The Wealth Bible

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Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 4
Step 1 .............................................................................................................................. 6
Setting your foundation ..................................................................................................... 6
Step 2 .............................................................................................................................. 9
The wealth rules ............................................................................................................... 9
Step 3 .............................................................................................................................11
Ability v/s action ..............................................................................................................11
Step 4 .............................................................................................................................13
Four fundamentals of wealth .............................................................................................13
Step 5 .............................................................................................................................15
Prospering in the long run ................................................................................................15
Step 6 .............................................................................................................................18
Prosper in true wealth ......................................................................................................18
Step 7 .............................................................................................................................20
Prosper in your mindset ...................................................................................................20
Practical tips ....................................................................................................................23
Recommended Resources..............................................................................................31
Recommended Resources..............................................................................................32
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Being wealthy does not have to be difficult if you have the know-how.
In these hard economic times, many people are satisfied by just getting
by and scraping enough money together to pay the bills.

Wealth and financial freedom are a far-off dream for many people. For
them, it means mansions, gated communities, a fast car, private parties
or a pool. The truly wealthy have family names like Rockefeller or

It can be easy to accumulate wealth. The thing is, not everyone knows
how. The twentieth century has bought a boom of first-time
millionaires, many of which do not come from family money. They
make their first million by employing timeless wealth wisdom and
secrets only the ultra-rich used to know. Fortunately for you, there are
dozens, even hundreds of little wealth nuggets you can easily apply to
your life to expand your portfolio and double, even triple your net
Being smart with money and becoming wealthy is not rocket science,
but for many it looks and feels like hard work. The funny thing is it, the
fact of its very simplicity means that more and more people should
know and be doing this. But they are not. This is because most people
work for the money, instead of making the money work for them. This
is also because making money involves patience and restraint.
Everything about our culture advocates otherwise.

But do you want to end up broke by the time you retire? Do you
constantly fend off phone calls from creditors? Do you sigh and shake
your head at your bank balance? No one wants to spend their life
waiting for payday and watching money flutter away the moment bills
come in the mail.

Becoming wealthy is not just about falling into family money, inheriting
a trust fund or even having a big income. In fact, many people with huge
incomes rarely are truly wealthy. Huge incomes often equal huge
expenses and struggling to keep your finances in the bank every month
does not equal financial freedom. Investing is different from spending.

Let’s dive into it now, shall we?



What is Financial Empowerment?

The term “financial empowerment” has many aspects. On a general

note, it means being self-sufficient with money, so much so that you
don’t keep wanting for more. You have your financial coffers full and
for any of your needs, you just have to plunge into them and get at the
money. A person who is financially empowered is thus dynamic
economically as well because he or she is able to use money to attract
more money.

The Wealth Mindset?

The wealthy think differently. This is true and an inescapable fact. There
is a poor mindset and a wealthy mindset.

The rich have a different approach to life. They plan, risk and manage
their money in a different manner. They also have a positive attitude
towards life and opportunities. The first and most important step to true
financial freedom is creating this mindset for yourself. This also involves
a no-holds barred, honest look at your life and assets.
Creating a starting place is as important as moving forward, so it does
not matter if you start with $1 or $1,000,000. It is all about the mindset
and the will to move forward to creating your wealth.

Goal setting

To start out at the beginning, list out whatever comes to your brain
about what you wish from life. You may put things like felicity, hope,
college of your selection, a good career, a fantastic husband - the list is
often endless! Such the better for you! And do you understand why? It's
because while a few goals are accomplished easily, a few might take ages.

Once you've accomplished some goal, you tend to lose interest and need
additional goals to keep you functioning. Once you recognize that
accomplishing a goal is all in your hands, you don't have to settle for
anything to a lesser extent. The intriguing thing about charting out goals
to be accomplished is that you are able to keep adding and subtracting
all through the journey that is living.

