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Werebear - Part 1

Co-written by Leo_Todrius and Kayawk

The city was always a busy place, there was no doubt about that. Street noise
filtered through the blocks of apartment complexes night and day. Busses hummed
along, subways rumbled under feet, people shouted at windows. No matter where you
went, it seemed like something was buzzing... as long as you didn't go to the old
apartment building on Oak. The old brick building was seven stories tall, shrouded
in the shadow of a skyscraper built decades more recently.

Old black iron fire escapes zig zagged along the rusty red and grey exterior,
hanging just out of reach above the cement coated first floor. The corners of the
buildings jutted out a bit with a primitive attempt at architecture. The hallways
were creaky and wooden, the water inconsistent. It was clean but almost stiflingly
quiet... as if the whole building was in an eternal slumber.

Most of the building was unpopulated and those who did live there tended to be
desperately poor, health ridden or old... Food couriers brought groceries to a half
dozen shut ins, but life went on a day at a time. Gavin had always felt like a bit
of an anomaly in the building, choosing it for its low rent, closeness to his
college, and quiet tenants. He was fairly sure that he was the youngest renter at
19. He felt even odder for delivering groceries to his own building, but the girl
who usually did it had been out for a week or so sick.

The plastic-wrapped paper bags crinkled as he walked up the stairs to let himself
in. He was silhouetted in the doorframe as he stepped inside. He was on the shorter
side of average, about five foot nine, and somewhat slender. He wore a loose canvas
jacket over a t-shirt, long but close fitting jeans stretching down to simple
sneakers. His black hair was minimally styled, not obscuring his narrow face and
large brown eyes. He shut the door behind himself and began to trudge up the steps
to make his delivery. He was... excited.

He was delivering to the unit next door to his own, and the resident was quite
enigmatic, to say the least. Gavin was pretty sure he'd only seen him a few times
in the months he'd been living there. When anyone asked the manager about Gavin's
neighbor, the tenant of 3C, the answers were quite brief. He paid well ahead of
time, he was quiet, he took care of his own repairs. Beyond that it was
speculation. The Henderson’s on 2G said they once saw him going to the laundry room
in the basement when his own machines broke. He was six foot five and was
suspicious, though Mrs. Henderson was always suspicious of people with beards.

Mr. Roanoke had once lost his tools when fixing the elevator for the twentieth time
and when he turned around he saw a new set by his feet and someone lunging into
3C... but they were just legends. Now Gavin had the chance to see where the truth
was, a delivery to 3C. Gavin huffed as he climbed the steps, trying to get in a
little exercise for the day. When he reached the landing on the third floor, he
looked down the hall towards his and 3C's apartments, and... stopped. The door was
open. 3C was open.

Crime was practically unheard of in their building, so many people were either
suspicious or knew each other too well. Gavin figured 3C must have stepped out and
didn't shut the door completely, and a draft or something blew it open. Regardless
of cause, he couldn't ignore his curiosity. He cautiously walked down the hall,
feet moving slowly in anticipation. He stopped at the edge of the door frame,
setting the bag of groceries down there. He then tapped the door with his knuckles,
pushing it further open.

"Erm, hello? The door's open..." He called in hesitantly. He waited a few moments,
and then couldn't resist taking a few steps inside. No response came to Gavin, the
apartment silent. The apartment wasn't too cluttered, if anything it seemed a bit
more up to date than the others. Creamy white walls matched the couch and living
room carpet. Cherry oak cabinets and drawers matched the entertainment system
supporting every form of video game console and multimedia device on the market.
The room had a certain musk to it, but not a bad one... and by the couch was
something surprising, a pair of size fifteen skate shoes.

Their tread seemed remarkably intact while the cuff was worn, as if they'd never
been outside. Gavin stooped to examine the footwear, muttering to himself, "Big
feet..." He felt a little guilty for snooping around the stranger's apartment, and
then a twinge of fear. What if 3C came back and he was in here? What if 3C was a
psychotic axe murderer or something? He pushed these thoughts away, dismissing them
as paranoid. Nonetheless, he fingered his ear ring, a wide blue thing high up on
his ear. It was his nervous twitch of choice.

