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Trent sighed as he left work again.

It was another crazy day as he swore to himself, putting his work uniform in
his bag. He honestly couldn't believe that person didn't know what "Buy One, Get
The Other Half Off" meant. "Crazy, stupid people." throwing his bag over his
shoulder, and unchained his bike from the bike rack. He got on his bike, and began
to pedal down the sidewalk speeding by people; slowing down to avoid pedestrians
time to time. After a couple of minutes of continuous bike riding, he had finally
got outside of the city limits; biking down the country road that was between
downtown and the small town a few miles down the road. It was a nice day outside
for Trent, as his hair blew back from the gentle gust of wind. It was hardly soon
for Dusk, as it was around the time of 5:15.

The air was around 71 degrees, with people having a fun time outside while
the country road provided more peace than chaos for Trent. The chains easily went
with the metal spokes of the gears. Occasional rocks fell off the side of the road,
and into the bleached dirt. The environment was serene, and peaceful. Every couple
of feet, were telephone poles and thick crops of corn still beginning to be grown.
The ride was absolutely the thing Trent needed as he slowly made his way towards
the apartment.

Taking in a breath of fresh air, he continued to bike down the path. It was
better ridding back and forth to work rather than to deal with crazy customers. It
was also great not to hear the same 'elevator' music repeatedly all day. The best
though, was that he was able to move his legs around freely instead of standing
behind a counter; waiting.

He then suddenly swerved, as his bike almost hit a pothole while he thought
about trying to find a new job in this poor economy. He regained his thoughts,
quickly straightened his bike and making note to focus on the road. The corn went
away as he found himself more around houses of the neighboring town before slowing
to a stop at his apartment complex. He chained his bike up, before quickly going up
the stairs. Turning the key to his room, he breathed a sigh of relief; dropping his
bag on the floor, just glad to be back. Tossing his shoes and socks to the floor,
he made his way towards the soft recliner as he lifted his tired feet into the air
with the lever. In front of his brown eyes was the glow of the television; left on,
as Trent never had to pay utilities.

"Harvey! What is the weather for tomorrow, and is it going to be the same?"
the anchor at the desk of the local radio station spoke to the weatherman, followed
by the cut. "Steve. It is not going to be the same; it is going to be awesome! We
are having the Jet Stream rise to the North, which will force that hot air down
from South, to come to our location. We are having 59 in the morning and an
expected 80 degrees in midday. No overcast expected, so folks... I advise you to
wear some shorts and break a few brews. Tomorrow is going to be a day you don't
want to miss!" the weatherman winked, followed by a few bars of static on the
screen. It was a bit odd, as the television was all cable now and not the bunny
ears. Plopping his feet down from his chair, he went to change the channel by hand,
as he broke the television remote months prior; needing it now more than ever. He
squinted at the screen looking at the static. "The hell?" changing the channel, as
he found it was the same on all channels. "What the fuck is this all about? Bad
cable?" finally giving up, trying to mess with the television settings by hand, and
then proceeding to the cable remote in thinking it was a cable issue.

A pop sounded, and normal activity resumed on the screen. Still such an
occurrence was odd, even the clouds outside the apartment displayed no gray. It was
still clear out, but the sun was going down as night slowly crept around the area,
with the air around Trent started to cool. It was going to be another hard day at
work tomorrow, with the weather being so damn nice; a day off seemingly so wanted.
Still Trent had to come, as it was his job and it made him money. Trent simply
leaned back in his chair as he stared at the TV when his show came on, and when it
came time for a commercial break, he quick microwave some leftovers. As the program
ended, he took a glance out the window before heading to bed as he looked out at
the night sky, "Damn, every day is the same. Wish things just got better."


