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Lecturer: Le Thi Ha My
Chapter 4:

Learning Helps learners understand the
outcome concept and role of motivation
and persuasion skills in work and
Grasp the basic skills of
motivation and persuasion and
some basic methods of
motivation and persuasion
4.1 Motivation skills
4.1.1 The concept of motivation
Content 4.1.2 The role and importance of
4.1.3 Motivation skills
4.2 Persuasion skills
4.2.1 The concept of persuasion
4.2.2 The role of persuasion skills
4.2.3 Persuasion skills and how to
improve persuasion skills
4.1 4.1.1 The concept of motivation
Motivation Motivation is to create more enthusiasm,,
skills excitement and responsibility in the work
performance process of subordinates,
thereby making the work completed in a
highly effective way.
Motivation includes both material
encouragement and mental
Motivation refers to the power that
acts on a person or the power that
arises within that person, motivating
them to act towards a certain goal.
A highly motivated employee is a
motivated person who invests energy
and spirit to complete his or her work
and achieve set targets.
4.1.2 The role and importance of
- Improve labor productivity: When
employees are motivated, it will help
increase productivity and reduce
production time, thereby reducing
production costs.
- Sales growth: When employees are
motivated, they will focus more on their
work, achieve sales goals, come up with
solutions to increase sales and improve
product/service quality.
- Retain talented employees: When
employees feel appreciated and motivated,
they are more likely to want to continue
working for the company and retain key
talent for the company.
- Increase competitiveness: When
employees are motivated, they will develop
their capabilities, increase their skills and
knowledge, thereby helping the company
compete more strongly in the market.
•Create a positive working environment
•Trust in decentralizing authority to
•Immediately evaluation and rewards
Motivation •Training, fostering and developing
•Listen and understand the thoughts and
aspirations of employees
•Pay attention to employees' lives
•Organize extracurricular and travel
Create a positive working
A professional working environment is an
environment in which employees can
freely express their thoughts and opinions
about work, where they feel truly valued,
trust the management and have Good
relationship with other colleagues.
Trust in decentralizing authority
to employees
- Delegating authority to employees
means that employees make their own
decisions and are responsible for the
scope of authority that has been discussed
in advance.
Help employees have the opportunity to
develop their talents, thinking, and
working capacity as well as be aware of
their roles and responsibilities in that job.
Immediately evaluation and rewards

-Evaluation: Regular evaluation to help

employees know their strengths and
-When employees achieve results or
qualify for a raise in salary, give them a
raise, this will let them know that they are
valued and appreciated.
Training, fostering and developing
-Training: Provide training courses to help
them develop new skills and knowledge.
Create a learning environment and
encourage employees to share experiences
and learn from each other.
-Create development opportunities:
Fostering facilitates internal advancement,
allowing employees the opportunity to
develop and advance within the company.
Listen and understand the thoughts
and aspirations of employees
- Listening is the key to creating
motivation and creating a feeling of respect
Listening to employees helps gain
experience and knowledge to help manage
and operate the business effectively.
When employees express that they are not
listened to or understood, it will cause
feelings of inhibition, dissatisfaction and
loss of motivation
Pay attention to employees' lives

Paying attention to the lives of

employees and families helps employees
balance work and life.
Help build corporate culture, so they feel
connected to colleagues to collaborate
effectively and increase productivity.
Organize extracurricular and travel

