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Living as a Lycanthrope ch.

Heres the next chapter, I probably wont post the third one for a while... maby... But I hope you guys
like this one, it is filled with hot were on were sex so I hope you guys enjoy your self. Happy reading!

Arther rested in his home after work, it was late at night and he was tired. It had been a week
since he had been to camping out in the woods and he only had vague memories about what happened
during the hike he went on. All he could really remember was going off the path to use the bathroom
then waking up in his tent and it being time to leave. He returned to his life afterward but ever since
he came back every night he had the most odd sex dreams. They were not nearly as lucid or vivid as
the one the friday before but were normal regular dreams for the most part. The only real difference is
that he dreamed about fucking or being fucked or even sometimes both by various guys animals and
often animal like people.

Arther was also a lot more horny recently too. He often felt like his small cock and balls were
begging to be touched and played with and even more recently his ass felt like it needed attention.
Arther was no expert in sex however and knew how to do little more than to try to wank off the way he
could with his inch and a half long cock. It was getting to the point where he thought he should go see
a doctor or something about the problem. It was just weird to the man that he was so horny all the
time, often sometimes getting lost in daydreams while staring at some of the muscular men that were
his clients.

Arther relaxed in his recliner chair at home, he had the tv on watching something boring and
uninteresting. He was only really interested in the show because one of the characters was a huge
muscular hunk and he couldn't help but stare at the guy every time he showed up on screen. His little
erection was calling his attention but he didnt give it much mind, jerking off was not that enjoyable to
him and often took a long time it was easier for him to just ignore it most of the time than to really
bother trying to play with him self.

Arther pulled his laptop out of its bag that was resting beside the chair and placed it on his lap.
He opened it up and started to do some extra work typing up reports and emailing clients to see how
they were doing. His eyes were occasionally drawn to the TV whenever a muscular man was showed
on it but would return to his work afterward. He was getting more and more horny as the days went on
and not for the first time in his life he wished he had a bigger cock so he could at least jerk him self off
properly, as it was now he would just run his palm around his small erection sort of like how a woman
would her clit when trying to masturbate.

Arther's mind wondered a bit and before he knew it he was practically drooling over the picture
of a huge bodybuilder in a speedo on his computer screen. How did I pull this up? He moved his
mouse over to the top right of the window intending to close it but he instead minimized it to stare at
later, he couldnt bring him self to completely close the window and every so often he would let his
mouse drift down to the task bar at the bottom of his screen just to get a glance of the pic as the
computer showed a little picture of what the program was showing when he moused over it.

After finishing some work on his laptop Arther picked up the TV remote and started to flip
through channels. Again his mind wondered and when he looked at the TV he found he had turned to
the porn pay per view channel, blushing he quickly switched the TV back wondering why he had
looked that up. But he was reminded again of his mini erection and looked at his laptop. Well it was
more free on the internet he thought and opened up the closed window with the hunk of a body builder
showing off. Opening a new tab in the browser he surfed the web looking at his usual porn sites but
for some reason even his old favorite's were not appealing to him, he just didn’t seam to be able to get
into them like he used to. He would look at strait porn before and usually be able to enjoy him self but
for some reason he just didn’t seem to like the stuff as much.

Almost grumbling to him self he was brought back to the picture of the body builder in the
speedo, he couldn’t help but enjoy looking at the huge man and how his muscles were shining and
glistening and of course the huge bulge in the guy's speedo. His mind couldn't help but imagine that
guy pounding Arther's ass hard right then and there. Arther shook his head a bit and rubbed his
forehead. He was just tired that was it. He put the computer down on the coffee table and walked into
the kitchen. He looked through his fridge scavenging for leftover food.

That was something else that worried Arther, apart from his constant hornyness he was starving
all the time. He just couldn't get enough food, he was constantly going to the store and buying food
and was often almost forced to go out and buy lots of fast food for lunch at work to eat during the day.
He even had to start making food to bring to work but that food never lasted to lunch. Even with his
insatiable appetite he wasn’t gaining any weight so he was glad about that. After spending a few
minutes staring at the empty refrigerator Arther gave up and walked over to the counter picking up his

That was when his phone started to vibrate. He growled slightly... weird?... and picked up the
phone turning it on. It was Carlos on the other line. Carlos invited him out to dinner at a fast food
place. Apparently the other man did not live too far from Arther and since he was hungry any way he
was all too happy to go, besides he would get to stare at the other man's nicely built body. Shaking his
head to clear his thoughts he agreed to go with the man and hung up his phone. He got his things
together and headed out, only mildly wondering what the other man wanted from him.


