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Structure and hydrogen ordering in ices VI, VII, and VIII by neutron powder diffraction

W. F. Kuhs, J. L. Finney, C. Vettier, and D. V. Bliss

Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 81, 3612 (1984); doi: 10.1063/1.448109
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Structure and hydrogen ordering in ices VI, VII, and VIII by
neutron powder diffraction
w. F. Kuhs
Institut Laue-Langevin I56X; 38042 Grenoble, France
J. L. Finney
Department of Crystallography, Birkbeck College, University ofLondon, Malet Street, London WCI E7HX;
C. Vettier
Institut Laue-Langevin, I56X; 38042 Grenoble, France
D. V. Bliss
Department of Crystallography, Birkbeck Col/ege, University ofLondon, Malet Street, London WCI E7HX;

(Received 1 March 1984; accepted 15 June 1984)

The structures of deuterated ices VI, VII, and VIII have been studied under their conditions of
stability by neutron powder diffraction. The mode of ordering of (tetragonal) ice VIII is clearly
established, and no evidence is found of partial ordering as the temperature is raised. Ice VII is
accurately cubic with D 20 molecules disordered around their center of mass; there is no evidence
of partial ordering at any temperature. The water molecule geometry is normal in both phases,
and the hydrogen-bonded first neighbor in ice VIII is confirmed to be more distant than the first
nonbonded neighbor. The transition temperature between the two phases occurs at 263 ± 2 K,
some 11 K lower than expected. Hydrogen bond lengths in both phases are equal at the transition.
Although the ice VI data are not as good, we can see no evidence of the antiferroelectric ordering
proposed by Kamb from work on recovered samples. Our results are consistent with
thermodynamic measurements indicating disorder in ice VI at 193 K. We conclude that the
orientational ordering behavior of these high pressure ices is simpler than thought previously. For
our ice VI results to be consistent with those of Kamb, his antiferroelectric ordering must be an
artifact of the recovery process, thus throwing doubt on the validity of structural ordering data
obtained on samples recovered to ambient pressure.

recovery, and that these might be responsible for some of the

I. INTRODUCTION apparent discrepancies between crystallographic and other
The ice phase diagram is extremely rich, due partly to results.
the structural versatility inherent in the tetrahedral hydro- Thermodynamic and dielectric studies cannot distin-
gen-bonding possibilities of the water molecule and partly to guish, however, between long and short range order. In con-
the possibilities of proton ordering. Several phases-espe- trast, the variety of available crystallographic techniques can
cially the high pressure ones-have been used to explore de- make this distinction. These uncertainties and apparent dis-
tails of the water-water interaction.! Recently, the cell vol- crepancies can therefore in principle be resolved by neutron
umes, cia ratios, and proton orderings have been used to test crystallography of both the phases under conditions of sta-
model water-water potential functions that are extensively bility and upon recovery. The recent development of high
used in computer simulation of the pure liquid and more pressure cells for neutron workS allows powder measure-
complex aqueous solutions. Z-4 ments to be taken throughout the whole of the ice phase
Many uncertainties remain, however, concerning the diagram up to pressures of about 3 GPa, and down to liquid
details of the structures of several of these phases. This is helium temperatures. We present here the results of high
especially so for the highest pressure phases, where implica- pressure powder measurements on the three (DzO) ice
tions concerning proton ordering from dielectric and ther- phases that have interpenetrating sublattices (ices VI, VII,
modynamic measurements are sometimes in conflict with and VIII). For all three phases, there are uncertainties and
the limited crystallographic data available (see Sec. II). apparent discrepancies concerning the nature and extent of
Moreover, much of this crystallographic data were collected hydrogen ordering as indicated by published crystallogra-
on samples quenched under pressure to liquid nitrogen tem- phic, dielectric, and thermodynamic measurements.
peratures, and then recovered to ambient pressure, rather In particular, we present details of the structure of ice
than on samples within the stability ranges of the respective VIII and its proton ordering scheme under conditions of
phases. Although it appears to be generally assumed that stability. For ice VII, we have determined the main struc-
such recovered samples are structurally similar to the origi- tural features, and we are able to put very strict limits on the
nal "stable" phases, the possibility remains that structural possible degree of tetragonal distortion implied by dielectric
changes (especially of the hydrogen ordering) may occur on and thermodynamic results. Technical difficulties encoun-

3612 J. Chem. Phys. 81 (8), 15 October 1984 0021-9606/84/203612-12$02.10 @ 1984 American Institute of Physics

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Kuhs et a/. : Structure of ices VI, VII, and VIII 3613