"Car 54. This is 'Dispatch'. We have a noise disturbance around the area
you are presently located, can you please check and investigate?" Dispatched gave
over the radio to a patrol car as he quickly responded, "10-4 Dispatch. Probably
use a bunch of kids playing with fireworks." He answered back, with Dispatch
quickly following up, "The caller sounded a bit worried. She said it was sounding
more like the gas explosion more than fireworks." The patrol car and headed off in
the direction of where the incident was reported, as during the ride nothing seemed
out of the ordinary; no fires, no scorch marks or knocked over trees. It could be
just a prank call, as the cop himself never heard a explosion in the area, even
though he was near the reported incident. The car crept towards the area in
general, the cop could smell a certain aroma, almost like a burnt smell but no
fire. The aroma of smoke started to flow into his nostrils as he came upon a giant
round ball of metal; seemingly cracked open. The cop's headlights bent from the
thick smoke, as he came to a complete stop. Taking one look at the object, the
cop's eyes were now wide open.

"Dispatch. You will not believe it." The cop began to speak, when suddenly a
pair of thick paws grabbed the cop; pulled out from the open window. The arms of
the creature were forceful and strong as the cop kicked about screaming, as
Dispatch did not hear anything with the thumb not pressing the button. "Get off
me!" the cop kicked about, as the gruff sounds of the creature echoed into his ear;
sounding like a bear. The cop was out of the vehicle, as the bear began to maul the
cop all over; sinking his teeth into the neck, and slashing with his thick claws.
The cop tried to pull out his service pistol from the holster, but only got a few
shots off into the air before the large teeth sunk into the neck. The arteries
severed from the bite, causing the cop to bleed out fast; squirting all over the
place and leaving a mess. With the cop now dead, the creature dragged him into the
bushes, hiding the cop as his thick legs began to walk towards the car. As his
buttocks pushed down into the seat, the car's chassis sank down with it; forcing
the suspension, and tires to take the load.

"Time to begin the invasion." A smile appeared on the creature, as he shoved

his foot on the gas pedal; causing the tire to kick up dirt, and spin about before
finding traction.

[A few hours later.]

As the day crept up for Trent, the whole world had no notice of the invasion
but there were some initial police reports of some activity. Little did they know
the invasion was already underway, as when Trent would come to work, his Supervisor
was late; unusual, as he was always on time.

To Trent, it was just another day as the customer began to make insults at
him, asking for his Supervisor. It was stressful enough, as hours passed by.
Still, the supervisor did not show up as the day continued. Without him, Trent
would not be able to go on his lunch break. It was something that he was looking
forward to at least, with today being nice out. Trent had to suck it up, as the
Supervisor was not coming in to work today nor was he going to call even; odder.
With no lunch break, and a continued flow of customers upset with the company, it
led to a headache and a waste of a perfectly good day. Trent figured he be let go
soon from the company, as it was always in the red. The CEO kept offering stupid
ideas to improve the workforce. Standing behind the helpdesk counter, with furious
customers was driving Trent insane.

Just as the day started to end, the clock showed 45 minutes before the end
of the shift when there was a sudden scream.

A hand coated in blood smashed against the window of the store, smearing the
glass and streaking slowly down as the victim mauled. Trent watched in horror
before he rushed outside and began to attend to the person. The face hidden by the
blood, but the victim was still alive; covered in deep gashes, and showing signs of
shock. One of Trent's coworkers called 911, but they were getting a busy signal; a
sign of the invasion beginning. Reaching both hands under the armpits of the
victim, Trent dragged the body inside the store and began to try to stop the
bleeding. Explosions started to happen outside, followed by the sounds of screams
and the tornado siren. "RUN! RUN! Were under attack!" a person yelled before he was
mauled. The onlookers in the store we in shock before they saw more bears attacking
people outside. One of the attacking bears smelled the blood of the man, turning
his head towards the window to see the onlookers looking back.

"Oh shit. Run!" one of the coworkers spoke, as everyone panicked just before
the bear crashed through the window followed by a few more. Trent stumbled as he
tried to run for the backdoor of the small store. The panic took over his body,
watching the attack happen fast. "This cannot be. These bears are attacking on
purpose, almost like they were organized." Talking in his mind, when one bear came
crashing close forcing Trent to get to his feet; hearing the sound of his coworkers
as he did.

