The Trade

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The Trade

Chapter 1: Revival

It was an ordinary night. A full moon hung heavily in the night, and the stars were only
partially obscured by the dark tufts of clouds that floated on by.
Three small figures walked on by, too proud to admit how frightened they were to be out of
their comfy beds and walking through a forest at this time of night. Their minuscule silhouettes
indicated that they were mere children, whose ages were still in single digits, and whose bodies had a
fair amount of growing left to do.
They continued walking on to a wooden trapdoor embedded in the ground. With a grunt of
effort, the three kids pushed the cover back, opening the well. One dropped a rock into the well. It was a
long time before he heard the desired splash of the rock hitting water.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" one of the kids asked, his eyes darting back and forth
"Of course!" said the other kid, snorting with more confidence than he felt. "We didn't come all
this way for nothing,"
"Yeah, but.. " the first one whined, then trailed off into silence when he found that no one was
listening to him.
One of the boys lowered a rope with a hook attached to the end into the well.
"What if we really catch her? What if she exists?" asked the frightened boy.
"That's what we want to happen, stupid!" The third voice snapped angrily. "Why do you think we
made this?" He gestured to the rope-hook contraption he held.
"But she's a ghost! We can't fight ghosts," The first voice continued whining. The other two paid
him no notice.
Finally the rope snagged onto something. The boys exclaimed in shock. The frightened boy
squeaked, and took a surprised step back.
"Pull it up! Come on, help us, Ernie!" they beckoned to the small, fearful boy. Ernie took a hesitant
step towards them before helping his friends pull the rope back up.
They stared in disappointment at the dripping bag-like thing they had fished up.
"What is it?" Ernie whispered to his friends. The other two shrugged.
The biggest of the boys poked the bag with a stick. It didn't respond. Finally, summoning what
courage he had, he knelt beside it and examined it.
"A key's tying it closed," he told his friends.
"John, come back," Ernie said quietly, fearfully. The scared, nervous feeling in his chest had
grown bigger. Something bad was going to happen, he knew it.
"Stop being such a girl, Ernie," the other boy scoffed, bending down beside John to untie the string
holding the cloth together. Ernie backed away a bit more.
The cloth came undone, unwrapping like a rose opening it's petals. Inside it were little metal-like
bits, sharp and dangerous.
"What the hell? It's nothing," John said, disappointed. Ernie said nothing but continued backing
away. His unease had only escalated into full-blown fear. John picked up one of the sharp needle-like
items, playing with it the way only a kid could.
Zane held the key up, squinting at the old, black thing in the moonlight. He continued staring at
it, mesmerised. He was shocked out of his daze when John exclaimed suddenly.
"Ouch!" he exclaimed, dropping the metal thing as he nursed his injured finger. It landed back onto
the cloth with a dull clang. Droplets of blood fell from his finger, landing on the thin blade. Then the most
peculiar thing happened. The metallic item came to life, the many pieces joining back together like
magnets. It started moving, eerily similar to the way a spider did. John screamed in surprise. Zane gaped,
his hand fisted around the little black key. Ernie turned around and bolted, unable to ignore his instinct
to run any longer.
As he left the forest, the screams of his friends got louder and louder, until it cut off abruptly.
Ernie continued running, tears of fear streaming down his face.
He never saw his friends ever again.


"Coraline! Up! You'll be late for school!" Mel shouted. Coraline groaned as she turned in her bed.
"School," she grumbled. "The most boring place in the world. I thought our home in the holidays
was boring - so wrong!" she ranted to herself as she wrapped her warm dressing gown around herself, and
put on a pair of fuzzy slippers. She shivered as the cold of the floor caressed her feet, despite the layer of
fuzziness between her bare feet and the floor. "Stupid weather,"
She shuffled down the stairs into the kitchen, the rather disturbing smell of her father's cooking
invading her nostrils.
"Leftovers again?" Coraline groaned.
"Sorry, hon. I didn't have time to go grocery shopping," her mother said sympathetically. Her
guilty tone conveyed to Coraline the sincerity of her apology, to make up for the fact that she was too
busy to even look up at her daughter.
Coraline grumbled unhappily under her breath for a second, then stopped abruptly. It's still
better than having buttons for eyes. She reminded herself.
After having suppressed any memories of breakfast (due to the sheer trauma) she went up to her
room to get ready for school.
She looked at the full-length glass that reflected her appearance. It looked the same as it
always did. Blue hair that reached slightly above her waist, curling in at the edges. Drab, grey school
uniform that was far too big for her, despite having been bought more than five years ago. Tall far too
thin body with the most minimal of curves. She sighed audibly at her reflection. I even look boring. She
She turned away quickly as if disgusted by her appearance, hiking her bag over her right
shoulder as she left the room.

A place where hierarchy was primary. All that fuss about equality in schools? Wrong. The
teachers themselves assert their power at every turn, ensuring that their students know that they're in
And getting paid for it.
Then of course, there's the domineering kids. They tended to be referred to as the 'popular' ones.
The trend-setters, commonly blond, deeply involved in a sporting club. Which wasn't always true, of
course, but most of the time was.
The middle was of course, the average. People like Coraline. Boring, never stood out. One of them
could go missing for eternity and yet never be noticed.
Then there was the very bottom. The bullied. They weren't actually nerds, or geeks. Just really
unlucky, vulnerable individuals. People picked at random by the populars as entertainment.
Much like the Beldam picks her victims, really.
"Coraline!" A petite figure bounded up to the blue-haired teen, attacking her the moment she
stepped out of the car.
"Hey, Kate," Coraline greeted her friend, taking into stride the routine tackle she received from
her friend. Kate giggled in reply.
"Have a good day, sweetie," Her dad called from the car. Coraline waved to him as he drove off.
"So, guess what?" Kate asked, clinging onto her blue-haired friend's arm affectionately.
"Uh. What?" Coraline was still a little twitchy at the contact but this was Kate. Her first girl
friend here.
"Wybie and I are going to The Fog on Friday!" Kate said cheerily, giggling with happiness.
Coraline's first instinct was to congratulate her friend, but then she registered the destination.
"The Fog? Wybie?" She just managed to stop the snort of derision as it travelled up her nose.
"Yes," Kate looked a little embarrassed. She, too, had her own qualms about how it would to turn
out. Her slouching, tousled-haired four month-boyfriend and the fanciest restaurant for miles? Not a
good combination.
"Um, well, have a nice time, I guess," Coraline said unsurely. Kate, despite being conflicted, seemed
enthusiastic about the whole ordeal. On the other hand, the worrying mix of Wybie and a fancy
restaurant had the potential to be the disaster of the century, on the same scale as the nine-eleven
accident and World War Two. And having your parents kidnapped by the Beldam. Coraline thought to
herself quietly
Just as they entered the school hallway, a brown-skinned, masked figure skidded across their
path. The two girls jumped back in shock. The rider on a fold-up scooter, recognising the faces of his
friends, backtracked and bowed low before them. Coraline rolled her eyes as Kate giggled. He held out a
gloved, open palm and Kate placed her fair hand into his. He lifted his mask and kissed her knuckles
lightly. More flattered giggles erupted from the brunette.
Coraline coughed awkwardly. "I'll just be, uh, going.. " She muttered. But the two lovebirds didn't
seem to notice her gradual absence as she slipped off. Most people would be offended at their ignorant,
preferential behaviour, but Coraline was just glad they had finally gathered the courage to court each
other. Her eyes were starting to get weary of all the eye rolling she was doing as they took their time
making googly-eyes at each other. Not that she was rolling her eyes in exasperation any less. She'd even
taken to face-palming, which merely worked to make her forehead darken in shades of pink and red.
The thin, almost gangly blunette rounded a corner and bumped right into the school principal, his
eyes narrowed dangerously as he scanned his surroundings for someone.
"Jones!" He yelled at an unnecessarily loud volume. Coraline winced as little drops of spit rained
on her. "Where's Lovat!?"
Coraline looked into a glass separating the hall from the class further up the hall; in it lay the
reflection of her best friends as they talked to each other, stealing little glances and intimate touches.
Caught up in his infatuation, Wybie had failed to fold up his scooter and put it away. His mask and gloves
were a normal - geeky - personalisation of the school uniform, though he should have put them away too
or suffer the wrath of the principal. "I saw him go that way," she said, pointing to a hallway further down
that the principal had missed.
"I see. Get to class, Jones!" he shouted and then stomped off in the direction of the hallway she
had indicated. She sighed in relief. You owe me one, Wybie. She thought in annoyance, wiping her face
with a handkerchief and taking extra care to rub away any traces of saliva from her favourite dragonfly
hairclip. Her mother had bought her many other hair ornaments to keep her bangs out of her eyes but she
always found some kind of reason to dislike them - too big, too small, too dull, too colourful..
She shouldered her bag and walked off in the direction of the class, smiling slightly as she
caught sight of the reflection of her best friends in one of the glass panes, holding hands. She hurried off
to her classroom, intent on being early enough to provide a viable excuse to the teacher as to the absence
of two of the most important people in her life.
Coraline strolled quietly, enjoying the peace and quiet of the surrounding forest as she walked
the remaining distance to her home. The bus never came into this area - it was far too untamed and
unruly with vegetation.
"Hey, Mr Bobinsky," Coraline said cheerfully. After a whole day of listening to teachers blab
information she was sure she would never use in real life, the old, eccentric man was a comforting sight.
He was doing squats on the small roof that covered the porch, his protruding torso sticking out like a gut
inflated with alcohol. But Coraline knew just how fit Mr Bobinsky was, if the constant squats and stick-
like limbs were any indication.
"Caroline!" Despite years and years of continuous correcting, her neighbours - that's right,
neighbours. Plural. - continued to address her incorrectly. It bothered her for the first few years or so
but eventually she'd come to terms with her fate of forever having a name that would be gravely
misunderstood. "The mice want me to give you a message!"
"A message?" Coraline echoed, her eyebrows lifting. The mice didn't give her 'messages' often. The
last time they did was about a year or two ago when Coraline had been awakened during the night by a
furious pounding on the minuscule door located in the sitting room. The Beldam held grudges for a long,
long time. Never once did her parents acknowledge such noises, though. It was as if the noise was meant
for her and her alone. She shivered at that thought.
"Yes. I did not get it any more than I understood the last message. Why did they say that
nothing will happen as long as little door remains locked? Nevertheless, they told me to tell you to
beware." Coraline frowned at that statement. A fearful chill ran up and down her spine, tingling like the
feel of cold, metal fingers dancing over her body, poised to sink their sharp ends into her delicate skin.
"They say that darkness approaches you," Mr Bobinsky went on. He shrugged. "But as always the mice get
things wrong. I think they are getting senile in their old age," Then he pulled himself up onto the balcony,
leaping up and disappearing into his house, leaving a fearful Coraline on the first steps of the house.
She shook her head, trying to snap herself out of her daze. "Nothing will happen as long as the
door remains locked. Nothing will happen as long as the door remains locked," she chanted to herself like
it was a protective mantra. She collected the mail, flipping through them as she tried to still her shaking
hands. She took a deep breath and entered her flat.
"How was school?" Her mother asked without looking up from her laptop screen. The irritating
clicking of her fingers dancing about the keyboard failing to aggravate Coraline's nerves for once. She
was far too numb with fear for that.
"Boring," she answered, trying to keep her tone even. Not that it mattered. Her mother never
bothered to listen to the answer. She asked the question out of habit and duty rather than out of
concern. Coraline knew her mother loved her - but the older woman had trouble expressing her affection.
It was times like these that Coraline almost wished she was like the other mother. Almost.
Coraline dropped the mail onto the counter and sorted it out. She stared curiously at the parcel,
temporarily forgetting her worries. It was addressed to her and contained something squishy. Made of
cloth, perhaps? She frowned. The only other item made out to her was a thin letter with the logo of a
bank stamped on it - a bank statement for that ridiculous account her mother told her to open when she
was twelve.
She took both items, as well as her bag, up to her room, trudging heavily up the stairs. Flopping
onto her bed, she tossed the letter aside and focused on the package. She had a sneaking suspicion as to
what it was. The sixteen year old held her sharp pocket knife at the ready. A black plastic bag was at her
side, placed in close proximity should she need it.
Taking a deep breath, she glared at the package with renewed fire. How dare the Beldam try to
mess with her life again? Feeling courage well-up at the bottom of her stomach, she lifted the parcel in
her hands.
Slowly, she unwrapped the parcel and the first thing she saw were the blue strands. Then the
dragonfly clip, and heard the first swishes of the yellow raincoat rubbing against the paper bag. She
lifted the doll out and held her knife pointed at the button eyes of the ragdoll.
"I will never let you sew buttons into my eyes!" she shouted at the doll, then proceeded to cut off
both the buttons of the doll, effectively blinding it. Quickly, she reached for the plastic bag and threw
the buttons in it, followed by the doll. She stomped to the fireplace in the sitting room and emptied the
contents of the bag into it, glaring at the fire. The fire-heated buttons glowed red as the doll's eyes
glared back, having landed perfectly on the dolls face but in the wrong angle and position - causing the
doll's face to seem more distorted than ever.
"I won't lose to you, Beldam," Coraline spat at the fire.
You know I love you. A voice echoed from the little door in the sitting room. Coraline jumped at
the sudden, chilling presence. It was followed by a feminine cackle that deepened until it became almost
like a man's. The hollow, humourless laugh produced a feeling off utter, bone-chilling fear in Coraline as
she bolted out the door of the sitting room, the red eyes of the doll watching her as it melted in the face
of the younger Coraline.

Chapter 2: Return
Disclaimer: Coraline characters, plot, etc, movie-verse or novel-verse, do not belong to me. Which
is good, in a way. Imagine what twisted things I could do with it.


Chapter 2: Return

That night, Coraline tossed and turned in bed. Why did she just run out of the sitting room? She
should have checked the door. Nothing will happen to her as long as it was locked, right? Was it? She
contemplated going to investigate its state, but was much too afraid to do so. A scratching at her window
made her jump and she gasped as a shot of pure adrenaline shot through her veins.
She peeked from behind her blankets at her window and found the blue eyes of the Cat staring at
her in an almost concerned manner. After escaping the Beldam's world, never once did she hear the Cat
speak again but he had the most expressive eyes. Coraline could understand him as clearly as if he was
speaking just by looking at the glassy blue eyes.
Placing her feet on the cold floor of the room, she tiptoed to the window and pushed it up, taking
the Cat into her arms. His warmth comforted her immediately, and already she felt her fear fade away
The Cat meowed once in protest. He didn't like the contact, but submitted to her wishes just this
once, sensing the tension in her body.
"She sent me a doll. What am I going to do, Cat?" Coraline sighed as she held the Cat close. The
Cat meowed in reply, holding his paw up at the bed, staring intently at the worry and dark circles under
her eyes. Coraline smiled. "You're right," She closed the window, preventing the warmth in her room from
escaping into the cool night air. She stepped lightly back into her bed and settled down with the Cat
curled up beside her. With his reassuring heat by her side, she eased into a dreamless slumber as the
wary blue eyes of the feline vigilantly monitored the girl's surroundings, allowing no harm to come to
his friend.


A week passed by in a relatively peaceful manner. Geeky, hunch-backed Wybie had attracted
much attention at The Fog, but it had been worth it, reported Kate. After all, she had obtained her first
kiss. Coraline listened with amusement but she remained on guard. More than once she felt sinister stares
on her back but was never able to make out the perpetrator.
After gathering all the bravery she could muster, she examined the door in the sitting room -
and found it locked tight, much to her relief.
She wondered about the doll a lot, trying to gain clues from her short confrontation with the
Beldam's spy - Why had it been in the shape of eleven year old Coraline? Why not her as a sixteen year
old? Could it be that the Beldam did not know her in this form? Over and over she contemplated it to no
avail. There were no answers that she could find.
The Cat visited her every night, standing guard as Coraline slept. Gradually, she began the slip
into unconsciousness with more ease, more effortlessly. She began to forget about her encounter with the
doll - writing it off as mere paranoia.
That is, until the squeak.
It happened in the middle of the night, when the vast expanse of sky was at its darkest. The
crescent moon hung heavily in the sky, like a scythe, a foreboding omen that threatened to slice the
world and end it's deteriorating existence.
The Cat heard it first, jolting awake and hissing angrily. Coraline's eyes snapped open at the
furious hissing of the Cat. His fur stood on end and he was readied to leap onto one of the disguised rats
with buttons for eyes. Coraline gasped at the mouse. Its button eyes glistened sinisterly. The blood
slowly drained from Coraline's face. How? How could she have opened the door? She thought in
mortification at the horrendous turn of events. The Cat leaped off the bed and the button-eyed rat
bolted out the partially open door, scrambling down the stairs, the Cat hot on his heels.
"Cat!" Coraline shouted, her concern for her friend preceding any self-preservation and fear of
the Beldam. Pausing only to collect her pocket-knife and dressing gown, Coraline chased after the Cat.
She knew where they were being led - to the sitting room. She hastily threw on her dressing gown,
cursing the night gown she was wearing. Of all things she could be wearing to encounter her mortal
enemy - why this girly dress-like nightwear?
She stepped into the sitting room and her eyes fell on the little opening in the wall as the mouse
shot into it without hesitation. The Cat reached the open door, then backed off cautiously. Coraline joined
him at the open passage and they stared into it. It wasn't dirty and disgusting like it had been the last
time Coraline had been in it - but neither was it the amazing colourful tunnel it was the first time
Coraline had passed through it. It was white and square-like, plain and cold to the touch.
Coraline bit her lip, feeling conflicted. Had the Beldam found the key? And if so, was it in her
possession now? Then Coraline had to find it. With the door open, the Beldam had access to everyone - all
the people Coraline loved. Her family, her best friends. She couldn't allow it. But to willingly enter the
lair of that scary arachnid again? No way!
The cat meowed, attracting her attention. Her eyes slowly slid down to her companion who was
observing her every action, noticing her internal chaos.
"What do I do, Cat?" she asked, once again feeling at a loss of what to do. The Cat rolled his eyes,
then made the decision for her. He leaped into the passageway before her. She stared after him with wide
eyes, then looked back at her house. A particularly loud snore from her father was the final push.
Lowering herself to her knees she crawled through the pristine shaft, it's white colour creeping her out.
With every inch of distance she crossed, her heart thumped a little faster in anticipation of
what was going to happen. This had to be the stupidest thing she had ever done - leaping into the fire
without doing so much as preparing herself. She entered the alternate sitting room. It appeared much
the same as it did half a decade ago, when she had first encountered it. No insect-shaped furniture nor
spider-like patterns. The Beldam had fixed this place up. And also seemed to be missing.
Cautiously, with the Cat pattering by her side, she exited the sitting room. A low humming came
from the kitchen and she entered it, recognising the more 'interesting' version of her kitchen
immediately. And more importantly - she recognised the back of the Other Mother as she flipped some
eggs and hummed to herself.
Coraline was cold, sleepy and the smell of the cooking food was making her hungry. She decided
not to play any games. "Where's the key, Beldam?"
The Other Mother turned around, and Coraline jumped back, bumping into the door. The Other
Mother didn't have buttons for eyes, but the same green ones her own mother did. It reminded her of the
last trip she'd made to this world, where the Other Mother had tried to trick her while she was exiting
the tunel between their worlds.
"Oh, Coraline, you're early!" The Other Mother said, her voice said with feigned surprise.
Coraline glared. "The key, Beldam," she repeated, folding her arms over her chest, trying not to
show her surprise over the lack of buttons. If not for the fake syrup-like voice of the Other Mother,
Coraline might almost mistake her for Mel.
"Sit, sit!" The Other Mother gestured to the chair. "I'm afraid that your Other Father won't be
joining us today."
"Yeah, because he helped me and died in that dangerous garden of yours!" Coraline spat out
angrily, the image of the man who was created to appear like her dad dying, drowning in the bed of
vegetation after his last attempt to assist her.
The Other Mother frowned. "Temper, Coraline. Now, sit. Let's have a nice supper-breakfast." the
warning tones in her voice rang clear and Coraline sat, her eyes locked on the Other Mother warily.
"Why don't you have buttons for eyes?" Coraline asked, her curiosity getting the better of her as
the Cat leaped into her lap. The Other Mother eyed the Cat in disgust for a moment before speaking.
"I can transform into anything I like, buttons or no," she explained flippantly, placing some fried
eggs onto Coraline's plate. Coraline made no move to eat them, but kept her hands on the Cat who kept
under the table, his body shaking. Coraline frowned as she realised that the Cat was as afraid as she was
of the Beldam, but had taken the first step back into this fake world for her sake.
"Then can you stop transforming into my mum? It's disturbing," Coraline said.
"What would you rather me transform into?" The Other Mother asked. Coraline paused. She had
no answer to that question. She was rapidly distracted by the delicious smell of the eggs and grilled
cheese on the table. But she resisted, reminding herself that everything of this world was fake.
"Thank you for the key, by the way," The Other Mother said. Coraline peered at her quizzically,
head tilted to one side. "Though I suppose I should really be thanking the foolish boys who freed my hand.
But I must say it was kind of you to place my hand so near to the key."
Coraline stared at the thin, dangerous appendage hanging from the Oher's Mother's wrist, glaring
at it. Damn it. Why did she use the key to tie up the hand? It should have occurred to her that she should
have separated them! But then again, she was only an eleven year old. Barely even a teenager.
"What do you want?" Coraline hissed, just managing to keep a lid on her temper. This thing ruined
three lives, simply because she found them tasty and wanted something to love, and she'd almost managed
to destroy Coraline's family.
"Just to love you, Coraline dearest," The Other Mother purred. The food before them remain
untouched. The Other Mother didn't eat, and Coraline wasn't too sure she wanted to take in things the
creature wouldn't.
"What, by sewing buttons into my eyes?"
"If that's what it comes to, yes," The Other Mother stood up, the chair making no sound as it was
pushed back from the table. The stealth and litheness with which the Other Mother moved only seemed
to scare Coraline. Her hand tensed on the Cat as the Other Mother moved towards her. "Coraline,
Coraline.. " The Other Mother sighed. "You've grown up to be so beautiful.. Who knew a little brat like you
could have the potential to be such a woman?" One of her long sharp nails trailed over Coraline's neck as
she circled around the girl, analysing her every feature. Coraline stiffened at the contact and
goosebumps appeared all over her skin.
Coraline resisted her urge to slap away the Other Mother's hands and instead took a deep breath.
She knew there was only one way for her to try and escape this mess.
"Let's play a game," she said. The Other Mother's hand on the nape of her neck froze.
Simultaneously, the body of the Cat under Coraline's hand tensed and it let out a soft whimper of
"A game?" The Other Mother repeated with a chuckle. "Hmm, and what would the stakes be?"
"The key. And Cat and I get to go home safely,"
"High stakes," the Other Mother commented. "And if I win?"
Coraline paused. "I'll let you sew buttons into my eyes," The Cat hissed quietly under the table,
protesting. He didn't dare say anything in the presence of the Beldam.
"Not good enough, Coraline. After all, with the key, I can lure as many vulnerable souls as I want
and persuade them to have buttons for eyes." The Other Mother said.
Coraline ground her teeth together in frustration. "Then what do you want?"
"Your parents. Your friends. I want you to lure them here if you lose."
"No!" Coraline replied, horrified. The Cat leaped off her lap as Coraline bolted up from the chair,
causing it to fall backwards and hit the floor with a loud thud. She whirled around to face the Other
Mother, eyes blazing. "I will not hand them over to you!"
"It's your choice, Coraline darling," the Other Mother said with a deceptively gentle smile.
Coraline glared at the Other Mother as some of her passion faded away. So what now? As it is
the Other Mother had access to her loved ones anyway. And she'd won once against the Beldam, hadn't
she? She could do it again.
"Alright," Coraline conceded, speaking the words she never thought she would. "Alright, I'll lure
them here if you win," The teenager resisted the urge to bite her tongue as those poisonous words slipped
off her tongue.
The Other Mother smiles triumphantly. "Well, then, what game should we play?" Coraline opened
her mouth to answer but the Other Mother went on, cutting off whatever the girl had to say. "I think I
should choose the game this time, yes? It's only fair,"
Fair, my foot. Coraline thought but nodded once brusquely.
"Now, hmmm.. " The Other Mother said thoughtfully. "How about.. A creating game?"
Coraline's whole body was stiff, almost like an ice sculpture. She felt like she would crack into a
million cold shards at any moment. This thought was further reinforced by the tell-tale cramp forming
in her right leg. The pause that the Other Mother left for Coraline to fill in remained awkward, silent.
Coraline continued to glare at the creature who was wearing her mother's appearance.
"I shall provide the materials for you, and show you what it is you need to make. But if you don't
create it by the time the button covers the moon.. " The Other Mother held out a single, too long finger
towards Coraline. Coraline shrank back a little but then, remembering why she was here, straightened
her back and met the Other Mother's chilling contact head on. The Other Mother placed a single finger
and slid it down Coraline's cheek in an affectionate, almost gentle way. Coraline felt like throwing up.
The Other Mother inclined her head to whisper into the bluenette's ear.
"You'll be mine, Coraline. As will your family and friends," She laughed harshly, then walked out
of the room. Pausing at the doorway, she looked over her shoulder. "Well? Come,"
Coraline hesitated, then followed. What have I gotten myself into? She wondered, shivering
from more than just the cold as she placed one foot before the other, following in the footsteps of the
evil, spider-like creature in front of her.


A/N: I made an amazing discovery while proof-reading this chapter. Did anyone else notice that
the Beldam's name can be re-arranged to form bedlam? How cool is that? And how dumb am I to have not
noticed it until now?

Chapter 3: Redundant
Disclaimer: Coraline is not mine, its Neil Gaiman's and Henry Selick. I don't know why I
constantly repeat this and have to say something different each time.
A/N: I never actually planned to have all the chapter have 're' names. I just started the first
chapter out like that and it just all seemed so appropriate that I got out my dictionary to name this
chapter and keep up the pattern. I guess I'll just keep going until I hit a dead end.

Chapter 3: Redundant

The pad of the Cat's footsteps beside her was a small comfort, but a comfort nonetheless. And in
her current position, she needed all the comfort she could get.
"Ah, here we are," The Other Mother said and opened a door, holding it open and stepping aside to
let Coraline enter first. Coraline scrutinised the Other Mother carefully.
"After you," she said, gesturing to the door. The Other Mother chuckled darkly.
"Afraid I'll stab you in the back, Coraline?" she teased.
"Yes," Coraline answered seriously.
"Oh, trust me, my dear, if I wanted to be rid of you, it won't be so quick and easy," the Other
Mother said.
Coraline couldn't help twitching at the Other Mother's words. The Other Mother laughed as she
caught sight of the movement.
"It was a joke. You know I love you,"
"Funny way of showing it," Coraline muttered. The Other Mother sighed and entered the room.
Coraline inhaled deeply and followed, only to let out a squeal as she dropped downwards. She caught hold
of something sticky and rope-like at the edge of the room and held onto it.
"Let go, Coraline," the Other Mother urged kindly from somewhere below the sixteen year old.
Coraline snorted at that.
"And fall to my death? Please," She said, grunting as she tried to hoist herself up to actual land.
"Don't exaggerate. Come now. We don't have all day. You do want to win this game, don't you?"
Coraline's struggling motions stilled as the Other Mother's words swirled around her head. She
sighed. Here goes nothing. She thought and let go of the sticky rope.
She screamed as she was falling. It felt like hours as she dropped, but it must have been really
only seconds. She landed squarely in a pair of arms, and gasped from the adrenaline pumping through her
veins. She held onto the person who'd caught her tightly. In that moment, it didn't matter to her that
that person was the Beldam, the person who had nearly sewn buttons into her eyes and kept three souls
captive as she fed on them. At that moment, she was her saviour. That is, until her saviour opened her
"It's alright now, honey," The Other Mother giggled at Coraline's panicked relief.
Coraline grimaced and struggled, her earlier gratitude forgotten. "Let me go!"
The Other Mother sighed and let the girl down. Coraline placed her feet squarely on the ground
and crossed her arms tightly. She felt annoyed at herself for showing such weakness in front of her
Trying to look at anything but the teasing look on the Other Mother's face, she tried to scope her
surroundings. She seemed to be in a circular room. There were no doors except for the one she came
through - which was about ten feet in the air. The room had three windows, all of which, for some reason,
was looking out at the moon. She looked back up at the sticky ropes she had been holding onto. What were
those ropes for? She frowned at the answer to her question - it was the remnants of a broken web.
Coraline had a bad feeling about what was to come.
"Yes, you're right," The Other Mother said, sensing the possibilities running through Coraline's
intelligent mind.
Coraline didn't respond, focusing instead on the remaining strands of silky, sticky web above her.
How am I going to get out of this one? She wondered.
"You're going to have to reproduce my beautiful web." The Other Mother said with a happy giggle.
Coraline stared at the Other Mother, wondering if this was another of her cruel jokes. The Other
Mother merely smiled at her indulgently, her eyes running over Coraline's skimpily clad formed. Coraline
pulled her bathrobe further closed. The Other Mother's gaze made Coraline feel more bare than she
actually was.
Trying to avoid the spider's roving gaze, she looked back up at what was left of the previous web.
"How?" she asked.
"Like this," the Other Mother said, and laid a metal finger on Coraline's shoulder. Coraline
screamed at the sharp, chilling feel. The Other Mother chuckled as Coraline looked at the spider-like
form fearfully, her mind running back to their last encounter.
The Other Mother - No, the Beldam, leaped up and her long, metallic legs grabbed hold of one of
the broken strands. Then, producing a white string from her mouth, began to rope what was left of the
web together. Coraline watched in surprise. The intricate way the Beldam wielded the web strands was a
surprise for Coraline. Never once did she think that the evil creature had to ability to produce
something so beautiful. Then again, she should have know. After all, the Beldam had once created the
Fantastic Garden she had seen right? Even if it was to fool her, she had to admit that it was a piece of
beauty and genius.
The Beldam finished stringing together one round of the web, then leaped back down and smirked
at the obviously admiring look on Coraline's face. Coraline quickly schooled her features back into one of
apathy. The Beldam snickered quietly.
"Your turn, darling," The Beldam indicated to the web.
"I'm not a spider. I can't make webs," Coraline pointed out.
"Well, of course," The Beldam shot out piles of web into a corner of the dimly lit room. "I did say
I would provide the materials, right?"
Coraline pursed her lips at the task before her, then moved to take some of the web. She was
surprised at the silky feel of them. They would make some amazing fabric. She heard another chuckle
behind her, and glared at the Beldam's amused look.
"Are you just going to stand there?" Coraline snapped.
"Of course. I want to watch you do this,"
Coraline didn't say anything more as she moved to recreate the web. She strung a base at the
bottom of the room. She couldn't make one as high as the Beldam could, after all. But all she had to do was
make one stupid web, right?
The Beldam had made it look so easy. Her stringing was effortless. Coraline grunted and hissed in
frustration as she tried to force the silky fibres together. It was so difficult to make it stay. It was
sticky, sure, but silky at the same time. A difficult combination to work with. The Beldam watched her
with gleeful eyes.
Coraline worked steadily, but carefully. She didn't want to screw this up. When she finished
attaching the last strand, the Beldam started clapping.
"Well done, Coraline," she said happily, the clashing of her metallic hands sounding harsh in the
small room. Coraline froze and looked at the Beldam suspiciously. The Beldam wouldn't look so happy if
she really thought that Coraline did a good job. What did she do wrong?
"I won. Now give me the key," Coraline said, wiping off a drop of sweat from her forehead and
holding out an open palm.
"Ah-ah-ah," The Beldam tutted. "But you didn't do as I asked."
Coraline stared at the Beldam in disbelief. She'd recreated that dumb web, hadn't she? What was
the evil monster going on about? Her spine stiffened as she considered the possibility.
"No," she whispered.
"But yes. I told you to 'reproduce my beautiful web'. I meant to reproduce that one," she pointed
up at the semi-destroyed web.
Coraline let out a wail of desperation and frustration. Her bathrobe and nightie was dripping
with sweat. She'd done all that - for nothing?
"That's not fair!" she screamed at the Beldam.
"But it is,"
"You didn't say to do that!"
"You didn't ask, love,"
Coraline bit her lip savagely to prevent herself from breaking down and crying.
"Fine," she forced through gritted teeth. "Make me more web strands and I'll re-do it,"
"Ah, you forgot the magic word,"
Coraline glared heatedly, pointedly. "Please,"
The Beldam smiled regrettably. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I've run out. You're going to have to
undo the ones you've used,"
Coraline gaped at the unfair change of events in the game. Oh, why hadn't she paid more
attention? She was regarded as one of the top students in school, a true straight A student. She could
even beat Wybie. And yet she'd missed all of these holes, all these exceptions which the Beldam was now
using to her advantage.
"That'll take ages!" Coraline protested childishly, reverting to her eleven year old self in the
light of her panic.
"Then you'd better start. You're running out of time," The Beldam stared pointedly out a window.
Coraline turned her head slowly towards the moon, dreading what she was going to see. She gasped.
"It hasn't been that long!" Coraline protested. "How can the button be covering two-thirds of the
"But we agreed that the game ends when the button covers the moon. Never once did you say
anything about how long it has to take for the button to cover the moon."
Coraline looked, dismayed, at the Beldam. A million things ran through her head.
She was going to lose.
The Beldam was going to get her revenge.
Why did she agree on using her parents and friends as spoils of the bet?
"Tick tock, Coraline. Time's not on your side, you know," The Beldam chuckled deeply.
Coraline turned away, an angry tear slipping out of the corner of her eye. She was Coraline. She
would not admit defeat to the evil witch. She tugged at the strands forcefully, trying to pry them apart.
No, she would not give up. Not when there was so much at stake.


She didn't give up, much to the surprise of the Beldam. Even with the odds stacked against her,
she still powered on, giving it her all. The Beldam watched on in amusement as the sixteen year old
unbound the beautiful web she'd made. A shame, really. It was made quite well.
Her flimsy night-dress was drenched in sweat, making it more transparent. Coraline's unbound
bosom shimmered with her sweat in the most minimal of moonlight. She really had grown in the years
they'd been separated. The Beldam resisted the urge to lick her lips as the nightdress of the girl before
her hitched up slightly on one of the web strands, exposing the pale, smooth skin of her thigh.
The powerful creature was enjoying this. Oh yes, she was enjoying it very much.
Coraline, on the other hand, really wasn't. She'd nearly finished unbinding all the threads. Now
she had another problem - how was she going to get up there?
The Beldam grinned at the apparent dilemma going on in Coraline's head. Coraline tried to ignore
it the goading, bragging look on the Beldam's face.
She peered up at the base of the web above her and was struck by a sudden, crazy idea. Grabbing
hold of one of the free web ropes, she flung it upwards and over one of the strands of the web the Beldam
had re-created to re-form the web. It hiked over the other strand, and fell back downwards on the other
side of the string, and back down to Coraline. Coraline grinned, holding the two strands of rope in her
hand. She tugged on it, testing it. It was secure, like a thread in the eye of a needle. Then she began
climbing up it. She braved a glance at the Beldam. The Beldam's eyes were narrowed dangerously at the
base of the web above her, seeming to regret her earlier demonstration. Coraline smiled to herself
The Beldam tried to calm herself down. No matter, there was only a fifth of the moon left to be
covered. There was no way Coraline could complete the web. Revenge would be hers.
Whether Coraline liked it or not.

Chapter 4: Relinquish
Disclaimer: Coraline (movie-verse) belongs to Neil Gaiman and Henry Selick. Have you noticed
that saying 'Gaiman' out loud many times sounds kind of funny? No offence to the guy. He didn't choose
his name, obviously. Unless it's his pen name.

Chapter 4: Relinquish

Coraline never gave up, not till the end. She continued stringing the sticky strands together, her
determination shining through and blocking out all her surroundings. She concentrated all of her being,
her mind, her skills, her abilities, on this single task.
One more strand. All she needed was one more strand, and she would complete her task - and
win. She quickly glanced at the window. It was close - the moon was almost completely covered. She'd
managed to complete the second web much faster than the first - her past experience acting as a sort of
warm-up. She was almost glad she made that mistake. Almost.
She quickly turned away from her ticking hourglass and scanned the area for one more strand.
She found it - lying on the ground ten feet beneath her. She cursed - she'd already used the rope she had
climbed up using, it was threaded securely into part of the web.
Beneath her, the Beldam smirked. This was perfect. The girl didn't have more than a minute to
complete her task - and no way to get down. If she were to get down, she would have to undo one of her
precious web strands to climb down it - using up time she couldn't afford to. This was the Beldam's
victory. And there was no way she would offer to help the girl.
Coraline took in a deep, audible breath. The Beldam looked up at the teenager, wondering what
was going through that head of hers. Then Coraline jumped. The Beldam sucked in a shocked breath as she
watched Coraline's fragile body plummet to the ground.


She didn't make it in time. Of course she didn't. The Beldam planned it that way. But she was
going to try no matter what.
That was the sole thought on her mind as she closed her eyes and leaped to the ground.
She didn't remember much of the fall - she must have blanked out mid-air, but the landing wasn't
as painful as she thought.
Scratch that, it bloody hurt. She looked to her arm, the greatest source of her pain, and grimaced
at the blood there. The pale gash there was quickly turning redder as blood rushed to that area in an
attempt to start the healing process. She mentally checked the rest of her body and realised she was fine.
How did she get that nasty scratch anyway?
She froze and looked up into the glaring face of the Beldam. Never in the limited time she'd
known the Beldam had she ever seen that look on the creature's face. It spoke of anger, concern and most
of all - fear. Coraline stared back at the Beldam, confused. Why would her arch-enemy be fearful?
Unless.. Unless the spider actually cared for her.
You know I love you.
"Why.. " the Beldam asked, her voice shaking with anger. "Why did you jump, Coraline dearest?"
her voice was low and deceptively calm, but Coraline could sense the underlying rage.
"T-To get t-to the strand," Coraline stuttered, trying to re-orient herself. As soon as she'd spoken
those words she remembered her mission. She bolted up, but was obstructed by the Beldam's thin, sharp
arms wrapped around her, one of which was dripping with a red, viscous liquid.
"Coraline, love, if you ever die without me being the one who caused it.. " The Beldam paused to
tilt Coraline's face up, forcing the girl to look her in the eye. "I will never, ever forgive you,"
Coraline felt a shiver creep up her spine at the intensely serious expression on the Beldam's face.
But as soon as the Beldam registered the shock and fear on Coraline's face, she smiled sinisterly.
"Got it, hon?"
Coraline nodded wordlessly, and the Beldam released her. She got to her feet, her knees shaking
and almost buckling beneath her weight. She staggered over to where the last strand lay and picked it up
just as the Beldam let out a harsh bark of laughter.
"Oh, look Coraline," the Beldam said, holding out a thin finger to the window. Its smooth surface
glistened in the little bit of moonlight left.
Coraline, with much dread, swivelled her neck slowly so that she could see what the Beldam was
pointing at. Her eyes turned glassy as she focused on the button-covered moon, willing the button to
remove itself.
"I win, my dear Coraline. Fair and square,"
Coraline's eyes slid slowly to the Beldam's triumphant expression. Then she turned away and
hoisted the last strand over her shoulder before flinging it upwards to her partially completed web. She
missed her target and it dropped back down to her feet. She threw it again, and missed. The Beldam
watched quietly, before speaking:
"You're too late, Coraline. You've lost,"
"No. I still have some time left. You cheated," she answered in an almost mechanical voice,
glaring fiercely at the rebellious piece of rope before throwing it up once more.
"No. I simply outsmarted you, love," the Beldam answered. Coraline ignored her answer and flung
up the rope - to no avail. She cursed miserably under her breath, before continuing her fruitless atempt.
The Beldam finally snapped as she watched Coraline continue to throw up the rope in denial. In a flash,
she was beside Coraline, pinning her wrists above her head. Blood trickled out of her wound and tears
started to gather at the corner of her eyes. She blinked rapidly, trying to get rid of it. "Enough, Coraline,"
"No. I can make it! There's still time!" Coraline shouted at the Beldam, struggling in the Beldam's
secure grip.
"No, there isn't!" The Beldam roared back.
Coraline cringed at the heightened volume of her voice. Then her face screwed up and a single
tear slid out of her eye and down her cheek. Coraline tilted her head to the ground, deeply ashamed of
her traitorous tears.
The Beldam sighed and gathered the young woman up in her arms, where the girl cried silently.
Mere minutes later, Coraline spoke into the Beldam's chest.
"Please. Please, I'll do anything. Just don't touch my loved ones," she begged.
The Beldam froze and shoved Coraline away from her chest. "Going back on our deal, Coraline? I
thought we had an agreement,"
"We did. We did, but I.. I.. Please. I just don't want to see them get hurt. You can do whatever
you want with me. Just don't hurt them." she said.
The Beldam frowned, pretending to mull it over in her head. But truth be told - she knew this
would happen. She had been counting on it.
"Anything, Coraline?"
"Anything. As long as the people I love remain safe,"
Coraline regretted those words as soon as she saw the Beldam's face melt into a victorious grin.
"Well.. " the Beldam said, circling Coraline like a predator slinking around its prey. Coraline
straightened her back and tried to regard the Beldam with bravery - something that she was definitely
not feeling.
"They say even the proudest spirit can be broken with love." the Beldam said idly, repeating
something she'd said before. "I've always wanted to know if that was true. And so I figured children
would teach me that," She reached out one of her thin, metallic fingers and ran it through Coraline's hair.
Coraline shivered, a fearful chill running up and down her spine. The sixteen year old resisted the urge to
slap the Beldam's sharp fingers away. "Unfortunately, I could never control myself," she laughed, a soft,
cruel chuckle. "They were just too tasty,"
Coraline bit her lip, trying to control herself from blurting out something stupid in her anger
that may cause her parents or friends to be in danger.
"But perhaps I've been going about this all wrong," the Beldam said. "Perhaps the reason I could
never bring myself to love them properly is simply because they weren't my children," she paused, leaving
a space for Coraline to say something. Coraline didn't. "Of course, making children isn't like making dolls
or rats - I can't do it alone. Not real ones at least,"
Coraline whipped around, gaping at the Beldam's ugly, thin, metallic form. "You want me to bear
you children?"
The Beldam nodded with a smile. What an intelligent girl. She thought to herself almost
"In case you haven't noticed," Coraline said, willing her voice to remain unwavering as pain from
her wound started to set in, and stress as well as fear threatened to distort her voice. "We're both
The Beldam chuckled, then her form morphed - her organs and limbs moving in a liquid manner as
she changed. The Beldam's form became more human-like, losing four of her eight legs and flesh filling out
the gaps in her metallic body. Her face changed to become more angular, yet with actual flesh, buttons
turned into black pools of eyes. Her hair shortened slightly, and her torso filled out to become larger,
more muscular. The Beldam continued to transform until she no longer held any features that were
female. The Beldam, now a he, smirked at Coraline's half-surprised, half-fearful look.
"Any other problems, Coraline?" he asked, his voice silky and seductive as he took a step forward
towards Coraline. Coraline stepped back as the now male Beldam towered over her. She had no problem
associating the male Beldam with the female Beldam, despite the obvious changes. They looked alike, had
the same air about them. Both were scary, intimidating, commanding, sinister - and yet there had always
been something pitiful, almost pathetic about the Beldam.
He continued to advance on her as she continued to back away until Coraline hit the wall. She
hissed in pain as her injured arm came into contact with the wall. The Beldam closed the gap between
them while she was distracted, and held onto her arm. She looked up at him fearfully as he produced a
bottle of mud out of nowhere and rubbed some over her wound. She squeaked in surprise at the dirty
substance coating her open wound, then relaxed as the pain started to diminish.
Then she looked up at the creature who'd haunted her dreams, caused her to continuously peer
over her shoulder whenever she walked through dark places. Except that now it was male - for the sole
purpose of impregnating her.
"Why me?" she asked finally. The Beldam looked up from her wound, straight at her.
"Because I love you," he answered, the sinister grin on his face making Coraline frown. "You know
I love you,"
Coraline didn't answer. She sighed and closed her eyes in resignation. "Fine," she whispered. "I'll
have your child in exchange for my loved ones's lives,"
She could tell he was smirking triumphantly without even opening her eyes.
"But," she continued, opening her eyes to glare at him. "When I've given birth, let me return
home. With the key. Don't come after me or my family, or my friends. Those are my conditions,"
"I don't think you're in the position to be making demands of me, my dear. But I'll humour you.
Just this once,"
Coraline nodded once, but said nothing more.
"Don't worry, Coraline love," he whispered into her ear, his breath tickling her. "I promise you'll
enjoy it,"
She gave him another hard glare. "I doubt it," she said.
He simply chuckled darkly again before lifting her up in his arms before the room morphed,
shrinking in height and the open door lowered down to them. Coraline shrieked and struggled in his arms
but he was much stronger than she.
The Beldam stepped through the door and continued to walk through the house, Coraline
bouncing in his arms at the force of his steps. She trembled at what was to come, almost regretting her
decision that led to her impending fate.
He paused at the threshold to her parent's room and she gasped. He was going to take her in the
bed her parents slept in? No! No, that was wrong. She struggled harder in his arms and cried out.
"What's wrong, Coraline?" The Beldam asked, genuinely amused at her pointless struggling.
"Not here," she moaned. "Please, not here."
He lifted an eyebrow. "But why not, Coraline?" he purred. He knew the answer, of course he did,
but he wanted to hear her say it.
"It's my parent's room.. " Coraline whispered desolately.
"No, it's your other parent's room. They're not the same, dearest,"
"They look the same! Please, not here, Beldam," she begged.
The Beldam's whole body went stiff at the way her voice uttered his name. Sure, he'd heard his
name called many times - but never in that way. He loved her name, he loved the way it rolled off his
tongue like the sweetest honey - it was the motive behind his constant uttering of her name. But never
once did he expect her to say his name. Even if she was only saying it to persuade him.
"Alright then," he said, shrugging. He stepped away from her parent's room and she sighed in
relief. Then he got to her room, and she tensed up. She didn't exactly want her first time to be in her
childhood room either!
But it was better than her parent's room, so she kept her mouth shut.
The door swung open as the Beldam stood before it, and they entered the room, Coraline in his
arms. There was no flying bug toys this time, no talking playthings and Coraline's mind idly flashed back
to a recent memory where her mother had taken all her toys and sent it to the charity shops. Coraline
didn't mind, she no longer played with them.
The walls of the room were still a ridiculous pink, and there were no toys in sight. What there
was were a dozen rose petals - white, pink and red. The bed was larger than her own, done up with satin
bedspreads in pink and mauve. The canopy fluttered over the bed, its flimsy, delicate material was
translucent, and bathed the image of the bed in a tinge of pink.
Coraline felt her breath hitch in her throat. She was far from girly - exactly the opposite in fact,
but recognising beauty was something innate within her. Then she realised that though the Beldam had
brought her to her parent's room first, it hadn't been done up like this room. He never planned to bed her
in it.
Boy, she knows you like the back of her hand.
She shook her head, trying to get the Other Father's voice out of her head.
The Beldam felt a strange sense of pride at her reaction. He'd spent a long time re-creating the
room in a way she'd love. No, he had never planned to torture her parents and friends. He just said that
to see make her desperate - make her beg for an alternate punishment. He liked, no, loved the extra
friction of non-consensual sex, but overall he preferred that she surrendered and came to his bed
willingly. It was difficult making love to a wild, thrashing animal.
It took longer, and more effort, sure. But the Beldam had an abundance of patience. He always
had. Which is why he always got what he wanted. With one exception, of course. But he was about to
correct that.
By the time he was done, Coraline was going to regret ever going against him.

Chapter 5: Retribution
Disclaimer: Coraline original Plot/Characters - Not mine, not mine, not mine, not mine..


Chapter 5: Retribution

The Beldam dropped her onto the bed. She squealed at the sudden, merciless feel of gravity
pulling her down towards the Earth. She bounced once on the bed from the force of her fall, then laid
there on the smooth bedspreads. She had to admit - albeit grudgingly - that he had good taste in
bedspreads. The admiration for his taste faded quickly as he crawled onto the bed, covering her body
with his. A frightened 'eep' escaped her mouth as he closed the distance between them.
He paused at the fearful sound.
"What's wrong, Coraline?" he asked, teasing. He relished the fearful anticipation on her face, the
fact that he was the one responsible for it.
She didn't answer but merely turned her head away, unable to look him in the eye.
He frowned. Was she planning on ignoring him as he relieved her of her virginity? He smirked as
a sudden idea came to mind. "Perhaps you'd prefer me more if I looked a little familiar?" he asked, before
morphing into one of those boy idols she'd had a poster of in her room. He'd only glanced briefly at it
when the doll had been unwrapped, but he could remember it. And he knew he'd gotten the look right
from her surprised gasp. "No? How about something more comfortable?" He morphed into her father. Her
face screwed up in disgust. "Hmm, then maybe the one that you've been pining for forever?" He asked, then
morphed into the single thing he knew would rile her up in this situation. He gained the messy brown
hair and tan skin of Coraline's best friend - Wybie. She stared at him, stunned, as he caressed her face.
That seemed to rouse her from her daze.
Her reaction didn't disappoint. She slapped him across the face instantly. Angry tears sprang to
her eyes. If she was a cat - which he was thankful she wasn't - he was sure he'd see her fur on end.
"How dare you!" she screamed at him as he morphed back into the first male form he'd had. He
grinned in satisfaction.
"Why so angry, Coraline? You should be happy. After all, isn't he your fantasy?"
She looked like she'd been the one who was slapped. She closed her eyes and tried to even out her
"He's not mine to fantasize over," she whispered, more to herself than to him.
"Is that so," the Beldam said, nipping and sucking at the nape of her neck, enjoying her scent. He
looked her over approvingly, glad that he held out this long. Coraline is no longer a little girl, it would
seem. He mused as he reached out and cupped her left breast. They were by no means big, but they were
firm and fit perfectly in his palm, and he had a feeling that they were the type that would never sag.
Coraline moaned unwillingly as his gentle touch stimulating her erogenous zones flooded her
senses with pleasure. She wanted to tell him to stop, that she was still angry that he dared to use
Wybie's face to touch her but she had lost the capabilities to do so.
He slipped off her sleeping robe slowly, subtly, exposing her bare shoulders. She shivered slightly
at the sudden lack of clothing shielding her shoulders from the cold, but was too enamoured by his
skillful touches to protest. He laid a soft kiss of her left shoulder and she sighed, her chest rising up and
down as she took a breath.
This wasn't the first time he'd taken male form. Though, generally, he preferred his female form,
there were times when situations called for the deviation in gender. He was well acquainted with the
sensation of unbearable, restraining heat in his pants as he watched his mortal enemy entirely succumb
to her body's weaknesses. There was no doubt that she'd never been touched - or touched herself, for that
matter - in this way. She was far too sensitive.
Truth be told, he had no idea if they could even conceive a child of his. After all, she was human.
And he.. wasn't. But that didn't matter - not when she was forming such an erotic, submissive picture
before him, and from his mere touches. He hadn't even gotten to the most exciting part yet. Not even
close. He paused his ministrations at that thought. Though he was indeed experienced in getting a hard-
on, he had never mated as a male before. He knew the risk of that. Any - arachnid - female would have
eaten him alive as sustenance to the offspring they bore. And god knows, the Beldam was no martyr.
Though it would be different this time. Coraline wouldn't - no, couldn't - do such a thing. He was
going to enjoy this. Very, very much.
Coraline peered up at him through half-lidded eyes, torn between wanting him to continue or
get the hell away from her. Then he snapped out of his reverie and caught sight of her staring at him. He
grinned, and pushed her satin-ish dress up her thigh so he could run his hands up the inside of her thigh.
She moaned pathetically, a slave to her sense. She was on the verge of starting to mewl.
He paused when he reached her panties, genuinely surprised at the amount of lace he found
"Interesting," he commented lightly, fingering the flimsy material. Coraline blushed.
"It was on sale," That was a lie. It was embarrassing to admit, but Coraline had a secret obsession
with lingerie. Especially the luxurious ones. The more lacey and frilly, the better. But she never told
anyone. For one, who would believe her? She was the quiet, adventurous, intelligent one. Hardly anyone
believed she had hormones. And two, it was deadly embarrassing. She, to this day, had no idea why the
little articles of clothing would draw her so. She could hardly even fill up the upper ones, her curves
were that small. She liked them, but she didn't want to.
The Beldam tsked. "You're lying," he said in that sing-song way that reminded her of the time she
had told him her parents were in that pathway connecting the worlds.
She didn't respond, distracted with his gentle brushing against her genitals through the thin
material of her underwear.
"Nn!" She bit her tongue to stifle her moan as his long, hard finger brushed against her clit,
making her whole body jolt.
"You really are very sensitive, Coraline. You've never masturbated before?" he asked.
Coraline shook her head weakly in reply. He grinned gleefully. It was an empowering thought
that he'd be the first to touch, to deflower her and break her in. Not that hunchbacked weirdo Wybie.
He continued his feather-light brushes against the bundle of nerves, and slid his other hand up
her body to play with her hard nipples, tweaking and pulling them.
Coraline let out little strangled noises as her brain was overloaded with such pleasure for the
first time. She hated it. Hated that she was gaining pleasure from her utmost enemy, a creature who
cared not for how she felt.
Then the Beldam started to roll her pearl between his index finger and thumb almost roughly.
This proved too much for the inexperienced Coraline, and with an agonised scream, she came.
Fireworks burst in her head and she felt this strange sensation of falling. Her whole body
started to shake uncontrollably and she even blanked out for a few seconds. When she came to, she
realised that the Beldam was no longer on top of her. She looked to the side and saw him removing his
clothes. He crawled back to her, with only his boxers on. She squirmed away, now able to think more
clearly without the haze of lust clouding her brain.
"Now, Coraline, don't be afraid. I can assure you, the act of copulation is much more intense than
what you've just felt," the Beldam informed her, resuming his position above her, caving her into the bed.
Coraline's eyes widened at his words. More intense? It could get more intense than that? Despite
herself, she was curious. The Beldam smirked victoriously at her change in expression.
He cupped her face with one hand and lowered his lips to hers, kissing her deeply. She squirmed,
knowing it was useless. But somehow she felt.. dirty for not having resisted earlier. And yet, the contact
between their lips felt so good. The way he pressed his lips into hers possessively was just so.. pleasurable.
While distracting her with the kiss, the Beldam took one of her hands, and placed it on the front
of his boxers so she could feel his heated arousal.
She bit his lip in reply, letting out a frightened scream, muffled against his mouth. She looked up
at him fearfully as he held her hand to the front of his boxers, allowing her to feel the hard, throbbing
organ completely. He was grinning - despite the fact that she nearly bit his lip off, he was enjoying her
innocent reaction.
With one hand still holding her hand to his cock, he ripped off her satin night-gown. She flinched
as the smooth shreds fell away from her. Then, with the same hand he had used to rip off her nightgown,
he slipped her lacey panties off her. It had taken some awkward shuffling and lifting off her legs but
finally he took off the skimpy bit of fabric, throwing it to the other side of the room and noting it's
location so he could retrieve it later.
Her breathing had accelerated exponentially. The room was spinning above her head. She could
not believe this was happening to her. Just a mere day ago, she was a normal teenager. Now she was going
to be raped by her mortal enemy - and end up carrying his child for god knows how long.
Panic was starting to well up in her as she came to the full realisation of what she'd done.
Meanwhile the Beldam had, with his other hand, hooked the elastic band of his shorts and was
removing it. His thick erection came free, and he placed her hand on it. She gasped in surprise.
"Grip it," he ordered her.
She stared at him for a moment, contemplating what he was asking. He rolled his eyes and placed
her hand around his shaft and forced her fingers to close around it. He hissed at the sensation of her soft,
small hands gripping him.
Coraline, on the other hand, was not feeling so elated. She was, however, feeling something of a
cross between curiosity and mortification. Never in her life had she so much as seen a man's cock - Sex Ed.
class excepted, though they really didn't show much - much less touched one. The Beldam's was hot, veins
on the side of it throbbing madly, and way bigger than she'd expected it to be. Wasn't it supposed to be
able to fit into her?
"It'll fit," he said with a smirk, reading her thoughts. She jumped like she'd been shot, having
pretty much forgotten that there was a man attached to the erection she was gripping.
"Move your hand," he commanded. She hesitated, then began to move her hand up and down,
fisting it gently. He groaned in ecstasy. Occasionally she would stop and simply stroke him, but otherwise
maintained a quick rhythm. Okay, so the girl wasn't a natural at handjobs - her movements were clumsy
and unsure. But he could train her. Yes, he would train her. To do more than give him handjobs, of course.
He sighed in bliss. Why didn't he think of this earlier?
She continued to fist him, her face simultaneously expressing disgust and wonder at what she
was doing. Her expression alone nearly sent him over the brink. He stopped her just in time, gripping her
wrist. He pushed her onto her back, and crawled over her. He kissed her once more, licking her lips
Coraline was suddenly very aware of the contact between their bodies. Specifically the stone-
hard cock resting against her thigh. She whimpered quietly as she felt him slip a finger in between them,
sliding it among her folds. Breaking the kiss, he brought the finger to his face and licked some of her
fluids off of it. She scrunched up her nose in disgust at his actions. The Beldam chuckled.
Good, she's wet enough. The Beldam thought approvingly to himself. He was surprised he'd held
out long enough to get her wet. A powerful creature like himself was used to simply taking and not
giving anything in return. But he wanted Coraline to feel more pleasure than pain when he entered her.
He wanted her to feel tormented over the shameful sensations he could bestow on her.
Her heart jolted. This was it. She would be losing her virginity permanently. No going back.
Wybie. She thought mournfully, conjuring a picture of her smiling best friend. She shook her head,
shooing it away. This was probably for the best. She had no right lusting over him.
"Are you ready, Coraline?" The Beldam asked, positioning the head of his manhood at her
"No," she replied. "But does it really matter?"
"No," he chuckled humourlessly. "Not really,"
She braced herself, readied herself for the end of her feminine dreams - that wedding night, the
dream man being gentle with her as she took what she willingly gave to him. It was the end of such
girlish dreams. Granted, she'd never been particularly girly, but nonetheless - this wasn't how she saw
this happening. Her eyes clenched tight and head turned away, she waited for the dreaded moment to
Almost a minute passed, and she had yet to feel his intrusion within her. Just as she opened her
eyes to see what was happening, he shoved into her, embedding himself almost completely within her. He
chuckled sadistically. She screamed as he tore open a part of her. Tore away her hopes. She tried so hard
not to shed a tear, but it was inevitable. Her virginity was more precious to her than she had first
thought. It was the physical ripping of a very important state of mind.
Salty, fat droplets ran down her face. The Beldam licked them away gently. He continued to push
himself further into her. She let out an agonised groan at his actions.
"Stop," she whimpered. "Please, just stop.. "
He paused for a moment, and she looked back up at him with tearful eyes. He supposed he should
have felt some sort of remorse for having taken away her first time, when she didn't exactly want it. He
didn't. He was being squeezed by the most exquisite walls. This was completely different to any handjob.
He almost regretted not having mated with a woman sooner.
A moment passed, and he pulled out slightly. He could feel her relief at that, and the pain that
wracked through her body when he thrust himself back in.
Her vaginal walls clenched at him, trying, vainly, to push him back out. To deny him entrance.
That just made the sensation of being inside her more pleasurable. Not to mention how wet she was. He
congratulated himself in getting her wet beforehand. It lessened the friction somewhat.
His pace quickly escalated. He ignored her cries and begs, and it soon tapered off into pained
groans and whimpers.
The Beldam watched her face as he continued to pull out his dick till almost the head, then
plunge back into her liquid heat. Her face was contorted with pain and slight pleasure. He grinned. She
was super-sensitive after all.
He knew clearly that he was not going to last long, being a virgin male. Not to mention the fact
that he was screwing his enemy, seeing her writhe beneath him wasn't helping his libido.
But at the very least - he was going to make her come before he did. He lifted his hand to pinch
her clit. Her pained groans gradually turned into moans of pleasure. He clamped his mouth over one of
her breasts, suckling the hard little nubs on the peak.
Coraline didn't stand a chance. As much as she hated the thought of achieving an orgasm while
being raped, the sensations were just too much. Her sensitive nubs were being brutally stimulated and the
huge shaft penetrating her was just so large, and hot, and deep.
She could feel the pressure building within her, threatening to burst. She screamed, as he forced
her off the ledge and she tumbled away into oblivion. Her mind went totally blank as a bizarre sensation
of pleasure shot through her veins. She couldn't help but feel that it seemed to contrast greatly with the
pain and exhaustion that filled her limbs as the adrenaline fled her body.
The Beldam continued to thrust into her mercilessly, his testicles smacking against her butt at
the force he was pounding into her. He hissed as her muscles clenched him, the way a milkmaid did a cow
and then her walls secreted a ridiculous amount of fluid onto him. It was too much for him and with a
jolt, he came. He blasted his whole load of semen into her, emptying his balls completely. Jet after jet was
transferred into the bluenette, mixing with her own girl cum and blood.
Coraline was only partially aware of the blast of hot fluid that rushed into her, invading her
most sacred of parts. His seed filled her womb completely, even as he continued to spill into her. Some
flowed out of the sides of his shaft where they were connected.
His cock deflated within her and he collapsed on top of her. He kissed her softly, feeling more
than satisfied at their first intercourse together.
Coraline let him meld his lips to hers, relieved that it was finally over. Considering how much of
his fluids had accumulated within her, there was no way she wouldn't get pregnant. She wouldn't have to
experience such pain and euphoria ever again.
A subconscious part of her mind was panicking over the fact that they may have already
conceived a child together but she was too tired to care at the moment.
The Beldam encircled her waist with his arms and rolled them over on their sides, pulling her
close and tucking her head under his chin. He too was far too exhausted to think about how possessive his
actions were. Still implanted deep within her, he fell asleep, and dreamt of little creatures that were
half-him and half-Coraline, tiny miracles borne of enemies.


Chapter 6: Relish
Disclaimer: Coraline plot and characters, movie-wise or otherwise, belong to Neil Gaiman and
Henry Selick. Unless I win a lottery and buy the rights to it. Unlikely.


Chapter 6: Relish

The Beldam was the first to awaken. He'd gone to sleep with the greatest amount of blissful
satisfaction he'd gained in a while. In fact, he'd awaken with that same sense of ecstasy, noting the
heavenly squeezing of his morning wood. He opened his eyes to see strands of blue, silky hair splayed over
a pillow and tiny hands placed on his chest. Coraline slept on, unaware of the effect she was having on
Then she squirmed slightly, adjusting her position, and he groaned quietly. Even the slightest
movement was enough to send shock-waves of pleasure coursing through his erection.
Slowly, still holding her body close to him, he thrust himself in deeper. Her passage was a bit
drier now, and a quick scan of her legs showed him the dried up traces of semen and blood crusted on her
That just served to turn him on further. He shoved his now painfully erect cock further into her
supple body. She moaned.
He pushed in harder, trying to gain as much pleasure as he could from her straining canal.
Coraline's moans grew louder, until she awoke, gasping, her eyes flying open and focusing on him
in confusion. It took her several moments to recollect herself and remember where she was, several
moments in which the Beldam continued to shove deeper into her. He climbed on top of her, in a
missionary position, hooking his arms under her knees and lifting her legs up for better access while
throwing away the blankets that covered them. Then he pounded into her with all his strength.
Coraline writhed and moaned beneath him, trying to get away. She felt twinges deep within her,
indicating that he was aggravating the wounds from the previous night. Meanwhile he continued to
penetrate her, causing her arousal to build slowly, as did the flaming pain of her wounds and lost
maidenhead. She hadn't expected this turn of events, much less so early in the morning.
"Wasn't. . Once.. Enough!" she forced out between clenched teeth, her fists balling in the
"I want to be sure, Coraline love," The Beldam answered with a gleeful chuckle at her dismay. His
voice was husky and laden with heavy pants, which served to arouse Coraline just a little. Okay, more
than she'd like to admit. She hardly even noticed the pain anymore. He licked her neck lovingly, tasting
the sweet salty tang of her sweat.
He thrust in as deep as he could, until he could feel the opening of her womb give way slightly
under the pressure. It massaged the head of his penis and he grunted, struggling not to come so quickly.
He'd wanted to torture Coraline a bit more, humiliate her and make her come once again.
Coraline, however, needed no encouragement as he repeatedly slammed into the sensitive button
above her passage, and heard with amazing clarity the sound of their flesh slapping together. Not to
mention the continuous nudging against the sensitive tissues of her cervix. Once again, she came
violently, unexpectedly, and cried out his name as she did so.
The combined wail of his name and her inner walls clasping his cock was what did the Beldam in.
He too, came brutally, his cock embedded so deeply within her that his seed was shot directly into her
womb, joining the sperm already inhabiting there from the day before's session.
Coraline gasped at the force with which his hot juices spurted into her. It actually hit her
innards so hard that it hurt..
The Beldam rested his head upon her breasts, too exhausted to move away.
Finally, after laying there until their sweat dried up and her body shivered from the cold, he
withdrew himself. She cried out at the soreness of losing him from within her. She'd grown accustomed to
having his large, imposing presence within her. She rolled onto her side, knowing that he was smirking
without having to look at him. She hissed at the pain that ensued from simply rolling over.
The Beldam gently tucked the blankets over her as she drifted off to sleep, tired out from their
second round. Not that she had any right to be tired, when he had done all the work. He shrugged and
left the bed.


Coraline awoke much later. The sun was high in the sky. Well, the fake sun anyway. She groaned.
What had she done? She'd offered herself up to the most evil creature in the world after Hitler, and
allowing her- no, it was him now, to violate her. And she'd actually taken pleasure from it. She groaned
again, burying her face into the pillow in shame. She regretted that movement instantly as a jolt of pain
ran through her body, originating from the crevice between her legs.
She stopped her movements promptly. Tears started to pool in her eyes, a reflexive action to the
agony she was feeling. She laid still, trying to catch her breath as the pain slowly faded. She tried rolling
onto her side and gasped as more pain emanated from her womanhood and some from her aching muscles,
sore from exertion of the game they played, as well as the consequences afterwards. She sobbed and held
still again, willing the pain to go away. He was much larger than she'd thought. He definitely tore more
than just her hymen, and the morning session didn't help. Not to mention he hadn't held back his other
worldly strength at all, if the bruise forming on her wrists and hips were any indication. Why should he
care about whether she was in pain or not?
When the soreness finally left her body and her sobs had tapered off, she took a deep breath and
tried to sit up. It wasn't any use. She didn't even get her back an inch off the bed before the pain got too
much for her and she fell back onto the pillows. She let out a frustrated, agonised cry as it happened,
more salt water pooling in her eyes.
Someone cleared their throat at the doorway. Coraline forced her eyes closed and did her best
to pretend he didn't exist. Though the slight tingle of excitement running through her body - a reaction
to his presence - acted as a contradiction.
Finally taking pity on her, the Beldam moved towards her side, placing something heavy on the
table before helping her sit up. Coraline whimpered as the movement jostled her aching body, her fists
once again clenched into tight balls in the sheets. He helped her rest her back on the headboard, then
pulled up the sheets against her chest for modesty's sake. Though he did ogle her a little before doing so.
She whimpered again, from the pain and his obvious lust for her.
The Beldam clucked. "Really, Coraline, no need to be so melodramatic. I won't be bedding you
again any time soon. At least until you recover,"
Coraline directed a heated glare at him in reply. He smirked triumphantly, pratically glowing
with the joy of his recently obtained victory. She closed her eyes and turned her head away, unwilling to
stare at him any longer.
The Beldam watched her for a minute, enjoying her unease, before placing a small table above her
Coraline frowned as she felt the new pressure cause the sheets to crease. She opened her eyes,
fearing the worst, only to lay eyes on the most amazing feast she'd ever seen. Well, aside from every
other meal she'd had in the Other World, of course.
"Have a bite, darling," the Beldam said, moving to sit beside Coraline on her bedside.
Coraline just stared at the food for several long moments. The delicious smell tickled her smell
receptors, and she very nearly broke. But she managed to maintain her stubbornness, attempting to cross
her arms over her chest and immediately regretting it when she was once again attacked by the horrible
pain. She settled for glaring at him.
The Beldam's sigh faltered, and he sighed. "Come now, dear, we had a deal. You need to eat, keep
up your strength." he smiled encouragingly, picking up her cutlery and handing it to her. When she still
refused to take it, his face darkened dangerously. "Coraline. You know how easy it is for me to trap a
person in my web," He held up a doll with button eyes that looked surprisingly like Wybie. Coraline
gasped and made a quick grab for it. The Beldam dodged her swipe as she groaned from the pain of the
quick movement.
"Please," Coraline begged, both her body and heart hurting like someone had stabbed her
repeatedly with an iron spear. "Please, don't hurt him,"
"Eat," The Beldam ordered. Coraline picked up a fork and cut a small piece of the fried egg, before
holding it up to her mouth taking it in her mouth. She chewed for a few seconds, before gagging on it.
Covering her mouth with her hands, she tried to calm herself down, panic making the bile rise further.
When she finally got it down, she glanced at the Beldam. He seemed calmer, and watched her
"Good," he said, and threw the Wybie doll into the fireplace, where it burned to ashes.
Coraline watched it, entranced by the dancing of the flames.
"My room doesn't have a fireplace," she said rather belatedly.
"I know." The Beldam replied. "But I hear low temperatures cause miscarriages sometimes,"
"Hmm," was Coraline's only reply, before going back to her food with a small sigh. Without the
worry and panic festering in her stomach she was able to taste the food with more ease and found that it
was ridiculously good, as was characteristic of the Beldam's cooking. And she was so hungry, after all
that she'd done. She started gobbling up the food, not caring that the Beldam was watching her. She eyed
him watching her and something occurred to her.
"Why is it that I never see you eating? Aside from cocobeetles, that is," Coraline asked,
frustratedly curious over this matter. It had bothered her since six years ago.
The Beldam was more than happy to answer her. "Well, let's just say the dead flesh of animals
just don't do it for me. I like my meals alive and tasty," he chuckled darkly.
Coraline nearly regurgitated her brunch.
She managed, however, to keep it down, and polished off the meal. The Beldam nodded to himself
approvingly and took the tray and the table away. He then helped Coraline get back into a reclining
"Take a rest. You need it," He kissed her forehead gently. She froze, in too much pain to squirm
away from it. And what was the point anyway? Make him too unhappy and he might once again threaten
"Beldam," Coraline called out when he reached the door, carrying the tray of empty dishes.
"Yes?" he asked turning around to face her.
"Would you know if I'm. . That is, if we managed to.. " her voice kept tapering off weakly at the
thought of what she was trying to ask.
"If you're pregnant?" he guessed.
She nodded silently, miserably. He shrugged.
"I can play around with magic, but finding out if you're pregnant? It's too early to say.. And I
doubt this would have done the trick. We probably need to try a few more times," He laughed at the way
her face dropped when he said that. "Come now, love, don't tell me you didn't enjoy it? Especially when
you screamed my name and all."
She blushed crimson.
"That- That was-" she sputtered, trying to make up an excuse. He tutted, cutting her off, before
leaving the room. He heard her cursing as he walked down the stairs.

Chapter 7: Readjustment
Disclaimer: Coraline's original plot and characters are mostly Neil Gaiman's, I think. Henry Selick
just did what I do. Except that he legally bought the rights for a movie. And made an awesome movie.


Chapter 7: Readjustment

Her first official day in the Other World was spent in bed. Coraline was in absolute agony. Her
privates hurt, her limbs hurt, her heart hurt and her brain especially hurt. She was repeatedly thinking
of ways to escape this place. A loop in their agreement, perhaps. Her best move for now was to find the
key and escape once again. The problem was, where was the key?
And worse.. Coraline placed a shaky hand on her stomach. She'd been bedded twice. Would it be
enough? Could they even produce a child together? With him being a monster, and she.. not. She hoped it
wasn't enough, and yet she did. If she wasn't already with child then escaping was fine, she could leave
this whole world and forget about it. Find some other man to settle down with. Better yet, remain single
all her life. But if she was, then the Beldam wouldn't have to sleep with her and humiliate her any more.
Tears of shame burned in her eyes when she thought back of what he said, about her enjoying it.
And she realised - he was right. She did enjoy it. Then what kind of person was she, enjoying her own
She shuddered, half from fear and the other half from excitement as memories of the previous
night, and the morning, flooded back to her.
"Thinking about me, Coraline?" a voice whispered in her ear. She screeched and turned abruptly,
only to see the Beldam by her bedside, holding another tray of food. He chuckled at her stunned and
slightly guilty expression which proved him right.
He once again helped her sit up, then placed the table and tray before her. The feast before her
was even more mouthwatering than the first. She frowned.
"Where do you get the ingredients to make these foods anyway?" Coraline asked, poking at the
steak before her with a fork.
"I make them," he shrugged.
"You.. 'make' them?"
"Then why don't you just 'make' the food instead of just the ingredients?" she asked.
"Because I like cooking," he grinned. She grimaced. Of course he would. Then he'd eat cocobeetles
and little children raw.
She shook her head and tried to concentrate on her meal. She got halfway through before she
began to feel bloated. She felt like Hansel from the fairy tale. Like she was getting fed so that she could
be eaten someday.
She couldn't finish the rest of the banquet, having done nothing but sit in bed the whole day. He
nodded understandingly, and cleared the food away.
Then he pushed away the covers and slipped into bed with her. She flinched away from him,
suspecting the worst.
"Relax, dearest, I already said I won't be touching you for a while."
She inched towards the corner of the bed furthest from him, never taking her eyes off his
looming figure. She didn't trust a word he said, knowing that he would twist it any which way to suit his
He chuckled darkly, reached forward and tugged her into his arms. She struggled to escape, but
her efforts amounted to nothing. When she was settled snugly in his arms, he pulled her down with him
so their heads were resting on the pillows.
"Sleep, Coraline,"
Coraline didn't want to. God knew what else he'd do to her aching body while she slept. But her
eyelids were starting to feel like lead.
She was barely awake for five seconds since her head touched the pillow before she fell into a
deep sleep.
Unbeknownst to her, the Beldam watched her tentatively, the rise and fall of her chest, the
rapid movement beneath her eyelids as her eyeballs darted about in her dreams. He smirked, still feeling
undeniably happy about his victory.
He then pressed his palm against her abdomen and sighed in bliss, before adjusting his posture,
readying himself to watch her for the rest of the day.


She woke up early the next day. She'd had a wonderful dream, where she had been hanging out
with Wybie, in those good ol' days. The time before Kate had moved to their own little slice of
boringsville. Not that Coraline resented Kate's presence, no, far from it. She adored the chipper little
redhead. She just missed those days when it was just Wybie and her. Her and Wybie.
When she opened her eyes, all the happy, warm feelings instilled by the dream disappeared and
her spirits dropped. She was still in the Other World. Of course.
She moved her body experimentally, noting that most of her soreness had disappeared. She
wondered if the Beldam had anything to do with it. Thinking of which..
She looked down to her stomach and noted the heavy hand on her belly. She followed those long,
slender fingers up to the wrist, travelling further to the elbow until she got to his face, craning her neck
to get a good look of him. He seemed to be sleeping, his eyes shut tightly, mouth closed, and face relaxed.
She scrutinised his face carefully. She liked the Beldam better with actual eyes, she decided. The
blackness of it was intoxicating, so deep she felt like she was drowning in it sometimes. And she had to
admit that along normal world standards he was kinda cute. Those arching eyebrows, long eyelashes,
perfectly straight nose.. She knew some girls who would swoon at the sight of him.
But he was the Beldam. She could in no way trust him. She wondered belatedly what their child
would look like. Whose looks would it inherit? Whose traits? Would it turn out evil and threatening like
the Beldam? Or tall and awkward like Coraline?
Her hand lowered to press against her abdomen subconsciously, only to find his hand already
there. She hesitated, then placed her own pale hand on top of his. She tried not to acknowledge the slight
comfort she felt at the contact.
The Beldam shifted behind her and wrapped his other arm around her. He let out a sigh as he
woke up and placed a light kiss on her shoulder.
"Good morning, Coraline,"
She didn't know how to respond, so she didn't. She removed her palm from above his.
He moved his hand from her abdomen as soon as she removed hers, his travelled further south,
until it hit her mound. She inhaled deeply as he touched the sensitive button, drawing circles around it.
She moaned. Ceasing his teasing, he moved on to the passage he'd violated, stealing away her virginity,
and thrust two of his fingers in.
She whined, waiting for the excruciating pain to hit her body, immobilising her. It never came.
Instead, she felt a sort of guilty pleasure as his digits moved in and out of her, imitating what he did
with his cock when he had slept with her.
She arched her back unconsciously, squirming around uncontrollably as he elicited carnal,
depraved feelings from within her. Unfortunately, as she did so, she ground her butt into his groin,
pressed against the bulge there. He groaned.
His fingers increased in speed, producing sloshing sounds as her body lubricated them fully. She
writhed in his arms, moaning incessantly. The Beldam grinned. He had her. Then, suddenly, his finger
pressed against her clit and she came. Her body tensed up, her mind went blank and a pleasured shudder
ran down her spine.
Her tight canal milked his fingers, trying to draw out an ejaculation from them, squeezing them
further when no semen came.
Slowly, she stilled, coming down from her high and settling back down on the pillows. She
realised belatedly that while she'd been trying to restore cognitive functions the Beldam had withdrawn
his fingers and left the bed. She spun around slowly and watched him remove his clothes, as she had done
the first time he'd bedded her.
His manhood stood out straight, parallel to the ground, long, hard and thick. She shuddered again,
partway from fear and partway from anticipation. Noticing her scrutiny, he grinned, getting rid of his
last article of clothing.
She quickly turned back around to face the wall on the other side, her heart pounding. He
stopped at the side of the bed and stared at her for a long moment. Then he pulled the blanket completely
off her. She squealed in terror as her naked form was bared to him. She tried to cover herself up with her
hands, when she felt him grab hold of her ankles and pull her until her butt was on the edge of the bed.
He appraised her posture for a moment, then nodded to himself, placing his elbows under her knee
to pull her legs further apart, allowing himself better passage. Then he paused. The bed was still too low,
and he was far too tall. He sighed in irritation.
"Beldam?" Coraline prompted meekly. She was in an extremely embarrassing, not to mention
compromising, pose. Her hands remain clasped over her chest. She gasped when she felt herself rising,
along with the bed.
"Much better," he muttered, and pulled her closer to him, smiling in satisfaction when she
breathed in sharply. The tip of his penis had bumped against the outer lips of her pussy. Yes, making the
bed taller was a great idea. Her body was perfectly aligned with his dick.
Then, with a single, powerful shove, he was halfway inside her. His eyes fluttered shut for a
moment as he relished the grip of her tight hole. Her breath whooshed out of her as she was impaled on
his member once again. Her hands moved from her breasts to fist in the bed-cover.
"You like that, Coraline?" The Beldam teased. She shook her head, her eyes scrunched tight as she
tried to fight off the intense sensation flooding her body. It wasn't painful, not really. It was lust of the
highest degree, something she never thought she'd feel for the black-haired creature above her. She had
to consciously stop herself from thrusting back against him.
He pulled back out slightly, then pushed in once more, and he was completely in, the head of his
cock once again pressing against her womb. He started to rock into her, holding her legs over his
shoulders and grabbing hold of her hips so he could force himself deeper within.
She whimpered as he pressed against her g-spot, he grinned to himself and would have slowed
down to tease her and make her beg, if not for the fact that he was desperate for relief himself.
His fingers dug into the skin of her hips, and he was glad he was in his human form. There's no
way he could have avoided piercing her with his fingers if he'd been in spider form. He exhaled deeply as
her arousal heightened, as did the tightness of her passageway.
"Coraline," he moaned, wanting to warn her how close he was but unable to get anything lucid
past his lips. He thrust into her deeper, faster, penetrating her as much as he could. He pounded into her
so forcefully that her whole body shook on the bed, her breasts bounced around as she was forced back
and forth at the sheer strength of his thrusting penis.
"Bel. Bel, I can't. . I'm about to.. Nnh!" She babbled, finding herself unable to say his name fully as
she tumbled off the edge, her mind going haywire as her body jolted back and forth in her orgasmic
throes. She writhed on his dick, screaming her pleasure.
He watched her face scrunch up in orgasmic bliss, and the combined feeling of her squirming on
his cock and massaging of her walls set his off, and it was less than a second before he too succumbed to
the pleasure and followed her on a high. His semen rushed out of him and into her, mixing with her own
squirting fluids. She gasped out in surprise as the boiling hot liquid rushed through her passageway and
into her womb. She could almost see the deceptively white fluids invading her body with glee, hiding in
the deepest corners, spaces she herself didn't know existed.
He thrust lazily into her a few more times as he emptied his balls completely within her. He
smirked when he saw how white her knuckles had become as she held on tightly to the covers.
"So, Coraline," he said between pants. "Did that hurt at all, sweetheart?"
She looked back up at him wearily, the energy she'd regained spent on this single session.
"No," she said finally, her voice husky and hoarse. "It didn't,"
She didn't know if the fact that the pain was gone was a good or bad thing.

Chapter 8: Relapse
Disclaimer: Coraline is a relatively short novel written by Neil Gaiman, which is often compared
to the movie by Henry Selick. In which it totally loses. No offense Neil Gaiman. Either way, original
story/plot movie-verse, belongs to both Neil Gaiman and Henry Selick.


Chapter 8: Relapse

Coraline moaned as she held onto the Beldam's neck, trying to stop from further descending
against the slippery curved surface of the bathtub. The Beldam was working himself in and out of her,
nudging against her g-spot. Or was it her g-spot? She was too lost in the sensation to know. Every part he
seemed to hit within her felt like an erogenous zone.
Had this been her real house Coraline would've been disgusted to be having sex in a place like
this, what with the bugs she had squished against the wall during her first tour but the Beldam had
changed the place slightly. It was pristine, with no grime in between the tiles nor bugs. The water was
crystalline clear, unfortunately for Coraline who still felt uncomfortable being nude before him.
A particularly hard thrust snapped her out of her contemplation. He leaned forward to lick her
right breast, tweaking the other with his expert fingers. He seemed to know exactly where to touch her,
how to touch her.
And this was only their fourth round of sex since she'd agreed to the trade. She was fast
becoming addicted to the feel of his shaft violating her, as was he to the merciless fiery grip of her
She threw her head back and arched her body into him, pushing him deeper within her. She didn't
care how perverted she seemed right then, all she wanted was that fantastic feeling of free-falling, and
Why the hell did sex feel so good?
The Beldam ignored the sound of frantic splashing as he drilled into her. She starting to tighten
up, eager to keep him within her. He was more than happy to oblige her. He thrusted ever deeper within,
as the water in the bathtub started to diminish. He didn't care, he could always replenish it later.
This time, the change of location was enough to bring them both to climax simultaneously,
Coraline's high-pitched squeals juxtaposed to the Beldam's low grunts. His balls tightened as he came, and
he poured an enormous amount of spunk within her, tainting the formerly pure transparent water as
some of his seed overflowed from within her.
Coraline leaned forward against his chest, not caring that she hated this creature more than
anything in the world, savouring the feel of her body shaking in bliss.
God, she was seriously becoming a sex maniac.
The Beldam reached over to the side and grabbed a bottle, before pouring onto his hand a large
amount of the cream inside, not dissimilar in texture and colour from his own cum and started to
shampoo her long blue hair. She looked at him in surprise as he massaged her scalp gently.
He loved her hair, how it was such a unique shade of blue that no ordinary human should have.
And he loved how she'd let it grow out. He was just like any other guy in that sense. He preferred women
with long hair. Too bad it never suited his female form.
"I can do it myself," she protested, reaching up to spread the shampoo herself.
He handed her the bar of soap instead.
"Clean me up, will you sweetheart?" he asked sweetly, smirking at her unwilling expression. She
sighed, then ran the soap through his torso. She felt admiration despite herself, for the muscles that she
felt rippling beneath his skin. He was thin and tall, but there were definite muscles on him. Or at least, in
this form of his.
She ran the soap all over his chest, what little water left rinsing it off the moment she soaped
him. Then she got to the area below his pelvis. She paused, blushing.
"Um.." she started. "I can't get.. down there." she said, squirming uncomfortably.
He raised an eyebrow and looked down where he was still embedded within her. The Beldam
"Not at all?" he asked, feigning stupidity.
"Of course not," she looked at him sarcastically.
"I should remove myself, shouldn't I?" he asked rhetorically. She hesitated, before nodding albeit
reluctantly. He smirked at the prolonged pause before she answered.
However, instead of doing what he suggested, he reached behind him and spun the tap, turning on
the shower head. Water spilled onto them. Coraline gasped in surprise as the water begin to rinse away
the shampoo, into her eyes. She shut them quickly, as she felt the Beldam slip the bar of soap out of her
hands and began soaping her. She kept her eyes shut, more from mortification at his sensual touches than
at trying to keep the soap out.
She couldn't help opening them quickly, however, when she felt him stiffen inside her. He soaped
her shoulders, and her back, before placing the bar back in its cradle and grabbing hold of her thighs. She
cried out in surprise when he spun her around without moving from within her, so that he was
penetrating her from behind. She barely managed to grip the edge of the bathtub before he started to
move, his hard abdomen slapping against her firm butt cheeks with every thrust.
The water quickly splashed out of the tub faster than it was being refilled.

She blushed when she saw the clothing he had prepared for her. He seemed to have somehow
found out of her love of lingerie - not that it was that difficult to figure out - and supplied her with
dark blue ones, two shades darker than her hair and practically dripping with lace.
At least the actual clothes were much more modest. Simple shorts and a loose black T-shirt, with
black sandals.
She dressed quickly, then trudged down the stairs towards where she heard him humming the
same song she'd heard before.
The smell of strawberry jam and pancakes reached her and she sighed in bliss.
She hopped off the second last stair and entered the kitchen, taking a seat at the table. As soon
as she sat he placed a plate of steaming hot pancakes before her, before sitting opposite her.
She took a knife and fork and dug into the food, before moaning happily at the taste of them. The
Beldam grinned at her reaction.
"Mm-hmm.. "
He chuckled, then tore a slab of bacon into shreds, then started feeding them to the dragon-
snappers in a vase on the table.
She watched him, entranced by how his fingers didn't seem to get bitten along with the piece of
As she ate, she wondered once again how they'd know whether she was pregnant. She hoped she'd
had some sort of condition where she was infertile or something.
Even though the sex was admittedly great - I mean, come on, how many men can actually bring
you to earth-shattering orgasm each time? - the idea of a child scared her to death. The things she knew
about babies she could count on her fingers. She never expected to have kids, much less with him.
"Bel," he said. "Isn't that what you called me yesterday, darling?"
She willed herself not to blush, frowning. "Could you stop with the pet names?"
"But why?"
"It's annoying,"
"Exactly the point, dearest,"
She sighed in frustration. "Fine, Bel," She paused, then asked hesitantly: "What do you know about
raising a child?"
"I know how not to do it. I think your parents were fine examples of that,"
Coraline frowned, not liking the slander of her parents, but knowing that what he said wasn't too
far from the truth.
"Oh," she said. She wondered why she was so worried. The moment she had that baby she was out
of here anyway. Who cares how it was brought up?
But she did. Till this day she remembered the loneliness and boredom of her childhood. She
"I'm sure I'll do a fine job. Better than your parents anyway. That is, if I don't end up eating it,"
He chuckled, dragon snappers devouring the piece of bacon in his hand in an increasingly sinister manner
in Coraline's perspective. Coraline's head snapped up and she watched him in despair. Her body began to
"I don't feel so well," she said, pushing her chair back and stalking away from the table.
She stomped to her room and slammed the door behind her, then pushed her wardrobe in front of
it. She didn't want to see his face ever again. God, she was so stupid. Sure, he made her feel really loved
with the meals and the fireplace, and when their bodies were connected she felt like their souls were
too. But that was no reason to let her guard down like that. She couldn't believed she'd actually soaped
him willingly. She swiped her hand over her eyes, angry at the tears that threatened to fall.
"I'm such an idiot," she said, collapsing onto her bed.
"Yes, you are," a deep voice said from the window. Coraline's jumped up into a sitting position and
stared wide eyed at the cat. It slinked in from the open window and jumped onto her bed, sitting beside
her. It licked its paw delicately. "You shouldn't have made a trade with her, you know. She's not one to be
"I know," Coraline groaned. "But what was I to do?"
"Escape. Leave. Take the key and run."
"Yeah, sure. Piece of cake," Coraline snorted. She hastily wiped away more tears and stifled her
"Indeed." the Cat replied.
Coraline then started bawling. She hated this. She hated this place, the thing that kept her here,
the pleasure she got from sleeping with him. She hated that she worried for a child she didn't even know
whether she was pregnant with and the fact that she saw no way out of her predicament. The Cat seemed
to sense this and sat in her lap comfortingly. She placed her thin arms around it, crying into it's fur.
If he didn't like it, he didn't say. How could he?
When Coraline's sobs started to taper off to the odd hiccup, she asked the Cat for a favour. "Could
you help me give my parents and Wybie a letter? I need to let them know I'm okay,"
"Are you?"
"No," she smiled slightly, wryly. "But I don't want them to worry," It nodded and she produced a
piece of paper from one of her drawers, glad that this room was identical to hers, then she composed two
letters. One she explained that she was okay and not to worry, she'd be back in a while. The other had
more explicit explanations, outlining the deal she'd made and how she was, though she did add that she
was fine. She hated that she'd have to tell Wybie that she wasn't as pure as the driven snow any longer
but she didn't have a choice. She needed his help in finding a way out of this place. She also asked him to
take care of her parents, to not tell them too much but make them understand that she was fine.
Then she tucked them into a collar she'd bought for the Cat a while ago. He absolutely hated it
but neither she nor Wybie wanted him taken away to the pound.
"Take care of yourself," the Cat said, before heading out the window.
"Okay," Coraline said weakly, as she watched him disappear behind a tree.
Chapter 9: Reparation
Disclaimer: I can't be bothered. I can hardly even sit up straight. You see the button at the
bottom of the page that says 'previous'? Click it and you'll see a disclaimer.


Chapter 9: Reparation

Wybie paced around his room worriedly. He could see the police cars amassing before the Pink
Palace from his own window. Kate sat on his bed, chewing on the fingernail of her thumb. Coraline had
been gone nearly four days now, with no news of where she was. Her parents feared the worst, that she
had been kidnapped or killed. But Wybie was the only one she'd told the whole story of the Beldam to.
Aside from his grandmother, of course.
There was a tap on the window and both Kate and Wybie jumped. The Cat mewed at the window,
pawing at it. Wybie sighed in relief at the sight of the familiar creature and pushed the window up.
"Hey, Cat, where've you been?"
The Cat mewed, again, and pawed at his own collar. Two pieces of paper fell out. Wybie frowned
as he picked them up. He knew these paper, it was from that stationary set he'd bought Coraline two
years ago. Quickly, he scanned the papers. Seeing his name written on one he unrolled it and read it
"What is it?" Kate asked from where she sat on his bed. She watched as Wybie's expression turned
from stunned, to horrified, to undisguised rage.
"Go home, Kate, I need to talk to the Joneses," She looked confused, and a little hurt at his
dismissal. "I'll call you later. Please, just go home and stay there. Be careful on your way home,"
She nodded and left his bedroom. He knew he'd feel guilty at how he'd treated her later but now
he was more worried about his best friend. Mounting his bike, he rushed off to the Pink Palace as hastily
as he could, nearly causing a traffic accident on the way.


Coraline awoke with a start as something pounded against the door. She sat up, startled, when
she heard a loud crash. The Beldam stood at the door. He didn't look happy. The drawer she had pushed
before the door had fallen to it's side at the force of his entrance.
"Come," was all he said.
"No," was her reply. His eyes darkened slightly at that. She flinched when he held out an arm to
her, gesturing for her to come. Hesitantly, she hopped off the bed and went to him. As soon as she was
close enough, he grabbed hold of her wrist and pulled her out of the room.

It was meant as a joke. At least, he thought it was meant as a joke. He hoped so. He liked Coraline
quite a bit, to the point of it being an obsession. He couldn't end her life because she was so fun to have
around. Especially her wet, tight heat.
He was kind of hoping their child would be something like that. Not the wet or tight part, the
Beldam wasn't big on incest. But he was hoping he'd learn what love was, with his own children. And
Still, he wasn't expecting that reaction.
When he went by her room later, he heard her talking to that vile Cat. He repressed the urge to
hiss disgustedly. It was because of that creature that he no longer liked having button eyes. Of course,
Coraline preferred him with actual eyes, but he'd really liked having buttons for eyes, like his creations.
He froze when he heard her sobs then laughed harshly at himself. Why would he care if she was
sad? Wasn't that his goal?
But he continued to stand there, not knowing if he should go in, or if he should simply leave.
When she finally stopped crying, he made the move to go, before he caught bits of her
conversation with the Cat. More than once he heard the name Wybie. An emotion he'd not felt with such
intensity rose up, taking the form of a green-eyed monster. He left the hallway, plotting his next move.


