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Researchers on the topic:........................................3
How do I plan my research?....................................4
social application.......................................................7
Biblical application....................................................7

What is more contaminated, the public bathroom or the cell phone?

Since the invention of the microscope In 1609 Galileo Galilei built the first simple
microscope. From 1617 to 1619, a two-lens microscope with a single convex
objective and an eyepiece appeared the author of which, it is assumed, was the
physicist Cornelius Drebbel there have been important advances in science and
medicine. It was fundamental, for example, for the discovery of cells, protozoa,
bacteria, spermatozoa, red blood cells, etc.

The discovery of microorganisms is attributed to Anton van Leeuwenhoek,

considered the Father of Microbiology.

Microbiology is the science that studies microorganisms, bacteria, fungi, protists

and parasites, and other agents such as viruses, viroids, and prions.

Bacteria are living things that contain only one cell. Under a microscope, they look
like balls, rods, or spirals. Most types of bacteria are harmless.

A bacteria culture test can detect harmful bacteria in or on the body that may be
causing disease, as well Culture is the growth of microbes in a solid or liquid
nutrient medium; the increase in the number of microorganisms facilitates their
identification. Culture also facilitates antimicrobial susceptibility testing.

The toilet is a cup-shaped container, generally made of porcelain or enameled

earthenware, which is used to urinate and evacuate the belly in a sitting position; It
is provided with a cistern with water to clean it after use and is connected to a
drainage pipe that communicates with the sewers.

The cell phone is an independent telecommunication device. Allows you to perform

different operations such as calls, text messages, access to the Internet, and
various digital applications

Bacterial contamination refers to the unwanted incorporation of microorganisms in

an area that causes insecurity; If the presence of these bacteria is observed on the

surfaces of the body or an object, it is not recognized as an infection but as

Contaminated: state of having come into contact with microorganisms.

Some of the most common bacteria that can be found in the toilet are micrococci, streptococci,
and staphylococci. All these microorganisms are known for different skin, intestinal and urinary
tract conditions.

The percentage of bacteria isolated from cells was: Staphylococcus sp. 16.7%,
Staphylococcus aureus 38.7%, Klebsiella sp. 11.6%, Klebsiella pneumoniae 0.6%,
Shigella sp. 10.3%, Streptococcus sp.

A petri dish is a flat, shallow dish made of glass or plastic with a suitable lid. A petri
dish is used to culture different types of cells, including bacteria and molds. It often
contains a nutritional medium on which the cells can grow.

How do bacteria affect the human body?

Many of the bacteria that cause disease produce toxins, which are powerful
chemicals that damage cells and make you sick. Other bacteria can directly invade
and damage tissue. Some infections caused by bacteria include Streptococcal

Researchers on the topic:

Francisco Aguirre A., JUDITH VIVES, Joel Golby, etc.

How do I plan my research?
1. What supplies and equipment will I need to complete the steps I plan to take to
solve the problem?

Latex balloons, Petri dishes, Sterile material, Laboratory oven

2. Where will I get the equipment and supplies?

Grijalva Laboratory

3. Will I need to work in a laboratory?

Yes, I will work at Laboratorio Grijalva

4. Do the steps I need to follow include a single experiment or multiple


Two experiments, the first to detect bacteria in the cell phone and the second to
detect bacteria in the bathroom.

5. What will I measure or count to determine the results of the experiments?

variety of bacteria

6. What is the experimental group for each of my experiments? How many

specimens will they contain?

Amount of time they have not been cleaned, 1 month, 6 months, and never

7. What is the control group for each of my experiments? How many specimens
will they contain?

Clean bathroom and clean cell

8. What are the constant factors for each experiment?

Both are contaminated with bacteria.

9. What is the variable in each experiment?

Amount of time they have not been cleaned, 1 month, 6 months, and never

10. Will I have to repeat my experiments to get accurate results? If so, how many

Yes, I have to repeat my experiments to get accurate results once again.

11. Is there known data available to compare with my results? Where will I get this

Yes, in La Tercera, La Vanguardia, Telemetro, among others

12. What security procedures will I have to follow?

Treat all microorganisms as potential pathogens, Sterilize equipment and

materials, Disinfect work areas before and after use, Wash hands, Never pipet by
mouth, Do not eat or drink in the laboratory, or store food in areas where it stores
microorganisms, Label everything clearly, Autoclave or disinfect all waste material,
Clean up spills carefully, etc.

What is more contaminated, the public bathroom or the cell phone?

I hypothesize that the cell phone is more contaminated or dirtier since large
amounts of fungus, mold, and aerobic bacteria are found in all areas of the phone
from the moment the screen is touched. Cell around 3,000 a day and since it is not
disinfected frequently and correctly, all these bacteria are found. The opposite of
public toilets is that they are cleaned at least once a week, so all bacteria are
eliminated and do not accumulate, as happens with cell phones.

This culture is prepared in a laboratory by adding a sample of bacteria to a Petri
dish containing a suitable solid or liquid medium, depending on the type of bacteria
to be analyzed. Then the Reception of the sample: It consists of determining

whether or not the sample meets the quality requirements necessary to be
processed. These requirements include the correct identification of the sample, the
evaluation of whether there is an adequate quantity for the requested study, and
the verification of adequate transport and conservation conditions. Each laboratory
must develop and distribute the criteria for acceptance and rejection of the
samples. Processing: consists of the preparation of the samples, staining, and
inoculation in the culture media for their subsequent incubation. In this process, it is
necessary to consider: a) the type of sample sent, b) the patient's clinical
diagnosis, and c) the request requested. The type of sample sent determines
whether or not it requires a previous treatment (centrifugation, homogenization)
before the inoculation of the culture media. The clinical information of the patient is
fundamental for the selection of the culture media to be inoculated and their
subsequent incubation. In general, depending on the type of sample, the laboratory
uses a primary culture medium that allows the isolation of most of the most
common etiological agents of the different infectious processes. However,
sometimes the clinical syndrome can be caused by rare microorganisms whose
isolation requires the use of unusual specific and/or selective culture media. If any
of these unusual microorganisms are suspected, the laboratory should be
contacted. Likewise, the laboratory must inform the clinicians of its institution which
microorganisms it routinely investigates and which must be specified in the
request. Although isolation by culture continues to be one of the most widely used
techniques in the diagnosis of infectious diseases, there are currently other
techniques whose main advantage over culture is diagnostic speed. These rapid
diagnostic techniques are based on the detection of antigens and nucleic acids or
the detection of immune responses. Although nucleic acid detection is not available
to all laboratories, detection techniques for Tigens do not require special
technology or equipment and are easy to do. The most commonly used techniques
are direct immunofluorescence, agglutination with latex particles, enzyme
immunoassay, and immunochromatography. Other rapid diagnostic techniques
based on the detection of immune responses (mainly antibodies) are very useful in
the diagnosis of certain infectious diseases. Multiple kits are currently on the

market for the detection of numerous microorganisms in certain clinical samples
that have proven useful. The plate is then incubated at an optimal temperature to
promote proper growth of the bacteria.

social application
My project serves society as it helps the community to learn about the
contamination of the objects that it uses constantly and to be more careful with
them. It also helps them not to contract diseases unnecessarily, in addition to
informing them that these objects must be constantly cleaned to occupy them

Biblical application
2 Corinthians 7

Therefore, dear friends, since we have these promises, let us purify ourselves from
everything that pollutes the body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for
God. Let's clean our objects so they don't contaminate us.


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