Math 12TH Cbse MM

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Relation) : Tf A and 8 ane two non-empty sets, then any subset R of AXB is called Relation from set A to 8. ie. [REA>B ORE ANB Tf (ER then we wwite xOy (Read as x is R nelated to y) and Tf (Xf R then we waite ay Caead as x is not ® nelated to y) ToTfoR is sanyonelationssfomeset A to Set 8 then, wm © Domain of R is the set of all finst coondinates of elements of R and is denoted by Dom(R) * Range) of R is the set of all second coondinates of R and it is denoted by Range (R) A nelation R on set A.medns, theenelation from A to A i-e.,[REAKA empty Relation : A Relation R ina set A is called empty xelation, if no element of A is Aelated to any element of Ajyi-e Universal Relation : A Relation R in @ set A, is called universal elation eoch of A is elated to eveny element of A, ie S Identity Relation : [R= iy): KEA, yeas zy) or[R = £Cx, 0; ceAt A Relation R in a set A is called ~ © Reflexive Relation : If (a,a)€A, for every a6 A A Symmetnic Relation: If Ca,,a,) €R implies (a,,0,) € R fon all a,,a € A A Thansitive Relation: Tf Ca1,a,) €R and (az, 05) €R implies Ca,,05) ER fon all o,,0,,0; € A equivalence Relation : Tf R is neflexive, symmetnic and transitive antisymmetnie Relation 2 A relation R in a set A is antisymmetnic if|Go,o)€R (b,a)ER > a=bv abER A Tnvense Relation): If A and 8 axe two non-empty sets and R be a nélation from A to B, such that R=f(a,b): a€A,bE8J, then the invense of R, denoted by (5a nelation from 8 to A and is defined oy [R= f(b a)i(a,b) ERI Aequivatenceclass) : Let R be an equivalence relation on a non-empty set A. Fon all aA, the equivalence class of ‘a! is defined as the set of all such elements of A which axe related to ‘a’ unden R. $¢ is denoted by [a SFunction : Let xX and ¥ be two non-empty sets. Then a mule f which associates to each element xEX, a unique element, denoted by f(x) of Y, is called @ function fom X to Y and wnitten as fiX—-Y whene, f(x) is called image of x and x is called the pxe- image of f(x) and set Y is called the co- domain of f and f(x)-f f(a) xEXF is called the nange of fF.’ AL One-One on Injective Function + A furetion f:X—Y is defined to be one-one if the images XK unden f ane distinet j called many - one. -1= 9 G NCERT Kaksha = Umesh Vaishali A OntowonSunjective : A function f:X— Y is said to be onto if eveny element of ¥ is the image of some clement of X unden f i i-e fon every yeY, thene exists an element x in X such that fCH)= y LoOne-One and onto ok Bijective : A function f:X—¥ is said to be one-one and onto, if f is both one-one and onto Ponore : $2 xy is onto if and only if Range of f-¥ © Composition of..function : Let fii ABy AndongiiB —-Cosbenstwo, function then the composition of f and g denoted by 90f and defined as tne function gof :/A—> C pie TOT TAT) wwe Taentttps fuer’ + Let" R be the Set Of Heal numbens, a function T:R—R such that Tea)= Wo GER is called identity function S Taventible function + A function |fix=»Y (is defined to be invertible , if thene exists 0 funtlion gi ¥— X such that gop’ I,/ and, fog Ty. The function q is called the invense of fi and is denoted, oy os Binary openation) : A binary openation * on a Set A is a function * : AXAA. we denote * (a,>) by a*b * A binany openation * on a set A is called commutative , if a* b = b¥a, fon eveny Ob € A. A binany openation ®:AKA—A is said to be associative if (a%b)Fc = a*(b*c), ¥ 0,6,C€A dey cet A. binary openation *: AXA A, an peony if iL exists , is called identity fon the openation *, if a*e+ e*a, ¥ aeA * © A binany openation *? AXA—-A with the identity element e in A, an element a€A is said to be inventible with nespect to the operation *, if thene exists an element d in A such that a*b= @ = b*a and b is called the invense of a and is denoted by a SL Nowofe function : Let f: AB be any mopping and [Al=m and [61> m where, IAL nepnesent no. of elements in Set A 161 nepnesent no. of elements in Set 8 Then; Total mo. of function fnom A to B = m” + casei) If msm; then | Total ms. of mapping - n Total mo. of one-one mapping = n! Total ne. of onto mapping = ™! Cosedi) Tf mem; then [Total no. of mapping = m™ Total mo. of one-one mapping = ™, ni Total mo. of onto mapping —* 0 sccasediy Tf 0 Sinn) = -Sin'z Yo oxe (1,1) T-cos'z ¥ cel = -ton'y WorER + W-cote HER Secten) = T-Sectx ¥xre R-CHt Cosec't-x) = -Cosec'x W xe &-C-1,1) Sin''x + Cos'z + a WP 2 [ei fd tone + Cob'z- DW rer 2 Seclx + Cosee"e= LY 1 R-(-1,)) 2 Sin'e + Sin'y = Sin"'{ x Tepe f+ plea} if -is%, yet & wey? <1 oR xy<0 & we ytot Sint - Sin'y = Sin'{x Ting - ylx*} if -Lem, yet & xe yet on 2470 & are yrt Cos'n + Cosy = Cos "faye Ig} if 16%, ye & mtYy20 Costa - Cosy = ous tealeys f 16x, yet & ney 2Sin'x = Sin'(2e =u) iF Lene R Qcos'x = Cos'(2x?