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78 8.2 GenX, Gen Y, GenZ deserbing people 3. Match profiles A-D to generations 1-4 in exercise 2. 11 Workwith a partner, Discuss the questions. 1. What do you understand by the term ‘generation gap’? 2. How different are your attitudes and opinions from those of other generations in your family? Think about the following, aA ‘Born shorty after World Wari this generation had ‘more opportunities in lie than their parents. Optimistic {and wiling to work long hours, they tend to define themselves by their professional achievements. They are often well educated and can be quite compettvein the workplace. Outside work they seek enjoymentin ie. * bringing up children * fashion + importance of social status + manners new technology + music * saving and spending money» working hard + other cultures and nationalities 2 Lookat the names of the different generations, as used by demographers and the media, Which are you? 1 BabyBoomers Born 1946-1964 2 Generation X Born 1965-1980 3. Generation Y Born 1981-2000 4 Generation Z Born after 2000 8 This generation ning the Workoreeat to tart Of this milléninilim, is also known as the ‘millennia!’ generation They have cferentprrts rom tei pavers, caring ess about earning large slaies A They havea (perhaps unt reputation forboing self-centred, arrogant and botving thoy deserve tho bes in if, Some tink tis comes fom constant berg tod sine Ith “This gonetation is more penned hn previous ones nn aude to other cultures and nationalities © Sometimes referred to as Generation Net, this generation never experenced a word without thointomet Bocause ofthe interme thoy are very swollinformed about wort evatta, They ars also est oe sch-envey ton previous pera) with children as young as twobelng able, oY This generation, Ravinglived througilanleconomTie recession, probably wor take money for granted, D ‘Sandwiched between Baby Boomers and ‘Generation Y, this generation shares many oftheir characteristics, They 5 they value a workclfe balance. A higher dvorce rate and {an increase in working mothers meant many from this generation grew up often being alone. They therefore tend to be independent, family-focused and have a realistic attitude to life. They also tend to be critical of authority (Orr Oxford 3000" 4 Complete the profiles in exercise 3 with phrases a-e. ‘a and more about work-life balance like to be active and tend to be hard-working, but to operate smartphones and tablets that they are special 5 Workwith a partner. Although stereotypical, are the sgeneration profiles true for people in your country/people that you know? Give examples. 6 Match five of he adjectives in bold in the profiles in exercise 3 to definitions 1-5. 1 knowinga lot 2. knowinga lot about computers, ete. 3 having studied at college or university 4 willing to accept ideas and situations different from your own 5. expressing your negative opinion about something you thinkis wrong, 7a With apartner, complete the table with all the adjectives in bold in the profiles in exercise 3 Negative Positive Itdepends 10 b Add these words o the table in exercise 7a, conventional easy-going irresponsible loyal self-confident stubborn 8a. Write six adjectives from the completed table in exercise 7a, three that apply o you and three that don't. Work with a partner, Tell your partner how you see yourself. Give examples. Twould say I'm quite People ell me I. ” ean bea bit... sometimes © Howsimilar or different are you? Toll the class. participle clauses 9 The highlighted words in the profiles are participle clauses. Read the Grammar focus box and answer the questions. Which ofthe highlighted participle clauses... 1. replace relative clauses? 2 havean active meaning? 3 havea passive meaning? 2 Complete the sentences with the present or past pa form ofthe verbs in brackets. 1 Wsnot strange nowadays o see two-year-olds {operate) smartphones. 2 Generation X, (call)'GenX’ for short, was born between 1965 and 1980. 3 Generation, isthe generation (follow) Generation X 4 (Have)__grown upin the Digital ‘Age, Gen X and Y are tech-savvy. 5 GenXisthename ofa famous British punk band, (Gorm) in 1976. Rewrite the questions using participle clauses, 1 What ate some of the challenges which face those who workin a multi-generational workplace? 2. In what ways are people who were brought up in the age of social media different from older generations? 3. What are the factors which affect the beliefs and attitudes of generation? 4 How do you think people who are born after 2020 will be different? ‘Workin groups. Select three of the questions and discuss them. Compare ideas with another group. 79

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