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International Business Student Code of Honour

As an International Business Student of English, I, Nicolás Quesada Kautz

acknowledge that it is my responsibility to observe the highest standards
of ethics and academic integrity. Furthermore, I pledge to abide by the
principles of intellectual honesty, and I will therefore not participate in or
tolerate, online cheating. I am aware that failure to comply with this Code
of Honour may give rise to an allegation of misconduct and may be a
ground for disciplinary action, and if serious, for expulsion.

Task One

Green Digital
Financial Department
Green Digital, 24 Westway, Salthill Galway

Mr. Leeson
Book Publisher
Leeson House

Leeson House, 1 Shore Drive, Howth, Dublin

Ref: Unpaid Invoice 490440 & 491055

30 June 2021

Dear Mr Leeson,

With reference to your invoice no. 490440 & 491055 we would like to advise
you that we have not yet received your remittance for this amount. We would

like to highlight that the deadline of the invoice are 30 days, and we would be
delighted if we can come to a settlement within the next 10 days from now.

May we remind you that the commercial relationship in the past was highly
satisfying and we would be pleased to continue as it was.

Unfortunately, the payments must be made. In case this does not happen, we
will review the account and consider stopping printing for your firm.

Nevertheless, if in your Company problems occurred regarding printing or

binding do not hesitate to call us.

We look forward to doing business with you and come to a settlement. Should
you require further information we will be pleased to help you.

Yours sincerely,

Nicolás Quesada

Financial Department

Task Two

Subject: Monthly update

Dear all,
I would like to inform you that our monthly update meeting will take place later
this week on the 2 July. We will met in room 247 at 10:00 in the morning and
the event will last two hours. I would like to remind you that the punctuality is
extremely important since I have other things to finish and the lack of
punctuality have drawled my attention in the past meetings.
You should update us about all your projects as requested in every monthly
update as well as provide your latest sales figures.
Furthermore, I regret to inform you that Mike Collins (our regional manager in
Dublin) has left the company and we will discuss which work might be affected
by his lack.
I would be most grateful if you bring questions and comments to the meeting
that we can discuss and possibly confirm with a short answer your attendance
to the appointment.
I look forward to seeing you and have a nice week until then.

Best wishes,

Nicolás Quesada
Team Manager
Adidas AG

Task Three

How have companies ́ attitudes to accountability changed in recent years?
(min; of 135 words)

Companies have noticed the importance of having a clean accountancy in their

own business due to the increasing moral and ethical responsibility in the
society. The humanity is more aware than ever before of the ecological,
accounting, and other aspects of a business that have to be morally right.

Prior to the actual time, companies were not exposed the same way, since the
question of being moral or ethical has evolved in the last decades and is now in
the so called “show us” model where humanity is not only involved,
additionally is seeing annual reports for example, or having the amount of CO2
exposure of companies.

That is why the attitude of companies have changed regarding accountability.

They have noticed the changing mentality of the consumer and need to act in
demand of them.

The consumer now is wary, and companies are trying to act distinctive to
another to be the most moral or ethical one to be the most successful at the
end of the day.

One example for that is Adidas, which was gaining popularity for the low cost
production in emerging economies and then dropped the shoe with done with
cans and plastic bottles so they became famous for being ecological aware and
work against ocean pollution and plastic.

Task Four

Who did you choose to promote Logistaid ́s educational programme and

what were your reasons for doing so? (Minimum of 135 words are

For the educational programme of Logistaid I choosed the world famous soccer
player Cristiano Ronaldo.

In my opinion he has reached everything having the less and is potentially the
best example that discipline, and hard work are the gateway to success.

Furthermore, he has done several projects for underprivileged civilization in

Africa and does not have tattoos being distinctive in his sport by that just to
donate blood regularly.

This drives to a highly ethic appearance in the public what would convince the
people at Logistaid to donate and participate in the project, given the fact they
would trust Ronaldo and his participation at this event/programme.

Lastly, the large fan amount and the wide range of Cristiano (one of the most
popular personalities in the world) would also draw the attention of more
public in the world about this project.


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