tered with the ice VI experiment means our conclusions on ordering scheme is correct. As some models of the water
this phase are less definite. The cell dimensions at three wide- molecule potential function predict an antiferroelectric or-
ly separated temperatures have been determined, and no evi- dering to be the stable phase, while others favor ferroelectric
dence can be found for any deuteron ordering at any tem- scheme, it seems important to clarify this uncertainty.
perature, either in the strong low angle lines or in the The thermodynamic and dielectric evidence for hydro-
appearance of weaker lines forbidden by the disordered gen ordering in ice VIII is strong. 9,17 However, similar data
structure. No structural transition to ice II, IX, or VIII oc- suggests the disorder in ice VII may be incomplete,16.18 and
curs at low temperature, as would be expected from the posi- also that a slight progressive orientational disorder occurs in
tions of the extrapolated phase boundary lines of the current- ice VIII as the temperature is raised. 16 Quantitatively, the
ly accepted phase diagram, although in the light of measured entropy change across the ices VIII-VII transition is only
relaxation times6 our ice VI at 8 K could be in a metastable 80% of that expected for a complete order-disorder transi-
state. tion. 16 Comparison with the ice III_IX transition suggest a
degree of partial order which is not small (e.g., hydrogen
occupancies shifting from! to about ll. 16 For any long range
order a distortion of the ideal cubic lattice would be expect-
ed,16 which should be detectable in a crystallographic high
A. Ices VII and VIII resolution experiment. If the disorder is manifest only in
There is a general acceptance that both these structures short range correlations of reorienting molecules, the cubic
consist of two interpenetrating, but not interconnecting, cu- lattice will not be distorted.
bic (or near-cubic) ice Ic sublattices. 7- 11 Thermodynamic The temperature of the ices VIII-VII transition is ap-
and dielectric measurements imply that ice VIII is proton proximately constant over a wide pressure range. For D 20
ordered. 8,9,17 There is little direct published crystallographic ice, a transition temperature of - 2.8 ·C was determined by
evidence for this, or for complete proton disorder in the high Pistorius et al., 19 although Johari et al. 16 argue for a correct-
ed value of + 1.1 ·C.
temperature ice VII phase.
Kamb and Davis took x-ray powder data at 223 K and
2.5 GPa. 12 Although this was originally published as the
structure of ice VII, the conditions of measurement are well B.lce VI
within the region of stability of ice VIII, and it must be pre-
sumed that the resulting bec structure (a = 3.30 ± 0.01 A) The oxygen framework of this interpenetrating struc-
deduced from the seven observed lines refers to ice VIII; a ture was determined by Kamb20 from powder and single
lack of resolution probably prevented the detection of the crystal data on samples recovered to ambient pressure and
tetragonal splitting. Their results were in agreement with 98 K. A space group of P42/nmc was assigned, with cell
those of Bertie et al. 21 on samples recovered to ambient pres- dimensions under the conditions of measurement of
sure at presumably liquid nitrogen temperature, and with a = 6.27, c = 5.79 A. These results were argued consistent
the limited single crystal x-ray data of Weir et al., 14 although with those of Bertie, Calvert, and Whalley13·21 (again on re-
the lattice constant clearly varied with the conditions of ob- covered samples), and the limited single crystal measure-
servation. A recent high pressure x-ray experiment by Wal- ments under pressure of Weir et al. 14.22 The latter assigned
rafen et al. 15 confirmed the cubic symmetry of ice VII, and an orthorhombic space group, but the limitations of the ex-
gave the lattice constant at room temperature as a function perimental data led Kamb 20 to argue their results were com-
of pressure up to 36 GPa. patible with his data.
Apart from the abovementioned low resolution powder Although Kamb 20 noted a weak intensity for the forbid-
measurements of Kamb and Davis, 12 there are no published den 001 reflection, there is no strong evidence for hydrogen
crystallographic data on ice VIII. Most of what is known of ordering from his x-ray data. Later, so far unpUblished, neu-
this structure comes from unpublished work of Kamb et al. tron data-again on recoverd samples (at 100 K)-quoted in
quoted in several papers. Johari, Lavergne, and Whalley16 Kamb 7 claims "strong effects" were observed that were con-
quote x-ray work of Kamb in which the pattern was domi- sistent with an antiferroelectric orientational ordering. Al-
nated by a bee structure, with only weak features to suggest a though the unit cell dimensions were not changed, a space
tetragonal structure. Neutron work of Kamb and Prakash group of Pmmn was inferred from the symmetry degrada-
quoted by Hobbs,8 on (presumably recovered) samples at 108 tion indicated by the neutron intensities. Kamb assigns this
K suggests a tetragonal distortion of the cubic ice VII struc- partially ordered phase VI'.
ture, a distortion consistent with the suspected hydrogen or- Again, there are somewhat different indications from
dering. Their work on (presumably recovered) samples at dielectric measurements made on samples under pressure
108 K suggests a tetragonal distortion of the cubic ice VII under conditions ofstability ofice VI. 18 From these measure-
structure, which the earlier x-ray powder work 12 did not ments, Johari and Whalley argue the following 6.23 :
detect. Such a distortion is consistent with the suspected pro- (a) Ice VI is partially ordered throughout its stability
ton ordering. The nature of this ordering seems to be as- range. If it is a long range order, it would be inconsistent with
sumed to be antiferroelectric, although at least one other the assigned space group P42 /nmc. We note that this space
ferroelectric ordering scheme is possible with the same unit group has not so far been demonstrated to be the correct one
cell. 3 We can find no experimental evidence to clarify which under conditions of stability. However, if the partial order is

J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 81, No.8, 15 October 1984

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3614 Kuhs et al. : Structure of ices VI, VII, and VIII

