Long-Spined Urchin (Diadema Setosum) As Coastal Bioindicator of Food and Beverag

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Long-spined Urchin (Diadema setosum) as Coastal Bioindicator of Food and Beverage

Effluent in Macajalar bay, Mindanao, Philippines

Presented to
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP) - CDO
College of Science and Mathematics
Department of Environmental Science and Technology
C.M. Recto Avenue, Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines

Submitted as a partial fulfillment

For the course EST 317 – Methods in Environmental Research
For the S.Y. 2021-2022

Louisse Abarquez
Ringo Dadang Jr.
Joan Daniel
John Michael Doble
Kate M. Ubalde

Mae Oljae P. Canencia


December 2021


Although food and beverage industries are not as polluting as some other sectors

like leather and metal industries, they have been responsible for water pollution by

discharging liquid effluent with high organic contents (European Commission, 1997.)

Solid wastes from the food and beverage industries include both organic and inorganic

wastes. Organic wastes come from raw materials such as food grain, flavoring, and coloring

agents. Inorganic waste typically includes excessive packaging items like plastic, glass,

and metal (Katzel, 1994.) These effluents can alter the physical, chemical, and biological

nature of the receiving water body (Sangdoyin, 1991.) In addition, the polluting

wastewaters contain critical pollutants which likely endanger the marine and coastal

ecosystem. Many industrial organic substances found in water can cause death or

reproductive failure in marine organisms. Furthermore, they can accumulate in animal and

fish tissue, be absorbed in sediments, or find their way into drinking water supplies, posing

long-term health risks to humans (Alam et al. 2007.)

The presence of effluents heavily influences species, including Sea Urchins. These

species are under class Echinoidea and group phylum Echinodermata, which are mostly

found from the intertidal zone to the deep ocean. Because they cannot swim, they inhabit

the seafloor and absorb most of the sinking material such as phosphates, nitrates, and other

pollutants present in the industrial effluents. Moreover, this makes them the most suitable

bioindicator due to their large number present and their nature to produce many gametes

and synchronous embryo development, which makes them convenient for easy monitoring

when subjected to controlled conditions and close observations.

One of the most important bays in the Philippines, the Macajalar Bay, is a major

fishing ground in Misamis Oriental of Region 10, Northern Mindanao. It is the gateway to

Northern Mindanao, with heavy, medium, and light industries, rapid development, and

strong coastal migration threatening the bay's condition. According to the study of Bellas

et al. (2008), any sea urchins are convenient response bioindicators because their gametes

and embryos are almost identically sensitive to toxic compounds. Furthermore, utilizing

Long Spined Urchin (Diadema setosum) as bioindicators allows the researchers to study

the presence and effects of untreated wastewater released on the beach conveniently and

cost-effectively. As well as to measure the water quality and assess environmental risks

and hazards the effluent poses.

Conceptual Framework

The coastal area of Macajalar Bay, Misamis Oriental, is home to traditional fishing

communities alongside growing industry expanding from the provincial capital of Cagayan

de Oro. With a rapidly growing population along its coastline, the health and sustainability

of the bay are becoming increasingly important. Food and beverage industries in which

wastewater is discharged directly to the recipient will eventually settle and have an impact

on urchin beds. The regular use of bioindicators in impact areas allows an assessment of

the situation and prediction of environmental impacts on biological resources and entire

ecosystems as anthropogenic influence grows. Therefore, the presence of food and

beverage pollutants were determined using sea urchins, as a coastal bioindicator. Figure 1

represents the relationship of independent and dependent variables.


Macajalar, Misamis Oriental Food and Beverage Effluent

• Sampling Site 1 • Diadema setosum

• Sampling Site 2 (young)

Figure 1. Conceptual framework of the study

Objectives of the Study

With the health and general presence of marine organisms in mind, as well as the

community's reliance on Macajalar Bay's available coastal resources, this study seeks to

answer the following questions:

a. To identify the presence of effluents in a water body near Macajalar Bay that has

been impacted by the food and beverage industries using bioindicators.

b. To determine contaminants such as nitrates and phosphates, as well as other

pollutants, in D. setosum as a result of the accumulation of effluents.

c. To compare the gathered sea urchins between two sites, one close to the source and

one further away from the source of effluents.

