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C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\

Install Multiple PHP version on XAMPP

1. Download XAMPP installer (last version)

2. Download XAMPP installer (OLD version / PHP version 5.6.40)
select folder 'XAMPP Windows'

3. Install XAMPP last version

4. Run XAMPP Control Panel
5. Run Apache & MySQL Services

*** XAMPP last version successfully installed ***

6. Stop Last Version Apache service & XAMPP Control

7. Install XAMPP old version (use DIFFERENT folder of XAMPP)

8. After old version of XAMPP installed successfully, do not run XAMPP Control

9. Use/ open XAMPP Control Panel

10. Click [Congig] button on top-right Control Panel -

11. Click [Service and Port Settings] button
12. Inside Tab Apache:
- change service name from Apache2.4 into Apache24_PHP5640 (for PHP 5.6.40)
- change main-port 80 into 8080 (up to you but not conflict)
- change SSL-Port 443 into 440 (up to you but not conflict)
- click [Save] button then [Save] button again

9. Edit file httpd.conf pada folder apache/conf OR

XAMPP Control Panel, click [Config] button on Apache row and select Apache
Change: Listen 80 ---> Listen 8080

10. Edit file httpd-ssl.conf pada folder apache/conf/extra OR

Change all data port number 443 into 440
XAMPP Control Panel, click [Config] button on Apache row and select Apache

11. Run XAMPP Control Panel (old version)

12. Change general port number (on XAMPP)

Click button [Config] (top-right corner)
on 'Configuration of Control Panel' windows, click button [Service and Port
Change port 80 into 8080
Change port 443 into 444
Click [Save], [Save]
14.Start Apache service

*** XAMPP old version successfully installed on port 8080 ***

1. Setelah php.ini terbuka, perbesarlah nilai pada opsi upload_max_filesize,
memory_limit, post_max_size.

2. Sebagai catatan, post_max_size dan memory_limit nilainya harus lebih besar

dari upload_max_filesize.
Hal ini memungkinkan file besar dapat di upload ke server, setelah diubah
nilainya lalu file tersebut disimpan;

Bukalah file xampp\phpMyAdmin\libraries\config.default.php dengan editor

kesukaan Anda,
carilah opsi $cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] = 600,
lalu ubahlah nilai dari 600 ke nilai yang lebih tinggi sebagai contoh 6000,
lalu file tersebut disimpan;

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