Remember that any goal you set must be your very own and shouldn't
be somebody else's. Not even those of your hubby, youngsters or even
your boss. It's when you let others determine your definition of success
that you're putting bounds on your future.
• Pick out goals that are meaningful and suit your strong beliefs. If
the goals have no substance or significance for you, the whole drill
is a waste.
• Forever have truthful and accomplishable goals. There's no point
in asking for something unattainable.
• Never be obscure in your requirements. Being particular always
has better outcomes. Put down clearly what your intentions are - if
you would like to be in the top of your class, merely write it down,
look at it each day and work towards accomplishing it. This way,
there is no way you are able to bomb!
• Decide on goals that are ambitious and never accept shelter in
your comfort zone - after all, you need to see that you have the
vigor and cutting edge to accomplish what you wish.
• Forever keep your targets elastic. This way, you don't feel
beleaguered by your own stiff rules and regulations and not let
yourself t miss out on chances.
• Prevent being judgmental when you're putting down your goals.
You might discover that you're questioning the validity of each.
This will only handicap your forward motion.
• Be willing to go all the way. Never waver in asking for what you
wish. Be geared up to work hard and smart and also to make
forfeitures along the way.
• Never let pridefulness, low self-respect, fear or ignorance get in
the way. These are all signs of helplessness and will stymie your
success in accomplishing your goals.


The ordinary individual is spending 105% of their net income i.e. they’re
in debt. Debt is only beneficial if it's for building assets. That is called
beneficial debt! You must have a spending plan for your life to make
certain you only spend what you have and then save and/or invest what
is left over. It's suggested that you save at the least 10% of your net
income. Finally, when investing, only take investing advice from
somebody who's as affluent as you would like to be.

Making income and becoming wealthy may be a little like learning a

foreign language. There are lots of terms like: Assets, Net Worth,
Liabilities, Liquidity, Gearing, Leverage, and so forth. And you must
know what they mean in order to get to be a good investor. The
mechanics (tools, techniques, investment vehicles, and so on.), Likewise
need to be studied so you put them into practice knowledgeably.

You are able to literally get rich by pulling out of debt! Begin by paying
back the loan with the highest rate of interest first. It may very well be
your charge card debt. Then begin on the debt with the next highest rate
of interest.

Do this by making a payment agenda month by month until that debt is

gone. If you think you haven't got enough out of your monthly pay to
begin paying back those debts...think again. Everybody may buy one less
daily cappuccino, bring in a sandwich for lunch, and walk rather than
grabbing a cab and so forth. Simple and small stuff but it will make a
huge difference to your net positioning at the end of every month.

There are 2 ways to step-up your net worth...

1. Bringing down your liabilities (debts).

2. Increase your equity (assets). There are basically three types of
assets: Paper Assets (Shares, Bonds, Pensions and so forth); real
property (Residential, Commercial, Development) & Business
(begin, purchase, Rent).

You must acquire the knowledge about investing in these asset

categories in order to build riches. You should work inside your own
limits and only take on assets you are able to afford to pay for or
discover how to use other revenue.

It's vital that you settle on an absolute dollar amount you'll invest every
month and stick with this to see your riches compound and grow.

I don't know how many times I've heard individuals state "I don't have
the income to do that". Take heed, no one does. But stating this is a nice
excuse that lets you stay inside your comfort zone. The answer to any
issue always rests outside your comfort zone.


There is a wide gulf between ability and action in the world that we live
in. There are millions of people out there who are capable of doing
something. They might even have the right academic qualifications and
some might even have an experience. But then these people aren’t
putting their talents to the right use. Think about someone that can
teach excellently, but doesn’t put that talent to use. This person is doing
a desk job instead because according to him or her, that’s a safer bet.
Now, the desk job can only take the person so far because he or she
doesn’t really like doing that. However, if this person had taken the
bigger step of going ahead and teaching – overcoming any limitations in
the way, such as stage fright – it is highly possible that he or she would
be more financially stable and empowered today.