a short range correlation of reorienting water molecules, it height X 4 mm diameter) and pressed down in the can tightly
would not show up in a decrease of symmetry in our data. to obtain as large a sample as possible. This procedure was
(b) As temperature is reduced, aferroelectric ordering repeated until the can was full, after which it was closed with
occurs. This is apparently in contradiction with the above- a close-fitting aluminium cap.
mentioned crystallographic indications of an antiferroelec- Meanwhile the pressure cell of the clamped typeS was
tric ordering. As the latter was proposed on the basis of data cooled in liquid nitrogen, from which it was removed brieft.y
collected from recovered samples. a further transition to allow the placing of the sample in alumina cell within the
between 128 K and 9 kbar, and 119 K and ambient pressure vessel. A pressure of 0.5-0.6 GPa was applied immediately
is necessary if both interpretations are to be reconciled. by bolting down the top of the cell after which it was reim-
(c) An unknown, slow, reversible transition occurs at mersed in liquid nitrogen and transferred to a hydraulic
about 1 GPa and 125 K. lohari and Whalley23 have suggest- press for loading. Loading was performed slowly, car being
ed a new ice phase is being formed, though no crystallogra- taken to reload after any slow relaxation had taken place. A
phic data exist in this region of the phase diagram. dramatic explosive drop in pressure occurred during load-
Finally, calorimetric data on the VI-VIII and VI ing, presumably related to the large volume change expected
-VII transitions imply,8 assuming VIII is fully orientation- on the formation of ice VI, the first high density phase that
ally ordered and VII is disordered, that VI is (within the would be encountered during loading. The nominal loaded
limits of the ice rules) fully disordered at this temperature. pressure was checked at the completion of the diffraction
However the small slope of the VI~VII boundary16 is not experiments.
quite consistent with this conclusion, and it is in conft.ict with Two separate experiments, one for ices VII and VIII,
the dielectric indications above, and also with the neutron the second for ice VI, were performed with two different
data of Kamb, the latter again being for recovered samples. samples on two different occasions.
The pressure cell was loaded in a standard cryostat suit-
C.Summary able for use with the cell.
Thus there are ambiguities and uncertainties concern- B. Data collection
ing these three ice phases which can in principle be clarified Data was collected on the DIA high resolution powder
by neutron scattering measurements on samples under con- diffractometer at the Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble. 24
ditions of stability. We concentrate in what follows on the Wavelengths were calibrated using an alumina powder, and
hydrogen ordering in the three phases as indicated by high the degree of preferred orientation of the samples monitored
resolution neutron measurements on the D 20 ices. Al- by measuring several of the strongest peaks as a function of
though our results are in some ways only preliminary, we the omega angle. Dummy measurements of a separate alu-
shall conclude that the ordering situation seems simpler than mina cell were made (outside the pressure cell and cryostat at
thought to be in the (admittedly rather confused) literature. room temperature) at all wavelengths used to assist in the
Apparent lack of changes in relative intensities as the tem- identification of sample peaks from the rather complex alu-
perature of ice VI changes do not lend support for Whalley'S mina pattern.
postulated gradual deuteron ordering to be oflong range,6.23 The temperature was controlled by He gas ft.ow and
and suggest that ice VI at all temperatures is disordred, in monitored by a Si diode mounted directly on the pressure
agreement with thermodynamic data. 8 This result raises cell approximately 11 cm from the sample. Due to the rela-
queries concerning structural data obtained from samples tively large mass of the pressure cell (-4.5 kg) thermal equi-
recovered to ambient pressure. Although times allowed for librium was reached slowly, typically within 3 or 4 h. The
relaxation at lower temperatures are probably too restricted final temperature gradient between the sample and the sen-
to allow a definitive statement on the matter, we see no struc- sor position was measured with a dummy device to be
tural indications of the start of a transformation to the new smaller than 2 K.
phase suggested by Whalley et al. 23 There exist however fer- For ice VIII, data were taken at 2.4 ± 0.1 GPa and
roelectric ordering schemes within a bigger tetragonal unit 10 ± 1 K at 1.390(2) A, and continuous scans taken as the
cell which would cause only little intensity changes on order- temperature was raised slowly (0.5 kmin-I) up to the VIII
ing. If there should be any (partial) ordering, we would ex- -VII transition. The temperature was stabilized at the tran-
pect this to take place in a ferroelectric manner. sition for several hours, and several scans made at 2.988(2)
A. The ice VII data was taken without cryostat at 2.4 ± 0.1
GPa and 295 ± 2 K, again at 1.390(2) A. Data sets for both
A. Sample preparation and loading phases were also collected at 2.988(2) A. The high wave-
As automatic sample rotation was not possible within length data were used to establish the unit cell parameters
the cryostat, it was essential to prepare a. fine powder. Con- accurately, and, in the case of ice VII, to check for any split-
sidering the ice phase diagram, the pressure cell had to be ting of the 110 (cubic) which would indicate a tetragonal
loaded at low temperature (:S - 20°C) to prevent the possi- structure resulting from orientational ordering.
bility of melting occurring. Accordingly, high purity The 1.909 A scans facilitated better separation of the
(99.85%) D 20 was placed in a mortar in a glove bag, liquid 112 and 200 (tetragonal) ice VIII peaks for intensity extrac-
nitrogen added, and the resulting ice powdered finely with a tion. Figure 1 shows the scans of the ice VII and VIII sam-
pestle. This was then transferred with a cooled spatula to a ples at 295 and 10 K, respectively, for a wavelength of
liquid nitrogen cooled aluminium can (dimensions 13 mm 1.390(2) A.

J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 81, No.8, 15 October 1984

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Kuhs 6t at : Structure of ices VI, VII, and VIII 3615




o FIG. 1. (a) Neutron dift'raction

o 25 50 ,5 100 125 150
pattern for ice VIII at 10 K and
2.4 GPa. The sample peaks are
shown in black and their Miller
indices hkl are given. Note the
considerable scattering from
the Al20 3 pressure cell. (b)Sim-
ilarly the neutron diffraction
pattern for ice VII at 295 K and
Z 2.4 GPa.




o 25 50 75 100 125 150

In the ice VI experiment, data were collected at the

same three wavelengths, initially at 1.1 ± 0.1 GPa and IV. DATA TREATMENT
225 ± 2 K. This temperature is well within the stability In all cases, the 2.988 Adata were used to determine the
range of this phase, and one at which deuteron ordering is lattice parameters and the 2 () offset by least squares fitting.
expected to be relatively small, if any exists at all. To look for Integrated intensities were obtained by least squares fitting
possible hydrogen ordering, the temperature was lowered to of Gaussian (or Lorentzian) curves to the measured profile.
125 ± 1 K and scans taken at 2.988(2) A. The average cool- The procedure allows for up to five overlapping peaks, and
ing rate of 0.4 kmin - J was sufficiently slow to prevent gives also the error of the fit parameters (position, height,
quenching, according to the dielectric relaxation time mea- width, slope, and height of background). For overlapping
surements of Whalley et al. 6 A final 2.988 A data set was peaks (including overlap with background alumina lines),
taken at 8 ± 1 K after cooling at an average rate of 0.5 the peak positions (known from the previous lattice param-
kmin-t. eter and offset refinement) and the widths (obtained from

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 81, No.8, 15 October 1984

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3616 Kuhs et al. : Structure of ices VI, VII, and VIII

calibration curves derived from single peaks) were fixed. The

intensities so obtained were then corrected for Lorentz ef-
pdj(u) = pdj(u)Oaussian .[1 + -br.H
fects and where necessary for multiplicity.
An independent set of intensities for the nonoverlap- (2)
ping peaks of the ice VII and VIII data were obtained by
numerical integration using Simpson's rule. These agreed whereH3 (u), H4(U) are Hermite polynomials of order 3 and 4,
within 1-2 standard errors with the more sophisticated pro- respectively.
file fitting, and are not discussed further. The second approach is especially well suited for orien-
Crystallographic least squares refinements were per- tationally disordered structures. One starts with a complete-
formed using the extracted intensities. Initial refinements ly disordered situation (i.e., homogeneous distributions on
were done using the PROMETHUS system 25 at the ILL and spherical surfaces) and introduces modulations of this distri-
the SHELXTL system26 at the SERC Daresbury Laborato- bution by inclusion of symmetry adapted surface harmon-
ry. Within estimated errors, the two sets of results were con- ics. 28 The corresponding structure factor expression is given
sistent, and only the more extensive calculations using PRO- as
METHEUS are discussed further. The highly disordered F(Q) = "iJj.exp(iroQ)·exp[ - Wj(Q)].F?t(Q) (3)
structure of ice VII was difficult to describe within the limit
of the harmonic approximation for thermal motions. Higher with the rotational structure factor F?t(Q) given as
order thermal parameters were refined in an attempt to mod- F?t(Q) = 41TiJ/(Q,p)Clm kim (I1Q)' (4)
el the atomic probability density distributions. Two different
wherejIlQp) are the spherical Bessel functions with argu-
approaches were found to be useful in this case.
ment Qp' p is the radius of the shell (i.e., the distance from
In the first the harmonic structure factor expression is
the center of mass), Clm are expansion coefficients of the
expanded to include higher order thermal tensors in a so-
symmetry adapted surface harmonics Kim and 11 Q denotes
called quasimomentum expansion. 27
the polar angle of the scattering vector Q. The expansion
coefficients Clm are adjusted in a least squares refinement.
F(Q) = "iJj exp(ixjQ).exp[ - Wj(Q)] The corresponding probability density function is readily
calculated according to
pdj(r) =I IClm(r).Klm(l1r)' (5)
Wj(Q) is the harmonic temperature factor, Q the scattering I m

