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Landform Description How are they Where in the Share a Share a statistic: Who was the
formed/created? world can you minimum of one indigenous
find these interesting, cool, i.e. depth, km, peoples/population
landforms fun fact you height, length that inhabit(ed) this
learned about etc. area or near the
this location. landform.
Example: -higher than the -tectonic - oceans and on Jamaica’s Blue - Blue Mountain -The Tainos
land around it movements every continent Mountain Peak is 2,256
metres - The Maroons
-highest -earthquakes, - hawaii is on the (Africans who
Mountains landforms on -volcanic top of a - Winter escaped slavery and
earth eruptions mountain Coffee grown on temperatures created a colony in
Blue Mountain is can fall to 7 °C the mountains)
-there are 5 -erosion of the one of the most (45 °F )
types volcanic, surrounding expensive in the
fold, plateau, areas world (7,402 feet)
fault-block and

- fold is the most

Plateaus Plateaus are Plateaus are They can be The Tibetan - The Tibetan
sculpted by sculpted by found in North Valley and the plateau stretches Empire
geologic forces geologic forces Africa, Turkey, approximately
that lift them up that lift them up Iran, and Tibet. Grand Canyon, 1000 kilometers.
and the wind and and the wind and both icons of the
rain that wear rain.
them down into American
mesas, buttes,
and canyons. Southwest, were
chiseled from the
● Barun
Valleys Valleys are Valleys are most Valley The ten peaks The park is 180 - The
elongate commonly (Nepal) are to be found kilometers west Nakoda–also
depressions of drained by rivers ● Valley of above Moraine of Calgary, known as the
Flowers Stoney Indians
Earth's surface. and may occur in Lake. Alberta.
a relatively flat (India)
plain or between ● Lauterbru
ranges of hills or nnen
mountains. Valley
● Valle de la
● Kalalau
● Yosemite
● Valley of
the Ten
Deserts A desert is a Deserts are Antarctica Antarctica is the The area of Antarctica has no
barren area of formed by southernmost Antarctica is indigenous
landscape where weathering continent. 14,200,000km2 population and no
little precipitation processes as permanent residents
occurs and, large variations
consequently, in temperature
living conditions between day and
are hostile for night put strains
plant and animal on the rocks
life. which
break in pieces.
Dunes A dune is a Dunes form Great Sand Great Sand Dunes The area of the Some of the first
mound of sand when wind blows Dunes National protects the tallest great sand people to enter the
that is formed by sand into a Park, Colorado sand dunes in dunes is 603.1 San Luis Valley and
North America,
the wind, usually sheltered area with the legendary
km². the Great Sand
along the beach behind an Star Dune towering Dunes area were
or in a desert. obstacle. at 755 feet. nomadic hunters and
gatherers whose
connection to the
area centered
around the herds of
mammoths and
prehistoric bison that
grazed nearby. They
were Stone Age
people who hunted
with large stone
spear or dart points
now identified as
Clovis and Folsom

Islands An Island is land An island is Greenland Greenland is the Greenland’s - Kalaallit of

surrounded on formed when largest island in area is 2.166 West
all sides by magma builds up the world that is million km². Greenland
water. and breaks the not a continent. - Tunumi- it of
ocean's surface. Tunu (East
- Inughuit/Avan
ersuarmiut of
the north
Plains a large area of Plains form in West Siberian covers an area covers an area - Genetic
flat land with few many different Plain of about 2.6–2.7 of about 2.6–2.7 research
trees. ways. Some million square million square suggests that
plains form as kilometres (1.0 kilometres (1.0 about 6,800
ice and water million square million square years ago
erodes, or wears miles). miles). ancestral
away, the dirt populations of
and rock on Western
higher land. Siberians
Water and ice mixed with an
carry the bits of ancient group
dirt, rock, and most closely
other material, related to the
called sediment, modern-day
down hillsides to Evenk, and
be deposited that about
elsewhere. As 2000 years
layer upon layer after that, the
of this sediment Mansi,
is laid down, Khanty, and
plains form. Nenets began
to separate.
Lakes A lake is a body Lakes form when Caspian Sea The Caspian The area of the - The Hyrcani
of water that is water collects in Sea is the Caspian Sea is were a people
surrounded by large world's largest 371,000 km². group in the
land. indentations of inland water classical era.
the earth's body. They were
surface called mentioned in
lake basins. both the
coastline of
the Caspian

Rivers A river is a A river forms Nile River The Nile River is The length is Nubians are an
natural flowing from water the longest river 6,693 km of the ethno-linguistic
watercourse, moving from a in the world. Nile River. group of people who
usually higher elevation are indigenous to the
freshwater, to a lower region which is now
flowing towards elevation, all due present-day northern
an ocean, sea, to gravity. When Sudan and southern
lake or another rain falls on the Egypt. They
river. land, it either originate from the
seeps into the early inhabitants of
ground or the central Nile
becomes runoff, valley, believed to be
which flows one of the earliest
downhill into cradles of
rivers and lakes, civilization.
on its journey
towards the
Oceans a very large After the Earth's The Pacific The Pacific The area of the There are no
expanse of sea, surface had Ocean Ocean is the Pacific Ocean is indigenous peoples
in particular each cooled to a largest and 165.2 million of the Pacific Ocean.
of the main temperature deepest ocean km².
areas into which below the boiling on Earth. It
the sea is point of water, spans 60 million
divided rain began to square miles
geographically. fall—and from California to
continued to fall China, and in
for centuries. As certain regions
the water extends tens of
drained into the thousands of
great hollows in feet below the
the Earth's surface of the
surface, the water.
primeval ocean
came into
existence. The
forces of gravity
prevented the
water from
leaving the
Antarctica has no
Glaciers A glacier is a A glacier forms Lambert-Fisher Lambert-Fisher Lambert-Fisher indigenous
persistent body where the Glacier in Glacier in Glacier in population and no
permanent residents
of dense ice that accumulation of Antarctica Antarctica is 400 Antarctica is 400
is constantly snow exceeds its kilometers (250 kilometers (250
moving under its ablation over miles) long. miles) long.
own weight. many years,
often centuries.

Volcanoes A volcano is a A volcano is Mauna Loa Mauna Loa is Mauna Loa -Kanaka Maoli
rupture in the formed when hot the world's measures
crust of a molten rock, ash largest active 13,697 feet
planetary-mass and gases volcano. above sea level.
object, such as escape from an
Earth, that opening in the
allows hot lava, Earth's surface.
volcanic ash, The molten rock
and gases to and ash solidify
escape from a as they cool,
magma chamber forming the
below the distinctive
surface. volcano shape
shown here. As
a volcano erupts,
it spills lava that
flows downslope.
Hot ash and
gases are
thrown into the

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