Significance of the Study

The study is relevant in measuring the water quality and assessing the effluent's

environmental risks and hazards using the Long Spined Urchin (Diadema setosum) as a

coastal bioindicator. As a result, the following sectors will benefit from this research:
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR): The study establishes a

baseline for the monitoring of effluents in the area and will provide a proper assessment of

existing industries or factories in the vicinity. The sector could give an implementation of

pollution prevention and control policies, guidelines, rules, and regulations especially to

the effluents from the factory/ies of an area.

Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR): The study serves as a starting

point for developing solutions for the benefit of the marine ecology and the conservation

of the area's fisheries and aquatic resources.

Residents near Macajalar Bay: The study raises awareness about the potential for

pollution of aquatic bodies in Macajalar Bay caused by food and beverage effluent from

factory/ies, as well as the health consequences and to those who rely on the resources

provided by these bodies of water.

Future researchers: This study will serve as a foundation for students working with the

Long-spined Urchin (Diadema setosum) as a Coastal Bioindicator in nearby factories in

Macajalar Bay and students’ utilization of aquatic species as a base for future research.

Scope and Limitation

The study mainly focuses on determining the presence of food and beverage

effluent and water quality on the coast of Macajalar bay using sea urchin as a bioindicator,

specifically D. setosum species. This study included only two (2) sampling sites along the

coast of Macajalar Bay in Misamis Oriental. Young sea urchins (D. setosum) were

collected in the intertidal zones during low tide. Moreover, the effluents were investigated
solely on the young sea urchins as they are more sensitive and suitable bioindicators of

early disturbances caused by marine pollution in impact ecosystems.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are used in the present study:

Bioindicator - refers to the organism used to screen the health and water quality in the

selected testing site affected by effluent.

Echinodermata - refers to a variety of invertebrate marine animals belonging to phylum

Echinodermata characterized by their hard, spiny covering or skin.

Echinoidea - refers to a class of motile bottom-dwelling echinoderms comprising the sea

urchins and related forms.

Effluent - refers to the liquid waste or solid waste discharged by the food & beverage

company in the sea.

Embryo - refers to the early developmental stage of an animal while it is in the egg or

within the uterus of the mother.

Gametes - a mature male or female germ cell usually possessing a haploid chromosome set

and capable of initiating the formation of a new diploid individual by fusion with a gamete

of the opposite sex.

Intertidal zone - an ecosystem found on marine shorelines, where a multitude of organisms

living on the shore survive changes between high and low tides.

Long Spined Urchin (Diadema setosum) - species of long-spined sea urchin belonging to

the family Diadematidae; referring to the species of bioindicator used in the study.
Nitrates - a chemical found in surface water contaminated with nitrates from industry or

agriculture. Nitrate is water-soluble and can be chemically reduced to carcinogenic nitrite

by bacteria.

Phosphates - accelerates algae and plant growth in natural waters; enhancing

eutrophication and depleting the water body of oxygen. This can lead to fish kills and the

degradation of habitat with the loss of species.

Pollutants - is a substance that is present in concentrations that may harm organisms

(humans, marine organisms, and animals) or exceed an environmental quality standard.

The term is frequently used synonymously with the contaminant.

Wastewater - refers to the polluted form of water generated from human activities; also

referred to as sewage.


Food and Beverage Effluent on Coastal Areas

Environmental pollution is becoming more widely recognized, not only in

developing countries but also globally. Among the sources of this problem is effluent

discharge from industries, particularly the food and beverage industries (Amabye, 2015.)

The Food and Beverage (F&B) industry generates effluents that are polluted with a wide

range of contaminants, including BOD, COD, oils, fats, greases, dyes, phosphates, nitrates,

and metal ions (Dikilitas et al., 2016.) These effluents may be generated as a result of

manufacturing processes, washing, improper wastewater disposal, and cleaning operations.

