % 1 ond registrekion Mo. 12 32205466 . He hed prepered Abts Pryek ewhitled —* Frekiroun Trlowiew of on Emivedk Ferrpenahity ,’ vee de my guidomce ond Bupowisin Py awarding markt fr bternak ATA mek on Pro yeck Wenk, %e be added wath Bre Wonks sbfained & En ghtsh (8) m& Bre HS Examination te be held mm 2024. a Spek | Teacher (Buyeck Gute) — ACKNOWLEDGEMENT T waoubd (ke fo express my grodaade a Ereryone ako hehped me Tr Completing Ris Proyeck . Frohermiite, J would abso ftke fe Mromk Tey Englis teacher Sit Porkagy Achorys whe helped me tm compl Ang Rasg pregect with. ts Vahuable guidance omd ideog . T would pike gite apeciok Bromls fo ™y porters omdl my Loviends become, without OX specish aaggenbing i son nek cong Complete Rtg proyeck. 05. 12. 2023 Ping Bhettochoryee Dode Signaboore uf fre thrdenk INDEX Sh. No “Topic Nome Page "O- 2 Role of the tablereview ox | ( 3 | Obyeckt | | 4G. | Limit obtowg \ S Ouktome of Phe Brozed? 2-9 Presert Value : io [Fibre Beosped of Me sou References | : Ml @? be dacHer OWhed & ow Tnheow?ed? Aa twherwier % 0 trnchured Conversortion belween foo people where one oaks queotion, and the offer presides omaworss « Bette Be twherwiea, Me twher- ~viewor mush Heseonch on Be tmtenviewee, D fhe tderviea Me trfervieaor must make te | tk est vPew ce Feck com Portable . Onky Hehevawk questions | Brod be osked by Phe Pberviewr fo the thowien Te reand fhe converdabion ond fe Soke Awops of the! iherviewee , Me mbearviewen murt Coot % good Pope Hecpdern oh Dicko phone hong wilt a comencr. | | OObycHres F One wath be able fo | Le expire mine abut She Perrone tify . | 2. gek ocquaintel with Re remalnble eeds | Bhaped Khe perbonalify . SB. Tenprtore our ok oF quertioning 4. feomn Be prrrcerg of arihtng down Be Berit Pa on afervied. O Limbekfons F We con omy Trekade algal ttcowk evens, om Nove fe exckude other Achoits . A Frckthtou, Meedin ath “TANSEN Viatton £ God manming Sta, T hove cme Brow Tombak fe hare a fea words 0th yor Tamper oe Grood ‘moneatng You obte monk welteme « Come Fr, pheose. Vinton 2 Tone Prag Tim o thadedt «f closs XI. Toonsen i Oh, you ote Bre ome who woke Paherview me ? Ping Yee, sen, well gon Kindly allow me fe Osh you from Abang on your hte onl | CHAI T have heard of yor ond | feork a bi Pom oy Pandy. Toten F \%, may ok me ong Hing yom Fike, wm boy Bik remembers T om nek a good Apeaker, Prag & Don't asoy abed fk Te re haa did your Twhererd ty muste ion? Tomten FJ ®S ban a fovvatly eid Forkenty My ether , Halomdon Misra , ines | O An gen « My vemRher Love prongs ond | MUR C vor mae ele ej ass ie only chats | @ @ Bl of my porede ond T ook corer Ser nee! Murte i frene iw my omk ex tefence. Pius i Hoo hacky yor ore LHe wore yor fr Childhood , AR? Tomien > Ho pat Tun a nen by . Offlen T Wold jon Adoy bo ploy te Re forex, Son T heosut fo imitate ported fre ols cE binds amb omtmaly, Pros t- How ded qn Poon fo muste Prom play fn he Foner ? 