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Basic concepts and fundamental laws
Review of vector algebra and its use throughout the course.
Force systems: Two-dimensional static force system; rectangular components,
moment, couple and resultants.
Equilibrium of a particle and rigid bodies: Equilibrium of static forces in two
dimensions, drawing free body diagrams and equilibrium conditions.
Distributed Forces and centroids
Structures: plane trusses, method of joints; method of section, frames and
Friction: Types of friction, dry friction mechanism and types of friction problems.
Virtual work: work, equilibrium, potential energy; application of the principle of
virtual work to the solution of problems in statics.
Plane kinematics of particles, rectangular, polar and normal tangential
frames of references, importance of the appropriate selection of reference frame.
Relative motion in the plane using translating reference frames only


Mechanics is a branch of the physical sciences that is concerned with the state of rest or motion of
bodies that are subjected to the action of forces. In general, it can be subdivided into three
branches: rigid-body mechanics, deformable-body mechanics and fluid mechanics.

In this course we will be concerned with rigid-body mechanics. This is essential for the design and
analysis of many types of structural members, mechanical components, or electrical devices
encountered in engineering. It is divided into two areas: statics and dynamics. Statics deals with the
equilibrium of bodies, that is, those that are either at rest or move with constant velocity; whereas
dynamics is concerned with the accelerated motion of bodies.


The following concepts and definitions are basic to the study of mechanics, and they should be
understood at the outset.

Space is the geometric region occupied by bodies whose positions are described by linear and
angular measurements relative to a coordinate system. For three-dimensional problems, three
independent coordinates are needed. For two-dimensional problems, only two coordinates are
required. Length is used to locate the position of a point in space and thereby describe the size of a
physical system. Once a standard unit is defined, one can then use it to define distances and
geometric properties of a body as multiples of this unit.
Time is the measure of the succession of events and is a basic quantity in dynamics. Time is not
directly involved in the analysis of statics problems.
Mass is a measure of the inertia of a body, which is its resistance to a change of velocity. Mass can
also be thought of as the quantity of matter in a body. The mass of a body affects the gravitational
attraction force between it and other bodies. This force appears in many applications in statics.
Force is the action (pull or push) of one body on another. A force tends to move a body in the
direction of its action. The action of a force is characterized by its magnitude, by the direction of its
action, and by its point of application. The interaction can occur when there is direct contact
between the bodies, such as a person pushing on a wall, or it can occur through a distance when the

bodies are physically separated e.g. gravitational, electrical and magnetic forces. Force can be
concentrated or distributed on the surface of action. Thus force is a vector quantity.
A particle is a body of negligible dimensions. In the mathematical sense, a particle is a body whose
dimensions are considered to be near zero so that we may analyze it as a mass concentrated at a
point. We often choose a particle as a differential element of a body. We may treat a body as a
particle when its dimensions are irrelevant to the description of its position or the action of forces
applied to it.

Rigid body: A body is considered rigid when the change in distance between any two of its points is
negligible for the purpose at hand. Statics deals primarily with the calculation of external forces
which act on rigid bodies in equilibrium. Determination of the internal deformations belongs to the
study of the mechanics of deformable bodies, which normally follows statics in the curriculum.



Sir Isaac Newton was the first to state correctly the basic laws governing the motion of a particle
and to demonstrate their validity. Slightly reworded with modern terminology, these laws are:

Law I: A particle remains at rest or continues to move with uniform velocity (in a straight line
with a constant speed) if there is no unbalanced force acting on it.

Law II: The acceleration of a particle is proportional to the vector sum of forces acting on it, and
is in the direction of this vector sum.

Law III: The forces of action and reaction between interacting bodies are equal in magnitude,
opposite in direction, and collinear (they lie on the same line).

Law of Gravitation

In statics as well as dynamics we often need to compute the weight of a body, which is the
gravitational force acting on it. This computation depends on the law of gravitation, which was
also formulated by Newton.

It states that the force of attraction between two bodies of masses m1 and m2 is directly
proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the
distance (r) between them.

