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Assignment 2 questions

Q.1) Explain I/O ports of PIC18 in detail.

Q.2) Blink LED connected to RB3 using assembly language instructions.
Q.3) Draw and explain LED interfacing with PIC18 microcontrolller.
Q.4) Write a C program to generate delay of 5 milisecs. Using Timer0. Assume crystal frequency
of 10 MHz.
Q.5) Write short note on T0CON, T1CON,T2CON.
Q.6) Write Assemble language program to perform addition of BCD numbers 20H and 45H and
store it to location 45H.
Q.7) Write program to make RC2 as input and RD4 as output. Also transfer the data from RC2 to
Q.8) Explain the role of following SFR’s - TRISB, PORTC, LATA
Q.9) Write Assemble language program generate 2’s compliment of 30H and store the result at
Q.10) Write C program to generate 100Hz only on pin RB5. Use Timer0 8-bit mode and Assume
crystal frequency of 10MHz.

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