Times Week 6

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The Phat Fro Times

Vol.1 Issue 2 Week 6, 2008 Free

Elephants in Danger of Extinction

The Elephants of Phat Fro Fantasy Football are in danger of
going the way of the Dodo if the Poachers remain so prolific.
In the previous two weeks Brian Crew’s Elephant Poachers
have been on a tear winning 3 of 4 conference games, which
has in turn catapulted him from 3rd in the division to 1st place.
They have been led this season by the number three QB in
the league Jay Cutler with 317.3 points. Bryan’s primary RB is
Brian Westbrook which while being banged up a little this
season has still posted 163.3 points this season. Lary
Fitzgerald has also been on fire this season as the number 2
WR this season with 249.8 points. Bryan faces off against two
Inter-League Update division rivals in week 7: Engage Anarchy and
OneBossDeadBossPeriod. WIth all three teams in his division
by Marshall Bowling
within three games of Bryan the question will be can he
continue to slay those elephants or will the poachers finally be
The Strawberry Diesel Dazzlers, Scorch, and Loco
brought to justice?
Marines continue their strong inter-league
dominance with 5-1 records.  The Gladiators had a
big win over the Kush Kronic Krushers this week to
go to 4-2.  The game was close until Marion Barber
Scoring Chart of Division 3 of the
caught a swing pass from Tony Romo and took it to GFC
the house for a 70-yard touchdown.   There are
many other teams with the strong 4-2 non-
conference record.   These teams include Kush
Kronic Krushers, Da Big Hookah, Elephant
0 375 750 1,125 1,500
Poachers, Ric Flair of Phat Fro, Kryptonians, Sick
Animals, and Tru Shu Fan.  The biggest surprise at Elephant Poachers
4-2 is Brian Crews's Elephant Poachers.  Although Level 18
his overall record is 5-7, his non-conference record
is 4-2.   He had another big win this week over Engage Anarchy
Flying Monkey Poo.  Next week will bring the cream OneBossDeadBoss
of the crop to the top.  Will the 5-1 teams stay up a
game on the 4-2 teams, or will they lose and join
the thundering herd of teams behind them?  Stay
tuned to see what happens! Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Inter-league Leaders
Loco Marines (5-1)

Scorch (5-1) Call to Arms

Strawberry Diesel Dazzlers (5-1) Do you want to write for the most prestigious publication in Phat Fro
Fantasy Football? Do you have a good idea for a new article or want
Gladiators (4-2) to feature your team in the times? Well then shoot me an email at
jenningsw22@gmail.com with your ideas.
TruShuFan (4-2)
The Back Page
Week 6 Top Performers The Bum Report
By Bryan Crews

318.7 There are players in our league who on draft day

were seen as gems or a least diamonds in the ruff
and have not performed as desired. First of is
Derek Anderson. In week six he had fifty six points
which is great. But can he continue to put up big
points? I think not. That is the best he has done in
weeks two and three combined. Next is Ryan
Grant. He’s been a little banged up but still has
played in every game thus far. He’s just not
72.9 63.9 41.7 producing when he gets the ball. My Next victim is
Chad Ocho Cinco, Maybe he’s mad that his jersey
still days Johnson and thats why he’s not showing
302.5 up. Your guess is as good as mine. But the fact
remains that he only has 93.8 total points this
season, which is much less than owners where
hoping for out of him. If he focused on the game as
much he does showing off and crying about not
being happy in Cincy, he would most likely be a top
ten receiver. My final player is Kellen Winslow.
Which I have to go a little easy on considering his
QB is also on the Bum list. In my opinion his
undisclosed illness means that he needs to be a
70.4 63.2 40.5 little more careful who he takes home at night.
Regardless he is not performing like he should. Of
course I’m referring to his play on the field. Get
your head out of the gutter.
Bums Compared to Last Season

2007 Last Six Weeks Total Points

2008 First Six Weeks Total Points


66.4 48.0 39.6


Other Notables for Week 6:


280.2 D. Anderson
R. Grant 0
C. Ocho Cinco
K. Winslow

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