The law of gravitation is expressed by the equation

where F = the mutual force of attraction between two particles, G = a universal constant known
as the constant of gravitation, m1, m2 the masses of the two particles, r = the distance between
the centers of the particles

The mutual forces F obey the law of action and reaction, since they are equal and opposite and
are directed along the line joining the centers of the particles. By experiment the gravitational
constant is found to be G = 6.673(10-11) m3/ kg ·s2.


It states, “If two vectors, acting simultaneously on a particle, be represented in magnitude and
direction by the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram; their resultant may be represented in magnitude
and direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram, which passes through their point of intersection.”
Mathematically, resultant vector,


where F1 and F2 = Vectors whose resultant is required to be found out, = Angle between the
vectors F1 and F2, and = Angle which the resultant vector makes with one of the
vectors (say F1)


We use two kinds of quantities in mechanics- scalars and vectors. Scalar quantities are those
with which only a magnitude is associated. Examples of scalar quantities are time, volume,
density, speed, energy, and mass. Vector quantities, on the other hand, possess direction as well
as magnitude, and must obey the parallelogram law. Examples of vector quantities are
displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, moment, and momentum. Speed is a scalar. It is the
magnitude of velocity, which is a vector. Thus velocity is specified by a direction as well as a

Vectors representing physical quantities can be classified as free, sliding, or fixed.

A free vector is one whose action is not confined to or associated with a unique line in space. For
example, if a body moves without rotation, then the movement or displacement of any point in
the body may be taken as a vector. This vector describes equally well the direction and
magnitude of the displacement of every point in the body. Thus, we may represent the
displacement of such a body by a free vector.

A line/sliding vector has a unique line of action in space but not a unique point of application.
For example, when an external force acts on a rigid body, the force can be applied at any point
along its line of action without changing its effect on the body as a whole: and thus it is a sliding

A fixed vector is one for which a unique point of application is specified. The action of a force on
a deformable or nonrigid body must be specified by a fixed vector at t he point of application of t
he force. In this instance t he forces and deformations within the body depend on the point of
application of t he force, as well as on its magnitude and line of action.

1.3.1 Representation of Vectors

In print, vectors are represented by bold face letters such as A, and its magnitude italicized, A.
For handwritten work, it is often denoted by an arrow drawn on top of it, . A vector is shown
graphically by an arrow as shown in the figure
above. The length of the arrow represents the
magnitude of the vector, and the angle
between the vector and a fixed line defines the
direction of its line of action. The head or tip of

the arrow indicates the sense of direction of the vector.
1.3.2 Vectors Operations
Multiplication and Division of a Vector by a Scalar: If a vector is multiplied by a positive scalar, its
magnitude is increased by that among. When multiplied by a negative scalar it will also change
the directional sense of the vector. Graphic examples are show below.

Vector Addition: All vectors obey the parallelogram law of addition. The two “component”
vectors A and B below (a) are added to form a “resultant” vector R = A + B using the following

Addition of vectors by Parallelogram law

 First join the tails of the components at a point so that it makes them “concurrent” (b)
 From the head of B, draw a line parallel to A. Draw another line from the head of A
parallel to B. These two line intersect at P to form the adjacent sides of a parallelogram
 The diagonal line from their intersection to point P represents the resultant vector R.
 We can also use the “Triangle rule”, a special case of the parallelogram law, to add B to A
by connecting the head of A to the tail of B as shown below. The result R extends from
the tail of A to the head of B. In a similar manner, R can also be obtained by adding A to
B. Vector addition is “commutative”, i.e., R = A + B = B + A

Addition of vectors by Triangle Rule

If the two vectors are collinear, the parallelogram law reduces to algebraic or scalar addition as
shown below.

Vectors Subtraction: The resultant of the different between two vectors A and B may be
expressed as

R’ = A – B = A + (-B)

The vector sum is shown graphically above. Subtraction is, therefore, a special case of

Unit Vector: A unit vector, uA , has a magnitude of one dimensionless unit and acts in the same
direction as A. It is determined by dividing A by its magnitude A. i.e.,

uA =

Cartesian Vector Notation: the direction of the positive x, y, z axes are defined by the Cartesian
unit vectors i, j, k, respectively. As shown below, vector A is formulated by the addition of its
components as

A = Axi + Ayj + Azk

The magnitude of A is determined from

The direction of A is defined in terms of its coordinate direction angles, , , , measured from
the tail of A to the positive x, y z axes as shown below. These angles are determined from the
direction cosines which represent the i, j, k, components of the unit vector uA; i.e.,

So that the direction cosines are

cos cos cos

Hence cos cos cos , and it can be seen that

cos cos cos

The Dot Product: the dot product of two vectors A and B, which yields a scalar, is defined as

. cos

And reads A “dot” B. The angle is formed between the tails of A and B (0o ≤ ≤ 80).

