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le 17 2 rh me: Sentence transformation Glympic 2009 Most of the at vdents igy ed what the teacher was saying, * Bow students paid atiention to/ took notice off listened to what the teacher was saying 2. He delayed writing the book until he had done a lot of research, ~ Only when ine rad done a lot of research did he start writing the book. 3. We shall not announce the decision formally. = No formal announeensat of the decision will be made, 4. V'd be grateful if you could have a look at these figures. (CAST) . > Ld be grateful if you could GOAH-EVE RCE these figures. COSt aN eye over 75: Youhave said exactly the right thing. (NAIL) : Youve OMEN hy neil antve frond = say He vight Hy 6, Itis not certain that Jones will get thie job. ~~ ltisangygertioubyey hether Jones will get the job. 7. She furiously threw the book across thé room. ~» Such Wai het fury that she’ threw the book across the room. /S. You'll feel tiwelr healthier if you fiave'a rélaxing break. (DO) + A relaxing break would do you good Iewould do you'good i have areiaxing beak, do au qood = Meal 9. I didn’t realize how much she was influenced by her mother, (EXTENT) . ~ didn’t tealize slate wassinilusneed by her mother. | 10. He owed his rescue tow pasier-by, Sb : + He SMARTER RCRCSIRPIMREHUHEBEis rescue. = be mdelated . 11. He talked about nothing except the weather. (SOLE) + His sole topic/subject of conversation was the weather. 5 The weather wat his ole topcsubject of conversation, 12, Selling antiques mad him alittle extra money(DABBLED) dabble i, St= selygr (0 HUB ing wich mae rs itlecnoeesone He ade Tittle extra money because he dabbled in antiques, | _/ 13. What exactly am I supposed to have done wrgng? (STAND), (0 anata do tandems? ghia Seek ad on / 14. Good colour sense is instinctive for some people. (COMES) — Good colour sense eines aturaliymeiscmie peopie, = be Wwstuctye. jer 15. They continued to suggest that | was lying. (PERSIST: ED) > They persisted in suggesting that Twas tying / 16. Anew flu vaccine has been on trial since the beginning of the year. be on Wiad =bebnad out ~ They have been trying oul testing anew flu vaccine since the beginning ofthe yeas. { 2. tertec) 17. Julia soon caltiied dows and explained her problem, vm alias and explained her probfem. _, 18. Edward evenitially organized himself and started work get abe act togete wll —~ Edward eventually got his act togethier and started wozk. 19. Thete had beet allegations of drug-taking by members of the teams, ~ Ith been alleged thst members ofthe teams had tken/ were takiog/ took drugs 20. Joe docisn’t like it when people treat him like a child. > Joe resents being treated like a child. 21. How has the strike affected studett attendance? 7 > What @F8cehs HE WARE HIT OH dtucient (EFFECT) sitendance? Se ee SET eporaon, Frecaten for Ntoet onpentlen oe Sire began to suffer from PREY) augior stom gal rr ~+ She fell prey to irrational fears. % 23. Mr. Misery was the only student who didn’t smile. (EXCEPT) : + All the students smiled except Mr. Misery. 24. 1 assume you're hungry. (GRANTED) +1 take it for granted you're hungry. 25. The book was not as good as he had hoped. (EXPECTATIONS), * The book failed to come up to his expectations, = fail short of 26, He always makes everything look so difficult. (WEATHER) ‘ ~ He always makes heavy weather of everything. 27. Thunder tertifies me! (DEATH) ~ I'm scared/ frightened to death of thunder! Pinion: ath 28, You needn't feel so superior ~ ‘you are no better than they are! (NOSE), >? Youneedn’t look down your nose at them — you are no better. (25), We have neatly reached the deadline for this Job! (SHORT). set only avosnt eancsin ~ Weare running short of time/ Time is running short before the deadline for this joby., » 30. Any personal involvement on the part of the Prime Mi ister is this scandal would be disastrous: (CAUGHT) ~ Ifthe Prime Minister got caught up in/ was to hhe Yeti has very rarely been seen at this attitude, : peared ie {> There have been very few