1646762152.transformationguy3 24 Old Friends

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GPIM Haywood Community: Old Friends (24)

—Transformation Guy 3

Saturday morning rolled around and Daniel was knocking on Blake’s door
with a donkey-pulled carriage waiting on them. “Are you ready?” he asked when
Blake opened the door.

“I think I am.” Blake said. He was both shirtless and shoeless, showing his
changes well. His dark fur shone in the morning sun and for the first time Daniel
noticed how the rust-colored fur went higher on his front and future underside than
his back, making a slanted line. It was the same thing with the rust fur on his
wrists. And the light also highlighted the strands of rust in the near-black around
his face, making him suspect he’d have some rust patterns on his face.

“Good. Mind if I come in a minute?” Daniel asked.

Blake hesitated, then carefully said, “If you want, but given what happened
last time you came over I don’t know that that’s a good idea. Given our plans, of

Daniel reddened, “Right, good point. I’d rather not, now that you mention

As he locked up, Blake said, “I still can’t believe you managed not only to
find Andrew, but got someone to bring us to meet him!”

“Don’t get too excited, it’s just another student I met at the bonfire to escort
us so we don’t get lost.” Daniel said as they started to the carriage, “He’s not
anything fancy.”

“Still, so Brett finally got back up with you?” Blake asked.

Daniel scratched at his mane, not out of nervousness but an itch, “No, the dj
and bartender.”

“Is there something I should know and worry about?” Blake asked, cutting
his eyes at the gesture.

Daniel laughed nervously, “No, he was just nice, gave me some good
advice, and his number to call if I needed anything. He was the only other number
I got there…aside from the papers slipped into my pocket after the vials were

“A likely story.”

“Please tell me you’re not going to be one of those possessive, jealous

types.” Daniel said, “And before you ask, I threw all those numbers away. Guy or
girl, I’m not into that kind of thing.”

“Depends on the advice.”

Daniel stopped them and kissed Blake, making his boyfriend’s tail rise, “The
best advice.”
“Acceptable.” Blake said, “Especially since you even got us transportation.
But,” he bit his lip, deciding if he should ask, “wouldn’t a taxi have been faster.”
He then hurried and added, “Not that I’m ungrateful, it makes me feel like a price.”

“Only the best for my royal paramour.” Daniel said, dramatically bowing as
he opened the carriage door in one, fluid motion.

“Trying to butter me up for later?” Blake asked as he entered, trying and

failing to be just as dramatic.

“Hadn’t crossed my mind, I’m simply a sucker for anything fantasy, and a
carriage is very fantasy.” Daniel said as he climbed in behind Blake.

“Well, it suits my tastes just fine.” Blake said, “So you don’t know why
Andrew is housed at Brayfever? I know for a fact he didn’t attend there.”

Daniel just shrugged as the carriage lurched and began, “No point in
worrying, we’ll find out soon enough.” Daniel said hastily, “Want to listen to
Mistborn some more instead of worrying more?”

Blake smiled, “Thanks, I need to get my mind off it. We’re almost done
with the first book, right?”

Daniel nodded and grinned a knowing grin, “A bit more than four hours, the
climax kicks off soon.”

They hadn’t gotten as far as the length of the trip would have suggested.
Blake had not taken certain events—or one event, specifically—well and kept
interrupting it to ask for reassurance. Daniel refused to tell spoilers, but he could
only hold out so long when bombarded with questions. As the carriage pulled ino
Brayfever, Blake asked yet again, “He’s not really dead right? I mean, him!
There’s two more books.”

Daniel sighed and broke, “I’m thinking of a Monty Python quote that
answers your question.”

“Please be ‘No one expects the Spanish Inquisition’ I’m willing to say I
didn’t expect him to return.”

Daniel smiled and made a ‘darn’ gesture, “You basically guessed it, so

“Don’t say it!”

“‘This parrot is dead’ you know that one? ‘Gone to meet it’s maker’
‘pushing up daisies’ ’this is an ex-parrot’.” Daniel said, barely keeping’s
composure enough to speak.

“Blake threw his hands up the moment he was out of the carriage and yelled,
“Damn you Sanderson!”