"Let me go!" she shouted, surprised and angry at the rough treatment. He said nothing, merely
continued to tug her through the house, at the front door, until they were standing before the door of
Ms Spink and Forcible's.
He pushed open the door forcefully, and dragged her through it. She wasn't struggling as much
now, her confusion giving her pause. What was he planning for her?
She walked down the aisle, it was full of dogs once again. She felt a strange sense of deja vu as
she was pulled towards the front seat that she'd once sat at with the Other Wybie. The Beldam let go of
her once she sat, then silently took a seat next to her.
She felt vulnerable, reminded of what happened the last time she was here, with the copies of
Miss Spink and Forcible in a giant sweet wrapper, their joined hands clinging onto her as she tried to get
away. And all the bat-dogs. She shuddered involuntarily and pulled up her legs so that they were on the
edge of the seat, and her knees beneath her chin, curled up into a ball protectively.
She felt the Beldam's eyes flicker towards her more than once but paid him no attention.
The curtains began to rise and Coraline's heart gave an excited thump despite herself.
As the overture played, Coraline felt goosebumps appear on her arms. She loved any form of
theatre. The second wonder the Coraline had created for her had never left her, and had survived all the
traumatic experiences of the theatre. She loved it.
The musical had a story she'd never heard of before, and an unpronouncable name, but it was
amazing. As much as the last show she'd watched in this place appealed to her childish, adventurous side,
this appealed to her teenage angst, especially considering the particular dilemma she was in. It was the
story of two best friends - played by the beautiful, young Miss Spink and Forcible, of course, looking much
less like licorice than when they tried to stop her - who had to survive the daily harshness of the real
world. It didn't sound like much, but Coraline had to admit that their acting ability was fabulous. Each
line delivered properly, the timing of the jokes impeccable, each note sang at it's correct pitch and each
tear shed unassisted by eye drops.
And it was played solely by two people, though they acted like there were more than two.
It was totally believable.
At one point, Miss Forcible played a woman who'd gotten pregnant by the man she hated, and
Coraline's heart dropped. She looked over at the Beldam, who was staring straight ahead at the stage.
Coraline watched the scene, trying not to cry. She felt her emotions mirrored in the acting of
Miss Forcible, even if she wasn't actually pregnant. Yet. As far as she knew.
But Miss Forcible had a good ending - the man turned out to be totally in love with her, and
helped bring up the child they'd created together.
Coraline knew she'd never be so lucky.
Aside from that scene that'd hit far too close to home, she'd enjoyed it completely. She didn't
know when she'd abandoned her curled-up posture, but by the time the curtains fell, she was leaning
forward in her seat, completely entranced.
".. ine. Coraline?" The Beldam asked. Coraline realised she was still staring at the stage, the
curtains completely covering the place where that amazing story had just unfolded.
"Yes?" she said, looking around the theatre only to find it empty.
"Did you like that, swee-" he cut off the pet name he was going to use.
She smiled slightly at the effort. "Yeah." she admitted. "I did,"
He nodded. "Good," He stood up and stretched, then offered a hand to pull her up. She stared at it
for a moment, then took it.
"Did you.. make that?" she asked, not knowing how else to ask what she wanted to ask.
"Yes, I suppose I did," he said, shrugging.
"It was amazing," she said, smiling in spite of herself. "I just wish Wybie was here," she blurted out
before she could stop herself. "He would have enjoyed that,"
He stopped in his tracks, causing her to stop too or fall on her face due to their intertwined
"Coraline. Do you love him?"
"Who?" Coraline asked, playing dumb. Her face went red. She really did not want to talk about
"That hunchbacked brat who's dating your best friend,"
"They're both my best friends! And I don't want to talk about this," she tried to disentangle their
joined hands. He refused to let her go and she struggled in his grip.
"Do you? Answer me, love," the Beldam had this sinister smile on his face, but his eyes were
devoid of any emotion. He no longer cared about whether the pet names bothered her or not.
She looked up at him fearfully, then looked away. She didn't even want to admit it to herself,
there was no way she was having this conversation right now.
Okay, so there was a tiny bit of her that always found his eccentricities cute, and his slight
hunchback attractive. But she'd given all that up when Kate arrived, her red hair blowing in the wind as
she stepped out of the fancy car she'd come in, and spotted Wybie's jaw dangling open. After that all she
could think about was Thank God I didn't tell him how I felt. That would've been embarrassing. She'd
never allowed herself to think about what could've happened if she had confessed to him before Kate
Either way it was none of the Beldam's business.
The Beldam was growing more and more agitated at her lack of an answer.
Coraline, sensing this, looked back at him straight in the eye and said. "Well, so what if I do?"
The Beldam repressed the urge to snarl. He tugged her towards him and she fell into his arms
with a surprised squeal.
He covered her mouth with his harshly, then started to back her up against the wall.
Coraline struggled, fearful of what he was doing. He wasn't this rough her first time even. Her
back hit the panelled wooden wall of the theatre and she whimpered at the force. His tongue prodded
against her closed mouth, seeking entrance. Her lips remained sealed, shut tight. Until he pressed his
fingers against her pussy. She moaned and his tongue entered hers victoriously.
Her eyes widened when she realised how wet she already was down there. When the ends of his
lips pulled up against hers, she knew he too had found out just how turned on she'd gotten from being
manhandled. Her face burned with embarrassment.
His body further pressed hers into the wall, with her not-so-flat chest squeezed up against his.
His burning erection pressed against her stomach. She could feel its heat through their clothes. He thrust
his tongue into her mouth, mimicking what his cock was about to do to her.
He fiddled with her shorts exasperatedly. It felt like he was trying very hard to remove them
and failing. Then she heard the sharp sound of metal sliding against metal sharply. She wrenched her
head away, breaking the kiss, only to watch him slice through her shorts and shirt with his fingers. He
paused at her underwear, then seemed to think better of it and his hands transformed back to that of a
He pulled down her panties, letting it fall to the ground as it fell down her thin legs, no longer
having her hourglass figure to hold it up.
She wondered idly how he was going to do this. Of all the positions they'd done, they had yet to
do it standing upright. Unless he planned to push her onto the floor and mount her.
Then she was distracted as he kissed her again, his hand finding hers and pressing it against the
wall beside her head, weaving his fingers in between hers.
Her other hand slipped under his shirt to feel the muscles there as she lost herself in the land of
pleasure and lust. After a few moment his other hand grabbed the one beneath his shirt and redirected it
to the button of his pants. Together, their fingers worked together to rid him of his pants as he continued
french kissing her.
When his pants finally fell to the ground along with his boxers, he pressed her other wrist
against the wall, beside her head and continued to kiss her. He slipped his manhood between her legs,
missing her entrance on purpose. It was so long that nearly half protruded out behind her, tickling the
tip of her anus. Not that it was that impressive considering how thin she was. Then again, her butt really
wasn't all that small.
He began to slide it between her thighs, the surface of his shaft being completely lubricated with
her own juices.
He released her bruised lips to nip at her neck, licking and savouring her taste, he expertly
removed her bra, then his own shirt.
She took this opportunity to talk, a bad mistake as always. Still, she knew she would soon be
reduced the a babbling pile of goo after he'd entered her. "Bel, about Wybie-"
Then his mouth was on hers again, kissing her sharply. He thrust particularly hard against her,
his steel abdomen pressing against her sensitive clit.
"Don't-" he hissed in between pants and they tried to catch their breath. "-ever say his name
while I'm having sex with you,"
She frowned at him, but quickly forgot what she was thinking as he pulled her legs up and
wrapped them around his waist. His erection pressed against her pussy demandingly, both were hot and
dripping. His had a drop of white pre-cum on its tip. She squirmed, trying to make herself comfortable, and
he adjusted his position to match hers. As she was squirming he took the opportunity to thrust into her
brutally, entering her completely with one thrust. She screamed as she was impaled onto him.
He sandwiched her against the wall and placed her arms around his neck. Then he placed his
hands on her butt, lifting her slightly off his dick and then shoving her back down. Her clit was being
mercilessly stimulated each time he shoved her back onto his dick, pressed against his crotch.
She held on for dear life, feeling the sweat start to form on her back, causing her to slide down
further. She marvelled at his strength, the power at which he manoeuvred her over his thrusting
appendage. And yeah, she wasn't exactly the heaviest creature in the world. But her bones had always
been denser than most, and her appearance made her look deceptively light. Wybie on one occasion had
commented on it, and was pounded into a bloody pulp.
There she went again, thinking of Wybie when she was being pierced on the dick of another man.
Not willingly. She tried to comfort herself.
Liar. Another part of her mind hissed.
The Beldam never liked going into the minds of others. They were always purer, cleaner than his.
It always made him want to taint them completely. Like Coraline. He watched her expression, how she
seemed slightly distracted this time. A short peek into her mind and he'd seen, or heard enough.
Wybie, Wybie, Wybie.
The Beldam had never hated anyone as much as he did Wybie. He'd hated the boy's counterpart
almost as much as he'd hated the original. He'd made him, goddamnit. And how was the Beldam repaid? By
being betrayed, that's how.
This time, he couldn't hold back his snarl as he reached forward and bit the pale, succulent skin
of her neck, his teeth piercing the fragile flesh there while picking up the speed of his thrusts, slamming
her into the wall repeatedly at how hard he was thrusting into her. He'd give her no opportunity to
think about that brat.
Coraline, taken by surprise, found herself painfully aroused at the unexpected change in
dynamics. She could barely breathe when he repositioned himself to strike at her most sensitive folds.
With a scream, she came, her inner muscles squeezing him as he continued to drive his shaft in and out of
When she'd regained her senses, she realised belatedly that he had yet to follow her to the
much-coveted peak of carnal bliss.
Pausing, much to her relief, he hiked her legs up to his shoulders, stretching her passageway
wider to allow himself full access. Then he thrust forward, slamming her harder against the wall from
the force of driving his cock into her.
She groaned. She was definitely going to be aching all over her back tomorrow.
He shoved his tongue into her mouth, imitating the moves of his reproductive organ, his
movement quick and erratic as he started to lose control.
Not that she cared. She'd slowly began to climb towards the peak of a mind-blowing climax again,
nearing the highest point with every thrust of his. He seemed to be deliberately aiming for her
erogenous areas within, and he wasn't giving her any mercy as she felt him bruising her sensitive folds.
She could practically feel the aches she was going to have tomorrow. He broke the kiss suddenly,
abruptly, and let out a word she vaguely registered as a profanity before he once again bit into her neck,
at a different location, effectively marking her possessively as she arched into him suddenly, and he felt
the familiar pressing of her walls against his dick. Except they seemed to be pounding into him, while
squirting her lubricant at him. Caught by surprise at the added intensity of it all, he climaxed, bucking up
into her.
His head leaned into her bosom as he deposited all the semen he had inside her, their juices
combining until they became indistinguishable. He nipped lightly at the skin there, sucking some into his
mouth as they both slowly recovered from their rapturous orgasms.
Her arms tightened around his neck and her hands subconsciously ran through his silky black
hair. It reminded her of the fur of a puppy, long and smooth, like satin.
As his tongue traveled upwards he licked the love bites he'd given her, stunned at his
possessiveness. As was she.
"Bel," she said, he looked up at her confused face. "Did you.. bite me?"
"But of course, Coraline," he answered patronisingly, attempting to hide his own confusion. "You
are mine, after all,"
She frowned, as something dawned on her suddenly. "Are you jealous?"
She froze when all pretense of teasing left the Beldam and his face turned hard and fierce.
"What gave you that idea, sweetheart?" He added the pet name threateningly, causing her to flinch.
"Well, it's just that-"
He punched the wall beside her head. She jumped, truly fearful now.
"Never suggest that ever again, alright, sweetheart?" Then he shoved her against the wall,
withdrew from within her and left. She could sense the rage he was emitting as he left, stark naked. She
slid downwards as her legs gave way beneath her. Her butt landed on the floor with a thump and she sat
there for a moment, staining the carpeted floor of the theatre with their combined body fluids,
wondering what the hell just happened.

Chapter 10: Realisation

Disclaimer: Coraline and its characters and plot belong to Neil Gaiman, and some bits to Henry
Selick.. I haven't written a normal-ish disclaimer in a while. Feels weird.

Chapter 10: Realisation

Coraline woke up groaning, her body ached like a female dog.

Maybe I shouldn't have spent the night on the floor.. She thought idly, before realising she had
been clothed. She looked at the yellow dress he'd put on her in wonder, and slight disgust. She'd never
gotten used to wearing dresses. Not as an everyday outfit anyway. Kate was the one who always dressed
up. Coraline never bothered, not seeing the point.
And why is it see-through? She wondered in shock, stretching the material over her thigh, only
to find she could see her usual pale skin through the flimsy material.
Pulling her attention from the sheer dress she was wearing reluctantly she scanned her
surroundings, surprised to find that she was in her own room, on her own bed.
Instead of making her feel flattered or grateful that he'd bothered to carry her to her room, she
cursed the effort. She knew there was no way in hell he'd done it because he loved her.
You know I love you.
No. No I don't! Coraline threw the nearest pillow she could find against the door in frustration.
It hit the wooden slab with a mellow thud. Why did he do it then? She knew if she asked him that
question he'd avoid it, give her an excuse like 'I wanted to keep you warm, for our baby,'
She dropped her head back down against the mattress, surrendering. Why did she even care so
much about what the Beldam thought of her? Whether he cared for her?
She didn't want to know the answer.


The Beldam didn't want to know the answer.

Jealous? Him? The magically superior creature who'd killed more than Coraline would ever
know? She thought he stopped at only three children?
He smirked, making a soft sound of amusement. Those last three were his leftovers, the smallest
trace of souls that he had yet to consume. Even now he grieved over the fact that he had not been given
the opportunity to finish them off. Especially that Lovat girl.
It was just a bonus that she was related to Wybie.
The egg he'd been holding shattered in his hand, the egg shells falling into the pan with
whatever viscous liquid could escape his enraged grip.
The more he thought of the young man, the more intense his anger seemed to become. He wished
he had left Wybie out of their deal, then he'd be free to destroy the boy.
He cleaned his hand off as he heard Coraline descend down the stairs.
"Good morning Coraline dearest," he said lovingly, unable to help the approving look on his face
when he saw her in the dress he had created. He knew she would look good in the floaty material. And he
couldn't wait to tear it off her. Not to mention, of course, the fact that the low collar of the dress
completely exposed her relatively fresh love bites, displaying the marks he'd put on her.
She sat down, staring at him halfway suspicious, halfway weary. She was tired of his strange
mood-swings, and weird actions.
"Is that your method of dealing with issues? Sweeping them under the rug?" she asked.
"Of course not," he removed the apron and sat opposite her. "Sometimes I eat them too,"
She rolled her eyes.
"You know, for someone who talks about eating things so often I don't see you eating very often,"
"Oh, Coraline." he chuckled, as if she'd cracked some hilarious joke. "I can wait nine months. I
wouldn't want you to run back to your little hunchbacked friend while I was hunting,"
She stiffened, instantly on guard. "No. Of course we wouldn't," She sighed, pushing food around her
plate. The eggs he'd fried for her, she cut into small little pieces, making them seem like scrambled eggs.
"Not hungry, love?"
She sighed, placed a spoonful of the scrambled eggs on a piece of toast, then bit into the bread and
eggs, chewed for a moment before swallowing with much difficulty. She reached for her glass of water,
washing down the food.
The Beldam watched her silently, smiling proudly at her effort to eat. It was patronising, and
slightly degrading to Coraline. She wasn't that stupid that eating would be such a huge achievement.
"So," she said, trying to distract him from her lack of appetite. "Why the dress? You got
something against shorts?"
"After our little.. tryst, I've begun to understand the inconvenience of removing shorts from a
woman," he simply said.
".. Does this mean you're not going o give me any more shorts?"
"Yes, that's exactly what I mean, Coraline,"
Coraline fell silent as she took another bite of her food. Something gnawed at her as she watched
the Beldam tapped his fingers, one by one, against the table.
He stared at her, and she stared at back.
"Yes, Coraline?" he prompted, correctly interpreting her curious stare.
"Why do you want to love something so badly?"
He was taken aback - he did not expect her bluntness and curiosity. Then again, she was Coraline.
Tact was not her strong point. He quickly summoned back his patronising smile, trying not to let her see
the effect her question had on him.
"Coraline, do you know what love is?"
"Of course," What a weird question. Of course she did. She grew up in a nuclear family. Her
parents might not have been the freest of people, but they were always around. And they did make an
effort to make her feel loved. And in return, she couldn't help but love them back. Then, of course, there
was Wybie. And Kate. Definitely Kate. "Don't you?"
"Not quite," he replied simply.
"Oh.. " she said, frowning. What was with all the 'You know I love you's if the Beldam didn't even
understand love?
"The closest I've come to is you, dearest," he said, reading her thoughts from the expression on
her face. "But is that love? I don't know,"
For a long moment, Coraline remained silent, staring out the window at the fake blue sky and
fake white clouds, lose in thought. The Beldam copied her, looking out the window, admiring his
handiwork. "Love, huh?" she said finally. He gazed at her curiously. "Love.. is really weird. I mean, it can
mean comfort and security," She thought of Charlie and Mel and the warmness they could emit when
they bothered. Her mind then automatically conjured up a picture of Wybie's warm smile, as it often did
when she heard the word love. "And yet it can make you feel insecure and self-conscious. And hurt you
like crazy,"
He said nothing but his expression darkened. He didn't need a triple digit IQ to know that she was
talking about her dark-skinned best friend.
"Hmm," he agreed. "That's why we should just stick with lust, shouldn't we?"
She whipped her head around quickly to look back at him, eyes wide and mouth agape at what he
had just implied. "What?"
Before she knew what was happening she was seated on the kitchen counter, as he pressed his
mouth roughly against hers. One hand had slipped beneath her dress and pushed the strip of cloth that
covered her crotch to the side, not even bothering to remove her panties.
All the Beldam could think of was how badly he'd wanted to touch her since he'd clothed her in
that dress. He ran a finger across her slit. She shuddered and he grinned. He loved the way she shuddered
as her body was being pleasured, or reaching the peak of pleasure. He slipped two fingers into her. She
gasped against his mouth as he began pumping them in and out roughly, wanting badly to feel her shudder
and tremble in her orgasmic throes.
With his other hand he first groped her breasts through her dress, before grabbing onto one of
her own smaller hands which had been gripping her shoulder roughly and placing it on his chest. She got
the message. Through forced control she unbuckled his pants, but just barely, as he was pushing his fingers
in and out of her with such force that her whole body shook. Or maybe that was just preparation for her
incoming climax. The slacks he wore hooked onto his hips, stuck there with his boxers, just low enough to
expose his rigid member, swollen with need.
He placed her hand on his manhood as they paused their kissing for breath, closing her hand
around it. He then ran her fist up and down his cock, his own fingers within her slowing down to match
the rhythm of the strokes.
He released her hand and she continued the motion, alternating between long and slow strokes
as well as short and hard pumps. Her tempo started to fasten as he matched his thrusts to her pumps.
Soon they were both moving their hands as quickly as they could as both approached their climax.
Giddy with lust and the pleasure saturating her body, Coraline tugged on his shirt roughly,
pulling him towards her and closing her mouth over his. His own fingers paused in surprise at her actions,
before he obliged, pushing her further against the counter and thrusting his fingers up into her
mercilessly, scissoring them within her.
She arched against him as she finally lost it, and came. As she did she screamed into his mouth
and gripped him tightly as her body tensed up. His shocked grunt was muffled against her mouth as her
tiny fingers closed around his sensitive member, setting off his own orgasm. Thick, white liquid erupted
from the tip of his dick, splattering against the girl it was aimed right at. Coraline jolted in surprise and
broke the kiss as hot semen sprayed against her new dress, at the area of her chest and cleavage. When
he had finally shot off his full load the entire region of her midriff was coated in his seed, causing the
top of her breasts visible at the low collar of the dress to glisten in the afternoon light.
"Guess that's it, huh?" she stared at her chest with distaste, making a face at the sticky liquid
that started to seep through her dress and the hot wet sensation pressing against her nipples. She stared
at his sex organ curiously, studying it's deflated state. She hadn't really been paying attention when it
had started to soften, lost in her own little land of pleasure.
"I don't quite think so," he said as he took a look at her and her semen-covered state, swallowing
when he felt his equivalent of a heart burst into a sprint.
It was the last straw for him when Coraline innocently swiped a finger of her other hand over
the white coated tip, then bringing it to her nose and sniffing it. She made a face of disgust, before her
pink tongue darted out and licked it gingerly. Her face screwed up. "Gross," she commented, then yelped
when he started to grow in her hand, hardening and swelling up.
She started to release him but he closed his hand over hers, keeping her there, gripping his
growing shaft. He moved his hand up and down his dick, with Coraline forced to follow him as her tiny
hand remain clasped beneath his, trying to relive some of the agony of his intense arousal.
He stopped, abruptly, and released her hand. She made a disgusted face at the added cum all over
her palm.
He struggled to maintain control and not tackle her to the ground. Slowly, with much forced
patience and some frustrated grunts he manoeuvred himself towards his target, aiming for the direct
pathway to her womb and inseminating her.
She leaned her head back against the hot glass of the window, expecting him to thrust into her
suddenly and roughly, entering her completely. She frowned when she felt him push against her slightly,
slipping into her easily but slowly. He was staring straight at her as he entered her in an agonisingly,
torturous, prolonged thrust. Then suddenly - he pulled out completely.
She moaned and begged, even going so far as to squirm, her body searching for his thick, stiff
shaft. He grinned at her desperation and pressed the tip of his dick against her clit. She froze, stifling her
moan by biting on her lower lip. The Beldam watched her white teeth scrape against those luscious lips,
hypnotised as she made muffled, wanton sounds. He brought his hand to her mouth, traces of his cum
evident in his palm.
"Lick it," he told her. She scrunched up her face in disgust. He thrust forward against her clit. She
jolted like she'd been shot. Hesitantly, she removed her teeth from her lower lip as opened her mouth
slightly. Then her pink tongue sneaked out slowly from its safe hideaway and made contact with his
hand. She dragged it across his palm. He drew a shaky breath.
Holding his wrist so that she could hold him in place, slowly, unaware of the erotic scene she was
presenting, licked his hand completely clean, taking extra care with his fingers. When she was almost
done, he lost it completely and shoved himself completely within her.
He groaned as she quenched the burning arousal he'd intentionally held off, allowing it to grow
and blaze. It was all worth it for that single moment as her walls closed in against him, nearly as tight as
the day he'd first entered her.
He drilled himself in and out of her, holding onto her hips as he humped against her at a brutal
pace, as fast as he could manage. He knew he wouldn't last long. Especially when she started matching his
rhythm, arching into him and forcing him deeper within her.
Surprisingly, she came before he did, deeply aroused from having been forced to wait with no
relief whatsoever. The taste of his seed wasn't a total turn-on, but the sound of his heavy, accelerated
panting had more than made up for that.
She screamed, and grabbed fistfuls of his hair. If it hurt him he didn't say anything, or maybe he
just didn't notice as he only lasted a thrust or two before spilling everything he'd managed to produce in
his balls, literally flooding her womb as he shook from the most intense orgasm he'd had - quite a feat
considering the last few days he'd had.
A whole minute later and he was still cumming.
"Bel," she said after a moment, absent-mindedly addressing him by the short version of his name.
"You don't pee, do you?"
"No, I don't," he brushed a few blue strands of hair that was strewn onto her face, stuck there by
the sweat and light traces of his cum.
"Oh. Just making sure," He lifted an eyebrow at her, but didn't comment on what she was
The white clumps of seed trickled from inside her, struggling as they got past the shaft that
they'd been pumped out of and pooling on the counter, falling onto the floor as they spread even further.
Coraline pressed her cheek against his chest. The aches from the day before that she'd forgotten
temporarily - lost in her desperate need to relive the tension in her lower body - returned slowly but
surely. Something occurred to her as she relaxed against him. "You know, lust is a type of love too," she
He took a moment to reply as what she said swirled around his brain. "Yes, it is, isn't it?"


A/N: You know what's embarrassing? Reading over a sex scene you'd written when editing it. I
look back on it and think – How the hell did I write this?

Chapter 11: Recalcitrant

Disclaimer: Coraline's plot and characters isn't mine, it belongs to Neil Gaiman and partially
Henry Selick I think?
A/N: A no-sex chapter. Aww.


Chapter 11: Recalcitrant

"You may go anywhere you wish in my realm.. except for the apartment above us," the Beldam
said idly one afternoon while they were eating - correction, Coraline ate while the Beldam watched and
fed his creepy plants - at the table.
"Why?" Coraline asked, instantly curious about any location she was forbidden from entering.
"Because I say so, sweetheart. Now keep eating,"

Coraline was bored. She was already a restless being by nature and being caged up in the realm of
a spider, with nothing to explore but a replica of her house and part of her garden, was stifling her
curious nature. She paced around the hallway for a few seconds, knowing by routine that this was the
time the Beldam was clearing up breakfast and allowing her some time to herself.. in which she could do
Finally making her decision, acknowledging that walking around the garden for the umpteenth
time was better than nothing, she moved to go out the door.
"Don't forget your jacket," the Beldam's voice came from the kitchen.
"You're not my mother!" she yelled back stubbornly as the door slammed behind her. She walked
past the garden. It wasn't drying and grey like it was when she'd obtained one of the ghost children from
the Other Father but at the same time, it wasn't all that amazing as the first time she'd seen it. It was
just bare soil and dried up spaces that used to host beautiful fountains and breath-taking water-lily
filled ponds.
She squatted on the bridge, poking her head slightly through the dull metallic bars of the
railing, staring down at the deep pit beneath her.
She missed her home garden, with it's tulips and all the other variety of flowers that filled it.
Coraline was ridiculously proud of her garden. She'd done most of the work. Well, maybe Wybie did help a
bit, after Coraline had coerced him into doing so. But after her parents had lost interest in her 'playing
with dirt' she continued to nurture the garden, loving waking up in the morning to greet the plants and
find out how much each of them had grown. She hoped her parents or Wybie were still making an effort
to take care of them while she was in the Other World.
Everywhere she looked there was dirt. Dirt, dirt, dirt. She was so bored of looking at all the dirt,
especially in a place that in her memory had always housed the most amazing vegetation.
She got up and walked quickly away from the garden, unable to bear looking at it any longer. A
flicker of movement in the windows of the upstairs apartment caught her eyes and she reflexively
craned her neck to look up. But as she continued to stare, she saw no further movement. She averted her
gaze again, only to have something flip past the windows once more. Her childhood curiosity piqued, she
found herself running up the stairs, two steps at a time, until she was right in front of what was Mr B's
apartment in her world, home to the Famous Jumping Mouse Circus.
She remembered the last time she was there and she felt a twinge of sadness remembering how
the Beldam had hung the Other Wybie's clothes before the apartment, deliberately flaunting his death.
She felt a tingle of adrenaline as she also remembered how the mice had attacked her. With cotton
candy. It was funny looking back as a sixteen year old, but she remembered the feelings of terror their
attack had elicited in that moment.
She heard a loud thump from within the apartment and hesitated. She scanned the area for any
rat-spies that would report her obvious disobedience to the Beldam. Satisfied, she took a step and tried
the door. It was open, unlocked, and completely dark inside. For some reason the most minimal of light
filtered in through the windows. Not enough to allow her eyes to register the odds and ends of the room.
Suddenly she wished she'd brought a weapon with her. Deciding that stealth was not on her side,
considering that the door illuminated her figure to be seen by whatever creature inhabited the place,
she proceeded to make her presence known.
"Hello?" she called out. She made sure to stomp heavily through the door. Something flitted in
the darkness and she jolted in surprise, feeling a pang of deja vu from the last time she was in the room.
"Who's there?" she shouted. The teenager was quickly regretting disobeying the Beldam. She
moved further forward, only to have the door slam shut behind her with a loud bang, enclosing her in
pure darkness. She moved in the direction of the door, feeling around it until she could find the handle.
Her fingers ran over something wet, and slimy. She recoiled reflexively, then brought her fingers to her
nose, trying to smell out the liquid. It was thick, and smelled sour, disgusting.
She made a face in the dark then once again attempted to find the door handle, only to find it
locked. She pressed on it with a grunt, exerting all of the strength she'd had, to no avail. She stared in the
direction of the door handle, contemplating her next move, when something brushed against her shoulder,
screeching. She squealed in reply, and ducked. But the creature brushed against her once more, screeching
loudly, its eyes red like blood. Coraline scanned the room for the red eyes.. Only to find a million other
red eyes glowing in the darkness, all staring at her.
That was when all hell broke loose.
Bat wings flapped in the air noisily, screeches filled the air along with sinister squeaks as little
teeth and claws dug into the flesh of her feet, legs, calves. She beat against them, screaming, but was
unable to get rid of all of them. She started jumping and shaking frantically like a wet dog, trying to get
them off her. As she was doing so, two hands coiled around her ankles.
"Thief! Thief!" familiar voices screamed out somewhere towards the back, their cold hands
wrapped firmly around her ankles, before tugging on them, causing her to fall heavily on her butt, and be
dragged across the room. She looked in the direction she was being pulled in and saw two figured
intertwines, their green and pink skin glowing eerily in what little light could get into the windows.
Coraline's eyes had quickly become accustomed to the darkness and she found she could see the rats
squirming around her and the dog-bats flying overhead.
She flipped around as she was being dragged, sinking her nails into the wood of the floor in an
attempt to anchor herself. Instead, splinters bit into the soft flesh beneath her nails, and ten deep gouges
were left in the floor, continuing a trail as Coraline was forced towards the two abominations who still
thought she was a thief.
Something dripped onto her hand and she looked up, and screamed. The Other Father was as
pumpkin-like as the last time he saw her, leering at her with red eyes, drool dripping out the sides of his
mouth and on to her fingers. And all of a sudden she knew what the liquid on the door was.
"Help me!" she shouted at him, remembering him to be an ally.
"You shouldn't have disobeyed Mother," he said in that distorted voice, his words sounding choppy
and weird.
I think I know that now! She was tempted to shout at him but instead begged him: "Please, please
help me!" She was starting to bleed, she was sure. She could feel the wetness on her fingers and the pain of
freshly opened wounds beneath her nails. Her eyes widened when she realised he was walking forward.
And suddenly she wasn't being dragged anymore. Instead of feeling relief that the abuse to her fingers
had stopped, her heart accelerated at the sight of the intertwined Miss Spink and Forcible towering
above her.
"Thief.. " They said ominously, trailing off, making that single word seem more intimidating than
it already was.
"So sharp you won't feel a thing.. " The Other Father intoned, and in his hands he held a package
that Coraline recognised within a fraction of a second. Despite being unable to see inside the box, she
wasn't surprised when he brandished a needle. The hands were still holding tight onto her ankles. She sat
up and moved back slowly into Miss Spink and Forcible, forcing a hiss out of them, never taking her eyes
off the Other Father. Abruptly, after a long, agonising wait, the Other Father attacked.
His arm struck downwards, the sharp needle flying towards her face.
Now! She quickly ducked, flattening herself against the floor as the needle sunk into Miss Spink
and Forcible. Apparently what one felt, so could the other, as they both screeched at a note so
excruciatingly high that it made the Other Father take a step back and groan, and blurred Coraline's
vision for a second. But that didn't matter to her, having already become accustomed to the dark. She
forced her legs out of its bonds, taking advantage of the pained distraction, and rolled away.
She got to her feet as quickly as she could and dashed towards the door, ignoring the warning
nips she got from the bats and rats. She was mere seconds from the locked door when it suddenly burst
open. She dived against the dark figure at the door, and tackled it. They rolled across the landing in
front of the door before stopping just shy of the railings.
Coraline sucked in a shocked breath when she looked to the still open door to see all the red-
eyed creatures running towards them, eager to sew buttons onto her eyes, screeching and screaming,
when suddenly the door slammed shut.
She was panting heavily, and was surprised to see that her rescuer was just as breathless.
"Coraline," the Beldam said between pants. "What did I say-" He breathed out. "-about exploring
that room above?"
"I'm-" Coraline took in a deep breath, still gasping in shock at what had just happened. "I'm sorry!"
she managed to get out, her body trembling from the shock and adrenaline. Her breathing seemed to just
accelerate, her heart thrumming uncomfortably. She felt like throwing up.
Sensing her impending panic attack, the Beldam tightened his arms around the girl as he, too,
fought for breath. When he'd heard the noise above he quickly figured out what had happened, and rushed
out of the house and onto the apartment upstairs.
"Calm down, darling. You're safe. I have you," he told her. She nodded, as she tried to control her
breathing. She could feel her panic slipping away, and her breathing slowing as he continued to whisper
comforting words to her. She wasn't registering any of the words, but just the calm tone of his voice
made her feel more at ease.
"Thank you.. " she said after a few minutes, by which she had calmed down almost completely.
"I told you explicitly not to go up there, Coraline,"
"I know, but I was just bored.. And you didn't say why. I didn't think.. " she trailed off, shuddering
as she remembered all the angry red eyes.
"They're my creations, the ones you defeated. I revived them, thinking they would go back to
what they were, and serve me as they should have. But for some reason, some of the side effects of their
defeat was... irreversible." he said.
"No kidding.. " she muttered, unconsciously moving closer to him for more comfort. Her head
rested against his chest, focusing on the beats within his chest as she tried to push out the images of
those twisted, distorted beings.


A/N: This chapter may seem like a non-sequitur, but I swear, it is relevant to the plot. For one,
there's a CoralineXBeldam moment! And second of all, it just wouldn't make sense for Coraline to accept
her punishment nor obey the Beldam's every rule. And third - I want it to be clear what happened to the
rest of the characters that was created by the Beldam.
And because I probably don't have anywhere to insert this, during the musical where the Miss
Spink and Forcible act to cheer up Coraline, Miss Spink and Forcible were new creations by the Beldam. He
couldn't get the old ones to work again.

Chapter 12: Rediscovery

Disclaimer: Coraline's plot and characters belong to Henry Selick. Wait, no, they belong to Neil
Gaiman. Wait.. No. They belong to both of them? Either way, they don't belong to me. The end.

Chapter 12: Rediscovery

A week had passed that she'd been in this world. A pattern had emerged in their daily routine.
Wake up, discover that the Beldam's already up and about making breakfast, eat breakfast, have sex, clear
away things, feel bored and lonely, have sex, eat lunch, shower, have sex, go for a walk in the garden, have
sex then have dinner and go to bed.. After another round of sex before sleeping.
She was exhausted every night. He'd poured gallons upon gallons of semen within her - she'd be
surprised if she wasn't already pregnant.
Once or twice she'd snuck over to the living room, desperate for a way out, only to find it locked.
She didn't want to be discovered, in her mind's eye she could still see the Wybie doll, incinerated by the
hungry flames, fading into nothingness. She feared for the life of her friends and family. There was no
way out for her.
She sat at the little seat beneath her window, looking out at the sky. She really was bored
beyond belief. She could have explored but after what had happened before she had refrained from doing
so. So now she was simply waiting for the Beldam to come into her room and sleep with her, thereby
relieving her boredom. She sighed and smacked her forehead against the window pane at how horny she'd
Deciding she couldn't sit still and be left with her thoughts any longer, she got up, tugging on the
red skirt of her dress to smoothen out the creases. He really wasn't kidding about the no pants ever again
thing. She paced around the room for a few seconds, then collapsed onto her bed, sighing.
She was bored. God, she missed her usual life. She couldn't wait until she would finally be
released, to be free to go home. All the things she would do.. Gardening, reading, doing homework.
Homework. School. Man, she even missed school. She wondered what they had gotten up to in maths and
history. She hoped she hadn't missed much. Sighing, she realised there was not much chance that she'd be
able to catch up after a nine-month absence.
She shuddered, realising that she'd have to be held back a year. The horror. Her, Coraline Jones,
top in her class, held back with immature sophmores? Ugh.
And the idea of missing all that valuable time and lessons. There was so much more she wanted
to learn. School was boring, sure, but she liked learning. Sort of.
An idea popped into her head and she quickly got up from her bed, walking to her desk and
opening a drawer. Her face brightened considerably when she caught sight of the exercise book. In it was
all the maths problems she'd been assigned for the rest of the year. She thanked her lucky stars for the
Beldam's eye for detail in re-creating her room - or most of it anyway, considering that the fireplace
was a new addition - and started onto the problems, seated at her desk.
The Beldam ascended the stairs without any sound, a skill he'd learned to acquire from his many
hunts. He was looking forward to entering her room and seeing her waiting on the bed patiently for him
to sleep with her.
Her boredom was almost funny. He'd supposed he could find something for her to do, gardening or
something but he didn't want to. As the future mother of his child - hopefully - he wanted her to stay
indoors and away from any hazardous things.. And god knows this place he'd created was full of them.
He was surprised to find her seated at her desk when he entered her room, mumbling to herself.
Silently, stealthily, he walked up to her and peered over her shoulder. Not a difficult thing to do
considering his height. He watched, amused, as she muttered maths equations to herself and frowned at
the problem on her page. She went through a series of difficult formulas, before writing down her final
"It's wrong,"
"GYAH!" She screamed, and jumped in her seat. "Bel? When did you.. "
"A while ago," he smiled sweetly at her, loving the way she'd succumbed to her lazy human ways
and decided to shorten his name. He ran his bony finger down her page, stopping beside the solution she'd
"It's wrong. You're not supposed to find x. You're supposed to find y,"
She stared at it for a second. Then, realisation hit her. "Ah!" she exclaimed and erased her
answer, then started over again. He nodded approvingly when she finally got to the answer.
"I didn't know you could do math," Coraline remarked, staring at him in wonder.
"I've lived for.. a while. Seen a lot. Learnt many things." he said in reply. "Are you missing school,
"Yeah.. I feel as if I'm falling behind. I don't want to have to repeat a year.. Though I'd probably
have to now,"
"Mhmm," he hummed in agreement. He watched as she scrawled her working out onto the page.
"It's faster this way," he told her, and gestured for her to hand over her pencil. She obliged and in the
oddest yet prettiest writing she'd ever seen he wrote down two lines of numbers.
"Oh. I didn't think of that," she replied, nodding to herself as she committed the method to
memory. "Could you help me with the next one?"
"Of course,"


After nearly three questions she started to feel uncomfortable with him standing up beside her
and asked him to bring an additional chair to her desk or something. He refused, instead asking her to
stand and sitting on her chair, before pulling her down to sit on his lap.
"This..." she started, then stopped.
"Distracting?" he asked, grinning to himself as he kissed the nape of her neck. She tried not to
jump at the contact.
"A little,"
"Focus, Coraline, on your little maths problems,"
"Okay," she said placidly, trying to ignore his ministrations on the back of her neck and shoulders.
It was more than a little distracting when he started to harden beneath her, and his breath
brushed against her neck, his voice low and deep beside her ear. But somehow she'd managed to hold out
and finish off the questions of the topic she'd been on at school.
"Um.. Thank you," she said, looking down at her book and seeing nothing as he nibbled on her skin.
"If you're thankful, there are other ways you can thank me,"
She almost didn't want to ask. "Um.. How?"
"I was thinking of teaching you something new today, but maybe you've learnt enough for the
She felt offended. Did he think her stupid or something? She was the top student in her class! "I
can handle it," she said stiffly. He grinned, sensing her anger and hostility.
"Good," Then he wrapped his arms around her and stood up. The next thing Coraline knew she had
been dropped onto the bed. She frowned. Wasn't he going to teach her something? Her eyes widened when
she finally realised he was going to teach her something a little less educational than she thought.
He removed her clothes easily, now an expert at removing dresses. He was even contemplating
allowing her to wear shorts again. And then she did the same to him, until they were both completely
Something that still bothered Coraline. Just a little. He'd been feeding her quite a lot of food -
sorry, 'food' - and she hadn't really been doing anything to work it off.
He smirked at her discomfort and proceeded to show her how beautiful she truly was, trailing
light kisses down her jaw and neck, then swirling his tongue around her right nipple briefly, before
moving downwards, continuing the trail of kisses.
She moaned when he finally got to her core, licking her clit softly before moving even further
down, to her much-loved crevice. He teased her first, licking down the length of her slit, but not delving
into her. She gushed rapidly, the teasing contact exciting her. He licked up her honey as it was released,
swirling it around his mouth. Then he continued his attack, his tongue moving around in circles, until he
decided she had been sufficiently tortured - as indicated from the frustrated groans she was starting to
emit - and plunged his tongue into her repeatedly, imitating how he would normally have sex with her
with his manhood.
She gasped. His tongue was, of course, significantly smaller than his cock. But it was incredibly
sensual and flexible. As usual, she didn't last long and within mere seconds, she came on his tongue. He
lapped up her juices, every last drop, enjoying her unique taste. When he was done, he looked at her
"What?" she asked. He grinned in reply.
"Come here, Coraline. Let's start the lesson," he sat on the edge of the bed and gestured for her to
jump off the bed in front of him.
She frowned quizzically, but did as he said. He then told her to kneel. She started to get a bad
feeling about this when she found herself face to face with the organ that had repeatedly entered her,
hard and stiff, ready to be sheathed within her.
"Now, lick me," he told her. Her frown grew deeper. She had never put her mouth anywhere near
his erection before. She'd avoided treading onto that territory, remember the strange smell and taste of
his sperm from that single session in which he'd told her to clean it off his hand.
"I'm waiting, Coraline," he said again. Hesitant, and as gingerly as she could, she grabbed ahold of
his dick and licked along its length. He shuddered, his head thrown back as her tongue swept across a vein.
She watched his reaction, afraid that she might have hurt him.
"Am- Am I doing this right?" she asked unsurely. She hated doing things for the first time, and
the self-consciousness that came with it.
"Yessssss," he hissed.
She continue to slide her tongue along the shaft, licking him like a popsicle. She tried to imagine
it was one. A really hot, throbbing popsicle.
"Coraline," he caught her attention. She looked up at him expectantly. "Take me in your mouth," he
instructed her.
"Like this..." he took hold of his own cock. "Open your mouth,"
She didn't like the sound of this. She opened her mouth, hesitantly, and he pushed his length into
it, gritting his teeth as he felt her hot breath against it.
There was no way he could fit it all into her mouth, but she got the idea, sliding her lips on him.
He held her head, guiding her on his shaft.
He moaned, savouring the feel of it. "Suck," he told her.
She complied, her cheeks dented inwards as she sucked vigorously on it. He continued to move
her head, reminding her that she was meant to be bobbing her head on him.
This pattern continued for the next few minutes. Coraline's jaw started to ache, but she could
sense that the Beldam was close. As the explorative creature she was, she contemplated ways to speed up
his orgasm. Reaching out, she fondled his sacs, fingering them. He looked at her sharply, unable to believe
his eyes. The indented cheeks, with his shaft disappearing past her luscious lips, and now her finger
playing with his balls idly, like a child playing with a toy.
He held on for only two seconds more before he exploded in her mouth. She panicked, not
expecting him to come inside her mouth, as the stream of white accumulated inside her mouth.
"Try not to spill any," the Beldam commanded as he withdrew from her slowly. With his
withdrawal some of the seed escaped from the sides of her mouth, trickling down her chin. She moaned,
the taste of it was overwhelming. If she thought it was gross before, it was even more repulsive now.
But at the same time, it was kind of salty, and sweet, and in her aroused state she started to
think it wasn't so bad after all.
"Swallow it,"
She stared up at him, wide-eyed. He was serious. She changed her mind, it was totally disgusting.
She gulped some down first, experimentally, then the rest of it. When her mouth was finally free, she
choked and started coughing fitfully.
He bent down and drew her up into his arms and against his chest. She continued to cough as he
rubbed her back soothingly.
"Sorry, it wasn't such a good idea to make you swallow it your first time, was it?" he asked,
seeming almost sheepish.
She nodded, starting to calm down.
"I think I preferred learning maths," she commented between coughs. He laughed.
"Yes, I bet you would,"
When her cough finally tapered off, she moved to get off him. "We're done, right?"
"Not exactly," he answered, his erection swollen and poking against the lips of her pussy. She
gasped as he took hold of her hips and slammed it down on his arousal.

She awoke to the sound of a bell tinkling, signalling dinner time. She sighed and rolled over on
her side, trying to go back to sleep. She paused when she caught sight of a what seemed to be a large pile
on her desk. Surprised, she reached over and switched the bedside light on. It illuminated her room
immediately, and she blinked dumbly at the stack of books on her desk. Slowly, she got dressed, then,
ignoring the sound of the bell tinkling downstairs, decided to check out the pile of books. She exhaled in
surprise when she saw the titles of the book.
"Coraline," the Beldam said crossly from the doorway to her room. "Do you know how many times
He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence as she leapt onto her bed, then leapt off and finished
her sprint by tackling him to the ground.
"I take it you like your presents then?" he smirked at her.
"Yes! Oh my gosh, you have no idea. I really thought I'd be missing so much in school, but you
brought me my text books. It'll be kind of hard to learn it by myself, but I can do it, and oh- sorry, I'm
kind of.. " she started to blush, and moved to get off him but he held her hips there. Her face turned
redder when she felt him prodding at her.
"You know that I'm willing to teach you any time, don't you Coraline dearest?" he said.
She nodded dumbly.
"Good," he said, then released her and got to his feet. She followed him down the stairs, the smell
of roast chicken and baked potatoes wafting in from the dining room. Coraline sniffed the air and smiled,
realising that for the first time in a while, she actually felt happy.


The Cat meowed quietly as it leapt in through Wybie's window.

"Okay, Cat, try this one. We'll keep trying. He can't guard her all the time," Wybie rolled the
paper around Cat's collar. Cat looked up at his other friend and noted the dark bags beneath his eyes. He'd
had a hard time in the last week, worrying about his friend. Not to mention being interrogated by the
police on how he'd obtained the letter. They finally let him go to resume his normal life, but he was
weary, exhausted. Mel had been crying and begging for him to bring her back, when Wybie had no idea
how he could do that.
He'd then tried sending letters back to Coraline, words of encouragement and support. He
received none in reply, and each time the Cat came back to his window hissing angrily. It didn't take him
very long to realise what was happening to his letters.
He stroked the Cat, then let it slip out the window and leap off the roof, using the nearest tree
as its tunnel to the Other World.
As soon as he arrived he took cover in the leaves of a tree. Cautiously, he leapt towards
Coraline's window. He smiled with relief when he found her asleep in her bed, alone. He started to scratch
at her window when he was thrown off the roof by an unseen force.
"You've come again, pest?" the Beldam asked, his metallic form glinting in the pseudo moonlight.
Though in spider form, he'd taken to being male, with his form larger than usual and his voice deep and
"I don't know what you're talking about," the Cat replied. He hissed and spat angrily when he
caught sight of the paper wrapped around one of the Beldam's thin, metal fingers. The Beldam unrolled
the thin piece of parchment, briefly glanced at the writing inside and tore it into pieces, shredding it
with his sharp blades. The Cat yowled in anger and despair at another letter he'd failed to deliver. The
Beldam smiled to himself, then jumped up onto the roof, carefully lifting the window and slipping through
Coraline stirred slightly as she heard faintly the sound of the Cat yowling. Unfortunately, she
was too exhausted to regain full consciousness and quickly fell back asleep.
The Beldam shut the window, closing off the annoying whines of the black feline. He smiled in
satisfaction to himself as he took human form again and slipped beneath the sheets of the bed, wrapping
his arms around the young girl.
"I'll protect you, my Coraline," he whispered to her and kissed her forehead lightly.
"He won't ever be able to take you from me."

Chapter 13: Repudiate

Disclaimer: Coraline's original plot and characters belongs to whoever it belongs to.


Chapter 13: Repudiate

Coraline remembered the exact day she started throwing up. It was about three weeks since
she'd struck a deal with the Beldam.
"BLEGH!" The horrible noise of her throat hacking up partially-digested food from the day before
made Coraline feel even more sick.
She spat out the remaining pieces of food in her mouth, gagging at the repulsive taste. She
struggled to her feet, feeling dizzy and light-headed, almost as if she was floating.
She leaned on the little knob that flushed the toilet bowl, unable to exert any strength from her
muscles to push it down and settling for using her body weight instead.
She shuffled to the sink, holding onto the wall desperately, and slowly and steadily squeezed out
a small worm of toothpaste onto her toothbrush.
As she brushed her teeth, glad for the mint that overpowered the taste of yesterday's dinner,
her mind wandered over the last few days, counting back when her last period was. Back when she was
twelve, and got her first period, it had been inconsistent, and came at the worst of times. But in recent
years it had balanced out.
She hadn't been late for years now.
And yet, here she was, a week late.
She had a sneaking suspicion, one that gnawed at her. One that she refused to acknowledge.
She quickly gargled and washed her toothbrush, before exiting the wash-room. He was waiting
for her leaning against the wall outside the bathroom.
"Are you alright, dearest?"
"Fine," she pushed him away as he approached her. He frowned. She hadn't been hostile with him
for a while now, since he'd gotten her the books and helped her continue her education.
"I'm sure it's just a little tummy upset. It's nothing," Coraline said, trying to convince herself
more than the person she was talking to.
"I don't think so," he replied. She ignored him, stomping down the stairs loudly, hoping the sound
would block out the swirling, confusing thoughts in her mind. She didn't want to think about it. She didn't
want to think about anything to do with it. She completely rejected the thought.
When she reached the bottom of the stairs, the Beldam had completely lost his patience. He
wrapped his thin fingers around her wrist and tugged her to the side, pushing her up against the wall. He
refrained from using force, but was able to perform the action quickly, so she would have no opportunity
to escape.
He then placed his other hand on her midriff. He closed his eyes and concentrated.
Coraline's lower lip wobbled. She bit down on it quickly. This was it. She wasn't ready. She was
still a kid for god's sake! Sure, the sex was all nice and good. But this was a child, an actual life. What kind
of mother was she going to make? She was leaving the moment it was born!
She couldn't stay.. Could she?
Then the Beldam smiled, a slow smile that was actually warm and happy, that it made Coraline
stop breathing for a second. He smiled up at her, and she realised what it meant. A feeling of despair
washed over her, taking with it all the blood in her face. Her already pale skin turned chalk white.
The Beldam, meanwhile was hilariously happy. He felt almost giddy. So she could bear his
children after all. He had to admit that some part of him had been doubtful of that, sure, if she couldn't
he could keep her forever, to keep trying, but he had wanted a child so badly.. Even he didn't realise how
strong his longing for the child was.
A sob erupted from Coraline's throat, ruining the moment. The Beldam frowned. She hiccuped,
then sobbed again. A lone tear ran down her cheek and she closed her eyelids, trying to stop the salty
water escaping, trying not to seem weak and miserable..
Even if she really was.
The Beldam felt a small twinge of something deep in his soul. Something he never thought would
ever function again. His conscience. He actually felt a little.. bad.
"Coraline," he said. She shook her head, unable to answer him, as tears continued to fall. She
scrunched her eyes shut tightly.
"Coraline, look at me,"
She couldn't. She was panicking. Why? She didn't even know the reason why. It just all hit her at
once. She never truly acknowledged the fact that she'd be carrying the child of this monster. Now it all
just got so real.
He wrapped his arms around her, anything to eradicate this strange feeling of.. of.. guilt.
"I can't," Coraline gasped against his shirt. "I can't do this. I'm just a kid. I'm not even a senior in
high school yet! I'm-I don't even.. Childbirth hurts, doesn't it? It can kill people sometimes too, right?" she
babbled to herself, eyes wide and breath coming out in short bursts.
"You'll be fine. I'll make sure of it, love," he said firmly, his arms tightening around her.
She abruptly pushed against him, shoving roughly. He released her, astonished.
"How?" she shouted at him. "You can't control how my body works! If I get an aneurysm, could you
save me? If I died of blood loss, could you save me? Would you even try?" she broke off with a sob, feeling
lonelier than ever. In the few weeks she'd seemed to have forgotten that he wasn't her friend, or even an
acquaintance. He was her enemy.. Wasn't he? He didn't care whether she lived or died, did he? All he
wanted was the spawn forming in her belly.
She repeatedly let her guard down around him, despite knowing how dangerous he truly is.
Because she was lonely. Because she had no one. Because it made things easier. Because he acted like he
cared for her. Did it really matter?
"Coraline.. " he knew he should be angry with her. Warn her that he held the cards, that she had
no right to talk to him in such a way. But he just didn't want to. He knew not the reason why. He simply
didn't want to.
Stop pretending to care! She mentally yelled at him, but decided better of it and instead
proceeded to stomp off. His arms encircled her waist, and pulled her back towards him. She struggled,
sobbing and crying.
He continued to hold her to him as she sobbed in despair and writhed in his grasp. Eventually she
became exhausted, both mentally and physically, blacking out in his arms.


He laid her in her bed gently. Tears continued to fall in her restless sleep. He brushed a strand of
hair away from her eyes, frowning as he thought of her reaction.
It wouldn't do to have the mother of his child so unwilling to have their creation in her womb.
If she hated the baby so much, god knows what she would do to it, and to herself. True, she would do her
best to honour their agreement, but each person has their breaking point. And he knew he had pushed her
ever closer to it with each day that he kept her trapped in his realm.
He sighed, playing with her hair idly as he thought of what he could do to remedy the situation.


Her face was wet when she woke up. She pressed the heel of her palms into her eyes, willing
herself to stop crying, trying to stop the flow of the tears. It continued to slip out of its confinement.
In the end, she gave up, and cried into her pillow. She'd always scoffed at those teenage beauty
queens who had more beauty than brains and ended up knocked up by the age of fourteen. And okay, she
was sixteen, and she was far from brainless - and beautiful, in her perspective - but never once could she
predict that she would be in the same predicament they were. Even if it wasn't a choice.
The door creaked open and she jumped, startled. She looked up at the father of her child wearily.
"It's a beautiful night," he commented, looking out the window.
She hesitated to reply, and ultimately decided to remain silent. Without another word, he
moved to the wardrobe, and took out a white dress.
He said nothing as he removed the night gown she still had on, and placed the dress over her
head, before zipping it up at the back. She let him clothe her like a doll, watching him dully, feeling more
helpless than ever.
The Beldam was starting to get worried.
"There," he said, concealing his concern as he tucked the stalk of a white daisy just above her ear.
He stood back and admired her womanly form in the dress he had tailored just for her. He wondered why
she was constantly putting herself down when she could clearly see her reflection. Was her eyesight
She sighed and pulled the blanket up, readying to return to her moping and self-pity. He
intercepted her attempt and pulled her up and off the bed. She leaned on him, her knees shaky.
"Come, Coraline," he guided her gently down the stairs, a complete juxtaposition to the time he
had dragged her down to watch Mrs Spink and Forcible's play. She supposed that he was avoiding causing
any damage to the little parasite she was carrying.
When they left the house, he closed his thin, cold fingers over her eyes.
"Where are we going?" she asked, curiosity, as usual, getting the better of her.
"It's a surprise," was his reply. She sighed. What surprise could possibly make her feel better?
They continued walking, with his guidance, until suddenly they stopped.
"Okay, you can look," he said. She opened her eyes, almost afraid of what she was going to see. She
gasped involuntarily at the sight of the garden. It was fantastic, sure, back when she was eleven. But now
it seemed even more amazing. Back then, the garden, though beautiful, was wild. Now it was well-kept,
and made from a variety of beautiful flowers. Colours assaulted her vision, bright and cheery. Fountains
sprouted among all the vegetation, the water crystalline clear and flowing abundantly. Branches swayed
towards her, as if waving at her in greeting.
Stunned, she didn't notice him steering her through the garden, smiling as he watched her
happily shocked reaction.
She was still looking around, eyes wide and jaw nearly touching the floor, when he stopped her
and cleared his throat. She looked up at him expectantly. He gestured downwards towards the floor.
The first thing she noticed was the picnic mat. It was blue and pink. A pink blanket was spread
out over part of the mat and over to the corner lay a picnic basket.
He watched her expression, the change from stunned, to happy, then to confliction.
"You shouldn't do things like this," she said, fidgeting with her hair.
"Why not?"
"You'll start to make me think you care for me,"
"I do care for you, sweetheart," he argued. "Now sit,"
She sat, noting that he once again avoided the subject. He reached over and pulled the blanket
over her lap, then delved into the basket. Sandwiches, cakes, muffins, slices. A variety of baked goods had
been fitted into that small basket. Coraline enjoyed the meal, as usual, despite being deathly suspicious of
it, also as per usual.
She was starting to see a pattern among his actions. The last time she had been really and truly
furious and miserable, he'd shown her the play. When she was starting to miss her school and having to
do work, he'd given her books. And now the picnic among the amazing glowing flowers and plants after
she'd freaked out over being pregnant.
What game was he playing? If this hadn't been the Beldam Coraline might have felt flattered at
the degree to which he went to comfort her. But with the current circumstances all she could feel was
suspicion. She glared at him as she nibbled on the edges of a sandwich, cursing his propensity for confusing
He was a little taken aback to see her glaring at him, though he tried not to show it. She was
still angry? Wasn't that awe on her face earlier when he'd revealed the beauty of the garden to her
again, and satisfaction at the meal he had prepared for her? "What is it, Coraline?"
"You're weird," she said. "I can't get you. You're obviously not a nice person, and then you do
things like this.. "
"I get bored," was his instant excuse.
"Is that it?" Her gaze on him was intense, clearly conveying her desire for him to be truthful
with her.
"Yes," he said, with enough conviction to fool himself. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to fool her.
She continued to stare at him, her teeth working leisurely at the sandwich as she mulled over his
answer. Abrupt, she placed the sandwich back down on the plates he'd set out for her and she sighed
"Whatever, I'm too tired to think about this," she said, curling up among the blankets, and laying
back against the mat to watch the stars. Except that they weren't so much stars as button shapes among
the dack velvet sky that seemed to twinkle merrily at her.
The Beldam lay beside her and they watched the sky in silence for a few minutes, before he
moved to his side and started to watch her instead. Noticing his gaze she turned her head to meet his
"What?" she asked.
He smiled slightly. "Nothing," he replied, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, then on her
eyelids, and her nose, before claiming her lips. She didn't resist as he crawled above her, continuing to kiss
her gently, softly, sweetly.
He broke off the kiss when she started to struggle to breathe, and moved onto her neck, nipping
gently and placing feather-light kisses all over. He moved further south, and moving past her breasts and
stomach, though he did pause to kiss her still-flat belly several times, admiring the pale skin protecting
his child, and Coraline realised that both their clothing had disappeared. Further thoughts on how he had
done such a thing escaped her when he kissed her mound with light touches. He ran his tongue slowly
over the sensitive skin of her labia. Her breathing quickened.
He continued to tease her, his tongue moving in slow gentle circles around the sensitive skin of
her womanhood, and yet studiously avoiding touching her most sensitive bundle of nerves. Arousing her
and yet not exactly pleasuring her.
She was wet within seconds, her passage liquefying in response to the teasing, readying herself
for what was sure to come. When he was satisfied he crawled back up to her and pressed his lips against
hers once again. She arched against him, eager to be pleased and have him deep inside her where he could
relieve the sweet ache between her legs. He chuckled once at her impatience before entering her slowly.
He seemed bent on teasing her, harassing her into a lusty haze.
His strokes within her were slow and steady, yet for some reason Coraline was more turned on
than ever. Goosebumps rose all over her arms. The slow love-making felt more sensual than the usual
rapid pumping of his. She could tell he was savouring it, taking his own sweet time to please her and him.
She too, despite wanting to feel miserable and hate him for all he'd done to her, was enjoying this
slow 'love-making'. There really was no other words to describe what they were doing, aside from making
love. A small part of her wondered why he was doing with this her? Did he truly care for her as he
always said he did in that false manner? Or was he just faking it in hopes that she wouldn't slide into
depression? Because god knows what kind of bitch she could be when she was being difficult.
Her eyes were closed, so she could focus on nothing but his touch, their intimate contact. But
when she opened it after a while, curious as to his facial expression, she could swear he was almost
smiling above her.
Before she could further contemplate such an impossibility, he groaned above her, shuddering.
The hot rush of fluid from his shaft into her made her back arch off the ground as she too came. She was
still shuddering when he finished pumping his seed into her. He pulled out when he was done, and rolled
to the side, before covering the blanket over her and curling around her thin frame.
The air warmed beneath the blanket and Coraline had to admit how comfortable it felt to be out
under the blanket of stars, surrounded by glowing flowers and softly swaying trees. The calm atmosphere
made her feel less panicky and sorrowful of her situation. Suddenly, having a child didn't seem so bad.
Sure, it was the Beldam's. But for now she felt at peace with herself and her child. How could she not
with all these calming - albeit fake - nature around her?
She glanced to her side only to see the Beldam's eyes closed, asleep, with his arms wrapped
around her as always. His possessiveness always astounded her. Why was he always so.. . touchy? She
wasn't stupid, and like all teenagers she was paranoid to all matters and body language regarding the
opposite sex. All this affection pointed to one thing only. Yet she found herself hesitant to acknowledge
it as truth. There were too many things that could drastically change if the answer turned out to be as
she suspected, especially considering that it was based on her subjective interpretation of his actions. But
she vowed that she'd find the answer to her questions, one way or another, while she was here. She'd do
it for her, his and for their unborn child's sake.

Chapter 14: Refresh

Disclaimer: Coraline and whatever is to do with it belongs to Neil Gaiman/Henry Selick.
A/N: We've gotten to that point in the story where there will be no sex scenes for a while..
From here on in, I'm going to refer to the Beldam as Bel. I think it's okay to incorporate his
nickname now, and the Beldam is just plain annoying to type.


Chapter 14: Refresh

Bolting awake from her sleep, Coraline shook her head, trying to shake off the hazy, groggy
feeling that was wrapped about her mind, constricting it. She vaguely remembered having a dream, one
that she really liked. She tried with great difficulty to recall what it was.
Was I dreaming about going home again? She wondered. Now that she was pregnant, she knew she
only had nine months, maybe less to go before she would be free to return home.
Home. The thought of her original home made her sigh longingly. The exotic smells of her
father's cooking, the wide, genuine smiles of Wybie and Kate, the cracks and flaws in the walls of the
original Pink Palace, Cat sneaking into her window to spend the night with her.
The urge overpowered her reasonable, intelligent side. The side which protested loudly in her
head over such a reckless, unplanned action. The side which tried to remind her that she was carrying his
She ignored it, for the first time entertaining the idea of an abortion.. that is, if she succeeded
in escaping. She slipped down the stairs carefully, avoiding the noisy, tell-tale boards and found herself
standing before the wooden doors of the living room. She took a deep breath before trying the handle. In
her other hand she held a fireplace poker, in case she had to force her way through.
She frowned in surprise when she found it open. She was instantly suspicious. She looked to the
fireplace poker, contemplating. If she left it in the hall, Bel would be less likely to suspect her of trying
to break out of this place. On the other hand, to lose it would mean going weapon-less. She thought over it
carefully and decided to leave it beside the door. What would a thin metal stick be able to do against Bel
Taking a deep, quiet breath, she opened the door and entered. It was dark, but that didn't quell
her suspicion. It was dark when she entered while the Other Mother was getting 'refreshed'.
Her strength is our strength.
Coraline tried to ignore the sound of the Other Father's voice in her head as old memories were
dredged up from that single memory. Her palms were cold and sweaty. She placed one bare foot before
the other, moving quickly to where she knew the little door was. She was halfway there when she felt
eyes on her back.
She spun, quickly, as a bug-shaped chair tackled into her from the back, forcing her to sit, while
the door slammed shut behind her. The chair moved shakily, causing Coraline to sway side to side in her
seat before stopping abruptly.
"Coraline, Coraline," Bel's voice tsked in the dark. Coraline inhaled deeply, knowing she was
caught. "Would you mind telling me why you were heading for that little door? Trying to break our deal
while I'm incapacitated, perhaps?"
"I-" Coraline paused, just registering what he said. "Incapacitated?"
He didn't answer.
"Bel?" she prompted. "Why's it so dark in here?"
A dim light appeared before her, in the shape of a coffee table. It glowed brighter, reflecting off
the metallic form of Bel's spider form. She jumped, unused to seeing her sole companion in this place as a
cold metallic being.
He got up slowly, almost weakly, and grabbed her by the arm roughly, lowering his face to hers
and his eyebrows pointing downwards towards his nose in a glare. His button eyes glistened in the
growing light of the bug-shaped coffee table.
"Were you trying to escape, my dear?" he asked.
Despite the bone-chilling fear she felt deep within her, she met his intimidating gaze. It was
amazing what emotions buttons could express. Coraline decided to ignore his questions until he answered
hers. She had little to lose at this point. "Why are you incapacitated? Are you getting recharged or
The eyebrows lifted slightly. "How do you know that?"
"The Other Father told me.. The last time I was here,"
".. Lousy pumpkin.. " Bel muttered.
"I liked him,"
"Yes. Of course you would,"
Things were silent for a while as the Bel stared straight into the fireplace, seemingly ignoring
the girl fidgeting in the bug-chair.
"I miss home," she told him quietly. His eyes flickered to her face briefly, before he once again
fixed his gaze on the faux fire. "I miss my family, and my friends.. And Cat," She saw him twitch in
annoyance, but otherwise there was no other physical reaction. He remained still, unmoving. "It's tiring
you out, isn't it? It's exhausting you to maintain the house and keep me here,"
"Nothing a small meal wouldn't help," He shrugged.
"If you eat another child's soul I'll slice off those buttons," she said sharply, glaring at the
spider-like creature. He flashed her a slight smile.
"Will you now?" he grinned, the dim light of the room making his features seem more villainous,
more sinister.
"Yes," she said, enunciating the single syllable carefully.
The room fell silent, and she found herself nervously wringing her hands in her lap.
"Let's make another trade,"
The eyebrows above the buttons rose. "What kind of trade?"
"I'll go home. And I won't tell anyone what happened. I'll carry your child and when it's born, I'll
take him or her to you. In that way, you won't have to do this, and I still keep up my end of the deal,"
"Hmm.. I don't know, Coraline, what's stopping you from backing out of our deal?"
"You'll have the key," she pointed out. "You'll still be able to hurt my parents and friends if I
break our deal."
"That's true," he conceded, but said nothing more.
"Bel... Let me go. You're killing me here. I can't. . I can't live like this. Like a bird in a cage, bored
out of my mind.. "
"Perhaps. But you're forgetting something.. I'll die without you,"
She blinked. "Wait, what?"
He simply smiled in reply. "Stop trying to escape, sweetheart. I'll forgive you this time because of
how well-behaved you have been lately. But next time - you might not be so lucky."
She groaned. Why the heck did he have so many secrets? Was there anything she could talk to
him about without him changing the subject? Apparently not. She leaned back, arms crossed, just
managing to prevent herself from pouting.
"Why are you so tired anyway? It's not like you do all that much.. "
"The garden took more effort than I expected," he shrugged.
Her bad mood vanished almost instantly, replaced with something akin to guilt. Though it wasn't
directly her fault, she knew that he had spruced up the garden to cheer her up - there was no other
reason for him to have gone to such lengths.
"Oh," she replied.
Silence once again fell between the two and she twiddled her thumbs restlessly.
"May I leav-"
".. Fine," she sighed in boredom and spread herself over the armchair, trying to get comfortable.
She hung one leg over the right side of the armchair and leaned back, before deciding it wasn't the
position for her. She hung her head over the side. Nope. It didn't work either.
Maybe if I just put my feet over the top of the-
"What," She frowned at the chair, as she continued to wiggle on it.
"Settle down, will you love?"
"I don't like this chair," she said childishly.
He sighed, suddenly feeling ten times more tired than he had been. He left her to continue
squirming as he concentrated on regaining some of his strength.
Coraline, meanwhile, had given up on finding a comfortable position on the chair. Apparently,
there were none. She let out a large puff of air, trying to blow a stray lock of hair out of her eyes, but to
no avail. After many tries, and failures, she gave up and just left it there. She looked around the room.
Aside from all the insect furniture it was relatively normal. Finishing her scan, her eyes fell on the
owner of this peculiar realm. Bel seemed to really be focusing on something. Still feeling a strange sense
of guilt over his weakened state, she spoke up.
"Can I.. help at all?" she asked hesitantly.
"Yes. Stay here," he said.
".. Isn't that what I'm doing right now?"
"Yes, and it's helping,"
She nodded, before sighing. Helping was boring. She got up and walked around the room. A
wardrobe quickly moved before the small door, forbidding her access to it. She barely noticed, too busy
looking out the window of the room. She could see parts of the garden, with colourful insects flying
around it.
She moved on, brushing her fingers against the wall. They were cool to the touch and seemed to
pulse beneath her fingers. She contemplated withdrawing her fingers, but her curiosity outweighed her
fear. She pressed her palm into the wall. It seemed to reach out and caress her skin. She smiled, stroking
it further.
Bel sighed suddenly and that's when she suddenly stopped her motions. She quickly moved on,
doing her best not to acknowledge the fact that he had somehow felt her strokes. She bent down to look
at the green fire burning merrily at the fireplace. Red soot flitted around the space above the fire. She
wondered how that worked. It hurt her head too much to think of it and in the end wrote it down to
She straightened up again and tilted her head to one side, regarding the snow globes curiously.
The one that had broken years ago was still missing, though the rest was still there. She lifted one to
shake it.
The sudden noise made her jump and she nearly dropped the snow globe, only managing to catch
it by falling to the ground on one elbow.
"Ow.. " she muttered, checking herself for any injuries. Aside from a forming bruise on her elbow
she was fine. She got back up and placed the globe back onto its rightful place.
"Sweetheart, come here," Bel said. She sighed and moved to sit down next to him.
She placed a hand on her stomach, wondering if the fall had affected her baby at all, before
wondering why she even cared. Her head hurt from the continuous conflict, the maternal instinct she
possessed and the hatred she felt for any of his spawn, not to mention caution of the hurt she would
endure after getting separated from her child. She couldn't get too attached to it, she knew that, but it
was getting hard.. Even if it had been little over a week since she became aware of its existence.
She tried to distract herself, brushing away some strands of her hair, before focusing her
thoughts on something else. Something of close proximity.. Her eyes instantly fell on her lover, his cold
metallic form still reflecting the dull light. She remembered little of the feel of those metal limbs,
having been injured or panicking when that happened. Suddenly curious beyond belief, she reached out a
hand to touch him, before he spun around to glare at the hand hanging in the air. She pulled it back
slightly, before giving him a puppy look.
Bel was starting to regret asking her to stay. He rolled his eyes. "Fine," he muttered quietly, just
loud enough for her to hear. She beamed, and touched him without holding back. She ran her fingers
across his long limbs, traced zig-zag lines over them, retracted her steps when she reached the end of his
metallic appendages.
"You're really warm," she noted aloud. It wasn't hot to the point of hurting her, but he wasn't
freezing like she expected. In fact, the texture of his surfaces was lovely to touch and brush her fingers
against. It wasn't cold nor hot, yet it was smooth, blemish-free. She was starting to get addicted to the
feel of it.
As was Bel. Her touches were soothing and cool, it made the added stress from his problems as of
late seem to fade away. He let out a particularly heavy gust of breath and she paused, before taking her
hand away hesitantly. He glared at her.
"Keep going."
Her eyes widened before a grin broke out on her face and she continued to stroke him as he
ordered, enjoying the intimate touches almost as much as he did.


"Wybie.. You look horrid. Have you slept at all?" Kate asked worriedly.
"No.. I have to think of a way to save Coraline. None of the letters have reached her. The Beldam
knows we're trying to get her out, so we have no element of surprise.. " Wybie mumbled to himself, pacing
up and down. Kate watched him, at a loss for what to do.
"Well.. There's only one key, right?" Kate said. "Which we don't have.. If we did, we could open
that door and get her," Kate sighed. She wasn't really helping, she knew. But there was nothing more she
could do.. Was there?
Wybie suddenly straightened up - no easy feat for a hunchback - and stared at his girlfriend
with wide eyes.
"W-what?" she stuttered, her heart racing from his, and consequently her jolt of surprise.
"That's it! Thanks, Kate!" he hollered, before running out of the room.
She stared after him for a second before removing two strips of paper of her pocket and
regarding them with a sigh. "I guess now would be a bad time for a date.. " she sighed again, before slipping
the movie tickets into her bag and leaving him to put whatever plan he had to use.

Chapter 15: Rescue

Disclaimer: I seem to be getting lazier. Coraline. Neil Gaiman. Henry Selick. Everybody happy?


Chapter 15: Rescue

Coraline let the coolness of the bathroom tiles eradicate the heat in her cheeks. Her breathing
slowed as her body calmed after her sudden burst to the bathroom right after waking up, not wanting to
taint the bed with last night's meal.. And god knows what else.
She groaned as she repeated her usual routine, brushing her teeth carefully, then moving down
the stairs to eat breakfast.
She flopped onto a chair and promptly collapsed her head onto her folded arms. The cutlery on
the table clanked from her violent movement.
"Have I mentioned how much I hate being pregnant?" she asked.
He chuckled lightly. "Not really, but I'll keep it in mind," She moved her head on her arms so she
could watch him as he continued to prepare breakfast. "You're up early today," he commented.
"Morning sickness," she answered, admiring the expert flips of the pancakes, and their graceful
landing back into the pan. Her eyes moved to the father of her child preparing the pancakes. "You look
better," she noted, he was in human form and had those dark, practically black orbs for eyes instead of the
"Fully recharged," he smirked at her, glancing at her briefly over his shoulder.
Her eyes stayed on his motions, hypnotised by his practised skill at preparing food. As usual, he
had eyes in the back of his head.
"Yes, Coraline?" he asked, without turning away from the food, bending to check the pie in the
"Nothing," she replied. "Just wondering if I could ever cook like you,"
He paused at the wistful tone in her voice. "I could teach you," he answered before resuming
what he was doing. She was instantly suspicious.
"What, like the last time you taught me something new?" she asked dryly. "Non-school related, of
course," she added, remembering that they still had daily lessons, with him helping her catch up on her
He laughed. "No, nothing like that. Plus, you were the one who said, and I quote, that you could
'handle it',"
She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. It was disgusting. I never want to do it again,"
He smiled slightly to himself. "But it was so incredibly erotic, dear," he said teasingly.
"To you, maybe. It was just plain disgusting on my end," she said.
"Hmm," he answered, amused. "So, any plans for today?"
"Eat. Sleep. Learn. Walk in garden. The usual," she shrugged. He nodded. She frowned, realising
something was missing.. A certain activity that used to be slotted neatly into her schedule every day, in
fact, several times a day. She wondered why it had suddenly disappeared. It was now a week.. And he
hadn't so much as touched her once.
Not that she was complaining.
"You certainly love staring at me, don't you, Coraline dearest?" Bel said in an amused voice, his
back still towards her.
"I don't have anything else to stare at," she answered.
"The walls are lovely,"
".. I'm not so sure if you're kidding or being serious," He smiled at her before laying more food out
before her. The proximity of the dish allowed the delicious smell to waft over to her faster, in strong
waves. As soon as the scent of it hit her, she groaned, before running out of the room to once again throw
up everything she had.
Bel watched her go with a sigh. He knew he shouldn't have bothered cooking breakfast that


Coraline slipped through the front door, a wide smile on her face. The garden truly was
fantastic. After what had to be the most horrible pukefest she'd had so far, her daily stroll in the
gardens was a sweet relief, and served to nurse her weary soul. She stepped back to her room, wondering
what Bel was doing. She paused abruptly when she realised the door to the sitting room was open. She
frowned, wondering if he was in there or something. As she stared at the room, something she had least
expected to happen took place.
Coraline froze in shock as her eyes lay upon the opening door.
A curly-haired head emerged from the tunnel, and Coraline's heart dropped.
"Coraline!" Wybie cried out, his face breaking into a relieved smile. He moved forward without
her noticing, and embraced the girl. "I've been so worried," He pushed her away from him abruptly and
surveyed her carefully. "Are you alright?"
Her face had gone ashen white and she stared at her friend in horror. "You shouldn't be here.
How did you even get here?" Her voice was nothing more than a hoarse whisper.
"Well, see, I had this great idea. I made a mould of the key hole and-"
"You forged a key," she finished, sounding more horrified than ever.
"Yeah," he nodded. "Come on, let's get you home," He tugged on her arm and bent down towards the
tunnel. Coraline let him pull her for a second, before digging her heel into the ground, stopping him from
pulling her any further.
"I can't," she said. "Wybie, I can't go home with you!"


Bel could sense the exact moment Wybie entered his realm, and he took off running towards the
little door.
"Wybie, I can't go home with you!"
He stopped abruptly and decided not to reveal himself for the time being, too curious to
interrupt them.
"Why not?" Just the sound of the intruder's voice caused Bel to see red.
"Because-Because he has a key too! He could come after us, Wybie!"
Bel felt a tinge of disappointment at her reply. However, the stutter made him curious as to
whether she had a different answer. He stopped his thoughts right there. Why did he care about what
reason she had about wanting to stay? In fact, why did he care about whether she stayed or not?
Because she's mine. He reasoned, but was left with a strange sense of dissatisfaction at his own
"We'll fight him off," Wybie argued urgently.
"With what, our bare hands?" Coraline retorted. "No, I can't. Also.. " she hesitated. Wybie stopped
pulling her for a second. He could almost sense what she was going to say next. "I'm already pregnant," she
blurted out in a shaky voice.
Bel got a glimpse quickly and couldn't help a smirk of triumph at Wybie's horrified face. Wybie
closed his eyes in resignation, before re-opening them mere seconds later and maneuvering her to the
"It's alright. We'll get you an abortion, find a way to get that... thing out of you,"
Wybie held onto her shoulders and stared straight into her eyes. For a second Coraline forgot to
breathe, as she wondered when exactly he'd grown so tall.
"We'll find a way out of this, Coraline. I promise. Just come back with me,"
Coraline stared at him, her mind going around in circles. Finally, she looked away. "Alright," she
said in a low whisper. He smiled, briefly, before releasing her and moving to the door. Bel felt his gut
clench, and for a moment he froze, unable to do anything.
"Ladies first," Wybie said, gesturing to the door. Coraline shook her head.
"No, you go first," she said firmly. "Don't argue," she ordered sharply when he opened his mouth to
protest. He shrugged and dropped to his knees before moving through the door.
Sensing that it was time to make his entrance, Bel moved towards the doorway. He hurried his
steps when Coraline bent down.. Then paused in surprise when she slammed the door shut.
"Coraline! Coraline?" Wybie pounded on the door, his voice high and panicked.
Coraline grunted with exertion as Wybie tried to force his way back through.
"Move," Coraline jumped in surprise at Bel's voice and the non-human being took the opportunity
to push her aside. He then gave the door a sharp kick which reverberated around the room and forced
Wybie to give out a shocked shout that seemed to fade into the distance.
Coraline watched as Bel began hacking out the key, before inserting it into the keyhole and
turning it. It clicked three times. Coraline stared at it, realising she'd missed what might have been her
only chance at leaving this wretched place. The gulp of Bel swallowing the key only assured her that her
fate was sealed.
"He won't be coming back," Bel informed her, only confirming what she already knew.
"Did you hear everything?" she asked.
"Almost," he answered truthfully.
"Are you angry?" She still couldn't bring herself to look at him. At first, he didn't answer and
Coraline was starting to think he wouldn't, when he did.
She sighed. "I'm sorry,"
"You almost left,"
"Yeah.. "
"You were about to break our bet,"
"I know.. "
"Why didn't you?" he asked, genuinely puzzled. The action of staying behind seemed completely
unlike her. She was creative, intelligent and strong-headed. She could always find a way out of things...
their previous game excepted, of course. Why didn't she leave?
"Like I said.. You could have come after us,"
"You would have found a way to stop me,"
"How do you know that?" she asked impatiently, finally turning her head to look at him. "And
why do you care why I didn't leave? I didn't. That should be all that matters to you, shouldn't it?"
He had no answer to that.
"Shouldn't it?" she asked, prompting him.
".. Dinner should be ready soon," he said and proceeded to leave the room. He expected that to be
the end of their conversation and was more than a little surprised when she grabbed onto his arm to pull
him back.
"Answer me, Bel!"
"Coraline," he said sternly, his eyes widening at her defiant behaviour. She had been so docile in
front of him lately that he was surprised at how strongly she was suddenly fighting back.
"Come on, Bel, tell me what's the reason you want me to stay? And don't say our bet.. You've
never cared about honouring promises, and even so the reason I stayed wouldn't have mattered if that
was all there was to it."
Coraline clutched his arm more tightly, seizing this opportunity. "Bel, do you care for me? Tell
me the truth,"
"That's enough, Coraline!" Bel practically yelled back to her. She was sure she was pissing him off
like crazy, but at this point she didn't care.
"No, it is not enough!" she yelled back. "It is not enough that you're always confusing me, playing
around with me and constantly, constantly changing the subject!" She sucked in a deep breath to replenish
her air supply before begging him with her eyes for an answer. "Tell me, Bel. It doesn't matter if it's yes
or no. Just give me a straight answer."
They were engaged in a staring contest and Coraline contemplated backing down a few times,
only to remember the little being in her womb and the promise she had made to it.
Finally, Bel grasped her hand and pulled it off his arm gently, before leaving the room without
so much as a word. Coraline sighed before collapsing into one of the armchairs with an even gustier sigh.
She would never know of the storm she had awakened in the Beldam's head, and his heart.

Chapter 16: Real

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or plot of Coraline. They belong to Neil Gaiman/Henry
Selick. But really - I don't want it. So maybe that's a good thing.


Chapter 16: Real

Kate squirmed in the armchair nervously. It had been nearly ten minutes since Wybie had gone..
What if he never came back? She bit into her thumbnail, trying to divert her attention. At least they
didn't have to worry about the Joneses coming back and discovering that their daughter's two best
friends had trespassed into their house. Charlie Jones had fallen sick from all the stress, and Mel Jones
hadn't been seen away from his side.
She prayed that Wybie would come back safely, preferably with Coraline, equally as safe.
She jolted to a stand when Wybie burst through the little door he had come through, and it shut
by itself mysteriously, clicking three times.
"No!" Wybie reached for the door, tugging it, only to find it locked. He quickly recovered his own
key and attempted to shove it into the hole, only to find it no longer fit. "Shit," The profanity escaped his
mouth before he was even aware of it.
"Wybie.. Coraline?" Kate asked, standing by his side, swaying worriedly.
He shook his head. "She wouldn't. . she wouldn't come,"
"Wouldn't?" Kate echoed.
"She's scared for us.. And she's already pregnant,"
Kate's eyes widened at that and she held a hand over her mouth. "Oh, no.. "
"Yeah," Wybie agreed, glaring at the little door that was the source of all their misery.


Four months passed without incident.

Coraline was no closer to getting her answer. Bel continued to ignore her whenever she brought
it up, and after that last heated conversation, he had continued to treat her the same as he always did.
With a lot of pet names, and even more food.
She had finally stopped having morning sickness about a month and a half ago, and was free to
continue pigging out, now with the excuse of eating for two. Her midriff had begun to bulge out and she
had to constantly remember to be careful not to bump into anything with her extra girth. Still, it wasn't
all bad. It was nice to feel the bump. It was hard, yet soft at the same time. She found herself often
unconsciously running her hands over it, before quickly removing them.
While she had yet to get an answer to her burning question, she somehow sensed that the
dynamics of their relationship had changed. Or at least it did on her end. The first three weeks in the
Other World she had been caught in a conflict of pleasure and guilt, and had been relieved when they
stopped having sex after that last night of celebration. However, recently she had found that she couldn't
look at him without thinking of how good it had felt to have him inside her, and she liquefied between
the legs in anticipation of having him there again. But he hadn't so much as touched her after that night
in the garden.
Maybe he really didn't care for me after all.. She realised with a sigh.
"Coraline?" Bel prompted, an eyebrow raised.
"Keep kneading and stop thinking so much,"
She continued to pound at the dough, realising that while she was zoning out her hands had
stilled. When he had offered to help her learn to cook he hadn't been kidding and while she had yet to
cook a meal by herself, she had assisted him during the preparation of each meal.
She pushed the dough around roughly, releasing all her pent-up frustration on the relatively
innocent mix of flour and water.
Bel watched her out of the corner of his eye silently, glad that he wasn't at the receiving end of
the kneading. When she started to punch it violently, he decided it was time to intervene. He placed a
hand on her wrist.
"That's enough, sweetheart. We're making dinner rolls, not punching bags,"
She was panting and glaring at the much battered dough, but at least she stopped trying to
murder the non-living item. He removed a piece of cloth from his pocket and mopped her brow. She half-
smiled at him gratefully, then started tearing off pieces to roll up and place on a tray.

All that effort... And I'm still the only one eating. She lamented, chewing on a piece of bread.
Despite the abuse it went through, it still tasted pretty good. She would've asked Bel's opinion if not for
the fact that he found all non-living food disgusting. And as uncomfortable as it was to be seating at the
table with someone who didn't dine with her, it was worse when he brought the food he ate in front of
her. She shuddered just thinking about that one unfortunate incident. Her morning sickness had just
receded and he had to bite that insect in half.
And the pukefest began all over again..
"Something wrong?" Bel asked, lifting an eyebrow at her.
".. You should be glad I'm not arachnophobic," she said.
He sighed. The further on she progressed with her pregnancy, the less lucid she seemed to
become. And she always brought up the worst and most random subjects.
"So, you have an answer for me yet?" she asked. He sighed again, and resisted the urge to massage
the bridge of his nose. She licked her fork as Bel treated her like air, as he always did when she brought
up the issue. "Okay then, how about this? Do you.. hate me?" she asked, wondering if maybe it was an easier
topic. If he hated her still, it would still be disastrous for their child. Unfortunately, Bel remained silent,
but the twitching of his fingers told her he was starting to get truly tired of her interrogations. "You
know, the sooner you give me an answer, the sooner I'll stop pestering you about the matter," she pointed
"I don't understand why you want to know so badly," Bel said, pushing his chair back and moving
behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders and massaging gently.
"Because-" She shuddered again as his hands, large and thin as they were, rubbed out the tension
from her. Seconds passed as he relaxed her, before she realised what was going on and quickly pulled his
hands off her. "Stop that! Look, it's important for us to get it out in the open, alright? What your answer
is could challenge the very balance of our relationship!"
"And what relationship are you referring to, dearest?"
"That-!" She cut off abruptly when she realised.. She didn't know. "I... I have no idea! That's
exactly why I need an answer from you! I have no idea what this-" she pointed between them. "-is, what
we are!"
"Coraline.. " he slipped his hands back onto her shoulders.
"No, don't you 'Coraline' me!" she snapped, shoving his hands away and standing up from the chair.
"I can't believe this! How hard can it be for you to answer one question? It's really not that hard! Haven't
I already told you that all I want is a straight answer? That it didn't matter what the answer was?
Then, hurry up and-" her yelled rambling abruptly ended as she gasped, falling back into her chair.
Bel's eyes widened and he reached out to grasp her arms before she made contact with the chair.
"Coraline?" he shouted, as he lowered her more gently onto her chair. There was a stunned look on her
face and as soon as her bottom touched the chair, her hands flew to her stomach. Suddenly Bel's breath
caught in his throat. Could it be..?
Coraline gasped again, then looked up at Bel with that same stunned look. "Bel," she gripped the
hands still holding onto her upper arms and promptly placed it on her stomach. He held his breath
unknowingly, waiting. Then, just when he was starting to suspect that his child had gone still again, it
kicked his palm. He jumped, as if jolted by electricity. "It's kicking," Coraline whispered in awe, pointing
out the obvious. Bel could only nod. The two remained like that, their previous discussion forgotten as
their child fluttered, and kicked, and pressed its little fingers against its mother's belly, so that the
imprint could be seen.
Coraline was stunned. Somehow, the idea that she was pregnant had never really hit her, because
she never really accepted it. But now, with the violent kicks, she had never been more aware of the life
growing inside her. And strangely enough, she wasn't filled with hate at the idea of carrying his spawn.
No, she felt this warm, sweet sensation in her tummy, aside the jostling from her child. She was happy,
she realised, happy to have a child. The realisation hit her like a ton of bricks. So distracted was she that
she was only vaguely aware of Bel's hands still pressed against her swollen midriff until he spoke.
"I don't hate you," he muttered, barely incomprehensible.
"Hmm?" she asked, having not been listening to him, or even aware of her surroundings.
"I don't hate you. I never have," Bel repeated, slightly louder. "As for whether I care for you.. "
She waited for his answer with bated breath.
"I do," Coraline's breath was released from her in a relieved sigh. "But, whether it's in the way
you think.. "
He paused for nearly four minutes, and Coraline waited patiently, understanding that honesty
must be difficult for Bel, especially regarding such a matter.
"I don't know,"
Slowly, she grasped one of the thin hands spread across her pregnant stomach. He looked up at
her face slowly, and was surprised to find her smiling. "That's enough for now. Thank you,"


Bel didn't understand the gratitude. Why thank him? What was she thanking him for?
He played with a tendril of her hair, curling it around his finger, then uncurling it absent-
mindedly. His other hand remained on her belly, enjoying the sensation of their baby kicking away
energetically as its mother slept. He was still trying to make sense of the girl beside him, and stared at
the ceiling as if it could give him all the answers to his problems.
He had been lenient lately, allowing her to shout and scream at him, and bring up uncomfortable
discussions without any fear of threats from him. Was it wise, he wondered, to allow her to see him as an
equal? Not that it mattered.. She had never seen him as above her. She had always met him head-on. But
still, to allow her to dominate him like that..
Did he love her? How would he know? Was there a manual out there about love? All those soppy
love stories.. And yet none could give him a better clue of what to expect from his own experiences.
He sighed and turned his head to burrow into her shoulder. Coraline moaned and shifted.
Perhaps it isn't love that I feel for her.. Or perhaps it is. All I know at this moment is that I
have never felt more.. content.
His child kicked him as soon as he finished that thought as if in agreement and he smiled.

Chapter 17: Restrain

Disclaimer: ….Argh. I can't believe I have to write this again. Coraline belongs to Neil Gaiman
and Henry Selick. I own nothing.


Chapter 17: Restrain

"Nnnn.. Ah!" Coraline moaned as lips caressed her throat, hair, jaw. A cool hand moved down to
press against her distended belly, and the contact on the sensitive skin of her stomach made her moan
again, loudly. Coraline could feel the burning liquification of her nether regions. She was desperate to
feel him. "Bel... Please.. Put it in me.. "
She caught a glimpse of that knowing grin, then his hand moved to brush between her legs,
causing the bluenette to arch her back at the sensation. "Bel!" she cried out again, half in annoyance, and
the other half in desperation. Before her back so much as touched the bed again, she felt the soft head of
his arousal press against her opening. She couldn't help the hissed "Yessss.. " that escaped her mouth. The
creature above her hiked her legs up, causing her womanhood to stretch out and expose itself to him. He
gave her one last look, as if asking for her permission. Coraline nodded, then Bel pulled back, getting
ready for that one shove which would put him back where she knew he belonged..


Coraline gasped awake, squealing as she nearly fell off the bed. She grasped onto the covers for
dear life, then quickly pulled herself back onto the bed. It took her a few stunned seconds, before
realisation hit her, and she groaned.
Always.. I always wake up JUST when he's about to do it.
She lamented, groaning in utter frustration. The thought that she actually wanted her captor to
sleep with her rarely bothered her anymore. She was far too horny for that. All the pregnancy hormones
were just urging her to jump his bones, push him down and...
She shook her head suddenly, trying to regain some semblance of control. Deciding that just being
in bed was too strong of a stimulus for her, she threw off the blankets and moved into the bathroom to
clear her bladder, as she did more and more frequently nowadays, especially when the baby decided to
kick her bladder. She then moved down the stairs and stood in the doorway, watching the father of her
first child busily working away at the stove, as usual. She leaned against the door-frame, entranced by
his expert movements, as always, but this time for a different reason. She watched the thin, long-fingered
hand crack open an egg with just one hand, and remembered what else he could do with those fingers,
especially in her dream. Those lips curled into a smile, hiding the pink organ within which had delved
into her folds more than once. Her eyes wandered down, below the waist, to the currently limp
appendage that had managed to satisfy her so well. Just a few touches and-
"Coraline dear?" Bel called out, lifting an eyebrow at the heated scrutinizing and hungry lip
licking. "Don't you want to.. sit down?"
"Uh.. Right," she pretended to suddenly be very interested in the ground, slightly embarrassed
that he had caught her predatory gaze.

