DSRPG Fixlist

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DSRPG Fixlist

As sourced by the community on r/DarkSoulsTheRPG.

High severity Medium severity Low severity

Affects or prevents Confusing or annoying Preferential or low-impact

P. x - Inconsistency in using “armor” and “armour”, and “defence” and “defense”. Possibly
others. Also inconsistency in capitalization, such as “A/advantage” or “L/long R/rest”.
Inconsistent use of terms in regards to the legacy from 5E, such as dex/dexterity, attack of
opportunity/opportunity attack or critical attack/critical hit.

P. 28 - Under “position at higher levels” the word “paladin” is used instead of “brute”.

P. 34 - Armour & Weapon proficiencies list “Sword, shield & weapons”. Likely “sword” should
be replaced with armour.

P. 34 - The header says “saving throws & proficiencies”. There should not be an ampersand.

P. 38+ - Under all class pages. Armour proficiency is written as “all swords and shields”.
Likely “sword” should be replaced with armour.

P. 38+ - Under all class pages. Header is spelled as “Profeciencies”. Also “Proficieny bonus”.

P. 41 - Blessings of Oblivion. Leftover text “no longer possess”.

P. 59 - Grim Sentinel. Remove ‘a’ from “a hyper awareness”. Also it should likely specify
‘ambush or surprise attacks against you’.

P. 65 - Fast Strike. Missing a ‘you’ before “may spend 2 Position”.

P. 147 - Radiant is spelled “radient”.

P. 234+ - Weapon categories are inconsistent in pluralisation, e.g. “dagger” and “straight

P. 237 - Typo with “slashingch”.

P. 294-295 - Several items say “re-store” instead of “restore”.

P. 392 - “Seath” is misspelt as “Seatha”.

P. 399 - Missing capitalisation at start of sentence under Bloodied. It also refers to a cone of
‘fire’, when it is a frost-themed attack.

P. 441 - Trailing comma in header “Large humanoid,”.

P. 462 - Shifting Crown has a hanging sentence “Communal Fireball to deal (3d10)
additional damage.”

P. 470 - Erupting Slices has duplicate paragraphs.

P. 28-31 & 101 - A +3 modifier is mentioned where the attribute is 15. It should be +2.

P. 28-31 & 101 - Position at first level, and when levelling up is described differently in the
two sections. Unclear which is correct.

P. 164 - Crystal Soul Spear has the ability text from the spell “combustion”.

P. 201 - Ringed Knight Armour uses the wrong image.

P. 249 - Farron Greatsword has a str requirement of 1.

P. 439 - Great Bow for the Silver Knight is missing the + to hit.

P. 484 - The Multiple Attack action is imprecise in the amount of attacks it does, and it refers
to attacks the boss does not have. Likely copied from a different boss.

P. 486-489 - Stat blocks and descriptions for the two princes are mixed indiscriminately.

P. 10 - DC is referred to here as Difficulty Check, when it should say Difficulty Class.

P. 29 - Fencer bloodied effect refers to a ‘free’ reaction. What qualifies as free, as opposed to
regular reactions?

P. 31 - Caster bloodied effect refers to removing the position cost of armour special abilities,
however armours do not have active cost abilities.

P. 31 - Caster bloodied effect refers to ‘withdrawing’ from combat. This language is

inconsistent with the later description of opportunity attacks.

P. 34 - What is the function of a ‘primary ability’? Moreso for the Deprived, who can choose.
It does not seem to serve a function.

P. 38+ - Proficiency in armour does not seem to have a purpose or function anywhere.

P. 38 - Knight missing level 4 “ability score increase” on the list, even though the description
on the next page lists it at level 4.

P. 38 - “Improved Unbreakable” is not described anywhere.

P. 39 - “Evasive” mentions dex penalties for dodge rolling, and refers to page 108. However
no mention of dex penalties can be found there.
P. 41 - Grim Reputation. Inconsistent use of ‘wisdom saving throw’ and ‘wisdom check’.
Presumably it means the same thing.

P. 41 - Blessings of Oblivion. What happens if you spend 1 position to reduce damage?

Would it be better to say something like “each position reduces damage by x, up to a max of

P. 45 - The merc’s favoured enemy trait lists the ability to learn languages. This is redundant
with the language system of the game.

P. 45 - The merc can choose aberrations and elementals as a favoured enemy, yet these
don’t exist.

P. 46 - Strike Fast. It states you’re “always ready for combat”, yet the ability is only once per
rest. Seems contradictory.