-1) y OS KET 2tan'z + is if tenet Ssin'x + sin’ (3x- Yx?) Sos = Cos(ux?- 32) 2tan'x = Cos”! ne 2tan'c = T+ ton” Gs) iff x4 Ix, if 0fm< *) 2tan'x = Sin} as) ¥ wheat 8) 3 tans = aa Cos = sin'(II=a*) = tow (=) % a ot) . see"(L) = Cosee ton'e = sin} cos"/_L ) (a) WED . co'() = see"'(IIFa*) - Cove EE) es Neent Kaksha - Umesh Vaishali CAG NCERT Kaksha - Umesh Vaishali A Matai) + A matnic is a neclangulen axnnangement of numbers on functions annanged into a fixed numben of news and columns. A matrix is written inside brackets [ J. Each entry in a matrix is called an element of the matnu. Oy yy -eee= yy ]—rFiat mw) We shalt wnite "xg oa —— Am | Oar Ogg 6 aq |e sent no (8) koe Potann an =) mah of nous X No. of columns) a A matrix is said to be a column matrix if it has only one column. Ex [ a cotomn Y Column Matrix A Rowmatnix) A matrix is sald to beea now matrix ifvit has only. one, now, Ex fads lpr 35 9)h Ct Square Matniz No. of ows (m)+ No. of colums(m) Ex] + ale Bo aE, wee A Mingeralmataix) + A square matrix is said to be a diagonal matrix if all its non diagonal elements ane zeno. EX (59) [i seal ‘non- diagonal elements 2e%0. 0 D4 ef Sealan Matix : A diagonal matnix is said to be a scalon matnix if its diagonal elements ane equal. Ex [ Peale SN) ae A raentingmatiin: A square matnix in which all diagonal elements ane 1 and nest axe ail zero. oe [es] BSS ue elements (1) SL NUMOR Zeno Matnix) : If all Ls elements ant zeno. We denote zeno matrix by O. EX (01, L 9] ool equal Mataie) + Two matrices A= Ca] and 8 + [> tiv they one of the same onden Gi) ach Clement of A is equal to the connesponding element of B ie. ay = by for all i and j Upper tnlangulen Maniax : An upper triangulan matric , if ay =O ¥ irj, ie. all entnies below principal iagonal ane zero. éxomoe + (34) [fq] Slower eniongutenmatniz) : A lowen triangular matnix, if ay=0 ¥ i B= & eSeatan Matt OFAN raaWAt®? Let A= [2j]yaq D2 @ ratnie and K is a scalar, Then the matniz) Obleined bysmultiplying each element of matrix A by kK and is denoted by kA ot AK. Propenties of “scalon “multiplication op @limatkix) Tf A (ay) ond B = Coy] be two matnices of the Same onden, say min, and k and | one scalaxs, then = [k(ate)= kat ke] i [(kK+O A KATIA wo cmuttiplccationsop matrices Two matnices A and B ane said» to be defined fox multiplication, if the umber vof) columns of A Cpxe- multiplies) is equal to the number of Hows of 8 (post multiplier). Aen) X B-nng5* @8 onxp) & Propenties of Multiplication of Matnices a “Associative law (ab) = ACac) | cid Oistnibutive tow @ LAC8+C)= AB+ AC | (Ara) C = Act BC ib Existence of maltipucative identity [TA ATA] gat nats? (by, ft Clementang operation ( Transformation) of a matwix’: There one six operations (inansfonmation) on a ‘mati 3 of which due to row ond 3 of due to column , called Elementany Tnansfonmation The interchange of any two rows on two column Gi) The multiptication of the elements of any now on column by a non- zéno number ii) The addition to the elements of any AOW on column, the connesponding elements of ang Othen now on Column ‘multiplied by ane oe eew number. A Laventiole matrix) 9f A is square matnix of orden mxn and if thene exist another square matnix 8 of the same onden such that AB * BA * Im * The Ais invertible ond 8 is called inverse of A. SD Invense of a square matric, if it exists, iS unique Tf A and B ane invertible matnices of the some onden, then (AB)"= 6A” S (properties : 1f A is an inventible matnix, then VEE] © FE ofolfous us m instagnary ci) OT] aw fl ncentkaksha JAL (Gi) me invense of an inventible symmetnic matnix is a symmetric matrix. G@) squane matnix is inventible 5 If ik is non~ singulan OO NCERT Kaksha - Umesh Vaishali fF Determinants A Oetenminant) : To eveny square matnix A= Cay) of onden n, we can associate a no. Creal on complex) called delenminant of the square matnix A, where ag * (i,j) element of A. Denoted as : det A om Al. A Detenmninant op lrmatnTepNONAEAORED: Let A - [0] be the matnix of onden £, then determinant of A is defined to be equal to a. & Detenminant of mati’ of onder) 2x2 + stare a= | aye w let A : a > det(a)=tAl= O aft, axe ane o SE aba RB et A =| OS Se * Aha” Fates Qa as 05 Me Oy PH Ceo and 1 Expansion along finst now (&) it ey Oy an “ir dei(A) =1Al= A= [dar Gs Oe] |Qar > Og} F Os: Osa Oe ee Ce eC) = a, [anya a Oa 4, | 2ryg225— ay, [921 rs 4 ayy [Aang ee ash ane ae ae My (O59 O55 ~ Asp yy) ~ pa Oy Opp ~ O54 0g) + Oy C03, O59 ~ Oyp Ory Note : Fox matnix A, 1Al is mead as determinant of A and not modulus of A Only square matnices have determinants. Propenties of Determinants W The value of the determinant nemains unchanged if its nows and columns interchanged. GH TF any two rows (on columns) of a detexminant ane intenchanged , then sign of determinant _, changes, Gil) Tf any two xows Con columns) of a