She couldn't look at a single piece of food on the table without somehow connecting it to sex. She
wanted to pinch herself at how depraved she was being. She felt like some kind of dirty old man or
"I'm done," she quickly excused herself from the table, unable to withstand being near him. She
was so close to losing control.
"Alright.. " Coraline was acting very weird. Bel knew something was wrong.. But he didn't know
for sure what it was.
Coraline began stacking the dishes, clearing away the leftovers to be kept for later. As much as
Bel disapproved, she hated seeing all the food wasted. Bel moved to help Coraline, placing the dishes on
the pile, when through coincidental timing, their fingers collided with each other. Coraline jolted, and
Bel quickly pulled away at her reaction. He cleared his throat rather awkwardly, then continued
clearing away the food.
".. Why?" she asked, looking at him in a befuddled manner.
"Why what, love?" Bel replied.
"Why don't you touch me?"
This gave him pause and he stared at her in a confusion similar to hers. "You jumped, so I
"Not that! This," she pulled his hand away from the dishes and placed it on her right breast.
Coraline hoped this was enough of a hint, and it seemed to be, if the way his eyes widened were any
indication. But immediately afterward, he removed his hand from her chest and resumed stacking the
countless plates of foods on the table. "Bel!"
"That's enough, Coraline," Bel chided, his strict tone making him sound more like the Other
Mother than ever. He moved to place the pile of plates into the sink. Coraline followed him, and when the
breakables were safely placed into the sink, she grabbed his elbow and forcefully turned him around.
"So that's how it is, huh? You don't want to sleep with me anymore because I'm huge now?" she
screeched at him, and promptly burst into tears. For once, Bel was at a loss of what to say.
"That's not it-"
"That's not it? That's not it?" She moved forward, causing Bel to step back cautiously. "Then what
is it?" she yelled, jabbing a finger forward into this chest. "You rape me continuously for three weeks, and
now you're avoiding touching me like the plague, and you're telling me that's not it?"
"Yes.. ?" he replied unsurely, at a loss of how to deal with her unreasonable mood.
Coraline growled at his reply, and before Bel could so much as step away, she tackled him to the
ground. They rolled around for several seconds, before she managed to thrust her face up into his and
their lips met forcefully. She was so horny from all the hormones raging about her body that she could
hardly register what was happening. She straddled his crotch while she kissed him, pressing her heat
against his growing one.
Now Bel knew how bad the mood swings of pregnant women were. He let her kiss him, pin him
down against the ground. Truth be told, being dominated by the mother of his child was making him
ridiculously hot.
Coraline was much more turned on. She mashed her lips against Bel's and licked all over the
inside of his mouth. He had often done that to her, but never once had she taken the initiative and done
the same. But now, actions such as that which had never appealed to her was arousing her like crazy. She
moaned into his mouth as she rocked her hips against his. His erection grew rapidly, until it began to hurt
to have her so close and yet not be inside her. Her fingers tore at his clothes, and when the cloth
obstacles had been gotten rid off, she felt his chest up shamelessly, running her palms up and down.
Reaching out, he too tore away her dress until it reached her midriff, the cupped her two
magnificent globes. They had grown in size since the last time he was allowed to fondle them, no doubt
from carrying a child which would need its milk soon. He squeezed her breasts desperately, forcing more
moans from the girl on top of him, and then some gasps as he teased her sensitive nipples, pinching and
rubbing them.
She broke their kiss to release a particularly loud gasp, and he took the opportunity to rip her
dress completely down the middle, before throwing it to the side. It was soon joined by her panties.
Meanwhile, Coraline had displayed a rare demonstration of her strength when desperate, and had torn
the button and part of the zip in an attempt to remove his pants. Unfortunately, she wasn't strong enough
to tear it all off. Growling in irritation, she stood up and pulled the pants and boxers right off him, giving
Bel a good look at her pink opening by doing so. When she was done, she straddled him once again,
positioning her crevice right above his fully erect cock.
"Coraline," Bel panted, not really believing what was about to come out of his mouth. "Are you
sure you want to-"
She shoved herself down onto him, and they both groaned. She felt so full of him again, and a
thrill ran up her spine. She instantly started bouncing on him, her movements clumsy. It didn't help that
she could hardly see what she was bouncing on with her distended stomach in the way. When he slipped
out, both groaned again, and Bel quickly re-positioned himself, and then placed his hands on her waist,
guiding her on him. She simply thrust herself harder onto him in gratitude.
Coraline continued her lustful frenzy, hardly even registering what she was doing. All she knew
was that it felt so good to finally have that thirst quenched, to fill up the emptiness within her..
literally. Unfortunately, within a minute or two, she was exhausted, and paused for a second. She panted
above Bel, looking down at him, cheeks flushed and with a wild look in her eyes. Nothing was said as their
gazes were locked, neither able to look away.
That's when the baby, having sensed the invading shaft, kicked wildly all over her belly and they
both jolted at the sudden force. Coraline threw her head back, and moaned loudly. This spurred Bel into
motion, lifting her butt up slightly and thrusting up into her. Coraline's moans grew in volume, and
suddenly, she reached her climax, gasping.
Bel's eyes darted towards where they were connected, slightly stunned at the amount of fluid
secreted out, running down his shaft. Her insides clenched him tightly, angrily, without mercy, and he
had to concentrate fully in an effort not to end this session so rapidly. He paused his thrusting, trying to
catch his breath. He watched Coraline recovering from her orgasm, head bent over slightly, eyes blank,
hair slick with sweat slightly covering her face as they stuck to her cheek and neck. He reached up and
brushed them back gently. She looked up, her eyes focused on him. He smiled at her, then moved his hand
downwards and rubbed her belly. As expected, their child kicked back at the hand, as if annoyed at having
been disturbed. As not expected, Coraline started moaning suddenly, her passageway tightening around
him and her liquid flowed once again. Experimentally, her rubbed against her belly again, and her hand,
spread out against his chest, started pressing into his ribs.
Extremely pleased at himself at having found such a sensitive erogenous zone, he rolled her over
to her side, then thrust back into her from behind, while stroking her belly gently. She squirmed, gasping,
as the sensations overwhelmed her. Within seconds, she tensed, and came all over his shaft once again.
This time the bruising kneading was too much for him. Quickly, he pulled out and three thick, white ropes
of semen landed on her stomach in stripes. He panted into her neck, exhausted.
"I didn't think it was necessary to do something like that, but.. Wow." he muttered against her
back. She chuckled. He held her for
"There's something on my stomach," she noted.
"I didn't think it was a good idea to introduce our child to my seed,"
".. I didn't either," she said, though she did feel somewhat empty at not housing what he usually
left behind. With a grunt, he rose, and fetched a wet cloth from beside the kitchen sink to clean her up.
She yawned as he did so, and was asleep when she was all clean. She barely registered having been
carried back to her room.
He placed her in bed, before lying with her and drawing the blankets over both of them. She
latched onto him like a leech, snuggling into his warmth. He shifted slightly, then curled his arm around
her, and moved closer to her.
She stirred slightly and couldn't help but to think about just how nice it is to have someone
beside her, radiating warmth. She was asleep again within seconds.

Chapter 18: Redecorating

Disclaimer: Coraline and its plot, settings and characters by no means belongs to me. It belongs
to.. somebody else.
A/N: A cute, short, pointless chapter. Because I like 'em that way. This story's kind of dragging
on. I'm really sorry about that.


Chapter 18: Redecorating.

She groaned when her eyes were assaulted by a bright slit of light peeking in through her
curtains. She sighed, realising her source of warmth had already left the bed. Groggily, she rose and
groaned again as her whole body protested the movements. She was sore everywhere. Such exertion
while carrying another child was simply not easy. But it was certainly fun. She tried to push the thought
out of her head as she sat up, slipping on a pair of blue elephant slippers and a robe, then got up and
shuffled down the stairs.
When Coraline got to the doorway she watched him for a few seconds, before going up to him and
wrapping her arms around his waist, and leaning her cheek against his wide back.
"Yes, Coraline?" Bel sounded more amused than anything.
"Nothing," she replied honestly. "Your back's really warm. I missed it in bed,"
He laughed. "You didn't miss the rest of me, love?" he asked, teasing.
Coraline paused rubbing her cheek against the warmth of his back. "Well.. no. Not really," she
replied, her tone equally as cheeky.
Bel raised an eyebrow at the eggs he was cooking. "Not even this part?" he asked, snatching one of
the tiny hands grasped at his waist and moving it to his erect member. Her swelled breast and womb that
carried his child pressing against his back - along with the cheek - didn't do much to calm him down
She gasped and pulled her hand away. He grinned at her reaction. It was almost worth having
her cease rubbing her cheek against his back so intimately. Almost.
"What's wrong, Coraline? You didn't seem to have so much trouble tackling me to the ground and
forcing yourself on me yesterday. And today you're frightened off by a mere touch?"
"Whatever," she mumbled, blushing, as she took her normal seat at the table. He smirked as she
avoided his gaze, staring pointedly out the window.
Coraline jumped suddenly as she continued staring out the window. "What's wrong?" Bel asked,
feeling as startled as she.
"Oh.. Nothing. He, um, she, um, it kicked me," Coraline said, running her hands over her belly, as
she jolted again from the force of the kicks.
"May I feel?" Bel asked in an almost timid manner. Well, timid for the Beldam. Coraline stared at
him, taken aback by the question. Bel waited. When still no response came, he called her name. She jumped
"Huh? Oh, of course," Coraline brushed back a stray lock of hair that had somehow fallen into face,
allowing her hand to linger over her face to cover her red cheeks, tinted from embarrassment.
Bel chuckled lightly, then moved up from his seat to tower over her. Moving her hands away
gently, he removed her dragonfly clip, before brushing the lock back with the clump of hair she always
held back, managing not to tear out any strands as she often did, before fastening the clip back.
"Oh, thank yo-"
He bent down gently, and she gasped as he knelt beside her. Then he pressed his fingers to her
warm belly. The child within her instantly kicked back at him.
He smiled again, then leaned forward to press his ear against her belly. He winced when it kicked
his ear, then started laughing. It became contagious, and she started laughing.
It was a completely perfect moment. Perfect enough to make Coraline suspicious of what was to
come. But she put it out of her head. She didn't want to ruin the moment.
"So," Bel said, lifting his ear from her rather large midriff. "Have any plans today?" he asked with
a lifted eyebrow.
"Not.. Particularly.. "
"Well then, I was wondering if you would like to help me.. "


"Wow.. I hardly recognise the place," Coraline remarked, and like the curious creature she was,
brushed her fingers against the nearest surface, wondering about the feel of the wallpaper-less walls of
her Other Parents' Room.
"That was the intention," Bel remarked as he walked around the bare room.
"What are you planning to do with the place?" Coraline asked.
"What do you think?" he replied. She turned to him, frowning, head tilted to the side, before
realisation hit her.
"No! Don't tell me you-"
"-plan to turn this place into our kid's room? I have no idea what you're talking about. You may
also want to pick your jaw off the floor now, sweetheart,"
Coraline closed her mouth with an audible snap. She watched him move about the room,
memorising each angle and imagining different designs for the room. She moved to stand next to him,
wondering if she stared long enough at what he was gazing so intensely at, she might see what he did.
"Green and yellow are gender-neutral colours, right?" Coraline asked absent-mindedly.
"Gender-neutral colours?" Bel asked in a tone of slight disbelief, and slight derision. She stared up
at him, frowning.
Then, Coraline gasped. "You know its gender!" she accused.
The corner of his mouth tilted up, just a little. "Maybe," he teased.
"You do. You totally do! Tell me!"
"Don't you want it to be a surprise?"
She groaned, loud and lengthily. "Stop tormenting me!"
"Here, a gender-neutral colour," he handed her a can of beige paint.
"You've got to be kidding me. Come on, Bel!" she whined desperately.
"Actually, I am joking. How'd you know? It's glue. We're going to use this wallpaper," he held up a
patterned roll of wallpaper. It was polka-dotted, and coloured two shades of purple. A lighter background
and darker dots.
Coraline gasped. "It's a girl?"
Bel paused. "Purple isn't gender-neutral?" he asked, genuinely baffled. Coraline frowned, her
excited expression disappearing.
"It's not a girl?" she pouted.
"I didn't say that,"
"So it's a girl?"
"I didn't say that either, love,"
"Beeeeeeellllllll.. ."


A/N: I'm leaving the gender ambiguous for now. All you need to know is that Bel knows the
Chapter 19: Rely
Disclaimer: Neil Gaiman, Henry Selick own Coraline's characters, plot, and.. does anyone even
bother reading this anymore?


Chapter 19: Rely

"Don't I seem.. bigger than is normal?" Coraline asked worriedly. "I mean, I'd almost think I'm
having twins. It's only been about five months, and-"
"Stop worrying, Coraline. It's not good for the baby."
"Our child is fine, and developing as a human would. Leave it at that, my dearest,"
She frowned, but cuddled back down against his side as he wrapped his arms around her back.
Though he wouldn't admit it to Coraline, he too was quite worried. The last five months had been
relatively normal. The baby developed as most human ones do. But shortly after they finished
refurbishing the nursery, the baby started growing just that little bit faster. And faster. And faster.
And it almost seemed like it was getting harder for him to 'see' the child. But he couldn't tell
Coraline that. Though she didn't show it, he knew she was getting close to a nervous breakdown. She
worried about the baby, and was utterly terrified about the impending date of her birth giving.
Informing her of a sudden growth spurt their baby was going through could be what will finally push her
completely off the edge.
"Bel?" Coraline prompted quietly.
"Yes?" He asked, snapped out of his own fears and worries.
"I'm scared,"
He paused, unsure of how to respond to that comment.
"I'm scared we'll lose him. Her. It,"
He smiled a tiny smile against her hair. It was the only response that revealed the pleasure he
felt at her affection for their child. Their child. A tingle of pleasure ran through him. He nuzzled against
her neck with his lips.
"He'll be fine,"
Coraline forgot all of her worries when he voiced out that one sentence. "It's a guy!" she
".. Maybe,"
"He is, isn't he?"
"Maybe. Or maybe I'm just throwing you off by calling it a 'he'," Bel chuckled at the frustration he
could feel in the tensing of her limbs.
"Bel!" Coraline groaned. "We can't keep calling him 'it',"
"Then use 'him', darling. But just refering to that child with 'him' doesn't make it a 'him',
She snorted, the sound becoming muffled against his side. "You're absolutely impossible,"
"Thank you, sweetheart."


"He's so heavy," Coraline whined as she flopped back down onto a couch after a mad dash to the
toilet to relieve her much-abused bladder. She scooted to be closer to Bel, attracted by his heat like a
moth to flame.
"Fireplace not enough?" he inquired as she snuggled up against him.
"No.. Still a bit chilly,"
With a large crackle the fire grew. "Better?"
"Yeah.. Much.. " she pressed herself closer against him. She did somewhat understand that she was
in the living room, and the large insect-wardrobe still barricaded the passage back to her home but she
didn't care. She was too busy trying to warm up her body. Bel stroked her arm, moving his fingers up and
down the length of her arm in an attempt to warm her up more quickly. After the first frenzied session
of lovemaking, and the week that followed, they slowed down drastically and Coraline didn't find herself
so desperate for some midnight companionship anymore. Simple touches like his strokes on her arm were
Coraline stared into the fireplace and her thoughts wandered off. She wondered how her son
would grow. What would his first word be? When will he take his first step? What type of person would
he become? Will he grow into someone like his dad?
For a second she was tempted to ask Bel if she could come back and visit her child, to see him,
watch his progress.
But she couldn't. It was too risky.. By re-opening the door, letting her guard down, he could hurt
her family, and her friends, at any time. She couldn't risk that. It hurt to think that she would get to
know her child, but at the same time, she knew it was for the best.
Unbeknownst to Coraline, Bel was having similar thoughts. He hated the idea of his child never
knowing its mother, and vice versa. He racked his brain for an idea of how to make her stay. He had to
keep her in the Other World. But how? What way was there to make her stay, without breaking their
"Tell me something about you," Coraline commanded, snapping both of them out of their thoughts,
anything to distract her. Bel lifted an eyebrow.
"What would you like to hear?"
"Alright.. " he contemplated his options for a second. "I'm a spider,"
She rolled her eyes. "Big surprise, Bel. Tell me something different,"
He chuckled. "Fine. I... have never known my father."
She was silent for a few seconds. "Why?" she asked, finally.
"Spider. My mother ate my father for sustenance after they mated,"
".. Well, what was your mother like?"
"I don't know.. It was such a long time ago. I don't remember. I don't think she was a caring one,"
his voice was hesitant, unsure, and Coraline had a sneaking suspicion he wasn't telling her everything. But
she didn't press him.
"Okay.. So.. Were you born male or female?"
"Neither. I was able to decide.. When I got to a certain age. And I chose female,"
"Huh. Why?"
He lifted an eyebrow. "Didn't I just explain to you why I never knew my father?"
"Oh, right, I get it," she paused, wondering what more she could ask him. "So how old are you?"
His eyes widened for a second, then a grin spread on his face. "Shouldn't you know better than to
ask a female her age?"
Coraline cleared her throat. "Um.. You're not exactly a female right now,"
"Yes. But I used to be. The answer to your question, anyhow, is - a very long time,"
"Okay.. So did you ever have any other children? Eat any males?"
Bel seemed to chuckle at a memory. "To the first question - No. To the second, oh yes, you have no
Coraline frowned. "But wouldn't you have had children if-"
"Now, sweetheart, do you really want to know the answer to that question?"
".. I guess not."
"I didn't think so," Bel chuckled.
She didn't answer, instead opting to rub her belly in slow, long strokes as she mulled everything
over. As she did so, her baby kicked her mercilessly, probing at her with its stubby little fingers.
"I really am large, aren't I?" Coraline frowned. "Or maybe it's normal? I haven't met all that
many pregnant women, but it just doesn't seem natural for me to get so big in a matter of days.. What if..
What if there's something wrong with me, or with the baby? And he ends up..."
Sensing her rising worry, Bel placed his hand over hers, following her strokes. "It's alright, love,
it's alright. You're absolutely fine, and so is our child. I promise. And I'll do whatever it takes to keep
things that way,"
"You promise?" she breathed in a low whisper, sounding as vulnerable as the pregnant sixteen
year old she was.
"I promise," he replied, kissing her forehead lightly as she pressed herself against him. He kissed
her forehead again, before moving a hand beneath her chin to make her face him, and pressing his lips to
hers in gentle reassurance.
When he broke off their kiss, she settled back against his chest before speaking. "Bel?"
"Please promise me one other thing.. "
"Yes.. ?"
"Please take care of him well. Don't let him get hurt. But don't let him get spoilt either. Don't let
some female spider eat him. And if he can survive without it, don't let him eat little kids. And if he
wants to stay somewhere aside from the world.. Please let him go,"
"That's more than one thing, my love,"
"I know, I just.. "
"I understand,"
"Yeah. Um, and.. "
She chewed on her lower lip for a second, before speaking. "Tell him about me. I know I don't
really have any right to say this, but-"
"I will,"
Bel hooked his pinky finger around hers, his longer finger encasing hers. "It's a promise,"
The corners of her mouth lifted in relief, and gratitude. "Thank you,"

Chapter 20: Resplendent

Disclaimer: Coraline and plot/characters do not belong to me. Because I'm not smart enough to
think up a creature that steals a person's soul by sewing buttons onto their eyes. What is up with that,
A/N: In this chapter, I only briefly described the climax, because of insufficient information. I
hope it turned out okay. I really have no idea what pregnancy is like, or labour, so if it sound funny and a
bit inaccurate to any more experienced people out there, I'm sorry.


Chapter 20: Resplendent

A month and a half passed, and everyday Coraline's bulge continued to swell.
"I'm a whale,"
"You're exaggerating, sweetheart,"
"Are you sure? Because I've been eating like a whale,"
"You've been eating for two. Whales eat for one. Usually,"
"Your daddy's a strange one, isn't he?" she muttered to her belly, just slightly below the table
which held up the foods he had prepared.
Bel grinned at the sight of her talking to her distended stomach, despite the fact that the
subject was meant to insult him. His smile faltered as he remembered the precarious situation they were
"The gestation period for spiders.. How long are they?" Coraline asked, nearly a month back.
"Nowhere near as long as humans, on average. But it depends on the type of spider, of course,"
".. And what type of spider are you again?"
"The magical type,"
"The.. Magical type. Okay. Then how long are women pregnant in your magical species?"
"It varies based on the individual. Could be anything from two months to fifteen years,"
"Fifteen years?"
"Like I said, it varies, sweetheart. And these are births within my species. They aren't common,
"But - Fifteen years!"
"Drop in the ocean compared to our lifespans, Coraline dearest,"
"But fifteen years.. "
"Okay, okay.. So.. It's possible I may be early, isn't it?"
"It's possible," Bel conceded. "In fact, considering our child's growth in the last few weeks.. I'd say
it's highly likely,"
"I could give birth at any time?"
"No, not yet.. But sooner than we think, I'm afraid,"
He regretted that last comment. Coraline remained deadly silent for the rest of the day. Not
hostile, but merely deep in thought, and somewhat disturbed. He could feel her mounting fear. He resisted
the urge to run his fingers through his hair, and give away the fact that he was worried. It didn't work,
though. He watched as Coraline rose from her seat, and stood beside him for a second, before crawling
into his lap and seating herself comfortable atop him, her back touching his chest. She squeezed his arm,
trying to tell him through her actions that she understood his worry. It was the same as hers. Bel dipped
his head forward and breathed in the smell of her hair, feeling himself relax a little. Coraline looked
down to her stomach.
"You'll be just fine, wouldn't you?" Coraline smiled slightly at her stomach, and Bel found the
smile to be contagious.
"Yes, our child will be," Bel answered, stroking her stomach thoughtlessly. The action had become
instinctual to him, and even less noticeable to Coraline. She moved her hand over his, closing her eyes
and enjoying the feel of their child kicking both their hands. It was one of those blissful moments when
she forgot everything, how they got there, what their relationship should be, and simply enjoyed the
Nearly an hour later, Coraline yawned, trying to do it inconspicuously, and failing.
"Sleep," Bel told her, kissing her temple.
"Let me get to bed first.. " she mumbled tiredly, trying to get to her feet.
"Now, now, don't be ridiculous, my love," Bel said. Hooking his right arm beneath both her knees.
Her eyes would have widened if not for the fatigue weighing down her lids. He wrapped his other arm
around her back, then stood effortlessly. Coraline grasped his neck tightly, her arms shaking at the
energy expanded at that simple action. "Sleep, Coraline," Bel told her, his voice silky smooth, the ultimate
voice of persuasion.
She was deep asleep before he even reached the stairs.


Bel found himself looking up at the sky for some reason. He blinked twice as clouds drifted on by.
He lifted his hand up, staring at it quizzically. It took a few seconds for him to realise he was in his male
form. Feeling disoriented, he swivelled his head around, trying to grasp his surroundings. He was right in
front of the Pink Palace, except the Pink Palace looked different. It was, of course, the newer Pink Palace,
but it somehow seemed warmer, cosier. He turned about, and stopped when he caught sight of a silhouette.
He would recognise that silhouette anywhere. God knows he used to own that silhouette. Mel Jones, hand
in hand with Charlie Jones. Her other hand was occupied by a smaller figure. He squinted, trying to catch
sight of the child, zone in on the little one. Before he could, another figure blocked his sight, bending
down to speak to the child. He narrowed his eyes, before realising who it was.
"Coraline.. " he uttered, but no voice came out.
She was dressed in a straw hat and a orange sundress, one he somehow knew he was responsible
for making.
In her other arm she cradled another infant. She spoke to the larger child with a gentle smile,
the smile slipped from her face when the child lifted a hand to point at him. She turned around, slowly,
and the smile returned, shining brighter than before. His heart throbbed, and he decided to embrace the
urge to smile back.
Realising that his line of sight to the child was now open, he turned his gaze downwards, only to
be distracted by a great movement to his right. He immediately diverted his gaze to it, and froze as the
tsunami loomed over them, threatening to crash in mere seconds. He glanced back at Coraline, only to see
her watching the wave in an expression that conveyed the horror and dread he felt.
Spurring himself into motion, he lifted one foot, before the other, until he was running towards
the bluenette and her terrified family. The wave continued to close in on them, blocking off the sun. Bel
tried to speed up using his magic, only to find it ineffective. He ran, and ran, and ran, but as he continued
to step towards them, the distance only seemed to grow and Coraline and her parents seemed to fade into
the distance, along with her children. Their children.
Pure, unadulterated terror ran through him as the wave started to fall on them, closer and
closer, before swallowing them whole, sweeping them away.
Bel awoke with a gasp, he had never had a nightmare before. He was so used to being what others
had nightmares of. He panted, trying to slow his thrumming heart, before registering that his side did
feel a little damp. He blinked, wondering if he was still dreaming, only to see Coraline sitting up, looking
at her hands.
"Oh god," Coraline looked up at Bel in terror as water flooded the bed. "I'm giving birth,"
The same feeling of terror filled him for a second. A million questions popped into his head. Why
was she giving birth now? It was still so early, she'd been pregnant for a mere six and a half months. And
what was with the dream? Was it a bad omen? And the children Coraline was holding.. Were they his?
He pushed those thoughts away mere seconds later, bolting into action.
"How far apart are your contractions, sweetheart?"
"I-I don't know," Coraline stuttered.
"Concentrate, Coraline!" Bel snapped. Coraline seemed to jump, and blinked.
"I-I'm not too sure. Maybe a few m-minutes?"
"Okay, good," Bel said distractedly, conjuring up some hot water. "Breathe, Coraline, breathe,"
"It just occurred to me that I never did any labour exercises,"
"Not important," Bel shot back.
"How would you know that?"
"Coraline, concentrate!" Bel growled. "Breathe deeply," he told her with a gentler tone.
She nodded, and inhaled, before her body was racked by a deeply uncomfortable, bordering
painful feeling. She cried out in pain, and was suddenly as panicked as before. Bel watched her
hyperventilate, and quickly grasped her fingers.
"Breathe, breathe. Don't panic, Coraline!" Bel placed his hands on either side of her face, forcing
her to gaze on him. "The baby's coming, sweetheart. It's coming. Don't panic. Everything's going to be
For a long moment, Coraline simply stared at him, her eyes wet. ".. This is it?" she asked in a small
voice. He smiled, and nodded.
"This is it,"
She nodded again, finding it easier to breathe, rubbing over her own belly lovingly.
"I don't think you're ready to start pushing, but tell me if your contractions start to get longer
and stronger, understand?"
She nodded again.
"Good. I'll be right here, don't worry," Bel told her. She nodded again, barely able to contain
herself. She was caught between panic and excitement. Her son was coming. Her baby. Maternal love
flowed through her, causing a thrill to run down her spine.
Bel was equally excited. His child. It was about to be born. Their child.. which he'd touched many
times, but with its mother's protective barrier between them. Finally, he'd get the chance to hold it in his
arms. He repressed the urge to shudder in pleasure.
The rest of the process was slow-going, and absolutely overwhelming. It involved a lot of blood,
pain and screaming. Bel wondered if he would ever be able to hold a frying pan again, if the circulation
would ever flow back into his fingers. Coraline may have permanently squeezed off the bloodflow to his
fingers. Then there were the nail marks, but those he didn't mind so much. In fact, if he didn't know any
better, he'd say he was actually proud of the marks left by her nails breaking his skin.
It took way longer than either expected, but several hours later, a child was born. A girl.
".. You lied," was all Coraline could say, raspily, as she gazed upon her daughter, who was bawling
her eyes out and being cleaned by her father.
"I did not. I never said it was in fact a he,"
"Yes you did,"
".. I don't know what you're babbling on about, Coraline dearest," he replied.
She huffed, before breaking into coughs due to the dry soreness of her throat. Bel quickly looked
up at her, concern written all over his face.
"I'm fine," she reassured him quickly, though the action brought on more coughs. But she refused
to pass out. Not until she'd seen her baby. The little girl she'd tried so hard not to love, only for those
efforts to have been in vain.
He didn't reply, but walked over to her, before placing a tiny, pink creature in her arms. She
accepted carefully, afraid of somehow dropping the fragile child. Both Coraline and Bel simply stared at
the little girl for a long while. They didn't notice time passing, too caught up in the young child.
"We never discussed names," Coraline said suddenly.
"No, we didn't," Bel agreed.
"What shall we call her?"
"What would you like to call her?" he asked, gleefully noting her attachment to the child, and
hoping she would remember that when she recalled their deal.
"I don't know.. I want Mel as a middle name, though,"
"Alright. Just Mel?"
"Then.. How about Deirdre as a first name?"
"It means goddess,"
Coraline's cracked lips, dry from her screaming and bloody efforts through the night curled into
a smile. "Deirdre Mel Beldam. I like it,"


Chapter 21: Resolve

Disclaimer: Coraline's original plot and characters (Which you need to watch the movie to know)
belongs to Neil Gaiman and Henry Selick. Everything else is mine.

Chapter 21: Resolve

"Ow. Ow, ow, ow," Coraline winced.

"Sweetheart, you're biting mummy's nipple," Bel chided little Deirdre.
"Just a little gentler, Dre.. " Coraline said, gasping as her daughter let up some of the pressure,
allowing blood to flow back into her sensitive peak. Bel frowned in some displeasure at the nickname. He
liked Deirdre, as tongue twisting as the name tended to be, and was less than pleased when Coraline
started calling the child Dre. "There we go, Dre. Good girl," Bel watched, transfixed, as Coraline strained
her neck downwards to kiss the top of Dre's head, while the infant lay in her arms, patting her breasts
with her tiny hands and sucking vigorously. Way too vigorously. Not that Bel could blame her. He felt
rather inclined to do fix his own mouth on that succulent pink skin and taste the sixteen year old's milk
"She's eating well," Bel commented instead, trying not to cross the line when he knew their deal
was more or less satisfied, and she was not obligated to stay. At all.
"Yeah, she is. She's definitely my daughter," Coraline said proudly.
"Indeed," Bel replied. Coraline just laughed good heartedly, at her own expense.
"I wouldn't have it any other way," Coraline remarked, cooing at the child, and beaming at her.
She glowed with the ethereal light of a new mother. She was positively radiant, and Bel's heart throbbed
painfully at the idea of losing her.
He cleared his throat akwardly, feeling a heavy lump form there. "I'll go get some food,"
"What? More food?" Coraline frowned at him without looking up from their child.
"Yes," he said, knowing that the food preparation would give him the time he needed to clear his
thoughts and think of a way to keep her in the Other World.. With her daughter, and with him.


It had happened. Despite all her efforts. Coraline had totally fallen in love with the child that
was partly her creation. She nuzzled the little one in her arms, giggling along with the girl as the infant
was tickled.
"Yes, you're my little Dre," she cooed. She'd never understood why people would talk to their
children in that annoying goo-goo-gaa-gaa way. But now she did. It was as if she simply did it
Her smile faltered when she once again realised that the child wasn't hers to keep. Though she
feinted uncomprehension, she knew that was why Bel was acting so distracted, and seemed worried. At
first she thought it was because he had been worried about what the labour had done to her skinny -
well, not so skinny anymore - body. But he'd declared her completely fine after a thorough check a day or
two after Dre's birth. Aside from slight fatigue of having to wake up every hour or so as Dre cried out for
one thing or the other. As much as he tried to take care of the baby's needs, he couldn't stop the baby's
cries from reaching her ears. But no, that worry was long past and still Bel acted.. strangely.
Dre patted her mother's face with an outstretched palm, gurgling happily. Coraline's smile
returned, albeit a bit less brightly. "I would love to stay. With you, my Dre, and with Bel.. But I can't,"
Dre stared at her with her father's big black eyes. Not buttons, but actual eyes. Dre looked at her
mother as if asking 'Why?'.
Coraline laughed at the quizzical look on her infant child.
"Many reasons why. My parents and my friends are there. And your dad.. I can't let him hurt
anymore children. I need to lock the door.. As much as I'll regret never seeing him again. But also
because of my pride," she paused, realising how ridiculous she was acting, telling her child who probably
couldn't understand anything, that she was choosing her pride before her precious daughter. But she had
to go on, simply to get it out. "I made a deal with your father, and those are the terms I put down. I can't
take it back. I can't change it. And I can't tell your father I'll stay instead, and give him the satisfaction.
I'm so petty, aren't I?" she asked the child, who only giggled in reply. Coraline stroked Dre's face, simply
thinking of what she'd just said.
Minutes later, Bel entered the room, holding a tray. He placed the tray in her lap, before taking
their daughter from her, and cradling Dre in his arms.
"My beautiful Dre," he said, unable to take his eyes off Dre. Coraline herself was unable to take
her eyes off the father-daughter pair as she shoveled food into her mouth automatically. The more he
cooed and played with her, the more she felt an urge to speak.
"I'm still leaving, and taking the key with me," she declared suddenly, knowing they would have
to clear this up sometime anyway. But she knew he hadn't thought it would be so soon from the way his
whole body tensed up, making Dre frown in his arms. "Now that Dre's born.. I don't have to stay," She
paused, watching his reaction. He stared at her emotionlessly, and she decided to continue. "But I won't
leave until Dre can be weaned off milk. I wouldn't feel right just leaving her,"
For a long time, the room was silent except for Dre's occassional baby noises. Coraline felt
slightly uncomfortable at the silence, apprehensive at what was going through Bel's mind.
"In other words," he spoke finally. "I have until Dre stops breastfeeding, or you run out of milk, to
change your mind,"
"Change my mind?" she lifted an eyebrow.
He nodded, and smiled in an almost sinister manner. "I won't break our deal.. But I'll get you to,
don't worry."
"Sorry, but I pride myself on keeping my end of any bargain." Coraline said, nose turned upward
and giving Coraline on what seemed like a haughty look.
"We'll see," Bel smirked to himself. Coraline caught sight of it and simply sniffed daintily. He
chuckled and moved to sit beside her, Dre still in his arms. "I can't take my eyes off our daughter. She's
truly.. "
"Beautiful?" Coraline offered. Bel nodded with a smile. "So I guess you got your wish? To have a
child you won't be able to eat. Unless.. " she went silent, not really wishing to even voice out that
Bel, sensing where she was going, quickly shook his head. It wouldn't help his case of getting her
to stay if he let her think he still wanted to eat their child. "No," he said firmly. "I won't. Dre's too
Coraline smiled in relief. "Good. Or I'd have to take her with me when I leave,"
"And break our deal?"
She shrugged. "I'd find a way,"
He chuckled. "I'm sure you would, sweetheart,"
Chapter 22: Reasons
Disclaimer: I don't own any of Coraline's plot or characters, nor any fan memorabilia. I don't own
the Teddy Bears' Picnic song, or its lyrics either. That's okay. I have my smurf.
A/N: I felt like using the song, Teddy Bears' Picnic. So I did.


Chapter 22: Reasons

".. the day the teddy bears' have their picnic," Coraline sang to her child as the girl's eyes
fluttered shut slowly. Her tiny fingers were curled around her mother's pointer finger as Coraline
leaned against the side of the crib. When the child's breathing evened out, Coraline gently uncurled her
fingers and placed the hand beneath her warm baby blanket. With a final kiss goodnight, she left the
child's room, switching off the light, and leaving the night light on.
Nightly ritual finished, she sleepily walked back to her room, steadfastly ignoring the slight
soreness between her legs at having given birth. When she opened the door, he was waiting for her, lying
casually on the bed.
"Hey. I need a new shirt," she informed him. He was in charge of her clothing, as he never seemed
to wash them. Only conjure them up. She'd told him she could do the laundry, but he refused.
"What happened?" he asked, blatantly staring as she removed her shirt.
"Milk. Apparently there's no tap on my breasts to turn it off," she elaborated. "I keep flooding my
shirts," It'd not been more than a week than she'd given birth and she'd gone through nearly sixteen
shirts. She heard the bed creak slightly as he left it, and approached her. She lifted her arms and he
silently slid the shirt onto her, his fingers brushing against her breasts.
He sighed suddenly, and she turned her head, blinking. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," he said, and dragged her over towards the bed.
"Tell me," she insisted, instantly curious.
"It's nothing," he replied.
"Bel," she frowned at him. "If you don't tell me, you know I won't be able to sleep," He ignored her,
turning away from her. "Bel!" Still, he didn't respond. She rolled her eyes, then lay down beside him,
grumbling. The lights went off without either of them reaching for any switch. She pouted, annoyed.
Finally, she couldn't take it anymore, and decided to play dirty. She moved herself to face his back, then
breathed on his bare neck. She knew he felt it, because he moved slightly. Encouraged by the response, she
slipped her arms around his waist and moved her lips closer, eventually touching his. She didn't kiss him,
but simply ran her soft lips against his, enjoying the touch. He tensed, but made no other movement.
She ignored his lack of response, and continued to rub her lips against him. Then, finally he kissed
the skin of his neck, before moving downwards, kissing lightly. She reached his shoulder blade when she
paused, and exhaled deeply against it.
"Sweetheart, you're making a big deal out of nothing,"
"Says you,"
"Yes, that's what I said."
"Bel, turn around," she ordered. For a moment, he didn't respond. She withdrew her arms from
around him and he sighed resignedly, then moved onto his other side so he could face her. "Tell me,"
"You won't like it,"
"Why not?"
".. "
"Tell me!"
"Your chest has grown. A lot,"
She stared at him for a moment, totally speechless. Finally, she managed a "What, that's all?"
"Do I need to elaborate on that point?"
".. No,"
"Good," he made a move to turn away from her once again when she stopped him.
"I need to ask you something," she told him.
"What is it?" he asked, slightly apprehensive of what she had to say.
"Why aren't Dre's eyes buttons?"
"Deirdre's eyes are normal because she inherited them from you, love,"
"But Dre has your eye colour," she argued.
"She inherited that from me," he said, with a 'Duh' expression.
".. Okay," Coraline said. She'd had enough experience in the Other World to simply accept some
things, and let go of others.
He nodded, snaking a hand over her waist as he nearly nodded off.
"I have another question,"
He frowned, and sighed gustily. Taking care of the baby had been exhausting, and he'd used up
much magic in light of their new addition. Now all he wanted was to sleep.
"How quickly will Dre grow?" she asked.
He paused, seriously thinking about that question. "I can't say for sure," he began. "But through
observation.. I would say quickly. Probably three times that of you humans. But it's hard to say, our
progeny tend to be.. unpredictable. More so because she's half-human,"
"Mm-hmm.. " Coraline nodded absent-mindedly, her hair getting messed up against the pillow. Bel
settled into his, closing his eyes. He nearly tore the pillow in two when she talked again. "So.. Maybe two
"What?" he asked in part confusion, part annoyance.
"Two months until I have to leave," she explained. He was silent after that, but very much wide
"You won't," he said confidently.
"I have to,"
"Many reasons,"
"But you can't name one?"
Coraline fell silent. "Not really," She sighed, and stared at her pillow. Bel maneuvered her into
his arms, so he had one arm tightly curled around her back.
"I won't let you leave,"
".. " Coraline gave him one last worried look as exhaustion overtook her, and she fell deep asleep.
It took an hour for Bel to join her, but his slumber was a troubled one, even more than that of the girl
beside him.

Chapter 23: Reality

Disclaimer: Coraline's plot and characters aren't mine – they belong to Neil Gaiman and Henry
Selick. The only people I can lay claim to is Dre and Kate.
A/N: I was reading over my previous chapters.. And I realised – Oh my god, the whole scene
between Dre and her parents seems so Twilight-y. But I swear to God that was never my intention. I just
didn't want to keep writing Deirdre, therefore the shortening, and as her father named her, I just
thought he'd be quite unhappy at having the name shortened. That's all.


Chapter 23: Reality

"Wybie.. Has she still not received any of our letters?" Kate asked.
"No," Wybie answered curtly. Kate shut her mouth at the stern, don't-bother-me tone. She knew
Wybie was stressed and often quite upset, but she wished he would notice that she, his girlfriend, was
there. That she existed. That she deserved to be treated like a human being too.
She jumped as something tapped on the window, but Wybie simply stood up and opened the
window to let Cat in. Cat simply gave Wybie a look which made the teenager flop back into his seat with
a sigh. Cat leapt into his lap, and Wybie stroked the feline absent-mindedly, his brain whirling. He had
utterly and totally run out of ideas. At this point, all he could do was continued to send her letters, and
pray she came back soon, safe and sound.
Kate stared at Wybie, a myriad of emotion swirling within her. She felt a stab of jealousy in her
chest when Wybie muttered Coraline's name. She closed her eyes and bit her lip, pushing the envy deep
down within herself, locking it behind as many doors as she could.
Such feelings would only hurt the ones she loved.


"She's growing so fast," Coraline commented, noting that another outfit no longer fit their
"Yes.. It would seem that way. The rate might slow within a year or two, when her magic starts
to gather," Bel replied, measuring Dre's limbs and nodding to himself, before another tiny dress appeared.
Coraline put it on the infant. A perfect fit. "It's probably a matter of time before she outgrows that too,"
Coraline nodded. Part of her was glad that her daughter was growing so fast, thereby reducing
the time she had to change her mind. Another part lamented that she didn't have more time to spend
with Bel and Dre. She knew she was very, very close to changing her mind and staying with Bel.
Gone were the thoughts she had of how disgusting and horrible he was. With a start, she'd
realised that she'd accepted that a while ago. That was a part of him, the spider that lured children into
his trap and ate them. She still didn't think it was right, but at the same time she sort of.. accepted that
he did it. Of course, she wouldn't allow him to do it ever again.. Unless his life depended on it.
"What's wrong, Coraline?" Bel asked, noticing the start.
"Uh? Nothing," she said hurriedly. She turned to Dre, trying to conceal what she'd been thinking.
Bel frowned at her, contemplating reading her mind, but in the end decided against it.
He didn't want to give her any more reason to hate him, and leave.
Dre let out a loud cry, interrupting both their thoughts and causing them to start.
"Is she hungry?" Coraline asked, immediately moving to pick her up.
"Yes," Bel answered simply, though he knew she didn't need an answer. Her maternal instincts
were more than enough to give her an answer.
Having become used to feeding Dre, she pulled her shirt and bra down without hesitation, and
placed the child at her breasts, where the girl immediately started suckling.
Coraline grunted as she tried to heft the girl up and reposition her. "She's heavy," Coraline
Bel got up wordlessly, and helped to adjust Dre's position so that both mother and child would be
more comfortable.
"Thank you," Coraline smiled.
"You're welcome," Bel said. He bent forward with the intention of kissing her cheek, but she
moved her head at the last moment, and he ended up kissing her lips. Master of improvisation, Bel simply
deepened the kiss, one hand supporting Dre and the other pressed to Coraline's waist, pulling her closer.
Coraline struggled at first, surprised at how suddenly this had happened, then relaxed against
him, sighing in mock exasperation. Dre's squished squeak made him draw back several seconds later, a bit
reluctantly, but wary for their daughter. She frowned at them both, unhappy at having been squashed
between both parents.
"What, you done so quickly?" Coraline asked her daughter teasingly. The girl looked up at her
mother with a pout, her tiny fists patting furiously at Coraline's chest. Coraline frowned, before freezing,
realising what her daughter was trying to convey to her. Bel lifted an eyebrow, wondering how the
mother-daughter pair could understand each other so easily.
"Bel..." Coraline's distraught voice caught his attention, and he looked into her face, reading the
confliction written there. He looked down at their daughter between them, and suddenly, he understood.
".. I'm done, aren't I?" Coraline asked quietly. His arms on her clenched without him noticing. Coraline
winced slightly.
"No, of course not," he replied adamantly. Coraline winced again, and he promptly loosened his
Dre started whining, hungry. Her mother no longer producing enough to sustain her.
Coraline started shushing her soothingly. "It's okay, sweetheart, don't cry, we'll get you
something else to drink, alright?" The bluenette looked up at Dre's father. "Right?" she asked pointedly.
He still seemed somewhat dazed. She nudged his shin lightly with her toes. "Right?" she repeated.
He nodded, and without a word, left towards the kitchen. Coraline watched him go, cradling a
crying Dre back and forth. Both were absolutely silent, knowing that Coraline's time in the Other World
had come to an end.

Chapter 24: Resonance

Disclaimer: Coraline's plot and characters will never be mine. Ever.


Chapter 24: Resonance

"Sleep well, my little Dre," Coraline whispered, stroking Dre's growing curls lightly. When Dre let
out a small, barely-audible snore, Coraline smiled. She continued to watch the girl, content to keep her
eyes on the infant's barely moving form.
"It's time for bed, Coraline," a voice whispered beside her ear, and she jumped, having not heard
Bel creep into the room.
"Oh.. Right," she muttered, even as her eyes slid back to her daughter. Bel smiled slightly, before
biting down on her earlobe. She gasped, and tried to jolt out of his grasp. He held her to his front
securely, pressing her soft curves into his hardening member. "Bel-" she gasped, as he covered her mouth
with his hand, and pull her from their daughter's room.
She hadn't even noticed they had arrived in their room until she hit the bed, and promptly
stumbled over it. Bel loomed over her, his figure so much larger than hers, and yet did not seem as
intimidating as it once did. His mouth pressed against hers almost desperately, smothering the words she
tried to form. When finally he released her so she could take in some oxygen, she quickly formed the
words in the her head. She'd been thinking about it for a while, and finally decided that she would ask Bel
for more time. She wasn't ready to separate from her child. Of course, she knew that once she asked him if
she could stay for just a while longer, she would never work up the nerve to leave ever again. Not while
Dre lived in the Other World. Not while Bel was here in the Other World either.
It'd finally happened. She'd fallen for the spider. And she couldn't care less about the
circumstances under which she'd fallen for him. To her, all that mattered was how much she loved him.
How painful she knew it would feel to not have him there by her side day after day.
"Bel," He ignored her as he continued to kiss and suckle his way down her torso, too busy
pleasuring the body of the mother of his child to answer her. "Bel," she called again, but he'd finally
gotten to his destination. And she knew it too. He shredded her underwear impatiently, removing the
shreds of cloth and uncovering his treasure. She inhaled sharply when his tongue first touched her
clitoris, sending a jolt of pleasure up her spine. Her breathe escaped her in a wail as he flicked his tongue
against her sensitive nub.
He was completely enjoying her wails and moans. It'd been far too long since their last session.
Nearly two and a half months now, and he was craving her warm, wet sheath. But he wasn't going to rush
this. There was so much more at stake here. He had to make her stay, no matter what. He couldn't lose
Coraline a second time.
Coraline grasped the sheets beneath her as he inserted a finger into her, testing if she'd loosened
up from giving birth, and finding that she was as tight as ever, inserted another one. With his tongue
repeatedly massaging her clit, and his inhumanly long fingers reaching deep inside her, she knew she
wouldn't last long. As did Bel.
So he decided to relieve her sweet pain, scissoring his fingers back and forth within her, while
making sure to press them against her most sensitive spots.
"Ahhhhhh!" she screamed as her whole body arched, pressing her crotch into his face, and then
fell back against the bed. Her vision darkened for several seconds as she tried to recover from her
orgasm. When finally she became aware of her surroundings, she found that she no longer had any
clothes on whatsoever.
And neither did he.
He was standing at the edge of their bed, his eyes taking her bare form in hungrily, noting the
grown swell of her curves from having carried their daughter. She felt a sudden urge to cover her
breasts, but ignored it, knowing that Bel hated it when she tried to cover herself up. Instead, she crawled
forward, towards him. He watched her curiously, wondering what she was up to.
He couldn't stop his own gasp of surprise when she grasped his cock and started pumping it with
her slender fingers.
Coraline couldn't help the feeling of triumph that washed over her when she heard the deep
whoosh of air escape him. She knew he had wanted to teach her so much more of how to pleasure him
with her mouth, but never got the chance to once she started carrying his child. The fact that she
disliked it so much the first time played a part in it as well, of course. But he hadn't forced her again
after that first time, and for that she was grateful. So grateful, in fact, that she'd begun her own training
in secret, practising on bananas she'd had 'pregnancy cravings' for.
Bel gritted his teeth, gnashing them against each other as she started to lick him thoroughly,
lathering his manhood with her saliva, before taking three quarters of him in her mouth. The last
quarter she massaged with her fist, twisting and squeezing. He tangled his hands in her hair, helping her
push the untidy tendrils that constantly fell to obscure her face as she bobbed her head back and forth on
his cock, and sucked to the point that he could see the indentations of her cheek.
He never stood a chance. And when she finally managed to force him in to the point that the
sensitive mushroom head of his penis hit the back of a throat, he lost it. Unknowingly, he pulled her head
forward, forcing more of himself into her as he came, his cock spitting out his white seed down her
throat. She stayed still obediently, allowing him to dispense his full load down her throat, and keeping
her mind of choking and coughing up his semen.
When he was done, he released her and she took a few gulps to clear her mouth of all his fluid. A
small white trail leaked down the side of her mouth. Before he knew what he was doing, his finger had
reached out, and was wiping up the trail, gathering the seed on his finger. "Open your mouth," he
commanded Coraline. She did as he asked, and licked all the sperm off, before sucking on it eagerly for
good measure. He shuddered slightly, watching her suck his finger sensuously, almost as if she were still
sucking on his member. It was enough to bring him back to full hardness.
He pushed back down against the bed, forcing her to release his finger with a loud pop, and pulled
her legs wide apart. He took a moment to admire her dripping slit, pink and decorated with blue curls,
before positioning himself between them. The slick fluid allowed him a swift entry. In fact, it pulled him
in desperately, like a vacuum, deep into her depths.
They both groaned, relishing the feeling of being united once again, to be one being once more.
"Bel," Coraline whimpered, holding her arms wide open towards him. He lowered himself, feeling
his cock slide deeper into her as he covered her small body with his. Coraline enfolded his body in her
arms, wrapping them around his shoulders, stroking up his torso, feeling his strong muscles. Bel began to
move back and forth, holding her legs open by the ankles, spreading them wider apart.
She moaned, feeling him nudge repeatedly against her deepest parts, especially the more
sensitive tissues of her g-spot. He started off with slow strokes, taking his time to kiss her neck and
breasts. Finally, he covered her mouth with his, unable to resist the shimmering lips, finding that instead
of being repulsed at tasting himself on her lips, it only turned him on even more. He sped up abruptly,
pounding into her desperately, wanting to empty himself inside her this time.
It only took five more strokes before he found himself spilling within her. She moaned as the
warmth of his seed spread from her womb up to her belly, and she shuddered at the delicious sensation as
she too fell off the edge happily.
He waited until her walls had stopped their tremors against his shaft before withdrawing from
her. She looked up at him wonderingly, was he going to quit already? She wanted more. But she wasn't
about to tell him that. She had been bold enough that night already. She was just drawing the blankets up
to cover herself when he abruptly pulled her off the bed.
She eep-ed as she found herself pinned to the wall, her hands held up above her with one of his
hands, while the other grasped her breasts in a manner that was borderline painful. He squeezed them
roughly a few more times, and Coraline found that the pain seemed to make her pant even more. He
watched her gasp out for breath, a knowing grin plastered on his face.
"Hold onto me," was the only warning she got as he took hold of both her legs, holding each to his
sides. She quickly threw her arms around his shoulders as he promptly lowered her onto his cock. Then he
thrust rapidly in and out. Gone were the slow exploration and stroking of each others' bodies. He was now
pounding into her rapid-fire. She held onto his shoulders tightly, her only means of steadying herself, as
she felt his cock assault her folds over and over again.
She had no idea how long this lasted, except that she was caught in a whirlwind of pleasure as
his hard flesh entered her repeatedly. Her moans were muffled by his shoulder, the sounds quickly
escalating into pleasure-filled screams as she neared her climax. She was sure it was going to be a huge
orgasm. And she was right. She bit into his shoulder mercilessly, muffling her piercing scream so as not to
wake her daughter as her walls desperately milked her lover's cock, eager for him to plant his seed deep
within her, though he was sure there was no way that would happen. She had only just given birth, after
He came just a minute after her, filling her up as much as he could. The juices flooded out of her,
succumbing to gravity, the thick, viscous white fluid dripping onto the floor. She leaned her forehead
against his, trying to catch her breath. He didn't give her any time to rest.
He pulled out, causing the dam to burst and for her to release their combined fluids as a stream
down her leg. Bel, without missing a beat, picked her up and threw her back onto the bed. She was hardly
aware that he had positioned her on her hands and knees until he had once again plugged her up and was
drilling himself into her again, reaching ever deeper with each thrust. Bel had somewhat forgotten why
he was so desperate to make love to Coraline, that he was supposed to be convincing her to stay. All he
knew was the warmth and pleasure of burying himself into her depths, sheathing himself over and over
again inside her until he deposited his semen deep inside her again and again.
When he was done thrusting into her from the back, he lay her on her side. Coraline, thinking
they were finally done, started to doze off happily, until he teased her into a horny frenzy and made her
beg for sweet relief, and he thrusted into her as he spooned against her. After that he positioned her
above him, and she didn't need to be told to move. She moved of her own accord, wanting to maximise the
pleasure she got from his thick, long shaft.
"Ahhhhhnnnn!" Coraline moaned, trying to keep it down in case she woke Dre, and not succeeding.
She fell off Bel and lay on her side, feeling the fluid moving out of her as he womb overflowed. Her eyes
fluttered close as her exhausted body begged her for sleep. No one could blame her when she groaned as
she felt something hot and hard as steel press into her clit. She opened her eyes and looked up at Bel in
"Haven't you had enough yet?" she asked in part weariness and part annoyance.
"No," he answered firmly, and soon he was buried deep inside her once again. She sighed, half in
pleasure and the other half in resignation. It only took him seconds to get her raking her nails down his
back and have her legs wrapped around his waist, trying to force him to reach places he had never
reached before. Which was ridiculous, since he had already gone as deep into her as was possible. She
matched his thrusts, pushing against him as he thursted into her. She could feel the throbbing of his
heartbeat within her, from the veins of his cock, both their hearts beat erratically together, resonating.
He battered against her womb, and forced his way in as deep as he could, allowing her cervix to
kiss the top of his member and released jet after jet of hot, potent semen into that which had carried
their child. Simultaneously, Coraline felt her whole body tense uncontrollably and let out a loud cry as
something exploded within her for the sixth time that night. He kissed her deeply, trying to convey to
her how much he wanted her to stay.
A/N: No more lemon! It's safe to read now!
She wished they could stay in that position forever, with his arms enfolding her, protecting her
from all sides. She no longer felt smothered or caged by having him hold her tightly, but secure and
even.. happy.
"Coraline.. Don't go," she woke up suddenly from the happy sleep she'd drifted off into, feeling a
jolt of surprise at the desperate tone of his voice, the pleading. Somehow she couldn't unite the voice and
the cruel spider in his past as the same person. It was too different. And her heart broke at that.
"Stay here with me. Stay here with me and Dre forever,"
He cut her off, thinking she was about to protest, his voice starting to rise as, for some reason, he
started to get angry. His hold on her arms tightened. "What is there in that world for you anyway? Your
parents? Wybie? Those people don't love you. They don't care about you,"
For a long time, Coraline was silent, and Bel knew he'd taken the wrong route to making her stay.
He couldn't deny, though, that he didn't understand why she wanted to leave and the jealous thoughts of
how she had loved, and probably still loves Wybie, did not help.
"Get off," Coraline's tone was chilly and Bel was starting to panic.
"Coraline, I-"
"Get off!" Coraline shoved him roughly, and while this was not enough to push off Bel, he removed
himself from above her in an attempt to seek forgiveness. She glanced briefly at the red marks of his
hand on her arms. His eyes caught sight of them as well, and he knew he was done for.
"Coraline, I didn't-"
"Tomorrow. Tomorrow, we complete our deal,"
Bel had gone completely still, and his pale face seemed even more pale than usual. Though his
expression gave away nothing.
Coraline took a deep breath and forced herself to say the words, knowing she wouldn't have the
resolve to go through with them if not.
"Tomorrow, I'm going home,"

Chapter 25: Restored

Disclaimer: If Coraline and its plot/characters belonged to me instead of Neil Gaiman or Henry
Selick, I would, uh, have made it creepier. If that was even possible. And explained why the eyes of the
ghost children didn't have needle holes in them if Bel sewed buttons into them.
And why didn't she eat their eyes? He/She just conveniently left them aside so he/she could use
them in her game with Coraline. Amazing coincidence.


Chapter 25: Restored

Coraline didn't know if she'd ever felt as tired. Her limbs ached, her head hurt, her eyes were red
and puffy, and she'd never felt more down than she did at that moment.
She hadn't slept a wink.
It was literally the crack of dawn when she left the bed in search of her daughter's angelic
sleeping face. Bel stayed motionless in the large bed. She couldn't tell if he was sleeping or just
pretending to be sleeping.
She didn't care.
Despite the bad mood she was in, she couldn't help smiling when she saw Dre sprawled out over
her blankets in the cot. She watched the baby for a long time, pained but determined.
Coraline reached out and grasped one of Dre's tiny fingers in her hand, and hiccupped when a sob
caught in her throat. "I.. I wanted so much to be able to see you grow, to hear your first word, to teach
you to walk.. Watch you have your first boyfriend - hopefully not another magical spider - and grow
into a beautiful young woman.. But it seems I won't get the chance to.. " She paused, and sighed once,
"I know you'll probably think of me as selfish, and cruel, to have chosen my family and my world
over you.. But I have to. I can't stay, Dre, I can't stay with your father. He and I- We.. We.. " Coraline
chewed on her lower lip briefly. "We're not right together," she said, in the end. Dre turned over in her
sleep, and fussed with her blankets a little, whining quietly. Coraline smiled slightly, and moved the girl's
blanket to the side. The child stilled, before opening her dark eyes and staring at her mother in slight
"Good morning," Coraline greeted her, trying to sound cheery. "Did you sleep well?"
The girl just continued staring at her blue-haired mother silently with wide eyes. Coraline
continued to hold the girl's hand, relishing her final moments with her daughter.
She was distracted when Bel rapped his fist twice on the open oak door that led to their child's
room. In his left arm he held a tray. Colourful dishes were arranged artfully upon them, and to each side
were two milk bottles. She merely spared him a glance, having not quite forgiven him for the night
Bel knew she was still angry, and even though he regretted his actions, he'd resigned to her
leaving. He had thought about it the whole night, having, like Coraline, not slept at all.
He laid the tray in her lap, as he always did when he found her too busy playing with Dre to
move to the dining room. She made no move to dig into it. He didn't bother asking her to. Instead, he
pulled Dre from the cot, cradling her in the crook of his arms. Then, while Coraline's eyes remained glued
on the child he held, he removed one of the milk bottles from the tray and begun to feed the child. She
caught sight of a wound on his neck, and felt suddenly guilty and somewhat embarrassed at the way she'd
behaved the night before. She quickly averted her eyes.
For a long time, the only sounds that filled the room was that of Dre's hungry sucking. As
embarrassed as Coraline had been, her eyes were continuously drawn to the father-daughter pair.
Coraline was too deep in thought to notice that silence of the room. Watching Bel hold Dre
securely in his arms, feeding the girl, put her at ease somehow. She knew she could trust him with Dre. He
would be- no, he was a fantastic parent already.
Hesitantly, she picked at the food on the tray, eating bits of it, suddenly feeling hungry. And
she'd need the food anyway, she'd decided.
They stayed there in silence for a long time, neither saying anything as the mother and
daughter was fed. The atmosphere was far too tense for Dre, who began to whimper, and despite much
soothing from her father, began to cry and wail.
"Oh, shhh, shh, it's okay," Coraline said, removing the half-empty tray from her lap and rushing to
calm the child down. Bel held the child out for her to take, but she ignored him, instead cradling Dre in
between her and Bel, putting up a strong front as united parents for the girl. This seemed to calm Dre a
Unfortunately, this made it worse for Bel. His arm fell on Coraline's back, and he pushed her
forward a little. Not enough to squeeze Dre, but enough for Coraline to feel the trembling in his fingers,
and the thudding of his heart.
Coraline whispered more soothing words to her daughter, trying to distract herself from her
lover's obvious suffering. If she didn't, it would be far harder for her to leave.
"Today.. " Bel said, his voice low and quiet, in an I-give-up sort of way. "Let's go on a picnic. Let
Dre remember her mother with good memories,"
Coraline nodded silently, knowing that it wasn't just Dre she wanted to leave with good
memories, but also Bel. While she was angry at what he had said the night before, she didn't want to
leave with the memory of their last encounter having ended in anger and spite.


The food was as delicious as always, and by the time they were done running through never-
ending fields of flowers of blue and black, she was ravenous. She had lots of fun making Dre wreaths made
out of flowers to put atop the child's black hair, the blue of the flowers standing out against her black
hair. She was standing back to survey the child's beauty enhanced by the flower wreath when she felt
something on her head. Bel stood behind her, smiling like himself for once. She took off the wreath to
examine it, and felt as if the wreath of her own creation was a mere wedding band compared to his
diamond ring. She contemplated exchanging the wreaths when Bel took it out of her hands and placed in
on her head once again, and she thought his smile seemed sadder than before.
Finally, full and warm, she let Dre fall asleep on her lap, grateful for the blanket Bel
materialised out of nowhere as she placed it on her baby's prone body. She stroked the girl's head
repeatedly, a strange sense of pleasure filling her from doing so. Her eyes started to force themselves
closed but she quickly opened them again. She couldn't fall asleep now and waste her final few hours with
But she was so sleepy. As she lost the battle she had waged with the fatigue of her body, she
vaguely felt Bel positioning himself so she could fall asleep against his shoulder.
That simple action made her heart break even more.


The walk back to the house was agonising, and Dre seemed to know that the tension was more
serious than before and didn't cry.
When finally they reached the house, Bel led Coraline to the living room. He couldn't delay her
leaving any longer. He placed Dre onto a couch, and the little girl watched with wide eyes as her father
coughed up a black key. Coraline then kissed the girl on the forehead, and gave her one last squeeze.
"I love you, my little Dre," she whispered.
Alarm bells started to go off in Dre's head. Why were her parents acting so strangely? Why
were they in that room? Where did that small door in the wall lead to?
Bel was wiping the key clean with a black handkerchief when Coraline approached him from
behind, and wrapped her arms around him, leaning against his back. For a moment, he couldn't do anything
as she held onto him tightly, then her removed her arms from his waist. Coraline drew back, somewhat
hurt at the rejection, though she knew she deserved it. Then he spun around and hugged her back, having
to lean down slightly to fully embrace her.
"You could stay," she thought she heard him whisper into her ear. But it was so soft it was like he
wasn't even trying to make himself heard. So she didn't reply, despite the stab of pain she felt in her
chest from hearing the desperation in his voice.
When finally they released each other reluctantly, Coraline opened her mouth, but no words
came out. Bel said nothing more. He handed her the key.
She grasped it, no longer finding the key as precious as she once did. In fact, it seemed to weigh a
ton, and threatened to break the fingers that grasped it. She placed it into the keyhole of the door, and
turned it until it clicked. It was when she swung open the door that Dre started to panic.
"Ma- Mama!" Dre screamed at the top of her lungs. Coraline turned back to her daughter with
wide eyes, as did Bel. Dre held both arms out to her mother and continued to scream "Mama! Mama!"
Bel turned away from his daughter to find his lover looking at their daughter in partway
horror. Could she still leave? Coraline's eyes met Bel's briefly, before she swung around and bolted down
the tunnel, doing her best not to acknowledge Dre's first words. She panted loudly as the continuous
mantra of "Mama, mama!" echoed from the other world. She burst through the other door and found she
could no longer hear her daughter's panicked shouts. She didn't know whether to feel relief about that or
break down crying.
".. Coraline?" Wybie asked, his jaw nearly dropping the floor. If Coraline hadn't had so many
feelings running through her, she might've found it funny. Instead, she got to her feet and threw herself
against her best friend, sobbing and desperate for some human contact. Wybie froze at first, not used to
his friend being affectionate, then hugged her back as she cried into his shoulder, furious at what the
Beldam had done to his friend.
Kate watched her boyfriend's arms encompassing and steadying the girl who grasped onto him
for dear life. She didn't even notice how tightly she was holding onto the couch upholstery until it had
ripped beneath her nails. Neither Coraline nor Wybie noticed.
And neither did Kate. All she could think about was how relieved she had been to see Coraline
back, and how angry she felt when she practically jumped onto Wybie.
Never had she ever experienced anything as intense as her jealousy for Coraline in that moment.
"It's okay," Wybie told Coraline. "It's okay. You're home now. You're home,"
Yeah. She thought to herself. I'm home. This... is home.
But the final crying and screaming image of Dre would haunt her for many weeks to come.


Chapter 26: Reverting

Disclaimer: I don't own Coraline or any of its plot or characters.. But maybe I can lay claim to
the nickname Bel. I really rather like what I've done with him. Except when he screwed up and made
Coraline leave.


Chapter 26: Reverting

"Coraline!" Mel stared at her daughter with her mouth wide open, much as Wybie had, actually.
She sat beside her husband's hospital bed seemingly stunned at seeing her daughter. Coraline's heart
dropped for a second when she saw that look in her mother's eyes. The look that told her that her mother
had given up on ever seeing Coraline again, not believing her daughter would ever return. Coraline had
to remind herself that she couldn't blame the woman. Coraline had been gone for nearly nine months
after all.
"Coraline!" Her father gasped and sat up, nearly tumbling out of bed as he reached for his precious
"Dad, mum!" Coraline ran into the room, ignoring the look of disapproval on the nurse's face and
tackled her father. Her mother threw her own arms around her husband and child, and Coraline knew her
joy at seeing her precious child again was sincere.
And now she knew how that would feel. She tried not to think of Dre.

Her father was discharged a mere week later, swinging his arms around to show his daughter he
had fully recovered, knocking over the coat hanger as he did so. He caught it somewhat clumsily, though
he gave his daughter a wink as if he meant it to happen. Coraline laughed at her father's antics.
Wybie, Kate and Coraline had decided on their cover story being that Coraline had escaped from
the kidnapper and managed to find her way back to the town, where Wybie and Kate found her
coincidentally. And that she didn't remember where was kept, as she was in such a panic to leave the
"And what did the kidnapper look like?" an officer asked Coraline. "Any basic description will do,"
Coraline made a quick decision as to what she would do and decided to tell them the truth.
They'd never find Bel in the places they looked anyway. And even if they did, the could never catch hold
of him. He was too powerful.
"He's... tall.. Really tall. And kind of thin. His eyes and hair are black," She closed her eyes and
without any prompting conjured up a picture of the spider. The Beldam. "His nose is long and sharp, and his
lips are thin," But soft. She remembered, but wasn't about to tell the police that.
When she opened her eyes again, she could see the police nodding and jotting down the
description in his notebook. "We'll keep an eye out for him," he re-assured the Joneses.
"Please do," Mel said, gripping Coraline's shoulder tightly, as if afraid her girl might be kidnapped
from that very room while her parents and police were with her.


Coraline collapsed into her bed tiredly and stared up at her cracked ceiling. It was the first time
she'd been in her bed since she got back. Her nights had mainly been spent at the hospital, in the couch
beside her father's bed. Her father would sometimes wake up, reach out and touch her to make sure she
was actually there and not a figment of his imagination.
Coraline turned onto her side and frowned. Had her bed always felt so lumpy? She turned once
more onto her front and realised, yes, it always had been. She stared up at the ceiling some more,
thinking back to what she, Wybie and Kate had done right after she returned.


"We need to get rid of the key," Wybie said.

Coraline's heart dropped into her stomach. She didn't know why, but she took some comfort in the
key, knowing that while she had it, she still had the chance to return to the Other World and see her
daughter.. Some day.
It took her a while to answer. "Yeah.. You're right,"
"The last time, the Beldam got the key back because his hand was in the well with it, right?"
Wybie asked. "Well, I figure that he would never suspect that we'd use the same hiding place again,"
Coraline blinked. He wanted her to drop in down that deep, dark well? Her fingers tightened on
the key unconsciously. "I..."
Kate seemed to notice this, and the sisterly love she had for Coraline kicked in. "What's wrong,
Coraline?" she asked, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder.
"I.. " Coraline licked her lips. "I don't know, I guess.. I might.. want to see my daughter again
someday," she told them honestly. "So I thought maybe I'd just hang onto the key for a bit-"
"The guy raped you, Coraline! He took advantage of you and got you pregnant with his spawn!"
Wybie spat angrily. "Can you truthfully say he won't hurt you when you go back? Or try to get back the
key and finish us all off?"
Coraline hesitated. A part of her feared that exactly that would happen. But the other, more
romantic part liked to think that Bel could never hurt her ever again.
"No.. " she said, putting the romantic part of herself out of her mind. "You're right," she whispered
to Wybie.
Kate looked between her best friend and boyfriend worriedly, not liking the raising of voices and
harsh words. But she said nothing.
Wybie nodded in reply, instantly calming down and partly regretting his rash words. "Come on,
I'll do it," he held out his hand for the key but Coraline held it to her heart.
"No, I want to do it," she told him firmly.


Coraline felt her heart sink as she watched the key drop down the well, hearing a distant plop
many seconds after.
"Bye, Dre, Bel," she whispered under her breath, but Kate and Wybie caught it, and exchanged a
troubled look.


Coraline's eyes suddenly felt watery and she brushed the moistness away. She won't cry. This
was her decision. She had to be brave about it, as much as she wanted to climb back down the well and
retrieve the key.
"I'm okay," she told herself bravely. But she suddenly felt cold. As she reached out for her
blanket, she wondered, had her bed always felt so cold? And so big?
She felt even colder when her head touched the pillow, without her usual source of heat beside
her in bed.
"Bel..." she clamped a hand over her mouth, trying to force the words back into her mouth. She
missed him more than she knew and it had only been a week. She shook her head, as if trying to get rid of
the feelings, and drew the blankets over her head.
But she still felt as cold as ever.

She was given a month to recover from her 'ordeal' before she would be expected back at school.
Everyone expected Coraline to protest violently, and insist she go to school to catch up with her studies
before it was too late, but she agreed that a month to recuperate would be good.
Wybie and Kate exchanged more troubled looks.
The truth was that Coraline was so tired and weak she could barely summon the strength to
fight them on that. Having been given food delicious beyond words for about nine months now, to have to
go back to her father's cooking was hell. She barely slept at night, it was so difficult having to adapt back
to sleeping in her own cold bed. And the worse thing was the company. She realised that during the time
she had been pregnant, and even after Dre was born, she was never lonely. He was always there to talk to
her and keep her company. On the contrary, she had found herself hard-pressed for privacy at times. But
Her parents spent their every waking hour, as always, seated in front of their computers, fingers
flying across the keyboard furiously. Wybie and Kate visited frequently, but they had school and
homework to attend to.
Her nights started to improve when Cat began to visit her. The first time she had seen him again,
he went to her and pressed his head against her legs, purring and meowing. Her heart melted.
"I missed you too," she had told him. And then he began to spend his nights in her bed, and she
felt a little better.
But still every day she visited the well, and looked down into its dark depths. They hadn't
bothered to weigh down the cover of the well, finding it unlikely that it would be found by the Beldam.
That's all she did. Looked down. She did nothing else.


A month passed in the blink of an eye, and Coraline fidgeted with her uniform nervously before
her full length mirror. Little had changed. Her hair was longer than it was the year before. She hadn't
bothered to get it cut at all. It was now past her waist, and the tips were a little lighter blue than the
rest of her hair.
She noticed that the uniform no longer hung off her awkwardly, but accentuated her now larger
curves, and she had put on some weight from her pregnancy, and while she wasn't overweight, she no
longer looked like a flagpole dressed in clothes.
She wondered sometimes if her mum knew. Mel would sometimes look at her body scrutinisingly,
as if she suspected something, knew how childbirth could change a woman's body. But she never said
anything. If something had happened during her kidnapping, she knew Coraline would tell her on her own
accord when she was ready.
Except Coraline had no plans of ever revealing what happened to her. Ever.
"Coraline!" Her father called and with a sigh, Coraline hefted her back pack over her shoulders,
her shoulders drooping as if it weighed a tonne. With one last look around her room, she left, out of its
familiar comfort and onto school.

She chomped on a piece of hastily peanut-buttered toast as her father drove her to the school,
seeming quite happy. And why not? He had gotten his daughter back. And she seemed whole and unhurt.
Appearance-wise, anyway.
She said a simple goodbye to him, ignoring all his advice on telling the teacher if she had to go to
the toilet, and to raise her hand if she had to ask a question.
"Coraline," Kate called, smiling. Coraline frowned. The girl no longer seemed to tackle her with
her boundless energy. Instead, she seemed to regard her cautiously, as if afraid that any careless action
she made might break Coraline into pieces.
Kate wasn't the only one.
"Hey Jones, if you need some tutoring just tell me, alright? I'll whip you back into shape in no
time," Wybie told Coraline when he met up with her and Kate.
"You haven't kissed your girlfriend good morning, Wybie," Coraline pointed out.
"Oh, yeah," Wybie said, and briefly greeted Kate before chattering about random things to
Coraline. Coraline listened but couldn't shake off the feeling that Kate was radiating hostility at her.
The whole school acted differently too. People whispered and pointed her out like she was the
new attraction at the zoo. A random guy a year above her whistled lecherously after her.
And while she had studied quite a bit with Bel, the fact of the matter is that towards the later
months of her pregnancy, and after Dre was born, she no longer had time to study, nor did she want to. So
while she had studied enough to be able to stay in her year, her placement in her year had dropped from
being the first to second last.
She was absolutely exhausted by the time she got home, and she swore that if she got one more
pitying look thrown in her direction she'd slap it off their faces.


Bel stared out his window into the darkness. He had been doing that a lot lately. He couldn't
sleep a wink. His every sleeping moment was haunted by his beloved bluenette. He wanted her to come
"Coraline.. I'm dying without you," he muttered, pressing his palms against his eyes in
frustration. Something leaped up beside him onto the window sill. His eyes narrowed in further
frustration as he recognised the dark creature.
"You know, if you only told her you did it because you loved her, she might have stayed." Cat said,
shrugging his shoulders slightly and licking a paw.
"She knows I love her!" Bel yelled back, agitated at Cat's obvious enjoyment at his pain.
Cat lifted his head from his paw and stared straight into Bel's button eyes. "Does she? Have you
ever told her?" Cat asked. "Have you ever said the words 'I love you'?"
"I-" Bel cut off his retort abruptly, thinking hard. Had those words ever passed his lips? They had
to have. His mind ran over the last nine months, then five years before that. "I haven't," he said dumbly,
wide-eyed at that realisation. "I've never.. I've never told her that I love her,"
"I thought so," Cat said haughtily, with a chastising sigh.
Bel glared at the black-furred creature. "But she knows! She's told me that she knows."
"Woman are peculiar creatures," Cat said, rolling his eyes. "They need to be constantly reassured
that you're not playing around with them. Which, by the way, wasn't helped by the way you tried to
persuade her to stay,"
Bel growled and lunged forward at the creature. Cat leapt away smoothly, and landed on Bel's
other side.
"She's suffering without you," Cat told him quietly, and all the anger drained out of Bel abruptly.
"She can't sleep well. And she keeps saying your name, and your little girl's. Both while she's asleep and
when she's awake,"
Bel was frozen, unable to move. She was suffering? Somehow, he had managed to convince himself
that she was happy beyond belief to be back in her world, and this thought both comforted and hurt him.
But if she was suffering.. He had to get her back.
"But then again, we're still in the early days. Humans tend to have very short memories. She may
just forget all about you soon enough. After all, why would she even bother to remember a stupid spider
like you who couldn't even tell her he loved her,"
Bel hissed angrily, and was about to tackle Cat and throw him out of his realm when Dre started
crying, having awakened from a nightmare, causing Bel to look back inside the room at her squirming
When he turned around again, Cat was gone.

Chapter 27: Revelation

Disclaimer: I hate disclaimers. But I don't own Coraline's plot or characters – they belong to
Neil Gaiman/Henry Selick.


Chapter 27: Revelation

Time passed, and despite what Coraline had expected, she was not adjusting to her life in that
"Jones, come up here and do this question,"
Coraline jumped at having her name called by the teacher. She hesitated before rising and
approaching the blackboard, as the teacher placed a piece of chalk in her hand. She stood before it blankly,
racking her brains for the answer. She found none.
"What is it, Jones?" the teacher asked.
"I don't know how to do this," The rest of class erupted into laughter, for reasons she didn't
understand. Maybe it was just to humiliate her, who used to be the top of the year? Who used to be able
to answer any question in class? Who used to be the one stretching her hand out to be picked to go the
"It's not funny!" Wybie growled at his fellow classmates, before moving to stand beside Coraline,
taking the chalk from her and scribbling down the answer.
Coraline looked to him somewhat gratefully, though all the wolf whistles throughout the class
just made her feel more mortified than ever.
Nobody noticed Kate's tightly clenched fist.


"Don't worry, Jones, you'll get it," Wybie assured Coraline as they walked home together. Kate
lived in a different direction, so, like always, they had split up two streets after the school exit.
"Yeah.. maybe," Coraline replied with less conviction. She was so far behind. As soon as she finally
grasped a topic, several other topics had piled up, awaiting her attention. Wybie tutored her every other
day, but it was no use. Coraline was so far behind, she had contemplated asking the teachers to keep her a
year back. But Wybie, being Wybie, assured her she'd be fine.
It didn't help that felt so weary lately. She didn't know what was wrong with her. But she just
felt so tired of everything. She spent all the free time she had in bed, slipping into a slumber she was
sometimes afraid she'd never wake up from. And then there were the dreams. The vivid, cruel dreams
that taunted her with images of Bel and Dre..
She started to feel light-headed just thinking about it.
"Coraline, you okay?" Wybie asked worriedly.
"Yeah, why?"
"You're at your front door," Wybie pointed out. Coraline stared at her front door with wide eyes,
before laughing awkwardly. She reached out to grasp the handle, only to miss it. She didn't even get to
wonder how she could miss it before her vision went black.


She woke up to Wybie calling her name frantically.

".. Wybie?" she asked as her sight started to clear.
"You're okay," he heaved a sigh of relief.
"What happened?"
"You passed out for a few seconds. Don't you remember?"
"Not really, no," Coraline said. She still felt kind of woozy and her knees were shaking. She held
onto Wybie as she steadied herself, taking deep breaths.
"Should we take you to a doctor?" he asked.
"No, I'm fine. I just have to take a nap, probably,"
"Are you sure?"
"About the nap? Completely," she smiled reassuringly at her best friend. He pursed his lips
doubtfully, and insisted he at least see her up the stairs and into her bed in case she fainted on the way
there. After much pointless arguing, she conceded.


Coraline's eyes snapped open, and she stared at her ceiling, panting slightly. Her dream was so
real, she almost thought she was actually in it. She shook her head, trying not to think of the screaming
Dre her mind insisted on reminding her of every time she closed her eyes.
She tilted her head to the side and saw the sun high up in the sky, partially obscured by a cloud.
She'd missed another day, missed more classwork she should be doing to catch up on her studies.
Her eyes filled with tears. She knew. She knew. Even before she had fainted the day before, and
vomited her guts up into the toilet bowl, some part of her knew.
She was pregnant again.
"Hey Jones, you missed a whole section in calculus today. I brought my notes for you, though,"
Wybie said, not seeming to notice that she had jumped, not having heard him come in. He stared at her
tear streaked face and instantly knew something was wrong. "What is it?"
"Wybie.. I.. " Coraline gulped down something that seemed stuck in her throat. "I think I'm
pregnant," she whispered, unable to keep the dread out of her voice.
The books Wybie held in his arms fell to the floor. He didn't seem to notice.
"How-" he started, but was unable to finish. Coraline couldn't look him in the eye. Hot tears
squeezed out of her tear ducts and ran down her face. She didn't notice Wybie closing the distance
between them until he was upon her, pulling her into his arms. "It's okay," he assured his distraught
friend. "It's okay, we'll take care of it together,"
Coraline sobbed into his arms, so glad for his comfort, as both inwardly debated what the hell
they were going to do.


When Coraline's sobs had finally receded, they decided the best thing to do was to inform her
parents. Wybie volunteered to be with her when she did, but she declined.
"It's better I do it alone," she told him. He was worried about her doing it alone, but agreed
reluctantly it was for the best for her to do it by herself.

After dinner, she approached her parents, who exchanged looks of unconcern, not unlike the ones
between Kate and Wybie, when they saw her serious expression.
"Mum, Dad. I have to tell you something."
Mel was furious. She was furious in that quiet, frustrated way of hers. She gnashed her teeth
together and her arms were rigid, folded against her chest. Her knuckles were turning white as she held
her hand in fists.
Charlie, on the other hand, was motionless with shock. His baby girl. His only daughter. His
precious child was now impregnated with a child of her own by someone who had kidnapped her.
Neither knew that this was not the first child she'd had.
"He.. raped you, Coraline?" Her mother's voice was dangerously low, and her face black and
It would have been so easy to say yes. He had, after all, raped her and that had resulted in their
first child, the grandchild which she would never tell her parents they'd had. But the child in her womb
wasn't created through such non-consensual circumstances. It had been conceived through mutual love
and desperate lovemaking. And she knew the Beldam deserved better, even if he would probably never
know what she told her mother. Help me, Bel. Coraline gathered her strength to answer her mother.
"No." she answered. "No, he didn't," she said.
Her mother's face screwed up. Coraline couldn't tell if she was disgusted or concerned about
Coraline's confession. The older woman looked to her husband and they shared a worried look.
"I loved him," Coraline went on quietly. "I really did," she said, and her breath hitched in her
throat. God, she missed him so much. Even if he was totally diabolical, and not even truly male nor
human. She loved him. And she still did. Loved wasn't the right word to use. Love was.
God she missed Bel so much.
"Go to your room," Mel squeezed out between gritted teeth.
Coraline bit her lip, but remained where she was. "Mu-"
"GO TO YOUR ROOM!" she screamed. Charlie jumped, finally awakening from the stupor he had been
in since Coraline had made her announcement.
Coraline scrambled to her room fearfully, and closed the door tightly behind her. She leaned
against it, panting, tears flowing freely down her face. She wiped them away hastily with her sleeve.
What was wrong with her lately? Why did she keep crying? Oh right, because I'm pregnant. She laughed
once bitterly, before dissolving into large, shuddering sobs.


Later on after she had run out of tears to cry, Cat tapped on the window, begging for entrance.
Coraline hesitated. She didn't want to get up. She just wanted to stay at her spot behind the door, and
feel miserable. But Cat's tapping got more desperate. He didn't meow though, and she noticed it was
because he was holding something in his mouth. She got up, sighing, motivated partly by curiosity at what
he was bringing her, and partly because she needed him by her side at a time like this.
As she neared the window, she noticed the doll in Cat's mouth. She inhaled sharply, suddenly. Cat
watched her silently as she picked the doll from his mouth. She held it up before her, scrutinising it in
the moonlight. It was a perfect replica of her. The now seventeen year old her. The long blue hair, the
dragonfly clip, the freckles, the pale skin and the nightdress and dressing gown she was wearing when she
first arrived in his world. The only deviation was, of course, the buttons it had for eyes. It watched her
carefully, but not in a sneaky way like the dolls before. It watched her with a sort of love. A concerned
sense of caring.
"Bel," she mumbled through her wails of anguish. "Bel..." she repeated his name over and over
again, trying to convey her loneliness and emptiness at the lack of his presence through her mantra.


Back in the Other World, the Beldam closed his eyes and watched his beloved cry and call out his
name. He thought this would have been a good idea. A way for him to show her how much he still loved
her. He wanted her to know that even though she'd locked away the only connection they had, the door
that held their worlds connected, he would still watch over her, protect her. Everything the button-eyes
saw, he saw.
Her miserable form, the way she clutched the doll to her chest and moaned his name made his
heart clench. Why was she so sad? And furthermore - why wasn't she here so he could comfort her? How
he wanted to reach out a hand and brush away her tears. Then hold her close to his chest, allowing her
to dampen his clothing with her tears. To let him share her burden, the overflowing sea of misery spilling
from her being. Instead he was here, locked in an alternate universe away from her. The only comfort he
had was the obvious presence of his daughter as she emitted little snores, sleeping in the room that was
her mother's, tears still drying on her cheeks as she cried herself to sleep. His daughter was suffering
from the sadness that came with the lack of a mother's love.
Come back, Coraline. Can't you see it's making everyone miserable to have you gone?
He sighed. That thought wouldn't reach her. She couldn't see or hear him as he could her.
"Bel," he heard her say one final time. "Bel, I need to tell you something," she said. Her eyes
glistened with tears and he found himself mesmerised by her saddened state. How could someone be
beautiful even while mourning?
He forced himself to focus as Coraline breathed in deeply, as she always did before doing
something nerve-wracking.
"Bel, I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant again.. " her voice cracked and trailed off at the end and she
hiccuped as another bout of tears overcame her. "I'm pregnant with your second child," she whispered to
the doll.
At her news, he bolted from his chair and ran to the little door in the wall. He pounded it
angrily, tugging at it. He tried using his magic on it, destroying it, forcing open the only obstacle he had
in his path to the woman he loved. But it was no use. There was only one key.
He kicked it and roared his rage. He should have never let her go.


Coraline's tears tapered off slowly, and she lay in her bed, still sniffling and occasional sobs
making her body jolt uncontrollably.
The doll remained close to her head and she buried the side of her head in it. She could smell him
on it. This comforted her even more and she fell into a deep slumber.
Chapter 28: Repression
Disclaimer: Why do I make things so hard on myself and write different crap in the disclaimer
every week? Either way – Coraline's plot and characters don't belong to me – it's Neil Gaiman's and
some are Henry Selick's.


Chapter 28: Repression

Her mother hadn't spoken to her once since Coraline had admitted to falling for her kidnapper.
You would think Coraline would've been more bothered by this, but her mother barely talked to her on a
regular basis, so this wasn't really a large change from the usual. She could've done without the angry,
disappointed looks her mother shot her way when she thought Coraline wasn't looking. Her father still
talked to her, but he seemed more reserved, less affectionate to his only daughter. He hardly joked with
her, and didn't talk to her aside from the usual greetings.
She continued to go to school, though the untimely vomiting was something that was difficult to
overcome, and before she knew it, rumours had spread like wildfire. The pointing and muttering got
worse. People didn't even bother lowering their voices as she passed by.
"It was the kidnapper?"
"I hope so! What, did you think it was Lovat?"
"No wonder she got so hot. Think she'll call me if I need a tumble?"
"You could always try,"
Cruel judgements were made, and other, more sympathetic ones were spread along with it. It
became harder for people to separate the facts from the fancy, and Coraline suffered the brunt of it.
Wybie stood by her side, and tried to deflect most of the rumours, and while she was happy for
the support, she couldn't help the feeling that it was wrong of him to pay her so much attention as his
girlfriend trailed behind him miserably. Kate no longer greeted Coraline in the morning, unless Coraline
greeted her first, and Coraline begin to feel worried that her best friend was misunderstanding things.
Through all the confusion and drama of her daily life, the only things that comforted her was
talking to her doll. She knew Bel was on the other side of it, hearing and seeing everything she said and
did, and this comforted her, even though he had no way of reciprocating.
"Coraline Jones, Coraline Jones, will you please come to the principal's office?" the voice came
through the PA system. Coraline was shaken out of her thoughts.
"They're calling for you, Jones," her teacher said, and gestured to the door. Coraline got up,
pressing her palm into the table as her knees felt a little unsteady. Wybie placed his hand in the air.
"May I take her there, sir?" Wybie asked.
"They asked for her alone, Lovat, and we're in the middle of class, so no," the teacher responded.
Wybie sighed, but gave Coraline the thumbs up as she left the classroom.
The five minute trek to the principal's office dragged on and she was absolutely weary by the
time she got to her destination. The usually kind secretary directed her to the office, though she already
knew exactly where it was. But it was the dismissive manner with which the secretary treated her that
offended her the most.
She knocked on the door, even though she knew it wasn't necessary. How many people visited the
principal's office?
"Come in," came the voice of the principal. Coraline paused for a second as the nameplate on the
door caught her eye, and realised she'd never actually committed the principal's name to memory. So it's
Mr Greene.. she thought to herself belatedly as she entered the office.
A gust of wind blew in the window, causing the door to slam shut behind her. The principal
glared at her, and she knew she was in for a hard time. The older man gestured to a seat and Coraline sat
gingerly, sinking into the plush cushions. She found it ironic that this comfy seat was what he made
students sit in as he gave out harsh punishments and screamed obscenities at rebellious teenagers before
sending them to detention.
Mr Greene was silent for a long time, staring at Coraline. "Miss Jones, first off, I want to tell you
how sorry we are to hear you had been kidnapped," He paused, and Coraline's heart sank. The formality of
his words were not a good sign. "You have been a prime example of a student, with your grades and
somewhat acceptable behaviour," Coraline's eyes twitched as she fought the urge to roll her eyes.
"Recently, some.. controversial rumours have been running rampant about the effects of the kidnapping,"
Choosing his words carefully.. shit. Coraline cursed in her head.
"One in particular caught my attention.. " He leaned forward, resting his head on this knuckles
and looked straight into her eyes, before asking. "Is it true that you are pregnant, Miss Jones?" he asked
in a soft, almost pitying voice.
Coraline closed her eyes and took a deep breath. No way out. "Yeah," she answered softly. "I'm
pregnant. With my kidnapper's kid," No lies. She felt proud of herself.
"I see," Mr Greene sat back, his old chair creaking as his weight pushed it back. For a long time,
there was silence except for the ticking of Mr Greene's old wooden clock. Coraline felt her whole body
protest at how tense she was. She didn't even notice she had been digging her nails into the seat's puffed
armchairs until she drew her hand back and noticed the fluff caught under her fingernails.
"I'm afraid to inform you, Miss Jones," Mr Greene continued as Coraline picked the stuffing out of
her nail. "-that our school is very strict when it come to things like drugs, sex and especially teenage
pregnancies," He paused, as if giving her an opportunity to object. She didn't. Just watched him numbly as
he dolled out a punishment she knew was unjust, but inevitable. "I understand that the circumstances of
your pregnancy is different. But other people don't know that. If prospective parents were to come, and
see you sitting in class with the rest of your classmates, they might think that we condone such
behaviour. Which we don't,"
"Even though I was raped?" Coraline felt her mouth form the words, and hear her voice asking
the question, but she was so numb she didn't even know what part of her had made her ask the question.
Maybe she just wanted to show him how unfairly he was treating her, how she had suffered, and how he
was making her suffer even more because of their school's stupid reputation.
Mr Greene squirmed uncomfortably, and she was glad. She was stretching the truth here, making
Bel who she now loved the criminal, and would've been upset if her efforts had not been rewarded with
at least some discomfort.
"I am sorry, Miss Jones. Please understand that we only wish the best for the sc-"
"To hell with this," Coraline got up, and kicked the chair over with her shin. It was surprisingly
light for such a fluffed up chair. "I'm so sick of getting judged and pushed around just because I was
assaulted and forced to fuck someone I didn't want to. If your damn reputation is so important to you,
then you can keep it. This school doesn't deserve someone like me, anyway,"
She ignored the stunned look on the principal's face and stomped to the door, flung it open before
slamming it behind her, causing the secretary to jump in her seat and the office to shudder at her force.
She didn't need the wind to help her this time.


"I never should have left the Other World," Coraline whispered. Her parents were both out, her
father possibly trying to sell their latest manuscript, and her mother accompanying him.
"No, he never should have raped you," Wybie said curtly. He had come to visit her after school, to
check that she was alright, only to find a pale, weary, sobbing mess.
"I had no control over that. But I should have stayed. I never should have returned," Coraline
said adamantly.
"You did the right thing. This is where you belong,"
"Is it?" Coraline questioned, more to herself than to him.
"Yes," he said. Something in his voice drew her attention and she looked up from the spot on her
bed she had been staring at and found Wybie's brown eyes focused on her, gazing at her intensely.
It was suddenly really hard to breathe.
Then he leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. She froze, unable to reciprocate or to
push him away. "Coraline.. I love you," he told her honestly. "It took me losing you to realise how I felt.
I'm sorry about that. But I can't stand by and watch you be so down on yourself like this, not when I love
you this much,"
He waited, tensely, for her reply. It took her a long time to be able to form the words that
represented how she felt.
"I'm sorry, Wybie, I can't," she looked into his face, her heart breaking at the hurt that was
evident on his face. "I love him," Coraline whispered.
"No, you do not!" Wybie insisted, slamming his hand against the kitchen table to punctuate his
statement. "You have stockholm syndrome! You only think that way because he captured you, held you
there against your will, and you only had him to rely on! Wake up, Coraline! The gratitude you feel isn't
"So what, Wybie?" Coraline shouted back. She seemed to realise what she had done then, and
lowered her voice. "So what if I fell for him because I was his prisoner? I'm not anymore.. And I still love
him. To me, it doesn't matter if the reason I have these feelings are stockholm syndrome. The bottom line
is that I have these feelings. And they're not going away, no matter how hard I try,"
"You're even more stupid than I thought, Coraline Jones," Wybie said stiffly, and promptly
stomped out of her room. Her heart sank as she watched her greatest ally walk out on her. But she had
made her decision. But when she heard him slam her front door, the steady beat of her heart faltered.
"Wybie, wait!" she called, rushing to her front door. She felt her stomach drop when she spotted a
girl standing frozen further down the hallway, standing so still she almost didn't notice her, and was
pretty sure Wybie hadn't.
They stood in silence for a long time. Kate never once looked in her direction, instead she
continued to stare at her feet.
"He kissed you, didn't he?" she asked in a flat, dead voice.
"Kate.. "
"I heard him tell you.. that he loves you," finally, Kate looked up, and Coraline could practically
see her reflection in Kate's glistening wet eyes. Then Kate bolted down the stairs.
"Kate, wai-"
"SAVE IT!" The normally silent girl screamed at her ex-best friend as she ran out the door.
Coraline hugged the banister of the stairs, her legs felt boneless.
How the hell did she manage to lose everything in so short a time?


A/N: I know these parts are pretty angsty, but I swear, a relatively good ending will follow!
Really! There's a method to my madness - I'm not just torturing Coraline and Bel for the fun of it!

Chapter 29: Retrieval

Disclaimer: Oh, disclaimers. I'm getting so sick of them. Especially when no one even reads them.
Coraline doesn't belong to me – it belongs to Neil Gaiman and Henry Selick.


Chapter 29: Retrieval

Coraline stayed in bed, and cried. She couldn't remember a time when she had cried so much.
Everyone was either upset or angry with her. She couldn't walk in town for more than two minutes
without hearing loud snippets of all the hurtful whispers and gossip. The school had expelled her for
getting pregnant while she had been kidnapped. Nobody was on her side any more.
Cat didn't even visit her that night.
She remembered someone telling her once that self-pity brought on tears faster than anything
else. The shame she felt at having proven this person right just made her cry even more.
She hugged the doll tightly to her chest, and cried, and sobbed, and poured her heart out to the
doll. She knew that somewhere out there her beloved spider could feel her pain, would want just as badly
to hold her in his arms and shield her from the rest of the world that had made her cry. She didn't know
how right she was.
She didn't know when she had run out of tears to cry. It was nearly three in the morning when
she felt her stomach throb suddenly. She was so surprised she promptly forgot her misery, instead laying
her hand on her midriff. She felt no other movement and started counting in her head. She was pretty
sure Dre didn't start kicking until nearly five months later. And yet she had felt the throb.
"I'm sorry," she suddenly apologised to her stomach. "I'm so sorry. Mummy didn't mean to make
you miserable too," she told her stomach, rubbing it in circles soothingly. "I know it's not your fault that
mummy's like this. It's okay, my baby. I'll protect you no matter what,"
She continued to press her palm to the small bulge, rubbing it. Her baby. She needed to bring it up
well, give it all the opportunities it deserved. Could she really do that in this town, where everyone
seemed to look at her like she was a whore? Her blood ran cold. Would they try anything to hurt her
child? She had quite a few enemies right now, it could happen.
"Bel... Help me.. " Even as the plea left her mouth she knew it was useless. He had been sealed
away. And it had been her choice. She ran her hands through her hair. God, I'm going crazy.
She ached to see him again. To feel him hug her, play with her hair, and place his long fingers
against her distended stomach, stroking their child.
Suddenly, it became clear to her what she had to do. She stopped trying to pull out her hair.
"I have to get the key back," she whispered to herself. Then she bolted out the door, leaving the
doll behind.