Helping bring employees together is

a way to motivate employees
Enhance the spirit of connection and
cooperation between groups and
- Give gifts, glasses, cups, photo frames, books,
monthly newspaper subscriptions
- Borrow money
- Free movie tickets, soccer matches, and shopping
- Invite coffee, lunch, drinks
SOME - Invite the employee's family out to eat
SPECIFIC - Give a birthday present
MOTIVATIN - Give a gift on the first day of work
- Find out your employees' preferences
- Allow office vehicle use
- Wherever I go, I buy gifts
- If you see an employee lacking something, buy it as
a gift
- Recommended for schooling
- Organize a tour
Let them leave early, let them take time
off, let them finish their work freely, let
them work late
Sorry if I did it wrong
“Thank you very much” if the employee
SOME gets the job done
SPECIFIC Congratulations staff
MOTIVATIN Ask them to serve as mentors to junior
G METHODS employees
Timely praise: Mail compliments to
superiors, praise in front of others, create a
compliment bulletin board, send
compliment emails
Employee Excellence Program
4.2 4.2.1 The concept of persuasion
Persuasion Persuasion skill is the ability to use
skills speech, thinking, and analysis to make
reasonable arguments, convey messages
clearly, and create connections to change
thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs. other
people's information about a problem in
work or life.
- Persuasion skills are important in
many different fields, including
business, politics, education,
Marketing and many others.
- Having good persuasion skills will
help communicate ideas effectively,
creating support and trust from those
around you.
- Persuasion needs to be practiced
and refined every day to become
4.2.2 The role In the work
of persuasion
Persuasion skills impact several
aspects of job performance.
Persuasion is a valuable and
necessary skill in almost every
profession, such as sales, marketing,
public relations, politics, etc…..
In partnership
People who are good at persuasion in
work and business will have favorable
conditions and have a higher chance of
In life
In life there are many situations where
we have to use persuasion skills. If we
possess this skill, everything will become
much easier.
Persuasion Storytelling skills
skills and how
to improve Problem-solving skills
persuasion Strategic thinking skills
skills Listening Skills
Language skills
Decision-making skills
 Storytelling skills
Storytelling skills are a powerful way to persuade and
convey ideas in a unique way.
Creates a connection between the speaker and listener,
helping them feel more interested and focused.
Tell stories to develop persuasion skills, helping
listeners better understand the problem or idea we want
to convey.
Problem-solving skills
Solving problems well helps listeners understand and
Problem solving helps find effective solutions to
Problem solving helps communicate ideas, make quick
arguments, and find the right solution.
Strategic thinking skills
- Is the ability to focus on long-term goals and
make clear plans to achieve them.
- Helps predict and deal with objections or
questions from the listener.
Listening Skills
Listening helps understand the other person's point of
view to give appropriate explanations to convince
Listening helps to recognize the problems other
people are facing, and to know the listener's strengths
and weaknesses.
Listening also helps the other person feel care and
Language skills
Language skills include foreign language
ability, clear pronunciation, use of appropriate
sentences and structures, use of metaphors,
comparisons, and story telling.
Language skills also include the ability to use
language appropriate to the audience.
Decision-making skills
Helps easily analyze complex situations, make the
right decisions, and create trust and respect from
Improve the ability to think logically, give clear
arguments, thereby providing evidence to convince
the opponent.
How to
improve your
Clearly define your goals before
persuasion persuading
skills Prepare content well
Attract attention
Presented with evidence
Answer clearly and coherently
Practice and test your communication
Clearly define your goals before
It is necessary to clearly define each
specific goal and have a thorough
plan before presenting.
By clearly defining our goals, we can
confidently and more clearly present
the messages we want to convey.
Prepare a good content
- Need to collect necessary information and
analyze important data.
- Learn about the other person to know their
tendencies, personality, attitudes, opinions and
- Some facts that should be prepared include:
- Important information, arranged in a
reasonable order
- Prepare documents, videos, images,
documents,... as evidence
- Prepare the presentation steps, you
should practice in advance to be more
Attract attention
- Make an impression and show that what we
have to say is worth listening to.
- Can use stories and experiences related to the
issue to attract attention. Even give a shocking
truth to make them pay attention and listen
Presented with evidence
- Clear evidence and logical and scientific
thinking create trust for the opponent.
- Need to have rigorous arguments,
illustrated with many practical examples.
If the arguments are creative and
interesting but lack feasibility, the
persuasiveness will not be high.
Answer clearly and coherently
Predict and carefully prepare answers
for counter-questioning and spinning
questions to master the conversation.
Answering the questions in the 5W1H
model (Who, What, Why, When,
Where, How) will be very effective in
turning the situation around.
Practice and test your
You must practice as much as
possible to improve your persuasion
Try putting yourself in different
situations and then use the techniques
above to see what suits you best.
There's no faster and easier way to get
good at it - practice is the key to

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