Carlos was worried about Arther ever since the other man was well... raped by a wild bear and
then left without a word. He had kept tabs on the man as best he could and the others of his pack said
that he hadn't called the police about anything of the sort. The members of his pack were people of all
sorts, they had people from doctors to lawyers to policemen. Carlos worked as a personal trainer in the
gym however. A few of the packmembers worked similar jobs there as well, the gym being their
unofficial headquarters during the full moon. The pack also held meeting there to discuss buisness
about the pack and the activities of other packs. And of course they met there to discuss the actions of
the hunters.

The hunters were a group of overly religious people from some old pagen faith. They hunted
and killed werewolves. Things were a lot worse with them in the past but recently they had started to
take a more lawfull approach with things. The pack Carlos was a part of had a treaty with them for
now but they were still cautious when dealing with them. They were often ruthless and were known to
sometimes do underhanded things like break othes and treaties. But the Treaty made the younger
members of the pack feel safer about things so the alpha agreed to it.
Carlos went to his pack alpha the day after he got home from the camping trip. The alpha was
a beast of a man, he lived in a house near the gym that the pack used. He owned the gym and was over
three hundred years old from what he said. He only looked to be in his mid fourty's however. The
man was built like a tank, it was the best way he could put it when looking at the alpha. The alpha's
name was Jonathan and he had a notable brittish accent when he spoke. Carlos was always amazed
when looking at his alpha and wondered if he would ever live as long as that.

When Jonathan answered the door to his personal home he smiled happily and hugged Carlos in
a tight hug. Carlos practically squealed in delight at the show of affection. Jonathan half carried
Carlos into his home and sat him down on the sofa looking at him.

“Carlos its great to see you, how have you been? Have you managed to find your self a mate
yet? Also how was your camping trip? I trust all went well?” Jonathan said conversationally.

“Well I have been good, and no I have not found my self a mate yet. I wanted to talk to you
about the pack something important.” Carlos said, knowing full well that Jonathan didn't like talking
about those sorts of things so openly even in his own home.

“Well lets talk about them in the meeting room then, you never know who is listening. I think
Greg might be up there right now.” Jonathan said as he stood up, a look of seriousness on his face.
Carlos fallowed his leader obediently as he lead them upstairs. The house was two stories tall but the
first floor had almost no perceptible way upstairs, making people think it was just a really big attic or
just empty space that was never used. But those of the pack knew that up there was where they could
be free as werewolves and talk about anything. The alpha pressed on a wall that looked rather normal
and opened the hidden door to the staircase.

Upstairs the place was padded and well made with mostly stone walls instead of the normal dry
wall. Carlos knew that the entire place was sound proofed too, the whole place could be filled with
wolves howling as hard as they could and it couldn't be heard from the outside. Walking into the
biggest room, there were only three really all of them big, one being a bathroom the other a sort of
kitchen and then the huge room that was used for everything else, Carlos saw a pure white furred
werewolf sitting on the floor his legs spread appart, his huge red piller of dog flesh sticking out and
into its own muzzle as it sucked its self off. Carlos knew that that was Jonathan's personal mate.

“Ok, so what is it you wanted to talk to me about?” Jonathan said not paying attention to the
werewolf on the floor sucking its own dick.

“Its my uhm friend Arther, he often comes to the camping trips I set up. Well when he came
camping with us he had the taint on him, err the gift sorry. I could smell it on him, fresh too. I could
also smell the other male that had given it to him.” Carlos said, looking a bit nervious.

“Grr was it any of ours? You know what the hunters would do if one of us-”

“No no, it didnt smell like any of our pack, it might have been a different pack or possibly a
stray. There have been more and more reports of stray's these days.” Carlos explained interupting his

“Great, well you should contact him and explain to him the world that he is now a part of. I am
not his alpha yet and he is not of our pack so I am leaving the task of easing him into the world to you.
It is a simple thing and you should do good at it. If he agree's he may come and potentially join the
pack through the usual way. Now if that is all, I do believe my mate is in need of some attention”
Jonathan said before motioning his hand towards the white wolf still sucking its own cock.

