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The Social Changes During British Rule

During British rule, India underwent many social reformations starting from fostering
rationality, revoke of child marriage and sati to improving the education system.

Social Changes in India during the British Rule
The reign of the British Empire in India influenced many developments in the political,
economic and social reformation of Indian society over time. The present study is going to
outline the social changes during the British period along with their impact on Indian society.
Further, it will discuss the key changes, positive, negative and economic impacts of British
rule in India. Additionally, it will discuss the changes in the social norms during the British
period in India.

Social Changes in India during the British Rule

The cultural and social life of Indians was deeply moved by the interference of the British
government in India. First, the social system of India witnessed massive changes and
reformation in the course of the British reign. The British government changed the
irrationality among the traditional Indian society by revoking the superstitious norms
successfully. With the help of Lord Bentinck, social reformers like Raja Rammaham Ray and
Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar revoked superstitious social norms like ‘Sati Daha Pratha’ and
‘Child Marriage’ in Indian society. Additionally, Lord Bentinck helped the social reformers to
initiate new social norms like ‘Widow Marriage’ in traditional Indian society.

Impact of British Rule on the Indian Society

Introduction to British culture influenced social reformations in Indian society by introducing
new ideas like equality, human rights and liberty. It improved the situation of the Indian
people by enabling them to think rationally about the circumstances of traditional society.
Most importantly, the idea of women’s rights and women’s development was fostered in
Indian society. It also influenced the introduction of the English language and culture amid
Indian society that oped up opportunities for development for the country. The impact of
British rule was beneficial to some extent for the Indian economy as the Charter Act 1813
sanctioned one lakh rupee for the development of science and technology in India.

What Were the Key Changes in Society Under British Rule?

Under British rule, India witnessed a few significant changes in different sectors as well as
fostered development in the society and culture of the Indian people. Some of the key
changes during British rule are listed below.

Policies towards language, culture and education

Introduction to women’s rights
Absolution of a rigid caste system
Revoke of child marriage, polygamy and sati
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The Positive and Negative Impact of British Rule on Indian Society

In British India, the introduction of some policies and systems enabled India to attain benefits
over time. The railway system was first introduced during British rule that eventually became
a positive intervention by the British. Further, western science was introduced during British
rule and the English language attained further exposure in the country. The telegraph and
post system was also introduced during British rule in India. On the contrary, the British rule
had some negative impacts on Indian society starting from the new rules for taxation,
demolition and exploitation of Indian raw materials.

The Economic Impact of British Rule in India

The economy of India witnessed a major ascending graph while undergoing British rule
within the country. Many commercial crops like cotton, opium, indigo, jute, tea, sugarcane,
coffee and oilseed were discovered during this period. Later, these materials served the
economic purpose of the country. The usage of crops for different commercial purposes was
also introduced during British rule eventually enabling the country to attain economic growth
at times. The railway system was built during British rule in India that eventually made the
country economically superior even in the current scenario of the country.

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A Discussion on the Changes in the Social Norms and Ideas during the British Rule
During British rule, the Indian traditional society underwent some serious reformations and
changes, especially in terms of social norms. In the nineteenth century, irrational social
norms like the caste system, Sati pratha, polygamy, child marriage and female infanticide
were changed during the British rule in India. The British government also helped in the
development by influencing social norms like widow marriage for the development and
empowerment of women in traditional Indian society.

British rule in India has had a longstanding impact on society, culture and development of
the country to some extent. Most social reformations took place during the British reign
where superstitious systems like sati, child marriage, polygamy and infanticide were revoked
by the British government. Further, the railway system was introduced during British rule that
still has a major impact on the growth of the country. Despite these benefits, British rule
demolished and exploited Indian resources and forced the people of the country to witness
famine at times.

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