The dot product is commutative . .

If A and B are expressed in Cartesian component form, then the dot product can be determined

The dot product may be used to determined the angle formed between two vectors

The dot product is used to find the projection (component) of a vector in a given direction. For
example the magnitude of the projection (component) of vector A in the direction of B is defined
by A cos , this is
cos . .

The Cross Product: The cross product of two vectors A and B, yields a vector C, written as


And reads C equal A “cross” B. The magnitude of C is

C = AB sin

The angle is formed between the tails of A and B (0o ≤ ≤ 80). The direction of C is
determined by the “right-hand rule” as shown below. The vector C is perpendicular to the plane

containing vectors A and B

The cross product is not commutative i.e., . Rather .

If A and B are expressed in Cartesian component form, then the cross product may be evaluated
by expanding the determinant

Which yields ( )

The cross product of any pair of Cartesian unit vectors can be obtained by using the circle

Crossing two of the unit vectors in a counterclockwise fashion around
the circle yields a positive third unit vector, e.g., k x i = j. Moving
clockwise, a negative unit vector is obtained e.g., i x k = -j.

Differentiation and Integration of Vector Functions: the rules for

differetiation and integration of the sums and products of scalar
functions also apply to vector functions. Consider, for example, the two
vector functions A(s) and B(s). Provided these functions are smooth and
continuous for all s, then.


Coplanar and non coplanar forces: Coplanar forces act on the same plane (2D), non-coplanar
forces are not on the same plane (3D or Spatial).

Concurrent and non-concurrent forces: Concurrent forces meet at a point while non-concurrent
forces do not meet at a point.

Parallel and non-parallel forces: Parallel forces have lines of action which are parallel; these can
be like parallel (having the same senses) or unlike parallel forces (having opposite senses).

Collinear forces: The lines of action of all forces lie along the same straight line

Composition and Resolution of Forces

Composition of forces involves adding two or more forces together to obtain a resultant force
which has the same effect. Resolution of forces is the opposite of composition of forces.

The most common two-dimensional resolution of a force vector is into rectangular components
as shown below. It follows from the parallelogram rule that the vector F may be written as

F = Fx + Fy
where Fx and Fy are vector components of F in the x- and y-directions. Each of the two vector
components may be written as a scalar times the appropriate unit vector. In terms of the unit
vectors i and j, Fx = Fxi and Fy = Fyj, and thus we may
write F = Fxi + Fyj
where the scalars Fx and Fy are the x and y scalar
components of the vector F.

The scalar components can be positive or negative, depending on the quadrant into which F

For the force vector shown, the x and y scalar components are both positive and are related to
the magnitude and direction of F by

1. Resolve the horizontal 600 lb force in fig (a) below into components acting along the u and v
axes and determine the magnitudes of these components


The parallelogram is constructed by extending a line from the head of the 600 lb force parallel
to the v axis until it intersects the u axis at point B fig (b). The arrow from A to B represents Fv.
Similarly, the line extended from the head of the 600 lb force drawn parallel to the u axis
intersects the v axis at point C, which gives Fu.

The vector addition using the triangle rule is shown in fig(c). The two unknowns are the
magnitudes of the Fu and Fv. Applying the sines rule,

2. It is required that the resultant force FR acting on the eyebolt in fig(a) below be directed along
thex axis and that F2 have a minimum magnitude.

The triangle rule for FR = F1 +F2 is shown in fig(b). Since the magnitudes (lengths) of FR and F2
are not specified, then F2 can actually be any vector that has it head touching the line of action of
FR. The magnitude of F2 is the shortest length when its line of action is perpendicular to the line
of action of FR, that is when

Coplanar Force Resultants

To find the resultant of the forces in fig(a) below, each force is first resolve into its x and y
components as shown in fig(b), the respective components are then added using scalar algebra
since they are collinear. The resultant force is formed by adding the resultant components by
using the parallelogram law as shown in fig(c).