He stood back up, and wandered out to the hall to grab the bag of food so that he'd
have an excuse if 3C returned. He held it against his chest as he meandered around,
taking it all in. That smell was relaxing him... Off his guard, he started to
peruse an open book of photos on an end table. In the photos, a very hairy young
man stood in various wooded areas, with a thick, bushy beard and long hair. Gavin
had no doubt that it was 3C, and presumably a young 3C given the wear of the

The pictures covered the span of many years, some of them were marked. Cross
reverencing the number of pictures and intervals of year markers, Gavin got a
pretty good grasp of things... and shockingly, 3C seemed to be QUITE the early
bloomer. At the age of twelve he had a full, chestnut brown mustache in one of the
pictures. At fifteen he had a long soft goatee hanging from his chin that went down
to his collar bone. At sixteen he had a full beard and a mohawk that was at least a
foot tall. Leather pants, tight shirts, he was quite the unique kid to say the
least... but over the years he'd packed on the pounds too. A bit of a gut at first,
then more and more.

He looked to be almost three hundred pounds by twenty four, but he strangely

carried it well, everything packed on in ways that seemed to suit him. Gavin let
out a low whistle. The photos entranced him, and he was entirely focused on them at
the exclusion of everything else. He didn't realize as his fingers kneaded at the
plastic in his hands, the manly smell pervading the room filling his nose. He felt
oddly happy in this stranger's room, and his curiosity about 3C grew even larger.

"Excuse me..." A deep voice came from behind Gavin, "That's... private, this whole
apartment is private. What are you doing here?" The voice asked gruffly. It came
from a man not six foot four, but easily six foot one. He carried a hefty bit of
weight on him, somewhere north of two hundred and forty. Freshly washed chestnut
brown hair was fluffed about his head, still moist despite the towling, longer in
back where an unrestrained ponytail sent a stream of water down his slightly fuzzy

The man stood naked, save for a towel wrapped around his waist as he stared Gavin
down. Gavin's jaw dropped and he stammered as he turned to face the source of the
voice that had shaken him from his reverie. He was about to react with apology,
before he really saw the naked man before him... Even in that moment of fear and
doubt, Gavin was immediately attracted to him. His jaw moved, but no words came
out. The hair, the beard, his size... Finally he was able to work something out.

"S-sorry! Foo-food delivery, the door was open, I thought I'd make sure everything
was alright. I didn't hear the shower," he quickly blabbered. He lifted up the bag
of food as though it were evidence of his good intentions. Almost as an aside, he
said, "I-I live next door."
"What happened to Jenny?" The tenant asked defensively before he sighed a bit,
realizing how rude he was being. He reached up and rubbed at the beard on his face.
It was nothing compared to the pictures of him when he was younger, three quarters
of an inch thick at most as it framed his mouth and traveled up his jaw. Hazel eyes
looked at Gavin curiously from his feet to his head. He caught sight of Gavin's
piercing and felt a shudder move through his spine, goosebumps lining his arms.
This only caused him to blush more, turning and walking into the kitchen,

"Thanks for bringing the stuff... I don't get out much." He muttered, "I hope I
haven't been too loud for you." He said, looking back at the bathroom and bedroom.
They shared a wall at that end of the apartment. Gavin was still visibly off-put
and nervous.

"Jenny's sick, they dragged me in to replace her for the time being." He explained,
following 3C into his kitchen without invitation, "Nah, you've been a really easy
neighbor. If I didn't know better I wouldn't have thought anyone lived here." He
was quiet for a moment, and then continued, "You're really mysterious, you know?
Even by this place's standards." He was still not quite comfortable with the
nearly-naked man in front of him, but somehow, he also really, really enjoyed it.
Part of him wanted to get closer, to feel him, to do more...

"Logan." The man said, clearing boxes of cereal off the kitchen island in the
center of the kitchen, moving to hoist one of the heavy bags of groceries Gavin had
lugged up. He paused, "You got these both up here yourself? He asked, nostrils
flaring for a moment. Gavin gave a somewhat demure look and nodded.

"Yeah, took a little heaving but I got 'em up here." He was calming down. 3C - er,
Logan - wasn't crazy, it seemed. He actually seemed quite nice, just a little
eccentric is all. He smiled, a slight gap between his two front teeth, and decided,
"It's nice to meet you, Logan. I'm, uh, Gavin." Logan gave Gavin a slight nod in
recognition of his name, although he took no effort to respond. He moved over
beside the couch and fished around for his wallet. He pulled out a wad of twenties,
at least eight and came over to Gavin, offering them to him.

"Thanks for the effort." He said softly, "Do you know, um, how long Jenny will be
sick?" he asked, his tone betraying he didn't want to sound insulting. Despite his
neutral tone, Gavin appeared obviously a little crestfallen, taking it as a slight
rejection. He tried to cheer himself up with the fact that at least he did live
next door and had his foot into 3C's. He forced a smile and shook his head.

