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1. Letters asking for advice

Dear Sir/Madam/ Mr./ Mrs./Ms. + last name,
Introduction: (introduce myself + reason for writing)
My name is / I am............. We met each other at ..............last week. I was very pleased to
make so’s acquaintance. Honestly, I am encountering some difficulties both in my daily
life and working place. It is like I stand at the end of the tunnel without any light;
therefore, I would appreciate if you could give me some advice.

(Bất lợi 1 )
One of my head-aching problems is.....

(Bất lợi 2)
An additional challenge/ difficulty/obstacle/ disadvantage that I must address is
that .............
(Bất lợi 3)
Last but not least, ………………………..

I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I understand that you
always have a hectic schedule, and I would be really thankful/ grateful for any suggestions
that you offer. If it is convenient, I would be happier to discuss my questions over the
phone or coffee. I wish you give me some courses of action for me to make a decision
upon. My contact details can be found at the end of this letter.

Yours sincerely / Best wishes,/ Love,

- encounter (v) : gặp; đụng độ với

(n): a meeting, especially one that happens by chance
- courses of action: nên tìm hướng dẫn khi không rõ nên làm gì", "khi không rõ các bước cần
thực hiện"
 course: quá trình, tiến trình, khóa học
2. Letters of Giving Advice

I would like to express my thankfulness for asking me about ……… I realize how difficult these
obstacles/ disadvantages/challenges must be for you; however, there are a wide range of
options/advices/ measures for you to choose from.

I would suggest that you…..…

If I were you, I would……….
Furthermore, all what you should do is……(emphasis)………..
I hope these suggestions will be of help to you. I wish you well in whatever course of action you make
a decision upon. Do let me know what you make up your mind to do; it is always good to hear from

Yours sincerely,
90 words
- Thankfulness (for): the feeling of being happy or grateful because of something
- make up your mind : to decide

3. Letters of complaint
Dear Sir/Madam,

I want to express my (strong) dissatisfaction with (the service I received/ the item (the wallet/ đề bài cho) I
bought) + place + on date.

Initially, …….theo đề bài…..

To make matters worse, as discussed before, the delivery time should be …at+ time, on + date; however, it
was exactly………. o’clock when the service was accomplished/ the item reached its arrived destination.
Such a delay seems to me inexcusable/unacceptable because it caused me a lot inconveniences and
damage. Since I had to wait for the item on the delivery date, I had to cancel the reunion with my close

Last but not least, ………………..

As a regular customer of yours, I feel disappointed with the way I have been treated and I hope that we
can have amicable solutions to this matter or else I will be forced to take further action by sending the
letter of complaint to your manager.

I trust this situation will receive your immediate attention.

Yours faithfully,

130 words
- inexcusable/unacceptable (adj): (of behaviour) too bad to be accepted /ˌɪn.ɪk
- amicable (adj): relating to behaviour between people that is pleasant and friendly,
often despite a difficult situation (thân tình, thân thiện) /ˈæm.ɪ.kə.bəl/
 1 lá thư mà người ta phản hồi lại cái thư phàn nàn của em
(có thể hơi giống lá thư xin lỗi, và cuối thư là hứa sẽ bù đắp/ giải quyết vấn đề)
Regarding your letter of complaint, unfortunately, …………….(more details)
4. Letters of Apology
Dear Mr./ Mrs./Ms. + last name,

I am writing to apologize profusely for…………theo yêu cầu đề………….I realize that how much this
must have upset you, and I hope that we can resolve the on-going matter agreeably/amicably.

Giải thích 1 cho việc em gây ra:

I was unable to apologize to you in person since I ……………….. However, I always take such incidents
extremely serious. ………………..

Giải thích 2:

I hope that this matter will not prevent us from (having a good relationship with each other). In an attempt
to make up for the inconvenience caused, I would like to invite you to ….(place) + on + date+; therefore,
I can possibly have an opportunity to express how sorry I feel myself to you through a face to face
conversation. In addition, I will send you a complimentary gift and I assure that I give you a full/small
compensation/ refund( address all the issues)

Yours sincerely,
110 words
- profusely: in large amounts ([một cách] rộng rãi, không tiếc lời) /prəˈfjuː
- in person (idiom): by meeting with someone rather than talking on the phone, e-mailing, or
writing to the person
- incident (n): an event that is either unpleasant or unusual, sự cố
- In an attempt to: cố
- make up for sth: thay thế một cái gì đó bị mất hoặc bị hư hỏng hoặc để bù đắp cho một cái
gì đó xấu với một cái gì đó tốt
- complimentary: mời, biếu (if tickets, products, services, etc. are complimentary, they are
given free)
* saying good things about someone or something:
highly/very complimentary- The reviews of her latest book are highly complimentary. (adj)
- assure(v): promise
 assurance (n)
5. Accept Apology
Dear Mr./ Mrs./Ms. + last name,

I would like to express my thankfulness for giving such sincere apology to me. I am glad that you were able
to explain the situation and the reasons that led to your courses of action.