determinant ane identical , then value of determinant is zero, (W) Tf each element of a How (on a column) of a determinant is multiplied by a constant k, then its value gets multiplied by k. W) Tf some on all elements of a now on column of 0 determinant is expressed sum of two (ox mone) tenms, then the detenminant con be expnessed as sum of two (on mone) detexminants, (vi) Tf, to each element of any xow on column of a determinant, the equimultiple of connesponding. elements of othen now (ox column) ane added , then the value of determinant semains the same ive, the value of detexminant nemains same if we apply the openation %—> Ri tkRj on C-C,+ key “Area of Tiangle) + Anca of Tniangle with ventices (x ,y)4(%, yx) and Cay, 45) Is, Cee ec Jn 1 Ob Cy gd* Cys ge) #544!) Note : at @ Anca (5 a positive quantity , we always take the absolute value of A. GU TF Anea is given, use both positive and negative values of the determinant fon calculation Gi) The anea of the tniangle formed by three collinean points is zeno. =4=©9 G NCERT Kaksha - Umesh Vaishalt (Minors): Minon of an element ay of the IAI is detenminant obtained by deleting i” now and j" column and is denoted by My __cominnen of 0 SL Cofactons): Cofactor of an element ay, denoted by Ay is defined by Ay * CD ay S Adjotnt op armatnie? * The adjoint of a squane matnix A> [ay] is defined as the tnanspose of the matnix CAijImen + Adjoint of the matnix A denoted by adj A. (ive capocto oy tne element 0) ‘Gingulan matnix) : A squane matnix A is said to be singulan if |Al=0 A Non=singulan mathic : A square maixix A is said to be non~ singulan if IAl# 0 STweowemiY Tf A be any given squanematnix of onden n, then A(adjA) + (adja) A = IAI Seve Tf A and 6 axe non-singulan matnices of the same onder, then AB and BA one also non-|singulaxmnatnices of \the same onder. SL Treonems> IABI= TAL 181 where Aand B ane squane matnices of same onder Semmeanerd® A squane matniz A is\ilnwentibles ip arid) only» if A, iS) ndn= singilan mataix A Comsistentiisystem) = If system of equation have Solution Cone. on vnone)/ exists. ot ‘Tncosistent Taystem : $f system has mo Solution. ‘or solution does mot ‘exist. of System of tineor equation using invense of 0 matnix : Considen the equations, a,x + by + cjz=d, Heney A= | a, 6 G | X =| %*| and B= er ax + by 4 O42 * dy % bh G 4 4 ax + by + Gz = dy ay bs 2 4 % bt dy os a b Gy “ de Then the systom of equations con be written as, AX*B y|= a; bs os . ds (aseI Tf A is a non- singulan matnix, then its invense exists. Now X* AB [consistent & Unique s01"]} tase Tf A is a singulan matrix, then |Al=0 (AdjA) B ¥ 0 sol” does not exist Cincosistent) (Adj A) B= 0 infinitely mang sol” on no sol” 711 (80) lomynes ssn (consistent ox “inconsistent) “system of Equation : [AX = B — if (B¥ 0) (non -Womegencus system of equation) _ then unique solution (Tnivial Solution) Momogenoussystemsop equation : [AX = 0 Saylaieo then infinitely solutions “If A is skew symmetnic matnix of odd onden, then IAl=0 * The detenminant of a skew- symmetnic matnix of even onden (s a penfect squane, Wonk Hand @ OBE NCERT Kaksha = Umesh Veishati 2 SL continuity :“ suppose f is a weal function on a subset of the xeal numbers and let _¢ be a point in the domain f. Then f is continuous at c if | lim f(x)* fc) me S Discontinuity + A function said to be discontinuous at point xa, if it is not continuous at this point. This point x=a whene the function is not continuous is called the ptt of discontinuity. “THEMED Suppose f and g be two neal functions ‘continuous at a real no. then, W fg is continuous at x-¢ a f-q) is continuous at x-c @ f-% is continuous at x*0 (£) is continuous, at xc, fprovided g(c) #0} @) af is continuous atx=c , whene a is a ‘constant . @ Ifl is continuous at 2-6 > Eveny constant function is continuous function. Even Polynomial is continuous function. entity function is continuous function. © eveny Exponential & loganithmic fundion is continuous function ‘“Theonemiz> Suppose f and g ane xeal valued functions such that (fog) is defined at ¢ If q Gs continuous atc and if f is continuous at gcc), then (fog) is continuous at ¢ Sf Diffenentiabitity : Suppose f is a neal function and c is a point in its domain. The denivative of f at ¢ defined by Mien Elen) fd provided this limit 0 exists. Denivative of f at ¢ is denoted by f'Cc) on gino, The function defined by Ix f'Cx) = lim £Ctth)- £2) wheneven the limit exists is defined to be the dexivative hao h of f. The denivative denoted by f'Cx) on Ai on if ys fx) by ao ¥ Algebra of dexivaties + wary wee] dw Law's uve uv’) | Catone on prada male) (4) MV — UY’, wheneven v¥0 vy, Cauclient Rae) ‘Theonemes? Tf a function f is diffenentiable at a point c, then it is aso continuous at that point. P Note: every differentiable function is