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Department of Accountancy

Faculty of Management & Finance

University of Ruhuna

Continuous Assessment I
Course Code ACC 32113
Course Title Corporate Governance
Coordinator Mrs. T.A.N.R.Jayarathne
Assignment Submission Due Date 27.12.2023
Assignment Type Group Assignment
Allocated Marks 15 Marks

Topic – write a report by analyzing corporate governance scandals in Sri Lanka (including the
history of CG in Sri Lanka).

You are required to submit an assignment covering the below aspects

1. Introduction

2. Literature Review (maximum 02 pages)

3. Discussion (with appropriate sub-headings)
4. Conclusion
5. List of References – APA Style should be used

Guidelines and Instructions.

 The length of the report should be a maximum of 12 – 15 pages (From

Introduction to references)
 The maximum number of members for a group is 8
 The soft copy (PDF Version) of the assignment should be uploaded to the LMS on
or before 27.12.2023 at 3.00 p.m. and the hard copy should be submitted to the
Department of Accountancy on or before 27.12.2023 3.00 p.m.
 Follow the assignment submission format issued by the faculty for this assignment.
 Late submission is not accepted

Course Coordinator

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