P. 46 - Flurry of Blades refers to a ‘combat’. What constitutes a ‘combat’ and when is it over?

P. 46 - Multiattack Defence. Is it intended to be once per turn, or per reaction spent? In some
instances a character can have multiple reactions. Why is it named as such, when it only
helps against one attack. The wording is also inconsistent with later instances “+4AC”
compared to “+4 bonus to AC”.

P. 46 - Spinning Slaughter. What is a ‘critical effect’? When is it used? Do you need to hit
with an attack to use this?

P. 52 - Dive & Roll. Dex saves are not used for attacks, which the text seems to imply. Why
is it once per combat, but also once per rest? It should also say ‘finish’ or ‘take’ a short/long
rest, it’s not a verb.

P. 52 - Slayer of the Elect. Reactions are usually ‘used’ not ‘spent. Is the bonus damage only
for the attack you gain advantage on? Can this be used multiple times, and stack with itself?
Position cost seems unnecessary and inconsistent.

P. 53 - Plunging Attack. Does this replace a sneak attack? Or can it be combined? Position
cost seems unnecessary and inconsistent.

P. 53 - Strength in Numbers. When do you outnumber a target, what are the requirements?
How long does the AC bonus last? When do you activate it?

P. 53 - Knife in the Sleeve. How are ‘standard melee attacks’ and ‘free bonus actions’
different from simply ‘attacks’ or ‘bonus actions’? Also inconsistent use of “STR” when the
norm is “strength modifier”.

P. 58 - Iron Will. This ability seems confusing. Does it remove exhaustion/madness? Does it
mean you succeed the will save?
P. 58 - Unstoppable. Cinder Wrath already gives advantage on str checks. Also it’s unclear
how this helps ‘those around you’.

P. 58 - Touch of Death. Use of ‘Fear’ is inconsistent with other instances. Likely it should say
‘frightened condition’.

P. 59 - Protector. Contradicts other stated rules for going to 0 position. Currently no rules for
going unconscious at 0 position.

P. 62 - Level 10 ability is “extra attack”, however it is never specified what this does.

P. 64 - Colossus Slayer. It makes more sense to have this use a reaction, rather than the
current wording. Might also want to reword the condition, where the enemy has to be

P. 64 - Ability score increase. The described levels for this, are not the same as the table on
page 62.

P. 64 - Move and Fire. The term ‘movement allocation’ is not used anywhere else. How does
this interact with split movement and action (e.g. move-action-move turns). What prevents
you from just dancing in place? Suggest changing it to “whenever you move before

P. 70 - Magic Catalyst. The Talisman is on page 292, not 293. It’s also unclear if it refers to
the item called “Talisman” or just any talisman.

P. 71 - Weapon of the Old Gods. Presumably the light is meant to be more than only 4 feet, if
intended to be more than just a little sparkly effect. These effects also usually only provide
dim light.

P. 71 - Warrior’s Heart. Use of ‘fear’ is inconsistent. Should be ‘frightened’.

P. 76 - Blessed Healer. All spells are level 1 or higher. Remove this wording, or rework.
Seems like a DnD leftover.

P. 76 - Cinder Lord’s Touch. This refers to itself as both an ability and a spell. It also does not
state how long it lasts.

P. 81 - Fast Cast. This ability refers to spells with a cost of “2 round”, when in fact spells cost
either 1 or 2 actions. This also invalidates the level 13 improvement to the ability. Moreover,
the first spell that can take advantage of this requires level 9, so this ability is useless for 4

P. 81 - Potent Strike. Spells with a saving throw, which do damage, already have half
damage on a save baked in. This ability is redundant.
P. 84 - The Pyromancer’s starting equipment lists “Pyromancer’s Flame” and “-Glove”. On
page 292 where these are meant to be listed, we only see “Pyromancy Flame” and
“Pyromancer’s Parting Flame”.

P. 96 - Inspiration is mentioned as a source of advantage rolls, yet inspiration is not a


P. 100 - Exploration rules are referred to at the bottom of the page, as being on page 104.
However, they are not mentioned there.

P. 101 - The rules for rolling temporary position is not explained clearly. It is only explained in
an example, not on its own.

P. 103 - This page mentions Dynamic Manoeuvres, but does not list examples of what those
are, despite saying it will.

P. 120 - The rules for spending position dice when resting is not explained very clearly. The
concept and mechanics of a position dice pool are not mentioned anywhere else. Moreover,
long resting only recovers spent dice, which seems to imply that you want to spend many of
them before long resting, and that you can never fully recover all. Is it intended to say half of
the max value?