“Well actually sir, there is more. Uhm, I dont know how to put this so I will just try to explain
it the best I can. Well uhm while he was out in woods with us he went off the path and well I dont
know how to put it but when I found him he was being fucked by a male grizzly bear.” Carlos said
trying to make his story not sound crazy.

“So? We often give of highly potent phaeromones during the full moon cycle's its likely the
bear caught the scent and was attracted to it, he might be scared and confused about it but I havent
heard of any reports of animals raping humans from our sources so he hasn't gone to the police yet.”

“Well its kind of worse than that. While he was being fucked by the bear, appart from enjoying
it he uhm transformed into the bear... Like he turned into a full on clone almost of the bear pounding
him, not just an half bear hybrid but full on. He even grew a huge horse like cock and bigger balls.”
Carlos said blushing, feeling his already raging erection shift a bit as being near his massive alpha was
bringing out his inner beast a bit along with arousing him. As he said what happened he heard a
muffled growl as the white werewolf came in its mouth, aparently the story setting him off.

“Hm, that is different, I had heard legends of other types of werecreatures before but I never
thought they were real. You might want to bring him to the pack doctor to see if he is ok. Still I would
like to offer him a place in the pack, its not good to let stray's roam about on their own.” Jonathan said
before turning to his mate and shifting into his werewolf form. The Alpha was even more massive
than in human form while in his werewolf shape, his fur was also a pitch black giving him an
interesting contrast to the white fur of his mate. Carlos knew that the alpha was done talking to him
and left the room and house, letting the two have their alone time.

It was then when Carlos opened up his cell phone and looked up Arther's phone number. He
called the man and invited him out to dinner. He was glad when Arther agreed so he went to his car
and drove to the restaurant. The food was nice as the two of them talked idly about random things.
Arther seemed super hungry like he hadn’t eaten in days as he ordered a lot of food and gobbled it
down hungrily.

Carlos could smell the distinct smell of the gift on Arther, but it was different than any other
werewolf's, it had the same base smell but was just tinted differently. Carlos could also smell that
Arther was aroused when he was near, aparently being near him made Arther hard. Though he knew
that the first month before their first full moon was one of the strangest for them. They were
constantly horny but unable to really get off and they were usually very hungry. All the signs were
there that he was progressing normally, if a little fast but he seemed to be fine.


Arther enjoyed spending time with Carlos, the other man seeming to want to do a lot more with
him. They ended up doing a lot of things togeather like going out for drinks and stuff. Eventually
Arther told Carlos about some of the problems he was having but kept things vague as best he could.
Carlos told him he could see a special doctor of his and Arther decided it couldn't hurt. The guy was in
his insurance coverage and Carlos gave a glowing recommendation.

It was a little weird going to the doctor, Carlos came with him for some reason, insisting that he
at least go to the doctors office with him. Arther didn't protest at that request, rather liking being able
to spend time with the hunk of a man. The check up was also sort of weird, the doctor did blood
draws, took a urin and stool sample and even asked for a semen sample that Arther refused to give. He
hated even showing doctors his junk. The doctor didnt push the issue for some reason even after
Arther told him about his day long erections that were aparently fine and even after he told the man he
couldn't get him self to cum. He was just told to get better sleep and eat more protein and red meat.

Arther wasn't opposed to that and was fallowing it anyway. He felt more and more exausted
and hungry now a days and it was starting to affect his work as he was often caught sleeping or eating
when he shouldn't be. A few days after the check up the doctor called him to say he was just fine but
wanted to schedule an other appointment in two weeks, and told him that he shouldn't work for those
two weeks up to the appointment and that the doctor would sign anything his boss needed for him to
get out of working.

Arther wasn't too happy about that but after some talking with his boss and a phone call to his
doctor he was given the next too weeks off. He didn’t know what to do for those two weeks but he
was a little relived that he didn’t have to work.

An other strange thing was there there were some odd men watching him from time to time.
They looked sort of like FBI police officers or something but every time he called the cops on them
they would be gone and the cops said that they were probably stalkers or something. It didn't worry
him too much because he had enough rep with the local gangs and even some of the far away gangs as
being helpful that he would probably not be targeted by them.

It had been five days since he started his two week doctor enforced vacation. He was bored,
incredibly horny and hungry. The light of the nearly full moon was shining through his window as he
surfed the web and did paperwork on his laptop. His phone rang and he picked it up. Carlos was on
the other line and was inviting him to go try out a cool gym. It was a bit far from his apartment but
Carlos insisted half threatening to come to his apartment and drag his big ass out saying he needed to
get some exercise while he had work off.