sightings ofthe Yeti huingshmemsagen at this atigude, §2. Everyone sfdsted complaining the moment the announcement was made. ~ No sooner had he announement een made than eveyone sand comming 33, Aa getelder, want tend ie ; ~ The older I get, the less I want to travel. ‘Aller six-year relationship, Martha and Billy have decided to get moms. (KNOT), ~ After six-year relationship, Martha and Billy have decided to te the knot. 35. At this very moment my wife may be arriving back home. (PROBABLY) > Atthis very moment my wife is probably arriving home, A6- Noise is something that itis not possible for me to tolerate. PUT) ~ [find it impossible to put up with noise. 47. He is becoming quite famous as an interviewer. (NAME) © Hes making quite name for himself as an inervin Ae MOM. FOV neselh _A% He makes sure that he isnt associated with policies that he disagrees with, DISTANCES) ~ He makes sure that he distances himself from policies thet he disagrees wit, _/ 38. Lreally don’t know what you're taking about. (FAINTEST) ~ Tdon’t have the faintest idea what you're talking about, 0. As i didn’t want to disappoint my parents, I agreed to go to medical school. (LET) ~ Not wanting to let down my parents, I agreed to go to medical school, 41, Make sure you look after your bag in this eafé as there are many thieves around here-(EVE) 4 ~ { suggest that you should keep an eye on your bag as there are many thieves around ere. 42. Your chances of being affected by eye-strain and back injury increase wih the amount of time you “spend in front of the sereen. (LIKELY) ~The more time you spendin front ofthe sereen, the more likely you are to suffer fiom eye-strain and back injury. 0, aahacgtyen ute bi eat working toro ets big MG thei lives but not anymore. (PRIDE) get caught up in this scandal, if, would be a disaste: Preparation for National English Conpeition Sinrvnice Pransformati Page 2 Be oe iployees no longer pride themselves on iake pride | certain that there will be a new government after the election. (BOUND) ~ Ia my opinion, there is bound to be a change of government after the election. When Sames heard that his father had let all his money to his brother he did not find it surpr's as) “+ Tt came as no surprise to him to hear that his father had left al his money to his brother. 6. wish T hadn't let Max bortow my money because none of his investments has shown a pro‘it (NEVER) ~ Tought never to have lent Max my money because none of his investments has shovn a profi 47. Bven though Diego didn’t know any French at all, he managed to communicate with the P 7 driver. (SINGLE) + Despite not knowing/ speaking a single French word, Diego managed to communicste with the atisian taxi Parisian taxi driver _& If we don’t stop th sal of tiger products now, itis possible there wil be no more tigers eft within the next ten years. (OTHERWISE) “> We need to stop the saleof tiger products now otherwise tigers could/ may/ might die! be ssipet cout within the next ten years. itis sow 24 hours since Mr. William's boat sank and people think there is little likelitood he wl! survive. (CHANCES) “+ Its now 24 hours since Mr. William's boat sank and his chances of survivalf surviving are thought to be slim. 50, He warned them against using the mountain road. m ” “4. *Twouldn’t use the mountain road if I were you.” He wamed. 51. I can’t imagine myself even singing in the public. > Twould never:sing in publi (OFF) _ 2. Gran spp lingo el with actor (OFF) ice ap el + Graham broke off to deal with a customer 53. Joim is abit too ill to go out. (UP) = John doesn’t feel up to going out. _ 54. Becanse it was late, Thad to wale home inthe end. (END) = Because it was late, I ended up walking home. _/ 55. Ted's illness was caused by overwork. (ON) Ted's illness was brought on by overwor : 6. Cesol has trouble ‘communicating her ideas to others. (ACROSS) + Carol has trouble getting her ideas across. 