vector,jj the neutron scattering length of atomj, and rj' 8j I1r denotes the polar angle of positional vector r. In its sim-
are the anharmonic thermal tensors of order 3 and 4, respec- plest form this approach does not contain any coupling
tively. The components of these tensors are adjustable in a between rotations and translations of the molecule. Trying
least-squares program like PROMETHEUS. 25 Using these to refine more sophisticated models including correlations
refined parameters the atomic probability density distribu- between orientation and position of the molecule 29 would
tion might be calculated according to certainly mean overestimating the quality of the available

TABLE I. Lattice parameters and densities of ices VIII, VII, and VI. a

p(mgmm- 3 )b

T(K) alA) cia 0 20 H2O

Ice VIII 10(1) 4.656(1) 6.775(1) 1.4551(5) 1.810 1.628

Liq. N/ 4.80 6.99 1.456 1.66 1.49
263(2) 4.669(3) 6.810(4) 1.4586(20) 1.791 1.611
Ice VII 263(2) 3.337(2) 1.789 1.609
295(2) 3.344(2) 1.778 1.599
Liq. N 2d 3.41 1.68 1.51
Ice VI 8(1) 6.166(1) 5.689(1) 0.9226 1.535 1.381
98< 6.27 5.79 0.923 1.46 1.31
125(2) 6.170(1) 6.691(1) 0.9224 1.533 1.379
225(2) 6.1812(5) 5.6980(4) 0.9218 1.526 1.373

a Lattice parameters are obtained by least squares fitting of selected, well resolved reflections. Errors are given
in brackets.
bThe densities calculated from our 0 20 data and the densities given or calculated from the literature are
renorma1ized for H 20 and 0 20, respectively, under the assumption of identical lattice constants for H 20 and
0 20 ices.
C From unpUblished work by Kamb and Prakash cited in Ref. 8.

dQuenched (pseudocubic) ice VII at ambient pressure (Ref. 12).

< Quenched samples (Ref. 20).

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 81, No.8, 15 October 1984

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Kuhs sf al. : Structure of ices VI, VII, and VIII 3617

TABLE II. Positional and thermal parameters ofice VIII at 10 K and 2.4 GPa (space group I 4[ lamd; origin at

Coordinates (Equiv.) Anisotropic

Fractional isotropic temperature factor"
Atom x y z B (A2)

o 0.0 0.25 0.1071(12) 0.58(17) not refined

D 0.0 0.4157(15) 0.1935(8) 1.54(14)C U 11 = 0.0240(46)
U 22 = 0.0181(39)
U 33 = 0.0164(31)
U 23 = _ 0.0024(26)

• The refinement was done on the observed structure factors Fo. The final crystallographic R factor (Fe denotes
thecalculatedstructurefactor)R = ~ \Fo - Fe I!~Fo was 0.068. The final weightedR factorforrefinementon
Fo, Rw = [~w(Fo - Fcf/~wF~]'/2 with weights w = l/o{F)2 was 0.053. The goodness-of-fit
S = [~w(Fo - Fe )2/INo - Np )] 1/2 with No = number of observations and Np = number of parameters was
bThe temperature factor expression used is exp[ - 2r(h 2a 2U" + k 2b 2U 22 + /2Clu 33 + 2hka*b *U '2
+ 2k (b *c* U 23 + 2lhc*a* U 13].
C Calculated from the refined CJII coefficients.

data; data sets with higher accuracy and extending to higher is consistent with Walrafen et al. 1s recent x-ray results.
Q values than those measured are clearly needed. These smaller lattice parameters under conditions of stabil-
A Rietveld profile refinement on the ice VIII data was ity imply higher densities and shorter hydrogen bonds; these
also performed using the Cambridge Crystal Structure Li- points are discussed further below. The volume change at the
brary procedures as implemented on the NAS7000 at the transition is effectively zero.
SERC Daresbury Laboratory. 30 Again, the results were con-
sistent with the simpler least squares refinements, and as no B. Ice VIII refinement at 10K
significant advantage was offered by profile refinement in Intensities for 43 reflections were extracted, and stan-
this investigation, it was not pursued further. dard least-squares refinement performed using 32 of these.
Most of the 11 reflections not used were rejected because of
V. RESULTS: ICES VII AND VIII relatively large uncertainty consequent on the difficulty of
A. Lattice constants and symmetry extraction from overlapping alumina lines. Refinement was
That ice VIII is clearly tetragonal is shown by the separ- performed of nine parameters in the nominal tetraBonal
ation of the 112 and 200 peaks, indexed with respect to the
expected unit cell, at the 2.988 A wavelength. On passing
through the VIII/VII transition, these two peaks merge to
yield one 110 reflection (indexed with respect to the expected
ice VII unit cell), whose width was no larger than expected
for a simple peak. A detailed analysis of this peak shape and
width showed absolutely no evidence of its being due to two
very close, overlapping peaks. Considering the very high re-
solution ofDIA and the high wavelength used, we conclude
that ice VII is indeed cubic, any deviation from cubicity must
be smaller than 0.09% in terms of the cubic lattice constant.
From the unit cell symmetry, we have no evidence that VII is
partly orientationally ordered in a manner similar to VIII.
Similarly, considering the constancy of the relative intensi-
ties of the ice VIII peaks as the transition temperature is
approached, there is no evidence here for any significant
deuteron disordering as ice VIII approaches the transition
temperature. The possibilities of partial disordering in VIII
and partial ordering in VII are discussed further below.
Table I gives the refined lattice parameters, together
with the implied densities and comparisons with the litera-
ture values which refer to recovered samples at low tempera-
tures and at ambient pressure. As might be expected, the
lattice parameters under pressure are significantly smaller
FIG. 2. The structure of ice VIII at 10 K and 2.4 GPa. The thermal ellip-
than in the ambient pressure recovered samples; the c/a ra-
soids are scaled to enclose 50% probability. Note the anisotropy of the deu-
tios of the tetragonal ice VIII are almost identical in the high teron thermal motion. White and black bonds mark the molecules belong-
pressure and recovered samples. The ice VII lattice constant ing to the two independent sublattices. Thin lines mark the hydrogen bonds.