Trent stared in horror at everything happening around the area as he pushed

through the backdoor. Downtown itself was on fire, soon spreading all over the
city as people were screaming; fleeing the bears. Explosions happened all around
the city, nowhere for Trent to run. The bears were swarming the entire area, intent
on eating as many victims as they could. You could easily know where they were just
by following the streams. Trent shut the door, just as a bear came running to the
door; smashing it, denting.

"Fuck work!" Trent told himself, trying to escape the madness down the alley
and get his bike in the front of the store. Looking around the corner, there seemed
to be no bears. He made his way to the bike rack at the front, fumbling the keys
trying to find the one for his lock. "Gotta find it... Gotta find it." Clicking the
lock once he got the right one, as there was a bear close; pulling someone from his
own car. It was intent on mauling the victim hapless as the chain dropped. The
fuzzy ear of the bear caught the fumble of the metal against the ground, turning
his head to look at Trent. Trent jumped to his seat and began to peddle fast; away
from the bear. The bear stood up for a second, "Hey! Get back here!" spoken in a
husky voice, as it went to its fours again; charging at Trent with fast speed.

Looking behind, Trent saw the bear gaining speed, causing him to pedal
faster to escape. The creature slowly gained on Trent, as the bike itself was not a
fast one; casual biking. People were still out in the streets, getting attack as
Trent pedaled fast to escape the gaining bear. Close enough, the bear lunged out at
Trent; trying to swipe. Missing, it kept up chase with Trent. Coming close to the
scene were a pair of cop cars; armed. "Hey! HEY!" Trent waved as he moved between
the car, while one of them began to fire at the bear; missing first, but hitting on
the second. In fury, the bear changed his focus, letting Trent get away while he
fought with the cops. A few blasts of thunder brought down the bear when Trent was
away, not seeing the large body falling. The police were able to hold off the bears
with their weapons, but anyone without a weapon was doomed from the stronger bears.

"What a scene." Trent safe, pedaled home uninterrupted; free from the threat
for now. Coming close to the town, he saw it had been attacked with the fires
burning but not sounds of explosions. The streets were utter silent, with the wind
blowing. Trent looked all around, trying to hear any signs of the creature as he
got to his apartment. Walking up the steps, he could see the door closed; no one
had entered. Taking one last glance outside, he opened the door and shut it;
locking quickly.

Relieved, he turned around to catch the glance of one of the creatures!

The thick paw hand shoved in his face, pushing his head against the door.
The creature got close with his wet nose, and thick fur on his face; sniffing.
"Call for help, and I will eat you." Grinning with his strong jaw, as he slowly let
his hand go. Trent tried to scream once he did, as the thick hand shoved into his
face once again.

"I said clearly. No screaming." He forcefully grabbed Trent by the collar of

his shirt, ripping the top a bit. The bear was close to killing Trent, was covered
in a cocoa-colored fur. His entire body was shaggy, fluffy. The breath was hot,
wanting to taste Trent as saliva dripped from the corner of the lips; wanting to
eat Trent. "Please don't kill me!" Trent cried, as the bear smiled.

"You're lucky today. I am in a tough spot, and they are looking for me; your
defense force."

"I am sure they are gone by now." Trent tried to pry off the bears hands,
unable, as they were thick and strong; vice like.

"I am not that stupid. Therefore, until your forces leave, I shall stay
here. It's only a matter of time."

For the next few hours, Trent was under house arrest by the bear. Always
keeping a eye on him, just in case he made a move to do something stupid. Anything
that caused the Bear to suspect Trent of calling for help; always a eye on him. The
television allowed to be kept on, as Trent watched it, sitting aside by the Bear.
The creature had his thick feet on the coffee table next to the couch; resting
them. The stomach of the Bear rumbled as he watched, making him pat his stomach and
then looking at Trent. Trent looked at the Bear, "Feed me." was all he said to
Trent. "I don't have any food..." Trent tried to argue but the Bear quickly
interrupted, "Feed Me!" the teeth pronounced. Trent had to think of something fast,
making it worse because of the invasion happening. All of the pizza chains had
closed up shop, worrying about being killed. The Bears hot breath cascaded down the
face of Trent.

