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Zilla Parishad High School, Lakshumpalli,

Peddavaduguru Mandal, Ananthapuramu District


Class : 8th E.M. Subject : Biological Science Name of the Teacher : K. Chandra Mouli
Name of the Topic No. of Periods Time line for Teaching Any Specific Information
Lesson/Unit Required From To
Discovery Of the Cell 1 Brief discussion on the need for unveiling the
secrets of Nature and the enthusiasm in human
element to discover the unknown.
The Cell 1 First Discovered by Robert Hooke; Nucleus
discovered by Robert Brown, Cell Division
Cell – Structure and Functions

discovered by Rudolph Virchow

Organisms Show Variety in 2 Ostrich Egg – Biggest Cell, Prokaryotic and
Cell Number, Shape and Size Eukaryotic Cells, Viruses, Bacteria, etc..,
Cell Structure and Function 1 Basic Unit of Life – Physiological and anatomical
features of a living cell.
Parts Of the Cell 3 Protoplasm, Cytoplasm, Nucleus, Golgi Complex,
Endoplasmic Reticulum, Plastids, Chloroplast,
Mitochondria, Centrioles, Vacuoles, Ribosomes,
Lysosomes, Cytoskeleton, etc..,
Comparison Of Plants and 1 Major Differences between Plant Cell and Animal
Animal Cells Cell
Notes and worksheets 2 Assessment of what has been learnt.

Revision and Key words Practice 1 Practice of terminology for future usage
Total Periods 12

Prior Concept/Skills: (Essential Concepts and skills to be checked/bridged before teaching the current concept)
❖ To check whether the child is able to express his feelings for existence of life on earth comfortably or not.
❖ To ascertain the decision-making skill in the child while judging the importance of Nucleus in a living cell.
❖ To know about the cognitive efficacy of the child while gathering information and reasoning out the activities of a living cell.
❖ To check whether the child is aware of the process of physiological activities conducted in the living cell.
❖ To ascertain the understanding capacity of the child with regard to maintenance of life in his/her vicinity.

Learning Outcomes: (Selected from SCERT Calendar and Text Book)

1. Conceptual Understanding :- The pupil will be able to
➢ Explain the differences between living and non-living things on Earth.
➢ Reason out the causes for diversity in life style and structure of bodies in different organisms.
➢ Explain the importance of various cell organelles that contribute to the sustenance of life in a cell.
➢ Explain the differences between various organelles in a living cell.
➢ Explain with examples the various activities conducted inside the cell quoting the concerned cell organelle with its corresponding function.
➢ Explain the various methods of survival keeping in view the plant cell and animal cell functions.
1. Questioning & Making Hypothesis: The child will be able to
➢ Question the structural and functional aspects of a living cell with regard to various cell organelles.
➢ Question the process of formation of life on Earth.
➢ Hypothesize the findings of observations made in the laboratory through compound microscope.
➢ Question the reasons for abnormalities and anomalies in the structural and functional aspects of a cell.
➢ Arrive at an idea with regard to sustenance of life on Earth.
2. Experiments – Field observations: The child will be able to
➢ Observe the different types of plant cells and animal cells and comments on them.
➢ Observe the process of working mechanism in a living cell.
3. Informational Skills and Projects: The child will be able to
➢ Obtain information relating to different cell organelles in plant and animal cells.
➢ Visit the laboratory and collect the data relating to various types of pathogens such as bacteria and protozoans that cause several diseases.
➢ Obtain the information related to living cells from internet and interpret the data based on observations.
4. Drawing and Model making : The child will be able to
➢ Draw the pictures of various plant cells and animal cells after thorough observation through microscope in the laboratory.
➢ Makes the models of plant and animal cells using clay.
5. Appreciation and aesthetic sense/values : The student will be able to

➢ Appreciate the green plants role in food manufacture in this Nature through photosynthesis.
➢ Appreciate the research work conducted by several scientists in the field of nutrition.
➢ Observe some plants and animals with special/unique features in their surroundings.
6. Application in real life / Concern towards Biodiversity: The child will be able to
➢ Propagate the concept of biodiversity in his vicinity among his/her peer age children.
➢ Adopts good food habits to maintain proper health and hygiene.
➢ Formulates hypothesis and concepts pertaining to the subtle relation that exists between the plants and animals in this Nature.

Teaching Learning Process

Induction/Introduction (Generating interest, informing students about the outcomes and expectations for the lesson)
STEP method is to be followed although the classroom transaction. (Start Transact Evaluate Progress)
✓ Welcoming the students with a warm smile on face and cheerful note.
✓ Asking some simple questions to comfort them and bring into the teacher’s stride.
✓ Focusing attention on reasons for meaningful survival of living things on Earth.
✓ Moving from previous knowledge of the student to advanced factual information.
✓ Making the children enjoy and learn about the existence of life on Earth by way of remembering their past queries.
✓ Giving clear instructions regarding proper handling of laboratory apparatus while the observations are on.
✓ Assessing the gap between their expectations and current reality with regard to availability of various types of living cells.
✓ Progressing to the main concepts in the present lesson once the children are ready to participate in the learning process actively.