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 81, No.8, 15 October 1984

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3618 Kuhs et al. : Structure of ices VI, VII, and VIII

TABLE III. Bond distances (A) and angles (0) in ice VIII at 10 K and 2.4

Atoms Distance or angle

0-0 bonded 2.879(1)
0-0 non bonded 2.743(9)
O-D 0.9685(71)
O-O-D 105.61(1.06)
0-0-0 bonded average 109.474
O···O-O-D···O 107.92(3)
0 .. ·0-0 .. ·0-0 11O.25( 1) multiplicity 4
O-D .. ·O .. ·o-o 107.92(3)
O-D .. ·O 178.25(70)

space group I4)/amd. The thermal motions of the oxygens

FIG. 3. Probability density of the oxygen atom in ice VII at 295 K and 2.4
were constrained to be isotropic, with free refinement of the
GPa. The plane shown is perpendicular to one of the cubic main axes. The
harmonic deuteron thermal parameters. A final crystallo- excess of density along the two remaining main axes is clearly visible. Note
graphic R factor of 0.068 was obtained rapidly. 3) The result- the resolution limit indicated in the frame.
ing structure parameters (Table II) are consistent with an
antiferroelectrically ordered structure shown in Fig. 2.
To examine the possibility of partial deuteron disorder- large differences in the zero point motion that is dominant at
ing, a further refinement of the deuteron population was per- this temperature. The anisotropy of the thermal motions is
formed in the same space group. In this refinement, the sensible, and is depicted in Fig. 2. Within (quite large) error
bonded O-D distance and the thermal parameters were ef- limits, the shortest axis of the thermal ellipsoid is parallel to
fectively constrained. The result was unambiguous, yielding the O-D bond, while the longest axis is normal to both the
a deuteron site population of 1.008(17). We thus conclude O-D bond and the DOD plane. The intermolecular geome-
that the deuterons are fully ordered in ice VIII at 10 K and try at this high density is of particular interest, as there were
2.4 GPa. Inspection of relative intensities as the temperature indications from the work on recovered samples that the
was raised up to the transition temperature showed no evi- non bonded 0· ..0 distance might be shorter than the hydro-
dence for partial disordering, although the shorter scans gen-bonded contact. This is confirmed by our ice VIII re-
used mean a greater uncertainty in this conclusion. sults, which give a shortest nonbonded 0···0 distance of
The possibility of a symmetry reduction in a tetragonal 2.743(9) A, significantly shorter than the hydrogen bonded
cell was also examined by checking the refinement in three distance of2.879( I) A. The noncubic symmetry forces a defi-
lower space groups in each of which one symmetry element nite deviation from perfect tetrahedrality in the hydrogen-
is removed. In each of/4m2 and I 4)md, there are two differ- bonded 0 ..·0..·0 angle.
ent fully ordered deuteron positions. The symmetry reduc-
tion on I42d as well as in I4)22 or I4)/a corresponds to a C. Ice VII refinement at 295 K
molecular tilt, which displaces the deuterons out of plane. In The initial refinements in which was assumed an orien-
all cases, no significant improvement in the refinement was tationally disordered arrangement of the deuterons on one
obtained. Thus there is no indication of a symmetry reduc- set of 8(g) sites in the space group Pn3m, converged rapidly
tion, and we therefore conclude that the adopted space to a crystallographic R factor of 0.049 for 15 intensities that
group I 4)/amd is probably correct. could be reliably extracted.
The stereochemistry of the water molecule in ice VIII To investigate the possibility of partial deuteron order-
(Table III) is unremarkable, and gives us confidence in the ing, in addition to the test for peak splitting discussed above,
quality of the data. The order of magnitude of the deuteron refinements in lower symmetry space groups that permitted
temperature factors (Table IV) is about what would be ex- ordering were considered. As only a relatively small number
pected from other ice phases; there is little reason to expect of intensities were available, this exercise was limited to
searching the scans for evidence of weak superlattice peaks
that might indicate a different space group. None were
TABLE IV. Ellipsoids of vibration in ice VIII at 10 K and 2.4 GPa. found, implying any partial ordering at room temperature is
probably weak. The lower temperature scans close to the
Orientation of ellipsoidal
transition were also examined for superlattice peaks again
Root mean square Angle (") with with no positive result. Similar to the high temperature ice
Atom displacement (A) a axis baxis caxis VIII data in comparison to that at 10 K, the statistics of the
lower temperature ice VII data were poorer than at room
0 0.0854(78) isotrop
temperature; within these limitations, however, we see no
D 0.1213(121) 90 54.60 35.40
0.1405(135) 90 144.60 54.60
crystallographic evidence for partial ordering in ice VII.
0.1550( 149) 0 90 90 The results of the initial refinements clearly gave O-D
distances, which were much smaller than expected (:::::0.89