As regards to ………..lời giải thích 1 vì sao em phạm lỗi, ………….đưa thái độ hoặc nhận định của người
viết thư chấp nhận về lỗi đó

Related to …………lời giải thích 2 thì……………………..

I appreciate your decision to reflect on what happened and the effort you have to put to apologize for
incidents. It takes a great deal of courage for one to admit their mistake, which is something I admire. I
accept your apology and hope that you will….

Yours sincerely,
80-90 words

6. Refuse Apology
Dear Mr./ Mrs./Ms. + last name,

I appreciate your decision to reflect on what happened and the effort you have to put to apologize for
incidents. It takes a great deal of courage for one to admit their mistake, which is something I admire.
However, I am sorry that I am unable to accept it at this point of time.

I hear that you regret what you did. I am trying to move past this; however, it has really impacted how I feel
about …………... Such offence you did seems to me inexcusable because it caused me a lot inconveniences
and damage……..(hậu quả mình phải gánh chịu)

As regards to ………..lời giải thích 1 vì sao em phạm lỗi, ………….đưa thái độ hoặc nhận định của người
viết thư KHÔNG chấp nhận về lỗi đó

Related to …………lời giải thích 2 thì KHÔNG chấp nhận………………

I will need more time to re-evaluate the mistake and offence that you cause to me because It was really unfair
when ……………(you said that about me). I do hope that you really feel sorry about what you have done to
me whether it was by accident or not.

Yours sincerely,
130 words
- at this point of time: lúc này, tại thời điểm này
7. Letters of invitation
Dear Mr./ Mrs./Ms. + last name,

We would be honored if you attend………._ on (time) at + my house/ office in the building entitled

A House
Our new house is designed elegantly, it comprises a 2-storey house with 3 bedrooms and a small back
garden. The kitchen is roomy and 3 bedrooms are rather small but very cozy. The living room is spacious
and has lovely French windows. In addition, the house is fully-furnished and decorated with paintings and

(1 đoạn miêu tả văn phòng – formal)

The office is at the centre of the city and located in a 3-storey tall building. All kinds of materials are
contemporary, the office building looked rather new to me with its nice painting and flowers. In addition,
it has a large cafeteria to serve lunch to the employees, and a TV room right beside it.
A birthday party
My parents have decided to hold a party on that day. Being my best friend, I had to invite you. All our
friends are coming. My parents will be very happy to see you. Without you, my birthday is really
incomplete. There will be a program of dance and music. Name has agreed to play guitar. Name will
present a dance performance.

(1 đoạn miêu tả về các sự kiện sẽ có ở meeting tại văn phòng – formal)

You should not have too much trouble/difficulty finding the exact location; however, a few directions are
included evidently in this letter so that you will not have any opportunity to get lost. Take the Dien Bien
Phu street and go straight at the roundabout where is a signpost for Bus station, then turn left into Truong
Chinh street. Our house is number 111, on the right-hand side.

We hope you will be able to make it to our party/ meeting. I am really looking forward to seeing you then.

Yours sincerely,/……..Best wishes,

- incomplete (adj): /ˌɪn.kəmˈpliːt/ not having some parts, or not finished (không đầy đủ)

8. Letters Accepting an Invitation


Thank you for kind invitation which I would be honoured to accept…..

I am very pleased to confirm that I will be attending the aforesaid event/party. I have received this
invitation through email today. It is lucky for me that you chose the…..(date)….; actually, it is the
only day of the week that I have spare time.

It is been such a long time since we have seen each other; therefore, it will be great to get together
and catch up on all the news. Please let me know if there is anything I can bring or anything I can do
to help.

I await the event with great anticipation.

