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Max Marks:30

Multiple Choice Type Questions. 5×1=5

Q1. C3H8 belongs to the homologous series of

(a ) Alkynes

(b ) Alkenes

(c ) Alkanes

(d ) Cycloalkanes

Q2. Which of the following will undergo an addition reaction?

(a ) CH4

(b ) C3H8

(c ) C2H6

(d ) C2H4

Q3. In a diamond, each carbon atom is bonded to four other carbon atoms to form

(a ) A hexagonal array

(b ) A rigid three-dimensional structure

(c ) A structure in the shape of a football

(d ) A structure of a ring

Q4. The allotrope of carbon which is a good conductor of heat and electricity is

(a ) Diamond

(b ) Graphite
(c ) Charcoal

(d ) None of these

Q5. How many double bonds are there in a saturated hydrocarbon?

(a ) One

(b ) Two

(c ) Three

(d ) Zero

Short Answer Type Questions. 7×3=21

Q1. Draw the structural formula of ethyne.

Q2. Write the names of the following compounds.

Q3. Identify and name the functional groups present in the following compounds.

Q4. A compound X is formed by the reaction of carboxylic acid C2H4O2 and alcohol in the
presence of a few drops of H2SO4. The alcohol on oxidation with alkaline KMnO4 followed by
acidification gives the same carboxylic acid as used in this reaction. Give the names and
structures of (a) carboxylic acid, (b) alcohol and (c) compound X. Also, write the reaction

Q5. Why are detergents better cleansing agents than soaps? Explain.

Q6. Name the functional groups present in the following compounds



(d ) CH3CH2OH

Q7. Intake of a small quantity of methanol can be lethal. Comment.

Long Answer Type Questions. 4×1=4

a ) What are hydrocarbons? Give examples.

(b ) Give the structural differences between saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons with two
examples each.

(c ) What is a functional group? Give examples of four different functional groups.

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