"I have nothing in my house." Trent pleaded.

"I believe you, but you still need to sustain me. My culture has studied
yours in preparation. Show me your penis." Speaking slowly, with a serious intent.
Trent was slow to do so, as the Bear grabbed Trent by the neck. "I said show me
your penis now. I need sustenance!" getting more angry by the section as he was
hungry. Trent began to fumble with his pants, as the bear was almost ready to slash
them off. Trent's fingers fumbled around as the bear was impatient. Finally, Trent
unzipped himself, to display his flaccid length to the bear. "It's smaller than
what was described in the documents. Still though, you will serve me well!" the
bear ordered Trent, as his face went close to the fleshy object. The wet nose
tickled the head of the penis, sniffing the aroma of the human. Trent's penis
jumped the first time the cold nose touched the skin; perking. The hot breath of
the bear washed over the length, and the curly pubes. Then came the sensation of
the tongue licking at the length, trying to erect it. Trent tried to moan but he
was silenced quickly by the bears massive paws; smothering his face. The thick fur
muffled Trent, while the thick claws scraped him gently. Huffing, the bear finally
took his dark lips to wrap it around the flaccidity of Trent.

Trent kicked around, but not able to harm the creature that began to lick on
the shaft. The teeth of the bear chewed gently, not cutting Trent as the penis
slowly began to erect from his body. Silence was what the bear wanted, as his mouth
wrapped around the length of Trent. Inches of erection sprouted from the body, and
all were in the mouth of the creature. Trent had a hard time breathing, with the
paw hand covering his face. He could smell the ursine musk on the brownish fur. The
pads of the hands were thick, and soft against his face; pushing down. The lips of
the bear were wet, as the tongue was doing everything to please Trent's penis.
Blood flew throughout the length, making it rock hard; veins throbbing gently. The
scrotum became lose as heat flew from the shaft. "That is it. Give me my

The hefty frame trapped the legs, making it hard for Trent to move as he
felt the pressure built up. Moaning, the pressure flowed towards the head of the
penis, almost ready to ejaculate. Arching his back, he reached the apex of his
arousal and splashed out the substance into the mouth of the bear. The gooey
mixture went into the mouth of the creature, as he took it all in stride; enjoying
the texture, and taste. The mouth sucked, and grasped with the lips around the
shaft as it slowly became flaccid; trying to take in all the fluid. The mixture of
saliva, and sperm coated the shaft; forming a sticky substance, coating the pubic
hairs of the pelvis. The bear was silent, content with the sperm of Trent as it
left him with the bear's head pushing against him. Moving his head up, the bear
burped as its throat cleared. "That was somewhat fulfilling, but only meager." The
voice gruff, moving closer to Trent. "You said you were not interested in killing
me!" Trent's voice trembled while the bear's paw stroked his face; curious, and
with passion in its touch.

"I did say that, but your fluid is very tasty. I need more though, and I
need a bigger batch!" the bear grinned, placing his large paw on the chest of
Trent. Immediately Trent could feel a warming sensation on his flesh, as the thick
hand pressed deep. The hand became hotter, almost like a brand causing him trying
to pry the hand off. "Keep it on." The bear telling Trent, as the skin began to
itch all around the skin; feeling like a rash. Soon the flesh began to expand out
from the chest. Muscle and fat began to increase under the skin. Taking the paw off
Trent, there was a large black mark of the paw print over the skin. It soon was
covering up, as the skin all over began to sprout stubble over the chest. The bones
in the shoulders popped, along with the muscles in the neck burned. Slowly the neck
began to widen, while the shoulders became bigger; broader. The flesh continued to
fatten up, spreading down towards the stomach area. Bulging out from the body, the
stomach gurgled as his belly pushed out. A line of fur developed down the middle,
moving down to his pelvis. Soon the area around the penis itched like a mad STD;
the pubic hair started to soften, and thicken.

