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Read the sentences and put a suitable word into each empty space.
_______________1 (Rejecting) the _______________2 (involving the entire world)

culture of fast food and industrialised food preparation, the Slow Food Movement aims to

promote local food production and traditional cuisines. Founded in Italy in the mid-1980s,

members of the movement try to use local ingredients whenever possible. In addition, Slow

Food _______________3 (supporters) insist on providing consumers with ‘good, clean and fair

food’, emphasising that the food should be _______________3 (flavourful), naturally produced

and transported with a minimal carbon footprint, and priced _______________4

(satisfactorily). However, given that most of the working masses have busy lifestyles and thus

have little time to cook, the Slow Food Movement has been criticised for being

_______________5 (a behaviour associated with the higher class) and limited to the more

_______________6 (opulent) members of society. Furthermore, the movement assumes that

everyone has _______________7 (impartial) access to locally-grown ingredients, but many

parts of the world have no choice but to import food.

The words below might help you. However, you’ll need to unscramble the letters.
Remember to use the correct form when you apply them in the passage.
Definition Word
1. fair and just (tablequi)
2. pleasing to taste or smell (sialbroam)
3. refuse (ssidism)
4. rich (aluentff)
5. the dominance of the society by the rich and superior (litsite)
6. to a satisfactory or acceptable extent (aquatedeyl)
7. worldwide (labglo)
8. uphold (adcateov)

2023F45L46 1
Fill in the blanks Using the correct form of the words from EXERCISE 1.
1. Having the rich pay more taxes makes for a more ______________ society and will reduce
resentment in the middle and lower classes.
2. Naomi was a really good cook whose food was always ________________ and comforting.
3. Starbucks is a ______________ corporation that has made itself synonymous with coffee
4. The international school education system has long been accused of encouraging parents
to be ______________ who shun neighbourhood schools.
5. The members of this country club are mostly _______________. Many of them are self-
made millionaires.
6. Tom went on a holiday after his girlfriend ________________ his marriage proposal.
7. Untiringly, Mon ___________ for a fairer public university intake rate.
8. We are ______________ prepared for the ascent up Mount Everest.

Choose the correct phrase for each of the sentences.
Phrase Definition
(A) slowpoke i. going at a sloth-like pace
(B) slower than molasses ii. person who moves slowly
(C) slowly but surely iii. slow in comprehending
(D) slow on the uptake iv. to achieve something gradually
1. Colin was often scolded in class because he was ____________.
2. As Mary sewed the squares together, the pattern ____________ came alive.
3. Abraham was a real ____________ who always took twice as long as his sister to get
4. Mon Teh is speaking ____________. Her students are falling asleep.


There are 3 errors in each paragraph. Correct the errors.

Diana straightened slowly and stretched. Her back ached. Although she had been doing

this all her life, farming her modest little plot of land never did get less strenous. She grew leafy

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spinach and other fast-growing crops like cucumber and turnips, alternating the plots yearly.

Around her house, she grew herbs and flowers for the bees, and made her own compose to

rejuvenate the soil. Her parents had taught her how to use local plants to determine pests and so

she never had to use insecticides or chemical fertilizers.

In the pass, whatever she harvested had been sold to Uncle Chen, a wholesale vendor. Her

hard work had supported her and her children through the lead years after the war had claimed her

husband's life, and now her sons were working in the city as civil servants. These days, she no

longer sold to Uncle Chen. Instead, her buyers came to her. A restaurant, Amelie Wong, had opened

a gourmet restaurant nearby, and would come by weekly to purchase as much as Diana wanted to

sell for the week. In fact, Amelie was just outside the gate.

“Come in!” Diana call out. As she watched Amelie pick over the harvest, she could not

contain her curios and asked, "Why don't you export the vegetables from overseas farms? They

produce much more than I do."

“We want to use freshly grown organic product,” said Amelie. She sniffed the tomatoes

Diana picked that morning and sighed blissfully at the sweet scent. “This will cut down our

restaurant's carbonated footprint and also support local industry. Of course, our restaurant's rather

small, but our customers always rave about the suculent flavours of our vegetable dishes.”

“Do they drive all the way out here for the food?” “They take our bus,” Amelie said. “We

aren't all that porsh, really. It's all about the food. In fact, why don't you come by this Friday? You

should taste the miraculously creations our chef can make with your tomatoes. He loves them

because they imparting so much flavour.”

Diana was on the fences about the invitation. She liked the simple life, and a famous

restaurant with too much cutleries and ritzy customers would make her very out of place. She would

much rather just cook her own vegetable herself.

2023F45L46 3
Find the synonyms/ antonyms of the following words from the passage.
1. advance
2. arduous
3. babble
4. believable
5. contentedly
6. customer
7. delectable
8. destitute
9. elegant
10. enrich
11. rotating
12. undecided
13. withhold
Choose the correct word from the given options.
1. Dr Gan was known for being an accomplished chef in his spare time and often threw (gourmand,

gourmet) dinner parties for his friends.

2. Gina came from an (effliuent, affluent) family so she was used to luxuries.

3. I'm not sure if I have explained myself (adequately, adiquately).

4. Soursops have a delightfully (picquant, piquant) taste.

5. The children did their best to (amulet, emulate) their teacher's movements in dance class.

6. The doctor told me that the flu vaccine was a (necessity, neccesity) if I wanted to travel to Penang.

7. The genie promised to (fulfill, fulfil) her three wishes.

8. The lifeguard pulled Freya out of the deep end of the pool and (resuscitated, resusitated) her.

9. The oxtail stew is quite (blend, bland); we will need to season it and cook it for longer.

10. They would go to Master Guan only as a last (rezort, resort).

11. This procedure is said to (rejuvinate, rejuvenate) our skin and give us a more youthful appearance.

12. Tilda made (streneous, strenuous) efforts to build up her stamina for her very first marathon.

13. Valerie sent me her (recipe, resipe) for coconut-cream cookies.

14. Wanda was (flustered, tlusstered) when Daniel asked her out on a date.

15. We were charmed by the (authentic, autenthic) 18th century decor of the tea.

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