We all have various talents, but we fail to discover them and if we do,
we most likely fail to put them to use. J. K. Rowling would not have
become the multimillionaire she is today if she had given up her
penchant for writing and chased a humdrum “safe” job like many of us
do. Imagine Michael Schumacher or Zinedine Zidane’s vast bundle of
talent hidden behind an office job. Think what Barack Obama would
have been if he did not act to implement his immense leadership
potential and charisma to rule one of the most developed nations of the
The one thing you have to consider is that it is not enough to be just
able. It is not enough to be able to swim, cook, dance, write, jump or
whatever. If you want to be financially empowered, you have to use
these abilities that are within you and wow the people around you. It is
only then that you start taking steps toward your empowerment.


When you are looking at building yourself financially, there are a few
things that you must make sure you have with you. These are your allies
in your quest for financial empowerment – they are your four
fundamentals – without which you will find this journey very difficult.
Here we take at a look at these four essentials in brief.

1. Assets

Assets are the material and nonmaterial things that you have with you.
These things are valuable because you use them to create more things.
However, we are going to bring about a change in your perspective of
assets. Normally people think only about monetary assets. But
everything that you have, including the love of your spouse, can become
an asset.
2. Education

Education is veritable factors in empowering yourself financially because

your career is going to depend on how educated you are. However,
education does not just mean academic qualifications – everything that
you do in the pursuit of achieving something counts toward your
education. Even reading a manual to understand how a particular
software application operates will be education for you because you can
use it in future in some or the other way to enrich what you have got.

3. Investment

Investing is an asset because this helps you in securing money for the
long run. When things are going the way they shouldn’t, your
investments matter a lot. Even when everything is hunky-dory, your
investments build up your financial portfolio like few other things can.

4. Recreation

You might not willingly take this as a factor for financial empowerment,
but the fact is that you need to enrich your mind in order to stay
healthier and hence make yourself more stable monetarily. Some forms
of recreation can actually directly help in improving your economic
standing as well.


It may not sound pleasant to a lot of us, but when most of us think of
the term “financial empowerment”, they tend to think about short-term
goals. They think about how they can put in efforts to achieve money in
the short term, within just a few weeks probably. One of the biggest
mistakes that we do is that we contract our entire lifespan into a few
weeks by thinking in this manner. We forget that we have a long life
ahead of us and that if you want to be really financially empowered, we
have to make sure that we have enough for that period which looms
ahead of us.

That is why, when we speak about financial empowerment, it is not

going to be much about what you can do that can give you returns today
– there is a lot of material on that already – but it is about what you can
do so that you stay financially empowered for the longer term. This is
actually what must interest each and every one of us.

There are some very important ways in which this can be done.

Now, everyone gets basic education and hence if you want to really
financially empower yourself, you have to learn something more than
the other person. We aren’t talking about childhood education here but
education that enriches you as a professional. In the Internet marketing
milieu, for example, a person who has educated himself or herself to use
blogs and article submissions will do better than someone who uses just
article submissions.


People who are in for the long haul will always think closely about
investment options. They will think where they can invest so that they
can get the best returns. Investment is highly important if you want to
financially empower yourself because this is what can help you when the
chips are down.

Insurance is an assurance that is of value when something goes horribly

wrong. There are several unforeseen things that can happen in our lives;
one such stroke can wipe out all the financial empowerment that we
have achieved for ourselves. Though any loss in the world can never be
replenished completely, insurances do provide some respite in such


Every song you hear, every book your read, every movie you watch,
every place you visit enriches your mind in some way. Though you aren’t
doing these things for gaining knowledge, they are certainly expanding
what you know. You are learning new things and anything can be
important at any time. Hence, even the way you amuse your mind is
essential when you are talking about financial empowerment.

All these things won’t bring money right away at your doorstep, but they
are definitely enhancing your capabilities. You become a better person,
financially and otherwise, when you use these key factors in the right


Wealth is a way of feeling and being in the world. It means that you have
abundance in every area of life. People are meant to live a life of
profusion. There’s an evil rumour in the mind that there’s not enough
for everyone. There’s not enough money, not enough food or not
enough of everything you can imagine. This is a complete lie because
there’s enough.

There’s more than enough for everybody. The problem is that people
have been taught that there’s lack in the world. You see people who
don’t have what they want and they conclude that wealth is a faraway
place that’s very hard to reach. This is certainly far from the reality.