57, Nobody can deny that she has a beautiful voice. ¢ *-yteisa fact that she has a beautiful voice 158, We have been able to increase our exports every yeat although we have some economic difliculli / Ni matter swhat economic difficulties we bave, we have been able to increase our exports every year. i 459, She had no cause to ask fora higher salary. ¢ ”_, She was unreasonable to ask for a higher salary. 60, We will not delay out voyage whether there is a rain or not. 7° > Regardless of raining, we will not delay our voyage. itvation may improve redctien— itvation 61. Tfinterest rates are cut, the econamic + A reduction in interest rates may improve the economic a re = sb Compe ‘Sertence Teeasformation, Sentence trensformation from “cause/ lead to an improvement inf of the: J, 62. The architect's new design was heavily criticized. i «There was strong/ heavy/ alot off muck/ great criticism of the architect's new design. The architect’s new design came in for! received! attracted heavy criticism. 63. Very little money was raised by the charity appeal. (RESPONSE) «1 +s There was very little/ a weak/ only a small response to the charity appeal/ The response to the charity appeal was very poori.terrible: ‘+ ‘ Very little money was raised in response to the charity-appeah =" 4. choose very carefully who I discuss my private life with. (PARTICULAR) . I'm very particular about who I discuss my private life with. (av fi 65, I made sure that I didn’t offend them. (CAREFUL) md i ist + T was careful not to offend them. 66. She chooses the kind of hotels she stays in very carefully (FUSSY) \s' “ ~+ She's very fussy about the kind of hotels she stays in. 67. 1 suddenly realized the meaning of a “freebie”: (DAWNED) «+ eon Fe) ~» Tt suddenly dawned on me what the meaning of a “freebie”.wal8!!!7°) =: =r 68, It’s uncertain whether the band’s tour will take place (BALANCE) i) uv? 3! bs ~The band’s tour is in the balance, rang et rats th 69. We get on very well with our next door neighbor. (TERMS)!!! 1! 11s ia avon © ~ We are on very good terms with our next door neighbor. BA MEY 70. All the witnesses said the accident was my fault, (BLAME) + All the witnesses said that I was to blame for the accident. ‘71. The whole team was in a happy mood. (SPIRITS) iosra oes york Moi te ~ The whole team was in good spritts. 94 chusaunen _ 72. Considering your position, we won't press charges. é i — Under the circumstances, we won't press charges. 73. Gory is proud of the fact that he is never late. ~ Gary prides himself on never being late. 14, There is absolutely no truth in that ramour. ~ That rumour is absolutely false. » 5, The students did not take to their new lecturer. of ~The new lecturer was unpopular with his students. ° atten r 16. Their problems are all self-inflicted. = Their problems are oftheir own making. 7 @ The job will probably be much simpler than they say(ANYTHING) in The job should not be anything like as complicated as they'say. 78. She didn’t seem at all surprised to hear the news. (HAIR) ue ~ She didn’t turn a hair when she heard the news, 79. ‘The original version of the song was not much like-this new recording. (RESEMBLANCE) ¢ > The new recording of the song bears Jittle resemblance to/-does-not-bear-sittiel¥eserinblanee-to—— sovish vent sie 2 the original version. ‘80, When she heard the story of his final journey, she found herself crying: (TEARS) * She found hersel Airig¥eAitOif2ai¥ by the story of his lastjouimey. ‘i, Nowadays, most people automatically lock their doors at night: (NATURE) = It’s secondaire mést people to lock their dodrs at night nowatay’: 2. She was exhausted from trying to satisfy: the demands of her large fernily. (COPE) + She was wearing herself out trying to cope with the demands of he lange family: Sentence Yrasfotion, Peparton for Natal English Competion - “Page pany it's Rae ewenss sponsible for handling orders for new stock melie is proud that she passed her driving test first time. ~ Amelia is proud of passing/ having pussed her driving test first time. ‘We think it was the git’s father who murdered her. ~ We suspeet the git!’s father of murdering/ having murdered her. sus pect slo oF Ving ‘86, 1 wish Jake hadn’t spent so much money on a nev set of golf-clubs jy af bro Vi ~ I'm annoyed at Jake for spending/ having spent so much money os BENS SH ech ibs _ 87. They couldn't trace who had supplied the information inthe first place. The source of the information could not be traced. 