4 Oh, Mak & really iWhorefing | A ory treed | Once Soom? Hoside® wes Bia welling Korough | Be Foresk sift ni in ciples Tired fhe. gmp FMA Loan fo ref Ma on Mhady gtve.T Faw Roem . "i wi be fin t Baigtbes teed ale Konus h They were abron gery tn the | FnGh So T wed mya? belid o Mee onl) Mooned ike a figen, The Liftle grep of Proslters eofhered tn Poo bak Swarm? Hordes colled rem oadkion E Dent be otsroid,” he doid | Trg ons ore nef olwoyg omg croug Let og book tn Lhis One." | Seddewty one of MR men gam me, T os [Bren 0 Gblle boy biding belind o Bre. Tomsen = @° “There are wwe Figen, hore, mentor” he [BokS.* only Bley moughty boy.” ‘Soom? Heotdeg LL vol pomish me, Ite week fo my Piber ond soid “ Youn don bs Very naughly . Bul he 4 obs voy Pohevked, T Abra T con make Ik a geok singers’ Pos What 003 youn Arkon’ renckion, A? Toonten 5 Heading He coords oct Sumi Hoaides vm Pithor become puzzled He did wok know whelbearr fo be ony oA plenrd with me, He, th te Prrente of Swarm Horides, Beokded me Sp wh JT hal done. But he Woh equally Bebigltek oF my gio Himaslt Lepr Le desire Bo make me % qed Afngen , Fibber ollewed me fo be WSs Disciple . Prag TAR whed age did von aboot heomtn muzik ond how 4 Ld you Leon under your gue? Tomsen $ J wo, then fen yey ofl. T wed ausa, WAL Sram? Hondas J Bud wilt me ton eleven yee Leaming music ond (Became % Ringer. By a, Hone roy pared | Nod deed. wo © Prus What did you do en ? Tomaen Hy todthen’s Aung wh wa Hrd 1 Brod vith Molarmad Ghoos Grwehin Mohammad Ghoaw War % eof. mon. MY Thor hat Lng been Beveled to Win ond offen vigthe Wim, While Living Gabor wilh Mohammad Ghous , I 003 oflen faken fo Phe couch of Row? Mog waint « She Was, grok rmusic? on. Pros to Dead por rect your the ot hor cook 7 Toomhen Yen J mck modok Hastoint fhere.T mmordiich hers She abso became Swoomi Hosidos' 4 dig ciple. © Wht bok your children 7 | a | “Tewten > We hove Bre clildsten whe Me oll vey musical. Prax By Rhos frre, of Wtslory dels us, you | became deny tomes. How Zh you come | In Cowkook with Ak bo 2 | TTomhen 5 When T become other well knoin og om atvger, T gto chonte & Bog be Pome Emperor Akben » He ®% a0 Pmpressed fhe he insisted Mt T Blrould jpn fis cour. | Pros w @ | Pras eT When did yew Join Akbon'S coud. Tormten FT wenk fo Akbon's cosad in 1556. Phas jw det Be Emperen Lak upon yor? erry i qed taveunr J enjoyed | Seow jaca grok Ravowrtle of the | Emperon LHe Word cok upon me Ag jak ony Rime of Le ey ox wight . Quite (en, We told gr ath fils my heute [het me prackise. Hove Bd fre ofhen couse tery Look upon you? Toon ten Toifinlly T go 0 worm reception Bm Fatt fhe covsbiers They were, vow cordiok, BA when T become he What wa far plo 2 TTowfen F One of “fhe covorlferg Shanked Mom, had ho bright thea He roth te WR Flow Pras + | @ o [Cousshiong “Let ug mole lain Airy | Rog Dee pak. ” Pid How would flak help Ahem 2 Want you Vindly explats 2 Tomson > TP Roan Deepak ig preporty song u makes Pre ain to hod fut He Atagen B burwk f ashy. So Soukal Mian, ACCOM Pomied by We fellow comrbiens, Werk oh Akbar ond rath," We dont £sak Tomgen a fred Hinger . Lek wh heh bet, Tel latin te at Raga Dee pok, mg tot the grenkak Ringer Com log poreperdy .