"No idea." He looked around and admitted, "It's weird being in here. I wondered a
long time about who lived here... a lot of people have." He then looked into
Logan's hazel eyes, and with a more genuine smile affirmed, "It's really relaxing."
He didn't know why he was being so loose-lipped, but he couldn't help it for some
reason. Logan exhaled slowly, realizing it was already happening... This poor kid
was getting lured in. Logan made sure the groceries were not going to fall over on
the table before he walked over to the front door, easing it open.

"I had a good decorator... Maybe I'll give you some tips sometime." Logan said,
standing at the door frame out of the apartment. Gavin took the hint, and began to
meander towards the hallway a little reluctantly, it seemed by his gait. He grinned
and nodded as he squeezed past the larger man, standing out in the hall facing

"Maybe we could go get coffee sometime, or something, and you could give me some of
those tips..." Gavin offered with a glimmer in his eye.

"Coffee, tea, beer..." Logan murmured. He paused in the doorway, looking at Gavin.
Logan's breathing had changed. He was breathing deeper, his nostrils flaring. The
large man inhaled slowly, taking in Gavin's scent. He reached out, resting his
large hand on Gavin's shoulder, giving it a companionable squeeze. A grin crossed
Logan's lips, it was as if his whole demeanor was changing. He leaned against the
doorframe as if he was the most comfortable man in the world, "Thanks for coming
all that way kid, maybe I'll put some extra orders in so I can see more of you..."
He said, gazing into Gavin's eyes. Gavin unconsciously leaned into Logan's hand, an
uncontrollable grin on his face. He took the bait.

"I'd like that. I wouldn't mind seeing more of you..." he murmured, his eyes
flickered up and down Logan's body, enjoying the hairy bulk. His head tilted, and
he gently teased, pointing coyly at his own apartment, "But I'll always be right on
the other side of that door, don't forget!" He cringed mentally as he had a sudden
burst of lucidity, realizing how desperate he sounded, but Logan was still relaxed,
still looking comfortable, and so he forced himself to calm down. Logan looked at
Gavin for a moment before he leaned down. A hand came around the back of Gavin's
head, holding it in place as Logan's kiss pressed to Gavin's. The kiss was
momentary, intense, passionate, but then halted immediately.

"I'm sorry, that was terribly forward of me... I'm sorry." Logan said in a huff
before he moved back into his room, the apartment door slamming shut without
further word. Gavin took a step forward, saying, "Bu-!" but it was too late, the
door was shut. He looked down a little sadly, still tasting Logan on his lips. His
smell, his taste, his body... everything about him screamed 'MAN' and Gavin loved
it. He briefly thought about knocking on the door again, but decided against it.
He walked slowly to his own apartment, glancing at 3C for a moment, before
unlocking the door to 3B and stepping through.

Even though it was only a little before noon, he crawled into bed, fully dressed,
and just relaxed there for a while. He needed to process all of this... Logan
stumbled through his apartment, grunting and moaning, cursing. The towl fell from
around his waist as he entered the kitchen, leaning against the kitchen island. He
leaned over the edge, panting, trying to reclaim his composure... But he smelled
Gavin, his effort and exertion on the bags. He leaned in and sniffed at it before
he shuddered and moaned.

"Manly..." he whispered before he groaned, "I want him... My little pet, slave to
my cock..." he said in a sultry voice before his eyes snapped open. He groaned and
ran into the bathroom with due haste. In Gavin's apartment he heard the old pipes
in the wall shift, water being directed into 3C's bathroom.... It was another
shower, most confusing given that Logan had just had one... but the answer was soon
clear. All tenants of the building became accustomed to listening to the pipes. It
was the easiest way to avoid scalds or running out of hot water. Gavin could hear
that Logan was taking a cold shower... a very cold shower.

Gavin listened to the events in the next apartment with an odd mixture of feelings.
Part of him felt concerned, wanting to go check and see if all was well, if only as
another excuse to see the manly man - No, Logan,- he forced himself to think. He
wasn't sure why he felt so compelled to humanize this admitted stranger so much.
Another part of him was slightly flattered and intrigued that only ten minutes in
his presence could drive such a hot guy to need a cold shower... if that was what
was really going on. He then sighed, realizing that all this speculation was just
mental masturbation. He slammed his head into his pillows and stared at the ceiling
as the pipes creaked and groaned, and a faint smile crossed his face.

Gavin's thoughts were interrupted by a thump on his wall, as if Logan had thrown
his weight against the shower wall that adjoined Gavin's apartment. Soon there was
a softer, barely audible thumping against the wall. One of Gavin's paintings was
pushing away from the wall and dropping back to its place every few moments. Gavin
grinned wider, realizing that there was little doubt that his 'theory' had been
correct, and he cheered up... There was a real chance in the future, it seemed...
He felt less aimless in his energy, and now with a goal, he focused on how he could
push things further between himself and Logan. He thought and thought, and his hand
snaked down into his jeans as he wondered and fantasized. What started in his mind
as a date was slowly turning into a mental fuck-a-thon as he squeezed and rubbed
his hardening cock. He was trying not to let himself get carried away though,
reminding himself that he had a mission now. Gavin heard a muffled moan through the
wall, speech he couldn't quite make out.

