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L. H.

Patil English Medium School, Wawadade

C.B.S.E Affiliation No.1130364 Academic Year :- 2023-24
Class :-8th P– 2 Marks:- 50
Sub :-SST Date :- / /
Name :- Div :- Roll No.
Q.1.A) Tick the correct answer. 8 Marks
1) ………… introduced Wood’s Despatch in 1854.
a) Charter b) Charles Wood c) M.E. Sadler d) Warren Hasting
2) Which Social reformer’s original (childhood) name was Narendranath?
a) Dayanand Saraswati b) Swami Vivekananda c) Ishwar Vidyasagar d) G.K. Gokhale
3) …………. was the city where the first primary school for girls started.
a) Pune b) Satara c) Mumbai d) Nasik
4) Extraction of minerals is done by……………
a) mining b) drilling c) quarrying d) all of these
5) ………. is also called the industrial coal or brown coal with relatively higher percentage of carbon content.
a) Bituminous b) Anthracite c) Lignite d) peat
6) The term ‘golden fibre’ refers to …………….
a) tea b) jute c) cotton d) silk
7) The judiciary resolves dispute between …………….
a) Citizens b) Citizen and State c) Between government d) All of these
8) The Chief Justice of India is appointed by the …………..
a) Prime Minister b) Council of Minister c) Rajya Sabha d) President
Q.1 B) True or False 4 Marks
1) Lila Nag set up ‘Dipali Sangha’ in 1943. -
2) Raja Rammohan Roy, known as the ‘Father of Modern India’.-
3) Petroleum is also called ‘black gold’. - 4) Wheat is also called a coarse grain. -
Q.1 C) Match the pairs 4 Marks
Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1 Hartong Committee a Jonathan Duncan
2 Sanskrit School (Varanasi) b Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya
3 Banaras Hindu University c M.E. Sadler
4 Calcutta University Commission d 1928
Q 2 A) Very Short Answer. (Any - 3) 6 Marks
1) Define in short ‘Commercial Farming’. 2) What is ‘Shifting Cultivation’?
3) Describe in short about ‘Lok Adalat’. 4) What is meant by the concept ‘Sati Pratha’?
5) Who founded ‘Brahmo Samaj’? Write any one reform activity of ‘Brahmo Samaj.’
Q.2 B) Short Answer. (Any - 4 ) 12 Marks
1) Write an account of the social reforms of the ‘Arya Samaj’.
2) Write a note on ‘Calcutta University Commission’. 3) What is minerals? Explain any one type of minerals.
4) Define in short about ‘Biogas’. 5) Write in short about ‘Natural Gas’.
Q.3) Long Answer. (Any - 2) 8 Marks
1) Write the difference between ‘Metallic & Non-Metallic’ Minerals.
2) What are the factors influencing agriculture? 3) Explain the problems of ‘Indian Farmers’.
4) What are the functions of the ‘High Court’.
Q 4) Picture Based Question. Look at the given picture and answer the questions based on that : 3 Marks

a) Identify the famous social reformer in the given picture.

b) What are his contributions towards society?

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