A very donkey looking guy nodded and pointed at them when Blake yelled.
He walked up waving, “Daniel, I recognize you a bit, and that must make you
Blake.” he said, his voice slower and less energetic than Daniel remembered. He
didn’t think it was from difficulty speaking either, since he was still quite clear, if
especially deep and rather rough.

“That’s right, thanks for helping us.” Daniel said, but his face was bright red,
“Blake, this is DJ the DJ from the bonfire and…uh, dressed exactly the same
which I wasn’t expecting.”

DJ brayed a laugh and gestured to his white-with-black-and-gray fur coving

his body, “At least I’m furred this time. And the roan pattern was unexpected but I
like it, especially since I’m going to be a performing donkey.” He looked like a
human donkey with his fur, donkey head, tail, hind hooves, and equine genitals.

“You look like the transformation is being good to you.” Blake said.

“Yep, though it does seem like the end will be loaded wit all the undesirable
changes. For now, I think I’ve dodged the bullets again because I think I’m putting
on mass.”

“Well, you look good right now.” Daniel offered politely, wile trying not to
look at his nude form.

“Well thanks, how about we walk and talk. I imagine Blake’s eager to visit
his old friend.” DJ said, “This way, it’s a bit of a trot across campus.” and trotted
“Big time!” Blake said, “I haven’t been able to talk to him since freshman
summer and I’ve really missed him. He’s a great guy.”

“Mmmm. I bet he was.” DJ said, “So, what have you been told?”

“Nothing really, I was wondering why he’s housed here when he didn’t
attend Brayfever actually.”

“Well, not everyone housed here was a student and not every graduate lives
on campus.” DJ said carefully. Then he changed the subject before Blake could
ask more, “So Daniel, it looks like you took my advice to heart, I’m glad. Blake
seems like a great friend for you to hunt down his friend and arrange this.”

Daniel smiled goofily, “He is.”

“You’re both lucky then. Make sure you talk to GPIM Administration and
coordinate your housing or auction lots. Transformation Services, I think, if not
then they can point you to the right place. Professors say too many friendships and
partnerships get split up because people just don’t bother.” DJ said, “Then you
need to find a mate.”

“I’ve got that covered.” Blake said and eyed Daniel.

“Well good, so who—“ then DJ saw the look and realized with a brayed
laugh, “Good for you two. Not ready to publicly admit it yet, that why you’re
introduced as friends?”
“We’ve decided dating our best friend is how we’re comfortable thinking of
it right now. Really takes the pressure off to fit the expectations of being a
couple.” Blake explained.

“And I wasn’t sure if Blake was ready for me to introduce him as my

boyfriend, so I thought friend safer.” Daniel said.

“I’ll have to remember that. I know at least one jackass that could use the
advice.” DJ said.

They were passing through the campus’s central square. Unlike most
everywhere else on the island, everyone changing was roughly seventy percent
there. And yet, students walked to and from classes or elsewhere, some talked,
some studied at tables, benches, or just on the ground, a group played with a
frisbee, some just relaxed, and a rare few were getting busy among the crowd.
Aside from the increased nudity, donkey parts, and public sex, Daniel could gave
been back at his college.

They kept walking and soon were past the square. Daniel had accidentally
tuned out the conversation and jumped back in when Blake asked, “You said
you’re going to be a performer, DJ?”

“That’s right.” he said.

“What kind?”

DJ shrugged, “I didn’t specify, so admin’s choice. Might be a street

performer, a circus carney, or in a petting zoo among options.”

“Petting zoo?” they both asked in unison.

“Yea, that falls under performance because of the docility training and a lot
of the techniques are good for working with children.”

“Docility training sounds horrible.” Daniel said.

“Mostly it’s stuff to manage aggression and reflexes that might hurt
someone interacting with me, but it does tone down the sex drive. I expected a lot
of meditation and therapy coping mechanisms, but it’s a lot weirder than that…I’d
rather not talk about it right now.”

“I guess that’s not so bad.” Daniel said.

“Don’t get any ideas, there.” Blake said.

“I’m always getting ideas, you’ll have to be more specific.”