According to the World Health Organization, due to the geographical location of most

industries, untreated chemically contaminated effluents have been discharged into streams

and rivers to the sea with no or minimal, mostly insufficient, treatment daily. The amount

of untreated wastewater entering our water systems has the potential to degrade the

physical, chemical, and biological properties of the aquatic environment. As a result,

effluents in water bodies can cause physiological stress, reduce fertility, cause deviations

from growth rates in corals and other marine organisms, and even cause mortality (Alam

et al., 2007.) In addition, the discharge of large amounts of organic matter into receiving

waters in a continuous excess is likely to result in eutrophication. The most serious

consequence of eutrophication is dissolved oxygen depletion in marine waters (Lassig et

al., 1999.) Furthermore, biodiversity loss and ineffective natural resource management are

becoming increasingly challenging as a result of untreated industrial wastewater. In

assessing the environmental impacts on the coastal and marine environment, the need to
resolve the conflict between continued discharges and the preservation of marine

ecosystems must be recognized (Mbai, 1999.)

Nitrates, Phosphates, and other Pollutants

Because of industrialization, the human environment is now polluted with harmful

chemicals in the soil, surface and groundwater systems, air, and sediments, putting the biota

at risk (Oladeji et al., 2016). Some of the chemicals responsible for water pollution include

heavy metals silt, volatile organic compounds, phosphates, nitrates, petroleum

hydrocarbons, and chlorinated solvents by-products (Cairl et al., 2003; Taru et al., 2017)

arising from the use of disinfectants, indiscriminate waste disposal, and industry-related

activities. Furthermore, pollution of the oceans can have serious consequences in many

localities and regions, and there is certainly a risk of widespread impacts of pollution at the

ecosystem scale (Islam & Tanaka, 2004; Halpern et al., 2007).

Phosphates and nitrates are essential for plant and animal growth, but

anthropogenic activities have disrupted its natural cycle. Excess nitrogen and phosphorus

in wastewater are a severe environmental problem around the world, as these elements

induce the eutrophication of aquatic bodies (Khelifi et al., 2002; Painting et al., 2007;

Tiemeyer et al., 2009; Wei et al., 2008.) When nitrate and phosphate ions concentrations

in shallow water bodies are high, water plants overgrow, resulting in an algal bloom. As a

result, it affects dissolved oxygen, temperature, and other indicators in marine waters. The

amount of dissolved oxygen in the waterbody decreases dramatically, causing suffocation

and death in aquatic plants and animals (Moshoeshoe and Obuseng, 2018; Agbazue et al.,

2015.) According to the study of Suryani et al. (2018) Phosphates have an indirect effect with

the abundance of sea urchins. This is due to the phosphate affecting the abundance of zooxanthellae
which is the source of food of the sea urchins. Furthermore, factors such as concentration

persistence and bioaccumulation also put a strain on the marine environment. Pollutant

concentrations in marine organisms' tissues can reach toxic levels when they absorb

pollutants. Hence, the effect is present even at low levels.

Sea Urchins as Bioindicator

Sea urchins are members of the phylum Echinodermata, with a globular body and

organs arranged in a radial pattern. Sea urchins live on the ocean floor, usually on hard

surfaces, and move around with their tube feet or spines. Sea urchins, like their relatives,

have a hard outer body that is difficult to see through all of the spines. Regular sea urchins

may be the single most important consumer affecting shallow marine communities

worldwide (Morgan & Shepherd, 2006.) Foraging aggregations of sea urchins have

depleted vast seagrass beds and kelp forests, resulting in habitat loss, food loss, and changes

to the physical environment.

Sea urchin eggs, embryos, and larvae are good bioindicators of early changes in impact

ecosystems induced by marine pollution. The term "bioindicators" refers to organisms or

organism associations that respond to pollutant load by changing vital functions or

accumulating pollutants (Arndt et al. 1987). Sea urchin embryos are useful response

bioindicators and the objector of active biomonitoring (Bellas et al., 2008.) The ability to

produce a large number of gametes and synchronously developing embryos, the ease of

incubating embryos under controlled conditions, the ease of observation and fixation, and

the ability to use any sea urchin species because their gametes and embryos are almost

identically sensitive to toxic compounds are the main advantages of sea urchins as test

organisms. Toxic substances cause abnormalities on embryos, negative effects on the

biosynthesis of nucleic acids and proteins, lipid peroxidation, and membrane permeability

disruption. The observed abnormalities and the degree of developmental delay, as well as

the percentage of embryos that die, allow for a quantitative assessment of the impact of

physical and chemical environmental parameters (salinity, temperature) as well as various

pollutants (heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, detergents, and so on) (Kobayashi &

Okamura 2004; Rial et al., 2014.)