There’s more than enough wealth in every area for each person to have
everything he or she wants and more. Everyone wants to find someone
to love or perhaps you already have found your special someone. Is
there a limit on love? Sometimes, people will put limits on love, but
that’s not true love. True love has no restraints, it’s boundless and it’s
limitless. It can be given all the time and never run out. Everything else
is the same. Wealth is profuse and people should learn to see that there’s
more than enough for everyone.
Wealth is having profusion in your relationships. It’s having family,
loved ones and friends and great relationships with them that bring
happiness to people’s lives every day. These are mutually valuable
relationships that are indeed a two way road. Without healthy
relationships, life can be very stressful and hard. Wealth in relationships
is all about both of you obtaining more than you put in.

As the saying goes, health is also wealth.

Having lots of money, but not being fit enough to enjoy it isn’t true
wealth. There are many people who’d give their entire fortune for better
relationships and better health.

On the other hand, there are poor people who have great health and
great relationships. This is most likely as close to wealth as people can
get until they can take care of their financial state. True wealth is about
abundance in relationships, finances and health.

Wealth has one more area – the realm of spirituality. Some people feel
rich in the realm of spirituality when they’re able to go to church
regularly and give to God. Others feel rich when they have a reason to
dedicate themselves to.

You have to decide what true wealth in every area means to you and
understand that you don’t just deserve it, but can also have it. You can
have the love, relationships, health, money and things you want. There’s
more than enough available for everyone.


Wondering how successful people think? How can someone develop

such a mindset that can help in getting successful financial results? Well,
changing your mindset about money can be the best key.

First, you need to completely revitalize and change your thinking. If your
‘thinking’ and ‘actions’ haven’t gotten you any financial result that you
always want, then it’s time for you to make some changes. Deciding to
change is very easy, however, to implement this change requires sincere
commitment. The economic state has no actual influence to whether
you will be able to be financially successful or not.

It’s no doubt that having a millionaire’s mindset is indeed a choice and

decision. You should make firm decisions for you to be the anchor for
achieving your financial goals. Most successful people have strong
resolve and unwavering commitments of following actions that can lead
to accomplishing their financial goals.

Second, you should also learn how to develop a sense of mastery in

making your money grow. How can you achieve this? You must make
some actions to educate yourself about turning financial resources to
continuous investment cycle. Change your mindset, turn your constant
having of spending into constant investing to help increase your
Begin by brainstorming different ways on how to increase the
accumulation of your money. Learning is definitely one of the keys to
changing your mindset. Do not be intimidated with learning things that
you’re unfamiliar with. This is an integral parts of the processes of
learning, molding, and changing your mindset about money. The more
you learn, the more your mind will easily conform to new ideas. Your
ethic of hard work can lead you to become a master in growing your
money. If you have few limited beliefs and mindset about money,
improving your finances and wealth will never become a priority for
you. Precise, true, clear mindset about money will definitely establish
wealth limit much higher. If you really want to achieve financial freedom
for you and your family, changing your mindset towards money can be
the best decision.

Third, you have to learn and practice complete responsibility of your

actions and the choices you make. No matter what the circumstances
may be as a result of your actions and choices, you must learn and
accept your mistakes, but refuse to get affected so that you can stand up
and take a new direction to achieve your goals.

Empower your mind to develop a wealth mindset. Here are some of the
time-tested plans proven by well-off people to get you true financial
• Do not spend more than you make. Only spend for stuff that you
really need and invest or save the rest. Investing should be done
wisely and carefully. Make sure that your investments earn.
• Get rid of your debts if you want to be wealthy. If you’re currently
paying off a certain loan, pay it off quick.
• Buy assets to raise your net worth. It might be in the form of
bonds, shares of stocks, business venture or real estate. Be sure to
gain assets that you can fund.
• Live a sensible life every day by counting each cent coming out of
your pocket. Simple and small things that you can give up make a
great difference and this would mean extra savings.