Bel blinked. She was going to get the key back? Why now? He couldn't help the little thrill he
felt at the mere suggestion. To have his darling Coraline back.. He shuddered, trying to push it out of his
mind. It wouldn't do that have his hopes crushed if somehow she couldn't do it.
He hoped she hadn't left it in the well again. It seemed like something she and Wybie would do,
to throw him off its scent. Not that he could really get to it from where he was. But if it was so, it could
be very dangerous for her to even attempt to get it back. Surely she wouldn't be that stupid, to put his
child and herself in such danger?
"Daddy?" Dre asked. He looked down, having forgotten she was on his lap, listening to him describe
what her mother was doing. When he saw what a state Coraline was in, he lied, telling her she was
studying and making silly mistakes with math. Dre had gotten quite curious when he suddenly stopped
describing what her mother was doing and fell silent, thinking through something. "Did something happen
to mama?"
"She's sleeping," He told Dre, sweeping her bangs off her forehead where they cascaded over her
eyes. Apparently his genes were more dominant than Coraline, as their baby didn't just have his eye
colour, but also his hair colour. In a few years, she'd learn to morph, and it wouldn't really matter, of
course. But whenever he looked into her face, he saw more and more of Coraline's features developing
there, and hoped she would come to love her human form as he now did.
"Oh," Dre replied, seeming disappointed. She pouted slightly.


Coraline looked down into the inky blackness. She wondered if the rumour was true that if you
went to the bottom of the well, and looked up in the middle of the afternoon, all you would see is the
night sky. The full moon shone brightly above her, and little did she knew that it had been a whole year
ago when the careless actions of three children had set her fate into motion.
Coraline contemplated returning when the sun was up, but figured she might not last that long.
The ache to see Bel and Dre had grown steadily as she made her way to the well, and now she couldn't
wait to retrieve her key and rush through the door, possibly never returning to this world that had
turned its back on her.
She bit onto her torchlight, holding it securely in her mouth, and unravelled the rope she had
found in the kitchen, among tools her father had bought and never used. She looked around and found a
tree nearby she could knot the rope to. She thought back to the game she and Bel had played when she
had returned to the Other World, and was glad she learned quickly how to tie knots securely so that
they don't break, epecially when they have to bear the weight of a god-knows-how-heavy magical spider.
Coraline's fingers worked on the rope quickly. "Wait for me, Bel, Dre. I'm coming home soon," she
whispered to herself every time her stupid brain even suggested she back out of this rather than go into
the well and find the key among god knows what other living creatures dwelling in the dark depths of
the moist well.
She was practically panting when she had finished her knot, having psyched herself up to the
point that her body was pumping out adrenaline at an insane rate. She tested the rope several times,
making sure it was secure and could take her weight, before feeding it into the well. She breathed a sigh
of relief when she heard it splash into the well. She held onto it tightly, and then began her descent into
the dark well, torch in her mouth. She propped her feet up against the well walls several times, but found
the moss-covered surface was too slippery to hold onto, so instead she simply held onto the rope for full
She was halfway down when she wondered - what if the well was still quite full with water, and
she had to dive to the dark bottom to find the key?
She shivered at that thought.
It's all for Bel and Dre. It's all for Bel and Dre. She chanted to herself, gritting her teeth as she
went even lower. And for my current baby. She added, and that thought was enough to drive her on.
The trip down was agonising. The well was so much deeper than she thought. And so cold. She
shivered through the three layers of clothing she wore in preparation to complete this quest. Down she
climbed, down the rope. She almost thought this monotonous activity would continue and her mission
would be completed without any hitches, when a loud snap made her gut drop.
A few strands of the rope had snapped further up, and she could almost hear more stretching as
it struggled to hold up her weight.
Her chest constricted, and she suddenly had trouble breathing. It was almost as if her body had
recognised the weakness of the rope and was restricting her intake of oxygen, as if that would be the
deciding factor in the snapping of the rope.
She tried to climb back up, hoping to get to it before it broke. She moved one hand up. More snaps.
But not as loud. Why didn't she check the whole length of rope for any weaknesses before she used it? She
cursed herself bitterly, full-blown panic taking over her as she shimmied up the rope as quick as she
could, ignoring the snaps.
She only got about a foot or so up, before the rope gave way completely. She screamed as gravity
pulled her down and wondered if this was it. She didn't fall very long until the water swallowed her up,
and she found herself drenched in well-water.
She was relieved to find it was quite shallow, and that when she stood, it only came up to her
waist. Her torch had ended up in the water as well, and she was relieved that she had brought her
water-proof one, and not the cheap torch that would have probably electrocuted her as it touched the
water. She shone the beam of light up and took a deep breath when she found that the rope had snapped
quite far up. Way too far for her to somehow jump or climb for it. Not that the well-walls were very
easy to climb. The moss slipped beneath her fingers, refusing to give her any hand-holds to heft herself
She stood in the water, her hair plastered to her face, and brainstormed. But no matter how
much she tried to think, she could not formulate a plan to get out. She shivered, wondering how much
time had passed. Yet her upper body didn't seem any drier. The well was damp and humid, not to mention
cold. Coraline's panic returned, and she placed her arms on her abdomen, trying to will what leftover
warmth she had in her body to her womb, and the consequences of her rash actions finally hit her. She
knew that cold conditions could kill off foetuses, and her child was only three months old.
She sobbed an apology to her baby, telling it to be strong, and that she'd find a way out for it. She
tried moving around in the water, trying to tap into her energy reserves, when she slipped, causing
herself to fall back in the water and get drenched all over again. She almost cursed the heavens for her
bad luck, when she felt her shoes nudge against something. Something metallic.
Her hand shot down and grabbed it, before she resurfaced and stood in the water, eyes wide as
she scanned the key. Her key. Her one way of getting back to the Other World. Back to Dre.. and Bel. She
hugged it close to her heart, and started sobbing.
She got it. She got the key. But at what cost? She was going to lose her baby, and her own life,
trapped in this well. She started to call out for help, calling and calling until she was hoarse. Surely
someone would go looking for her once they noticed her gone, right? It had to be close to morning, they
had to be coming for her.
She had almost given up when she heard a reply.
"Coraline?" A girl's voice echoed down the length of the well.
"Kate!" Coraline couldn't remember feeling so relieved to see another human being in her life.
"Kate, help me!" Her throat ached at the abuse she was putting it through, but she didn't care. She had to
get her baby warm. "I'm stuck!"
For a long time, there was no reply, but Coraline thought she could make out Kate's silhouette at
the open mouth of the well. The blood drained out of her face when her mind suddenly flashed back to
their last encounter, mere hours ago.
So she couldn't say she was surprised when what little she could see Kate of disappeared, and the
cover to the well being pushed back into place.
"Kate.. " she whispered to herself, feeling her last hope fade into nothingness.

Chapter 30: Resolution

Disclaimer: Yay! Coraline's plot/characters don't belong to me – they belong to Neil

Gaiman/Henry Selick! Hahaha, don't have to write these anymore, mwahahaha.
A/N: I noticed I'd named another chapter 'Resolve', which is quite close to this chapter's name,
except that chapter's 'Resolve' meant determination. The 'Resolution' here means.. The End.

Chapter 30: Resolution

Coraline shivered lightly. How long had it been since she had fallen into the well? How much
time had elapsed? In her hand she held the key tight, unable to give up the hope that Kate might have
gone for help. As much as her ex-best friend hated her, there was no way she could let Coraline die,
A tear slipped out of her eye and she shook it away hastily. No, the Kate she knew wouldn't do
that. She wouldn't.
Then again, the Kate she knew was cheery, and had no reason to hate Coraline. Coraline pressed
her lips together, willing herself not to cry. She had to be brave.. Somehow. Her baby in her womb needed
her to be strong.
"Please hold on.. " she told her stomach. "Hold on just a bit more,"
She jumped a few minutes later when she heard the cover being pulled back slightly, scraping
against the gritty ground. Her heart started pounding. She thought she could hear voices as well. She
couldn't deny the hope that filled her at the sound. But the cover moved no further after that, and was
only open a tiny slit – not enough for a person to come through and save her.
No hope.
She sighed, so much for that. Must have been some animal which had gotten curious. Her skin felt
wrinkly, she had been in the water way too long. Her fingers felt numb.
Coraline's head snapped up when she heard a scuttling sound. It was almost like metal tapping
against stone. She held her breath, unable to believe it.
She turned on her torch, having switched it off a while ago, afraid that the batteries would run
out, and shone it up. She let out a small cry of relief when she saw two metal fingers, sharp like needles,
scaling the rock wall quickly and practically running to her. It reached to her face level and she couldn't
for the life of her remember why she had found those sharp, metallic fingers to be so scary once.
'Bel..." she whispered, her voice cracking, both from the powerful emotions that were running
through her and the cold that had practically overtaken her body.
One of the fingers caressed her face, careful not to scrape her delicate skin. Relieved tears ran
down her face. Then the finger turned and grabbed hold of the key she was holding. It seemed to hesitate
for a moment, and then it quickly left, climbing up the mossy walls of the well. Coraline wrapped her
arms around her midriff. She had to protect her baby. For him.
It wasn't long until she heard him shout her name above her.
"Coraline!" She craned her neck and thought she could see the cover get pulled back further.
Beyond that she was sure she could see Bel's silhouette, though it was hard to tell.
"Bel!" Coraline croaked back. "I'm here!" And then moments later sticky strands of a web touched
her face. Gratefully, she tied it around her foot and arm, making sure it wouldn't strain any part of her
body and cause it to snap. Bel started drawing her up as soon as she secured the ties.
It was only moments before she reached the well entrance but it took an eternity. He pulled her
up and out of the hellish well. She stumbled as she felt solid, non-wet ground beneath her feet again. Her
skin was soggy and wrinkled, and the cold air nipped at her, sucking out any warmth left but she didn't
care. She embraced the Beldam for all she was worth.
He returned it, wrapping his arms around her and drawing her as close as he could. He planted
little, desperate kisses along her neck. She could feel the relief and joy from them, at being reunited once
"Are you alright?" he whispered into her hair. She nodded in reply, then gasped. She pulled away
from him.
"My baby," she mouthed silently, laying her soggy hands on her belly. Tears of despair flooded her
eyes. Bel placed his own palms on her midriff and a warm light shone from them. Seconds passed before he
finally sighed in relief.
"They're fine," he told her with a small smile. She broke out into a smile too, and rested her head
against his chest. He produced a blanket out of god knows where and wrapped it around her, before
holding her close once again. "Don't leave me," he whispered, his mouth beside her ear. "Never again. I'll
truly end up dying without you,"
Coraline closed her eyes and leaned against him, recalling a time when he'd said those words and
she had wanted nothing to do with it. "Okay," she said weakly in reply. "I wasn't really living without you
"Coraline.. You okay?" Wybie asked hesitantly from behind her. She looked at him in surprise,
having been so focused on Bel to notice her long-time friend and his girlfriend.
"Coraline.. " Kate looked at her in pure concern, none of the earlier jealousy which had been
plaguing her tainting her tone.
"Kate.. Thank you,"
Kate shook her head. "I didn't do anything, it was all Wybie and the Beldam,"
"That's not right, Kate, if it weren't for you, we would've never known," Wybie said, holding her
hand tightly. Coraline smiled to herself to see they had seemed to patch things up.
Suddenly she felt gloriously dry and she turned back to Bel, who was still holding her tight. His
warmth started to encase her and she sighed, leaning into him. "How?" she whispered to him.
"I heard everything from Lovat. He figured out that I could hear him from the doll, and he
helped pull the door open just enough for me to get my fingers through, and get to you," Bel explained,
nuzzling her neck.
"When Kate got me, I knew we wouldn't be able to rescue you by ourselves.. We had to get help.
The Beldam was all I could think off," Wybie shrugged.
"I'm sorry, Coraline. You were probably horrified when you saw me close the well, right? But I
swear - I didn't do it to strand you there! I figured it would be less cold if I closed it, and I didn't want
some other people to find you and do who knows what to you," Kate explained. "Especially considering how
lowly the villagers already think of you. I really am sorry, that was as much as I could do,"
Coraline nodded gratefully. "Thanks, Kate. You saved me," She smiled at Wybie. "You too,
They smiled back at the bluenette who looked up at Bel. They didn't need words. She just
snuggled against him.
"We should go back," Bel said quietly. "Come home with me. Dre misses you. She needs her mother,"
"Okay," She agreed easily. She didn't even need to think twice about it.
Kate stepped forward towards her before they could make a move. "Will we see you again?" she
asked worriedly.
"I don't know," Coraline replied honestly, moving from Bel. He released her hesitantly. "But I'll
never forget you, Kate,"
Kate smiled, and hugged her tight. She hugged her best friend back. "I'll miss you,"
"I'll miss you too," Coraline replied. Kate released her, and Wybie stepped forward. He stopped,
standing a feet or so away, keeping his distance pointedly. He looked at her awkwardly.
"Sorry.. About yesterday-"
"It's okay," she said before he could continue. "Don't worry about it,"
"Take care of yourself, Jones,"
"I will. And I'm sure Bel will too," she said, knowing he was agreeing without having to consult
him. Coraline waited for Wybie to move closer, but he was obviously minding Bel's feelings. She rolled her
eyes and closed the distance between them, pulling him close so she could hug him one last time.
"Don't do anything stupid like this ever again," he whispered into her ear.
"I won't. Be happy, best friend," She ordered him.
"You too,"
They drew away and she smiled at him. "I'm glad you were born, Wyborne,"
"Yeah, me too," he said with a grin. She looked at her friends one last time, then turned away,
back to Bel, who put his arm around her shoulders with the intention of never letting go again.


"Do you think we'll ever see her again?" Kate asked quietly as Wybie escorted her home.
Wybie thought about this seriously. "No. No, I don't think so.. " he said quietly, his voice low and
sad. "But it's probably for the best,"
"It is?" Kate asked in confusion. What would be good about never seeing her best friend again?
Wybie nodded once. "You knew, didn't you? About my feelings for Coraline,"
Kate stared at him, wondering how he knew that she knew. She nodded once.
"I thought so. You've been acting strange," Wybie said. He stopped, and Kate, seeing him stop,
halted mid-step. "Kate, I'm sorry. I really do like you, it's just that Coraline.. I, to her-"
"It's okay," Kate interjected. "I understand. I'm not angry. Sad, and disappointed. But I'm not
"Let me finish... I'm not going to give up on our relationship," Wybie said firmly. Kate stared, her
heart pounded. Was he saying what she thought he was saying? "It'll probably take me some time to get
over Coraline, if you're willing to wait.. " he trailed off, leaving a gap of silence for her to fill.
"I am," she said instantly, not even having to think things through. "I'll wait for you, Wybie.
However long it takes,"
A smile spread over Wybie's face, and he started walking again, linking his hands with Kate's as
they made the dark, quiet trek back to her house, their warmth shared between them as she moved closer
to him.
Everything was going to be alright between them.


After saying their goodbyes, Coraline and Bel went back to the Pink Palace. They sneaked past
her parents' bedroom where they could hear her father's snores. She moved to her room quickly and
wrote a letter to her parents. As angry as they were at her, she knew they would still worry if she
disappeared, and she promised them that she would be okay. She ended the letter by telling them how
thankful she was for them raising her as they had, was grateful for their care, however little. Before she
left, she also collected the doll Bel had made for her, and took it with her.
She left the letter on the table beside their bed, next to the alarm clock. She hesitated before
leaving, and after a moment's thought, removed the dragon hairclip her parents had bought her during a
less lonely, happier time and placed it on the letter. She wanted them to realise she was no longer a child
who needed clips in her hair so they could see her face. She was an adult now – she no longer needed
their care, though she was grateful to have received it.
As she left her parents' room, she noticed Bel looking at her neutrally, but somehow she knew he
was concerned about her leaving behind her parents, perhaps never to see them again. She simply smiled
at him, hoping to seem reassuring.
He said nothing, but took her hand and guided her to the little door. Except it wasn't so little
anymore, it had grown in height so that she and Bel could walk through comfortably. She lifted an
eyebrow at him. He shrugged in reply, though his face lit up with a small smile. She laughed softly and
pulled him through, glad to be going home. Unlike the first few times she had gone through the tunnel, it
wasn't rainbow-coloured, littered with webs nor was it a plain white tunnel. It spanned a further
distance, and the walls were lined with shelves. On the shelves were memories. She recognised some of
them, like a little drum that she remembered the mice playing, a bowl of – she suspected, very old –
colourful candy, a small costume fit for a dog with angel wings, a blue jumper with stars on it folded to
one side, beside it were a pair of black boots. She smiled when she saw the clothes, and brushed her finger
against them lightly. She jumped when she heard a click, and looked back at Bel. He was locking the door
that led from the tunnel to the pink palace.
He caught her look. "I don't want any more children finding their way here and interrupting us,"
he explained.
She nodded understandingly. He caught up to her with three long strides and she grasped his
hand as her eyes wandered over all the familiar objects decorating the shelves. She came to a full array
of dolls, mainly of herself. Her in her raincoat, the very first doll she'd received, her in the drab school
uniform she was forced to wear, one of her in the blue top with stars on them, and others with
practically all the outfits she had in her closet. She looked up at Bel, only to see him staring at them, on
his face was what she recognised as a nostalgic smile. She wondered what memories he was seeing as he
looked at them. She released his hand, drawing his attention, and placed the last doll she'd received at
the end of them. It just seemed to fit.
Bel wrapped an arm back around her waist as he too contributed something to the shelf. The
black key.
"Don't you need to lock the other door?" Coraline asked in some confusion.
"No. You're free to go back to your world whenever you wish, love," Bel said, smiling down at her,
a smile that had no hidden intent nor anything sinister about it. It made her smile back in return.
She shook her head. "I've said my goodbyes. It's better I disappear forever. Plus, the things I love
most in this world are here,"
Something seemed to spark in his eyes as soon as he'd said that, and he drew her close into a
tight hug. He put his lips to her ears, and whispered the one thing he had found so difficult to admit to
her before.
"I love you,"
Coraline couldn't even bring her hands up to hug him back, she was that stunned. She drew back
slightly so she could look at his face. He was completely sincere. It wasn't a joke, or some bout of playful
teasing. She smiled back at him.
"I love you too. Beyond anything else in this world," she said. She paused. "Except maybe our kids.
But that's because they're part you too,"
He laughed and hugged her close again, pulling her to his chest.
They stayed like that for a while, happy and content to just be in each others' arms after so long.
But finally, Coraline spoke, unable to stand being apart from Dre any longer.
"I want to see our daughter," she said somewhat anxiously.
He nodded. "She wants to see you too, badly," And with that he pulled her through the other
door, not even bothering to shut it. Coraline knew she would be back in that tunnel soon. But not to
return to her parents, or the cruel world that scorned her. No, she would be back there to reflect on all
the memories – both the fond ones and the not so fond ones.
When Coraline got to the stairs, she found herself walking faster and faster, until finally Bel
was forced to release her with a chuckle so she could dash up the stairs. She ran to what was previously
the room of her Other Parents, and stared, stunned, at the child that lay in the bed.
The girl's hair was straight and black, splayed out all around her, but she could see a blueish hue
surrounding her head like a halo. She wondered if it was from her genes, or just a trick of the moonlight.
Long eyelashes of the same colour framed her closed eyes. She was much bigger than she had been about
four months ago, she looked to be maybe two or three years old. Coraline baulked at that. How much had
she missed?
She stepped closer towards the bed, feeling herself gravitate to the child. She hesitated when
she noticed the dried trails of tears on the girl's cheeks. Finally, taking a deep breath and preparing
herself for the impending rejection, she touched the girl's face. Dre woke up instantly.
Her large black eyes stared into her mother's, and Coraline couldn't help noticing how similar
the girl seemed to be to her father.
"Mama?" the girl inquired in so slight a voice, it broke Coraline's heart. "Am I dreaming again?"
"No," Coraline said gently, sitting on the bed. "I'm really here. I'm back,"
The girl stared at her mother in a stunned silence, and Coraline waited, her whole body tensed
with her distress. The girl moved so fast Coraline never caught her movement, flinging her arms around
her mother.
"Mama!" Dre's voice was so relieved, Coraline was shocked. "Mama, where did you go?" she wailed.
"I'm sorry," Coraline said, choking on her own sob. "I'm so sorry. I never should have left,"
"Don't leave again, Mama. Please don't ever leave again,"
Coraline pulled back from the hug so she could wipe away her daughter's tears. "I won't, my little
Dre. I'll never leave you or your papa ever again,"
Dre held out her pinky. "Promise?"
Coraline smiled and hooked her little finger around her daughter's much smaller one without
hesitation. "I promise,"
Bel, having been just outside the door respecting the privacy he knew mother and daughter
needed, made his entrance, smiling.
"Daddy!" Dre said, holding one arm out to him. He sat on the bed and pulled both his love and his
daughter into his lap, kissing Dre's cheek first, then Coraline's. Both girls giggled. "Are we going to be
together forever now?" Dre asked.
Coraline and Bel exchanged a smile, and she stroked the side of her daughter's cheek gently. "Yes,
I think we will,"
And she was right.


A/N: Argh, it just felt so right to end it there, even though there are still some lose ends I need
to tie up..
Coraline remains pregnant for fourteen months this time, with twin boys. In case you hadn't
figured. Coraline certainly hasn't realised she has more than one baby yet (At the end of the story),
though she will remember that Bel said "They're alright," some time soon, I bet. I don't have anywhere
else to write in this little fact, so I thought I'd write it here.
Bel doesn't eat children ever again. He still gets the energy he needs somewhere else, and it does
involve killing people, but he doesn't go for the most vulnerable of people anymore, out of deference to
his lover. I'm a little fuzzy on the details.
I know you're all a bit disappointed at the abrupt ending, as am I, and I do have a very short
epilogue coming up (about a page and a half) which doesn't really tell you much.

Epilogue: Realms.. Have No Effect On Friendship

Disclaimer: . .Just when I got excited about never writing a disclaimer again, I decide to do an
epilogue. For the last time – Coraline and its plot, and characters don't belong to me. They belong to Neil
Gaiman/Henry Selick.
A/N: I wanted to make the epilogue name more unique. Therefore the awfully long name. Though
it was meant to mean different realms can't break friendships.


Epilogue: Realms.. Have No Effect On Friendship

"Loman! Loman Lovat, you come back here!" Kate called, the names slipping off her tongue like a
tongue-twister. She contemplated going after her son, but he was nowhere to be found, and her aching
feet protested the effort. She hefted herself down into a chair, her rounded belly making it hard to get
comfortable. But she was happy and contented. In her womb contained Wybie's second child.
Loman escaped the bush he'd been hiding in, and crawled past the fence. The ten year old knew
the way to the Pink Palace by heart. Curiosity drove him as he neared the place both his parents had
warned him not to venture to. Yet his father came here periodically. Loman didn't know why, but he had
heard his mother curse a small door in the house. The house was empty. Old Mel and Charlie Jones had
moved away once they had lost their daughter for good. After many years of gazing at the house
longingly, Loman had finally worked up the courage to explore it.
He stealthily crept down the driveway of the house, wincing at the pinkness of it all. As far as
he knew, the eccentric man who lived in the flat above had died recently of old age, muttering about his
mice circus as he went, and one of the two old women who lived in the flat below had also died of food
poisoning from expired sweets. The other left, lonely and broken-hearted at having lost her long-time
friend. So the house was empty, abandoned. No one wanted it, not after all that had happened to the
The door creaked noisily and Loman jumped, looking around nervously. When he saw no signs of
being discovered , he entered the house. He could not take in enough of the house, his head swivelled back
and forth, his eyes registering everything.
A painting of a boy whose ice-cream had fallen caught his eye, and he entered the room, intent
on getting a closer look. As he did so, the door slammed shut behind him, and he literally jumped a few
inches into the air. He could feel cold sweat forming on his palms when he heard a soft wail, followed by
a sob. It was coming behind a small door on the wall somewhere to his left. He wiped his palms on his
shirt nervously, took a deep breath, and started tiptoeing to the door. The crier started to sob
uncontrollably, and a fearful chill ran up Loman's spine. What the hell was he doing?
But it was too late. Curiosity indeed killed the cat. He counted to three in his head, before
wrenching the little door open. A girl on the other side of the door jumped and looked up at Loman with
tearful black eyes.
All of Loman's fear vanished.
"Um.. Are you okay?" he asked the girl. She seemed to be older than him by three or four years,
and was curled up into a ball in what seemed to be a large passageway, with shelves of curious objects
lining its walls. She continued staring at him for a few seconds, before shaking her head back and fro, her
hair slapping into her face as she did so, sticking onto her salty tears.
"My mama scolded me.. " she said in a small whisper. "She wouldn't let me go out into the real
world to find friends my own age.. "
Loman didn't get a word she was saying and how she came to be in that tunnel, but he understood
that she was upset from being scolded by her mum. He scooted over to sit beside her in the tunnel and
tried to comfort her.
"I'm sure she had a reason to. My mum only scolds me for doing things she knows will hurt me,"
Like going to the Pink Palace. He added in his head, but said nothing about that to her.
"But I'm lonely," she replied, hiccuping on that last syllable as if to punctuate what she was
"Well.. Then I'll be your friend," Loman said. She blinked at him.
She was silent for a few seconds. "I've never had a friend before," she admitted shyly.
"It's okay, it's not that hard. I'm Loman Lovat. What's your name?" Loman asked.
"Deirdre Beldam-Jones... But you can call me Dre,"


Who's the "Freak" now?

Chapter 1: The Meeting

Madison groans softly while rubbing the back of her neck, she had finally finished cleaning the living
room of the Bagge's home! She could've sworn she heard the little pink dog giggling but brushed it off as
she was just exhausted. “Ah, Maddie dear you must be exhausted, you should sit down for a bit!” Maddie
turns her head to see Muriel holding a tray of lemonade.

Maddie smiled shyly. “Thank you, Mrs. Bagge! But you didn’t have to go through so much trouble.” Muriel
laughed, she always saw Maddie as if she was her own daughter; it gave Maddie a little leeway in taking
a breather now and then. Eustace, however. “She’s right Muriel! The last thing we need is for you babying
her and for her to slack off!” He grumbled, sitting in his red chair. “Nonsense, Eustace! The poor girl should
take a break, she shouldn’t tire herself out.” Muriel replied calmly.

Before Maddie had a chance to intervene, the phone in the kitchen started to ring. Muriel sets the tray
down on the table and went to answer it, with Courage following her; a few awkward minutes passed by
as Maddie sat down, not giving thought about who was on the other end, talking to Muriel. That changed
the moment she heard Courage running to her and jumping onto her lap, cowering in fear. She pats his
head. “W-What’s the matter, little guy?!” She asked worriedly.

All Courage did was curl into a ball and whimpered into her lap. Muriel came out of the kitchen with her
usual smile, unaware of her dog’s little freak out. “Mrs. Bagge, what’s going on?” Maddie asked. “Oh! My
dear nephew is coming over for a visit today; it would be lovely if you two meet each other!” She giggled.
As she sat down in her rocking chair, Maddie smiled, but nervously asked. “M-Mrs. Bagge! You’re not
trying to set me up with your nephew, are you?" Eustace interjects. “That freak is not stepping one foot
into this house!”

Something clicked in Maddie’s mind which caused the corner of her mouth to twitch. She turns to look at
the old man, intrigued in hearing more about this nephew of theirs. “F-Freak?” She said softly.

“Yeah! The freak’s a barber, a freaky barber, with his own freaky barber shop, where freaky things happ-”
His rant was interrupted by a smack on the head from Muriel, who was brandishing a rolling pin. Maddie
looks at the couple in shock. “Where in the hell she come from!” She thought. Muriel scolds her husband.
“Now that’s enough, Eustace! He’s a nice boy and can stay as long as he needs!” She looks at Maddie.
“Maddie dear, let’s fix up the guest room! He’ll be here in a few hours!” Maddie giggles and place Courage
on the floor, she hops up, excitedly. “Sure thing, Mrs. Bagge!”

After a few hours of fixing the room and occasionally calming Courage down, Muriel and Maddie hear a
knock on the door. “Oh, there he is! Come along Maddie!” Muriel cheerfully said as she starts heading
downstairs, Maddie follows right behind her. Once they got to the door, Maddie was too busy prying
Courage off her leg; it almost as if he was warning her about something. She immediately stops when
Muriel opens the door to greet her nephew. Maddie’s eyes were fixated on the man, as if hypnotized by

“Fred dear! How lovely it is to see you again!” Muriel said cheerfully, she then tugs on Maddie’s hand and
pulled her over to meet the taller male. “Fred! This is Madison, the young lady I told you about!” She said.

Maddie smile shyly at Fred as she puts her hand out to shake his. “Hi, Fred! It’s good to finally meet you!”
Fred grabs her hand and kissed it gently. “Hello, dear Madison. It’s a pleasure to meet you as well.” He
replied cheerfully, but with a hit of eeriness. Maddie giggled, not bothered by how creepy he’s being.
Courage, however, ran to the kitchen and hid under the table. Maddie shakes her head and sighs, still
trying to figure out why he was so bothered by the man.

The day went on normally: Muriel and Maddie talking to Fred with the occasional complements Fred
gave about Maddie’s hair; Courage would repeatedly cower next to Muriel or just run off to hide
whenever Fred took small glances at him. Eustace would mostly remain quiet or mumble about the other
man, most of which were unpleasant. But Fred would not be bothered by it. He doesn’t seem bothered by
most things, Maddie noticed; he always has that huge “creepy” smile on his face.


The day ended with Muriel, Eustace, and Courage going to their bedroom while Fred and Maddie went off
to their respective rooms. Fred strips off his suit to put on some comfortable clothes to sleep in, which
was just a pair of long green pajama pants. Finally, he turns off the lights and climbed into bed, allowing
sleep to consume him. However, a grunt left his lips as he felt something lightly go over his crotch.
Pushing it off as just the blankets, he continues to get some rest; only to later gasp softly as he felt
something go under the waistband of his pants, grabbing hold of his cock and tugging it gently.

A giggle fills the now heavy and hot air. Fred finally opens his eyes, half asleep but still able to see a
silhouette of a woman sitting over him. “M-Madison?” He quietly called out, he tried to move to get a
closer look, but the figure grabs his shoulders and was quickly pushed back into the bed. The figure moves
a little closer to him. “Did I wake you Freddy? Silly me.” The figure whisper, seductively.

Before he could react, a deep moan escapes his lips as he felt the figure roughly grind herself into his
crotch; feeling her wetness through her panties. He bit his lip to not get any louder, the figure giggles
and moves closer to his face; fully revealing Maddie in just her underwear. “Freddy baby, we can’t have
that. I need to hear my boy scream.” Fred gulped, this was not the girl he met this morning; this Maddie
was completely different! He was quickly snapped out of his thoughts as he heard the woman growl in
frustration. He gasped once more as he felt her hand wrapped around his neck, his pants and boxers being
pulled down.

His cock shot out in excitement, pre-cum already dripping out, Maddie chuckles. “Now what do we have
here?” She grabs hold of his cock and starts rubbing the tip against her clothed entrance; she licks her lips
and locked her eyes to his. Fred smiles at her and groans softly, obviously aroused by her actions. He tugs
at the hand on his neck. “W-We shouldn’t, Madison, my dear. Such a naughty girl you are.”

She looks down at the now flustered man, a giggle leaving her lips. “You haven’t seen nothin’ yet baby.”
She pulls down her panties and positions his cock at her entrance.

“Let’s see how freaky you are.”

Before Fred could register anything, she shoves his cock right inside her and roughly starts riding him,
not giving time to adjust to his size. Fred clenches his teeth and shut his eyes, tightly. “M-Madison,
please…wait.. you're.. so tight.” He breathes out, Maddie kisses him, shoving her tongue into his mouth,
roughly grinding on his cock. She pulls away and went faster on top of him, her hands now on his tanned


Maddie immediately stops and looks at Fred in shock. Fred opens his eyes and looks up at her. Finally
realizing what he said, he quickly covers his mouth; his face becoming much redder than before. He tries
to stutter out an apology, but his arms were quickly grabbed and pinned onto the bed. “You horny. Little.
Fuck!” She whispers in his ear. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as she pounds into him, brutally . “M-
Madison! Please, slow down, I.. I can’t take it.. much longer!” His back arched as Maddie grabs hold of his
hair. “N-no…don’t…do that.” He breathe out, his hand grips the sheets as he felt her walls tightening
around him, she bends lower to Fred’s ear and whispers. “Go ahead, baby boy…cause I’m about to cum all
over your big throbbing cock!”

He couldn’t take it anymore, with one last thrust he shoots his load inside her, moaning her name loudly
as she rode through his orgasm until she finally came. She falls on top of him as they both started
panting, trying to catch their breath. “You’re an amazing man, Freddy baby,” she giggled softly. “You’re
quite amazing yourself…my dear.” She moves closer to kiss him. When they pulled away, Fred started to
feel drowsy once again, Maddie smiles, caressing his cheek, and whispers. “Goodnight Freddy, sweet

He falls into slumber once more.


Fred slowly opens his eyes and looks out the window. Realizing it's the next day, he slowly rises but
immediately grabs his head, groaning in pain. “W-what happened?” He said quietly. He looked down and
went bright red at what he saw, his pants soaked in cum. He quickly tosses the blanket off him and quietly
went towards the bathroom to wash up; luckily everyone was downstairs. As he stood under the shower,
he started contemplating about what had happened; his face went red as he finally processes what
transpired last night.

“O-oh my! Did M-Ms. Madison and me? N-no we couldn’t have; she’s just a sweet woman! She would never
behave like that. I… I would never behave like that…would I?

Fred groaned softly trying to convince himself that what occurred last night was unreal. He steps out of
the shower, dressed himself in another green suit and heads downstairs for breakfast; when he gets into
the kitchen, his eyes widen as he saw Maddie, she was helping Muriel set the table, noting how sweet her
face looks compared to the seductive eyes he saw. Maddie looks up and smiles happily. “Oh, Fred you’re
finally awake.” She goes up to him and notices his expression. “Fred? Are you all right? You’re sweating a
lot.” Fred snaps out of his thoughts and smiles. “I-I’m fine…Madison. I supposed that I’m still a bit
lethargic.” He laughs nervously.

Maddie was about to ask another question but was stopped by Courage tugging her away from the strange
barber, Madison groans. “What the? Alright Courage, jeez. I’ll feed you right now, okay?” She looks back to
Fred. “Well sit on down before your food gets cold kay, Fred!” He nods and sat down at the table. Muriel
was talking to Fred with the occasional comments from her husband, yet Fred was in his own little world
now; taking quick glances at Maddie and turning away as soon as she either notice or his face becomes

“I supposed It was just a dream…l- lovely. But…why would I have such a naughty dream about her?
Never mind that, it was just one time… A silly little fantasy like that won’t happen again.”

Chapter 2: Just a Dream?

It felt like hours with Fred at the table with his family and Madison; it would appear that everything is
going smoothly. Well…kind of. If it wasn’t for Courage constantly getting the maid's attention when he
notices the creepy barber staring at her. Unfortunately, Courage couldn’t tell what was going on in
Fred’s head. Hell, as of right now, Fred couldn’t figure it out himself. “It was just a dream…right?” Fred
thought. “So why can’t I forget about it?” As Fred was deep in thought he didn’t pay attention to one of
his legs moving, he felt a familiar, satisfying sensation going up his spine. Fred bit his lip to hold back any
moans that wanted to escape, he looks at Maddie and his eyes widen. “Oh no…those…those eyes!”
Madison’s eyes were just like last night, this time it was added with a seductive smirk. Fred wanted to
make a sound, but didn’t want to attract any attention, Maddie motions her eyes downward and Fred
soon followed. Another sensation ran up his spine as he observes the foot on his crotch, Maddie’s foot to
be exact; she was massaging him though his clothes. He could feel his leg, along with his "little friend"
twitching with excitement. Fred restrained himself to show any pleasure, keeping his eyes on her foot; he
couldn’t hear his aunt calling out to him until Maddie waves her hand in his face.

“Hey Fred! Mrs. Bagge is talking to you.” Maddie said, showing concern. Fred’s head shot up to look at his
aunt, surprised for a moment but cleared his throat, hiding the shaky tone in his voice. “Y-Yes, Aunt
Muriel? I apologize, I didn't mean to space out.” He chuckled nervously. “That’s perfectly fine dear; you’re
probably just exhausted from your trip.” Muriel laughed.

“Y-yes, yes.. exhausted.” Fred looks down once more and gulp, Maddie’s foot was not there anymore. He
looks up at her, she was preoccupied with petting Courage, just as innocent as she can be! Fred quietly
sighs. “Oh my… I must be imagining things. I shouldn’t picture such a sweet and innocent girl doing
something as naughty as that!”

The rest of the morning seemed like just a blur; at least it would be if it wasn’t for Fred seeing Maddie
doing perverted things in front of him. He could have sworn a couple of times she pulled down her dress
to reveal her breast; other times, she would lift her dress to show her ass with that smirk on her face. He
lost count on how many times he thought the purple haired maid touched his ass only to be reminded he
could’ve either brushed passed something or it was just a breeze. His family wouldn’t even notice a thing.
Why would they? It was all in his head after all.

But what pushed him over the edge was when she was preparing to give Courage a bath. As Muriel was on
the porch and Eustace was repairing his car, Maddie was running around the house getting Courage.
“Courage! Get back here!” She shouted. Unfortunately, Fred was in the crossfire and Maddie ran right into
him, causing them to fall with her on top. Her hair, which was almost covering his face was bad enough,
but it almost felt like she was biting his neck. Before he could clarify that, she shot up and was now
sitting on him. Fred went bright red once he notices the position, giving him a flashback of what they did
last night. “What a little minx, she’s teasing me again! I… I need to get her off me before I do
something… n-naughty…”

He try to squirm out from underneath her, only to have her move and stutter repeatedly. “I-I’m so sorry
Fred; I d-didn’t mean to f-fall on y-you!” She yelled. Fred just sat up and stared at her; this made Courage
a little nervous, feeling that Fred might shave her. Instead, Fred just quickly stood up and looked around
the room, avoiding eye contact with her. “N-no it is f-fine…please p-pardon me!”

He quickly ran upstairs and into the bathroom, making sure that he locks it. He sat in front of the door
and place his hands over his now sweaty face. “I-I can’t handle this anymore! I c-can’t be imagining
things; this must be real! B-But how am I going to prove it?” Just then, an idea pops up; this plan will stop
him from having these feelings; it will help him from doing something worse than his obsession with hair!
This idea caused him to smile wildly and a manic giggle to come out of him. He’l l stop this torment from
getting any worse!
Chapter 3: A Plan Coming Together
He can't be seeing things! Fred was certain that this was real, but how was he going to prove it? Simple;
what is Fred best known for? Well giving a "wonderful" haircut of course. He knew that the moment he
becomes.. naughty, Madison would not want to see him again, which means he may forget about her! As
the barber was deep in thought with his plan, a knock on the bathroom door interrupted him and an all
too familiar voice was heard on the other side. "Fred! Are you okay? I really didn't mean to fall on you!"
Maddie called out.

Fred chuckles softly, he got up from the floor to open the door. He looks down at the innocent frown on
Maddie's face, she seems awfully guilty for what happened earlier but to Fred; he wasn't buying it. "Dear
Madison, don’t apologize. I should not have run off like that, it was quite rude of me." He bowed at the
small maid and gave what may seem like a kind-hearted smile to him, but to others, it was a little eerie.
Whatever the case, it didn't bother Maddie in the slightest; she just blushed and giggled softly.

He knew that she was faking, but at the same time, he still couldn't tell. She just seemed way too innocent
and gentle. Her eyes sparkling as if she wouldn't harm a fly even if she could, and her little giggles didn't
help either. Maybe, it was in his head; maybe he was just exaggerating this entire time; or maybe this
could be another trick; he had to make sure! He mentally calmed himself down and stared at her.
"Madison? I can't help but notice how disheveled your hair is after our little.. . incident." He calmly told
her, however he struggled a bit on the last word, he swore she did it on purpose.

Maddie tugged on a few strands and looked down while twirling the strands around her fingers, as if she
was embarrassed. "W-Well it did get a little tangled." She felt the barber take her hand and gently
pulled her into the bathroom. "Well then Madison dear, why don't you take a seat and let me take care of
you! I am a barber after all!" He closed the door behind them and secretly locks it, he pulls Maddie onto a
chair that was facing the mirror and went behind her.

He pulls out a pair of scissors, as if he was just going to snip the ends but, he had his lovely razor behind
his back the entire time. "Um, Fred? Are you really going to fix my hair with just one hand?" Maddie
asked shyly. Fred chuckled once more.

"Of course, my dear, I have done it numerous times! Just relax and enjoy." Fred knew how to sell a lie, but
he knew that since Maddie's hair was very long, his arms wouldn't be seen in the mirror so he could move
the razor up to her hair secretly. He was close to the back of her scalp, ready to see all her silky, purple
locks collide with the floor. He took one last glance at the mirror and what he saw made him drop his

Those seductive eyes staring back at him though the mirror had appeared once more. He slowly backs
away, he could see her smirking almost as if she knew this was going to happen. He didn't know why those
eyes stunned him so much; it wasn't as if he was afraid, he just always felt.. strange when he saw them, he
didn't know what it was, but he could feel his face turning red and his little friend getting excited every
time she gave him that look. He shook his head and looks back up to a now innocent Maddie, who is now
turned around, facing him with a worried expression. "F-Fred! Are you sure you're okay?"
No, he wasn't.

He kept his usual smile but, his eyes said something else; concern and lust. "M-Madison.. did.. did you.. " he
couldn't bring himself to say anything. He tried, but each time he did Madison would just give him a
puzzled look. She finally stood up and walked towards him, only for him to back away closer to the wall.
"Madison, you looked at me…differently just now." He whispered, she just stood there tilting her head.
"What? Differently how? Are you feeling alright?"

He couldn't take it anymore! He looks her straight in the eyes and finally said what he been wanting for
this entire time. "Y-you slept with me last night.. d-didn't you?" He breathed out; his voice getting husky,
just the thought of what they done made him harder, but he tried to stay focus. The question made
Maddie dumbfounded. "Huh! What are you talking about?! I just met you, why would I do something like
that?" It was Fred's turn to look confused, his smile falling into a frown. "Madison.. dear. You slept with
me and you've done nothing but tease me the entire time I stepped into this house.. I couldn't of-" He
stopped himself when he notices Madison closing her eyes. She calmly smiles, but it soon went to a
seductive laugh. "Okay, okay.. I guess my fun is over now.. "

She opens her eyes but her innocent demeanor is now replaced with a devilish smirk, her eyes now slated
into a seductive glare. She walks slowly to Fred, pinning him against the wall. He could feel her breast
pressed up against him and her knee in between his legs, gently rubbing his crotch; this made Fred bite his
lower lip, averting his eyes away from hers.

"Freddy baby; what's wrong? You were acting so brave a few seconds ago. Did I get you all hot n'
bothered.. again?" She chuckled at the last part, almost amused by his reaction. Fred shifted a bit, trying
to move away from her; the movement made Maddie reach down into his pants and grab hold of his
member, using her thumb to tease the tip. "Gah! M-Madison, not here! S-Someone might hear us!" Fred
moaned out, he could feel himself getting harder. He looked over at Maddie and notices her pulling her
uniform down, revealing her breast, "Don't worry baby, I won't do what we did last time. Today is going to
be a little…different!"

Before Fred could get a word out, she unbuckles his pants and pulls them down, along with his boxers. She
kneeled in front of him and continues to rub his cock, this time a lot faster. Fred's breathing became
faster and he groaned at the feeling, pre-cum started to drop onto Maddie's bare chest, making her hum in
amusement. She kept her eyes locked onto Fred's, enjoying the expression on his face. Oh, how she loves to
see this man flustered, but she didn't want to end it just yet.

She stopped rubbing his cock, only to receive a frustrated moan from Fred. "Okay Freddy baby, I'l l give
you what you want," she smirked, it wasn't going to be that easy. "But you have to tell me what that is.
So, Freddy.. " She slowly moves her hand up and down his cock.

"What is it?"
Maddie chuckled at the horrified expression on his face. "M-Madison dear.. don't m-make me say it; this is
so n-naughty of you." She frowned at his response. "Not what I wanted to hear. Maybe, I should stop?"
Fred groaned. "N-No! Please don't. ." He bites his lip and closes his eyes. "M-Madison.. please.. let me.. " He
couldn't say it. Fred felt embarrass, he never been in a situation like this before. Maddie sighs, looks up at
him and smiles. "Maybe this might give you some help." He gasped as Maddie took him into her mouth, he
grabbed hold of her hair and pushed her further down his cock, earning a few moans in the process. "Oh
my.. Madison! You're.. going to.. make me cum!"

She pulls away, replacing her mouth with her hand. "Go ahead baby! You taste pretty good!" She chuckles
from the noises he was making and got up, her hand still pumping his cock as she places it in between her,
rubbing the tip against her entrance; she moves to his ear, moving a few strands out the way. "Should I
keep teasing you a bit more? My my Freddy baby, you look like you’re about to explode." Fred started to
whimper, his pleading getting higher pitched as his self-control slowly melts away. “P-Please.. ” Maddie
chuckles. “Please.. what?”

Fred clenched his teeth as he stared at her, his composure now gone as his voice got deeper out of
frustration. “That’s. .enough.. ”

Madison yelps as she felt his hands grab hold of her hips, Fred pushes his cock fully inside her causing her
to wrap her legs around his waist. Fred turns and pushes her against the wall, pumping his cock roughly
inside her. He begins to move faster, growling and grunting in the process. Maddie's eyes rolled to the
back of her head, she sinks her nails into his shoulders as she grabs his hair, a smile formed on her face as
she came on him, Fred moaned loudly as he fills her up with his load.

They slid down to the floor, exhausted. Fred rested his forehead on top of hers. When he pulls out, he
gasped as he felt her hand wrap around his neck. He looks down and saw her glaring up at him, clearly
pissed off. "M-Madison, I.. I didn't mean to.. I... I don't know what came over me!" Her glaring eyes didn't
leave her face, but her frown was replaced with a devilish smirk. She let's go of his neck and stands up,
fixing herself up she walks toward the door to unlock it. She turns to Fred and whispered loud enough for
only him to hear.

"I'll get you back for that.. Freddy."

Fred watches as she leaves the bathroom and quickly got himself back together. Once he was finish, he
looked back at the door and blushed. "W-What did she mean by that!?"
A/N: Got rid of that Daddy kink! I know there are some people that likes that stuff (which was why I
made that) but, I just couldn’t. Sorry!

Chapter 4: The Mistress

Declaimer: This chapter will be centered on female dominance and toys; if you’re not into that than you
don’t have to read it if you’re uncomfortable. If you are comfortable, than enjoy! ;-)
Ever since their little affair this afternoon, Fred couldn’t help but notice how strange Madison was
behaving towards him, “‘I’ll get you back for this?’ What on earth did she mean by that? And why is she
acting weird suddenly? This thought kept lingering in his head as he stared at Maddie as she was washing
the dishes. He couldn’t take the silence anymore, “Madison?” She hummed as an only response.

“H-How long have you been assisting my dear Aunt?” He had to choose his words carefully since he was
more concern that his family might hear him, and he didn’t want to bring up anything ‘naughty’ that they
did together since their first meeting. “About a few months; why are you asking?” She finally turns to
face him, wiping her hands dry with a towel, looking at him with an annoyed expression across her face,
her innocent demeanor still present. “Why is she displeased with me? That’s certainly unexpected!”

He clears his throat. “W-Well I was.. just a tad curious is all; apologies if I may have upset you, my dear.”
He awkwardly chuckled trying to ease the tension between them. Unbeknownst to him, Maddie kept
looking towards the entrance to the living room and back to Fred, a smirk slowly forms on her lips as she
moved towards him. Once he finally notices, he moved back until he was once again up against a wall. He
felt his face warm up the moment Maddie closed the gap between them, her breast pressed against his
chest. “M-Madison? Just what are y-!?” He was cut off by her lips pressed up against his in a passionate

He thought about pushing her off in fear that someone might see them, but later melts into the kiss and
wrapped his arms around her waist, ignoring the fact that her hand slid inside his pants, he did take
notice when he felt something being slipped around his cock, which made him jump and immediately push
Maddie off. “W-What do you think you’re doing!?” All Maddie did was giggle and whispered in his ear. “I
told you I will get you back; didn’t I.” He was going to respond when he felt the object vibrate around his
cock, causing him to fall to his knees and cover his mouth. “No! She can’t be serious!” He looks up and saw
her glaring and smirking at him. Her appearance quickly changed when she hears footsteps approaching.

“Are you alright Fred?” He turned around and saw his aunt looking at him with a worried expression.
Before he could say anything, Maddie jumps in. “I think he doesn’t feel well M-Mrs. Bagge! Don’t worry; I’ll
help him to his room!” He felt the vibrator stop and was left sweating and flustered on the floor. He
seems to have zoned out during the whole conversation and only came to his senses once he felt Maddie
toss his arm over her shoulder while her other hand was on his waist. Once they were inside his bedroom,
he pushes Maddie away, stumbling to keep himself up. “Y-You harlot!” He hasn’t felt this frustrated since
he was at the Home for Freaky Barbers. “Y-you can’t do something as lewd as…that in front of AHHH!”
He fell to the floor once again as he felt the toy vibrate. He wanted to cover his mouth, but Maddie
pulled his hands away, allowing pants and groans to come out his mouth. “Tsk, tsk, Freddy baby. Did you
really think I was going to let you get away with what you did? You ruined my whole plan, I was not
going to let that go unnoticed.” All Fred did was bit his lip and moaned as a response. Maddie giggled.
“This is your punishment! For the rest of the evening you are not allowed to take that toy off you. No
matter. What.”

He swallowed and breathed out. “M-Madison…this…this is insane…I…I can’t move around…. l-like
this! W-What if I!” He grabbed his crotch as he felt the vibration increase ; placing his head on her lap, he
starts groaning loudly wanting nothing more but for her to turn it off. Thankfully, she did before he
reached his point. Sadly, for him he now must walk around with his cock begging for release. Maddie
laughed at his awkwardness, “My! Won’t this be an interesting evening? Now I want you to show up for
dinner! You can play sick for now, but I want our little game to continue! I don’t want to do this to you
again, so just do what I say, and this can be a one-time thing. Got it?” Fred sighed. “Yes, Madison dear.
I’ll…obey.” She kissed his forehead and left the room. Fred looked at the door, still panting. “What a
naughty little harlot she is…but why am I so…aroused by her?”



Everyone is enjoying themselves around the dinner table…except for Fred and Eustace…but that’s not
a surprise for the old man. Fred, however, is a bit put off tonight, all he was doing was fidgeting in his
seat, anticipating when Maddie will start her little torment. Maddie pretended that she didn’t notice his
behavior, she was either talking to Muriel or petting Courage; Fred did take note that her other hand
was kept in a fist the entire time, hiding the remote. Fred shook his head and smiled widely thinking that
she was only bluffing and that she wouldn’t dare do that to him in front of his family. He felt more at
ease and started joining in on some conversations with his aunt and sometimes with Maddie. “How
calming.” He thought.

That was until he felt a familiar sensation around his cock, causing his legs and member to twitch in
excitement. He loosened his tie and started to sweat, he could feel his breath hitch and his face becoming
red by the felling. “N-No, Fred you can do this! D-Don’t give her the satisfaction!” He bit his tongue and
closed his legs tightly, trying his best to ignore the throbbing feeling in his crotch; he coached himself
not to give in and even distracted himself by talking to his aunt. Maddie spot his little predicament and
secretly turned the dial of the remote up; but not too far that it was on maximum. Maddie stifled her
laugh as she sees how flustered he was getting. Each time, either his Uncle or Aunt would ask him what
was wrong, and he would just say that he was fine, though his voice would come off a bit higher than
normal or it would come off staggered. When his family wouldn’t notice he would look over to Maddie
and mouthed. “Turn it off” while gripping the table cloth and biting his lip. The only responses she would
give him was either slowly shaking her head or slowly dialing from up or down on the remote.

His shaking and twitching seem to bring joy to Maddie and Fred knew that; he just couldn’t stop it. He
gritted his teeth and placed his hand secretly on his crotch. His eyes widen when he felt the knot in his
stomach ready to snap, he quickly looked over at Maddie once more and finally mouthed. “I’m going to
burst! Turn. It. Off. Please.” All he saw was Maddie sighing and mouthed back. “Fine” and shut it off. Once it
was off, Fred closed his eyes and softly sighed in relief; hoping that the torment was over.

Spoiler alert, it wasn’t.


After dinner, Maddie, Fred and his family sat in the living room watching TV. Fred was trying to forget
what had happened earlier, but Maddie thought otherwise. As she sat next to him, she looked down at his
crotch and noticed his hands were covering his groin; hiding his bulge. She smirked and secretly turned
on the vibrator, this time it was on max; she watched as his eyes widen and he begins shifting in his seat.
“Poor thing, he wants to moan so badly right now!” She thought.

Fred covered his mouth with one of his hands to hide his whimpers; all the while he grabs his crotch with
the other. He knew very well that he wasn’t going to last much longer with the toy being this high. He
looked over and saw Maddie’s eyes glued to the TV, a smirk forming on her lips. “What a cruel woman!
Why can’t she just end this alrea-!?” He lost his train of thought when he started feeling liquid go down
his cock and thigh.

Maddie looked over at him and bit her lip, aroused by what she sees before her. Fred; covering his mouth
with both hands, his eyes rolled back, and not only a tent appeared in his pants but also a stain. “Did he
cum on himself!? Well, well, it looks like someone lost this round!” Maddie stifled her laugh one more time
as Fred looked down and turned bright red; he covered his crotch and quickly excused himself upstairs,
claiming that he was tired.

After a while, Eustace, Muriel and Courage said their goodnights to Maddie and went to bed. Maddie
quietly walks to Fred’s bedroom door and notice that it was unlocked; she smirks and slowly opens the
door, only to see Fred touching himself and moaning her name. A large grin forms on her face as she
turns on the toy making him gasp and groan in pleasure. She laughs and quickly turned it off as she
entered the room and locks the door.

Fred looks up from his bed and pants. “I-I did what you wanted, satisfied?” Maddie walks up to him, placed
her hand on his chest and pushed him back down onto the bed. “Not quite yet, you should at least get a
reward for being so obedient.”

“I’m not a puppy, Madison.. ” Maddie chuckles and begins taking off her clothes. “You were this evening!
What a good boy you are!” She taunts, patting his head. “Now do what I say; or should I punish you again?”
Fred looks at the remote and quickly back to her. “No, no, no! We don’t have to resort to that!” He felt the
toy being taken off him. He sighs in relief but begins to moan the moment she places his cock at her
entrance. “Beg for me, Freddy baby. And I’ll give you what you’ve been craving.” She purrs.

He wasn’t the type to do this, but he couldn’t take it anymore, he looks up at her, his eyes clouded in lust
and his cheeks completely red by what was about to come out his mouth.

“Madison, my love. You have done nothing more but tease me the moment I stepped into this house.”

She arches her eyebrow, interested in his attempt.

“My body aches the more I am away from you and your beautiful body. Every minute I look at you, my
heart craves your warmth, your love, your touch.”

He reaches up to caress her cheek, Madison flinches and blushes at his compliment and actions.
“And your sweetest of kisses. I beg of you, don’t stop this feeling, not now. I need to feel you, I need to be
inside of you.”

He runs his hand down her back, Madison bites her lip hearing his voice getting deeper the more he went
on, absolutely hypnotized by him.

“So please, my darling, my love, let us be.. ”

They both smiled at each other as they said together.


Fred loudly moans as she shoves his cock deep inside her and starts bouncing on him, all the while
moaning his name. He grasps her hips as he started to thrust upwards following her rhythm until the
room was filled with nothing but their moans and his growling. His heart was pounding, his adrenaline
rushing; the feeling was like his obsession with hair, but more intense.

He flips Maddie over, now on top of her as he pounded himself into her harder than before, feeling her
biting his shoulder and scratching his back he could feel himself and Maddie reach their breaking point.
“Yes Freddy, cum inside me!” She yells. Fred felt her walls tense up around him. “Y-Yes! My love!” Fred
moans loudly as he finally shoots his load inside her.

After everything cools down, he collapses on top of her. They moved so they were on their sides, facing
each other so they can snuggled closely, her head on his chest. Fred smiles and whispers. “I love you,
Madison.” Before falling asleep. Maddie froze for a second upon hearing those words; she smiled softly and

“I love you too, Fred.”

Brandy's Nightmare
By Keshihead
It was morning in the jungle and Brandy and Mr Whiskers were laid on the beach, relaxing. The sun was
shining, and the waves lapped up against the shore. For the two friends, it was the ideal day for
sunbathing. They were both laid on towels, with Brandy wearing her cute pink bikini, and Mr Whiskers
wore a pair of Bermuda shorts
"Ahh, isn't this great, Whiskers?" asked Brandy, contentedly
"Yeah!" replied Mr Whiskers "It's days like these that make you glad to be alive"
"Absolutely!" said Brandy "Nothing could spoil this day!" As she finished speaking, Mr Whiskers smiled an
evil smile
"Hey, Brandy, are you hungry?" he asked. Brandy raised her sunglasses, looked down at her stomach, and
heard it growl a little
"Yeah, I'm starving!" she replied
"I'll go get us some fruit" said Mr Whiskers. He got up from his towel and headed off into the jungle. He
looked around cautiously, and when he was sure the coast was clear, he whistled. Gaspar, the ruthlessly
evil gecko, heard the whistle. He popped out from his hiding place
"Is everything going to plan?" he asked, in his smarmy accent
"Yep, just need to give her the fruit and she'll be all ours" said Mr Whiskers
"Good" said Gaspar as he handed a plate of fruit to him "Make sure that she eats the purple one" Mr
Whiskers headed back through the jungle to the beach. He set the plate between them
"Here we are, some yummy fruit" he said "Enjoy" Brandy picked up the purple fruit off the plate and
looked at it
"Hmm, I've never seen this kind of fruit before" said Brandy. Mr Whiskers looked over at her and saw the
fruit she was holding
"Why not try it?" he asked "You might like it" Brandy shrugged her shoulders and took a bite of the fruit.
She chewed it and swished it around her mouth. The flavour was quite nice, almost like grapes, but with a
hint of peach. As it went down her throat, it left a nice aftertaste in her mouth.
"Hey, this is pretty tasty!" said Brandy "Where did you find this? I could eat a crateful of these!" She
enjoyed it so much that she wolfed down the rest. Within minutes, she clutched her throat and made
very strange choking sounds. Mr Whiskers, in fake shock, panicked!
"BRANDY!! " he shouted "Are you OK?"
"(choke) Something's wrong with me!" she gagged "I can't breathe! (gag)"
"I'll go and get some help!" said Mr Whiskers, as he prepared to run into the jungle. Before he was about to
leave, Brandy stopped gagging and her body collapsed in a heap. She fell into a deep sleep, snoring slightly
"HEY BRANDY!! " he called, testing to make sure she was really asleep "EVERYBODY THINKS YOU'RE A
MEAN STUCK-UP NASTY BITCH!" When he noticed Brandy didn't respond, he rubbed his hands in glee and
carried her over his shoulder into the jungle. He made his way to a cave in a densely wooded area of the
jungle and was met by a pair of apes, with Gaspar stood in front of them
"Excellent!" said Gaspar, evilly "You have done well, my bunny friend"
"Don't forget our deal" said Mr Whiskers "I get her first, then when I'm done, you can do whatever you
want to her"
"Of course, I wouldn't dream of going back on our agreement. I am a gecko of my word" replied Gaspar, as
he turned to his ape henchmen "Don't just stand there, you idiots, put the outfit Whiskers found on her
and tie her up!"
"I've been looking forward to this for some time" said Mr Whiskers as he watched the apes rip her bikini
off and replace it with a strange outfit. They then raised her arms up and tied them to wooden posts, and
did the same with her legs, so she formed an X shape. They also put a blindfold over her eyes
"It'll take a few minutes for the fruit's sleep-inducing effects to wear off" said Gaspar "You can do
whatever you want with her, and she'll be powerless to stop you, but what she feels will be enhanced ten-
fold, be it pain or pleasure"
"I wouldn't have it any other way" said Mr Whiskers as he went out of the cave with Gaspar and the apes,
waiting for Brandy to wake up.
Brandy groaned slightly as she began to wake up. As she opened her eyes slightly, she noticed that all she
could see was black
"Huh? What's going on?" she asked herself "Oh no! That fruit must have made me go blind!" She then tried
to move, but she couldn't "I must be paralysed as well!"
"SOMEBODY HELP ME!" she shouted, hoping to attract the attention of someone nearby "I CAN'T MOVE
AND I CAN'T SEE!" Mr Whiskers heard her cries for help and made his way back into the cave
"Brandy?" he called "Are you OK?" Brandy heard his voice
"Whiskers, is that you?" she asked
"Yes, it's me" said Mr Whiskers "What happened?"
"I dunno," said Brandy "All I remember is eating that strange fruit, then I choked. Am I dead?"
"Far from it" said Mr Whiskers "All it did was put you to sleep for a bit". Brandy breathed a sigh of relief
"Thank goodness" she said "Can you get me out of here? I can't seem to move, I can't see and for some
reason, I'm very cold" When she finished speaking, Mr Whiskers grinned evilly again
"I'm afraid I can't do that, Brandy" he said
"Why not?" asked Brandy
"Because it's me who put you there!" said Mr Whiskers, and he let out an evil laugh. Those words cut
through Brandy like a knife. Her mind raced, trying to find out what would make him say something like
that. Was he acting out his super villain fantasy again?
"OK, Whiskers" said Brandy "I don't have time to play super heroes and super villains with you"
"Who's playing?" said Mr Whiskers "I put you there so I could teach you a valuable lesson"
"What kind of a lesson?" asked Brandy, panicking slightly
"You say you're so unapproachable, yet you flaunt your assets around like some cheap whore" said Mr
Whiskers, angrily "You think that just because you have a sexy body and you're from a rich family, you
can do whatever you want to whoever you want, and no-one can stop you. Well, it's about time someone
knocked you down a peg or two, and showed you that there can be dire consequences for your actions"
With those final words, he took off her blindfold. As her eyes adjusted to the light, Brandy looked on the
ground and saw the pieces of torn pink material that was her bikini. She looked around and saw that her
arms and legs were restrained, and that she was wearing very little clothing. She was wearing what just
looked like several leather straps across various parts of her body. One ran through her cleavage, two
ran under her breasts, two ran down her hips, joining to a circle just below her bellybutton. Two straps
ran around the tops of her thighs which connected to a circle around her cunt, and a small strap
connected the two circles together. Around her wrists and ankles were straps with hoops on them to
restrain her to the wooden posts. Brandy freaked when she noticed what she was wearing
"How did you find my bondage suit?" asked Brandy "I put this in a specially locked box"
"I picked the lock" said Mr Whiskers "It was actually quite easy when you have the right tools"
"WHISKERS!" she yelled "How many times have I told you not to go through my stuff!"
"QUIET!" he shouted, angrily, as he whipped her stomach with a rather sturdy whip, making her yelp in
pain "Don't you EVER raise your voice at me, you fucking slut, or I'll make you regret it!" Brandy looked at
the mark that the whip made, and it started to bleed slightly. The pain coursing through her, combined
with the fruit's effect, made tears well up in her eyes. Mr Whiskers noticed
"Don't be such a wimp, Brandy" he snapped "If you start blubbering, I'll whip you until you stop, do you
"Mmm-hmm" whimpered Brandy as she nodded, trying to hold the tears back
"If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a crybaby" said Mr Whiskers "Now, the first thing you need to learn
is a little obedience. I'll tell you what to say, and you say it, or there'll be a penalty"
"What sort of a penalty?" asked Brandy, worriedly
"You'll just have to find out, won't you?" sneered Mr Whiskers "What are you?"
"Brandy Harrington of the Florida Harringtons?" said Brandy. Mr Whiskers scowled at her
"Wrong" he said, angrily "You're a dirty, filthy slut. Now, I'll ask you again, what are you?" Brandy didn't
respond, she just turned her head away from him
"Say it" he said, raising his voice slightly
"No, I won't say it" said Brandy
"SAY IT!! " he shouted, as he whipped her stomach again
"OW! OK, I'm a dirty, filthy slut" she whimpered quietly, still reeling from the pain
"I'm sorry, what?" he said, cupping his ear to humiliate her "What did you say?"
"I'm a dirty, filthy slut" she said, slightly louder
"Nope, I still can't hear you" he said "You'll have to shout" Brandy swallowed hard
"I'M A DIRTY, FILTHY SLUT!" shouted Brandy "There, I said it, happy now?"
"Not yet" said Mr Whiskers "If you're such a dirty slut, you have to love cock, don't you?"
"I guess" said Brandy, quietly
"How much do you love it?" he asked with a sneer "I bet you're hungry for it, aren't you?" Brandy said
nothing "You spend each waking moment thinking about how you'd like men to fuck you, don't you?"
Brandy still said nothing "You say men only want you because they know they can't have you, when in
reality, it's because you'd love to be fucked in every hole, wouldn't you?"
"STOP IT!! " screamed Brandy "It's not true!"
"I'll stop when you admit it" said Mr Whiskers "Just admit you'd like to be fucked and I'll stop" Brandy
hang her head as she thought about the decision that faced her
"Alright" she sighed "I'd love to be fucked in every hole. I'd like nothing better than having a huge dick
fucking my pussy, while another fucks my ass, and I'm sucking another guy off"
"Not only that, but I bet you'd like to fuck another woman, wouldn't you?" asked Mr Whiskers "I bet the
thought of another woman fucking you with a strap-on drives you wild, doesn't it?"
"WHAT?!?!" shouted Brandy "I don't think about that at all!"
"Don't lie to me, Brandy" warned Mr Whiskers "I can tell when you're lying"
"I'm not lying!" protested Brandy "I'm not a lesbian, and I don't have lesbian fantasies"
"I don't believe you" said Mr Whiskers, and he whipped her on her stomach again
"AARRGGHH!! OK, OK, I'll admit it!" screamed Brandy "I sometimes fantasise about fucking Pink's character
with a strap-on, after seeing a picture she drew of me"
"See, was that so hard?" said Mr Whiskers
"Can I ask one question?" asked Brandy
"What is it?" replied Mr Whiskers
"Why are you doing this to me?" she asked "Why are you making me say these horrible things?"
"I'd have thought that would be obvious" said Mr Whiskers "I'm getting my revenge for all the times
you've ever done something mean to me. And, from what I know, that's rather a lot of times"
"I thought you said that in my own way, I was just trying to help" protested Brandy "Remember, when we
found Pancho?"
"I lied" said Mr Whiskers "That was just to throw you off until I was ready to follow through with this
plan. If I'd wanted to, I could've let you drown, but then my chance for revenge would be gone. You treat
me like dirt, so I think it's about time I made you feel the same"
"Please don't do this" pleaded Brandy "Remember all the times I've saved you"
"No amount of pleading will help you, Brandy, not this time" said Mr Whiskers "I've been waiting for this
day for a long time, and I'm not about to stop now"
"What are you going to do to me?" asked Brandy
"Patience, my dear girl. If I told you, it would spoil the surprise" said Mr Whiskers as he walked behind
Brandy. Behind her was a small table with an assortment of strange devices on it. He picked up 2 small
objects that looked like clothes pegs, with slightly serrated teeth. These were in fact nipple clamps. Since
he was a lot shorter than Brandy, he fetched a wooden crate from a corner of the cave to stand on. He
placed his arms under her armpits and began to tweak her soft nipples with his thumbs and forefingers.
After a few moments, her nipples became nice and hard, and Mr Whiskers placed a clamp over one.
Brandy let out a short sharp squeal of pain as each clamp dug their teeth into her sensitive nipples. Mr
Whiskers got down off the crate and went back to the table. He picked up what looked like a pearl
necklace, but the pearls were bigger than they should be, and there were only 5 of them. They were in
fact anal beads. He approached Brandy and stroked her cute rear, enjoying the feeling of the soft downy
"You have a nice ass, Brandy" said Mr Whiskers "I wonder if anyone's ever assfucked you"
"I've never let anyone up there" said Brandy, timidly "Don't put anything in my ass, please. If I was to do
anal sex, I want it to be a special moment, with someone I love and trust"
"Too late for that, Brandy" said Mr Whiskers "You should have thought of that before you were mean to
me. Well, this just keeps getting better and better. I get to violate you as well as have my revenge"
Brandy felt an awful feeling in the pit of her stomach
"If you have any shred of compassion left for me, you wouldn't do this" said Brandy, desparately trying to
change his mind from what he was about to do, but it was no use. Brandy winced and felt a sharp pain as
the first of the beads went into her virgin tailhole. She let out a shrill scream as the pain, combined with
the fruit's effect, tore through her. She felt like crying, but she knew that Whiskers would really hurt
her if she did. She continued to wince in pain as he put the second bead up her ass, followed by the third.
This made her really want to cry, but fought with every fibre of her being to hold the tears back
"Well, you're doing very well, Brandy" taunted Mr Whiskers "There's only 2 more beads to go" When he
came to putting the 4th bead up her ass, he pushed it up quite forcefully. This tipped Brandy over the
edge. The floodgates burst open, and she began to cry. Unfortunately for her, Mr Whiskers heard her
"What did I tell you about crying, Brandy?" warned Mr Whiskers
"I'm really sorry" sobbed Brandy "But it hurts so much"
"You know what I have to do now, don't you?" said Mr Whiskers, almost delighted to be able to do what he
was about to do
"You're going to whip me again, aren't you?" she sobbed, while Mr Whiskers picked up his whip
"You catch on fast" he said, as he whipped her across her bare backside, causing her to yelp in pain again.
She tried as hard as she could to stop crying, but every few seconds that passed made it harder and
harder for her to do that, as Mr Whiskers continued whipping her. Eventually, she managed to stop
"See, that wasn't so hard, was it?" said Mr Whiskers as he coiled up the whip
"That's easy for you to say" sniffed Brandy "You're not the one getting whipped"
Mr Whiskers ignored her comment, and looked at the marks his whip made across her backside. Some of
the cuts were quite deep, causing small streams of bright red blood to trickle down her ass crack and
down the insides of her thighs. He stuck out his tongue and licked the trail of blood on her left thigh,
causing Brandy to shudder. When he had lapped up the blood on her leg, he licked his lips in satisfaction
"Oh, Brandy" he panted "Your blood tastes so sweet" He clamped his jaws over the cuts on her left ass
cheek, like a vampire would bite into a virgin's neck, and started to suck, his tongue passing over her
wounds, licking every last drop of blood that seeped from them
"Right, that's enough of that for now" said Mr Whiskers "You still have one bead to go up your ass"
"Please don't do that" said Brandy "I've had these things up me for a good few minutes now" Mr Whiskers
thought for a moment
"Tell you what" he started "I'm actually in a good mood, so I won't put the last bead up there" Brandy
breathed a small sigh of relief "But they've still got to come out, though"
"OK, but do it slowly" said Brandy, sadly "For some reason, it feels like it hurts more than it should" Mr
Whiskers took hold of the strand of string and pulled slowly. Brandy let out a short sharp yelp of pain as
each bead stretched her tailhole. When the last bead was removed, Brandy panted for breath
"There, the bad stuff's over now, Brandy" said Mr Whiskers, back to his usual cheery self "You know what
to do if you don't want to go through this again"
"OK, Whiskers" said Brandy "I won't be mean to you any more"
"To be honest," said Mr Whiskers "I really didn't like doing all those horrible things to you"
"I forgive you" said Brandy "Now, can I go? I really want to get down from here"
"Erm, before I do that, I want to make it up to you" said Mr Whiskers "I made you feel really bad, so I
want to make you feel good"
"With me tied up?" asked Brandy "How?"
"I thought I might lick your pussy" said Mr Whiskers "You liked it when you let me touch it when I gave
you that foot massage"
"That was different" said Brandy "You didn't whip me or yell at me"
"Please let me make it up to you, Brandy" said Mr Whiskers "I really feel bad for what I've done, I
promise you'll enjoy it" Brandy sighed
"OK, Whiskers" said Brandy "Then you'll let me go, right?"
"Yes, then I'll let you go" said Mr Whiskers as he walked over to her. He undid the leather straps around
her pussy and placed his mouth over her sensitive area, flicking his tongue against her clit. Because
Brandy was still feeling the effects of the fruit, even the slightest touch of his tongue against her clit
sent massive shockwaves of pleasure surging through her body
"OH, WHISKERS!! " screamed Brandy "Your tongue feels so good against my pussy! Please, keep licking it"
Within moments, Brandy came all over his face. Mr Whiskers licked what he could from around his
mouth, savouring the salty taste, then he wiped off what remained with a nearby towel
"Oh, Whiskers, that felt wonderful!" panted Brandy, winding down from the biggest orgasm she'd ever felt
"I want more!"
"More?" said Mr Whiskers
"Yes, I want you to fuck me" said Brandy "I want your hard prick inside me, NOW!"
"OK" said Mr Whiskers, as he went behind her. He got back on the crate he used earlier to allow him to be
at the right height to penetrate her. He rubbed his flaccid member against her cum-soaked snatch.
Brandy's erotic moaning made his cock stiffen within seconds. He gently eased it inside with very little
effort, as her pussy was so nicely lubricated, and started thrusting slowly. With each thrust, Brandy's
moaning got even louder
"That's it, Whiskers" moaned Brandy "Give me every inch of your hard shaft"
Mr Whiskers laughed and started to increase the pace of his thrusting, but it still wasn't enough for
"OH, YES!! " shouted Brandy "RAM IT INTO ME! I WANT IT HARDER!"
"You know I love it when you talk dirty!" laughed Mr Whiskers as he pounded her pussy like a steam
engine, while grasping hold of her nice perky tits and giving them very rough squeezes. Brandy responded
by clenching her firm buttocks, gripping his shaft tighter
"Oh, Brandy, you're gripping me so tight!" groaned Mr Whiskers
"MMMM!" groaned Brandy "Please, cum inside me! Shoot your hot load in my wet cunt!"
"UUUUURRRRRGGGGGHHHHH! Here it comes!" groaned Mr Whiskers as he came deep inside her. He
removed his now flaccid cock from her love tunnel, and large globs of cum dripped onto the floor
"Hey, wait, where are you going?" asked Brandy as Mr Whiskers headed towards the cave's exit "I thought
you were going to let me go"
"You're so gullible, Brandy" said Mr Whiskers "Did you really think I felt sorry for you? I have some
friends who want to say hello to you" Realising that he had lied to her yet again, Brandy flew into a
blind rage and struggled as hard as she could to escape from her bonds
Brandy. After hearing her threat, he turned back and looked at her with a cold stare
"You're in no position to be making threats" said Mr Whiskers, coldly "I'm not the one who's tied up. Now
be a good little bitch and my friends will be here shortly" As he left the cavern, Brandy called after him
"COME BACK!! " she shouted, beginning to cry again "Please" but it was no use, he had gone. As he walked
out of the cave, he saw Gaspar at the entrance
"OK, she's all yours. I've roughed her up a bit for you" he said "Man, it felt good to give that prick-teasing
slut a lesson she won't soon forget"
"Prick-teasing slut?" asked Gaspar "What does that mean?"
"It means she uses her body to try and make you feel like you want to have sex with her, or do what she
wants you to do in return for sex" said Mr Whiskers "She'll probably try and sweet-talk you into letting
her go, but don't fall for it"
"Not to worry" said Gaspar "I have plans for her. She won't leave until both my apes have had their way
with her, and I'll make sure she never speaks of this to anyone, or we'll hunt her down and kill her"
"Good" said Mr Whiskers "Hey, mind if I watch?"
"Of course, my friend" said Gaspar, as he turned to his apes "Buster, Lester, let's go"
"Oh, boy!" said Buster "I've been wanting to fuck that cute little pooch ever since I first saw her" The 4
animals walked into the cave. Gaspar and the apes carried on into the cave, while Mr Whiskers stayed
hidden by the entrance to the cavern, to watch the proceedings. The sight that greeted Gaspar and his
apes was not a pleasant one. Brandy had her head hung quite low because she was weak from the abuse
she had received from Mr Whiskers. There were small puddles of cum and blood forming at her feet
"Oh, you poor girl" said Gaspar in fake sympathy "What happened to you?" Brandy looked up and saw him
"Gaspar?" she said, weakly "How did you find me?"
"I heard someone shouting" he replied "Are you OK?"
"No, I'm not" said Brandy "Whiskers has gone mad. He said he was getting revenge for all the mean stuff I
did to him"
"What are all those marks all over your body?" asked Gaspar
"He practically tortured me" whimpered Brandy "Please get me down from here. Quickly, before he comes
"Of course, my dear girl" said Gaspar "Buster, you know what to do"
"Sure thing, boss" said Buster as he approached Brandy with a lecherous grin on his face
"Wait, what are you doing?" asked Brandy as his shadow loomed over her
"Well, as much as I would love to let you go" said Gaspar "I had an agreement with the bunny, or, how you
say, a deal"
"What sort of a deal?" growled Brandy
"Do you know what this is?" asked Gaspar, holding up a purple fruit
"That's that fruit he gave me" said Brandy "How do you know about it?"
"I gave Whiskers this fruit so he could do what he wanted with you, and in return, me and my apes get to
do what WE want to do with you" said Gaspar, motioning to Buster to continue
"I'm gonna enjoy this!" said Buster as he rammed his huge cock into Brandy's cum-soaked pussy
"No, stop!" cried Brandy "Please let me go"
"You can go when both my apes are finished with you" said Gaspar. With each thrust Buster made, Brandy
felt more and more wretched
"Is this all I am now?" thought Brandy to herself "Am I nothing but a sex object for these perverts?" She
prayed it would soon be over, so she could leave.
Brandy was actually laid in her bed, tossing and turning
"No, pull it out, please" murmured Brandy. With a scream, she bolted awake. She panted for breath, and
felt her forehead. It was cold and clammy. She looked out of the window and saw it was morning. Mr
Whiskers yawned and stretched
"Good morning, Brandy" he said in a very cheery voice. When Brandy didn't answer, he got out of his bed
and looked up at her. He saw she had a very rattled look on her face
"Are you OK?" he asked "You look like you just had a very bad dream" Brandy turned her head to look at
him, then leapt off her bunk, picked him up and hugged him as hard as she could
"Oh, Whiskers" she said "I'm so sorry"
"What are you sorry for?" he asked
"I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you" said Brandy "Every time I've been mean to you, every
time I've called you names"
"You don't have to apologise, Brandy, I know you don't mean to do all the stuff you do" said Mr Whiskers
"Is this to do with that dream you had?" Brandy hesitated for a moment, then nodded
"Well, sit down and tell me all about it" said Mr Whiskers. He led her to his bunk and sat down next to
her, and gently stroked her head
"Well, we were both relaxing on the beach, and you gave me a weird fruit" said Brandy "It made me fall
asleep, and you carried me off to a cave, where Gaspar's apes stripped me naked, put a bondage suit on me,
which was apparently mine, and tied me up"
"What's so bad about that?" asked Mr Whiskers, thinking about Brandy being naked
"I'm getting to that" said Brandy "When I woke up, I thought I was blind and paralysed. I called for help
and you answered. You started being evil and told me you were getting your revenge for all the times I
did something mean to you. You then took a blindfold off my eyes, and when I saw what I was wearing, I
yelled at you for going through my stuff, then you.. " she started, on the verge of crying
"Yes?" said Mr Whiskers
"Then you whipped me" she wailed "You called me a slut and said if I ever raised my voice at you, you'd
make me regret it. You then tried to teach me to be obedient by making me say awful things. Then you
went behind me and stuffed something up my ass, then you said after you'd removed it, you'd let me go
after you made me feel better by licking my pussy and having sex with me. When you came inside me,
instead of letting me go, you went away. I tried to shout you back, but you left. Then Gaspar and his apes
appeared, and said they had a deal with you, then one of his apes raped me"
"Oh, poor Brandy" said Mr Whiskers as he pulled her closer to him, and gave her a reassuring hug "Shh,
don't cry, Brandy. It's OK, it's over now" He gently rocked her back and forth, while Brandy sobbed, tears
streaming down her face
"You wouldn't do any of that stuff to me, would you?" asked Brandy
"Of course I wouldn't" said Mr Whiskers "You're my best friend. Besides, you don't even have a bondage
"Thanks, Whiskers" said Brandy, wiping the tears from her eyes
"Hey, speaking of fruit, Ed found a tree with some fruit on it that tastes nice" said Mr Whiskers "Wanna
come with?"
"Sure" said Brandy as the pair went off into the jungle. When they found Ed, he was laid on the ground
with a purple fruit in his hand, snoring. Thinking that the fruit was the same one from her nightmare,
Brandy ran off screaming. Mr Whiskers looked on, puzzled. Meanwhile, Ed woke up
"Morning, Mr Whiskers. What's wrong with Miss Brandy?" asked Ed
"I dunno" said Mr Whiskers, as he picked one of the fruits off the tree and bit into it "I can never
understand that girl sometimes"
Ha, ha! Weren't expecting this, were you? (Well, I know some of you WERE expecting this!) You thought
everything would be 'happily ever after' and it was all just a nightmare in Brandy's pretty little head!
That's where you'd be WRONG!! I came up with this idea while waiting for the bus on a night out a few
months back. I discussed it with my friend Louis in Nv (a pub/club in the town near where I live) and he
suggested the story I'm going to tell to you now. He also suggested I make it funny, to lighten the mood.
There's sex REFERENCES, but no actual yiffing of any kind in this part, so this isn't like my regular
lemons. Just wait for Part 3! That's when the SERIOUS fun begins! You probably all felt sorry for Brandy
at the end of Brandy's Nightmare Part 1, so I came up with this, so Brandy gets some retribution! Oh yeah,
I also brought Shandy back for this as well, because I know some of you like her! There'll be NO incest
(meaning sex between relatives) in this part, so my good friend Ben can read it
Legal stuff - Brandy and Mr Whiskers are trademarks of their respective owners
Sidenote - When Lola and Brandy are talking, whenever Lola says 'j'ou', it means 'you'. I wanted to
capture Lola's accent
Brandy's Nightmare Part 2: Brandy In Training
By Keshihead
Brandy continued to run through the jungle, but stopped when she felt she had got far enough away from
Whiskers and Ed. She sat down by a shady tree to get her breath back.
"Hang on, what am I afraid of?" thought Brandy to herself "If it was just a nightmare I had, then none of
it was real. Ed was probably just about to wake up and might have eaten a fruit last night, and didn't
finish it"
She stood back up and thought nothing more about it and walked back the way she came. As she walked,
she felt that the area she was in was very familiar. She continued walking for a few moments, and came
across a cave.
"Whoa, I must be having the strangest case of deja vu" thought Brandy "I'm sure I know this cave from
somewhere before. Hmm, might as well check it out"
She walked inside and she received the shock of her life. Inside the cave were two vertical wooden posts,
and behind them was a small table. On it were a string of anal beads with a dried substance coating 4 of
the beads, a coiled-up whip and a couple of nipple clamps with their teeth coated in a thin layer of dried
blood. On the ground were several torn pieces of pink material. She picked one piece up and sniffed it. It
smelled very familiar to her, and her keen canine sense of smell detected it was indeed her scent.
"Oh, man, this is my bikini!" said Brandy in shock "But if it was just a nightmare, what's this doing here?"
She looked at another patch of ground between the posts and saw a patch of dried blood and semen. All
Brandy could do was gasp in astonishment
"Oh.. my.. gosh!" gasped Brandy "That means what happened to me yesterday wasn't a nightmare at all, it
really happened! I'd better check myself to make sure"
Brandy lifted her shirt and looked down at her stomach. She was shocked to see two red marks across her
"Those look like those marks from where Whiskers whipped me" thought Brandy to herself "That bastard!"
Just to make doubly sure, Brandy unbuttoned and unzipped her trousers and pulled them down a small
way. She felt her backside and was shocked to feel several scars from where Mr Whiskers had whipped
her there. Her mind was racing a mile a minute as she came to terms with what she went through. After
a few moments, her thoughts turned to the one person who did all this to her.
"Whiskers" she said, angrily, clenching her fist "One way or another, I WILL make sure that rabbit pays
for what he did to me. But how?"
She suddenly thought back to her puppyhood, when she observed the Harrington children being
homeschooled about the history of Martial Arts. She remembered hearing that although Martial Arts
originated in China and Japan, there was one Master who emigrated to Brazil in the mid 18th Century
and set up an order of monks who also trained in Martial Arts as well. She also remembered hearing
about an inscription bearing the location of their dojo in the temple in the Amazon Rainforest. After the
class was over, the young Brandy took the book off the teacher's desk, sat at a desk and read the book.
Inside was an article on how to read ancient pictograms.
"Right, I know what I must do" said Brandy as her flashback ended "I must find this dojo, train to be a
Ninja and use the skills I learn there to have my revenge on all those who wronged me. Gaspar, his apes
who raped me and finally, Whiskers"
She left the cave and set off into the jungle looking for the temple. Within minutes she found it, climbed
up the steps and went inside. She took a torch from the wall and explored deeper into the darkness. She
soon found a chamber holding the information she was looking for. She blew away the dust, and wiped off
what remained. She studied the string of pictograms carefully.
"Hmm, if I remember what I read in that book when I was a puppy, I should be able to decipher these
symbols" said Brandy "Right, let's see"
The symbols showed her that the dojo was situated on top of the tallest peak in the jungle. They also
showed her that as well as teaching Martial Arts, they also taught various extreme methods of sexual
torture. Brandy smiled a wicked smile when she found this out.
"Oh, this is perfect!" said Brandy, slyly "If I learn everything they have to teach me, then Whiskers won't
know what hit him! Wow, I never thought learning history would be good for anything! Prepare yourself,
Whiskers, for the punishment of a lifetime!"
She left the temple, and crept home as quietly as she could. She peered in through the window of their
treehouse, looking for any sign of Whiskers, but luckily, he wasn't at home. She breathed a sigh of relief
as she went inside and packed some of her belongings into a backpack. She picked up the picture of them
both that he had drawn for her birthday and sighed.
"I can't believe he's gone bad. One minute, we're best friends, the next, we're mortal enemies" said Brandy
to herself "Anyway, where did I put that box?"
She rummaged around the treehouse, looking for the box she thought she had hidden when they first
landed in the jungle, since she didn't want Whiskers finding out that she was a sex-crazed nymphomaniac.
After searching everywhere, she eventually found what she was looking for. It was a black wooden crate
with the words "BRANDY'S PRIVATE STUFF. KEEP OFF!" written on it in bold white lettering.
"Ah, here it is" said Brandy "Right, let's see what else I've got in here"
She opened the lid and peered inside. She saw the bondage suit that was put on her, as well as various
dildos of different shapes, sizes, colours and textures. She picked up a couple of her favourite ones and put
them into her backpack, just in case she needed them. She also found a set of furry handcuffs and a 'Cat 'o'
nine tails', which was a short whip that consisted of 9 leather strips connected to a handle.
"Right, I think that's all I'll need from here" said Brandy "Might as well get those other things from the
cave, too. And I'll leave Whiskers a note so that he doesn't come looking for me"
She found a scrap of paper to write on and a pen to write with amongst Whiskers' junk. She wrote a note
Have decided to make a start on walking back to Florida. I know it'll take me a while, but I'll see if I can
hitch a lift if I find civilisation. Don't come looking for me, and I'll arrange for a helicopter to come and
rescue you.
"There, that should keep him here until I'm ready for him" said Brandy with a sneer "So, Whiskers, you
thought you could take advantage of me, well, think again. This is one bitch who doesn't roll over and
play dead, she bites back!"
She looked out of the window to make sure the coast was clear, picked up a waterproof jacket just in case,
put on a pair of her climbing boots and headed back to the cave to collect the anal beads and nipple
clamps. She went out of the cave to find a small pool of water so she could wash them off, then placed
them into her backpack. She filled a canteen that came with the backpack with water and placed it
around her neck. As she prepared to leave, Lola slithered behind her.
"Hey, Brandy" said Lola "Where are j'ou going?"
"Hi, Lola" said Brandy "I'm off to find the tallest peak in the jungle"
"Why do j'ou want to do that?" asked Lola.
"I'm sorry, Lola, but I can't tell you" said Brandy "If I did, then you'd probably go blabbing to Whiskers"
"Oh, what's that rabbit done now?" asked Lola.
"Something very bad" said Brandy.
"Like what?" asked Lola.
Brandy sighed, then lifted her shirt to reveal her stomach with two distinctive scars across it. Lola
gasped at what she saw.
"Ay yi yi! Those look like whip marks!" cried Lola.
"How do you know they're whip marks?" asked Brandy, letting her shirt drop back down.
"A few days ago, I heard Whiskers talking to Gaspar about wanting to capture j'ou so he could do horrible
things to j'ou for all the times j'ou were mean to him" said Lola "Did that bunny hurt j'ou?"
"Yes, terribly. I was whipped, had things shoved up my ass, I stupidly let Whiskers fuck me and then
Gaspar's apes raped me" said Brandy, angrily "And I want to make Whiskers pay for what he, Gaspar and
his apes did to me"
Lola gasped in shock at what Brandy was telling her.
"Don't j'ou worry, Brandy, I won't mention a word of this to Whiskers" said Lola "I am totally with j'ou on
this. If I had hands, I'd be crossing my heart right now"
"Thank you, Lola" said Brandy.
"J'ou're a strong girl, Brandy" said Lola "Normally, if someone gets raped, they never speak to anyone. But
j'ou, j'ou're different. J'ou get knocked down, but j'ou bounce right back again. What I can't understand is
why Whiskers would suddenly go from good to bad"
"I've been thinking the same thing" said Brandy "I thought he said to Pancho that I was helping him, but
he said he lied. He said that was just to throw me off until he was ready to follow through with his plan"
"Sounds like he was planning that for a long time" said Lola.
"He didn't say how long" said Brandy "Oh, Lola, I'm so confused! Why would he do such a thing?"
"I really don't know, Brandy" said Lola, sadly "He always seemed like such a nice bunny to me. Stinky, but
nice. I had no idea he could be capable of doing something so terrible. Just how DID he manage to capture
j'ou, anyway?"
"Gaspar gave him a fruit, and I ate it" said Brandy "It put me to sleep, and everything he did to me felt
strange. When he whipped me, it REALLY hurt, but when he licked me and fucked me, it felt really good"
"This fruit wasn't purple, was it?" asked Lola.
"Yes, it was" said Brandy.
"And did it taste really nice?" asked Lola.
"Yeah, it tasted like grapes, but with a hint of peach" said Brandy.
"That's the UmBongo fruit" said Lola "I ate one of them myself once. When I ate it, I thought I was going
to die because I couldn't breathe, but all it did was put me to sleep. For several hours after that, every
time I slithered over rocks or anything like that, they really hurt, more than usual"
"Do you know where I can find some?" asked Brandy "I might use one of those on him when I carry out MY
revenge plan"
"Yes, they grow somewhere in that direction" said Lola as she pointed west with her tail "So, what is this
plan of j'ours?"
"I heard there's a place on top of the highest peak in the jungle where I can learn the ways of the Ninja"
said Brandy "I want to learn their ways from them so I can get my revenge on Whiskers. Do you know
which peak it's on?"
"Yes, it's that way" said Lola as she pointed west with her tail again.
"Thanks again, Lola, you're a true friend" said Brandy as she jogged off, waving.
"Good luck, Brandy!" said Lola as Brandy went out of sight.
Brandy pulled an MP3 player out of her trouser pocket, put the headphones into her ears and switched it
on. As DJ Tiesto's 'Ayla' began to play, she carried on walking. She passed through an area with lots of
trees with the UmBongo fruit on them. She picked a few and put them in her backpack, being careful not
to crush them. After walking for a while, she soon found the peak she was looking for and started walking
up the long and winding path to its summit. After a hour or so of walking, it started to rain heavily.
Brandy put on the waterproof jacket and saw a small cave that she could shelter in until it stopped. She
zipped up the jacket and curled up to keep warm, with her MP3 player as her only form of entertainment.
As she listened to New Order's 'Elegia', Brandy started to question herself about whether she was doing
the right thing. Her common sense was telling her that if she DID get her revenge on Whiskers, would
that make her no better than him? After all, it was her meanness towards him that made him want to do
that stuff to her anyway. If she did follow through with her plan, would he then do something far worse,
like possibly killing her? Her thoughts turned to what she could remember from that awful day. She
remembered lying on the beach, then Whiskers giving her the UmBongo fruit, which put her to sleep. She
took a sip of her water, and as it went down her throat, she could taste the nice aftertaste of the fruit.
"Huh?" thought Brandy "How come I can still taste the fruit? I thought I only ate it once when Whiskers
gave it to me on the beach"
She tried to think how it was possible for her to suddenly wake up in her bed, as she was supposedly
dreaming about Buster raping her "Perhaps Whiskers used another fruit on me when it was all over, and
another side-effect of it was to make me remember what had happened so it felt like a nightmare. Hmm,
I'll have to ask them about that"
This made her even more determined to get her own back on Gaspar, his ape cronies and Whiskers as she
thought about the terrible things he made her say and the severe abuse she received from him. She
suddenly saw that the rain was slowing down, so she pressed on up the path. After a while of walking, the
path turned to a set of steep steps. Brandy looked up the steps and saw that at the top was her
destination. She started up the steps while Daddy Yankee's 'Gasolina' played on her MP3 player. To take
her mind off the amount of steps she had to climb, she timed her steps with the beat of the song.
"Well , this may be tiring" said Brandy to herself "But at least , it'll keep me fit!"
As the song ended, Brandy noticed she was a fair way up the steps.
"Hmm, better try something a bit faster" thought Brandy to herself as she searched through her playlist.
She found Coldplay's 'Speed Of Sound', and carried on climbing the steps. The words that Chris Martin was
singing had a certain meaning to her, mainly about the task that faced her.
"Man, I wish he'd shut up about climbing" thought Brandy to herself.
She kept climbing as the song continued to play. When it ended, she was over half-way there. She sat on
the steps for a quick rest, enjoying the view from the altitude she was at.
"Hey, I can see our treehouse from here!" said Brandy "Shame I can't go back there because of Whiskers"
She thought again about why Whiskers suddenly turned from a happy-go-lucky rabbit without a care in
the world, to a mad sadistic torturer. She suddenly wondered if he would torture Lola to tell him where
she had gone.
"Oh, I hope Lola's OK" said Brandy, sadly, fearing the worst.
After resting for a few more minutes, she searched through her playlist again, and found LCD
Soundsystem's 'Daft Punk Is Playing At My House'. It was a lot faster than her other tracks so she began
to jog.
"Yeah, this is more like it" said Brandy to herself as she raced up the steps.
When the song reached its end, she found she was at the top. She gasped and panted for breath as she was
"Whew, I finally made it!" she panted.
She found a spot to sit down for a few moments so she could get her breath back. When she felt she had
rested enough, she went over to the large set of double doors. A large bronze knocker was set into each
door. She took hold of one and knocked 3 times. After a while of waiting, the doors opened and a portly
gentleman stepped out, dressed in traditional Japanese robes.
"Greetings, weary traveller" said the man "I am Master Sudoku"
"Master Sudoku?" repeated Brandy "You mean your family's named after those Japanese number puzzle
"My family has been around for longer than those 'Japanese number puzzle thingies', grasshopper" said
Master Sudoku, smiling "Perhaps you should ponder the fact that it was actually my father who gave
birth to me. That is an even bigger puzzle!"
Brandy just looked at him with a look of confusion on her face.
"But enough about that, child, what brings you to my humble temple?"
"I wish to be trained here, Master" said Brandy, bowing in respect "My former best friend has committed
an atrocity against me, and I wish to seek my revenge on him"
"Ah, yes, I sense your pain" said Master Sudoku, calmly, placing the tips of his fingers onto his temples and
closing his eyes "I see a rabbit in an orange jumpsuit, and I see you, tied up. I now see the rabbit whipping
you on your stomach and backside and making you say terrible things"
"Yes, that's exactly what he did to me!" said Brandy "It's awful, isn't it?"
"Are you kidding? This is great! Best vision I've had in ages!" replied Master Sudoku "I gotta remember
this vision for later! Hoo, baby! Yeah, whip her ass!"
He noticed Brandy glaring at him.
"Ahem, I mean, yes, my child. What happened to you was indeed an atrocity, but here, we teach our
students that our skills should always be used for self-defence, never for attack"
"OK, I'm down with that" said Brandy "As long as I can kick his ass for what he did to me, I'm happy"
"I see you have much to learn, my child" said Master Sudoku, raising an eyebrow at her "A journey of a
thousand miles begins with a single step, so step inside and we will begin your training"
As they walked through the halls of the temple, there were lots of students practicing martial arts
moves, sparring with each other, meditating, breaking planks of wood with various parts of their bodies,
breaking stone blocks, and so on. One of the students already training spotted Brandy.
"Hey, Brandy. BRANDY! Over here!" said the student, with a female voice, waving at her.
She was wearing a black karate suit with red edging and red Japanese symbols stitched on it and a black
belt with red stitching and red Japanese characters on it. Over her face was a black ninja mask.
"Do I know you?" asked Brandy.
The student removed her ninja mask, revealing a mass of black hair and grey fur, with an ankh tattoo on
her forehead. Brandy recognised her immediately.
"SHANDY!?!?" cried Brandy "You train here too?"
"Yeah, this is where I come to get in shape" said Shandy, showing off a few moves she'd learned "You look
tired. You took the steps, didn't you?"
"Yeah, I did" said Brandy, smiling sheepishly.
"Next time, take the elevator, it's much easier!" laughed Shandy, pointing to it with her thumb as it
pinged, allowing another student to enter!
"I think I'll leave you in the capable hands of Shandy, since you two know each other" said Master Sudoku,
then turned to Shandy "Will you show our guest around and teach her some basic moves?"
"It would be my honour, Master" said Shandy, bowing in respect. As he left, the girls began talking.
"So, how did you find this place?" asked Brandy.
"When I was in Florida, I saw a website about it on the Internet, so I thought, seeing as I'm here now, I
might as well check this place out, and see what they've got. This place has everything! Vast halls like
this to train in, Jacuzzis, saunas, a juice bar, Olympic-sized swimming pools, luxury accommodation, and the
food's to DIE for! Best of all, everything's FREE!" said Shandy.
"Free? WOW! I could SO get used to this place!" cried Brandy.
Upon hearing her favourite word 'free', her face brightened up so much, she almost completely forgot
about her troubles
"Forget going home, I'm gonna stay here for as long as possible!"
"What ARE you doing here, anyway?" asked Shandy.
Brandy suddenly snapped back to reality and hung her head.
"Whiskers did something awful to me" said Brandy, sadly "I came here to train so I could get my revenge
on him"
"What did he do?" asked Shandy, concerned about her cousin "What did he do to my dear cousin? If he
hurt you, I swear I'll rip his arms off and beat him with the wet ends!"
"He tied me up, whipped me, made me say awful things, then he fucked me" said Brandy "After that,
Gaspar's apes raped me"
"Oh, that's low! He's lower than a snake's nadsack!" said Shandy, giving her cousin a comforting hug "Don't
worry, Brandy, I'll help you as much as I can. No-one EVER does that to MY cousin and gets away with it!
Tell me what you need to know, and I'll put you in all the right classes"
"All I think I need is how to move stealthily, and some sexual torture stuff" said Brandy "I want to make
him pay for what he did, but not kill him. If I did, then I'd be worse than him"
"Good point" said Shandy "Hmm, I teach an Advanced Sexual Torture class, so I'll sign you up for that. In
fact, do you wanna be my teaching partner? I'll show you what to do, and you'll get some hands-on
experience, so you're not too naive when it comes to smacking Whiskers' bitch-ass up"
"Yeah, that's a good idea. When do we start?" asked Brandy, rubbing her hands and grinning evilly. She
suddenly looked at Shandy "Wait a sec. You TEACH here?!?!"
"Well, I thought some good might come from what I know" said Shandy, looking at her watch. It read 1:45
"My class isn't till 3, so I'll give you a quick tour of the place and show you some basic moves to boost
your strength and make you a bit tougher"
Shandy took her cousin around all of the facilities available to her. After the tour, they made a quick
stop at a place where Brandy could get some suitable training attire. She went into a changing cubicle
and stepped out wearing a traditional white karate suit, complete with a fetching red belt with black
stitching and black Japanese characters on it. Also, inscribed on the karate suit were the Japanese
symbols for the name 'Brandy'.
"Ready to kick some ass, cuz?" asked Shandy, admiring how good her cousin looked in her new gear.
"I was born ready" replied Brandy, tying a bandana around her forehead.
The girls made their way back to one of the training halls and Shandy set up some wooden boards to
teach Brandy how to break them with her hand.
"It's all about focus" said Shandy "Breathe deeply, and focus your chi energy into your hand"
She showed Brandy the proper technique for directing her chi around her body, and how to focus it to
her hand. Brandy let out a deep breath, raised her hand and with a 'HIIIIII-YA!', brought her hand down
and split the boards right in the middle, breaking them cleanly.
"Well done, Brandy!" cried Shandy "I don't think I've EVER seen anyone do that on their first try!"
Shandy looked at her watch "Well, it's 3:00, time for my class"
The girls made their way to the classroom where Shandy held her class. It was almost like a Roman
amphitheatre. Seats ran around the back wall of the room in a semicircle, and there was a large table in
the middle with smaller tables around it.
"Alright, class, settle down" said Shandy, addressing her students "I have a very special guest with me
today, and she's gonna train with us. Please say hello to my cousin Brandy"
"Konnichiwa, Brandy" said the students in unison. Brandy just smiled and waved.
"Right, can anyone tell me what we studied yesterday?" asked Shandy. Several hands raised "Yes,
"We learned about how our bodily fluids can be used in torture, Sensei" said Toshiro.
"Very good" said Shandy "Now, who would like to be my volunteer for this exercise?" No-one raised their
hand "Come on, don't make me pick on somebody" A lone hand raised slowly "Thank you, Shinji. Please come
over here and lie on the table"
Shinji got up from his seat, crossed over to the table and laid on it. Shandy strapped his arms and legs in
the restraints, then took off her karate suit, revealing an outfit that resembled a black leather leotard.
She picked up a plastic beaker from a table and set it on the floor. She crouched down, then pulled the
gusset of her leotard to the side and proceeded to pee into the beaker. When she had finished urinating,
she breathed a sigh of relief.
"Aah, that's better, I've been holding that all day!" said Shandy, picking up the beaker of her warm golden
fluid, then placing it back on the table "Now, this is a variation of Chinese Water Torture. I'm gonna set
up some equipment to show you how this seemingly tame-sounding torture can actually be one of the
most terrifying things you can imagine"
She wheeled over something resembling a drip stand from a hospital and hung an empty catheter bag on
one of the hooks. She inserted a plastic tube into the opening at the bottom of the bag and positioned it so
it was over Shinji's face. She picked up a strange device from another table and put it around Shinji's
mouth. It was a device that would hold his mouth open.
"As you can see, Shinji is now totally helpless. There's nothing he can do to avoid what's about to happen
now" said Shandy as she picked up the beaker from earler and tipped its contents into the catheter bag
"The idea is, when I turn this tap, my pee will travel down the tube and drip into his mouth. If your
victim tries to move their head to avoid the drips going into their mouth, you can do something to hurt
them. If needs be, physically hold their head in place. Also, as we all know, urine tastes foul, so they
might try to just let it pool in their mouth. If that happens, warn them that if they spill any, you'll
really hurt them, then if they still won't swallow, pinch their nose and close the mouth, so they'll either
HAVE to swallow, or they'll suffocate"
Shandy spent the rest of the lesson explaining other techniques that could be used. When the lesson was
over, the girls went to the cafeteria for something to eat.
"Well, learn anything good from my lesson?" asked Shandy.
"Yeah, that's some good stuff!" replied Brandy "Oh, I've been meaning to ask you. Do you have any idea
what THIS is?" She handed Shandy one of the UmBongo fruits she had packed into her backpack.
"Hmm, that's the UmBongo fruit, I think" said Shandy, examining it "I'll ask Master Sudoku about it,
because I think you can do something with its juice"
"Thanks, Shandy" said Brandy.
The months passed. With each passing day, Brandy's strength, speed and stamina increased exponentially.
She attended every one of Shandy's classes, learning technique after technique. She showed great skill
when it came to learning new moves, and showed great determination when faced with difficult
challenges. She quickly rose through the ranks, earning her black belt in just 4 months. Master Sudoku
was VERY impressed with her progress.
"You are, by far, one of the greatest students who has EVER been trained at my temple" said Master
"Thank you, Master" said Brandy, bowing in respect.
"The time has come for you to be officialy recognised as a true Sudoku Ninja Warrior" said Master Sudoku
"In order to achieve this honour, you must face my greatest student"
"I am ready for any task that faces me, Master" said Brandy.
He led her to a circular arena, with all the students of the temple sat on all sides. Brandy stood in the
centre of the arena, with Shandy as her support. A gong sounded, and a curtain was pulled back, revealing
the greatest student of the temple.
"Mreow" said a female voice "So, whose ass am I gonna kick today?"
"That voice.. " thought Brandy to herself "No.. it can't be!"
The female walked across the arena into the centre circle. She was a white-furred cat-girl dressed in an
elaborate black leotard.
"Well, well, look what the cat dragged in" said the cat-girl, looking her opponent up and down "Don't you
have a bone to bury or something, you pathetic excuse for a mutt!"
"I thought I was rid of you" growled Brandy.
"Wait, you look familiar to me" said the cat-girl "It's almost like I.. KNOW you. Yes, it's coming back to me.
I'm getting the name Bratty, or something like that"
"You should remember me, KATRINA!" shouted Brandy "You were the biggest BITCH I'd ever had the
misfortune to live with!"
"And I'll NEVER forget the day you got me sent away!" hissed Katrina "I was the most beloved pet in the
whole Harrington household, until YOU came along!"
"Ever since I first saw you, I WANTED to go back to that puppy pound" growled Brandy "I was GLAD I got
you sent away!"
"You ripped that very expensive cushion, and placed some of MY hairs on it, making it look like it was me
who did it!" hissed Katrina "The Harringtons took me away to a cattery, and I HATED it! I spent YEARS
plotting the purr-fect revenge plan against you. So, being the resourceful kitty I am, I escaped. I became
aware that you were on your way to Rio to be pampered and spoiled in a luxury spa, so I hitched a ride on
the next plane. When I landed in Rio, I heard you hadn't made it, because the cargo hold door was ripped
off its hinges. I thought my plan was a bust, until I overheard the captain of the plane saying he heard
something strange while he was flying over the Amazon Rainforest. I hitched a ride back that way and
landed by this temple. I trained here for months, waiting and hoping to meet you, so I could ELIMINATE
"Well, looks like you're finally gonna get your chance" said Brandy "But I have to warn you, my skills are
exemplary, just like myself"
"My cat-like agility will put your so-called 'exemplary' skills to shame. What's the challenge, Master?"
asked Katrina.
"The challenge is to hog-tie your opponent and shove this dildo up their rectum" said Master Sudoku,
holding up a large gold dildo.
"Yeah, this'll be easy, cuz!" said Shandy "This is your strongest subject. Just remember what I taught you
and you'll be just fine. Beat her ass, Brandy!"
"I'm gonna make a dog's dinner out of you!" growled Brandy, getting into a ready stance.
"Bring it on, mutt!" hissed Katrina, also getting into a ready stance.
The gong sounded, and both girls let loose a flurry of attacks. Both girls showed great skill by blocking
and dodging each other's blows. After a few minutes of fighting, Brandy started to get the upper hand,
but Katrina still had plenty of tricks up her sleeve.
"I heard what happened to you several months ago. How you got raped" said Katrina "I bet you liked it,
didn't you?"
Katrina's words stopped Brandy dead in her tracks.
"Don't listen to her!" shouted Shandy "She's just trying to psych you out!"
"Listen to me, furball!" shouted Brandy "As soon as I've whooped your ass, I'm gonna get my revenge on
that rabbit. When I'm done with him, HE'LL WISH HE'D NEVER BEEN BORN!! "
Since Brandy was distracted, Katrina delivered a sharp kick to Brandy's stomach. Before Katrina could
begin to tie her, Brnady rolled out of the way and got back on her feet with a nifty flip. Katrina charged
at Brandy, ready to do another flurry of attacks, but Brandy reached into her belt, pulled something out
and threw it to the ground. All of a sudden, the arena was filled with thick smoke.
"Hey, what gives? I can't see!" cried Katrina "Hey, what are you.. MMMRRREEEOOOWWW!! "
When the smoke cleared, Katrina was laid on her back, hog-tied and the gold dildo shoved up her asshole.
"Who taught her how to make smoke bombs?" asked Master Sudoku, with a hint of anger to his voice.
"Erm, I did, Master" said Shandy.
"Absolutely BRILLIANT!" exclaimed Master Sudoku "Congratulations, Brandy. You are now officially a
Sudoku Ninja Warrior"
"Thank you, Master" said Brandy, bowing in respect "I couldn't have done it without Shandy's tutelage.
Thanks for everything, Shandy"
"Don't mention it, cuz" said Shandy, giving her cousin a big hug. The two girls made their way back to their
room and Brandy packed up her belongings into her backpack.
"So, I guess this is it, huh?" asked Shandy "You're finally gonna get your revenge on Whiskers!"
"Yep, I've been waiting for this moment" said Brandy.
"Here, I have a present for you" said Shandy, handing Brandy a black Ninja outfit, just like hers, as well as
a black Ninja hood "This'll come in useful so you don't get seen. Oh, and I asked Master Sudoku about the
fruit, and he asked me to give this to you"
She handed Brandy a sheet of paper.
"It'll tell you how to make the juice into a fluid that you can put into darts, so you can knock out your
victims" said Shandy.
"Thanks, Shandy. This'll really help" said Brandy, taking the paper, folding it up and putting it into a
pocket of her backpack.
"It's kinda late. Why don't you stop here tonight?" asked Shandy "You'll need all your strength to give
Whiskers exactly what he deserves"
"OK, Shandy" said Brandy "I can't thank you enough for EVERYTHING you've done for me"
"Hey, don't mention it" said Shandy, giving her cousin another big hug "I'm your cousin, and I'll ALWAYS
be there for you, no matter what"
"Thanks, cuz" said Brandy as Shandy opened a cupboard and pulled out an extra futon for Brandy to sleep
The two girls took off their karate suits, laid on their futons and went to sleep.
Tomorrow (corpse bride)
Corpse Bride Chars. Belong to Tim.
Huffing. It felt so good I knew I wanted more. I quickened my thrusting but I was afraid that I might
break her jaw. It wasn’t enough. Pulling out I threw my clothes off all the way and pulled her dress off.
I could see my breath in the dim lit of my candle. I kissed her mouth. Her wonderful mouth. Shoving my
tongue deep, my hand pumping on my member. Still not enough. My hands fumbled with her bra and I
literally ripped off her underwear.
I barely had enough spit to attempt some sort of lube and then entered her. Tight. My thrusting warming
her up with every move. I pawed at her breasts and lapped at her cold neck. Her eyes were wide in shock.
Oh God.
I shuddered and unleashed my load. I could barely breath. For a moment we lay together in silence, but I
knew it couldn’t last. It was just too damn cold.
I pulled out and grabbed her veil to wipe my self off. It was late, I needed to get home. I quickly
redressed her as best I could. Not that it would matter. I’d be back tomorrow.
Shit. A dog was barking nearby. I quickly rolled her body back into her shallow grave and grabbed my
shovel. I couldn’t fill the hole back up quick enough it seemed. The barking was growing louder and she
was still exposed to the open air.
Fuck, I quickly threw my shovel aside and climbed up into the tree. The dog came, but the damn mutt was
only a stray. It sniffed at her hand and pulled out her forearm. With a bone to gnaw on it was happy and
left. It was all right though. Neither of us could use that arm anyways.
I dropped back out of the tree, my breath coming out in puffs. So many times I’d almost been caught. “But
it’s our secret isn’t it Emily?”
I finished burying her and hid my shovel. I would definitely come back again. I always did.
Tomorrow. I just have to wait till tomorrow. Then… “Then we can be together again.” I wiped away my
sweat and slicked back my hair. When I got into town know one suspected a thing. But they all spoke of a
dog who they’d shot. Apparently it had a human hand.
Oh well, one less witness to interfere with our love. After all, dead men tell no tales.
I inched into my house with a rather light step. Where was she? How was I supposed to change my
clothes if I didn’t know where she was? Not many people had noticed the odd white stains or dirt, but my
wife is a bit brighter than them.
“Damn. Damn, damn, damn.”
I quickly went up the stairs, taking them two at a time. It was this odd rush that killed me really. I made
it to the room and locked the door. I began to tug my clothes off and all but threw them upon the fire. I
needed to move faster, if I don’t do this quick enough she’ll-
“Victor? Victor is that you up there?”
Oh shit. Shitty, shit! I pulled on my nightclothes and glanced at the fire. They were mainly gone. I
cleared my throat. “Yes?”
“Darling, may I…may I come in?”
I was looking for wood. Where was that wood? I needed to cover these forsaken clothes! “Uh, just a
moment and, I’ll, uh, let you right in!”
Wood, wood, wood, I really need some woo-ah ha! I grabbed the elusive buggers and chucked them on top
of my clothing and then straightened up. Ok, focus, I need to look like I’ve been sitting here for hours. I
swiped sweat from my forehead and wiped the dirt from my hands. My face was red but there was little I
could do about that. “I’m coming.”
I unlocked the door and led my wife inside. She smiled so sweetly I almost felt bad. Honestly it wasn’t
her fault. She hadn’t chosen to come in right when Emily did. Besides if it weren’t for her I wouldn’t have
“Do you mind if I sit?” Victoria’s voice cut through me.
I motioned to some chairs by the fire. “Of course.” We took our seats and for several minuets did nothing.
She knew. Shit. Ok, it’s ok.
No, God no it’s not ok! I can’t exactly kill my bleeding wife!
No, definitely not. Maybe she doesn’t know at all. Maybe I’m over reacting. This and whatever she’s here
for are totally unrelated.
I doubt it; I’m sweating like hell. I must smell of rotten flesh and sex. And what should I do now, a few
hunters stumbled upon me but that was different.
How? You still killed them.
No I didn’t! Well, sorta. Hired men killed them.
I still don’t think that hiring men to kill Victoria is such a hot idea.
Well think of something braniac!
“Victor, are feeling quiet well?” I looked at her like a scared forest creature.
“Wha’-yes, yes, I’m perfectly alright. Why do you ask?” I tried to smile but couldn’t. This was all getting
out of hand.
“You looked very, well, aloof. And you’re…”
I repressed the urge to check my pulse. “I’m?”
“You’re rather, pale. More than usual, and I don’t think it’s the moonlight.” She leaned towards me. “Is
something bothering you?”
“No.” Not unless you count that whole screwing a dead women’s shell of a body.
More silence.
“Ok, I just wanted to make sure you aren’t sick.” She said it so gently, such a waste. Such a
Oh shit.
“What’s a waste darling?” Her hand was on my forehead.
“Waste? No I said…” Raced? Cased? Passed? Laced? Traced? Oh hell, there’s got to be a good rhyme for
waste. “Graced! Because you have been such a blessing and you are always kind enough to, to grace me
with your presence.”
I don’t think that made any sense. Victoria nodded her head all the same.
“That’s very sweet of you Victor, but I really don’t mean to intrude-” She got up to leave and I sprung to
my feet.
“You’re not intruding in the least.” I put on my most natural smile and pulled her into a hug. “Not at all.”
She giggled. Good. That’s good.
“Victor you’re tickling me!” Victoria squirmed in my arms.
I grinned wide. “What by doing this?” I blew into her ear and she laughed full and loud. It had taken two
long years to get her to be able to do that. “Or do you mean this?” I kissed her neck. Milky skin and
beating heart. This whole situation was just…
Victoria let out a soft mewl and I proceeded to lick and nip my way along. She held me tightly and I felt
trapped, I was going to suffocate. Quickly I ran a hand up her front and she let out a small gasp.
“Oh Victor!” She gently pushed me away. Oh, god air. “Now I thought this was all proper.” She had her fake
scolding voice on.
“But you know you like it.” I moved closer and she laughed and gave me a quick kiss.
“Come now, not tonight. Tonight is for sleeping.” She drifted to my door. “Goodnight Victor.”
I followed her and gave her a light kiss. “Goodnight dear.”
I closed the door. It was safe, she didn’t know. I promptly went to the restroom and vomited.
Christ, look what she does to you.
God I know, I always feel sick with guilt and sick with disgust-
No, I mean look what Emily has done to you. You have a perfect wonderful wife and you dream of the one
you didn’t have.
What exactly…Emily? Why is Emily in this conversation?
You’re addicted.
Yes, you’re…different.
And not a good one either.
What should I do?
Run now, fast. Grab your things and leave.
“But then I’ll leave Emily and Victoria.”
Maybe that’s healthy.
“I don’t care to be healthy.”
It’s like a breath of fresh air, just a bit. Fake your kidnapping. Take a few months off from reality. Meet
new people, especially the women.
“I don’t want to go anywhere alone.”
“You already are alone Victor. You already are.”
I blinked. I turned around. I was getting freaked out.
“I don’t want to run.”
Run, run now. If you don’t run you’ll just make it worse.
I won’t run.
Then what am I to do?
I’m going to sleep.
Yes. I’m going to sleep now. And tomorrow I will go to work.
Then what?
I’ll pay Emily a visit. I’ve never missed a day.
Quickly ending my train of thought I climbed into bed. I couldn’t help but feel as though the world was
crashing down around me though. Or maybe…maybe I was crashing down and the world was watching in
an anxious panic for it to happen quicker.
“Or maybe I’m a fucking quack.”
Wow…that was right on the money you know?
And then I slept.
Victor´s decision
He was at a crossroads. "Emily or Victoria, Emily or Victoria?" He was so tired of hearing those words
since he had made his vows to emily by accident. he loved both of them, their features, their
personalities, and their bodies, or at least whatever Emily had left of hers. you see, emily is kind of.. .
dead. she died quite a while ago, and victor doesnt even KNOW her well enough to know why she is. she
just left it at that, and for now, that was fine for victor.
the next morning, he woke up and decided he would spend the day with victoria. he made his way
clumsily to his carriage, where the driver quickly asked him where he wanted to go.
"let me just.. . direct you there sir," Victor said after much stuttering.
when he finally arrived at Victoria's house, she was waiting outside the door, as if she knew he was
coming. Victor approached Victoria lovingly and gave her a light kiss, as he proceeded to ask what was
the matter.
"Nothing is the matter Victor.. " she said.
after a long moment of smiling and convincing to tell by victor, she finally broke.
"I.. I.. i dont know where you're going with this.. EMILY thing! I mean, GOOD LORD VICTOR, THE GIRL'S
DEAD! I've never met her, and i'm sure shes nice, but really; are you prepared to marry a DEAD WOMAN?
I would think not! I thought it was love at first sight, when we met. you're playing that piano.. "
Victor was struck with feelings he still cannt describe, that either way he chose, one of them would be
miserable for the rest of their lives.. or afterlives for that matter.
He quickly prompted Victoria not to think about Emily for the duration of the date, because it was hard
enough that he had to make the decision; he was uncomfortable with the two women fighting with each
later that day they went for a stoll in the park. both of them were very uncomfortable about the
situation at hand, even though they were trying not to think about it.
"v..v. victor?" Vicoria started, "Do you really love me?"
Victor was hesitant to answer. "well.. I...I. "
"oh my," victoria said. "I really should'nt be pressuring you about this because of this situation.. I.. I. "
There was a moment of akward silence.
"I..I. want.. you," she said, while blushing at the embarrasment.
"It's ok," vitor said while they hopped into the carriage.
"TO MY CHAMBERS, MY GOOD MAN!" victor screamed to the half-deaf driver.
Victoria leaned herself up against victor for comfort in the cold weather, softly smiling, already
knowing what victor had planned for her. she was still blushing and knew she would be for quite a while.
She pushed her lips up against victor's for a long passionate kiss, of which they'll never forget. Victor
already felt his passion for victoria grow, as both their personalities winded against each other's.
the carriage door opened. 'this.. is it,' vitoria thought deeply as they opened the door to victors room,
already filled with lavender candles, as if he knew this was going to happen.
"no," victor said, "the scent keeps me concentrate."
Victoria knew he was lying.
Victoria layed down on victor's bed, not knowing what she was doing. she quickly prompted vitor to come
down with her. immediately after he was down, She forced a kiss on him. at first victor was shocked, then
he started getting used to it, and kissed her even harder. she responded to this by brealing it with her
tongue, feeling her lover's mouth with her own.
Thats when she felt Victor's member run up against her. at that point, she couldnt wait any longer. she
ripped off her nice dress, revealing her beautiful body, covered only by her gray bra,and panties. She
forcefully pulled off all of his clothes to see the most hard seven inches she had seen in her life. they
broke into another hard kiss, this time almost choking each other with their bare tongues.
Victor soon commenced to rippping his lovers bra off, revealing the first pair of human breasts he had
ever seen. they were beautiful. they were around a C-cup and hosted two tiny nipples, which he started
to play with. Victoria let out a moan of pleasure, as he started to bite on her nipples.
Victor grabbed his lovers panties and pulled them down. He then foced his memeber into Victoras newly
revealed vagina. he forced himself in, and out repetitavely. right before they both reached climax, they
broke into the most passionate french kiss they had ever experienced.
As victor had his climax, Victoria felt his warm juices flow inside of her. she loved the feeling
immediately, and wished he could do any more, but he was already half asleep now.
She gave him a small peck on his lips, and said in the softest voice possible, "i love you," before they both
fell asleep.
The Indecent Proposal