J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 81. No.8, 15 October 1984

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Kuhs et al. : Structure of ices VI, VII, and VIII 3619

refining conventional split models. 3 ! This approach gave

converging refinements; with one additional parameter
(15 1122 = - 0.038(18)X 10- 4 ) the crystallographic R factor
[111] dropped to 0.037. The resulting oxygen probability density
calculated with Eq. (2) is shown in Fig. 3.
Due to the Q limitations of the data set the oxygen dis-
order was not resolved (note the resolution limit given in Fig.
3), but clearly there is either a strongly directional thermal
motion or a real disorder along the [loo] directions. These
findings led us to try a structure model, which is more re-
strictive to the water molecule geometry in order to get more
information on the oxygen displacements. This model is
sketched in Fig. 4. The deuteron distribution is described by
symmetry adapted surface harmonics [see Eqs. (3) and (4)],
while the oxygen atoms are assumed to be equally distribut-
ed on a sphere around the high symmetry 4a site of space
group Pn3m. No attempt was made to model further the
oxygen density, since the limited data set is not sensitive to
small modulations in real space. The geometry of the water
[001] molecule was fixed with O-D distances equal to 0.985 Aand
D-O-D angles equal to 104.5". On the other hand the radius
FIG. 4. Model of the orientational disorder in ice VII. Out of 6 possible of the oxygen shell was freely refined. The refinements con-
orientations of the molecule only one is shown. The oxygen atom positions verged to a final crystallographic R factor of 0.033 with pa-
are given as black spheres located on the main axes and the deuteron posi- rameters given in Table V. 3 ! Releasing the constraint on the
tions as black ellipsoids located on one set of body diagonals. The tetrahe-
dral angle r is decreased to give the water angle", by introducing the oxygen O-D distance gave a slightly larger value [1.016(17) A] with-
disorder. All oxygen positions are located on a sphere with its center at the out any essential changes in other parameters. As expected
intersection of the main axes and the body diagonals through the deuterons. from the conventional refinements the deuteron atoms are
located at one set of [Ill] axes forming in the average tetra-
hedral surrounding around the midpoint of the oxygen shell.
A); the possibility that this might be solely an artifact caused A stereographic projection of the probability distribution on
by strong librations of the deuterons was examined, and led the deuteron shell is shown in Fig. 5. Whether the slight, but
to a distance, which was longer (:::;:0.91 A), but still too small. significant assymmetry of the deuteron density (higher den-
Therefore to retain the normal O-D distances (:::;:0.98 A) the
oxygen atoms must be disordered. Different split models 111
were tested; none of these could be freely refined, since the
available data set is too limited in Q to allow for resolving the
complex oxygen probability density. At this stage anhar-
monic nonsplit models using Eq. (2) (with the oxygen atoms
fixed at the position 2a of space group Pn3m) were employed
in order to reduce the correlation problems encountered in

TABLE V. Structural parameters of 10 VII at 295 K and 2.4 GPaa. b (space

group Pn3m).
rox 0.0963(55) A
100 110
U;.o 0.0250(6) A2
e31 1.563(16)
e41 - 1.308(54)
e61 1.392(49)
e71 - 0.957(91)
e81 1.629( 197)

• Refinements were performed with the model shown in Fig. 3 using Eqs. (3)
and (4); are the expansion coefficients of the symmetry adapted surface
b The final crystallographic R factor was 0.033 obtained in a refinement on
the observed intensities. The weighted R factor was 0.014 and the good-
ness-of-fit 0.44 (for a definition of these quantities see Table II). The mode
positions (maxima of the probability density) are located on the [111] axes. FIG. 5. Stereographic projection of the deuteron probability density in ice
The fractional coordinates of the mode are x, x, x with x::::: 0.410; the frac- VII at 295 K and 2.4 GPa. The density maximum clearly is on one set of the
tional coordinates obtained from a conventional refinement are x, x, x body diagonals. The smaIl density maximum on the main axes is probably
with x::::: 0.408 after correction for librational thermal motions. not significant.

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3620 Kuhs et al. : Structure of ices VI, VII, and VIII

sity towards [llO], lower density towards [100]) is indicating with sensible geometry. The intensities so calculated agreed
an additional disorder with bent hydrogen bonds or simply within the estimated errors with those measured experimen-
some preferred librational motion, cannot be decided on tally at 225 K.
with the present data. The refined radius of the oxygen shell The calculated intensities were extremely sensitive to
[0.0963(55) A] is only slightly shorter than the distance small shifts in deuteron positions, and only for good molecu-
between an oxygen atom and the center of gravity of a 0 20 lar geometry was agreement with experiment obtained. Ac-
molecule (0.12 A). Combining these findings with results ob- cordingly, we were encouraged to perform intensity calcula-
tained from anharmonic nonsplit models suggest that in ice tions for a variety of deuteron partial orderings. These initial
VII at 2.4 GPa the 0 2 0 molecules are orientationally disor- calculations were performed within the same space group
dered approximately around their center of mass; there are (which permits only orderings which violate the ice rule;
six principally different molecule orientations involving (at apart from very small degrees of partial order, the strongest
least) four possible hydrogen sites located on (or close to) one intensities were so altered as to be outside even the relatively
set of body diagonals and six possible oxygen sites located on large errors in our intensity measurements.
the main axes.
C. Ordering in other space groups
D. The VII-VIII phase transition
The different ordering schemes suggested by Kamb 7
Scans at 2.988(2) A were taken at the phase transition, (recovered samples, antiferroelectric proposed ordering) and
after allowing several hours for the temperature to stabilize. Johari et al. 6 (under pressure,ferroelectric proposed order-
Coexistence of the two phases was observed, of about a 501 ing) involve space groups other than the P 421nmc assigned to
50 composition. This coexistence implies either a tempera- the fully disordered phase. Thus, in order to test possible
ture gradient across the sample, or some hysteresis. Subse- ordering schemes of either type, it is necessary to check out
quent small temperature changes of about 1 K in both direc- data against structures in those possible space groups that
tions imply that any such hysteresis must be relatively small, are consistent with hydrogen ordering. Accordingly, we
and the transition itself sharp. The temperature of the transi- have checked all possible tetragonal, and some ofthe ortho-
tion was fixed at 263 K. rhombic space groups, down to the third level.
The measured temperature gradient between the sam- A ferroelectric full ordering in a tetragonal lattice is
ple and the thermal sensor implies an uncertainty in the tran- permitted in P4, P42c, P42b, 142c, 14, P42 1c, P42 , P42 bc,
sition temperature of less than 2 K. Thus our data suggests and 14 1cd. In contrast, antiferroelectric ordering is possible
the 0 20 VII-VIII transition temperature is some 11 K low- in only one tetragonal space group, namely 141/a. All these
er than reported by Johari et al. 16 from dielectric data, and 8 space groups demand a larger unit cell compared to that
K lower than the results of Pistorius et al. 19 presently adopted in P42lnmc. Thus, we do not agree with
As shown in Table I, within the limits of the errors, the Johari et al. 6 who propose that full ferroelectric ordering is
0 .. ·0 distance in VII [2.890(1) A] is indistinguishable from possible in P 42 mc. Our examination of this space group sug-
the hydrogen-bonded 0···0 distance in VIII [2.889(1) A] at gests it is not consistent with a full range of deuteron disor-
the transition. The densities are also the same. dering for the deuteron 03 (see Table VI) which is related by
VI. RESULTS: ICE VI the mirror plane. The full range of ordering is possible for the
other deuterons.
A. Lattice constants
At this stage, our discussion of possible ordering can
From the high wavelength data, after fixing the posi- only be preliminary, because of the problems with the data,
tions of the strongest peaks that were least affected by alu- in particular overlap with alumina peaks. A detailed check
mina lines as described above, the lattice parameters at the for broadening of specific peaks as temperature is lowered
three temperatures were determined as in Table I. As with shows no measureable effect; we conclude that any ortho-
ices VII and VIII, the lattice constants under pressure are
significantly lower than for the recovered samples by about TABLE VI. Positional and thennal parameters of ice VI at 225 K and 1.1
1.5% while the cia ratio again is very similar. The resultant GPa (spacegroup P4 2 /nmc, origin at center).'
calculated density (corrected to H 20) is some 5% higher
than for the 98 K and ambient pressure recovered material. 20 Fractional coordinates