Morphological abnormalities in the sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus, caused by

exposure to environmental stressors are used as biomarkers in ecotoxicological and

ecological studies. Morphological abnormalities can be classified as reversible and

irreversible. Irreversible abnormalities are considered fatal because they impede further

development and affect reproductive success. Spontaneous anomalies can be caused by

several factors, including the presence of pollutants in seawater and poor gamete

fertilization. The cause of these anomalies is not well understood, but it is common in the

natural environment. For example, spontaneous mutations in the maternal or paternal

genome can have catastrophic consequences for the entire embryo pool, or changes in

environmental factors (including changes in diet and water quality) affect the maternal

condition and feeding abnormalities.

Another species of sea urchin, Diadema antillarum, was used to test the development

of echinoderm larvae subjected to high quantities of copper (Cu), silver (Ag), nickel (Ni),

or selenium (Se) in an aqueous solution (Se). Based on normal development to the pluteus

stage, all metals had a substantial impact on larval development. Adult sea urchins were

exposed to aqueous copper for 96 hours in a flow-through system. This exposure had a 96-

hour of 25 g/L dissolved Cu. There was also a behavioral and physiological disruption. The
physiological reactions included both acid-base balance disturbance and apparent

ionoregulatory effects, as shown by lower coelomic fluid pH. Additionally, spatial

orientation within the exposure tank, spine closure, and spine loss was all behavioral

impacts (Bielmyer, et al., 2005)

Another study of the concentrations of zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), copper

(Cu), and iron (Fe) were measured in urchin gonads and sediments. The deposits were non-

uniform and consisted primarily of coarse gravel, so only fractions containing particles less

than 1 mm were retained. The gonads of 10 male and 10 female sea urchins were analyzed

at each location. For sediments, the percentage of silt clay is very low in some parts of the

sediment, so 3-8 replications of the entire fraction and 0-3 replications of fractions less than

63 mm are used.

Bioaccumulation of Pollutants in Sea Urchins

Offshore industrial facilities generate large amounts of produced water, which is

then released into coastal and ocean seas all over the world. The contaminants in the

produced water have raised concerns that they may affect marine habitats (Nell, 2002.)

Pollutants can accumulate through seawater, suspended particles, sediments, and food

chains. A range of biological, chemical, and environmental factors, as well as the

pollutant's availability, determine the rate at which a pollutant accumulates in an organism.

Organisms have the ability to retain the contaminant, which in turn will either cause

abnormality or mortality (Bryan et al., 1979.) Chemicals are absorbed into the tissues of

marine organisms living near the discharged water. These chemicals are absorbed into the

tissues of marine organisms, where they cause a variety of harmful biological effects in

both the organisms and their consumers (Waldichuk & Darracott, 1979.)
Anthropogenic activities cause marine pollution, which has been increasing over

the years. This problem has become a global concern since it threatens the preservation of

the marine ecosystem and the safety of harvested seafood. In the roe/gonads of sea urchins

(Paracentrotus lividus), 99 emerging and persistent organic contaminants including butyl

tin (BTs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), pesticides including pyrethroids,

pharmaceuticals, personal care products (PCPs), and flame retardants have been detected.

Furthermore, the Butyl tins and pharmaceuticals were not found at measurable levels but

PAHs, four pyrethroids insecticides, four PCPs and eleven flame retardants were found in

the roe/gonads of the harvested sea urchins in low levels. Nevertheless, the existence of

contaminants in the roe/gonads reflected the low anthropogenic pressure felt in the

sampling sites (Williams, 2016.)