The thumping was only intensifying despite the ice cold shower Logan was subjecting
himself to. It seemed he had quite the stamina indeed. Gavin himself groaned a
little, tiny sound, almost like a whimper as he heard Logan's manly vocalizations
of lust through the thin wall, and he began to grope himself a little faster, his
eyes closing and his imagination running off with him. Being fucked by that massive
man, feeling his hairy body, experiencing more of those intense, passionate
kisses... precum began to seep through the front of his pants as he started to hump
the interior of his jeans, squirming on his bed, starting to sweat.

"!" Came a howl through the wall, Logan growling under his breath... Then,
Gavin had to be imagining it, but it sounded like a high pressure splatter on the
wall right by his head. It had to be imagined, no one came that hard. Gavin
whimpered again as he himself experienced his own comparatively underwhelming
climax. As he lay on the bed in a sweating, panting heap, he couldn't help but feel
a little pathetic. He was jacking off about a guy literally next door who was quite
obviously into him. It cemented his resolve, and he decided to make a move, very


Gavin was quite excited the next morning. He'd worked out the perfect plan to visit
3C yet again... a treat! Who could refuse baked goods? He'd woken up especially
early, mixing together ingredients in a bowl to make a pan of brownies, and while
they were in the oven he took a quick shower, thinking only of the beast-man next
door in the moment of naked relaxation.

He quickly pulled on clean jeans, a casual dark blue button down shirt, and his
sneakers, before sprinting to pull the treats from the oven before they burnt. He
pulled on the mitts, set them to cool on the counter, and practically bounced with
anticipation. He hoped Logan would be home when he brought them over... else he'd
feel a little foolish.

Once more the old pipes in the building gave Gavin an answer, a toilet flush. It
seemed Logan was awake and mobile in his apartment. While the brownies cooled,
Gavin disappeared into his bathroom once more to freshen up, brushing his teeth
before almost neurotically spending an indeterminate time fixing up his hair, and
then straightening out his clothing.

Finally content with his appearance, he returned to the kitchen, wrapped the pan in
foil, picked it up, and walked out into the hall. He knocked on 3C, heart racing as
he tried to assure himself that this was a good idea.

There was a long delay, long enough for most people to give up... but at long last
the light in the peep hole shifted for a moment before the door opened part way,
restrained by a chain to keep it from opening fully. Half of Logan's face peered
out of the gap.

"I didn't order any more groceries yet..." He said softly. Gavin smiled a little
nervously and held up the pan, explaining with a rush, barely understandable;

"Oh, well, you see, I thought it'd be nice to bake something for you, you know, so
I made some brownies, and thought I'd bring them over for you, and, and..." He was
breathing fast, clearly frazzled just by Logan's presence. Logan's face grimaced
gently and soon Gavin heard Logan's stomach growl. Logan had wanted to be done with
his visitor as fast as possible, to be done with anything that risked his
condition... but at heart he was a softie and he couldn't crush this kid's heart
again. His neighbor had taken the time to bake him something, it was still warm and
he could smell it. Logan closed the door enough to remove the chain before easing
it open wider.

"Th... Thanks, I don't think I did anything to deserve baked goods, but... it's
nice." Logan said, smiling, his thick shell fractured enough that Gavin could
momentarily see the soul felt smile. Gavin felt compelled to explain himself, for
interrupting this hermit's schedule, and he said, less anxiously, less quickly;

"It's just... you seem really alone, you know? You're obviously a polite, nice guy,
but... nobody knows about you, it seems. I thought I could try another shot at a
housewarming." He held forth the brownies, and with a wide smile declared, "Welcome
to the building, Logan." He was relieved that he hadn't divulged any of his more
ulterior motives.

"Thanks for the sentiment, although I've been here for five years." Logan smirked,
gesturing in towards the kitchen, "I'm a bit of a recluse, I've got some issues.
It's easier to stay inside." He said honestly.

"Five years? I've only been here for about eight months. I knew you'd been here
that whole time, but... I think I've never seen you more than three or four times.
After yesterday, I felt bad about that. I wanted to be... friends, you know?" Gavin
mused. He blushed a little, the heat rising to his cheeks, and he felt the need to
backpedal, voice becoming quick again, "But you know, if I've messed up your day,
or if you just want to be left alone, that's cool, and I can leave you be, and..."