Experience and Reflection (Task/Question that helps students explore the concept and connect with their life)
▪ Assigning simple tasks to pupils relating to finding out the names of some most commonly observed cells and tissues in plants and animals.
▪ Children are asked to make models of various cell organelles and cells as a whle using clay and wax.
▪ Tasks may be assigned to be executed either in groups or individuals.
▪ Children will develop a clear understanding over the concepts taught in the classroom.
▪ Making the children prepare simple dishes at home under the guidance and supervision of the parents.
▪ Assigning project works to children regarding preparation and presentation of relevant data at home and present the same verbally in the classroom
on the succeeding day.

Anthony Von Leevon Hooke Robert Hooke Robert Brown

Microscope Plant Cells Plant Cell Human Cheek Cells
Explicit Teaching/Teacher Group Work (We Do) Independent Work (You Do) Notes
Modelling (I Do)
➢ Importance of life features is ✓ Children discuss the ❖ Children watch the ➢ Open-ended questions
explained. importance of life and arrive educational video on are put to the children to
➢ Demonstration of features of at a meaningful conclusion in YouTube presented by the derive new dimensional
life is done by displaying a groups. teacher. thoughts.
video. ✓ Participate in groups actively ❖ Children actively participate ➢ Eliciting spontaneous
➢ Drawings of various types of in model making of plant cell in the process of slide answers by conducting
living cells are depicted. and animal cell using clay and preparation relating to quiz programs frequently
➢ Preparation methods of colors. animal and plant cells in the during the transaction of
various slides relating to ✓ Express their concern over laboratory. lesson in the classroom.
living cells is explained using conservation of life. ❖ Children learn how to take ➢ Allotting group tasks
charts and videos along with ✓ Children undertake simple care of their health by relating to Project Works
demonstration in laboratory. project works relating to preventing the occurrence of based on inquisitiveness
➢ Differences in structure and preparation of lists of diseases. to enrich the knowledge
functions of plant cell and prokaryotic and Eukaryotic ❖ Children note down the acquiring skills among
animal cell are explained cells at home and points of preparation of the pupils and build
using charts and screening of presentation of paper later in slides relating to protozoans, confidence of learning
videos. the classroom. human cheek cells along with new concepts outside the
the methods of preservation classroom as well.
while the teacher transacts
the lesson in the classroom.

Check For Understanding Questions TLMs (Digital + Print)

1. Factual : ➢ Digital content on Diksha
1. Where are chromosomes found in a cell? State their function. platform and APEKX
2. Find out the causal factor for heredity of characters: ➢ Youtube videos prepared and
a) Golgi bodies b) Chromosomes c) Chloroplast d) Endoplasmic Reticulum presented by the teacher
3. Cells are the basic structural units of living organisms. Explain. keeping in view the contents
and limitations of the
4. Which part of the cell contains organelles?
prescribed lesson/topic to be
5. Draw a neat labeled diagram of a Plant cell? rendered.
2. Open Ended / Critical Thinking : ➢

Library books and reference
1. If you have a chance to meet a Botanical Scientist, what questions would you ask him/her about plants?

books suggested by SCERT and
2. State the differences between a Plant Cell and an Animal Cell. NCERT.
3. What would be the consequences when humans succeed in incorporating chloroplasts successfully into ➢ Worksheets prepared by the
their cells and make them function properly? teacher strictly adhering to the
3. Student Practice Questions and Activities : principles of learning at
1. Answer the Worksheet provided in the annexure-1. Secondary level in the
2. Collect information regarding “Nucleus of a living Cell” from internet and present it through a chart. individualized mode for easy
understanding and
3. Make sketches of animal and plant cell depicting at least three differences between them.
Assessment : ( Think of what children SAY, DO and MAKE while learning that can form the evidence of learning to
be used for assessment)

Mode of Assessment Skills Assessed Assessment Tools

CONVERSATIONS between - Thinking Skills Teachers Notes
a) Teacher and Learners (Students) - Spoken skills
b) Students with their peers - Understanding
- Self-assessment
- Peer assessment
OBSERVATIONS - Planning & Drafting - Checklists
- Hands-on tasks - Anecdotal Records
- Critical thinking
- Collaboration Skills
- Participation Skills
PRODUCTS OF LEARNING - Written Works - Assessment Rubrics
- Projects - Rating Scales
- Performance Tasks
- Quizzes, MCQs
- Use of Technology



CM sir

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