The bones popped all over while the paw mark was slowly lost in the
thickening fur of Trent. The nipples covered in the jungle, as it spread all over
the upper arms and under. Trent found it harder to move, not because of the bear
but because he could not control his body. The back ached, as his muscles tense;
strengthening. The gut hung out from the body like the chest, muscular though as
they were not sagging by any means. The bear being nice, despite him starting the
transformation went back to licking Trent's penis. The testicles of Trent began to
plump up, as the skin of his scrotum began to thicken; holding the larger orbs.
More testosterone flooded the body of Trent; increasing the size of his heart, and
increasing the fur growth all over Trent.

"Gr- Why am I shifting?" Trent had a hard time speaking.

The bear stopped licking the shaft, just as it began to grow out. He placed
his hand on the face of Trent; hushing him. "Sssh. You do not want to alert your
soldiers to your form! I told you I need more, and I found you especially
delicious. Although I will admit you're not properly aged yet, but I can sure help
you out with that." The bear sneered. The lips darkened on Trent, as his jaw made a
few pops. The bones under the facial muscles pushed, and then thickened before it
did it again; all in pulses. The weight increased in Trent even more, as his arms
were very thick. The changes moved down to his forearms and wrists; beginning to
touch the hands. On the palms of Trent, did the outline of darkness coat the skin.
In addition, fur began to sprout around the fleshy area, itching even more as the
nerves were more sensitive. In no time, did the flesh begin to thicken under the
palm, and fingertips of Trent. The fingers became shorter, and stubby. The bones
make noises as they shrunk in the fingers. The pads immediately grew out under the
thickening hands; darkening fast.

"Yes. Feel yourself becoming more ferocious." The bear was close, as his
thick belly touched Trent's. The eyes looked back into the creature, as his teeth
cracked. The canines began to grow out from the gum line, dripping a tad of blood.
Due to the growth of the canines, the adjacent teeth pushed aside so they would not
fall out. The new canine shapes were thicker, and the points at the end were blunt;
the piecing action was all about the pressure his jaws could do. The rest of teeth
jagged, becoming well built to tear and shred meat fibers to eat. The tongue lulled
out, as it grew outwards for a moment from his growing jaw. Fur coated the
sideburns, upper lips, chins and cheek. It seemed intent on growing on the outside,
only to meet at the nose. The structure itself started to darken like the lips. The
surface of the nose felt moist, as the interior of the nose, developed more scent
cones; able to smell blood outright.

The creature knelt next to the belly with his face, licking the soft hairs
as they grew out; teasing them. Slowly his shaft pulsed, as it began to thicken up
right away; filling with blood fast. The heart was pumping it throughout his system
faster, causing him to become erect quicker. This time though, the length
increasing from his pelvis. The veins popped from the skin, as instantly the muscle
fibers were strict; giving him a rock hard length. The nose of the bear was cold,
as it once again touched the hot shaft of Trent. He could feel the length of the
tongue run under the erection, and lick against the pubic fur that covered his
testicles in a thick carpet. Trent huffed, moaning slowly as his jaw popped. Slowly
he could feel his own face just push out forward ever more. Quickly as the bone
grew, it then stopped; appearing like waves, as the entire flesh was soon covered
in softness.

