QC Tests For Rubber Closures

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Phovmauuhal Quality Auonu 3P606T

dyonol Tas fo Rubbr Clon Dr. Parjanya Shukla

(i Striuty T Dr. M.P. Sungh Clases
i fragmenBahon T
a. fo7 aquous praborahons
.for dyy puporaHons
ii) S!f la abilit
v) oagwa exhat
(V Light abaovþhon t t
(V1) Rduu'ng Aubstanus
(Vn) Residuu on evaporakon.

earakion g Sambl- (Sampl -A)

aash tk cdoauras wih onioni Aumau adius agensOT 5 min.

unsA 5 Hms ih dishlud wakur and odd 9oo ml

watsr (not ka wuight) Saol oith aluminium
Ra in auo dova d 191°Cor 30 min
Coal and saboraBa dolukon rom cJonura (soluton A).
() Strility Tt
JopuTs or Aubjttk ad to stilizaion a} 64 to 66°C and a
prouua aboi :7 kilo posral ov 39 kr.

ahould not baomu tocky OT

frogmeniakion TeB
(o) for dquaous praparaion - CloAA 12 cluonud vials wih
raporad clouras l d wh watr to nominal valumu -y m
By using o hypodarmi. naedlu injack Amd of boahy and, xumovo dm
aiT rom vials.
xopaab R Aomor Hmas
Dr. Parjanya Shuhla
aw H liquid in t viads through o tharpr.M..SUngh Clasea
oih a

Nambir o rag munta NMTlo.

Or buhd ubber clonr NMT IS.

cb) tor dry praporahon

Clone 1 vials oih naarad elozuras
By uing hypodarmic nudu injac 1 m o twatar into th
ials and umov miair
tapa R Aamu 079 Hims

paw K liquid tn Ks vials through a

r olh a

Numbr cd rogmentsh NmT Io

o bukyl Subbrr cloAuT NMT IS

aSSal abili
Cloxu t vials wih praparad cloaumus
By wing hypodmimic naadlu piru R clonuu to tmu ot a
dilunB ait
ImmaTAL R1 vials Ina 0:17.wv soluton of muhane blu
and uduu ha p7ABUTA by 27 kfa 0T lo n

ustoTA R amosphuvic prunuT and Jaavs Ri vialb o 30 min.

Nona ol Ra vials shoudd hava traus ocolourad soluhon.
)pH d Aquuous Exhoc Dr. Parjanya Shukla
aks o m o &olukion A, add o-1 m bromo - Dr.M.P. Singh Claaes
Hymod bluu

add Amall amount o-0) M NaOH (colour chonge rom bluto

o NaoHVolum1 d NadH fo change t tolour Ahouwd not
mora han 0:3 m
or H volumu of Hu to changeR colour shouwd no
mo Hon o8 ml.

(5) ahabaorp hon Tut

Solukion A ib s d Kroaugh mambont i l (0sp)
miAAUT absorbonu a 220 to 360 nm.

abaorbonu should hot mor Kan 0 .

(6) Raduding Subslanus

T6 20 m soluhon A add 1 m
o m
o m H SOy and
o 0-002 m kMnOy boi)o7 3 min.
Coo and add
gmporasium iodids
itvae toith 0-01 m Sodium tkio8ulphate wwing stanch indicator

Rapaat h þroudur or blank.

wnu b/w tirakon vo.lumu should nol he mova
Kon 07 nd.

By-Dr.Mohundra raBap Shk

)Rusidu on evaporaHon Dr. Parjanya Shukla
Taks 5om d soluhion A and 2vahorata to Dr. M. P.3ngh Clawes
oyns a losc

Wught widuL
Amaun d uiduw shold not moz Hon mg
By-r.Mabundho rahb Singh

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