continuous, Seenoinweule : Let f be a neal valued function which is a composite of two functions wand v ie f= vow; Suppose t= ulx) and if dt and dp exist ,we hove GE » dv. dt de dt de dt dx Suppose f is neal valued function which is a composite of thnee functions u,v and wi ie. f= (wou)ov and if t=v(%) and s= uct) then ap. d(wou). dt . dw ds. dt dx dt dx ds dt dx Some propenties of Logonithmic function log,p = ia Loge = "vp + 9 | Lloger'* ne + hae * Zope a . - lo a loge" = nlogp| [Pio(E) = tse any! [lee a =5= 2) G NCERT Keksha = Umesh Voishali & Leann it Important fon Limit Questions ee It tae ee, loglitxl> 1-2 - 22... uv iu ee et 1-2 + at - 234. Sint = %- w+ ao -2%,.. wie eo eee gt oat ot 14 Flog, aXlogea), | {cose = bogeat aly, u @ . a is logliexl= 1-2 + a3. vane = 2+ +23. uw be % Some ‘standand” denivative d(tane) = seca ge Jd (Secx) = Secx. tanx faz wh (Coseex) = = Cosecx. Cot dx & loganithmic differentiation Denivative of functions in Parametnic foxms ye fa fuceyy” A= FCO = GCE) amt te wt «rma king. og both ides, = dy. de logy = VC) log Cuca] al dx de using chain ule to differentiate d Lidge vtx). 1. ul + via. tog luca) Oy. dt [ome gee) ye wen) dx de “ dt og ( ue] ig GLA Tn py gos ut me epee foams red oe Fay are] & Second oxdex dexivative % wwote: Mighen onden denivative may be defined similanly ee © Note + [Fssmentiat farm] Tepanithim foun | oy. fc) ———w dx Bee r > loge Hy I differendate i) again wat to x, = al f'd dy _ pn " “ A(t) = 4 [fool 9 ri f"Cx)| denoted D*y ony Sf Rolle’smeonem : If fifa p]— R is continuous on [a,b] and differentiable on(a,b) such that f(a) fb) then thene exists sme C in (a, 6)such that f'Cc) = 0 Sf Langnange Theonem ox Mean value theonem + If f:[a,b]—»@ is continuous on [a,b] and differentiable on (a,b). Then thene exists some c in (a,6) such that pice) = £0e)= fla) b-a OOO NCERT Kaksha -Vmesh Vaishals A materopeiehange : Tf a quantity y varies with anethen quantity x, satisfying some mule yo f(t), then 4] (on FiCap) xepnesents the nate of change of y with nespect to x at x xo, Way A Dippenentiatsd : Let y+ Cx) be ang function of x which is differentiable in (0,8). The denivalves of this function at some point x of (a,b) is given by the elation tye tim Mee tim $CEH OD PO) Spx) a dx 4100 Ax bx > 4. f'@ > CL. “es ‘af the furction A Treneasing ond: decreasing funttions —F furcion fis said be, (@) ineneasing on an intenval Cab) if x, < Ry tm (0,6) fl) © Fx) for all x,, x € (a,b) (@) decneasing on an intenval (4,0) if x, < nyt (ah) uufx) Bf Cap forall, ti %f/€) Ca, ) Theonem Let f be continuous on [0,6} and diffenentiable on the open intenval (a,b). Then (Gf Is incneosing in (0,6) if f'C3)70 fon each ze (0,0) (bs fis decneosing in [a,b] if f'Ca)¢0 fon each x € ( (Bf is a constant function in (0,6) if f'Cx) =0 fon each x € (a,b) SL cTarigenttatTaeMne) The equation of the tangent at Cxy,y,) to the cunve yo fx) is given by AL ot tite me meee cs Guy) Tf dy does not exist at the polnt (ty, qa), then the tangent of this point is panalel to the y-axis ot and its equation is x» 1% Tf tangent to a cunve y= fx) at x c» iS panallel to x-axis, then 4 =o It S Normal to the cunve ae Equation of the nonmal to the cunve y=fCx) at a point (xo, ys) is given by, at a Of fla) = m= slope of tangent at Cary) (44) Tf AY at the point (xy, y,) is zeno. then equation of the nonmal is x*% dx Te 24 at the point Cx,, yo) does not exist, then the nonmal is paxallel to x-axis and its Y= Yo dx SS ApprOxiMnalion Let y= f(x), 4x de @ small ineneament in x and ay be the increment in y connesponding to the inceament in x, ie. dy fCx+ax)- F(x). Then opprosimate value of ay (ae) dx Moximum on Minimum value of a function ( Absolute Maxima om Absolute Minima) A function f is said to attain maximum value at a point a€ Dy, if fla) > f(x) V xe Dp then f(a) is called absolute maximum value of f. A function f is said to attain minimum value at a point be df, if fb) < fx) V xe Dp then f(b) is called absolute maximum value of f. AG WERT Kaksha - Umesh Vaishali & Local Maxima and local Minima ( Relative Extrema) LocalMaximay A function f(x) is said to attain a local maxima at “=a, if there exists a neighbourhood (a-6,a+6) of ‘a’ such that flx)< fla) ¥ « € (a-6,a+), 2#0, then fla) is the local maximum value of f(x) at x=a. Localminima A function f(x) is said to attain a local minima at x=a, if thene exists a neighbounhood (a-5,a+6) of ‘a’ such that fx) >f(a) v x €Ca-5 ats), T#Q, then fla) is the local minimum value of f(x) at x=a (a) Finst denivativentest ( 5f fC changes (sign from positive to negative as x incneases though ¢, then ‘c’ is a point of Vocal maxima and f(c) sisstocal maximum value Gi) Sf FCP changes sign from negative to positive as x incheases thnough ¢, then ‘c’ is a point of local minima and f(c) sisstocal minimum value