Even though it was late Arther grabed his wallet and keys and stuffed them into his pants. He
went to his room and put some gym clothes in a backpack bedfore leaving his apartment. He went to
his car looking around once again spotting a few men watching him. He just shrugged it off, his gun
that he had on him still ready to be used if needed as he got into his car and drove away.

The gym wasnt too far from his apartment and he got there rather quicker than he had first
throught. His cock was rock hard now though. He didnt know if it was because the thought of
pumping weights with Carlos was making him aroused or if it was something else. He got to the gym
as it was mainly empty, the place looked like it was closed or something when Carlos came up to him
from the sidewalk and greeted him.

“Hay there buddy! I am glad you made it, I was afraid I would have to come drag you down
here my self. Anyway come on in.” Carlos said as he walked him in the gym. The place was mostly
empty but there were a few people here and there, though Arther noted that they were all male.
“I thought this place was closed, it seems to close a lot from what I remember.” Arther said
sounding a little confused. Something about the place, possibly the musk of man sweat or just the idea
of working out with Carlos and watching the man's sweaty body work as it pushed weights was making
him more horny than ever, his little cock pratically straining in his paints.

“Oh no its not closed its just not open to the public all the time, you have to be a special VIP in
order to work out here during silver week. And lucky for you I work here so I managed to pull some
strings and got us silver membership. That means we can go upstairs and use the special locker rooms
up there along with plenty of other benefits.”

“You work here? I didnt know that, and thanks but you didnt have to get me a special
membership I dont know if I will come here too often, I dont have time to work out regularly.”

“Oh dont worry, I am sure you will love this place and I will help you. I will get you a
membership card and everything later for now lets get upstairs and lets get working out, you deffently
look like you could use it.” Carlos said jokingly as he swipped an Id badge on a door opening it up.
The two of them walked up stairs and it looked like a rather strange place to Arther. The stairs led
them right into a locker room, Arther assumed he was just lead into the male one. The lockers were
huge and looked like they could fit entire suitcases in them. There was also hair all over the floor and
a drain on it too.

What hit Arther the hardest was the smell, the smell was wonderfull it was like nothing he had
ever smelt before, well it smelt a lot like cum and sex but stronger, more vibrent. The smell almost
seemed to go through his whole body as he took in breaths. He was starting to get a little light headed
when Carlos grabbed him. Carlos said something but Arther didnt register it, something was
happening to him and his mind was getting a little muffled.

Before he could protest Carlos had helped Arther out of his clothes, Arther was dimbly aware
that he should be emberessed about being stark naked, his little wang and balls out for show but he
couldnt think strait enough to actually do much about it. He was then lead out of the locker room, still
naked by the still clothed Carlos into a huge room. The room loked like it was a wrestling dojo, and
sure enough he could see a few bodies wrestling with each other off in the distance, the only odd thing
was that the two bodies were covered in furr. Arther's dulled mind just thought they were in costumes
or something as Carlos lead them off to a private room. The place upstairs was huge like the
downstairs but each room seemed to be built for different proportions than normal buildings with
bigger and wider doorways and things.

Arther was quickly lead into a large room that had a mirror in it. Even in his dimmed mind he
could tell that it was a one way mirror and that there would probably be people in the other room
watching them. The room looked like a wrestling mat was set up in it and the walls were padded.
Everything in the second floor of the building was made out of stone, like the walls and doors and

Something was building inside of Arther as he was walked into the room and the door behind
him was shut, he could feel it growing in his body. It was when the door shut that something inside
him clicked and took over. Like before it first took in the form of hair growing on his head filling out
till he had a full head of hair, but then flowed down his body. Carlos stepped up to him and planted a
kiss on his mouth. Arther would of normally pulled back from the kiss but something inside him
wanted it, it wanted the other man badly.

Hair flowed and grew all over his body, growing all over his chest and back and at his groin.
Arther grabbed and hugged Carlos in a big hug squeezing the two of them together as they made out.
Arther's fat started to receed from his form as he pressed his tongue into the other man's muzzle.
Muscles started to bulge along his form as Arther ran his hands through the thick fur of Carlos. It was
still Carlos, Arther could smell it.
Muscles filled out Arthur's frame as he started to look more and more like a profesional body
builder, his body growing even bigger than the heavily muscled wolf he was kissing and groping and
dry humping against. The furr all over Arther's body grew and filled out becoming a healthy coat of
fur. The muscles all along his body became strong and veins strained underneath his skin and fur.
Arther grew a muscle gut his massive pectoral muscles growing to the size of his old belly. His
pectorals grew to massive slabs of rock hard muscle.