"No, I don't... do much." Logan said, "And I'm sorry about last night, I was too
forward kissing you... I... I'm surprised you came back." He admitted, pulling two
stools over to the kitchen island so they could have brownies. Logan knew he should
be kicking the kid out for his own safety, but... even the real him wanted some
company for a change. Gavin looked away from embarrassment and smiled at the memory
of the kiss.

"No... It was... weird, I'll be honest, but... in a good way, if that makes any
sense. I think I'd like it if men like you kissed me out of the blue like that more
often," he joked. He sat down at the offered stool, and forced himself to relax and
to look back into the other man's eyes.

"Men like me?" Logan asked curiously, looking stern for a moment before a smile
crossed his lips. He cut a piece of brownie and fished it out, settling it into a
plate that he slid to Gavin before dishing himself up. Gavin let out a small,
inadvertent "Eep!" as he realized his slip-up. He wasn't really thinking as he
spoke, rather saying what felt right, and now his foot was in his mouth. His cheeks
grew ever more crimson, and he acknowledged;

"Er, yeah... I'm, um, into guys, and... I guess it's safe to say you are too, what
with that kiss, and... Well, you're uh..." he stammered a bit more, until in a very
quiet voice, he said, "'re really hot..." Logan had been smiling, watching
Gavin backtrack... but when Gavin uttered his last words, Logan paused, brownie
half way to his lips. He murmured softly, eyes closing. He shuddered a bit, a tent
growing in his pants. His eyes soon opened and he stuffed the brownie in his lips,
chowing down on it with a surprisingly animal hunger. After a moment he blushed and
wiped his lips with a napkin, swallowing the brownie down.

"You are quite attractive yourself... Fit, strong... I'm sure you'll find lots of
attractive guys. You've got a good shot." Logan said, smiling. He was still
surprised that someone found him hot, even as he was locked up in an apartment. A
little absentmindedly with a little bit of hurt, Gavin muttered;

"Yeah..." His tone shifted, "I just don't seem to have any luck, you know?" He
munched on his brownie, mind distracted by the voracity with which he'd seen Logan
kill his. In a 'let's make conversation' sort of tone, he tried to ask
nonchalantly, "So, what about you? Are you seeing anyone?"

"I... That's not really in the cards for me." Logan said, sighing slowly as he
looked at his table, "I wish it was, but it's easier for everyone if I keep my
distance. I know I should be doing that right now, but... I guess I get tired of
being alone sometimes. I'm sorry if I've been yo-yoing you, or do so in the
future." He murmured. One corner of Gavin's lip rose in a kind, small, smile.

"It's okay, I mean, we all need somebody to talk to sometimes, and like I said,
you're a really nice guy, and -" He assured before he froze, and his smile became a
little more impish, "...The future?" Logan blushed a bit, hiding his embarrassment
as he cut out another brownie.

"Well, we ARE neighbors after all. I might see you a time or two again." He
muttered before chowing down on more of the baked goods. Gavin nodded, still

"I really hope we do, Logan. You seem like a guy worth knowing." He helped himself
to another brownie, and bit into it. He looked around as he chewed, commenting with
a half-full mouth, "Plus, you have an awesome apartment. I don't know what it is
but whenever I'm in here, I just calm down..."

"Kid, you need to adjust your priorities." Logan smirked, "I'm a hairy, fat shut in
who practically never leaves his apartment." he said, watching Gavin eat. He knew
full well why he was getting calmer. Gavin shrugged, and without changing his
demeanor said,

"All I said is that you're a nice guy worth knowing. To each his own." He raised
his eyebrow and a little wryly said, "I like to think of myself as open-minded."

"How wide open is it?" Logan smirked gently, "I may not be healthy for you." he
said, half warningly, half playfully. Gavin took it as playfully as possible and
teased back,

"May I also add that I enjoy a challenge?" He winked, and bit into his brownie once
more, tooth-gap flashing for a moment before disappearing into the creamy chocolate

"God, you're painfully adorable." Logan murmured, rolling his eyes before he
smirked. He seemed to relax more, seeming more at ease with himself as well as
Gavin. Gavin could only grin madly in response, not sure how to react to the
praise. Gavin had been slowly leaning forward, more and more, closer and closer to
Logan. He didn't even realize it, until he almost fell out of his chair. He
wobbled, arms flailing out until he caught his balance. He blushed, murmuring,


"See, what did I say, bad for your health." Logan said, sighing a bit, looking at
his brownies before he stood up, "I didn't even offer you a drink... What do you
want?" He asked, moving to his well stocked fridge. Gavin shook his head.