Trent could feel his lung takes in more air, although his chest was warmer
from the thick muscles and hair over it. "Ugh- Ughhh." His grunts sounding like the
bear he was becoming, as the real bear simply lay on his stomach once again. His
mouth reached for the lips of Trent, to hush him quiet before one of his neighbors
found out. "Sssh. What did I tell you." The bear tilted his head at a angle to wrap
his thick lips around Trent; feeling the tongue slid in to investigate the forming
"cub". The bear was overpowering, his thick hands felt wonderful, and Trent felt a
compulsion to the bear; seemingly a protector. His mind though quickly wanted to
shake it off, feeling himself giving in to the beast. The hair on his head grew
out, very shaggy; wild, untamed. The ears began the process of sliding up the head,
dragging the ear canals that led to the brain. The entire audio system moved while
the ears grew out rounder, and truer to his forming animal nature. The ears grew
more rounded, with fluffy fur growing on the back of the thicker ear lobes.
The bear continued to kiss with his newest creation, while the couch moaned
from the weight of the two bears. Trent felt his rump begin to thicken, stretching
the fabric of his underwear. Tufts of fur pushed out of the leg holes while the
elastic bands started to snap. The thighs bloated as well, gaining mass with muscle
and fat; thick, powerful. Trent's buttocks twitched with a small hint of pain, as
his tailbone began to curve out. It repositioned itself slowly towards his back.
His body spasm when the muscles and nerves pushed aside so the tailbone could touch
the back. The stub pushed out slowly, and dragging out the skin; causing the
forming bear to growl with his throat. The sound pleasing to the true bear, as his
thick hands rubbed the face of Trent. The testicles churned out new sperm at the
base of the penis, as it slowly began to rise. The bear lowered its head, and once
again teased Trent; this time with his paws.

"Let it go cub." Chuckled the master, as his thick pads aroused the penis
when rubbing his thickness. The legs kicked, feeling heavier by the moment. All
over Trent was covered head to toe in the shaggy material, as the underwear
shredded fully. His mouth was agape, as the pads rubbing his length felt very
arousing. The scent of the bear filled his dark nose, and it amused his brain with
the pleasing scents; wanting him to violate him anyway possible, or become

"Roll over Rook." The bear grabbed his newest member, forcing him to lay on
his erect shaft while leaving his back for the bear.

"Time to give me the honey pot." He whispered softly into the ear of Trent,
as the hot breath washed against the side of the face followed by the piercing
stroke. Trent felt his anal walls conform to the thickness of his master, making
him ejaculate on the couch just as it broke; the fluid streaming onto the cushions.
"Oh god. Get that thing out of me." Trent moaned, as the pleasure slowly felt ever
more pleasing, as his back began to feel the soreness after the bear rammed up
against his thick buttocks. The strength of the animal was penetrating him not only
physically, but also spiritually; Trent feeling so natural this way, to be able to
handle a bear of this size.

The weight of the bear lay on the back not, grabbing him around the waist
for support as he thrusted with his muscles. Each stroke was decisive, and hard;
making Trent conform tight around his shaft. The friction began to warm up the
flesh of the bear, as his breathing became erratic. Trent grasped the side of the
couch the best he could, his mouth crying in lust as this felt erotic for him as he
lay on the stream of his sperm. The heat and scent from the two began to rise, as
he took his rookie. "Al... most." The head lifted on the bear, as his penis began
to jump and twitch; feeling close to the climax. As soon as the pressure reached
the head, he couldn't keep it in longer, and suddenly a pop! Trent felt the stream
of warm-cool liquid extinguish the flames of love in his tunnel. Both bodies went
rigid, more so for Trent as relief felted; shame as well, as the bear certainly
transformed him into this thing.

"You made me into a beast." Trent spoke exhausted.

"Yes I did. You will find it to be better, consider the end of man is at
hand. Always better to be the hunter, than the hunted." The bear coo'ed, stroking
the back of Trent's head; pleasing Trent.

There was a knock on the door, as the door opened to the night. In front of
the door was a neighbor with a flashlight; catching the two bears in the act. He
dropped the light ran, calling for help. Trent looked to his new master, as he
looked back. "I think it's time we left this place, and took you somewhere else. A
place, where your better suited cub." Smiling as he got off up of Trent, and walked
to the door. Trent gazed upon his master, and new it was better for him to leave
then to take a slug. Walking towards the bear, he held his head low while the bear
wrapped his hand around the head. "Come on, I'll introduce you to the guys!"
speaking, as he took Trent away and shut the door.

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