The stable was on the edge of campus beside a building DJ called the
Mating Department. “They use some stimulating chemicals so have to keep that
away from the main campus. Seems odd to put it next to this stable, but I guess
someone smarter knows better than me.” DJ said, leading the way into the BF-5
Inside it looked like a normal stable. Donkeys were in most stalls, but there
weren’t any signs of the human comforts Daniel had seen when he visited his
mom. No television or computer noises or anything. The donkeys were doing
what he assumed donkeys did in their stalls. Only a few payed attention to their

DJ led them to a older man in a lab coat, “This is Professor Humperdinck,

the breeding professor. He’ll brief you and introduce you to your friend.”

Blake failed to stifle an amused snort.

“Yes, please get that out of your system. The Administration gets no
shortage of amusement from me teaching breeding.” Professor Humperdinck said.

“Sorry.” Blake said, “It seems a little overkill to need a professor to

chaperone, though.”

Daniel didn’t say anything but pulled close and put a hand on his shoulder.

“I’m afraid I doubt this’ll be the reunion you’re expecting.” Professor

Humperdinck said, “This is one of the feral stables. Everyone in here went feral.”

Blake slowly opened his mouth in an O. Daniel squeezed to try and comfort

“I’m afraid he’s also approaching the five year mark, after which the chance
of recovery is almost nothing.” Professor Humperdinck said.
“But there’s still a chance, you said?” Blake asked.

“Yes.” Professor Humperdink said carefully, “Odds are better earlier but
five years is the point we consider it too unlikely. And visits from familiar people
have been known to improve the condition of even late stage patients. But it’s far
from a guarantee.”

“And what’s Andrew’s state now?” Blake asked hollowly.

“About par for someone feral. He might recognize you, but he’s still
mentally little different from a born donkey. You’re likely just a familiar face and
there won’t be anything deeper behind it.”

“I understand. How—how long does it take? For someone to go feral?”

Blake asked.

“It varies, for some it’s like a switch is flipped and others experience a
gradual slip. But most cases occur and finish by the the time the transformation

“That explains what happened with his behavior. Can I still see Andrew
now?” Blake asked.

“Of course, this way.”

Blake and Daniel were led to a stall with a black-furred donkey with a rich,
brown underbelly and markings. He stood like all the others and didn’t react to
Blake. Daniel could see the heartbreak on his face.

Blake approached Andrew and bent and scratched his neck. That was when
Andrew paid any attention to Blake for the first time. He stared at Blake, sniffed,
and then brayed.

“It’s me, Blake. I came to visit you after all this time.” Blake said, “I think
you had the right idea, coming here before graduating instead of after and wasting
all that time. Then again, it would have been a very different experience for me,
and I’m happy with this one.”

Andrew just kept staring.

So Blake kept talking. His voice shifting between hollowness and the
enthusiasm of meeting an old friend as he talked about life since freshman year.
What college had been like. The friends he’d made, this was where Daniel got
introduced. The adventures. How much he and everyone had missed Andrew.
The adventures they never got to have. The plans Blake had had for the two of
them that summer. And finally, his time on the island.

Daniel stood beside Blake and let him lean on him when he needed. He
tried not to interrupt or distract when he kept having to shift his weight from
uncomfortable and numb feet in his shoes. Professor Humperdinck stayed behind
them a little ways. And DJ off behind him.

His face wet, Blake finished and stood and turned, “That’s all I can take
today. Thank you guys.”

“I’m glad we could. Come on, let’s get you out of here.”

As they started walking away, Andrew took a couple of hesitant steps out of
his stall and brayed. Everyone turned and saw him take another step toward Blake.

Blake bent back down and scratched Andrew, “Don’t worry, I’ll come visit
you again.” And they left with a promise to return to Andrew and to hang out with
DJ when they did.


“I’m sorry that didn’t turn out like you hoped.” Daniel said on the way back
to Haywood.

“Thanks. Did you know?” Blake asked.

Daniel looked down in shame, “I did. I’m sorry, hate that I didn’t tell you
but I had no idea how to say it. So I thought it would be best to let the professional
break the news instead of screwing it up when I tried to. I know it was the
coward’s thing to do.”

Blake put a hand on Daniel, “I appreciate the sentiment and probably would
have made things worse if I had had to tell you too.”