The two of them pressed against each other, each of them wrestling for control over the other as
they tried to gain dominance over each other. Arther roared out a moaning bear roar as Carlos moved
his paw down to the bear's huge rear and pressed a finger into the bear's tailhole. The werebear's
stubby tail waggling about happily much like a dog's. The pleasure shooting through the bear's ass
caught him off guard and caused the werewolf to gain the upper hand in their little kissing contest for
dominance. The bear fell on his rear with a grunt, his huge muscled body hitting the wrestling mat
with a thud.

The werebear knew he had lost the battle for dominance and gave in, he spread his legs appart
showing off his huge bear ass to the dominant wolf. The Werebear was a werebear in all aspects,
Arther's face having gained a muzzle and his ears were round ontop of his fuzzy head. The only thing
still of old Arther remaining was his small cock and balls, made even smaller now in contrast to his
huge muscle bound body. The wolf practically jumped onto the much bigger werebear and shoved his
massive 12 inch long red pointed doggy cock into the bear's ass. The werewolf shoved its shaft into
the bear's huge ass as the bear presented its self to the wolf. The werewolf had Gray fur, its furry grey
tail wagging happily as the werewolf humped into the bear.

The bear's ass was tight, the vergin hole squeezing tightly along the wolf's shaft as the wolf
pressed its member into the bear's rear. The wolf growled and moaned, sounding both human and wolf
as it pressed its shaft into the bear's tailhole up to its inflated knot. The wolf's cock was twitching and
pouring out copious ammounts of precum into the bear's tailhole lubing it up for the shaft. The bear
roared as pleasure exploded out of his rear, he gripped the mat underneath him with strong claws
ripping the material a bit as he writhed about. The bear's laughably small dick twitched as a drip of
cum drooled out of it as the bear had his first of many orgasms.

The werewolf growls as he humped into the bear's ass, the bears ass gripped his cock and
pulsated around it as he humped into the willing werebear. The bear roared and smile happily with his
muzzle as his ass was taken by the wolf. He was loving every second of it. The wolf gripped the
bear's waist and shoved forward shoving its knot into the bear's ass tying him self with the bear. The
bear's ass squeezed around the wolf's cock tightly squeezing against his knot as much as his vergin hole

This set wolf's own orgasm off, the wolf howled into the night as he came hard into the bear's
ass. The wolf's huge balls shooting their first of many loads into the bear. The wolf's orgasm went on
and on, longer than it should of. The Bear's cock and balls pulsated and swelled with each pump of
cum that came out of the wolf's cock. The bear's cock swelled to a normal human size but kept on
growing, The skin around it unlatching from it and forming a sheath as the cock in it swelled and
turned red. It kept on growing until it reached 18 inches long and 8 inches wide. The head of it was flat
and looked much like a horse's shaft except entirely red. The bear's balls grew more and more swelling
and surging in size until they reached the size of grapefruit, full of cum and ready to blow.

The wolf's orgasm ended after that but he was still horny and humped into the bear's ass as best
he could with his knot inflated inside the bear. The wolf gripped the bear's horselike shaft with its claw
and stroked it making the bear roar out in pleasure as its body shook. The Second real orgasm the
former human had ever had hit him hard. The bear's horse like shaft exploded and shot cum out and
onto its muscled gut and chest as he orgasmed. The sqeezing of the wolf's knot and shaft by the bear's
tailhole while the bear orgasmed set the wolf off on his own orgasm when the bear's orgasm ended.
The Wolf howled heavily as he came into the bear's ass. The wolf's orgasm went on as he filled the
bear's tailhole.

The orgasm in his ass pushed the bear over the edge again, the bear cumming right as the wolf
stopped. The howling and growling grew louder and louder, the second floor of the gym was sound
proofed to the outside but the sound of their mating went through the whole second floor of the
building. The two continued like that on and on, each one hitting their orgasm right as the other one's
ended. The bear came then the wolf then the bear then the wolf. The cycle kept on going and going
through the night and into the day, the two of them mating and cumming for hours and hours. It was
noon the next day when the two of them finally passed out hugging each other, the wolf's knotted shaft
still stuck up in the bear's ass.

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