Spring Annotations

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Spring Boot and Web annotations Spring Cloud annotations Spring Framework annotations
Use annotations to configure your web application. Make you application work well in the cloud. Spring uses dependency injection to configure and bind
your application together.
T @SpringBootApplication - uses @Configuration, T @EnableConfigServer - turns your application into
@EnableAutoConfiguration and @ComponentScan. a server other apps can get their configuration from. T @ComponentScan - make Spring scan the package
for the @Configuration classes.
T @EnableAutoConfiguration - make Spring guess the Use spring.application.cloud.config.uri in the client
configuration based on the classpath. @SpringBootApplication to point to the config server. T @Configuration - mark a class as a source of
bean definitions.
T @Controller - marks the class as web controller, capable T @EnableEurekaServer - makes your app an Eureka
of handling the requests. T @RestController - a convenience discovery service, other apps can locate services through it. M @Bean - indicates that a method produces a bean to be
annotation of a @Controller and @ResponseBody. managed by the Spring container.
T @EnableDiscoveryClient - makes your app register in the
M T @ResponseBody - makes Spring bind method’s return service discovery server and discover other services through it. T @Component - turns the class into a Spring bean at the
value to the web response body. auto-scan time. T @Service - specialization of the
T @EnableCircuitBreaker - configures Hystrix circuit @Component, has no encapsulated state.
M @RequestMapping - specify on the method in the breaker protocols.
controller, to map a HTTP request to the URL to this method. C F M @Autowired - Spring’s dependency injection wires
M @HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = an appropriate bean into the marked class member.
P @RequestParam - bind HTTP parameters into “fallbackMethodName”) - marks methods to fall back
method arguments. to another method if they cannot succeed normally. T M @Lazy - makes @Bean or @Component be initialized
on demand rather than eagerly.
P @PathVariable - binds placeholder from the URI
to the method parameter. C F M @Qualifier - filters what beans should be used to
HTTP Requests
@Autowire a field or parameter.
@SpringBootApplication Cloud
provides C F M @Value - indicates a default value expression for
beans like these the field or parameter, typically something like
configuration Configuration
@Configuration @RestController server
receives C F M @Required - fail the configuration,
@Service properties if the dependency cannot be injected.
@Bean @Autowired
public MyBean Service service;
@Component beans
registers itself
as a service
are @RequestMapping Service
injected public Map serveRequest() discovery T - class
asks services
location F - field annotation
C - constructor annotation
receives URL
M - method
HTTP Responses P - parameter

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