“Thanks, I’m still so sorry.”

“Yea, me too.” Blake said, “For Andrew. Not you.”

“It looked like there was some hope for Andrew too, so maybe the next visit
will be better.”

“Hopefully so.” Blake sighed, “And I suppose I should focus on the friends I
can still talk to before they leave me.”

“Not a bad idea, but you don’t have to give up on Andrew to keep in touch
with everyone else.” Daniel said, “Especially since I think Andrew needs you now
even if he doesn’t know it.”

Blake smiled at him, “Thanks.”

Daniel smiled back, then it turned sheepish, “Would you mind if I?” and he
held up his phone, “Today and what you just said has me missing my best friend.”

“Go right ahead.”

After a couple of rings, Caroline’s sweet voice answered, “Hey Daniel! I

didn’t expect to hear from you again.”

Daniel gave a small chuckle, “It’s definitely going to be hard to keep in

touch in a few weeks.”

“So how’s the island life treating you?” Caroline asked.

“Pretty good. If you’re bored or going without anything, then it’s your own
fault.” Daniel said, “I guess this is what being rich is like.”

“And yourself?” Caroline asked the cheer fading somewhat from her voice.

“The first pair of hooves are just starting, still standing on two legs, and I
can talk…as you can hear.” Daniel said, “The way it grew in, my mane looks like a
mohawk. I’ll send you a photo later.”

“That’s ok.” Caroline said, “Don’t go to any trouble.”

“It’s no trouble—”

“Look, I don’t want to remember you like that. So please let me keep my
images you from before you left.”

“Oh, ok.” Daniel said, some of his excitement left his voice. But he quickly
found it again, “Oh, you won’t guess what. I met someone here!”

“Like a hook-up?”

“Like a…” Daniel paused, he hadn’t discussed the details with Blake yet and
was figuring out what word to use without forcing something on him, “a serious

He could hear Caroline perk up, “Good for you! Please tell me her name
isn’t Jenny.”

“It’s definitely not.” Daniel said with a chuckle, “The real surprise was that
his name is Blake. I, uh, found a boyfriend.”

“Ok.” Caroline said plainly.

“He’s really great.”

“I didn’t expect this coming from you.” Caroline said.

“And you don’t even know half of what makes it so surprising to even me.”
Daniel said with a forced chuckle, “How about we video call later and you can
meet him, I’ll stay out of the camera?”

There was a long pause from Caroline, “I don’t think we should.”

“Why not?” Daniel blurted out.

“I could accept your arguments before, but now that that island has turned
you gay we can both see you were wrong.”

“The island didn’t turn me gay.” Daniel muttered.

“Don’t try and argue when your actions speak for themselves. That island is
nothing but a den of sin that’ll damn you to Hell.”
“What are you saying.”

Caroline sighed, “Until you’re ready to fix yourself and repent, you
shouldn’t try and contact me.”


“I thought you were better, but you’re just another cock in that orgy to Hell.”
Caroline said, “I’ll keep praying for you, but I doubt it’ll help you.”

“I think you have it wrong.” Daniel said, but she had already hung up.

Blake only heard half the conversation, but that was all he needed to hear,
“I’m sorry.”

“Thanks. We’re old best friends.” Daniel said, “Were best friend, there no
point in sugar coating that it’s over.”

“What happened?”

“She’s always had a bad view of Pleasure Island from the church. I thought
I had convinced her it wasn’t a ticket to Hell, but I guess not.”

“And I take it she’s not big on boyfriends either?”

Daniel shook his head, “Very conservative that way.”

“Can I ask a stupid question: why did you tell her then?”

Daniel shrugged, “You know the kind of friend you want to be your
uncensored self with, even when you know somethings are better left unsaid? That
was her before you.”

Blake couldn’t help but smile at that, “Sounds like her loss.”

“Yea.” Daniel said, but it was obvious his heart didn’t agree. “Why am I so
bad at this,” and Daniel gestured to everything, “all of it no matter what.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I was a bad straight guy. Now I’m a bad gay .” Daniel said, “I’m a bad…”
he didn’t finish that sentence.

Blake pulled him into a hug. It was as much for Daniel as himself. For lost

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