"I dunno, a soda, whatever you have. Thanks!" His eyes were glued to the man as he
moved, that hairy bulk somehow... graceful, with a certain practiced efficiency. He
tried once again to make small talk, asking, "So, what do you do? How do you pay
for the groceries, so to speak?"

"Oh, well... I inherited a lot, and then I had some benefactors in my youth...
Worked up a large bank sum. I do a few internet jobs from home to try and keep from
depleting my resources too much." Logan said. Gavin grinned and teased.

"Independently wealthy, then?" He felt relaxed, finally, but much more relaxed than
he probably should have, because he finally burst out, "I don't get it! You're
kind, attractive, polite, you have an interesting sense of humor, you're rich...
but, yet, nobody. I'm stumped..." He buried his face in his hands, rubbing his
eyes, before apologizing, "I'm sorry, that was rude..."

"Nah, I'm surprised it took that long. You seem like a nice, honest kid." Logan
murmured, "I've got a health condition, one that can be passed to others. I don't
want to get anyone sick so I stay as careful as I can." He paused, "Don't worry, it
can't be passed by kissing." Gavin still looked confused. That made no sense, but
he didn't want to push Logan. He'd been insensitive enough. He glanced at the pan
of brownies, already half empty.

"Guess they were good," he joked, and smiled. "I'm glad I came by, Logan."

"I'm... glad you came by too." Logan admitted, "Thanks for being persistent,
although I make no promises for the future." he smirked.

"I'd expect as much. And hey, persistence pays off, right?" He teased before he
then became more serious, "...I know you said that you're... lonely sometimes, that
you want company. Well, um, my door's always open if you ever just want to talk."
He groaned mentally. He sounded like the RA of a dorm.

"Better be careful, sexual predators might wander in and have their way with you."
Logan said before realizing he'd said it. He chuckled a bit under the guise of a
joke, groaning inside himself as well. Gavin gave him an uneasy smile, but shrugged
the comment off with a teasing.

"You do have an odd sense of humor." He then smiled and, hopping off the stool,
went to stand beside Logan, and put his hand on the much-larger man's shoulder.
"But I mean it." Logan closed his eyes, breathing deeply. He reached up, resting
his larger hand on top of Gavin's, holding it to his shoulder.

Gavin smiled, and decided to take another risk. Standing on his tip-toes to lean
in, his cheek rubbed Logan's oddly soft beard, and he kissed the man's almost
leathery lips. The whole experience was just as distinct and enjoyable as last
time, and his scent flooded his nose. Gavin inadvertently relaxed almost
completely, leaning against Logan for support as he held the kiss. Logan turned to
face Gavin fully and lifted him off his feet, pressing him into a wild kiss. A
tongue invaded his mouth, thrusting back and forth almost suggestively. Soon Gavin
felt a hot bulge pressing against him, the large man actually grinding against his
captured neighbor. Logan moaned gently in bliss.

As the tone of the kiss changed, Gavin went right along with it. It was as though
all of his fantasies were coming true, all the sexual tension of the previous half
hour reaching a glorious peak. His own tongue pushed back, tiny compared to
Logan's, and he only got more excited as he felt the throbbing bulge beneath him.
He felt himself get hard, his cock straining against the fabric of his jeans, and
he started to rock back and forth in Logan's lap as he humped against his large
pudgy gut. His hands came up, holding Logan's head as he ran his fingers through
the beard, which felt almost like soft animal's fur. He loved it, and pushed even
deeper into the kiss, rubbing chests with Logan.

Logan moved, holding Gavin aloft. He flopped back onto an oversized couch, Gavin
landing on a very sizable cock pressing against Logan's pants. He grabbed the boy's
head and kissed him again, tongue penetrating his moist mouth. Suddenly Gavin felt
his erection seized in a large hand. It was squeezed, rubbed, and then deft fingers
popped open the button, splayed the zipper and began fishing for his shaft. They
seized their prize, bringing it out. As Logan moved, Gavin could smell that musk
much more richly... feel the weight of Logan much more intently. In the brief
breaks in their kissing, Gavin gasped,

"You're so fuckin' manly..." and began to hump and grind into Logan's hand. His
hands traveled beneath Logan's shirt, running through the forest of soft hair that
covered his firm but pudgy physique. He rubbed all over his stomach, then over his
chest, his whole body heaving as he kissed and rubbed him, pushing more and more
against that rough hand.

"You ain't seen nothin' yet... I'll blow your mind... if you blow mine." Logan
grunted, grinning with a predatory grin. The 'true' him was getting let out,
Logan's will had been too soft... And now something delicious had quite literally
landed in his lap. Logan was embracing the change, stroking Gavin off. His free
hand moved up Gavin's shirt, starting to tweak the nipple there.