Your faithfull,

- aforesaid /əˈfɔːˌmen.ʃənd/: mentioned earlier

- catch up on = to spend extra time doing sth because you have not done it earlier = dành
thêm thời gian để làm gì đó vì bạn chưa làm nó sớm.
○ The local train takes much longer, but it is much cheaper. I guess I can catch up on some
= Xe lửa ở đây chạy lâu hơn, như nó rẻ hơn nhiều. Tôi nghĩ là tôi có thể tranh thủ thời gian
đọc vài thứ.
(không nhất thiết là đọc sách, mà là đọc tài liệu, báo cáo, … mà trước đó chưa có thời gian
9. Letters Refusing an Invitation

Thank you for kind invitation to …………; however, …….

Unfortunately, I will not be able to make it because the fact that …………..

It is such a pity because we have not seen each other for ages. You must give me a call; therefore, we
can arrange to get together another time instead. Perhaps we will throw a party on……….I will let
you know.

Thanks for the invitation and hope the party goes well. Moreover, I would like to invite you to ….
(place) + on + date+ so that I can make up for this event; therefore, we can possibly have an
opportunity to catch up on all the news

Your faithfull,

- for a long time = for years = for ages(đã nhiều năm rồi)(dùng trong thì hiện tại hoàn
thành) EX: I haven"t seen them for ages
- make up for: to use as a replacement for something missing, lost, or lacking
10. Letters of Application (For a job)
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to apply for the position of ……………which was advertised in ……………..on ……(date? 7th

I graduated from ….(tên trường)…….in …year…….with a Bachelor’s degree in …(tên chuyên ngành)…….
With the expertise in …………, the desire to broaden my knowledge horizon, and the thirst to gain deeper
insight into this aspect/ field, I made up my mind to enroll into a post-graduate course to obtain a Master’s
degree before embarking on my chosen career in this field.

Together with my professional academic development, I was aware to further myself in soft skills. In the year
of ……., I held certificates for fulfilling a short course in the basic computer science and public-speaking
presentation. Additionally, I can speak fluent French and English as foreign languages since it is my belief and
understanding that this era of globalization requires a global and skillful labor force.

Two years ago, I was employed as a ……job… ….(company’s name)….; therefore, I had experience in
dealing with paper formality, communicating well with colleagues, ………………………..and have time
management skills. Working at this small-scale enterprise, I was indeed grateful for the close-knit relationships
among co-workers and employers, and professionalism and passion for work. However, I really do hope to
enhance myself in a larger-size company; as a result, I made a decision to apply for a job in your company.

As regards to my personalities, I am amiable, patient, and can work well under pressure. As my references
show, I have been very popular with many of the clients who specifically asked for me …..……(to be their
tour-guide )

I have enclosed a copy of my detailed curriculum vitae and two letters of references in the hope that
you will consider my application for this job/ position. I would be glad to attend an interview at any
time which is convenient to you.
Yours faithfully,

- Amiable /ˈeɪ.mi.ə.bəl/: pleasant and friendly

- Reference: sự nói đến, sự ám chỉ /ˈref.ər.əns/
- Enclose /ɪnˈkləʊz/: bỏ kèm theo, gửi kèm theo (với thư trong phong bì)

11. Letters of Application (for a course)

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am writing to apply for a place on …………which commences …(time)…at….(address)

I am 24 years old and I graduated from ….(tên trường)…….in …year…….with a Bachelor’s degree in
…(tên chuyên ngành)……. . Prior to this, I was a student at ………upper secondary school.

Together with my professional academic development, I was aware to further myself in soft skills. In the
year of ……., I held certificates for fulfilling a short course in the basic computer science and public-
speaking presentation. Additionally, I can speak fluent French and English as foreign languages since it is
my belief and understanding that this era of globalization requires a global and skillful labor force.

With the desire to broaden my knowledge horizon in my primary major, and the thirst to gain deeper
insight into this aspect/ field, I made up my mind to enroll into a your course to obtain ………… degree
before embarking on my chosen career in this field. Furthermore, it is my belief and
expectation that after the completion of your course, I will be able to deal with paper formality,
communicate well with colleagues and clients, ………………………..and have time management skills.

I enclose a detailed curriculum vitae in the hope that you will consider my application for
this course. I look forward to receiving your response in the near future.

Yours faithfully,

- Commence (v):to begin something /kəˈmens/

- curriculum vitae : CV /kəˌrɪk.jə.ləm ˈviː.taɪ/
- entry /ˈen.tri/

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