The truth is that the mind can do much more than you can possibly
fathom. Unfortunately, most people just do not have the motivation
and the initiative to believe and figure out their potentials. They’re
not aware of the control that they have over the mind. Most people
have not realized that they could actually gain control of their
mindset and focus their thinking on changing the direction of their
lives to a better path and achieve wealth.

Planning Your Retirement

Invest and Start Early: If you’re like most Americans, planning on your
retirement must start on you very first job. You have to basically take
advantage of the most essential steps of financial planning that anyone
can make: invest carefully on a retirement account.

Living and Lifestyle Arrangements: Next, you should look at your

current lifestyle and consider the lifestyle you intend to have after your
retirement. If you want to travel frequently, budget accordingly. Do you
plan on moving closer to a family upon retirement? Consider the
different factors and elements which are important for you.

Identify What You Really Need: For financial advices, this is among the
cornerstones. Knowing the different resources that you actually need
upon retiring is the fundamental key to having a successful and
comfortable retirement. Set specific saving goals. Think ahead, instead
of thinking short term. Remember, you can’t save enough money for
your retirement if you don’t know exactly how much you need.
Savings Review and Annual Portfolio: At every year end, it is critical that
you review your 401K, IRA, savings, and other types of investments you
have created for your retirement. With the help of a reliable personal
banker, accountant, or financial advisor, see if you’re able to successfully
invest anymore to your retirement.

Planning ahead and very carefully for retirement does not have to be
time consuming or costly, but the possible dividends can prove to be
substantial in the end. An accurate, solid plan begins with specific
financial goals, short term or long term, and learning what it actually
takes in order to achieve those goals.

Automatic Savings Plans – One of the Best Plans Ever

If you are looking for an effective means of saving, well an automatic

savings plan can be the best options. It’s a type of savings system in
which you automatically deposit fixed amount of money and at specific
intervals to your investment account.

Thanks to the modern technology, it is now easy to start up your own

automatic savings plan. If you actually have a direct deposit via your
employer, you will discover one easy way of establishing this is for you
to have parts of your income or paycheck directed to a savings account.
It does not matter if you are able to save 10 dollars of 500 dollars,
simple being able to save money automatically will guarantee you that
part of your paycheck is being saved every time you’re being paid. This
kind of savings system makes it more convenient and easier for you to
establish a strict personal budget, since it’s more difficult to dip into the
savings or overspend once the money is automatically deducted from
your paycheck.

If you have successfully saved money, you are rest assured that you will
be able to surpass most challenging times, enabling you and your family
to have a better life. Many people argue that to have a nest egg isn’t the
only means that you have to take. They believe that they also have to
invest the money to something. However, saving money proves to be a
very smart and effective investment alone. Instead of using the money,
you’re saving them for later purposes. Investing on something may only
risk your money but if you take it for savings, you have the money in
any case.

Make a Budget Plan and Track Your Spending Habits

A good budget plan is created to last all through the years. Yes, you can
actually budget for a short term basis to get your way through
challenging times, but the most effective budget plans will definitely take
you and your family out of big financial trouble and of course, to your
financial goals. Budgeting is one of the most essential aspects of
planning for your future indeed.

Creating a budget plan is at the core of your financial freedom. If you

don’t have such a plan to budget or track your spending, chance is
things might get out of control. Once this situation happens, it’s much
harder for you to get things back on their track than if you’d followed a
budget plan in the first place.
But how one makes a budget? Where can you begin your budgeting

1. Create a list of your income and expenses

2. List all the regular bills.
3. Account for other kinds of expenses. E.g gas, groceries, clothes,
personal items, haircuts, movies, eating out, stamp collecting, etc
4. Areas That You Can Actually Cut Back A Bit – Take the total
expenses; subtract this from the total income. The difference will
be an amount which you’re under or over budget.

If you’re over the budget, this means that you’re spending way more that
what you make. This is not ideal. For most, that overage may end up to
credit cards. Then you’re paying interest and this isn’t actually necessary.
You should always avoid using credit card in order to supplement the

Take the amount that’s over; see where you can try to cut back from
your budget. Sometimes, this could mean making a hard choice and you
may need to give up something. But at the end, the reward could be
worth it.