tii) $f $12) dosen't “changes” sign as x ineheases through ¢ , then ¢ is neithen a point of local minima non a point of local maxima...such a point. is called point. of inflection. ‘(b) SetondeDenivativersTest : Let f be 0 fuhetion defined onan intenval T_and Cer. tet f be twice differentiable Qt ¢. Then @ -c is a point of local maxima if file =0 and f"C}2O. In thisiease flo) is called local maximum value. Wi) x=c is a point of local minima if f'(c-0 and f"(c)>0.In this case fc) is called local minimum value. Gi) The test fails of f'ch=0 and f"(c)+0. Im this case, we go back to finst denivative test & Wonking Rule for finding absolute maximum on absolute minimum values StepT) : Find all the cnitical points of f in the given intenval, i-e., find points x whene eithen f'x)=0 on f is not diffenentiable . Step: Take the end points of the intenval. Step: At all these points, Colculate the value of f. StepI: Identify the maximum and minimum value of f out of the values calculated in Step I. The maximum value will be the absolute maximum value of f and the minimum value will be the absolute minimum value of f. Secnibiea Paint) A Point C in the domain of a funttion f at which eithen f'(c)=0 on f is not diffenentiable is called a cnitical point of f. S Useful fox questions 27 Side of Sane ‘Anco of square ~ x* & Penimeten = Wa) Length Anea of Reclangie = xy & Penimeten = 2 GGT] bveatth Anca of trapeciam « 1 Sum of Pavalel Side X Penpendicuon distance belueen them Slant height adius ‘nea of Cincle = Tin® — Cincumfenence ight cnculon cone Tal Sunface Anca = Tin? + Tid) unved. Surface nea * Tint Yume of Sphene = TT, Sunface face = Ate height Volume = ie Right cinculan cyclinden Tolal Sunface Anea > 2TW6Y* 21n* (unved Surface nea = 2T1nh Cube Sunface Area = QGP + side of cube Volume = Th Volume = 2? ‘Anca of fquilatenat tniangle = LF (side). 4 CVG NCERT Kaksha = Umesh Vaishali Fx) & Integration ( Anti differentiation) : Integration (s the invense process of diffexentiation , Instead of diffenentiating a function. we one given the denivative of a function and asked to find its primitive , i-e., the oniginal function. Such a pyocess is called integnation ox anti diffenentiation. Ex + ye T f(odx d(x") = nx! futde~ a! pc, net dt n+ dx . a. ( Sint) = ose ig iz dx il be d_ (Cosx) = ~- Sinx fs 7< ae p inn dx Cosn tC dL (Cotx) = ~ Cosecx tosete de = -Colx tc dx dx a (R= HEE | Tegece ctcae « ~ weer +6 (sin'xz) = dx = Sinn + f [re Geer de _ eg" ae Tim Cos x + ai (tan) = 1 dx = tan'x +¢ dx tte’ +x d_(Cot'x) = -1 (dx . -Cot'x +¢ dx Len Ix? ad (Sec'x) = f_dx_ = Sec'x +c at et ih (Cosec't)= 4 dx. -Cosec'x +¢ dx a fat alert a(e%) = e% eet 4-( fetac - ette (log x) = Lox = logixl +c eee a [a%). a* fatdx =a" 4c ila) “4 ——= ©8G NCERT Keksha = Umesh Vaishali L Tntegnation by substitution method [tan dx « (og Lsecx] +6 J secedr = (09 | secr + tanz| +¢ fcotrar = log Ising! + ¢ Sf cosecxdx + (og | coseex - Cotx! +¢ & Integnals of some panticulan functions : : dx. log [a+ Jar ar| +c aoe fe +b tog ae xactl ra ta dx =e Sint ye [Be + tinplate ee ‘ ax? [As = log [x4 Sarat + 7 [= Sd cantlyc iD 40" a a = £sec"fa) sc ro a fal L To find the integral [ot ax*+ bute we waite, ax'+ btt+c = afr bees =@ (e+ +(£- &) a a 2a. mn Me New; pit Ch 58 » dx edt and cob) + Kk” 2a Q ua? The integral becomes a " & To find the integrated of the be type: [es de s ax"t bx +e Se whene p,q,a,b,¢ ane constants aa To find the neal numbens A,B such that, ae prtq = Ad(ax*4 bxr+c) + B= A(2ar+6)+B Ss dx ao L Integration by partial fraction ee purty, (1-0) (-b) ath pxrg (x-0)* putqnen (4-0) (4-6) (x-0) pxtgutn (4-0) (4-6) pxtqutn (a-0) (174 bx+0) AL ac * Gay * G0) G-a)* Integnal of the form f sin™x. cos" dx © iF Gm exponent of sinx is on add po: @ if Cm) exponent of osx is an add Bx+c (x7 + bx tc) Note whene 1+ bx+¢_cannol_be_factonised _funthen OIEG NCERT Kaksha - Umesh Vaisholt & Tmtegnation by parts | f fOdgtxddx = fearfgtarax - f[f arf gcar4ar] ax L Integral of the type [fex[footfco]dx = fet flxddx | eFax alee |g a+ leai| +0 [Ta ax « xiv +2 ]og xt ha | +6 i rude a Sa’ ty WSin'Z 4c 2 2 a Fundamental theonem of Calculas 7 Area function : |A(xd = f flxde fn Finst fundmental theorem of integral caleulas + Theonemt: Let f be a continuous function son the closed intenval [a/b} and let A(x) be the axea function, Then [Alx) “pte, fox all xela,o) Second fundmental theorem of integnal calculas + Theonem'2 f be continuous function defined on the closed intenval [a,b] and F be an antidenivative of f b Jy ftardr = Ceade = €¢6)- F(a) a a S Definite Integnat If FCx) is the integnal of f(x) oven the intenval (a,b), ie [f(x = F(x) then the definite integral of f(z) oven the intenval (a,b) is denoted by [itm is defined as ppen tit (owen limit, Definite integral as the limit of the sum - fi tonax > fim b (Fla) + fCath) +... Fla+(n-t)h)) OR fi fearae (0-0) tin & (flo) + flarn) ton. Flar(nt)h)) where he 040 as n4@ A Some propenties of Definite Integrals : . 