P. 125 - This page mentions that indefinite madness cannot be cured, but page 127
mentions that they last ‘until cured’.

P. 126 - The mentioned duration of these effects is inconsistent. Paragraph says “1d20+10”
and the table header says “1d10” minutes.

P. 135 - Movement and Position. This section never differentiates between Position (the
HP/Stamina mechanic) and the common meaning of the word as used here.

P. 141 - When referring to rolling a nat 20 and critting, it explains that it will be explained
later, which it’s not.

P. 141 - Section mentions that a nat 1 always misses. On page 103 it mentions that you can
still hit on a nat 1 by spending position. Contradicts itself.

P. 143 - This page seems to present itself as being about Ranged Attacks, yet on this page
and the next, several other types of combat actions are listed, which are not related to
ranged attacks.

P. 148 - Knocking a Creature Out. This refers to being ‘stable’, which is irrelevant in these
rules. Seems like a leftover from DnD.

P. 148 - Mentions that dropping to 0 position kills you, yet items like healing kit mentions
stabilising someone at 0 position. Contradiction.

P. 153 - The Casting Time section mentions longer casting times of up to several hours.
However, the longest cast time for any spell is only 2 actions. This section also mentions
cast times for bonus actions and reactions, which does not seem applicable to any listed
spell. It also does not explain what ‘instantaneous’ means for casting time.

P. 157 - Great Chaos Fireball mentions a burning condition, yet this is not described in the
conditions section.

P. 158 - Combustion and Greater Combustion is inconsistent compared Black Flame (P.
161). Black Flame has instant cast time, where the two Combustions cost 1 action. Black
Flame also does not proc a dex saving throw, but the Combustions do.

P. 159 - Fire Surge, Fire Whip and Chaos Fire Whip seems to have incorrect durations.

P. 160 - Poison and Toxic Mist refers to the “poison condition”, when it should be “poisoned

P. 160 - Iron Flesh is missing a duration in its stats. The duration is only listed in the

P. 161 - Power Within is written in the third person, where other spells are written in the
second person. It also refers to a pyromancy glove, when it’s more fitting to use pyromancy
flame, or even just hand. It makes no sense to say “until end of turn, or the duration of the
cast”, since you always spend at least 1 position, i.e. 1 turn.

P. 161 - Undead Rapport refers to caster levels and creature levels. Neither occur within the
rules, and should likely be rebranded to just level and challenge rating.

P. 176 - Escape Death refers to death saving throws. However, these are not mentioned

P. 184 - Caltrops refer to hit points. Should be position.

P. 184 - Crossbow Bolt refers to a ‘case’ of bolts. Is it a singular bolt, or a case of 20?

P. 186 - Firebomb refers to itself as Alchemist’s Fire, and uses the term improvised weapon.
Also out of alphabetical order.

P. 189 - The spellbook does not have any actual effect.

P. 190 - AC is described as a number to beat, when it is actually a number to equal (or beat).
It is correct on page 141.

P. 204 - Assassin Armour ability is unnecessarily wordy.

P. 205 - Black Hand Armour. Stealth checks are usually opposed checks/contests, which
means the wording of succeeding is a bit off putting.

P. 206 - Antiquated Plain Armour. This should probably refer to a ‘cast’ of a spell, not
‘regaining’ a spell wholly. It also does not describe how or when this can be used.

P. 215 - Target Shield refers to health, which is not a thing in the system. The ability also
does not fit the shield, since it is explicitly a parry shield.

P. 234+ - Many daggers refer to a successful attack, but this is usually worded as when
attacks hit, not succeed. Also it does not specify whether the attack has to be with the given
weapon. Same with on-kill effects. Several items also refer to moving 5’ after attacking, but
you can already do this with leftover movement. This should likely just add to your max

P. 256 - Iudex Gundyrs abilities refer to him using a greatsword, when in fact he uses a
halberd (p. 279).

P. 263 - Demon’s Great Axe. Is the +1d8 meant to just say 1d8? If not, what is it in addition

P. 273 - Golden Ritual Spear. The advantage on the next sorcery spell is likely only relevant
for offensive ones, and should probably specify that.

P. 292+ - Several talismans refers to ‘concentration’, which is not a mechanic in this system.

P. 356 - Crystal Sage is referred to here as the boss of the area, but no such boss is
included in the book.

P. 438 - Corvians have an alignment listed on their page, as the only mob to have this.

Balance concerns
P. 28 - Brute bloodied effect mentions raising con. Later it is mentioned that this retroactively
affects position, which might make the brute become ‘unbloodied’. This can cause a loop.

P. 29 - Fencer bloodied ability adds both +2 AC and +2 dex. Dex, in all likelihood, already
adds to AC. This is possibly too strong.