This world was strange to Victor.

Although the people around him were friendly and charming, and there didn't seem to be any real danger
at all, the world would always be strange to him. The streets ended in narrow slits and were dark and
green with death. Signs protruded from walls advertising products he would never even dream of
owning. But there was one redeeming feature of this world..
. .Emily..
. .that beautiful corpse who, in a swirl of ravens and moonlight, brought him to this place. Everything
about her was intoxicating and seductive: the way her hips moved as she walked, her blue hair floating in
the gentle wind, and her round eyes deep with emotion. Even though she was dead, Emiy was an amazing
woman. As Victor sat on the coffin which Emily lied on, he wondered if marrying her was as bad as it
seemed. Of course killing himself was the major negative point of this deal, but the reward was
everlasting and sweet. An eternity with the corpse that stole his heart.
Emily came in and leaned against a wall asking, "Having second thoughts?"
Victor shivered a little and replied, "No, no.. just thinking, that's all."
"It's not strange to have second thoughts before a wedding." she said, sitting next to him, "Especially with
what you're about to go through."
"It's just.. " he rattled in the icy wind as he finished ".. I don't even know that much about you."
Emily sat back and asked, "Well, what do you want to know?"
"Well, where do you come fro-" but before he could even finish, he started shivering again.
"Oh you poor soul, here.. " Emily draped a moth-eaten quilt around them and she wrapped a bony arm
around him. "Better?"
He sighed in comfort as he leaned his head closer to hers, closing his eyes in a calm manner. They sat
there for what seemed like ages, when she asked something that broke the atmosphere like a hammer on
"Victor, are we ever going to.. have.. sex?"
He quickly opened his eyes and stuttered, "W-W-WHAT?!"
Emily quickly said, "No, no, no, I'm just asking, that's all. It's just that I've never.. you know.. so I was
just.. ummm.. yes. Well, here we are."
"Yes.. well.. NO! not yes to the..ummm.. child.. making, yes to the 'Here we are'."
".. yes."
"Yes. Well, umm...I'm not even sure how that would work. What with my being alive and your.. being.. "
She finished for him, ".. dead."
"Yes.. I would imagine it to be quite.. awkward.. to say the least."
"Well.. ", she edged closer to him under the blanket "I've heard that the only way the dead feel warmth.. "
she laid her still-intact hand on his leg ".. is when they make love."
Victor was amazingly jittery. He had never 'made love' before, and the prospect of his first time being
with a dead woman was frightening. However, it was not such a bad idea.. that is.. if everything was
still.. in.. working order.
"Uh.. " he began ".. but is everything of yours.. still.. "
"Yes. Last I checked, anyways.", she replied with a small giggle.
".. Then I see nothing wrong with that." he finally said.
Emily took him in a huge hug and said, "Thank you, Victor...thank you so very much.. "
"You're.. welcome."
And for the first time that evening..
. .Victor was having second thoughts.

Chapter 2 - Feeling

Victor sat under the covers breathing deeply as he slowly realized that he was naked under the sheets
with a dead woman who was also naked.
He wasn't exactly up to the task at hand and Emily realized that after ten minutes of his breathing
"Victor? Are you all right?"
"Never better.. why do you ask?"
"Oh.. no reason."
She looked around the room and sighed while he kept getting more and more scared. Then she realized it.
She had to do something, she couldn't just let him sit there scared and then eventually get out of it. She
had to take command of the situation.
Victor continued to explain himself when he realized that a cold soft hand was grabbing his..
"WHOA! Cold!"
"Yes.. " Emily said as she moved her hand up and down his length ".. how does it feel?"
"Cold.. and.. and.. "
His eyes rolled back as he slowly began to get harder in that area until 5 inches of himself was up and
running. She procceeded with her attack and slipped under the covers, out of sight of Victor, with only
her silhouette visible. Victory realized what she was up to when he felt cold lips wrap around his cock,
slowly moving up and down, sucking it in. He grabbed the sides of the coffin as he neared his boiling point,
ready to unleash a lifetime of saved sperm, when she stopped.
".. you stopped?"
"Yes, I had to do this first.. "
She threw the blanket on the floor, and gently pressed her body agaisnt his.
"Kiss me Victor...kiss me with the passion you feel right now."
He took her by the arms and took her lips in a furious kiss. He pushed her onto her back and he climbed on
top of her, holding her arms down like a prisoner. With a final wince and wish that this wouldn't be too
cold, he rammed himself into her hips. She felt it.
She felt it.
For the first time for many years, she could feel again.
She felt his cock grind against her.
She felt the coffin on her back.
She felt his sweat rub onto her.
She felt the orgasm ready to burst within her.
She felt her legs shudder with ecstasy.
She felt her lips being kissed.
She felt warmth.
She felt love.
She felt him.
She felt free.
She was free.

Everybody Loves Bubbles

Chapter 1
Buttercup awoke to the sound of soft thumps coming from the roof. She rubbed her eyes and tried to focus
on the clock on her bedside table. It was several seconds before the softly lit numbers came into focus,
and she saw that it almost three in the morning. She groaned and let her head collapse on her pillow, the
near-silent act waking up Blossom beside her.
"Bubbles?" she sleepy asked, using her fist to hide a yawn.
"Yep," Buttercup stared up at the ceiling.
"It'll be the Rowdyruff's again," Blossom rolled onto her back.
"Why can't they do her during the day like everyone else?"
"I don't know," Blossom muttered as she closed her eyes. "But I shooed them off last time. It's your turn to
go out there."
Buttercup groaned again. Being woken up was bad enough, but now she had to get up as well. Dressed in
only her green night-gown, she floated through the bedroom window and up to the roof to confront the
source of the noise. Her arms folded, she glared at the gangbang that was going above her bedroom.
"Ehem?" Buttercup bought her fist to her mouth and cleared her throat. Butch, who had his hands on
Bubbles' head to fuck her throat, was the only one who acknowledged her.
"Oh, hey BC," he casually said. "Did we wake you?"
"Yes," was Buttercup's unimpressed response. Before her was Bubbles being gangbanged by the Rowdyruff
Boys. Butch had her mouth, Boomer in her ass, and Brick was pounding her pussy. The four of them were
naked, their clothes scattered across the roof, as they bounced Bubbles up and down their cocks.
"Hey Green," Brick smirked. He lay on his back with his head tilted as Buttercup floated upside down in his
field of view. None of the boys stopped when they were discovered. They didn't care about having an
"You wanna go next Buttercup?" Boomer asked as he slammed himself into Bubbles' back door. "Maybe you
could lick your sister's holes when we're done here."
"Yeah, it's been a while since we've seen you girls lez out." Butch just laughed, jamming his cock into
Bubbles' throat. He pulled it out one last time, held her head and jerked himself off as he squirted his seed
all over her face.
"Not at three in the morning, no. Now can you guys just.. go somewhere else? Bubbles, come on. Blossom
and I are trying to sleep."
"Sorry Buttercup," Bubbles finally spoke now that her mouth was free. "I didn't realise we were being so
loud." Butch floated over to Buttercup and pressed his still-hard cock against her cheek.
"You sure you don't want to join us?" he teased her. Buttercup glanced at the cock, then at Butch, then
over at Bubbles. In reality, she did want to join them. She wanted to lick the cum of her sister's face
while one of the boys fucked her from behind, then dive between Bubbles' legs and eat her out. Normally,
she would have. But not now. Not when she'd just been woken up.
"If you stick that thing inside me," she looked up at Butch, "I'll snap it off. I'm going to back to bed. Would
you kindly please find somewhere else to gangbang my sister?" Buttercup didn't wait for them to respond.
She just turned and floated back down toward her bedroom window. By the time she got back into bed, the
thumping had stopped and coloured streaks of light were fading away into the night sky.
No one knew what it was. Everywhere Bubbles went, people just seemed to be attracted to her. Her
friends, her enemies, even her own family, Bubbles would eventually find herself doing something with
everyone who asked. Sometimes, she found that she couldn't say no.
"Hey Bubbles, you want to eat me out for a bit?" That's all it would take for Blossom to ask. A difficult
question in the usual circumstances, yet simple and casual for Bubbles. Blossom would be seated, yet float
in the air, with her dress pulled up around her waist. Her legs spread, her hand on Bubbles' head, and
Buttercup watching behind her.
"Can you watch the pancakes for me, Buttercup?" Blossom asked as she started to hump her sister's face.
Bubbles' tongue was amazing, it seemed to just slither inside her slit and work its way to the exact spot
that got Blossom wet.
"Fuck, you're good Bubbles," Blossom groaned. Buttercup, annoyed with he task of cooking breakfast,
muttered quietly under her breath. She could see her sisters in the corner of her eye, and there she was
watching over Blossom's pancakes. She grabbed the spatula from the bench top and eyed the plastic
handle. She bit her lip at the sound of Blossom's moans. Her eyes darted between the sizzling pancake and
the spatula in her hand. She quickly flipped the pancake on the pan before she slipped the handle into her
mouth. It wouldn't be as satisfying as Bubbles' tongue, but it would reach deep enough. Buttercup closed
her eyes as she worked the handle in and out of her mouth. She pictured it as Blossom's strap-on or one of
the Rowdyruff Boys' cocks, cleaning it off after it had been buried inside Bubbles' cunt.
"Oh fuck, fuck, fuuuuuccccckkkkk.. . ." Blossom hissed through clenched teeth as Bubbles brought her to the
edge of her climax. She held her sister's face between her legs as she came into her mouth. Bubbles' tongue
became soaked with Blossom's squirt as it gushed between her lips. Her hips were grinding against her
face, smearing Bubbles' mouth with her juices. Blossom pulled Bubbles up from between her legs to her face
where their lips met in a passionate kiss. Blossom pushed her tongue into her mouth as the two girls fell
from the air. They landed, unceremoniously, on the kitchen floor with a loud thud. Blossom could taste
her own pleasure on Bubbles' lips and tongue, as her own tongue explored the cavern of her sister's mouth.
As they kissed, she slipped her hand underneath the blue dress and into her sister's panties. She started
to rub Bubbles' clit when she heard footsteps walking into the room.
"So, this is what you're doing instead of pancakes, Blossom?" Professor Utonium asked. He looked
unimpressed, his arms crossed and his foot tapping on the floor.
Buttercup quickly pulled the spatula handle from her pussy, holding the soaked and sticky plastic in her
hand and grinning nervously.
"Don't worry Professor, I've got it covered." While sex between the girls was normal in their household,
Buttercup wasn't too sure if her creator would care about her using the kitchen utensils as sex toys. She
quickly poured some more pancake batter into the frying pan as Blossom and Bubbles untangled
themselves from the floor.
"Sorry Professor," Bubbles said as he rose up in front of him. "it was my fault. I guess I got carried away
"Well I asked her to lick me," Blossom protested. "You know how irresistible she's been lately."
"But I can't help it. Everyone just seems to.. to want me."
"Well I think I have an idea about that Bubbles. Blossom, you can Buttercup finish up in here. Bubbles and
I need to have a chat in the dining room." The Professor held out his arm, allowing Bubbles to go first,
while Buttercup quickly jerked the spatula handle out of her mouth at the mention of her name. She
chuckled nervously as Blossom shook her head.
"Come on, let's just finish cooking and get to school."
It didn't take long for Blossom and Buttercup to finish their pancakes. Blossom would pour and flip the
batter before tossing the pancakes onto four plates. They quickly rose into tasty stacks. Buttercup sliced
and placed a knob of butter on the top pancake before pouring maple syrup all over the breakfasts. They
floated into the dining room, not surprised to see Professor Utonium bobbing Bubbles' head up and down
the length of his shaft. Buttercup sat next to them at the table and took a bite of her pancakes as Blossom
floated behind her. She watched his cum dribble down Bubbles' chin.
"So Professor, any idea what's causing us to act this way around her?" Buttercup asked, grabbing another
piece on her fork.
"Uh.. oh, right. That's why I asked you in here. Sorry, Bubbles. I guess I just lost my train of thought."
Utonium quickly pulled himself out of his daughter's mouth and tucked himself back into his pants.
"That's okay," Bubbles sighed as she sat down to breakfast. Buttercup pulled off a piece of pancake and used
it to collect the Professor's cum from her sister's chin. She grinned at the new pearly white sauce on her
breakfast and popped it into her mouth.
"I hope the Professor can figure out what's wrong with me," Bubbles hung her head as she and her sisters
floated to school. "I mean, I love it.. but I can't keep doing this. Did I tell you what happened yesterday in
the mayor's office?" Buttercup hovered next to her and placed her arm around her shoulders.
"Why don't you tell us all about it?" she asked, her arm slowly sliding down her back to fall upon her ass.
Blossom quickly slapped it away, and resisted the temptation to replace Buttercup's hand with her own.
Instead, she simply glared at Buttercup and disapprovingly shook her head.
"We were on his desk," Bubbles began. "both Ms Bellum and the Mayor were naked, and he was fucking me
up against her."
"So he gave you his pickle, did he?" Buttercup chuckled. "How was he?"
"What about Ms Bellum?" Blossom asked. "Did she react the same way?"
"No, but she didn't stop him." Bubbles shook her head. "I don't know if she enjoyed it, or if she was worried.
I couldn't get a good look at her face 'cause the Mayor's hat seemed to always be in the way. But she just
didn't seem to do anything." Buttercup placed a reassuring hand on her sister's shoulder. Bubbles smiled a
little, appreciating that she didn't grab her ass again.
"Well Bubbles, we're going to school now. The others are just kids, and Ms Keane is a respected teacher. I
think you can be rest assured that you're not going to attract anyone here."
"Not even from you two?" Bubbles looked at her sisters, hopefully. Buttercup drew a cross over her chest.
"Cross my heart, Bubbles," Buttercup held up her hand. "Blossom and I will keep ourselves at bay." Blossom
quickly flew beside Buttercup and placed her arm across her shoulders.
"And besides, if Buttercup can't hold her urges, she can always take them out on me. I'll give her
something to lick." Bubbles felt a lot better. For the first time since sunrise, she actually smiled. Feeling a
little more confident, she flew on ahead.
"Until we get home anyway," Buttercup whispered to Blossom.
Bubbles was quick to find that school wasn't how Buttercup had assured her it would be. She refused
advances from Mitch Mitchelson, only to have him shoot a small load of cum over her face. Bubbles knew
she should have just moved away from him. With her abilities, it would be impossible for him to catch up
to her. Her upset face did not escape Blossom's eye. Blossom grabbed the back of Mitch's shirt and pulled it
over his head. She used it to wipe Bubbles' cheek clean before tossing back at his face. Buttercup thought
it was strange that no one seemed to notice what Mitch was doing. He had moved his chair right next to
Bubbles, and no one, not the students or Ms Keane, seemed to even notice what had happened.
"Maybe it's not just everyone being attracted to her," she muttered to herself. Herself, Blossom, the
Rowdyruff Boys, even the Mayor, everyone quickly found Bubbles to be almost insatiable. Yet no one did
anything to prevent Mitch's advances.
"Ms Keane," Blossom raised her hand, "can Bubbles go to the bathroom? I think she needs to wash her face."
"Huh?" Ms Keane suddenly jerked her head. It was almost as if she had suddenly snapped back to reality.
"Bubbles? Oh, of course she can." Buttercup watched as Bubbles, with her head hung low, floating her way
towards the class room door. Her thoughts, originally curious at everyone's behaviour, quickly changed
to the things she could do with her sister in the bathroom. The memories of her with the Rowdyruff's and
with Blossom flooded her mind. Buttercup quickly shook her head. She wanted to follow her, she wanted
nothing more, but she made a promise. She forced herself to take her seat, determined to wait out the
lust that was growing for her sister.
After her encounter with Mitch, no one seemed to notice Princess Morbucks following Bubbles. The
wannabe Powerpuff cornered her rival in the bathroom.
"Not now Princess, I'm really not in the mo.. ." Bubbles was cut off with a swift and forceful kiss. Princess
forced her to the ground and tore her panties down her legs.
"Nonsense. Maybe this will get me into your little group," she boasted. Princess pulled her own panties off
and lifted her skirt. "You just lie there and let me show you just what I can bring to the team." Princess
sat in front of Bubbles and pulled her close by her ankles. Their legs overlapped as their cunny lips were
pressed together. Straight away, without a moment's hesitation, Princess started to grind her hips
against Bubbles. Their slits rubbed against each other, their folds spreading to expose their dampness
inside. Princess, however, was enjoying it a lot more than Bubbles. While Bubbles felt a little discomfort,
the act turned Princess on. The effect Bubbles had on her enemies was just like she had on her family. The
Rowdyruff's were now more like friendly rivals, but Princess was still considered a foe to the Powerpuff
Girls. Yet she still found herself attracted to Bubbles and open to this alternative to fighting.
"So what do ya think?" Princess asked as she fucked Bubbles with her pussy. "Pretty good, right?" Bubbles
didn't answer, at least not right away. She felt that Princess was too rough, too fast, and that she wished
she'd finish soon. She knew that her sisters would have been much more gentle.
Thankfully, it didn't take long for Princess to cum. The spoilt brat shuddered as she came over Bubbles'
slit. Satisfied of her orgasm, she untangled their legs and stood up.
"I'm sure you'll tell your sisters about this," she proudly said as she picked up Bubbles' panties. "And
there's no doubt they'll want to ride me too. So just let 'em know that they might as well sign me up
straight away and then we'll get our little party started." She slipped her feet though the holes in the
underpants and pulled them up her legs, snuggling them around her waist under her skirt.
"But.. those are.. "
"Your panties?" Princess interrupted. "I know. I figured we'd swap. You know, a memento of our time
together." Bubbles looked down at the other pair lying on the floor.
"But I don't want to wear... yours.. " By the time Bubbles looked back up, Princess had walked out and left
the bathroom door slowly swinging closed behind her.
Bubbles' day didn't get any better. To keep their promise to their sister, Blossom and Buttercup were
forced to keep their distance. Being around her was almost.. intoxicating. During recess, Buttercup could
smell how turned on she was. She lifted her skirt and shoved her hand into her panties.
"Buttercup, what are you doing?" Blossom hissed as she frantically looked around, making sure that no one
was watching.
"Look at this Bloss," Buttercup as she pulled her hand back out. The unmistakable shine of her wetness
coated her skin and glistened in the light. She licked the moisture from her hand. "I'm almost dripping
here," she whispered harshly. "I thought being away from her would be enough. But.. if I can see her.. and
hear her.. " Blossom placed her hands on her sister's face to focus her wandering attention back on her.
"Well I'm not dripping," she said. "I mean, maybe a little damp, but I know I'm not that wet." "Yeah,
probably because you had her eating you out this morning," Buttercup hissed. "You had her tongue inside
you while all I had was kitchen utensils."
"Bubbles, a word please?" Ms Keane called from the door to the school. Both Blossom and Buttercup turned
to their sister. Their eyes followed her as she floated into the school building, her head hung low.
"Buttercup, this is wrong. We shouldn't be avoiding her like this. Bubbles doesn't know what's going on, but
she's our sister. We just need to ignore our temptations and stick with her so she's not alone."
"I.. I don't think I can do that, Blossom."
"So what are you going to do?" Blossom asked. Buttercup bit her lip as she glanced at the door. If she went
with Blossom to help, she knew that she'd end up pinning Bubbles to the floor. In her mind she pictured
their tongues drilling into each other's pussies, drinking down their juices as they squirted on each
other's mouths.
"I.. I..." Buttercup knew she only had one option. "I gotta get out of here. Maybe help the Professor, or
maybe I'll get the Rowdyruff's to screw me. But I just know I'm gonna snap soon. And when I do, I won't be
able to help myself. Just make something up if anyone asks." Buttercup quickly took to the sky and flew
off towards the city. Blossom just shook her head in disappointment. She floated over to the window and
peered inside. Unsurprisingly, Bubbles had her dress lifted up around her waist. Ms Keane sat down with a
pencil, and Blossom watched as her teacher started to rub the eraser against her sister's clit.

An Extra Dose
An Extra Dose
The front door was flung open as Buttercup burst into her home. She flew right up the stairs and into her
bedroom. She hesitated for a quick seconds, looking around before checking the closet, inside all the
draws, under the bed, and even in the toy chest.
"Where is it? Where the fuck did she put it?" She franticly searched the room for Blossom's strap-on. She
wanted nothing more than to rip her clothes from her body and fuck herself senseless with the toy.
Leaving school early and getting far away from her sister didn't seem to help her urges. Buttercup
simply couldn't get Bubbles out of her mind. She wanted to lick her, fuck her, hold her head down between
her legs and squirt in her mouth. Buttercup pulled her dress from her body and yanked her panties down
her legs. A thick translucent strand of her juices clung to the fabric of her clothing, stretching from her
soaked pussy. She sat down and watched it break away as she pulled her underpants down her legs.
"Gotta cum," she muttered. "I gotta cum." Buttercup knew her hands wouldn't be enough. Sure, they'd get
her off, but it wouldn't leave her as satisfied as she'd need to be. She held them up to her face, almost
considering using them.
"Nope, gonna need something inside me." With Blossom's toy hidden too well, Buttercup knew she'd have to
find something else. She flew back downstairs and into the kitchen, picking up the spatula she had used
that morning to cook breakfast and eyed off the handle.
"Nope, too thin," she said before she yanked open the draws. As she rummaged though the utensils, she
noticed the open door in the corner of her eye. The basement door was left ajar, and Buttercup didn't
know why she didn't think of it before. The Professor's lab would have to have to have something in there
she could use. She dashed down the stairs and looked around. The basement's shelves and tables were
littered with her father's laboratory equipment. Notebooks and blueprints were scattered about, and
every blackboard in the room was filled with scribbles and complex equations.
"Geez, doesn't he ever clean this place up?"
As soon as she looked around, Buttercup's eyes fell upon the very thing. A round-bottomed flask filled
with black liquid sat on the table. The spherical container boasted a long neck with a cork jammed in the
"Good enough," Buttercup exclaimed as she snatched it from the table. She flew out of the basement and
back up into her bedroom before she let herself fall down onto the bed. Landing on her back, she lifted her
legs and brought her knees to her chest. She pressed the neck of the bottle to her pussy and eased it
inside. She watched as more and more of the glass neck vanished inside of her horny slit.
"Oh fuck, now this is more like it. Let's jam this nice and deep," Buttercup groaned as she felt the top of the
sphere kissing her pussy lips. She dropped her legs around the beaker, just enjoying the sensation of being
filled. It wasn't the same as Blossom's toy, but it did the trick. She pumped and pressed the tip of the dome
against her slit, stabbing her pussy just a little bit further and fucking herself with the beaker. Buttercup
watched as her juices clung to the glass while she pulled it from her hole. She knew that she'd have to
lick it clean before returning it to the Professor's lab.
Buttercup began to pump the beaker's neck in and out of her pussy. She rolled onto her front and held it
firmly in her grasp on the mattress. She planted her feet and her knees on the bed beside it and, with her
head supporting her bodyweight on the bed, she started to ride the piece of lab equipment. She brought
her hips up and down the neck of the beaker, her pussy lips kissing and bumping against the round
container between her hips. Each time she felt it stab within her, she felt herself being pushed closer and
closer to the edge of her orgasm.
"Almost.. there.. " she grunted, forcing her hips down the glass shaft one more time. She felt her whole
body twitch as she came. Her climax coated the neck of the bottle within her, her legs trembling as she
rolled onto her back. Buttercup held the beaker inside her. She humped it gently throughout her orgasm.
She would buck her hips, lift her ass off the bed to push it as deep as she could, before letting herself go
limp on the bed. She panted as she gazed up at the ceiling. Each breath she took was tainted with the
scent of her own lust, and her inner walls hugging the glass tube inside of her.
After a solid minute, Buttercup eased the beaker from her slit. The cork of the bottle popped out as it
was pulled from within. It had come lose as Buttercup rode the neck, and the black liquid inside splashed
out over her pussy. The viscous chemical soaked into her crotch almost straight away. Buttercup quickly
forgot about the beaker and let it slip from her grasp.
"What.. what's going on?" she started to panic, frantically trying to wipe the Chemical X from her skin.
She could already feel it starting to affect her body. Her clit started to expand and grow. It was like a
balloon swelling on the surface of her body. The change didn't feel painful or weird, it just happened.
Buttercup watched in disbelief as a cock grew from her clit. It was six inches long, hard, and each twitch
begged it to be touched.
"I.. I..." Buttercup was at a loss for words. She hesitated a little before reaching out to touch the tip. She
curiously wrapped her hand around it and squeezed. She cooed softly as she gave herself a gentle tug
before she froze. She felt it. She actually felt her own cock. This... it was real. She eyed her new shaft as
she slid her hand down it's length. Her foreskin slipped down over the head of her penis to expose the
dark pink head underneath, only to hide it again when she pulled it back up. "Whoa.. " Buttercup was
speechless. She couldn't believe this was real. She quickly pinched her arm to see if she was dreaming, and
the sharp sting quickly told her that she wasn't. She had her eyes glued to her new cock, watching it as
she slowly moved her hand up and down.
"Wow, I can't wait to get myself off with this thing. I wonder if I can cum like the Rowdyruff's."
After a sold minute of gentle jerking, Buttercup noticed a small glob of transparent liquid seep out from
the tip of her shaft. She wiped it off on her hand and brought it to her face. She sniffed the small damp
spot on her hand before she licked it. Straight away she knew what it was. With a grin on her lips she
looked back down. Her knew cock stood proudly between her legs.
"Guess where you're going," Buttercup grinned. "This shouldn't be too difficult." In Buttercup's mind, the
act seemed fairly straight forward. In fact it seemed like it couldn't be simpler. She rested her head on
Bubbles' pillow and lifted her legs into the air. Her bare bum cheeks left the soft surface of the bed as she
bent her knees and brought them down to her face. She licked her lips as her cock was suddenly inches
away from her lips.
"Piece of cake," Buttercup smiled as she opened her mouth. She pushed her hips a little further and she
felt her new cock slip into her mouth. She closed her lips around her shaft, her eyes rolling up towards
her sockets as she tasted her shaft for the first time. She placed her arms over her legs as she fed herself
more of her dick. She could see her slit below her shaft, moist and glistening with anticipation in the
light of day. Slowly she pulled her hips back and felt her cock withdrawing from her mouth. It came free
from her lips with a gentle pop, and Buttercup held it right in front of her face. She leaned forward and
circled the head with her tongue, mimicking her actions with Blossom's toy. She collected another few
drops of pre and she smacked her lips together to sample her brand new fluids.
"Oh yeah, I'm going to enjoy having you around," Buttercup grinned. She planted a small kiss on the tip of
her shaft before she pushed it back inside her mouth.
Buttercup started to rock her hips back and forth. She used the momentum it made to fuck her own
mouth. With her head propped up on Bubbles' pillow, she quickly found that she could take every inch,
leaving her top lip just barely touching the tip of her slit. She could feel her cock bump against the back
of her throat while she pressed her tongue to slide and rub over the top of it. She swung her legs back,
squeezing her lips around her dick as she pumped it in and out. Several drops of her pre splashed out onto
her tongue. One of her hands drifted along her leg to the base of her shaft. Buttercup watched as her
hand brushed over her damp slit. As she sucked, she gently started to rub herself, making her groan
around her member. Buttercup quickly grew to love the feeling of everything at once. She could feel her
cock in a warm mouth, she could feel her lips wrapped around it, and she could feel her own hand rubbing
her slit while she was being fingered. As she sucked, Buttercup used her tongue to smear her pre-cum
over her flesh. The more she rubbed herself and fucked her mouth, Buttercup could feel a strange, yet
familiar sensation. It was a different to the feeling when she came, yet it still felt incredibly familiar.
Buttercup decided that she must be close to her first orgasm. She just needed a little bit more to get
herself off. She pulled her cock from her mouth to quickly wipe the moisture from her pussy onto her
shaft. She smeared it along and mixed it with her saliva before pushing it back into her mouth to add the
extra flavour.
Suddenly, Buttercup could feel her cum rushing though her cock. She knew there was no turning back
now, even if she wanted to. She grabbed her legs and pulled them down to bury as much of herself into
her mouth as she could. Buttercup felt the thick, warm seed splash against the back of her throat. Her
new cock flooded her mouth, bathing her tongue in cum. She didn't swallow, instead choosing to let it pool
inside her lips. She slowly pulled her hips back. As her cock withdrew, she watched it twitch as more and
more cum was pumped into her mouth. She pulled it from her lips just in time for the final spurt to splash
across her face. Her legs collapsed back on the bed as she swallowed her load in one big gulp. Buttercup
lay on the bed, panting with her hand on her stomach, as she enjoyed the afterglow from her orgasm. She
reached over and grabbed the beaker of Chemical X and held it up above her head. Buttercup smiled as she
swirled around what was left and jammed the cork back in the neck of the bottle. She felt the stickiness
of her first climax on the glass, and she brought it down to lick her juices from the neck. She other hand
went down to her cock, still hard, and she started to gently stoke herself as she cleaned her mess. She
smacked her lips at her own taste and lifted herself into the air.
"I'd better clean this up properly before I put this back," Buttercup muttered to herself as she rolled the
beaker around in her hand. She glanced down, smiling, at the giant logo. The black wording on the glass
was almost invisible with the black liquid sloshing behind it.
"Yeah, Blossom's going to love this."

Chapter 2
Chapter 2
After the bell had rung for the end of the day, Blossom found herself patiently waiting outside the
bathroom door. She sat on the floor, reading her book while trying to block out the sounds of stifled
moans coming from behind the wall. It was incredibly hard to concentrate on her reading. Behind the
door, she could hear their neighbour and Bubbles' best friend Robin. Blossom could only imagine what was
going on in there. In her mind she pictured something similar to what she did with Bubbles earlier in the
day, except on the ground. She imagined Bubbles lying on the floor with Robin riding her face, grinding
her hips over her sister's mouth, and Bubbles' tongue licking deep inside the girl.. Blossom put her book
down and spread her legs. She lifted her dress with one hand and slipped the other inside her panties. She
started to gently rub herself to the sound of her sister and her friend, playing her imagined scene out in
her mind. With her eyes closed, she could see Robin's red shorts on the floor near Bubbles' head. She was
bottomless, save for her shoes and socks, a grin on her face as Bubbles tongued her snatch. Bubbles was on
her back, her knees bent and arms to the side, happy as she could ever be. In Blossom's mind, Bubbles had
forgotten of her troubles. She was just keen to make her friend cum just as much as she was towards her
sisters. Robin had her hands on Bubbles' head, rolling her hips over her sister's mouth.
With her eyes closed and the hem of her dress between clenched teeth, Blossom quickly realised that she
had replaced herself in her mind with Robin. She began her hear herself as she masturbated, the soft and
gentle squelching sound from her suddenly soaked slit. She realised how much her body wanted, no,
needed her sister. She grunted as she let herself slide down against the wall a little more. She paused
only to lift her ass, slide her panties down, and kick them from her legs.
"Oh fuck.. ." she muttered to herself as she brought her other hand into play. One on her pussy and one on
her clit, she rubbed herself to the thought of her sister. Was this what Buttercup was going though? Had
she been around Bubbles long enough for a similar effect on her body? Blossom decided she didn't care. She
just wanted to cum. She replayed the memory of her and Bubbles from earlier in the day and tried to
remember every little detail. The sounds of Buttercup cooking breakfast, the little groans that she and
Bubbles made, even the unique morning scent of her recently woken body. Blossom could feel herself
getting closer and closer to her climax. She longed to have Bubbles' face, or even Buttercup's, between her
legs to drink her orgasm. She gasped and the dress fell from her teeth. She raised her hips into the air,
her head against the wall and her feet on the floor, she was so close..
"Thanks Bubbles, that was amazing." Blossom's hearing picked up Robin's voice from inside the bathroom.
With her eyes wide open, she froze in a moment of panic. It never occurred to her given what was
happening behind the closed door, the position she was in wouldn't have been a problem for either of
them. She dashed to her panties on the opposite side of the corridor. She slipped her feet into the holes
and yanked them up her legs, securing them in place around her waist just as the bathroom door opened.
She pulled her hands back and her dress fell back down just as Bubbles walked out into the hall, wiping
her mouth with the back of her hand.
'Crap, did she see me?’ Blossom thought to herself in a moment of panic.
"Any time Robin," Bubbles smiled as her friend walked out behind her. She was actually smiling. She
seemed happy and proud of her time with her friend. "I'll see you tomorrow." Robin hugged her friend
before she ran down the hall.
"Bye Blossom!" Blossom returned her farewell with a wave, hoping that the blood in her cheeks wasn't
noticeable. Bubbles stepped beside her sister and placed her hand on her shoulder. "You know Blossom, you
really shouldn't be so loud in the halls." Blossom quickly jerked her head to face her smiling sister.
"You heard?" she asked. Bubbles nodded.
"Well you heard me and Robin, so it's only fair. But given what we've done, I don't mind." Bubbles beamed
at Blossom, and her smiling face made her feel a little less embarrassed.
"Did Robin.. ?" she started to ask, but Bubbles shook her head.
"Robin's hearing isn't as good as ours," Blossom sighed with relief. As she and Bubbles floated down the
hall and she placed her arm around her sister, Blossom's lust for her quickly grew within her once again.
The fear of being discovered offered a very quick distraction. But Blossom realised one thing, something
that only added fuel to the fire that burned for her sister.
Blossom didn't cum.
Bubbles' and Blossom's lips were locked together as soon as they flew into their bedroom windows.
Figuring that Buttercup would be on their bed, the two girls decided to join her straight away. But as
they landed on their bed, they quickly realised that the room was empty.
"Where's Buttercup?" Bubbles looked around as Blossom peeled her shirt off her head.
"Beat's me," she shrugged as she began to strip her sister. "No panties?" she asked as she lifted the blue
dress over Bubbles' head. The blond girl looked down at her crotch as she peeled off her shoes and socks.
"Princess has them," she muttered. "I've been going without for most of the day."
"Good thing you didn't tell Buttercup about that," Blossom said as she tossed the last of her clothes off
the bed. "She would have gone crazy."
"Where's. . your... toy.. ?" Bubbles muttered between kisses.
"You want.. me.. to fuck.. you?" Blossom moaned into her mouth. Her hand was between their nude bodies,
rubbing her sister's clit as they kissed on the bed. Even though Blossom was denied her orgasm before, she
knew she could wait a little longer now she was with Bubbles.
"I've had a long day of people using me," Bubbles groaned as she held Blossom's face a mere inch away from
her own. "I want someone whom I know actually loves me. And since Buttercup isn't here right now.. " a
grin crept across Blossom's face.
"Say no more," she gave Bubbles one more kiss before pulling herself away and flying into the closet. She
emerged, seconds later, with a pink strap-on dildo attached to a black harness. Blossom fit it snugly
around her waist as she floated towards the bed. Bubbles rolled onto her stomach and spread her legs.
Blossom grabbed her sister's ankles and lifted them up into the air. She kissed the tip of her toy against
Bubbles' slit.
"So how do you want it?" she asked her.
"I haven't cum all day, Blossom. Pound me until I squirt."
"You got it, sis." Blossom eased the tip into her sister's moist cunt. With one swift thrust, she buried it
inside. Bubbles gripped the blanket in her hands as her pussy was pierced with the fake cock. She hadn't
had a real dick inside her since Butch on the roof, and her inner muscles clamped down on the intruding
"Nnnngggg, fuck.. " she grunted. Blossom grinned as she slowly withdrew the cock.
"You know, while I was waiting for you at school outside the bathroom," she slammed it back inside
Bubbles. "I was so close to cumming. Once I get you off," she pulled her hips back before pushing the toy
back in, "you're going to wear this and fuck me against the wall."
"Or maybe you could fuck her with this instead."
Blossom looked up, her jaw dropping. Buttercup hovered above them. She was naked, holding a round flask
of Chemical X from the Professor's laboratory, with a cock standing erect between her legs.
"Wh.. w.. what?"
"Oh yeah, it's real," Buttercup grinned. "And it works like a charm. Lemme show you." Curious, Blossom
withdrew her toy from Bubbles' depths and pulled the harness down her legs.
"So, you just splash it on me?" Blossom asked.
"Exactly," was Buttercup's reply. "Just flip upside down for me.. there we go." Blossom did as she was told
and, with her slit now at Buttercup's eye level, spread her legs. Buttercup couldn't resist giving her sister
one quick kiss on her pussy lips. Her mouth made contact with her folds and she eased her tongue inside
to taste Blossom's sweet nectar within. In truth though, this made Blossom a little nervous. With a firm
grip on the neck of the beaker, Buttercup poured a generous amount of Chemical X onto Blossom's cunt.
The viscous black liquid trickled down onto Blossom's slit while Buttercup rubbed the excess into her skin.
In the time it took for Blossom to let herself collapse on the bed, the change had already begun. All three
girls had their eyes glued on Blossom's crotch. They watched her clit start to grow and expand, like a
small lump swelling from inside her body. A six inch shaft, identical to Buttercup's, formed in the spot
where her clit used to be. Blossom reached out to touch it, but she pulled her hand back as soon as she
made contact.
"I.. I felt that. It's actually real." She looked up at Buttercup, amazed at her sister's discovery. The black
haired girl hovered above Blossom with a grin.
"It's good, isn't it?" she asked, and the two girls slowly turned to Bubbles with their new appendages
twitching between their legs.
"I bet this feels better than your strap-on," Buttercup groaned, her hand on Bubbles' head and her new
cock in her mouth. The blonde haired girl sucked her like a pro, bobbing her head up and down her sister's
shaft while her tongue twirled around the head and slid along underneath. Below her, on the bed,
Blossom lay between her legs. With Bubbles' arms held back and her feet beside her sister's face, Blossom
bucked her cock up inside her horny sister. Bubbles rode Blossom, floating up and down her cock as she was
fucked, feeling it pierce her depths. Blossom and Buttercup weren't that much bigger than the strap-on
that she was used to, but it was the little changes that made the experience so much better. The warmth
of their new cocks, the feeling of them twitch inside her, the taste of Buttercup's pre on her tongue.
Bubbles knew that she and her sisters would probably never go back to the toy again.
But as horny as her sisters were, and as much as she wanted to help them get off, Bubbles was getting
tired. The whole day had almost been one long fuck-fest for her, barely going more than a few hours
without someone wanting sex. The lust an excitement she felt when coming home from school with
Blossom was being overtaken by soreness and fatigue. Dusk was still a few hours away and yet Bubbles
felt like crawling under the covers and going to bed. Their threesome suddenly became more pleasurable
for her sisters than it was for her and she felt that all the energy was just drained from her body. With
one cock in her mouth and the other in her pussy, Bubbles just allowed herself to be fucked by her sisters.
She loved being this close to them, but even she had her limits. Her train of thought was interrupted
when Buttercup pushed and held her head against her crotch. Her cock twitched against her tongue
before thick ropes of cum splashed against the back of her throat. Buttercup slowly pulled herself from
Bubbles' mouth during her climax, holding her face against the tip of her shaft for the final spurts. Her
thick white cum dripped from Bubbles' lips and onto Blossom's legs below, but she didn't seem to care. As
Buttercup flooded her mouth, Bubbles felt the familiar gooey feeling of warm cum flooding her pussy.
Blossom held her down, her cock spraying a thick load and painting Bubbles' insides white with cum. She
sighed, finally having reached her orgasm that was denied to her in the hall. It wasn't what she was
expecting, but it was a cum none the less. She let go of her sister's arms and Bubbles fell onto the bed, her
cock springing free with a slight pop. Buttercup landed next to Blossom as Bubbles rolled onto her back.
She swallowed the load in her mouth but couldn't be bothered to clean what had been splashed on her
face. Buttercup and Blossom closed their eyes as their cocks shrunk to a flaccid state. Bubbles' head hung
over the edge of the bed. She had traces of Buttercup's cum on her face and Blossom's load leaking from
her pussy. She wanted nothing more that to go to sleep. Her rest, however was short-lived. Barely a
minute after their sisterly fuck, Bubbles felt another dick at her lips. She opened her mouth, expecting to
tell Buttercup no more, before she felt the Professor's cock sliding inside her throat.
After her swallowing her creator's seed, Bubbles was finally allowed to nap. She was woken up a few
hours later for dinner. After she ate, bathed (by herself) and had gotten ready for bed, Bubbles felt like
the day was well and truly over. Her nap during the day helped, but she still felt like she would fall
asleep as soon as she hit the pillow. As Blossom was whistling to herself and brushing her hair, Bubbles
felt a hand wrap around her chest. She turned her head to see Buttercup, her other hand reaching
between her legs.
"Buttercup, really?" she almost cried.
"Come on sis, I've been pining for you all day. You and Bloss had your fun earlier, now it's my turn."
Bubbles just rolled her eyes.
"Fine," she spread her legs in defeat. "But I've been going down on girls all day, so you're going to eat me
out. And if the Rowdyruff's show up again tonight, you can take care of them."
"Deal," Buttercup grinned as she lifted her sister up off the bed. With a lick of her lips, Buttercup dived
her head in between her sister's legs.

Tippin poiint slumber

It was more than Professor Utonium could take. He was a single parent raising three super hero girls and
he couldn’t, for the life of him, get with any women. He hadn’t had any sex since his days in college and
the fact that his little girls where turning into teenagers didn’t help him at all. Enough was enough for
him; he was going to go crazy if he didn’t get something. The Powerpuff girls were still just kids, but it
was obvious puberty was just starting to take root on their bodies. It was too much for him to take; he
was going to get into their tight little Powerpuff holes even if it was the last thing he ever did.
He had the plan drawn out perfectly in his head. He would wait for an evening where the girls are out
fighting a tough monster. They would come back exhausted and hungry. While cooking their dinner he
would slip in some powerful sedatives he special made for the super-powered girls. When the sleeping
drugs took effect their already worn out bodies would be completely defenseless to his perverted
onslaught. It took nearly a month of waiting before that night finally came.
Professor Utonium sat in front of the TV watching the full blown battle take place. For the first time in
his parental life, he wasn’t rooting for his three little girls, but for the gigantic six armed muscular
monster to beat the crap out of them. The desire of getting into his little Powerpuff’s made his dick grow
to new heights. He could only smile and imagine the possibilities tonight. Every powerful blow the
monster landed on the pre-teen beauties made his dick twitch. The battle went on for a few hours until
the monster himself was worn down and blown into a billion bloody pieces by the girl’s eye beams. The
cleanup crew would be busy for weeks after that one. With that final blow, the Professor got up and
started cooking his three little girls a nice meal of spaghetti and meatballs.
Twenty minutes later the front door opened and Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup slowly drooped inside.
Their arms where slung out and eyes half open. “That… was the most brutal fight I had ever been in.”
Blossom said to the professor and sat down at the table. The Professor turned and smiled to his three
little beauties and welcomed them home. “You girls make me proud. Even after a fight like that, you still
made it home in time for dinner!” Blossom and Bubbles beamed with joy and Buttercup had a slight smile
on her face. “The food will be done here in a little bit; I hope you all have enough strength to eat.”
Professor Utonium grabbed what looked like a bottle of seasoning. He poured it into the pot and stirred it
carefully. A smile crept across his face; he was almost there. “It’s done! Come and get it” In mere seconds
the girls had their plants full and where back at the table eating their meal. Not one ounce of food was
left when they finished eating. It was difficult for the Professor to hold in his excitement. “How about we
sit down and watch a movie before you go to bed?” The Professor mentioned since it was a Friday night. “I
don’t think I could finish a movie. I’m so tired right now.” Bubbles spoke up as she placed her dirty dishes
by the sink. “I’m going to go to bed.” She flew up the stairs and into the girl’s room. That left the other
two who agreed to sit down and watch the movie with the Professor.
Professor Utonium was careful with the movie he picked. He wanted it to be a bore for the girls so that
they would be more interested in sleeping than watching. He put in the Wizard of Oz; the title alone
would put his little heroes to sleep. He eyed them closely, Blossom was curled up on the couch next to him
and Buttercup was only half way awake. It only took about thirty minutes before the sedative took
effect and the two girls passed out cold. The Professor waited a little bit longer to make sure that they
where sound asleep. He decided to test blossom by sliding his finger tips across the bottom of her soft
little foot. No reaction. He looked over at Buttercup. She was curled up in the chair; obviously passed out.
The professor stood up.
Professor Utonium wasted no time running up the stairs to the Powerpuff Girl’s bedroom to check on
Bubbles. She was just as gone as her sisters. According to the Professor’s calculations it would take a good
seven hours for the paralyzing effects to wear off. He wasted no time, he wanted to savior every second
he had. Running down to his lab he grabbed a cam-corder, a tri-pod and a brand new digital tape. Walking
back upstairs he checked the living room to make sure that he was 100% certain the two girls where out;
which they where. He bolted up the stairs into their room and set the tri-pod in front of their bed. He
was breathing deeply; his self-control was growing shorter by the second.
Once the camera was situated, he decided it was time to proceed to the second part of his plan. He ran to
the bathroom, took a small white bottle out of his pocket, opened it, and swallowed one of the pills. One
might assume that was Viagra, and that wasn’t too far from the truth. The increased horniness was only
a plus on top of the pill’s chemical X compound. It would give him superhuman strength for a few hours. It
was enough to handle any “unintended” body reactions from the three super girls. Splashing water from
the sink onto his face, he tried to cool down and hold off his tipping point a little longer. He calmly
walked into the living room and picked up the sleeping red head and brunette. Their tiny limp bodies
were easy to manage with his pumped up body strength. He took them upstairs and laid them down on
their bed next to Bubbles.
The Professor pulled Bubbles out from under the covers and put here down next to Blossom who was in
the middle. One by one, he pulled their Pajamas up and off their skinny little bodies. A few more swoops
later and he had three Powerpuff Girls completely naked in front of him. It had been a while since he had
seen all three of them like this. They had been taking separate bathes for the last few years and bathing
themselves; leaving him without any opportunities to see them. He flipped the cam-corder on and got
down to business. He crawled onto the bed and placed his hands on Buttercup’s and Bubble’s chest. They
had only a hint of budding breasts; their chests where silky smooth. He rubbed their two little bodies up
and down making sure not to miss any spot on their front sides. Their breathing grew a little deeper; a
natural reaction from their bodies. Blossom was directly in front of him; her mouth was open and softly
breathing. She looked so helpless and exposed. The Professor leaned forward and brought his tongue
across her lips. This led to a full blown mouth to mouth kiss as he prodded the pre-teen super girl’s mouth
with his tongue. The camera was filming away at the sight of the Professor frenching and feeling up his
three defenseless girls.
Playing with them like this wasn’t cutting it for the Professor. He stood up, grabbed Blossom’s legs and
spread them wide; a process he repeated with Bubbles and Buttercup. He took a step back and marveled at
the sight of his three Powpuffs completely spread eagle with their tiny pink slits completely exposed for
the world to see. He kneeled down in front of Buttercup and used one of his hands to spread her tight
pussy open. It was an exotic sight and he took in everything; the pink folds, her entrance, and her tiny
little urethra. It was all exposed and she couldn’t do anything about it. Professor Utonium moved over to
Blossom and got a good look at her little pink love-box as well. He leaned in on Bubbles and planted a soft
kiss on her pussy lips. “I’m going to enjoy fucking this tight little hole Bubbles.” He said softly. It was time
for him to get down to the real deal.
Professor Utonium stood up and unbuckled his belt while he kicked off his shoes. A few seconds later he
stood there naked, with his rock hard cock pointing right at its intended target. He walked around to the
side of the bed and took hold of Buttercup’s little hand. He slowly placed it on his cock and glided her
fingers around it. It was such a soft little hand, he rubbed her hand up and down his cock for a good
thirty seconds. The feeling was great but he wasn’t going to be satisfied just by doing this. He walked
around to the other side of the bed and positioned himself in front of Bubbles slightly open mouth. He
pressed his tip onto her smooth little lips and managed to slip the tip inside. Heaven! He pushed a little
deeper until he was sure that if he pushed any harder he would be entering her throat. His dick was on
fire from pleasure as he felt the little blonde girl apply some involuntary suction to it. He pulled out and
was greeted to the sight of Bubble’s glistening saliva covering the top couple inches of his cock. Now it
was time to take Blossom. He kneeled in front of the sleeping red head as he positioned his dick on top of
her virgin pussy lips. To most people the thought of the “father” forcibly taking his “daughter’s” virginity
would be outrageous, punishable by death. The professor could care less, he wanted relief and Blossom’s
little pussy was going to give it to him.
Blossom was tight; probably tighter than what a normal little girl would be. The pressure the professor
was applying was only a fraction of what he could do. He didn’t want to cause and unnecessary damage.
He slowly built up his force on her pink slit and was greeted with a sudden jolt as the tip of his cock
slipped through her entrance. Looking down, he could help but compare her small child like body to his big
pulsating adult cock. He pushed forward a little further into her tight canal until he felt the resistance
of her hymen. He felt some slight guilt that she wouldn’t have the choice of having her virginity taken,
but there was no turning back now. Professer Utonium grabbed hold of her waist and pulled her onto his
cock. Her Hymen ruptured sending pain through her sedated body. She let out a moan of discomfort as the
rest of his cock pushed all the way into her tiny body. “Holy crap, I was not mistaken when I said I made
three perfect little girls.” He groaned as he held her crotch firmly onto his shaft. Slowly, he pulled her
forward.Oddly, but there wasn’t a great deal of blood. Blossom was one tough little girl. He slowly pulled
her vagina back down his cock; it was going to be a milking machine by the time he was done.
The Professor continued gyrating the little Powerpuff up and down his cock. The little red head was still
fast asleep making him more motivated to pump his little girl harder. He buried himself completely inside
Blossom, picked her up and held her in his arms. He turned so his side was facing the camera and began to
pump the super girl up and down his length; speeding up along the way. Utonium was groaning from the
intense tightness of her pussy; his cock was in heaven. After a minute, he was pumping the girl as fast as
he could. He started counting down in his head as his orgasm built to the tipping point.
5, *pump*
4, *pump* *pump* *pump*
3, *pump* *pump* *pump* *pump*
2, *pump* *pump*
1, *pump* *pump* *pump* *pump*
Cum flew violently from the Professor’s cock. Blossom’s little vagina swallowed gob after gob of it until
her cunt couldn’t hold anymore. “ Holy fuck!” He stammered as he held her pussy to the base of his cock.
His white sperm was still spewing into her. With no more room inside, the excess flew out of her and onto
the floor. He counted how many times he came. Thirty-Seven; he practically pissed cum inside of her. He
could feel the murky substance around his cock. Giving her a few more pumps, Utonium sat down on the
bed. Still buried inside the little red head, he was breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath and
reliving the experience inside his head. Making sure the camera had a good view, he slowly pulled
Blossom from his still rock hard cock. The second her hole popped off his tip a gob of cum ejected itself
from inside her. Professor Utonium sat there enjoying the show as the sleeping Powerpuff’s vagina leaked
his seed onto the carpet. He had to do that again and he was going to right now!
Professor Utonium stood up and placed Blossom back on the bed. “One down, two to go!” He muttered under
his breath. He looked left and right. “Eni meeni mini mo…” He began saying inside his head. It ended with
innocent little Bubbles. Without a second to spare he leaned in on the blonde and began eating her vagina.
While doing this he looked up and noticed that her face was growing a flushed red. It was obvious that
her body enjoyed this. Her little cunt was appetizing, but the Professor was not really interested in
fucking Bubbles the same as he did her sister. Looking at face again he got a new idea; a cruel idea. He
stood up, grabbed the helpless little girl, and turned her around with her head dangling off the bed.
Making sure the camera got a good view; he placed it at the side of the bed, pointing down at the nude
Powerpuff girl. “Your mouth felt so good Bubbles… I’m sorry but I need to do this…” The Professor
stammered as he got down on his knees and placed his cock at her open mouth.
“Yessssss…” Professor Utonium whimpered as he slipped his cockhead inside Bubbles warm little mouth.
“All of it…” He grunted as he pushed further forward. He quickly reached the back of her mouth and the
entrance to her throat. She was a Powerpuff Girl; she was going to take it all. He pushed forward, forcing
himself into her tight throat. The girl stammered a little as her soft breathing was cut off. “Just a little
more…” The Professor whispered. Not holding back any more, he quickly lunged forward and buried ever
inch inside her mouth until his balls rested on her nose. Knowing Bubbles needed air; he pulled out and let
the girl fill her lungs again. After her breathing returned to normal, he pushed himself back in. “Okay,
let’s see how tough you really are Bubbles!” He said sadistically. *WHAM!* He retracted his cock and
plunged back in swiftly. The girl gurgled a little, but her sedated body allowed him complete control. Her
throat muscles where a milking machine. It was the perfect throat for the perfect little girl.
There was no holding back for the Professor. He furiously humped Bubbles face as harsh as he had
Blossom’s tight little vagina. Knowing he had a limited amount of time, he pumped faster and faster.
“Oh shit!” The Professor’s body convulsed as he planted himself into Bubbles tiny throat and injected her
stomach with his sperm. *WHAM!* He pumped again, sending another five jets into her little body. After a
few seconds of savoring her throat, he swiftly pulled out to let the little Powerpuff cough up the cum.
Making sure she was alright, Professor Utomium picked her up, sat her on his lap, and held her so she was
leaning forward. Soon the sweet little blonde had finished her coughing fit and returned to a normal,
quiet slumber. The feeling of Bubbles little butt on his cock, got it back to full attention. He rubbed it a
little until he realized that there was still Buttercup to play with. “I bet that tough little girl has one
hell of a tight ass!” The Professor said. He stood up, sat Bubbles back down and repositioned the camera on
the final Powerpuff.
Buttercup was the toughest of the trio. The Professor knew that she would never be one for romantics.
He picked her up and held her on his lap. Her head was nestled on his chest as he held her tightly.
Utonium leaned down and kissed the black haired Powerpuff. There was something about kissing her, that
made it seem that much more naughty to play with her. The camera had just passed the hour mark for
recording and it was now taking film of Buttercup getting a mouth full of tongue. He must have been
kissing her for at least five minutes until his cock let him know that it needed another hole to fuck.
“Three perfect little girls; three perfect little holes.” Utonium said to himself as he stood up and placed
Buttercup chest down on the bed. Not wanting to make himself uncomfortable, he bent the brunette’s legs
so that her ass was pointing up in the air. The position was perfect for him to stand and penetrate her.
Professor Utonium took hold of Buttercup’s round little butt checks and spread them wide. He made sure
the camera could see her puckered little anus since that was his next intended target. After a few more
seconds, he leaned in and licked the Powerpuff’s pink little hole. He was like an animal in heat! He enjoyed
the naughtiness and the “nasty” feeling of the little super girl’s anus moving over his tongue. He
wondered how the feisty little girl would react if she woke up to find that her ass was being eaten out.
Enough was enough for the Professor; it was time to get his dick in there. The Professor walked over to
his jacket and grabbed his KY lube. He couldn’t believe how hard his cock was right now. Perhaps it was
because this is what he had always wanted to do to his little girls; give them a deep, unrelenting,
unforgivable butt fuck. Finally back at the bed, he kneeled down and gave Buttercup’s winking bud one
last kiss before he prepared it for a brutal fuck. He dribbled out some of the KY onto his finger and
smeared it over the girls pink anus. With another dab, he pushed it into the tight Powerpuff’s rectum. Her
firm little butt was fully lubed and ready for some cock.
The Professor stood up, dropped the bottle of KY to the floor and positioned his penis at Buttercup’s wet
anus. This is where that pill he took earlier comes in handy. The super girl’s anus could probably crush
bones, never the less a man’s cock. Not this time though, he grabbed hold of her waist and pulled her back
as be pushed forward. *pop* The tip slipped in, and her rectum tightly gripped the intruder. “Yesssss…”
The Professor groaned; closing his eyes and pushing himself deeper and deeper in her. The feeling was
unreal as the tight ring of muscle slowly glided down his cock until it hit the bottom. Buttercup’s butt
cheeks where smashed into the Professors crotch as he delved the last few millimeters of his dick into
her butt. It was such a big dick, that the sight of it completely hidden inside the tiny girl’s bottom was
one for the record books. The Professor couldn’t imagine the PSI pressure the Powerpuff’s little hole was
exerting on his penis. It was an exquisite feeling for his powered up body. Only a Powerpuff Girl’s butt
could feel this good; this perfect.
Buttercup’s ass hole was unrelenting. It squeezed so tight that the Professor had to use a great deal of
force to retract himself. Once he reached his tip, he mercilessly pulled her back and pushed forward. It
still took a few seconds to completely bury himself inside her anus since it was still exerting tremendous
force on him. He was growing aggravated; not wanting to hold back any more, and used all his body
strength and brutally pulled himself from her. Her anus extended out slightly as he retracted. “Time to
see how tough a Powerpuff’s butt really is!” He groaned as he tightly gripped Buttercup’s waist and used
every ounce of strength to plunge back into her. He repeated the process a few more times. Buttercup let
out moans of discomfort as her sedated body was brutally penetrated. The position was getting
uncomfortable for the Professor so he buried himself up to the base and picked her up. Her legs dangled in
the air as he viciously assaulted her ass hole. From the camera’s perspective, she was nothing more than
a flimsy fuck toy that the Professor was pumping his cock into.
Sweat poured down their bodies as the minutes of brutal butt fucking ticked by. The Professor was
growing tired of this position and his dick was still in dire need of some milking. He swung around and
placed Buttercup back on the bed with her legs dangling to the floor. The room was filled with the sound
of butts and pelvises colliding on top of the groans coming for the two fuckers. “So close…” The Professor
stammered as he was burying himself balls deep inside his little girl’s anus.
Buttercups butt hole did the job. Professor Utonium’s cock erupted uncontrollably as the Powerpuff Girl’s
butt muscles flexed around him. He pumped furiously into her, working out every ounce of essence he had
left. “Damn!” He said, practically pissing cum into her tight little ass. That pill did wonders for him! Even
after cumming thirty-seven times inside of Blossom and twenty-three times inside of Bubbles, he was
still able to inject fifty-two loads into Buttercup’s butt. That was certainly more liquid than her bowels
could handle since sperm was quickly jetting out from her around the Professor’s dick. Sitting there for a
minute, he took one last pump into her as his dick softened and was forced out of her. With sloppy popping
sound, the Buttercup’s ass ejected what seemed to be nearly a pint of white fluid. It was the first time he
had ever heard one of his girls make nasty sounds with their butt. It appeared Buttercup had no control
over her body since she started pissing herself right then and there. Professor Utonium stood back from
the scene to let the camera catch the spectacle of the three fucked Powerpuff Girl’s and the lewd show
Buttercup was putting on. Once her bladder was empty, the professor shut the camera off and picked up
the girls one by one. He took them to the bathroom, sat them in the tub, and cleaned their little bodies
inside and out. When the sedative wore off, he knew the girls would be in pain for at least a day or two.
He couldn’t wait to hear them complain about it tomorrow. Who knows, this might turn into a weekly
“Professor, we don’t feel so gooood.”
Professor Utonium looked down from his morning paper at his three Powerpuff Girl’s and smiled. Mojo
Jojo Saves The Day

(or in which Flamekaat has absolutely lost her mind and written powerpuff girls smut with a plot!)

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the girls or Mojo Jojo the Brainiac Super Monkey. I do this
authoring in particular for entertainment purposes only. The plot however is Mine!
{{A/N: I am cracked but this story possessed me after watching to many powerpuff shows with my toon
obsessed ex. As Always thanks William for the inspiration. Now after many months of break up I have
finished one of the stories that William inspired me to write with his heavily influential influence in my
life. How I wish it had turned out for the better but…*Sighs* Such is fate I suppose.