5 a ‘ a mt ft - f ftoat m+ [tarde ~ [porte + [ f(2a-vde 0 A ° a ‘ Hf ftode +-[ foe ms [oa flee 2 ip fl2a-x) = fw . c 5 © flaa-n)=-fle) at [fends [Hoax + [ prade : elie : 4 At cb f fade = 2f*fearde + fx) is even function, ie. Bt f fiodx = [seare-vex : 3 fexd= f(2) : : ih f° fladde = 0 if FC is odd function. ie. Fox) = - fle fy Py: [ toa : [head mm a one ’, tf fxdx = nf ftxidx 5 if f(x)= flatx) = B= OO NCERT Kaksha - Vmesh Vaishali W) The anea of negion bounded by the cunve y= f(x), x-axis and the lines x-a es sy aes Ee Pe] (2) The anea of negion bounded by the cunve x= fly), y-axis and the lines yc 8 as [ag (3) Anea enclosed between ; fam and buy and the lines; x-a, x=b @) TF fd > glx) in Coe} and flr) £ glx) in (eb), A€c Tf w= at + bj + ck makes angle a, 8,1 with +ve dinection of x-axis, y-axis and z-axis mespectively, then Cosa, CosB and Cost ane the dinection cosines of Rand ane denoted by l,m and na whene, FR ,P(ano m = Cosp = > [n= Cost ¢ bi . Jars oe Lar+or4e y S pinection natios) : rf numbens a,b,c ane pnopotional to dinection cosines 1, m and n espectively of Hy then a,b,¢ ane called dinection natios of x z playa] Position vectow : considen a point (x,y,z) in space. The vector OF with initial point , onigin O and texminal point P, is called the position vector of P. Sf zenovvecton * A vecton whose initial and terminal points coincide is known as zeno vecton. S onit vecton Y A vecton whose magnitude is unity is said to be unit vecton. denoted “ae “Co=initial Vectons : Two on mone vectors having the same initial point ane called coinitéal vectons. SH Collineanveetons) : Two on mone vectons ane said to be collinean if they ane panailel to the some line, innespective of thein magnitudes and dinections Equatmivectons) : Two vectors @ ond 6 ave said to be equal, if they have the same magnitude and dinection wegandless of the positions of thein initial points, and wnitten as @-6 A Negative oprarvecton : A vecton whose magnitude is the same as that of a given vecton, but direction is opposite to that of it, és called negative of the given vecton, [BA = -Aw 6 L Addition op vectons : | AC = AB + BC | tmonge ow of reeun oostion) =f A A Propenties of vecton addition : dy [Are = 6+] cb [(A+8) +2 - Ta i) (WB = Ord & multiplication of a vecton by a sealan : [lA@l = [Alla] & midpoint | = asf G wate + Fon any scaton k, [OHO vyecton component. Recbagpeck) [lei-Gagae] tpt = son comorons # -10—= ©) G NCERT Kaksha - Umesh Vaishali “vector joining two points : [TPP = a= yay? G2" . Pan Sf Section=formula> : @. 0 = BIBI cos s % ‘isin onge eetacen and 8, 065m 0. F & Pnopentes:: = or @ |g). = ACA) = 4d) at 2 p, ay rr = 7. 7 @ (2. Wto)= BHHae | @lP-0% M0, V-0 male © [TF T= att als ak and Bm bbs type dykes then TB > aber byt 05 5 a on ict. [el 5 and Projection vector of B on et a a ftone e W a-8 is a neal numben 2 let @ and B be two non- zeno_vectons , then @-B=0 if and only if @ and B ane penpendiculan to each othen iea[i- b= 0 + eLe Bf 0-0 nen BT -1TIITI. In panticulan 2-8 = 11", as 0 in this case is 0. Wf =n then BBs -1AUIEI. Tn panticulan @A-z)= lal", as 6 in this case is T. 5. In view of the Observations 2 and 3 , for mutually penpendiculan unit vectons fy pond &, we nave Tipp keer) [pepe ito @ the angle between two non-zero vectons @ and B is given by |coso = _a-B. % The scalan pnoduct is commutative. i-e [@ 8+ 0.@ (efi “Projection of a vecton on a line): The @ is called the projection vecton and its magnitude fl is simply called as the projection of the vecton 3B on the dinected _ o? 1 A PFe 1 ° . eS ' 4 > cP . B B (90°< 6< 180°) (180"< 6 < 270°) (270"< 0 < 360°) i) ii), dy AG ACERT Kaksha = Vmesh Vaishali B Projection of a vecton @ on othen vecton B, is given dy | a-B ox ie ot 4 (2.8) ei tet ® If 0-0, then the projection vecton of AB will be AB itself and if OT, then the projection vector of AB will be BA. * If on on 6+ 3M, then the projection vecton of AB will be zeno vecton. 2 Gore: If «, B and + ane the dinection angles of vecton a= a+ a,j + agk, then ils dinection cosines may be given as 44,0}, 85 + scalan components 7 + unit vecton BXB = [GUBI sino A] OR [Sino - LAXB 7 ren [a6 ( [tf @xB +0 @-0, 0-0 om Ald 2 @|tf Fs atrafrak and G+ or ofe ok , TXB =| a a o Sa 5 f @xP is a vecton. 2 Hod tnen [@x8 = 1@NBI H Angie between twin vectors a and B | SIRO = oe a [ete faj- bak 3] ; txfeR, fre-t, Rete C @ [Fat--t], [Rcj--t]ou[tre-g] XJ S Anta of twiongle Age = LIBII@l sind - |slex sl 2 2 S Amen of panaltelogxam ABCD - |P1Ia'l sino = [lex ol S Projection formulae * () [a = bCosc + cCosB (|b = cosh + acose (c= alose + blosa Lagrange’s tdentity \[axel= | 22 FB) on [(a.w)'s (axe)? = IaI°+ IT at Bb wow: (2+ = [ols [els aigilel (@-8)- lars 1er- alee l@+Bl+ leer = 2lal's Br (@+8)-@-8)- Ie ‘scalox Triple product: [fa 2) = 2.