Atom x y z Isotropic Bb
B. Possible orlentatlonal roderlng
Because of severe problems of overlap with Al20 3 peaks 01 0.15 0.25 0.15
0.1339(38) 2.99(49)
02 0.15 0.5295(43)
from the pressure cell, the quality of the data obtained on ice
VI was significantly poorer than for either VII or VIII. In Dl 0.15 0.4628(92) - 0.0131(86)
D2 0.15 0.3103(64) -0.1365(101)
the initial stages of the data analysis, it was felt that, bearing D3 0.15 0.6812(10) 0.1248(18) 3.80(51)
in mind the large number of independent parameters that D4 0.1325(41) 0.5301(51) 0.1844(51)
needed to be refined, an unrestrained refinement was not
justified. Instead, using the postulated space group P 421 'The refinement was done on the observed structure factors. The final crys-
tallographic R factor was 0.103; the fina1 weighted R factor was 0.039 and
nmc, expected intensities were calculated, assuming initially the goodness-of-fit 0.68 (for a definition of these quantities see Table II).
no hydrogen ordering. For this calculation, deuterons were bThe thennal parameters were constraint to be identical for all oxygen
placed in the oxygen framework to give water molecules atoms and for all deuterium atoms.

J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 81, No.8, 15 October 1984

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Kuhs et 81. : Structure of ices VI, VII, and VIII 3621

rhombic splitting must be very small, and ofthe same order crystallographic data. Further work is under way to reduce
as in the ice VII case. Moreover, a careful check revealed no the uncertainty in the present discussion by taking data with
sign of expected superlattice peaks, either for the tetragonal an improved pressure cell.
space group (I41/a) or lower orthorhombic space groups.
Although all possibilities could not be definitely checked be- D. The structure of Ice VI
cause of alumina overlap, the balance of evidence with re- A detailed inspection of the data finally allowed 32
spect to the absence of both superlattice peaks and lattice peaks to be extracted reasonably confidently from the alu-
distortion leads us to suggest that ice VI at low temperature mina lines. The 211 gave particular problems, being over-
is not antiferroelectrically ordered. Although we cannot en- lapped by two overlapping alumina peaks. As the ice peak
tirely rule out the ferroelectric ordering possibility, we have was best separated out from the alumina pattern in the 8 K
no positive experimental evidence to support it. Moreover, data (due to the relative shift of the cell parameters), the 211
for partial orderings, a whole series of further space groups intensity was assigned on this basis, and a structure refine-
have to be considered (some of them with a cell identical to ment in P 42 /nmc of the positional parameters for the 225 K
that presently adopted in P42/nmc). These should show at data set performed. The deuterons were assumed fully disor-
least a few extra peaks which, because of the order being only dered. Two isotropic temperature factors were refined, one
partial, could be weak. We see no evidence of such weak each for all the oxygens and all the deuterons; the final crys-
peaks, but cannot at present rule them out categorically. tallographic R factor was 0.103 31 with parameters given in
As a further examination of possible ordering as the Table VI.
temperature is lowered, a detailed comparison of the relative Although we do not regard these results as definitive,
intensity changes of the strongest, background-unaffected they are sensible in terms of molecular geometry, and we
peaks was performed. In extracting these intensities from the therefore present the main structural data in Table VII. The
2.988 A data, 2(} values were fixed from the lattice param- bonded 00 distances are generally shorter than for ice
eters, and most peak widths fixed from a previously plotted Ih(l.OI A), not unexpected considering the lower symmetry
resolution curve. Within the errors estimated, there were no in ice VI, and hence smaller resonance effects. Even consid-
detectable relative intensity changes between any of the ering the large errors, there is evidence of dispersion in the
three temperatures. Although our data is not totally ade- 00 distances, and also in the DOD angle, which is clearly
quate to make a definitive statement, we conclude on the different from the vapor value of 104.5°. The average is very
balance of the evidence that as the temperature falls any close to tetrahedral (109.47°). Hydrogen bond distances are
significant antiferroelectric ordering is very unlikely and fer- shorter than those in VII and VIII, and the hydrogen bond
roelectric ordering is at least not supported by the direct angles themselves are significantly nonlinear. The 0···0···0

TABLE VII. Bond distances (A) and angles (") in ice VI at 225 K and 1.1 GPa.

0-0 bonds
0-0 distances or D-O-O and
Central or andO-D-O
atom Atoms 0-0-0 angles Atoms angles Multiplicity

01 01-02 2.788(24) 01-02 0.986(48) 4

02 02-01 2.788(24) 02-01 0.937(55) I
02-02 2.726(38) 02-03 0.976(51) I
02-02' 2.778(28) 02-04 0.939(32) 2
Average" 0-0 2.774 0-0 0.961
01 02-01-02 128.02(45) 02-01-02 115.51(2.29) 4
76.60(73) 97.97(4.77) 2
02 01-02-02' 89.32(78) 01-02-04 105.67(3.40) 2
01-02-02 128.30(96) 01-02-03 113.07(4.86) I
02'-02-02' 76.90(92) 04-02-04 101.29(3.40) I
02-02-02' 128.45(75) 03-02-04 114.97(2.92) 2
Average" 0-0-0 108.15 0-0-0 109.40
01 01-01-02 161.81(5.19)
02 01-02-02 163.58(4.41)
03 02-03-02 175.22(4.33) I
04 02-04-02 156.64(3.09) I
01 01-02 nonbonded 3.442(11) 8
02 02-01 nonbonded 3.442(11) 2
02-02 nonbonded 3.466(14) 2
02-02' nonbonded 3.340(29) 4
02-02" nonbonded 3.456(38) I
Average" 0-0 nonbonded 3.411

• The average is calculated taking into account the absolute frequency of occurrence.