A/N:2 (11/26/2012) Many years later she updates! LOL}}

“Curses!” Mojo Jojo swore as he glared at the perfectly sunshiny sun shining above the generically town
like town of Townsville. He swore blackly at it for a several minutes before closing the titanium alloy
shutters. Not that the shutters helped all that much with three powerpuff shaped holes in them. The
holes were getting accursedly larger as the girls grew acursedly larger. He glowered at it for a while.
The girls were bigger then the holes that he now saw. It had been so long since he had even considered
giving the not so little brats a reason to bust down his door in door busting fashion.
He just did not have the will for world domination anymore, so instead he decided he would effect the
necessary repairs on his domed domicile and find himself a legal hobby. That is he would find a legal
hobby in the most legal fashion that was legally possible after he had gone back to bed and slept till the
nearly not legal hour of two in the afternoon. He snarled his way through some food and decided that
fruit in a plastic cup should be illegal before falling back on his bed with such force that his door slammed
shut seemingly of it’s own violition.
Across town at professor Utonium’s, The girls were as close to cursing the morning as they were ever
going to get. As they had gotten older their bedtimes had of course been extended to reach later hours of
the evening. This just meant that the stupid monsters did not have to wait till the next day. Now seniors
in High school, they were allowed to stay out until 1:30 in the morning “But no later then that girls!” It
had gotten really hard to get up at six in the morning with so little sleep. Blossom was about to do a face
plant into her cereal when the professor caught her by her ever present hair bow and hoisted her back
upright as he passed.
Usually the sight of the professor in his cooking apron cheered Buttercup up immensely. However she just
could not find any joy in it today. Even Bubbles looked sadly faded and washed out today. Her hair wasn’t
even up in it’s usually pigtail style. Instead it was in a long thick braid like a rope of solid gold down her
back. But even it showed how tired out and exhausted she was since it barely could muster up the oomph
to shine.
Out to school they flew with their sack lunches and bags of heavy books. Unlike the rest of the student
body they did not worry about the weight on their super powered backs, but getting the grades and
scores the professor expected of them was just as weighty a task. They never seemed to have more then
an hour of study time go by without some sort of catastrophic interruption. Buttercup was battling with
math. Her advanced trigonometry was giving her an endless amount of trouble, while Bubbles finished an
art project that was several days late due to a mass immigration of monstrous beasts from monster isle
that took all week to vanquish.
Blossom was the only one who was done, as her reading for social studies was the last thing she had been
forced to neglect. It was done and she happily decided to go to bed early hoping that no other chaos
would befall. It was surprisingly quiet that night and she slept peacefully for once along with her two
sisters who had finished not long after and climbed into their beds. Then the next morning came and the
last week before high school graduation came along. Slipping in unnoticed as the girls slept in on their
Finals breezed by with little or no stress. It seemed that even the criminals of Townsville were feeling
the heat of the hot summer ahead and staying home or in their underground clubs next to their air
conditioners. Bubbles, Blossom and Buttercup were plotting out their first semester at Townsville U in
the coming fall already. The only trouble was that the campus was twelve miles away across town from
the professors, and if they wanted to be prompt and not have to fly they needed to live closer then that.
The girls were going to have to move.
Bubbles surprised everyone by not crying when Blossom came to this conclusion. She had grown stronger
and fiercer as the years went by. Becoming less joyful and full of laughter and more like Buttercup with
her ferocity of spirit and will like iron. Only a few things remained from the old Bubbles after this
change, like her fondness for baby blue and her little octopus shaped stuffed toy. Even the toy now had a
place of honor on the shelf rather then one right next to Bubbles in her bed. They all had their own beds
at least though they still shared a room.
“I have been thinking about this for the last couple years girls and it makes sense. You should go see if
any of your friends have gotten apartments and might be willing to share.” Professor Utonium offered.
The three flashed out in a rainbow of color as usual. Then they came back. Bolted down their post
graduation breakfasts and flashed away again. The professor just grinned and went back to his morning
scientific journal.
Bubbles found Mary, one of their closer friends sitting out on a dorm room balcony south of the campus.
“Hey Mary need any roommates?” Mary looked up from her sunbathing and laughed. “I wish Bubbles but I
am a roomy myself here and we already reached the six person limit.” Bubbles sighed, and floated off.
After a day of searching and getting the same responses they finally decided to turn around and go
home. “We’ll never find a place in time.” Blossom said dejectedly. Bubbles just nodded. She seemed sad but
no tears sprang up as they would have a few years back. It was Buttercup who came up with the solution
this time, though she as always found a rather outrageous one.
“Hey guys don’t say no right away cause I might just have an idea.” She said as she came to a stop over
the Townsville park. “What?” Asked Blossom. “Yeah what?” agreed Bubbles. Buttercup didn’t answer
verbally she just pointed downwards directly below the hovering trio. There, gleaming with it’s freshly
repaired titanium alloy shutters, was Mojo Jojo’s observatory. “It’s so weird it just might work.” Blossom
said. She drifted downwards with Buttercup and Bubbles in tow. Out on the side of the Observatory’s hill
was Mojo Jojo. He was wearing jeans with a cut out for his tail, which was flicking back and forth
vigorously and making random knots out of itself that were just as quickly untied.
Mojo Jojo stopped digging the hole for his new fruit tree when the shadows of the three resident heroes
fell over him with dramatically appropriate drama. “Yes girls?” He said as he leaned back resting his
hands on the shovel handle. “Hi Mojo. We just stopped by to see if you would let us be your roommates so
we don’t have to fly all the way across town to go to college.” Buttercup said extra fast and without
pausing to take a breath. He looked at the superhero teen and then smiled. He could almost swear that
the girl child had made an uneducated request to him that he help the three further their education by
allowing them to move into his domed domicile! “For what silly reason would I be doing this silly thing
that you wish me to be doing?” He asked.
The two happier heroes started spewing all sorts of warm fuzzy reasons why he should do as they asked.
However it was the green clad little fighter that offered the most reasonable reason for his doing this
unreasonable thing. “We’ll pay rent Mojo, On the first of every month.. In cash.” And Buttercup produced
the largest wad of cash Mojo had seen in quite some time. “Deal. Go home and pack your things girls. I will
make ready your rooms.” He said then he stuck his shovel in the ground so that it would remain upright
and walked back up the hill.
The girls had jetted off towards their home to begin packing. He opened up the rooms where he had once
housed several of his fellow criminals and began mucking them out. He had finished with Blossom’s room
and was progressing through the one that would belong to Bubbles when they returned. “We’ll finish up
Mojo.” And they did too. In a blink of his blinking eye they had blinked around and returned with their
things to put in the now pristine rooms. Buttercup paid Mojo for first and last month’s rent for which she
got a hand written receipt. He only hoped that this would go less terribly then his terrible mind was
hinting that it would be. Which was utterly terrible.
Mojo found that having the girls around was not so very terrible. It was actually enjoyable in it’s own
strangely enjoyable fashion. He accepted the flying Burrito that was launched his way by Blossom. The
girls had taken one look at his refrigerator and shuddering with horror had fled to the grocery market.
Then they had taken to taking turns taking the tasks that they needed to take turns with such as cooking
and dishes. Now he could be assured of reasonably decent food at decent hours of the day because all
three were spectacular cooks. He returned to his experiment and grinned as the much desired results
that he had been desiring to see turned up just as he desired them to.
His cackling laughter soon brought the girls flying in. “Good results Mojo?” Bubbles asked. He nodded and
showed her. She smiled and signaled the other two to hover over and take a look. “Hey Cool! Useful too!”
Buttercup offered. Blossom considered something and added a few figures to his equasion before running
the test program again. An even better result came about as a result of the added figures that were
added in as a result of the tampering of her clever mind.
Mojo built the administrating device that would expose him to various chemical cocktails and radiation
bandwidths. Finally he tested all the wiring and then settled himself in the seat. Straps were applied to
him by Blossom and Buttercup gave him a steel bar to bite down on so he would not sever his tongue.
Bubbles sat at the control panel and when the other two backed away he saw her cross her fingers for
luck and press the appropriately sequenced order of buttons appropriately. Searing pain. Painful
agonizingly painful pain followed as his brain, though retaining it’s superior intellect was compressed
back to it’s normal sized brain size. His skull grew back into place and then Blossom’s effect took over,
growing him a lengthy rock star like mane of hair that flowed down over his shoulders to the middle of
his back.
Mojo Jojo slumped in the chair unconscious for a few moments. Bubbles sprang forward out of concern and
freed him from the straps before flying him into his room and tucking him into bed. “According to his
calculations he will be fine by morning. I couldn’t find any errors so I think that will be about right. I am
going to get some stuff for a post success breakfast. Bubbles you watch him and get him anything he might
need. Buttercup you clean up. A double “Right!” followed by rainbow energy trails as the two jetted off to
do their tasks then Blossom herself was off.
Bubbles sat by Mojo’s bed with a worried look on her face. It was about an hour before dawn and he had
yet to stir. Finally he moved a little then his eyelids slowly creaked open. “Good morning dear Bubbles.”
He whispered hoarsely.
“Not quite yet Mojo. It is about an hour to sunrise, but close enough. You can go back to sleep if you want.
We won’t disturb you any.” Bubbles found that it made her feel good inside when Mojo smiled at her, so
gently and so tiredly, but still with a happy smile. She took his hairy hand in her own and stoked it
soothingly until he drifted back to sleep. Then with her head resting on the matress next to their
entwined hands Bubbles fell asleep herself.
Blossom came in to check on her sister and the genius simmian a few minutes later. She smiled and
whispered to Buttercup to come see. Buttercup came soaring in then stopped short and smiled herself. The
scene was too cute not to smile at after all. “Glad to see she hasn’t lost all her kind little heart.” The
green clad fighter said softly, then she drifted back out again. Blossom could only agree. She had been sad
at the change in her sister. Seeing now that it hadn’t made her entirely to hard and stern made Blossom
much happier then she had been.
Mojo woke for real at ten that morning. Before he could have his good morning stretch, he found that he
had to get Bubbles to release his hand from her super heroically strong super heroes grip. He did so
gently as not to wake her. He had been out since last night. She herself had only slept since near to dawn.
He crept out of his room making shushing motions to the other two girls as they handed him a good
experiment breakfast.
“She stayed up nearly all night watching over you Mojo. We were all worried but Bubbles was the most
concerned.” Blossom informed him. He nodded. He had understood just by the scent how long she had been
at his side and wither she had been sleeping or awake and when these states had been achieved.
“She is still kind and sweet. Though she tries with all her might to conceal what she considers to be
unmighty.” He commented. The two sisters nodded and continued eating. Then they left and went out to
their part time jobs. Bubbles herself proved to be an astonishing thing. Despite her happy wholesome
attitude and wonderfully sweet nature she was a night owl of the first order.
She sat up with him many nights during the summer months that passed. Passing the time in a
intelectually stimulating fashion. At last the girls started their first semmester of college and he had
some peace. He found however that he missed his little blonde assistant’s assistance often enough to
contemplate asking her to take up a part time position as his legitimate assistant.
Bubbles agreed to his proposition readily enough and he joyfully began a intense round of experiments
that would hopefully produce greater yields of produce from his produce bearing plants and trees. Her
studies though he would not interfear with. He refused to even begin until all her homework was
The girls had enough trouble keeping up with their homework and pre test studies. Their destined
difficulties cropped up with destined frequency and he could tell how it frustrated them to not be able
to just sit and study for an extended period. Finally he got to the point that he would no longer tolerate
the interruptions of their intellectual pursuits. He sat as Bubbles, ever fascinated with a good head of
hair, slowly braided his three month old locks into tiny corn rows. Every so often she would weave into
the braid she was presently working on a amethyst bead or silver ornamental finding like those used as
charms on more gothic teens bracelets.
He was almost asleep from what amounted to the gentles sustained caressing he had ever received when
he remembered with sudden remembering the thing he had wished to remember to speak to the girls
about. “Bubbles when will your sisters be home?” Bubbles smiled happily down at him from her levitated
position above his head.
“That’s an easy question Mojo, but I don’t know really when Buttercup will be home. She is in her martial
arts class until late and then she has a…” Bubbles stopped suddenly, as if she had suddenly realized that
Buttercup would not wish her social life’s intricacies to be suddenly revealed.
“A date perhaps, or at the very least a date like outing in a most date like setting?” Mojo suggested.
Bubbles flushed deeply crimson like fresh blood or a red tomato. It was an endearing trace of the
complete innocence and trusting faith that was beginning to bleed out of the many soul wounds she had
suffered at the hands of the depraved criminals of Townsville.
“Urm yeah I guess so. Don’t say anything all right? Buttercup would kill me!” He reassured the bemused
blond that her brutal sister would not be informed of this info bit by him, nor would she learn where he
obtained it if she learned that he knew it at all.
Bubbles accepted his reassurances and he shared first with her his plan. “Oh Mojo! That would be the
greatest, nicest, most sweet, thing ever in the world! We could really study and keeping getting good
grades wouldn’t be so hard any more!” Blossom was the first to streak into the domed domicile later that
evening and her approval was added.
He didn’t wait up for Buttercup as he supposed the professor would have. He was not their father and
despite feeling sympathy for their study plight he felt no true responsibility towards the not so pint
sized heroines or worry over their ability to rebuke any unwanted suitors.
Early that Sunday morning the last powerful powerpuff came gliding in at a low and obviously bed bound
angle. She paused long enough to nod and tell him if he felt like helping out to start today because she
would be in no condition to fight for a day or so. So he began his nearly daily exercise of daily
irradication of his former companions. Their broken and sometimes electrocuted selves curtisy of his
high tech weapons often found themselves landing in the custody of Townsville's finest. He admittedly
made one such specimen disappear completely though he would never tell anyone at all much less his still
mostly innocent house guests.
He had come across a particularly bad scene in an alley behind a sick club for torturers and bondage
enthusiasts who took their interest in such arts beyond what was even abnormal let alone the mild
interest in such diversions that was healthy. What he found sickened him past even his own hardened
former criminal’s heart’s strength to bear. The girl looked to much like Bubbles and the things the man
was doing made her scream piteously in between soft begging and sharp cries for mercy she would never
He had ripped the man off the girl before the actual rape could take place and cracked his head
repeatedly with meaty thwaps against the club’s rear wall until it was so much gooey gore. He had
reassured the shocked thing who thanked him by name as anyone in Townsville could do considering his
history. “You must like the girl a whole lot Mr. Jojo Sir.” She said as the innocent thing had tried to find
and restore all her clothes to their properly clothing-like places on her small form.
“Whom?” Mojo had inquired.
“Why the one I remind you of Mr. Jojo Sir. You have to love her a great deal or you would not have been
half as violent. It was like you saw him raping her not me.” The little one was obviously intelligent and
quick to see the inherent nature of things. He himself had not known till she mentioned what was so
worthy of mention that he cared for Bubbles or anyone for that matter in an amount of feeling worth
the afformentioned mention.

Halloween Camp Out

It was early evening by the time Timothy Lovejoy dropped his daughter off at the foot of Mt Springfield.
Jessica waved him goodbye as he drove off before she turned and started along the walking trail. Unlike
her friends, Jessica had decided against going trick-or-treating tonight and decided to set up their
campsite instead. As soon as the sound of her father's car faded away, Jessica dropped her bag onto the
ground. She had packed her backpack in a very specific order. The bottom of the bag had been filled with
all the essentials that she would need for the night. But on top of all that was a fresh change of clothes,
a smaller backpack (folded), a pair of sandals, and a small trowel. Jessica began to dig a small hole beside
the walking track, large enough to bury the smaller bag. She glanced back to make sure that the car park
was empty before stripping as quickly as she could. She threw her shirt, pants, shoes and socks into the
smaller bag, along with her change of clothes. After slipping her feet into her sandals, Jessica tossed the
bag into the hole and quickly covered it with dirt. She grabbed a few rocks and placed them over the soft
mound to mark her buried clothes. She closed her eyes and embraced the feeling of the cool air on her
naked skin. Wearing nothing but her headband, sandals, and her hiking backpack slung across her
shoulders, Jessica Lovejoy set off along the trail.
As much as she enjoyed the feeling of being naked outdoors, Jessica knew that the real rush would come
from having to hide from other people. She kept her ears open for the sounds of talking and other
footsteps. It was rare that she was naked outside, and she had planned to finger herself if she ever had to
hide from other hikers. But unfortunately for her, the path was deserted. When she found her marker of
stones on the side of the path, she turned a sharp right and walked straight off the trail. After about 60
yards, she came across her secluded clearing. Jessica had spent the last week setting it up. She had found
logs in the woods and dragged them into position to be used as benches, as well as digging up a circular
patch of grass and surrounding it with rocks to build a small fire pit. She dumped her backpack against
one of the logs and ventured back into the trees to collect sticks for the fire.
The horizon was bathed in orange light by the time Jessica had her camp set up. A large pile of sticks lay
beside one of the logs, sitting on top of old editions of the Springfield Shopper that she had brought with
her. Jessica had also set up her tent and had a nice fire going within the stone circle. She sat beside it,
enjoying the warmth on her naked skin. Summer was well and truly over and the weather was cooling
down. But Jessica was determined to spend this entire camping trip completely in the buff. With the only
clothes she had packed now buried by the car park, she had removed the choice of getting dressed. Nudity,
for her, was the only option. Jessica had privacy, a nice warm fire, and a comfy sleeping bag in her tent.
All she needed now were her friends. She had bared all for them before, and even felt comfortable doing
it. Jessica Lovejoy felt no shame, nor embarrassment, as she heard the rustling of trees and bushes. She
looked up from the fire just in time to see the first people arrive from the darkness of the forest.
"You know Jess, I think I'd be more surprised if I found you out here with your clothes on," Bart Simpson
smirked as he held a tree branch aside for his sister. Lisa stepped into the clearing and dropped her bag
by a log. The sibling lovers had just finished their round of Trick-or-Treating for the night. Lisa wore a
brand new saxophone costume and Bart wore his Clockwork Orange outfit, complete with eyelash. Lisa
smiled and waved at the reverend's daughter. It always gave Jessica a warm feeling to see Lisa smile at
her. She whistled at the two as they approached the campsite, genuinely impressed by their costumes.
"Wow, not bad. Lisa, yours is looking great. I bet your Dad could have brought sixty of those fancy
premium donuts for the cost of that outfit."
"Oh, it wasn't that hard to put together," Lisa said as she sat down on a log in front of the fire. "But it is a
bit cumbersome to walk in. I think I might have to change later."
"Lisa, I just want to say that I'm so glad that we started getting to know each other better. I think we've
come a long was since New Years." Jessica smiled.
"And to think," Lisa smirked, "all it took was you kissing my ass in the mayor's office."
"Mmmm, more like French-kissing it. You know that night was the first time I've ever done that? I can
eat pussy like a champ, but I had never given a rim-job before. And I guess that you and Bart pissing on
me helped too." Jessica got up off the ground and sat on the log next to Lisa, placing her hand on the
younger girl's leg. It was a gesture that Lisa still felt a little uncomfortable with, but did not shy away.
"We are good though, aren't we?" she nervously asked.
"Yeah Jessica, we're good," Lisa said. Jessica smiled and placed a soft kiss on Lisa's cheek.
"And anytime you want your holes tongued again, you let me know. My mouth is always open for you,"
Jessica whispered into her ear. Lisa felt her cheeks flush at the invitation, and she hoped that the
redness didn't show on her face.
"Well that.. " Lisa said, with a slight nervous tone, "depends on how Bart and I feel." She looked over at
her brother, who was digging through his bag and pulling out everything he'd need to make s'mores.
Jessica already knew that she'd won Bart's trust over long ago, but he didn't let it show in front of Lisa.
"Well I'm sure Bart wouldn't mind, would you?" she asked him as Bart looked up. His eyes darted to
Jessica's hand on Lisa's leg, slowly sliding along the limb and stopping under her dress.
"Hell no," Bart grinned, despite not hearing what Jessica was talking about. "Just as long as I get to

The stars littered the night sky, and Allison Taylor walked through the trees and bushes. Her Halloween
costume was her usual outfit, only splattered with fake blood. She wore a loose tie around her neck with
the bottom ripped off. Her normally well-brushed hair had been tussled into a dirty mess, and her face
painted to reflect the pale zombie face to go with her costume.
"Couldn't you have picked somewhere.. closer?" she asked, brushing leaves and twigs from her body.
"Couldn't you have picked a more lively outfit?" Jessica smirked.
"Oh ha ha," Allison sarcastically said as she rolled her eyes. "What did you go as, some slutty school-girl?"
"No," Jessica just shook her head. "You're supposed to dress up for Halloween, not go out as yourself," she
spoke very matter-of-factly, not even pretending to deny Allison's claim. They were all well aware of
Jessica's naughty ways.
"So are we doing Truth or Dare again? Or are we doing something different tonight?" Allison asked as she
placed her bag on the ground.
"Come on Alli, it's Halloween. I thought that we could just hang out and tell stories. And besides, I didn't
bring my cards."
"We don't need cards to give you dares Jessica," Lisa said. "I'm sure we can come up with some interesting
ones to give you all on our own."
"And besides, it's just us here. That game is best saved for more people."
"Milhouse and Colin aren't coming?" Bart asked as he bit into a chocolate bar.
"I thought about inviting them, but decided it'd be more fun if it was just me and my three besties. My
tent is big enough for all of us, we've all got sleeping bags, it'll be fun. We can always have the others join
us for New Years again.
"But when you say that you're tent is big enough, you don't mean for sleeping?" Lisa said. Bart's eyes lit up
as the thought crossed his mind. With Milhouse and Colin absent, he was the only guy there. He was with
his sister and lover, her best friend, and the naughty girl who would do anything to please all of them.

The four of them spent the next hour setting up their camp. Jessica pulled a small campfire grate from
her bag and placed it over the stone fire pit. Allison had brought, among other things, a small kettle,
some mugs and enough cocoa to last them the night. The four of them ate their candy, cooked s'mores and
roasted marshmallows over the fire, it's bright orange flames illuminating the forest clearing. Finally,
Jessica decided that they should start what they all came to do.
"So who's going to go first?" Jessica asked. Bart, Lisa and Allison all looked at each other, each of them
expecting someone else to speak up. "Who's telling the first story?"
"You know what?" Bart said as he rummaged through his bag for a flashlight. "I'll start. And I've got a
good one too. I reckon it'll suit this group quite well."
"Ooooh," Jessica cooed with excitement. "What's it called?"
"Called? Jess, it's a campfire story, not a book. I'm not going to give it a title." Bart cleared his throat as
all their eyes fell upon him. He flicked the torch on and pointed it at his face.

"This is the story of Lisa's experiments with the spirit world.. "

Bart's Story
Bart's Story
"An Ouija board? Really?" Lisa asked. Janey sat on her bedroom floor as she lifted the lid off the box. "You
don't really believe that these things work, do you?"
"Relax Lisa," Janey scoffed. "It's just for a bit of fun."
"You don't buy into this kind of stuff, do you Allison?"
"Well.. ." Allison muttered, "I am a little curious about it."
"Atta girl," Janey said as she placed the board on the floor. "Lisa, come on. There's nothing to be scared
"I'm not scared!" Lisa protested as she stamped her foot on the ground. "I just don't believe that a piece of
wood is capable of talking to ghosts."
"Alright then Scully," Janey smiled as she held offered her the planchette. "You can go first and prove
yourself right."
"Fine!" Lisa snatched the flat bit of wood from her friend's hand. She sat on the floor by the board. "What
do I need to do?"

Janey's Ouija board was nothing more than a simple plank of lacquered wood. All twenty-six letters of
the alphabet, plus numbers zero to nine and a question mark, had been beautifully engraved on its surface.
Drawings of a sun and a crescent moon were by the top left and right corners of the board, accompanied
by the words 'yes' and 'no'. And down the bottom, below the numbers, were the words 'hello' and 'goodbye,'
with a single horizontal line between them to account for the space between words.
"So first you need to start by placing the planchette here," Janey read off the rules as she pointed at the
line. "You then close your eyes. If it moves to where it says hello, it means someone is trying to talk to
us. We ask it questions and the 'spirit' spells out its answers one letter at a time." Allison pulled a
notebook and a pencil from her bag and opened it up to a blank page. Lisa looked over the flat bit of wood
in her hand. It had been carved into a spade, the same symbol she had seen on decks of cards, with a
circular hole in the middle. Lisa felt a small chill run down her spine as she placed it on the board, and
the planchette immediately moved to the hello space, with Lisa's fingers still attached. Janey just rolled
her eyes.
"You're not supposed to move it straight away Lisa," Janey scoffed. Lisa's gazed remained fixed on the
piece of wood.
"I.. . I didn't move it. It just went there on its own," she said.
"Whatever. Move it back to the line and start again," Janey lifted the rules to read them again. But Lisa
found the planchette stuck to the board, almost as if it had been glued into place.
"Lisa?" Allison asked.
"It won't budge. It's stuck." The spiky haired Simpson pulled with all her might on the spade-shaped bit of
wood. But then she realised something. While the planchette was stuck to the board, her fingers were
stuck to the planchette.
"Uh.. guys?" Lisa lifted her arm and the entire board rose into the air, held on only by Lisa's fingertips.
Allison's eyes went wide, and Janey's jaw dropped as she looked up from the rules.
"Okay, it says here that you can communicate with the spirit once you say its name," she said as she held
up the rule book.
"That's it? Then we can talk to it?" Allison asked.
"Yeah, but we actually have to speak the name." Janey grabbed the board and returned it to the floor,
with Lisa's arm still attached. She placed her hands beside
"Allison, get that pencil ready," Janey said as she looked at the board. She cleared her throat and spoke,
very clearly. "What is your name?"
The planchette started moving again almost straight away, and Lisa could do nothing to prevent her arm
following along.
"That's not me. I'm not doing this!" she cried.
"Shush!" Janey said with her finger to her lips. Her eyes followed the planchette as it moved around the
board. First it stopped on A, followed by M, then B. Allison wrote down every letter that appeared in the
circular hole as it moved across the board before it came to a rest. Lisa's fingers were freed from the
board and she yanked her arm back to her chest.
"Um.. Lisa?" Janey asked as she looked at the page. Allison held the notepad up. "Amber Dempsey?" Lisa
gasped, her hand over her mouth.
"You know her?" Allison asked. But before Lisa could answer, the Ouija board began to glow a bright blue.
It started to rotate on the floor, moving faster and faster as it stood to spin on a single corner. The blue
glow rose above the spinning board to appear as an orb of light, right before it flew straight into Allison's
chest and knocked her to the floor.
"Allison, are you alright?" Janey said as she knelt beside her. Allison opened her eyes, and Janey watched
as her black pupils turned to the same bright blue colour as the orb. Possessed with the spirit of Amber,
Allison pushed Janey down and got to her feet. She lunged at Lisa, knocking her to the floor and kneeling
over her body. She pinned Lisa's arms down with her knees, glaring at her with those bright blue flaming
"Who am I?" A ghastly, haunting voice came from the back of Allison's throat. Janey stood and grabbed
Allison's arm, trying to pull her off.
"Allison! What.. the hell.. are you doing?" But Allison paid no attention to the tug on her limb, almost as
if she didn't feel it at all. "Get.. off.. of her."
"You're Allison Taylor," Lisa trembled underneath her. Janey fell back as the arm was pulled from her
"SAY MY NAME!" the voice screeched and echoed inside Lisa's ears.
"Amber.. Amber Dempsey?" Lisa didn't want to say it, because then it meant that she'd believe it. This was
the girl who was struck by lightning, the girl whom Lisa had taken the title of Little Miss Springfield and
lost it due to an error in paperwork. But Amber didn't care. Her spirit couldn't rest until she had
revenge. She used Allison like a puppet, gripping Lisa's head and squeezing it within her fingertips. Her
nails dug into her scalp hard enough to draw blood. And she leaned over her and looked Lisa dead in the

Once again, Janey tried to rescue Lisa from their possessed friend. She threw herself into Allison to try
to push her off, but Allison's body didn't budge. Without breaking her gaze on Lisa, Amber lifted Allison's
arm and pointed her finger at Janey. The bright blue light returned as a rope of pure spiritual energy,
circling the length of the finger before it flew and hit Janey square in the chest, knocking her back just
as it had done to Allison.
"No.. " Lisa whimpered as Janey's body stood up, her eyes blue. "Please Amber, don't do this." Amber had
Lisa right where she wanted her, pinned on the ground and using her friends as puppets. Allison's body
stood over Lisa, but placed her foot on Lisa's chest as soon as she tried to move. She reached to unbuckle
the clasp on her skirt and she threw it aside. Lisa watched, speechless and helpless as Allison was
stripped above her. Her panties came down her legs and were quick to join the discarded garment on the
"Amber.. what are you doing to them? Stop it. It's me you want! Let them go."
"You're right Lisa. It is you I want." Allison was dropped back down to her knees and above Lisa's face. Her
hands gripped the sides of Lisa's head and pulled her straight into her naked crotch. "Lick it," Lisa shook
her head. She kept her lips tightly sealed as they brushed over Allison's slit. But her mouth opened with
a gasp as she felt a pair of hands grab her legs, and Amber took the chance to force Lisa's mouth open
around Allison's mound. Lisa kicked her legs wildly as she broke Janey's grasp, but Janey was able to grab
a hold of her ankles and sit on them, pinning her legs below her.
"Lick.. it," Amber said once more. Lisa was completely at the mercy of Amber's spirit. Allison and Janey
could no longer help her, nor could she call for help. Hoping that this was a nightmare that she'd soon
wake up for, Lisa reluctantly pressed her tongue to Allison's slit.
"Again." Amber felt nothing, but Allison's body was starting to react. This was not about pleasure, this
was about taking away the things that Lisa treasured most. Lisa had taken Amber's title, so Amber took
Lisa's friends. The humiliation of it was nothing more than a bonus, and it brought a smile to Amber's new
face. The more swipes that Lisa gave with her tongue, the wetter her slit became. It wasn't her own
saliva that Lisa was starting to taste. Meanwhile, between her legs, Janey's arms had lifted Lisa's dress
over her waist and pulled her panties down her legs. Without any warning or hesitation, Lisa felt two
fingers being plunged into her pussy. Her cries of discomfort were muffled by Allison's cunt. For one last
humiliation, Amber gave Lisa one more command.
"Eat it."

Lisa had her tongue buried in Allison's pussy. It took some getting used to, and it started to grow tired
and sore. But Amber reminded Lisa to keep licking with painful grasps to her head. She could taste
Allison's arousal on her tongue as it lapped over her inner walls. With tightly closed eyes, Lisa tried to
block her friend's flavour out of her mind. She could do nothing but hope that Amber would leave after
this, or she'd wake up in her bed in the middle of the night. Her own pussy was being ravaged by Janey's
fingers, all four of them plunging in and out of her body. The stinging pain of rape was forced throughout
her body, and she could do nothing to soothe it. All the while, she could feel Amber's gaze down upon her.
Lisa couldn't see it though her clenched eyelids, but she could feel it. It was like it was peering into her
mind, into her very soul. The feeling of being watched from inside her body. It was weird, and Lisa would
have given anything for everything to stop.

But soon, Lisa felt Allison's pussy convulse over her tongue and her lustful juices squirted into Lisa's
mouth. Amber, however, felt nothing. She didn't move, she didn't even flinch. Allison had just been given
her first orgasm and she wasn't even in control of her own body to feel it. Amber pulled herself back and
quickly held Lisa's nose and mouth closed with her fingers. The girl below her struggled against the grasp
until she was forced to swallow Allison's climax. Satisfied, Amber released her hands and Lisa gasped for
breath. Janey's fingers were pulled from her sore and abused pussy, and Lisa scrambled away as quickly as
she could. She made a run for her bedroom door, but two loud thumps made her look behind her. Allison
and Janey's bodies had collapsed on the floor, and the blue light that was Amber's spirit had released
control of her friends. They opened their eyes and sat up, rubbing their heads. It took them both a
moment to remember what had happened.
"Oh my God," Janey gasped as she brought her hands to her mouth.
"Lisa, I am so sorry. I just.. . I couldn't control myself. I don't know.. ."
"WATCH OUT!" Lisa cried, pointing up at Amber's spirit. The blue light flew in circles around the ceiling.
"We gotta get out of here!" Janey yelled. Lisa gripped the door knob and tried to turn it, but it quickly
turned red hot in her hands and she was forced to let go.
"The window!" Allison cried as she pointed to the glass. Janey and Allison scrambled over Lisa's bed as
Lisa ran around, but Amber cut them off before anyone could open it. The blue orb flew around the three
girls, circling around them faster and faster. It was travelling so fast that it looked like one long blue
blur to them, lifting all three of them into the air. But finally, as the girls were suspended above the
floor, Amber flew to the other end of the room. Her spirit hung in the air for several seconds.
"What's she doing?" Allison asked.
"It's almost like she's looking right at us," Janey whispered. Amber's spirit was nothing more than a blue
orb of energy, but the three girls could feel her looking at them, watching them, and even piercing into
their very souls. Finally, Amber flew around the room once more, circling around before hitting Lisa
right between her eyes and knocking her unconscious body down on the floor.

"Lisa. Wake up!"
"Are you okay? Come on Lisa, come back to us!" Allison and Janey knelt beside Lisa's body as her eyes
flickered open. Allison wrapped her arms around the girl, almost crying as she pulled her into a big hug.
"Lisa, I am so very sorry about before. I don't know what happened. I could see everything, but I couldn't
control myself."
"It's okay," Lisa said, feeling drained and sore. "I don't blame you. But what happened? How long was I
"Less than a minute," Janey said. "Amber flew around the room and crashed into you. We fell to the floor
and had to open your eyelids to make sure that you weren't possessed."
"I think.. ," Lisa groaned as she sat up, "we need to get rid of that board."
"I agree," Allison nodded. "But we can't just throw it out. What if someone else finds it and tries to use
"We'll have to burn it," Lisa said almost straight away. "If we destroy the board then Amber can't use it
to channel herself anymore." Lisa slowly got to her feet. "You two go and find something we can use so
the fire won't accidentally spread. And there's probably some matches in the kitchen. I'll meet you in the
back yard and we'll set it alight," Janey and Allison looked at each other.
"Lisa, are you sure? After what just happened, maybe you should come with us, just in case." Janey said. "I
don't think we should split up like that."
"No, I'll be fine. Just.. I just need a minute. I'll pack up the board and meet you outside."
"Okay Lisa. if you're sure," Allison said before she and Janey walked out of the room.

The Ouija board was lifted from the floor and placed in its box, along with the instruction booklet it came
with. The spiky haired girl looked over the planchette in her fingers. It was crazy that something so
small and simple had caused so many problems. She dropped the wooden spade into the box. As soon as it
made contact with the board, it started to move on its own. It flew between letters to spell out its
message, the same four letters over and over and over.
L, I, S, A.
L, I, S, A.
L, I, S, A.
"Speak the name to communicate with the spirit," Amber Dempsey smiled in her brand new body, looking
down as the spirit of Lisa Simpson took control of the board. She placed the lid firmly over the board and
still-moving planchette. She picked the box up, placed it under her arm, and made her way out into the
Her new friends were waiting.
"Bart, you killed me in your story?" Lisa felt a little hurt. She knew none of it was real, but it was still a
little upsetting that someone she felt so close to had fictionalized her death.
"Come on Lis. It was just a story," Bart calmly said.
"And it was a good one too," Jessica smiled. She had spent the last half of Bart's story with her hand
between her legs, and she licked her fingers clean. "Not scary, but good. And a nice twist ending too."
"I wouldn't say 'good' exactly," Allison said. "I know it's Halloween and all, but hearing how I practically
rape my best friend while possessed by the spirit of a dead girl isn't what I had in mind."
"And you forgot one crucial little detail Bart," Lisa said. "Amber isn't dead. She was struck by lightning
after switching on some tire spikes, but she survived and got her crown back."
"Again, story." Bart said as he interlocked his fingers behind his head. "Apparently not a scary one
though." Bart looked over at Jessica, who just shrugged.
"Bart, I told you I liked it. I'm just being honest. Would you rather I pretend to cower in fear beside you
and hide my face in your neck?"
"Hey, you'd have to ask the girlfriend first," Bart gestured at his sister. "But I guess since we're all pretty
much open after those New Year's games, I don't think she'd have that much of an issue with it."
"Well, I guess it's quite tamer than her 'tonguing my holes.'" Lisa said, using her fingers as quotation
marks. "But I guess those games did leave us all pretty open and comfortable with each other."
"Yeah," Allison smirked. "Here's exhibit A for that right here." She held her hand out towards Jessica. The
naked girl just shrugged again.
"What can I say? I enjoy it," she giggled. "So who's next?"
"Well I have one in mind," Allison said as she stood up. "In fact, I had this idea earlier tonight while I
was going from door to door. And of you thought that Bart's story wasn't scary, then perhaps you'll enjoy
this tale, my little succubi."
"Ooooh, I'm interested already." Jessica said as she rubbed her hands. Bart passed the torch to Allison,
who took it and switched it on.
"Say goodbye Jessica, as you dance with the devil tonight.. "

Allison's Story
"Jessica, for the last time. You are not going to the school dance!"
"But Dad, everyone is going to be there. Why can't I go?"
"Those kind of things bring out the devils and demons in people young lady," Tim explained as he put his
foot down on the issue. But Jessica just rolled her eyes.
"Dad, it's a school dance. There are no 'devils or demons' there, just a bunch of kids having fun. Nothing is
going to happen."
"No means no Jessica. That's final," Tim slammed the door to his daughter's room. He slumped against it,
sighing as he rubbed his forehead. But on the other side, Jessica wasn't going to take no for an answer. She
stripped her clothes and pulled her outfit from the closet. She slipped her dress over her head and her
feet into her shoes, followed by a quick brush of her hair, and she was ready to go. She stuffed a spare
pillow under her covers and turned out the light, just in case her parents decided to check on her later.
As quietly as she could, Jessica climbed out of her bedroom window and ran out into the street.

It took her twenty minutes to walk to Springfield Elementary, and Jessica found her date waiting for
her by the school's entrance. Bart Simpson smiled as she approached him, greeting her with his arm and a
"Took you long enough," he joked as Jessica took his arm.
"You were right," Jessica said. "The 'rev' didn't want me to go."
"Oh yeah? Did he use the devils and demons line again?"
"Of course. He really needs to come up with something new to say."
"Well there's at least one devil here tonight," Bart whispered as he placed his hand on Jessica's ass,
groping her through the fabric of her dress.
"Maybe we can sneak into the boys locker room a bit later," Jessica whispered into his ear. "I want you to
do me in one of the showers."
Inside the school hall, the dance was well under way. Music was being played through the speakers from
the DJ on stage. Tables of food and drink were lined up against the wall on one side, and a row of seats on
the other. But this hall harboured a dark secret. A huge pentagram had been painted on the floor. It's
pattern lay hidden underneath tables, chairs, cord tape and the other dancers. The paint used was a very
similar colour to the dance floor itself, so unless someone was lying on their stomach to gaze across the
floor, it would go unnoticed. Bart led Jessica out on to the dance floor, straight into the middle of the
crowd of students. As soon as Jessica danced over the hidden centre, the pentagram came to life. The
pentagram's brown paint turned to a deep shade of red as flames burst from the floor to surround the
edges of the hall, and everyone in the room just seemed to stop whatever they were doing, almost as if
they had been switched off. They all just stood there, still alive and breathing, but as if they no longer
had the energy to move.
"What.. . what's going on?" Jessica panicked as she looked around. It was like everyone in the room had
just lost interest and decided to.. . stop.
"Bart? Bart, what's happening?" Jessica quickly turned around to her date, only to find that he too had
succumbed to whatever was affecting the others.
"Come on Bart, don't do this. You're freaking me out here." Jessica lifted Bart's chin to look him straight in
the eyes, but it felt like his gaze passed right through her. She pressed her lips to his and slipped him her
tongue. She slipped her hand down his pants and groped his flaccid member. She hoped that it would be
enough to snap him out of his trance. But Bart did nothing. He just stood there, letting Jessica probe his
mouth with her tongue and his crotch with her hand. It was almost as if he couldn't even feel it. As soon
as Jessica pulled herself away, Bart's head slumped back down again.

A bright flash of white fire erupted from the floor behind Jessica. She turned to see what was happening,
but quickly raised her hand in front of her eyes to block the light from her eyes. A lone figure walked
though the flames, his two hooves landing with soft thuds on the wooden floor. The flames died as quickly
as they had risen, and Jessica lowered her hand. Her jaw dropped.
"Mr.. Ned?" She asked in disbelief.
"Well hey-diddly-ho Jessica," Ned smiled. Jessica's eyes travelled across his body. The hoofed feet, his red
sleeved cloak, his pitchfork, horns and tail.
"You're the devil?" she asked in disbelief. Ned chuckled as he pushed his glasses up his nose.
"It's always the one you least suspect. Just like I didn't suspect it'd be Lovejoy's daughter to activate my
symbol. Let's see what caused it, shall we?" The Devil Flanders snapped his fingers and Jessica's dressed
burned away in an instant, reducing it to a pile of ash on the floor while leaving her skin unharmed.
"I don't understand," Jessica whimpered, scared as she looked around. "What's happening here? What did
you do to everyone?"
"Now Jessica," Ned said as a large throne appeared behind him on the stage, "you brought this on yourself.
You should have listened to your father, or at the very least worn something under your dress."
"And what does my lack of panties have to do with this?"
"Well your panty-less crotch was the act of sin that I've been waiting for. As soon as you flashed your
neither region over my pentagram, I was brought to Earth along with my demon army."
"Wait.. what demon army?" Jessica asked, confused. All she had seen was him.
"Why, this one." Ned raised his hands. Everyone in the hall, every student and every chaperone, suddenly
stood up straight and erect. All at once they opened their mouths. Their heads tilted back further and
further, and Jessica cringed at the sound of a hundred jaw bones breaking at the same time. Every
person's mouth had tilted back a full one hundred and eighty degrees. Clawed fingers crept their way out
and hooked onto the edges of their lips. The bodies were then pulled down to show the horned demon
inside on them. Bags of skin and flesh dropped to the floor, as if the bodies were nothing more than
clothes that were being stripped and left discarded on the floor. Each demon was red in colour, a toned
human chest and stomach meeting the legs of a goat around the waist, and a long, thin tail swaying
behind them. A hundred demons stood in the hall, staring intently at Jessica's naked body.
"Now I was going to lead my army of darkness across Earth," Ned proudly exclaimed, "but I think I'll let
them have their way with you first. A little pleasure before business."
"Oh yeah?" Jessica asked. She was able contain her excitement at the idea of being the centre of a gang
bang, and tried to keep her calm, yet confident, attitude. "Bring it on."

No sooner were the words out of Jessica's mouth, the demon that was Bart Simpson pushed her down onto
the floor below. His cock quickly and unceremoniously found the entrance to her pussy as he jammed
himself inside her body. Jessica bit her lip to hide her discomfort from the rough entrance.
"Couldn't wait for the locker room, Bart?" she asked him, but the demon either didn't listen to her or
didn't care. Another creature stood over her face and fell to his knees, forcing his cock into her mouth.
Jessica felt her body being lifted off the ground, just high enough for another one to slide underneath
her and slip his cock into her ass. All three of her holes were filled, stretched with demon cock that
pounded away at her insides. She felt two more in the palm of her hands as her fingers closed around
them, her wrists being jerked up and down along the lengths of their shafts. She felt her shoes and socks
being pulled away, and two hands on her ankles to guide the soles of her feet around another cock. Six
demons were having their way with her, and Jessica couldn't stop it even if she wanted to. She no longer
cared that the remains of Springfield Elementary school students lay on the floor around her. This gang
bang was all she wanted now. She had a hundred demons lining up to use her body, and Jessica was
determined to get though every single one.
Hours had passed and Jessica had lost count of how many she had serviced. She had been brought to
orgasm at least a dozen times. Her stomach was filled with demon sperm as she had swallowed countless
loads from the hellish creatures. She was tired, exhausted, and sore. But on her hands and knees, her
discomfort meant nothing to the two monsters that used her body. One was in her ass, and Jessica could
feel that he wasn't like the other monsters. This cock was bigger, and thicker, than the others she had
received. She could feel her ass stretching open around it, almost painfully as it was forced inside her.
While most of the other demons had human-like dicks, this one felt more bestial to her, almost like it was
one she'd find on a small horse. The second demon stood by her face, his hand on Jessica's head as he
pulled her lips down his member. She felt him shoot his cum in her mouth, pulling away at the last
moment to spray the final rope of seed across her face. Jessica had just enough time to swallow before
another one took his place. She froze when she saw what stepped in front of her, and glanced up at its
owner. The demon looked much like the others, the only difference was what he had between his legs.
Instead of one cock, this creature had at least twenty. They were average length, but incredibly thin.
Each one seemed to move independently, almost like tentacles with minds of their own. Jessica watched
as the cocks wrapped around the one in the middle, twirling over each other to form an identical
thickness to the others. She barely had time to even wonder how this was even possible before it was
jammed in her mouth. Behind her lips, the cocks spread themselves out again. She felt them over and
under her tongue, running along behind her teeth, and even scraping over the roof of her mouth. As their
owner fucked Jessica's mouth, she felt them being pulled back into the normal and familiar shape, only to
spread out again once they were buried inside her mouth.
The thicker cock was pulled from her ass after spraying seed deep into her bowels, and another demon
stepped up behind her. Straight away, Jessica felt two cocks and both her pussy and ass. But just like the
ones in her mouth, these two felt different. Instead of being pushed inside, she felt them slither into her
body instead. They felt thick and snake-like, as if she was being fucked by tentacles. They reached deeper
into her body than any of the others before her. The demon only had to stand in one spot and the
tentacles would do the rest. Suddenly, Jessica felt the twenty cocks cum in her mouth, all at once. Her
cheeks instantly bulged with the sheer amount of demon seed that was shot between them. It was too
much for her to swallow all at once, and she had no choice but to let it drip from her mouth. What didn't
go down her throat fell to the floor as the demon stepped away. But instead of another cock, Jessica felt
herself being rolled over.
Jessica had cum on her face, her chest, her hands and on her feet. She would wiggle her toes for the
foreign feeling of the sticky cum between them. She couldn't tell how many cocks had been through her
body. There were so many, there was no way to keep track of them. She was placed in the demon's lap, his
tentacle cocks wriggling away inside her. He started bounced her up and down his shafts, and Jessica's
sore cunt and ass could feel every inch. Another demon stood in front of her, and Jessica closed her eyes
as expected another dick to be shoved into her mouth. But this next creature was different as well. There
was no cock this time. Instead, Jessica found her lips being pressed against a vertical slit. She opened her
eyes, not expecting this, but the demon held her head fast between her legs, and Jessica pressed her
tongue into the pussy against her mouth. As she licked, she felt hands on her ankles again, and she
instinctively clasped her feet together around the next cock. She couldn't see what she was doing with
the demon blocking her view, but she could picture it well enough in her mind. The hole between her soles
travelled up and down the shaft, smearing the cum of at least a dozen other monsters who had already
received this treatment. She moved one foot to rub her toes across the top of the shaft, feeling the beads
of precum rub off beneath them, while her other ankle was held and her foot used to rub against the
length. Jessica quickly curled her toes around the cock as best she could as the demon held her ankles
and rubbed his cock between them. As her tongue was coated in the feminine juices, she felt one of her
legs being moved as her left foot was repositioned. She felt the demon cum spray under her toes and
along the sole of her foot, a sensation that Jessica was becoming very familiar with. Her left foot was
swapped for her right to collect the final spurts of cum before her legs were dropped to the floor. The
tentacles sprayed their seed deep inside her before the monster below her lifted her off. He tossed
Jessica onto the floor as he stood, letting the next lot of demons to have their way with the young girl.
"Enough!" Ned finally called as he stood from his throne. All of his demons suddenly stopped and turned
to face him, one spraying his final load over Jessica's face. He waved the girl over to him, and his
creatures obediently carried her onto the stage and placed her before him. His own member was
throbbing up against his stomach, a single bead of precum had formed on the tip. Ned had grown bored of
watching his demons have their way with the girl. Now he wanted a turn. Jessica got to her feet, being
careful to not to slip on the cum that covered her soles. Without a word, Ned sat back down in his chair
and patted his lap. Jessica knew exactly what he wanted. She climbed onto his seat to straddle him. Ned
placed his hands on her hips and slowly lowered her down his length.
"Well how about that?" He grinned. "Fuck-diddly-ucked for hours and still keen to take her new master's
cock. You know what this means, don't you Jess?"
Jessica looked up at him and shook her head.
"It means you're coming back with me. My army of darkness will stay up here to take care of things, and
you're about to spend an eternity at my side for your sins." Ned grinned as flames rose up around them,
shielding them from the demon army in the hall. The fire died almost as quickly as it had risen. By the
time it cleared, Jessica and Ned had vanished. Only his throne remained.
The Devil Flanders had taken her back to Hell.
"Whoa.. " Jessica muttered as she let the story sink into her mind.
"Well I just figured that if Bart told a story about Lisa, then you might enjoy one with you." Allison
quickly explained.
"Well I sure as hell liked it," Bart said as he pulled off the codpiece from his costume, proudly displaying
the tent in his pants. "And I think it fits Jessica to a T. Disobeying her father, wanting to fuck in the
locker room, eager to be the centre of attention.. " Bart was counting off on his fingers as Jessica
interrupted him.
"Oh please," Jessica playfully mocked him as she tossed her hair back with her fingers. "It's like you barely
know me at all.
"Oh, so you wouldn't want this?" Bart stood up and walked over to Jessica, protruding his hips to rub his
bulge over her cheek. Jessica smiled as she gripped it in her hands. She opened her mouth, but froze as her
eyes darted over towards Lisa. Bart's sister gave a slight nod and smiled, and Jessica slowly dragged her
tongue over the tented fabric.
"Okay, so you know me a little," she smirked as Bart sat down next to her. Lisa folded her arms as she
watched the two from the other side of the fire. While she and Bart both considered themselves an 'item,'
this was all amongst close friends. After all, it was Jessica's dare that got them together in the first
place. She didn't mind Bart getting close to Jessica, because Lisa knew that Jessica would be just as keen
on her as she would him.
"She's watching us Bart," Jessica said as she slipped her hand back over the tent in Bart's pants. His eyes
travelled up to see his sister staring at them, with a smirk on her lips.
"Then you'd better give her something to watch Jess," Bart grinned. Jessica, keeping her gaze fixed on Lisa,
slid her hand up to the waistband of Bart's pants. She slipped her fingers effortlessly inside his briefs and
wrapped her fingers around his shaft. Slowly, she began to stroke him inside his clothes, both her and
Bart watching Lisa to see if she'd react. But Lisa did nothing. Instead, Allison leaned over.
"Are you really okay with that?" she asked her. Lisa broke away from their gaze to face her friend.
"Yeah Allison, I really am."
"Well I think I'd be jealous if I were in your shoes." But Lisa didn't feel jealousy, nor did she feel the need
to compete against Jessica. She was Bart's sister, and both she and Bart knew that Lisa would always
come before Jessica. But what Lisa did feel was a little regret. She wished she'd let herself open up to her
sooner than she did. The three of them could have learnt and experienced so much more from her. But as
much as she believed that Jessica had changed, there was still that lingering thought in the back of her
mind that told her differently, that Jessica could go back to her old ways of using and leading people on.
But until that day came, if it ever would, Lisa had no reason not to trust this new Jessica Lovejoy.
"So Lisa, you got a story for us?" Jessica asked, keeping her hand inside Bart's pants.
"I think I could come up with something. What about you?" Lisa shrugged as she asked.
"Oh I've got one, but I asked you first." Jessica looked at Allison, and motioned towards Lisa with a flick
of her head. Allison picked up the torch and passed it to her friend. Lisa took it in her hands and glanced
at it for several seconds.
"Okay," she finally said. "I guess since Milhouse isn't here, he won't object to being the star of this little
tale." Lisa flicked on the torch and pointed it to her face.
"Here's a story where Milhouse gets a chance to.. shine."

LIsa's Story
Stay out of room 237. That was the warning that the Van Houten's were given. The hotel's chef insisted
nothing was in there, but demanded that the door remained closed.
Kirk had won the staff lotto at the cracker factory and he and his family were named caretakers of the
Overlook Hotel in Colorado. They had the whole place to themselves for the winter months. With the
nearest town 25 miles away, the Van Houten's were well and truly isolated from the outside world.
Milhouse was having the time of his life. He had the whole massive hotel to explore. Every night he could
stay in a different room, and could go for days without seeing his parents if he wanted to. He could jump
on the beds in the presidential suite, eat all the ice-cream that he could handle in the kitchen, and even
ride the luggage trolley's though the hotel's foyer. As long as he didn't break anything, he was free to do
as he pleased. But Milhouse's first thought was of his friend Bart. He knew that Bart would have loved to
share the hotel with him. It's endless halls of mischief, countless rooms to play in, and the hidden staff
areas to explore.
The Van Houten's had been there for a month, and the snow was starting to pile up around them. While
looking though one of the many store rooms, Milhouse found a couple of old bikes. He brushed the dust and
cobwebs off one of them and wheeled it out into the hotel's laundry room.
"Milhouse, where did you get that bike?" Luanne asked as she poked her head into the room, watching as
her son used a hose to clean its wheels.
"I found it in a storage room. I'm cleaning it so I can ride it through the halls. Can I Mom, can I please?"
"Well at least you thought to clean it first. Just be careful not to break anything." Luanne smiled, loving
that she could afford to offer her son so much freedom in this place. She left the room and closed the
door behind her. Milhouse could hardly contain his excitement. He rushed to finish washing and drying
the tires before carrying the bike out into the hotel's halls. He took the elevator up to the second floor,
swung his leg over the seat, and began to pedal.

Milhouse rode his new bike though the long halls of the hotel. He stood on the peddles, feeling himself
just drift along the carpet beneath him. He rode past a trolley laden with plates and cups that stood by
an ice machine, and a thin rolled up mattress next to a dumb-waiter. Milhouse squeezed the breaks as he
turned the corner, and pulled the bike to a quick stop. Standing at the other end of the hall, were the last
two people he ever expected to see. Sherri and Terri Makleberry, the twin sisters from his class. They
stood there hand in hand, just staring at him. Milhouse froze, his chest rose and fell with his heavy
breathing. The girls just looked at him, almost as if they were waiting for something. But Milhouse didn't
move, he just stared at them in disbelief.
"Hello Milhouse," they said in unison. Their voices sent a small chill up his spine. He didn't answer them.
Sherri and Terri shouldn't have been in the hotel, they couldn't be. Milhouse was told that his family
were the only ones who would be staying there.
"Come and play with us," Sherri and Terri spoke again. And again, Milhouse said nothing. He couldn't
explain it, but he knew that something wasn't quite right. He could just feel it.
"Come and play with us Milhouse." For a split second, the whole scene changed in front of Milhouse's eyes.
One moment the girls were standing there, the next they were naked and on their knees, plunging
vibrators between their legs and gasping as they brought themselves to orgasm. Milhouse blinked, and
Sherri and Terri were standing again as if nothing had happened.
"Forever.. " Milhouse saw Terri licking one of the toys, sucking it into her mouth and cleaning it off with
her tongue. And in the blink of an eye, they were standing again.
".. and ever..." The twins appeared in a sixty-nine position. They had their hands gripping each other's ass
cheeks as the lapped away between each other's legs. And once more, they were standing at the end of
the hall again.
".. and ever." Sherri was on her side, propping herself up on her elbow. Terri lay on her back on top of her
sister's legs. Together, the two girls rubbed their insatiable pussies, and Milhouse could see a thick blue
tube between them, buried inside them both. Milhouse pulled his glasses from his face and quickly wiped
them with the hem of his shirt. By the time he put them back on, Sherri and Terri had vanished. They
were no longer standing in the hall, they were no longer fucking each other, they were no longer talking
to him. They had simply vanished.
"What the hell is going on here?" Milhouse muttered to himself. He climbed off his bike and walked it to
the next corner, peering cautiously around it. The hall ahead of him was empty. There was no sign of the
twins. He sighed as he turned back to rest his head against the wall. He didn't know what he'd seen, or
what it meant. But when Milhouse opened his eyes and looked in front of him, he noticed something.. odd.
Directly across the hall was a door, only slightly ajar, with the room key in its lock. The door to room 237
was open.
"Hello?" Milhouse called into the room as he pushed on the door. It silently swung open, revealing the
forbidden room behind it. His hand roamed the wall until he found the light switch, and the lamps in the
room flickered to life. There was no sign of activity in room 237. Its purple couches didn't look like they
had been sat on in ages. Milhouse made his way up the steps into the bedroom, hearing the sound of
running water coming from the bathroom.
"Sherri? Terri?" He gulped, calling through the closed door. Slowly, Milhouse turned the knob, took a deep
breath and pushed it open. He closed his eyes, expecting the sounds of the shrieking twins, screaming and
yelling at him to get out. But there was nothing. Not a sound, not even the sound of running water. Much
like the rest of the hotel, room 237 was deserted. As he stepped back out into the hall and pulled the door
closed, Milhouse heard the sound of the twin's laughter echoing though the halls. But there was no sign of
them. As quickly as he could, Milhouse jumped on his bike and rode back towards the elevator.
That night, Milhouse found himself unable to sleep. He decided to spend the night in Kirk and Luanne's
room, sleeping on the couch. They were on the eighth floor, six stories up and in the opposite wing to room
237. But as he lay awake in the dark, he found himself unable to shake what he had seen in the hall. He
couldn't explain it. First the twins were standing there, then they were naked with each other, using toys
and rubbing against themselves. His glasses lay on the coffee table beside the sofa, and he rolled to his
side to reach for them. Without them, the digital clock on the far side of the room was nothing more
than a few blurry red lines. As his fingers touched the frames, he felt a cold hand grip his wrist.
"Not so fast Milhouse."
"You won't be needing those tonight."
"Sherri? Terri? What are you doing here? Mom! Dad! Help!" Milhouse screamed. The grip on his wrist was
surprisingly strong, and he found his arm to be completely immobile.
"Oh they can't hear you Milhouse. It's just you and us now," Terri said. Milhouse couldn't see her in the
dark, but he felt the surprising kiss that she forced onto his lips. Terri's tongue slipped into his mouth as
the blankets were pulled from Milhouse's body. He felt his pants sliding down his legs and fingers
wrapping around his shaft. Blood rushed through his penis as he became erect at the twin's touch. The
fingers disappeared, and replaced with the warm, moist feeling of Sherri's mouth. Milhouse couldn't deny
that he was enjoying this, but he still didn't understand what was going on.
"I.. I don't get it," he groaned as Terri broke their kiss. He felt her shuffling around on top of his body,
finding himself unable to move.
"You went into our room Milhouse. And here we are now," Terri's voice emanating from the blurry
darkness that was Milhouse's vision.
"But you weren't in the room. No one was!"
"Oh we were there Milhouse. We were watching you," Sherri said. She pulled her mouth off his cock long
enough to speak.
"No, no! Let me go! You're not supposed to be here! Let me go!" Milhouse cried as he struggled within his
immobile body. He couldn't deny that he was enjoying the feeling of Sherri's mouth, but not like this. Not
unable to see them, or understand why they were there.
"Oh we're not letting you go anywhere Milhouse. You went into the room, and now you're going to play
with us. Forever and ever. Now how about you put that mouth of yours to good use, instead of wasting it
on talking." Milhouse felt something press against his lips, and straight away he thought Terri was kissing
him again. He expected to feel her tongue forcing its way into his mouth again. But there was something
different this time. A different smell, and a vertical slit. By the time he realised what it was, Terri and
grabbed his head and pressed him against her crotch.
"Come on Milhouse, be a good boy and use your tongue for me. My sister'll make it worth your while,"
Terri grinned. Milhouse hesitated, completely unsure of which twin was which. But he still found himself
obeying. Reluctantly, he pushed his tongue into the slit above his mouth to receive his first taste of
pussy. Terri's slit seemed to open up easily around the muscle and the young girl began to grind her hips
on his face.

True to Terri's word, Sherri pulled her mouth from Milhouse's dick. She climbed over his body and
straddled his waist, rubbing her slit over the head of his cock.
"You feel this Milhouse?" Sherri asked.
"Mmmppphhhh," came Milhouse's muffled reply.
"Because it's identical to the one you're eating now. Most guys would kill for twins, you know? Two
identical pussies," Sherri grinned as she gently lowered herself down his length, "both at the same time."
Sherri didn't give Milhouse the chance to relish his first time. As soon as she sunk down his length, she
placed her hands on his chest and started to bounce herself up and down. Milhouse's shaft was surrounded
with Sherri's warm and moist insides, while his tongue lapped over those of Terri. His tongue bathed in
her taste and her dampness was smeared over his lips. He still couldn't explain the strange phenomena he
saw in the hall, but he no longer cared. He didn't want this to stop, ever. He soon found that he could
move his limbs again, and he placed his hands on Terri's legs. But Terri moved them up to her waist.
"Atta boy Milhouse. Just like that," Terri said as she rolled her hips over his mouth. "Sherri and I will
teach you just how to please a woman. You'll be a pro at this in no time." Milhouse blushed in the darkness,
and even though his face was buried in Terri's crotch, he still felt that she could see his cheeks turn red.

Whatever this was leading to, Milhouse could feel it building up.. quickly. The strange sensation in his
groin felt like it was rising, almost like it would shoot from his shaft. Somehow, Sherri could sense it. At
the last moment, she dropped herself back down onto Milhouse, feeling his cock twitch inside of her.
Milhouse's first orgasm burst from his cock and erupted into her body. His groans were muffled around
Terri's cunt, but he found his hips bucking up against the young girl as he came inside her. Sherri climbed
off his waist, just in time to enviously watch her sister reach as small orgasm. Milhouse's lips, tongue and
chin were bathed in Terri's orgasmic juices, and she allowed herself to slide off his face and onto the
floor. Only partially satisfied, Terri picked up his glasses and placed them in Milhouse's hands. The blue
haired boy fixed them to his face.
"Come with us," Terri whispered as Sherri pushed open the room's door.
"Where are we going?" Milhouse asked as he pulled up his pants and stood from the couch.
"Just come. You'll see," Sherri grinned. Without questioning why, Milhouse followed the twins out into
the hall.
"Kirk, it's been a whole day. I've looked everywhere. I can't find him." Luanne said into her radio. "And I
can't see any tracks leading from any of the doors outside. But it could have snowed during the night.
We'd never find him."
"Luanne, calm down. I'm sure he didn't go wandering outside in the middle of the night." Kirk tried to
reassure his wife through his radio as sat in front of several monitors. "I'm just in the security room, and
I found last nights surveillance tapes."
"What do you see? Oh God Kirk, can you see him anywhere?"
"No, but I've found the footage of him leaving our room."
"So where is he? Where did he go?"
"Just a minute Luanne." Kirk said, his eyes fixed on the screen. He watched his son walk though the hotel's
halls toward the elevator.
"Was there anyone with him? Perhaps he was following someone, or being led."
"No, just him. There's no one else. I see him in the elevator. He got off at the second floor."

Luanne was on her way back to the room when she heard Kirk's message and she ran to the lift. She
franticly tapped the button with her finger. It felt like forever before the doors opened.
"I'm heading there now," she said as she pressed the 2 button. The doors closed and Luanne had the
agonizing wait of travelling between floors. But finally, the doors opened again and she ran out into the
"Okay, I'm on the second floor. Where did he go?"
"Just a sec.. Okay. He used the elevator at the opposite end of the floor to where you are. He's walking
down the hall.. ." Luanne ran through the corridor towards the other lift. Her eyes quickly darted upon
one of the black domes on the roof, and she knew that her husband could see her as she made her way
across the floor.
"Wait, stop!" Kirk's voice came though the radio. "Right there, the door on your left. That's where he
went." Luanne reached for the door and turned the knob.
"Milhouse?" Luanne called into the room. "Milhouse, are you in here?" She heard nothing, she saw nothing.
This was just another empty room in the hotel. The lounge, bedroom and bathroom were all empty. There
was no sign of her son.
"Kirk, he's not in here." She panicked.
"Well I haven't seen him come out yet," Kirk replied. "Have you looked everywhere? Maybe he's in the
closet or something." Luanne began her search of the room. She checked every possible hiding place that
she could see. In the closet, the green bathtub, under the bed and behind the curtains. But there was
nothing. She couldn't find him.
There was no sign of Milhouse in room 237.
"So.. what happened to him?" Jessica asked. Lisa just shrugged her shoulders.
"Who knows? Maybe he just vanished, maybe he's dead, maybe he ends up in a photo taken in the early
"Creepy," Bart whistled. "Wait until I tell him about it at school."
"Is that before or after you tell him about my blowjobs?" Lisa asked, almost glaring at her brother. Both
Jessica and Allison turned to look at Bart.
"One time Lis. That was one time."
"You tell Milhouse about you and Lisa?" Allison asked.
"Well he was there when we started. He kept nagging me about it so I told him about this one time, and
he probably used it to jerk off pretending that he was me."
"That's... kind of weird." Allison said.
"Well what else do you expect from a kid who's parents are cousins?" Lisa asked. Allison's jaw dropped as
she turned back to face Lisa.
"No way." She gasped. "Really?" Lisa just nodded.
"Hey, if that's what the child of a cousin is like," Jessica piped up, "then how do you think the child of a
brother and sister is going to turn out." Jessica smirked, she meant it purely as a joke, but Bart and Lisa
looked at each other in shock.
"That's... that's too soon to be worrying about that," Lisa protested.
"I don't know Lis," Jessica said. "Once you turn teenager you and Bart best start thinking about your lives
together. At the very least, you should probably start using protection," Bart and Lisa exchanged worried
looks, which did not go unnoticed by Allison.
"Um, Jessica. Isn't it your turn for a story?" she rapidly asked, trying to change the subject.
"Yeah, Alli. I think it is." Lisa, without saying anything, held out the torch so Jessica would have to stand
up to get it. The reverend's daughter flicked it on and pointed it at her face.
"Alright Lisa, this one's for you."

Jessica's Story
Jessica's Story
"Mom, can Santa's Little Helper sleep in my room tonight?" Lisa asked Marge, and that's how it all began.
Lisa found comfort in sharing her bed with the family dog. The Greyhound would curl up at the foot of
her bed, sleeping peacefully and ready to protect her from whatever dangers the night might bring. But
before long, Lisa and Santa's Little Helper were doing more than just sleeping.

Lisa had trained the family dog in her own way. It had taken a couple of months, but all it would take is a
light tap on her ass. She would stand on her knees with her head on her pillow. Her nightgown would be
hoisted up onto her back and her panties pulled aside. She would lightly slap her ass, and Santa's Little
Helper would mount the young girl. Lisa had grown to love the feel of her dog's cock pounding away at
her depths, and each week she push the limits of their relationship further and further. Rarely would she
do this naked, but she quickly found it more exciting to leave her clothes on the floor. She used to wait
until after midnight when her parents were asleep, but now she would signal the canine as soon as her
bedroom door was closed. Once, and only once, had she bent over for him outside of her room. After a
hard fuck in the backyard, Lisa decided that it was too risky and had to force herself to control her
urges. But after that one moment of outdoor bestiality, the world seemed to remain blissfully unaware of
her actions.

One night, Lisa woke up to the cracking sound of thunder. Rain was pelting down upon her window, and
the tree's branches in the backyard were swaying violently in the wind. Lisa had awoken from a
nightmare of something chasing her, some monster that she couldn't quite see. Acting in a moment of
panic, she flung her covers off her bed and pressed her chair against the door. Lisa wiped her forehead in
relief, only to find that she was covered in a fine layer of sweat. The room was filled with a bright flash
as lightning flew through the sky. She turned around just in time to see the blankets gently swaying over
the edge of her mattress. Lisa figured that the lightning strike had scared Santa's Little Helper and he
dashed for the safety of beneath her bed.
"It's okay, it's okay," Lisa reassured herself. "It's just an electrostatic discharge between the clouds and
the ground. I had a bad dream, and what's going on outside is just nature. It's perfectly normal." She
closed her eyes and told herself the same thing over and over, breathing steadily and finding comfort in
the sound of the storm outside. But at the same time, she couldn't get the monster from her dream out of
her head. She tried to think back, and all she could remember was the black furry beast chasing her
through a garden. She couldn't remember its shape, size, or even what animal it really was.

Lisa flicked the light switch on her wall, but the power was out due to the storm. Stuck in the darkness of
her room, she pulled her nightgown over her head and her panties down her legs. She found a small towel
in her closet to wipe the sweat from her body. She knelt down and lifted her blankets to peer into the
darkness beneath her bed.
"It's okay boy, it's just a storm. There's nothing to be afraid of." Lisa could hear her pet's frightened
panting from the dark, but she couldn't see him. She slowly moved her hand into the dark space, feeling
his fur through her fingers. But Santa's Little Helper didn't seem keen on leaving. Lisa smiled into the
"I know what will get you out of there," she whispered. On her hands and knees, she turned around and
faced her bedroom door. She reached behind and placed her hand on her bare ass. She gave herself a few
gentle slaps. She had decided not to bend over for her dog before bed as she was feeling very tired. But
now wide awake during the storm, she figured that she might as well enjoy herself. A puzzled look swept
across her face, Santa's Little Helper never took this long. She reached to her ass again and gave herself
a couple more slaps.
"Maybe he's just scared of the sto.. . " Lisa's spoken thought was cut short with the feel of a moist muscle
sliding over her slit. "Oh yeah, there you are boy." On her hands and knees, she pushed her ass back as she
felt the canine's tongue lap over her pussy again. She felt herself getting wetter and wetter with each
lick. But as much as she liked the sensation of her pet's tongue, she wanted the sensation of something
else a lot more. She reached behind her to tap her ass once more. Straight away, she felt the weight of
her pet on her back. With a single thrust, Lisa felt him enter her body. Her pussy took his every inch of
his shaft with one swift thrust. She arched her back and bit her lip to silence her discomfort. As mush as
she loved bending over for Santa's Little Helper, the first few minutes were always the worst. Her
fingers clenched into fists as her pussy was forced to accommodate the girth inside of her. It never
occurred to her that this was the first time that Santa's Little Helper had found her hole. Usually, Lisa
would have to reach between her legs to help guide him in.

Lisa's discomfort quickly vanished as Santa's Little Helper picked up his pace. She could feel his hips bump
against her ass as his prick was driven in and out of her depths. Her body hugged and squeezed every inch
with her warm, moist walls. Lisa found herself biting her lip again. Not from discomfort, but from how
good it felt. Santa's Little Helper was hitting just the right spot every time, and just the right speed. She
slowly lowered her head onto the floor and shifted her hand to her stomach. Without disturbing the dog,
Lisa began to rub her clit. She started off slowly, running her fingers over the erect nubbin in a circular
motion. But the longer Santa's Little Helper fucked her, the harder she rubbed herself. The circular
motions turned into quick jabs with her fingers sliding over her clit and brushing up against the canine
"Ohhh.. . fuck.. . " Lisa was in heaven, and she never wanted this to end. But she knew that she'd feel his
climax inside her before long. She had often fantasized about taking his knot, but she knew that she wasn't
quite ready for it. The bulge on his dick was almost the size of her fist, and Lisa knew that she'd have an
awkward time explaining the situation to her parents or a doctor if it caused her serious pain. She placed
her index and middle fingers around her pussy, creating a V shape at her entrance. Lisa had used this
method every time to keep Santa's Little Helper from tying with her. And as she held her fingers in
position, she would use her thumb to work her clit, flicking it and rubbing it into a frenzy of her orgasmic
As Lisa came, Santa's Little Helper gave her one final thrust. She could feel his warm cum pouring inside
of her he came to rest. She sighed in bliss as she struggled to push herself back up on her arms. Santa's
Little Helper was always somehow able to wear Lisa out and leave her body completely drained of
energy, yet in a state of pure happiness at the same time. Her bedroom illuminated with another flash of
lightning, and she felt the cock slowly withdraw from her body. Once it was free from her depths, Lisa
looked behind her, just in time to see the blankets swaying off her bed. She couldn't help but chuckle to
herself as she struggled to her feet. Even after mounting and claiming her as his bitch, Santa's Little
Helper was still hiding from the lightning. Slowly, Lisa went to her closet. She slipped a clean pair of
panties up her legs and pulled a clean nightgown over her head. She crawled back into bed and pulled the
covers over her shoulders.
"Goodnight boy," she yawned as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Lisa awoke with that familiar ache in her pelvic bone. She winced as she swung her legs
over the edge of the bed and planted her feet into the carpet. She moved her chair from her bedroom
door and swung it open. She took one step out into the hall, and froze at the sight that greeted her. Bart
waved at her as he walked through the hall, with Santa's Little Helper at his side. The dog barked as he
ran to lick her face to wish her a good morning.
"But.. but.. he was in my room last night," Lisa stammered. She had her chair up against her door, there
was no way that Santa's Little Helper got out before she woke up. "Bart, how'd he get out here?"
"I let him out of your room sis."
"What?" Lisa asked, the feeling of dread and uncertainty filling her mind.
"When I was going to bed last night, I heard him scratching at your door. So I opened it up and he ran
straight into my room. I thought he just needed to go outside, but I think something spooked him. Maybe
it was the storm." Lisa stood frozen to her spot.
"Santa's Little Helper.. wasn't in my room last night?" She muttered as she placed her hand on her belly.
If her pet wasn't in the room, then what did she fuck during the night? Bart waved his hand in front of
her face.
"Yo, Earth to Lisa. You okay?" He snapped his fingers, but Lisa didn't respond. All she did was look back into
her bedroom, just in time to see the blankets gently sway over the edge of her bed.
"Whoa." Bart whispered.
"So Bart kills me, and you have me fuck some sort of monster thinking it's my dog?" Lisa asked, watching
Jessica's face fall. The reverend's daughter felt as if she had suddenly screwed up those long months of
repairing her friendship.
"It.. it was just a story?" Jessica managed to speak.
"Yeah Lis, it's nothing." Bart said. "I mean, I was ripped apart from a demon inside me and Allison was
possessed by a girl who never died." But Lisa wasn't listening to Bart. Instead, she was just staring at
Jessica, fuming at her.
"So you tell that story after talking about how any kids that Bart and I may have would be weirder than
Milhouse?" Jessica didn't say anything. She couldn't even bring herself to look at Lisa. She felt the
feelings of guilt in the pit of her stomach. It had taken so long to earn Lisa's trust and respect, and she'd
thrown it away with a few careless thoughts.
"But at least my kids are going to have a father," Lisa smirked. Jessica lifted her head to face Lisa,
confused at the smirk on her lips.
"You're probably going to get knocked up by some random guy in an alley behind a bar or something. And
if you have a son, then he's going to be the father or his own brother or sister." Jessica looked over at
Bart, who just smirked and winked at her. Slowly, Jessica turned back to Lisa. The spiky haired girl had
her arms crossed above the bell on her saxophone costume, smirking as her act finally dawned on Jessica.
"You little bitch," Jessica grinned. Lisa just nodded. "You smug little devil. You had me thinking that I'd
actually offended you. So you're really not mad with me?" Lisa just shook her head, still smiling.
"No Jess, I'm not. Don't worry, we're still good." It felt like a huge wave of relief washed over the young
Lovejoy girl. She sighed with a smile and as Allison started to poke the dying embers of their fire with a
"You know, it's getting late," she yawned. "We've all told our stories, maybe we should turn in for the
"Oh Allison, you're not getting tired already?" Bart covered his mouth as he acted surprised. "You really
think you're getting to sleep so early with Jessica here? Allison, I am shocked. You should know better
than that."
"Damn right she should," Jessica grinned as she got to her feet. "But Alli is right, it is getting late.. and
cold. Maybe we should take this party inside." Jessica stood up and bent over to reach her tent's zipper,
but he paused and looked back at everyone.
"Oh, and it's my tent. So the number one rule should be obvious." She grinned at her friends as she opened
it up and stepped inside. Straight away, Bart started to unbutton his shirt.
"Bart?" Lisa asked as her brother used his clothing to wipe away the makeup around his eye.
"It's Jessica, Lis. No clothes in her tent, duh?" He sat down on the log as he started to undo his shoelaces.
Meanwhile, Lisa approached Allison and turned around.
"A little help, please?" She asked. Allison nodded and found her zipper at the back of her costume. She
pulled it all the way down and Lisa was able to slide out of her costume. She had to lift her legs one at a
time and slip them out, before pulling the saxophone up and off her body. Meanwhile, Allison and Bart
simply stripped off the rest of their clothes.

Jessica stepped back out into the clearing, holding the flap open to reveal the inside of the tent. All their
bags had been lined up against the far wall, and the sleeping bags opened up and spread out along the
"After you," she smiled and held the tent flap open. Bart and Allison stepped inside, their clothes under
their arms. But Jessica grabbed Lisa's hand as she walked passed.
"I honestly never meant to offend you earlier, about anything. Are you sure we're okay?"
"Yes, Jessica. We're good," Lisa smiled as she placed a kiss on the girl's cheek. "Just get that tongue of
yours ready."
Lisa stepped into the tent as Jessica held her hand to her cheek, just relishing the surprising kiss from
Lisa. She giggled silently to herself as she stepped inside, grinning in eager anticipation as she lowered
the zipper to the ground.

As soon as she lowered the tent's zipper to the floor, Jessica turned around and almost bumped into
Allison. The brunette was watching Bart and Lisa in the middle of the tent. Their naked bodies were
pressed tightly together as their tongues played between their lips. Their hands roamed their bodies.
Lisa, with her arms around her brother's neck, and Bart sliding his hands down his sister's back, his fingers
slipping into the crack between her ass cheeks.
"Whoa, they're really going at it," Allison whispered.
"Yeah. Hot, isn't it?" Jessica asked. Jessica stood beside her, resting her hand on Allison's ass. The brunette
didn't resist her, she was too focused on the siblings making out in front of her. Jessica moved her hand
between her cheeks, tracing her finger over the young girl's hole and down between her legs. Allison
shivered as she felt Jessica's finger run between the lips of her slit, that single digit running back and
forth, almost begging to go inside her.

Bart and Lisa allowed themselves to fall to the padded floor. Lisa rolled Bart onto his back and broke
their kiss. Slowly, she moved down his body, kissing him as she went. She planted her lips down his chest,
along his stomach, and even on his belly button, before she gripped his shaft and placed a soft smooch on
the tip of his dick. She let the kiss linger, circling the head of Bart's penis with her tongue. Bart propped
himself up on his elbow and ran his fingers through Lisa's hair. Slowly Lisa pushed her lips down, and Bart
groaned as his shaft vanished inside her mouth. Meanwhile, a soft gasp escaped Allison's lips as Jessica's
middle finger slipped inside her. She eased it in and out inside of her, slowly fucking the warm, moist hole
with her finger. Jessica bit her lip as she could only imagine the sight of it, but just like Allison, her eyes
were focused on the incestuous blow job in front of them.

"Oh fuck sis.. ." Bart groaned as he tilted his head back. He closed his eyes and let his mouth hang open, just
enjoying the feeling of his little sister's mouth around him. Lisa bobbed her head up and down, squeezing
him with her lips. She wrapped her hand around him and started to jerk him off at the same time. With
her fingers at her mouth, her fist and lips would sink down his shaft, and she moved her other hand
between her legs. She groaned around her brother's dick as she slipped a finger into her depths, just as
Jessica pulled hers out of Allison.
"I've got an idea." Jessica grinned as she sucked her finger clean of Allison's flavour. She whispered into
her ear, and Allison's cheeks turned a bright red. But she nodded in agreement, and Jessica gave her a
soft kiss on the lips
"That's my girl," she whispered.
Allison dropped to her hands and knees, and she crawled over to Bart. When he opened his eyes, her
upside-down face filled his vision.
"Well hello there," Bart grinned. He lowered his back down onto the sleeping bags as Allison greeted him
in a kiss. Her tongue slipped into his mouth just like Lisa's had done moments ago. And behind her, on her
knees, Jessica placed her hands firmly on the girl's ass. Bending at her waist, Jessica pressed her tongue
to her clit. With a long, slow lick, Jessica dragged her tongue all the way up to Allison's little pucker.
The brunette shuddered into her kiss with Bart as Jessica moved her head back down to start again.
After a few more licks, Jessica buried her tongue inside her pussy. She'd never admit it, but Jessica
thought that this pussy tasted the sweetest, better than Lisa's or her own. She loved Lisa's slit and would
never turn down the opportunity to eat it out, but Allison just carried a very desirable flavour. It was a
pussy that Jessica would quite happily bury her tongue in for a day, just basking and licking up all the
delicious juices that this girl could produce.

Bart's climax was rapidly approaching. He had his sister sucking his dick, while making out with her best
friend. At only ten years old, he considered himself as one of the luckiest guys in the world. He placed
both his hands on his sister's head to hold her head down. He wanted to shoot his spunk straight down her
throat. While Lisa would normally happily swallow a load from her brother's balls, tonight she had other
plans. She pushed Bart's hands away and pulled her lips back so her mouth would only house the tip of her
brother's shaft. His cum erupted in her mouth, spraying over her tongue and splashing against the back of
her throat. But Lisa didn't swallow, deciding to hold Bart's seed between her cheeks instead. Once his
orgasm had died down, Lisa slipped her lips from his shaft. She held his seed behind her tightly pressed
lips as she walked around her brother. She gripped Allison's shoulder, pulled her out of her kiss, and
rolled her over onto her back.
"Hey! Lisa, what the hell?" Jessica cried, who had to duck out of the way to avoid being hit by Allison's
flailing leg. Lisa said nothing. Instead, she dropped to her knees and leaned down over her friend. She
pressed her lips to Allison's, sharing her brother's cum in a passionate kiss. Bart, who had rolled over onto
his shoulder to see what was happening, felt his jaw drop. He could see some of his cum dribble down
Allison's cheek, having seeped through the lips of this lesbian kiss.
"Holy.. . damn," he whispered. Lisa was kissing Allison almost the same way Allison kissed Bart. Not quite
upside down, but still at an angle. Blood quickly returned to Bart's softening cock as he scrambled to his
knees. He placed his hands on his sisters ass and eased his dick inside her. Lisa had her hands on Allison's
face as her pussy opened up for her brother's cock. Straight away, she felt him thrust inside of her, her
warm, damp walls hugged his shaft. Bart slapped his hips against Lisa's ass, driving his prick inside his

As much as Jessica enjoyed her tongue in Allison's slit, Allison's position had given her a unique
"What are you doing?" Allison asked, breaking her kiss with Lisa and swallowing what spunk was in her
"I know what she's doing," Lisa grinned, gulping down her share of Bart's cum. "Who knows, you might
enjoy it..
"Oh I know she's going to enjoy it," Jessica grinned as she placed Allison's raised leg over her shoulder.
Jessica eased her crotch against Allison's and began to rub their pussies together. She slipped her fingers
between them to try and pry their lips apart, rubbing the insides of their cunts against each other. The
dampness of their pussies was shared and smeared between them, with Jessica rolling her hips between
Allison's legs. Allison slipped a finger down her stomach to rub her clit, slowly pressing and circling her
finger over the sensitive nubbin. Her other hand was used to pull Lisa back down into their kiss. Their
tongues were quick to pass between their lips. With Bart inside Lisa's pussy, and Jessica pressed against
Allison's, Jessica quickly realised that this was the start of their first orgy.

Allison moaned hotly into her kiss with Lisa. She could feel the soft jerks of her head that were caused
from Bart's thrust. But before too long she felt something different. It was a strange new sensation. It
took her a moment to realise what it was. She opened her eyes and looked towards Jessica, breaking the
kiss as she pulled away from Lisa's mouth.
"Um.. Jessica?" she asked. Jessica opened her eyes. She had her tongue pressed against the sole of Allison's
left foot, halfway up her arch. She had bent Allison's knee and pushed her leg back. But not once did
Jessica lose her rhythm. Her hips continued to rub and roll their pussies together, and Jessica continued
to drag her tongue over the ball of Allison's foot and up to her toes. Slowly, Jessica pulled her head back
as Allison's big toe popped from her mouth.
"What? It was your story that had me doing this, Allison. I just figured I'd try it out."
"Jessica, my story had demons forcing you to give them foot-jobs. It just thought that you'd be a bit
weirdered out by it."
"Well considering that Lisa is hogging the only dick in this tent.. "
"Well it is my brother's. ." Lisa interrupted. But Jessica ignored the comment.
".. I figure that I might as well try the next best thing." Jessica grinned as she dove back into the arch,
dragging her tongue up it once again. She licked underneath Allison's toes and took all four of them into
her mouth, One by one, she let them pop free from her lips.
"Allison, you're talking to a girl who drinks her own piss every day, and would gladly drink the piss of
everyone else in this tent. I reckon this is a pretty mundane kink in comparison. Now hurry up and squirt
on my cunt before I finish, and let me enjoy this." Jessica pressed her tongue back to Allison's foot. She
went to kiss Lisa again, but Lisa moved down the brunette's body. She pressed her pursed lips to Allison's
clit, but after several bumps on her cheek, Lisa decided to press her tongue between the two girls. Their
nubbins rubbed up against the moist mouth muscle as the two young cunts were rubbed together.

It was Jessica who came first. Her mouth free from Allison's foot, she gripped her friend's legs. Her pussy
spasmed over Allison's, squirting her lustful juices over her friend's folds. Jessica fell backwards onto the
sleeping bags, Allison's leg slipping underneath her back. As the reverend's daughter panted in the
aftermath of her climax, Bart buried himself inside his sister. His second orgasm of the night was blasted
into her depths. He lay down gently on Lisa's back, resting his chin at the base of her neck and wrapped
his arms around her chest.
"You're the best sis," he panted. "Did I ever tell you that?"
"Almost every time," Lisa smiled. Bart chuckled and eased himself out of his sister. He slapped her ass
playfully as Lisa got to her feet. She looked over at Jessica, still lying on the floor. She gently traced
her finger up and down her slit as she watched the brother and sister in front of her.
"Now I think it's my turn. Get that tongue ready Jess," Lisa walked over to Jessica and stood above her.
She didn't even give Jessica a chance to nod in agreement. She dropped to her knees and held Jessica's
face firmly between her thighs. Straight away, she felt the tongue part her lips and probe her depths.
Bart's cum began to seep out into her mouth, which Jessica eagerly swallowed. "What about me?" Allison
asked as she sat up. "I haven't cum yet either."
"Don't worry Alli," Bart smirked, using Jessica's nickname for her. "I got you covered." He dropped to his
knees and pushed Allison onto her back. He placed the girl's legs over his shoulder's and his hands under
her ass. He licked Jessica's juices of her slit with his tongue, looking at the girl over her chest as his
tongue dived inside her. Allison came almost straight away, but Bart kept licking her through her climax.
Her hips rose off the ground as she bucked against Bart's mouth. Her hands gripped the sleeping bag below
her as Bart got his first taste of Lisa's friend. Her whole body was rigid for a minute, before finally
collapsing in a sweaty, panting mess. Bart withdrew his tongue, but he kept his head buried between her
legs. He gave Allison a few minutes to recover from her orgasm, before pressing his tongue against her
soaked pussy once more.
"Jessica? Jessica. Time to wake up."
"Huh.. wha?" Jessica slowly opened her eyes, a blurry, naked Lisa filled her vision. "Lisa? What time is it?"
she yawned.
"It's a little after 10. Come on, you should get up. And this tent will probably need to be aired out before
you pack it away too." Jessica rubbed her eyes as she sat up. She had no idea when she fell sleep. All she
remembered was passing out cuddled up with her friends.
"Where's Bart and Allison?" she yawned again.
"They're outside, cooking some breakfast. Come on." Lisa turned and crawled over to the tent flap, but
Jessica called for her to stop.
"Lisa, wait." She said.
"Can you.. zip it closed for a little? And just lie with me for a bit?"
"Please?" Lisa poked her head and arm out of the tent, signalling for her brother and friend to wait for
them a little longer. She pulled herself back inside, zipped up the tent and crawled back to the girl. She
lay next to her, and Jessica snuggled up against her.
"Thank you," Jessica whispered.
"Are you.. are you okay Jess?" Lisa nervously chuckled. Jessica had wrapped her arms around Lisa.
They're naked bodies pressed together in the musty tent. Jessica rubbed her legs and feet over Lisa's, just
enjoying the feeling of being close, actually holding someone and a tender moment. A moment that wasn't
tarnished with sex or lust, but a moment of peacefulness, trust and respect.
"Lisa, I know how I am. I know I come off to you as a slutty, dirty girl. I am, and I love being one. But I've
never had.. this." It took Lisa a few seconds to realise what Jessica meant. An unseen smile crossed her
lips and she wrapped her arms around Jessica's waist.
"Lisa, you and Bart have given me a second chance. And in doing so, opened up a whole new world for me.
A world where I don't have to lie or cheat to get my way. With you and Bart, and even Allison, I can
just be myself around you. I don't have to hide my ways.. or be ashamed of what I love doing." Jessica had
her face buried in Lisa's shoulder, and Lisa felt a small drop of moisture brush over her skin.
"Jessica, are you crying?" shamelessly, Jessica nodded. She paused to sniffle, and Lisa brushed the tear
away from her cheek.
"After what I did to Bart, I don't deserve your forgiveness. But I'm glad that you gave it to me. And I'm
glad that we're all friends. I've never felt this way towards anyone before. After the whole collection
plate incident, you and Bart were the first to actually open up to me. Sure, the others were there in your
house and the mayor's office, but I wanted to be friends with you and your brother. Allison was just a
bonus. I love the girl, but it was you and Bart that I wanted.
"Jessica.. . are you saying.. "
Lisa, I've never felt this way towards someone before, let alone two people. I love you and Bart, I really
do. I love how I can act around you, I love that you've trusted me with your secret, and there's a part of
me wishes that the three of us could be together. So I just wanted to say thank you. For everything."
Jessica opened her eyes and lifted her head. She planted a soft kiss on Lisa's smiling lips.
"You're welcome, Jessica." Lisa spoke softly, holding her friend close in her arms.

"So Allison and I were talking," Bart began as Lisa and Jessica finally emerged from the tent, "and we
think there should be another round of Truth or Dare over New Years."
"You did mention it last night, Jessica." Allison nodded in agreement as Jessica sat down.
"Don't worry guys, I'm way ahead of you."
"You are?" Lisa asked as she sat down next to Bart, helping herself to a spoonful of his cereal.
"Yep. I've ordered an extra naughty deck of Truth or Dare cards, one of the nastiest I can find. And I've
decided that I'm not even going to open them before the game. So not even I'll know what'll happen.
"Extra naughty? You think you can resist that for two months?" Lisa asked, chuckling. She meant it purely
as a joke, but Jessica was serious.
"Lisa, you think up of a punishment, any punishment. If I don't come to this game with a deck of cards still
wrapped in their plastic, then I promise I'll submit to whatever your mind can come up with." Jessica held
out her hand. "Do we have a deal?" Lisa's smile faded, it was only now she realised how determined Jessica
actually was. "If I know nothing about these cards, then we can all be surprised."
"Alright Jess," Lisa said as she took her hand in a firm shake. "You've got a deal."
"So where are we playing this year? Quimby's office again?" Jessica just shook her head.
"Don't worry Bart. I know just the place."
The End

A Trilogy of Erotic Terror

Jessica led Lisa and Allison up the dirt path to the old house on the hill. It late at night, foggy, and a
soft chill filled the air. Lisa was the only one smart enough to wear a jacket. They each held a flashlight
firmly in their grasp as their legs carried them up the path. The old rusty gate out the front squeaked as
they pushed it open. The full moon was high in the sky clear night sky and there was an eerie mist that
covered the ground. As they approached the two story house, a wolf howled in the distance and several
bats scattered and flew from the dead tree in the front yard.
“Are.. are you sure we should be here?” Allison asked, trembling as she constantly looked around her. She
couldn’t help but feel that she was being watched, that there was some strange presence looming over
her. Jessica just rolled her eyes.
“Come on Alli,” she said, using her own nickname for her. “You’re not scared are you? You’re smart enough
to know that there’s no such thing as ghosts.”
“Leave her alone Jessica,” Lisa said as she swung her flashlight over the windows. “We know that ghosts
aren’t real. But you can’t deny there’s still something spooky about this place.”
“It’s like something out of a horror story,” Allison said in a hushed voice. “How’d I even let you talk me
into this?”
“Because it’s Halloween and you lost the bet,” Jessica winked at Allison.
“Honestly Allison," Lisa was a little irritated. "I don’t know why you even agreed to it. Of course you
were going to cum first. You know Jessica’s tongue can get us both off in a couple of minutes. You had no
chance of beating her.” Lisa would have preferred to be trick or treating, but she still decided to follow
her girlfriends to the creepy house.
“Well, I thought that with the practice that you and I had done.. ” Allison said as she let her voice
trailed off. Jessica had wanted to give her girlfriends a proper Halloween experience and gambled the
nights’ activities on it. She won, so she brought them to the house. Jessica turned to Allison and forced a
deep kiss on her lips. Her hand slipped through the waistband of Allison’s dress, panties and her fingers
into her slit. Lisa couldn’t help but feel a little jealous of the sudden display of affection. Jessica’s touch,
to them, was almost magical. There was just something about her that ticked all their boxes. Jessica could
be cruel, evil and even heartless. Yet she always made sure to leave Lisa and Allison extremely satisfied
when she snuck into their rooms at night.
“I’m still proud of you for coming out Alli,” Jessica said once she broke the kiss. “And you know I’m going
to make it up to you when we get home.” Allison shuddered as Jessica pulled her finger from her slit. She
suddenly felt so empty without it inside her. Jessica slipped the finger into her mouth and sucked
Allison’s taste from her skin. There was no denying Jessica’s love of pussy.
“Can we.. can we just get this over with, please?” Lisa pleaded. She didn't like the creepy vibe that she felt
from the house. She scanned the windows with her flashlight once again, hesitating over one of them. She
could have sworn she saw those curtains move..
“Well I’m going to make sure I have some fun,” Jessica said as she stood at the front door. She pulled her
dress over her head and removed the shirt underneath. She kicked off her shoes and peeled her socks of
her feet.
“Oh God Jessica, do you have to do this naked?” Lisa asked, rolling her eyes.
“Come on Lisa, you know I prefer to be this way. And besides, this’ll make it much more exciting. I don’t
suppose that you two want to shed the clothes?” It was more of a suggestion than a question, but both
Lisa and Allison shook their heads.
“You two are no fun,” she subtly mocked. Jessica gathered her clothes and found a decent sized rock to pin
them under by the porch. The cool wind nipped at her body and she let out a little shiver, but she wasn’t
going to let the cold air spoil her fun. With the flashlight in one hand and the door knob in the other,
Jessica took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

It seemed to be colder inside the house than it was outside. The only light was that of the moon shining
through the windows and the open door. The three girls shone their torches into the large living room
before them. Every piece of furniture had a sheet over it, and every surface was covered in a thick layer
of dust.
"Hello?" Jessica called out into the darkness, but there was no response. As Allison closed the door behind
them, Jessica lead them inside. The floorboards creaked loudly under her bare feet. The three circles of
light continued to shine around the large room as the girls explored their surroundings. There was no
sign that anyone had lived in the house for quite some time.
"Well, I think this place will do quite nicely," Jessica nodded as she put her hands on her hips. Allison and
Lisa gave each other a quizzical look.
"Jess, what do you mean?" Lisa cautiously asked.
"Come on Lisa, I thought you'd be smart enough to see the value in this place. We're always sneaking
around to each other’s houses for our fun. But what if we came here instead? We've got the whole house
to ourselves to be as loud as we want."
"But.. this place is supposed to be haunted," Allison said as she stepped closer to Lisa.
"Pffft," Jessica waved her hand. "Allison, you know there are no such thing as ghos.. . aaaaahhhhhhhhhh.. . "
Jessica screams filled the room as she fell through a trap door that had opened beneath her feet. Lisa
quickly dove for the opening to try and grab Jessica’s hand, but it had slid shut before she reached the
ground. She put the end of the flashlight between her teeth and, with Allison, frantically searched for a
way to open the hidden door. But even with their torches they could barely make out the thin gap in the
floor, let alone find a way to open it again. There was a creaking sound behind them as another door
seemingly opened on its own. Both girls quickly jerked their heads toward the sound. Lisa took the
flashlight from her mouth as she stood. She and Allison took another look around the room and they
couldn’t see any other way out.
“Well, I guess we’re going this way,” Lisa said as she made her way to the door.