(Bxe) = Bena) = C4GxB) T-(eval-leae T ¢ = 2(6xe)= 0 & 2.8.0 ame coplanan == C9 © WCERT Kaksha = Vmesh Voishati “ Thnee ‘Dimensional Gumetny inection cosines SF Relation between the dinection cosines of a tine [Ud mes al SH Dinection cosines of 0 line segwenk joining two points P(x,,y,,z,) and Q(x, ¥.,2%) ane where PQn [AP lgaya? Czy © Tf L.m,m ane the ldinection cosines and a,b,¢ ant, the dinection natios of a tne. (ee) [al SH Vecton Equation of a tine that passes _thnough the givem, point whose position. vectors T ond porattel to a given vecton B is | Pep amwani] (vector foxm) Cantesian Equation , —————— fncen nae ma. qh ze « (= l ™ n a GH Vecton Equation of a tine thot passes through two points [i = @+a(-#)|, AER position vettons au. fh, 22, teh eye a Cantesion Equation points = (ts Yrs 24) (tar Yor 2) If a1, by, cy and a, by, Cp ane the dinection natios of two lines and 6 is the acute angle between two lines then; [p59 2) Wid + bb, + GO Lars bre Sore b+ 6 Two lines with dinection alias a,b ye, and a, b,,¢, ane (W penpendiculon 6°30" [04 +A =O porate LE 2 Tf 0 is the acute angle between the line R= B+ Ab; and w= B+ AD; then 0 is given by a coso +) 16-81] oe |0 = cost 16. BI | Tere Vere) (vector form) w The shontest distance between the lines Bx Bh )-(ak - a Reta, and We R+ub is lex el Contesian fonm, tines 22% = O74. 2-21 and S24. YoY . 2-22 js Or by “1 a, b) CAG NCERT Kaksha = Umesh Vaishali WH shortest Distance between Panallel tines R- 4 Band R- Ht udis equation of a plane in a nanmal form Cantesian form, (vecton fonm) Ue 4 my ene ed posited veton iste frm ong ait oomal"tedn” wf The equation of a plane thn a point whose position vecton is a and penpendiculan to tne vecton is [Gpeaty Mao] (Weston form) Contesian form, Equation of @ plane passing thxough thnee non coltinean points (R-a)[(6-a)x@- a) (vecton: form) Cantesian form, (vecton_ form) RCH AM) = dit Ady Contesion foxm, & Angle between two planes oso =| my i i. [alin ® Contesian form Cos0 - AVA, + BG + GG LAs B74 G Jap B+ S Angle between a ine ond o plane |C0s0 = ee lelial the angle between the line and the plane is given by 90-6, ie. SinQ@o’- 0) = cose Oe ee a raed) Vo ail se BO 9 anh 0 8-09 oe ntl pe © Equation of Plane in intencebt form a Z = 1 whene a,b,c ane intencepts made 6 2k"; a the plane on the x-axis, yr us & z-axis nespectively :11= (9 G NCERT Kaksha = Vmesh Vaishali STC (Lineaxpregramming * Lineox programming (LP) is on optimisation technique in which a linear function is aptimisied (ce minimised on maximised) subject to centain constants which one in the form Of lineon inequaities ond equations. The fancion to be oplimised is called objective function nppications op lineax programming = Linean programming optimum combination of Several vuxinbles subject to centein-constnain'son_ nestnitions. Formation of linens programming problem (LPP) : The basic problem in the formulation of a linean proyremming problem is to set-up some mathematical model. This can be done by asking the folloving questions * (@) what one the unknown Cvaniadles) ? (b) what is the objective ? (c) What ane the nestnictions ? Fon this, Let x, 5X) %y Xn be the vaniobles. Let the objective function to be optimized Ci-e. minimised on maximised) be given by 2, W Ze Gut Gy t tCn%y whene Gx (E212...) ane constaaints. i Let thene be mn constants and let a bea set o- nstonts such that Oy MF Oph Heocccecst OnEn (&,= 002) by Oy My FO Ly tesceen et Oty (5,82) Op E+ Oma teens # Op hy ($= 982) by ii) finally, ket p70, 4y> 0,0 %y20 called non negative constraints. The problem of detenminating values of £1,%py.un)%q which makes Z, a minimum on maximum and which satisfies vin and (il) is called the genenal Linean pnognomming problem S General LPP (@) DétisionVoHIaBIES : The voniables 4.x, Xy,-----1%m whose values ane {0 be decided , ane called decision vaniabes. (b> Objctvefaneton): The lineon function Z* 6x,4.%4-.-.-+6a%n which is to be optimized (maximised on minimised ) (called the objective function on pnefenence function of the genenal Linear programming. problem. (©) Stmuetunalconstnaints) : The inequalities given in cid ane called the structural constaaints of the genenal Linean progromming problem. The stquctunal constraints one genenlly in the form Of inequalities of 2 type on < type, but occasionally , a slnurtunal constraint may be in the form of on equation. Cd) ‘Non negativereonstnaints : The set of inequalities (ii) is usually known as the set of mon - negative Constraints of the general LPP. These constnaints imoly that the variables 45 %,.....)