P. 28-31 - Origins are very limiting, given that certain classes can only ever choose a certain
origin, if they wish to wield their starting equipment. Other solutions are likely better, such as
removing attributes from origins (only making it position dice and abilities), and then either
baking attributes into the classes themselves, or writing out an attribute distribution system
(DnD has several options).

P. 39 - Withdrawal fighting style. What does ‘all first’ mean exactly? Also ‘immune’ can imply
taking no damage, not negating the ability to make an attack of opportunity altogether.

P. 40 - Cursed Memory. When is the decision to spend 2 position made? And is it for the
fight, or per attack?

P. 41 - Riposte mentions that it can be used “multiple times per turn”, which seems
contradictory to reaction rules. Does it mean round?

P. 46 - Blooded ability. What does “it” refer to, in regards to being able to ignore it? The
singular instance of damage, or that you’re reduced to 0 position?
P. 46 - Flurry of Blades. Is it intended to add between 2-12 additional instances of your used
damage die to attacks? For instance, you could end up with either 3d8 or 13d8, if you roll a
d8 normally.

P. 47 - Uncanny Dodge. The position cost seems unnecessary and inconsistent.

P. 47 - Stand against the Tide. This seems like it ought to have a position cost, compared to
something like Knight riposte.

P. 47 - Death Blows. This should likely say “add 1d12” to your damage rolls. With the 2
minute cap and the singular target, this seems very weak for a level 20 ability, compared to
the level 2 hunters mark from DnD. The position cost seems unnecessary and inconsistent.

P. 53 - Slippery Mind. This ability seems annoying and unnecessary considering the level at
which you get it.

P. 57 - Cinder Wrath. Is this intended as 12 turns, or rounds?

P. 59 - Northern Might. How is it decided how much damage is getting diverted? Can this
exceed your current position, and kill you? When is it decided, before or after the damage

P. 59 - Grind Through. Is this restricted by terrain? Does it provoke opportunity attacks?

P. 59 - Guard Breaker. Is this knock unconditional? The enemy does not roll a saving throw?
Possibly too strong like that.

P. 65 - Light Fingers. Having both position and rest cost seems superfluous. Either will do,
maybe with a tweak.

P. 65 - Draw a Bead. This is effectively better than attacking with advantage, as you roll three
dice instead of two. The position cost is negligible, and there are no other restrictions.
Compare to Fast Strike which has a rest limit.

P. 65 - Impossible Shot. The description contradicts the effect. It states that you can hit
despite how they conceal themselves, yet the effect is only affected by cover. Combined with
stats at level 19, equipment, Draw a Bead and Move and Fire, this almost every time for a
negligible position cost.

P. 70 - Shield Bash. Should this have a saving throw for the targeted enemy? Does enemy
size matter?

P. 71 - Weapon of the Old Gods. This ability has no cost or restrictions. Conceivably it can
be permanently active, and even given to allies.

P. 71 - Herald of the Flame. This ability mentions spells cast by demons and undead, but do
the demons and undead in the book have spells at all? How would one recognize a spell
over an innate attack?
P. 76 - Death Cheated. Very unintuitive to use, especially since you spend position to reduce
damage. Would end up being very math-y and likely rarely used.

P. 77 - Fervour of the Unkind. The wording of ‘once per long rest’ is inconsistent with other
rest costs. The position cost is also negligible, since it can be used at any time in or out of
combat. The reference to spell level is also confusing, since it is actually a level requirement
to use the spell, rather than a classification system.

P. 77 - Holy protection. This ability does not specify how or when it is activated. Action?
Reaction? Potentially broken.

P. 143 - Opportunity attacks refer to ‘your reach’. It should be specified that this refers to
your active, equipped melee weapon. Otherwise it can possibly be understood as ranged
weapons or spells.

P. 153 - This section mentions that out-of-combat spells do not cost position. Spells like Fire
Tempest can increase its duration for position, potentially meaning you can give it infinite

P. 157 - Certain spells seem quite underpowered for the level you can use them, Fire Orb for
example. When compared to something like Fireball from 5e, and taking into account the
higher action economy of players and higher health of enemies in this game, it’s quite weak.
Likely other spells with similar issues.

P. 160 - Acid Surge is too strong for a level 2 spell, since it can impose an attack debuff on
limitless enemies with no saving throw associated with it.

P. 161 - Power Within does not specify if the damage boost affects physical damage, or all
damage types, including spells.

P. 166 - Fall Control requires a dex saving throw against your own spell DC, which means it
gets worse the stronger you are.