88. No matter how hard [tried I couldn't open the door. “ ~ Try as hard as | might I couldn't open the door. 89, My decision to get up and dance coincided with the band’s devision to stop playing. ” ~The moment got up and danced, the band stopped playing. 90. They were just as good as we had expected, ~ = They certainly lived up to our expectation, Pl His erie iy unexpected. (TOOK) 3 Baal owen by ane ~ 2. 1 uffeed fiom obsessive and agonizing thoughts, (PREY) > ive and agonizing thoughts. / 93. Ltravel by bus only when Lhave no altemative: (RESORT) ; 2 Travel by bus onl __ 94, He is funous for his vast knowledge of primitive religion. (AUTHORITY) ~ He is an authority on primitive religion, 95. Bill reckoned that his success was due to incredible luck. (PUT) ~ Bill put his success down to ineredible luck. 96. Why not tell him the truth and be finished with it? Why not tell him the trath and get it over with? 97. The earthquake caused alot of damage to the weally-constructed houses, ~ Had the houses been of stronger construction, the earthquake would have caused less damae them. © 98, [ts fun being with Her, but I think she talks too much, ~ Much as Ienjoy/ tie being with her/ her company, I think she talks too much. 99. “Don't leave mé:aloue” she said. to Fin, ~ She pleaded with Jim not to leave her alone, 100, Flora certainly nota good cook. ~ Flora is by no means a good cook. AO}. I think you've misuriderstood the situajon, (STICK) ~_ + [think you've got the wrong fis ofthe stick. policeman pointed out the speed limit signto us. (DREW) (+ The policeman drew oufattention to the speed limit sign. 103, They're faced with the choice of tw alternatives. (HONS) = They arefog)the hors of a dilemma, An 04, The touries= ste most impressed with the castle. (IMPACT: = The cast!s made the ereatest |..2°t impact ou. -e tourist. 105. You'll fee! much Healthierif you had a reiaxing break. (DO) vo" Acrelaxing break would do you good. Sercncs Tranformedon. Preparation for Natl! English Compt Sewence ; fo you good to have a relaxing break. 106. The northwest of Britain has more rain each year than the southeast. . 1 for the northwest of Britains higher/ greater than that in the » The annual rainfall southeast 107. In order to make a profit the new leisure centre needs atleast 2000 visitors, a month. #1 4 ~+ No fewer than 2000 visitors/ people a month must visit the new leisuré centre to make a profit, _A08. Phillip’s inability to make decisions dates from his accident: et tbe tal dil a ~ Ever since hié accident Phillip bas been unable to make decisions: :» 109, Something must be done to solve this problem. ity al samt y staan 4 ~ Ungent action is necessary/ essential to solve this problem. 119. Not many people turned out at the meeting. (TURNOUT) * There was a poor tumout for the meeting.» ° II. They feel the same way about each other. (MUTUAL). ~ Their feelings about each other aresmutual, 1 112, With sx children to look aftr, she’s extremely busy. (HANDS) ~ With six children of she’s extremely: busy «, With six children to look after, she saspronemhay J EVYou can stay with us for a few days, " ~ We ean put you up for a few days, ne 114. Everyone said that the accident had been Carol's fault: ) ~ Carol was blamed by everyone forthe acvident.,.,. “ y 115. Fancy you and me meeting in the middle of A\fiiea like this! 0: vires 201 yt | STs really edthiat you and 1 ‘should tneet in theiniddle ofeAdtical irr viet vit os 16. 1f the government did resign, I think they would win thé eleeti¢nisi; > ~ Were the government to resign, I think they would-win.the eleotiony- =. 117. Edward couldn’t remember anything about the crash (MEMORY):..» ~ Edward had no iiemr¥of the crash, in - 118 That makes me think of something that happened to me. (BRINGS), 1 ~ Tha€rings to mitidsomething that happened to me, wée ations 119. Everyone wito spoke to the vietim is a suspect. (UNDER) , ' ~ Everyone who spoke to the vietim is under suspicion. 