Project NICE - QM - TM - Result Recording

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Project NICE

Transactional Training Manual

Quality Management
Result Recording
Project NICE - NLCIL
Training Manual NICE_QM_TM_Result

Authored By
Name Role Date
Vishnu Prasath V Consultant 30-03-2021

Reviewed and Approved By

Name Role Date Approved
T. Suresh Consultant 31-03-2021 Sanjeev R

Revision History
Version Revision Date Revised By Reason for Revision
1.0 31-03-2021 Vishnu Prasath V Initial Draft

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Project NICE - NLCIL
Training Manual NICE_QM_TM_Result

Table of Contents
1. Purpose..............................................................................................................................4
2. Scope..................................................................................................................................4
3. Pre-Requisites....................................................................................................................4
4. Transactional Data Scenarios – Quality Process...........................................................5
4.1 Result Recording for the inspection lot (QE01).........................................................5

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Project NICE - NLCIL
Training Manual NICE_QM_TM_Result

1. Purpose
This document is a desk reference tailored to aid the Management Specialists from
Production and Quality team at NLCIL. It is intended to provide information that will be
helpful to support the transactional flow related to Production Planning and Quality
Management modules in SAP on the processes defined for NLCIL.
2. Scope
As part of educating Core users related to SAP Quality Process proposed for NLCIL,
transactional flow and details relating to Quality Management processes are taken into
consideration as part of this training manual. This training manual covers the below marked
 Scenario using in Quality Process

o Result Recording for the inspection lot (QE01)

3. Pre-Requisites
 Users should have access to the respective SAP System for performing the
 Relevant Roles should be assigned to the User in SAP System
 User should have understanding about the Business process involved and Proposed for

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Project NICE - NLCIL
Training Manual NICE_QM_TM_Result

4. Transactional Data Scenarios – Quality Process

4.1 Result Recording for the inspection lot (QE01)

The procedure will be used for record the result for the inspection lot


Via Menu path Logistics  Quality Management  Quality

Inspection  Inspection Result  For Operation –
Via Transaction Code QE01

Note: - The Material Codes which are used in this document are taken from Quality server
(315). The Material code may differ in Production server

a) Click the Transaction Code for Result recording- QE01


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Project NICE - NLCIL
Training Manual NICE_QM_TM_Result

b) Double click on Transaction code/t-code and enter the required fields as shown below

Field Name Description R/O/C User Act ion and Values Comments

Inspection Lot Inspection Lot R Enter Inspection Lot

Operation Operation Number R Enter Operation Number

Note: In column “R/O/C” of above table, “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” = Conditional.
c) Now Press Enter below screen will appear.
Note: - The sample number will be automatically generated by the system.

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Project NICE - NLCIL
Training Manual NICE_QM_TM_Result

d) Now Press Enter, below screen will appear

In above screen containing the specification, perform results recording by selecting each
characteristic for result recording and maintain results in result tab.
e) After entering all results, then press “Enter”

Field Name Description R/O/C/I User Action and Values Commen

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Project NICE - NLCIL
Training Manual NICE_QM_TM_Result


Accepted Accepted I Information

Rejected Rejected I Information

Short text Short text for the inspection I Information comes from
chare. inspection Plan
Specification Specification I Specifications comes from
Inspection plan
Inspect Inspect I The inspect quantity is
sampling qty
Inspected Inspected I This is inspected quantity
which is inspected by Quality
Results Results R This is measured record at
the time of inspection
Insp. description Inspection description O User can enter the
Note: In column “R/O/C” of above table, “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” = Conditional,
“I” = Information

Note: all results have been entered as per characteristics then first selected all and click on
“valuate button ” here is appearing new window for valuation

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Project NICE - NLCIL
Training Manual NICE_QM_TM_Result

A set of options “Accept” & “Reject” are displayed for the valuation perspective.

Press “Enter” or click .

f) Valuation are displayed in the screen. Click on “close” button for closing of the

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Project NICE - NLCIL
Training Manual NICE_QM_TM_Result

g) Save the result recording, then system will ask for the valuation acceptance click on ok tick

Result: Results were saved for Operation 0010.

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