In an estuary of Shinguu River, Japan, Sea urchin eggs (Anthocidaris crassipina)

were exposed to extracts of kraft pulp mill effluent and sediments. The extracts were

separated into 5 fractions, which are neutral, acidic, basic, amphoteric, and phenolic. Out

of all the extracts, the basic was the most toxic that can decrease the egg fertilization to

35% at ten ppm concentration, while the most toxic is the acidic fraction and has the ability

to decrease the fertilization of eggs to 25% at ten ppm. The five fractions decreased the

development of eggs at 1 to 10 ppm and caused cytolysis, which is the dissolution or

disruption of cells, at 100 ppm.

Adult organisms that force to undergo chronic discharge from a source of pollution

may show several sublethal responses. The response is the impairment of gamete

production. The effects of chronic exposure to produced water (an oil production effluent)

on gametogenesis and gamete performance on the purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus

purpuratus Stimpson) showed a significant negative relationship between relative gonad

mass and distance from the outfall for both sexes, indicating that urchins with significantly

larger gonads lived closer to the outfall. The experiment showed a significant difference in

egg fertilizability between cages and showed a positive relationship with distance away

from the outfall of the effluent. These findings indicate that the urchins suffer a decreased

performance of the gametes but have larger gonads relative to the distance of the produced

water effluent outfall (Krause, 1994)

After detachment, kelp (Macrocytis pyrifera) may accumulate heavy metals and act

as a trophic subsidy. The results of feeding polluted kelps to sea urchin larvae (Tetrapyugs

niger) were determined by growth, fertility, and early larval development. The result

showed a lower growth of 3.6% gained weight and gamete release (358 cells mL-1) than

those fed non-affected kelps with a growth of 19.3% and gamete cells released of 945 cells

mL-1 in the sea urchins fed with polluted kelps from the highly impacted zone. The high

impacted zone treatment showed a developmental delay in comparison to non-impacted

kelp. During the culture, an abundance of malformed 2-arm pluteus larvae has been

detected. Malformed 4-arm pluteus larvae showed a constant increase, reaching 37% at the

end of the culture. The pollutants carried by the kelp will be transferred to the sea urchin if

ingested including their offspring and can cause negative effects on their early development

stage, categorizing M. pyrifera as a pollutant carrier.

Foreign Studies

Many contaminants are currently entering the oceans due to human activities such

as agriculture, fishing, factory effluents, and shipping. Because they tend to collect and
begin their activity as pollutants once their cycle has completed, many of these chemical

compounds cause harm to marine and terrestrial ecosystems. As a result, there is an

increased concern about what can be done to reduce environmental contamination. A study

entitled “Common Sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) and sea cucumber of the genus

Holothuria as bioindicators of pollution in the study of chemical contaminants in aquatic

media,” was conducted by Martín Parra-Luna (2020). The study revealed that persistent

pollutants are substances that have been accumulating in the environment since the last

century. These pollutants include Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs),

polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and heavy metals. Other pollutants, on the other hand,

have recently appeared. The existence of these contaminants in natural settings, as well as

the negative impact they have on the biota existing in these media, are being thoroughly

researched through the study of various creatures. The sea cucumber of the genus

Holothuria and the common sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) are both edible

echinoderms. Both species are reviewed as two of the aquatic model species employed as

bioindicators in several studies.

Another study was performed by Olga Lukyanova et al. (2017) entitled, “Sea

Urchin Embryogenesis as Bioindicators of Marine Pollution in Impact Areas of the Sea of

Japan/East Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk.” Scaphechinus mirabilis, a sea urchin sand dollar,

was employed as a bioindicator of seawater quality in the impact zones of the Sea of

Japan/East Sea (Peter the Great Bay) and the Sea of Okhotsk (northwestern shelf of

Sakhalin Island and western shelf of Kamchatka Peninsula). The formation of the

fertilization membrane, the first cleavage, blastula formation, gastrulation, and the

formation of 2-armed and 4-armed pluteus have all been studied, and several anomalies
have been calculated. The number of embryogenesis abnormalities in sand dollar larvae

exposed to seawater at various sites in Peter the Great Bay corresponds to the level of

pollution in each area. Russia's main fishing location is the Sea of Okhotsk. Fishing and

transit vessels have the greatest anthropogenic impact on the maritime ecosystem.

However, because of oil and gas extraction, two shelf areas are considered hot spots.