J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 81, No.8, 15 October 1984

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3622 Kuhs et al. : Structure of ices VI, VII, and VIII

angles cover a wide range from about 76° to 128°, as found in established under pressure for the first time. Both the molec-
the recovered samples. Compared to ices VII and VIII the ular and hydrogen bonding geometry are less perfect and
nonbonded 0-0 distances are considerably larger with an more dispersed for VI than for VII and VIII. The intramole-
average value of 3.41 A. cular HOH angle for VIII is consistent with the vapor phase
value, while in VI there are significant distortions to both
VII. CONCLUSIONS larger and smaller angles. Oespite this significant scatter, the
Using powder refinement, we have studied the struc- average is interestingly almost tetrahedral. As we do not see
tural details of ices VI, VII, and VIII under their expected how this could be forced by symmetry, we might hypoth-
conditions ofstability. Although the ice VI data are of signifi- esize that this again implies at least a partially disordered
cantly poorer quality than those for the other two phases, we hydrogen arrangement. Hydrogen bond distances are much
have established accurate cell dimensions for all three shorter in VI than in VIII, presumably being forced longer in
phases, and the intensity data are consistent with space the latter case by the greater packing density of the oxygens.
groups P42 /nmc, Pn3m, and P4 1/amd, respectively. In all The nonbonded 0-0 distances are considerably larger in ice
cases the 0 20 molecule geometry was found to be quite nor- VI than in VII, the interaction between the independent sub-
mal. lattices therefore being certainly different in ice VI and VII.
We have established clearly the basic structural fea- Hydrogen bond angles in VII are almost linear, but signifi-
tures of ices VII and VIII. The low temperature phase ap- cantly bent and dispersed in VI, as are the 0···0···0 angles.
pears fully ordered, and we have no structural evidence for Concerning partial ordering of the deuterons, our di-
partial hydrogen ordering of ice VII. Any partial ordering, rect structural results do not support the earlier crystallogra-
such as that implied by the dielectric data of Johari et 01.,18 phic work of Kamb, 7 who postulated an antiferroelectric
must be restricted to short range correlations of reorienting ordering in recovered samples. There is no evidence at any of
water molecules. the three temperatures for peak splittings or superlattice
The oxygen atoms in ice VII were found to be disor- peaks which would signal an antiferroelectric ordering, nor
dered probably along the [100] directions of the cubic lattice. can we detect either significant intensity changes or the ap-
The hydrogen atoms are disordered among positions located pearance ofsuperlattice peaks which would denote a ferroe-
at one set of [111] axes with a constant distance from a point, lectric (partial) ordering. Further work is proposed to con-
which is close to the center of mass of a water molecule. firm these conclusions, and to put tighter error bars on
Clearly such a time and space averaged picture of atomic possible ferroelectric (partial) orderings, but the balance of
density distributions cannot conclusively define the true na- our evidence suggests these ordering processes are not oc-
ture of disorder; nevertheless these findings suggest a possi- curring to a significant degree. This conclusion is based on
ble rotational disorder of the 0 2 0 molecules around their the assumption that any ferroelectric ordering will result in
center of mass. One might expect that such a hindered rota- at least small rearrangements of the interatomic distances
tion freezes in at a certain temperature, thus transforming and angles, which would show up in the scattered intensi-
easily into an ordered structure. With increasing pressure ties?3 Ifwe are correct, we will be consistent with thermody-
the large 0···0 distances become considerably smaller, namic evidence that ice VI is disordered at 193 K and any
therefore the steric hindrance increases, while the hydr~gen partial order such as that implied by Johari and Whalley6.23
bonding gets stronger. This means ice VII is losing more and dielectric data must be due to short range correlations as in
more its molecular character, leading eventually to a sym- ice VII. Our results are consistent with those of Kamb 7 on
metric hydrogen bond as suggested by Walrafen et 01.15 recovered samples only if the antiferroelectric transition re-
The transition between the two phases is sharp and re- ported by Kamb occurs as a result of the recovery process. If
versible, and occurs at 263 ± 2 K. This is some 11 K lower the necessary further work shows this to be the case then the
than previously thought for 0 20; even considering the possi- validity of using structural ordering data from recovered
bility of temperature gradient across the sample, we cannot samples is in doubt.
argue for a significantly higher transition temperature. No changes were observed in cooling ice VI to 8 K. At
Further data on both phases just above and just below the our cooling rates, we would not expect to see any sign of the
transition temperature will be required to establish higher slow transition postulated by Johari and Whalley.23 That no
limits on possible disordering of VIII at high temperature, transition to a different ice phase was observed implies either
and ordering of VII at low temperature. Our continuous that our sample was effectively quenched, or that the stabil-
scans in this region do not allow anything more than a rela- ity range of ice VI extends to lower temperatures than would
tively small amount of disorder or order in each respective be implied by extrapolating the phase boundary lines on the
current ice phase diagram.
We have confirmed that the nonbonded first neighbor ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
distance is significantly shorter than the hydrogen bonded The use offacilities at the Institut Laue-Langevin, and
first neighbor distance in ice VIII. The hydrogen bond ap- associated SERC funding for JLF and OVB, is gratefully
pears to be the same length in the two phases at the transi- acknowledged. We thank W. Press for the advice in using his
tion, and the densities equal. program for refining rotationally disordered systems and E.
Our conclusions on ice VI are less clear, due to severe Whalley for some helpful comments on the interpretation of
overlap problems with the alumina pattern from the pres- his thermodynamic and dielectric work on high pressure
sure cell. The lattice constants at 8, 125, and 225 K have been ices.

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Kuhs et a/. : Structure of ices VI, VII, and VIII 3623

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