7720: can'tbelieve how much money they spent om their New Year's party, (GET). «. ~ I can’t get over how much money they spent on their New Year's party iout He couldn’t get good mark in the test because he didn’t pay.muthiattention toithe teacher's Pt aod yrar” sonar ol ve baw as 1] nt rho be planation. Because of his lack of attention to the teacher's explanation, hé coulda’t get good marks the from Phillip, everyone else at the meeting was a Party member. (WITH). ‘ the exception of Phillip, everyone else atthe mieeting was. party: member.» ‘etter not lend him any: 2-5 resiniestrns rather you did not lend him any more money... } ued ‘we met each other was'a fortnight ago. (IT/WEEKS) at ‘wo weeks since we last met each othens!°01) © 1 nv aut . ‘ny other scientists who'can explain thesproblem elearly2« INE) w scientists by w 1m the problem can be clearly 8xplained, 2003-2011 certainly 4id not try to get meney ol INTEND) AF him ~ nothing could have been further | certainly did not intend to try to get money off him. {P2MWiohn finally recognized that they did not understand each other when talking. (PURPOSES) ~ John finally recognized that they were talking. 128. Mary used to think that she would become a famous ictress in Hol ~ Mary used to be under the impression that she would become / 129. The boss did not agree with his secretary's proposal. (OF) > The boss disapproved off did not approve off was not in favour of his secretary’s proposal. 130. His education does not concem you, (BUSNINESS) > His education is none of your business. /131.1twas not a valuable Picture but it had an important emotional effect on me. (MEANT) ~ It was not a valuable picture but it meant a lot to me. v 132. John was about to leave when we came. (POINT) ~ John was on the point of leaving when we came. wv 133. She discovered eight new comets in the course of her work. ‘ J — Her work resulted in the discovery of eight new comets. 1 find it surprising that she didn't like her present. “I would have thought that ste would have liked her present. ¢ 135. This scheme is too risky for my liking. ~> The risks of this scheme/ involved in this scheme are too great for my liki ¢ 136. Ifyou don't’ believe init, you'll never be able to do it. + Believe in it orf otherwise you'll never be able to do it. me 137. The police arrived as the thieves were committing the crime. (RED-HANDED) (+ The police caught the thieves red-handed, 138. We don’t seem to have much sugar left! (RUNNING) ~+ We rerunning outof sugar. = guy Set of = The sugar is running out. / 139. He celebrated his birthday last Saturday. (PLACE) ~~ His birthday celebration took place last Saturday. Pt -A40. They lost not only their money but their passports as well. (ADDITION) — In addition to their money, they lost their passports as well. 141. Bad weather delayed the flight. (DUE) ~ The flight was delayed due to bad weather. L/ 142. ‘We were impressed by the new cinema, but we found it rather expensive. = Impressed as we were by the new cinema, we found it rather expensive 143. Only new computer programs have enabled us to solve many problems quickly and accurylely, (~~ Only with the help of new computer programs can we solve many problems quickly and accurately. 144, Inever thought that I could win the frst prize in this competition, *y itmever crossed my_snind that I could win the first prize inthis competition. occurred to me A485. He was such a bright student that he could solve all the math problems. 5 So bright was the student that he could solve all the math problems 1e snowstorm damaged the fruit erops seriously. ee es peowtorm MEAG th lt crops 147. His iresponsible attitude is endangering his career. (TEOPARDY) s llywood. (IMPRESSION) 1 famous actress in Holly wood. wun lew. on > His irresponsible attitude ts putting his career in jeopardy. 