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r I PRACTICAL RECORD = - DATE “ EXxpescimn -] Kul out Abon (oxalic acd) Mm s- ; Al gh of auuon Sol” of kmNoy Chumucl Equabiony +— _ Molecular equation eee 2KMOY t_3HpSOy —> _k,Soy + AMnSoy 13404 8 [01 b% | 4 20 + fo] —> oo, + 3hOr S 2 kmnloy_+ 2M, Soy + 606M. 20 —> KySOy + 2004+ - A oo ______18 M0 + 1000; 7 aljenal : - — sen ae $H1+ Se ——> Mn!*+ 440 ae - [G Oy? —— 2 2(0, +2e J x PRACTICAL RECORD pF Pai x | ge & | S fr | 4 eC re g a = = = & Mslaxily of oxalic acich a0l” = Miso Volum of ‘oxalic acid Jakon- bet cach diluhen ee ee - = R2Ome | © md O mf Omh (alaotiens (2iels of Kim oy wack wilh S males of oxalic Aca — — Mkmyou % Verapoy PRACTICAL RECORD DATE = sient 2 [ALM s- = i Si eee eee aoe ee They sf f Salt > Fe SOy QUH) SO, - 6M, 0 Metoca Mass —> 392 KMwoy —> melan masds —> 158 Strength = Melarxity x malay mass peeparation of, eee cian eae I eiieaaisy 250 ml M20 melay Salt Sol” : monn Wall Mopived = 02 4256 x = 4-93 1000 Fea dinning hela —of Ka al — i ene || PRACTICAL RECORD p13 mt (46 mL ite || PRACTICAL RECORD I _ My Moy = | tb 2— Sty = h of tho given kino, Sol” yn 4 _ i al hie To anal, 7 - a i ae all _foraadic and ST —Teat_tles let ths yp lad ca a — he Rapeiomentayian A Expexiurmang Obserxuralion Inbesfoune ddenkep cal Ucen_ef uid _sadicals i HySOy fest No_gar ousluedl (o,* s* 50. Aalt + dilute NO, ts obpsont . —|___ Soy | Concensbralid HS0y Noga evel — " Mo} —{ fest salt + CO), us (00s —LOnertraled pfySOy alssimd . iv || PRACTICAL RECORD Tipcioment Aderbipication of aud radicals 7 ; Pmalysin S246 __ | group salt H,0 + Ne. prcprlake _|_NaOH + Wesson | Meagen + Heat bop TH — _| group salt + Hcy _ then py _ Pralysis of 04 grou yo pracipileh qouy | dalt + ee ae ‘thlained. —alspent | PRACTICAL RECORD ew | PRE DATE : \ | @nclusien .— . Atunsintion udphale (A, C0y), J | in phan aE = = PRACTICAL RECORD “don wife - ian eh a DATE 4 Base an Se cals Expesument Obsoruali a ae AOWabon — Anliseferance lor gow “gx eae doll + Hy 0+ eon aca - J + Nedrolax agent Ssleuned absent ra ee ab rox dt group | Soll HO + diludy HEL - ating fiat slubion cers Hb) i isl — —tiy| Solution + KI. i ag ~ ttyl Solution & (ay Oy Yollows PPT blued Pot? ex -Pewsond ed ~ Hed sraclical > _C HCoom Coo" ~ oak Sasi Cc ———, oy p Pest = ——taiven.— Sal Salf us fed sak A Riga, 1 | | ive PRACTICAL RECORD ape and Pepa = 7 =e ae ——Tert tie ye Shem amd noua ——Chomicals Expesi von [ Chswwatign Intorforonce ; Lo = 3 Salt + NaH sol® Smull of NH Deno gitoup is Appearac Pronomt (WH ee 1 he Je || PRACTICAL RECORD ele | Fett edie. —sadvot ee sl Salt_+ it at _|| bolt + 90 ip mee Conc 4504 _guomp sf. age prs PRACTICAL RECORD nly Nhe gina doll for ouidae and Pe sadicak ae : Te alt Aaa Ie alt amd | —_____treeasary_ernirals” - | Expoaimonct Obsrwation dnteporonce - : A ddombification _ of : Oy test No gan : Coz , Os a Cralt + Dilute H,S0y) eursluedl HS03_,S* 5,0 CH(06 NOS altjent— (one Hy, S04 beat Pangoms = Luorence of, iP (Salt + Conc” HS0y ) Sling CC mayk’) — , i | Conf irmnatorey Teal - Sa de : Ldn My OM dol? ug_lo WHC = fel ef {tf Wen iloruck dad seers Mined | dalt + Relic” ky O4, 0, t 8-3 Hop of concn HySey Sel ldsnlipcolion of Basie adil Ng OW +H, 3 H i | i Wiyi. + Why ont. Hy) ), (03. i ee os Cuma: vied | dolt + Nadn 26l7 Ne sed. (us (6 npuuncd i 209 group | AA BH prem alsert Ws PPT ferred ) Dolt + dil Mid Wo PPT 1* qsiaup aUsent