MYP 3 Group Work

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MYP 3; Group Work

Science (Physics)

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5

Banao Endora Dalga Mehlika Diarra N'diaye Koné Coumba
Kadiatou Aminata
Thioye Sy Djeneba Sangaré Heo Gui-Joo Kone Djeneba
Magatte Mariam Marie
Aissata Ouandé Diallo Blan Doumbia Najim Meryem Koné Ousmane
Yacouba WH

1. A force of 40 N is applied on a body. The body moves a horizontal distance of 7m.

Calculate the work done on the body.
2. A person of mass 60kg climbs 3m up a rope in 20 seconds. Find the average power
developed by the person.
3. A person of mass 40kg runs up a flight of 50 stairs each of height 20cm in 5 seconds.
a. The work done
b. The average power of the person
4. A machine requires 6000 J of energy to lift a mass of 55kg through a vertical distance of
8m. calculate it efficiency
5. A machine whose velocity ration is 8 is used to lift a load of 300N. The effort required is
60N. Calculate:
a. The mechanical advantage of the machine
b. The efficiency of the machine

N: B. Show all working and steps

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