While some think that a budget plan is a constraint, but it’s giving you
the freedom from worry and stress from finances.
Think about your future.

Visualization is a common technique that lots of people use to

implement the Law of Attraction. It’s a combination of
imagination and attention. Spend some time regularly focusing
your attention on the situation you want in your life and visualize
that it’s really happening. When you begin practicing visualization,
you should also keep most of your attention all through the day on
what you really want instead of what you don't want. A lot of
people fail to do this and then question why their visualization is
not working.

Begin tithing

Tithing is an excellent way to create a wealthy mindset as you can start

immediately with any amount that is comfortable. Another benefit of
tithing is that it amazes your brain cells with the idea that supply is
unlimited. Thinking that you have all the money to spend because more
will come in is thinking profusely. It is one of the pleasures of being
rich, as any well-off person will prove.

Educate yourself ab out money matters

Educating oneself money matters is often overlooked, but it can be a

very powerful method for becoming empowered for wealth. The more
you are familiar with money matters, the more confident you’ll be in
handling funds. As you gain confidence to manage small amounts of
cash, you’ll attract opportunities to manage larger amounts of money.
As you earn more money, you’ll have the knowledge needed to handle
more. Or else, you won't be capable of keeping the money you attract. A
lot of people attract large amounts of money, but are still near broke
always because they never learned how to handle money. Don't be one
of them. Educate yourself about money matters.

Spend time with the wealthy

Spending time with well-off people can help you become empowered
for wealth further. If you do not know anyone you can hang out with,
look for a successful person and take him or her out to lunch. You can
ask that person how he or she achieved success and what advice he or
she has for others. By doing this, you will obtain a first-hand education.

If you cannot do that, then attend live seminars of successful individuals,

watch their teleseminars or listen to their recorded program. There’s so
much available on the web. Everyone has his or her story and something
important to share.

These are different ideas you can implement to become empowered for
wealth. Use your imagination to create new ways and don't stop. Just
believe in yourself and you can definitely do it.

There is no shortcut to instant wealth. Being rich means playing a game

that lasts for years. The truly wealthy not only look forward to this
game, but also look forward to playing it. By following these timeless
secrets, you learn the value of hard work, patience and reap the rewards
for years to come.

If you want to experience the life of the rich, believe that you’re capable
of building wealth. Don’t easily accept your current level of wealth,
thinking that great prosperity is beyond your reach. Are you struggling
with the idea of seeing yourself wealthy beyond your wildest visions?
Then, why don’t you lower the bar and aim to simply earn extra 50
dollars per week? This is attainable for most people and will boost your
confidence to think optimistically about wealth and actually build it.

Wealth will flow to people who think they deserve it and can picture
themselves already in control of it. Opportunity after opportunity might
come your way, but if you doubt your worthiness, you’ll have a hard
time building true wealth.

There might be times when the struggle is too great or seems never
ending, but this is the time to persevere and remain focused on where
you wish to be instead of where you are at the moment.
A simple tip that’s often mentioned is to try surrounding yourself with
successful and well-off people. Just being with people that you respect
and possess the kind of prosperity you’re striving for is a great motivator
and can often create opportunities that you’d otherwise never have
come across.

One of the main hindrances to acquiring great prosperity is limiting self-

beliefs. If you’re harboring beliefs that you do not deserve to be rich and
that having great wealth is wrong, then address these issues immediately.

You need to dominate the art of managing money in the same way you'd
approach the getting the hang of a musical instrument, a sport and so
forth. Begin early on the road to money command and become a
student, learning only from the best. By discovering the tools,
techniques and skills needed for dealing with money you'll become
richer, quicker. Command calls for discipline and patience, crucial skills
in true wealth creation. Leave your emotions on the sideline and
rehearse discipline. The more disciplined you are the quicker you'll
become affluent and the more affluent you'll become.

Never be complacent and put off your wealth creation for tomorrow.
True wealth and real wealth starts by making these changes today.

To Your Triumphant Life,


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