2148. The F got extremely upset when she realized nobody had done the homework! (COW; + ThE tédehr had a cow when she realized nobody had donethe hiomewatk. °° + 149, My tsband has had to eam the income since I broke miy feg: (BACON) * My husband has broughithanigittigdueon since I broke riiy' Te: s ‘50, I'm affaid Your resume is not good enough for the engineering pésitioif"(PAR) + I'm afraid your resume is no\wapitagiaiion the engineering position. v151, [find Harold's behavior quite incomprehensible. (LOSS) ~ I find myself at a loss to understand Harold. 152. T put a lot of care and attention into the letter. ~ Ltook a lot of troubleever the letter. iH vy 153. Haven't you got any cheaper television? 1 ro nsw th ~ Are these the cheapest televisions that you have got? Wr ue wee 9 v_ 154, I would prefer you not to smoke in here. ta atten uh Meals enone gules. SFE ~ U'd rather you didn’t smoke in here, ~ 155. The Americans have just recalled their ambassadot, > The American aiifbassador has just béen recalled) it v 156, Because I believed his lies, he got a lot of money frénd tid! (CONNEI ~ He conned me out of a lot of money. v 157. She'll be furious when she finds out what's happened. (GO) ~ She'll go mad when she finds out what’s happened: "0 4 158. don't Want people to order me about any mide, (ENOUGH)! “ var at ~ I've had enough of people ordering rhe'abouit"s, °°!) 12/20 War seivpnacto Voth walla 7159. Pm hoping to'g0"sRing at Christitias: (HOPEFULEY) “9 sited 5a FE — Hopefully, 1'll be going/ I'm going skiing at Christmas?» 7160. ean only see bad things happening in the future. (PESSIMISTIC + Pim pessimistic about the future. W161. Ldon’t understand how to fill tis form, (CLEAR) ~ P'm not clear about how to fill this form, €e2)nis cat only cost me five hundred pounds. (UP) 1 picked this'vatuprfor only five hunidied pourds. : 163. Don’t tell my mother anything about it. (BREATHE) he ~ Don't breathe a word of it to my mother. ‘ 164, We have made neither a profit nor a loss this year. (BVEN)’ Re > We have broken even this year. , 7) / 165. ‘These students lack of self-confidence. (SHY) : ~ These students are shy-oniself-confidence. = Saves _/\6. Ttscems that no one predicted the correct result. Where a + No one seems to have predicted the correct result. na. _J67. I think you should buy a new pair of shoes and get tid of those teainers: = It’s high time you bought a new pair of shoes and got rid of those trainers, 68. It was his lack of confidence that surprised me. : + What surprised me was his lack of confidence. ages tondt 469. No one has challenged his authority before. : > This is the first time his authority has been chélletigeéd. ae ie 170. Turn on all the switches before starting the exif TT ches mu stat the equi = Allthe switches must be tured on before you equipms Never have there been ‘ore people oul uf Despite his ungainly air, he is remarkably a + Although he looks ungs 173. Oil was slowly coating th ~ The edge of the J174, Ifyou have com ork in this country ile ‘nly, he is remarkably agile he edge of the shore shore was being slowly coated with aif Plcted your test, you can go home. * Get your test completed finished and you ean go home. 175. His terrible crime should have been severely punished ~ He deserved severe punishment for his terrible crime. 176. She herself admitted to being rather selfish. she was rather selfish. 177. The police didn’t recognize the murderer till he suddenly rushed out ~ Tewas not until the murderer rushed out that the police recognized him. “178..You can't find such a good pullover in this town > Nowhere.else.ean you find such a good pullover. i 179. He said he was anxious about the plight of the homeless. (CONCERN) ~ He showed concem for the plight of the homeless, v 180, He will not be put off by their comments. (DETER) ~ He will not let their comments deter him. Their comments will not deter him. ¥ 181. The Minister felt itappropriate to make a statement, en > The Minister samafteramnake a statement. Sau git v 182, He will have to accept your offer. (CHOICE) ~ He has no other option but to accept your offer. 