Using Cartesian Vector Notation

F1 = F1xi + F1yj, F2 = -F2xi + F2yj, F3 = F3xi - F3yj

FR = F1 + F2 + F3

= F1xi + F1yj -F2xi + F2yj + F3xi - F3yj

= (F1x-F2x+ F3x) i +(F1y+F2y-F3y ) j

= FRx i + FRyj

Using Scalar Notation

FRx = F1x-F2x+ F3x

FRy= F1y+F2y-F3y

The components of the resultant force of any coplanar
forces can be represented by the algebraic sum of the x
and y of all the forces, i.e,

The magnitude and direction of the resultant forces are

obtained as follows;


3. The forces F1, F2, and F3 shown in fig. (a) are specified in three different ways. Determine the x
and y scalar components of each of the three forces.

(a) (b)

Solution: The three forces can be resolved as shown in fig. (b)

The scalar components of F1 are: F1x = 600 cos35 = 491 N and F1y = 600 sin35 = 344 N.

The scalar components of F2 are: F2x = -500 ( ) = -400 N and F2y = 500 ( ) = 300 N
(NB: )
. .
The scalar components of F3 are: F3x = 800 ( ) = 358 N and F3y = -800( ) =-716 N
. . . .

4. If = 30o and the resultant force acting on the gusset plate is directed along the positive x
axis, determine the magnitude of F2 and the
resultant force.


Resolve all the forces into x and y components

For F1
F1x = -4 sin(30) = -2kN, F1y = 4 cos(30) = -3.464kN
For F2
F2x = F2 cos( ), F2y = F2 sin( ) where = 30o
For F3
F3x = 5 (4/5) = 4kN, F3y =-5 (3/5) =- 3kN
For the resultant force FR
FRx = FR cos(0) = FR, FRy = FR sin(0) = 0
Add the forces on the various components x and y and equate to FR components
For y axis
0 = -3.464 + F2 sin(30) -3 = -6.464 + F2 sin(30) ; F2 = 6.464/0.5 =12. 93kN
The force F2 is 12.9 kN
For x axis
FR = -2 + F2 cos(30) + 4 = 2+12.93cos(60) = 13.2kN
The resultant force is 13.2 kN along the x axis.

5. The pole is subjected to the force F which has

components Fx = 1.5kN and Fz = 1.25kN. If = 75o, determine the magnitudes of F and Fy. Find
the direction cosines.

But Fy = Fcos( ) = F cos(75)

(F cos( )) = F cos( )

( cos( ) ) , ( )

. . .
( )
= ( )
= .

F = 2.021kN and Fy = 2.0214cos(75) = 0.523kN

The direction cosines are cos( ), cos( ) and cos( )

cos( ) = Fx/F = 1.5/2.021 = 0.7422

cos( ) = Fy/F = cos(75) = 0.2588

cos( ) = Fz /F = 1.25/2.012 = 0.6158

6. Determine the angle between F and the pipe segment BA and the projection of F along this
segment as shown below.



(1) If the resultant force acting on the bracket is required to be minimum, determine the
magnitudes of F1 and the resultant force. Set = 30o.

(2) In the design of the robot to insert the small cylindrical part into a close-fitting circular hole,
the robot arm must exert a 90-N force P on the part parallel to the axis of the hole as shown.
Determine the components of the force which the part exerts on the robot along axes (a)
parallel and perpendicular to the arm AB, and (b) parallel and perpendicular to the
arm BC.


Couples and Moment of Forces

In addition to the tendency to move a body in the direction of its application, a force can also tend to
rotate a body about a point or an axis. The axis may be any line which neither intersects nor is
parallel to the line of action of the force. This rotational tendency is known as the moment of the
force. Moment is also referred to as torque. Two equal noncollinear unlike parallel forces acting on a
body are called couple. A couple only rotates a body; it has not translatory effect on a body.

1. Replace the force and couple system acting on the member shown below by an equivalent
resultant force and couple moment acting at point O.