Lisa's Night
Lisa's Night
As soon as Lisa stepped through the doorway, it shut itself behind her. She jumped as it slammed and she
immediately spun around to look behind her. There was no evidence of a door there at all. She ran her
hand over the wall under her flashlight. There was no knob, no handle, not even a crack. She was staring
at a solid wall.
“ALLISON?” Lisa yelled at the wall. “ALLISON, CAN YOU HEAR ME?” There was no response. Lisa pressed
her ear to the wall, and started to pound her fist against the vertical surface.
“ALLISON!! ” she cried again, but there was no response from the young brunette. If Allison was still on
the other side, she couldn’t hear her. Lisa turned back around to inspect the room. She had to find a way
back to Allison and Jessica. Save for her torch and a single window, the room was pitch black. The
moonlight from the clear night sky illuminated a small patch on the floor, but there was darkness
everywhere else. Lisa felt herself trembling as she scanned the room with the flashlight. In the centre of
the floor was a single wooden chair. It stood on its own in the room, alone with no other furniture Lisa
felt a little nervous as she continued to cautiously explore the room. She heard a small thud and jerked
the light back to the chair. It was now lying on the floor. Lisa’s brain reached a horrifying conclusion; she
wasn’t alone. There had to be another person hiding somewhere in the dark. Lisa felt someone move
behind her and she quickly spun around. The circle of light from her torch travelled over the walls as
she desperately tried to find this person.
"If this is some kind of prank," she called out into the darkness, "it’s. . it’s not funny. Just.. show yourself.”
Lisa waited and searched for any sign of life within the room. Whoever this person was, he or she
remained hidden. Somehow they had avoided the torch as Lisa was sure she’d swept every inch of the
room, from top to bottom. The light fell back onto the chair, now upside down and spinning perfectly on
one leg by an unseen force. Lisa was getting really scared and she knew she had to get out. She put the
flashlight in her mouth, picked up the chair by its legs, and carried it to the window. She would break the
glass, climb out into the yard, and make her way back to the front of the house to meet up with Allison.
But as Lisa lifted the chair and started to swing, she felt it being pulled from her grasp. Lisa spun around
and grabbed the torch from between her teeth. She franticly searched for the chair as she felt something
cold wrap around her leg. She had enough time to angle the light down to her foot and see nothing on her
skin before she was pulled to the floor.
“Whaaaaaa... ” she cried as she fell. The torch was dropped from her grasp and landed on beside her. Lisa
reached to grab it but was pulled away as her fingertips slid from the metal tube. Lisa felt cold hands on
her legs, two sets of four fingers rubbing and sliding over her yellow skin. She franticly kicked to try and
escape the grasp of the unseen person, but she found it to be incredibly strong. She watched in horror as
her attacker came into view. But it wasn’t as if he was stepping into the light, he was actually taking
shape in front of her. The ghostly figure simply faded into existence, his hands still around her legs and
holding them firmly. But she could actually feel his grasp. She saw his transparent face smile at her
before she was rolled over. The strange figure had two eyes, a nose and a mouth, nothing distinctive at
all. Even through the fabric of her dress, she felt the chilling touch. His fingers ran down her back and
over her ass. Lisa started to feel a little bit colder, but not from the chilling touch. It felt more as if.. as
if her dress was removed. She looked behind her and, sure enough, the ghostly man had lifted her red
dress. The spiked hem lay on her lower back, scrunched and out of the way. His hands then turned to her
underpants. His palms lay cupped over her panty-clad ass, squeezing her cheeks gently in his grasp.
“Please, don’t do this,” Lisa whimpered. But the ghost either didn’t hear her or chose to ignore her. His
fingers dipped into the waistband of her panties and he slowly slid them down her legs. Lisa wanted to
fight back, but she felt herself powerless against the supernatural being. Lisa was still relatively new to
the idea of sex, as she had only been dating and exploring with Allison and Jessica for a little over a
month. However in that time, she still found herself on the receiving end of Jessica’s strap-on. Her hymen
was broken with Allison looking on, shortly before Allison too lost hers. And as the transparent, yet
solid shaft formed between the ghosts’ legs, Lisa found herself wondering if it would be any different.

Lisa was on her stomach, dress rolled up and panties tossed aside. The ghost shifted himself on top of her.
His shaft sent a sudden chill through Lisa’s body as it brushed up against her lips. Just like the touch of
his fingertips, his shaft felt cold against her body, eerily cold. Lisa knew about rape, and that it was about
to happen to her. But she also remembered how she felt after Jessica had started to fuck her. The first
few minutes were uncomfortable, but then it started to feel really, really good. She was hoping for the
same feelings. The ghost reached under Lisa’s head and gripped her chin. With one quick solid thrust, Lisa
felt the icy spire fill her young depths. The ghost didn’t let her relax around him or get used to his
length, he started to fuck her straight away. He was going too hard for her as tears began to form in her
eyes. The ghost was hard and rough, not giving a second thought to Lisa’s comfort. Each thrust sent that
eerie chill throughout her body. Lisa had no choice but to lie there and let her body accept his dick.

As the minutes went on, Lisa found the pain becoming more bearable. She was starting to find some small
amounts of pleasure in this heinous act, despite the icy chills within her cunt. After another minute or
so, the pain had completely dulled away. Lisa’s tears had dried up and her look of discomfort had turned
into one of enjoyment and pleasure. Each thrust brought the ghost closer and closer to the edge, and each
thrust brought a new chill and a new wave of pleasure to her body.
“Ohhh, yes. Come on, do me hard spirit boy,” Lisa was finally starting to enjoy it as the ghost pulled out
from her cunt. He rolled her over before forcing himself right back in. He lifted her legs and wrapped
them around his ghostly finger. His lips met hers and Lisa’s mouth was greeted with an icy kiss. She didn’t
care how cold it felt, but the chill seemed to make it more exciting and enjoyable. His hips were now
almost a blur as he fucked her faster and faster. But a sudden thought struck Lisa’s mind. Could ghost’s
actually cum? But before she could give it too much thought, the ghost hilted himself inside of her. Lisa
felt something erupt inside her, flooding her insides with the icy feeling. Was this cum? Or maybe it was
some sort of ectoplasm? Regardless, Lisa couldn’t help but enjoy the feeling it brought her. The spirit
looked down into her eyes and leaned in to kiss her, but instead he moved to the side of her head. He just
lay on top of Lisa, still buried within her, as he whispered into her ear.
“You can take me with you,” he uttered. Lisa looked at him as he started to dematerialize, but she could
still feel him in her cunt. His ghostly form seemed to break apart into millions of tiny particles. Lisa
watched with wonder as the pieces started to spin in a whirlpool between her legs. She kept them open
and apart as the whirlpool seemed to vanish inside her used pussy. In less than a minute it had spiralled
down and vanished in her depths. Lisa was once again alone in the dark room. She reached for the
flashlight and quickly found her panties. As she slipped them on her legs, she could feel the icy chill of
the ghost living inside her. She gently patted her stomach.
“I can’t wait to show you to my girlfriends,” Lisa whispered. She found the chair and used it to break the
window. She carefully climbed out and made her way back to the front door to meet up with Allison.

Jessica's Night
Jessica's Night
The trap door started as a short drop before angling off and turning into a slide. Jessica landed in a bush
with a soft thud. She stood up and brushed herself off.
"Maybe I shouldn’t have left my clothes at the front door," she muttered as she rubbed her ass. Jessica
looked around in her surroundings. She landed in a small courtyard in the centre of the house. There
were bushes that lined the walls of the building, and the moon hung in the night sky above her. In the
middle of the courtyard was a single tree, surrounded by cold, wet and lush grass. Jessica shivered at the
feeling of it under her bare feet. She looked up at the windows that overlooked the courtyard. Some
were open, some had curtains drawn. It excited her to think that anyone could be looking down upon her
naked body, but the feeling of being watched in a place like this still made her nervous. Jessica made her
way up to the tree. She placed her hand on its trunk. Even though she stood in an enclosed courtyard, the
tree alone gave her the thrill of being naked outdoors. She wished that Lisa and Allison would share her
desires. She’d fingered herself countless times to the thought of the three of them naked in the backyard
in the middle of the night.
Jessica’s light fell upon a stone tablet that had been dug into the ground. The inscription on it was
written in Latin and she couldn’t understand the words. She got down onto her hands and knees for a
closer look, shining her light on the engraved plaque.
Amor et melle et felle est fecundissimu
Jessica struggled to form the words with her mouth, but she wasn’t able to pronounce them correctly.
“Am.. amer? Amore? Amore.. et.. mel... et.. ” As she spoke, seven thick vines rose up out of the ground all
around her. She was so engrossed in the phrase that they escaped her attention. They slithered slowly
along the grass like snakes towards her nude body. One of the vines slid up against her foot, breaking
Jessica’s concentration. She looked behind her and shone the light on the ground.
“What the.. ?” was all she could say before two of the vines wrapped around her ankles. Another two
attacked and secured themselves around her wrists.
“Hey.. .what’s going on?” Jessica struggled against the plant as it lifted her into the air. She was suspended
above the ground as the other three vines slid up her legs. One of them hovered in front of her face. The
vine had no noticeable features, only a small hole at the tip. Despite the lack of eyes, the tendril seemed
to be looking over Jessica. It was just standing in front of her, almost as if it was examining her. Jessica
didn’t know what to expect. Her instinct was screaming inside for her to try and shake herself free, but
Jessica remained as still as she could. The vine moved closer to her face, the tip rubbing up against
Jessica’s cheek. She felt a little uncomfortable, but could not do anything to prevent the tentacle from
actually touching her. The tip moved up her forehead, rubbing gently and tracing a path down her nose.

Jessica suddenly became aware of something warm and sticky on her face. It seemed to trail along behind
the vine over her skin. It dripped down the bridge of her nose and was dragged across her lips. She could
both smell and taste it. It was something that Jessica was all too familiar with, there was no mistaking
it. It was cum. The vine moved back as Jessica stared at it. The small hole was dripping with white semen.
Jessica smiled as she looked at the other two vines standing up beside the first one. She knew where this
was going, and she knew that this was going to be a once in a life time experience.. literally. Jessica did
the only thing she could do, she opened her mouth. The vine almost flew past her lips, thrusting itself
between her lips. Jessica’s mouth was so full, she could hardly close her jaw. The vine felt impossibly
tough, almost as if it were made of organic metal. The tendril started to pump in and out of her mouth,
each pump let loose a squirt of weird, plant cum into the back of Jessica’s throat. And the reverend’s
daughter was only too happy to swallow it down.

Jessica moaned around the intruder in her mouth. The vine continued to pump past her lips as the other
two started to rub their tips against her stomach. The strange cum was traced over her skin, making her
feel the soft chill in the air. The tendrils holding her wrists moved them behind her back and held them
there, dripping cum over the palms of her hands. One of the other vines slid up alongside her leg. It
moved like lightning, aiming for the small hole between her yellow cheeks. It began to rapidly pump in
and out of her back door, smearing warm seed along her inner walls. Jessica had used her toy in her ass
more times than she could remember, so anal sex was nothing new to her. Yet she always clenched down
with each intruder, it was something that she just couldn’t help. But that didn’t make it any harder for
the vine as it only seemed to force itself deeper inside. Jessica took another look at the windows that
surrounded the courtyard. In her aroused state, she’d probably cum straight away if she saw someone
watching her. More and more cum was pumped into her stomach, ass and over her hands and fingers.

The third and final tentacle eased its way up her leg. She felt it squirt over her soaked cunt before it
rammed inside of her. Jessica wished that she could be recording this, but she had to settle for the image
of herself in her mind. She could barely make any sounds to express the pleasure that this plant was
giving her. With thick vines buried in her mouth, pussy and ass, this was a dream come true for her. She’d
watched and read tentacle porn on the internet, but she’d never expect to actually do it. The vines were
fucking her at an incredible speed. Cum was dripping from her holes and sliding down her legs as the vines
seemed to have a never ending supply of seed.
Jessica didn’t know how long she was suspended in the air for, nor did she know how many times she had
cum. After four monstrous orgasms, she began to lose count. Two more vines rose from the ground and
hovered above Jessica’s chest. They rubbed against her flat mounds, leaking cum over her perky pink
nipples. They painted her chest and stomach with cum before moving up to coat her face and hair in the
sticky substance. But eventually, the vines slowly pulled out. Jessica was lowered to the ground and the
tendrils around her wrists and ankles unwrapped themselves and slid away. The vines from her ass and
mouth removed themselves and sunk back into the ground.
“What about you?” Jessica jokingly asked, looking down at the one still buried in her cunt. The girl was
exhausted, sore and worn out. She’d never been fucked in all three holes before. She could taste nothing
but cum, and she could almost feel it swimming around inside of her. She wiped her eyes as the vine
slowly pulled from her snatch. It gave one last thick spurt of seed across her stomach before it too
retreated back into the ground. And just like that, the courtyard was quiet again. Jessica slowly
struggled to her feet, feeling something against her stomach. She gripped it in her hand and looked it
over. The final spurt gave her a seed, literally. She beamed as she looked it over in the soft moonlight.
She could actually grow one of these plants herself. As she looked it over, a door opened itself up next to
the bush she landed in. She took one last look at the tree before she walked back inside to join the others,
the seed firmly in her clenched hand.

Allison's Night
Allison's Night
“JESSICA!” Allison screamed as she fell to her hands and knees, but the trap door had sealed shut. Lisa
held her flashlight between her teeth as she and Allison tried to open it again. But in the dark they
could barely make out the thin gap in the floor, let alone find a way to open it again. Allison stood up and
looked around the room with Lisa. A door seemingly opened up on its own behind them.
“Well, I guess we’re going this way,” Lisa said as she made her way to the opening. But as soon as Lisa
stepped through the doorway, it shut itself behind her. Allison stepped back only just in time to avoid the
door slamming on her face. She fell back on her ass and she quickly found her flashlight. She pointed it at
the door, or rather where the door used to be.
"Lisa?" she asked as she stood up. She reached for the door handle, only to find that there wasn't one. She
took a step back and looked over the vertical surface. There was no sign of the door.
"LISA!" Allison screamed as she banged her fists against the wall. There was no response, either she was
somehow in a different part of the house or the wall was just too thick. Allison stepped back, she was
starting to panic. She was left scared and alone in a haunted house. The slightest sound would cause her
to jerk her head in a different direction.
"Oh, what do I do? What do I do?" she was starting to panic, she couldn't think straight.
"Okay, okay. Just calm down Allison, just take a deep breath and think," the brunette shut her eyes and
took that deep breath. The idea just popped into her head.
"I have to get some help. Maybe someone's got an axe or a chainsaw or something," she slowly made her
way to the front door. She gripped the handle, pulled it open.. and froze. This wasn't the front of the
house. The dead trees, the foggy path, the lights of Springfield, it was all gone. Instead she was looking
over a large yard and a tall wooden fence surrounding it. A single dead tree stood eerily in the
moonlight and a large stone gargoyle sat in the corner of the yard. Allison was stunned. She was sure
that this was the door she’d just come through. She slowly closed the door and swung it back open. The
back yard was still there. Allison swung the light around the room. This was definitely the front door,
the same one that she, Lisa and Jessica had walked through minutes ago.
“How.. how is this possible?” She asked herself as she stepped outside and the door slammed shut behind
her. Allison spun and grabbed the knob. Unlike the door inside, this one did not disappear on her. However,
the door had locked itself and trapped her outside. Allison ran to the wall in hopes of trying to climb it,
not noticing that the stone gargoyle had moved. It first kneeled with its hands under its chin, and
kneeled now with its arms outright as if it were beckoning the girl to him.

The walls were too high and too smooth for Allison to climb them, and the tree was too far away for her
to jump from its branches. This left her with only one option, the stone gargoyle. She gripped its
outstretched arms and swung on them, forcing all her weight onto the statue. If she was going to climb it,
she wanted to make sure it could hold her weight. Satisfied, she stood on its knees and gripped its horns
in her hands. One at a time, she placed her feet on its arms followed by her right knee on his shoulder. It
never occurred to her that her crotch was almost in her face. But she got the shock of her life when the
stone statue moved and grabbed her around her waist. The gargoyle spread his wings and took to the
skies, flying the terrified Allison Taylor over the lights of Springfield.
“NO! NOOOOOO! Put me down, take me back!” Allison pleaded and struggled with the gargoyle, but he
ignored her. The flying statue had a firm, yet gentle grip on her. Allison was in no danger of slipping and
falling to her death. But as she struggled, she felt one of his hands slip under her dress. She didn’t give it
too much thought until.. until she felt something inside her. The gargoyle had pulled her panties aside
and slipped his finger into her depths. He grinned as he looked down on his passenger with glowing red
eyes. His arm vanished under the fabric. Only a few seconds ago she wanted to be back on the ground, but
this finger had given her second thoughts. She still remembered (and could feel) Jessica’s finger when she
slipped it inside her out the front of the house. Allison’s fear and panic vanished, replaced by soft moans
around the intruding digit. Jessica had found that it didn’t take much to set Allison going, sometimes
even a small kiss was all it took. Allison started to roll her hips over the gargoyles’ finger, while his
other hand slid underneath her shirt and up to her chest. He was made of stone, but he had an incredibly
soft touch. Allison rested her head against his shoulder as she rode his finger, braving the heights to use
his arms to push herself up and down his finger. Within minutes, she felt the familiar feeling of orgasm
overtake her. Without thinking, she turned her head to kiss the gargoyle. His stone lips and tongue
eagerly accepted hers as he flew back to the roof of the house.
“Don’t think we’re done yet big boy,” Allison grinned as she unhooked her skirt. She could see the
gargoyle’s member poking out from between her legs. It was bigger than Jessica’s toy, but she had a
feeling he’d go as slow as she needed. She kicked off her shoes and slid her panties down her legs. Now
completely bottomless, Allison threw herself into another kiss with the stone creature. His cock rubbed
up against her slit as she glistened it with her moistness. A small sexual touch was enough to get her
damp, but she’d be soaked by the time she got into it. The gargoyle grinned at her as their kiss broke and
lay back down onto the roof. He pulled Allison down with him and shielded her with his large wings. His
rock hard shaft was positioned against her slit and he slowly slipped it inside her.

Allison almost came again on the spot. Her new lover was so thick and so hard, yet he felt so smooth. She
found her pussy to almost suck him in, her depths easily opening for the magical stone creature. The
gargoyle started to pump her up and down his shaft, each time he introduced a little but more of his
shaft to her insides. Allison came again before she took it all, and the extra lubrication of her juices
helped to lower her to the hilt. The toy that took her virginity was seven inches. This gargoyle had at
least nine.
“Oh yeah, Jessica’s going to love you.. .”Allison groaned as she was lifted and slammed along the entire
length. The gargoyles wings were folded over her, and he felt surprisingly warm despite being made out
of stone, almost like he was emitting body heat.

Allison’s eyes rolled upwards as her tongue hung from her mouth. The magical creature pumped her much
more fiercely now, much harder and much faster. For Allison, her new partner brought her nothing short
of ecstasy. Her folds eagerly welcomed the new shaft between them. She gripped against his arms as she
clenched her toes. The gargoyle slammed into her one last time as she came again, while her new lover’s
shaft erupted with thick, hot spurts of cum. His seed had a slight, rough sandy feel to it, but Allison didn’t
care. No one had ever cum inside her before, so she assumed the feeling was normal. She hugged the
gargoyle as it kissed her forehead and spread his wings. He grabbed her clothes and shoes in his hand and
took off into the air once more.

"Jessica! Oh my god, what happened to you?” Lisa asked as she walked though the front door of the house.
Jessica greeted her with a very satisfied grin on her face. She had cum dripping from her face, chest,
pussy and pooling at her feet.
“It was something I thought I’d never do in my entire life Lisa,” Jessica said as she opened her hand to
show her the seed. “And now we can do it as often as we want. What happened while I was gone? Where’s
Allison?” Jessica asked as she looked around.
“After you fell through the trap door, another door opened and we went to explore. It shut right behind
me and Allison and I were separated. I met a very friendly ghost who then decided to move inside me,”
Lisa gently petted her stomach, unable to actually feel the sprit living inside her. She looked back up at
Jessica, who was staring off behind her.
“Jessica?” Lisa asked before she turned around to see what Jessica was looking at.
The gargoyle landed on the front steps of the house and pulled Allison from his cock. He put her down
onto shaky legs and feet. It took a few seconds to regain her balance, but she ran over to Jessica and
planted as massive kiss on her lips. After a few short seconds of making out she moved and pressed a kiss
on Lisa, who just as surprised and taken as Jessica was.
“Alright Ally, what happened with you?” Jessica asked. “I was fucked by a plant and I think Lisa met
Casper. Is that your friend outside?” Jessica pointed at the gargoyle as he lifted his hand and waved.
Allison put her arms around Lisa and Jessica, pulling them both in against her.
“Jessica, you’re going to love him. He’s our friend now.”

Mindy's Revenge

Mindy's Revenge
Mindy Simmons hated to lose. At anything. She knew she was better than Marge Simpson in all possible
fields. The sexy redhead was younger, hotter, had stunning red hair and larger, firmer breasts. She also
had a cock; eight inches of yellow shemale meat throbbing for Homer. Yet, he had rejected her advances
for his wife.
That Bitch!
She’d turned to drink, growing more and more bitter. She beat off every night and sprayed her own
breasts with cum while calling Homer’s name. She had to have him. The only way was to remove the one
obstacle: Marge Bouvier Simpson.
One night she sat watching a horror movie, and as the bad guy slaughtered his way through the dumb
teenagers who repeatedly backed into him, had sex or did drugs, she realised her cock was getting hard
again. The killer was trailing a blue haired Gothic girl through the dark house, garrotting cord at the
The little Goth was terrified, sweat and tears making her white and black make up run. Mindy
unbuttoned her jeans and shuffled them down so that her cock sprang up. She lightly gripped her balls and
began to stroke her cock as she eagerly watched the screen. Her soft hand had never felt so good against
the silky foreskin as it did now.
The blue haired girl reached the door, seeing escape. She reached for the handle when the garrotte came
down over her neck. The killer’s face was hidden behind a ski mask, but the Goth’s was wide with horror as
she struggled for breath. She was a very convincing actress. Mindy’s hand flew up and down her cock as
she watched the killed lift the goth off the air, choking the life from her small frame with an iron grip.
The Goth struggled violently to start with, causing her top to drop and reveal her pierced left nipple.
The breast shook and shuddered while the masked villain impassively kept up the pressure. Mindy
grunted, firing her shemale spunk high into the air as the girl’s struggles slowed. She kept jerking,
spraying her crotch, jeans and the sofa and floor with her powerful climax while the girl "died" on screen.
She knew then what she had to do. She had to kill Marge Simpson – then Homer would be hers, filling her
ass with his cock every night. Spraying her pretty red hair, her open mouth, her breasts with his cum.
Mindy beat off twice more that night, thinking about Marge Simpson. About killing the bitch!
Mindy watched from the bushes as Homer, Bart and Lisa piled into Homer’s car. The three VIP Circus
tickets they’d "won" from a competition Homer didn’t remember entering would keep them out for hours.
Mindy felt her cock twitch as she gazed lovingly at Homer.
The hot little shemale waited longer, as surrounding houses emptied of neighbours who’d also won
different competitions (and Ned and family left to answer the call of a fellow Christian in distant Iowa).
She also saw Marge Simpson put down the baby in one of the upper bedrooms, and then come downstairs.
She watched through the window as Marge sat down to write a letter.
It was time.
Mindy’s cock was so hard as she thought about what she was going to do. She wore thigh length crimson
leather boots with high heels, a red leather bra, and a full-head leather mask with holes on the eyes,
nose, and mouth. Her red hair emerged from a hole at the back. She wore elbow length leather gloves
with metal bars built into them, giving the effect of a loaded boxing glove. That gear, aside from the
spiked leather dog collar, was all she wore. She carried a bag with a set of ‘street clothes’ (having
changed in the bushes) and some tools in her left hand, and a key in the other.
Mindy checked the street. It was quiet. She walked around the front of the house and put the key gently
into the lock. Quiet as a mouse, she opened the front door and re-locked it behind her. Copying Homer’s
keys had been easy, she thought. In the bright light of the hall she looked down between the curves of
her breasts at her straining cock.
Mindy walked into the main room of the Simpsons’ house, and around to stand behind where Marge was
engrossed in her letter to the PTA. Mindy dropped her bag to the floor, and waited for the housewives
reaction. Marge turned in her chair to be faced with the masked shemale. She opened her mouth to
scream, and Mindy hit her right in it with a gloved fist.
Teeth and Blood were knocked from Marge’s face. Her head was jarred back on her neck, and as it bounced
forward again, Mindy let her have it with the other fist. Marge’s nose exploded bloodily, splattering
Mindy along with her own cloves. Marge slumped forward, sobbing through broken teeth.
Mindy twisted Marge’s chair round, and took a firm grip of the housewives blue hair. She drew back her
fist again, and then Pummelled Marge’s eye with quick jabs. She sobbing woman grabbed ineffectually at
Mindy’s arm, crying out in time with each blow.
Mindy was in heaven. She thought she was going to cum just from beating Marge. Just from taking her
revenge on the bitch! SMACK! The whore! THUMP! The Slut, who’d kept Homer from her! BANG! BANG!
That was it. She kept her grip on Marge’s hair, but wrapped her hand around her cock. She pumped it
twice, and then unleashed a torrent of shemale spunk into the bloody mess Marge’s face had become. She
took care to aim into the woman’s swollen eye sockets and her open mouth. Marge choked when the
Mindy’s cumshot splashed the back of her mouth, coughing heavily as her assailant finished off the
powerful climax.
Mindy’s cock had only wilted slightly; she smiled under the mask. Marge clutched at her face and pleaded
incoherently for mercy. She shemale reached into her bag with bloody gloves (the street clothes being
sealed in a bag), and drew out a sharp knife. She turned back to Marge and slashed downwards. The blade
cleaved down Marge’s green dress, leaving a thin red line the length of her torso.
The fabric opened to each side, her slashed bra hanging loose also, so that Mindy could see all the way
down to the strands of Marge’s thick dark bush peaking over the elastic of her panties band. Mindy just
knew the bitch dyed!
Marge yelped at the fresh pain, and tried to bring her dress back together. Mindy ignored her, instead
using the knife to slash open the bottom part, to cut loose Marge’s panties. Once it was hanging it off, she
slashed at Marge’s belly with the knife two, three times. Just because she could. The wounds were deeper
than she intended, and blood flowed thickly.
‘Oh well,’ she thought, shoving Marge from her chair, to the floor. Mindy stamped hard on Marge’s ass. She
drove a stiletto heel into the firm yellow flesh, and laughed as Marge wiggled on the end. She put the
knife on the table, and reached again into her bag. Drawing out cuffs, she secured Marge’s hands behind
her back, before rolling her over and sitting on the woman’s bloodied stomach.
Mindy took up her knife again, and sawed into the base of Marge’s left breast with it. Marge screamed
hugely then, broken teeth be damned. Mindy ignored her, holding the woman under her weight, until the
breast was separated from Marge’s torso. She dropped it to one side, and started on the other one. Marge’s
screams reached fresh levels as the blood-spattered shemale removed her remaining yellow orb.
She held the bloody leaking handfuls of flesh up next to her own heavy rack and laughed. Marge had lost
control of her bowel and bladder during the torturous mutilation, and a malodorous pool mixed with the
blood on the floor. Mindy dropped the knife again, reaching forward eagerly to press her thumbs into
Marge’s big eyes.
Marge, fired by desperation, managed to get her hands onto Mindy’s wrists. Mindy’s shemale cock
twitched as she fought Marge’s strength. Marge never stood a chance, weakened from agony and blood
loss. Mindy popped each eye, with mini-splashes of the clear humours within. She licked each thumb as
Marge clutched uselessly at the holes in her face, and then stood up.
She grabbed Marge’s hair again and twisted the woman round so her face lay in her own shit and piss. The
woman’s bloody wounds left smears across the floor which Mindy found quite artistic. Marge’s struggling
had lessened considerably, but Mindy had a couple of tricks yet.
She sheathed the knife deep in Marge’s cunt, so only the handle emerged. The blade angled down enough
that the point pierced out of Marge’s stomach. Mindy then pushed up the heavily stained remains of
Marge’s dress – which still hung from her arms and back – and forced her thick cock into the dying
woman’s ass.
Mindy leaned down close on Marge as she anally raped her. The small pain of the violation was lost in
Marge’s total suffering. Mindy gripped her hands around Marge’s throat, choking off the air as she
humped her ass. The shemale groaned, feeling the ring of muscle squeeze tighter about her invading shaft
as she strangled Marge Simpson.
Mindy humped harder, wanting to cum as Marge died. She felt the spunk rising from her balls as Marge
seemed to shudder one final time, and then came. She filled Marge’s bowels with salty shemale spunk,
pumping her load deep into the corpse. She hugged the body close, glorying in her climax, even kissing
Marge’s neck as she fired in the last few shots.
Mindy laid there atop Marge’s body for a few minutes, slowly coming to terms with the fact that she
didn’t need Homer. Marge had shown her the way. She could just her intense intelligence and brilliant
cunning to do what she now she knew she really wanted.
Her satisfied cock hung limply now as Mindy basked in the glow of the act, before setting about laying the
charges that would - after a shower and change of clothes - reduce several houses in evergreen terrace
to dust and annihilate the evidence. As she laid the sleeping Maggie’s carry cot down at a safe distance
(the Hibberts’ porch) and looked back at the dark house, Mindy realised that the explosion would have to
be a one off.
Marge Simpson wouldn’t be though; she started to think about the Indian woman, Manjula.
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Mindy's Revenge II: Mindy Comes Again

Mindy's Revenge II: Mindy Comes Again

Description: Shemale Mindy killed Marge Simpson for revenge. Next, she targeted Manjula for fun
Content Codes: +1FV, +1MV, M/Shemale, F/Shemale, rape, mast, violence, cum, snuff, scat/gs,
dickgirl, blade mutilation, asphyx, necro, castration, mild-electro, skull.
Disclaimer: This story contains content that should not be read by people underneath the age of
21. It is 100% fiction and has no bearing on reality whatsoever. 100% fiction means real life rape is WRONG.
The author does not condone illegal and immoral actions described. If you feel rape in the real world is a
good thing, bend over in a prison and whistle dixie. While I'm disclaiming, racism, homophobia and other
bigotry of any kind are also really fucking stupid. I don’t own any of Fox/Matt Groening’s characters and
make no profit from this story. Please read the story codes above to ensure that you are not going to be
offended by, or otherwise dislike, the content.
Apu had not always been the most faithful husband in the world. He had taken to fucking the
lady who delivered Squishees in the Kwik-E-Mart closet, only to be found out by Homer Simpson. On
reflection, he considered himself rather lucky that Homer hadn’t also found out about all the other
women he’d been screwing around with. Manjula had taken him back, much to his relief – he didn’t like
doing his own ironing – and he’d publicly sworn off sleeping around.
He kept his word until just after Marge Simpson’s death; most of the town turned out for the
funeral, but duty compelled him to remain behind the counter in the Kwik-E-Mart. Business was quiet,
and Apu busied himself stocking shelves. The sound of the automatic doors drew him back to the counter,
where a stunningly beautiful Redhead waited. Mindy bought her doughnuts elsewhere, so this was her
first visit to the Kwik-E-Mart.
Mindy was dressed in thigh high black dark red, actually crimson, leather boots, a short leather
skirt in the same colour, and a black PVC boob tube that barely contained her rack. Her nipples pressed
prominently against the shiny black material. The theme was skin tight, and Apu eagerly appraised the
toned skin on display around it. His eyes ran up from the spiked heels of her boots, along leather wrapped
calves to the tight skirt, then her bare midriff beneath the boob tube.
She smiled warmly at him. Five minutes later he was headed along the road with Mindy’s head in
his lap, and the ‘back soon’ sign in the Kwik-E-Mart door. Sanjay soon arrived to cover, as he always did
for his brother’s extra-marital exploits. He whistled cheerfully, checked the CCTV was still off – Apu
often ‘forgot’ to activate it, in case it caught him with a lady friend – and set about clocking up the
favorable hourly rate that made it all worthwhile.
The redhead’s tongue knew just where to tough his shaft, and she had amazing suction. Apu
nearly lost control of the car a few times before he spurted. After taking his thick load into her mouth,
Mindy held it there until Apu parked his car where she’d directed. She spat it into his eyes after he took
off his seatbelt, and then slammed his face into the steering column, smashing his nose. Blood spattered
across the dashboard. Apu howled and cursed as the airbag slammed into his face and pinned him against
the chair.
Mindy hopped out of the red convertible and slinked around to the other side. Her she-cock was
throbbing, forced painfully downwards by her tight leather skirt so the end poked past the hem. Apu
desperately tried to rub the stinging cum from his eyes as he cursed the crazy redhead woman. He felt
her hand slide down to his bare crotch, where his cock dropped flaccidly after the blowjob. Apu grabbed
for Mindy’s wrist a second too late to do any good.
Mindy had his heavy, hairy, brown scrotum in her grip.
"Get out of the car or I’ll crush your balls," she said, in her most seductive voice.
Apu started to protest, so she increased the pressure until she squealed. The Indian realized he
had no choice if he wanted to remain a real man. He followed her from the car as meek as a lamb, with
blood draining from his shattered nose. Mindy backed into the old warehouse, pleased she’d previously
cleared away anything she might trip over.
"What do you want? Kwik-E-Mart employees do not carry cash! Did Manjula pay you to do this?"
Mindy didn’t answer, she just kept smiling as he worked the stinging cum from his eyes and saw
clearly again. Apu’s nose throbbed angrily, and he nostalgically wished for the familiar pain of a bullet in
his shoulder. As he wiped the last of his cum and Mindy’s spit from his eyes he decided he didn’t like her
hungry grin at all. She gripped his balls one handed, and held his soft cock in the other.
"Look, baby, I…" Apu broke off, noting the bulge pressed down against Mindy’s short skirt and…
"Oh my god. Oh my god."
Mindy again didn’t respond. She carefully backed further into the warehouse with Apu, making
sure he didn’t trip with his pants around his ankles, until she had him where he wanted him… and then
she squeezed his balls. Her grip was very strong. She practised squeezing. Apu’s testicles pulped quickly in
Mindy’s grip, though his scrotum held the mush in. The pain didn’t come immediately, and Apu’s gasp
failed to drown out the squelching noise. Then he collapsed foetally and screamed in a high-pitched,
girlish manner.
Mindy’s own balls were heavy with cum, but she was saving it all for Manjula. Pretty Manjula,
who Mindy had noted out of all the women of Springfield, and decided to take as her second true victim.
The pathetic emasculated male who lay weeping on the floor didn’t count. Mindy’s cock was achingly
hard; the sexy redhead considered, for a moment, draining her balls in Apu – to take the edge off. His ass
didn’t look unappealing, but… No. Another man would be cheating on Homer.
Instead she dropped down onto Apu, and moved him until she sat on his chest. Mindy gripped his
throat tightly in her yellow fingers. Apu had lost his balls. He didn’t want to live. By the time he started
to fight back, he was almost gone. Mindy almost climaxed as she murdered Apu, shivering as she felt the
first tremors. She managed to calm her lusts by imagining Hans Moleman doing a nude pictorial. She held
her grip on Apu’s windpipe for several minutes. She kept her grip even after his voided waste stained the
floor between his legs. Then she tugged off his pants and shoes, and spread his legs wider.
Apu’s cooling body smelled strongly as she rang Manjula on his cell phone.
Manjula had left her eight kids with two child-minders to go to Marge Simpson’s funeral. She
kept herself mostly to herself, although she spoke politely when anybody approached her. She wore a
somber colored Sari in low-key red, respecting American traditions. She wasn’t entirely at home amongst
the mourners though, and made her excuses around the time Chief Wiggum was putting his foot in his
mouth, talking about how good Marge’s ass had looked when she was a cop.
The cheerful cell phone ring-tone sounded out of place, but Manjula was already walking back to
the car and could ignore the slight embarrassment. The caller ID showed Apu, so she answered in their
Indian dialect. The reply was unexpected,
"Is that Manjula?" A woman’s voice! The cheating slimebag!
"Who is this?" Manjula demanded, coldly.
"Listen, I picked this guy up, we come back here, we fuck… I find out the bastard’s married! I
grabbed his cell when he went to the bathroom, you want evidence for a divorce settlement get a video
camera and get down here!"
Manjula’s initial rage turned to a sense of gratitude – sure, the mystery woman had fucked her
husband, but when she found the man was scum, she went out of her way to help! That was this American
concept of sisterhood.
"Thank you," she managed, "for your honesty. Where has he taken you?"
"Oh, in the hall, the kitchen, up against the-"
"I mean," Manjula’s voice rose, "Where are you?"
"Oh," said Mindy, managing to keep the chuckle from her voice, "we went back to my place, they’re
converting warehouses at the docks to oceanside properties," Mindy went on to give precise directions,
and explain it looked very beat up at the moment because they’d barely started. She then cut off the call,
saying Apu was coming back from the bathroom. Manjula was going to get a camera all right! This time
round she was going to take Apu for every damn penny!
Back in the warehouse Mindy turned off the cellphone, and tossed it out of the window into the
salty ocean water. Apu wasn’t ever going to need it again, after all. If Manjula brought a camera it would
be kind of fun to leave it on the floor and film things. Mindy set to changing her clothes. The whore
outfit had been good at hooking Apu, but the only part of it she wanted to keep for Manjula was the boots.
She’d not wiped any of the mess from the clothing she wore to snuff Marge Simpson. She stripped
quickly, and then slowly slid back on her thigh length boots, made from fine crimson dyed leather. A
matching leather bra kept her breasts from bouncing too much, while taking off the skirt had freed her
hard shemale cock to stand freely. Mindy then slid on her elbow length custom leather gloves, drawing
the smell of Marge into her nostrils from them. She strapped the spiked leather dog collar around her
neck, and finally pulled on the full-head leather mask and pulled her hair out of the hole at the back. She
smiled through the mouth hole and looked down through the eye holes as she picked the baton back up.
Mindy licked her full red lips, and sashayed over to pick up a small electric shock baton from
next to the entrance door. A battery cassette player was by her feet. Before long a flock of seagulls
loudly took to the air nearby, and in the generally deserted area Mindy took it to mean Manjula was
approaching. She turned on the cassette player, which began to play the sounds of herself building up to a
screaming explosive climax. The moans and groans echoed around the warehouse as Mindy took her
position by the door, baton in hand. She had recorded the tape as she masturbated to a horror movie,
spraying over her own tits as a black girl had been impaled on a meat hook.
Manjula stormed into the warehouse, convinced that the screams would cover her approach from
Apu. She assumed the mystery woman had got Apu screwing her again so there was something worth
filming. Mindy stepped smartly forward and prodded Manjula’s sari-covered butt with the electric shock
baton. Manjula squealed, and dropped to her knees. The woman’s heavy plait of ass length hair knocked the
shock baton aside as she twisted, but Mindy quickly pressed it back again into Manjula’s back.
The hot little shemale pulled the video camera from Manjula’s hand. She filmed Manjula’s
writhing for a second and then put the video camera down on the floor, to one side. If it didn’t catch all
the action, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. Next time she’d definitely have a few cameras already set
up on tripods.
She then went back to jabbing Manjula. The repeated electric shocks made Manjula writhe on the
filthy floor, and she screamed and begged in her native tongue. A heavy wet patch formed around the
crotch level of her sari. She hadn’t been to the toilet since before the drinks at Marge’s funeral, and the
patch was soon a stinking yellow puddle. Mindy loved the incredible sense of power that came with
pushing the prod against Manjula, with the little sparks and fresh screams. Mindy found it highly
arousing that she’d made Manjula piss herself.
Mindy held the electric shock prod against Manjula’s ass for a whole five seconds. Manjula
screamed and screamed, then sobbed as the torturous electric shocks finally stopped. Her ass felt like it
was on fire. Mindy tossed the electric shock baton aside and took up her knife. She used the sharp blade to
slash a line down Manjula’s back, cutting through her sari to the bare brown skin beneath. Her sobbing
victim started to push herself up from the floor when she was nearly done. Mindy realized she was going
to try and make a run for it.
"Got some fight left in you, Hindu whore? More than that slut whore Marge had when she got
between me and Homer!"
Manjula held onto Manjula’s hips and pushed her thick plait of hair aside. She licked up the trail
of blood along the Indian woman’s back, before sitting down heavily on her. Manjula was forced back down
to the floor. Mindy gripped the back of Manjula’s head tightly and began smashing it hard into filthy
concrete. The shemale’s eight-inch cock bounced on Manjula’s back as she crunched her nose and knocked
out teeth. The sheer sadism was too much for Mindy.
She stiffened as she came, spraying her thick shemale cum onto Manjula’s bleeding back, and into
the silky black hair at the top of the plait. Mindy pumped her hips involuntarily as she came, and added
her groans to Manjula’s hysterical crying. Manjula’s hands clawed back desperately, but her sharp nails
could only reach to scratch the leather of Mindy’s thigh length boots. Manjula broke a nail, but couldn’t
do anything to Mindy. Semen dribbled from the end of Mindy’s dick, and she swirled her semi-softened
crown against Manjula’s warm brown skin, making patterns of sweat and blood and cum.
Mindy took Manjula’s long plait, and wrapped it around her own throat. Manjula didn’t realize
what was happening as the silky hair looped around her neck. Mindy pushed Manjula’s broken face down
into the blood and tears, and pulled back hard on her hair plait. The hair loop tightened and Manjula’s
cries choked off immediately to desperate raspy breaths. Her wrist bangles scraped the floor as she
stopped scratching at Mindy’s boots and tried to pull the hair from her throat. Mindy’s strong hands were
too much, and Manjula slowly started to asphyxiate.
Mindy choked her for almost a minute, enjoying the sounds and sensations of Manjula’s desperate
struggle beneath her. They mixed well with her recorded orgasm, although the tape would soon end. As
Manjula started to grow weaker, Mindy loosened the hair, and stood up. Manjula’s nose was running, along
with the blood pouring from it, and she breathed through broken teeth. Her face was flushed darkly
brown beneath the blood and tears.
The shaky Indian babe managed to get the loop of hair over her head, and began to push up to her
knees. She knew somewhere in her mind that she had to run. As she raised her head she saw, through tear
filled eyes, Apu’s half naked corpse. Her jaw dropped open and she started a thin scream. Mindy kicked
Manjula’s jaw hard enough to shatter it, and found to her surprise and pleasure that Manjula had bitten
off the end of her own tongue. The blood mask on the bitch’s face was suddenly running a whole lot
Mindy followed up with solid kicks to Manjula’s ribs, breaking several, and then a stiff kick to the
chest that badly bruised a breast and knocked her onto her back. Manjula cried with each sick breaking
sound, and then began to cough hard as blood flowed down into her throat. Mindy’s sticky cock was rock
hard again, and she stroked it for a moment before reaching down and tearing off the rest of Manjula’s
torn sari.
The good quality fabric fluttered aside while Mindy jerked her dick over her coughing near
naked captive. After a moment’s thought she stomped on Manjula’s hairy cunt. Her boot heel tore into the
flesh of Manjula’s belly, and emerged from the bloody hole with a little scrap of meat hanging off it. The
rest of Mindy’s foot crunched down into Mindy’s cunt. Manjula’s broken jawed screeching sounded a fresh
level of agony. Blood trickled from the hole and down into Manjula’s thick bush.
Blood and piss stained the floor as Mindy dragged the woman’s broken body across the rough
floor by the long hair plait. The highly aroused shemale twisted Manjula back over and used her boot on
the back of the crying Indian babe’s head to hold her face down in Apu’s voided waste. The vile taste
filled Manjula’s mouth, and the tiny rational part of her mind left worried at the shame of drowning in
her adulterous husband’s shit.
Mindy left her there, and went to retrieve her knife. When she returned, Manjula’s shit smeared
face was still on the ground. There was no doubt at all that she was suffering horribly. The woman was
weeping and no longer trying to escape. Mindy got down onto her knees, and pulled Manjula’s face up for a
better angle. Manjula felt the pressure on her large almond shaped left eye just before Mindy jabbed her
throbbing eight inches of she cock-hard enough to burst it. Mindy moaned as Manjula’s warm eye socket
surrounded her cock head, and then pushed harder, forcing through the thin eye socket and grinding into
the yielding brain.
Manjula’s body began to twitch and shake as her brain was destroyed. The soft grey matter was
pounded into mush by Mindy’s hard thrusting cock. Nonsensical words came out of Manjula’s mouth, and
then her jaw and mutilated tongue simply hung slackly. She wasn’t even aware she’d died, but Mindy saw
Manjula voiding her bowel just as her cock throbbed and she blasted semen right into the wreckage of
Manjula’s brain. Mindy screamed as she came, while bits of brain were worked out around her shaft.
She sat there for a while, her semi-hard cock lodged in Manjula’s mind. Manjula’s other eye had
rolled up, showing only white. Mindy absent-mindedly popped it with her thumb. It had felt so good
destroying Manjula, but the sense of need was still there. Mindy stood up, and let her cock slide from
Manjula’s skull. Rolling the dead woman onto her back, she squatted over Manjula’s slack mouth. The
shemale bit her lip, and pushed. Her shit was thick and hard, and dropped down straight into the dead
woman’s open mouth, a suitable last meal to go with the remains of Apu’s waste.
Mindy realized that she still wanted, and needed, Homer J Simpson. Now Marge was gone she
could move in, and slowly seduce him. In the mean time, she could make sure there wasn’t any
competition for his affections, by destroying it as she had Manjula. She knew she didn’t want to stop
killing now. As she thought about other women in Springfield, her cock grew hard again, and she moved
between Manjula’s knees. She spread the dead woman’s legs wide.
A quick push, and she was into the corpse’s still-warm snatch. Manjula’s thick black pubic hair
brushed against Mindy’s thighs as the shemale thrust and withdrew. Shit, blood and piss provided more
than enough lubrication in the slack sheathe. Holding herself up with one hand, Mindy reached again for
her knife and stabbed it down into Manjula’s rocking breast. She stabbed with each thrust, feeling her
excitement grow, and finally fired into the corpse’s dead womb. Manjula’s eyeless head lolled to one side
as Mindy withdrew from her body for the last time.
Mindy disposed of the two bodies easily, wrapping them in chicken wire and weighing them down
in Springfield bay. Nobody went scubadiving in water with twelve times the acceptable nuclear waste
levels, for which she was thankful to Mr. Burns. Apu’s blood spattered car was found abandoned at the
docks, and Springfield’s finest put the disappearance down to the Nahasapeemapetilon’s well known
marital problems.
Of course, by the time the vehicle was found, Mindy had killed again…
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Mindy's Revenge III: Fight The Powers!

Mindy's Revenge III: Fight The Powers!

Description: Killing the helpless women of Springfield proved little challenge for crazed shemale
Mindy Simmons, so she targeted the far stronger and almost equally crazy Ruth Powers instead.
Content Codes: Shemale/F, nc, rape, viol, anal, oral, snuff, necro, fing
This story contains content that should not be read by people underneath the age of 21. It is 100%
fiction and has no bearing on reality whatsoever. 100% fiction means real life rape is WRONG. The author
does not condone illegal and immoral actions described. If you feel rape in the real world is a good thing,
bend over in a prison and whistle dixie. While I'm disclaiming, racism, homophobia and other bigotry of
any kind are also really fucking stupid. I don’t own any of Fox/Matt Groening’s characters and make no
profit from this story. Please read the story codes to ensure that you are not going to be offended by, or
otherwise dislike, the content.
Once, Ruth and her daughter Laura had lived next door to the Simpsons. They’d moved a few
years back, but Ruth still lived close enough to hear about Marge’s death, and attend the funeral. Marge
had never treated her as a crazy woman, like the other townsfolk did – just because she had a criminal
record and got a little violent from time to time. Even at Marge’s funeral people avoided her eye, and she
heard whispers. The Comic Book Guy called her She Hulk behind her back, but she kept a lid on her ‘roid
rage; for respect of Marge.
The punch bag shook as Ruth poured her constant anger into it. A few inches under six foot, Ruth
weighed in the 220-230 pound range on any given day, and all of it was muscle. Her breasts had shrunk to
the extent she’d had implants put in, and her black sports bra held them in check as she threw punch after
punch at the bag. Ruth’s red bandana kept the sweat from her eyes, but there was nothing to stop the
trickles down her tanned washboard stomach. Muscles seemed to bulge under every inch of her skin as
she worked out with the bag.
Her thighs were thicker than both of many women’s legs pressed together, beneath Lycra
training shorts. They were so tight across her crotch that a bulging camel toe showed with the clear
outline of her steroid lengthened clit. Where other women had a nub, Ruth Powers had almost three
inches of sensitive flesh. Her calves were equally muscular, and her bare feet could kick through solid
wood when she tried. Ruth Powers saw her whole body as a weapon, to be used against any man who tried
to take her.
The punch bag wasn’t in a gym, but bolted to the roof of Ruth’s porch. She wanted passers-by to
see her strength. It gave her a kind of thrill that the Lycra rubbing across her waxed pussy and oversized
clit only enhanced. It wasn’t just sweat that stained Ruth’s clothing at the end of a punch bag workout. A
final furious flurry of blows signalled the end of her session. Ruth unhooked and carried the punch bag
into her house over her shoulder, as if it weighed nothing.
Down the street, sexy shemale Mindy observed her prey. She was smiling contentedly as her
surveillance was almost complete, and soon she would take her latest victim. Raping and butchering
Marge and Manjula had taking a lot of planning and effort, but Mindy had a killer mind to go with her
killer body. She’d raped and murdered both without being caught or even suspected by the cops. After
Marge, Mindy had planned quickly and had a second kill. Manjula. It had been most satisfying, especially
as the woman had been a friend of Marge.
With Manjula’s cries still fresh in her mind, Mindy decided to target friends of Marge Simpson
specifically. At the most basic level, it let her continue to take revenge on Marge even after the blue
haired bitch was dead and buried. She figured she could start by targeting every woman – and perhaps
some of the men - who attended Marge Simpson’s funeral, just to see if there was anyone in Springfield
smart enough to make the connection to deaths, disappearances and "accidents".
Helen Lovejoy was the next target. The police report on her death was that she was mauled and
eaten by bears after taking an un-accompanied walk into the woods around Springfield. Mindy had lured
her out there with a promise of the greatest piece of gossip in the history of the town. It was too easy
really. Mindy had spent some time trying to come up with a way to ironically crucify the woman, and
make it look like an accident or suicide. In the end, she just beat her, raped her, and left her broken
legged next to a cave of hungry bears – with honey smeared on her breasts and cunt.
It was good. It felt great. Even without using a single blade on Helen Lovejoy, Mindy had
climaxed three times. The first, when she destroyed Helen’s kneecap with a metal bar. The scream had
caused all the nearby birds to take to the air. The second time was simply from the friction of Helen’s ass
on her thick she-cock. The third was without touching her cock at all. She just sprayed from the mere
sight of the bears tearing into the screaming woman as she died. As good as it felt Mindy had a feeling
that Helen Lovejoy, like Marge and Manjula, had been too easy.
Ruth Powers looked like a hard bitch. Mindy figured even shooting her might not keep her down,
and a metal bar would end up rammed into her own tight ass. She shifted in her seat as her cock throbbed.
Mindy ached for release. She hadn’t masturbated since Helen, and didn’t intend to empty her heavy balls
until her next victim. Mindy started up the car and pulled away from the curb. She was already
formulating a plan as she sped back to her place. Mindy chuckled as the radio news reported the finding
of Apu’s car at the docks, and that Springfield’s finest had already had a lot of witness statements about
recent domestic disputes between the couple.
The next day saw Ruth go through her usual routine including a three-hour session at the gym.
Mostly, the other patrons stayed out of her way. She finished in the showers, feeling tired but stronger.
Her muscles bulged beneath the shower spray as she scrubbed the sweat and grime from her skin. She
didn’t notice Mindy unscrew the cap on her water bottle, and add a quickly dissolving powder. In any up-
market Gym, the spiking would have been caught on CCTV, but there was too much illegal steroid dealing
going on for the users to permit a functional security system.
Towelling off only took a few seconds, before Ruth removed her shower hat and re-tied her
bandanna. The hard-bodied woman dressed in silence before taking a long draught from her water bottle.
The powder was completely tasteless, and Ruth had no idea she’d been drugged as she left the Gym. She
made it halfway across the parking lot before the powder began to kick in, and she stumbled forwards.
"Let me help you," offered Mindy, who’d waited outside.
Ruth Powers’ vision blurred as she looked at the beautiful face of Mindy Simmons. Mindy’s fiery
red hair was hidden under a black wig, and a wide brimmed hat kept it pressed down. There was always a
chance of actually functional CCTV cameras capturing her face, even in such a rundown district of
Springfield. Ruth felt no threat from the petite redhead, and didn’t resist as Mindy pulled her over to
her car. She wondered muzzily how the helpful stranger knew which was hers, but tugged her keys out
and let herself be pushed into the passenger seat. As she finally lost consciousness, Ruth Powers realized
she’d been spiked.
Mindy strapped Ruth into the passenger seat. She was a little out of breath herself, having had
to half carry the muscled woman to her car. She had an incredible rush of adrenaline in her body, from
abducting Ruth Powers in public, in broad daylight. The redhead pulled out of the parking lot and headed
away as the speed limit allowed. Her eyes flickered from the road to Ruth’s lolling head and drooling
mouth. The powder was supposed to keep her unconscious for a few hours, but it was just possible Mindy
hadn’t allowed enough for the muscle woman’s weight.
Warehouse 39 had once been an indoor children’s play area. The business had failed, and the ball
pools, crash mats, slides and other equipment had been abandoned for a few years as various creditors
argued ownership. A local campaign group had been strongly complaining to Mayor Quimby that the site
presented a very strong arson risk. Ruth Powers had become involved, to the consternation of the other
campaigners – they thought she was pretty crazy too. Mindy saw it as the perfect place to take Ruth,
and afterwards it would seem as if crazy Ruth Powers had decided to prove the arson risk and been
caught up in her own crime.
Mindy wiped sweat from her brow after dumping the not-yet-dead weight of Ruth Powers onto a
crash mat in the very centre of the warehouse. The wig and hat were left behind in the car, and the sexy
shemale shook out her red hair. She wasn’t yet attired in her favourite crimson leather fetish-wear, but
her cock could wait no more for satisfaction. The total helplessness of the drugged woman aroused Mindy
strongly, though not as much as killing had come to. Mindy stripped her own clothing off and stretched.
Her cock stood almost straight up above her heavy balls, and squirted a little precum between her firm
natural breasts.
Ruth’s blouse came off even faster, but the woman’s sports bra was well made and Mindy had a
little trouble removing it. It almost didn’t seem worth the effort, as the muscle woman’s implants felt a
little cold and unnatural to Mindy’s groping fingers. They would definitely have to go, but later, when
Ruth was awake. Mindy ran her hands over the hard muscle beneath Ruth’s skin, down the woman’s
bulging arms and across her stomach. There was such power there, such strength. She kissed Ruth’s slack
lips, tasting her warm tongue.
Almost reluctantly, the redhead slid down Ruth and tugged away her shoes. Even Ruth’s feet
seemed muscular, and Mindy stroked the toes before finishing tugging off Ruth’s remaining clothing.
Mindy was faced with Ruth’s steroidal enhanced clit in all its three-inch glory, and her shaved-bare
snatch. Mindy positioned her cock at Ruth’s cunt, ready for penetration. Just a little fuck to tide her
over until the drugs wore off.
Mindy used Homer’s favourite exclamation when she discovered how tight and dry Ruth was. It
seemed the muscular Mrs Powers even had an exercise regime for down there – something similar to
pelvic floor exercise, no doubt. Mindy sat back on her knees and started fingering and rubbing Ruth. Sure,
she could cut her open and use blood for lube, but she wanted to save the violence for later when Ruth
could really suffer. Slowly but surely Ruth’s cunt responded to Mindy’s probing digits and eager clit
fondling. Her labia thickened and opened, and her clit grew erect almost like a tiny penis.
Mindy re-positioned herself, and pressed her cock again against Ruth’s cunt. The unconscious
woman’s slick channel accepted the huge cock of her shemale rapist. Mindy groaned her appreciation at
the tight warmth gripping her shaft as she started pleasurable in-out rape motions. Ruth’s implants
rocked on her chest under the force of Mindy’s increasingly powerful fucking. It wasn’t long before Mindy
felt her balls start to tighten and little contractions in her muscles that told her she was going to come.
There was an audible slurping noise as she withdrew from Ruth’s forcibly aroused shaven snatch.
Mindy pulled herself up Ruth’s hard body and jerked off. A few swift strokes of her huge she-cock were
all it took to fire her load into Ruth’s slack mouth. Ruth started to cough in her drugged sleep as Mindy
ecstatically came; her contracting muscles were so strong she even knocked Mindy to one side. The sexy
redhead giggled as Ruth coughed out her spunk, spittle and semen staining her lips, before settling into a
semi-foetal position. Mindy’s softening shaft hung between her thighs as she shakily stood. The musty
warehouse air was filled with the strong smell of Ruth’s aroused cunt, and Mindy’s own sweat and spunk.
Mindy stretched again and began making her final preparations for when Ruth woke up.
The taste of semen lingered in Ruth’s mouth when she came round, though she’d drooled most of
it out. Her pussy ached, but in a good way. She was reminded of waking after here date rape at college,
Laura’s father, and her ex-husband. As she woke properly she realised that, try as she might, she couldn’t
close her mouth. She swished her tongue around and identified a solid metal ring. The realisation
suddenly clicked that she wasn’t wearing her own clothes either. Ruth Powers found her calves laced
into shiny black PVC open-toed boots with six-inch heels.
Ruth’s eyes caught movement and she turned to see a freestanding full-length mirror. The
muscular MILF stood shakily and took in the ring strapped into the half-hood of shiny PVC that wrapped
around her head beneath the hairline. Her red bandana was still holding her hair back above it. She
swore, and the words came out without consonants. Ruth had also been dressed in black PVC panties and a
bra of the same material, but the bra had metal rings around her nipples to display them.
There was writing on the top of the mirror, in lipstick. Ruth read aloud the words "Fuck Meat."
She made fists so hard that the veins on her arms throbbed, and tried to pull loose the O-Ring. She
couldn’t get a grip, and discovered that the strap was of a stronger material than PVC and was secured
by a clasp she couldn’t get to grips with. As she tottered in the heels and glared at her reflection in the
mirror, a red mist formed in Ruth’s mind. Some asshole had kidnapped and raped her, and left her in such
a humiliating fashion.
"I’m going to feed you your fucking balls!" she shouted, though her aching jaw could not properly
form the words and an incoherent cry of rage was the result. Ruth kicked out at the mirror, and it
crashed down to the floor. She almost followed it, barely keeping her balance in the unfamiliar heels.
Ruth spat a gob of spermy saliva onto the cracked glass as best she could, with her mouth forced open, and
looked for signs of her assailant, or an exit.
Ruth Powers realised she might have to walk through the streets of Springfield dressed like a
fetish whore, and the thought made her blood boil even further. She wished she had a knife to cut away
the clothing, but unfortunately for her didn’t consider the mirror’s broken glass. Ruth wondered if there
was any old clothes in the Warehouse she could put on before leaving. The place was a death trap
according to the campaign group, so there ought to be something she could use.
Muscles bulging and muttering with rage, Ruth totted from the crash mat, and continued
tottering across the floor towards the door. A tripwire sent her sprawling before she made it three feet.
Ruth came down hard on the palms of her hands, and the shock shuddered up her solid arms. At the same
time a mechanical click preceded a swish and a crossbow bolt missed her left knee by an inch. The haft of
the bolt shook as it embedded in the wooden floorboard.
Ruth shot to her feet with a sudden surge of terror. The Warehouse was obviously booby-
trapped. She’d set a few traps around her own dwelling in her craziness, and looked around for the source
of the bolt. A hunter’s crossbow was within reach, and she hauled it down and snapped the trip wire
connection. A moment later, and she’d dug the bolt from the floor, wound back the bowstring and
reloaded the weapon. It felt could to be armed, because Ruth was aware that her muscles were not so
useful against an opponent with a gun.
Watching unseen, Mindy grimaced. The redheaded shemale had intended to reduce Ruth to one
leg for the fight she planned. She foolishly hadn’t considered Ruth claiming a crossbow either, though at
least it had the drawback of being a single shot weapon. Mindy shouted shouted, knowing the call would
echo around the warehouse and the source would be hard to place.
"Hello Ruth. I’m going to cut off your fake tits and fuck your steroid rotted brain. I’m going to
hurt you worse than I did that bitch, Marge Simpson. Come and find me, if you can."
Ruth’s rage seemed to grow even further as she listened to the female voice taunting her. Mindy
hoped the woman’s red-hot anger would lead her to make mistakes. She gripped the long razor sharp
hunting knife she had chosen for the encounter, and watched as Ruth tried to identify the source of the
Ruth Powers didn’t bother trying to shout back. The O-Ring blocking her mouth prevented her
forming any coherent words. She was angry, it was true, but she’d been training herself for many ‘shit hit
the fan’ situations over the years and remained in control of herself once she was aware her assailant
remained close by and had laid traps. ‘Funny,’ she thought, ‘that didn’t sound like a man.’ Ruth could still
taste sperm. She successfully avoided another trip wire that would have dropped a bag of spanners on a
stumbling bolt-impaled woman, and reached the Warehouse’s exit.
The muscle woman paused. She could get out, go for the police. Even dressed like a whore, and
armed. They’d maybe catch the bastard (and bitch?) who’d fucked with her, and maybe not. Or, she could
find the prick and feed him his balls. Ruth Powers felt her cunt twitch as she considered the suffering she
would mete out in revenge on her assailant. She’d even leave them alive, in a fashion, to lift the rest of
their broken-bodied life with the memory of defeat.
Ruth turned and headed careful back down another corridor and into the depths of Warehouse
39. A pool of cooking oil was sufficiently hidden in the dusky gloom to send her sprawling forwards. Ruth
slid through a pair of double doors and found herself back where she’d woken up. Mindy Simmons had her
blade ready, and brought it down across the bowstring; the crossbow was rendered useless as a missile
weapon. She skipped back into the room, and Ruth Powers was afforded a view of her antagonist
Mindy’s full-face mask made identification impossible, even with the shock of red hair in a
ponytail from the hole at the back. Ruth was shocked to see Mindy’s breasts in a crimson leather bra, in
contrast to her large thick cock and heavy balls. Mindy’s leather gloved hand carried a long knife, and
she seemed a lot more confident in her high-heeled leather boots than Ruth was in heels. Ruth Powers
managed to get to her feet and lifted the crossbow as a club.
She would have spat at Mindy, if the ring in her aching jaw allowed her to aim with any
precision. The freak who’d drugged, raped and dressed her like a tart was going down! Mrs Powers was
extremely angry as she charged at Mindy, and if not for being so unsteady on her high heels, she would
have clubbed the redhead unconscious. As it was, she missed, and Mindy gave her a sold punch to the
breast as she stumbled.
The meaty impact of Mindy’s loaded glove against Ruth’s creaking PVC bra sent the muscle
woman down to the floor. Ruth rolled immediately, and span out with a kick that just barely missed
Mindy. Adrenalin fuelled both of them as Mindy slashed out with her hunting blade. Ruth Powers
grunted at the sudden agony along the back of her leg. Mindy had successfully severed the tendon at the
back and Ruth’s foot flopped on the end of her leg as blood poured from the gash.
Ruth made it to her knees and swung out wildly with the crossbow. She caught Mindy a glancing
blow to the thigh, but it would raise only a bruise. The swing left Ruth open, and Mindy, darted forward
and punched her muscular foe again, a strong blow that shattered Ruth Powers’ nose and started blood
streaming down under her mask and around her forced-open mouth. As her eyes watered, Mindy followed
up with a heavy kick right in the PVC panties.
Strong fingers closed on Mindy’s ankle as she pulled her foot back. Though in great pain, Ruth had
managed to grab the limb with only blurred vision to guide her. Mindy brought her hunting knife down
into Ruth’s wrist, loosening the grip in a spurt of blood. She lifted it high, and brought it down again into
Ruth’s breast, close to the chest and behind the implant. Ruth screamed again as the blade sliced through
skin and fat, and even through Ruth’s suddenly scrambling fingers. Breast and implant dropped wetly to
the floor in a bloody mess.
With her hands useless, Ruth Powers could only flail her arms as Mindy pressed her cock
between the O-ring and into the warm wetness of the Muscle-MILF’s mouth. Mindy made sure to get it all
in, until her balls pressed tightly against Ruth’s chin. The spasming tightness of Ruth’s throat was
exquisite; Mindy carved the knifepoint across Ruth’s back as she fucked the whimpering woman’s throat
with merciless brutality. The heady smell of blood and pain was helping her to a powerful climax.
"Helen Lovejoy put up more of a fight than you, muscle slut! Now swallow my come!"
Mindy stabbed the blade down through Ruth’s triceps as she came. Ruth’s strong right arm
dangled uselessly below the elbow. Mindy managed to tug her thick meat free from Ruth’s throat and
spray a few wads into her tear-filled eyes. Ruth Powers was losing a lot of blood, but there was still some
fight in her. With barely a pause, Mindy tugged the blade free from Ruth’s useless arm and stabbed her in
the eye. The orb burst around the blade, though the redhead was careful not to thrust in too far. She
twisted, and ocular fluid ran like tears down Ruth’s face.
Cutting into Ruth Powers’ sculpted body was almost better than sex. Mindy groaned as she
sighted the three inch nub of clitoral flesh between Ruth’s thighs. She pinched it hard between her
fingers as she applied the knifepoint to the base of Ruth Powers’ clit. Ruth’s high pitched scream told
Mindy her victim was aware enough to appreciate the gesture as she sliced away her clitoris entirely. It
seemed to pulse as she lifted it to her mouth and chewed it bloodily between her teeth.
There was so much blood; it seemed to pump from Ruth harder than from her previous victims.
Mindy wondered if it was a sign of high blood pressure, as she twisted the unresisting woman onto her
face, and hoiked Ruth’s rock hard buttocks high. She spread blood all over her still hard cock, until it was
drenched in the sticky red warmth. She hoped Ruth Powers remained conscious enough to experience the
indignity as she tugged aside PVC panties and started to force her way into the dying woman’s butt.
Ruth did feel the fresh intrusion through the coldness that seeped through her body. She was
losing blood so fast that her wounds were hardly registering, but she felt the heat in her butt. Her face
coloured a little at the final humiliation. A last blush as the vision in her remaining eye grew dark. She
managed a weak groan as Mindy Simons’s balls slapped between her hard buttocks as the shemale’s blood-
slick cock slid deeply into her.
Mindy gripped Ruth’s hips as she raped the woman into her death twitches. She was aware of the
point of death only when Ruth’s sphincter relaxed very slightly, and piss began to mix with the pooling
blood. It felt so good she just kept on balling away in the corpse’s butt. She ground her hips, twisting her
cock inside Ruth’s ass as the warmth seeped from the body beneath her. Mindy was panting hard by the
time she reached her climax, shooting a last thick wad of seed deep inside.
Ruth Powers was dead. Another cooling lump of worthless fuckmeat twitched beneath Mindy
Simmons, Springfield’s shemale serial sex killer. Mindy swallowed the last morsal of Ruth Powers’ clit
between heavy panting. Her leather garments stuck to her skin as she tried to catch her breath and enjoy
the relaxation that filled her in the wake of her orgasms.
She was so exhausted that she didn’t hear the high pitched voice of the girl leading Springfield’s
finest through the booby traps in the warehouse, nor Chief Wiggum ordering her to stay outside as they
burst into the main room. It seemed little Lisa Simpson had put two and two together where Springfield
Police Department had been baffled, and had even been able to track Ruth Powers’ abduction from the
CCTV. If only she’d made the connection just 24 hours before, the muscle woman would still be alive.
"Oh God, Chief…That’s disgusting!"
"Suck it up, Lou. Keep your pistol on the perp."
Mindy’s hand closed on the hilt of her hunting knife. Her flaccid cock slid from Ruth’s asshole as
she started to turn. A stream of shit dribbled loose from the gaping hole left behind. Chief Wiggum let
off a warning shot, aimed at the crash mat besides Mindy. Unfortunately, his aim was as bad as his
investigative skills.
The shemale’s head flicked backwards hard as a small hole appeared in the forehead of her
crimson leather mask. She felt it, somehow, as the bullet drilled into her brain. A semi-dud, it failed to
punch through the back of Mindy’s skull, it ricocheted around inside her grey matter. Blood dribbled from
Mindy’s ears as her eyes rolled up. She slumped backwards slowly in death. Her sticky cock squirted piss
like a fountain across Ruth Powers’ muscular back.
"Uh… Ooops."
Feedback to
(Well, End unless I do a Treehouse of Horror: Zombie Dickgirl From Hell special.
Would you like that?)
. .did a holiday special instead.

Mindy's Revenge: The Holiday Special

Mindy’s Revenge: The Holiday Special

Description: Mindy pays a deadly yuletide visit to Lurleen Lumpkin
Content Codes: herm/F, rape, pwp, food/veg, herm, snuff, viol, ws
Disclaimer: This story contains content that should not be read by people underneath the age of
21. It is 100% fiction and has no bearing on reality whatsoever. 100% fiction means real life rape is WRONG.
The author does not condone illegal and immoral actions described. If you feel rape in the real world is a
good thing, bend over in a prison and whistle dixie. While I'm disclaiming, racism, homophobia and other
bigotry of any kind are also really fucking stupid. I don’t own The Simpsons, or any characters and make
no profit from this story. Please read the story codes above to ensure that you are not going to be
offended by, or otherwise dislike, the content.
Author’s Note: This holiday special is a flashback taking place prior to part III. It was written in
reply to the weekly AFF forum prompt which had a maximum word limit of 1000, and was 'Yule' in week
11. The 1000 words start now:

A quiet holiday meal with two friends she’d made in Rehab seemed just the thing to cheer up
country music star Lurleen Lumpkin, both because none of them would be drinking and because it stopped
them thinking alcoholic thoughts alone. Things had been great through the meal, all three women
working together on preparation, until it was time for the dessert course; a rich dark chocolate Yule Log
that was completely free of the associations with alcohol that other holiday puddings or cakes gave

Marie went through to the kitchen for the chocolate treat, only for a crash of crockery to signal
disaster. Candy told Lurleen she’d to relax, she’d help. Only, Candy didn’t come back either. Lurleen called
but received no reply. Curious and irritated Lurleen rose from the table just as a busty redhead in a
crimson leather hooded mask came from the kitchen with the Yule log plate in one hand, and a bloody
knife in the other. Lurleen could see cruel eyes through holes in the mast, but little else besides her hair
pressed through a hole in the back. The intruder wore matching gloves, bra and thigh boots.
"I got your dessert, cunt!"
Lurleen’s dinner knife lay on the table by her hand, but she was so shocked and scared she didn’t
even think grabbing it. Unnoticed, a wet patch grew quickly and dripped as she pissed with fear. Lurleen’s
surreal horror grew as she saw that although the woman had a rack almost as good as her own, she also
had a large cock and balls to match any of the roadies Lurleen liked to screw around with.
Lurleen screamed.
"That won’t scare me off. This is a big place and there’s nobody to hear with your friends dead.
Should have stayed in your trailer. Should have stayed away from him!"
"Please, why are you doing this?"
Mindy tossed the Yule log down on the table. Lurleen instinctively flicked her head to follow it
only to receive a hard blow to the side of her head. As Lurleen rocked sideways, Mindy yanked her from
the chair and smashed her face down into the rich Yule log, so that it mashed thickly around her nose
and mouth. Lurleen breathed in a chunk and choked.
"Went round to see Homer, with that bitch cold and dead he should have been ready for me
now… you know what? He wouldn’t answer the door, just sat there… listening to your album! You
fucking whore!"
Terrified and confused, Lurleen couldn’t follow what the crazy shemale was telling her. Her body
was wracked with spasms as she tried to cough the Yule log out of her throat, but the stronger Mindy
kept her face down in it. Lurleen finally remembered the table knife, but while she’d been choking her
sadistic assailant had cleared the table with a brush of one gloved arm. As Lurleen searched around with
her hand, a sudden pain shot up her arm, and she found she couldn’t move it.
"Keep a hold of that knife, will you? I might need it after I fuck you."
Lurleen managed to clear some air in her throat, and frantically tried to eat more of the Yule
log so she wouldn’t choke again. The pain in her hand intensified every time she tried to move it, with
the knife speared right through into the table. She hoped her friends hadn’t had time to suffer as she was,
"Please don’t! Please!"
"Don’t talk with your mouth full."
Mindy yanked down Lurleen’s jeans and panties and roughly probed her piss drenched cunt with
eager fingers. Too dry inside, but she still forced her hot hard cock in a moment later. Lurleen let rip an
even more anguished scream through a mouthful of food. She’d always worried about rape in her trailer
park days, but had never realised the humiliating powerlessness she would feel with the pain. The sobbing
blonde shuddered as Mindy reached for a missed pot of lukewarm gravy and poured it all down the crack
of Lurleen’s ass. Mindy made sure to cover her thick she-cock. The greasy fluid provided lubrication to
increase Mindy’s pleasure.
Lurleen swallowed still more Yule log as Mindy viciously slammed her face back into it. Her nose
cracked. Blood mixed with dessert. Lurleen’s terror grew all encompassing. Slow of thought, she realised
she wasn’t going to get to live as Mindy closed strong fingers around her throat. Lurleen’s eyes bulged as
her airway was again brutally closed. She could feel Mindy’s hard length painfully deep inside her, and
the heavy balls that slapped up against her body as the shemale plowed her fast.
Mindy muttered degrading insults as she pounded her tear-blinded victim. Lurleen wanted it to
end, the fear and pain and humiliation. She hadn’t been able to breathe for a minute and Mindy showed no
sign of releasing her grip. She was enjoying Lurleen’s desperate struggling and the little choking noises
that mixed with the wet fucking noises.
Lurleen was close to passing out; almost relieved, when the shemale rapist pulled out wetly, and
flipped her pain wracked body over. The shadow of Mindy’s throbbing cock fell across Lurleen’s bloody
Yule log encrusted face. Lurleen’s fuzzy brain was mis-firing as Mindy applied a one handed chokehold to
her throat.
"Have some cream with that puddin’!" Mindy groaned
Jerking her gravy slick cock, Mindy stiffened and spurted her seed across Lurleen’s face. Lurleen
was already beyond feeling the hot splatter across her swollen tongue, or the slimy trail left through
smeared chocolate frosting. Mindy missed her victim’s last moment, being too busy stroking out the last
drops of her orgasm to see Lurleen’s eyes rolls up in her head.
Mindy released her grip on Lurleen’s throat, and scooped up a small chunk of dessert and semen.
She licked the mixture from her glove and smiled with satisfaction at another contender for Homer’s
affections destroyed.
Homer's Revenge

“D’oh” mumbled Homer Simpson. The phone was ringing. When the phone rang in his work station, it was
never good. With trepidation Homer picked up the receiver.
“Homer Simpson here” he mumbled into the mouth piece.
“Hommie?, it’s me”.
Hearing the sound of his wife’s voice immediately made Homer feel better. Thank goodness it’s her and
not Mr.Smithers calling to tell him he had to work overtime or that Mr. Burns wanted him in his office.
“Hommie, we have a problem.” Homer sighed and sat back in his chair, resigned to listen to the latest bad
news that has plagued him his entire life. The only thing that made the news bearable was the sweet
voice of his beloved wife.
“What?..but…why me?.. ok, ok. Fine. I’ll see him after work”.
With a heavy sigh Homer replaced the handset of the phone back into its cradle. He sat back in his chair
replaying in his mind the story his wife just told him. Her sisters, the twins Patty and Selma were in deep
shit. Both being single and working at the DMV had left them with plenty of disposable income. That is
until the Monty Burns Casino opened. At first their losses were small and neither thought much of it.
Then they started winning. Not much, just a couple of hundred here and there. But like all amateur
gamblers, their losses were more than their winnings. Convinced they could win big and be set for life,
they started making bigger and bigger bets trying to recoup their losses. Soon they ran through their
savings and started embezzling money from the DMV. Swearing they would pay it back before the
Auditors came, or when they hit their big pay off. The big pay off never came. They kept taking a little
more, then a little more from the DMV. Soon they had taken over ten thousand dollars from the State.
The Auditors were due soon and they knew if they didn’t get the cash back into the safe at the office,
they would both end up in jail. So they turned to the only hope they had left. Fat Tony, the mobster. Fat
Tony had given them the money they needed, and now he wanted his money back, with interest.
Marge had cried on the phone as she told Homer her story. That is the one weakness she knew Homer had
and she used to her full advantage. Well, other than beer of course. When she cried, Homer would do
anything, agree to anything just to get her to stop. She had asked Homer to intervene with Fat Tony on
behalf of her sisters.
Homer once did a favor for Fat Tony and he owed him big time. Thanks to Homer, Fat Tony is still free
and walking the streets instead of rotting in a prison cell.
Homer agreed to talk to the mobster. He said he couldn’t make any promises, but he would try.
Homer left work early, knowing someone would cover for him. After driving for twenty minutes, he
pulled up to a non descript building on the edge of Downtown. Stepping into the ally he spotted the stairs
going down to the lower level. He knocked on the door marked ‘Gentleman’s Club’ and waited to be let in.
“Homer, my friend. For no ones else would I do this for. But I owes you, and now this debt is paid.” Fat
Tony leaned closer across the table, “but what I am giving you is a very valuable thing. And if yous were
a smart man, you would use it to yours advantage. Dat I.O.U. from your sisters-in-law represents a big
bundle. So longs as you hold dat, you owns them. Use it wisely.”
Walking Homer to the door, Fat Tony pauses, “Homer, one last ting, if yous have any more trouble from
those two Hos, you can bring back dat I.O.U. “. Tony smiled evilly.
Sitting in his car, Homer thought long and hard about what Tony said, about how Patty and Selma had
treated him like shit ever since High School when him and Marge first got together. His whole adult life
those two cunts treated him like crap. Well it’s payback time.
Clutching a large brown paper bag, an evil smile crept across Homers face as he walked out of the
Springfield Adult Book and Novelty Store. Starting the car he began the drive to the Lonely Spinster
Apartments where the sisters lived. He called Marge on his cell phone to tell her that Fat Tony agreed
to his request and was on his way over to Patty and Selma’s place. Marge was so happy she started
weeping again.
“Sweetie, you’re not the only one who’s going to be crying today.” Sneered Homer as he ended the call.
“What do you want Fat Boy, lose your way to the donut shop?” grumbled Selma standing in the doorway.
She was dressed in a dowdy house dress, her ever present cigarette dangling from the edge of her bitter,
thin lipped mouth.
“Stand aside wicked bitch of the west before someone drops a house on you”.
Taken back by Homers aggressive attitude she stepped aside allowing him to walk in. Homer sat down on
the sofa, placing his paper bag on the floor next to his feet.
At that moment, Patty walked into the room. “What are YOU doing here?”
“I came to tell you I just saved your sorry, saggy asses.” Said Homer, pulling the I.O.U from his shirt
pocket. “So you better watch your smart mouth”.
Both girls gasped in disbelief. “Wha… how.. how did you get that?”
“Let’s just say Fat Tony owed me…. And now I own you. Now sit down.”
They both took a seat on a couch opposite Homer. The look on their faces went from anger, to
astonishment, to fear as Homer explained without much detail, how Fat Tony owed him and if it wasn’t
for Marge, he’d as soon let Tony sell them to a Mexican Whore House than lift a finger to help.
“As of now, I OWN you… You will do what I tell you, . when I tell you, . how I tell you. Or I give this
small piece of paper back to Fat Tony.” Reaching into his paper bag, Homer pulled out two large red rubber
balls with straps attached to each side. “Put these on..NOW!”
With trembling hands Selma reached out taking the ball gags, then passing one to her sister.
“You can’t be serious.” Said Patty, turning the ball gag over in her hand.
“As serious as death.” Said Homer, “Now do it, or I walk out that door and straight back to Fat Tony.”
The girls looked at each other, then slowly put the ball gags into their mouths and tightened the straps.
“Now, both of you, stand up, turn around and kneel on the couch.”
The sisters did as they were told, clutching the top of the back rest.
“Good. Now Selma, lift your dress up over your hips. Patty, pull down your pants.”
With trembling hands, the twins bared their panty clad asses. They looked back over their shoulders at
Homer. Fear flashed in their eyes, heads shaking no, no, no as Homer pulled a small multi tailed whip from
his bag.
“You cunts have been a pain in my ass since day one. Now I’m gonna be a pain ON your ass.”
Homer smiled as he walked up behind the twins. He could see Selma’s body shaking, causing her large
round ass to wobble slightly. Patty just stared at Homer, pure hatred in her eyes.
“I’m going to start with Selma on her left butt cheek, then Patty’s left cheek, then Selma’s right cheek
then… well you get the idea.” Homer raised his arm and brought the whip down harshly on Selma.
Turning his attention to Patty, Homer brought the whip down on her left cheek.
Back to Selma, her butt trembling, knowing what was to come.
Again, back to Patty’s right cheek.
Homer continued to whip each girl, he would hit one cheek, then the same cheek on the other girl. Each of
the twins received ten lashes. Looking at the sisters, kneeling on the couch, legs trembling, faces wet
with tears of pain and humiliation made Homer smile. But he wasn’t satisfied yet. These girls need to
know who was in charge, and it WASN’T them.
“Well… that’s a good start. Now pull down your panties. I want to see those big fat asses…NOW!”
With shaking hands each sister reached back, pulling down her panties, exposing the red stripes and welts
covering their butts, fat puffy pussy lips peeking out from between their thighs.
Homer laid into the large trembling asses before him with another ten strokes each. He enjoyed seeing
how the butt cheeks would wobble and shake with each stinging kiss of the whip. The girls, crying out
with each cruel stroke , their screams and moans muffled by the gags.
Satisfied, Homer put the whip back into his bag, “Ok you two. Here’s the deal. From now on you’re going to
be nice to me and treat me with respect or your both going to learn how to say ‘sucky,fucky’ in Spanish
real quick.”
The girls, tears streaming down their faces looked at Homer, sobbing violently nodded their agreement.
Homer took a small piece of paper from the brown paper bag and began writing on it, occasionally looking
up at the two sisters. When he finished his task, he placed it on the coffee table.
“You two will show up at my house this Saturday, at eight o’clock. On this note are your instructions. I
expect you to follow them.” Leaving the paper bag and the note, Homer walked out the door.
As Homer walked in the door of his home, Marge rushed to her husband, her arms embracing him,
smothering his face with kisses.
“Oh Hommie, thank you, thank you, thank you. You’re such a wonderful man. I know you don’t like Patty or
Selma, but since Mom died, they are the only family I have left.”
“Yeah, er,. Marge, I invited them over Saturday night and.. well I don’t want the kids home. In fact, you
might not want to be here that night either.”
“Why not?”
“Well… I sort of punished them… a little… you know.. for how they were always so mean to me. And
I was planning on doing it some more this weekend.”
“Oh Hommie…No…please no.”
Homer sighed, “Fine. I’ll call them after Dinner and tell them not to come over.”
Bart and Lisa ran outside immediately after they finished eating, Homer sat on the couch watching the
News and sipping a beer. Maggie sat on the floor, playing with her blocks and had inadvertently spelled
out the words SPANK, RED, and was working on the word ASS when Marge came in.
“Hommie, I was thinking. I want you to go ahead and have Patty and Selma come over Saturday. I’ll have
Bart spend the night with Millhouse and Lisa can stay with Janie. I’ll ask Ned Flanders to watch Maggie.”
“Why the change of heart, honey?” said Homer looking up at his wife.
“Well…. I got to remembering my childhood. How Patty and Selma always ganged up on me. Treating me
like I was their slave, making me do their chores, dressing me up in silly costumes then making me go
outside where all the neighborhood kids could see and laugh at me…. And then they would make me do
… um..nasty things. To myself, while they watched and laughed. Then they would make me do nasty
things to them. They need to be punished.. .I want to watch you punish them,…then I want you to watch
ME punish them!”
Homer saw the sparkle in his wife’s eye and fell in love all over again.

Saturday Night
The days had past slowly. Homer and Marge would lay awake in their bed at night, talking excitedly
about the upcoming weekend. As they made their plans, they would gently touch and fondle each other,
but that was all. Both wanted to save up for the weekend.
Saturday morning finally came around. Marge, wearing her bath robe busied herself at the stove fixing
breakfast. Bart and Lisa came shuffling in, still in their pajamas and took their seats.
“Bart?”, said Marge, not even turning around to look at him, “You’re going to spend the night with
Milhouse. I already talked to LuAnn. Lisa your spending the night with Janie.”
“Err.. ok Mom. “ Said Lisa, sitting down at the table. “I like sleeping over at Janie’s, but why?”
“Your father and I have plans tonight and I really don’t want to spend the money for a baby sitter.”
“Oh, where’re you going?”
“Lenny is throwing a party. We expect to be out late. We’re going to take a cab so I can drink too, and if
we have too much, we might spend the night at a hotel.”
Later that afternoon, Lisa came into the kitchen to grab a sandwich for lunch. Marge was sitting at the
table, holding a cup of coffee close to her lips, but not drinking, a faraway look in her eyes.
“Mom, you ok?”
“Hummm?” responded Marge, placing the cup back down on the table. Sitting opposite Marge, Lisa began
making her lunch. “It’s just that I noticed the dishes from breakfast are still in the sink. You usually do
them right after we’re finished eating.”
“Oh…ummm the dish washers making funny noises. I didn’t want to use it until your father has had a
chance to look at it. If he can’t fix it, I’ll wait until after dinner and do them all at once.”
Satisfied with the explanation, Lisa ate her lunch, making small talk with her mother. After eating, Lisa
placed her dirty plate and glass on the counter and went outside into the back yard.
That evening after dinner, Bart ran out the door with his backpack heading to Millhouse’s. Lisa helped
her mom clear the table, placing the dishes on the counter along with the rest of the dirty dishes that
had accumulated throughout the day.
“Boy Mom, I hope Dad can fix the washer. This is quite a mess.”
Marge stood smiling at her daughter, “Don’t worry honey. Even if your father can’t fix it, these will all be
cleaned by tonight. Now you run off and have fun, I’ll see you in the morning.”
Giving Lisa a kiss on her forehead, she scooted her out the door. Smiling, Marge settled down on the
couch, a glass of wine in her hand, and waited with anticipation for eight o’clock to arrive.
Five minutes after eight Marge opened the door. Stepping back, crossing her arms she said “Your late.
Hommie’s not going to like this.”
“Fuck Homer”, muttered Patty under her breath.
“I heard that Patty. And Homer’s going to hear about it too.” Smirked Marge.
The girls, both dressed in overcoats, buttoned all the way to their necks walked through the door. Selma,
nervously twisted the rolled up top of a paper bag she had clutched in her hands.
“Where’s Homer?” she asked, looking around the room.
“Right here” said Homer walking into the room. “I see you’re late. That’s going to cost you.”
Homer walked across the room and sat down in an arm chair. “Now, let’s see if you followed your
instructions. Take off your coats.”
The girls, blushing a bright red, slowly unbuttoned their coats. Marge smiled as each coat dropped onto
the floor. “My my, don’t you both look sooo sweet.”
“It was embarrassing going into that Adult store and buying these. The jerk at the counter kept saying
nasty things to us.” Said Selma, her right arm across her midriff, clutching her left elbow. Both girls kept
their eyes cast down, refusing to look at Homer or Marge.
Each girl was dressed in identical French maid uniforms. The tops were cut in a “W” shape so each girl’s
set of boobs were hanging out, fully exposed. The skirts were ruffled and poufy, but so short the front
barely covered their crotch, the bottom of each girls ass fully exposed. Fishnet thigh high stockings
covered their legs, ending with four inch stiletto high heel black shiny shoes.
“Well Marge, Got any chores for these two?” asked Homer.
“Oh I sure do dear. There’s a whole kitchen full of dirty dishes that need to be washed, dried and put
away.” Said Marge, a happy smile across her face.
“But Hommie, they were late getting here, and Patty said something nasty at the door.”
“Really?” said Homer in mock surprise. “Well…we can’t have the ‘help’ getting ideas above their station,
now can we. Selma, hand me the bag please.”
Slowly Selma shuffled over to the chair, without looking up she handed the paper bag to Homer. Reaching
into the bag, Homer pulled out a rather large ping pong paddle. Rising up from his chair he walked over to
“Ok ‘ladies’, both of you, bend over and grab your knees.”
Homer walked up behind the bent over girls.
“Well…no panties, it’s good to see you dumb bitche’s can at least follow a simple instruction. Now, you
were five minutes late. That means five hard swats apiece.”
Homer brought the paddle down hard on Patty’s upturned ass. It made a loud SPLAT as the wooden
paddle made contact with her meaty ass.
“YOUCH” she yelled. Rising up on her toes.
Another loud SPAT was heard as Selma’s ass received the same treatment
Switching back to Patty, Homer raised the paddle again, this time the blow knocked her forward a bit.
“AAAA, you BASTARD. Stop hitting me!”
Looking at Patty, Homer growled, “Bitch, we haven’t even started yet”.
Lifting the paddle,Homer quickly applied two additional hard slaps to Patty on her already tender ass.
After another five swats to their their asses, Homer said “I think we’re about ready here…Marge?”
“Coming Hommie.” Marge walked over to her sisters and stood in front of the two girls.
“Your outfits are so cute, but yet there is something missing.” Pulling her hands out from behind her back
she held two head bands. Each covered in black velvet with two large pink triangle pieces resembling pig
ears perched on top.
She placed the ‘ears’ on their heads, “Oh, and let’s not forget these.” She said smiling. She produced two
large round Pig Noses. She placed a nose on the face of each girl, an elastic strap around their heads held
the snouts in place.
Marge looked up at her husband. “Your turn dear” She smiled and took a step back.
Homer stepped up behind the twins, still bent over holding their knees. In his hands were two butt plugs.
Each four inches long and three inches round at the widest end. Sticking out of the flat end of each plug
was a hard plastic curly pig tail. Grabbing Patty’s left butt cheek, he spread her ass exposing her tight
brown hole.
“AAAHHHHH…..SHIIIIT” screamed Patty as Homer forcibly rammed the plug into her ass dry.
Smiling, Homer turned to Selma. “Your turn.”
Selma saw the look of anguish on her sister’s face. She immediately clenched her butt cheeks together.
Homer quickly gave her a hard slap across her ass.
“Loosen up Bitch, or it’ll hurt even more.”
Relaxing her butt, Selma screamed as Homer rammed the plug up her dry rectum.
“Well now.” Said Homer. “I think your fully dressed , what do you think dear?”
“Oohhh yes, Hommie. I think our little piggy maids are ready to do their chores.”
Marge and Homer walked over and sat on the couch.
“Ok piggies, both of you, get to the kitchen. There’s a whole days worth of dirty dishes that need to be
Sobbing softly, the twins slowly and awkwardly shuffled off to towards the kitchen, their curly tails
“Selma, while you’re in there, bring me a beer and refill Marge’s wine glass.”
Selma shuffled back into the living room with a beer in one hand and an opened bottle of wine in the
other. Marge held up her glass as Selma poured the wine. Looking down, Marge noticed a glint of light
reflected off a bit of moisture on the top Selma’s thigh.
Turning to Homer she reached out with the beer in her hand, in a quiet voice she said, “Your drink…..sir.”
Homer and Marge watched Selma as she slowly walked back into the kitchen, her little curly piggy tail
swaying back and forth.
“Hummm. You know Marge, I think Selma just might be getting off on this.”
“I know what you mean. Did you notice she was wet? It might be an involuntary reaction to the butt plug,
but I don’t think so. When we were kids, Patty was always the dominate one. Sure, Selma joined in, but
usually as just an accomplice. I wonder if Patty did things to Selma… when she wasn’t doing them to me?

Homer and Marge sat on the couch, looking into each other’s eyes, exchanging short sweet kisses.
“Enjoying yourself sweetheart?” Asked Homer.
“Ohhh Hommie. I could do this every weekend.” She purred taking another sip of her wine.
The twins walked back into the living room.
“We’re done with the dish’s, can we go now” said Patty in her gruff, gravelly voice.
“Oh no,” replied Marge. “The fun part is yet to come.”
Standing up, Marge lifted her dress. “Patty, since you like women you must be really good at eating pussy.
Pull down my panties and show me what you’ve learned.”
Patty got down on her knees. Reaching up she pulled down her panties. Marge the sat back down on the
couch, her butt resting on the edge. She spread her legs showing the world, and Patty, a beautiful shaved
pussy with just a small tuft of blue fur on top.
Patty leaned forward and began slowly licking up and down each lip of Marge’s snach. Then she stuck her
tongue into the crack and began to flick her clit.
“ooohhh…. That’s nice. Just like when we were kids, eh Patty? Only this time you’re the one doing the
licking….. not me.”
Marge looked up at Selma, “Well pig? What are you waiting for? Take my husband’s cock out and start
Homer stood up and unfastened his pants. Selma got down on her knees. Reaching up, she grabbed Homer’s
pants and underwear,pulled them down to his ankles. Sitting back down, he lifted his feet as Selma
removed and set aside his pants. She gently wrapped her hand around his semi erect cock. Slowly she
stroked him, feeling him getting harder in her hand. She leaned forward with her mouth open, taking in
just the head, running her tongue up and down on the underside of his pink helmet.
Homer thought he saw a slight smile at the edge of her thin lips as she started to bob her head up and
down, taking in a little more and more of his dick.
Marge started bucking her hips as she moaned louder and louder. Suddenly she reached out and grabbed
Patty’s hair, forcing her face against her snatch, spraying Patty’s face with her girl cum.
“Ohhhhh….that was nice. Hommie? Is Selma sucking your cock good? You about there?”
“Oh yeah Baby. A little more of this and Selma’s going to get her teeth whitened, He He He.”
“Oh Hommie. I think we should switch. I want to see Patty get her first taste of Man cum.”
“What?” exclaimed Patty, her face dripping with Marge’s juices. “You know I like girls, NOT MEN!”
“I know that sister dear, that’s exactly why you’re going to suck my hubby’s dick. Unless you want your
butt beaten,. . beaten until you beg Homer to let you suck him off.” Said Marge smiling sweetly.
Grumbling and cursing under her breath, Patty still on her knees, slowly moved over to Homer. Selma
slowly crawled on her hands and knees over to Marge, her tail sticking up into the air. Without saying a
word, Selma began to slowly lap up Marge’s spent juices off of her thighs and nibbling on her pussy.
Taking Homer’s cock in her hand, Patty looked at it like it was going to bite her.
“Go on cunt, stick it in your mouth and start sucking. You ain’t got all night ya know.” Homer grabbed
Patty’s hair in his fist and forced her face down onto his dick.
“Guess you really DON’T know how to suck dick. Well, you just keep your mouth tight around that cock
and I’ll do the rest.”
With that, Homer stood up, grabbed Patty by the sides of her head and began thrusting his hips, forcing
his cock in and out of her mouth.
“Ohh Hommie, Selma is doing me sooo nice…. Oh yeah. That looks so hot.. Face fuck that bitch.”
Homer, egged on by his wife, started pumping harder and faster.
Homer rammed his fat prick down Patty’s throat , forcing her nose into his pubic hair as he shot load
after load into her. Gagging, tears streaming down her cheeks, Patty could do nothing but kneel there
allowing herself to be abused. Hoping Homer would finish quickly before she ran out of air.
“Ohhh… I cum..I cum.. I cummmm” screamed Marge, thrashing her whole body as a second orgasm washed
over her.
Later that night, standing at the door, “Patty, Selma your cab is here. Enjoy your ride home.” Said Marge
smiling sweetly.
“You can’t be serious. Give us a break Marge, at least let us put our coats on.” Pleaded Patty.
Patty and Selma stood before the open door, still dressed in their maid uniforms, pig snout covering their
noses, tits out on full display and the little piggy tail butt plugs still firmly in place.
“Nope. You’re going to go out there just like that, walk down to the end of the driveway and get into that
cab. After that, I don’t care. You can pick up your coats the next time we call you over.”
Again, grumbling under her breath Patty stepped out the door.
Waiting for her sister to get a few feet away, Selma turned toward Marge and threw her arms around
her neck . Hugging Marge tightly Selma whispered in her ear, “oh thank you…thank you…. Say we’ll do
this again… soon….please.”, and began nibbling on her ear lobe.
“Hmmm well… umm.. we’ll call you.” Whispered a startled Marge.
“Come ON Selma, get your fat ass out here, I’m not going to stand here on display forever, get a move on.”
Homer and Marge stood in the door way, watching the sisters walk down the driveway towards the
awaiting cab, their piggy tails swishing as they walked.