Logan's head was swimming in the scent, he wanted to obey, wanted to do all of
this... but deep down, he knew, past all of the passions, he did really want this.
So, he scooted downwards on Logan's lap, playfully opening the zipper to reveal the
throbbing member within. The head was purple, the shaft thickly veined. Gavin
honestly wasn't sure if he could fit the thing in his mouth, but he knew he had to
try. He wrapped his lips around it, licking as he took more and more of it, feeling
it start to push back into his throat. He'd taken as much of it as he could, and
he still couldn't reach the base. He started to bob his head up and down, tongue
wildly licking the thick, musky precum from the drooling tip.

Logan growled in delight, everything going his way for once. He'd been trying so
hard, putting out pheromones, kissing the neighbor boy. For YEARS he'd been
trapped... But now everything was falling into place. He began to let himself out,
changing Logan slowly... and a thick, musky cum began dribbling down Gavin's
throat. It took several doses to infect someone fully, but it would be a start. It
would be the seed for the hunger, the lust, the start of the psychology of it all.
The precum flowed across his tongue, even dribbling out of his mouth a bit. Gavin's
heart was pumping harder, he could feel it throbbing in his cock, making his member
more erect than ever before.

Gavin drank down as much of the seed as he could, knowing deep down, in some
instinctual way, that it was essential. His cock throbbed and ached, he could feel
it tangibly pulsing, and he rubbed it against as much of Logan as he could, needing
release. He continued to milk Logan's shaft, wanting a climax like what he thought
he heard last afternoon, and his whole body shuddered in anticipation at that

Logan moaned as he fed Gavin the tainted precum, grinning with such perverse
delight... What seemed like moments had been a few hours, letting the neighbor boy
guzzle the tainted seed down. Gavin's cock hung heavily from him, aching with how
much blood had pooled into it. He was at least two inches longer than he had been,
his balls almost double in size. His nipples throbbed, jutting out from his
chest... and the hair across his body, if anything, seemed a bit darker, more
robust. A trail of fuzz leading up from his crotch to his navel was thicker,
softer, darker than ever before... and Gavin's under arms were furrier than they
had been. Logan moaned loudly, feeling his climax finally coming. He grabbed a hold
of Gavin's head, holding it tight to his monster cock.

Gavin hadn't even noticed the time disappearing, the morning disappearing into
afternoon. He was locked in a trance, a rhythmic sucking and licking and lapping as
the creamy, delicious, musky fluid streamed down his throat. He had barely noticed
the changes all over his body, only feeling the changing sensations and dismissing
them as the byproducts of an awesome sexual experience. He wasn't broken from the
trance until he felt Logan's hand on the back of his head, and this only served to
excite him even more. He kneaded at Logan's stomach and chest in anticipation,
waiting to guzzle down the rich seed.

Logan had been drooling without restraint, moaning and groaning, purring as he fed
the neighbor, watching his belly swell just a tiny bit... But of course the tainted
elixir had hidden the many changes of Logan's body from Gavin as well... Not to
mention the increased belly he was kneading. The beast inside Logan hadn't had this
much fun since he convinced an entire detention classroom to share the blessing he
had to offer... He groaned and grunted, tipping his head skyward before he howled.
Intensely thick, hot, sticky cum began pumping down Gavin's throat.

As Gavin swallowed as much as he could, his own belly started to protrude very
slightly, stopping only as a little more hair began to grow. The most significant
change was in his mind, though, his feelings towards Logan. It was a primal
connection, a real need for him. He'd thought he'd known desire before, but... he
had only been kidding himself. This was desire. He grunted and groaned, voice
becoming a little huskier as he swallowed the seemingly endless flow.

Logan grinned wide, stroking the back of Gavin's head; letting his little cub know
how good he was doing as the larger man filled his gullet. This was truly the start
of a beautiful new relationship... a new beginning. He wouldn't be restrained
anymore, not if this delightful youth could become an asset to him. Gavin felt the
flow finally subside, and the fog in front of his eyes began to left. He felt
woozy, a little achy, desperately horny... but he felt good. As he came to his
senses, he took stock of his situation, and couldn't help but breathe faster, the
reassuring, musky scent of Logan the only thing keeping him from panicking.

He was lying on Logan's lap, still, but... it was all so different from when he
began. That soft hair of his now looked very much like fur, no longer limited to
its feel. It was thicker, and a richer tone of brown. He looked down, the still
throbbing shaft now slightly tapering off at the tip. He looked back up at Logan,
his own face entirely bewildered,
and he saw that Logan was bigger, his stomach rounder and softer, immensely
furrier. He hesitantly ran his hand through the fur, for he was now sure that it
was fur, and caught sight of his own arm, which was much hairier than he could ever
remember it being. It was still human, but... much different.

