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Name: Faith A.

Course/sec: BSIT 1C


Watch the following film clips:

Those whose surname starts with A-M:
The Making of Tboli Tnalak Fabric: Lake Sebu, Philippines

Write your review in an A4 size bond paper.

 Provide a brief summary of the documentary film, as your introduction.
 Answer this in the body of your review: To what extent did the documentary engage,
and captivate you? Why?
 Evaluate the film and give your recommendation about the film, as the conclusion
 Limit your answer to 200-500 word count.

To all aspect and a lot of amount of cultures and traditions of t’-boli Tribe. I just realized
that there are many things we should be proud of to our country. We should patronize
and appreciate all of these things in the documentary film. And im very thankful to the
staffs that contribute to make this film happen because it can help other people to be
familiar and at the same time appreciate our culture.

T'nalak (also spelled tinalak), is a weaving tradition of the T'boli people of South
Cotabato, Philippines. T'nalak cloth are woven from abacá fibers. The traditional female
weavers are known as dream weavers, because the pattern of the t'nalak cloth are
inspired by their dreams.T'nalak is a traditional cloth found in Mindanao island made by
a group of people in Lake Sebu, South Cotabato called T'bolis, Tboli people. This
traditional cloth is hand-woven made of Abaca fibers which traditionally has three
primary colors, red, black and the original color of the Abaca leaves. The colorant of the
materials are naturally dyed boiled in with bark, roots and leaves of plants. It is a
heritage and believed that the intricate and creative patterns of the Tinalak was seen on
their dreams and made it on to work. They can't create a design of the Tinalak if they
haven't dreamed of it. They are sometimes called the "Dream Weavers".The T’nalak
fabric holds a special and prominent place in T’boli culture. It is ever present in
significant turning points in a Tboli life, such as birth, marriage, and death. It is the
medium which sanctifies these rites, enveloping them in the length of its fabric like a
benediction. It has also often been referred to as “woven dreams”. It is exactly that, and
more. In a culture which didn’t have a form of writing, the T’nalak served as both
Literature and Art. The T’bolis expressed everything they are in the T’nalak: their
dreams, beliefs, myths and even their religion. Making use of the various geometrical
patterns and the trademark red, black and white colors, the T’bolis weave the natural
and the supernatural in the abaca strands of the T’nalak. Furthermore, the weaving
process integrates the personal, the social and the cultural. After a weaver reaches a
certain degree of expertise, she becomes a “master weaver” – someone who can

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interpret and take inspiration from dreams, hence the term “dreamweavers”. By all
accounts, this seems to be an intense personal experience for the weaver, and the
moment she succeeds in doing this is the moment she becomes an artist. And then it is
also social because the T’nalak binds together all that the T’boli people believe in. The
skill of the weaver gathers in the T’nalak all the elements that make the T’boli social life.
Finally, it is cultural in that it is the means through which other tribes identify the T’bolis
since the T’nalak is uniquely and distinctly T’boli.Tinalak are also their prized
possession at marriage, even the covering for childbirth for ensuring safe delivery and
for trading. Whenever they sell their work, they put a brass ring around it as for the
spirits to allow them or to please. It is believed that cutting the cloth would deliver
The documentary captivate me and caught my interest through their culture and how
they make tnalak to make a living because they make their products through
environmental material, they dont use plastics as their main material, they used abaca
plants as a main material. They plant abaca and grows in just 8 months and after cutting
abaca tree they are planting another tree for the nexttime they're making a tnalak.
They've captured my heart because not using plastic as a material helps to lessen the
pollution in our mother earth. My recommendation after watching the documentary film.
We need to make tnalak as main product of our country because tnalak is so helpful
and its material is from environment, it will help our country to make a progress. In our
other product we need to lessen using plastic materials to lessen the pollution in our
environment. We need to take care our planet because its our homeland its our habitat
so we need to do all our best to improve or heal our ecosystem.

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