Horror in Toon Town – Part 1

“Do you think the kids are all right Homie?”

Homer Simpson felt his right eye begin to twitch. His wife’s voice, which was on a good day gravelly and
coarse, was now beginning to really grate on his nerves.
“Would you stop asking that Marge? I have told you a dozen times, they are fine! They’re with Flanders!
He may be a dang ding asshole, but he can watch the kids for a weekend. “
Homer and Marge Simpson were hurtling down a back highway in the middle of the night. To say they
were lost would be an understatement. Homer had finally convinced his wife to head off for the weekend
and leave their damn kids behind. He had made reservations at a secluded resort hotel and they had
packed up the car and left earlier that day.
According to the map, it should have only taken a few hours to get there but they had been driving
double that. Now it was after 2 AM and Homer had had enough of Marge’s questions.
“How about we stop for directions?” Marge asked for the 10th time.
“DAMMIT WOMAN! For the last time NO! I know where we are!”
Marge began to sniffle and she dabbed her tears in an attempt not to cry. She sat looking out the
passenger window staring out at the passing telephone poles along the side of the road. After several
minutes of driving in absolute silence Homer began to feel bad. He was surprised; he usually didn’t feel
bad about anything.
She didn’t answer.
“I’m sorry Marge. I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean to snap at you.”
She remained silent.
“AAAWWWWWWWWW! Come one honey. Not the silent treatment, please say something.”
He hated when she gave him the silent treatment. Finally, Marge looked over at her husband who was
trying to make up and was acting sweet. Her anger began to subside.
“Okay Homie.”
She slid over and began to nuzzle Homer’s neck.
“Let’s not fight. Not this weekend.”
He put his arm around her as he drove. He felt like a teenager again with his girl on his arm.
“You’re right baby.”
Homer let his hand slide down and grab his wife’s right boob.
“HOMIE!” Marge began to snicker and covered her mouth with her face, acting coy.
Homer gave her a look that she knew well and she leaned in and began to kiss his neck. As she was
nibbling his ear, Marge’s hand slid down and began rubbing the inside of his thigh. Homer’s eyes bulged as
he felt her hand slip up between his legs and begin rubbing his crotch.
“Oh Marge!” Homer said breathlessly with a leering tone in his voice.
He felt her open his pants and reach her three fingers inside his trousers and grab his manhood. She began
stroking it and Marge smiled as she felt her husband’s cock harden in her hand.
“Oh Homie! Hee hee hee,” she began to snicker as he became aroused.
Homer couldn’t believe it when she dropped her head down into his lap and wrapped her lips around his
Homer cried out as Marge began to suck his cock. Her tall beehive of blue hair was pressed up against the
car door and was partially blocking his vision of the road, but he didn’t care.
Homer couldn’t remember the last time she had given him a blow job. It had to have been before Maggie
had been born. Marge’s head began bobbing up and down in his lap as she sucked and worked his bright
yellow member and she slurped on the orange head of his sex organ. Homer grabbed the steering wheel
with both hands, gripping it so tight he began to bend it from the force.
“Oh yeah! Oh baby! Oh that’s good Margie! Don’t stop!”
Homer was in heaven as he had his cock sucked. Marge was working him with her mouth giving him a
warm wet blow job as she jacked the shaft of his dick with her hand as well using the drooling saliva from
her mouth to lubricate it as she slid her hand up and down.
As she blew him, Homer reached over and slapped Marge’s ass cheek hard. His hand made a loud WAP!
sound as he brought it down on his wife’s buttock. For a woman who had given birth to three children,
Marge still had a hell of a body.
“OH HOMIE!” Marge cried out as she felt a stinging in her rear.
“Oh Marge, you’re a bad girl!”
“I am. I need to be punished.” She put his cock back in her mouth and sucked on it hard. Then pulling it out
for a moment, “Punish me Homie!”
As the car began swerving back and forth across the yellow line, Homer pulled his wife’s dress up and
revealed her firm round ass. Sliding his hand under her panties, he slipped two of his thick stubby fingers
into Marge’s pussy and began working them in and out. She was wet and slick, obviously turned on.
“Oh yes Homie!”
She put his cock back in her mouth and began jerking him with her hands as she worked him vigorously
with her lips and tongue. Homer began moaning as he felt his climax building.
Just as Homer was about to cum, he had a mental image of his neighbor Ned Flanders waving his finger in
his face and warning him..
‘Don’t do it Homer! Don’t you dare take the Lord’s name in vain!’
In his mind, the vision of Homer kicked Flanders in the nuts and as the do-gooder grabbed his balls and
curled up on the ground, yelled at him, ‘SHUT THE FUCK UP FLANDERS!’
Then homer blurted out, “OH JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!”
Marge kept sucking hard on his member until she felt a warm burst of liquid fill her mouth.
Homer let out a long moan as he came hard. Marge didn’t stop; she kept jacking him and sucking hard as
his cock pumped load after load of jizz into her and she eagerly swallowed all of it.
Homer’s entire body tensed and shook as the best orgasm he had experienced in years surged through him.
Homer was driving with his eyes closed as the car careened back and forth nearly side swiping several
telephone poles as he became completely oblivious to his surroundings.
“Oh baby that’s good.”
Homer’s head was leaning back and his tongue was lolling out the side of his mouth as he blew his load
into his wife’s throat. Marge lifted her head, sitting back up and wiping her husband’s cum from her chin
when suddenly..
Marge screamed for her husband as she looked up and saw a dark figure standing just within the reach of
the family car’s headlights. Homer opened his eyes and jerked the wheel t the side just in time to miss
whoever was standing in the middle of the road. The large automobile passed within inches of the
unknown pedestrian.
The car went into a spin and two of the wheels lifted off the road as Homer and Marge were tossed
helplessly inside as they had lost control of the vehicle.
Finally, after several of the longest moments of the Simpson’s lives, the car screeched to a stop in the
middle of the road.
“HOLY SHIT!” Homer yelled.
“That was close Homie. Are you all right?”
He nodded, “Are you?”
She nodded as well. They both climbed from the car.
“Did you see that guy? He was right in the middle of the road? He’s lucky he didn’t get killed.”
The two of them saw a large figure in the darkness walking towards them. He stopped at the edge of the
light from a street lights and neither Marge nor Homer could see his face.
“Are you okay sir?” Marge called out.
He didn’t answer.
“Homie, go see if he’s alright.”
“Meeee? Why? He looks fine.”
“He might be in shock.”
Homer walked into the darkness. Marge could hear her husband speaking but could not tell what he was
saying. Then everything was quiet for several long seconds.
After another few long seconds, Homer Simpson walked back into the light towards Marge. He held up his
hands to calm his wife.
“Don’t worry Marge. He’s fine.”
Homer began to stagger a bit. He seemed to be wobbling on his feet a little.
Homer fell to his knees and Marge gasped.
She screamed and ran towards her husband who was falling to the road. Jutting from the back of Homer’s
head was the blade of a large axe.
Homer slumped to the asphalt.
Marge knelt over the body of her husband. The back of his white shirt was now a deep red and soaked
through with blood. She couldn’t believe what had happened. As she fell across his body, crying, she didn’t
notice the large figure approaching from the edge of the road.
Suddenly, Marge saw the heavy muddy boots of her husband’s killer standing only a few feet from her.
She looked up in horror. With the light from a lone working street light behind the stranger, she couldn’t
see his face. She could only tell that he was huge and was wearing a large overcoat in addition to the
thick soled boots.
As she looked up in shock, she watched as the man leaned down and pulled the axe handle from the back
of Homer’s head.
It made a sickening, wet ripping noise as it was torn free.
In a panic, Marge crawled backwards to try and get away as the monster before her lifted the axe and
swung it down with such force that it would have cleaved her in two if it had struck home. Luckily for
her, it missed, only tearing through her dress and slamming into the road right between her legs. It
missed her crotch by mere inches.
Marge shrieked in terror and jumped to her feet and turned to run back to the car. As she ran though,
her dress, which was caught on the axe head, was torn free and she ran for the safety of the car in only
her bra and panties; Marge’s full heavy tits, bouncing as she bolted in a panic.
Marge got to the car, desperate to get away. She could only think of her children and not her dead
husband right now. She jumped behind the wheel and frantically turned the ignition. The engine of the
large family sedan was trying to turn over, whirring as she pumped the gas pedal.
Just as she thought the engine was about to fire up, the driver’s side window shattered as the head of the
axe slammed into it. Shards of glass exploded, cutting Marge’s face and arm.
Before she could react, Marge felt a thick muscled and powerful arm reach through the window and wrap
around her neck and drag her from the driver’s seat. More jagged edges of glass cut into her back and
shoulders as Marge was pulled out.
Marge cried out as the wind was knocked from her as her attacker slammed her against the metal frame
of the car. She looked up to try and see his face as she fought and thrashed but it was dark and blood was
running from a cut on her forehead and seeping into her eyes, making it hard for her to see.
She felt two large strong hands around her throat. They began applying pressure and she began to choke.
Marge was beating her fists on her attacker in a desperate attempt to fight him off but it was no use; he
was too strong for her.
She felt herself lifted off her feet, her legs were now free to kick and flail as well. Marge was choking
and flailing, desperate for air as it felt like her neck was about to snap. After another minute, Marge
Simpson’s body went limp; all the fight was gone from her.
Just as she was about to go completely unconscious, she felt herself flipped around and slammed down,
face down over the hood of her car.
“UGH!” Marge was coughing and gasping for breath, “Oh God! No please! I have children! Please”
While he held her down with one hand, he grabbed the strap of her bra and tore it off her. In doing so,
her necklace broke as well and the white pearls that Homer had given her for a wedding gift and that
she always wore flew all over the road.
Marge Simpson was left nearly naked but she kept struggling. The man behind her lifted her from the
hood by the hair and reached around with one hand and took hold of one of Marge’s full large firm tits.
He pinched her nipple hard and began grabbing and kneading the tender flesh.
This was the first man other than Homer who had touched her like this in more than twenty years.
Looking through tear filled eyes, she saw her attacker’s hand on her breast and she bit down hard, sinking
her teeth into his flesh.
“AAARRRRGGGGHHH!” The man cried out in pain.
He grabbed her by the back of the neck and slammed back down driving her face into the metal of the
hood, leaving a large dent. Marge went limp as she was stunned. She had a vague sensation of her panties
being torn free and she felt cold as she was left totally naked in the cool night air.
“Uuuhhhhh. Please. No.”
Marge was in a daze as she felt a strange sensation behind her. Suddenly she realized that she was being
raped from behind.
She screamed as her body began to buck as he thrust in and out of her. She felt his hands on her hips
holding her down as he fucked her. Over and over he pushed his cock into her cunt. She could hear him
grunting. For a woman who had given birth multiple times, Marge’s pussy was extremely tight.
He pulled his cock from her and Marge was silently thankful as she thought it was over. But then a new
horror filled her as she felt the tip of his member pressed up against her sphincter.
Marge had not had anal since she had been in college. That was the one thing that was off limits, even
with Homer.
Marge screamed as she felt an agony that she hadn’t felt in twenty years combined with violation as she
was anally raped. She felt a blinding pain as she had a massive cock thrust up between her ass cheeks.
He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back as he pounded her ass with his manhood. Marge was
weeping and crying as she was violated brutally.
She heard the deep baritone voice of her assailant cry out as he climaxed deep in her rectum. Marge
tensed as she felt her ass pipe filled with his cum. He kept thrusting, savoring his pleasure. When he was
done, he stepped back and while he was still recovering from his orgasm; Marge spun and pushed him hard.
“YOU FUCKER!” she screamed. Somehow, she still had some fight in her left.
He staggered backwards and tripped over his pants, which were wrapped around his ankles. Marge took
the chance to run for her life. She sprinted away, back down the dark highway, totally naked but at least
she was free. She ran past the corpse of her beloved Homer saying a silent prayer for him as she did.
She managed to get about 200 feet away when she heard the roar of an engine. Stopping and looking back,
she watched in horror as the man who had killed her husband and then had raped her put their car in
gear and begin to turn around to pursue her.
She ran as fast as she could!”
But the highway was dark, nearly pitch black in fact. The only light was from the occasional flickering
streetlamp but not a single light from a car or home could be seen. As the car closed on her, Marge kept
running, hoping for a miracle. The rocks and cracks of the asphalt were cutting into the bottoms of her
feet. She was limping and in more pain as she tried to run.
Suddenly, she realized that she was bathed in the glow of the headlights from their family car. She
stopped and turned, raising her hands to shield herself as the man driving bore down on her.
The car barreled into Marge at more than 60 miles per hour. The left fender slammed into her torso;
folding her in half as her legs were sucked under the car and her face and head slammed into the hood so
hard that a basketball sized crater was left.
As the accelerator was floored, Marge was pulled down and under the wheels of the vehicle as she was
run down. Her body was rolled and bounced by the undercarriage of the car as her flesh was ripped from
As her body came out from the underside of the car, the driver slammed on the brakes and screeched to a
halt. Putting the car in neutral, he opened the door and slowly walked back to the body of the woman he
had run over.
Marge was somehow, miraculously alive. She was crawling, or at least trying to crawl, away. Her body
was broken; her limbs twisted and her agony was apparent. Most of the skin had been torn from her face
and in several places all over her body; her bones and organs were visible as the tissue had been ripped
off in large chunks.
The man stepped over her and then stood in front, blocking her path. Marge, barely able to lift her head,
looked up at him through her one remaining good eye.
He raised the axe over his head and, as she tried to beg for mercy but only made a few gurgling noises, he
brought it down between her shoulder blades. Marge tensed for a moment before she went limp, sprawled
out in the middle of a highway. Some might say it was a mercy killing.
A few minutes later, the large blood splattered killer tossed his axe into the trunk of the Simpsons
family car and slammed the lid down. As he started to climb back into the car, he noticed something on
the back seat and reached back and picked it up. He ran his bloody fingers over the pristine white of the
hockey mask that Bart wore when he played.
Smiling to himself, he placed it on the seat next to him, closed the car door and tore off into the night.
Naked Playthings

Lisa Simpson was still an innocent when she noticed from her bedroom window the enormous
crate being heaved over the fence into the Flanders' backyard. The Simpson family had been drifting
further and further away from Ned since Maude's death. It'd gotten to a point where Homer had
seemingly forgotten about his neighbor and unwitting arch nemesis, so Lisa was at a loss as for what
precisely the crate contained.
In time though, five enormous men opened the crate and began to assemble a hot tub in Ned's
Lisa starred, more perplexed by this particular object's entrance into her life.
Coincidence or serendipity?
It was not two days ago she'd heard Sherri and Terri talking about the massage setting on their
own hot tub and Terri's first orgasm. The explicitness of Terri's confession to Sherri had made Lisa's skin
crawl as she eavesdropped from behind a nearby tree. And though it'd made her skin crawl then, Lisa
wondered how long she was to wait before being equally well versed in those same sensations. How long
before boys couldn't keep their eyes or hands off her body? How long before she wouldn't mind sharing
her body with a man?
The tub's basin was violet, and it sat in a pinewood shell at the far end of Ned's back porch.
Lisa had to wonder what Ned had in mind for the thing. He didn't strike her as the type of person
who'd even own swimming trunks. She couldn't imagine him at the beach, even with his wife. The sort of
immodesty Lisa and her family had required to don swimsuits at the beach, or her mom the occassional
string bikini, they'd taken for granted. But no doubt Ned wouldn't and couldn't wear something like
trunks or go shirtless anywhere outside.
Watching Ned exit the house and stop to glare at the tub from his backdoor Lisa had stumbled
upon the mental image of Ned shirtless. Lisa stopped herself and laughed. She was turning into her
mother. Since catching Marge and Homer reenacting some scenes from a European movie they'd rented,
Malena, Lisa got her first real sense of how often her mother thought about sex, let alone how elaborate
her fantasies. Watching her father, throttle and molest her mom in the kitchen was pentamount to
watching a home invasion and staged rape fantasy.
Lisa never wanted to think of love in the sense her mother had conceived it, or confuse violence
for passion. She suspected Homer wasn't entirely into it anyway. Perhaps Marge's time teaching male
inmates had imprinted on her some of her students' own fantasies, with Marge the star.
The day was almost over when the moving men left and the lights from the bottom of the tub
glowed hypnotically behind the fence. Lisa stared, the prospect of some, if even, momentary gratification
in the back of her mind. Everyone else in the world seemed obsessed with, but her and her brother.
Why not indulge?
Lisa felt, as though by reflex, her fingers squeeze at the sides of the window frame are she gazed
past the glass to the glowing yellow light of the tub.
A few minutes later and Lisa's small hairless pussy hovered over the center jet of water. She
could feel the reverse whirlpool of bubbles turning inside her body. Driven by some basest instinct her
hovering pelvis began to rock back and forth, allowing the bubbles to drift back and forth. Sensations
more elaborate and strange filled her from between her legs, the opening of the jet was a mouth, the
fluttering torrent of water a spinning tongue in her privates.
She felt like a man was giving mouth-to-mouth to her pussy. The strange sensation lifted higher
and higher, into her stomach. The muscles braced in her back and groin. Her hips cramped but she pushed
through the pain and kept swaying, her crotch closer and closer to the gaping mouth and whirling tongue.
The water splashed around her as she shook. Her insides, the tunnel the water was ebbing into
growing smaller, tighter and suddenly slick. Her small body bucked as the feeling in her pussy grew more
intense and specific. It was indeed pleasure. It stretched her mind, exposing nerves she didn't know she
had as it climbed higher and higher.
She felt as though she could even taste it. High up inside her the feeling she was experiencing
was akin to savoring a sugary sweetness, the velvety richness of dark chocolate or a heavy cream. But
the sensation was not on her tongue, it was deep inside her. A calling, a homing from some deeper, more
biological need.
Then, as though the nerves that ran the length of the shrinking tunnel had awoken from a
faintness of sensation, the heaviness of the sensation dawned completely and she cried out. The water
wound all the way up inside her. The tongue was long and reptilian, a full foot up inside her. She could
feel it up behind her hymen, in her very womb. Her pussy shrunk around it, but the pressure was too much
for her young body, the water tested her own body's resolve, stretching the inside of her small torso.
It was as though the elaborate technique of the jet's tongue had dulled and there was only a
thick muscle within her. She could feel it, tearing, her hymen crowning like the shell of an egg.
Lisa gasped and her cherry shattered. Her hips landed flat against the basin of the tub. The lip of
the jets touching the lips of her pussy as she'd done the splits in her submission.
Pain echoed up from her groin but was too faint beneath the high tide of her climax. Looking
down she could see her clitoris not quite an inch long and the pink mixture of her blood and wet pussy
like oil, too thick to dissolve in the water.
The realization that she'd popped her cherry in her neighbor's hot tub dawned on her. She
wondered if Mr Flanders would find some evidence of that fact the next morning. Had she dispelled some
viscous red mass in shattering her hymen?
Deep inside her the newest nerves, the ones hidden behind that film of her innocence were awake
and filling her brain, redefining pleasure, showing there was no limit to the reach of any one sensation if
She made her way back to her room after midnight, her first orgasm transformed from a shout
to a whisper. It reshaped the way she walked, her hips swayed with sensuality and confidence, the gait of
a lolita and not Marge's little girl.
To Be Continued.. .

Three Weeks Earlier
Who was Bunny Bouvier, Marge wondered when she glared at the name on the package.
Someone else. Maybe a cousin, aunt or uncle.
When she opened the package she found a note in the pile of styrofoam peanuts.

Heard your husband was out of town for the week. Thought I'd introduce you to a friend of mine.
He's gotten me through some long lonely nights.
Sincerely, your favorite stranger,

Reaching into the packing material Marge hadn't the slightest what she would find.
Homer had been out looking for a new job since Mr Burns had laid him off. His search had taken
him to Capital City where now all but her and Maggie kept him company.
Though Marge missed Homer terribly, the rush to maintain the house was gone, as was any
incentive to keep herself occupied until he returned from work. There was no work and time, whether
made use of or wasted. had become trivial after a while.
Moving her hand around a cylindrical object she pulled it free from the box and stumbled back in
shock. She let go in the instant she recognized it, and watched it bounce off the table and land in her open
It was a giant rubber cock.
She bent over to have a closer look at it, the back end of its length hung out from the top of her
purse. She could see a switch and place for batteries.
It was a vibrator.
"Jesus!" she said, "Who is this woman to send me something like this? Doesn't she know I'm a
happily married woman?"
She reached down to remove it from her purse and shivered in seeing it was difficult to wrap
her fingers around it.
Lifting it, she noticed a name stenciled in italics on its side.
She put the vibrator down on the table beside the box.
Jacques' cock, she thought, feeling icky for making the connection.
It was lifelike in every way but its insane proportion, longer and thicker than Marge's forearm.
She dropped it back in the box and went to the phone in the kitchen. The contents of the package
had been occupying her since she received the call from the post office the hour earlier to pick it up.
She wondered now if the clerk had opened the box and only asked her to come so he could see the
woman who'd ordered the sex toy and intended to use it.
But she hadn't ordered it. Hadn't he read the note? Maybe not. Maybe he thought she'd ordered it
from some seedy inner city sex store or online catalog.
She looked back at the label on the box.
Mrs. Marge Simpson
She blushed, knowing now the man behind the counter took her for some sexually unsatisfied
housewife, a sex hobbyist, nymphomaniac, some in-the-closet sexaholic wife.
Standing beside the receiver, waiting for Homer's scheduled four o'clock phone call, she flushed
with embarrassment, knowing two people she had never met had already taken her for the kind of woman
to cheat on her husband. With a sex toy no less.

"Why hasn't he called?" Marge sighed.

"I'm afraid there's nothing I can do, Miss. Unless he's missing for forty-eight hours there's
nothing I can do. You said he's in Capital City, Is it possible he just couldn't make it to a phone?" the 911
operator said.
"But its been three hours. He'd find a way to call me."
"I'm afraid that's not enough, Miss. Call back Wednesday, this same time if he hasn't called you by
The line cut off.
Marge collapsed to the kitchen floor, sobbing.
What'd happened? What had gone wrong? Where was Homer? Where were the kids? They would
call. They had to call.
The night stretched on longer and longer without the reassurance of a phone call. She couldn't
sleep, and by Tuesday morning a lifetime had gone by.
The morning was hot.
She hadn't slept and she hadn't showered. Perspiration with the help of the damp air had painted
her dress wetly to the curves beneath it. In the mirror, as she past from the living room to the kitchen
she could see her white bra and panties ghosting through the wet cotton. The pouty ovals of her breasts
bounced in the lace cups as she strode past.
She'd never wondered how her thirty-four year old body might look in a wet t-shirt contest,
now the image lingered long past the reflection.
In the cradle the phone showed no missed calls or messages left in the night. She had indeed been
wide awake the entire night.
She felt like fainting. The physical and emotional fatigue of the last twelve hours ached in every
inch of her body, every joint and muscle.
"Homer?" Marge pressed through the fog of waking. It was almost Wednesday morning when the
phone rang and Marge forced herself from the bed to retrieve the receiver.
The voice was faint, through the static she couldn't decipher whether she had heard it before.
"Your husband.. " it said.
"Yes. Is this the police?"
"Your husband.. "
"You have my husband?"
"Marge. This is your husband."
".. 'll be back."
"What? When? Homer?"
"Need you.. want you.. to fuck you, baby."
"I'm so hard right now. I want so bad to fuck you."
"Homer.. why are you saying these things?"
"Say it back. Just talk dirty to me, baby. Want you so bad. Say something, say anything. What are
you wearing?"
Marge's heart fluttered with desire. This was so strange, so unlike Homer to call her like this.
But he was okay, and that was all that mattered.
"Say something, baby." he said again.
She was doing somersaults in her head, too overjoyed to let the crude words on the phone slow
her down.
She stilled herself. Her whole body was shaking with elation at the news.
But what would she say? Homer wanted her. He'd been thinking about her this whole time,
worrying and lusting for her. What would she say back? What could she say back?
Her voice became low and seductive, she thought of Kathleen Turner in Body Heat, "I'm wearing
that teddy you bought me, Homie."
"Mmmm. That's nice. I love the way your tits look in that."
Marge's free hand stroked her neck and shoulder, moving down toward her chest. The voice on
the phone was gravelly thru the muck of the static, but it'd had taken on a manful and forceful
resonance. He was a brawny adonis amongst ordinary men now.
".. they're so big and soft. I wanna cum between them. I wanna fuck those tits." he said.
Marge had never heard such coarse language in her life, least of all from Homer.
She closed her eyes, trying to put away her puritanical sensibilities for a moment. She was
lonely. He was lonely. They'd been away from each other for so long. They both deserved this.
"I wanna fuck those tits." he said.
Marge was stroking her breasts through the front of her dress. She could feel her nipples
telescope from the stimulation and tent the green cotton. She was aroused too.
"Take those tits out so I can fuck them, baby."
She stood up and moved to the vanity mirror and unzipped the back of her dress. Then, reaching
down she unclasped her brassier and slipped the straps from her shoulders.
"Can you see me, Homie. Can you see me? Can you touch my body?" she teased, her breathing deep
with every vowel.
"Just let me at those big perky tits of yours, honey."
She moved her hands down and began to fondle herself.
"Can you feel me, baby? Can you feel my cock between your tits?"
Marge moved her hand down between her breasts, the friction of flesh against flesh drove her
The tone of her voice dropped lower, she was the blue-haired temptress of Homer's dreams, the
femme fatale of his life story, the buxom blue-haired streetwalker from Springfield's inner city.
"Fuck me, Homie. Fuck me. Fuck my.. .tits." she had to force the word but it eventually came.
Marge felt a tingle deep inside her from hearing the word spoken in her own voice.
She was back on the bed, her small fist the end of Homer's cock. She felt the slim knuckles trace
the inner circumferences of her pillowy breasts as she moaned into the phone.
"Oh, Homie! You're so big. Your.. .cock.. .is so big."
Her hand moved from her cleavage to the ruffled sheets on the bed, her open hand closed around
the familiar rubber cylinder.
She pulled it to her chest and slid the length of the rubber cock down into the deep indentation
between her breasts.
"Oh.. you're so big. Your cock is so big!"
She could feel the path of the cock's thick veins tracing its length as the wide width pulled apart
the twin globes of her breasts.
She was making love to a sex toy, alright. The enormous head slid back and forth some few inches
from her parted and waiting lips.
"Ahhh.. ahhh.. .ahhh!" she could hear over the phone, the sound made the image of the cock head in
her mind flare as jets of Homer's cum erupted onto her face.
Marge wished she'd slipped her one free hand to between her legs. Her pussy ached with want,
the empty center starving for Homer's cock.
And then, the click as the line was cut off.
"Homer?" Marge turned, pressed her ear tighter to the receiver but heard nothing.
He'd hung up, or been cut off. She pressed the redial button and waited.
"You have reached a Springfield Public Telephone.."
"Oh, god." she screamed, hanging up, "That wasn't Homer. Who was it I just.. ?"
Marge felt nauseous. She'd just had phone sex with a perfect stranger. She put her hand down to
steady herself and felt the still vibrating cock slip back into her open palm. The quivering thickness in
her hand mixed with the smell of her own weeping sex. She'd gotten wet over the filthy ramblings of
some local pervert.
She looked down at the twitching cock and wondered if Bunny, or whatever her name was, had
arranged all this. Marge had taken the bait and seduced an obscene caller.
Laying topless on her bed, sweat pasting the sheets to her back and hips, the shame of what she
had done did nothing to trample how sexy she felt. The sense that she'd betrayed the one man she'd ever
loved could not distract from the dissolute craving within her to hear that voice again.
She moved her hand down between her legs, taking the vibrating phallus with her.
She knew she could never fit the handsome cudgel inside her body.
As she drifted to sleep, her quivering body opened up to the fist-sized end of the cock. Her
obscene phone caller became the narrator of her dream, her guide through a labyrinth of sexual
discovery and experimentation.
She met Bunny who taught her the ways of a lady of the evening, and soon Marge was giving
herself to whomever thought she was worth the price. She knew she was worth that and more.
How often, after all, can a man be satisfied by his neighbor's wife?
She learned to let go and gave herself to so many men. She learned the merit of birth control
over condoms, so by the time Homer and the kids had returned her insides were painted with the
expended white lust of her neighbors.
Her panties hung from one ankle when she awoke. Her hands memorizing the wet geography of
her sex as she slept. She felt as though she'd been passed from her own bed to another in the night. As she
sat up her own wetness poured out and filled a perforation in the sheets. She turned her head to the
window and saw that it was open, the light shined in and illuminated her naked body.
She'd masturbated in front of an open window last night.
Her worry about the caller or the dildo grew dim as she shifted her thoughts to the window and
wondered how loud had she been in satisfying herself.
Had neighbors heard?
Had neighbors watched?
She looked back to the phone, standing, she reached for the end table. A strange diversion came
in wondering how her ass might've looked now through the window. She tried to keep in shape, and was
more than a little proud of how she looked at thirty-four, but had never been boastful of it.
Until now.
She didn't dress right away, but picked up the phone and dialed for the police again. The obscene
phone call gave her another reason to call the police. It might even help expedite their desire to reunite
her with her husband and kids.
The sound of another man's voice as she stood naked beside the mirror unnerved her. The voice
was not altogether different from the obscene phone caller's from earlier she now realized.
"When was this he called?"
"Midnight maybe."
"And how long did the call last?"
"I don't know. I thought it was my husband at first, but then.. "
"And when did you hang up?"
"I didn't. He hung up first."
"And how long had he been on the phone with you."
"Maybe ten minutes."
She could hear some laughter on the other side of the phone. She didn't realize until now she'd
just admitted to a perfect stranger that she'd not just humored the caller but turned a short
conversation into the kind of thing someone would read about in Penthouse Forum.
"No. Less than that."
"And did you, in that time, invite the caller to go on or give him any reason to believe you
weren't consenting to the conversation?"
"Wait. What?"
"If he recorded the conversation and you didn't either hang up or give him reason to believe you
weren't buying what he was selling than he can counter-sue you for defamation of character."
"NO! No. I thought it was my husband."
"Maybe it was." more laughter.
"No. My husband is in Capital City. This call was from a public phone, here in Springfield."
"You hit re-dial?"
"You intentionally called back the man who gave you an obscene call."
"I had to be sure--"
"Of what? That he was done?" more laughter, "Look. I suggest you keep this sort of thing to
yourself. If your husband" laughing "finds out. Well, if I found out someone called my wife and she called
him back I'd blow a gasket. So I suggest you keep this to yourself."
"No. Wait. I mean---"
The line cut off again. She hadn't even found an opportunity to bring up her husband again.
She put the phone down. In an instant it was ringing again.
She picked up.
"I love the way your ass looks, baby. I'm gonna take that ass for my own, tonight."
"Leave me alone!"
"I watched you finger yourself last night. Did you secretly pretend it was my hand tickling your
"Stop this, please! I'm a happily married woman."
"If I have to take you kicking and screaming, I will. I'm gonna be inside that tight ass of yours
when you're talking to your husband and kids later."
"Stop it! You're disgusting."
"--gonna give you a pearl necklace like you never had before."
Then the barely perceivable click as her caller hung up.
"Damn you! Stop calling here!" she screamed, knowing no one was there to listen.

For the first shower in three days, Marge didn't feel as though she achieved much in cleaning
herself. A thin glaze of perspiration returned some minutes after redressing.
Staring at the phone, the voice of the caller echoed in her head.
If I have to take you kicking and screaming.. .I will.
Sweat beaded at her temples and trickled down her neck, beneath her clothing and over her bare
breasts. Its cold touch as more rivulets of perspiration crawled down to join it made Marge quiver.
I'm gonna take that ass for my own.
Sweat was pouring down, painting her breasts a bronzed flesh color.
I wanna fuck those tits.
Marge's hands moved down between her legs, beneath her panties. Her clit was stiff, throbbing
like a small beating heart.
The phone rang. She would not dislodge both hands to retrieve it. While in one hand she held the
receiver, the other her moistening cunt.
"Getting ready for me, Marge?"
"Please.. just.. "
""How wet are you, right now? Does the thought of your idiot husband get you this wet?"
"Leave me alone!" she thrust the phone back into the cradle.
She'd done it. She'd finally done it.
The silence thereafter, the emptiness in the room left by the since voided deep voice made her
feel comfortable again.
But she'd left her hands in her panties. Her eyes in moving across the room back to the phone
stumbled upon the dildo again.
She stared at it, and for the first time thought about the obscene caller's cock. His hand stroking
the shaft to the thought of fucking her later that night. The sound of her voice in his head, low and
seductive, as he fucked his fist and came inside the public phone booth. The image of her body, naked,
sweaty, as it clutched to his own was on both their minds now.
She tried to imagine how he might look, but in all her imagination she couldn't force herself to
materialize one single strong male feature. Only with the help of the dildo could she fill the substance of
the fantasy with any raw detail, and then it was his cock.
Wide, rigid and beautiful, Marge found herself salivating as it throbbed beneath her.The rhythm
of its palpitating length and shrinking/widening of the dick hole was the breathe of a dragon. The mouth
of the serpent seethed as Marge slid, naked, down upon the thick spear.
How much of this was real. She could feel the stranger's cock in her hand. Having forgotten she'd
since seized the dildo, she put her knees to the floor, widened her stance until she was impaling herself on
the enormous cock.
"Ahhhhh!" she screamed. Reality was creeping in in the pain of real penetration as her pussy
stretched to accommodate her intruder.
She tried to stop herself, catch her weight on her hands but her legs shifted further apart under
her weight and the end of the dildo pressed harder against the lips of her pussy.
"No. No. Don't let it in!" she tried to shift her weight away from her groin, but the hardwood
floor provided no friction and her legs grew wider apart
And suddenly the dildo was being driven into her like a nail. The thickness of the cock as her
pussy opened to allow entrance seemed to press at her very pelvic bone.
"No! No more!" she screamed, searching for something to grab onto.
Three inches of the monster were already inside her. Flexing her ass she tried to pull her legs
back together, but only succeeded long enough for them to part again, wider now than before. She was
fucking herself back down onto the cock.
Five inches.
Her legs came together again, then slid apart. The battering ram of the cock was thrust deeper
into her.
She tried to fall forward, onto her chest, but the back end of the dildo hit the floor first. Her
body bounced, her body weight again driving the cock deeper. She could feel her insides deform to take in
more of the thick rubber dick as she cried.
She looked down. It was barely half in. She could see her stomach bulge in trying to contain the
Steadying herself on one hand she reached down to grasp the cudgel.
She did not expect the gesture would lead her fingertips accidentally across her clit, but in an
instant her insides were doing their best to squeeze around the dildo.
She could feel her pussy wanting to squeeze down, to constrict, but the width of her invader
would not allow it.
In the cramped remaining space between the cock and what of her it'd penetrated, she could feel
herself lubricating. She looked down and saw the tiny rivulets tracing the veins of the cock, down to the
She reached for the phone, but then pictured the image of the stunned paramedics entering her
bedroom and seeing her invalid body impaled on the vibrator. They'd take her to the emergency room, lay
her on a stretcher, invite in some male interns in and hit the switch on the vibrator. They'd remove the
blunt object after they'd made her cum a couple of times.
Her hands moved down from the night stand to the floor and just as suddenly the end of the
vibrator hit the floor and bashed the on switch.
Marge screamed as the unentered end swung back and forth like a tail between her legs. Deep
inside her pussy friction from the vibrations was tickling the pink flesh of her insides. And though the
muscles of her hips and ass burned with the effort it took to keep herself upright her body was greasing
the length of the cock inside her. She reached down, one last time to remove it but her hand slipped
wetly across the exposed end.
Moving her hand back up her body, she let it caress the taut flesh of her stomach and breasts.
While a dress shirt of Homer's she'd worn interfered with the contact of skin against skin she tore it
away and her hands went to wet the curves of her breasts.
Soon, her entire body was lacquered in her own juices, she polished her every inch by the time
she was thrusting her groin back toward the floor, pounding the cock deeper and deeper inside.
She ran her fingertips through her hair leaving sticky trails of lust in the blue curls, a naked
disheveled bride of frankenstein.
There was barely a coherent thought in her head when the phone rang again.
She picked up and moaned into the receiver.
To Be Continued.. .

Bart could hear them together in the next room. He was greatious that for all of the foreign
exchange kid's boasting he could hear only talking right now.
He'd heard the kid, Collin was his name, boasting around school he was going to pop little Lisa's
cherry and change her forever from a self-righteous hippie chick to a cock-savoring slut in no time. He'd
made similar metamorphoses of American girls when they came to visit schools in Ireland.
Though Bart had been fairly certain he cared not one iota about his sister he wondered if Colin
was going to rape her the first time.
Though Lisa may have gone in with romantic intentions the extent to which her imagination
defined romantic ended before her knowing about sex.
Bart found himself strangely excited at the notion of his sister's humiliation triggering some
basest nympho gene dormant within her.
He pressed his ear tighter to the wall, anticipating the sound of Lisa's red dress tearing and
muffled screams. His cock was already hard and he'd only been thinking of his sister.
He'd felt something similar months before when an invite to Artie Ziff's led him to a private
gallery. Portraits he'd had painted of Bart's mother. She'd not worn clothes in any of them.
It was plainly obvious to Bart that his mom did not know of the paintings but it turned him on to
think how she might react to their unveiling at a public art gallery, or being sold at auction or turning
up in one of those men's magazines she was so against him owning.
Bart though, had never met the woman in those paintings. His mom was a modest, less a woman
than even Lisa. She was not the top heavy calendar girl Artie had envisioned for October, or stripper
school girl he had for September, or busty biker chick for June or pole dancing Mrs Claus for Christmas.
She was not any one of those things. Her tits weren't big and fake. Her pussy was small, pink and shaved.
There was no tattoo labeling her "daddy's little whore" on her lower stomach.
So the alternate reality that the painters lived in for the moment they painted her resided on a
plain where Marge was not Homer's wife, not Bart's mom but Artie's big-boobed supermodel wife.
The painting Bart had stolen and stashed beneath his bed was not of Marge, his mother, but
Marge Boobea, star of The Stepford Whores, 28 Dicks Later and The Best Man Bangs the Bride 1 & 2.
Bart heard a soft sighing through the wall and gave a groan of his own. He couldn't distinguish
whether he'd heard a sigh of surrender or something else. Was it only a kiss? Had Colin already undone
Lisa's frail innocence?
Bart moved toward Lisa's door and looked in through the keyhole.
Colin's mouth was at her neck, his hand moving slowly down toward the bottom of her dress.
Though the kisses had temporarily distracted Lisa she caught his hand before it lifted her skirt.
Bart groaned with impatience. He had no real interest in seeing Lisa's legs, it was the shattered jewel of
hers he wanted to see. Staring at Lisa pushed Colin away, Bart was sure if Colin didn't rape Lisa soon he
To Be Continued..

Chapter 2
"Marge? Is that you?"
In the dim background noise of her mind, Marge could hear the familiar voice sighing with
With a heavy thud, Marge struck the bedroom floor. Looking down, the phone in one hand, her
pussy in the other, she saw where her breasts, in their porn star brevity, prevented her face and chin
from ever reaching the hardwood.
"Homer?" she pressed her ear to the phone, "Is that you?"
"I thought I heard you scream," Marge blushed with shame.
"I---hit my foot on something before I picked up the phone," she lied.
"Not too hard I hope. Are you alright?" he asked, not being able to see his wife pull from her
insides the enormous vibrator.
Marge paused, staring at the giant cock she'd throttled a moment before, "Just get home soon.
The things I do when you're away---. Its like I can't control myself any more."
"What do you mean, honey?"
Marge sat up, and staring at her pelvis reeled at the sight of her gash, now stretched to the
width of a softball. She felt hollowed out and raw.
She wanted, more than anything, to tell Homer about the caller, about the threats, about
everything. And yet as much as she wanted him to save her, she was afraid the man on the phone would
hurt Homer if he got in the way.
"I mean.. did you find any work down there?"
Homer, despite his missing Marge, smiled, "I think so. They want me down here for a few more
days, and then.. if things go well.. they have a satellite office down there in Springfield. We won't even
have to move."
Marge cringed. A few more days.
If only she could find out who was making the calls, then she could stop him from doing it.
But tears welled in her eyes at the thought of even one more day, alone in the house, with the
voice on the phone, "Can I talk to the kids?"
Forcing a smile as tears rolled down her face, the insincere gesture combined with the
knowledge that Homer couldn't see the effort she was putting to simulating happiness only made her cry
"The kids are back at the hotel," Homer sighed, "This is the first time I've been able to reach a
phone since arriving here."
"I love you," Marge said, pausing to grope for what clothes she'd earlier discarded.
Reemerging with her ear to the phone she realized in the time it'd taken her to find them he'd
said goodbye and hung up.
She clutched her clothing to her chest and sobbed.

Marge hadn't completely sobered from the ache of desire or guilt when she set out to find the
last phone the voice had called from. Having dropped off Maggie with her sisters, she drove her car until
the street names were unfamiliar and then stopped at the intersection the star 69 option had relayed
her to.
She was at the very edge of town, and it seemed most of the civilized world had begun to
disintegrate. Only one of the near by buildings was still in operation.
She stared with a look of disdain she may have not been capable of conveying before. The words
in neon flared like handwriting written in a pink flame.
Red Hot Mommas.
Marge turned to face the insides of the phone booth. Inside a phone book sat beneath the phone.
An arrow painted in the same neon pink was pointing to the entrance of the establishment.
Marge turned and stared again.
He wanted her to go inside. Was he waiting for her there?

Moments before stepping inside, a picture of herself, Homer and the kids had been sitting in her
hand and she'd smiled thoughtfully at it. When the doors had opened it had disappeared back into her
purse. The images that arrested her, the naked bodies luxuriating, slinking and stretching on catwalks and
chrome stripper poles, the smell of alcohol , of perfume, and even lust filled her senses.
She recognized faces on bodies sitting in chairs, slipping twenties into g-strings, and even
undressing. She recognized Lisa's pediatrician, Homer's coworkers and even her own doctor. Regret was
asphyxiating as she watched the man who'd given her breast exams fondle a woman who could've been
Marge herself if it had not been for her blonde hair and fake tits.
Most of the faces of the patrons were turned away from Marge, and facing the various stages.
More than whether her obscene phone caller was here, Marge wondered how she might blend in.
Even from behind them she could tell the audience was entirely men and the staff mostly women.
Moving toward the closest chair she found herself in the eye line of a man standing beside the

Dressed in her typical green dress, Marge's curvy figure was still very evident to the stage
manager. He smiled, noticing the modest dress did nothing to dissuade from her enormous breasts, to
which her top was barely containing.
If this woman sneezed, he thought with a grin, her tits would explode out the front of her dress.
He knew a girl like that would make a lot of money. Noting the ring on her finger he
contemplated over whether she was expecting to find her husband in this place.
No, there was something else. Something desperate and uneasy in her eyes when they roamed
the room.
Was she in need of money? A job? Was this her future?

The odors pouring from the depraved acts around her followed Marge through the door marked
"Ladies' Room".
Though she could barely breath she could feel the sweat from the women's bodies in the air in
her lungs and on her skin.
"Hello---Blue." a voice came from over her shoulder.
Marge had not noticed the door to the room behind her had swung open and from its opening
emerged two regulars.
The shorter man of the two smiled at the sight of Marge's supple body in the tight green dress,
terror had left her chest to heave and the heaving seemed to make Marge's tits grow with every hungry
"You know---the entrance for auditions is in the back," the taller man contemplated the shorter
one's hungry stare, "Quite a pair on her, isn't it?"
Marge couldn't speak.
The shorter man didn't speak either, though his hands spoke for him.
Marge gasped when the shorter man's hands clutched her breasts.
"I'm sorry about my friend. He's a breast man, and he test drives all the new models."
"Please. No. Stop" Marge sighed as the man's hands gave her breasts a fitful squeeze and another
and another before he pulled his face and open mouth into the crevasse of her cleavage. Though the
opening at the top of her dress his mouth, nose, eyes, entire face were buried in her eclipsing breasts.
She felt the man's hungry mouth pulling at her skin, the moisture of the kisses wetting her tits
as she twisted in his embrace.
Behind her the door opened again and another man joined the first two. Shoving the tall man
aside he got in between Marge and her partner. Shoving the second man aside he shot a scornful look
their way as a bouncer escorted them out the door and back into the main room.
"Save that shit for the private rooms." he shouted out the door.
He turned his attention back to Marge who had hoisted herself up onto the edge of the sink and
was clutching the porcelain nervously.
"Here, Miss. Let me help you."
Marge was a tangle of nerves and the sight of the fat, unkept man with his ghoulish grin didn't
phase her for the moment. She was just glad she was safe..
Her thoughts staggered back to Homer, the house, her daughter Maggie, "I need to get---"
The gangly protector moved his hand behind her back and gestured her out the door and past the
two who'd earlier intended to rape her. They sat comfortably as Marge was taken past the door labeled
"Employee Only".
Failing to notice the words "Dancer Auditions" also on the door Marge sat comfortably on the
couch across from the man's desk.
"Are you feeling better, Miss?" the man asked.
"Just to be away.." Marge tried to catch her breath, "..away from those terrible men."
Chuckling softly to himself, he recited the same ultimatum he'd handed many other married
visitors for the past four years, "Miss, I'll be blunt. There's very little use telling these types what to do.
They'll take what they want."
Marge felt her head spinning, she didn't know what to make of what she was hearing.
"I serve the customer and if the customer wants a Scotch on the rocks, I'll get them a Scotch on
the rocks."
"I'm afraid I don't understand."
"You dance I let you go. You refuse I call the cops and with my say-so they'll book you on lewd
behavior and public nudity. Your husband can bail you out when he gets back from where ever he's at."
Marge staggered from her seat before collapsing back onto the couch. Homer would divorce her if
he knew she was working at a place like this.
What could she do?
She thought of Maggie, Lisa, Bart. her life, her family.
"You can't be serious. I'll---I'll tell my husband."
"Will he believe you over a police report and several on hand witnesses," he watched shock glow
in her wide eyes, "Don't worry. You'll learn to love working here."
He felt his cock stiffen at the look of defeat in Marge Simpson's eyes. It was only a matter of
time before she'd be sucking and fucking in the private rooms.
Quickly he punched a button on his desk and watched the office door open. On the other side a
buxom blonde stared at him and then Marge.
"Janet. Get our guest into wardrobe." he paused, registering the look of disgust and passivity in
Marge's terror stricken face, "I'm thinking lonely widow."
Marge was escorted to rack of clothing. Having dispensed with her green dress and underwear
she stared into the mirror in her black veils and low-cropped ebony top. She was dressed to morn her
husband's funeral, except she'd leave the stage without a scrap of clothing on.
Stepping out in the footlights apprehension shook her as never before.
He was watching whoever he was, wasn't he? she thought as the music began, an acoustic guitar
requiem. The obscene phone caller had lured her here and would later pillage what she'd so fought to
When the acoustic guitar gave way to an electric, Marge shivered in the knowledge her routine
had begun. Her heart pounded and she stood, frozen to the spot.
"Take it off!" a forceful voice reverberated.
Marge began to sway her hips to the beat of the music. Not believing she gone even this far, she
allowed herself to dance the length of the stage. She'd pictured herself dancing alone in her bedroom
before a voyeur's hand grabbed her by her skirt and tore the garment away, leaving her in only her top
and panties.
The cacophony of cheers at the sight of her ass and thighs caused Marge to stumble, before she
regained her footing and resumed the public seduction.
Discarding her top of her own accord she was shocked to see the manager she'd spoken to earlier
appear on the stage mere feet away.
"This isn't girl's night out sweetie!" he spat as he grabbed Marge by her neck and spun her around
to face her audience and he edge of the stage.
With a quick flick of the wrists Marge felt the mechanism of her bra clasp disengage and the
cups slip away from her breasts. Next came her panties, a shredded black number before she was bent at
the waist and thrust back into the stage manager's cock.
The pain of being opened so suddenly, so utterly made her screams come effortlessly. She didn't
know she was screaming until it'd echoed inside and come back at her. With every thrust she knew he was
closer to cumming. She felt her big tits shake beneath her as the men all around her cheered.
Who was next? Who got to fuck Homer Simpson's beautiful wife on the stage of Red Hot Mammas?
The obscene phone caller she supposed.
With her body shaking and her pussy soon lubricating the monster cock inside her the strange
epiphany that she may be enjoying it dawned on her. And yet it had only just begun.

To Be Continued.. .

Marge Meets a Vampire

Though Homer and Marge had agreed with the man that he could move in the previous day, he didn't
move in until that very night. The sound of him, moving up the stairs with the enormous crate sent
shivers down Marge's spine. It was not a few hours and already she was regretting her decision.
The man's course features, his dry hands, his clinical yet almost lecherous gazes toward her when she'd
answered the door make the trek back up the stairs seem all the more a spectacle.
Despite his years he could not deny himself the thrill of watching the lady ascend the stairs. He wasn't
the kind of man that got off on voyeurism but she was so sure he was her husband late home from work
that she had worn only her nightgown when answering the front door. The view up her gown as she
climbed the stairs made his cock painfully hard.
And though her walk was by all means the walk of shame he wondered if, despite her demure and wifely
nature the later revelation a stranger had seen up her skirt would send a thrill through the shy mother.
It was later, in the room he'd rented that he finally opened the crate and peered into the sarcophagus
within. What remained and still resembled a body had no eyes, not that he could see. The lids were
sunken in though some faint trace of two orbs were insinuated in the deep pit of the concave sockets.
Maybe the eyes were indeed intact. If so he was curious to see what color the eyes of the supposed
vampire had been. In his time those eyes mesmirized not just peasants but princesses and queens. Epoch, as
historians not seeing mention of any real name had dubbed him, had gained dominion over many kingdoms
in his time, all just by seducing the women therein. Where queens went, their kings would follow, fathers
their daughters and if their daughters were princesses, a kingdom for each. Yet he never kept those
women at their original stately rank.
Epoch had, despite his control over so many royal families was for the common man and it was in this
spirit he dutifully transformed every princess, queen and peasant girl into a whore for his brothel.
Queens, betrayed by their own bodies, fucked their jesters, their knights, commoners, and the princesses
he'd obtained walked the street offering themselves to commoners, thieves, revolutionaries, the homeless.
All was in an effort to gain complete control over every town and village, every man and especially
every woman. Women became his mascots, their beautiful bodies the incentive to join his unholy army.
And it was almost only the women he ever turned into vampires like him. He wanted to keep them
aruond long past the lives of their friends and family. He had wanted to enjoy their bodies well into
modern history.
What wsan't known and what made his mere substantiation at all recently unlikely and the validity of
his body being the one the archeologist had obtain even less likely was the knowledge that there was no
record of his dying at all. All records of his life had simply ceased. The minute length documented of his
life in itself did nothing to reinforce he'd lived longer than any ordinary human life.
He'd lived perhaps thirty-five years of recorded history before vanishing entirely. Still, he'd snared
control of almost all of Europe by his twenty-fifth birthday and supposedly his blood coursed through
the centuries in the bodies of women he'd bedded but chosen not to turn.
According to legend a vampire woman was incapable of conceiving life since life had evaded her since her
The archeologist turned his head to the door of the room, some few feet away a man, he supposed the
woman's husband,,whom he'd met before, was now the one opening Marge's bedroom door and stepping
inside to receive his wife's welcome.
But who knows, he thoght, if the room was dark any man might assume the guise of Mr Simpson, step
inside and help himself to the typically faithful wife.
That night, as he slept he dreamed Marge Simpson, in tidying the room when he left, had caught the eye
of Epoch and the vampire had awoken the later night to begin the slow transformation of the woman
from faithful bride to sultry seductress. Marge, under the guise of a families first movement, was sent
again and again by Epoch to seduce the mayor, only to discover effort in itself was there to further
addict her to adulterous sex. Her body slowly transformed too, her legs longer, her ass rounder, her
breasts, as though puberty hadn't hit before, blossomed in fuller, rounder, perkier glands, until they
stretched over overcame each garment's will to contain them.
The dream was over early the next morning. The archeologist resealed the crate, amazed that he'd left it
open over night, and left for the museum for more research.

Marge smiled when she saw the old man leave out the front door. She hoped he'd be gone for a long time.
It was nearly July and she wanted to plan her anniversary getaway with Homer before he returned
from work. TIme alone at all would further improve upon the joy she experienced at playing out
scenarios for what awaited her and Homer at the resort.
The income from renting out the spare room would afford them the first anniversary vacation since
they'd first gotten married.
Suddenly her eyes were looking out the bedroom door at the square of light the open door of the rented
room had left on the wall and her mind was filled with snapshots of herself undressing in a department
store dressing room. The glowing red record light at the corner of a fisheye lens of a security camera
flickering as she moved from one lace undergarment to another. Unseen from where she expose, redress
and re-expose her body, someone was watching the bawdy display and smiling lewdly.
Shame and despair filled her in seeing the night she had planned for her and Homer had been reduced to
a striptease for a peeping tom.
She tried to force her eyes from the square silhouette but something she couldn't see in the white space
of the light was filling her with elation to dissolve the shame of the daydream.
She wandered to her wardrobe, thinking of her night out with Homer in a few hours, the night out with
his boss and the lawyers. She wasn't thinking of her green dress though.
A force from the rented room moved her hand through the closet until it seized upon a thin, spaghetti-
strapped black number. Nothing in her reasoning gave her just cause to even own this, let alone wear it
She was unsure her hands were even her own as she watched herself undress in the vanity mirror,
discarding even her bra before slipping into the black clingy scrap of a dress. Without her brassiere to
conform or abbreviate her bust, her breasts almost overflowed from the top of the black dress. The pale
and eclipsed canvas of her chest was anyone's to ogle once she left the house. As much as it may have
weight heavily on her conscience it left no impression on her hands, which were busy testing where the
line of her indignity really began. The fingers traced the raised mounds of each areola through the front
of the dress. Had the top been an inch lower she might've seen them in her reflection.
The dress appeared painted on after a while. Hours separated her from the dinner invitation. Rather
than undressing and redressing she simply wandered the house, never once the consideration that the
man renting their room would return in that time coming to mind.
Finding herself in that very same room, and staring into the reopened the crate at the strange shape
within Marge would never conceive it was a body. The darkness of the occupant's complexion brought to
mind merely a human shape, cast from a human being and molded into ash. Then she noticed the lines, like
the segments of an insect scattered throughout the humanoid features and the eyes open and staring up
at her.
She was only grateful they were not moving.
How, though, could she let this man stay in her house if she was bringing mummies to live with him. How
absurd. How morbid. How hinging on hysterical.
Replacing the top to the crate she decided to return to her typical routine and started about some
housework. Her eyes when they strayed back to her own body never reminded what she wore.
When the call came that Homer would not make it either home nor to the dinner, her initial response to
put away the dress was quickly dashed and soon she was applying a deep red lipstick to herself in the
reflection of the vanity. So too, earrings but no necklace to clutter the sensual homogeny of her exposed
cleavage. The line, deep and enticing, seemed more feminine and sensual a statement than any jewel or
pearl could be.

"What are you doing Marge Simpson?" the voice was no long just in her head, it was out in the world with
her as she strode past the lusting gazes of men on her way to intercept Mr Burns and his lawyers at
Back home Homer might've been arriving, his stomach growling at the thought of dinner. There would be
none and Marge wasn't really sure why.
The act of her walking briskly allowed her breasts to dance inside her revealing top, the choked ovals
bounced provocatively. She could feel the dress shrink around her when she stepped inside the
restaurant. The bright lights all seemed focused on her chest, as though footlights on the stage of a strip
club. Her breasts seemed to swell as Marge shook with filling apprehension. The heat was nauseating, it
was as though she were being cooked, and the flesh of her breasts, a rising doe was rising out beyond the
line of her dress's already low recess.
Why had she come here?
In retrospect she did not remember the trip from the door to the table, but the looks she'd gathered from
Homer's boss and the lawyers at her entrance still seethed inside her, deep into the night. The feeling of
nakedness, the tawdry sense of self, her newly flamboyant sexuality, the feeling of her heart throbbing in
her chest, its beating, pounding, heaving, testing the brittle embrace of her bodice. All of these ebbed past
the words in the conversations and joined each man's lusting eyes. She saw in their glued blue and white
orbs the desire to tear open her dress and reveal her.
Despite her grief, their glances made her body ache, her breasts in particular.
She smiled through all of it, though the potential for tears lingered at every turn of her eyes.

Back home, she tossed and turned beside Homer. Her pounding heart and aching head cognizant of someone
else's troubled slumber, a voice from a body that couldn't force itself to wake. It screamed and swore. It
tossed and turned in sync with Marge's own body.
When she was awake again the voice were gone, the scream were cut off but she knew though it was
impossible to discern as it was not English she heard spoken, the voice was a man and the fit was thrown
in a fever of rising lust. The owner dreamt of thighs, and breasts, and awaiting mouths, tongues, curves
and screams, of submission and surrender, of the turn from chastity to promiscuity. The tongue in which
the words were spoken was musical and sensual, the voice harmonious, erotic and deeply masculine.
Marge sat up in bed and stared into the darkness, and then the line of light under the door. Their
resident weirdo's experiments with death and morbidity, the mating call of the dead to the living.
Why did her pussy so ache? Why did her heart pound?
She wished she had burned the black dress. Now instead the light glowed and her hair stood on end,
gooseflesh matted her every inch. She could feel the light when she went to the door, it was warm, it
made her skin instantly damp, her body quivered at the sudden change.
Was their boarder awake?
Of course he was, the light was on.
She opened the door and crept to the rented room. The sound of two voices came to her as she knelt
beside the light beneath the door.
"A homemaker. She stays home while her husband works." the first said, she recognized the voice of the
man they'd rented the room to.
Then a second, "Yes."
"Not anymore. I've already started to change that. I will show you tomorrow."
"I don't believe you."
"I will give her to you if you want her."
There was a long pause. Marge didn't want to believe they were talking about her. How preposterous.
They had no control over her.
"Can you make her.. .make her.. .I would like.. . "
"I like a lady with big tits. Can you give her.. ?"
"Whatever you like. As big as you want."
"As big as.. .how will you?"
"I told you. I've already started her change."
"How about a job.. as a stripper?"
"After she's brought them to me. After I've made her my whore."
The gravity of the situation refused to sink in. She was nobody's whore.

"What a strange dream," Marge sighed to herself.

"What's that?" Homer turned, she had just awoken and he was almost out the door.
"Nothing, Homie! Love you, see you in a few."
"Love you too."
The sound of the door opening in the rented room recited some faint artifact of last night.
"How about a job.. ." the voice in her head repeated.
"Hi, mom." Bart and Lisa in unison, coming down the stairs.
"Hi kids." Marge pulled a pan from beneath the counter and shattered two eggs over the no-stick surface.
".. .as a stripper?" the voice finished, jolting Marge away from the pan, the eggs flew over her shoulder and
landed on the floor.
"Mom, you okay?" Lisa frowned.
She turned around. Bart was staring into the white and yellow puddle of the eggs beside the kitchen
"Umm." Marge fumed, trying not to sound panicked.
It was as though she heard her own children pose to her that very question.
How about a job as a stripper, mom?
Marge cringed. The door opened and closed upstairs. It was in fact their guest's voice in her head, posing
the question. She could've sooner put her dignity and marriage to the curb and finance her anniversary
vacation with a few singles from Springfield's seedy underbelly.
She turned, thinking to catch their guest watching her from the bottom of the staircase. There was no
If there was any validity to that dream, she thought, and suddenly pictured their guest nosing through
her delicates and unmentionables upstairs. The thought made the food from last night's dinner turn in
her stomach. Then the thought of dinner made it turn more.
"Why would ask that, honey?" Marge's mind was gone, she'd already replaced the man's voice in her head
with Lisa and the question belonged to Lisa's voice now.
"I was thinking.. "
"What? That I could do that? To you? To your father? I could never."
"Mom! Are you alright?" Bart shot Marge a mad look.
Marge stared into the faces. The question was gone, but she could now hear their guest coming down the
She felt her stomach tighten at the thought of his nose in her panties, sniffing for dampness. Then the
thought of his nose in the panties she was wearing now. How long had he been here? Had she given him an
opportunity to get into her bedroom?
The thought of his nose, his face, his smell on the cotton pressed to her pussy made an obvious shudder
move through her body. She caught herself on the back of a chair in time for her guest to see and smile.
How about a job as a stripper, Mrs. S?
Marge looked down at her groin, the image the old man's nose and lips and tongue between her legs, in her
twat, tasting her had creeped in and now the chimera was down there staring back up at her as he
tongued and flicked her clit.
Stop it, she wanted to say. Get the hell out of this house!
She wanted to scream but the man strangely only brought a sweet smile out of her. She smiled, faking it,
because the face between her legs was already where it wanted to be. His tongue darted and Marge faked
the retreat that the authentic sensation and her own convictions would required her.
The old man smiled and Marge smiled back, unable to do anything else.

Bart the Ripper

Lisa woke on the morning of her 18th Birthday to a family surprise. After two years away, Bart had come
back from prison for her. Lisa had testified against him at the trial, and Bart had sworn revenge. He’d
waited two long years for the look in her eyes when she saw him standing over her bed, with the knife at
her throat. He’d waited two long years for a piece of female tail, too, and as he eyed the firm swell of
Lisa’s teenage breasts through her pink nightgown, he figured he was going to get some.

He could see that she’d had a growing spurt since her 16th birthday, up to 5’6, but was still shorter than
Bart’s muscular six-foot frame. While he’d packed on bulging muscles during his time in the slammer, Lisa
merely had a petite frame, the result of her vegetarian diet, with her large breasts and meaty well-
rounded ass the biggest concentrations of fat. As she looked up into Bart’s angry eyes she realized that
there would be no reasoning with him, no mercy for her.
"Sit up slowly, Bitch. We’re going to the basement. If you say a word, or scream, or struggle - I’ll cut your
throat. If that doesn’t scare your big brain, then remember this: Fuck with me and I’ll kill Mom, too," The
girlish voice of Bart pre-puberty was long gone; now his voice was harsh and hard and deep.

Lisa sat up very slowly, as Bart kept the cold blade on her throat. He pulled his 18-year-old sister from
the bed and moved around to stand behind her. The blade slid against her throat without quite cutting
into Lisa’s skin. She shuddered involuntarily as Bart’s free hand cupped her left breast through the thin
fabric of her nightgown. He moved forward, pushing Lisa with him, but still held onto her breast from
behind. He liked the feel of his sister’s firm curved flesh in his hand as much as he liked her ass rubbing
against him through their clothes.

Once in the basement he ordered Lisa to bend over the wooden workbench. He had her put her hands down
flat against it, and removed the knife from her throat. Lisa didn’t try to escape, too frightened about
what Bart intended for Marge. Her lips were dry, and she felt hyperaware of her bladder, heavy with the
night’s collected waste. She had to fight not to pee herself. Bart had a big ball gag and pushed it into
Lisa’s mouth from behind, forcing her pearly white teeth open with the red ball. He strapped it too-
tightly around her head, so Lisa’s short blonde hair was pressed out and around the straps.

Lisa screwed her eyes up tightly. She was shaking with fear and sadness. They’d been close as children,
despite occasional fights, and Lisa had always believed her brother would be there for her. She
remembered discovering that he had been responsible for the torturous mutilation, rape and double
murders of the purple haired twins, Sherri and Terri, when he was 18. He should have gone to hospital,
not prison. Lisa opened her eyes when she felt cool metal against her hand.

There was a ‘thunk’ and then Bart pulled the nail gun away to reveal the flat metal head of the nail
against Lisa’s hand. The pain hit, and the 18-year-old blonde squealed into her gag. Bart used the nail gun
to put another two nails into her hand, leaving a triangle. Lisa pulled on her wrist with her free hand,
and tried to tear her hand away. The nails tore her flesh as she tugged, but she couldn’t break it loose.
Blood dripped onto the workbench.

Bart knew Homer wasn’t going to hear the squeals; He’d cut the fat man’s throat half an hour before.
Marge was hogtied and ball gagged on the bed with her husband’s corpse. Bart had told her he’d be back
later, and left her between Homer’s legs, with her chin in his voided waste. Bart had always known
Homer was full of shit. Twelve-year-old Maggie was spending a week at camp, so there was nobody to
come to Lisa’s aid in the house.
Still. Someone might come by, and hear, and spoil his fun. Bart left Lisa, tugging on her hand and crying,
and went over to the small portable radio Homer used – had used – while working on his crazy projects.
He turned it on, and twisted up the volume. Billy Idol’s White Wedding blasted out on the oldies station
and Bart smiled as he walked back over to Lisa.

"Hey little sister… SHOTGUN!" he sang along.

Lisa squealed into the ball gag as Bart grabbed her free wrist. His prison-trained muscles easily
overpowered Lisa as he forced her hand flat down on the wooden bench. He reached past her for the nail
gun and held it against the smooth yellow skin on the back of her hand. She shook her head vigorously, as
he let the anticipation build. Seeing the fear in her eyes was so much sweeter than it had been with the
twins. Lisa was his sister, his own flesh and blood.

He fired three nails into Lisa’s left hand, the same pattern he’d used in her right. Lisa screamed into her
ball gag, the sound muffled by the ball and drowned by the music. Bart heard it though. He left the nail
gun on the wooden bench and set to tearing off Lisa’s pink nightgown until her sweaty body was
completely bare. He tossed it aside and stripped off his own clothes and shoes. Bart at 20 was a muscle
man. There were amateur prison tattoos up and down his arms, across his back. His nine-inch, circumcised,
cock stood up like a slightly curved iron bar.

"I want you to know something Lisa – I’m going to kill Mom, anyway. Remember that through everything
you feel, now. Keep thinking about how Mom’s going to get it from her special little guy, too!"

Lisa cried harder when she heard this, knowing there was nothing she could do. Bart hadn’t had to outwit
her. He’d just used a wickedly sharp knife and brute force, against which Lisa’s big brain had proved
useless. She tugged on her nailed hands as throbbing agony traveled in waves up her arms. The teenage
girl regretted not trying to make a run for it when she had a chance, as Marge was going to die anyway.

Bart reached up between Lisa’s legs from behind and poked his middle finger into her bush. He found her
tight little hole and pushed up hard. He felt her cherry pop, and laughed; surprised that such a hot piece
of meat had still been a virgin. Lisa felt the sharp little pain through the throbbing in her hands, and
then the ticklish blood on her thighs. Bart smeared his bloody finger on her ass, and then rubbed his cock
at her entrance.
"Wait a minute, Sis! I don’t want to risk you enjoying my big dick, do I? I’d best make sure you don’t!"

Lisa didn’t understand what Bart meant as he moved away from her. It was only when he came back with
a pair of clippers in hand that Lisa’s big, fast brain began to work it out. She lashed out desperately with
her foot, and knocked the garden tool from Bart’s hand.

"Damn it! Alright, you win!" Lisa’s heart leaped pathetically at Bart’s words, and sank again when he
continued, "I’ll break your legs first."

Bart left the clippers on the floor and retrieved Homer’s sledgehammer. Lisa was terrified as she heard
the metal head scrape on the basement floor. She tried with all her little strength to pull her hands free,
but they were nailed solid to the workbench. Bart brought the sledgehammer round in a long two-handed
swing. They both heard the crunching impact as it smashed Lisa’s right kneecap, and bent her leg
unnaturally backwards.

The pain was so intense that Lisa wet herself when she felt it. Her scream of agony was loud even
through the gag, and made Bart’s cock twitch as he watched Lisa balance unevenly on her good leg while
hot piss streamed from Lisa’s urethra to the floor. Snot ran down Lisa’s face, around the red ball gag, and
tears washed down her cheeks. She would never have believed such pain could exist.

Bart walked around to the other side, and swung the sledgehammer into her left knee. He judged it to
have crunched more satisfyingly, as Lisa’s fresh screams sounded into her gag. He body crumples. Lisa’s
calves were flat against the basement floor, while her nailed hands held her in an unnatural sitting
position. The bruised flesh of her pulped knees bent up unnaturally. Bart thought about jerking off into
Lisa’s agony contorted face, but decided his first load of the day belonged inside his sister’s pussy. He left
the sledgehammer and retrieved the clippers.

Lisa’s pussy was still dribbling the last stored urine as she felt Bart kneeling, and reaching around from
behind her. He pawed through her soft blonde bush until he found the little nub of flesh at the top of
Lisa’s slit. She felt him pinch, and then stretch, her most sensitive nub even through the pain of her
shattered knees. Bart clipped Lisa’s clit off with his other hand, and then hugged his sister’s body close to
him as she writhed in fresh, incredible, agony. She smashed her head mindlessly back against the side of
Bart’s face.

Bart groaned as Lisa squealed, his cock massaged by Lisa’s shuddering ass as she jerked in his arms. Bart
popped the bloody nub of flesh into his mouth, chewed, and then swallowed it raw. He knew Lisa was in
incredible pain, he knew he could rape her, dump his load inside her, and walk away. Leave Lisa to a life as
a physical cripple, emotionally destroyed – forever reliving her 18th birthday in her mind. It wasn’t
enough – he had to destroy her utterly.

Bart reached back around to grip Lisa’s left nipple in his fingers, and pulled it out as he had her clit. Lisa
barely felt it amongst her other pains as he clipped the sensitive teat from her breast. Bart popped it
into his mouth, and then clipped off the other nipple. He ate them both together as blood dribbled in long
streams down Lisa’s firm teen tits. Bart wondered if Millhouse or Nelson would want her now, with blood
streaming from her mutilations. He figured they would.

Time to fuck. Bart dropped the clippers and stood, pulling Lisa’s hips up with him. Her smashed legs
dangled beneath her, and Bart knew from the way she shuddered that the fractured kneecaps were
tearing into the bruised flesh of her legs. Bart entered Lisa without warning, consummating the torture
with a brutal incestuous rape. He was amazed at how tight she was, and had to really fight to force all of
his nine inches inside her, tearing into her cervix, before he came. He didn’t even have time for a second

Bart came harder than he’d ever done into his sister. He wished he’d thought of doing it years ago, before
she had time to squeal on him for what he’d done to the twins. If only he’d raped Lisa a few dozen times
when she was 16, and broken her to his cock, he wouldn’t have had to go to prison and fuck older men into
submission. The sights and sounds of her hellish suffering amplified the deep pleasure of blasting inside
Lisa’s pussy.

Bloody semen drained out as Bart withdrew his still hard cock. He let go of Lisa’s hips and let her drop to
the floor. He grinned as her knees crunched again, drawing a momentarily louder wail from behind the
gag. He pulled her short blonde hair back and wiped off his cock. He knew he was going to get messier
shortly, and was after the silky feel on his shaft.

"You know, sis, you look like a total dyke with your hair this short."

Lisa barely heard him. She was locked in a prison of agony, desperately trying to lose consciousness. She
felt Bart’s hands against her leg, pinching the hard muscle of her thigh, and then wire digging in. Bart
whistled along to the radio as he made the makeshift tourniquet. He pulled the wire as tight as he could,
so it dug deeply into Lisa’s thigh muscles. He enjoyed the way the skin changed colour around the wire, so
he did the same to the other leg. Bart made a mental note to garrote someone, sometime.
"Dr Bart here! I’m going to have to amputate! Nurse – Chainsaw!"

Homer’s chainsaw had been borrowed from Flanders years back, and was a top of the line model. The fat
man had proudly bragged that it would go through anything. Bart tugged the cord and revved it up,
ready to test that boast on Lisa’s legs. The blasting radio and the chainsaw motor meant he completely
failed to hear Lisa’s muffled screaming as he sliced bloodily through skin, muscle and bone. The wire
hadn’t completely deadened the leg, and Lisa felt the whirring teeth and pressure as her leg was
shredded beneath the blade. Bart grunted, forcing the chainsaw through all resistance.

Blood drained from the stump at the top of the leg, but the wire was so tight around Lisa’s thigh that it
only oozed there. Both Bart’s front and Lisa’s back were spattered with gore. He barely paused before
bringing the chain blade down on Lisa’s other leg, until it too was lying on the floor, separated from her
oozing thigh. Lisa felt terrible pain in each stump, but also fiery phantom pain along the outlines of her
amputated legs. She was still hanging from the bench by her nailed hands, while her stumps supported her
in the pool of piss, blood and leaked semen on the floor.

Bart discarded the chainsaw and picked up one of Lisa’s legs. He tore off bloody flesh from the stump with
his teeth and swallowed it; Lisa Tartare. The blood across his face and drained down his muscular chest
as he tore, chewed and swallowed more of Lisa’s succulent 18-year-old flesh. His cock was throbbing again,
needing fresh release, so he took one final bite and threw Lisa’s leg down.

She was still awake. She didn’t know how, and the pain was so all consuming she couldn’t even think
coherently about it. She was shaking her head from side to side, but not even aware of the movement.
Bart used the nail gun to blast some metal into her tits, laughing as the flat heads stuck out from the
sides of the firm flesh. He decided that that wasn’t enough, and brought his knife down from above. He
stabbed right through Lisa’s left breast and then tugged the blade, twisting it to cut through the meat
and fat, and separated the titmeat entirely from her chest.

Bart decided to do the other from the back, and got back on his knees behind Lisa. He pressed his cock into
her virgin ass, knowing how dry and tight it was going to be. He hoped she was aware enough to feel it as
he forced his cock through her sphincter and into her rectum. Bart set about slicing off Lisa’s remaining
breast as he raped her ass. She was even tighter and hotter in the back than she had been at the front,
but Bart’s recent climax meant he had more time to enjoy it the second time round. He cut raggedly into
her chest, unable to see what he was doing, and left fat clinging to Lisa’s bloodily exposed pectoral.

Lisa’s right breast dropped down to the basement floor and joined her left. Bart poked his fingers into the
ragged, bloody holes on her chest. He reached around from one to the other, and tore away shreds of
sweet fat to pop into his mouth. Blood smeared against the floor from Lisa’s leg stumps as Bart hammered
his cock into her ass. The blood and shit soon made it easier and more pleasurable to slam his nine inch
cock inside her.

Bart still held the knife, and sliced it deeply into Lisa’s stomach. He didn’t stop to consider he might cut
his own cock, as he wasn’t able to properly ‘aim’ the blade from behind. He got lucky though, and cut
through his sister’s stomach muscles and into her intestines with no damage to himself. He dropped the
knife and forced both hands into the bloody gash. Bart was rewarded with Lisa’s by then near silent
moaning increasing in volume again. He was sure she was nearly dead.

Bart fumbled inside Lisa, feeling his own cock thrusting inside her rectum, as her guts pressed tightly
around his hands. He got a grip on a lump of slippery flesh. She was still just barely conscious as he
strained and tore out her reproductive system. Bart couldn’t see around Lisa to tell what it was, and
wouldn’t have known anyway. Blood poured from Lisa’s cunt as her womb hit the floor.

He was close to cumming, but managed to get a length of intestine in his hands. It was the last thing Lisa
felt as the gratefully died on her brother’s cock. He eagerly began to tug the intestine out from the
gaping stomach wound as his climax rose along the length of his hard shaft. Bart gripped the slippery
purple tubing in his hands as he sprayed Lisa’s rectum with his sticky seed. He couldn’t tell when she had
died, but he hoped her ghost stuck around long enough to watch him fire his load into her twitching body.

Bart was a little out of breath by the time he pulled out of Lisa’s corpse, but he wasn’t tired enough to
stop just yet. He started up the chainsaw again and cut off Lisa’s arms, one after the other. They stayed
nailed by the hands to the workbench as Lisa’s torso splattered into the mess on the floor. He heard one
of her breasts squelch as fat was forced out under the weight. Bart deactivated the chainsaw again and
set about gutting Lisa entirely. He loved the slippery hot feel of her insides as he pulled them out. Bart
removed everything he could get his hands on; intestines, organs, muscle and fat.

As soon as his cock was hard again he knelt down on the floor and pulled Lisa’s face onto his crotch. Her
body was a lot easier to manhandle without arms or legs. Congealing blood dripped from the gaping chasm
in her stomach. He pushed down hard against her big left eye, and felt the orb squelch messily against his
cockhead. It took all Bart’s strength to break through Lisa’s eye socket and into her brain, and then the
still warm grey matter was caressing his thick cock. He slammed her pretty face down hard on his shaft,
masturbating into Lisa’s brain. She always said it was her best feature. Blood dripped down to his balls as
he hammered his sister’s dead mind until inevitably, he came again.

Thick semen dribbled down Bart’s bloody shaft from the gory hole in Lisa’s face. He was exhausted by
then; Marge would have to wait, hogtied, for the next day. Bart pulled Lisa’s brain from his cock and
dropped her torso to the side. The radio was still blaring, but he was too tired to turn it off. He laid his
head into the pile of internal organs and intestines and pulled Lisa’s torso on top. Bart slipped his
softening cock into the remains of her cunt, and kissed her slack lips passionately around the ball gag
before drifting off to sleep.


Bart the Ripper II: Mothersnuffer

Marge had woken up to Homer’s desperate thrashing. It was dark in the bedroom, lit only by the glow
from the street, but she saw him clutching his throat. She tugged the cord on the beside light and was
horrified to see the blood pouring heavily through Homer’s fingers from his cut throat. The blood
splashed her nightgown and her face. She saw the panic in his eyes as he gurgled, unable to scream.
"What did you do to yourself, Homie?" she cried, "I’ll dial 911! Keep the pressure on!"
Turning to the bedside phone Marge instead saw Bart, her twenty-year-old son. He had changed in prison,
grown muscular and brawny at his six feet of height. He punched Marge in the face as hard as she could.
The glove on his left hand protected his knuckles as they smashed into Marge’s face over her left eye. The
sudden shock of pain and the force of the blow knocked Marge out cold. The bluehaired housewife fell back
against the bed’s headboard, eyes rolled up.
Homer’s struggling had weakened; the bed was drenched in his lifeblood. Bart would have tortured and
hurt his father a lot more if he didn’t think it kind of faggy. Instead, the old man got off easy. A lot
easier than Lisa was going to. Bart reached into his bag for rope, and then Hogtied Marge. The rough rope
bit tightly into Marge’s wrists as he pulled them back behind her, and secured them tightly to her ankles.
He selected a large blue ball gag – to match her hair – and slid it into her mouth.
Bart worked quickly, securing the straps around Marge’s head as a vile smell filled the room. Homer’s
bowels had voided into his pajama pants. She was still unconscious as he pulled his dad’s pants down and
spread the fat man’s legs. Gripping the rope that bound Marge, Bart manhandled her between Homer’s legs
so her face rested in his worm-infested shit. He hoped she wouldn’t suffocate, but wasn’t too bothered yet.
His primary target was Lisa.
"I’ll be back later, Mom!" he told her, as he briefly admired the vivid purple swelling already forming on
her face.
Bart left to kill Lisa. After a little while Marge awoke to the sounds of loud music from the basement,
and almost masked muffled squeals. She recognized Homer’s crotch through one eye, although she couldn’t
see his face over the large curve of his belly. The strong smell of shit filling her nose was almost enough
to make her retch; it was only the blue haired matriarch’s iron will that kept her stomach steady. Homer
was dead. Lisa was being hurt. Marge cried and shivered in the filth, before resolving to try and escape.
Bart’s knots were bad, and even though the rope was tight, Marge felt a little give because of that. So she
twisted and pulled even as the rope rubbed painfully into her skin and shit dried on her face. She worked
hoping to save Lisa, and maybe avenge Homer. Marge’s hope died when the music did. She started crying
again, limp on the bed. She knew in her heart that her firstborn daughter was dead.
Down in the basement Bart slept, satisfied with Lisa’s utter destruction. The bitch had squealed on him
for murdering Sherri and Terri, so their spirits could get together in the afterlife and compare notes
now. He dreamed of the girls’ souls retaining the mutilations done to their bodies and it made him happy.
He wondered if they’d meet the other girls, the ones he hadn’t gone to prisons for. The ones Lisa hadn’t
known about.
Marge hadn’t slept, and one wrist was almost loose. She steeled herself again; ten years older and weaker
than when Bart had been her special little guy, but Marge’s body was still fine. Her hand came free,
aching with pins and needles as blood flowed properly again. The strain of the hogtying was just on the
one shoulder now along with her legs, and it hurt more. Marge reached for the phone by the bed, pulled it
off the hook and…
…no dial tone. Bart had cut the line. Marge wouldn’t have been able to speak while gagged, but the cops
would have come anyway, both to check out the silent call and steal fresh baked cookies. Marge
concentrated on the ballgag straps, but her fingers were slippery with sweat and the strap buckles were
very stiff. It was no good. Marge went to working on her other wrist, hoping to get it loose so she could
twist her legs around and untie her ankles.
That was how Bart found her, hours later, exhausted, and still trying. Marge didn’t even hear him on the
stairs until he stepped back into the bedroom and yawned. He was naked, but covered in dried blood.
Marge was shocked by the size of Bart’s cock, even limp and with bits of Lisa’s brain sticking to it. Bart had
considered leaving Marge for a couple of days before finishing her off, but with much of his red hot rage
and incredible lust slaked on Lisa’s unwilling body he was thinking clearly enough to realise that the cops
might turn up sooner rather than later looking for him.
Marge began pleading with Bart, begging him to leave her alone. Her high voice was muffled by the
ballgag though, and he couldn’t understand a word. Laughing, Bart mimicked it back at his Mom. He
tangled his hand in a big clump of Marge’s long blue hair and pulled her off the bed. Marge gripped Bart’s
wrist with her free hand at the sudden scalp pain, and so landed heavily on her breasts. She grunted
around the ballgag as Bart ignored her hand and twisted her onto her side.
Marge slapped one handed at him as he tore off her nightgown. She didn’t want to be naked in front of
her evil murderous son, Bart. Bart didn’t give a damn what she wanted, and ripped the flimsy fabric in his
strong hands. Marge’s breasts were bigger than Lisa’s, and bore the scars from where she’d accidentally
had breast implants put in, then taken out, ten years before. There was much finer scarring from five
years previously when Marge had had new implants put back in. Bart’s cock rapidly hardened as he groped
his Mom. The shocked betrayal in her red, puffy eyes was incredibly arousing.
"Okay, Mom, let’s go down to the basement where Lisa’s hanging out…"
Bart’s laugh had no human compassion at all as he stood up again and took a fresh grip on Marge’s hair. He
dragged her across the rough carpet of the bedroom, and down the hallway to the stairs. It was a risk
throwing her down; she might suffer an instantly fatal injury. Bart just couldn’t help himself. He
positioned Marge at the top of the stairs, away from the banister, and kicked her in the cunt.
The explosion of bruising pain in Marge’s cunt was bad enough to cut through the sudden adrenalin rush of
almost taking to the air. She slid down the stairs face first, smacking her breasts against each step on the
way. Earlier model implants would have burst under the abuse Marge’s tits were taking, but Marge’s held
firm as she bumped down to the bottom. Bart jerked his shaft as he watched her go, and punched the air
when she reached the bottom alive and groaning. Bart followed up by dragging Marge to the basement
steps and carefully lifting her down.
"Don’t get the wrong idea, Mom. I’m not going easy on you, I just decided I want to make sure you make it
alive down here. Can you see how badly I fucked Lisa up? Can you see my jizm leaking from her eye? I
raped Lisa’s brain and now I am so hard thinking about what I’m going to do to you, Mom."
Marge almost passed out in shock at the inhuman violence visited on Lisa. She hoped that her daughter
had been dead when the brutal mutilations had been visited on her body, but Marge knew what her evil
son had done to Sherri and Terri and she knew they’d lived through most of it. The stench of shit and
death was too strong in the room, and again Marge almost vomited around her ballgag. Bart left Marge
on the rough workbench, splintered wood pressing against her sore body. He didn’t care about her one
loose arm as he looped thick cord around the ceiling beam.
There was no longer any innocence in Bart, no compassion, mercy or conscience. Marge wondered if he
had succeeded in selling his soul to Satan after all. To a godfearing woman like her, Bart’s acts seemed
like those of a demon. Bart cut through the rope remaining around Marge’s wrist. He thighs screamed at
the sudden release of pressure, and she was helpless to fight back as Bart tied her wrists to the rope
hanging from the beam. He’d got it just right, and Marge was forced to stand on tiptoes to relieve the
strain on her shoulders even slightly.
Bart cut loose the ropes around Marge’s ankles tied together, not concerned about her trying to kick him.
If she tried too hard, he figured, he could always smash her legs like he’d done to Lisa. Bart’s only
remaining decision was whether to fuck Marge in the front or the back, as he wasn’t sure he’d stay hard
for both. He figured sodomising his Mom might be best, as at her age her cunt was likely to be past it. On
the other hand, raping his Mom’s pussy, the source of his life, held an attraction all of it’s own.
A furious knocking at the house’s front door stopped Bart just as he was reaching for Marge’s MILF ass.
Marge raised her head, hope blazing in eyes she’d thought forever dulled by the sight of Lisa’s mutilated
body. She called for help, but once again the ballgag muffled her cries almost to nothing. Bart grabbed a
bloody knife and ran back up the stairs, trying to remember how Homer talked.
"Uh, D’oh, who is it?" Bart called through the door
"Mr Simpson! Chief Wiggum. Bart’s broken out of prison, there was a riot and they only just realised he
was out. Have you seen him?"
"Uh, no Chief, but I was about to call you. He rang up and said he was going to meet his accomplice, uh,
Martin and leave the state."
"Martin? That Prince punk… I always knew he was too smart to be good! I’ll have a SWAT team round
right away!"
Bart chuckled at the sound of the police dashing off outside, cars tearing off. Springfield had to have the
stupidest police force in America. Then again, Bart had heard his former next-door neighbour, Laura
Powers, had grown up and sold out to become a cop. Maybe he could track her down, fulfil his dream of
killing a pig. He was whistling cheerfully as he walked back down to the basement. Except for whether to
stick it in her cunt or ass, Bart had already planned out exactly what else he wanted to do with his Mom
before he had brought her down to her place of death.
The muscular young man lifted up two cables, connected under the bench to something Marge couldn’t
see. Electric tape wrapped around large sharp-teethed crocodile clips that were attached to the ends.
Bart had cannibalised one of Homer’s projects and Marge realised what he was going to do with them as
he came towards her. Bart shoved his mom’s kicking legs aside easily and clipped the cables to her large
nipples. They were too tight, and pierced the sensitive nubs almost immediately. Little red drops formed
on yellow skin as Marge screamed into the ball gag.
Bart pulled another crocodile clip cable out as Marge writhed and screamed, but he gripped her left
buttock hard with the other hand. Marge looked down just in time to see Bart clipping the cable to her
swollen clitoris. The beam Marge was tied too shook, sending dust down to the floor of the basement, as
she struggled freshly. Everytime she lost her footing her shoulders wrenched painfully upwards under
her weird. Marge’s bleeding nipples seemed like a low bass throb to the sharp high pain of her clit.
Bart’s laughter cut through the pain. Marge still had trouble with the concept that it was her own son
who killed those girls, who killed his sister and her beloved husband. Her own son who was hurting her so
badly that she was sure the pain could get no worse, right up to the moment Bart flicked a switch. The
juice flowed in Marge at far higher level than any safe kinky BDSM play level. The smell of burning flesh
reached Bart almost immediately while Marge’s piss arced darkly yellow down to the floor.
Marge thought her breast implants were going to explode. It seemed as if her whole body was wrapped in
a burning shroud, which slowly shrank and crushed her. As her body jerked one of the cables pulled off of
Marge’s left breast, taking a charred Nipple with it. Bart groaned with arousal at the highly erotic sight
of Marge’s big-breasted electrocution dance. He wished he had an electric chair to strap her into as the
fun ended; the remaining cables melted through within seconds of each other, and Marge fell limp. Blood
dribbled down her wrists towards her shoulders where she’d rubbed them through.
The Simpson matriarch’s awesome tits jiggled rapidly as her heart hammered erratically in her chest and
she breathed through her nose. Her skin was darkly flushed and covered in sweat. Bart burned his fingers
on the hot metal as he tugged loose the clip on Marge’s clit. Most of the charred flesh came away with it.
The damaged nerves were sending a tsunami of pain signals to Marge’s brain, so that when Bart pulled her
legs around his hips she didn’t feel him penetrate her until his balls slapped into her ass.
"Mom, you’re so wet! You filthy fucking whore!"
Bart’s big dick hammered Marge’s cunt so hard it was as if he was trying to get his whole body back to the
womb he was born from. The filthy mother fucker was so happy he’d picked her cunt after all. Bart bit
into Marge’s nipple-less breast, tearing away a bloody chunk of semi-cooked meat and swallowing it
whole. Marge was completely helpless, unable to stop her son from raping her harder and harder. She was
praying in her head though her faith was sorely tested. The rape was agonising, tearing Marge’s pussy
with Bart’s ungentle strokes and roughly rubbing her destroyed clit.
Bart pulled down on Marge’s blue hair, forcing her head back painfully. He wasn’t sure if he was more
aroused by his Mom’s pain, or the sheer pleasure of knowing he was fucking her blue-dyed pussy with his
fat cock. As he looked down and saw his Mom’s blood streaked on his shaft he lost it, thrusting up hard
and blowing his load into her. She recognised his grunting animalistic climax for what it was, and hope it
signalled her pain would soon end. Bart held his Mom almost tenderly close as he fired every drop of
incestuous sperm deep into her core.
As he pulled out, he lifted a knife and sliced through Marge’s wrist ropes in the same motion. She landed
hard on her ass, and screamed at the sudden additional pain of a broken coccyx. Bart didn’t even realise
as pulled Marge’s face to his semi-hard cock and rubbed bloody spunk and pussy juice all over it. He had
almost suspected he might feel guilt or regret after raping and torturing his own Mom, more than for his
sister or cutting Homer’s throat. Instead, only satisfaction.
Marge felt Bart release his grip on her hair, and rolled into a foetal ball of pain. Her long blue strands
floated in the pool of urine she’d sprayed during her torture, and filled her nostrils with the strong
smell. She couldn’t understand why her butt hurt so much after everything else, as her shattered coccyx
throbbed painfully. Bart left her sobbing in the filth as he looked for a new blade to try. He found one
near Lisa’s head, and brought it back to Marge. Bart kicked Marge in the lower back hard once, twice and
a third time.
Marge screamed once more into her ball gag, and tried instinctively to reach back and protect herself. As
she opened her body up, Bart lent down and stabbed the blade deep into her soft belly, just above her
semen-oozing cunt. Marge felt the blow as if she’d been punched, and then grabbed Bart’s arm as he
started to slice through her stomach. Blood poured around the blade as Bart used his superior strength
to cut a large section of flesh from Marge’s belly. He peeled it away with his fingers even as she tried
with desperate strength to hold it back.
Anatomy wasn’t Bart’s strong point. He didn’t know the correct names for the slippery steaming viscera
he pulled from Marge’s stomach, or which organ was which as he pulled them loose. Marge Simpson was on
her back by then, mutilated breasts still shaking, as Bart gutted her with his bare hands. Through the red
mist of agony Marge might have considered how strong her boy had grown. To Bart’s surprise after so
many orgasms in the hours before, his sore cock began to grow hard again as he tugged out the last of
Marge’s intestines.
Bart began stroking his shaft softly with one hand as he scrambled for the knife with the other. Marge
was in shock and almost dead as he began to stab her big breasts. Bart’s arm came down faster in a
frenzied assault, blood, fat, clear pieces of the implants flew out on each backstroke of the knife until
Bart tugged dropped the knife from spasming fingers, and managed to pull Marge’s face close to him again.
Marge’s eyelids seem to flutter a final time as he squirted watery semen into her bloodshot eyes. Bart
finally found a little regret, but only that he couldn’t carry on torturing Marge, or Lisa. His legs were
shaky as he got to his feet, but they supported him as he pointed his soft shaft down at Marge’s face. Bart
added a final degradation to his Mom, as he played his stream across her slack lips, and the bright blue
ball gag.
The slaughter of Marge, Lisa and Homer Simpson made national news. The media circus went on for weeks,
and the multiforce manhunt received reported sightings of Bart from Canada to Peru. Even Springfield’s
finest bucked their ideas up in the hunt for the vicious, sadistic serial killer. Officer Laura Powers
unearthed numerous leads with the aid of more competent officers than her usual colleagues, and the
only thing that stopped her locating Bart single handed was that he found her first…

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