2. The gear and attached V-belt pulley are turning

counterclockwise and are subjected to the tooth load of
1600 N and the 800-N and 450-N tens ions in the V-belt.
Represent the action of these three forces by a resultant
force R at 0 and a couple of magnitude M. Is the unit
slowing down or speeding up?



1.5.1 Introduction
A body is said to be in equilibrium if it remains at rest if originally at rest or has a constant velocity if originally
in motion. Statics deals primarily with the description of the force conditions necessary and sufficient to
maintain the equilibrium of engineering structures. We will make continual use of the concepts of forces,
moments, couples, and resultants as we apply the principles of equilibrium.

1.5.2 Condition for the Equilibrium of a Particle

When a body is in equilibrium, the resultant of all forces acting on it is zero. Thus, the resultant force R and the
resultant coup le M are both zero, and we have the equilibrium equations

These requirements are both necessary and sufficient conditions for equilibrium. All physical bodies are three-
dimensional, but we can treat many of them as two-dimensional when the forces to which they are subjected
act in a single plane or can be projected onto a single plane. When this simplification is not possible, the
problem must be treated as three dimensional.

1.5.3 Free Body Diagram

Once we decide which body or combination of bodies to analyze, we then treat this body or combination as a
single body isolated from all surrounding bodies. This isolation is accomplished by means of t he free body
diagram, which is a diagrammatic representation of the isolated system treated as a single body. The
diagram shows all forces applied to the system by mechanical contact with other bodies, which are imagined
to be removed. If appreciable body forces are present , such as gravitational or magnetic attraction, then
these forces must also be shown on the free-body diagram of the isolated system. Only after such a diagram
has been carefully drawn should the equilibrium equations be written.

1.5.4 Categories of Equilibrium
Applications of Equations of equilibrium fall naturally into a number of categories which are easily identified.
The categories of force systems acting on bodies in two-dimensional equilibrium are summarized in Figure

1. Determine the tension in cables BA and BC necessary to support the 60kg cylinder below

2. A continuous cable of total length 4 m is wrapped around the small pulley at A, B, C, and D. If each spring is
stretched 300 mm, determine the mass m of each block. Neglect the weight of the pulleys and cords. The springs
are unstretched when d = 2 m.

3. Determine the horizontal and vertical components of reaction on the beam caused by the pin at B and the
rocker at A as shown below. Neglect the weight of the beam. Dimension in m.

4. If spring BC is unstretched with = 00 and the bell crank achieves its equilibrium position when = 150,
determine the force F applied perpendicular to segment AD and the horizontal and vertical components of
reaction at pin A. Spring BC remains in the horizontal position at all times due to the roller at C.


1.6.1 Introduction
An engineering structure is any connected system of members built to support or transfer forces and to safely
withstand the loads applied to it. Truss is a structure which is composed of two-force members; i.e. members
that are only joined at their ends with forces acting along their axes. If the force tends to elongate the member, it
is a tensile force (T), whereas a force that tends to shorten the member is a compressive force (C).

Frames and machines are structures with at least one multi-force member. Multi-force member is one with three
or more forces acting on it, or with two or more forces and at least one couple acting on it. Frames are design to
support applied loads and are usually fixed in position. Machines are structures with moving parts and are

designed to transmit input forces or couples to output forces or couples. The forces in frame and machine
members are generally not in the direction of their axes.
1.6.2 Trusses
A truss consisting of a coplanar system of members is called plane truss, while a truss of three-dimensional
system of members is called space truss. For a perfect truss, the relationship between the number of Joints (j)
and the number of members (m) that make up the truss are as given:
Plane Truss m = 2j – 3
Space Truss m = 3j – 6
A truss is just-rigid (perfect) is the removal of any of its member destroys its rigidity (m = 2j – 3 or m = 3j – 6).
It is over-rigid (redundant) if the removal of any of its member does not destroys its rigidity (m > 2j – 3 or m >
3j – 6). It is under-rigid (deficient) if (m < 2j – 3 or m < 3j – 6).
In analysing trusses, it is assumed that all loadings are applied at the joints and that the members are joined
together by pin (plane truss) or ball and socket (space truss) connections.

2. Compute the force in each member of the loaded cantilever truss shown below by the method of joints



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