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Cherry Rose Sanchez - Summary of learnings – Building foundations in life

What I learned is that this topic is about how our thoughts shape our actions, especially
in relation to our beliefs about God. It emphasizes that understanding key theological
concepts, such as salvation and prayer, greatly influences our daily lives. The module
aims to provide a strong foundation in Christian doctrines, addressing common
questions about life after death and Jesus' return. It also warns against potential pitfalls
in studying theology, stressing the importance of a personal relationship with God
rather than just acquiring knowledge. Overall, it encourages a practical understanding of
how our beliefs impact our behavior and life choices.

I learned that God's unique act of creation, emphasizing that He spoke the universe into
existence. The lesson reflects on the profound nature of God, focusing on His creation
and sovereignty. It asserts that the God of the Bible is not a human invention but is
revealed through His remarkable works. It also touches on the spiritual world, including
angels and humanity. The article addresses the apparent chaos in the world, asserting
that it remains within God's loving control. It introduces the concept of God's decree,
explaining His plan for creation and addressing questions about human choices and the
existence of evil. Finally, the article offers practical principles for coping with suffering,
emphasizing acceptance of trials and the presence of Christ through His Word and

Reflecting on the lesson, Jesus fulfilled roles as Prophet, Priest, and King, revealing God's
message, interceding for believers, and ruling through His followers. The Atonement,
central to the gospel, involves propitiation and redemption, overcoming barriers
between God and humanity through Jesus' substitutionary death. The theological
debate about the extent of Jesus' sacrifice for the elect or the whole world suggests a
nuanced perspective, emphasizing both potential and actual salvation based on
individual choice.

Salvation is a free gift received through faith alone, involving being born again and
justified by Christ's work. The biblical doctrine of perseverance assures believers of
eternal security through the sealing of the Holy Spirit and God's unchanging character.
While emphasizing security, the Bible calls for self-examination and endurance in the
faith, cautioning against complacency and urging a continual walk with God.

Lastly, I learned that the last lesson delves into varied perspectives on the world's future,
examining Amillennialism, Postmillennialism, and Premillennialism. While Amillennialists
interpret prophecies symbolically, Postmillennialists envision an era of rising
righteousness before Jesus' return, and Premillennialists anticipate a literal thousand-
year reign. The lesson underscores the importance of believers persevering and fulfilling
the Great Commission in preparation for Christ's return.

All in all it helps me know more about the foundation and it helps me build a stronger
knowledge about life and theology. It gives me more confidence and wisdom.

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