%n Cannot take negative values (©) Feasible Solution : Any solution of a genenal LPP which satisfies all the constnaints, structural and non negative , of the problem, is called o fesible solution of genenal LPP. Cf) Optimum soldtion : Any feasible solution which optimizes (ie. minimize on maximises) the objective function of the LPP is called oplimun solution OG ACERT Kaksha - Umesh Vaishals Requinements fox Mathematical Fonmulation of “LPP + Before getting the mathematical form of a Lineax programming problem, it is impontant to necognize the problem which can be handled by Linear programming problem . Fon the formulation of a linean programming problem, the problem must satisfy the following nequinements = (i Thene mast be an objective to minimise on maximise something. The objective must be capable of being cleanly defined mathematically os 0 linear function. Gi thene mast be alternative sounces of action so that the problem of selecting the best counse of actions may anise. ity The resources must be in economically quantifiable limited supply. The gives the constnaints to LPP GW The constnaints Cnestnictions) must be enpable of beingeexpnessed in the fonm of linean equations on inequalities . To solve \inean programming problems, Connen Point method & Solving =tinean™=Pxogriomming™ problem: 1s adopted . Unden this method follouing steps ane penformed : Postepim : At finst, feasible region is obtdined by plotting the gronh\ Top given |Tineanleonstnaints and its connen points ane obtoined by solving the tuo equations dof theWtines htensetting at that point, PstepiM + the volue of objective function I+ ax+ by is obtained fox each connen point by putting its a and Yy> coondinate in place of x and ym Ze ax by. let M and m be longest and smallest value of Z nespectively. Coser: If the feasible is bounded , then M and m ane the maximum and minimum values of Z. Case : If the feasible is unbounded , then we pxocced as follows = Pstepimh: the open half plane detenmined by ax+ by>M and axt by M and feasible negion , then M is maximum value of Z, othenwise Z has no maximum value. Case I If thene is no common point in the half plane detenmined by ax+ by PIF) Tel 1» PCADFO ‘ Tndependentvevents) : Let € and F be two events associated with the same nandom experiment , then E and _F ane seid to be independent if, [PCEne) = 9.009 note + (Pe = P(E), PLA) #O »(E)> P(r), PLE) #0 SH Dependent Events) + Two events € and F ane said to be dependent if they ane not independent, i-e. if PlEne) # PLE). PLA) Thnee events A,B and C ane said to be independent of all the following conditions hold = P (ans) = Pa) PCB) P (anc) = PCa) PCC) P (Bac) = P(e) Plc) ond P (AnBnc) = PCa) PC) Plc) H Bayes Theorem) — Tf E,, Ff ane muually exclusive ond exhaustive events associated with a somple space and A as ony event of non-zero pnobobility . then ; *(6)- 1G) ¢ a Pep (4) 7 SL Theonem of total Probability Let {6,, €,....E} be a partition of the sample space . Let A be ang cunt esnitee win 5, en? Toeaye 58 py 18) rT & Random vaniable ond its Probability Distribution A random vaniable is a neal valued whose domain is the somple space of @ random experiment, The Probability distribution of a nandom vaniable X is the system of mumbens ¢ om EE rene F701 5 PUK) 2% Pym Oy 1 TPR OO NCERT Kaksha - mesh Vaishali oS meanvofeanxondom™vaniable? Let X be a nandom vaniable assume 2, 44,0... %» [me expectation of X OR ECX)] with probabilities PyyP,y-.n Py Respectively « Meon of X, denoted by u is the numben xP, ia E(x)=u= Sav UPL t Gapyt ovs # En Pn LVaniance of a xandom voniable Standand sdeviotion ofthe xandom vaniable X is defined as : & Bexnoulle Trials Trials of a nandom expeniment ane called Bennuolli tnivals , if they. satisfy the following conditions * @ There should be finite no. of trials The tnials should be independent GD Eoch thiol nas exactly two outcomes : success on failure GD The probabitity of success Con failure) nemains the same in each tnial SF BinomiatDistnibution A random vanloble X taking values 0,1,2....,m is said to have binomial distnibution with panametens n and P of its probability distnidution is given by: PCX=n) = Ny prqt™ | where qs t-p and n=0,1,2....m % wove: [PCAVB) = PCA) + PCB) - P(ANB) , Tn the case of thnee events P(AUBUC) = PCA) + PCB) + PCC) - P(ANB) - P(8NC) - P(CNA) + P(ANBAC) Pause) = PCA) + PCB), If two events A and 8 ane mutually exclusive PCANB) = P(6)- Pcana) ywhene Rand 6 ane independent events. PCANB) = P(A)-P(ANB)|, whene A and B ane independent events. PCANB) = PCAUB) = L- PCAUB) = PLA) 7), whene A and B ane mutually exclusive events (4) = PCANB) , P(6)-P(ANB)| ,whene A and 8 ane independent events and PCB) #0 8 P(6) P(8) (a) PCANB) . 1-P(ANB) | whene A and B ane independent events and PCA) #4 a PCA) 1- PCA) = C9 G NCERT Kaksha - Umesh Vaishali

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