Assignment 3 Questions Pic Microcontroller

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Assignment 3 questions

Q.1) Explain CCP1CON register in detail and also give its value to have capture mode for every
rising edge.
Q.2) Explain PWM mode with the help of block diagram. Discuss role of various SFR’s related
with PWM module of CCP1.
Q.3) Write a C program to generate 1KHz PWM frequency at 50% duty cycle on CCP1 pin.
Q.4) Discuss working of compare mode in detail with help of block diagram. Explain
programming steps of compare mode in CCP1 module.
Q.5) List the steps involved in programming PICI8F458 microcontroller in PWM mode.
Q.6) List out timers used for CCP module in PICI8F458. Also explain CCP registers used in
Q.7) Write embedded C program to generate PWM of 5KHz with 40% duty cycle and Prescalar
N = 4. Assume XTAL = 10MHz.
Q.8) Find PR2 value for the following PWM frequencies. Assume XTAL =10MHz and pre-
scalar = 1 a) 10kHz b) 25kHz.
Q.9) Write a C program to count 10pulses and toggle the status of LED connected to CCP1 pin
using compare mode of CCP. Use timer 3.

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