183. Many people attended this year’s festival. (TURNOUT) ~ This year’s festival aitracted a record/ high turnout 184. There is a stale odour of cigarette smoke in here. (SMELLS) “+ Itsmells of stale cigarette smoke in here. 185. Itis certain thatthe ney cuts will worry the staff. (BOUND) © = The new cuts are bound to worry the staff 186. After the seandal, he was asked to resign. (HAND) — After the scandal, he was asked to hand in his resignation 187. It's unlikely thatthe contractor will complete the work before January. (TAKE) © The work AREER ci! January. 188. My teacher refused to let me leave early. “My teacher wouldn't let me leave early. 189. She is just about to cut the birthday cake, = She is on the point of cutting the birthday cake. 90. A true story forms the basis of Mary’s new novel. ~ = Mary’s new novel is based on a true story, 191, Alan prides himself on his punctuality © + Alan takes pride in his punctuality. 192. Someone stole the oid iady’s handbag. 7 Tipe ol lady was robbed of her handbag. : 193, Quite by chance, Brenda met Phillip atthe station. (RAR) “Brenda ran into Phillip atthe station. 1m Ome 209-2011 A%, The job received over a hundred applications: (APPLIED) —— ~ Over a hundred people applied for the job. 195. We only guessed atthe real truth. (GUESS) » We only made a guess about the real truth 196. ‘This story of yours isn’t true! (UP) fay * You have made up this story! 197. The best solution was thought of by Sally. (CAME) Sally came up with the best solution. 198. Attendance at the exhibition has been down this ‘year. ie exhibition has been poorly attended this year: 199, Vm not friendly with him; in fact, I hardly even know him. » Far from being friendly with him, I hardly even know:hit _ 200. She never seems to succeed even though she works hard. * Hard as/ though she works, she never seems to succeed. 7 201. The journalists only heard about the changes to the wedding plats whien they artived ai the Veriue, ~ Itwas only when the journalists arrived at the vetwue that they hedtd about the ehianiges'to’ the wedding plans, ‘ e i Pate 202, I don’t understand a single word of this letter; (HEAD) " M ~~ Lcan’t make head or tail of this letter. . ‘The address that Peter sent the parcel to does not exist. (SUCH) ” wr Brain 95 ee ~ There is no such address as the one Peter sent the parcel to. 204. Brian was about to blurt out my seeret when I attracted his attentiéi. (EYE)? ~ Had I not caught his eye, Brian would have blurted out my secrét” 205. The standard of her homework is no longer acceptable! (SCRATCH) ~ Recently, her homework hasn't bee 206. My father was very disappointed when I led to get “My failure to get 207. When they broke the news, she stayed perfectly éalm and controlled, (HAIR) ~ When they broke the news, she didn’t rum a hair. 208. You have to be more co-operative! Your colleagues won't respect you: (ESTEEM) ~ You will riot bENELasiw high esis by your colleagues unless you become mote co-operative. 209. At the moment I only have time to think about my univeisity thesis, PREOCCUPIED) At the moment Lam pkéocebpiediitriny university thesis, _2100) She did everything possible to save her marriage. (POWER) — She did everything in her pawerso save her martiage, ~AIL. This room needs to Be decorated, doesn't it? (DOING) ‘This room needs doing up, doesn’t if? 202. My husband and Thad a row about buying a car. (WORDS) 1 had words With’ my husband about buying car. s _ 213. The government's plan to privatize the railways met with strong opposition fom passengers (CAMB) i. = The government's plan to privatize the railways éame it for fierce criticism from passengers, 214 The firm went bankrupt aftr failing to win the contrat. LIQUIDATION) + The firm went into igjifdation ater failing to win the contract. 15, That scene was so feightening T had to look away. (BEAR) + That scene was s0 frightening that [couldn't bear to watch. 216. The introduction of the new currency has greatly affected the economy. (IMPACT) Se s

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