* Pins % What wWo§ Khe timpoun’s tmmediiate reackton 2 | | Emperor Akbar ag fo prond of me fre | i readily Sook op Bhe challenge Boyivng . | “OF courme he On Aing TA Torben, Con | sing omy Kasag =” Prod Wek saee your Feelings fren 7 Tomren = J wg otnatd but cod of diobey My empown I faid “Very welt, wy Lond, bud give me dime to pre pore my Ack?” Prug t What hid pon do 2 | @ FTomen 2D werk heme. T had never been mire down cork oh umber ppy « T sath te ™y ore , “T com arg He Raga, but Me ek ti of 2 GAR ark ody Se Be Romp he w 3 ae ahigld . will ake buon me fe ashes - “Then Thad om tea. T kk my vite, T? fomene fings Rago Medrormalhor ok Fome Hime, and Ring properly wail boring rain. Perhaps ar daughter , a f Scrostuacdt, and Wr Btenk, Rapaved contd do fs Peas Fe ere! yew Rist: te Preakity 9 Tomsen Ye J foughk Be fro giv fo Atay Ragan Me ghomalten . They prackired doy ond | wight in foo weelk. T soit # ~Phom, "Ya rnwsh vot RW fhe Sovrnps shook browning , ond fen yor Bho Singing .” | Prog F Whek ocknally Lo ppened oo Khe oppsinfed doy 2 Toman Om the oppettel doy, the whol fon | Bern bhed ko heon me atng Raga Deepak.) When I began ging, fhe ath become | Wodvm . Soon, peophe ho Be auddente Were! : | Ty perbpirobion The Reaves on Are Drees dovieh ve ond felk on the gwd « Aa the smusic continued , binds Pell dead becouse | Oo ® [ee Be Week ond He andor im dhe rived | Begom fo beth. People cried ovk ir terror 98 omnes shof up ok of nowhere ond Lifed He fompt. Ard of once Sorat ond. Ruspay af began *b Ping Raga Negrsoelt “AH. The sky clorded over omd Pre Hair Come down, T wy Roved, But T become very 7 ee Pras fhe did fre Empers Alebor di then 2 Tomien + Akbon wos, really von Aoiiny Rok be hod comted ane R marc uttering . He Ponished my enemies . When T gok well, Bre emdine ct He yotced Phu -Todk s003 fod Rdorerting « T ken my Fellow Pudewts will Love heoduting Botemn Ger other gud a hong Rte . Thome you vos mach. alee nen F Welcome , my fon. Com clusion Orered Vole 5 i The pnoyed We word ok 08 Comphated oiltin acted fine Limi - Ot ¥ demands mane Bine , alfention ond CHlonk fo washed moe, Taker orting onk axppecting « . Athen fhe completion of the preyed, we Vove Aeorwst * Dhow fo Rrong Pogven Ibfo gta platcal an Pon rnchion iho OM Prbenviewd . Ihew fo make om towed tnhororting ond Helevork, TT) how to uke Aohogne shor ex phosuing on eminedt Portonchity ) how enipy group monk. YD) Won te Aevehop communi caiic shit. Vi) Vow fo aehect fhe fmportlont eves ond oPPtang | Bhem Pr chrone Logieok onder. VEY boa fo tn compenake clements of sheny tro og PeRihiou, wwhenvied. vit) how fo oh game om eakerview . *) hoo te fotome qrerting fo eltctl proper ret psc, x) how fo re pork a Fikifions frtervies of on ert werk Porto nality . @* fae ee Me pregek con be hel phd An other in He Flhoaing Days | DH wil perve of om inlcrerbtng bidgtephy FP Torte TH wil Reorwe 8 am sereiph br domahiz ction. TT will peach Lestons ont develop Le shill mm Oe coming Khe oddg of Be. “it WU ReHe OF A rend made yn akorviock for Berking on Tanken, Tk welt fmpork values required fon proper development. Vi) will enable ob fo fohe up omy andy preyecks mm Pdure. vit) Th wih en Courage > fo Krink i Me fonguage . @ Reterengy ¢ | + Bouton, Martyonte 1 The Anohomy of Drama. Indian Re pout , Kokyomi PubReghoy , 1986, ° Horm by LAS... OF Advanced Leadmnen’s DiAfonony Etgtth Edixion , OUP , 2o(0, . Nagonekhon , Ramanutom ' Preyeck work ty Promote Enghsh Low guage Learning , Radsh Coumeih 2011,

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