Dalt + MHy (L 4 No PPT yr gyisup ° | Matq oH alpont bolt + dil ML Mo FT I group _t My S gue SS alee a. a Sees - _—— wy = J halt + My t ne oa PRACTICAL RECORD } a : (so i | Expesimind - ‘alm If To. ee i 04 acidic ae | opi te gan ald _fo4 ac a Test tube, est hube‘lomd , bl Aa Rae ‘eri «tt |} PRACTICAL RECORD ’ A Phurolphhaling Ta —— Date : JLadd a dy _— | Menelpsthalin le ag, Pink Colour || bol? of sare : ae Co 3) Salt + die Heb No PPT 5 | 2olid MHyCL4 Nitty OH : ia et a aol um eee —_ aaa O41 Sab td Heb j_____, 44 S| Salt 1 dil. Heat Solid PPT_Jowmcl gaa yh + uty OM bel ae dn otegps 1M, 5 9a a, Nt). a gi || PRACTICAL RECORD DATE eee 7a Lonpamatoy a ee oe ppt_p PPT add dk - — HCL amd__diseolve it im SSS S id 8 evaporates _ _ | The aol” _J eek um _Ouma dish. Add _ diptd water 8 duce 7 ~ fan fot parce Add MaOH sein A white PPT 2 ae dinsolues im. Compsnrned wonecobh of NaoH. dolutiion 21] fotasrion Fes cyanide White PPT Z a tho _ouygunad hel _ _ — i ky Ge lon), —Genclunion *= ane ae ee 4 ace 1 ag siz snadieny t+ Tet lesan gy Saal Cena bee Tegan Test — =; Kk AU ind tga lh dine Be teen sha = ti i — leat oa att eld 55 pegs - —e Vapour evelved Ciba —T des no el gels on parsing Soe ae an es SnASE I A nEEED ddimbipication of Pasi siadicad if 4 dalt_+ Naow ho PPT OP gtoyp absint AaLt + dil. Hct Db-OOL TE graup alien - Aalr + dil. HCL No_PPT to group albient ~. + WS gee - dolt + dil HO No fpT TE group absent - + NHy Gh NHy OH ht aol” 5 m7 +} Salt + dil Ha No PT uy abn + NHy (L+ Ny OH ; it HS gas =e —| dol + dil HU Ny + Ny OH ~~ + CWHy 1 —— by | add amamerium | matory Test To. the filbie = Conclusion = ide Rach — > Basic Radical —> Sut Read i The gun att dy SHO, (soe PRACTICAL RECORD PRACTICAL RECORD DATE 4 af acelie acid rm a oy =t_hoak a - ka Takeo litle Phenplic | amo | ae sae — lo gieee. bs | blue Sits 2) Feoue Chuck cyst I | Take tat tae Goto Reddish — Phenolic. lum atest tia odd _ violet @lout gta PRACTICAL RE _oae la eat tale Staple ain Aulver Mise Aldohy te Iexcapint tp add._fellen prmad along Ihe ig. prascad i 9 it aides of H&E fale i all if cling Sttution ent i Take a athe Sample ; an Fes dudse add D p : be lng joe meas sol” (obtained uy “ mucin equal oe 4 bing ALB ast”) 3 Sch 45 eagynd dab Jobe a Lette sample in ft deop 2d Mdabycle atest dul _add_schffs wale colour is phabong —|lseagend tei ae a a Test fos Keleic grep Cet) Dind mnt dest —] Re em i a sf pousdited clu due in =i. sidaalangto flint! poem 1 Sturding bby S_ mdf Wad hahe— = aims = be at -gtaup ah as DATE : PRACTICAL RECORD ; Radium Nibopwusside tert = - fake J. aol 4. Sebuam ime Red Glow Kelonie gp wbppusside sal in a kelonic gioup __ais_peatr vim_o_feat tbse ("hdd ba i Solicl plisuid by NaOH Sel” zn - - wise uvith shaking lo Teat for _carbarylic guoup Ccoon) —— ae TL aig tea Er Ts dae eee ae ~— || debe add bemall quantity of Me of C0, ascend. Sulatomeo id PRACTICAL RECORD Cont: _H, Sou + Moat UL ST papatse eps pashli — 250 ml. _heakor_, “pies tad ra Bland a gy Ei 1 ae? _ Take 3g ye Fpolasbium—Silphald ina clean Mahan ddim __ minimum quently of waliy Add 20 ml all Take Dg al aleurninium dulphale im amothen jeabon dinliled wali 8 doops of dill Silphusi, [, be sith a gla, “Hoc _ta_diosolue he Guyshals i Placo the eo na “duh ores a_deakor filled wich eld. wales Ta Acmnelinns ji will pe ‘Stim he Cuma 1a_dibh of vere pray Aa Pore

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