Science Unit-1 (Cells) Worksheet 2

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Name: Grade: Subject: Science Topic: Unit 1 (Cells) Worksheet 1.2A 1.

2B Date:

Worksheet: 1.2A
Comparing plant and animal cells
Sofia draws a table to compare animal cells and plant cells.
Here is Sofia’s table with one row filled in.

Animal cells Plant cells

have a cell membrane have a cell membrane

Write each of these statements in a suitable place in the table.
Three of the statements below need to be written twice, once in each column.
• have a cell wall
• have a nucleus Remember
• have cytoplasm
• sometimes have chloroplasts
Write statements about the same feature in
• do not have a cell wall
the same row. This makes it easy to compare
• never have chloroplasts
the same feature in the two types of cell.
• have mitochondria
• have a sap vacuole
• do not have a sap vacuole

Worksheet: 1.2B
Comparing plant and animal cells
Complete the table to show which structures are found in plant cells and in animal cells.

Structure Is it found in plant cells? Is it found in animal cells?

cell wall

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