He looked all over himself, hairier, slightly bigger, so many parts erect and
aching and throbbing... He looked out the window and got an idea of how much time
had passed. The oddest thing to him though, was that as he looked back at Logan,
he realized that all he wanted to do was crawl on his chest, nuzzle his cheek, and
be comforted by him, have all of this explained. He forced himself to ignore his
aching cock, and did precisely that.

"Oh good cub, very good cub..." Logan said with a smooth, confident voice he had
lacked every time before with Gavin. His large hand caressed Gavin's head,
caressing the hair on his head before rubbing his cheek, feeling the tiny bit of
stubble there. His other hand moved, casually groping at Gavin's achingly hard
cock, "Doesn't that feel better? Letting our true selves out a bit?" Loan
whispered, smiling as he gazed into Gavin's eyes. Gavin could only nod as he
whimpered, thrusting his hips weakly against Logan's hand. He rubbed his cheek
against Logan's, the big man's beard having grown immensely. Gavin wanted to bury
his face in it. He clung to Logan, needing him. Finally, he forced himself to
speak, his voice hoarse and husky, deeper,

"It feels so good, Logan... but..." The contradictory thought died in his mind,
though, and he nuzzled and cuddled tighter against his new papa bear. Logan
chuckled in delight, smiling to Gavin before he guided his head down toward his
chest. Beneath his new, immense beard his nipples jutted out, just shy of being
obscured. Logan carefully drew Gavin's lips to one of his nipples. As he got
closer, Gavin smelled something peculiarly sweet. As a fat, juicy nipple was pushed
between his lips he soon realized what... as a sweet, honey like liquid spurted
into his mouth.

"Just drink my cub, grow nice and strong..." Logan encouraged softly.

Gavin instinctively latched to it, knowing that whatever Logan told him to do would
be good for him. He sucked on it, shivering in pleasure as he drank down the sweet
liquid. It sent twitching, tingling pleasure through his whole body, and his cock,
buried in the nest of fur around Logan's shaft, shuddered and shot his load. He
turned to lay more atop Logan, and grinded slowly into him, rubbing his own seed
against the both of them. The honey flavored syrup spurted into Gavin's mouth over
and over, sliding down into his belly which was growing rounder, the hair on it
getting even thicker.

"Now cub... I want you to listen to me." Logan murmured, eagerly feeding Gavin,
"You won't remember this in the morning in your mind, but you'll feel it. Sadly,
your changes won't stick yet... but you'll long for them... but we are werebears...
I am your daddy bear, and you are my cub... We are mates and manly and gay... and
lust for freedom, for cum, for being wild." Logan said in a soothing voice.

Gavin nodded, his eyes locked on Logan's as he continued to drink. He

affectionately rubbed Logan's cheek. It was clear that he yearned for his papa
bear, even beyond his base animal lusts... he really wanted him. Really loved him.
His eyes closed for a moment in acknowledgement, and he finally stopped drinking.
He settled back up by Logan's head, nodding, "Okay..." His voice was entirely
trusting, undyingly faithful, eternally loyal. Logan moved to kiss Gavin, their
lips wreathed by a bushy beard. Logan filled Gavin's mouth with his tongue, holding
his cub close. They kissed until their lungs ached for air.

"Such a good cub..." Logan panted, "You're doing such a good job to save me from my
prison... And to be born as the bear you really are... but for now it'll only be
instinct." Logan whispered, reaching clawed fingers to start toying with Gavin's
nipples, "But you're going to become fixated with your nipples... You're going to
want to pierce them, and that'll drive me wild... And you'll forget to shave...
It'll all be instinct, don't worry my cub." Logan whispered, kissing Gavin softly
again. Logan's suggestions all sounded completely reasonable to Gavin, completely
appealing. Necessary, even. He giggled a little as his papa bear played with his
nipples, glad that the person who cared for him knew what he liked. He murmured

"You know what's best for me... I'll help you, I want you so bad..." he whimpered.

"Soon now my cub... Just a bit more work and we can be together forever..." Logan
whispered, pausing, "Oh..." He said, looking into Gavin's eyes with almost a
hypnotic gaze, "And you're going to enjoy eating more than ever before..." He added
slowly before kissing Gavin again deeply. Gavin just nodded, taking this last
instruction in stride. He kissed his papa bear back once and then again on the
cheek. He settled back against him, relaxing entirely. Before long, a rumbling,
vibrating snore resonated through the room, a smile spread wide on Gavin's face.

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