P. 184 - Budding Green Blossom. Recovering 2 position for 1 action seems very weak,
especially compared to the estus.

P. 191 - Mirrah Armour mentions charisma saves, but are these a thing in the book?

P. 194 - The Knight Armour is not able to be wielded by the knight, even when choosing the
highest str origin. (max 15 str can be obtained).

P. 194 - Elite Knight Armour. Does this restore base position, temporary position, or even
add more max position? The ability is fine at first but falls off very hard later on.

P. 199 - The ability of Winged Knight Armour does not seem to make sense, since Bloodied
seems to always be a buff.
P. 201 - Black Knight Armour. The -1 con can result in a net negative position amount if you
have an even con score.

P. 202 - Wolf Knight Armour does not have a str requirement.

P. 204 - Havel’s Armour is notorious for being the heaviest armour, and should likely have a
higher str requirement. Also the ability does not confer the theme of being immensely

P. 208 - Antiquated Robes. Is this meant as a free action in combat, or a free cast of a
chosen spell?

P. 232+ - All weapons only have requirements for strength. Certain weapons, when
compared to the video game especially, make more sense with a dex requirement. Some
even require faith or int. This can be limiting to certain builds, especially when items like
katanas have ‘finesse’.

P. 237 - Brigand Twindaggers have low damage for being 2-handed.

P. 241 - Lothric’s Holy Sword. The blind does not have any conditions or saving throws. It’s
also unclear how long it lasts, or whose turn it happens during.

P. 241 - Gotthard Twinswords are not 2-handed, making them inconsistent with other
dual-wielded weapons.

P. 243 - Drakeblood Greatsword. This should likely be 2-handed.

P. 246 - Firelink Greatsword ability makes no sense. -2 to gain +1.

P. 250 - Make curved swords refer to getting additional free attacks, but doesn’t limit how
often this can occur. Can likely be a nigh-infinite combo.

P. 251 - Painting Guardian’s Curved Sword has a str requirement of 20, which is a major

P. 258 - Uchigatana and Washing Pole abilities seem to make no sense. -2 to gain +2.

P. 261 - Man Serpent Hatchet. Does this refer to any enemy in range, or do you choose?
What does ‘next turn’ refer to? This effect is very powerful.

P. 262 - Winged Knight Twin Axes. Not 2-handed. Also referring to both ‘bloodied’ and ‘less
than half position’ is redundant.

P. 265 - The Mace requires 13 str, which means the Cleric cannot effectively start with the
Caster origin.

P. 267 - Large Club and Great Club are identical, except for soul cost and str requirements.
P. 273 - Dragonslayer Spear has the same value for damage and versatile. Likely the
damage is meant to be 1d6.

P. 275 - Lothric Knight Long Spear has the same value for damage and versatile. Likely the
damage is meant to be 1d6.

P. 288 - Avelyn is well known for being a thrice-repeating crossbow, yet the ability does not
reflect this.

P. 290 - Mendicant’s Staff. The ability does not make sense as written. Actually makes it
harder for you to hit.

P. 302 - Obscuring Ring and Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring seem to have effectively the
same ability.

P. 395 - There is no clear explanation for when or how enemy & boss actions should be
used. A GM could easily just always use the best action, like Multiple Attack.

P. 397 & 399 - Keen Sense is usually specified to a specific sense, e.g. smell or sight.

P. 400 - Herald of Portent does not specify if the Crow returns injured, or fully healed.

P. 466 - Fire Glyph does not specify which area it targets, or how big it is. It also seems very
strong compared to other abilities, which additionally spend position. Additionally, Fire Ring
does not specify which save players must do.

P. 28-31 - Inconsistent use of “The” in the names of the origins (The Brute, The Fencer, but
only Jack of all Trades and Caster).

P. 47 - Stand against the Tide seems to be an odd name for this particular effect.

P. 77 - Holy Protection. A level 20 cleric, devout and faithful, could probably be referred to as
a ‘theologian’. Seems inappropriate to say “You’re no theologian”.

P. 392 - It does not make sense to mention Seath in relation to Archdragon Peak. Kalameet
is perfectly fine.

P. 413 - Basilisk description mentions its big eyes. These are in fact decoy eyes, which is
well known. Suggestion changing it to simply mention “enormous decoy eyes” or something
similar. Moreover, it does not use its stare to attack, like a traditional basilisk. Therefore the
“petrifying gaze” ability makes no sense in terms of flavour. The mechanics are fine, but
suggest changing the flavour to mention using its fog spew in some targeted manner, like a

P. 479 - Artorias may make more sense as a large humanoid, instead of medium.

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