Offshore oil exploitation on Sakhalin Island's northeastern coast has begun, and oil is

currently being drilled on oil-extracting platforms continuously. On the western

Kamchatka shelf, significant hydrocarbon reserves are being explored, and exploitation

drilling in this area was ramped up in 2014. The stations near oil installations near Sakhalin

Island had a higher number of anomalies at the gastrula and pluteus stages (19–36%). The

number of abnormalities in the western Kamchatka shelf ranged from 7 to 21%.

Exogastrula, partial development of pairs of limbs, and other anomalies were not found;

only a delay in development was noted. Sea urchin eggs, embryos, and larvae are good

bioindicators of early changes in impact ecosystems induced by marine pollution.

A study conducted by Soualili D. Dubois et al. (n.d) entitled “The use of the sea

urchin Paracentrotus lividus (L.) as bioindicator of the sea water quality of the Algerian

coastal environment” examined the heavy metal contamination in the sea neighborhood of

Algiers. By combining chemical and toxicological data, a metropolis was created using the

sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus.) Bioassays employing sea urchin larval development

were used to determine sediment toxicity. This investigation identified a Lead (Pb) polluted

location near Algiers as extremely polluted. The contamination levels proved to be harmful

to the growth of P. lividus larvae. Other metals like iron (Fe), Cadmium (Cd), and Copper
(Cu) were rare compared to those found in the Mediterranean Sea, with the exception of

Zn, which was found in significant concentrations in female gonads.



Research Design

The study used a descriptive-comparative research method to collect and analyze

the data needed to determine the contaminants in food and beverage effluents detected in

the sea urchins (D. setosum) on the coast of Macajalar Bay, Misamis Oriental. The study

is descriptive since it describes the contaminants found in food and beverage effluents, as

well as their bioaccumulation in sea urchins. The study is also comparative since the result

of the investigation in sea urchin embryos was compared between the two sampling sites.

Establishment of Sampling Sites

The study was conducted in the intertidal area of Macajalar Bay, Misamis Oriental

(8˚43’’59’’ N, 124˚46’04’’E). Two 100 meters sampling sites were established along the

intertidal area where sea urchins (D. setosum) were collected.

Description of Sampling Sites

Two sampling sites were selected after the preliminary inspection as representative

sites for the investigation of contaminants in food and beverage influents in sea urchins (D.

Figure 2. Sampling sites in Macajalar Bay, Misamis Oriental via Google Earth

Sampling site 1 lies at Tambaling 2, Bolo Bolo, El Salvador, Misamis Oriental with

a geographical coordinate of 8°32'45.40" North Latitude and 124°32' 13" East Longitude.

Sampling site is near to the coastal area with 0.36 km away from the factory. Adjacent to

the site is a residential area and has coconut trees. Sampling site 1 was 0.50 km away from

sampling site 2.

Sampling site 2 is located at Zone 1, Bolo Bolo, El Salvador City, Misamis Oriental

with a geographical coordinates 8° 33' 29" North Latitude and 124° 31' 48" East Longitude.

Adjacent to the site is a residential area, coconut trees, mangrove trees, and anchorage of

boats for fishing purposes. Sampling site has a distance to the coastal area with 0.52 km

away from the factory.

Time Frame of Activities

TASK September October November December January

2021 2021 2021 2021 2022
Planning on the
Research Study
Research Title
Finalization of
Research Study
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Presentation of
Research Proposal
Figure 3. Gantt chart of research time frame

Budget Allocation

A non-medical research project to be conducted off-campus

Project Period 09/01/2021 to 12/23/2021
Budget Period 09/01/2021 to 12/23/2021 (4 months budget)

Research Personnel Agency Request

Ubalde, Kate 5,000
Abarquez, Louisse 5,000
Dadang, Ringo Jr. 5,000
Daniel, Joan 5,000
Doble, John Michael 5,000
Total Personnel: 25,000
Fringe Benefits (Laboratory Technician, Chemists) 10,000
Travel 3,000
Materials and Supplies 8,000
Consultant 2,000
Printing 1,000

Total Direct Costs 24,000

Total Project Costs ₱24,000




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